13 THE MORyiXG OREGONIAX. MQyPAY, AUGUST 12, 1912. . . 1 : ' i I RKAT. KSTATE. - I REAL ESTATE. "T TO EXCHANGE. TOR SALE, " HIGH GRADE INSPECTED STATE MINERALOGIST OP CALI FORNIA IX OREGOX. Indications Please Mining Man Who Promises to Publish a Fa vorable Report, NEW PIXE CREEK. Or., Aug. 11- aloglst of California, arrived here Mon day evening 10 spena a weejt o icu days looKing over me nign urauc im i T I 111 nvnr V. A 1 II K Qlftli AC "Hi 517 I, . n.w ..... trict as thoroughly as possible during the limited time at his disposal and summarize the result of his observa tions in a published report. Yesterday .Mr. storms visnea xxikh a.uo , . looked over the work done by the varl us leasers on the property of the Sun l i i t i v. . 1 1 i ti i n r. C n m n o n " Bilifie-msii vjic ......... r, Upon his return to New Pine Creek last evening Air. iurm wa e" reception and in the course of an ad 1 1 in .-,.- - "I made a quick trip through the High Grade district and I saw many interesting inings mere. jm.c of gold being found in these mountains for the past seven years. I saw things up there that pleased me very much and I feel that unless all Indications fail High Grade is going to make good. x nere are u - - . ; I t ir i o o i fantnrQ that catch th eve of the mining man. I am going back on the mountain and expect to . i .1 n A r xx-:i n t to see all Slay bo n " the work the boys are doing there. None of us can go ana pick oui. me place: we nave goi io i . , ...... 1 . . lr fqvnrahlA rtl R v flis- A place til"1' " ; appoint you. One fellow is getting rich rock and the lenow next. iu mm naps, gelling u""'. "Conditions in every camp are dif ferent and you will find that conditions here are different from others that you are familiar with. You generally find the richest mineral where there has ko tii croatest disturbance. The . i r-nirHn Hv fine, but I be K ' 1 U licie '-i xr . - -.- . - lieve the cyaniding process will solve all your problems, wnn ine uuhwiw you have here you can in time work low-grade ore, perhaps as low as 4. What I did see on the hill warrants development and that means hard work, money and time. t9e the proper meth ods in trying to gei iuimh-, ... j i .nri vnn will cet it. I am min to helD you get it. I will make en official report on this camp which will be published and. I hope it will help you CLASSIFIED AD. RATES VuU, or Sunday. pw One time - iff Barne ad two consecutive time - hma ad three consecutive times o Same ad sir or seven consecutive limn. .5o The nbove rates apply to ndv.rttaemenU tinder "New Today and all other classifica tions except the following: (itoations Wanted, Male Situations Wanted. Female. For Rent. Koonis, Private Families. Rooms and Board, Private Families. lloutekeeplnc Booms. Private Families. When one advertisement is not run in con secutive Issues the one-tlmo nte applies. Six words count as one line on cash ad vertisements and no ad counted for less than two lines. Oregonian will accept classified advertise ments over the telephone, providing the ad vertiser Is a eubecrlber to either phone. So price, will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Whether eubsequeot dvertieiut?nt will be accepted over tiie phone depends upon the proniptneM of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. Situations Wanted aud ler eonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Order, lot one ""J'" tlon only will be accepted for "House, for Kent." "FornUnre for Sale." "Business Op portunities." "Koonilne-Hoiiaes" and Wanted In'sew Today. aU advertisements are charged by measure only, 14 lines to th. ""KemUtancea must accompany out-of-town orders. AUCTION" SAIJES T1AY. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M. ranilture. 171-a-S Second street- MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL ROYAL ARCANfM meets at T?C K. P. HaU, 11th and Aldr Tt's. streets, the second and fourth tc -v?? Monday of each month ' at 8 aX5iJ& P. M. Visitors cordially wel-vSj-3i'(T corned. P. Lloyd Cover, secre- tary, 64 Union ave. HARMONY LODOE. NO. 12. A. F. AND A. 11. Steted com- . jr municauoa mis (jiononji tKT itiK at T30 o'clock. Visiting brethren welcome. W. M. DE LIN. Sec. MiRTHA WASHINGTON CHAP- yf TER. NO. 14. O. E. S. Stated meeting this (Monday) evening. bla ana tsurnsme his. uesiw BELLi, RICHMOND. Sec COSMOPOLITAN LODGE, K. OF P., meet ing every Monday night, corner First and Alder streets. Work in third degree tonlght. H. J. ROBEltTS. K. of R- fe. FUNERAL NOTICES BRANDON At Good Samaritan Hospital. August 10, Cora Oma Brandon, aged 21 years 4 months, beloved wife of Hugh Brandon. 320 Hancock st. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman'a funeral parlors. Monday, August li, at 11 o'clock A. M. Interment Riverview Cemetery. M'LEARN The funeral services of the late Marian A. McLearn. who passed away at the late residence, 4304 65th su S. E.. will take place at the First Unitarian Church, 7th end Yamhili streets, today (Monday), at 11 o'clock A. M. Interment at Lone , Fir Cemetery. Friends respectfully invited to attend. CRTER In Robinson, Colo., August 2, Jewell O. Carter, age 22 years 2 months 2 days. Funeral service, will be held at Holman'a funeral pariors, Monday, August 1, at 3 P. M. Interment Riverview Cem etery. M'ALLISTER August 10. William J. Mc Allister. Burial in Multnomah Cenjetery Tuesday. Aug. 13. at 2 P. from resi dence. 21 E. Buchtel ave. MEMORIALS Portland Marble Work., 164 4th. opposite City Halt Estop. l8o. MONUMENTS Otto Schumann Marble Works. East aq sua sine gm. ... 1 1 i. i .Una .. nerel director and undertaker. SSQ 'Xhird St-, eurner Salmon. Lady assistant. Dunning X MrEntee, Funeral Director., 7th aud line. Phone Main 4 SO. Lady al- tcnaani. wihp '-""". - A. K. lu.. oy-- niiuam. ave. Pbone East lUoe. C 1088. Lady attendant. J. p. FINLEY & SON, 8d and Madlaoa. TLacly attendant. Phone Main 9. A 15U9. AST SIDE Funeral Director., eucceaaor. to F. B. Dunning. Inc. K. 83. B 2oZS. LERCH, Undertaker, cor. East Alder and feUth. East 781. B 1888. Lady attendant. SKEWES COMPANY, Sd and Clay. Alala 4152. A 2321. Lady attendant- CEMETERY Beautiful Mount Scott Park Portland's Perpetual Care Cemetery One Mile Southeast Leats. Large, permanent, picturesque, mod ern. Perpetual care without extra charge. Prices moderate; service ex cellent; every convenience in use, in cluding; large luxuriously" furnished rest rooms for visitors. Reached by Mount Scott and Cazadero cars. Free auto service. Both phones. City office, .'0-S21 Yeon Bids. LONE FIR CEMETERY 500 choice-lots and Bingle graves on new ground for sale. Office 206 Commercial Blk. Telephone Main 4SS9. AMUSEMENTS. " xvn-ai. , . JliM-ellaneou,. . POPIXAR 1KIC tS.- HEILIG THKATER Tih and Tajlor rhones. Main 1, A 113. TONIGHT 8:15. Barssln Matinee Wednesday. Special Matinee Saturday. CATHRINE COUNTISS Supported by SYDNEY AYSES. in Ciyde Fitch's Comedy. "THE GIRL WITH THE GREEN EYES" Evenings, 75c. 50c, H.'c. 25c. Bargain Matinee Wednesday. 25c Special Mat inee Saturday, sue. 25c. Seats Selling For Engagement. jrArv e, a i2 C MATINEE EVKRY DAT .MAT. 15o W NfGHTS: 15c, J3c SOe. If WEEK ArGl'ST 12 Elsa Ruesnrer. William Kavnore, Viola Kenne t o., l)e Witt. Burns and Torrence, Harr- Karl Godfrey and eta ttenuerto, veaftare el. Toe young uw. Billy Kogers, tlrcnestra. fictureg. Matlzee Dally at S:S0. Hi. 1 11 van & Conxidln. Refined Vandevlil. Special Summer Prices: Nights Matinees 10 and 20c Any Seat 10c WEEK ArorST t Travilla Brother, and "The Seal," Sullivan and Bartlinfe. Curry and Kllov, i ne nomnreros, uvua v ul. ... Tni-Utiht l'ictureo. Orchestra. AVATIMEE- DAlliX era, Kldon It Co.. Billy Broad. Imperial littnctnc: lour. i-antagecope ; " tlon. The Moratl t.rand Opera Co.. In L. ,tarui tjn n runs. . .M. i" Boxes and Urst Row Balcony reserved. ltox tmice wpen irom iu w -M. Curtain S:.':0, 7:13, and 9. rhones, A 223S, Main 4S. PEOPLES 'THEATER 4 DAYS ONLY, STARTING WEDNESDAY, ACVST 14. , J2.V00 PRODUCTION. Nat C Goodwin in OLIVER TWIST S REELS, 5000 ti a .-in n iindinp mom onlv In all big Eastern rneater. at upeiiwiuuao . -.--.. PEOPI-iES J General Admission. . 10c PRICES t Box seats 25c : : ; We OAKS . V Portland's Great Amusement Park. BIG BILL OF FREE ATTRACTIONS v Onr-Rinc Circus Funniest you ever saw, Afternoons and evenings. j Oaks Park Band Every afternoon V and cvcninK. V The Hawaiian. Delightful musicians ami snifters. Every afternoon and evening. . A Lady Uvintrstone. the skating bear. Kiiur Pharaoh, the educated horse. Alfred I.. Chapman, the Custer ecout, in the auditorium. V , . - . ., . . . . .:..::.::: DIED. OLSON At his late residence. 3"4! Olid st. . rJ.. AUrJtl 11, UCUlgf victim, 6u es years, 3 months, 25 days. Remains at Pierson'a funeral parlors, 369-71 Russell st. Announcement of funeral later. 'ALMER In this city, at the residence of , his parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Palmer, 271 Sth st.. Frederick E. Palmer, aged 5 months. Funeral notice will appear in a siihsemient issue. COOK August 10. Cecilia Margaret Cook, Kate A. Cook, of 774 Wasco st. Notice of funeral later. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE 173 MADISON STREET. Phones Main 51)8. A 7989. Horse; Ambulance Phone Marshall 6on. All disabled or diseased animal, will receive prompt attention. Will be called for at a nominul cost. Kefer all case, of cruelty to this office. Open day and nlsht. NEW TODAY. You'll Have To Hurry If You Want Space in the anitary Public arket "We have just a few stalls left, so if interest ed see us immediately. Mechanics are now busy remodeling build ing. The Yamhill Public Market will be modern in every respect. A refrigerating plant. Cold storage. Sanitary fixtures. Plenty of light. Good ventilation. Stalls of uniform height Spacious aisles. Quick delivery system, etc., etc. For Further Particular See H. ILNUDLEMAN, Agt At Second and Yamhill Sta. (N. E. Corner) Only Eight More Concessions Left 40 ACRES .1(1 acres fine land. Some cleared. Good road. Close to good little city in Clark County. Wash. xrice sisuu. MOODY LAND CO, 101 Cham, of Com. Bide. Main 3 Mortgage-Loans 30,000 aad Over na CENTRAL BUS1.KSS PBOPERTTi LOWEST CLHItE.NT 1UTB9. WE MAC MASTER TOl rorliult Bide. MORTGAGE LOANS On first-class improved city property. 6 to 7 per cent. Farm Loans. A. H. BIERELL CO, 02 McKay Bids., Third and Stark. FOR FIRE INSURANCE SEE WARD A YOUNGER, Suite 43l Yeou Blds Main 7525. A 4274. Fearey Bros. We Discount Unsecured Notes Signed i by Responsible Parties. 602 Worce.tcr Bids. CITY & FARM LOANS Any amount at current rates. Builders Loans. JOH. hi. CHOXAS, 002 lpaldinc Bide. Portland, Or. COI.MS, IIERRIDGE A THO-ilPSO.-V, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS BEAL E8TATE DEALEBS. BRUBAKER BENEDICT, 0J McKay bldg.. M. 549. Beck, William O., 815-816 FaiUne bids. Chapln A Herlow, 832 Chamb-r of Commerc Cook. B. S. Co., GOS Corbett bldK. J on nines & i. x. Main 1SS. 208 Oregonlan. FALMER-JONES CO., H. P.. -40-4-405-40 Wilcox bids. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave.. at Multnomah at. (Holiaday Aaamon.' REAL ESTATE. I handle PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUS IV EL.Y. Both hlffh-prrade and cheap property, and t have .the bargains In this district. If you want to buy to advantage on Port land Heights you will have to see me. Marshall 427. BROOKE. A 3839. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Why go miles out over, bridges when you can buy a ieei lot with beautiful trees, walking distance, and near best car service in the city for 451000 on easy terms? Owner. G 281. Oregonian. STOP PATIXO RENT. Lot SOxluO, good soil, city water, 5 cent fare. Mount Scott line; price, $275, 1 10 down. 5 per month. Will help tc build small house. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave and E. Ankeny. A SNAP Lower Albina, corner Goldsmith and Mississippi ave.. 11000 below market price, V cash, terms to suit, 2 lots and fraction, 4 houses, also seavlew lots on easy terms. Garibaldi Beach. Address owner, P. Sen ran tz, Rockaway, Or. LAI7RELHURST CASH BUY. One of the choicest locations In this beautiful district, away below value. Phone us about It. East 1)89. DELAHl'NTY & CLEMENTS. I HAVE two attractive lots In West More laou, near canine, iiiai i win oen u.nu bulid you a home on either lot to suit your own plana on easy terms, A. D. Darling. 408 Yeon bjdg. ONE or more lots close In, restricted sec tion near car, cheap and very easy terms. Vanduyn & Walton, 615 Chamber of Com merce. IRVINGTON lot, $1773, including improve ments; close to Jnott st; terms. Aft. zoi, .Oregonian, IRVINGTON lot. faces east on Broadway canine, 22d and Stanton, will sell cheap. AS 2G9. Oregonian. - Bl'SIXESS lot, Killingsworth ave., 80 ft. west or fatton. zeita (jossen, owner. For Sale House. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. A new 10-room residence built by day labor, located In . the creamiest part of Irvington. The living-room, center hall, dining-room and den are finished In oak, with hardwood floors throughout. Living room and center hall decorations are in tapestry paper with brown predominating an4 a touch of green which harmonizes with the beautiful tile fireplace. The dining-room has tapestry foliage paper to match, while the kitchen and breakfast rooms are finished In white enamel. The second floor has a beautiful living-room with & tile fireplace and main bedroom connected. There are 2 other large bed rooms, tile bathroom, and large sleeping porch, all in white enamel. The third floor is finished and has maid's bedroom and space for billiard table. All rooms rubbed nnisn. n.ast tysja. j. xi. rtecaiey Company. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPER. A COUNTRY ESTATE IN TOWN. Fine almost new 8 -room stucco resi dence with every modern convenience. beautiful view, 4 lots with splendid garden and 40 fruit trees (3 years old;. just a Diock irom car; among xine nomes only $12,500. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3839 8-ROOM new, modern residence and full lot, beautifully situated, in Laureihurst; all Improvements in and paid for; hard wood floors, beamed ceilings, fireplace and all conveniences; must have money and will sell at big sacrifice. Uwner, AN 282. Oregonian. COLEMAN & RATES, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, SUC CESSORS TO TAYLOR BUILDING CO. FURNISHES THE MONEY AND BUILDS WHERE YOU LIKE; WORK GUARAN TEED. 20-; LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. BUNGALOW, just completed, on sightly lot close to rood suburban cariine. o-cent fare: price $ J00, cash $130, balance $20 per montn. it win pay you to investigate this. Call 414 Spalding bldg. FINE BUY FOR HOME. Net 5-room strictly modern bungalow, hardwood floors, etc,, close to Hawthorne ave., asy terms. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. PIEDMONT. Am going South, will sell my new, mod. ern 8-room home with garage, lot 75x1 ou. corner; $300 cafh, bai. to suit. Call 212 Alnsworth. Owner. A. FINE 5 -room bungalow, bathroom, base ment, iioorea attic, wmaow inaaei, cur tains, out-glass, electric globes, trees, Hlghl&nd Park; $2300. Phone Woodlawn 2404. THREE newly-built eight-room modern houses in laureinurst win oe rented to desirable tenants on favorable terms. Ap ply to William H. McDonaJd, room 404 Gerllnger bldg. WALNUT PARK. -Modern residence, 6 rooms and den, full cement basement, 2 fireplaces, 2 toilets; 15-foot alleys; terms. Owner 1135 Rod ney ave. Phone Woodlawn 2271. WILL sell on easy terms or rent for cash a fine, wen equippea money-maKing zarm not far from Portland. 529 E. Ash or phone East law. MUST SELL EQUITY IN BUNGALOW. Irvington Park, 7-roora, modern, built in, gas, electricity, lawn; bargain. C 2063. T 267, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Beat bargain in city. 7-room modern house except furnace; corner lot, 85x70; part cash. Owner. 449 East 26th. IRVINGTON OUR SPECIALTY. DESIRABLE HOMES, SIGHTLY LOTS. NEUHAUSEN & CO., 703 LEWIS BLDG. 4TH AND OAK STS. MAIN S078. 5-ROOM up-to-date bungalow, 1 block from L carl:ne or pavea street, lawn in, cement sidewalk all paid for, at a bargain, no agents. Phone Woodlawn 2220. NEW eight-room, well built beautiful house on 4ist street, near t remont. ueia, owner on ground. East 61S9! FINE HOME. 7 rooms, Irvington. one-third off; cash. East 273. W. H. Herdman. ARTISTIC HOMES NEW DESIGNS. PLANS $5 AND $10 BOOK FREE. PORTLAND BLDG. ASS'N. 322 MOHAWK 5-ltOOM modern bungalow, 50x100 lot, cheap lor casn. uenver ave., su u onus car. 12150 MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, . . . 1-.1 - 1 mil 71 . n V 1 1 J 1 V LT" - iiTvv, ..en' nujia . TERMS. OWNER. 102O E. ?6TH X. FOR FINE HOMES S. Delahunt FOR 6ALE Fine 6-room house, good loca tion, beiiwood uii. 3-ROOM bungalow, well built, to to. re , LARGE, beautiful residence, 7 rooms and sleeping- porch, large attic. Dutch kitchen, 2 fireplacts, large lighted closet, east front, all street Improvements in, near car, J6250.- 8 room, and sleeping porch, new, dou Vtln instruction, excellent finish, heavy beamed and paneled dinisg-room. large fireplace, all oullt-in conveniences, pme tered basement, fine furnace, laundry trays, fruit and vegetable rooms, billiard hall and sleeping chamber can be finished on third floor; all street improvements m 530u; 11000 cash. 7-room bungalow, modern and all built in ffrcta- finished in white enamel large den or music-room and breakfast room; large basement and furnace; all street improvements in; east front, near car, 5250. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, best of construction and finish, heavy beamed ceiling. 3-pIy veneer panels, massive, oui- InwA pflhlnpr Uithn. nlnthes chutes. dust chutes, nifty fireplace, plastered basement, frultrooms, furnace, large at tic, improvements all in. east front, i blocks to iroaaway car, so.ou, .ouu ciw", h.lnnia tn .lilt. 6-room bungalow," strictly modern and all built-in conveniences, fine view of city and Mount Hood. 3 blocks to R. C. P. car, close to fireproof scnool, souta irom, :4rift small cash payment. 6-room house, new. modern, 200 feet to car; 50x100 lot, excellent neignoornoou, $3850. easy terms. 4 rooms, in excellent suburb, restrictions. hMilt-tn conveniences, large rooms, fire place, electric fixtures and tinting, two rooms can be finished on second floor, cement walks, east front, $2250; small cash payment. 3 rooms and bath, corner lot, 100x100, fine view of Tualatin Valley, Went Side, t hlnlr. tn .J- 14 ttlinULSS tO POStOffice. walks, graded streets and -water; now and s in fine neighborhood; 2300. 200 cash will handle It, oniance llite rent. 7-room house, all rooms lanre and light. cabinet kitchen, fireplace, lots, of fruit and -walnut trees, lot 100x100. 4 blocks to car. 14 minutes to center or city, w est Side, fine view ol Tualatin Valley and Mt. Hood; $3100, (500 cash, balance to suit. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., Main 1800, A 6261. ;ott-12 Selling Bldg. DIVISION AND 53D ST. 6 ROOMS. FACING EAST. LOWER FLOOR. Front porch, Sx26; brick piers, living room 16x17: fireplace, dining-room, 15x HI; buffet, kitchen. 12x13; back porch and toilet, front hall and stairway. SECOND FLOOR. 8 bedrooms. 12x15 each; 3 closets, 5x8; 1, linen closet In hall; bath, toilet and lav atory, 7x1 -2; hall and stairway and clothes chute: cement cellar and furnace; room for garage; f.O-foot front lot, grade 2 feet above sidewalk; $3750; cash o00. Open Sunday. JOSEPH B. YOUNG. 40fh st. and Woodstock ave,. S. E. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW Located on one of the most sightly lots on the West Side, overlooking the city, river and mountains, with its rougn tim ber and low rambling effect, porches, per gola and fountain so popular in faouthern California. The seven rooms carry out tne bullder'3 color schemes and designs to the satisfaction of the most fastidious home hunter, and at the remarkably low price of S8S0O; terms if desired. Take Portland Heights car to Council Crest ave., walk two blocks east to Chehalern ave., and Mt. Adams drive, or phone Tony G. Anderson. Marshall 553. LAURELHURST REAL SNAP . Brand new. strictly modern, 7-room house; furnace, fine fireplace. buffet, bookcases, nice den,, hardwood floors, fine Dutch kitchen, nice screened sleeping porch, 3 large bedrooms, large attic floored; fine fixtures and everything com plete and ready to move in; lot SOxlw and located In the very best of Laurei hurst; price a genuine snap, $4850, asu cash and ?22 per month. GRUSSI t- BOLDS. , 318 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. SUXNTSIDB DISTRICT. $30 per month. Including interest. TERMS. TERMS. Owner going to California; must sell new doubly constructed bungalow, located just two blocks from Sunnyside or Mt Tabor car, close to school and churches; lot 4Bxl0o; 6 bearing fruit trees, fino gar den and lawn, all street assessments paid; If this house suits, we will make the terms satisfactory; must be sold by the loth of August. Answer quick. Tabor 3UISD. ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A most attractive and well-appointed modern bungalow of u rooms, especially designed and built for owner's own home; two complete bathrooms, S toilets, amo matic as water heater, lovely biillard room massive stone fireplace. The three fourth acre of ground Is very attractive and is beautifully wooded """h "J-1 'Y.e trees. Can arran.-c tem-.s. Henry C. Pruu homme. owner. 00 Wilcox bldg. BUILD' ON YOUR VACANT LOT. TURN THE BURDEN INTO INCOME. WE FURNISH PLANS, FINANCE AND BUILD APARTMENT OR RESIDENCE A LOW COST. WE GIVE BONIX SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE YOL MAKE PLANS. IT WILL PAY YOU. kT BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 324 AB1NGTON BLDG. . - v -at r-rr T i.' . I q-v X P A f ne modern 5-room bungalow, cost $3000 to fcuild; two lots, 88x100. corner, lots worth $2500, making $5500 worth o. propertv; our price for a few days only $4000, 5O0 cash, balance to suit; owner is leaving city and must sell; located on Marguerite ave.. south of Hawthorne. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. nAD DlT 17 Bungalow at Mount Tabor, one block from Mt. Tabor cariine; convenient, high, good view of city, best neighborhood; must be seen to be appreciated; built by owner for home last November: desires to sell on account of going to the coun try; will sell at cost: $2ou0. lerraj $600 cash, balance $25 per month. This will pay 10 per cent as an Investment. At, -bi. uregonian. FOR SALE A 4-room modern bungalow, with large porch on front part of house and across the back also; best kitchen, wtth all built-in conveniences; electricity and telephone: interior of house painted and varnished; nice concrete basement; i 4 . V. l .nm sta T-lt n A T Will lOt OVX1VU, 1 UiW RD J-i - ' W sell very cheap and . give terms. Owner, wooaiawn iiio- FOR SALE by owner. 8-room nous;, suitable for two families, on a live business cor ner lot 60x100, at Arbor Lodge, S. E. corner Greeley and Portland Boulevard, on St Johns carlina. I will sell this fine property at sacrifice, as am going to leave the country. Price only $3000. $1500 down. Come and take look at it. The best,bax- gain in tne city CLOSE-IN RESIDENCE PROPERTY. T-cr-i-1 t u-vt Vil.l'R. t a c-T-ir-t i v -mndttrn story-and-a a w-,iira- sulendtdlv built and with all conveniences. My price, $3:;oo, is a bar gain; $200 down, and to responsible party will accept a. muuwi, hiuuhis "-" H. A. ASKWITH, S7th and JSlIswortn. RICHMOND. E. 35TH STREET, fl-room Built for a home, cuoninp Tinprh nrenlace. laundry trays: price $3400. terms $150 cash bat. $35. in cluding interest. National Realty & Trust to., i. a -nam. uj. M"g --- fiTTVXYSlDE SNAP. A-i-nnm modern house Kood condition, 50x100 corner, one block to car, all im nrnmUnti in and nu id for: call at house. 1073 East Morrison st., or phone Tabor 771 or Main lioti ATI TIFUL &-room home, complete with best of furnishings, strictly modern, fruit trees, garage, lot 10O by 112. Apply Gi2 East Ash st., one block from East Ankeny cariine. - Price $10.000. part cash. CORNER, East 2Hh and Oregon; fractional lot : modern o-room doubu, -uh ucuicui. basement, furnace, fireplace, buffet, fix tures, shades, eta; terms. Phone owner, East 2756. For bale Acreage. 10 ACRES FOR $30O. $10 CASH. $5 PER MONTH. Running stream, good soil, prosperous farmers all around and good market, near the railroad, perfect title and warranty deed. 212 Railway Exchange bldg., 2d floor. 5 ACRES FOR $260. $10 cash, balance $5 per month; one mile from Knappa and R, R. station, close to school and work; good soil; Knappa is e. gcod market. 212 Railway Exchange bldg.. za iioor. 16 1-3 ACRES at Witch Hazel. $150 per acre; cost me $165; some cleared, balance oak 'brush; levul, no rocks; spring and creek; no buildings; must sell; reasonable terms. Address T. James, Castle Rock, Wash. 10 ACRES best onion and garden land, n.ri th-irr(cratr1 tlliin dnvun balance easy. Expenses paid if misrepre sented. Nothing better anywhere. 512 Couch bl d g. FOR SALE or exchange for Income prop erty, 2-1 00 acres Wheat land in Eastern Washington, also write us about smaller irrigated tracts in Southern Idaho. Fall $12- A month will get you 2H acres on the -ita lit tn Station and main maiW to Portland; part ready to plow; deep, rich soil ; some beautiful shade trees; i ' ,7?I N 9S0 Orpaonia.n 5 ACRES, rich loam, 4 acres .clear and Under CUUI vouuu, o. . oiupr. -V uuicb from Portland, good transportation; price $700 , $75 down, balance easy payments. PHOne W owmwu g"'' 11 i dimynuu au 17 ACRES near Beaverton, 15 cleared, 3 blocks irom car station and running water; only $300 per acre; terms. Owner. James 40 ACRES Hosier land, partly improved, $800. $20 per acre. C 206. Oregonian. CHOICE acreage on easy terms or trade. D.tknhi m h nr. A riVH AHRR VIEW TRACT. Located right on cariine; soil tree from gravel and rock, water piped to tract, sidewalks and streets are in, electric lights and telephone service, in fact every thing in the way of improvements that you would have on a city lot; this acre tract Is for some poor devil troaning under the rert plan: If you have 2J0 cash you can buy this tract and put up a good home on same; you can then save at least $w monthlv: you will do it this way: Rent saved $20, monthly payment on your land Instead of to landlord $20, saved on egs, chickens, vegetables, fruit, etc., raised on your own land, $20. and besides you will he happy in possession of your own; do not answer unless you mean business. If you do, I -will gladly show you the best and cheapest acre tract in uregon. x ovi, uregonian. 7-S-4 ACRES, with good stream and mostly timbered, located 30 minutes west of Union Depot and midway between t wo electric carlines and mile from each; commuters' fare $7.30 per month, family coupon book at 19C per ride; good soil and a- bargain at $?o0 per acre on monthly payment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 3o. 102 Fourth St. A 3500, 8S beautiful acre Tracts: streets and avenues graded; water piped to every traot; good car service; electric iignt cir cults and teiopnone service; many oeauu ful homes already built and occupied verv rich soil, oroduclnn in (treat abun dance .fruits, vegetables, clover and even tobacco; Powell Valley road runs along north side, Holgate ave. on south side, Buckley ave. through center; paved like a city street; $1000 per acre lot, $10 cash, flO per month; interest 6 per cent; taxes per year. Ring Marshall oi. An auto win can tor you. FIRLAXD3 TRUST CO., 716-720 Spalding Bldg.v ICO ACRES, milo off of "West Side Southern Pacific, now being electrified, only 30 minutes west of Fourth and Washington sts. ; a . dandy to cut Into one-acre tracts and will sell readily at $500 per acre on payments; this may be had for $250 per acre. See us at one. This is an opportunity to pick up a fine property. 1 THE SHAW-FSAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth Su A 3500. 5 ACRES on sidewalk. 1000 feet from station, -only 40 minutes' ride from 4th and Washington sts; commuters' fare $7.30 per month ; the very richest of soil and only $500 per acre with monthly pay ments, proper discount for cash, THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth tit. A 3500. 3 ACRES. mile south of St. Mary's, only 30 minutes' car ride with 12-cent commuters' fare and at $300 per acre on payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. AN OPPORTUNITY. $10 down and small monthly payments buys $475 60x200 tract on Oregon City car line; half an hour out; Just the spot for a home where you can nave a garaen, keep chickens, etc.; high and sightly magnificent view for miles: rich, produc tJve soil. See Marsters. 202 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 3517, A 7340. CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCHES near PORTLAND. Best soli, good, roaas, spring water, tree wooa, settled country, xu acres, $400. $500. $600 per tract: 20 acres, $300 40 acres, $1200; SO acres, $2000; 40 acres timber, $Z4tio. Kancnes an Kinas ior saie. Easy terms. FranK Aic auana itesaty jo., 3u Yeon biag.. rortiana, or. 20 ACRES. 7 onion land. 3 raw bottom land, buildings ana stocK. box ol3, Van couver, VV ash. For sale Homesteads. FREE homesteads, level land. tlmber. wa ter, rean y toiarm ; can see in one aay. Covey, 27 UaK. room zi. For Sale Fruit Lands, 2-year-old, 4 acres 1-year-old, balance timber ana brusn; nne view 01 toiumom Rivr and Mt. Adams, school and church mile, store and P. O. 1 miles; price $5500. Will consider desirable, unen- cumDerea ronmna reoiuoiiLe ur ivim m first payment. Aggress t ou, uregunmu. For &ale Farms. DESIRE TO SELIj AT ONCE. I own 300 acres choice valley land near Portland: all in crop; will sell 100 acres or all; adjoining a growing town of 8000 and surrounded Dy improvea irun tarms; price reasonable; terms If desired; here from the asi ior a lew uays. j sait ure gonian. fi"RT sell 30 acres rich Deaty. river bot- tom, protected from overflow, $uo per acre, $1800 cash, balance ' liberal terms, adjoining land will produce enough to pay for ltseir tnis year; cu.ii i iraua. tr zt6, uregonian. FOR SALE 600 acres of land on electric line. 1 miles irom rortiana; -uu acres under cultivation; win sen an or part Write or call on owners. E. W. Haines, Forest Grove. Or. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; oargain for all cash. By owner. la Morrison st. FOR HALE TIMBER. I.AXDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. 04 McKay Blds WAJ'TE1 TO REN'T FARMS. WANTED To purchase on small payment. or rent for terms 01 years, wun option of buying, 8 to lt acres, with house, barn, etc., on lnterurban line. Addresa Alex. Prlngle. box 17 and Burralo sts. WANTED To rent about 40 acres prune or chard and over 60 acres sandy loam land In Willamette Valley. Japanese Agency, 8-' N. 5th st. WANTED To rent, small improved farm near Portland on cariine; state rent and location. Address P 27o, twegonian. FOR RENT FARMS. 44 A., 2 miles S. E. Milwaukle; running water to Irrigate. J2o a. for terms of years. tjoieman. iiwaumti, r. x. u. RANCH near Portland, running water, un der cultivation, well equipped. AD 280, Oregonian. FARMS WANTED. FARMS WANTED Many buyers and rent ers; prices must u roHui.uiB. ui.o i.... tlculars. Japanese Agency. t2 N. 5th st. V." ANTED REAL ESTATE- WANTED to consult with parties who hrkiiflrhr Tt.aitmnnt lots on contract be fore Fall of 1910. B 737, Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. $37c0 BUT 3 beautiful 6-room, two-story house, 50x100 lot, 3 blocks from Richmond car; full cement basement and walks; mortgage J1750 due in three years; 425 payable $10 per month, 6 per cent: my equity H575 will sell with $200 down and small monthly payments, or will trade mv equity for grocery or any good paying business; would take good auto Up tO ?1UUU, pamnutt uwu";- v-uw. n a r-c DAUCilM For sale or exchange for Portland Ira proved realty, 40-acre tract of orchard land; three acres old orchard, lage va riety fruit; seven acres 3-year-old apples and pears; located Burdoin Heights, White Salmon. For particulars adress AB 292, Oregonian ' 20 ACRES, east of Clackamas, Improved, running water, - good roads, Al place; $5000- will accept good 6-passenger auto, or property, near 50th and Hawthorne ave.' on first payment. Owner, 13&0 Haw thorne ave. Phone Tabor 3392. 5 ACRES, improved, close in on Powel. Valley roAd, $3250. Want good five-passenger auto as part payment. Liberal terms on balance. Owner, 1380 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 3Ji2, PIANO New parlor grand piano, elegant case, to ejtcnans j.-r a - oa'c on nasy terms. Inquire 510 Rothchlld bldg. WHAT have you to exchange for acreage Ave blocks from city limits, near cariine, value JfKKtO? X 28o, Oregonian. IF you have farms or city property to exj Change, call on vvasuer ot nuui, ,o Chamber or commerce, aaain tarn. BIG cigar, confectionery, lc cream to i r siue ior iu-us ur ctj unj uwuaC 303 Lumber Exchange. - 40 ACRES. 6 miles west of The Dalles, Or.; will trade ior gooa i -passenger auio. j 284, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade Fine-tone square pi ano for 70; cost $iou. am uregonian. NICE lot for some small sheet-iron ovens. Swank. 317 Hamilton Diog. 1 4 00 EQUITY to sell or trade for bungalow. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 100 acres, near Blodgett, Or., house, barn and outbuildings good. Well and stream on place. Team horses. 8 cows, and other stock. AH kinds of Implements. Will trade for income property. 125 acres, near Independence, new 7-room modern house, barn and outbuildings, running water in house and barn. Horses, cows, calves, goats, hogs, chickens; all kinds of tools go with the place. "Will trade for income property or small acreage near city. 150 acres, near Corvallis, good house, barn and outbuildings, all kinds of fruit, water piped in house and barn, all kinds of stock and implements. Will trade for home or income property. 200 acres near Vancouver, Wash., a fine subdivision proposition; H good houses, barn and outbuildings. Will trade for Income property. 416 acres, near Woodville Or., house, barn and outbuildings. Will trade for acre age near Portland. $4350.00 equity In two modern homes to exchange for "feood lots or close-In acreage. 42500.00 eauitv In a modern 7-room house, lot 100x100. on Mt. Scott cariine, to exchange for automobile ot equal value. 13500.00 modern unencumbered home of six rooms close to cariine to exchange for farm, not A.o exceea y&oOO. W ill pay balance In cash. Beautiful. modern, up-to-date 14-room nome. tmlsneu in solid manogany 2-story barn with six stalls, large ten nis court, iot 150x300, located 10 minutes from retail business district of Los Angeles, excellent location for apartment site; win aavance mone to build, will exchange for acreage or improved farm anywnere in ure gon. S3&.500 eauitv on Sixth, near Washington with an income of $5000 to exchange ior good apartment site on west a me, or apartment property. Lot IOOtIOO. on Everett near Park street. to exchange for other property. What have you to offer? 50x100 excellent apsrtment site on 14th street. $7000 equity to exchange for improved farm or acreage near Port land. DORR E. KKASTTY t- COMPANY.' FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce Hlug. SOME GOOD TRADES. 820 acres good unimproved land cheap with some good timber and line stream, for Irvington home. 25 acres one-third cultivated, fine soil running water, well located, for city un incumbered property. 4 acres in suburbs 10-ccnt car fare, all in crop, good soil, for 6-room house closer in. Many otners. vanduyn at w ai ton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. CLEA R lots acreage and cash for apt. rooming-house or other business. 914 Chamber Commerce. Main COT. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. FOR SALE One team of well-matched mares. 5 years old. weighing: 27-smi; one team well-matched horses. 5 years old. weighing 2ou; sound and true. nua sell. GOOD team of goats 2 and 3 years old. t well broke, harness and wagon, complete, $20. Willie Crosley. Phone Main 411, Forest Grove, Or. a "RAROAIN: ti;;5 buys team, mare an horse, weight 2400 lbs., harness and a farm wagon. (Jan at yvooqsiock Diactt- smtt n Bno; FOR SALE Two good, young, sound sad dle horses, two all-purpose horses and one cow. iresn in rew uays. r arcners Feed yard, Vancouver, wasn. HAVE just arrived from Yakima; 40 head of good, all-purposo horses for sale at North Bank Feed Barn, corner of 8th and B sts., Vancouver, wasn. FOR SALE 2 work horses, true pullers; also harness and wagon, cheap for cash. Moore Brothers, Rex, Or., or Moore, at 123 Front St., city. ITOR SALE cheap, good family horse and rubber-tired buggy. Hawthorne-ave. car to Division st., walK one oiock west anu 3 south. otn st. 10 HJ3AD of cheap horses, 900 to 1700 pounds, $35 to $125; also cheap team of mules. 1 Lnion ave. HivfiSOMK FAST PACER, sound and ceil tie and almost new runauom, -( uuin- CAR mules and horses, gooseneck farm sad delivery wagons, sauaiea. nuoeri oc na.i, 881 Water St.. West Side. Main 220&. COLT, 5 months old. Call at 8 East 7th t. .worm. PASTURE for rent noar Portland. Phoas Main 1410. WANTED 10 teams, day or month. In quire Johnson, 20 Alder at. A SINGLE horsu and buggy, complete; in good condition. Appiy lu-t-o rroni at. FINE 1500-lb. work horse; will take good driving norse in exenange. x umun nvw. Pianos, Organs and Mastcal Instruments Genuine autoplano for sale by party who has met with reversed; 85 music rolls, nlao bench and stool to match; cash or $550 payments; $30 down and $12 a montn, ace Jar. jaxKeeit at xnera aiuam House. ELEGANT NEW PIANOS FOR RENT 14 Per Month. The rent paid us wiil be applied toward purcnaue. EILERS MCS10 HOUSE, Rental Department! WE are closing out our stock of pianos. Cash will take them at actual cost to us. Cash only will get them t.t these prices. Seiberltng-Lucoa Muslo Co., 134 Second St., corner Alder. PIAN'O New H. M. Cable, $325; half cash. Address F 812, Oregonian. lORb, Blrd. Pet StQTK. WANT good dor for country; Airedale pre ferred; good home. "C." 2(3. Furniture for date. $200 FURNITURE, 7 rooms, 4 rooms pay all expense; come afternoons; cueay mm, 17th st. FURNITURE of 6-room house for caltt chesp. Close in, . 1 1 xarnoi eu viti .v. FURNITURE six-room house, close in, rent $25. Phone Marshall 239. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why bay a new cheap car when you can secure one of our high-grade used cars at the same price? We jjuarantee them. Different makes and models, all traded In on new White gas cars. We also offer several second-handed trucks. Write Whit Car Agency, 6th street at Madison. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS OF USED AUTOMOBILES. 493-495 Alder St. Main 1161, A 4837. 6 ACRES, easy to clear, with running water. only 12c carfare; price only Ziu per acre; also one or more acres, all cleared Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Com merce. 40-HORSEPOWER, 7-passenger (Speedwell) automobile; cost S3uuu; la in periecx run ning order. What have you to exchange? or will sell for $1000 cash. O 297, Ore gonian. AUTOMOBILES WANTED. Small four or O-passenger car. 1911 or 1912 model, must be in fine condition and a bargain; will deal with owner only; no dealers or agents. AG 28S, Oregonian. 6-CYLINDER. 7-passenger car for hire $3 hour; special prices tor country trips. Phone Res., Sellwood 1439; stand, Mar shall 399. CHALMERS. 5 -pass, car for sale by owner; fully equipped and In good condition; would trade for good mortgage or con tract. Call Monday or Tuesday at 806 Wilcox bldg. AUTO WANTED. Will trade a well-furnished 16-room ho tel for light auto; low rent and is paying; open for Investigation. Call 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. or phone Main 7357. KRIT -runabout, 3 010. A-l condition; we consider this an exceptional good ouy. First check for $350 takes it. Call Litis -ley, Main 5909. 5-H. P. INDIAN motorcycle, tandem and full equipment; aimosi new. vv. Mcuojr, Alisky bldg.. No. 224. NO reasonable offer refused for 5-passenger car, in extra gooa condition, witn extra express body. au rtauway Jrxcnange. 7-PASSENGER Plerce-Arrow ; see this car ana mane unw. J"? im-i 1 " n j aiAi.iiaii8t E-M-F, repainted and overhauled, A-l con dition, au. Jau Tuesday, aiain ovvv. Miscellaneous. GOOD dry oak for sale by the carload at $ per cord, uza e. Asn. rnone .cast' iuui. FOR SALE A stack of good hay; make of fer. East 5370. C 1M4. WILL sell my small diamond ring cheap. A n ov), uipsi'iiioii. S0O BUSINESS cards, $1; a bargain. Rose City ATlntery. xvm au. corner isyior. HOTEL RANGES We have the following hotel ranges which we are desirous of cosing out at manufacturer's cost: 4& 4-ft. single oven ranges, :M9.50 each. 2 5-ft. double oven ranges, S59 each. 3 6-ft. double oven ranges. $75 each. 1 7-ft. double oven range. $K. Also complete line of brick set ranges and broilers. May Hardware Company. 124 FronV st. FOR SALE. A 45-horsepower, 050-volt, Crocker Wheeler Tnotor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage release and ' ampere overload I-T-E circuit braker. In A-l condition. Address room 20j, Greeo nian bldg. POOLROOM outfit, complete. IS tabl, high grade and new; good terms. G. H. DAMME1ER, 403 McKay Bldg. MEN'S SUIT SALE Best values in the citv. A suit presented to any man who can prove otherwise; $15 values now $8.75; $20 to $22.50 values now $10; $25 to $i0 values now $14. Jimmy Dunn, room 315 Oregonian bldg. Ta ke elevator. FOR SA LE. One 125-volt, direct-current generator, complete with field rheostat, am -meter and circuit-breaker. This machine ii In good repair. Address room 203, Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W.. 550-volt Crocker-Wheeler Kfnerator. complete with field rheomat and circuit breaker, in Rood condltUm. Ad drees room 203. Oregonian bldg. SAFES Special bargain second-hand Are and burglar-proof; safes opened and repaired. Purcei Safe Co.. and Portland Safe Co., So Dth st. Phone Main 0309. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc., bought ami sold. The Pacilic sture aervice Co., 22 Stark st. Main 7711. SEWING machine prices smashed; 100 mu. be eold for storage; a!i leading make, drop-heads $10 and up. box tope, $3 and up. 202 3d St.. i or. t 'oluinMa. A LIMITED amount of dividend-paying stock lor sale tn a local manufacturing company. E 209. Oregonian. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, contractors equipment. Rail way Equipment Co.. 74 iirstz YOU can rent an Oliver Typewriter 3 months for $4; convenient at home. Main 273; A 4441. SEVERAL typewriters in good condition for Ba!e at bargain. As 7!. Uregonian. BIRDS of paradise. $17.50 and up. Empress Feather Co.. 732 Hearst bldg., San Fran'o. WILL SELL now painters outfit at a sac rifice. E. 323. SHOWCASES, cash register, larse coun ters, also 2 large tents. 3-V."-j Third M. WAGONER motorcycle. 4 -horsepower, A-l condition. 214 JeftVrs-on, Monday. LOOSE clover hay for sale. Applv at E. 2sth st. between Cora ave. and Holgat 1S-FOOT launch, latest moil el. tl43 flood st. WA N T EI M ISC ELLA N EO CH. WE BUY CLOTHING, furniture, tools. High est price paid for men's and ladies' cast off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, me chanic, logging. Call Main 20S0. 290 1st st. The Globe. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture, Seaton & Martin. Phone East 8134. 348 Hawthorne ave. HOUSEBOAT, 4 or 5 rooms, must be In good condition and a bargain. AV 2, Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand lathe; must be in good shape and cheap; also small electriu motor. Phone Sellwood 1155. Sears, WANTED Duck lake, suitable for 3 or 4 parties; must be Lower Columbia. AJ 2Sl, oregonian. - WANTED Scrap iron In any quantity, at once. J. Bernhardt. 121 1st st. Main H2K5. FORD Auction Co. pays moat cash for any kind of furniture. Main S951. A 2445. WILL buy any kind of hair combings at th Sanitary Jteauty Parlors. 4tK Dekum. CASH paid for diamonds. Martin. Maia 4017. WANTED Moving picture outfits. Foldin chairs, electric pianos. G 268, Oregonian. WANT two-drill air compressor and two drills. Address 84 E. 2Sth st. LARGE size plate-glass mirrors. 50x70, and lu rvor A nmi flr HA 1 WnqhitlCtOn. HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment (20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership, I will nave only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for naploy ment membership, jou will have the Y. M. C. A., with all Us resources, between you and starvation. , Result : Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. , Record for seven months enalng July Ji: Call for men Positions filled ,! Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full membership privileges. 10 months social privileges and undertakes to keep member employed during the full term of mem bership without further charso. Constant demand for CLERICAL TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. See secretary employment department Y. M. C. A. BATHES MEN STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT. We are doing tne Diggesi Busi ness in our history. We have never found It so easy to sell goods. We must expand our sales force to take care of our rapidly-increasing business. You probably have the ambition and the ability to make many times your present salary, but you are a slave to the salary idea and lack the nerve to try a commission. Got out of that rut. Connect yourself with tr largest and most progressive real estate concern on the Pacific Coast. Our propo sition is the best ever offered and you can make big money right now. Our salesmen are doing it. Ask any bank about us, then see Mr. Cleveland, sales manager. Fred A. Jacobs Co., 269 Wash ington st., cor. 4th 10 to 12 A. M. only. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U, S. Marine Corps, between tne ages oi J ana 35; must be native born or have first pa pers; monthly pay $15 to $9; additional compensation possible; food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 80 years' aervice can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts ot the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, Bd and Washington sts.. and 134 3d st.. Portland. Or. WANTED A superintendent for a sash and door factory, doing a general mui won business; must bu competent to do detail and other estimating. and handle all clashes of mill work; salary $1S0 per month. Apply stating experience ana references, W. A. MacKinnon, manager The Western Planing Mills Co., Limited, Calgary, Alta. SUCCESSFUL stock salesman to represent local financial institution; will pay salary to those who can get results; only those who can give reference as to ability and character need apply; opportunity for something better with the company for those making good. C 269, O.cgonian. WANTED Young men, preferably residents of city, for battery or isauonai uuara field artillery. Ten days' vacation start ing August 18, under pay. Apply Battery A." Armory, 10th and Couch sts., after 7 P. M. Tuesday. YOUR opportunity if you are a hustler; ex clusive control ot goou u fit; weekly advance; complete line; guar anteed absolutely. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Tuppenlsh, Wash. LIVE dependable salesmen wanted in sev eral good iieias io --ao nursery stock; cash paid weekly; write us at once. Washington Nursery Co., Top penlsh. Wh. WANTED Active man to secure new mem bers lor live wire social ana uvu-aiu-.!. fraternal society. Apply between 11 A. M. and 2 P. M., 519 Marquam bldg. YOUNG man. good appearance to do spe cial soliciting in t-oiiiana. -ermaneni po sition to right man. Apply after 9 A. M. 725 Marquam bldg. JAPANESE Meerschaum pipes, greatest ad vertising novelty ever invented; iiuci m. commissions. Write for sample and order book. Andrew Pay sen, Clinton, la. SALESMAN For city, good pay for good service, 'inis is your opportunity n you can produce business. Call Monday, 9 A. M. to 12 M. oultt Marquam bldg. PRACTICAL farmer for small farm; salary. house ront and share income. am. uu, Uregonian, WANTED Moving picture operator and re pair man; salary 930 per wees;. Arc z&i, Oregonian. SOLICITORS and sales agents for xnfg. com pany; no money required, via Chamber of Commerce bldg. MOTORCYCLE and bicycle repair man; per manent; state age, experience and salary expected. A 287, Oregonian. WANTED Sewer diggers, Camas, Wash. Take boat foot of Washington St. Fare 25c. WANTED An experienced hotel night clerk. T 26S. Oregonian. PHuTO coupon; best ever offered; snap for agents. Cuthbert Studio, Dekum bldg. WANTED Japanese to do chamber ork, 52 Washington st. Hotel Buckingham. BOY wanted, with bicycle, good wages, steady work. 24 Yamhill. A TEAMSTER wanted, 1028 East Alder. moved, iua uu mu