WANTED MISCELLANEOUS- HHitlbSl price pia iwj - T.7 a - .ffond-lnnil clothes. I- Rosenblum. 247 Paris it. Phone Alarsn4i xms. HELP WASTE n MIX PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, and .I Couch hi., bet. xt " Phon.: Main -rT0. Marshall 1130. A 1408. Help Fr-e o Employers. PHONE or WIRE rush order at OUK WANTBVrOR MII.I.S. Cans edgerman. 14. Gang ealart-rman. city "3.0. Gang trimmerman, $3. ... Ratchet-setters. $2.75 and 13. Three csrriagar-rlders, $2.50 and iD Two millwright. $4. Planerman. 2 machines. $3.5". Two planer feeders. $2.50. Sash and door machine man. ?3 up. Marker on rolla. small m'"i,; Ponv resawyer. small mil!. $3.0". Csr-Ioad;nK tallyman. 2..S. Two lumber truck Ifimftfry $-.3". Two lath mill men, --t-Five lumber pliers. $2-30. Ten millhsnds. $-50 to ;iTS. Twcnty-flvo yardmen, $2.-5 to ..ou. FMer." $85 month; hook tender. S3.S0 and hoard. Camp cook. $100. Man and wife, kitchen helper and wait ress. $S0. . , Two camp flunkeys. S3.-. . Section foreman, log road, $65 ano hoard. -, Twenty loggers. $3 to $4. FARMS AND DAIRIES". Man and wife on dairy. W. Milkers. $".5 to $4.. Farmhands. $::5 to $4". Choreman and gardener. MISCELLANEOUS. Ten men lo cut prusn. $2.50. Five teamsters. -!..V Two men to dipt uitrh. City laborers. $-...H) to '-- -., , Ten men for county road work. $Z.BO. Three wood splitters. 0c cord. Two wood cutters. $1.2. cwl . Two teama to haul wood L'O cord. R-staurant cooks and dishwashers want ed every day. W- SHIP NORTH. SOUTH. EAST and WEST every day. Free fare. Hundreds of new Jobs coming In every day. WATCH OUR BULLETIN BOARDS. WE GET THE GOOD JOBS. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 222 and --24 Couch St.. bet. 1st anix 20. TEN MEN WANTED in a modern brick plant at V. II .v Tt.il from Portland, on rall- to work lamina. road : i tlce location, good land: If '"? will ma ke yourself a peroiN' - and est we will an will ibllsh yourselt near in exp'.aln to you on Investigat on. Hive you work the year around. . 11-111. mlnn tlr. Address L,. V. L'nmon. n maw-. WANTED A superintendent for a sash and dr faTory. doing a general mill work business; must be competent to do deta and other estimating. and handle " classes of mill work: salary $L per month. Apply stating experience and references. V A. MacKinnon, manager The wesrr Planing Mill. Co.. Limited. Calgary. Alta. SALESMEN INVESTIGATE. tvf H4VF THE PEST-SELLING PROPFRTT ON THE MARKET BE "?E IT IS NOT OVERLOADED WITH SALESTMANAg'eRS60S LEWIS BLDG. Si! kmEV WANTED Experienced sales men wanted to sell our home. In all part, of the citv on easy payment plan ana close-in restricted residence lots on both l.'t and West Side,. We Ornish some nrr.nrtlvB liberal commissions. AK?r ?a7es manaBe?. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. 2-l2 Selling blag- WANTED Steady family man with some cash to make payment on a home to take position on adjoining large orchard at good wages: line opening to own your own In. oine-prodticing home in country; .chooi and store on premises. 1 -4, Ore gonian. WANTED Teamster to take charge of four horse team and pay part of wage, on a home on a young orchanl: must nave iwo to pay down on home place; wages $-.50 per day to sta.t: steady work all VfRf. .V ar--atl,aai.aa.. WANTED High-class salesman to travel fo'r local textile corporation calling on the tailoring and dry goods Pacific Coast line; excellent opportunity for the right party. F. Mull. Mohawk Mdg. . BOY interested In poultry and gardening can learn business; small country p ace, light work: board and moderate salary, give age and references. AT 275. Ore- gonian. GUARANTEED salary to right Party for term of vears to manage large commer cial 2-vear-old orchard, already sold; will guarantee 5000 on required $..000 invest ment. O 3"1. Oregonian. VIVE dependable salesmen wanted In sev eral good fields to sell our unsurpassed nursery stock: cash paid week: y . write us at once. Washington Nursery Co.. iop- pentsh. wnsn. WANTED Salesman, well dresssed. enjr ge'tic. between 2.V30 years, to work for in old-established concern. If $1 an hour Is any inducement, call 617 Worcester bldg.. 9-11. WANTED A good specialty salesman for ci'y- pref-r young man mechanically In clined, with good address: a good opening for the right man; give phone or address. WANTED At once, plasterer and brick ma son with $550 cash for a fine opening In small town 75 miles from Portland; can have Interest in business or steady work . ... j : A IP Tt Hrprnn in. ny gay n ugnaaaraa. " - YOUNG man to work nights In garage; must have experience in washing and pol ishing cars: small salary at .tart: good chance for advancement. Laurel-Boss Auto Co.. S34 East iturnsine. 'IVANTED Young business man for retail and wholesale delicatessen business; only reliable man need apply. Call Colberg. Main jwo? THERE'S money In selling our Yaklma grown. hardy, guaranteed stock; outfit free- cash weekly; steady work. Yakima . . -. . T-......., I V. Waih. alley ftuwrj a-u.a iwy....a INSUr.ANCS AGENTS, experienced, recom mended, who want to better their condi tion. Communicate -1th National Lira In surance Co., U. S. A. 306 Selling bldg. WANTED Resident salesman for popular line handkerchiefs for Jobbing trade; com mission basis. R. & R- Handkerchief Co., Broadway. New York. N. Y. W VNTED A man to solicit for the Grocer; alury to start. Call Hotel Carlton. Wed nesday. 10 to 11 A. M. Ask for L. L. Taylor. . . WANTED Laoorers; wage. $2.50. Take boat ti Cama.. Wash.; fare 2t. cents. H. M. Johnson, office room 10. -'26 Alder at. WN'TED Experienced solicitor on clean ing w agon: good proposition to right party. 41 Broadway. . TV'AXTED Gorcfon feeder, good on register work. Take Oregon City car. Portland Label Co.. MllwauKie. ur. iiAS of good address to represent large ct.rDoratlon; promotion given If service. - . . . x . . T O i.rniiiin Vildff. yuBiwiL"!-. rtrr-j . - " W VNTED All-around tailor: must be able to cut and fit. Call at 4UB North Jersey st St. Johns. WANTED An experienced silk salesman ur Oregon and Washington. Clayburgh Bros.. San Francisco. Cai. W W'TED First-class floor man and helper in" blacksmith shop. Phone or writs W. P. scrivener. Heppner. Or. HRL'WOOD finisher, wanted. Apply to J. O. ' Berg, new Llpman-Wolf building. ood wages. SOLICITORS wanted. 40 per cent commis sion to good men. Greater Portland Works. ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced only, commission, contracts cashed. .Benedictine Press. 26S Madison. faOLICITOR for bakery: one with small da tive ry wsr-m preferred. J 28.1. Oregonian, WANTED Combination piano player and singer. Laemmle. 333 Oak si. WANTED Boy between IS and 20 year, for King HHI Creamery. 735 Washington st. WANTED Boi about 16. also young man about 20. Apply third floor Royal bldg. BOYS on motorcycles, bicycles, knowing city; steady worn. xaixuiiii. PHOTO coupon: best ever offered; .nap for amenta, cuthbert Studio. Dekum bldg. THREE young men to canvass: new offer; waves kill TWIriini liMr WANTED Experienced delivery man; ret erences required. Call itiO 4th. WANTED Experienced grocery clerk. Ap p:y J. B. Neubauer. 37: 11th .t. WANTED Cajh boy. Apply Lion Clothing Co.. 4t li and Morrison. BAftBER wanted, steady job. 169 Morrison treCL WANTED Tailor for busheling work. Lion BOY wanted to learn trade. Portland Trunk Itg. lo., ana I inn bis. WANT paperhanger and tinter to call at 21 11th St. North. West Side. lAKHER wanted Sellwood carbarn barber slfT. Oregon . ny car. r-ntine n .i"ft liOY fth wheel wanted. K. S. Ervln & Co.. Selling oiag. A TEAMSTER wanted at 1028 East Alder. LABORERS, city. 222 Commercial Club. FIRST -CLASS auto mechanic 125 IBtU at. HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT,. . (One of many.) Offlcs Secretary Employment Department, v tu r a. Tounr man. ' stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership. I will nave only xia Dwnn raw u Secretary If you pay 5 for employ m,t m.Tnhnhln. vou will have the Y. M. C. A., with all It. resources, between you and starvation. ,.. Result: Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. . Record for .even month, ending July ii . tau tor men - Positions filled "1 Emplovment membership guarantees member' will secure employment or refund of membership fee: give, two nontltf full v. 1. 1 J. -i II-. in months social privileges and undertake, to keep member " . , . ...ii . n nt mem employea auring too i.uii i bershlp without further charge Constant demand for CLE2ISrU TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. See secretary employment department Y. M. C. A. SALESMEN 8TRIKE WHILE! THE IRON IS HOT. We are doing the biggest busi ness In our history. We. have never found It so easy to sell good.. We mu.t P1'11 our .ales force to tako care of our rapidly-Increasing business. You Pr1,J,D'J have the ambition and the ability to males many times your present 1rT-,J you are a .lave to the salary Idea ana .actt the nervo to try a commission. Get out of that rut. Connect your.elf with toe largest and most progresjlro real est"" concern on the Pacific Coast- Our propo sition i. the best ever offered and you can make big money right now. Our salesmen are doing It. Ask any bank about u then , c ' ? a v o fi a w ss h - manager, rreu a. . ; . -i Ington St.. cor. 4th 10 to 12 A. M. only. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of in ana 85: must be native born or havo first pa pers: monthly pay $15 to $60; additional compensation possible: food. clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 30 years service can retire with iS per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore In all part, of the world. Apply at L. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, Sd and Washington sts.. ana la a si., r ui uni u. w. WANTED Boy with wheel to deHver pack ages. Lion Clothing CO.. aornnua, ' ner 4th. . HELP WANTED FEMALE., WASTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE! OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE: PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLT AT THB PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE). COB. BTH AND EAST ANKENY STREETS, OB MAIN OFFICE. WEST PARK AND ALDER TELEPHONE) EAST t&O. HOTEL conk. $50 (Sutherlln), faro paid. Country hotel cook. Chambermaid. $25 (out of city). Waitress, $5 (La Grande), fare -paid. Rtstaurant waitress. $8 week. HANSEN'S EMPM'T. OFFICE, S4.1U, Wash. St.. R. I. EXPERIENCED saleswomen wanted at the Holts Store. Apply to stipt. jeiore iv A. -i. THE HOLTZ STORE, 0th and Waah. EXPERIENCED saleswomen wanted at this Holtz Store. Apply to supt. Deiore iu a. .m. THE HOLTZ STORE, 5th and Wash. WANTED If you want a permanent and profitable business ana are wuung m work for it, wo want you; contract now and prepare for the Fall trade. Nu Bone Corset Co.. 507 Northwest bldg., 6th and Wash. LADY canvasser, wanted, accustomed to selling the "Llttl wonaor vacuum Cleaner: good commissions. Write H. C. Bracey for particulars. 31 Pender at-. west Vancouver, js. w. A YOUNG girl to go to the beach to help witn ennuren anu Usui. room and board. Call 682 Schuyler St., or phone East 3529. WANTED Lady to help with housework for part payment Tor two nouseKeeping rooms; no children. Phono Col. 843. 1717 Ports mouth ave. WANTED Ladies of good address to dem- i.JIIEidal nrAnnvltlnn rood pay and short hours. 223 Lumber Ex- cnange pics. WANTED Women and girls to work. In fruit, starting on Deans. Aug. o; sieaajr employment, good wages. Apply Oregon Packing in., c. win ana peniwut.. YOUNG lady, good appearance, to do spe- i i . l. 'a. lni.nl oirnnrttlnn: business ability required; salary. Apply 9 A. M., 724 Marquam. BY WHOLESALE HOUSE A reliable wo man who expects to worts, txperieuco uoi required. S 262, Oregonian. DICTAPHONE operators wanted; positions waiting for competent operators. Ellers bldg. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 Washington .. near 4th. Phone Main t36 or A 3268. WANTED Middle-aged, refined housekeep er in family or inree, iuciculvm nuui AP 2P4, Oregonian. WANTED A girl to assist with general housework. 1240 Division si. x-none bor 4t2. WANTED A girl about 16 to care for year-old cnild tor room ana ooaru ana small wages. 308 Glenn ave. WANTED A first-class, all around cook. Clifford Hotel. East 6th and Morrison; woman preferred. WANTED A girl for general housework ana neip wiin cau-i o t.i, v,t. $15. 30S North 24th St. WANTED Middle-aged lady to assist In housework and care lor invauu. t-aii East Stark. PIANIST, in town of 10.000; must be expe rienced in orcnestra worn; at once. 217. Oregonian. WOMAN to help in dining parlor, for board and room for self and husband. 201 N. 23d t. GIRL for general housework, Swedish or German preterrea; lamuy lour aauu. Phone East 65'.t. WANTED to know the whereabouts 'of An na Coffeman. ciyao uueu. r,uuicuii. Wash. XEAT, respectable, unincumbered woman under 40 as housekeeper, widower's fam ily. Astoria. Bt. Louis Agency. Main 2Q3H. WANTED Neat-appearing girl to run nov elty game In an amusement para; one not afraid to talk. AE 303. Oregonian. WANTED Nursemaid to go to the beach for short time. Phone B 24U9 or call Ibl E. 27th St.. corner lamniii. HAilOb.1 4A1-'J-.-' . . . . - , S45M Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2892v -. . . i r-.ic-ia. nti?njr"Tr WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. J0f Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED Girl to do genera! housewoik In an apartment. Call mornings. Apart ment 4i. Trinity fiace jipMuuru WANTED Girl for general work In board ing-house, no cooKing. A. OViW WANTED An apprentice in beauty parlors. C13 KOtUCniiq PIPE.. l P" yh aaiitLigtu.i. GIRL for cooking and general housework. 2S7 IN. 20th St., corner oi wei vu. WANTED Thoroughly competent cook for - ' - - . . c 1 1 xt i ? .t a, ,,nrtm,tlt a. irnniiy ui " w . i WANTED Strong woman to assist In cook ing ana geugim nu"-p -m w EXPERIENCED girl for cooking; wages $33 , airt. addIv mornings. 7e3 Flanders St. WANTED Experienced waltreas at the Hill, 23d and Washington. GOOD positions for competent girls. Room r.n Central bldg.. 10th and Alder sts. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 4S3 E. 17th N. Phone C 286. WANTED Girl for general housework; easy, place, e-a? tninnesum. WANTED Girl for general 'housework. 675 Jth st. - WANTED Waitresa Apply Rebe'a, 4vl Washington St. COMPETENT girl for second work. Apply 77S Northrup. GIRL for general housework; .mall family. Salary $20. East 16H6. MANICURIST wanted. Call 112 6th t. HELP WANTED MISCKLLANEOUS. AGENTS and general salesmen, new patent universal household necessity; sells on , v. . . . i i Km , 1 a n ,1 h TH c SiK1".. P'S i1""go'""- vv .. .. . F1SK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. for school, and teachers. 610 Bwetland blag. SHORTHAND, typewriting school. 269 14th st. Main 3898. Expert Instruction. $5 mo. (ilP.LS $60 course free in beamy culture. Sanitary Beauty Parlor.. 400 Dekum bldg PRIVATE shorthand, typewriting, book keeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Marsh. 425s. E B. U. BUSINESS COLLEGE secure, sten ographers positions. 630 Worcester block. THE MOKiAo OKivjO:viA.N, HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LOCOMOTIVE firemen and brakemen for nearby railroads. 80-$100 monthly; ex perience unnecessary, no -strike; promo- tlon. engineer-conductor, $150-20j. Age 18-S5. rood sight, weight over 135. Many .. - . . -v.,, im positions lor comyensui wiui ployed monthly; state age, send .tamp. Railway Association, Oregonian. MEN and boys to learn automobile repair ing, driving on up-to-date cars; electrical, civil engineering, surveying; methods most practical; room and board while learning; position secured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue free. National School of Engl- neering. jiiv w. w. --i.n MEN and women to learn the barber trade in eight weeks; special inducements; per centage paid while learning; tool, free: expert Instructors; IT year. In the bust, ness; 87 schools: a lifetime membership given to each .tudent. Moler Barber Col lege, go N. i-ourtn st.. mnwmi WE teach you a trade In a few months; no expense but your work; electricity, auto mobiles, plumbing, bricklaying; 100 satis fied workmen today; 40 Jobs going; cata logue free. United Trade School Contract Ing Co.. Los Angeles. $25 TO $40 PER WEEK made by moving-picture operators; easy inside work, short hours; complete course at reduced rates. New Tork Film Ex change. fi2H W asnington. near i m. MEN and women for oovernment position $S0 month. Write for list of position, open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 340 K. Rochester, ji. i RAILWAY mall olerks, prepare now, ex cellent salaries and promotions; no lay offs, sure pay; free took. Call today. Pa cific States acntwi, jicrh.jr "j WANTED Picture play writers: big pay; we'll teach you. Picture Play Association. Ban Francisco. GIRLS, learn beauty parlor work; reduced rates this month. 1 Rothchlld bldg. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 1M0 HOPPICKERS wanted to pick 400 acres hops at the Wlgrlch Ranche, Indepen dence. Or. Will pay 50c per box or $1.00 ' per 100 pounds, about four weeks' picking, best of accommodations: our special train leaves Saturday. August 31. Office now open for registering at 1120 Lumbermen a Exchange bldg.. 2(1 and Stark sts. Phone Marshall 1814. Portland, Or. Wlgrlch Ranche TWO first-class spotter, or .team cleaners, also 10 lady pressers; money no object to right parties. Apply East 6id Clean- .. - , .J . -.-..i. J T In.flltl ers. at uyerr. cast jvih aim ... BALESMtN and saleswomen wanted In every county and city In the state; easy selling proposition, big money-maker, call or wriie ruwin ijiii, v..jmv Wanted, performers, singers and muslcians N. Y. Amuse. Co.. 526 Wash., nr. 17th st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERT accountant, age 20, married, com petent office man, stenographer, salesman ship experience, unquestionable references. I'hone Marshall 4t;i. b zsd, oregonm". WILL. AUDIT. OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balances and state ments. Install systems. Gllllngham. au ditor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. EXPERIENCED lumber and logging ac countant desires position. Phone Main 8136. M 27t. Oregonian. COMPETENT office man wants position; is bookkeeper, operates typewriter, also ex penenced lumberman. AR 275. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 245 Second St., corner Salmon. Women's Department, 245 Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes sional and clerical male and female help furnished on short notice; no fee charged. Irnone saaiu ouw. u- MECHANICAL ENGINEER. FIRST-CLASS ON -V-1 L. I. I,u.ai nu liuii ' ' , ENGINES, WILL BE OPEN FOR A PROPOSITION AFTER AUGUST 2JTH; WILL ALSO CONSIDER PROPOSITION AS PRODUCING ENG. ADDRESS L. C. GOLLAT1, POSTOFFICE BOX 1315. HOUSTON. TEX. HANDY man wants work, own tools; expe rienced In machine repair, special print, pipenxing; own dies, hydraullo gas. steam soldering, brazing, sawcutter, tool filing, rough forging, tempering, erecting ma chintrv. shafting, drive engine; middle aged: moderate wages; regular Job. Phone Woodlawn 26S8. YOUNG married man wants position in store in country town two or wrw nuu. ride from Portland: nine years' experience in general merchandise; best of city ana country reierences. v ii wisu," LIVE man wants to connect up with estab lished ousiness; nave wiLomuun, , . willing to use In the business: kindly state character of business; answers con fidential. T 274. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young man wants position in wholesale nouse; gouu rcmi cui-c . to anyone helping him get steady position. h w7, oregonian. JAPANESE want a situation in family who has ten years expeneiiuc &" ' washer with housework. J 2SO. Orego nian. BY railroad accountant and traffic man. 12 years experience; can neeji .uuuna general office work; best of references. A 300. Oregonian. JANITOR, apartments, experienced. or watchman; understand oil firing; mar ried. Van, Main 8577. JAPANESE want position, general house work, in small family. N 26S, Orego nian. . YOUNG man, six years' experience, wants position with sasn ana aoor uumij i " planing mill. AF 202, Oregonian. JAPANESE boys want a Job for houso cleanlng by the day or hour. Japanese M. E. Mission. YOUNG married man wants position in gro cery store; nine years' experience; refer ences. V I O, uicbuu'"". COMPETENT hotel clerk, American or Eu ropean plan, in city or out- R. B. Evans. care fcias tiuo. ALL-AROUND rock man, capable of taking yjl eguumit JAPANESE LABOR AGENCY furnishes re- -awmllla eallennH unH farm woras. etc. o- ai. YOUNG inarrled man wants position as chauffeur: can make repairs. AN 276. A JAPANESE boy with experience want. goniaii. SITUATION wanted; druggist, registered in -i..nn (tv ur rmintrv. AL 274. Ore- guniuii. EXPERIENCED man wants heating furnace . . T Trt Orefi-nnian. to lura mi. i"u - .... w - YOI'NO man, 20. would like work In fruit store. AD 2"6. Oregonian. STRONG, willing boy wants work of any kind. Phone Tabor 4117. MILKER and herdsman wants position on clean, up-to-date dairy- C 264. Oregonian. LATH Eli wants contracts. $2 thousand; also wire and metal work. Phone Tabor 317. B1TCATION TCANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. REFINED and capable young girl desires office work or clerkship in small store: best references. Phone A 3419 or address K 270, Oregnolan YOUNG lady, experienced in stenography and general office work, desires position. Woodlawn 1457 NEAT, refined high school girl wishes per manent position in office. AS 277, Ore gonian. ' EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion: best of references; would leave city. F 303. Oregonian. YOUNG lady want, position as cashier. II 279. Oregonian Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING, experienced, wanted sew ing by the day and week. Sewing $1.4o. Main 5226. DRESSMAKING H. dresses. $1.50; S. waist, 75c; skirts. $L25 up. Phone B 2707. Mrs. Allan. ' FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable; shop or by day. 608 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 2480. LADY wishes position as helper with pri vate dressmaker. Mis. da Monfort, TO N. 14lh. DRESSMAKING by the day; work guaran t.ri Main 5081. A 6621. Room 222. DRESSMAKER wishes work by day; wages $2.50. Phone Main 627. ALTERATION, repair work and general sewing reasonable. Main 1104. PRACTICAL nurse desires engagements, in valid, sick, maternity. Main 2U3, A 4775. Housekeepers REFINED. Christian woman would like light housework in .mall family. Call East 1524 Wednesday between hours of 8 A. M. and 5 f- ai GOOD healthy woman, with references, wish es housekeeping In city. $3 per week. Call Kegent tiotoi. j.oj -,x ' COMPETENT Swedish girl for cook or gen eral housework; wages $40. Phone Mar- hall WANTED Position by experienced hotel housekeeper. F 300. Oregonian. YOUNG widow, girl 8, desires housekeeping Main 203D A 4775. RESPECTABLE woman with daughter 17 desire, hou.ekeeplng. Main 2039, A 4775. V. LJMiftDAi:, SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. LADY from out of town would like home in private family as company for lady of the house: would be willing to work: would prefer to be In home with widow. Address AV 21. Oregonlam Domestics. EXPERIENCED girl wants nouseworis wm small family of adults on East Side: best, nf ,,fr,nlipii Phone afternoon. Sellwood Tar. EXPERIENCED girl desires family second work, wages $30- Main 20.Hi. A 4775- Miscellaneous. YOUNG woman, experienced nurse and housekeeper, wants nursing or housekeep ing for gentleman or work In camp or Summer resort. Address A 274. Oregonian. or phone Main S857 between 10 and !! A. M. GERMAN girl, can't speak English, wants general houseworK in oermau .aumj. Main 4.i A 2996. Catholic Women. Main 2451, Lea gue. ELDERLY woman wishes the care of chil dren at her home, between the ages of 3 and up. Mrs. Bonner, 821 Morris St. Phone East 2JSB. A REFINED, middle-aged lady wants posi tion as companion for elderly lady or couple. For particulars phone E. 5118. SCHOOLGIRL 17. will assist In refined fam lly. for room, board and small wages. AE EXPERIENCED Swedish cook wishes situa tion in private family. Address 962 Kerby street. . COMPETENT woman wants care of Infant. Main 2451. A 2906. Catholic Women s League. NORWEGIAN girl wsnts housework In fam ily with no children: North Side preferred, R 281, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position as assistant in household: refined and willing to work. AM 276. Oregonian. COMPETENT Swedish girl wishes position at genera! housework In small family. Wages $35. Phone Tabor 1904. EXPERIENCED restaurant cashier, under stands Kuhn system, also National cash register. F 209. Oregonian. LACE curtains, blankets, draperies laun dered. 25c up. called for, delivered. Phone Tabor 317. EXPERIENCED operator wants private switchboard. Call Marshall 2790, room 310 GERMAN lady wants day work Wednesday, . , T - : .1 . . 1"11. Cna, J 7 "i 1 nurpaay, r rmtj. i ii"c ....... WOMAN wants day work. Ironing, washing or cleaning. A l.a. WOMAN wanti: day work for Thursdays. Phone Main .mo YOUNG woman wants Ironing 1y hour; references given. Sellwood 1598; WOMAN want, work 2 to 4 hours a day. B 2487. EXPERIENCED woman wants house- cleanlng, z'c per nour. jauor ow. EXPERIENCED tailoring at home. Tabor A GOOD, experienced Japanese girl would like to do housework. Phone A 2202. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Live agent for Little Wonder gasoline lights; exclusive territory; sell, on sight: has merit of superior quality and simplicity. Little Wonder Light Co., Terre Haute, ina. WANTED Men or women for local and traveling agents; good salary: no expe rience needed. Vallamont, Yamhill and west para. PHOTO coupons, a winning otter lor agents. Sarony Studio. 846t4 Morrison. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. FURNISHED house for four adults; must be modern. Within two miles of Postofflce. Full particulars and phone in first let- ter. AM gl-. urcguin"" WE have tenants now waiting to rent first class houses and flats. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main 6869. 289 Wash. St. A 62i. WANTED 35 or 40 rooms, unfurnished; West Side preferred. 109 lSth st. North. near Gllsan. e'none aiain piuj. WANTED To rent or lease, house with from 1 to 8 acres of land. W. C. Smith, &3 Shaver St.. roniano, Room. With Board. WANTED TWO ROOMS AND BOARD BY THREE 'ADULTS. PRIVATE FAMILY PREFERRED. I. W. ROSENTHAL, 820 FOR mother and son. age 4, place that will be home, where child will be given best care, mother employed; best references. permanent. AM 273. Orgonlan. WANTED Someone In or near city to cars for refined boy of 10 years. Excellent ref erences AD 279. Oregonian. FOB RENT. Furnished RoomtA, HOTEL FOSTER, Second. Third and Davis Sta ' 200 outside room., steam heat, hot ana eold water and phone, in all room.; free auto 'bus. Special reduced Summer rates 10 per month and up. I STEADY ANDKTRANS1ENT ROOMS 847 Oak st., between 7th and i"ara. Right down town, modem, l e!5 rooms at specially low S ummer rates, by veek or month; your Inspection invited by the new landlady. Phone A 8087. Main 4150. Mrs- Robert Bettner. THE ARTHUR HOTEL, JUST OPENED. Eleventh between Morrison and Yam hill sts. Elegant furnishings and fixtures with every modern ool venlenee and com fort found in any hotel In the city, an outside ?2oms: tile bath.; -',?." dressing mirror in every room; butlful lobby and parlor; don't fall to inspect the Arthur before locating In Portland: rate, per month. $20 with detached bath. $25 with private patn; sunea 128 Thirteenth at., at W aahlngton, Suropean plan; new and modern, private or detached baths. Hot and cold running water. Telephone In every room. Steam heated. Very reasonable rate, to permanents A. first-class residential hotel, under the personal management of the owner, J. W. jjusnong. -1 , i r tt- t-.. i TrrVfT T.TVE? HOTEL CLIFFORD. European and American plan. Every modern convenience. All outside rooms. yLarge lobby. Grill in connection SPECIAL Sunday dinners from 2.30 to P. M. RATES: $3 per week and up. with private bath. $5.50. American plan, II per day and up. L 1 . Un4tnn niur Grand ave. t-ast mix m .. HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busl neri people; centrally located: elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor Tta. 1 block from Portland Hotel, ooslte Helllg Theater. Main 916. ISO Park st., very central, European and American plan; homelike .erylce in -ini-room at reasonable price; $1 European. J 1" American. Special rates per week. OCKLEY HOTEL. SBOU Morrison St., corner 10th. $8 and $3.50 up per week; neat, airy rooms. Including bath and phonea. J.0 ivira charge for two In a room. 1081 Twelfth st. Marshall 279a In heart of business district; steam heat, ' not and cold water, free phone in every room: 81 day and up; $4 week and up. HOTEL YORK. . Twelfth and Stark. Private or detached hatha hot and cold water in all rooms, the roost reasonable rates in city, to per- manent or n au...... trip, i ivnlt'.l.i. Larre pleasant front room.; eaay walk tnidlstance; all home convenience: $i V&O to per week. 88 4 th t Wain 5561- , THE G1LMORE. 181V4 10th. corner Alder. .n furnished rooms, some large froai wen -., ....Arnht,. dean, oulat nlaes Jot transient or permanent, 60o to 1 a day. P da! ratea by week. hotfl LA SALLE. 10th and Burn.lde sts. Absolutely fireproof: new and elegantly fTirnlshed rooms; private baths, steam ne!t hot and cold water, private phones in Vach room ; special rates by the month. in e4-" . u-ii -in J ii Phone aiaraiion TtlGHT DOWN TOWN. .,iii Seventh street. Calumet Annex; nice, large furnished rooms, very reason able rate , . Want K um. awwu " svw ?ln at a low rate? Try Hotel Larrabee, 21?A Larrabee st. East Side. East 849. TtTS KING 809 Jefferson, cheapest and best room, in city, modern, close to business center. $2-50 week up. rn outside rooms, steam heat, running wter; $250 week up. Stratton Hot.;, ad and Pine. " HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11TH ST. New strictly mouern. private oatns ana ...jtes:' rooms, $3.50 per week up. M. 9472- 7TT777- .i i location. $L25 and up. 162 syuiwii, - i-- .1 7, 1912. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. THB SARGENT HOTEL. Grand and Hawthorn Ave For rent, the finest corner parlor, bed room and bath suits in th city; larg rooms, beautifully furnl.hed, nine win dow fine view of all the mountain; alao son-e .Ingle room.: elevator .ervlce. tele phone, hot and cold water, electrip light and .team heat; moderate price for de sirable tenants; eight streetcar line paw the building. . The largest and coolest room in the '"if you are looking for perm anent. home like quarter, be sure and lnepect tn Sargent before locating. Excellent res taurant In connection with the hotel. Phone Bast 2SL J. H. CLARK. Proprietor. HOTEL ALMA. 12th Street. Bui .side to Stark Street. EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. Electric elevator. Hot and cold running water. Telephone in every room. Electricity and gar. Elegant furnishings; all outside room.: perfect service; courteous treatment ac corded all; investigate the Alma. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautiful furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOC'K. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 2184 4th St. 211H4thst. 207V4 4th st On Fourth t., running from Taylor to Salmon .; brand new brick; '?n' furnished; steam heat, private bath., hot and cold water in all rooms; strictly, up to date In all respects, and at PPa.la' prices. If you want something out of trie ordinary. In the heart of the city, at .rea sonable prices, give us a call, a we you will like It. Rooms by th day. weak or montn. Tourist trace Under new management. 625 Washington St. Large lobby, finished In mahogany, tile and marble; ladles' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone service In rooms ell night and day. electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort I. made for the comfort and convenience of Its guests, rent the most reasonable in the city rooms by the day, week or month. Look this over before locating. Take W car at Depot, get off at 10th and Washington. THE BEST accommodation In the city for the money can be had at the new. modern Hotel Byron. See for yourself. 210 7th at. HOTEL LENOX. Corner Third and Main St. Thoroughly modern and clean, ana eon. ducted as a first-class hotel, under the persona! supervision of the owners, spe cial rates by the week or month to oe irabl parties. HOTEL SAVOX. 181 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick building; steam heated, private bathe, hot and cold water In room.: beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see ua Regular and transient trade solicited. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 out side room, with hot and cold water and steam heat; offer, .pedal rate for per manent gueU; rate. 50c to $2 a day; . ', i ir ' Phnn, Main 8418. fo.ov oiiu up tret - " ROOMS for gentlemen, modern in every de- .... . una IT. Anrrlmrtn tail, noin pnunw. uvj Furnished Rooms In Private Family. LARGE well furnished room, modern, close to bath, plenty of hot water, also 1 single, reasonable and desirable, large shady porches and yard; a home place, walking . nm e I.' , . 1 aistance. jaain goiv. n-g ....- NICELY furnished rooms, free bath and tele- pnone; moaern iidubd, eJv'r Phone East 4939 or call 415 Halsey, even ings, NICELY furnished room In modern house. rerined iami:y, live minutes x,w,, rB ,, office, business gentleman. Marshall oioo PORTLAND HEIGHTS Furnished room suitable tor one or two is onucm, block from car. Main 4577. NICELY furnished room; modern conve niences, central, reasonable, 404 Clay, near 10th. VERY desirable furnished room suitable for one or two gentlemen, modern conven iences. Main leoi DKSIRABLE furnished room In modern steam-heated apartment, waiaing U""-. Very reasonapie. aiam in"- " ; .,,11. hie FKON i ana Dacs. l-1 " " a n at ror rentieJ, u. , x,.,w lain. NICE, pleasant front room for rent. Apply at 414 t. Morrison TWO large furnished rooms, modern con- i , .i , i ci-nA a Uariha I XH77. veuiencefl- oop x-icm.p- LARGE, clean, well-furnished front rooms, $2.50 up. 190 W. Park. Marshall 4925. NICE, clean rooms, $2 a week and up. 189 West park, near vammu. LARGE front room. $4 a week, two if de- slrea; patn, pnoins. t"- 2 NICE rooms, $6 and $8 per mo. 654 E. Morrison, r-none c um. $10 A MONTH, -neatly furnished room. phone and oatn. oo nnu xx ... ELEGANTLY furnished room in a swell prl vate nome, cioao n- i .,... j - - FOR RENT Furnished room; electric light, Dim ana unung. NICELY furnished large rooms, close In. 350 Jefferson st $2 TO $3 weekly; good rooms; attic L50; desirable location, ovo x-m F LIGHT outside room, close in. 860i4 First. $1.23 a week. SMALL front room, private, $8 per mouth. 90 N. nth. NICELY furnished rooms for one or two gentlemen: very rea.uuixm gn NEATLY furnished front room, within walk ing distance, inquuq p"i - ROOM for a gentleman In a strictly private jewisn lajniij. t"" $2 PER week for large room. 268 12th t- TJnfumlshed Rooms. FOR RENT 3 rooms and sleeping-porch, all new and modern. $22. including furnace heat, light, water, phone and wood to cook witn. r-nono ,t .. - LARGE unfurnished room. $7 per month including light and water. 666 Hoyt st near zist UNFUP.N,SHED rooms. 20TV 2d cor. Taylor. Room and Board. THE PARK VIEW. 886 Montgomery St.. cor. West Paj rk. High-class family hotel, everything new. modern and up to date, with Pr'vat re creation grounds, home-like, with large, light, airy room, at popular price. Call ana convince tuutu. DOES a home appeal to you? IHEWHITB- HAiiL, cor. oin j." " - bath, broad veranda; quiet, close In. near car; 4 block, from P. O. American plan. THE LAMBERSON. 854 Couch Very de sirable outside rooms: steam heat, run ning water; witn or wmwm - FURNISHED 3-room front apartment for -,. . w-i Vnl-vliiMkr. 410 Har- w inter. rison. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 28d year. t.w l. n ,,aa nt Awlnrr-room. 11- brary. 510 Flanders. Mra E. N. Wilson, sup. MANITOU. 261 lith 2'lI(MUff rooms, steam ucixt. i BEAUTIFUL front rooms for 2. first-class table boarq. i ne raix, on x p.. ROOMS and flrst-clas. table board, home cooking. $6 and $7 week, f lreproof build- rg. pay, urnna a .w.- -..--. THEJ HAZEL Furnished rooma with board. . - h. kail 3ftA Kn a I runmn, unci, aicuta " CHOICE rooms with board, home cooking. reasonaoie. oa pnwinin". Rooms With Board In Private Family. PRIVATE boarding-house. $10 E. 8th, near Hawthorne ave. Room and board. $5.50 per week: board. 4.2S per week; Scandl navlan and Oregon home cooking. GOOD board and room for one or two, w-alkl ing distance, $J0 per month. Phone East 43JS. TWO pleasant rooms, large porch and -rounds: excellent board. Main 207L LARGE front room and board, suitable for two. 650 Kearney. jnnii xp..,. FURNISHED room, and board, reasonable fjuD . oaa. tu. - s BOARD and room. 8J8 10th st. Phone Main 97. too PLEASANT front room, all new mod ern conveniences. 88 17th, near Everett. MODERN room with board. 204 N. 22d. be tween Kearney ami x.ocjuj. txov. DANDY front room; everything modern; only young people m mimi, WANTED to board a little girl from 6 to 8 years. Phone Sellwood 695, . AUGUST FOR RENT. Room With Board in private Family. ROOM and board In pleasant, modern home, on lower heights, splendid place for Sum mer, fine view, large veranda, walking dis tance, home privileges; young ladles pre ferred. Marshall 2438. LARGE front room for two with good board, hot, cold water. 484 Salmon, cor. 12th. ' ROOM, board, two gentlemen, private fam ily. 576 Ladd ave.. near Hawthorne. East 2333. DO the comforts af home appeal to youT If so. call at 57 Trinity Place; modern, newly furnished; heme cooking. LOVELY front room, one or two people, board, modern conveniences, walking dis tance, best home cooking. Main 8280. Apartments. THE WHEELDON. , Cor. Park and Taylor St. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon St. Walking Distance. Furnl.hed complete. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments: buildings new and strictly modern; service first-class. THE ORLANDO. 20TH AND WASHINGTON STS. UNQUESTIONABLY FINEST LOCATION IN THE CITY. 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, pos sessing every modern convenience, private telephones, elevator service. excellent closetroom. laundry with steam dryer. Most attractive entrance court In Port land. , Select clientele provides precisely the surroundings desired for your family. RATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON ABLE TO BE FOUND. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 13th and Taylor. Just completed most magnificent fur nished apartments In the Northwest, lo cation perfect: rental, reasonable: every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden; both phones In all apartments; high-class service; references required. Main 2276 and A 7057. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving eta; Ihis new 4-story brick now open: fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 8 and 4-room sutteai reception hall, electrlo automatle levator. Holme, disappearing bed., built in buffet and writing deak, gsa range. Ice bog, plenty of closet room., both phonea vacuum cleaner free to patrona If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phone. A 1744. Marshall 296L THE AMERICAN. Meet up-to-date apartment In the Northwest; every convenience; 4 2 a room, all outside sunny rooms: "new; walking distance, 21st and Johnson .ta; choice residence district; attendant on premise Marshall B38Q. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Largest and finest apartments on the Pacific Coast: in Trinity Place, Just off Washing ton, between 19th and 20th sts.. In heart of apartment-house district; modem In every particular; high-class service; re fined clientele; sleeping porches In every apartment; furnished and unfurnished; price, right; reference. required. See Mra A. N. Wright, .uperlntendent. Mar- snau xxui. NAKOMIS Marshall, near 17th at. New building, never been occupied; ra.e. $20 and up. One unfurnished, $ia. ARDMAY TERRACE. 12th and Harrison sta Largest 2-room apartment in the city. . , ALTON I A. Marshall and 19th ts. Large, airy, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. NEWLY furnished The Upshur, 2th and Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments, $15. $18, $20 and up. This Includes steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electric lights, gas ranges, laundry-room, all free, also 8-room unfurnished apartments, with priv.,. bath. $18; 4 room. $20 Take S ma Or W Ctvra norm. x imi-o GRANDESTA GRAND AVE. AND BAST &TA.Rat 8T UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New brick building, newly furnished; private phone and bath In each apartment; . . 1 1. I dlalinia Hum- elevator ac i vim, naiaiua " - msr rates $22.60 and up. Phone East 7DU THE WASHINGTON. 689 Northrup St., near 21st; 5-room unfurnished apartment, with all modern conveniences, bath, telephone, gas range, refrigerator, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas. electric light Janitor ervlce, etc. Take W car to 21st and North rup. Phone. Main 4376. A 1133. THE HOUSMAN, 730 Hoyt t. Elegantly furnl.hed 8-rootn comer apartment, all out.lde rooms, light and airy, large porch, surrounded by lawn and flower, q.ulet and exclusive; refer ences. TUP IX.- IT T (T A T . T . '410 Fifth, corner Hal!. Under new management; light, airy. 8 and 4-room apartments; every modern convenience and automatic elevator. $37.50 to $40; references; furnished and unfur- nisnea. Lueretla St., Near 23d and Wash. Unfurnished apartments, from two to five rooms, all large, light and outside: large closets, hardwood floors; under new management. Marshall 1513. Janitor, Mar shall 1500. SUMMER RATES. A newly-furnished $-room apt-. $2J.50; all outside, large, light, airy rooms, private phone, bath, gas range, refrigerator, water heater, laundry trays, large closets, on carllne. Tabor 2293, B S04L THE! DE7EXDORF, 208 16TK STREET, NEAR TAYLOR. Handsomely furnished or unfurnished 6-room apartments; every modern con venience; pleasant surroundings; conve nient 1 yiocateotocarrt CUMBERLAND APT8.. W. Park and Colum bia sts.; very choice I and 8-room fur nished and unfurnished apts., all modern conveniences, beautiful location, facing the park; 6 minutes' walk from business cen ter ; best service. Prices reasonable. THE GLENDORA. 19TH AND COUCH. One block from Washington; housekeep ing apartments, single or en suite; reas onable: also furnished rooms, large par lor, wlthaplano, billiard and poolroom fres to guests; also large iawu. Two and three-room apartments; large rooma large closets; strictly modern, cool and airy for Summer; reduced ratea Phone Main 7756. 685 Lovejoy st. Take W Car. " THE PARKHURBT. N. 20th and Northrup St. MAX KAUFMAN. MANAGING OWNER. Furnished 8 and 4-room apartments, all outside rooms, balcony to every suite. REFERENCES. PHONE I" 1178. ALM1RA 8, and 5-room apartments, 14th and Salmon sts.; excellent location; very desirable for home comfort; hlgh-clas. in ever" respect. A few more desirable ten ants wamicu. "tj rDf'If ATP ARTMKNT8- Beautlfully furnished 2-room apt., new. modern, bath, dressing-room, reasonable. 110 21st st. North. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, park and Madison Sts. For rent, 8 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; striotly modern. LILLIAN APTS., 6th and Montgomery, 2 and 8. room furnished, modern all outside rooms 7 minutes' walk to business center. Phone Marshall 1378. HARTFORD A BUCK. 21st and Flanders, 3-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished, electric ele vator modern. uw management- Take W car. LINCOLN APTS.. COR. 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside 2-room epartments; Holmes beds bullt-ln writing desks, vacuum clean er Janitor service. $22.50 to $80, Including lights, private phonea A 3472. Main 1377. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, 16th and Everett 2. 8 and 4 room, unfurnished, private baths; $20 up; completely reno vated, under new management; walking . . -,.n...lsnl a n H heat, anrvli-a THE SHEFFIELD 8-room apartments with Pith. 3 Murphy concealed beds and Pa cific "phones In each; outside rooms, splen did arrangement, superb location, near P. O. Best service. n i tii. cur jetierson. 11--.-CTHV 1P1R TU KVTB 841 14th St.. at Market, new corner brick, 2-room suites, completely furn'shed for housekeeping; walking distance; prices reaaonauie. for iumiuivu a.,, .mq imi THE MEREDITH, 712 Washington st. 3. 8 ana i-rwm .. . ' r " every convenience, newly furnished; cheap est reuv in w -1 lBCXVXi-X.ty X 1U ftXk X XI Cfa X D. East 7th and Morrison its. Very central; 2 and 8-room apartments, furnished, com plete; private bath; from $20 to $32.50. . . .11 l.'l T. t' IDlDTItrU" THE FLORENCE. Beautifully furnished outside 3-room apartment, roof garden, walking distance. 888 11th. Marshall 4174- HADDON HALL, 11th and Hall 2. 3, 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; modern; hardwood floora private balconies; Summer rates. iriici uiDi.tinDriniiti S and 6-room apartments; choice resi dence district, walking distance; every con- . '11 anri irianHar, Ma J In TM veniaumq. axa. . " KINGSBURY Apartment. 1S( Ford at., near Washington Elegant new brick building, complete and modern; private balconies; best OI gerviCO, o luvma nuia unm. THE KING-DAVIS, corner King and Davis sta 8 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; references. THE BRYN-MAWR APARTMENTS, 1(5 E. 15th, near Yamhill; fin 4-room apart ments, with porch. FOB RENT. Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartment from 2 to 6 rooma from $20 to 60 per month. If you want one, telephone. On Sundays or .... Main 2015 Evenings call A 2013 Mr. Berry. Main 2181. Our automobile will call at ny ddres with our agent who will b glad to how these opertments. We own or control the following: Angela, Washington and Trinity Place, Cecilia. 22d and GHsan sts. Claypool, 11th a-sd Clay st. Fordbam. 170 Ford st. Grandest. Grand ave. and East Star. Hanthorn, !51 12th st near Main. Hanover. 166 King St.. near Washington. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near 111. Sheffield. 272 7th St., near Jefferson St. Croix. 170 St. Clair St.. near Wash. St. Francis. 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington. 15th and Everett MORGAN. FL1EDNER A BOYCB. 502-506 Ablngtoc Bldg; THE IONIAN COURT lSth and Couch sts., near Washington. 8 and 4-room modern apartments, all outside rooms, free phone, heat, olevator service, paneled dining-room, etc., walk Ing distance, $:0 to $35. THE ST. CLAIR T15 Wane St.. near King. One block south of Washington, 6 larfte room apartment, bullt-ln modern conn lenres. view nf city, walking distance, beautiful surroundings. $50, THE GARDNER East 1.1th and East Ash sts. 5-room apartment, all light rooms, hnllt In conveniences, fireplace, buffet, etc; good neighborhood; rent $:!.". THE PORTXOM AFT East 13th and East Taylor t. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, new build ing, modern, bullt-ln conveniences, hsril wood floors, sleeping porch, free phone, etc.. $17 to $27.50. Rent your apartment from us now and Summer rates will be good all year. See Janitor on premises or call THE FRBD A. JACOBS CO.. Msln H-Wi. 2H9 Wa-h. st. A 626T. CARMELITA Jefferson and 13th Streeta 4 and 5-room furnished and unfurnished apartments, exceptionally well arranged. Rates Reasonabla Modern. Reference New. CHIDREN WELCOMB. HOWARD APARTMENTS, LARr.B PLAYGROUND. 228 N. 20TH: FUR N I SHED; MODERN. MARSHALL 2Q27. .-,,!.- Trvu ' 9Sr. lOTTt 1 III- I. Ill.l I..... ...... -" " --. - - - - , 2 8 and 4-room apartments; new brlcK building: new furniture. Marshall B6..8. THE WINDSOR. 2 and 3 front corner rooms, furnished or not. beautiful porches, walk ing distance, cor. E. 14th and Yamhill. KEELER APTS., 14th and Clay Beautiful 3 and 4-room unfurnished apartments, new brick bldg.: electric elevator; references. THE ONEONTA Completely furnished 1 - . . I X . '1 .1 ana s-room priiucMi i,ij . a-, per month; all convenience. 187 17th St. THE LEONCE. 186 N. 22d. near Johnson New, modern brlok; 2 and 3-room beeu tlfully furnished apartment: $22.ai0 up. HEINZ APARTMENTS. " 14th and Columbia sts. 2, 8 and 4 room, furnished and unfurnished; modern. THB AVALON. comer Clackamas and Ross; 8 and 4-room apartments; new. modern 3 story brick building. Phone East 8172. THB ORMONDE Nice light 4-room apart ments, either furnished or unfurnished. 656 Flanders St.. Nob Hill. Main K'51. THE DR1CKSTON, 448 11th. Nloely furnished a and 8-room modern outside apts.. near 7. . . a W VY-I , - U.,ahall T xieignta. man. - ... .,a- ROSE FK1"'U CUI. nu ava.aa v.,,..U,. at Very desirable unfurnished apartments; all outside rooms; hardwood floors; refa THE BIRMINGHAM 890 12th i7 Mar- shall 484. 8-room, furnished; walking dis- tance. JULIETTE Furnished and unfurnished 3 rooms. Cor. 2d and Montgomery. THB ALAMO, 494 Market St.. furnished and unfurnished apta Phone Marshall 4660. ' " IRIS. COR. 3D AND MILL. 4 and 5 large rooms; modern. THE LAURETTE. 1 furnished 3-room apart nient: private bath and phone. 229 11th s. LOVEJOY Apts.. 17th and Lovejoy. Main 215. 2 and 3-room furnished apta, modern. THE PARK APARTMENTS. 853 Harrison st. Phone Marshall 8070. Plata 1RVINGTON FLAT. New, strictly modern. 4-room flat. 4tr E 8th st N., hardwood floor, sleeping porch, tile bath, fireplace. tine front porch, large closets and disappearing bed: rent $30. V. E. Bowman A Co., 22d nd Brazee. E. "3ft. t- ILE.L.1 I" a. jv a .ui a-a a- ... All outside rooms, 6 In number, wslklng distance. West Side and In a "Plendl.l residence district; price, Including phone and water. $45 per month; snap. - r-,-. v-T c u C T"a TTT IT I 1-1 ta M1AIV-PK.au ,. . ... 102 4th St. Phone Main 35. A 3500- UPPER 4-room flat: fireplace, modern; also 3-room flat, first floor; gas ranges, built in beds, buffets, bookcases, water Included, $20 per month; located S2d and Alder. East Side. See Sawtall & Ptaub. 3-d and Belmont, pnone xaoor " FOR desirable tenant, only 0-r00kr"unS floor front and back porch with small yard; good location; modern. Call Main 1WI9. NEWLY furnished flat, modern In every way; one block from Washington Hlirll School- rent reasonable. 571 E. Morrison st. Phone E.aat anv. 5-ROOM apartment, sunny, .airy; nice porches, front and back; good yard, gas range, steam heat, hot and cold water. 6b 7 cast Main. FLAT for rent, with some furniture for sale cheap; handy to carllne. 160Vi E. 25th st. Tabor 2Jl. FOUR room, upper part of house, use of bathroom, running water gas. water and garbage tree, iia. aiv aa...., ..... a. . NEW. modern 6-room flat, fireplace, gas range, furnace, cooling closet, freo water. WalKing OIBtmaa-c. x.aaa,a FOR RENT Modern 7-room flat, furnace and fireplace. 444 ii Park -. $37.60; no children. EIGHT-ROOM UDper flat, m5rni.,-'"lHlS:j' Everett. Sheehy Broa. Phone Main 8073. A 2410. MODERN 4-room lower corner flat. West Side, ClOSe in. jninaa Paaaa. LOWER FLAT furnished with lawn and trees, 130. rnone nwiii. MODERN 6-room flat,-426 Sixth SL Apply 426 1-aC Hixtn oa. FLAT of 0 rooms and .bath. 731 Hoyt st- Inquire tao on sa- x aa.. S-ROOM modern flats, unfurnished. Inquire n... a. i,-. t Phnna Main 516. j-iO Jl.ia.1 ncv " MODERN 4-room . ne" .J?0 .W,V-V Ington t.; resaonable. Main 1883. A 181$. MODERN 6-room upper flat. 368V. 18th. In- qulre 455 Market. . $32 50 Desirable flat. 6 rooms, attic, yard. ' a iaia.1 Clriaa. Main 4220. porcnara. a,.--. FLAT of room and bath. 731 Hoyt u Inquire 130 6th st. Phone Main ; NICELY furnished corner (tat; piano; walk ing dlstanc-. 461 Vj 6th. or. carllne. Housekeeping Rooms. fHE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Fur nished for housekeeping; gaa range, elec tric light, hot wter, bath, laundry free, $12 per month up; a clean place; best In the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot Take S or ieth-.U car. north: get oft at Marshall st- No doga THE UPSHUR. 26th and Upshur sta Fur nished 2-room apartments $15 up. Includ ing steam heat, hot and cold water In every apartment, public bath, e'eotrl. lights, gas range, laundry-room, ail free. Take 8. 23d or W cars north. Phone Main 859. . . , -. i-- ipanTultVTa 150 N. 19th St., Nob Hill District. I-Toom living apartment, well furnished, also single sleeping room. bath, phone, walking distance: homelike: lowest rate; must De seen au up i h- -. NEATLY furnished 2-room housekeeping suite: sink, bath and gas free, electric light and phone, walking distance 372 East Clay, corner Uulon. off Hawthorne, .. .. i . T-V. rtnafn.A reaSOnaUie IPiaa. a.ao aaa. ........ SL50 TO $3 per week; clean, cool furnished housekeeping room.; free laundry, bath, phone, yard, gas; suitable for 3 or 4. 406 anCOUVer ave. anu a-UJ PHainuit aa- w. ' FURNISHED room with kitchen and ath. In modern apartment on Trinity Place, suitable for business woman. Marshall 7-3. THE MILNER. 850y4 Morrison, furnished or unfurnished housekeeping apartments; all conveniences; close in: Summer ratea CAMBRIDGE bldg.. furnished, unfurnished housekeeping rooms; central, cheap. Room 86. 8d and Morrison. VERY large furnished housekeeping. $250 a week: uit tf up. viyi pa-r-a. HOU6EKEEPING ROOMS. Rent reasonable, 2404 Holladay ay.. 2 blka Steel Bridge. 461 EAST Morrison, cor. 8th; furnished 2 room housekeeping .ulte., reasonable. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room housekeeping and single rooms: transients solicited, 191 14th. ira-ai-uc-v-c-irr'Txvi ROOMS: single rooma $1.50 per week. $2.23 suite. 291 2d st. Housekeeping Room In Private Family. I 118 TWO connecting furnlnhcd hnusekeep- I ing rooms, with electric light. 651 E. Mor- J rlson. f BEAUTIFUL large room, with kitchenette. also parlor suite. 00 aa. NBIWLY furnished sleeping and housekeep ing rooms; walking distance. 3SB 8d st. 0