15 THE MORNIXG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 7, 1912. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES lMllv Mr HnDdlT. Per tin. rtnm ffrriM ItC 8a me sid two eoDSeaflTS time .....te flame ad three consecutive time SOo Same ad six or swell consecutive times. . 6tro The above ralea apply to advertisement nnder "X Today" and all other classifica tions except tire following: Situation Wanted. 311 Situations W anted. Female. For Knit. Rooms, Private Families, Kooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Kooms. Private Families. When one advertisement is not run In con urntlra h ane.time late aDDlieS. Six ' words count as one line on cau ad vertisements and no ad counted for less than two lines. Oregonlan will accept classified advertlse ments over the telephone, providing: the ad vertiser I. a subecrllier to either pbons. No firiceo will be quoted over the pbone, but tin trill Im rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisement will be accepted over the phone depends noon the promptness or tne payment 01 irwiiuoiw wi vrrtlMmuiti. situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one inser tion only will be accepted for "Houses for Rent." "Furniture for sale." "Business Op portunities." "Koomins-Uouses" and W anted to Rent." In New Today, all advertisements are charted by measure only, 14 lines to the wen. Remittances must accompany ont-of-towa orders. MEETING NOTICES. B. P. O. ELKS NO. 142. Members are re quested to meet In the lodge rooms this Wednesday afternoon. 1:15 o'clock, whence thy will proceed In a body to the undertaking parlors of Dunning McEntee for the pur pose of conducting the funeral services of our lste brother. C. M. Culler, member of Fan Bernardino Lodge. No. 836. Visiting brothers invited to attena. rty oruer the E. R. M H. iifAlibUiaUi WASHINGTON- LODGE. NO. 4. A. F. AND A. M- Statea communication this (Wednesday) . ... .. . , w.ti ir..t ..veiling - jirtwii" ....... T Eighth and Burnslde streets, at 7:30 o clock. M. 31. oeirca v i itors welcome. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 4 A F. AND A. M. Stated communication this fWedneeday) evening. 7:30. East Eighth and Burnalde. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. J. H. RlCHnUU. secretary. v M CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. No. 84. iV7 O E. S. Members are requested to meet at Masonic Temple. West B'' park and Tamhill streets, today. V IP. M. sharp, to conduct the fun eral services of Sister Mary Rouse of BJ vler Chapter. No. 2S9. of Bevler. Mo. By HENRIETTA McCABE. Sec ROTAL CIRCLE. 52. W. OFW-. will give a whist snd "Sou" social at their hall. 128 Eleventh street. Wednesday evening. Au gust 7. Prizes. Dancing. yHnrarii or chestra. COMMIT its,. PALESTINE LODGE. NO. 141. A. J AND a M Stated communication this (Wednes day) evening. S o'clock, at W. O. HtJ!j Arleta. Work in E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. GEO. T. HOWARD. Secretary. . ORIENT LODGE, No. 17. I. O. O. F Regul.tr meeting tonight (Wednesday). Vis itor, invited to be wUh us. terrt PIED. WEST In this city. Aug. B. at the family residence. ..nr. Hoyt St.. Mrs. Minnie K. West, aged 67 years. 2 months. Si days. Announcement of funeral later. WEST August 8. Mrs. Minnie K. West, at the family residence. 563 Hoyt street. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES RUST The funeral services of the late William Bradley Rust will be held at Flnley s chapel it 1 P. M. today. Wednes day, interment Rose City Cemetery. Services private, ROUSE The funeral services of the late Mra Mary T. Rouse will be held today (Wednesday) at 2 P. M.. at the family residence. 1006 East Stark st. Interment at Mount Scott rark Cemetery. JOHNSON The funeral services of .the 'ate Hans V. Johnson will bs hold today . (Wednesday) at 2 P. M.. at the family residence. S03 46th ave. S. E. Interment at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. WTLSON The funeral of the late H. W. Wilson will be held today (Wednesday) at 10 A. M-. at the family residence at Lents. Interment at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. MEMORI XS Portland Marble Works. SB4 4th. opposite City Hall. Estab. 166. MONUMENTS Otto Schumann Marbls Works, tast sa ana ruw p . .... uShtfMSV 1. 1 rl 1 n tn. aik. x.i"wjn .............. . r : . - - neral director and undertaker, 22a Third it, corner Salmon. Lady assistant. . Unnnlng McEntee. Funeral III rectors, 7th and Pine, Phone Malo 430. ldy at tendant. UH ICO QI tomij .. . . n ri so.A II' 1 1 1 1 u mm a. '-Vf r ". j -..-7. i . rhone fcast meo. . tw. e.v v iSTft 1H anil IIhiIIml Lady attendant. Phone Main 9. A ljaa. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, snceeasora to F. 6. Dunning. Inc.. E. 6S. B 2S. XEBCH, Undertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth. East 7H1. B 188. Lady attendant. SKEWES COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Mala 4151. A 232 L Lady attendant. CEMETERY Beautiful Mount Scott Park rort land's Perpetual Care Cemetery. One Mile Southeast Lenta. Large, permanent, picturesque, mod ern. Perpetual care without extra charge. Prices moderate; service ex cellent; every convenience In use, in cluding large luxuriously furnished rest rooms for visitors. Reached by Mount Scott and Cazadero cars. Free auto service. Both phones. City office. 920-921 Yeon Bldg. LONE FIR CEMETERY 500 choice lots and single graves on new ground for sale. Office 206 Commercial Blk. Telephone Main 49S9. ff TODAY. $7000.00 WANTED ln acres close to Portland. Worth I2A.O00 cash. Want release clause. ber of Commerce. $50,G00 Equity to Exchange What have you to trade for J50.OO0 equity In a rood income apartment property worth IS0.0OO? Will accept a good ranch or othor real estate near Portland. DORR E, KEASEY & COMPANY, - " ' Second Floor, Eichamte Dept., Chamber of Commerce Bids. CH AS." KI PPER, 1 vAp,riRi-ow Zy A TKI ST CO, fly Third Floor Cham- ) MORTGAGE LOANS On first-class improved city property. & to 7 per cent. Farm Loans. A. H. BDIRELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. Glisan Street Near 23d 80x100 with good old nine-room house, on GliKan. near Twenty-third. Price JSH0O, about halt caah. GRrSSI A HOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bid 4th and Oak. V CITY & FARM LOANS Any amount at current rates. Bnlldera Loana. JOHN H. CKO.VAN, 803 Spaldtns Bids. Portland. Or. KEW TODAY. Over 3000 Feet Deep Water Frontage on west bank of Willamette River, north .of Portland Less Than $15 Front Foot This is a snap. See Morgan CHAPIN - HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Com. A SNAP AT u Seaside, Oregon" "NEW LOCKSLEY HALL" 3 stories. 36 rooms, completely furnished, four fireplaces, four private baths. Bus and harness cost $700. Dining-room overlooks the ocean. The prounds are beau tiful, being 50x100. This popular resort is known all over the Coast as the best family hotel in Oregon. It will pay you to investigate. PRICE $10,000 GOOD TERMS Inquire 903 Yeon Building Marshall 1456 12 ACRES elx miles from Portland, one mile from station. Level land on fine road. per acre. Terms. - MOODY LAXD CO, 101 Cham, or Com. Bids. Main 37. FOR FIRE INSURANCE SEE n WARD A YOUNGER, Snite 426 Yeoa Bids;, Mala 752S. A 4274. Mortgage Loans t8e,0 aad Over m CEJTTRAI, BUSINESS PROPRRTT. LOHK1I tlHUKST RATES. WM. MAC MASTER TO! Corbett Bids. Fearey Bros. We Discount Unsecured Notes Signed by Kesponstbie parties. 603 Worcester Bids;. COLLIS, BERRIDGB A THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BRUBAKEK A BENEDICT. 503 McKay t!ri M. 549. R-1c William O.. S1B-311 Fatllna bids. Chaplo A Harlow. 8S2 Chamber of Commarc COOK. x. t. (jo., ous i.oroeu uiui. Jennings A 4.J.. Main 188. 206 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. 0-06-06 Wilcox bids. The oreson Real Estate Co.. Grand aya at Moitnoman au (uouaaay auuhiou.j REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. BEACTIFCL HEIOHTS LOT. 60x120 Feet. Will sell on easy terms, or will build to suit purchaser; one of the most beau tiful lota on the Heights; grand view ot the entire city, can never be obstructed; one block from car and only 12 minutes from 5th and Washington eta.; best resi dence district in the city. FOR FIVE DAYS ONLY, $2500. Terms; or will build to suit. Seeing Is believing. AD 27. OREGON IAN. THINK THI3 OVER. (3200 house and lot for fiOOO. payable 120 monthly, without Interest or taxes. If you are In the market for a home. 1 will show you how you can jet It on the above terms and prices. W 204. Ore gonlan. 1 handle . PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Both high-class and cheap pro party, and I have the bargains In this district; If yoa want to buy to advantage on Port land Heighta you will have to sea ma. Marshall 482T. BROOKS'. A 3, FOUR LOTS IN ROSE CITY PARK H00 That I can sell on terms of $10 down and 110 per month. Investigate. Call Q. P. Lyle, Main 9444. A 303. DID YOU SEE MY NAME In the delinquent tax Hat? Well, I've got to get the money to pay thoae taxea and will sell 100 by 100 corner, valued at Iiao. for S30: but It must bs all cash. R S'9. Uregonisn. A SNAP Lower Alblna. corner Goldsmith and Mississippi ave., 1000 below market price. n cash, terms to suit. 2 lots and frartlon. 4 houses, also seavtew lots on easy terms. Garibaldi Beach. Address owner. P. Bchranta. Roekaway. Or. ROSE CITY PARK Several well located east front lots In this high-grade district for sale with all improvements paid for; on terms of .0 down and 110 monthly. AR ad. Ore- sonlan. (10 DOWN. 11 WEEK THIS BEATS IT. My quarter block, price 25, central East Side adjoining fine homes. Be fare; von get deed; balance B years to pay. Writs owner. L 260. Oregonlsn. IRVIVGTON location A few choice lots 50x 160. to be sold at I7J each, en easy terms to close an eatata. laesv s.ttorney, 414 Bpaldlng- building. MT. TABOR. 50xlll. west slope, handy to Belmont carlina. choice view, near the park, easy terms. Harrison, owner. Qerllnger bldg. -r-.-r a vrnr T TT rr I have 3 lota in Roae City I will sell for 10 down and 10 per month. Phone early Main 9444 or A 33B3. R. M. Riuer. ...... - ii . A -C TUP MllVET Will sell my 60 by 100 lot, vslus 00. for SHOO; must bs all cash. R 2f8. Ore gonlsn. 64 2-3x100, HAWTHORNE AVE.. $2400. N. E. cor. 61st. all cash. Fred W. Ger man, 436 Cham, of Com. Main B44?. LOTS 3 and 4, block 21, Counell Crest Park, for sale by owner at big bargain. AU XiO, uregonian. Beach Property. FINE lot at Ocean Park. $300. Call after Monday. Sellwood 8T4. For Sale Hous PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and attic; well built, conve nient, strictly modern, among fine horaea: very large grounds, with beautiful trees and gorgeous unobstructed view; one block from car; S0500, tortus. Marshsll 4827. BROOKE. A $S$9. BUILT FOR A HOME. Must sell my new bungalow In Haw thorne district; handsomely finished, built in effects, hardwood floors, convenient In every way: near a good school. $2700. with good cash psyments. Call Main 800T- $U00 will buy a new, modern bungalow Just completed. 20 minutes from the center of the city, on good oarline; terms. $150 eash. balance $20 per month. Full Information at 414 Bpaldlng ouuaing, CORNElt, East 28th and Oregon; fractional lot; modern 6-room house, full eemsnt basement, furnaee, fireplace, buffet, fix tures, shades, etc.; terms. Phone owner, East Z7AO. I.,.-v nrwnit nw Restricted district, easy terms, up-to-dste sll respects: 2 ears lot BOxlOO: sleeping porch; oak floors: B-ft. beveled buffet. Phone owner. Main 4144, mornings. "FOR FINE HOME see veionuDi. FOR SALE Fine 6-room house, good loca tion, fiellwood 1U REAL ESTATE. For Bale Rouses. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. 6 -room house, new. modern, 200 feet to car; lot 00x100, close In, excellent ' neighborhood; (3750, easy terms. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, bungalow style; just completed; all built-in con veniences and strictly up to date; east front; 200 feet to car. In Lsurelhurat; $5250. terms to suit. 8 rooms and sleeping porch; new, dou ble construction, excellent finlah, beamed and paneled dlnlnr-room, flreplacS, fur nace and all built-in conveniences, plas tered ossement, fruit and vegetable rooms; 2 large rooms can bs finished on third floor; (JSOO, small cash payment. 4 rooms In excellent suburb, restrictions; built-in conveniences; large rooms, fire place, electric fixtures and tinting in cluded In price, (2250. 3 rooms and bath, corner lot 100x100; fine view of Tualatin Valley. West Side; 2 blocks to csr, 15 minutes to Postoffice; walks, graded streets and water; $2300, (200 cash will handle it. balance like rent. Beautiful T-room bungalow, all modern and built-in effects: finished in white ensmsl; large basement and furnace; large den or music-room and breakfast rooms: east front; all street improvements in. Near car. (5250. Large, beautiful residence, T rooms and sleeping porch and attlo, large Dutch kitchen: two fireplaces; Isrge lighted clos ets; eaat front; all street Improvements In. Near car, 18250. .. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 2d Floor, Belling Bldg. Main 1SO0. A 6281. SEE THIS FIRST. (2SO0 $200 CASH. BALANCE EASY. This modern bungalow bss 5 lfK rooms on ground floor; second floor has been partitioned for three more good Bleed rooms, or csn be left as It la for attic; has fine cement basement, cement foundation, street irrsded. -electric wired, fine level lot 50x100. restricted district, surroundings everything to be desired, j blocks from good ear service: was built by day labor snd not a cheap corner in It: if you are in the market for a home, don't overlook this. See Mr. Fosselman. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE TRUST COMPANY. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW Located on one of the most sightly lots on the West Side, overlooking the city, river and mountains, with its rough tim ber and low rambling- effect, porches, per gola snd fountsln so popular in Southern California. The seven rooms carry out the builder's color schemes and designs to the satisfaction of the most fastidious iiome hunter, and at the remarksbly low price of $8800: terms "if desired. Take Portland Heights car to Council Crest ave., walk two blocks east to Chehalem ave., and Mt- Adams drive, or phone Tony G. Anderson. Marshall 553. bUiSUAliUW DM.mrn.o- Very swell 8-room bungalow; furnsce, fireplace, doubly constructed; polished floors, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, in fact nothing mlssslng to make a complete home; also includes linoleum, rugs, gas range and draperies: on a corner lot. 33 1-3x100, with all street improvements paid; price a snap, $3750. $500 to $1000 cash and $20 per month; on Wasco St.. Holladay Park Add., close In. Ask for Mr. Zadow, with 318 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR THE MAN WITH MODEST CAPITAL. 9imiu A line. new. ujj-iiru.i. ..... .. 5-room house, good cement basement, ce ment walks around house, fine soil and level lot 40x125. alley, near car and school, nice location. (300 cash, balance $13 per month and Interest; this Is hard to beat. See Mr. Fosselman. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE A TRUST COMPANY. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. PIEDMONT HOUSE, $400O. -room attic, fireplace, buffet, paneled dining-room, cement basement with ce ment floor; paved street and alley. Come In and learn about the easy terms. BLAUSON-CRAIG COMPANY, 9Ai rtmlr fit. Main 9444. A 8383. FOR SALE by owner. 8-room house, suitable tor two xamuic-q, vjw ..... -ner. lot 80x100. at Arbor Lodge. S. E. corner Greeley and Portland Boulevard, on St Johns carllne. 1 will sell this nne property at sacrifice, as am going to leave the country. Price only $3000. $1500 down. Come and take look at It. The best bar gsln in the city. IRVINGTON. RESPONSIBLE person can buy on easy terms a 7-room thoroughly modern new house near Irvington Tennis Club, with hardwood floors up and downstairs, sleep Ine porch; all finished In white enamel and mahogany: -lirect from owner. For particulars address rt ureguuwi 8-ROOM modern house on 4 big lots wlta shade trees ann guoa "";. ' - to keep chickens, a fine view, close to rood car service; a fine little coxy home, on West Side. Investigate this; It Is worth the trouble. The price is $18O0 with terms to suit; sidewalks in. AL -JS. Oregonlan $2850 BUYS a 6-room house, celled, water. Data, toilet, r. , streets, on Skldmore, close to - Union, terms. 6es Hodge. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE TRUST COMPANY. Third Floor Chamber ot Commerce. t Trooun E. 85TH STREET. 6-roora Built for a home. Sleeping porch, fireplace, laundry trays: price $3400. terms $150 cash bal. $S51n cludlng Interest. National Realty A Trust Co , 723 Cham, of Com. Phone Main 5129. I WILL sell my strictly new modern 8-room house ana tun lot tor i " actual coat If taken before July 15. If you have $2250 to Invest and want a beauti ful home In tine location at your own price see this at once. Owner. Y 276. Ore gonlan. m 12850 Hawthorne district, new 6-room bun galow. 2 blocks to Hawthorne ave.; east front; full cement basement, 3 extra large bedrooms, with double window, hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen: $500 be low anything like It; easy terms. Phone Owner. Tabor 051. A CHEAP HOUSE. (1000 Nest little bungslow with 2 large rooms, clothes closets, pantry and 4 full sised lots, oonvenlent to cars; a snap; some terms. See owner today at 322 Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark. (1350 BUYS a 4-room box house, close to Amor i-oaRO. curncr i-' . . iwiug Portland boulevard, terms. See Hodge. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE A TRUST COMPANY. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. AM here 8 daye only to aacrltloe my mod ern 5-room nouse on large, viuae-in Van couver avenue corner; nicely improved; cost (3800 In 1908. Take $3000 now, any terms desired, or trade for mortgage In whole or part; an Immense sacrifice, Call Mr. Hover. Hotel Carlton. City. ALAMEDA PARK district; must sacrifice my new o-room Dungaiun, mti mon con. veniences. full basement; one-half block to school. 2 blocks car; pries $2750. $60 cash, balance (2i monthly. Including In tereat. Phone Woodlawn 3248. I NEED THE MONEY. J-story 8-room: built-in bookcaaes. aeata, etc hardwood floors in 8 rooms, full-slxl mirror door in each bedroom and hall; massive, rich houaa; $000 dlacount If sold at once. Addreas owner. J 270. Oregonlan. NEW two-room houea, lot 50x100, three blocks irom nose lui ri v unc . iuh be sold by 13th Inst.: only $.50; (.5 cash. $15 month, Including interest. T 27 Jf Oregonlan. FINE 6-room bungalow, bathroom, base ment, lioorea wmuvw v. nets, cut-glass electric globes, trees; Highland Park, $2300. Phone Woodlawn 2464. $50 CASH. $10 per month, nifty new 3-room rungaiow, so mipuioi ou wi. . . only $775: also 3-room closer in, $575; some ternuv. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 2Q1 Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE 6-room modern house, furnace. fireplace, a 1 1 ,...., day Park Add.; email payment down. Phone Sellwood 1863. THIa IS A DANDY BUY. MODERN B-room bungalow. No. S E. 72d it In Mt. Villa la Cuthlll Add. Price $2300, Bee owner. Main 3691, 529 Rear bldg. IRVINGTON OUR SPECIALTY, nvsimmfl HOMES. SIGHTLY LOTS. NEUHAUBEN A CO.. 703 LEWIS BLDO. 4TH AND OAK 8T3. MAIN 8078. FINE 8-room house, beautifully finished, in Council Crest Park, on Mount Adams Drive: 2 lots, fine view; blocks from carllr.e. A 4989. MUST SELL BUNGALOW AT ONCE. At Big sacrifice; going on homestead; no better bargain had. C 2603. AM 275. Ore gonian. 9-ROOM house, lot 100x100. fine view; has some tine cherry trees; 5-cent fare. 30 minutes out; jirloe $3250; terms. Particu lars. AD 27T. Oregonlan. (50 CASH and bal. easy, new 5-room bun galow, Union ave. dlstrlot, up to date, only $2500. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. FINE BROADWAY home, half price, several lots. C 1368, E. 273. W. H. Herdman. I-ROOM modem bungalow in good location for $3(00. Will take I20Q eash and low monthly payments. am t. 5 ROOMS, modern, new. 200 feet from station; lot 50x100; caah or terms. Mt. Scott car. T811 61at ave. 6. E. BUILD an artistic home; book free; plans snd specifications $5 and $10. Poruand Bldg. Aaan.. azt aionawa oiog. 6-ROOM modern home, sleeping porch, fire place, beam ceilings, oak floors, gas, eleo- : - tm. Cuat 9741 trie nsnip, - - CliRNER. 90x100 feet, with cosy 3-room house, with or without furniture; owner leaving city. Phone Main 1870, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. SNAP. Price $3240 $500 Cash. Balance Like Rent. Dandy new 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, pretty lighting fixturss; living-room nas nice nrejiw " -1 In bookcases; reception hall - has cloak ciosei wnn Deveicu minui uu " " In hall seat. Paneled dining-room, with ouut-in outlet; uuicn jliivmcu, ..hi built-in conveniences; 2 nice bedrooms un Closets; tuouora ului uuh, V ,Z light attic with front room finished; full cement basement with laundry trays and wood lift. Nice front and back yards, lawn and flowers. Lot 35x100, on paved street. 2 blocks to ear; good service: 20 minutes to town; nice neighborhood, phone B 1691. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW SL'NNYSIDE DISTRICT $21)00 i?oo nowN Brand-new double-constructed bunga low; all built-in conveniences, including fireplace, bookcases, paneled dining-room, Dutch kitchen, large closets, attic over entire house, large basement, cement floor. sessments paid; only 2 blocks to car. For inionnation ana appointment. PHONE TABOR 8089. ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A most attractive and well-appointed modern bungalow of 9 rooms, especially designed and built for owner's own home. Two complete bathrooms, 3 toilets, auto mat Ic gas water heater, lovely billlard rnnTn. miHlvA xtnne flreolace. The three- fourths acre of ground Is very attractive and Is beautifully wooded with native trees, can arrange terms. Henry C. Prudhomme. 808 Wilcox bldg. BUILD ON YOUR VACANT LOT. TURN THE BURDEN INTO INCOME. WE FURNISH PLANS, FINANCE AND BUILD APARTMENT OR RESIDENCE AT LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND. SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE YOU MAKE PLANS. IT WILL PAY YOU. L. R BAILEY A CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLDG. The best money can buy. Six rooms .. ... . - i " . i . . t . .. Mm hnl Tinisnea in Dircn. eiegom i'.u water heating plant and Ruud water heater. This bungalow Is built for a home by day labor and is intended for some one who can appreciate a fine home. Must bs seen to be appreciated. Pi JS5O0. Call me up, Main 1303 or A 1515. Ask for UTdahl, 622 Corbett bldg. CHOICE RESTRICTED DISTRICT. 7 rooms- 2 carlines; easy terms; lot SOX 100; hardwood floors; sleeping porch, fur nace, large beveled plate buffet, large dressing rooms, 4 French mirrors; every convenience. Phone Main 4144, mornings. Owner. ' BUNGALOW FOR $2100. on a 80x100 corner, within one block, ot the car on the Mt. Scott carllne. The place nas nice fruit trees and flowers and the house is modern. (2SS4) SLAUSON-CRAIG COMPANY A 3363 804 Oak Street. Main 9444. For Sale Acreage. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. SCAPPOOSE ACRES. Within 25 Miles of Portland, Easy Terms. On a Railroad. Large number ot men employed at headquarters on tract: plenty offspring and creek water. Call or write for In- .'"TuEDDEMANN-BOTHFUR A CO.. 013-17 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Office Open Till 8:30 P. M. Main 6067. 1 1-3 ACRES abutting on Fourth street line of Southern Paclnc, 40 minutes west of 4th and Washing ton; poles snd trolley wires now be ing put over this line to run eleo . trie cars; commuters' fare 14 cents; this all cleared at tZOO per acre, payable $50 cash and $5 Inter est per month. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 33. 102 Fourth St. A 8500. J- 6 ACRES at $250 per acre, only mile south of St. Mary's station, on . Fourth-street line; only 12-cent fare to commuters: 30 minutes from 4th snd Washington sts.. on monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. . A 3500. 5 ACRES down the Willamette, on west side snd 24 miles back from river and 5-cent carfare, for $176 per acre on monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 8o00. CHEAP LAND. 10 or SO acres unimproved land 23 miles northeast of .Portland; 4 miles from electric line; good soli; wll! sell for (60 per acre: (1 down. (1 per acre monthly, no Interest; this is good agricultural land and Just the place to get a real start In life. Seo Morgan. -CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. A TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber ot Commerce. 28 ACRES, all in cultivation, good spring runs year around fenced, on a oounty road, fine fruit or berry land. In a fruit belt not far from Sheridan, (123 per acre: small payment down, balance easy, or will cut it in two at same price. See Seach- "cHAFIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE A TRUST COMPANY, Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. AN OPPORTUNITY. (10 down and small monthly payments buys $475 80x200 tract on Oregon City car line; half an hour out; just the spot for a home where you can have a garden, keep chickens, etc.; high and -sightly; magnificent view for miles; rich, produc tive soli. See Marsters. 302 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 8517, A 7340. CHICKEN .and FRUIT RANCHES near PORTLAND. Best soil, good roads, spring water, free wood, settled country, 10 acres, 3400, $300. $600 per tract; 20 acres. $800; 40 acrea, (l-'UO; 80 acres. $2000 ; 40 acres timber, $2400. Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy terms. Frank MeFarland Realty Co Bt) xeon oiaa.. rmnn, w YOU WANT a picturesque Summer horns with running water; a small farm, aa acre or two for chickens. $200 and up. easy terms, choice acreage, close to Portland, on electric carllne, phone, school, store, eta. J. W. HefTerlln. of Railway Ex- change. aiatn -a. 18 1-8 ACRES at Witch Hasel. $150 per acre coat me $165; some cleared, balance oak 'brush; level, no rocks; spring and creek; no buildings; must sell: reasonable terms. Address T. James, Castle Rock, Wash. FOR SALE by owner, a fine suburban home, 12-14 acres, commercial orchard; some trees bearing; plenty other fruit; build ings new; electric light: suitable for sani tarium; beautifully located. Address AF oregoman. 20 ACRES, east of Clackamas, Improved, rennlnc water, good roads. Al place; (5000- will accept good 6-passenger auto. Or property, near 50th and Hawthorne ave., on first payment. Owner, 1380 Haw thorne ave. Phone Tabor 3392. . NEAR HIGH 6CHOOL. 12 "a acres, house, barn, good water, all under cultivation. 85 bearing apple trees, strawberries, etc.; at Tualatin, in the 10 mile clrile, at a bargain. Joseph & Hall, ONE acre, all cleared, redshot soil, no gravel. 8 blocks from car; excellent view; " price $475; terms $9.50 per month; ean be seen to advantage Sunday. S 257, Ore. gun, an- 17 ACRES near Beaverton, 15 cleared. 2 blocks from car station snd running water; only $300 per acre; terms. Owner. Jamas Wliaon. Boring. Or., route 1. 2Vi ACRES en carllne, no gravel, soil very productive; would make a fine chicken ranch and a good investment; $675, $13 per montn. a eg"".,.... TTI ACRES, situated on Base Line road, nice, new 5-room bungalow, 4 miles from elty limits. Price $4500; terms. Partic ulars JO Wt VPjBPa'm- HOOD RIVER 10 acres as fine land as can be found on earth; enchanting view; $73 acre: easily cleared; $100 down, R 277, ACREAGE Almost at city's limits, good auto road, no hills, land all level and ready for the plow. Easy terms. Harrison, owner. Gerunger pipe- A FINE acre on Sandy River snd Mount A Hood line, suitable for Summer home; n.erms $3 Per month. F 298, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. CHOICE 10 ACRES 4H miles out. Price $4500. Just H mile from station, 100 fare to the city, we have a splendid buy in a 10-acre tract. It Is all in a high state of cultivation. Best of soil. Lies perefectly. New 5-room plastered house, barn and Outbuildings. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Cow, 100 chlckons, implements and house hold goods. Price $46oo. Good terms. This is a season of bargains and this is one of the very best. HARGROVE A SONS, 122 6th st. N.. cor. 6th and Glisan, - Main 4381, A 725'J. For sale Farms. ALFALFA PAYS $150 ACRE THIS YEAR. Several Los Moltnos farmers will gel 10 tons per acre from their alfalfa this year and can take $15 a ton for It. That la (150 an acre, almost the price of the land. . It shows our claim of "two crops pay for the land" is conservative. Only a few districts in the world can show such a record. Los Molinos leads because The soli is 50 feet deep a rich sediment loam. , . Cheap water for Irrigation Is so abund ant the farmer can cover his land 63 Inches deep. Long, warm Summer makes marvelous vegetable growth. Hay cures perfectly never any loss from rain. Market always good. Gardens grow all Winter. Some of the finest fruit land In the United States. Most rapidly developing section In Cal ifornia. Fall rush already starting. A few months more will clean us out Get a choice tract while you can. Only one-tenth cash; eight years to pay oat. See us today. H. G. TERRY. 904 Yeon Bldg. Or write ' LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, LOS MOLINOS, CALIFORNIA. FARM BARGAIN WASHINGTON COUNTY (BO PER ACRE. Read the description of this farm care fully. It is one of the very best farm bargains near the city. There are 109 acres, 35 acres in high state of cultiva tion, balance some timber and pasture with living water. The entire tract la the very richest of land and It lies well; 7 room house, barn 40x80, other outbuild ings. Good family orchard. Price $80 per acre, $1800 cash, balance 5 years, 6 per cent Interest. There is no such bar gain to be found near the cjty. It is lo cated In one of the most fertile and best dally sections of Washington County, 2V4 miles from North Plains, on United Rail way, hi mile to school and church. Don t miss this opportunity to douole your money. HARGROVE & SONS. 112 6th st. N., cor. 6th snd Glisan. Main 43S1, A 7259. SACRIFICE TO SETTLE ESTATE BEAUTIFUL RIVERFRONT WONDERFUL VIEW. - j anil: acres oi m-c, ncy. ,... .j all In high state of cultivation; 1 acre of fine orchard; house, two barns and other outbuildings; 1100 feet of frontage on Wil lamette River, with fine oval bank high enough to insure against highest flood water; beautiful view of town, surround ing country and river both ways; all woven-wire fences, wonderful cemented spring. 9 feet deep, all fitted up for pip ing; running stream the year round; every foot lies practically level; 22 miles from Portland. 1i miles from station on Oregon Electric; on main county roaa, M mile to village, with school, store and churches: has R. F. D. and telephone this is the most magnificent rlvertroot . on the Willamette River; price $13,000; $5000 cash, balance 6 years, 6 per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 520 Railway Exchange. 4th and Stark. BIG BARGAIN. DANDY LITTLE FARM. 26 acres of good soil; 22 acres In high state of cultivation and in crop: all fenced and cross-fenced; 4 acres In pasture and timber; new house, new barn, young or chard, fine well; one good horse, fine cow, 70 chickens, double harness, buggy, wagon, plow, harrow and small tools; place Ilea on main county road. lVj miles from town. 42 miles from Portland, on S. P. R. R.. with large condenser: has K. F. I)., telephone and milk route; In fine, thickly settled district. If you want a small farm, be sure and see this unusual bar gain. Price for everything $2o00. $1000 cash, balance 8 years or more at 6 per CentCO-OPERATlVE REALTY CO., 520 Railway Exchange. 4th and star. ALBERTA LAN D la golnr fact. The C. P. R. haa aold near Iv 150.000 acres of land In the last three months and you must hurry if yi some of this cheap land. When this Is gone there will be no more $11 land close to a railroad in a climate that is so pro ductive and so delightful to live In. Saturday. August 10, at 9 P. M-, a large party is leaving for Calgary. Return fare $40. . Join ua at that time and look this country over. W. G. IDE. Agent. Can. Pac Ry- Lands, No, 2 Lumbermen's bldg.. urouna r iuoi- 140 ACRES. 20 miles from Portland. 2 miles from eleetrlo line, 1 mile to school, acres In crop, balance level, easily cleared, milk route by the door; plenty of out range: house, barn, well and apringa; har ness; wagon, tools and other farm ma chinery, separator, incubator and about 200 chickens. 4 horses. 20 head of catue. 12 hogs; all for $14,000. including hay in tarn and 12 acres of notatoes in the ground. Figure the personal property and improvements at $3000 and it will make the land less than $SO an acre: easy terms to right man; Immediate possession. Room 514 Abington block. Main 3a4S. ' UMATILLA WHEAT RANCH. 310O acres, 3tt miles from Echo, Ore gon: 100O acres In Turkey red wheat, which they are harvesting, 8IS0 acres Sum mer fallowed: this is a gilt-edge wheat ranch and we can exchange It for good cuy property, valley or California farm; price (3f SO per acre, Including crop com bTned harvester 20 head horses. 30 hogs and all implement, 818 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 600 ACRES with water for Irrigation; good buildings; Shields River. Montana, big crop, every year. Price $0.000; very easy terma or will trade for Portland property; splendid bargain. Owner. 307 Railway Ex- cnange oiog. FOR SALE 600 acre, of land on electric line 19 miles from Portland: 400 acres under oultlvatlon; will sell all or part. Write or call on owners. E. w. Haines, Forest Grove. Or. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. " Montana beat farm lands. $15 per acre and up, 10 years to pay for it. 6 per cent interest; low round-trip excursion rates- Owner. 307 ttSllway c -mucuso iub- raNCH 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain . --, Ttv owner. 182 Morrison st. FARM, half price; going East; proof by seeing awank. 317 Hamilton bldg. 40-ACKE farm for ,ale,$3000. J. Glesy. w..h.nr,l. Wash. R. F. D. 1. TO EXCHANGE. WILL trade 160 acres irrigable land in Deschute, Valley. Oregon Trunk Railroad, for good unincumbered Portland lota Wil liam Qllard, Tacoma. Wash. TO EXCHANGE 10 acrea at Boring, Or., on the P R. L. A P. Co. for a email good paying roomlng-houae, Including building. a. v 12 urctoniM, WILL exchange city lots and housea on acreage near city suitable for subdividing and will assume difference. Main 4100. CLEAR lots acreage and cash for apt., roomlng-houae or other business. 1)14 Chamber Commerce. Main 607. WE WILL TRADE a fine piano or complete moving-picture outfit for real aetata AC 2B(. Oregonlan. S626 EQUITY In good 5 -acre tract to ex change for small business or city property. Phone Main 407. 40 ACRES. 6 miles west of The Dalles. Or.: will trade for good T-passenger auto. J 284. Oregonlan. SEATTLE residence wanted in exchange for Portland modern home. Phone owner. Main 822. or address 231 Worcester bldg. 7-ROOM residence, 1 block streetcar, paved street, equltv $2000. lor auto, same value. Marahall 2743. WILL exchange first mortgage bonds for good automobile. AF 283, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. Hiinn RTt'Kft nnimornved land in the fa mous Hood River district, to trade for equities In Portland property, up to 30 per cent. $30,000 clear. Hood River apple orchard. Z miles from town; trees i to o yra ui.., to trade for Income property up to $50,000, $50,000 to $100,000 cash and that amount of trade to put into large building OP to (dou.litio; aiiierence mortgage. THE HAKSOLT-WILSON CO., 1013-1917 Lewis Bldg., PnnHh nnri Oak Main 8100. A 715S. S3 14 ACRES hi mile from Barlow, Or.. 2d miles from Portland. 18 acres new hops, 12 acres old hops, all poled and wired, 15 acres potatoes. 1M acres onions, large double hop house, balance of land easily cleared. $173 per acre Including crop; estimated gross Income from crop this year (3045; no other buildings on place; equity (S112; will accept some city property and take mortgage hick mr ui ance for long term of years if desired. . is. Hermann, 411 Kotncniiq oing. 120 ACRES, genuine red-shot soil, no rocks or gravel; 3 miles irom snerwooa. on P. TLv. now belne- electrified: B5 acres In cultivation, 18 acres In hops, i acres prunes, 2 acres family orchard; 7-room house, practically new; hop drier, biarn and outbuildings; water piped to house and barn; wagon, plows, narrows, ousbj, etc.. to iro with the ulace. Price $13,000; $8000 cash: will accept Portland property for (w)00, balance -easy terms. see o. x. Hermann, 411 Rothchlld bldg. rT AI'R -MT1.T. FOR FARM. A s-nod. uD-fo-date flour mill, equipped with all the latest modern machinery; ca pacity 40 barrels per cay: water power, mrav. for HO O.OO biiahcls wheat, five acres of land, five small dwellings all go wltb tne mill; exenange tor goou iiuiti wi city property and some casn; price ei 000. GRUSSI A BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. ORCHARD AND CHICKEN RANCH. 60 acres of land situated near the town of Orrlev. 3ft acres of which Is good or chard land, there being nearly 10 acres already planted to choice commercial ap ples: fine spring on place; ideal for chick en or duck raising; will trade for unln; cumbered city property; price only $12o per acre. X 2i5, uregoman. tmnn riveh rahoaIN. 5 acres, all planted to choice varieties or commercial appies: main coumy 1 . onlv a few miles out of town of Hood River; in fine condition: two to four years old; price only $30vu; win accept unincum bered residence loj, In Portland as first payment and give long time on balance. Anoress owner. A zi'i. uregomtui. unnn river. 26 acres of land, fine red shot soil, only S miles from town of Hood River: nearly all good orchard land; 8 acres under cul tivation, a part or wnicn is piameu iu trees; running stream and fine spring on piace; small house; price only $6500 and will take some Portland property as part payment. W 272, Oregonlan. ORCHARD FARM near Hermlston, has water running in irrigation ditches over entire property, 20 acres in apples and peaches and 20 acres in grain and al falfa I will exchange this for Portland real estate. Price Is xi3,uuu. tau at. Spalding bldg. S7U. AHRRS A-l soli: adiolns citv limits: perpetual water right all paid up and free and clear of incumbrance; an ideal tract for cutting into acres; price (300 per acre; land adjoining held at $.500; this Is a big snap; will trade for Portland Income property. Alton neaity 10., r-aai-u. in rnF.q hit-hlv imniNnved. between Oswe go and Tualatin. (12.600, with equity of $S500; 45 minutes' rloe rrom r-oriiana ny auto; will consider residence or other Income property. S. S. Hermann, 411 Rothchlld bldg. LOT FOR ACREAGE. I have a fine east front lot In paved t-.i,, -hih t ttrfit trnrte for acreage near Portland. The lot Is worth $H00 and I will consider unincumbered property or equity. AP 248. Oregonian. TRADE or sale, 3 acres, 31 in crop, and other improvements, 3 minutes' walk from streetcar: trade for motorcycle, store or. what have you got? Anker G. Neilsen, 185 Russell. . 6431, ACRES In Willamette Valley at (10 per acre to exenange tor siov.iv ui na-.u-ware or general stock; equity $21,240. I am looking for a business for my boys. S. B. Hermann. 411 Rothchlld bldg. SECTION of unimproved land, 6 miles from railroad; good soil; comes under Palouse project: will trade this for Portland prop erty or close in acreage. Price $15 per acre. Alton Realty Co.. Pasco. Wash. FOR SALE or trade for house and lota or other good properties, a 50-room lodging house centrally located; good money maker. New Eagle House, cor. 3d snd Burnslde sts. 22 j N. 3d. Phone A 7i2j. BUSINESS corner, 8.1x100. on Williams ave. ; new 8-room modern residence;, will ex change $7000 equity for close-in unim proved property. n rr .-. , irC v.-,-.. .hnn n ,n r- Vflrtlnnil L I I I I - J.' 1 I- i . i. ...... ' - .- J, 1 price siuuu; win cnnoivio, uvuoc In Portland in exchange. S. B. Hermann, 411 rtotncnnq pms. THE OWNER will exchange part or all of 40 lots in new auuiiiun. uv-"j trlct. for Portland property. Cederbergh. ol4 nenry pips. EXCli iNGE 10 acrea aurveyed for platting neaS Klamath Falls. O 2H. Oregonlan. UNIMPROVED acreage near Eatacada to ex enange. wnai nave yuui J . v. - - - V ANTED REAL ESTATE. GET tnis one: wain w rwnv - " i all cultivated, good land, within mile of M,f..l.hl. imall hnilMA eiectno line, wjui ... wltn option to buy: about $3ut0; you must ... , I o !- . I... ... -1 ii n Snow value. ito, ma'" DO you want to sacrifice your property for cash? Do vou want trade? Have clients waiting. Give full particulars or do not answer. AR 273. Oregonlsn. 4 to 2 A. within 10-cent carfare; price must bs right. B LOCH REALTY CO., g'H Aioer st I WANT a choice 8-room house. Piedmont or Walnut Park, for home: must make low price; answer, giving exact location nd price, u ao". trcsmii- IF you have a bargain, good for speculation give me a description. Purse A Co., Sib Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR LEASE 63-acre farm, 50 acrea in hl5h state of cultivation. 7 acres pasture; good 7-room house, hern, chicken and potato house, etc.; family orchard, with all farm ing implements: best soil for potatoes, gar- from 10 to 2t. cows'; will rent for cash rent or on snares; i ii.mc ...... Orecon City: sidewalks to farm: close to school ano wi. v.. r. McKay bldg.. S. E. corner 3d and Stark sts.. between i" "u " J " ' RANCH near Portland, running water. un der cultivation, wu .-juivi-"m- Oregonian. FOR BALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND 60LD. C J M'CRACKEN. U4 McKay Bldg. FOR SALE. Horaea, Vehicles. Etc. SH ETLAND pony, 6 yeara old, weight 850 .. . . . , .i irt a nr anv. lounaa; an mo cm ; , h nm; la acouo wm.u i . - - ber er-ttre duiki . ( u,-. " - " fi l in town; pwra.m- q-. FOR BALE One team of well-matched inarei, B years old, welKfilng 27H; one team well-matched horses, 5 yeara old, welahlng 25001 one young horse, weighing l:t.VI. SUH Husaeu a., FOR SALE cheap, good family horae and rubber-tired buggy. Hawtharne-ave. car to Division su, walk one block west and $ eolith. 2815 68th at. GOOD team of goats 2 and 8 years old. well broke, harness and wagon, complete, t20 Willie Croaley. Phone Main 411, Foreat prove. FOR SALE Matched team draft horses. i 1JMWI nnnnds: eOOd Con dition; price right. Call at Ool Nehalera, Sellwood. MEDIUM aise team and furniture van for sale. Will aell team or wagon separate. Carman mh- - "' TEAM wanted, gentle. 1250 to 1300. 5 to 6 vaara true pullers, working every day. c-au ay comm.. PAR. mules and horaea, gooaeneek farm and delivery wagons, saddles. Hubert A Hall, SKI Water St.. Weat Side. Main 2208. COLT, 5 months old. Call at 88 East 7th st. N'orth. PASTURE for rent near Portland. Phone Main 1410. Pianos, Organs and Musical loatrmpenta. WE are closing out our atock of pianos. Caah win take them at actual cost to us. Cash only will gat them at these prlcea Beiberllng-Lueas Music Co.. 134 Seoond su corner Alder. ' TWO teams, barneaa and wagona. sale or traae lor wuon. . FIFE and piano lesson, $1; t .esaoas tree Main 9346. Dogs. BIrda, Pel Stoca. BIRDS of Paradiae, $17.50 and up. Empresa Feather Co- 782 Hearst bldg.. San Fran'o. Automobiles. E-M-F, repainted and overhauled. A-l con dition. $650 Call Tuesday. Mala 6969. FOR SALE 7 -passenger Packard. 1912 mod el. Apply Lang A Co., 1st and, Ankeny. FOR ft ALA. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap car when you ean secure one of our nigh-grade used cars at the same price? We guarantee them. Different makes and models, all traded In on new White gas cars. We also offer several second-handed trucks. Write White Car Agency. th street at Madison. OVERLAND9. Our 191J stock cleaned up with excep tion of five second-hand cars. Thefe ma chines guaranteed and we will sacrifice them to clean our floor before Monday. J. IV. LEAVITT A CO., 529 Washington St. Phone Marahall 2779. 40 AUTOMOBILES 40 Buy your car now-. We have over 40 high-grade cars to select from, all makea and in Al condition; we are selling theae high-grade care at the lowest prices ever quoted. We can save you money. Liberal terms given If desired. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 403-405 ALDER ST. Main 1161, A 4R37. SPECIAL. 1910 BUICK 1910. Bulck, 40 h. p.. five-passenger. In Al condition, new tirea. two extra tires, speed ometer, top. windshield. (30 elrctrlc horn, tools; in fact, a complete equipped car. Must be sold this week; will eacrifire for $775. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 403-405 ALDER ST. 1 7-PASSETNGER. 40-horsepower Gsrford. fully equipped with top. wind shield, speedometer, etc. This car Is now in service; will sell for cash or trade for real estste of equal value: a beauty for someone and price Is right. Northwest Auto Exchange. 5.11 Alder. 1 4-PASSEN'OER 1911 Garford 40 H. V. This car is a beauty: will guarantee same in every respect: fully equipped, wit It speedometer, clock, electric and Presto lights, demountable rims and extra tire. Northwest Auto Exchange. 531 Aldev. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS OF USED AUTOMOBILES. 493-495 Alder St. Main 1161. A 4837. 1 4-PASSENGER 4-door 1912 model Flan ders, used but a short time; a little beautv and price is rltcht: no mierepreseniations with ua. Northwest Auto Exchange. 5-U Alder. 40-HORSEPOWER. 7-passenger (Speedwell) automobile; cost $3000; Is in perfect run ning order. What have you to exchange? or will sell for $1000 cash. O 297, Ore gonlan. 30-HORSEPOWER 5-passenger car, haa been run about 230O mtlea; would make fine delivery wagon. Price $400. Call on the owner eveninga after 6 o'clock at 280 Cook ave.. city. 1 4-DOOR 1911 30-H. P. Carter Car. a beauty, fully equipped, speedometer, one of those bargains you seldom find. North west Auto Exchange. 531 Alder at. I 5-PASSENGER model D Chalmers Detroit, nickel-plated, fully equipped, speedometer. Presto tank and linht: a bargain. North west Auto Exchange, odl Aider st. KRIT runabout, 1910, A-l condition. We consider this an exceptional good buy. First check for $350 takes it- Call Llns lev. Main 59B9. $1200 CASH will buy my fine $310, 4-pss-senger car. good as new; am going East, must sell. Phone Marshall 60 or Marshall 711. 1 E. M. F. 5-PASSEN'GER touring car. In good condition; will guarantee same a bargain. Northwest Auto Exchange, 531 Alder. I BUICK roadster In good condition at a harcaln. Northwest Auto Exchange, 531 Alder. . lull FORD, with 1912 rear axle, good con dition; price right: only cash offers con sidered. Call LJnalcy. Main B009. FLANDERS 20. 4-passenger. perfect running order. $273 cash If sold today. Bank ot Beaverton. Or. 1 5-PASSENGER Ford, fully equipped : price will suit you. Northwest Auto Exchange. 6X1 Aiuer. WANTED Auto trucks to go out of city; steady employment at good rates. N 270, uregoiuaii. FOR RENT Private garage, dead etoraKe. room for 8 or 4 care. Call SST. E. Taylor or pnone e.. Ttu-- Furolture for Sale. FOR SALE We are moving and will aoll oak dining sot, Including table, chairs and sideboard, oak hall rack, mahogany book .aso and wrltinit-desk. fine six-hole wood range, gas range, etc. Call at once at 672 Hancock, cor. Eaat Vlth St. North. Irvington. Broadway or Irvington car. FURNITIHE must go at a sacrifice in 30 room lodglng-houae. near down district on 2d at.: owner of hullding will leaae to ault tenant. Pee Mr. Levy at 106 2d st affer 1" A. M. FOR SALE Furniture ot 6-room house; good leaso to right party; sHoct neigh borhood; 5 blocks from Postoffire. Make your own price; owner leaving city. Call Marshall 3l'78. 6-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for eale or rent. 432 3d at.; terma very easy to buyer. Phone Marshall 4H. BARGAIN Will sacrifice If taken at once. 7-room rurnisnei riat. v, i c-iuv, n-.- .... Phone owner, aiain ni'in. FUKNITUKE for aale. $100; garden, chick ens, fruit; rent $'; lease; a snap. 4-,d at. and 52d ave. Take W-W car. FOR SALE Furniture of seven-room house, all hous.'keeping-rooras; cssh or terma 340 4th st. South. WILL sacrifice furniture of 5-room cot tage, close in, rent reasonable. BS5 Kear ney. FURNITURE of 3 bedrooms cheap. Call at .'33 Maiden ave.. or Sellwood 1644. Miscellaneous. MEN'S SUIT SALE. Best values In the city at Jimmy Dunn a clean-up sale, room 315. oregonlan bldg.; take elevator. No high-rent profits. FOR SALE. A 45-horsepower. 350-volt. Cmeker Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage release and -ampere overload I-T-E olrcult break-x. In A-l condition. Address room 1M. Orego nlan bid!- FOR SALE. One 123-volt. direct-current generator, complete with field rheostat am-meter and circuit-breaker. Thla machine Ii i In eood repair. Address room 30.1. Oregonian bids. NOTICE. 15 miles of 60-lb. relaying ,teel rail,, with angle bars; will aell all or part; .rea dable. M. Batjle A Bona. 240-242 Main au Main 3. A M8. FOR SALE. A 40-K W.. 550-volt rrneker-Wheeler generator, romplete with field rh-oatat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Ad dress room 2n3. Oregonlan bldg TUB ACME stove repair shop moved from 40S E. Morrison. 3 doors eaat to 414. New and secotid hand furniture bjucht. sold snd exchanged. Phone bast H"6. SAFES Special bargain second-hand lire and burglar-proof: aafea opened and ropalred. Purcei fcaie to., fi5 5th at. Phone Main BS09. SLIGHTLY uaed cash reglatera, credit reg isters. comyui'-nj " Vot sold. The Pacific Store Service Co.. 227 Stark at. Main 7711. TYPEWRITERS rebuilt, sll makea. $10 to $oa. io iiuiili"". . j ,. . . itm film K k. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines. cnnLratiun c.(....,w.. .. .. way Equipment Co.. 14 X irat. FOR SALE Two second-hand pooj tables. in storage nnw. w ..a".,." ORCHESTRA muslo, standard, concert and dance, very reaaonapie. 100a c. gjin ... A NEW No. 5 Oliver typewriter, only uaed 4 months 1042 E. Sherman at. BOO BUSINESS cards. $1; a bargain. Rob City t-Tintery. iija a", mni aiu.- ONE 5-foot oak office deak and one aate at half price. 41 jerrerun WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY CLOTHING, furniture, toola. Hlgh- eat price paid tor men-e ana laaiea- cast off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, me chanic, logging. Call Main 2080, 290 1st st. The Globe. WANTED Second-hand counter, showcase coffee mm, aeaie, ciieeae-cutter, aaia, i"r country general store; give your best prices and location. H 273, Oregonlan. WANTED Duck lake, aultable for 3 or 4 parties; must be Lower woiumDia. aj 281,' Oregonlan. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand rurnlture. oeaion Aiartm. fnone East 8134. 348 Hawthorne ave. WANTED A good flat-top deak cheap. K 271, oregonian WANTED Scrap Iron In any quantity, at once. J. Bernhardt. 121 1st st. Main ?SV FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main ftooi. a Z44-1. WILL tint rooms for $2.50; paint houa" at your price. East 8?3. rtenaoia pain t e r. WANT W buy sol, diamond ring, stout S carat- Martin, aias jetieraon si. WILL tint rooms. $2.50 up. do painting at reasonable prices. East 0124.