FIRES HOT FEARED Forestry Men View Situation With Gratification. DANGER IS GREATEST NOW Only One Blaze Has Been Reported This Season Vigilance Is Ex ercised by Organizations to Prevent Spread. With the annual danger season half over, only one forest fire of importance has been reported to either the local Government officials or the Western Forestry tnd Conservation Association, with headquarters in Portland. The single blaze occurred in Columbia County last month, but was extin guished without serious loss by the Columbia County Patrol Association. The month of August has opened with unusually favorable conditions and better equipment than ever before by all protective agencies except the Fed eral Forest Service, which is hampered by Congressional delay in acting upon its appropriation. The National for ests are being guarded on a deficiency fund which, it is said, would be entirely Inadequate in an ordinary season. About 350 wardens are on duty in the state outside the National forests. They are employed by the state, counties and private owners. Hunters Are Cautions. "The fire situation so far this season is especially good." aatd Shirley Buck, of the United States Forest Fire Serv ice, yesterday, "but the opening of the hunting season gives the situation a different aspect Reports from South ern Oregon are to the effect that there are more hunters in the woods than ever before at this season of the yearr Most hunters are cautious with their fires, but some are naturally careless and forest officials are unusually alert at this season to extinguish neglected and unattended camp fires before they can assume dangerous proportions." E. T. Allen, of the Western Forestry and Conservation Association, yesterday issued a bulletin on the forest fire sit uation in the three Pacific Northwest states. In pan. the bulletin follows: "Although small fires are becoming numerous, green timber is not dry enough to carry them unless strong winds prevail and the patrol forces are handling them promptly. The season has been favorable for disposing of dangerous slashings and never before has there been such system and success In extinguishing smouldering logs and Fnags left after burning to become a menace later. On the other hand, the growth of grass and underbrush has been so heavy as to threaten peculiar danger from now on. Road Builders Are Careless. "Marked improvement in care with fire is reported, although there Is con siderable complaint against careless leaving of debris by county road build ers and against the operations of small and irresponsible loggers. "It is emphasized by all authorities that, while the immunity enjoyed so far shortens the dangerous season and has permitted careful preparation, a few hot. drying days may bring the maximum hazard at any time now. All persons are urged not to attempt to slash burning and to exercise great care with sparks, matches and camp tires." HOOD RIVER CASE SOLVED Identity of Dead Man Fixed as aV. I. Dunwoodie, of Washington. HOOD RIVER. Or., Aug. S. (Spe cial.) Coroner Dumble thinks that the identity of the body found here yes terdav near the barn of Copper & Lar away ranch, on the east side, has been established as that of W. G. Dunwoodie, who came here September 11 and reg istered from Washington, D. C. The man disappeared the day after his ar rival. He left a handbag in his room and marks on the shreds of linen form ing a shroud for the bones are identi cal with those on the linen in the bag. The corpse was discovered by a num ber of men of the east side district in the community of the Cooper & Lar- away ranch, who had gone out Sunday to explore the gulches there in an ef fort to find the dens of coyotes that have been raiding the henhouses of the section. A 32 caliber revolver with an empty chamber and a hole in the skull of the corpse pointed to suicide. The hat worn by the man had been purchased from the Buff um - Pendleton Company in Portland, as were articles of clothing both on his person and in the bag, Other articles bore the marks of cloth. iers in Philadelphia. In his pockets and in the handbag left in his room were found . tickets for Washington streetcars. At the time of his death he wore a blue serge suit. TROLLEY LINE PROJECTED Sifton and Camas to Be Connected With Extension to Vanconver. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. 5. (Spe cial.) A trolley line from Sifton to Camas, about 12 miles, is to be built by the Washington-Oregon Corporation this Fall, if present plans do not nils carry. The right of way, it is under stood, has been obtained, and every thing is practically ready for the build injr of the track. This line is taken, instead of one along the river, because of the high grades there, which are almost lmpass sble for an electric line. The cost also would be prohibitive. In going from Camas to Vancouver, the line will be about 18 miles. The line is already built to Sifton. about one-third of the total distance. Arrangements are also being made to extend the line from Sifton to Hockin son. six or eight miles, and most of the right of way and bonus have been se cured. It is expected that work will begin on this within a short time so as to have it completed this Fall by the time the roads become almost lmpass able. When these lines are completed they will materially boost the Clark County Fair, as they will pass through the Srounds, and the farmers and fruit growers will be able to ship their ex hibits and livestock from their farms airect to the exhibit buildings, where a loop is now being built. Clatsop Socialists Convene. ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 6. (Special.) The Socialist county convention was held here today and nominated a coun- .. a lAtrlcslntlvft ticket as follows: .Representatives, H. M. Lorntsen and Robert Hahn; Sheriff, August Anderson; Tounty Clerk, T. D. Ferguson; County Treasurer. C. A. Lawton; Assessor. u -1 n Schmfliul: Justice of the Peace, I. b. Peurala; Coroner, Tobias Kunnarl: County uomniissiuner, vnaries Rova: County Surveyor. Thomas Bush: Countv School Superintendent, W. Z. G. Steele. DAILY METEOR01XM5ICAI. REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. Aug. 6. Maximum temperature, 63 aegre; minimum, v-m AMUSEMENTS. POPULAR PRICES HEILIG' v.1 u.i. i a THEATER 7th and Taylor Phones. Main 1. A 112. rr.Tli T TTT- AND TOMORROW A vsiawa a a NIGHT BARGAIN MATINEES. Today and Tomorrow CATHRINE COUNTISS Supported by SYDNEY ATRES Ln the Romantic Comedy. "AWAKENING OF HELENA RICHIE." Evemnrs. T5c. 50r. 35c. Z5c Both Mat inees, anv seat, 25c. Next week, begin ning 8unday. "The-Girl With the Green Eyes." Seat sale Thursday. BEAT SALE OPENS TODAY. 10 A. M. HEILIQ THEATER. SSair?- Aug. 8, 9, 10 Matinee Saturday. La Salle Theater-Chicago big Musical comedy hit. "LOUISIANA LOU" witi BARNEY BERNARD Sophie Tucker and the original cast and production. Prices, both evening and matinee: Loer tloor, 11.50; balcony $L0O. 75c. SOc. gallery. 50c. MATH ft, A 1OT9 k MATINEE EVERY DAY MAT. 1B.O 2 fie 50e 1 5C. 1 5c. SOc. y WEEK AVGCST ull-romedy bill W. C. fields, the Silent Humorist; Venlta Gould, an Broth er, Bradsnaw Broiners, unraoin uu The Stanleys. Orrheetra. Picture. Bnlllran A CoOBtdlna Refined YndevlU Special Summer Prices: Nights Matinees 10 and 20c Any Seat 10c X S OllU "J BTKK ACCiCST 5 "Models of J " .J oni. Verdi and Brother. Contance Wom A Co., Ue IJhle and Vernon, Hugo Lateos, lwl-l.lght pictures. Orchestra.. rA.-ATlnE.E- UHIW WEEK AVCrST 5 Jewell's Manikin .Max Witt's Southern Girls. nre Kwidlne Jt Co.. tuvmoDO, miliums " ii. ,7iZr "J".,??-?,? Tji"n?' Tint Row Spoony Bo office open from IV V. .'1 W IV . -- 4636. Cnrtaln :30. 7:15 nd 9. ? v v v -. v v w 02V-v r A IO I .1. X Portland's Great Amusement Park. LAST FIVE DAYS OF CIRCUS. Great Circus Boyd Ogle's show. big Ponies Dogs Clowns .j. Oaks Park Band Great Concerts . Lady Livingstone The skating bear V King' Pharaoh The educated horse 11 .1 -.-I, .(fractions. C" ,,. ; : BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vauahn and Twenty-foorth Sts. TACOMA vs. PORTLAND AITGITST S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Games Begin Weekdays at 3:00 P. 51. i . . . Xf 9UHUKJB . .." . . LADIES DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. ?xe--ir" -. ;.,rn tu Total rainfall (6 P. M- to 6 P. M.), none. Total rainfall alnce Beptemoer l. jivh. ''-." incnea.- normal ruimau suit" . v ... m. r a I " nafixiannv rf M in f ft 11 SinCO September 1. ln. incnes. lotai shine. 14 hours 37 minutes. possible sun -i i ot ninntoa 'Rnrnm ipr (re duced to sea level) at 6 P. M. 30.07 inches. THE WEATHER. Q NIGHTS 5 An Matinee Every Day. X t Wind g 3 ' a 2 STATIONS. g So o o .35: 6tte oi Weathel Baker Boise Boston .......... 7610 84 O 76 0 0S1 6NW 00 8lW 00' 4;W Pt. cloudy Ft. clouay Clear Calgary . Chicago Colfax Denver Des Moines Duluth 6S0. 14tl2lN Raiw Holt S30 ?;o. 720 600. 6!0. S4 0 780. 74i0 77j0, 80. 7010 90!O 66 0 8610 74l0 62 iO 8S;0 87 0 S20 86 0 06 0 7410 66 0. 8810 7O0 78.0 ... 0. 880. 76 0 63 0. 860 600 700. 0 E Cloudy Clear Ft. cloudy 4 S 4 SE 8 SB 10 E jCloudy Cloudy Eureka ........... 00 4 N Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Galveston ....... 00 12 SE 001 SiSW 18 10, NB 08! 8 SB 00.25 NE 00 8iSW V0 4JXW oo'ioixw OO'lOIW 001 4!SE 00 12 W 00 18'NW Helena Jacksonville ..... Kansas city I..... Laurier Los Angeles ..... llarshfleld Medford Montreal , New Orleans .... New York North Head ..... North Yakima . . . Pendleton Clear Clear (Clear 4 NW 4!W Clear Clear Portland , Ro?eburer ....... 6;NW Clear Clear Pt. cloudy 61 N Sacramento ...... St. Louis St Paul 4 NWI oo 4 a o2':ois .001 8'W 00124 W 00 10!E 00 4.SW 001 6SW 00! 4 N 00..(. .. OOllJiN U;i2 E 0414;S-Vt Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Salt Lake San Francisco . . . Spokane Tatoosh Island . . JClear Walla Walla .... Washington .... Weiser .......... Winnipeg Yellowstone Park. Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Kain WEATHER CONDITIONS. The Northwestern low pressure area has J . v. . I .nrth nf th T)a- muveu CMt lu i'." 1681." " ' . . .' " . kotas and the Western high pressure area Is moving very slowly eastward, being cen- . . . . V. Tjtwa, T.nlc. li ai (ill. evening hid - Region. Showers have occurred at widely separated places oetween in. awaj iu.. talns and the Mississippi River, from the Canadian Northwest south to Oklahoma. . . i ...11 RuWpr Or.. uucni uve bidu iwii - . and at Boise. Idaho. The temperatures continue neiow normal id mo States, but they have risen over the west ern half of the United States, where they are now either about normal or slightly above normal. . , The conditions are favorable for lair weather In this district Tuesday, except In extreme Northeastern Oregon, extreme East ern Washington and Idaho, where the weath er will be unsettled and at times threaten ing without much If any rain. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; northwester ly winds. , Oregon Fair, except unsettled and threat ening weather extreme northeast portion; northwesterly winds. Washington Fair, except unsettled and threatening weather extreme east portion; northwesterly winds. Idaho Unsettled and threatening weather with no rain of consequence. EDWARD" A- BEALS, District Forecaster. 13 THE MORXIXG OREGOyiAXj TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1913. ' . " Z77ZZ7Z l REAL ESTATE. ; 1 I REAL ESTATE. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Bandar- Per Line. One time ISame ad two eonseentlTe times - same aa inree romwtuu.o .V i iii bame ad sU '' DA aOVB mica m'iij v under "New Today" and all other class IB ca nons exceK me mtuauona nwi. tsttuatlons Wanted, iemale. For Rent, Rooms. Private Families. Rooms and hoard. Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms. Private t amines. nen one iu r-i i io.. .. . M -- secntlve issues the one-time aate applies. MX words con in mm ou "ww -vertisemenu and no ad counted lor less tuan two lines. . .,... ..,-,. ments over the telephone, providing the ad vertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No . . i . . . tiia tvAn nnc S rices Will DO qigim m " ill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be acceptea over me fjtiuuw .. . ...... -. . promptness of the payment of telephone ad- . . i . . ...... Want 0.1 Bud l'er- sonal advertisements will not be acceptea over the telephone. Orders for one Inser- ill as Hlinnisa Tm? tlon only win o n-'V' ' -V Rent." "Furniture for Sale." "Business Op portunities." "Roomlug-Houses" and Wanted IOIn New Today, all advertisements are rharzed by measure only, 14 lines to toe Inch. Kemittances must accompany out-or-town orders. AUCTION SALES TODAY. . . . .1 i 1AA.A ParV St. area n,,.nlilv nt fine furniture. TUES, StC Sale at 10 o'clock shsrp. A fine lot of good second-hand furniture at Geo. Baker A Co.'s. 166-168 Park St.. today. 10 o'clock. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COUNCIL. ROYAL, ARCANUM, meets at Royal tMii'ritne. the first and third ai-4vf;X.Si TM.Hgvi of each month, at S "S.rJ'A ".-i.i.. -,-rn:.llv wel- corned. O. O. HAI;U Sec Care Honeyman Hardware DIED. WILSON August 4. H. Walter Wilson, aged P7 years. uemains ai. Lunnms - v tee's chapM. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL, NOTICES ... . a i,i.i.a.i T 'Vfurrihv. UbKriii August jui , . . T.' . . n n m 1 iu til I.L. nlACO agea years. i- u . . . . . ' - - " ' from Dunning McEntee s raij u day) at 8:l A. M- Bervicei i at bt L ranee unurca. ro'" ,tv streets. 9 o'clock. Friends respectfully Invited. Interment Mount taivary HAIGHT At the residence, No. 80 East 2St!t street .. itVTr,U oi Mrs 5fnn.,r rfalght. "TunmTVv lace Tuesday. August 6, at 3 f. chapel of Dunning & McEntee. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. CqLTER-Ausust ' rjr.,,- oMri: aueii "-.- ni he came cuiter. n held at Dunning & McEntee s chapel Wednesday, August 7. at - : Friends respectfully invited. Interment T ..... - TrA, I'smfttfirV. FISCHER The funeral services of the late o m i 1- r, oearl nu.-nv In til IS ieorge riscner. WinleV city August a, win nw chapel tomorrow (Wednesday), at ti O ClOCK A. W. I""""1"" " are Mt. Scott Park Cemetery. Friends are Mm,.!! ullv invited to attend. MURPHY The funeral of Michael MuJTPhy Will De neiQ iueuj, olnr li nt & Mcnintees unun ';'" . "kiVj thence to St. Lawrences Church Third and Sherman siree-s. n-ivii.c. ftt MoUllt Calvary. SMITH The funeral services of Mrs. Ethel a. bmitn, Dttiovcu uttuft...w. ---- Mrs. Elmer Kearns, will be held at Hoi man's funeral parlors at 10 A. M. today (Tuesday). Interment River View Cem- RUETER The funeral ervices tof,hthePVt- ? u"" "u"e-r..." " ' ."5 -Sf.-Tod Tues iana tremiiiuiiuiH at. - r"- ' . .lav). Frlenas lnvneu. a'"r'" r, Holman's funeral parlors. Take Sellwood ,.-f- tr. r- t "rm II I O r i VI 111. JOHNSON-The funeral service, of the late da" August "at 2 P. M.. at the family fisna 4th ave. s. E. Interment . Kntt Park Cemetery. . . . , irnrpcll. Rrtlld BOUDVl Augu-t ., - wllI "."held5 at Running 1 McEntee', , chape, today (Tuesday) at S P. M. Friends in- . . i tethiip R nil t. well. MBcEntee'. chapel, from wher. . they a 111 be ta Ken iooy 4ll"t,u tcrment. MEMORIALS Portland Marble ?k c i i - ii calf K.fltnb. 1885. ZXy-l ii U , utniUBim -s.j m . . .t..--wi rknn Van man n Marhls Works, fcast 3a mna rmo "v a nrv IIAi V( 4li lasarllnir fn nertl director and nndertakrr, 20 iurd W corner aaimon. uj tthSad W. I'honr'Mairiso: Idy at m. a a n vr a li'unara I TUrsaiirtral. tendant. Ulltce ot .oiiui.t v.i uu. A. R. ili.i.i.ii''.. .;'.", " t Phone cast tuea. v -""j ....- .7 . U, X. M anil l.dlinlL lady attenaam. ruour -''" m ,r-Vo o to r . b. uunnrng, inc., j. . .-. lw Alrlo .nrl Sutu. rani o iqqq. , v.-vu-ca rif PiVV ri and CIat. Main 415s. A iaoy CEMETERY Beautiful Mount Scott Park Portland's Perpetual Care Cemetery, nn Southeast Lents. Large, permanent, picturesque, mod ern. Perpetual care without extra charge. Prices moderate; service ex cellent; every convenience in use, in cluding large luxuriously furnished rest rooms for visitors. Reached by Mount Scott and Cazadero cars. Free auto service, uotn paones. ity unite, 820-921 leon mag. LONE FIR CEMETERY 500 choice lots and single graves on new ground for sale. Office 206 Commercial Blk. Telephone Main 4989. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFKICK 175 MADISOX STREET. Phones Main 608, A 7588. Hnra Ambulance Phone Marshall 60O, All disabled or aiaeased animals will receive prompt attention. Will be called for at a nominal cost. Refer all canes of cruelty to this office. Open day and ntcbt. NEW TODAY. Edward E. Goudey Lewis Building-. MORTGAGE LOANS t per cent on best business properties. ( per cent and 7 per cent on other close- in business and resiaence securiue. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY $13,500 60x100, with trackage, located on 15th street. The best value on 15th st. If you are in the market, don't fall to in vestigate mis ouy. SLAl'SON-CRAIG COMPANY. 304 Oak Street. CITY & FARM LOANS Any amount at current rates. Builders Loans, i n i i v r. CRO.VAS. 90S Spaldlna- Bids. Portland, Or, Investigate Now A good oil proposition which will bear S16 Railway Exctaangre. Fearev Bros. We Discount Unsecured Notes Signed 602 Worcester BIda NEW TODAY. I I - . c,. For Sale Parmi - I KiHtiihe. I ' ' 50,000 Equity to Exchange What have you to trade for $50,000 enuity in a good income apartment property worth $80,000? Will accept a good r uncn or otnr re Portland. i DORR E, KEASEY & COMPANY; - Second Floor, Exchange Dept., Chamber of Commerce Bids. MORTGAGE LOANS On first-class improved city property. 5 to 7 per cent. b arm Lioans. A. H. BEEEELL CO., 202T McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. 12 ACRES six miles from Portland, one mile from station. Level land on fine road. - 125 per acre. Terms. MOODY LAND CO, 1018 Cham, of Com. Bids. Main 37. Make $1000 ir--av- wk -n niTBTVPGG asT" A TTflV. Corner 100x100, Just at the end of ah q-h1rtloth artrl Alrts- luueiitt v ' . ' ... ! ' ..... - - worth avenue, excepted lots in the cen ter of Irvinsrton Park where business .,1 : J fonnrt Una KAAn rcfllMan is not anoweu ovvv i.o cv... . . v. n 1 n mr Talre lor iiieui. ius.t "- .. tnem lor i.uuu mm J. D. KENNEDY, 836 Union Avenue. N FOR FIRE INSURANCE SEE WARD YOUNGER, , Suite 426 Yeon Bide, Main 7525. A 42,4. ortgage Loans $30,000 and Over aa CENTRAL BUSINESS PBOPKHTI. LOWEST CtKKEXT RATES, WM. MAC MASTER 701 Cor bett Hide. r HOME FOR SALE. In oest resiaence aistnci vwti- oiud, - v, Ahs-AB. hatha onA With rtfAdld- . . . , 3ii-a. -rrr 4. CM. 1 A gpray ' and shower; three fireplaces; i 1 o ro-a Blapn- Qining-I UUII1 III lliniiuf,aii j , r-. .r- ing-porch, hardwood floors; vapor heat, handsome fixtures, large grounds, mod- 1 OI n nlaao nnnl t I ATI. W111 Sll urn iuu i . . . , . at bargain. Good terms. Owner, AH 230, Oregonlan; mm! nCRnmKR Jk THOMPSOK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, KKU. ESTATE DEALERS. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT, McKay Beck,- vviiuam m-oio Chapln & Herlow, 833 Chamber of Commerce Cook. a. o- ouo ..... w Jennings at . j.. iniTAn PALMER-JONES CO., H. P-. 4U4-405-408 Wilcox bldg. . , The Oregon Kcal Estate Co., Grand ave.. at Multnoman s. inoimumr ' REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. LOT 50x100. 273. 10 DOWN, S5 PER MONTH. About 5 blocks from the Lents school ; . .nnil nir r.ltv water. It's cheap. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankenyj 1 handle v ..,. runiLjiwi' n . Both high-class and cheap property, V..-S .k. k.riroln. In this district: If you want to buy to advantage on Port end Helgnts you win nave Vi!io rrrTT I.riTR IV ROSE CITY PARK CIDA That I can sell on terras of $10 down and $10 per monin. invwuB". - j,yie. Main oow, 1U 1'W vv ... . ....... . . . . BEAUTIFUL LOT IX t-tVINGTON DISTRICT. . Tmprovfments all made: Aople trees and Derriea, una view. ' " ". ' - 1 TT-pirv THT3 REAT9 TT S1U V. :i-V"B9? central My qunrier uivuvi n i 7. East sine adjoining im you get deed; balance o years to pay. Write owner, l, q, IRVIXGTON location A few choice loU BOx 100, to De aoia ' .VI to close an estate. See Attorney, 414 Epaiaing puiioing. ti . nrTunnMK IVB S2400. N. E. cor. 51st. all cash. Fred W Ger man. 436 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. FOUR business lots. Sandy road, 1750 each for quics saie. mima. TWO fine 50x100 lots near Woodlawn School at actual cost: must sell. Call Main 4HB.1. Beach Property. FINE lot at Ocean Park. $300. Call after Monaay. peuwuwi o,-. l or Sale Houses. .imTi-TT TTrt'Vlir: If you are looking for a fine home In lrvingion, juu win . - for your money In this new home than in any place we navo uu. - -houso of seven rooms, large attic ana i .... i,.nlivAnfl floors sleeping umwiu , ......... . . throughout; large, light rooms; Eood, big furnace, two luepiaB, n.-fi -every modern convenience; garage; one block to car; an buoci ""h.1" 'and paid; must be sold; will give good r ' OSCAR W. BRTAN. Main 1(W3. 608 Cham, of Com.A 1227 , run i uaxi ni.." . . A most attractive and well-appointed modern bungalow of 9 rooms, especially designed and built for owner's own home. Two complete bathrooms, S toilets, auto matic gas water heater, lovely bllliard- , iiHni.n. Tim three room, iubb-iv. -iu"c .., ----fourths acre of ground is very .attract ve and is beautifully wooded with natlie trees, can arrange lerau. Henry C. Prudhomme, S06 Wilcox bldg. HUlUU Ui I UL Ik a " , . - . - alt vb-it-q ir ri i vt I HT 1 II r.IN 1 tit. rjunu&ll a" v WE FURNISH PLANS, FINA5'jRS-nS BUPAPARTMENT OB BBSIMNCh SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUK JlJir.i IS. ''-','; ".V VAT! HAKE r L.AI 3. 11 "iliu r. . . L, B,BAILET CO.. CONTRACTING AKCrilT ii;uts. d- acii'uiw. . . T-I.r.T III.nCT TlTTTsTnAT.OW. I.ftl. .'..I'.. I ..... ' . - - . - The best money can buy. Six rooms finished in birch, elegant fixtures, hot - .i a.,,. Ttuud water water ii-auiig v"" - - heater. This bungalow is built for a home by day labor ana is i" some one who can appreciate a fine home. ....... v., tn he arjoreclated. Price $85I0. Call me up. Main 1503 or A 1515. Ask tor LTQBni. o- '."'u.. 1 i.. . nnvniTIW RXiP. Nice B-room bungalow, latest built-in effecu on full lot 60x100. 924 Hodaday ave.. near East 30th: price a snap. $3200. 500 cash and $20 per month; look at It tonay -- rtT 318 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th ana Oak. 7 rooms, beautiful, new home; restricted district: 2 carlines; easy terms; lot 50x100. large beveled plate buffet, large dressing . t?-.?.i. ml-rnn: everv conveni- ence. rnone jaum -t i n. ii.v. . . . Til...'' itt. vji "VP. 1 T .O W 5 rooms and attic; well built, conve nient, strictly mouern, biuuhb very large grounds, with beautiful trees and gorgeous unobstructed view; one block irom car; "'- . -,a Marshall 4627. BROOKE. A CORNER. East 2th and Oregon; fractional lot; modern 6-room house, full cement basement. lurnace, nrepmce. . uuim, tures, shades, etc; terms. Phone owner. East S50 CASH, $10 per month, nifty new 3-room bungalow, mmuiw -a-.- only 47a; aiso -rwm kiuw HIGLEY & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton Bldg. WILL take $200 cash and 20 per month tlon; a bargain either for a home or in vestment; price tow. iMam -re,.. galow. Union ave. district, up to date, hVgLEY& BISHOP. 201 Hamilton Bldg. IDEAL BUNGALOW HOME. - , .... nn ,.nn.. pnlirplv rltr ferent- everything first-class. Phone for partlCUITS- UWIlor. Jiai" c 6-ROOM house for sale for $100 If taken this week- I'nojiw mum ...-u. FOR FINE HOMES See uelahunt. FOR SALE Fine a-room house, good loca tlon. Eeuwooa mi. . v n.vwn-VTtl 6-room house, new. modern, -00 reel to earr lot 50x100, close in, excellent neighborhood: $3750, easy terms. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, bungalow style just completed; all built-in con veniences and strictly up to 'e,'h"fJ front; 200 feet to car, ln Laurelhurst. $.1250, terms to suit. . S rooms and sleeping Porch: .". dou ble construction, excellent finish, beamed and paneled dining-room, fireplace, rur nace and all built-in conveniences. Plas tered oasement, fruit "d vaBle rooms; 2 large rooms can be finished on third floor; J580O. .mall cash PymnA.. 4 rooms ln excellent suburb, restrictions, built-in conveniences: large r?m,a', place, electric fixtures and tinting in cluded in price. $2250. iruwmn- 3 rooms and bath, corner lot 100x100. fine view of Tualatin Valley. West Side. 2 block, to car, 15 minute, to Postofflce, walk, graded streets and water, -fu. Jfoo cash will handls It. balance like Beautiful T-room bungalow all mo and built-in effects; finished in hite enamel; large basement and furnace rooms: east front: all street improvement. '"Large? beTutlfu'l riden. T room, snd sleeping Porch and attic ' large Dutch KfSit W,?ont7"ailCstreet improvemeul. - PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 2d Floor, Selling Bldg. Main 1S00. A 8-81' SELL OR TRADE. A fine 10-room house on 50x100 lot, near 23d st. on Hoyt: will take a home on East Side as part pay ment. This 1. a fine buy and $-500 below market value. See Mr. Davie, with SLAUSON-CRATO CO., 304 Oak st. HOME READY FURNISHED aTe cC.rbPeLEpISLnkeF?eBnSTDitr Sre hird surface and the price Is right. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. Oregonlan Bldg. . SACRIFICE BUNGALOW. New fine 5-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, buffet, bookcases. Dutch k" en. polished floors, double construction very swell and up-to-date; wn h" left cltv, therefore must sell; on Tib bet s" between 29th and 31st., Waverlelgh Heights, value $4000; . our P ' few days $3100; $500' cash and $20 per mDth- GRUSSI & BOLDS SIS Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. -,TT V 1 tUtft ROSE CITY PARK. Snap, now 6-room modern bung alow porcelain bath, toilet, sink, not ; and cold water, plastered. tinted, ''v.'lYn floors, enamel bathroom and kitchen, flowers, garden,, chicken ,Par Yol rns new range goes with It; fine lot. Sice Terms to suit purchaeer. t l.oian. R15 Spalding bldg. S-HOOM modern house on 4 big lots with to keep chickens,6" fine" view, close to good c?r service; 'a fine little cosy home on West Side. Investigate this. It is worth the trouble. The price 1 " 18?0 with trms to BUlt; sidewalks in. AL -U, Oregonlan. E 35TH STREET. S-room Built for a boms. Sleeping porch, fireplace, laundry tray., price S4O0. terms $150 cash bal. $3. in cluding interest. National T"' Co.. 723 Cham, of Com. Phone Main 51-u. HAWTHORNE. fzuoo. 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave.. west of 35th st.. 2-story house la,';B'!mme?' i full basement, street paved, all improve ments paid; $500 sh. terms on balance. n E.vnrDMflM .P. ft Mar. S052. 507 Spalding bldg. A 4154 I WILL sell my strictly new modern 8-room house ana iuu lot iu; i-,, " actual cost If taken before July Id. If Jou nave $2250 to invest and want a beauti ful home In fine location at your own price see this at once. Owner, Y 278. Ore- gonian New, modern 2-story house, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, 3 large bedrooms, lot 50x100, close to car. Will take good auto or lot as part payment. Mar. 8952. 507 Spalding bldg. A 4154 ALAMEDA PARK district; mt sacrlf ce HZJ; rful. hment; Vni-half bloelk to school. 2 blocks car; price $2750, $S50 cash? balance $20 monthly including in- terest. vnone wunuiai... Seven rooms and Bleeping porch, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace and all modern convene X" cash? balance to suit. Robert Martyn. 00T Yeon biog. FINE 6-room bungalow, bathroom, base ment floored attic, window .hadea, car Sets cut-gla.. electric globes, trees; Highland lark. $2300. Phone Woodlawn BUILD AS YOU LIKE. WHERE YOU LIKE? FURNISH PLANS AND MONET GUARANTEE THE WORK. IIVX L. L.1 ,IX3I ivux.- ONLY $050 2-rnom house, corner 50itt00. fine View, etc.; near Rose City Park cat. 1250 down. $10 month. Jas. C. Logan, Jin Knrvldlntr bldg. Marshall 2746. S1H00 .J "",'.".c"ort o.h- J., car; ioi ,'. house; lot duuwv, uu $00. $350 cash, easy term, on balance Phone wooamwn for haajC r"", " jrir :aVi7- mTiV. . . A . wAa n linn, rumQCH. fireplace, a uiun-o jj . .-.all nsvmant rinnrn day rarK Phone BejiwoooiBo MODERN 8-room bungalow. No. 3 B. T2d 5 in Mt Villa In Cuthill Add. Price $2300. See owner. Main 3691. 629 Henry bldg." ; IRVINGTON OUR SPECIALTY. . DESIRABLE HOMES, SIGHTLY LOTS. NEI'IUUsSt & CO.. 703 LEWIS BLDG. 4TH AND OAK STS. MAIN 8078. 1 ' . t"T.TTT-T. tro-Mir. n 3HTH ST. near Hawthorne ave.. faces east; lias every modern convenience; $32a0; $300 cash. Phone Tabor FINE 8-room house, beautifully finished. in COUnCli lrei rain-, , Drive; 2 lots fine view; 3 blocks from carllr.e. A 4939 itin-r BROADWAY home, half price, several lots. C 1S66. E. 273. W. 11. neraman. 5 ROOMS, modern, new, 200 feet from station; 101 rn'iiw. va.. Scott car. 7011 OJSl ave. r.. a. BUILD an artistic home; book free; plan. ana sin-. 1 1 . . . " , . , RIH. Assn.. 322 Mohawk bldg. evip for immediate sale, swell 5-room Jlawtnorne buiisi-. SSoa t-b some cash. Phone B 2680. e i New modern 5-room bungalow, 3 block. ,01S1 DV4I) to Hawtnorne ave. r-iiL,iiq igu. i. unnpRS hnuses. 4 to 9 rooms, restriction, your choice, terms; paved street. Zella GOSSett, I YVCBl HMIIUftB-u. ... " 6-ROOM modern home. Bleeping porch, lire, place, beam ceilings, oak floors, gas, elec tric lights: terms. East 2741. nnxlOO feet, with cosy 3-room house, with or without furniture; owner leaving city, ynone Main ion. . -r-. i - Vaisr C rnnm Kunirn. low on E. Lincoln. Price 53500; terms reasonable, hnone iB.oor aov For Sale Acreage. ONE acre, alt cleared, redshot soli, no m a .i m -wn.m nay Tpllnt view: Kr&Vcl, O Oltao 1. 1 uiib , price $475; terms $9.50 per month; can be seen to advantage Sunday. S 257, Ore- gonian. f , 17 ACRES near Beaverton, 15 cleared, 2 blocks from car station and running water; only $300 per acre; terms. Owners James wrison, u.iaa. v... . - 2U ACRES on carline, no gravel, soil very " i.,,t,a. would make a fine chicken ranch and' a good investment; $675, $12 per month. AT ZIP, unrguuim. . , ir-Dtra on BaBe Line road, nice new Vroom bungalow, 4 miles from city' limits. Price $4500; terms. Partic ulars a -v. ui8""'- tt.-.-.t -DT-v-cTj io ncres as fine land as can be found on earth.4 enchanting view; $75 acre: easily cieareu, eivw uuwu. i Oregonlan. ISO ACRES level land for $2S an acre, on Gales C'eek, northwest of Forest Orove, en countv road and electric survey, phone owner, Marshall 502 or East 1796. FOR SALE 1 acre onAlberta st.. near 39th St.. at a nargain. vuuuia.w,i w.., . I4tn st. ! 9fl mimtlBH1 ride TWO acres near d ......... . . Salem Electric, $900; easy terms. Write owner, 245 aiorria ai. TOUR OPPORTUNITY. SCAPPOOSE ACRES. Within 25 Miles of Portland. Easy Terms. On a Railroad. Large number of men employed at headquarters on tract: plenty of spring and creek water. Call or write for in formation. I.UEDDEMAN'N-BOTHFUR CO.. 013-17 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Office Open Till 8:30 P. M. Main 6U67. THE BEST ACRE TRACT. THE CHEAPEST ACRE TRACT THE PRETTIEST (JbROVE OF TREES. THE BEST SOIi., IN OREGON. ALL IMPROVEMENTS PAID FOR. This is the best chance you will ever have to buy a beautiful acre tract, close in and provided with water and stree'. Improvements and streetcar service; you can buy It on the easiest term, ana it is one of the main thoroughfares of the city paved all the way; you can buna a temporary house at a cost of $50 or $75 and if now paying rent your saving per month will be not leas than 40; tne finest for vegetables, chickens, fruit, etc.. that lie. out of doors; If you want an acre of ground for the price of a lot. let me know. E 247. Oregonlan. SPLENDID 10 ACRES. Non-resident who is buying on con tract leasy mwiinij i,jhiD.., - ----- 10-acre tract Just on the edge o .town of Yamhill; well settled neighborhood, all splendid soil: spring water; no waste land, for $1600. writes "Sell my $20 equity for $150 cash; must have money. Here's an opportunity for anyone In the market for a fine 10-acre tract to get it at low price and very easy terms of payment. The So. Pao. Ry. now eleo- trirying its une nnvue,,. . values are advanolng. . J. W. C'ROSSLEY. 519 Corbett Blag. 1 1-3 ACRES abutting on Fourth street line of Southern Pacific. 40 minutes west of 4th and Washing ton; poles and trolley wires now be ing put over this line to run elec tric cars; .commuters' fare 14 cents; this all cleared at $500 per acre, payable $50 cash and $o Inter est per month. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth bt. A saoo. .a K ,,,, r lr.HB hOUSe. SU. W ill acre u r- "., shed. Darn, on new uw., , j , store, school, postofflce; vacant land ad Joining Bells this price. Take some ex- $31T6 10 acres. 4 blocks to depot. Van- :t" ..... o K.rlAa 1 acres couver j3..eciiiu, . - . spuds, balance plowed; house and barn. $1000 cash, balance terms. $12,000 40 acres; will divide 10 acres up; all oearing ireea, iic. ..v........ -. postofflce; very deep rich soil; ome cash, balance exchange. STONE, 219 Lumbermens bd.. nth ft Mara. IMPROVED TRACT, Four acres, all In crop and improved, good well, Bplendid new wire '"jc, chickens and crop go with place. This property is located on Foster Road, four r. , . .,iv,. aio.inn nwnpr mUSt DiOCltS irUIU - sU at once and has reduced the price to $3200. Pee It ana maae me " cash you can. This is absolutely a BAR GAIN Main 1008. Whltmer-Kelly Co., 70 4th st. A 100. 6 ACRES at $250 per acre, only H. mile south of St. Mary's station, on Fourth-street line; only 12-cent fare to commuters; 30 minutes from 4th and Washington sts.. on monthly payments. . . i . . ... . r pnwplWT main as in'' Fourth fat. A 3500. 5 ACRES down the Willamette on west side and ZV, miles back from , river and 5-eent carfare, for $170 per aero on monthly payments. ,-. i ... i- . r, rnvpiXT 1 lie oua v -it ciniv - ---n Main 35. 102 Fourth bt. A 3500. ui-ir-Arr imtxj. 10 or 20 acres unimproved land z- . t t.nH. mllM. fri.Tn miles nortneaoL i . ,, .in electric line; good .oil; will .ell for 60 per acre; i no". i fc. .............. no interest; this Is good agricultural land -n , . ...i i n nnr a raal Kt art III ana just mo jiiacq w e chaIIn-heSlSw mtg. TRUST CO. Third, rloor unamuer o. vmmp.v". Bin wn an1 imRll mfinthlV DSVllieiltl buy. $410 80x200 tract on Oregon City car line: half an hour out; Just the spot for a home where you can have a garden, keep chickens, etc.; high and sightly; magnincent view wi mi. a, ..-. --r.7 live soil. See Mr. Hurlburt, 202 Wilcox bldg. rnonea main qqk. CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCH 153 near PORTLAND. Best soil, good road., .pring water, free wood, settled country. 10 acres, $400, $500, $600 per tract; 20 acrea $S00; 40 acres, $1200 ; 80 acre.. $2000 ; 40 acre. timber. $2400. Ranches all kind, tor saie. Easy terms, irana aiucii'w"" tjuw yeon oiog.. i-mi.iM. v. YOU WANT a picturesque Summer home with running water; a small farm, an acre or two tor chicken.. $200 and up. easy terms, choice acreage, cloas to Portland, on electric carline, phone, school, .tore, etc J. W. Hefferlln. 80T Railway Ex- chenre. Main 2248. 20 ACRES, east of Clackamas, Improved. running water, s""" b.-, i-. -. ft.iwu; win bllcjii " . , or property, near 50th and Hawthorne 1 . ..., n.-n.r IRAll rluw. ave., on uini ujm..ih w..., -- thorne ave Phone Tabor 8302. FOR SALE 1160 acres fine land, 6 miles S. E. Lind; well Improved, with water, all . ..... w.i i. ,lB.n Rummer fal- ln, navii. ii. low: price $85 Per acre ,000 cash $5J.00 good traae, Daiaiiuw nimy lock box a. Lina. waau. W V JC. V- "in VJ 8 acres, level, rich, 4 4 miles from rt,rr-ni M-VIVA PITY. business district, wcat omc, road, near 5-cent car; $11200; 5 par cent down, balance to suit; will pay tor itself If set to perrifg. jviu oa, - t. imiai. - .. 12 4 acres, house, barn, good water, all under cultivation, 35 bearing apple trees. strawberries, etc., ... mile circle, at a bargain. Joseph S. Hall a;5 rienrypias For Sale Homesteads. .. ttAWT'CTL' A TkO Roma aiiO-acre homsteads open for ...? All anhn IavaI hfittniTi. hV xlllDK uyuui -r.i e "-- -- or wheat land: plenty of water and near ranroaa. i -.. HOMESTEADS located, timber, water, level . . n.n nlnW RpB ill Ollfl dlV. iana, prm.ico. i- - - out n.l, rnnTTl 21. uovey, mi v."". For Salii Fruit Land.. FOR SALE 200 acres of fruit land near Medford, Or.. 70 acres under cultivation, about 40 acres ln 2-year-old orchard, fair house and barn. Robert Martyn, 007 Yeon bldg. unnn RIVER BARGAIN 10-acre orchard planted 5 and 8-year apples; $5000; $1500 cash, balance in 4 years. H 2l. urcgunmii For Sale Farms. Our personally conducted excursion will leave roriia..u i. ?.-" ets will De buuu in.... . .V. nn . fin Ma Will hA KCBini. of surpassing beauty, but the most at tractive pari in i"' ..i- - within the reach of every man. We give vou every opportunity to see the country ... 'kit...inn tn hnv Plnn tn aa on wltn no vj '( you' will write or call we will givs yOU IU11 iniuriiim.u... W. G. IDE, Agent, Can. Pac. Ry. Co.'. Lands, J Lumbermens Bldg., Ground Floor. i-ftno ftODnRTI'MITT Montana best farm lands. $15 per acre and up. 10 years to pay for it. 6- per cent Interest low round-trip excursion rates. Owner, aui nnnwnjr c 86 ACRES, 500 bearing fruit trees; well im oroved with good water system, only few mile, from R. R. Easy term, or trade for farm near Orenco and pay cash differ ence? Call or write. 412 Wilcox bldg. PANCH 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner. 182 Morrison st. 171-ACRE dairy ranch, stock, farm and dairy Implements complete; lower Colum bia. Owner. 894 N. Grand ave. East 2S25. FARM, half prlee; going East; proof by seeing swan, on nnuuiwu ui.,b. 40-ACRE farm for sale, $3600. J. Olesy, Washougal. Wash. R. F. D. 1. . . .-c i-vx? iir My name Is Elmer Shank. I sail yoo a chicken ranch on term, like rent. At GTants Pass, the county .eat of beauti ful Josephine County; on Kogue Ktver. the Oregon retaluma. Write me or call A 2t2U at a ivi-u oi... . 600 ACRES with water for Irrigation; good buildings: Shields River. Montana, oig c?ops every year. Price $60,000; very easy terras or will trade for Portland property; splendid bargain. Owner, 807 Railway El. change bldg. TO EXCHANGE. GOOD EXCHANGE. We have a fine 30-acre farm. Improved, with 6-room house, large barn, etc.; locat ed on two county roads near Canby to ex change for Portland house and lot: crops, stock, farm tools, furniture, etc.. go wun place! Price $0000, subject to mortgage of $1400 due 8 year.. 6 per cent. Till, is a splendid property and owner. ai anxlou. to make an early exchange. Ma.n WHO. Whltmer-Kelly Co.. 70 4lh .1. A 1008. liA'i rmrpD RlHrillV ONLY $500 CASH REQUIRED. 20 acre, of fine orchard land, beautifully situated on the East Side district. Hood River Valley; over V planted In comioer cial orchard, part In bearing; fine building sits, easily worth $20,000 ln les. than J years' time; plenty of water for itti berrie.; will take unincumbered Portland residence In good district as part payment. s io. wr.? have FOR EXCHANGE Real estate for auto. Clear lots for equity In bungalow. House and lot $2000 for grocery. Eastern property for timber land. Rooming-house for lots or land. We have anything you want. HAJILA.LL' O.- v.". , if. ..... 3-ROOM bungalow, with piano and f"rn'" ture new, win traae iur nuni. '"""! land lots or acreage near Portland, ills E Market St., S blocks from Hawthorne ave.. between 37th and RSth. I want to trade for unincumbered property and deal with owners only; no trading prices oon- siaereo. ORCHARD FARM near Hermiston, has water running In irrigation micnns entire property, 20 acres ln apples ana peaches and 20 acres ln grain and al falfa. I will exchange this for Portland real estate. Price ,1s $1,000. Call at 41 Spalding bldg. NEW fl-room modern home, full lot. between Union and Williams avenues; cash value $5000, lsno payable by July. 1015; my equity $3200; will trade for smaller liomu. vacant lots or acreago at caall va.ucs. tree of debts. Call or write owuer, 412 Wilcox bldg. 57W ACRES A-l soil; adjoins city limits: perpetual water right all paid up and tree and clear of incumbrance,; an ideal tract for cutting Into acres; price 300 per acre: land adjoining held at $000; this is a big . . . ...ii. -. j ..... Dn,..1,inH Ini'.rtmo snap; win iraus ilm - ....- v.. u property. Alton Realty Co., Pasco, Vasn. IMPROVED and unimproved irrigated land near Twin Falls. Idaho, with good water right, at $50 an acre and up: good terms. B per cent Interest, for sale or trade for Portland property, business, residence or acreage. Robert Martyn. 607 Yeon bldg. L'A.-. U I nv.ii.. . . . The finest little $4500 home In the city to trade for a farm same value. I can make any kind of a trade, either assume or pay difference In cash. .-, , ....ML' SECTION' of unimproved land, miles from railroad; good soil; comes under Palouse project; will trade this for Portland prop erty or close ln acreage. Price $15 por a ere. Alton Realty Co., Pasco, Wash. 160 acres, fine fruit land. $7500, BO miles from Portland, to exchange for One one or two houses; will assume some. A -ill, uregomtiii. FOR SALE or trade for house and lots or other good properties, a 60-room lodging house centrally located; good money maker. New Eagle House cor 8d and tjurnaioe si, ---n " - I HAVE new 1912 5-passenger auto. 40 h. p., costing HiOOO; perfect oondltlon, will trade for Improved properly or 2 good lots. What hove you to offer? Owner, AF zap, uregonmn. WILL trade Itio acres Irrigable land . In Deschutes Valley. Oregon Trunk R"-'lr' for good unincumbered Portland lota. Wil liam Uliarq. i ai-uma, LOTS for acreage houses for lot or acreage mineral springs for apartment-house or hotel; exchanges of all kinds. D. Morris. 002 Buchanan bldg. TO EXCHANGE 10 acres nt Boring Or., on thA P R. L & P. Co. for s small good payini rooming-house, including building. AV 12 tiregoniii". WILL trade 2 corner Int.. clear of Incum brance, price $1000. for ei.ulty In I w fooni buSgalow ln Waverly-Rlchmond dis trict. Call 1WI em hi. "FARM FOR MERCHANDISE STOCK. Have highly improved farm . to, exchange for stock of merchandise. $-'0,00O. J ... Oreonian. W B, VV 11.1' 1 i . , . fine piano or complete moving-plcturs Sutflt for real estate. AO 268, Oregonlan. WILL trade- make offer; US rooms, corner buHdingr price $2000, $500 down. 227 Glblts. T05 f in.1 i- $2-km) EQUITY In 2-story Laurelhurst house value $0000. for lots or acreage and some cash. AO iJi. i525 EQUITY ln good 6-acre tract to ex change for small business or city property. Phone Main sm. 40 ACRES. 6 miles west of The Dalles, Or ; will trade for good 7-passengor auto. J 2M4. uregonmn. WILL take 1 or 2 lot. as part Pfyniont on modern 5-room bungalow: price $-800. Main 4400. . 70 ACRES, cuod ranch. 1R miles from Port -land, to trade for house and lot or tor J!Rout I, Box IQl, Oregon Cltyt Or. THE OWNER will exchange part or all of 40 lots In new addition. Mt. Scott dis trict for Portland property. Cederb.rgh. 614 Henry oiog. 1 WaNT good stock ranch In exchange for nrst-clsss Portland property and some cash. AL 275. Oregonlan. , 7-HOOM residence, 1 Mock sireelcar. paved street, equity $2000. for auto, ame value. Marshall 2.4.-.. VAC VNT city property to trade for house snd lot. AO 248, Oregonlan. l -i) ACRES In Marlon County to trade for city property. R. Martyn. B07 Yeon bldg. UNIMPROVED acreage near Estacada to ex change, w nat nave you i vrANTF.D REATb estate. ivpnvtR nronertv business block, hotel or 'apar'tmeSt building. $75,000 tc jJJlCJj have good hop ranch and balance in SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO.. 4tn ana ruiw ol.- GET this one: Want to rent about 6 "' all cultivated, good land, within mile of electric line, with comfortable small hous with option to buy: about $.wou; you must show value. H 278. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent farm suitable for small rivalry of 20 cows; not over 40 miles from Portland. Address 1S60 Dana st. or phone Columbia PS". i want to buy personal property on a farm and I secure long lease. E. W. Elrod. linTs, Or. Phone B 6111 and ask for tHZl. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS- TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Etc SHETLAND pony, 6 years old. weight 650 pounds; all the children can ride or drive him- is accustomed to all city Bights; rubber-lire buggy, russet harness; nicest out fit ln town; parga-in. aai i-i... FOR SALE One team of well-maiched mares, 5 years old, weighing 2700; one team well-matched horses. 5 years old. welching 2500; one young horse, weighing 1S50. 226 Russell st. B-iiw SALE Span good all around horses, 7 years old. weigh 1000 lbs.; work single or double; gentle. Farmers Feed Yard, Van couver. Wash. CAR mules and horses gooseneck farm and delivery wagons, saddles. Hubert & Hail, bki Water St.. West Side. Main 2208. ONE horse and double harness one light gooseneck wagon for sale cheap. Ad dress 071 E. 2th st. N. . a RARGA1N $5 buys mare, harness and a buggy: gentle, for anybody to drive. Woodstock, corner- uiin n. n"vi " WANTED Ladys gentle saddle horsu. aOOUt WIU lUS. otaio AV 0, eiregonian. GOOD harness, work team and horses, $S5; a hargain. At S38 E. 2Slh St. WW car. HORSE AND BUGGY FOR BALE. 8ttr. vaugnn sl. PASTURE for rent near Portland- Pneas Main 1410. Pianos. Organ, and Musical Instruments. WE are closing out our stock of pianos. Cash will take them at actual cost to us. Cash only will get them at thes. prices. Selberling-Lucaa Muslo Co.. 134 Second t.. corner Alder. GOOD team of goats 2 and 3 years old. well broke, harness and wagon, complete. 20. Willie Crosley. Phone Main 411, Forest Grove. Or. FIFE and piano lesson. $1; ieaioaa tr.a Main 8346. A - i