15 IOK RENT. Furnished Uoiuefc vJLY furnished live-room bungalow, one ick from Hawthorne ave.; full cement Lement and fine furnace; cheap rent to rnt pany. can puhuhj - - -- Uninirq after O'ClOCk. iA jOM house, all furnished; large Kitcn- ii. bur basement, launu.j . : f ' -u nu. r.hnne and best Ut service; will rent part or whole. i avA Vnrth Phnne East JUlu. ' . , Igwn fl.VW- iviun .rrh nf furniture in the house. .,,,,'.. h. rented at once. Call 1118 E. (Market St.. Hawthorne car. ('' RENT Clean modern o-rwiu nished house, with piano large saru. o,.. fruit, rent reasonable. tall i- Yamhill. UkICTLY modern 6-root.i furnished h"""?; Irvinttton. Harowooa i . a"-";,i Ish nips, fireplace, in'r""1" " ,E AUTIFUL. newly furnished nv.-room llat. or will sell terms. .- 1:30 P. M.. lot taat l""1 B ' ai'LRNISHED 7-room house lor rent rea H .i.7.. ... v. at once: modern, with nice yard. Marshall 3.;53. PrTRE.NT-Completely f "rnlshcd fire-room f bungalow; nice lawn; on carline. 4UJ ball 1 nil st. North. 'MAN and wife to share wmower . on East sine. aii 2., Oregonlan. kuRNISHED 6-room cottage. East Taylor St.. near 4-a; rem bid-. EVEN rooms, furnished. 063 E. 15th N.. $30. 1014 Chamber or comment.. ----- House, for Kent. Furniture torfel-. gsnUTne bargain in furniture. If you are loomng mr ' ,' ,". . Dished home at a bargain br rooms, completely furnished with the ery best grade 01 lumea oaiv. e ,Yo0 . .f iaken ."hi, "month' w-i'll'6 sell for 16.0; every thing goes except bric-a-brac, cut gias silver and china. Take "S3 or Mt- Tabor r--n c.nHav fiTil Relmont. cor. -9th. tHNITLRE of 7-room flat; must be soul his week for $200; Income $oS. rent $30. la:n 21S9. Summer Resorts. A NICE SUMMER OUTING. Wild Pigeon Springs has good btl . tnv nHvium Including use of mtn , . , Klt il o have you visit this wonderful spring ind bo convinced of it merits. Call : tkldmore Drug Co.. S. 151 3d st. and get ral water ana wowa , -. -),- lescrintive folder free. For further par jicmars call M ain 2632. , DtLAURA BEACH Cottages and tents for rent; rooms and board at reasonable rates: children cared for; comfort. Quiet knd a good time assured to all. F or par ticulars phone Delaura Beach Co., Main '1030. A mu 0 FOR the balance of season, furnished i.l-room cottage at Seaside. Phone L. ! 1 61. SKASIDE. 2 rooms, completely "nJj close to ocean, by week, cheap. Marshall 4-ROOM cottage at Seaside. Fh?"9 eve ninea Vnat riavtime Main -"J. SEASIDE Nicely furnished cottage Hotel Moore. Phone A 3310. Mores. I FOR RENT cheap, lone lease, fine large cor- drug store or any other good buBtness. Particulars, phone Main fcaOS or Tabot 1317. FOR KENT 2-story brick store building. Nos. 41-40 1st St.. Tortland. between 1 ma d Ash St..; SO-tt. frontage, 1 Oi) fee deep, fine location. Inquire t. D. Cham berlain. iaDoe piuk. FOR RENT Store, southwesj corner First and Columbia streets. Good location for , a saloon. Bent reasonable. IV ill 'ase. desirable tenant- inquire i S of Commerce bldg. i 6IOKES. suitable for grocery, confectlone drugs or any other enterprise: tor. M 1 waukle ar.d Bismarck; llvinK-room In r of upstairs. Inquire 405 Wash ngton st, 77 Z . . . n.1HU. Unlnl hli TWO stores for rent: Cadillac Hotel bldg.. . . n.i wu (IT :.ii an. 4 C'lil t a 1 1 at 3a ana Loiumuia, a,.wv hotel WAREHOUSE space for rent in cor.cre. building on R. R. switch. Apply Portland Artificial Ice Co.. It and Upsnur sts. FOR RENT Stores.-No. - nd 'r" thorr.e ave.. eaat end of bridge. APP" hw nnrne uock io. riiiio " 4' FOR RENT Part of store spnre 12x4.i ft; no better location In city. Aidres. stating ltn of business. P 151. Oreonian. 6TORE. 14x;;". down town, one year lease, Sol'. Jtl- Zo1. urtsuiiinu. EE our ii?t of stores. Terry & Harris. 104 eon bios.. Aiain STORAGE, fl month. 342 Williams ave. Inquire 14S 1st at., cigar store. Office. VOR RENT Rooms in Ptearns buildinv I ..... 1 etiirli.ii anmnlfl KAlfl rooms, arcnueui a ui i . d.. lice g-nerman. ot- - DESK room, office service, use of phone in outside room. 511-12 Northwest bldg. cor bin ana waamnnmu iiosx centraiiy wai- vi-. elevator service. 303 Swetland bldg., 6th " T .... . J -....& efll.ntcri and Washington. ' DESK room for rent seasonable, including tl fMl, J"'u"r. av - r i - Raiiway Licnange ut us- "CHOICE suite of four rooms in Teon bldf?., or will rent one or two rooms, each to snare in reception room, ati jawm .vv. TO RENT Desk room. tlO month with phone. 503 Epaming mag. LARGE room. desk, typewriter, etc Howe- nt-virp. narr. 11 Wash. bide, suitable PUDUC StCll-'B l)'r'i a --. DESK room, rent reasonable. OS Lum ANY desired space with or without all the conveniences. bZZ Spalding bldg. WEL.Ij-L.IGH TED desk room, stenographer, MUcellaneous. GARAGE for rent, in heart of the city: rent khi ith t ATnrshftH 441. LOWER dock, foot of YamhilL Morrison st. M. 134B. Call 182 BrSINESS OrPORTCyiTiKS W1L.L. sell or trade a half interest In two mining claims in Southern Oregon; free muting ore mui nssaj a w- " Investigate and you will be convinced it WANTED Partner, experienced in business, with some capital, to join xperienc-u man ' . - x UrllanH W must be willing to work; $800 required; can draw $10u a month and share of profits. 323 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Cigar, confectionery and fruit i an a; must be scia on account ot omor II lereSLS; gooa lOiauou, cucav i cut, iubi WANTED Man with small amount of cap ital to take position as secretary -treasurer i . nn nr.As.ri nilth fair anl. a A U" :. Q nmrnnlnn i'Al.N 1 SnOP, West OlUC, nuwu lutauuu, via- t-stabliHhed business, half store and large . . -nil- OJit ririrnn HTI jOiK) ONE'KALF down will buy cabinet manuiuciunns piaut, mot.""" a 3 i-i all stock on hand; fine- location. Phone HAVE several hundred dollars to Invest, nttA nature ' of busiuesa. H 204, Ore estate business; no money required except j ; i c U1 i 1'hflmhPr OOOU Th&Al LK t -tt. n L1 it ti i o.a- in a good town of 40ov; well furnished and Main 9117. between 10 A. M, and 5 P. M. in roo l cnnciiiun. uv.ii. inn.. FOR SALE Confectionery store in Forest a good pla'ce for a candymaker. Address SALOOXMEX. LOOK Here is a snap. X hav-d an inilPTMXiilunt lla"nsa At M. b&rESln. P. E. OfUlicid. 4o0 Yeon bldg. Phone Main 30.4 tUNr tt i lUACit X ana OUKtrrv ,r oio trade: In fine location in ci'.y. Call at 1-6 o agents. a y x- T-rav" Five-year lease and independent license. quire at 140 2d st. GREAT opportunity, selling well advertised p O. Pot S.9. Portland. 4-ROOM nouse, modern; trade for poolroom, erocerr or confectionery; on "MV" carline. ArJ uregoniau. FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop; have to auit shon on account of health. Jlt2 i nion ave. iunn LALN UHl ma; win nmt iiivrusawun k i .. ..Kinh i a hfirtrntn- Clitic will liandle. 24S'j Stark at. rcTiBl.ISHES vou. cavine restaurant sickness reason for selling. Phone Tabor 3 TWO clear acres at MVtzger Station; terms fc'OR SALE Lurch counter. Main 765S Mrs. Beck. Call before noon. BrSt"BSB OPPORTUNITIES. FRUIT AND ALFALFA LANDS. IN THE FAMOUS OK AN AG AN VAL LEY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, the great est apple-growing district In America; lots from ten acres upwards. Okanagan apples first In competition with the world; price" J go an acre until October 1. 1312; win raise to $150 on that date; also 2000 acres In block choice fruit and alfalfa lands, price $30,000. 1-8 cash, balance Inten years; best largo investment in the west. For particulars write, HITCHNEB BROS. WESTBANK- GLEN ROSA. BRITISH t:m.LjapiA. CIGAR STAND FOR RENT. in J nit oil wasn. ml. . uur - front of good saloon; haa elegant mahog - . , . . v. .. Hut itnck any fixtures; nobuiiiK l" " " J . . . rent $123. which Includes Janitor erT' and llshta; rare opportunity for a gooa hustler. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC. 10O5 and 1006 Wilcox Bidg. Do you -want money? See Irving, 82") Lumber Eicharge Bid. Quick sales ot s.ny kind of legitimate businers, city or country. Patents sold quickly. Partners procured for honest enterprise HW.000 WANTED to purchase Ln itea States rights for manufacturing oldest ana biggest-selling proprietary remedies now showing profit of 33 1-3 per cent can double this by proper management, m dividual investments of r.ooo and op ac repted. Lubeck'a. Inc. C02 Pacific bldg.. San Francisco. W ninjMa, nc.' . ,r Venn Dell.-atessen at invoice, about I - t Invnlrfi. ahOUt S150. 1 ' J : ' , t I i-truio ur-cerv at invoice, u T iin Grocery less than Invoice, about J000. OMPerr at Invoice, nouui !?mall store, input n Shingle mill at Kelsi. ti'"- , J. E. HALL. 308 ABINGTON eL.Lj. JlCiiO CASH will buy clean, up to date au burban grocery, fine location, doing over r.O dally business, mostly cash. futures and delivery outfit: will 'nv' about 2000: long lease and very reason able rent, with living rooms: owner must leave at once, r -rcj. i"1"": ABARGAW tor a fewdays.'" Confectionery. tobacco, cigars, lie - - ..,) on live corner, doing good " Good sell at invoice price; with long lease. Good living-rooms attached. Owner haa otner t-ueiness. AV 20. Oregonlan A PARTNER wanted, in my eab.1j,,1jed busU ?rMVallroad.0. '.7. buffets, etc.. etc; 2300 buys one-half in lerest: S1K0O cash, balance from tne proms. J . WANTED Barber to take charge ot note w Tair. and 4 baths; good prnnts. J 2tili. Oregonlan. 1 shoi. rhaira and 4 baths; BOod lease and clieap rent; i am iwms 7 Ll', f - on account of my health; H inteI'Vn it JlSi; i casn, oai. ""- ,;;. .ee me today and get a snap. Hogan. 2UB Aiaaison si FOR SALE or trade, a god payin g bu.l- nesa on mo . ,.nn cash and Is bringing In from $1S0 to Jo a week: no experience necessary . will consider real estate; have best of reasons for selling. AJ 262. Oregonlan, BOND ISSUES $50,000 upward negotiated: railway, gas. -' ' - - - tlon. mining and general corporations i or ganlzed: franchises and trust deeds drawn. L N Rosenbaum. Hotel Gregorian. 5tn ave. and 85th St.. New Yot. N. Y. WANTED. Partner to take half Interest In a light manufaciurlng plant; a man who can tas, rharge of an office and manage men. sai "y " P month. KJnney Stam pner, Ml-i L.umurr u'i-"B" FOR SALE All or half Interest in Iiv weemy newspaper, i urn 1r.no good business for 25 years; ofn"tim and growing: gooa opj...ii.u...., - -- weekly; J2000 will turn deal. AV o33 tiregoiiian r.uTiv kni.i. sr, rooms, all rented but three, close in. -ovo iui . water co wltn lease, in i.he t.5S5ii. 2o00 cash handles it Phone . , n i n hut t!sb rirnra nuuuc, - h33 GROCERT doing $SB day cash b"sinent! ne very, wer?'?". fix will sen ai aciuai ",yur. J i- " CV v-r 5 ti.mn 90S Lumber x- change. A . . Af-vT Tn CAT .la? Interest, will, sacrific for J11"1; sale, inanpenueiii 7, receipts 40 to $125 will sacrifice owner EOint; to canaaa. x. - . . B FOR SALE-Oeneral merchandise .tore lo- uck will invoice 'near IMW0C must b. .nlrt to settle estate. T. Q- Perkins, exe cutor, 47 Medical bldg. FOll SALE Delicatessen and lunchroom. month $ must -e.i in 10 days' accou t WAXT'partncr with I000 caah to purchase numoer ir - . ... In hAurt nf rTlt V. WILL trale gooa -- ".3 . for doing m. V.M,r 'unincum bered5 property. .creagr preferred, direct irom ownei. - a nocT.r Iks restaurant, iuau partner; each . parxne araw. -" - and men aiviua cnange. PARTNER wanted In one of the best dairy luncn ouswiwscB , - , exchanged; price J1250; $700 cash, bal ance to arrange, xi. "t WILL sell one-half Interest In my business at sacrifice; must " " t.T. , j . ""JliraMiin. Call 270 Stark. Mr. Howard FOB SALE Pool hall and cigar business. has cl:area two liiu... ... - reason for selling, owner has other Inter ests requiring bubumuh. " -. gonian WAST live partner, best paying casn " qnrv ...h InvnarnO will earn 100 to J.W monthly: no agency or scheme. A Oregonlan. FOR SALE Corner cash grocery that will pay not less man f - ., ., , o. uired; 4 nice living rooms. 32K Lumber r-xenange. TRANSFER and coal; owner of this solid business wan, a v. '",; " --- - " - on; gooa p ."". OUlreU. Jltf l.Umcr i,..r, C-O.NFECTIONERT. stationery. oakfr-JT cooas, maguxiuc, Fargo station, 4 large Uvlnf-rooms; nt lease; no coiduuuii. . . -. - stw ..naniiv mill SxlO lOC- fuk mi.'-". --r.-."'..i,;; .n for Sftwo. Address Summit Lumber Co.. Summit. Benton Co.. Oregon. ibLID office business; this clears over $00 P.,iPln verv little money. '319 Lumber fc.xcuangc WANTED Small planing mill, located In eood Oregon ton " ""- be in ru.......!s ...-.y-- ---- - terms. Aaarwa xu - " - run j -. - - T, . , RTtn ana imuni """-j ' . $15; heat, water, cluster llgnts lnciuaeu. rrrTT 71777 rnnfrtlonerv. Ice cream, in euuui u . lings worth . , apitnil .Tinvl n or liven from Portland. AV 631, Oregonlan. iao Partner wnuicu, t"""-" sary; good pay and mostly outside work. 5 U iiUniuer aaiiioiibo. a t rt 1 . 1 nnnl Vl Q 1 1 C 1 1 t 1 1 phail HUH fc AL.r pjrsi-viaaa "i nettins ji A oaiance tunc o. """ .w.. 0 RESTAURANT, close In. West Side, clearing 1DU mo II 111 kuusq toB.. o price t-tDU. am. j-,mt--a " . . .a a . n . o r r mntr on account of sickness. Win. Kruger. Ore- gon City. Or. steady trade. Call at once 983 Alblna ave., L car. - X--. r.T T-T-D IT THRiTFR .UU 1 - -" a" A a-a making $200 monthly net tor sale, or -will trade ior reai esi.-.c. vPwaa.. CIGAR and pool business; clears over $240 . -v- n n .n fan irv it before buviii K. RESTAURANT, on Washington "t., lease, rant a. month: $1500. term. V IWli. ureg9nian, FOR SALE Restaurant with lodging-house . . .,.,nf Im fnpniahttrl crriiMl hunt. .in -s, r r. r K To r rva-i-r" u. ash - . ivnrCTIM A t CTnrifl Telephone and other bonds bought ana sold. E'letcner inv. "'"fc VAN TED Partner with $300 for traveling picture show ; experience not necessary r L -iiiumi vabw b will sell on account of other business. Inquire at J. T. Duck's, 111 6th. FINE little grocery business; just right for J lfirinar r-nnmm VA.fi XL. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1; bring this svd. t- a--i . .. D.(fitrv 1Q"U. HA rnr Tavlor. JWBJ J tt'"'l a-a . " AaaOlAtAAl AM spasav, MvaaaB D wxyxa Ing business; leaving city. 104 Russell at. r-T t-r vt ns m 1 as Hnlrnr werA na v GROCERY and confectionery; 8 living rooms; price ouu. o v o duiuuci- ajluuiuikv BEST moving-picture show hall. Eastern ..nn i IT H (rhti !. Rum. Orppon. BAKERY, with good business, 3 wagons rii.. tivw) V ?ri.. Oreeonlan. oo BUYS 20-room rooming-house, free , V. will Inda r 7 lllKK. POOL, hall, earning (3500 annually. Owner, v. o -. ai TSiai-Tia Hrp rnn TTTE MORNING OREGOXIAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1913. Bcsiygss oppoBTuyrmia. AN opportunity for the right party to ' a newly erectcu niuuor ... ..... . " - - - - - Wash. ; a, live wire in a live town. Otto Wichert. SALOON At a sacrifice; partners disagree; .wi i n-t CA.VI0 to fit ee., a . ::T ,j--.th- up place; win seu ir lished trade, near Third and Morrison. win nana iuwiuub" .......... ------. - agents. Main Realty Co., 235 Main, at. KELLOGG The luneral services, of 'J",1'? Beach. July 9, will take place at Flnle, . i , . i rid ii V I at 2 o'cloc'c P. M. Interment will be had in the fam ily plot. Lone Fir Cemetery. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. nrsivF.ss oppoRTryinKS wanteix BARGAIN 12 rooms, all good furniture, permanent roomers; owners sick; must sen; terms, aw i-it pi. HAVE 15 acres fruit land to apply as first payment on a .gooa ousiness. you 7 AU JV. ur'gonin. A BARGAIN 12 rooms, all good furniture; permanent roomers; owneis Bell: terms. 2HO 12th t. BOWnSO-HOPSES. MART J. 1.HJ1 -- PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. nui.l.a liiw i v j ..... HOUSES. All sizes Bi'u .b. RS2-4 Falling bldg.. 3d and Washington. BARGAIN 9 furnished housekeeping rooms i ii-n,t eiia forpntlv AOla I or r lose in, uii v cot - - - Mn- flno- owner leaving city and will sell for J250. IIOO cash, balance Pcr "ontn. FOR SALE 21 rooms, elegantly furnished. . , tna.inn. h s Income. new ana clean, i 'l""v" ' -, and always full: lease, terms: cheap. By owner, r innuio. .. SNApSmall rooming-house, well furnished Malleys grocery store, Marshall -i- "arty leaving FOR SALE 1 1-room modern house, well furnished; rooms always iuh, "j . particulars, call Main 1070. . IX)8T AND FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine ha! . . -..-nit whnlaaalA DrlceS: w renovate mattresses and return same aay we alto renovate feathers.' Fortlan. Curled Hair Factory. H. Metiger, i-b-l-FronL Phone Main A lii. LOST A ladya necklace, with locket and enamel; three opals In slide- finder ,rdl Phone East 6119. will LOST In the business district of the West ... . . . i .nral nmRn lue irioay mummi, brooch; finder please return to the bnaw- f ear Co., iu- iin bl. aim ec t29 HEWAKI) tor reiurn m ui.i. of twln-cynnoer inman mi-iui.,-, ---- Xlnisn. xactory i iv, ews. LOST On Maegly and Williams ""- olacK crocnei snawi, umao tUm tO ITT V fiquu " FOUND In Meier & Frank's store, money lnsr mav recover by proving property am turn to lUJi neyeiaiiu rwflvin for this ad. AL 250, "Oregonlan LO.T Checkbook, Hartman St Thompson cniTris.tH Woturn R4i Hoard urn.li vi 1 1 uji iiafti .w. .- T-arla LOST Package valuable papers in Ernst: jionDoniere, i in una vYniua"". tilease nhone East 760. Reward. LOST Lady's gold and pearl brooch. FlnJ" will bt. recompeuseu iw McKay blag. LOST Checks for f r0 and $18.50 and a: in gold, itetum to v .t reward AU urcgui. WANTED $5000 on Improved city property principals. mam iivyr. LOST B. H. S. pin. Phone Tabor. 1202. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. rt.. apRflil. MASTERS &A1.C. Of Oregon Land oc vaier v.ufcfiij the State of Oregon under the final decree of the United States District Court In and for the District of Oregon. Whereas, In a cause depending m tne United States District Court In and for the District of Oregon. In equity. No. 36". wherein R. S. Howard, Jr., receiver of the Title Guarantee & Trust company, is com nl.ln.nt anj OrACTOn 1 J H fl A Water COHl pany and others are respondents and de fendants, by a decree of said court ren dered and entered on Monday, the lto day of June. 1912, It was adjudged and decreed that Oregon Land Water Com ........ .. i. .... i i ,. r- -niiM in be Dala on or before the 15th day of July. 1912. after the entry of said decree, to complainant for the use and benefit of certain bond holder and claimants, aa In said decree stated, the following and speclfio sums or money, with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the dates therein specified and thereafter from the date of said decree until paid, to-wlt: Advances made to Oregon Land Water Co.. by K. 6. Howard, Jr., re ceiver; ' cei'ver . . rrnrr:: .. 2j.m.si Accrued Interest thereon at per cent to Jan. 81, 1912 With Interest accruing from Jan. 31, 1912, until paldi at $3.88 per day. Since the appointment of W. R. Walpole, Jr., reoelver Accrued Interest to Jan. $1, 1912 With interest accruing from Jan. 31, 1912, until paid at $1.31 $.100.79 7,821.05 278.72 Also such further sums as shall have to v. B,i.,annA hufnn. cai under the decree. with fmtrat thereon from the date of Knlfl nilvAncs. Due on account "of certain bond sales to W. W. Reed $ With Interest at per cent from Jan. 12. 107, on $1,120 of said sura, and with Interest at 6 per cent from March 1, 1907 air-d i -- . i,l .nm 2,841.25 Par value' of 5la bonds 259.500.00 I-,..,.,.,, .1 ini.nui miinnni on same to March 1. 1912 70.065.00 Accumulated Interest on bonds and unpaid coupon Interest... Par value of 47 bonds., Defaulted Interest coupon, on same to March 1, 1912 Accrued Interest Together with Interest on all said sums until paid. Overdraft of Irrtgon Nursery Co. with The Title Guarantee & Trust Co With Interest thereon from Nov. . 1907. . . Promissory note of Oregon Land & Water Co. to C C. Hutch inson Interest at S per cent from Jan. 8. 1907. to Jan. 31. 1912 With Interest thereafter accru ing at 13 cents per day until paid. Promissory note of Oregon Land n. u-diu. rn in The -Title 8.376.40 23.500.0 2,820.00 126.90 288.5C 740.2 248.95 Guarantee Trust Co 89.210.1$ Interest at 8 per cent from Oct. 28. 1907, to Jan. 31. 191.2... With Interest accruing thereon at $19.84 per day until paid. Indebtedness of F. B. Holbrook a. rn in Tha Title OuArantee 30,144.63 & Trust Co - 7,291.11 With interest at u per cent irom March . 1906. Premium and rebate obtained from The Title Guarantee & Trust Co With Interest from April 21, 1903. at per cent. Counsel's feea E85.O0 80.000.00 h.i In the acs-recat.. 1560.302.0.1 with accrued interest and Interest yet to accrue, costs and expenses and costs and charges of sale; and that in default of the payment thereof by the said Oregon Land & Water Co., or by anyone for or in Its behalf or claiming by. through or under it, all, every ana singular, am ... t Aannl nnil mlrMl In eluding generally and specifically, as more fully appears in me itruiu. i . "" District court in tne cik r. s ..I ... At T.ntianrl Oreeon all franchises, easements, water rights, real, personal and i i n.nn...ua nnrf ftvcrv rleht. Inter est, claim, demand, estate or eqillty of redemption or. in or w m. their appurtenance., t H.i-.iinta belontrlna or In any' wise appertaining. should be sold en masae and as an entirety In one lot and - -..Ti at mihlic auction lo the highest bidder or bidder, for cash at the town of IrriKon. on tne line oi urefou-uamma . , . . - v...aHnn r'rtmnnnw il ton itaiiroaAi ck - f . ... pnllniv state of Oregon, at t n : m .im nn ii v theneat on the 2d day of September. 1912. at the hour of 12 O Cioca. UUOU i i , ' ..in, ...n.H lav or time to which the spe cial master may require such sale to be held, and that notice of the time and place of said sale should be published as ,n ..m riar.A directed; and Whereas, neither Oregon Land ft Water Company nor anyone for or on Its be half or anyone claiming by. through or ...t, tt hni nald or caused to be paid said several sums of money, although ,fn to .nd inclusive of July 15. as provided In said order and decree, "has Now, therefore, pursuant to said decree, t .k. ..n.r.lirnad. W. R. Walpole. Jr., Special Master duly appointed in and by the terms of said decree, hereby notify each, all and everyone who n. m.j j-v... . unaav th. 2d dav of SeD tember. In the year 1912, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon oi saia uy. "i .......,., a . nntlce bv Dublicatlon. as reaulred by said decree, is complete, or at any adjourned day and time of said sale as provided In said decree, at the office of Oregon Land & Water Company at Irrigon In tne county oi moi iuv. cm.. of Oregon, on tne line or in. v.-. x- - nnHnini t ft thl. notice and oth Ilka notices published In Th, Horning SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. Oregonlan at Portland. Oregon, and In the East Oregonlan. at Pendleton. Ore gon, and in the Wall Street Journal at New York City. X. Y.. and under the con ditions nominated in said decree, will sell to the highest bidder or bidders for cash In hand everything belonging to Orejon Land A Water Co. hereinbefore generally referred to and specifically described. In the decree and bill of complaint, reference to which Is hereby had for more particu larity, as the same are on file in the office of Anderson M. Cannon, clerk of the District Court of the United States in and for the District of Oregon In the Federal building at the City of Portland in said State and District, consisting gen erally of all the real, personal and mixed property, lands, premises and appurte nances, tenements and hereditaments thereunto belonging, described In the mort gage and deed of trust of March, 1, 1906. and in the receiver's reports, being lands and properties located and situated In Umatilla and Morrow Counties in the State of Oregon, in ranges 23 to 29 East, townships 3 to -6 north, together witn the laterals, flumes and ditches. pipes and lines of the company, extending from points in said various townships and ranges westerly and southerly from the Umatilla River at the point of diversion, together with all and singular the ditches, flumes, canals, laterals, distributing ditch es, dams, reservoirs, pipes and lines, weirs and works of said company, to gether with all and singular the lands, dams, hereditaments, appurtenances ana easements acquired or. appropriated for the Durnoses of rieht of way for the same. and all the appendages and appurtenancos thereunto belonging or In any wise apper taining; together with all the water rights held or acquired, possessed or enjoyed be longing or appurtenant thereto; together with all ana singular me nK.na, n.iuUaff. .Yomnifnni Immunities, ease ments licenses and franchises connected with or relating: to the same, or the maintenance, use or enjoyment thereof; together with all fences, houses. ware houses, machine shops, repair shops, su perstructures and several structures and fixtures, tools and implements held, nwnMi noasessed or enjoyed by said- com pany for use In and about its business or the construction, maintenance and opera tion thereof; together with all the In come, tolls, revenues, rentals. Issues and profits thereof and of the said ditches. xiumes anu vaiiaia, iiicu ..-.---. nt iha .niri romnanv:- together with all personal property, things, choses In ac tion contracts, notes, and mortgages, more partlculr-rlv described in said decree and In said mortgage ana aeea ui uu j- remaining as physical property of said nmnuv inmtpd and contained as aforesaid more particularly described at pages 30 to 101 ot said decree as the srvme is on file in the office of said clerk, being all and singular the property of the said Oregon Land & Water Co., real, personal and mixed, of every kind and nature whatsoever, now owned, pos loved bv the said com- panv or by its receivers or at any time so owned or possessed, held or enjoyed by Oregon Land fc Water Co. at the date of the execution ot the mortgage or deed of trust of March 1. 190. or at any time tince acquired or In which said Oregon Land oV Water Co. may have had or be came entitled to or now na. iu i.e.., r inti-AAt. claim, or right of posses- r.t Qrw kind or nature whatsoever. and whether situated In the Counties of Umatilla, Morrow or Multnomah, of the State of Oregon, or elsewhere. Including every kind and species of property wltn an .i.htB .nri inolrlenta aDPurtenant. ap- t.endant. appertaining or belonging thereto, whether corporeal or 'ncor poreal. whether tenements or neredl . . - nv hftwRn.vpr snecined oi described, to Include within the fore going, without restricting the generality ,rnMnn evervthinar owned by Ore gon Land & Water Company, as well as anv rights or interests which may have w. nhtained or acquired by it or its receivers at any tima subsequent to the date of said deed of trust of March 1, lilOH. or the date of the filing of the bill x. 1 tha onrh Hav of December. 110, and at and prior to the making of the decree herein: ' Subject, however, to and save and ex cept the rights and interests decreed to Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company by clause XXVI of said decree on ale in said clerk's office aforesaid, with the rights, however, confirmed to said Oregon Land & Water Company as in said clause mentioned: . Subject also to, and save and except, tne rights of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, as decreed In clause XXVII oi said decree; Subject also to the exception of those tracts of. land sold and deeded to per sons named and set forth on pages VI tn inn nf ruM decree: ckiant .tan in nnd save and except. the rights of purchase under contracts In force and not paid for,, as described and fnrth in clause XXXII of said decree. pages 101 to 104 thereof, nevertheless as to said lands declaring the defaults and forfeitures of the rights' of the respective purchasers under clause aaa.hi oi decree therein named: tl. f. uurDin. M. and B J. Male. Matilda E-. Recarff Soren Jensen, Charles F. Rhodes. Clayton nJ,,nAn a sjr Thnmnson. J. C. Milton W Wa tpr w. I., ti enaenniiiB, . i - i , --.'..,! X. a PrnKlnn W. T K&SSler, C. C. Hills. C. W. Bucholx. Sarah L. Rob- blna. Andrew uertinger, nuun. w . U Drlara PutPT fft.ltZ. EmeUl R. n'.rn.r fionrce Smith. William E. Pickett. u i , ii 1 t. t Larson. H. H Bancs. E.' J. Hunter, Andrew Christian son, George Steltz. Charles 3. Pwe". V. Bagley, Jabez Waddlngton. F. M. Hart ley, George A. hoidtook. vvii.mm Wlllard. James Powderly, James Jones. u n,m. U. ...1 or. IT W Miller. WH- liam M. Messlnger, Lcnoi-a Andersonvv. E. Wadswortn, jacoD w an, J""' . ... vaA tc riimmlnn. O. C riaaer, Oscar Pattlson, W. A. Jones. Fred Beers, Alfred Ives, i J. aiorosic, j. xv. vi.. Subject also to contracts for lands sold .1... iha ..nmmencement of suit, and to . , . . .. n,,hrn maklnr nay' ments under said contracts to receive deeds therefor, to-wit: Benjamin F. Cur- tie and E. B. Daggett; ... . Rtihlert also to. but inclusive vi. all Subject also to, pm i"i"" "v i rights and interests of Oregon Land and -r.H all -ater anoroprla- tlons, water rights and canal rights or way as the same may be or any of them are now under or in contest with any other approprlator or pending before tne Board of Control of the State of Oregon In water Division No. 2, included within any contest over the same. In addition to those of like character already confirmed to Oregon Lana ana vvaiei , CMk.Lt .I., to and save and except as it may at the foot of the decree, as i - . .-i.i,, ha made to appear whether or not the north half of the north west quarter of Section 22. Township 5 or H. D. Mapes. with thhe right to the purchaser to acquire and to enforce all delinquencies against the sa.d Mapes or th said Bailey for maintenance and wa ter rates delinquent thereon; and subject also to the upkeep and maintenance or the property with respect to water rights, ditches and flumes and such other claims . . J .. . . ri u o r an f mm t ft S TI&SS ing of said decree until final transfer of title under the sale the termination of the receivership herein and the d.scharge of said Special aiasier. - ... tn n -valid taxes and as sessmints and liens arising by, through or from any oonstltuted autnoniy impo..... the same which are prior to or preferen- .. . i i ,-ninl nt time or rifTtlt tiai Or BUPCNWI iu,-tiv.... - -- . - , to the lien of the said mortgage and deed . :".T . v.. i moo with the right to any purchaser or purchasers, or his or her successors and assigns, to enter mi or her appearance in said court to con- test any claim, aemaim -.- or existing after the decree or which may arise or be presented and become payable by said purchaser or any suc cessor of him or be chargeable against the property purchased In addition to the amount bid7 bTany such bidder or pur chaser, always allowing any party who nath cla4m or demand, right or Interest, not deemed to be sufficiently protected or included within the terms "'the de cree, be he party or privy to the party to the proceeding, upon proper showing and due interest appearing in hi.-, to apply to the court for further order and direction as may be meet and in conso- "'HKj-cV soTo'nd with notice to an, bidder or purchaser to take In accord ance with all of said properties conform able to any arrangements or conveyances, agreements, deeds of trust, or other con tracts made through the receivers with the United States of America accomplish Ing or proposing so to do. the inclusion of said properties within the Western ex "ensloh of the UmatUla Project of the United States Government for the rec lamation of arid lands In the btate of Oregon, as authorized by the general or der of court on the petition of said re ceivers on the 19th day of June, 18" . . : . , v,...,,... tn b. ii mm the fol lowing terms: That' on the day of sale or any adjournment iui clal Master shall offer said Property as an entirety to the highest bidder for cash, and shall not entertain or receive any bid in any less aroouni or which shall : i . .... 1 1 u i uu. amount of the principal and accrued Interest of all of said bonds at the time of said sale, and upon receiving any bid the bidder to have the same entertained, and before said Special Master can receive and accent the same said bidder shall make good his bid by a deposit with the Special Master of, not less than a sum of 10 Per cent th'ereof In cash, or by certified check upon some bank or banker in the City of Portland; that the said bidder shall make his said Did gooa, or I . ..-net .nd nl.dae to make his "said bid good a sum or'amount in value of the bonds secured by the said mortgage or deed of trust of March 1. 1906. not less than $50,000, and deposit the same with said Special Master or In the reg istry of the court with the clerk thereof, taking his receipt therefor, and said re ceipt may likewise be deposited in lieu of said bonds with said master, and the j.-i. ,a..iv-H from anv such bidder, if the property shall be struck down to htm shall be held and applied on account of the purcnase price inerrui n. ...... (.. bid was made; but In the case of any on successful bidder or one bidding to whom the property is not struck down, and Be has made a deposit, (he same shall be i " i rrvtvriAL. VERSONAL. ,..,.I Money to Loan-Keal Estate. returned to bim when the property shall have been sold, and if the court should not confirm the sale for which the deposit shall have been made, then the deposit shall be returned to the bidder, and in caseHny bidder or purchaser shall fall to make good his bid upon Its acceptance bv the Special Master, or in case after acceptance by the Special Master said 'dder or purcnaser sunn ian w "Z" ply with any order of the court relating to the purchase of the property to be made In the premises, then the sum in cash or bonds deposited shall be for feited as a penalty for such failure and non-compliance and be applied toward the expenses of a re-sale and for making good any loss or deficiency In case of a sale at a less price than at the prior sale. Any purchaser may 'satisfy and make good any part of his bid not required to be paid In cash, by turning In to be can celled or credited any bonds or coupons pavable out of the proceeds upon distri bution thereof, and receive credit there for on account of his bid with such sums as would be payable on said bonds and coupons on the purchase price If the whole amount thereof had been paid in cash, and a receipt from the clerk of the court that he holds bonds as therein described subject to the order of the party in the receipt named shall be by the Special Mas ter accepted and received In lieu of the bonds as a deposit at the time of sale and on account of the payment of the purchase price of like force and effect as though the bonds had been them selves delivered. And the said purchaser shall take and receive all of the property purchased, subject to the performance by him or his successors or arslgns of all ponding contracts In respect thereof law fully made by Oregon Land & Water Com pany or by the receiver or receivers and or by er impressed upon the same by order of court. A, , , Within thirty days after the making of said sale, the purchaser or purchasers thall pay or cause to be paid all of tne balance of the sum bid for said property over and above the deposit applied there tn an nmrtlet. the entire transaction. and upon such payment the purchaser or purchasers shall be entitled to receive a deed from the special master and be let into possession of the property, and upon the execution and delivery of the deed the receiver or receivers snau a.. ... of the premises sold and all of the property mentioned or described In said decree which may then be In their possession, including all of the- Interests. Incomes, profits, bills and acoounts receivable, bash and other property in its then condition then held and as received by the receivers In the management and operation of the premises em braced in said mortgage or deed or trust of March 1. 1U9. subject always to and Jurisdiction of said cause is retained and held by the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon to more effectually carry out all the terms of said decree, and the court reserves the right to take and resell the property In rase any purchaser or his successors or as signs shall fall to comply with any order of the court in respect of the matters lawfulH required under said decree or fail to pay any balance of the Purchase price remaining unpaid, and this it may do at anv time within thirty days after the service of a copy of the order then to b. made. w R AliVOV JR.; Special Master. WILLIAM C. aRISTOL. of Portland. Oregon, Solicitor for Complainant. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned City Clerk up to 5 o clock P. M.. Wednesday. September . 'or tnj improvement of the tide lands lying east of E street to the Wishkah River and back to the hill. The Improvement con templates the clearing of about 68 acres of logs and brush and the filling in of 400,000 cubic yards of earth. sand or gravel or any other suitable material ; sep arate bids .will be received for the i,11n rlearlng and drains as provided for In or dinance No. 1239. creating Local Im,Pr0": ment Filling District No. 2, cordance with the plans, specif atl0"" and profiles now on file In the office or the City Engineer a the City Hall. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check payable to tne oru.r ... Cltv Clerk for a sum not less than o per cent of the bid. and no bill will I be 1 consid ered unless accompanied by such check and each bid must be upon the blank form furnished for such purpose. The work will be palS for - by ' Issued on Local Improvement ''Jn S!" trlct No. 2, and the contractor shall agree to accent at par such bonds and shall have noP claims' against the city from the property In the local Improvement district, except upon such bonds, the assessment, and the fund seated thereby or to bj paid in cash at the option of the City or AbsepdcTa'l'aTtent,,on of bidder. 1. called to Chapter 74 of the laws of 1911 of the Mate of Washington (Workmen's Compensation Act), and the contractor will be required to pay to the State of Washington any sum or sums required by said act. and special attention Is also called to the state law limiting the number of hours on mu nicipal work to eight hours per day. The City Council reserves the rlgnt to reject any and all bids. Proposals may be endorsed on envelope "Bid for Filling District No. 2. By order of the CKy Ccll.y Pate of first publication, July 20. 1912. JAP. S. &HOKUIO,IcmCfMSj: kawa. I rom uiuru. tioyn"' r nor undersigned consignees of above ves sel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Taylor Young & Co.. agents. MY WIFE. Edith L. Fisher, having left me 1 will not be responsible for or pay an) debts contracted by her. J. J. Eisner. BARGES for rent- capacity 400 tons Pat tullo. 230 Sherlock bldg. Main 1410. Proposals Invited. I WILL receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise at Ramo;,a'."ni" ton. consisting of hardware, $18.7.56, gro. eerles. $1120.58; harness $2J9 58 making total inventory valuation of 5.) 7. io. to gether with fixtures of Inventory valua tion of $845.98. up to 12 o'clock noon or Saturday. August P3d. 1912. An inventory ot the property may be seen at my "t and inspection thereof may be had on the premlseS. Terms cash and a deposit of 10 per cent Is required with each . offer. The right ii reserved to reject any and all bids. . t.,i ni Dated at rortianu. 4, 1912- XV. I-- .J ..'.. . 7 First Street U. S. ENGINEER'S OFFICE. 321 Custom , .i.n.i r.,-.trnn Aneust 1. 191-. Sealed proposals for constructing two steel hull 24-inch dred-es "Multnomah" and -iv.hiri.iri. " will be received at this office vntll 11 A. M.. Sept. 30. 1912 und then publicly opened. Information on ap pUcatFcn J. F. Mclndoe MaJ.. Engrs. AFTER August 1, 1H12, I will not be re sponsible for any bills or debts contracted by my wife. R. A. Ansrhutz. FINANCIAL. WE are authorized to sell at dis count gilt-edge $ir.OO first mortgage for nonresident client. WHITFIELD & COAN. 301 Fenton Bldg. Phone Main 6976, A 4301. HVF THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS TO PLACE ON CLOSE-IN, WELL-IM-PROVFD CITY PROPERTY OR WIL- $2000 $2500 TO $8dW $3B06 TO . $5000 .AT ri iiii i- i t; A i r, -i. v -i. . 207-208 OREGON I AN BLDG. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. rSSa nS-nr.ES. EQUITIES, Vvv rOI.f.ATF.RAL. REAL SECURITY. SPECIAL SERVICE RENDERED LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO.. 1125 YEON BLDG. TEL. M. 870. Wmtrr'e,t,Ua kerYge'of 2.lt w.do the planning and ?.nlSIBS.fieV Co"" .inc.. 324 Ablngton bldg. -. sun InB MORTGAGES .,Ti. .nit in contract of sale oa real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. B Noble inmhermens bldg. Loans. tio MONTHLY cash income on J1000 inyest ' 1! ter cent annually; elegant $lo0.- naVtnfent-hSuse. built 1911; only $50011 ..nnt unsold. P 338, Oregonlan. MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts eaiix, iuu 3C"'ua - -' Ington. jqaiq duivitr nartv will loan on country prop- .rtv or will purchase city mortgages ana contracts. Girmlre. 711 Selling bldg. ;,n..pv . ioan on first-class Portland real "estftl security at lowest rate. Morsn. edner & Boyce. 503 Ablngton bldg. Fll WE buy notea, contract nortgage.n ana ictuuu. fo. 8 Lewis bid. 7. jTr rr a mnrts-ncpi. contracts and ' commTssio; account. bought real estate loam. E. B. Miner, u ai'bu . . m winrtiril CFA STOld bonds 'Tirta-ulplillOOoF a good invest- ment. A. MORTGAGES bought. Main 7591. 804 Lewis Did. Monfy to Loan Real Estate. S3VW, 0rwv, v-i'"- TOOA for there or five yearn at 6 and a 9cn-k ai run cjii nnn 7 per cent, on x-ui -.. t.. imnrnv'ii farm QOOD3ELL BROS- 3i Worcester Bldg. LOANS on Improved or unimproved real es tale mortgages and contracts bought. H. Nunn, 448 Sherlock bldg MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 3 l.KVia rn.uu. MORTGAGE loans. 8 to S per cent. J. J. Cahalin, 635 Chamber of Commerce. . PRIVATE money to loin on first mortgages. Room OUi, Lewis a 7 I AT CURRENT RaVeS-OF ITEKST ON CLOSE IN IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTY OR IMPROVED RESIDENCE PROPERTY. ASK FOR MR. N EEL a. FIRE INSURANCE. WARD & YOUNGER. SUITE 426 YEON BLDG. . . .-. .- r- rrr T f A NT MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; SSsaitJs IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSION COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. 816 SPALDING BLDG. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK Chamber of Commerce bldg. We have on hand funds for !";' In tfood first mortgages. If V"" . ! borrow on your real estate, confer wltn our mortgage loan department. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to e p cent on cilv residence business prop erty and Multnomah County farms . EDW. P. MALL. 800 to 804 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. $2000. $5090. $10,000. $25,000. $o0.000 or multiples, at 5 to 7 per cent. MALL VAN BORSTEU 104 Second St.. Near Washington. ON improved city property or jiuilfllnl purposes. 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges: money advanced building progresses. The Equitable Sav Inge at Loan Association, 240 Stark st MONEY ON HAND FOR LOANS VJ.-N FARM AND CITY PROPERTIED WILLIAM H. M'DONALD, 404 GER LINGER BLPO. 1500.000 ON Improved city or farm property, building or small loans at lowest rates, large loans a specialty. McKenxle & Co.. 614-515-516 Gerilnger bldg. . MORTGAGE loans on city property; '0,w, rates. A. H. Birr.il Co., 202 McKay bldg. 8d and Stark. ; MONEY to loan on Improved city property at current rates. .Lawyers-Abstract Trust Co.. room 6, Board of Trade bldg. $200,000 TO loan; large loans a specialty; building loans. lowest rates. W. G. Beck, Blo-316 ailing Diag. TO LOAN $3000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLPO. MORTGAGE loans on either city or farm property; mortgages purennseu Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. 806 Wilcox bldg $000 OR PART for Immediate loan on real estate. Phone Tabor 77L 6TATB funds. 8 per cent. W. E. Thomas. agent Munnoiiian .-i.u...j. x.... MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOU lis BamMi.. . ... w .. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. H. Belts & Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. J. o. GOLTRA. FAILING BLDd. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. Holt, room B. Washington bldn. PRIVATE money loaned on ret I estate mort gages. H. Miley. room 204 Gerilnger bldg. FUNDS for' Multnomah County farms. oer cent. 720 Cha. of Com. Bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Milarles. MONEY TO LOAN, $10 AND UPWARDS. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. NEW COMPANY. NEW RATES. NEW METHODS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ORGANIZED TO HELP WOHKIN9 PEOPLE AND OTHERS. RATES ABOUT ONE-HALF WHAT REGULAR LOAN COS CHARGE. LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PIANOS, HORSES. DIAMONDS OR SALARIES. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. 207 MACLEAY BLDG., A 2897. COR. 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL 9 P. M. MONEY FOR VACATIONS. $10 TO $100. LOWEST RATEw IN PORTLAND. $10 repaid in Installments of . $10 repaid In installments' of ? $50 repaid in Installments of v"-tSV- LARGER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. All we require Is that you be employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, Indorser or other se curity. STATE- SECURITY CO- S08 Falling Bldg i' P. I V .Kl K PARTY LOANS, on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, watches, diamonds, Jewelry, etc. Quick, reasonable and confidential. ELBY COMPANY. Main 4617. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark, SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheap est rates, best and most private terms In Oregon. D. D. Drake, 30" Spalding bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. D. H. Tolman. room 317 Lumber Exchange. A DESIRABLE place for ladies and gentle men to borrow money oa iiiumunu. Jewelry at Eastern rates. Diamond Pal ace, 334 Washington, opp. Owl Drug Store. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged oy uroacr Marx & Bloch, 74 3d sc MONEY sold on Installment; confldentlal; salaried people. F. A. Newton, nenry piug. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry, trictly confldentlal. 141 3d, near Aioer. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattels. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. . LOANS on collateral. See Egan, 6U9 Mc- K a y bldg. Phone Marshall ZMV. LOANS on collateral. See Eitan, 000 Mc Kay bldg. phone Marshall .oo. Loans Wanted. r,nST fin Portland Heights car. black and steel bag, containing letter from nimmiuo College and other articles. Return to 701 Northrup, Apartment B, or phone Main 504S. Reward. $2000 TO $10,000 wanted for one or two years , security, iirsi. moi lant' bonds; prefer to deal direct with lender; Interest payable quarterly. Address Ali.7, Oregon inn. I WANT $4000. 3 years, 8 per cent on 50-acre improved farm, at Eagle Creek, on Estaiada line. Just paid $12,000; must nave today. 722 Yeon bldg $$000 LOAN WANTED ON A PART. MENT-HOUSE. WILL PAY 8 PER CENT (NO AGENTS). E. C. E ASTON. 1108 SPALDING BLDG. $3000 PRIVATE party wants loan on clos- ln city tract, unimproved, nut in o.v. responsible party and security first-class. 412 Chamber of Commerce. 121)00 LOAN WANTED ON MY 7-ROO.M HOME, 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE FA Kit. AH 239. OREGON IAN. HOME bOLD. BALANCE CONTRACT $1100 We pay monthly with 6 per cent Interest- well located; liberal discount. See Mr.' Logan. 815 Spalding bldg. TO SELL good second mortgage. $1200, on improved farm; equity $20,000; first mort gage $4000. four years. AM 200, Orego nlan. HAVE clients to whom I can loan your monev at high rate of Interest. Loans guaranteed to you. M 248. Oregonlan. WANTED Loan ot aiouu on iou .ires " timber land; will cruise about S million; wlll-nav 10 per cent. 301 Gerilnger bldg. I WANT to borrow a few hundred dollars from private party, good security, no bonus. 10 per cent. P. O. box IHH. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans; mortgages for sale. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. S06 Wilcox bldg. MONEY loaned for private Investors at best rates of interest; estates handled. Wm C Borchers, 207-208 Oregonlan bid LOST A small purse containing $65, In or around telephone booths No. 2 at ITnion Station. Reward. Phone Marshall 704. WANTED Loan of $5000; no commission; security West Side property. 209 Commer cial block, 2d and Washington sts PERSONAL. FOR permanent reduction of obesity try special hypereme massages; harmless; lady assistant. 412 Northwest t-ldg., Blh and DKESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, b'lttons sewed on. rlpi repaired. $1.50 mo:.th; prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring- Co.. 309 Stark. .ia c - MORRISON Steam baths and masseuring for rheumatism, lumbago. 333 Madison. A 4470. Open Sundays. TREATMENTS for rheumatism, lumbago, spiritual advice. W. car ISth at. 6S51a Morrison su A 5609. ZEROL The great nerve tonic and system builder, $1 per-box; 6 boxes,, $5., Stipe- Taylor Drug CO., Jiuniaou u -.riiL blemishes corrected, moles, wrinkles. VIA " Til llelriim Vt.ln Klli-. Mrs, lpuiu's" " HAIR STORE. 120 6th st.. near Washing ton Better quality hair, any shade. MRS. MALLORY HAY, ordained medium. :40 -otn oi- MRS- MALLORY HAY, ordained .fledium MANICURING parlor, facial and scalp treat ment, shampooing. 8t)7 Northwest bldg. MANICURING a specialty, by New lork expert, w ...c. . - o. r-H I ROPODY Mrs. Potter, JJiVa Btaik St., ,rllr;wruY ...... hlrt- lth anH lV..h late Qt or- v.,---. c MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D Hi'll. 429 Flledner bldg. Main "473. nnsTflK graduate nurse and medical gym nasties. 392 Jefferson, up one flight. HAIR HAIK HAIR HAIR. $12, 84-inch swltehes S3 26-Inch switches Hair dressing Fsce massage .......... Shampoo Manicuring 25c: five for $1 4S 2.43 . .23 .25 1.00 5.00 32 scalp treatments Superfluous hair removed by electrlo needle guaranteed not to return. $4. $3 and $1) PUFFS, only $1.45. Cut hair In any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitar;- parlor 400-412 Pekum bldg.. 3d and W ashlngton. RADICAL cure oy tne latest natural h-.-Ing methods. Including radium, ait " trical currents. lights. heat, .vibration radiation, baths, massage, adjustment and manipulations: most expensive. eauiDDed private office In Oregon; r.e medicine or operations; over 6000 tre.t.d patients and not a death while under ou. care- we will be glad to consult wllh you free of charge, ht. W. E. Mallury. SW Rothchlld bills FKBVET IrANEBUT. I.cidlnj wig and toupee makers: finest stock of human hair goods; switches from H.'.c up; hair dressing, manicuring, face ana scaln treatments; combings made up to order. 147 Jth. near Morrison. Main 44. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse, long experience, best rererenc-.. iirauiicina . rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; masges and baths. 300 Holladay ave., corner Occident al "U" car. Phone East 3i'.0S. C 2oW. open Sundays. SWEDISH TRAINED SUKSB ileisingior. graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th St.. second door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone K:ist 2B0, B 1SP3. MRS SOPHIA B. SKIP, mental and spirit ual scientist, 302 Alisky bldg. Main 6S24. Question meetings. Wednesday and t rl day, S P. M. MADE OF YOUR COMPINGS. Switches. 5c; curls and puffs, 5c. San itary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. BALM OF FIGS, Compound Royal Tonlt: Tablets !!! Davis st. Phone Main 0215. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Amateur Kodak Finn-bins;. ol'ICK service, cut rates; send for pries list. The Kodakery. Blh and Wash. Asnu.vers and Analysts. PICKERING & CO., assayers, smelters, re finers and buyers of high-grade and bul lion gold. 1I2'4 Fourth St. ' MONTANA ASSAi OFFICE Laboratory anil ore-testing work. ISti Morrison at. WELLS & COLON, mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 2H 'n Washington. Attorneys. ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, lawyers; practice in all Btate and Federal courts; abstructs exumined; expert conveyancers; collections. 417 ("ham. of Com, bldg. A. E. COOPER, attorney -al-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1421 to 142S Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 2071- DlVOlli'HS guaranteed. Oregon Law Insti tute. 5'2s Lumbermen's bldg. Mar. 4041. mtoff Clothing. LA DIES' and men s clothing bought. Main rsos. Chiropractic Physician. DIt. Tli'KNKlt, Columbia bldg., next Star Thenter. A 32."i3. Main HOf.7; res. H 29 1 P. Bra. and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brasscasting and machine worK. lot! uwi. jiam -' - oal. COAL AI.HINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. :i,ID ST. W OOP. Chlropodi!. WILLIAM. Eftelle and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 30-' Gerilnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 4211 Flledner bldg. Main 847.1. Dancing. PI!(5f. WAL WILLSON'S Dancing School; lessons 2."c during Summer months, in cluding lady dancing teaol.ers and music; waltz, two-step, three-step. etc. . U St. bet. Stark and Oak. Phone Main THoi. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons dally; Walts, two-step, three-step. Baltimore or schot tische taught In first lesson. Alisky bldg.. 3d nnd Morrison sts. HEATH'S SCHOOL. 109 2d. between Wash ington and Stark; private daily clam Monday eve. 8 to 10; ;eaaons 25 cents. RINGLERS ACADEMY, dally Instructions; dances Wed., Sat. 231 1,4 Morrison. Detective Age-cles. INTERNATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY Conservative, reliable, confidential. rea sonable rates. B10 Dekum bldg. M. StU. Kdurallnnal. STAMMER? Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield. 101S Grove. Oakland. Cat. Klectrio Motors. Motors & Dynamos bought, sold, repaired. H-M-H Elect Co.. 81 N. 1st. Main BJ10. Engine (ia and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agents Sex bury steam engines and hollers, asoiln. engines. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison. Phone E 51J. Leather and Findings. CHAS. U MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front, Leather of every description, tabs, mfrs. findings. J A STROWKRIDGE LEATHER C0.-H4-' tabllshed lSf8. 1H0 Front St. Meenger flei-vlce. HASTY Messenger Co., day and night serv ice, phone Main 5:1. A 2153. - Musical. PIANO studio, modern methods. 209 14th. Main 3803. Arrangements for practicing. EVIL Thlelhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A 4160. Marshall 10211. Osteopathic Physician Dr R B. Northrup, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone. Oftlce, M. 349; res. East or B 1029. pal ntw. Oil and (Ha. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best adapted to the Coast climate. BASS HEI TER PAINT CO., 191 Second St. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jbber. paints, oils. glas3. fawn oou I'atent Attorney. PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyrights reelstered. all countries. Booklet free. PFTFR II BERLIN', 326 Worcester bldg. Patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney -at-law inte of the V. S. Tatent Office. Booklet free. 101ft Board of Trade bldg. a AND FOR Kl UN l-All-lO yiwvu. , O. O. Martin. 40S-409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. K C WHIGHT. domestic and foreign pat ent's. Infringement cases. 604 Dekum bldg. Patent En gin eers. INVENTION:! developed and patents se " cured All kinds commercial and shop draughting. Coop & Schmidt, consulting engineers, 501 Henry bldg. Main 12S5. Pawnbroker. UNCLE Myers' Collnternl Bank; 40 years in Portland. 71 th st. phone Main 910. TUP Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 Ts Electric bldg. Oskar Huber, Portland. Pipe. ui inn AND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and P"fffea near 24th and York sts. Main 3489. " " Safe. THE MOSI.ER SAFE CO., 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; second-hand safes. Screen s. . BUILT-TO-ORDER screen door- and win dows, pointed and hung, eomp . lete. Ameri can Screen Co. Phone East .'.229. Mt'ondhand Goods. WE buy clothing, furniture and tools. High est price paid for second-hand clothing, fiirnftiire. tools. Marshall 2,154. Kliowt-ase. Bunk and Show Fixtures. the LUTKB MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co., Oth and Hoyt. R. utke. manager. Pill'Tl.AXD SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. P"q-: n fith st. Main 7617. Cabinet work. liAltsil LL MFG. CO.. 4th nnd coucn; new and i second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Storage and Transfer. ? ri PICK Transfer Storage Co.. offices and commodious 4-story brhk warehouse, .eoarate Iron rooms- and fireproof vaults ??r valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine st: nlanos and furniture moved and packed iXr .binning; special rates made on goods In our h?,?ugh cars to all domestic and lorelL-n nolnts. Main 5!rt. A 2. . " ,-iv-nOIS TRANSFER CO.. General transferring and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for nhipment. 87-89 Front st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. TVm-'GON TRANSFER CO.. established ISiO. Transfer and forwarding agents. Office and storage 474 Glisan st., corner 13th and till.san. Phones Main 69. A 116ft Tpewriter. lio TO $ii3 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choose from at Gill's. 3d and Aider- terms to suit; every machine guar anteed Call or phone for representative. Main WOO or A O0S WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex ehange, 351 tj Washington st. NEW rebuilt, seennd-hnnd rentals, at cut rates, p. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. Veterinary Schools and College. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 16. No profession offers equal opportunity. Catalogue free. C. Keane, Pres., 1S18 Mar ket at.. San Francisco. vr 107.2