14 THE MOKNIXG OKEUOMAK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1912. HELP "WANTED MALE. INCIDENT, mn et tnanT. 1 Office Secretary Employment Department, X. M. C. A. Tftnn. man Btranrpr. seeklnc employ ment 120 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membennip, l win have only $15 between me and starvation, Secretary If you pay j ior mtit TnfmbrrshtD. vou will have the T. M r. a., with all lis resources, between you and starvation. . .,, - Vahtut man lolned association In lets than a week he had satisfactory employment. , Recmd fr seven months ending July wi Call for men 1 i Pnc:tinr fillpd ' ' EmDlovment membership guarantees member will secure employment or reruna of membership f.e; eives two months' full ..oTrKhiA nHvH!tBs 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep member emnlovrd nurinp me iun icnu w w . U. B-itkAin dipfhor rhnree. Constant demand for CLERICAL, Trcuv-ir-iT. aVU COMMERCIAL MEN. See 'secretary employment department T. M. C. A. SALESMEN STRIKE WHILE THE IRON It-: HOT. We are doing the biggest us neis in our history. Wa have never f"nd it so easv to sell goods We must expand onr sales force to take care of our.rs?" Idlv-lncreaslng business. Tou Pr?m&i have the ambition and the ability to main many times your present salary.ui you are a slave to the salarv Idea and .aca the nerve to try a commission. Get out of that rut- Connect yourseif with Unrest and moKt progressive real estate concern on the Pacific Coast, pur propo sition U the best ever offered and you can make big money right now. our salesmen are doing It. Ask any bank Ahn.it - then ee Mr. Cleavelsnd. sales manager. Fred A. Jacobs Co.. 269 Wash Ington st.. cor. 4th 10 to 12 A. M. on.y. -.f.A tfr vnTH Would v.u be willing to work for that amount? It will place you under no ob iif ion trt come in and see how you can do that well. It will cost yn'u nothing to trv. it will be a big advantage to vou if you will come in and see us about this. ' Even if you earned less you would He ding better than you are now. Don't be afraid to come in and talk it over. Ask for Mr. Algar. S? Fourth St. Call Main eSnO if you would like even ing appointment. a ci i' TirtrittTk m.n wnnTf-it for the L. Marine Corps, between th? ages of 10 and 35: must be native born or have first pa pers: monthly pay $15 to $00; additional com pen sat ion possible; food. clothing. qurt-rs and medical attendance free. After :f years service can retire with 75 per cent of p:iy and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at V. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office. 3d nnd Washington sts., and Liu 3d st.. Portland. Or. WANTED. Hfeh-cTass salesman. Ton ran make from $3O0 to J 500 monti Ecs Barnard. 407 Teon Bids. ASSISTANT draftsman who can do coloring, etc.. fv R. R- engineer's construction of rie: $( and board and transportation to start. Second conk. $25 a week; fry cook, $i5; fry cook. 5; kitchen help. 400 ft. n. construction laborers. $2.50 a nav. FREE FAR E. Farm htp. citv laborers. tc. C. R. HANSEN CO., JG-'JS N. 2d St. WANTED Successful stock salesman for a home company with cash assets of over $100,000 and w ith ever 300 stockholders in Oregon and Washington; none but suc cessful producer wanted, who can furnish bond: give references in first letter. Co opt ration of stockholders and home office. W L'5 2, Oregon ian. WANTED Yo;ng man stenographer and bill clerk with s me experience in book keeping ami general office work, prefer ably In h. rdware store; give full par ticulars, including references and salary expected ; permanent. A. E. Carlson. Boise. Idaho. WANT EI Acme man not over middle age to secure member for a popular social and beneficial society that has recently reduced its initiation fe. to $5; several organizers are now making big money at this work and there Is room for a few more live wires. AF 2L Oregonian. WANTED At once, captain for 30-foot. 50 h. p. gasoline launch on Upper Columbia River; must liaw license for gasoline boat under lf tons; give references, ex perience, telephone number. AF 2 VS. Oregonian. LIVE dependable salesmen wanted In sev eral good fields to soil our unsurpassed nursery stock; cash paid weekly; write us at once. Washington Nursery Co.. Top perit.h. Wash. AN experienced man to work on a five-acre farm; must l.e steady and able to fui nish rrferrnee?. ROBERTS r1 fti S., 3d and Morrison. FIRST-CLASS solicitor wanted at the i lem Cleaning Dye Works ; n III furnish horse and wagon. l.:t N. .Liberty st. Snfem. Or. WANTED First-class (rap drummer, vaude ville and pictures ; must ha e good line ti effects. Address star Theater. Astoria, Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED TOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE: PAID WHILE LEARNING. APFLT AT THE PACIFIC . TELEPHONE TELE GRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. 6TH AND EAST ANKENY 8TREETSL OR KAIN OFFICE. WEST PARK AND ALDER TELEPHONE EAdT 2M. LaDY canvassers wanted, accustomed to selling the "Little Wonder Vacuum Cieaner;" good commissions. Write H. C Bracey for particulars, &U Pender at.. West Vancouver, li. C. DICTAPHONE operators wanted; positions waning for competent operators. Hi i Eilers bTCg. WANTED 3 waitresses and dishwasher. The Sargent Grill, grand ave. and Haw thorne ave. CASHIER for restanrant In a citv of 20.000 must operate a typewriter; give phone and street numter a 1. Orcgouian. Kh M ING l ON stenographer, salary $.; give age, experience, reierenccs, pnone. h w, Oregonian. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 270 S 'Washington st near 4th. Phone Main 6t38 or A 3266. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. t45hk Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2602. HOUSEKEEPER to work 3 hours per da, good pay. all ! to 10 A. M. SOI Mer chants Trust bldg. GIRL for general housework t once; light, ea.y place, no children. e. Taylor, comer 2ith. phone B WOMAN to cook on farm and daughter to help and worK on tame. Address W. ti. BamhlseL Dufur. Or. WOMAN to work for herself and husband's room and board- Phone East 2t3i or call 229 Grand ave. WANTED Refined, caps hi woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., S09 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. ST. LOUIS AGENCY has good help and sit uations of all kinds. 2J3 Alder. Main 'J3. A . SOLICITORS We glva you a guarantee. Apply &02 Marquam bldg., 9 A. M. to 12 M. LADY barber wanted. 263 Russell St.; must have license. WILL furnish public stenographer free of fice room. H. N. Swank. 3uH Abin gton. GERMAN or 6wede girl for housework: small family. E I'Wp, B 1(43. NURSE girl, young, to go to beach hotel to care for child; good wages. S12 Johnson at. WANTED Girl for Phone E. 5207. general housework. HANNAH Get Write A. B. your mall. Kant check. SCHOOL GIRL, German preferred, to in housework. East 15a 4. iTANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply "12 Kearney. GJRL to do liirht housework for young cou ple. .i4 E. 2uth. YOUNG girl to assist with housework, ply 4:14 Larrabee st. Ap- W ANTED Lady piano player early this morning. Fun Theater. 1st and Taylor sts. WANTED Two experienced waitresses. Vir ginia Hill Hotel. WOMAN, with baby, for general housework. Day Nursery. 25 N. sth st., near Burnslde. WANTED Experienced waitress. Peerless Cafeteria Co., 104 Mh st. Apply WANTED An experienced lady lor delica tessen. 291 10th st. W ANTE D G 1 rl for Apply R45 E. S7th. general nousework. GIRL wanted for light housework, famPy. Call 411 7th. mornings. WANTED An apprentice In beauty parlors. 613 Rothchild bldg.. 4th and Washington. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MO.IXO PICTURE OPERATORS Wanted In all cities throughout The World. Operators earn $25 to $40 a week. Easy work, short hours. Guarantee to teach you right. Learn business In short time. Lessons reasonable. Actual theater experience given. NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE. &26 Washington St. LOCOMOTIVE firemen and brakemen for nearby railroads. $0-$100 monthly; ex perience unnecessary, no strike; "promo tion, engineer-conductor, $150-$200. Age 18-35. good sight, weight over 135. Many positions for competent men. hundreds em ployed monthly; state age, send stamp. Rallwav Association, Oregonian. MEN and women to learn the barber trade In eight weeks; special inducements; per centage paid while learning; tools free: expert instructors; 17 years in the busi ness; 37 schools; a lifetime membership given to each student. Moler Barber Col lege. 35 N. Fourth St.. Portland, Or. WANTED. Tou to know that the Knights and La dles of Security are making a campaign for lt0 new members, to close September 16. Special Inducements to workers. Call at office, the Alisky bldg.. corner JJd and Morrison. Phone Main 8v02, A 3301. YOUNG men and ladies wanted to learn tetegraphy. Morse and wireless, greatest demand; reduced, rates, positions guar teed. Call or address 5'J5 Commonwealth bldg. MEN and women for Government positions, $SO month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin institute. Dept. 340 iU Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks, prepare now. ex cellent salaries and promotions; no lay offs, sure pay; free took. Cail todaj. Pa cific States School, McKay bldg.. city. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we'll teacn you. .picture piay Association. San Francisco. E. B. U. BUSINESS COLLEGE quickly trains for positions: aay una ntgnt classes. tv.i Worcester block. Marshall 2751. MAKE money writing short stories, or lor papers; big pay ; tree boomei tei;s now. United Press Syndicate, San Francisco. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION for schools and teacners. bin sweuana Diag. HORTHAM), typewriting schorl. 20i 14th tt. Main 393. Expert instruction. $5 mo. GIRLS $50 course free in beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty parlors. 4U utnum Ding. PRIVATE shorthand, typewriting, book keeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Marsn. -ti'oa. GIRLS, learn beauty parlor work; reduced rates this montn. 613 Kotncnua ota. HELP WANTED MALE OH FEMALE. SAi.ESME-N and saleswomen wanted In every county and city In the state; easy felling proposition, big money-maker. Call or write room 507, Couch bldg. TWO first-class spotters or steam cleaners; also 10 lady pressors ; money no oujtcs to right parties. Apply Fast Side Clean ers & Dyers. East 10th and Lincoln. SITUATION WA5TEU MALE. Boo k keepers and Clerks. POSITION wanted by bonded commercial man of ability; bookkeeper, manager or assistant in the general mercantile; 32, married, strictly sober; compensation mod erate, citv or country; A-l references fi'om leading firms on Coast. AT 257. Oregonian. ' WILL TAKE CARE OF SMALL SET OF BOOKS OR DO SPECIAL WORK DUR ING SPARE TIME; RELIABLE AC COUNTANT AND GUARANTEE SATIS FACTION. J L07. OREGONIAN. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER WANTS EVE.NINO WORK; WILL KEEP SMALL SET BOOKS. G 2l, OREGONIAN. WILL AUDIT. OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balances ana state ments, install systems. OitMnham. au ditor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. EASTERN man, 39 years, thoroughly ex perienced accountant, orrice and credit man, desires employment; good references. A V f.Jtl. Oregonian. EXPERT accountant, age 20. married, com petent oil ice man ; understands stenogra phy, salesmanship experience; unquestion able, references. M 2ti0, Oregonian. MlNcelluneoua. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 245 Second St.. corner Salmon. Women's Department, 245 Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes sional and clerical male and female help furnished on short notice; no fee charged. Phono Main 8555. A 5024. MECHANICAL ENGINEER. FIRST-CLASS ON MILL CONSTRUCTION AND GAS ENG IN ES. WILL BE O PEN FO R A PROPOSITION AFTER AUGUST 20TH ; WILL ALSO CONSIDER PROPOSITION AS PRODUCING ENG. ADDRESS L. C. GOLLAT'. POSTOFFICE BOX 1313. HOUSTON. TEX. WANTED Position with good engineer; in strument work preferred; technical grad uate; 4 montlis" experience in field ; f irst cIusm references. Home phone, Main, A EXPERIENCED specialty salesman wants line or lines; references and bond if neces sary; no peddling or back door soliciting. Address AF 179. Oregonian. YOUNG man, 20. wants position as chauf feur; can handle private car or truck; references. Tel. Main 2o7 or mornings and ' evenings East "0U8. AUTOMOBILE man: seven years' all-around experience, repairing, driving and selling pleasure caJs unci trucks, open for an position. P. O. box 2'.'2, city. CLEAN-CUT. reliable single man wishes steady position on fruit farm ; good with horses and general farm work. S 258, Ore gonian. JAPANESE, experienced cook, wishes situ ation as general housework in family. Main 030 J. A K69. BARBER, IS months' experience, wants work in small country town shop; would buy if suitable. AS 2H5. Qregonlan. ALL-AROUND rock man. capable of taking charge of work, wants position. V t;2, Oregonian. JAPANESE, experienced cook, wants posi tion, private family. AM 23S, Orego nian. WANTED Position a watchman or time keeper; have you any? Good reference. V 2U, Oregonian. JAPANESE, experienced cook, wants posi tion, hotel or restaurant. Harry K., 26 Everett. EXPERIENCED single man. steady and re liable, open for position with good farmer. S 2 til, Oregonian. C1J AUFFEUR. experienced, do own repair ing, good habits, would like private car. E Oregonian. WANTED Position by first-class Janitor, with best city reference; married and no children. N 261, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese wants position to do house work and take care of automobile and garden. AE J87. Oregonian. SITUATION as assistant druggist; c liege man. married. AV 527, Oregonian. MARRIED man wants work for himself and wife. Address 91 H 1st. room 2tt. WANT situation as chauffeur, by competent married man. K 258, Oregon fan. GOOD Japanese boy Wants place as housw work. Address 227 2d st. WORK wanted on ranch; prefer orchard or small dairy. AS 2lfi, Oregonian. STRONG boy, IS, wants Phone Sell wood 1223. work on ranch. JAPANESE wants position in bar; has much experience. M 22. Oregonian. JAPANESE wants situation as general housework. AK 24. Oregonian. JAP cook wants situation, private family, city, country. AK 2B. Oregonian. SITUATION RANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. SITUATION wanted, stenographer, five years' experience, wholesale and retail, especially experienced In collections; ac customed to responsibility. Ali 238, Ore gonian STENOGRAPHER, two years experience, wants permanent position, professional oftlce preferred. Wood lawn S55. YOUNG lady wishes light office work. 209, Oregonian. POSITION by experienced cashier In res taurant or lunch room. AK 260, Oregonian. DrMsmake MDLLE. DE BILLAUT, C53 Waahlngton (Ella, -st. entrance), exclusive French de signs la gowns, suits, waists, etc Main 44tf& FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, stranger In the city, would like a few good customers at home or by day; work guaranteed. 469 Jefferson. Main 2009. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable prices, at shop or by day. 608 Buchanan Bldg. DRESS MAKING, tailored skirts and waists; prices reasonable. Marshall 18:o. Nurse. BY experienced nurse, more cases or institu tional work. Main 44H0. Housekeepers. WANTED A position as housekeeper by young widow with child 17 months old ; widower or bachelors apartments. Call Woodlawn 1440. Miscellaneous. AS companion for elderly lady or Invalid by woman with suitable references; good read er. T 254. Oregonian. WANTED Day work, private families; first- ciaaa an capacities; references. Main $890. SITUATION WANTED FTTMALE. Miscellaneous. GOOD. rellahla roomtn e-ho use woman, wit little money, wants to manage or buy In good house or janitor work; can give oesi reference. LMJ4 lith st. .varsnau COMPETENT woman desires nlace to work where she can make board and room for herself and husband. Phone Marshall 4: EXPERIENCED operator wants privat switchboard. Call Marshall. J 790, room 310. TWO strom? vuuns airls wish general house work ; recently from old country. Phone w oodiawn 43. AY i- remont st. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. E. 2170. Mrs. Shaw. EXPERIENCED woman wants house clean ing, 2ic per hour. Telephone Tabor 236-. AS lady caretaker, while family away for Hummer; references. AO 2iz. Oregonian WANTED Day's work by first-class laun dress, colored. Marshall lbdu. MIDDLE-AGED widow for small camp or ranch. Apply 630 Ellis ave. WOMAN would like work for Friday and ?amraay. wooaiawn mi i. NEAT experienced second girl desires situa tion: waxes $30. Main 039. A 4uo. FINNISH girl, speaks no English, wishes general housework. 314 North 1 1 th st WOMAN with experience in sanitarium would care for Invalid. N 262. Oregonian WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted; Christmas cards; anyone. Samples free. Large profits. Chlpchae, Darlington, England. PHOTO coupons, a winning offer for agents. Sarony Studio, 340 Morrison. A RELIABLE book agent: must give three references. 407 1 eon bldg. WANTED TO KENT. Ilouite. WANTED 6 or' 7-room furnished house, vnrtinn.l Heights or Irvingtun preferred write, statin full particulars. AG 261, Oregonian. 5-KOOM bungalow by young couple: will lease for 0 months or more; give location nnd price. J -04. Oregonian. Room. WANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms with gas. close in, gooa locality. a. 25!t. Oregonian. WANTED 35 or 40 rooms, unfurnished; West fcide preferred. Main Sl3. 109 N. ISth St.. near Glisan. Kvma WHh Board. WANTED Board and room in private fam tiv for voune man and wife, both em ployed; West Side preferred: state phone number. Aanress Art m romu. YOUNG man employed in office wishes room and board in private lamny. .- 1-. -Oregonian. WANTED Board for use of well furnished bungalow. 4ii Marguerite ave.. -k car line. Mrs. Dohson. " w'ivrcn a nlnce In the country for gen tleman to room and board. Phone A iil-SS. No. 3. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. THE BEST accommodations in the city for the money can be naa at m mow, modern Hotel Byron. See for yourself. 210 7th at. HOTEL LENOX. Cnrner Third and Main SU. Thofnnirhir modern and clean, and con ducted as a first-class hotel, under the personal supervision of the owners, fcpe clal rates by the week or month to de sirable parties. HOTEL FOSTER, Second. Third and Davis Sta icrn ontjiidA rooms, steam heat, hot ana cold water and phones in all rooms; free auto 'bua. Special reduced Summer rates J 10 per month ana up. OAK HOTEL. STEADY AND TRANSIENT ROOMS. S47 Oak st.. between 7th and Park. Ttight down town, modern, nice, clean rooms at specially low Summer rates by -veek or month; vour inspection Invited hv the new landlady, phone A 30S7. Main 4 ISO. THE ARTHUR HOTEL, JUST OPENED. Eleventh between Morrison and Yam hill sts. Elegant furnishings and fixtures with every modern coivenience and com fort found in any hotel in the city; al outside rooms; tile baths; six-foot plate dressing mirror in every room; beautiful lobby and parlor; don't fail to Inspect the Arthur before locating in. Portland: rata per month, $20 with detached bath; S2o with private bath; suites $45. THE CHESTERBURT. Residential hotel and apartments, cor. 20th and Kearney sts., one block from Depot and Morrison car; rooms new and elegantly furnished; hot and cold water; also phones in each room; excellent home cooking. E. M. Bowe. proprietress. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New. modern brick building: steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 out side rooms with hot and cold water and fcteam heat; offers special rates- for per manent guests; rates 50c to $2 a day; $3.50 and up ppr week. Phone Main 3413. THE LINDELL. Large, pleasant front rooms; easy walk ing distance; all home conveniences; $2, $2?50 to $4 per week. 828 4th st Main 5561. ' ; . THE G1LMORE, 131H 10th. corner Alder, well furnished rooms, some large front rooms very reasonable; clean, quiet place for transient or permanent, 6O0 to CI a day. special rotes by week. HOTEL LA SALLE, 10th and Burnside sts. Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly furnished rooms; private baths, steam heat hot and cold water, private phones In each room; special rate by the month. Phone Marshall 4040. HOTEL HEN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people ; centrally located ; elegant rooms; ail modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts,, 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Main 916. HOTEL CALUMET. 150 Park at., very central, European and American plan; homelike service In dta-liig-room at reasonable price; $1 European, 2 American. Special rates per week. OCKLEY HOTEL. 390 14 Morrison at., corner 10th. $3 and $3.50 up per week; neat, airy rooms. Including bath and phones. No extra charge for two In a room. VAN GORDER HOTEL. 105 Twelfth St. Marshall 2700. In heart of business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone in every room; $1 day and up; $4 week and up. $4-50 PER WEEK Double room, newly fur nished, two beds; right down town; guar- , untce no bugs. Hotel Cadillac, 3d and Jefferson, $2.50 AND $3 per week, right down town, cleanest rooms In Portland; guarantee no bugs; all newly furnished. Hotel Cadillac, 3d. near Jefferson. HOTEL YORK. 12th and Stark. Private or detached baths, hot and cold water In all rooms, the most reasonable rates in city to permanent or transient. BAKER HOTEL, 26t4 Sth, opposite City Hall; new brick, building, nicely furnished, hot and cold water in every room, bath, phone; rai.es reasonable. HOTEL VANDYNE, 209 Aider St. Clean rooms, good beds, free baths. 50c per day; )2 per week; men only. Phone Main 8666 THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished rooms, hot and cold water, phone, bath; $12 to $15. Main 5436. 505 Jefferson st. DO you want a good room in a good loca tion at a low rate? Try Hotel Larrabee, 27 h Larrabee st. East Side. East 841. THE KING. 309 Jefferson, cheapest and best rooms in city, modern, close to business center, $2.50 week up. ALL outside rooms, steam heat, running water; $2.50 week up. Stratton Hotel. 3d and Pine. HOTEL SHARP, 107 Va 4th st. Rooms atrict - ly modern; prices reasonable. HOTEL BENNETT, 22 TAYLOR. Rooms strictly modern, $3.50 up. NICELY furnished, clean rooms, reasonaote. Free phone, baths, etc. 387 Taylor st. FOR RENT Single room, $1.50 week. Davis. ROOMS for gentlemen. modern In every detail, both phones. 60S E- Morrison. , FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL ALMA. ' 12th Street, Burnslde to Stark Street. EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. A homelike hotel In the heart of tha city, Electric elevator. Hot and cold running water. Telephone In every room. Electricity and gas. LOW SUMMER RATES. Elegant furnishings; all outside rooms: perfect service; courteous treatment ac corded all; investigate the Alma. On 12th, Stark to Burnslde, THE SARGENT HOTEL. Orand and Hawthorne Aves. For rent, the finest corner parlor, bed room and bath suits in tha city; large rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win dows fine view of all the mountains; also some single rooms; elevator service, tele phone, hot and cold water, electric light and steam heat; moderate prices for de sirable tenants; eight streetcar lines pass the ballding. The largest and coolest rooms In the c!ty. If you are looking for permanent, home like quarters, be sure and inspect the Sargent before locating. Excellent res taurant In connection with the hotel. Phone East 201. J. H. CLARK, Proprietor. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN t "Those three beautiful furnished hotels HOTEL ' HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. . PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 213 4th st. 211V 4th st. 207Va 4th st. n Fourth St., running from Taylor to Salmon L; brand new brick; elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms; strictly .up to date in all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the rdinary, In the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we know you will like it. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. ANGELA HOTEL. inrer new management. 625 Washington St. Larse lobby, finished in mahogany, tile and marble; ladies' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone service in rooms ell night and day. electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort Is made for the ccrfort und convenience of Its guests; rents the most reasonable In the city; rooms by the day, week or month. Look this over before locating. Take W car at Depot, get off at 10th and Washington. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 Thirteenth st., at Washington. European plan; new and modern. Private or detached baths. Hot and cold running water. Telephone in every room. Steam heated. Very reasonable rates to permanent A first-class residential hotel, under the personal management of the owner, J. W. B ush o n g. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished steam-heated rooms, up- to-date apt.. Nob Hill district, west tMtie, hot bath every day. both phones, electric lights, references exchanged. D 160, Ore gonian. FIVE or six rooms completely furnished, in private residence; everything new ana modern. 901 Commercial st. Price $25. Woodlawn S269. NEW. exceptionally furnished front rooms. stationarv bowl. also sleeping porcn suite, twin beds, select location, reasonable. 745 Hoyt st. SEE THIS ROOM FIRST. Exceptionally clean. pleasant room ; strictly modern; walking distance. 406 Park. COMFORTABLY furnished rooms, facing beautiful West park. MomeiiKe ana cuj. cheap rent. 321 West Park. COSY corner room, choice board, beautiful surroundings; also tiny cottage, oo jovw Joy t. m LARGE unfurnished room. $7 per month, in cluding light ana water. tin noyi near 21st. FURNISHED front room, suitable for two; bath, light and furnace neat; west aiae, walking distance. Marshall 4769. NICfc Li f urn ished room, modern con ve n kntes centruliy located, reason o-. C.p.y. near 10th. A R'.tK frpnt room with sleeping porch ; one block from Multnomah Club. Main 4177. NOB HILL. $10 month, newly furnished room; bath, phone, lignt ana airy, i-a in. 23 d. ELEGANTLY furnished room in a swell . private home, close in. 1 1 jrinny r-iace. LARGE front room, all conveniences. Flunuers. Marsnail dQi . $. $LfiO. $3 NICE clean rooms for gentle men; nomentte piaue. -oj om. '6-$ 4TH Large front room, suitable for 2 or 3. Modern. CLI; AN. cool room. bath, phone, $2 week walking distance, olio Uth. BLOCK south Baker Theater, suitable two. joins bath. $3 week. )M uin. J3 WEEK, one or two gentlemen, five blocks from postomce. zau i"tn. DEAL rooms in an Ideal home; gentle' man. Phone Main NICELY furnished room In modern apart ment. Main v.'!H. 1.75 IO $3 weekly; clean and airy; de sirable location. 3U jztn st. TWO elegantly furnished rooms. Call Main 8225. FURNISHED sleeping room. $3 and up; phone and bath. 2-1 Ii h. FURNISHED rooms, lower floor, hot and cold water. n,vereix. CLEAN, well-furnished room for gentleman in quiet home, mo lanuers. ROOM with sleeping porch; room with prl- ate bath. ft4 -tanaers. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In good home. References. .Nob mil. 1 J Johnson. FURNISHED room on carline. very cheap. HitU Taylor, ferry noaa. 14 JEFFERSON, large front 'room, well furnished, bath, fireplace, piano. NICELY furnished room for rent, $6 per montn. 01 :n. mn st., uhvh 10 r-veretc. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFUKNjSHED rooms, 207Vi Taylor. THREE unfurnished rooms for rent. 26 N 20 th. Rooms and Board. DOES ft home appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. oth and Madison; large rooms, bath, l-road veranda; quiet, close in, near car; 4 biocKs irom r. v. American PARK VIEW. Modern family hotel; popular rates; pri vate park; close in, cor. West Park and Montgomery. Phone Main 3788 THE LAMBERSON, 554 Couch Very de sirable outside rooms; steam neat, run ning water; with or without board; close. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 23d year. RnnmH with t.oard. use of sewing-room. 11. brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. ROOMS and first-class table board, horn cooking, $0 and 57 week; flreproor buna ing. Grand ave. phone East 2051. THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison st. Large. wel I turn ished rooms, moaern conveni ences, close In. MANITOU, 2fil 13th st. Attractive, clean rooms, steam neat, gooa ooara. ciose in THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board. running water, steam heat. 3 So dd st. URNloHED rooms with board, very cheap. Phone M. 1547. 712 Flanders. Rooms With Board In Private Family. LARGE front , room with porch for 2; piano and reading room: nrst-ciass. nome-UKe and reasonable. 635 East Morrison. East 1696. WANTED One or two children to room and board; will promise good care; age 3 to 6. Phone C 2994. NH'P furnished room with board In refined home. 33 Mill, corner West Park. Phone Main 2217. ROOM and board, $5 a week, single; also one large front room suitable for two. Main 3304. LARGE, light, airy rooms, with board; strictly modern. 340 Hassalo; splendid view. ROOMS or room and board. In private fam ily, walking distance. East Side. 49 Broadway; no children; nice quiet home. DO the comforts f home appeal to you? If so, call at 57 Trinity Place; modern, newly furnished; heme cooking. VERY nice front room and singie room, with board; excellent home cooking. modern home privileges; reasonable. Main 3280. TWO p!easant rooms, large porch and grounds; excellent board. Main 2071. BOARD and room. Main 6979. 332 10th st. Phone TWO fine rooms, one with private bath; fine location; home cooking. 617 Kearney. PLEASANT rooms, good board. 656 Glisan street. FURNISHED rooms and board, reasonable. 595 E. Oak. E. 552. Walking distance. MODERN room with board. 204 N. tween Kearney and Lovejoy. A 2d. be 230. CHOICE rooms with board, home conking, reasonable. 33 North 17th. ROOM and board in private family. Ladd ave, E. 5145. 74 FOR RENT. Rooms With Board In frtvate Family. A PRIVATE home, of modern conveniences would give board and room to 3 or 4' business men who would appreciate re finement, cleanliness and best of home cooking; mea is optional. Phone C 11 OS. Woodlawn 1737. Call for R. W. SOO Union ave. North. EXCELLENT room, with sleeping porch, in fairly modern home, for young man; ab solutely best board in Portland, regardless of price; easy walking distance, on West Side. Phone Main OiUl. LARGE, clean, nicely furnished room, suit able for one or two; all conveniences; free home privileges; with or without board. Main 8643. 353 12th st. PLEASANT room, board and kindest care to invalid or elderly person in home of wo man experienced In care of the sick. Ad dress N 263. Oregonian. LARGE front room for rent, suitable for two. with board, modern conveniences, home privileges, walking distance. E. 4440. Apartments. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Largest and tlnest apartments on the Pacltic Coast; In Trinity Place, just off Washing ton, between 10th and 20th sts.. in heart of apartment-house district ; modern in every particular; high -class service; re fined clientele; sleeping porches In every apartment ; furnished and unfurnished : prices right; references required. See Mrs. A. N. Wright, superintendent. Mar shal! 1101. THE WASHINGTON. 6S0 Northrup St.. near 21st; 5-room unfurnished apartment, with all modern conveniences, bath, telephone, gas range, refrigerator, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas. electric light, janitor service, etc. Take W car to 21st and North rup. Phones Main 4376, A 1133. THE HOUSMAN, 730 Hoyt st. Elegantly furnished 3 -room corner apartment, all outside rooms, light and airy. large porch, surrounded by lawn and flowers, quiet and exclusive; refer ences. THE WESTFALL. 410 Fifth, corner Hall. TTnder new management; light, airy, 3 and 4 -room apartments; every modern convenience and automatic elevator. $27.50 to $4; references; furnished and unfur nished. LUCRETIA COURT. Lucretla St., Near 23d and Wash Unfurnished apartments, from two to five rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets, hardwood lloors; under new management. Marshall 1513. Janitor. Mar shall 1500. SUMMER RA.TE3. A newly-furnished 3-room apt., $22.50; all outside, large, light, airy rooms, private phone, bath, gas range, refrigerator, water heater, laundry trays, large closets, on carline. Tabor 2293, B 3041. CUMBERLAND APTS., W. Park and Colum bia sts. ; very choice 2 and 3-room tur nished and unfurnished apts., all modern conveniences, beautiful location, facing the park; o minutes' walk from business cen ter; best service. Prices reasonable. THE LOIS. 704 HOYT ST. One nice outside 2-room apartment, modem, up to date, private phone and hath, very reasonable; also 5-room cot tage at 90 w i 11 1 a ma ave.; rent $ 20. Phone Marshall 2011. LINCOLN APTS.. COR. 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside 2-room apartments; Holmes beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean er janitor service. $22.50 to $30. Including lights, private phones. A 3472. Main 1377. BTJENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison; 2, 8 and S rooms, furnished or unfurnished ; latest Improve ments; best service. Apply on premises. THE BERYL. Two and three-room apartments; large rooms, large closets; strictly modern, cool and airy for Summer; reduced ratea Phone Main 7755. ti5 Lovejoy st. Take W Car. THE PARK HURST. N. 20th and Northrup Sts. MAX KAUFMAN. MANAGING OWNER. Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments, ail outside rooms, balcony to every suite. REFERENCES. PHONE f 1178. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, 15th and Everett 2, 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished, private baths; $20 up; completely reno vated, under new management ; walking distance; convenient and best service. THE SHEFFIELD 3-room apartments with bath, a Murphy concealed beds and Pa cific phones in each; outside rooms, splen did arrangement, superb location, near P. O. Best service. 272 7th. cor Jefferson. WINSTON APARTMENTS. 341 14th st., at Market, new corner brick. 2-room suites, completely furnished for housekeeping: walking distance; prices reasonable. For Information call Main 173 ALMIRA 3, 4 and 5-room apartments, 14th and Salmon sts,; excellent location; very desirable for home comfort; high-class in every respect. A few more desirable ten ants wanted. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett St., between 20th and Ella. Furnished three-room apartment, with sleeping porch; vacant August 1st. BURCH APARTMENTS. Beautifully furnished 2-room apt., new, modern, bath, dressing-room, reasonable. 110 21st st. North. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Madison Sts. For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; strictly modern. ROSE FRIEND Apartments Fine 4-room a pa rtment furnished, sleeping accommo dations for 3 or 4. Call Marshall 60 or Marshall 1410. ARCADIA APARTMENT, 706 Everett St. One modern, nicely furnished 3-room apt., all outside windows, $30. LILLIAN APTS.. 6th and Montgomery, 2 and 3-room furnished, modern, all outside rooms. 7 minutes' walk to business center, phone Marshall 1378. WALDORF COURT, IRViNGTON, East lth and Schuyler One unfurnished apartment; everything modern. Phone East 547, Ct 1608. THE MEREDITH, 712 Washington st. 2, 3 and 4-room apts.; hardwood floors, with every convenience, newly furnished; cheap est rent in the city. THE McKINLEY APARTMENTS. East 7th and Morrison sts. Very central; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished, com plete; private baths; from $20 to $32.50. NICELY furnished 2-room apartment with bath, private entrance; also unfurnished 3-room with balcony. Cecilia Apts., 714 Glisan st. HADDON HALL, 11th and Hall 2, 3, 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; modern; hardwood floors, private balconies ; Summer rates. THE MARLBOROUGH. 5 and 6-room apartments; choice resi dence district, walking distance; every con venience. 2lst ana f mnaers sts. wain 7fi. KINGSBURY Apartments. 186 Ford st., near Washington Elegant new dtick building. complete ana niuut-i 11 , i"v aic utticouies, best of service; 3 rooms with bath. THE LEONCE. 1S6 N. 22d, near Johnson New, modern brick: i and 3-room beau tifully furnished apartments; $22.50 up. FOR RENT Furnished 3-room apartment, with screened porch, free lights, heat. water and phone. hi r. ashington. THE BRYN-MAWR APARTMENTS. 185 E. loth, near Yamhill; fine 4-room apart ments, with porch. FURNISHED 3 rooms, private bath, both phones: 10 minutes walk to PostoffJce cool Summer home. 448 Clay. FURNISHED 3-room front apartment for Winter; balcony. Knickerbocker, 410 Har rison. THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and 3-room apts.; private bath and phone. Summer rates. Main 5435. 505 Jefferson. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia sts. 2, 3 and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished; modern. THE AVALON, corner Clackamas and Ross; 3 and 4-room apartments; new. modern 3 stoiy brick building. Phone East 3172. THE ORMONDE Nice, light 4-room apart ments, either furnished or unfurnished. 56 Flanders st., Nob Hill. Main 8251. THE DRICKSTON. 448 Uth. Nicely furnished 2 arret a-room rauuem u-uic upiB., near Heights. Mrs. F. W. McCune. Marshall 57. THE CHELTENHAM, 255 N. 18TH. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; new brick building; new furniture. Marshall 3658. ROSE FRIEND, cor. 7th and Jefferson sts. Very desirable unfurnished apartments; all outside rooms; hardwood floors; refs. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders sts. 2, 3 ana 4-room muueru w'ub. .&p- uly to landlady. THE KING-DAVIS, corner King and Davis sts. o rooms, xumisnea or uniurmsnea; references. THE LAURETTE, 1 furnished 3-room apart ment; private oam ana pnuuc. xs jua si. LOVEJOY APTS., 17th and Lovejoy. Main 2lo. Z ana a -room luiuisueu ilb uiuaera. THE BELMOR. Rooms and apts.. 148 E. 3d st. JULIETTE Furnished and unfurnished 2 rooms, cor. za ana Montgomery. THE ALAMO, 494 Market St.. furnished and unfurnlsnea apts. rnone aiarsnau 4t. IRIS, COR. 3D AND MILL. 4 and 5 large rooms; modern. DOVER APARTMENT 3 and 4 rooms, $16- $18. inquire i. in. THE PARK APARTMENTS, 35S Harrison st. Phone Marshall 3070. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt I nqui re 130 ttn st. pnone Main MODERN 5-room flat, 426 Sixth St. Apply 426 1-2 SiXUi bl FOR RENT. Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments from 2 to 6 rooms, from $20 to $60 per month. If you want one, telephone. On Sundays or Main 2015 Evenings call . A 2019 Mr. Berry, Main 21 SI. Our automobile will cal! at any address with our agent who will be glad to show these apartments. We own or control the following: Angela, Washington and Trinity place. Cecilia, 22d and Glisan ats. Claypool, 11th and Clay sts Fordham, 170 Ford st. Grandesta. Grand ave. and East Stark. Hanthoro, ?51 12th St.. near Main. Hanover, 165 King St.. near Washington Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near 11th. Sheffield. 272 7th st., near Jefferson. fit. Croix, 170 St Clair st.. near Wash. St. Francis. 21et and Hoyt sts. Wellington, 15th and Everett sts. MORGAN. FL1EDNER & BOY CIS. 6o2-506 Abinetoc Bldg. . THE ORLANDO. 20TH AND WASHINGTON STS. UNQUESTIONABLY FINEST LOCATION IN THE CITY. 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, pos sssfns every modern convenience; private telephones, eievator service, excellent clos et room, laundry with steam dryer. Most attractive entrance court in Port land. Select clientele provides precisely the surroundlngp desired for your family. RATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON ABLE TO BE FOUND. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. JUST OFF WASHINGTON STREET. Two. three and four-room apartments, well furnished, exclusive, excellent servieo, every modern convenience. REASONABLE RATES. N B W M A NAUEME N T. THE WHEELDON. Cor. Park and Taylor Sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts. Wftlklne- Distance. Furnished eomnlete. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; buildings nw and strictly modern ; service first-class. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. I'th Mrifl Til vlor. Just completed most magnificent fur nished apartments In the Northwest, lo ca tfon perfect ; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banouet hail and roof earrien: both bhones in all apartments; high-class scrviee: reference: required. Main 227t and A 70. .1. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts. this new 4-storv brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automatic levator. Hninip 1kh nnarlm beds, built- in buffet and wrlttnjr desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones. vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phones A 3744. Marshall 296L THE AMERICAN. Most un-to-date aoartment In th Northwent : everv convenience : 4 and rooms, all outside sunny rooms; "new;" walking distance, 21st and Johnson sts. choice residence district; attendant o premises. Marshall 3360. NAKOM IS- Marshall, wear Uth St. New nullding, never been occupied; rates $20 and up. One unfurnished, $1H. ARDMAY TERRACE, 12th and Harrison sts. Largest 2-room apartments i" J he city. ALTON I A. Marshall and 1!th sts. Large, airy, 2. 3 and 4-room apartment, ou'et and exclusive neighborhood NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 2th and Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments, $15. $1S. 20 and up. This includes steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment, private phones, public bath, eiecrrn lierhts. pan mneea. In nnd rv-room. all free also u-rnfim un f u rn fstifrt anartments. with private bath. $18; 4 rooms, $20. Take S '3d or W cars north. Thone Main W.i. GRANDESTA GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK ST. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New brick building, newly furnished private phone and bath In each apartment; elevator service; walking distance. Sum mer rates $22.50 and up. Phone East 208. CARMEHTA. Jefferson and 13th Street a 4 and 5-room furnished and unfurnished apartments, exceptionally well arranged. Rates Reasonable. Modern. References. New. KKELER APTS., 14th and Clay Beautiful 3 and 4-room unfurnished apartments, nw brick bldg.; electric elevator; references, Flats. Slrt A SNAP. 5-room flat, located at MUwaukto and Bismarck ; good chance to rent rooms. Apply 405 Washington st. COZY 4-room flat, newly furnished; gas, bath, phone ; one block from Washington High School; walking distance; tnt rea sonable. 571 Eapt Morrison St., between 13th and 14th. Phone East 4559. IRVINGTON. 5-room lower flat, hardwood floors. fireplace, furnace. gas water heater, sideboards, white enameled ben rooms, kitchen, pantry. 3ll E. 13th. near Schuyler, Broadway car. Fur desirable tenant, only 5-room ground floor front and back porcn witn sman yard ; good location ; modern. Call Main l smi. TO LET Furnished 3-room flat, complete in every detail, pnone iaDor xtta. UPPER flat, West Side, 6 rooms, on main floor and 3 In attic, front and nacK porcn $25. 450 11th st. S. D. Vincent & Co. Slrt Chamber of Commerce. 5-ROOM apartment, sunny, airy; nice porches, front and back; good yard, gas range, steam hvat, hot and com water. 587 East Main. SIX rooms, all modern conveniences, choice location. Phone East 1137, A. M., or call at 335 E. 11th st. N. MODERN 4-room lower flat; all outside rooms, new build i ok : basement, furnace. porches and yard; $1S. 854 Upshur st FOR RENT An up-to-date live-room liau Apply iiSs Borthwick st. Phone Wood lawn 1154. 1 10 MODERN lower four-room flat, gas, electricity, fireplace. U14 East Morrison, near 3tli. Phone Tabor 17iS. vi.iT for rent, with some furniture for sale cheap: handy to carline. 160 L. L'5th st Tabor 237. NEW modern i-room flat, fireplace, pas range furnace, cooling closet, free water walking distanee. East 2741. 3-ROOM modern flats, unfurnished. Inquire 1 .VlarKet ST. t 'nunc .mhim tun. MODERN 5-room flat on Z carlines. East 12th and Division. vein RKXT 5-room modern flat. '.UV2 Park st.. near new Lincoln High School. Key at 84S Mill st. TH REE-ROOM flat, light, pleasant rooms, large front porch, gas range, bath, laun dry tray. Main 21 Go. 4-ROOM upper flat; every convenience; cor. Broadway and Larrabee: $20. B. W. New ell. Main 7101. MODERN a-room flat, centrally located, rent reasonable; new rurnuure ior sai u.i a bic rifice; owner leaving city. 304 Park st. EIGHT-ROOM upper flat, modern- yard. 603 Everett. Sheehy Bros. Phone Main 3072, A 2410. FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat, 174 East 2d st. North. Phone Woodlawn 302. 6-ROOM upper flat, strictly modern. Johnson st. Tel. Main 7j20. 730 MODERN 5 and 6-room flats. 351 and 353 Sixth. Key at 355. Phone C 1678. MODERN 5-room flat, 5th near Jackson, West Side; 10 min. walk. Main or A 1-23. PARTLY furnished flat for rent. 6S2 Ever ett st. TWO 5-room flats; 695 Glisan and Northrup sts. Phone Main 3225. MODERN 4-room flat, near 23d and Wash ington sts.; reasonable. Main 3833. A 7828. FLAT West Side, walking distance, cheap. J. D- Morris. 6V7 Yeon. Marshall 165. Housekeeping Room. FURNISHED housekeeping suite, new gas range, new linoleum, sink and running hot water In kitchen; large, light, clean rooms; reasonable; desirable parties only. 288 Va 3d st., near Jefferson. $1.50 TO $3 per week; clean, cool furnished housekeeping rooms; free laundry, bath, phone vard. gas; suitable for 2 or i 406 Vancouver ave. and 203 Stanton sr. U car. STRICTLY modern housekeeping rooms; pri vate enlrance, etc 867 E. Washington St. Flat D. . THE MILNER, 350H Morrison, furnished or unfurnished housekeeping apartments; all conveniences; close In; Summer ratea CAMBRIDGE bldg.. furnished, unfurnished housekeeping rooms; central, cheap. Room 86. 3d and Morrison. FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, hot and cold water day and night. 778 Glisan. VERY large furnished housekeeping. $2.50 a week ; suits $3 up. 91 H 1st, cor. Stark. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Rent reasonable 249 Holladay av., 2 blks. Steel Bridge. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshal! sis. if nished for housekeeping; gas ranne. e trie lights, hot water, bath, laundry fr.; $12 per month up; a clean plrue; besti the city for the money; short dlstan from Union Depot. Take s or ltith-st. ci north; get off at Marshall st. No doss. THE UPSHUR. 23th and Upshur sts. Ku: nished 2-room apartments, 115 up. lnclud Ing steam heat, hot and cold water 1 every apartment, public bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free Take S, 23d or W cars north. Phon Main 59. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; stngiel rooms $1.50 per week, $2.25 per suite. -91 2d st. 4til EAST Morrison, cor. Sth; furnished 2 room housekeeping suites, reasonable. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room housekeeping and single rooms; transients solicited. n 14th. Housekeeping Rooms in Private family. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 2 or 3 housekeeping. rooms, with sleeping porch ; I in est view. waiKiRe distance; very reasonable tor tier maneut party. Heights car, get off at Clifton st., two blocks east, -itl chupm. street. SINGLE housekeeping rooms and 2-room suites; clean. modern dwelliig; evcr -thing furnished, including heat. gas. haili, phone; clop,.- in. 5 minutes' walk to busi ness center. ii.V Flanders, near 2n h. TWO-KOOM SUITE Large. clean, cool rooms, bay window and fireplace ; with or wit hunt small sleeping porcn ; also t hree room ruite, light anu airy ; reasonable. FIRST-CLASS single and connecting rooms, best accommodations, newly furnished ; large lawn and gallery: $2 to $5 per wook. 575 Couch, corner lMh. FURNISHED housekeeping suites of 2 and o rooms ami nai of 4 rooms, all mouern nd clean ; cheup rent and walking dis tance. Main 5651. LARGE and small clean furnished house keeping rooms, all conveniences, to desir able, people only. a N. lsth. Marshall 47!S. $12. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms: these rooms iire clean, convenient and rea son ah le ; 1 ." minutes front i'osiol fice. 725 K. St.irk. 2 NICE H. K. rooms sink, rangp. pantry, private entrance, modern, electric hgh t, walking distance, select neighborhood. 35 Mill. NICE, front, bay window housekeeping room, with kitchen; all convenient es; valkins il istance. U.v; Chapmun t. Mar shall o'liiS. TH REE unfurnished rooms for bouse keep ing; will furnish if desired. 673 Borth wick. NI"ELY furnished suite housekeeping rooms; sink, all modern, $17 month. 2S 14th sr. TWO large, well furnished housekeeping rooms. $12 per month. Karl st.. op posite Brooklyn School. Selluood car. 'ART of girls or Park. furnish' couple ; il house :lose in. to two re Main 076.". .1 ISt 13TH Two pleasant rooms, completely furnished, modern, gas range, bath, lawn, adults, $18 monthly. STEAM-HEATED light housekepiiiR-rooms. walking distance, si and Flanders sts. Marlborough, Apt. 33. WANT good, respectable woman to share 5-room cottage; pood neighborhood, rea sonable. 61T4 Jefferson. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, 735 Iusley ave. $0 pet month. Take tieli wood car. No children. 2 TO 4-room clean, modern housekeeping apartment; central, desirable, reasonable. 621 Couch. 3 HOUSEKEEPING room, in private fam ily; modern. 6iu E. Hurnslde. THREE furnished H. K. rooms In new home, convenh lit. reasonable. 7S1 E. Yamhill. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, pri vate family. 13 E. 7ih. Phone East l5a. T WO-ROOM housekeeping a partment, well furnlshe d. 47 Taylor. Main 7120. CLEAN single housekeeping room; and hath. lth st. phone $10 1 large housekeeping room; bath, gas. fall 651 E. Morrison. CLEAN, light, well-furnished 3-room :;:5 oth st. suite. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, $2.50 Phone and hath. 22ft 13th. ind up; $211 3 nice clean furnished housekeeping Lincoln. Main 6S43. rooms. w. LARGE, airy front room and kitchen; light, "heat. t-Htli. phone, l'Q. 347 Hall. TH RE E desirable rooms completely fur nished for housekeeping. t4i bin sr. BEAUTIFUL large room with kitchenette; also parlor suue. t - -"in. LARGE, clean, nicely furnished housekeep ing 100m. $11. :6i parK. NICELY furnished, housekeeping rooms. !heap. 6! Grand ave. rs. THREE unfurnished rooms and bath, sult- eble for light housekeeping, mi u aier ft. CLEAN housekeeping apt., sleeping rr-om. two gentlemen, private porcn. .t; a. 1 un. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, running wa ter, phono and hath. i.ttn. NEWLY furnished front housekeeping . 87M 12th. ooms. all conveniences. a 1 . HOUSKK.EEP1 NG suite, sink, bath, phone, gas range, laundry. ib.- is. nin. COSY housekeeping room ; batn, pnone. cheap. 4.2 3th st. soutn. THREE cosy housekeeping rooms, furnisher!. $12 per month. h'eingroe. .ia.in ..t-o. TWO front H. K- rooms, bath,, phone, $1J month. 3S ;tn. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone EHst 43HK. No. 2 Grand ave. n. Iloune. 6-ROOM new modern flat, Wet Side; rent onlv $23 month ; wanting aisiance; rem 1 s"uite for $17 month ; can rent more; well arranged; furniture W all nice and mostly new will sell all complete for $jm; a big snap. For particulars ca:i Jl 4th st. FOR RENT Elegant new 8-room house. near Hawthorne line, . very large ne rooms. 2 bathrooms; all modern conven iences; $40 per month. K AST E BROS., rtS Henry RMg. FOR RENT 171 East 7th st. .., between Oregon ana r.asi irving bis., nvimuaj Addition; 8-room modern house, nood con dition; accessible to several canities; rent $30. Call up R. N. Tufford. fhone Mar shal! 4547. ' FOR RENT 434 Oregon st., corner L. tth st. North, Holiacay Afitiition; ciosu in iw town; 7-room home, modern in every de tail; convenient to several cirlines; rent $35. Call on N. T. Tufford. Phone Marshall 4517. 5-ROOM cottage, full basement, large yard. fruit and flowers ll-J nasi Main near 3th. Sunnyside district, two blocks from Haxvthorne car. 20. Apply Schmale. 220 First st. , FOR KENT about August 1. S-room hnustt on Jefferson st. bet. inn ana i-m. minutes' alk from postoffice. For par ticulars inquire 4:t4 Jefferson. THREE houses on East 10th end B-aeon streets, nr Hrooklyn be 11001; cunuw. $17, $1S and $20. Apply to Therkelsen A Watson. Spalding bldg. 10-ROOM house. Et Side, easy watKing distance to West '.oe. vxr-w in for residence, hoarding-house or sanitar ium. For Information call Main SI 311. 150x100; HOUSE 7 rooms, newly pamiea. newlv papered, batn. rnintpji-iinii!"-. Bl"'".7: 42" East 40th. Cowperth wait. Knst 4Jtti and Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 520. WANTED To rent r loriern house or flat, after 9 A. M.. Main small family- can 3335 or A 5335. FOR RENT Five-room coitago; wa ikuik distance. 446 litn si. v.u Irigs. ill Four-room cottage, ln Revere si., near s o .l.nn A nn! v npit ri Onr or J.- . iv. or ...f-.- 2S5 Williams av.. evenings. WANTED To buy lurnitur ior i or u rooms for casn. rniiiii-v nK'nivr v v., o 3 1 2 Lew is bldg. MODERN 6-room house, electricity, gas. Main JU- i.ey o a m 4. r. es- , MODERN 6-room house, electricity and s;a. East litn ii.i unwuw. "4' 301 Pekum bldg. MODERN 7-room house, excellent condition; moderate rent, rrtone aiam NI'E 6-room houe; bath. $22. 14S East 13th St.. near Kaat Morrison, ciose in. 20 ROOMS, newly papered, gooa location. Cheip rent, tan now -a si- nouui. MODERN -room house, corner E. Oth and Clay. Phone w ooq lawn i&w. FOR RENT 6-room modern house. 550 E. Yamhill st. 5-ROOM house. 707 Davis st., bet. 21st ana 22d. West Side. M'l gftgtt. MODERN 5-room cottage. E. 24th and Oregon. Rose City car. N Irving ton, new. modern 5-room house. Phone East 5453. IX roo-ns, Woodstock, near car; soms fruit, fme view. $12. Phone Fell wood 2t4. MODERN 6-room house on two carilnas; low rent. Inquire at Hi" C 01 1. Diag. 6-ROOM modern house, 211 Bancroft ave.. $1S. Phone Main 5 133. 6-ROOM cottage. 601 Belmont, corner of E. 15th. Phone E. 16H. Furnished Houses. 6-ROOM furnished fiat, walking; distance. 3 bedrooms. 204 stout St., $o. Key 504 Madison. Main 2483. MODERNLY furnished 5-room flat, close in; piano. 407s E. Couch. East 1944.