f Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors on the Second Floor Special 25c Lunch Served in the Basement Excellent Service PICTURE FRAMING 1 Take Luncheon in Our Popular Tea Room on the Fourth Floor 14 Off Regular Prices Agents for Royal Worcester, tson ion ana iemo orsvi Open 9:30 A. M., Close 9:30 P. M., Saturdays By these hours we give our sales people additional rest and give working people opportunity to shop in the evening. Take advantage. $1.50 HANDBAGS FOR 98c First floor, main aisle, Morri son street way A sale of Hand bags not to be equalled in all Portland. The newest effects in black and colors, gunmetal, gilt or covered frames; QQf worth $1.50, at, each-'-'' QMs, Wortman ScKmg The Only Store in the West Occupying an Entire City Block $2.00 BRASS RODS FOR 75c Saturday we will sell a two-piece one tip silk wound rod, best $2 grade at above price. Handle, cord wound, solid metal reel plate above hand; put up in partition bag; a regular 7?f $2 rod; special at only m Jl Dont Forget to Bring in Medallion Coupons Those having Medallion Coupons are requested to bring them in for redemption before August 10th, as all will be void after that date. Boys' Suits $3.95 $5 to $8.50 Grades Juvenile Dept., First Floor School days will soon be here. Today we place on sale 350 odd Suits for boys, ranging in price from $5 to $8.50, at $3.95 each. A positive clean-up of all broken lines at this low price. A splendid assortment of the popular mixtures in browns, tans, grays and blues; smart styles. The season's best selling lines. Bring your boy in; we'll outfit him at low cost. These Suits come in ages 8 to 18 vears, and are without doubt ex ceptional values. Plenty of styles to 3JO QfiJ rhnnsft from. Come early for best choice pJsJ Men's $25 Suits$1395 Mens Section 1st Floor, S. E. Men! Now's your chance! A most unusual sale of Men's and Young Men's Stylish $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 Suits at $13.95. We consider this the best Suit bargain of the year. Very latest English models, 2 or 3-button styles, in a wide range of neat gray, blue and brown mixtures. All sizes from 32 to 44. The well-known quality of our Suits, to gether with this extreme low price should crowd our Men's Wear Section today. All standard $20 to $25.00 Suits ; your choice atfljt O Q this very low price, the suit oolyp J. JZsJ Free Ice Cream or Ice Cream Soda Free Ice Cream or Ice Cream Soda for today with every pur chase of $1.00 or over. Checks can be procured from all floor men. Our regular 10c Ice Cream or Ice Cream Soda for today is given $6000.00 Voting Contest Thousands of Portland men and women are taking a keen interest in this Great Contest. Remember we are going to give away $6,000.00 in gold to the Society, Church, Lodge or Organization receiving the highest number of votes Votes given with purchases. Interest your friends and acquaintances in this greatest of all prize contests. ONE GRAND GIFT OF $1,500.00 IN GOLD ONE GRAND GIFT OF $1,000.00 IN GOLD TWO GIFTS OF $500.00 IN GOLD EACH TWO GIFTS OF $250.00 IN GOLD EACH FIVE GIFTS OF $200.00 IN GOLD EACH TEN GIFTS OF $100.00 IN GOLD EACH $1.25 Underwear 49c Balbriggan Underwear 45c Broken lines Men's Underwear on sale Saturday. Shirts come in sizes 34 to 44; drawers in sizes 30 only. Actual $1.00 and $1.25 qualities. A great opportunity to supply your needs, j Qr 3 for $1.00; or garment Men's fine Balbriggan Underwear, athletic style; long or short sleeves, knee or ankle length. Come in fine ribbed or honeycombed. Splendid cool pnderwear for the Summer. On sale , Sat- A urday at, a garment, only"-'" us Vassar Union Suits 95c The celebrated Vassar Union Suits for men at reduced prices Saturday. Absolutely the best fitting and finest finished garment on the market. The above number is made from finest cotton, Swiss ribbed Q and perfect fitting. Regular $1.25 grade. Saturday, the suit'' $1.50 Vassar Union Suit for men, special at only $1.19 $2.00 Vassar Union Suit for men, special at only $1.65 $3.00 Vassar Union Suit for men, special at only $2.19 $3.50 Vassar Union Suit for men, special at only $2.48 Men1 s $1.50 Shirts 95c Men's Section First Floor A special Saturday Clean-Up of odd lines of Men's Shirts in plain or plaited bosoms, with stiff cuffs; th soft collar and French cuffs. Not a single shirt in this lot worth less than $1.50. Q CZf or today you may take your picn at, eacn $1.50 Plaited Shirts at $1.15 A choice collection of newest plaited styles, also plain bosom, with stiff cuffs, and the popular soft collar and French cuff Shirts ; out regular $1.50 lines. For a rousing Saturday special these best fif t t Ct $1.50 Shirts will be on sale at P $3 Shirts, Special at $1.85 Warm weather Shirts soft collars and the popular French cuffs. Shirts that bring $3.00 and even more at other stores. For Saturday only we have reduced the price over one-third. Men, now is J f QCZ your chance. $3.00 shirts for P-t 1 : r 1 5c Great Week-End Sale 8000 Yards of 15c Wash Goods at 5c Yard In the Wash Goods Department, Iirst noor norine a wu4liuui ue ol me r"TT. ' '--n KiA 9n v. !Sta1W feh. for women's and children's Summer Dresses. stripes and Herringbone effects, all colors they'll wash the tub will have no terror for them. none sold bv the bolt to merchants. See them on display in our Tenth-street window. On Arnonn t of the limited nnantitv and extraordinary low price, The actual value of the fabrics is 15 cents a yard. Reduced to 5 a yard. 5c Hundreds of bargains like this will be found in Wash Goods aisle. Saturday Drug Sale Offers Unusual Savings Fairy or Ivory Soap, 3$ a bar six bars to a customer delivery made only when other goods are purchased at the Drug Department. Get your order in early. Grand Prize Tooth Picks, 5c package for only 3 Sa! Hepatica, the regular 50c bottles for only 39 Chas. H. Fletcher's Castoria, 35c bottles for only 25 Carter's Little Liver Pills, 25c bottle for only 20 Syru of Figs; the regular 50c bottle for only 35 Philips Milk of Magnesia, 50c bottles now for 41$ Pape's Diapepsin; the regular 50o bottles for 39 Bromo Seltzer; a regular 50c bottle for only 40 "Tiz" for Tired Feet; regular 25c packages for 18(f Swamp Root, the regular 50c kind, for, bottle, 39 Gude's Pepto Mangan; a $1.00 bottle for only 83 Malt Nutrine; the regular 25c seller, for, only, 19 Pond's Extract; the 50o a bottle, for, a bottle, 39 Listerine; a $1.00 bottle of Listerine for only 65 Murine Eye Remedy; regular 50c a bottle, for 43c' Braman's Stomach Powders, special 50J and $1.00 Household Rubber Gloves, regular 50c values at 39 Fitch's Hair Tonic; regular 50c bottle, for only 45J Lavoris' Unequaled Mouth Wash, 25c bottle for 20 Glyco Thymoline; regular 25c a bottle, for only 19 Colgate's Dental Cream; regular 25c bottle, for 20 Hind 's Honey and Almond Cream ; 50c bottle for 40 Creme or Cerate "Elcaya," regular 50c bottle at 39 Rubifoam for the Teeth; regular 25c bottle for 19 Lilac Rose Glycerine Soap; regular 10c cake, for 5J Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder; regular 25c box, for 15J Orosillia Poudre de Riz; regular 25c box, for only 10 Ed. Pinaud 's Violet de Panne Water, $1 bottle for 50 Ed. Pinand's Beauteviva Face Powder, 50c box at 35 Violet Ve-o-Lay Toilet Soap; regular 25c cake, 15? 4711 Verdure Transparent Glycerine Soap, 10c cake 5 Absorbent Cotton, 1-lb. rolls, regular 35c value at 25 Witch Hazel, 1 pound bottles; regular 35c, for 25 House Dresses at $2.49 At this price we offer choice of a very attractive line of Wom en's Dresses. Materials are ginghams and percales. Come in trim styles in checks, stripes, plain and fancy patterns, short sleeves and low neck. Some have large fancy collars and cuffs, trimmed with bands and insertion of plain materials. The "Clara Barton Reversible Dress also included in this lot. CJO ACk You have your choice of this great lot Saturday for p Waists at $2.29 Lingerie & Marquisette Ordinarily you'd expect to pay at least $3.50 for these pretty waists, and they are well worth it. Doz ens of dainty styles in lingerie and marquisette trimmed with cluny filet and thread laces with either long or short sleeves, high or Dutch neck. Others are trimmed with pin tucks and embroidery. A com plete line of sizes, 34 JJO OQ to 44. Extra spcL ea. Best $1.50 Silk Hose at 95c A special one-day sale Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose. Extra good quality and weight, with deep gar ter top, double soles, toes and high-spliced heel; in black only. Sizes, 9, 9 1-2 and 10. Qjf These are regular $1.50 values. Saturday, only "-Jl "No-Mend" Hose 25c Pair Mothers, why worry about your children's hose, when you can buy "No Mend," the best wearing hose in existence. Smooth lisle finish black cotton hose, seam less, with linen spliced heels and toes ; sizes, 6 O CZg. to 10 1-2. Made extra strong. A pair, only & Long Suede Gloves 50c MSr 50c Here's a rare opportunity to purchase a pair of good, serv iceable Gloves at a small cost. The ever-popular suede fin ish Washable Gloves in either full length or two-clasp styles. Colors, white, tan, biscuit, gray or natural. tZflf All sizes in the lot, offered special at low price of Women's washable Doeskin or Chamois, in white or nat ural colors. P. K. or P. X. M. seam. All sizes in Qf7f the lot. Extra special for this sale at, pair, only-' Super Lisle Gloves in 16-button lengths, in colors, tZfhf vto.l- tan trrav anA hismiit.. Snecial nrir.fi. a nair vr I Special price, a pair r. s .. . . women, the kind tnat won I black, tan. gray and biscuit, "Kavser" Silk Gloves for wear out at the finger ends; complete line, all prices. $15 Corsets $2.95 A Great Saturday iAeanup Redfern, Rengo Belt, Bon Ton and Marquise Corsets, in sizes from 25 to 36. Late styles with 6 hose supporters attached. Afnreriflla nr hie-h Grade COUtils and batiste. Corsets in good tfljji value, up to $lo.00. Don't wait too long, for these are bound to be snapped up in a hurry. Great Sat- Q? urday Special at $3.50 Corsets $1.75 A group of Ligh grade standard makes of Corsets in broken sizes from 19 to 36; ma terials are plain and fancy ba tistes and coutil. Regular val ues up to $3.50. Saturday, to close them out jj "J 7 quickly, the pair P1' Mussed Sample Skirts A special lot of Sample Muslin Skirts some slightly soiled and mussed very latest styles, cut to fit close on sale at about half price. Don't overlook this snap. Only a limited-number in the lot, so be prompt. Prices d -I f tZf range from S2.98 to P 1 O.OU Initial Card Cabinet 25c For Brief Correspondence The latest fad, used principally for acceptances, regrets, etc., or any brief correspondence; 25 envelopes and 25 cards. Raised initial on pearl gray, Marlborough linen paper, Old English style type. Buy these in the sta tionery aisle, Tenth-street way. Buy all yu2T want of them Saturday, special price, a box"'-'' 40c Imperial 7 Coffee, Only&CyQ- On Sale Saturday Only Another great sale of our Imperial Roast Coffee our regular 40c grade, Saturday. You have not tasted better Coffee than this at twice the O price. On special sale Saturday onlywOC Peanut Oil, regular 70c grade, special at only 50fr Ghirardelli's Chocolate, 30c can special only 25 Queen Olives, in bulk, specially.-priced, quart 35 Swiss Cheese, imported, special at, the pound 35fr Norway Mackerel, specially priced at 2 for 25 For Your Sunday Lunch Our Sanitary Bakery' Dept. will supply your Sunday lunches, low prices. Guaranteed Enameltvare Blue white-lined four-coat Enamel wear. Every piece guaranteed. ' 3- quart Sauce Pans, special for this sale, each, 29 4- quart Sauce Pans, offered special at, each, only 32 2- quart Covered Sauce Pans, on special sale, only 32 3- quart Covered Sauce Pan, on special sale, only 40 3- quart Preserving Kettle, offered special at only 29J 4- quart Preserving Kettle, offered special at only 32 6-quart Preserving Kettle, offered special at only 48 2- quart Pudding or Milk Pans, on special sale for 21 3- quart Pudding or Milk Pans, on special sale at 24 4- quart Pudding or Milk Pans, on special sale at 29 1-quart Coffee Pot, special for this sale at only 37 3-quart Coffee Pot, special for this sale at only 60 6-quart Coffee Boiler, offered special, each, only 69 12-quart Water Pail, special during this sale, only 99 14-quart Dish Pans, special during this sale, only 60 Dainty Embroideries at l2 Price 25c Laces at 12c the Yard For Saturday's selling we place on the bar gain counter a line of odd pieces Edgings and Insertions in widths to 12 inches. Dain ty patterns in fine, swiss and nain- U 6ook. Saturday, your choice at just Thousands of yards of dainty Laces on sale Saturday at half regular prices. Pure linen Torchon Laces in widths up to 3Y2 inches, both edgings and insertions ; 10c t 0 values at 5c a yard; 25c grades at-- 50c Fancy Ribbons at 25c Yard 85c NecHwear at 4tsc tacn Saturday, Ribbon day at this store. A great variety of fancy Ribbons on sale Saturday at half price. Very latest novelties in Dres dens, stripes, plaids, etc., in every wanted shade; regular 50c grades-'' An exceptional offering of women's import- i xt- i r : 1 TV.ztl nA ea iNecKwear in euio im.-c, iutu ouu sailor collars and new coat effects. An end less variety for choosing; stand-Z Qf ard 85c values, special Saturday at--'1-' &a"'s 50c Hosiery at 19c Center Circle, Main Floor, Saturday Sample line Women's Fine Imported Hosiery, plain and fancy, in fine cot ton and lisle thread. Hundreds of late novelties for every occasion. Colors black, tan, pink, sky, lavender, champagne, etc. A wonderful f Chf bargain. Manufacturer's sample line. Special, the pair only JL S 50c Fancy Lace Lisle Hose. Specially priced at, pair 25 Fine Egyptian Lisle Hose. Extra special, 3 pair for only 50 25c Black Lace Hose, splendid quality, special at, the pair 17 Women's White Gauze Lisle Hose, regular 25c grade, pair 18 Women's Black Lisle Hose, 35c and 50c grades, only 25 Extra Specials SSS Saturday Reg. $1 Corsets Only 63c $3 Swea ter Coa ts at $1.69 Take one of these warm Sweaters to the mountains or beach. Close Cardigan rib, V-shape neck and pockets, d "t Regular $3.00 grade, only Op JL $7.50 Linen Coats $3.98 Women's Long Linen Coats. They are washable, very serviceable for any occa sion. Military collar. Sell fiO Qjk2 regularly at $7.50. Special pOJ70 $4 to $5 Shoes, Special $1.69 Women's Oxfords, Special at $1 5 new graceful models are offered in this extraordinary sale of Corsets. Light or medium weight, net or coutil, ?0 non-rustable steels. Special at QOC Men's Underwear at 25c Men's Fine Summer Weight Balbriggan Underwear, shirts and drawers of excep tionally good quality, nicely Otf finished; perfect fitting. Only.wOC' Up to $10 Trimmed Hats at $1 Up to $2.50 Hat Shapes at 25c $1 Night Gowns 59c Bargain Circle, Main Floor, Saturday A great Saturday Bargain in Men's Muslin Night Gowns. Light weight, soft muslin Night Gowns, neatly trimmed with braid. Come in plain white or colors. Cut in good generous sizes. A standard $1.00 gar- EZCkf ment. On the Bargain Circle Saturday take your choice at only JSK Men's $1 Shirts Only 59c Men's $1.00 Shirts in plain or pleat ed styles, soft or stiff bosom. Single, double and cluster stripes. CChC Reg. $1.00 grade Saturday JZ7 On the Bargain Circle Saturday, Men's Summer Weight Sox. Plain colors and fancies or tOj black lisle. 25c value l W '' t POLICEMAN IS CENSURED Judge Tazwell Says Asking Patrol man His Xame Not Disorderly. To k a policeman for his name and his number does . not constitute dis orderly conduct, according to Munici pal Judge Tazwell. who yesterday cen sured patrolman N. M. Jones for arrest ing J. F. Carney, a railroad contractor, when Carney made the request. Jones tried to make out a case of drunk and disorderly, but it was proved to the satisfaction of the court that Carney was not drunk, and that the disorder liness on the part of Carney had oc curred only after he had 'been taVen Into custody. Judge Taxwell dismissed the case. Carney was accosted by Patrolman Jones about 2 o'clock Wednesday morning, while he was attempting to climb Into his residence at 206 North Nineteenth street by means of a lad der, because his key had caught In the Jock and would not work. Carney was on the roof when the policeman de manded an explanation. It was brought out that Carney was curt In addressing the officer. Carney explained the situation, now- ever, and J. J. Ross, president of the machinery firm that bears his name, a neighbor, hearing the conversation, appeared and confirmed Carney's statements. The officer thereupon per mitted him to enter. The court told Patrolman Jones that, up to this point, he had acted in an entirely proper manner. Carney, however, declares that Jones continued to stand in front of his resi dence, and he finally emerged again and asked for his name and number. Thereupon Carney was arrested and, when sent to the city jail, was com pelled to remain behind the bars until the following morning. Judge Tazwell remarked, in dismiss ing the case, that he did not blame Carney for indulging In disorderly conduct after he had been forcibly taken from his own premises. Ross, as well as Carney, testified to the sober condition of the defendant, and the patrol attendant. whUe testifying that Carney was disorderly when taken in custody, was evasive on the point as to whether he was intoxicated or not. Jones testified that Carney was intoxicated. Have Edlefsea book your coal or wood order now. E. S03, C 230S. Attend Rosenthal's great shoe sale. NOTED VISITOR AMAZED General McAlpin Comments on Port land and! Great Northwest. General E. A. McAlpin, United States Army, retired, accompanied by his son, has been in the city for a couple of days on a pleasure trip. When seen at the Multnomah the distinguished visitor expressed himself as amazed at the growth of the city in such a sub stantial way and of the beauty or the surrounding country. "We have around New York many beautiful points of Interest, but noth ing to compare, with what nature has done for this section of the world," said the General. "With us everything must be the largest and best to attract even passing attention, and to that end I am building at Herald Square, In New York, the largest and finest hotel in the world. It will be called the McAlpin, has been two years in build ing and will cost approximately (6,000,000 when opened for business this Fall. "The structure will contain 19S0 sleeping rooms, furnished and decor ated as luxuriously as money could suggest, yet the first two stories of the building will be devoted to com mercial purposes and the rent from these will nearly pay a fair interest on the entire expenditure. I am naturally proud of my investment, but for the past two years it has bound me down and I am glad of this chance for a vacation. Later I propose to return to Portland and spend a few weeks in this vicinity and, to tell the truth, I regret that I failed to make some in vestments here when they were of fered a few years ago. It was simply a lack of personal knowledge of the conditions, as I could not believe what was told me yet it has all proved true." Warrenton Company Sued. ASTORIA. Or... Aug. 2. (Special.) A suit to recover $10,000 damages for personal Injuries was filed in the Cir cuit Court -today against the Bmiley Lampert Lumber Company, of War renton, by Randall Browning, an em ploye of the company. The complain ant avers that while at work in the defendant's mill his hand was caught between a log and a block and so badly crushed that It Is permanently disabled. Negligence on the part of the company in having an incompetent head sawyer in charge is alleged. FLIES SUBJEC0F I.NQUIRY Health Department Asked for Quo tation on Domestic Pest. "What's- the best way to kill lies? Do file lay eggs? Where can I get 10 cents a hundred for flies? Is there any bounty on fly heads? Is a fly's bite dangerous? Where do flies carry disease germs?" These are some of the questions which are being asked of the city health department in such numbers that the officials are considering se riously the establishment of a special fly question and answer department at the City Hall. So numerous are the inquiries for fly information that the clerks in the health department expect to have to answer a question on the subject every time the telephone rings. About half the time their expectations are right. Yesterday morning a woman caUed the department and asked where she could get 10 cents a hundred for dead flies. She said she understood some body was paying that price for them and insisted on the health officials telling her. When they reported their inability to give her any light on the subject she called Mayor Rushlight's office and said the health department was unwilling to tell her and she be lieved there was some graft going on. When Secretary McCord was unable to tell her what she wanted she ex claimed in a haughty voice: "It's funny that you people that are paid to look after the interests of the people can't tend to business," and she slammed up the receiver. Course in Debate Is Added. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Aug. 2. (Special.) In order to aid the high school debaters and coaches of the state, a course in debating has been added to the curriculum of the University of Oregon correspondence course. . The teacher of the new course will be Carlton Spencer, a senior in the University of Oregon, who during three years of Intercollegiate debate and oratory has represented the uni versity regularly. . In his freshman year Mr. Spencer won the alumni de bate medal, which is annually awarded to the champion debater of the uni versity. In 1911 he won the intercol legiate oratorical contest and last June won second honors in the interstate oratorical contest held at Missoula, Mont. CHARGES FILED AGAIN Water Board Accnses Murphy sf Theft for Second Time. Formal and specific charges of the theft of S50 worth of Junk, belonging to tha City Water Department, were filed Yesterday by the Water Board against Cornelius G. Murphy, former head of the meter division of the Water Department. The charges are the out come of the trouble in which Mr. Mur phy has been Involved since early in January resulting from his sale to a junk dealer on Front street of a large amount of cast-off Water Department supplies. The case was tried by the Water Board and Murphy discharged from the Department. He appealed to the Civil Service Commission and was reinstated on the ground that the charges against hlro were not specific. The new charges detail the transac tion. In which he is alleged to have sold the supplies and converted the money to his own use. With the filing of tb charges yesterday Mr. Murphy was tu ap pended from the service. It is said he will be able to cqllect his salary for th period from January until yesterday, although be has not been at work. I