THE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. JULY 31, 1912. 17 1 T CLEAN HOPS Ea.tern Brewers Protest Against Careless Picking. SEVERAL STEPS PROPOSED 31 ay Appeal to the Legislatures of the Western States or the Pur Food Authorities at Washington In terests of Growers at Stake. Eastern brewors and bop dealers are aaii Citmtinc the question of cleaner picking of Ore r on and Washington hops. This a matter of vttmj importance to them and to the Oregon growers as well, aa the qual ity of hops has everything to do with the price. There Is said to be a move on foot anions; the brewers and dealers In the East to brinjr the matter In some way before th Legislatures of Oregon and Washington. The consumers assert that If the farmers sell them hops they should be strictly bops and not leaves and stems, as are found in large part of the hops shipped from the Pacific Coast. It Is farther declared by the Eastern deal ers and brewers that If they can get no re dress from the Western Legislatures they win take the matter before the pure food authorities at Washington. There should be no need for this pro cedure, so far as Oregon hops are concerned. Many of the growers In this state invariably have their hops picked clean and all of them no doubt would do so If they realised that cleanly picked hops meant more money In their pockets. In summarising conditions in the hop trade and estimating the Oregon crop 100.000 bales and the Washington crop 20.000 baiea. the Semiannual Trade Review, issued by the Portland office of R. G. Dun eV Co.. says: August Is the month which has the most effect in determining the volume of the crop, and the harvest weather of Peptem her ta of first Importance in reference U quality. The late rains of June were es pecially favorable to vtne growth and the Barm days of early July have prevented jama its from lice. Hi nee the first of the year there has been a downward trend of prices. In De cember the brewers were panicky and sought freely regard leas of prices, but hav ing replenished their stocks, and with the prospect of a sufficient supply, they with Irew from the market and late holders found It difficult to unload. The best fea ture in the outlook is the tremendous clear ing of old stocks snd the heavy drafts made )y brewers on reserve supplies, caused by :ne tear ox a shortage. Stocks in dealers lands since 1A1 are reported cleaned up. Contract prices for ID 12 crop opened at !7 cents, but of late nothing better than ! rents has bnen offered, with one large ll at 1? cents. If present indications are xrne out. the prospect is for a price or rm lo cents to 21 cents, but It Is claimed :h:s is base J on the most optimistic esti mates, and since any change must be ad verse and tend to a shorter crop, a price of '. cents Is reasonably expected, with a pos nbility of even hiRher figures prevailing Reports from England and the Continent lave been continuously favorable to a good rrnp. With the opening of July, however, utle advices from Kngland bring rumors f white mould attackinc the vines. One f the largest English dealers has within ;he last year Joined the ranks of Oregon rowers. The European growers generally re reported active in contracting for future 17 7 17 212 50 4H 7 8 110 ltiti COrXTRT GRAIN MARKETS ARE QUIET Buyers Are Holding Back Awaiting Develop mentsPrices Unchanged. The country grain markets were less active yesterday. A few wheat transactions were reported at last week's prices, but tuyers, on the whole, were disposed to wait in til market conditions become more set :led. Oats and barley wece unchanged. Local receipts, in cars, were reported by :he Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday '21 2 8 4 Tuesday 14 Year ago 4 seuaon to date. . 2rtt Year ago. 137 Foreign crop conditions are summarised by the Liverpool Corn Trade News as fol lows: United Kingdom. The weather has been wet. but has now turned fair and warm and no complaints are heard. France, Threshing has commenced, with the weather favorable, but the yield is vari able and below expectations. The extreme high prices prevailing here for foodstuffs U causing continued renewed talk of the advisability of reducing the import duty. Germany. There has been a neavy fall of rain, which Is unfavorable; otherwise the outlook for wheat is good and for rye ex c-llertt. There is an Improved -demand for foreign wheat, owing native holders. Hungary. The quality Is very variable and harvesting Is below expectations, tive offers are light. Koumanta. Wheat is yielding below ex pectations and the quality is lower. iargi aii-ivMia for shipment are expected. Th weather has been unfavorable for corn, and there are many complaints of a reduced yield. Bulgaria. The outlook for wheat is about equal to last year. La.t rrar. Russia. In the south the weather and craps are satisfactory. Southwest deteriora tit.n. South center and center partly fa m ruble. Volga and north west moderate Krflitlll. Italy. An official report places the crop 20.0w.00U busneis unuer iai year. mrm vrv hlsh. Australia. Ralna have been favorable, and it is hoped that the acreage will fully equal last year. 75c G $1.5 j per box; peaches, BO 80c per dox ; currants, per dox ; piun. 50ceil.2r per box; pears, $1.5061.73 per box; apricots, 50c j $1 per box; grapes, $2.25 per crate. BKKHIES "Raspberries. $1.50 per crate: loganberries, $ i.5i per crate ; blackberries. flrl.35 per crate. X ThOPICAL FRCTT8 Oranges, Valencia. 2.5oe4; California grapefruit. $4.50; lemons, $SL per box; pineapples, Co per Doitnd. MELON'S Cantaloupes, $2.2562.50 per crate; watermelons, lc per pouno. O.VIONS California red. $1 par Back; yellow. $1.25 per sack. POTATOKS-'-Jobblng prices: Barbanks. new P0c$l per hundred. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. $1.50 per sack; turnips, $1.23 per sack; beets, $1.50 per sack. VEGETABLES Artichokes. 65 9 75c per dozen ; beans. 2c ; cabbage, 1 & 1 He per pound: cauliflower, $!OL25 per dozen; cel ery. 83c 4? $ 1 per doxen ; corn. 1 5 & 25c per dozen: cucumbers. 5oc per box; eggplant. lfl12Hc per pound; head lettuce, 20&25c per dozen; peas. 8$ 9c per pound: peppers. $ tr 10c per pound ; radishes, 15 20c per dozen; rhubarb. 2 ic per pound : spinach, 4 i 5c per pound - tomatoes. 73c 6 $1-00 per box; garlic, 8 10c per pound. Dairy and Ceontry Produce. BOGS Csse count. SSc; candled. tSo; tras. 27 ff lSc per dozen. BUTTER Oregon creamery butter, cubes. 30c per pound; prints, 81 c per pound. CHEESE Triplets and daisies, 17HC per pound ; young Americas, lt Vzc per pound. PORK Fancy. lOfellc per pound. VEAL Fancy. 13U14c per pound. POl'LTRY Hens, V u. l Ac : broilers 15 tr 14c: ducks, vounir. 104i 12c: aeese. 10ij lie; turkeys, live. IS 20c: dressed. 2425c Staple Groceries. SALMON Columbia River. one-pound tans. $2.25 per daawn: eight-pound tatia $2.95- ons-pound Claim. $2.40: Alaska pink. one-pouna tails. siJtf. -KJttst: Koaxted. in druma. zvuc per pound. NUTS Wain nts. Iff 4? IftUe nee Bound Brazil nuts. l2Vc: filberts. 14915c; a! moods. 17 Slo: peanuts. 5 I4c; cocoanuts. 90c t$l per doxo ; ch es t nu ts. 1 2 H c per pouna: nickorv du fliSlUc ner oound. HOSET Choice, $3.73 per case; strained noney, lOe ner nound. SALT Granulated. 113 tier ton: half. ground. 100s $7.50 per ton; 50s. $S per ton "&.4.p email wane. a.uc; large wnue. 5 20e- Lima. fiUc: nink. 4.15c: Mexicans. tc; oayou. 444c. RICE No. 1 J An An a ; rheaoer cradea ponc; sontnen. head, laic f-UGA R Drv rranniat. 41 OS- fralf and Derry. Hnnnluln n:ntatlnn SJ.M) beet, $5.75; extra C. $5.45; powdered, bar- cuDes. oarreia. so.B. DRIED FRUITS ADDles. 10c oer oound spricuts, 12il4c: peaches. Stollc; prunes, Italians. 86 lor; aflvsar firs whtte and black. 04v7c; currants. OVfrc; ratsins, loose uBciei, irfcc; Dieacnea inompson. i'c, unnieacned Kultanaa. c: seeded. 7vi Tittle: Oatea. Persian M ti,- nor nound: Fsra fi-w per vox. . LATE STOCK RALLY Closing Quotations Are the Best of the Session. TRADE DULL MOST OF DAY Hon., Wool and Hides. HOPS .1112 MntnM. 19AM.- 1,11 mbs iiOHAIR Choice Sic pr pound. wool. Ea.tern Ortmn 140 1ft U a Mr pouno aceorain( to anrlnkac; v:i). Zlif oc per pouno. i-elts-Dry. lSc; foil wool batch.r -ov 1-13; n.arlng 10O3(fC HIDES Salted hldea U-he oer oound alted calf. 2uc; aalted kip. 119 12o; crean nioea. lie; an cair. Ko. l. 2Ao: No. z. 2c drr hldtia. 19tf20c; salted ataia, 7fcU8c; (rrca stasa, itiVIa i.amjaka far sound. IBKo: car.ota GRAIN Bags Soot. In oar lota 11 Ue: ..i. u.aa. 05c Unaeed OU and Tmrpentlna. LINSEED OIL Baw. barrela SSo: ollad. barrcla, 90o; raw. caaea. 8a; boiled, caaaa TURPENTINE Casra 98e; barrela, MttC QUALITY SELLS AT TOP PILL PRICES PAID FOR CATTLE AND HOGS. BEST Choice Steers Are Taken at $6.90 and $7 N'o Sheep on the Market. Day's Ran Is Small. COOD PEACHES IN STRONG DEMAND Aitlve Market for Cantaloupe, Wbea Quail t) I Rlfht. Pachea were the active feature of the fruit market yeaterday and good atock waa firm. A atralsht car arrived from tbe aouth and another la due today. Thie market la now taking- care of 12.000 to 15.000 boxea of r-.llfomla Deachee every week. A car of Carmen peachea from North Taklma la due Tr uraday. There waa a good demand for good can taoupea Turlock ehipmenta are now com i., r..ul.rlr and aeU 11- Melona alao move freely. A car of California malaga grapea waa revived and put on aale at $2.25 a crate. Other frulta were unchanged. PoulUT Market la Firmer. The poultry market la gradually becom ing firmer. The demand ror nena ia ee- D-i.lly active and tha beat coopa aell l;t renta Spring move fairly well at 13 14:. Dreased meat recefpta are very email. The egg market waa alow and unchanged. Lical arrival! have fallen off. aa outalde nolnta are buying mora liberally In the valley. Butter and were firm at laat prlcea Bank Clearing-. Bank lcaringa of the Northwestern citlea yesterday were aa luiiu.e. Clearance. Balance. Portland l.31.s:i 155.SIO Seattle i..4 ijk,o. Su2.iS5 ?a.i rOUTLAND MARKETS. - Grain. Flomr. Feed. Etc ' WHEAT Track prlcea new: Club. 7S 79:; blu.-jtem. b2b3c; old wheat, nominal. FLOUR Fatetia. 5.10 per toaxr.:: nia:ghta. J4.TU. expurta. t 10: Valley. 15-ia BAKLiV N.w. brewing. $23: feed, (it er ton. HAY Timothy. tl U. alfalfa, til C 11; rlover. S10; oata and ..tea. tl; gram bay. MILL5TITFFS Bran. 323.30 per t.n: thoria. $2S.TU; miui:ings. 32. COHN Whole. craca.d. $40 per Ion. OATS New. tza.lS17: old. t per ton. Vecetablea sad Frmlta. FRESH FRCIT Cherrlea SfflOc per ' ptund. arples. old. l.jO(l per box; new. There naa only a moderate aupply of cat tle and hosx offered at the stockyards yes terday and everything on sale was disposed of by noon. Both lines were firm. I load of choice ateers waa sold at $? nd another load at 16.90. Other ateers brought 10.25 and $6.50. A few cows and bulls were sold at the usual prlcea For choice light hogs, buyers paid JS.50 and for heavy $7.50. Receipts yesterday were 153 cattle. 131 hogs and 15 horsea. Shippers were: John Shaw. Echo, 1 car of cattle; T. Hughes, Heppner, 1 ear of cattle: A. M. Connolly, Condon, 1 car of cattle; A. R. Ford Mlsch- ler. 1 car of hogs; F. B. Decker, Gervals, 1 car of hogs, and Hugh Cummlngs, Corvalis, 3 cars of cattle. The day's sales were as follows: Weight. Price. 1104 $7.00 112 8.5A 10K3 6.50 1219 o.9o .................. 5!)5 4.UM 1D.-.8 0i .lu:i A.IMi 80 6.25 8xt 6.25 12110 5.75 10110 4.50 12211 5.75 1050 4.00 1 ."."') 4.25 lO0 4.0O 251 8.50 355 7 AO zo nogs H6 8.50 The range of prices at the yards was as follows: Choice steers $6. 75 $7.00 Good steers 6.00 j) 6.50 Medium steers ................. 5.75tf 6.00 Choice cows 5.75$ 6.25 Good cows 5.5043 5.75 Me'ilum cows 5.00 5.50 Choice calves 7.00 8.25 Good heavy calves 6.00tf 6.30 Bulls - 3.50 ji) 5.10 Stags - 4.73 9 6.00 Hogs Light 7.75 8 50 Heavy 6.25 7.50 Sheep Yearlings 3.00A 4.25 Wethers 3.00;. 4.35 Ewes 3.00 3.53 Lamba 4.00 5.30 Operators Awaiting .Publication of Steel Corporation's Quarterly Re port, Which Is in Line, With Er- , pectations.Time Loans Firm. NEW YORK. July r.0. Trading in stocks today fell to the point when; it ceased to possess even passing importance. For the nrsl four hours the dealings were less -than 110.000 shares, of which almost half was done In the first hour. In the late dealings when prices again hardened to the best ol the seaalon, business became more anl-mated. The one reason advanced lay in the fact that traders and the financial community were awaiting the publication of the United stales Hteel earnings for the secona quar ter. This report waa not available until after the market closed, ' so the professional eVment deemed It wise to make no new ven Lures. In the local money market there was further stiffening of rates for the longer periods, the fact coinciding with the out lock for tighter money In the West. Call loans were made here at 3 per cent. The sieel statement showed total earnings s'lahtiv In excess of $25,000,000, which was In Iln-t with most favorable forecasts. Net ircomee. ordinarily known as nei earnings. amounted to $18,428,294. compared with $12.103,415 In the preceding quarter. After paying regular dividends the quarterly sur plus was reduced to 36.4ti3. The bond market was unchanged, save for further weaknesu In Missouri Pacific 4s. To tal sales, par value, were al.65.00O. United Mates uovernment bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closlna iow. ia. per cent; closing bid. 2 per 'cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans, stronc: 60- days. Stt per cent 36 days. $&4 per cent; six months. 44 5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper closed at 4 per cent. Sterlin. exchanre easy, with actual bnsl- ness In bankers' bills at $4.8400 for 60-day Dins and at 4.9-to ior aemano. Commercial bills, $4.84. Bar silver, 60c Mexican dollars. 48c Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds. easy. LONDON. July 30. Bar silver easy. 7Hd per ounce. Money. 2ft per cent. The rate of discount In the open maruet for snort 0111s is 2 15-163 per cent; for three months' bills. 36 3 1-16 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. July 30. Sterling si 1 $4.WS London Sixty days. $4.84; do. on ght. Sales. 2,700 1O0 2.40O l.Soo 400 400 2tO 10O High. 82 SO1. 7" 31 117 38 3.1 H 2t 200 200 'V.760 400 &OI 400 1.500 200 IOO 1.1U0 42(4 S2 126 it llli 2115 41 108 1112 ft 140 110 200 80 ft 1.300 IOO ' V,50'i 1.40) 100 "166 10O 400 103 ft 13b ft 143" 14 16714 34 32 W 35 ft 22 steers 5 steers S steers 10 steers 2 steers 12 steers 2 steers 1 steer . 3 steers 2 cows 1 cow . . 5 cows . 1 cow 1 bull .. 1 bull .. 32 hops . 1 nogs Amal Copper .. Am Agrlcult ... Am Beet tsugar. American Can .. do nreferred. . Am Car Fdy.. Am Cotton Oil.. Am Ice Secur.. Am Linseed ... Am Locomotive. Am Smel & Ref do preferred.. Am Sugar Kef.. Am Tel Tel. . Am Tobacco . . . Anaconda M Co. Atchison do preferred. . Atl Coast Lin... Bait AOhio Bethlehem steel Brook H Tran Canadian Pac . . 30.600 260 ft central l.eatner. Chea & Cblo . . Chi Gt West ... M & St Paul. Chicago 4 N W Col Fuel & Iron. Conaol uas Corn Products.. Del A Hudson.. D & R Grande.. do preferred.. Distillers' Securl Erie do 1st pf do 2d nf - Gen Electric ... 1,000 182 ft t North of ... 2.300 130ft Gt North Ore .. 200 42ft ilinota Central. 000 132 nterbor Met . . . do preferred.. Inter Hurvt-ster.. ntor M-rlne Df. Int Paper nt Pump .... K C Souther .. Laclede Gas . . . Lehigh alley. ., Louis ft Nash . . M. S P A S S M Mo. Kan A Tex. Mo Pacific Nat Biscuit '. ... ational Lead .. N Hr Mex 2 of. N Y Central . . . N Y. Ont A Wee -Norfolk & west orth American orthem Pac . . Pacific Mall Pennsylvania ... People's Gas . .. P. u u &c st L.. Pittsburg Coal .. 100 20 Pressed S Car .. 100 35 ft Pull Pal Car ... 100 l2ft Reading 19.SOO 164 Republic IAS. 100 25ft do preferred Rock Island Co. 100 24 ft do preferred.. IOO 48 St b ft 3 P 2 Pf 00 34 ft Seaboard Airline do preferred.. Sloss-Sneffleld Southern Pac .. 81ft OOft 68ft 35ft 117 37 4 . 53 26 ft 42ft 82 ft 123" ' 145ft 2115 41ft lOSft lU2ft 14.) ft 110 2U4ft 'soft ios'ft" 138 ft Hi' ' 13ft 107ft 'sift 32 ft 35ft 100 1,500 100 700 11!4 10ft 182 -130ft 42 ft 131ft lft 37ft 118. 15 82 60 ft 70 ft 35 ft llft 37ft 5.1 26 ft 13 42ft 82 ft 101 ft 125ft 143ft 25ft 41 108 ft 102 ft 140 110 34 ft 81 ft 266 ft 20 ft 80 ft 17 103 ft 13Sft 28 ft 143 13ft l7ft lOSft 34 ft 81ft 35 52ft 44 181ft ISi'ft 42ft 131ft 19ft 110ft 15ft 1 Silver bars. 60c: Mexican dollars, nominal, Drafts, signt, .02; do teiegrapn. .04. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, July 30. At the begin ning of business today the condition of the united states Treasury was: Workine balance in Treasury of- ' fices $ 83,417.672 In banks and Philippine Treas ury 35.592,712 Total of the general fund 15.2tl,41b Receipts yesterday were 803,913 Disbursements were 1.32. 181 Deficit to date this fiscal rear Is S2.9S2?. 533. as against a deficit of $13,822,008 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Vege tables, Frulta, Etc. SAX FRANCISCO. July 30. The follow Ing produce prices were current here today: Fruit Apples, choice. $1.50; common, $1: Mexican limes. $5&5.50; California lemons. cnolce, $0.00; common. x; pinciijiie. $L50 02.50. Cheese 1516fte. Butter Fancy creamery, 29c Kir its Store. S3C: fancv ranch. 23c. Vegetables Cucumbers. 15&35c; garlic, I trsc: green peas, xi.zons; string oeans, iw 2ftc; tomatoes, 25w50c; eggplant, o0g?75c; onions, 60a70c potatoes River BurbanKs. 79CV11; wa gon Burbanks. nominal; Early Rose, nom inal; sweets, 35c Hay wheat. J12O 20.50: wheat and oaia $12i18; alfalfa. $1 lft 13.60. Receipts - Flour. 4210 Quarter sacks: wheat. 710 centals: barley. 29.935 centals; oats, 570 centals: potatoes, 2170 sacks; hay, 143 tons; wool. 73 bales. HIGHER TENDENCY IN WOOL MARKET. Demand for Domeatio Grades Continue. Good at Boston. BOSTON. July $0. The demand for do- mestloj wools of all grades continues, with values showing a higher tendency, especially in nearby fleeces. Heavy transactions are renorteH In Montan. and Wvomlna BtaDiC wool, aa ' well aa in rexaa e ent montns, juiy while low grades of - Ohio and Michigan Sept. fleeces sell lloerally. The leading domestic May quotations range as follows: Dec Texas Tine, six to client montns. hjcbjc fine. 12 montns. sogrszc: line Kail. 40&40C. California Northern,- 5152c; middle county. 48 50c; Soutnern, 47 to 48c; Fall free, lovtic orecon eastern, no. 1 stanie, wmsc Eaatern clothing, 6o57c; valley No. 1, bum (2c. Territory fine staple, star hoc: rine me dium staDle. 6263c: fine clothing. 6b6i60c fine medium clothing. 56&57c: half blood combinir. 60tivG2c: three-eighths blood comb ing, &860c; quarter blood combing, 54 9 Fulled fine, A. E5?57c; A supers, 325Jc LOWER BUT FIRM Wheat Prices Depressed Early by Free Marketings. CLOSE THREE-EIGHTHS OFF Rally in the Last Half of the Day I Due to Export Buying for Con tinental Europe Domestic Demand Also Improves. rmrAGO Jnlv 30. Free marketing of new wheat today from Iowa and Nebraska eased prices down. Arrivaia of freshly harvested wheat, not only here, but In other primary points, sur nrised speculators bv making a total prac- tlcaily as big as for the corresponding day a vear no. The absence of any present movement from Illinois and Indiana proved of no avail to the bulls, the difference be. ing fully sunDlted from the huge yields west snd in Kansas. Fine weather in me Da kotas and Minnesota was what for the time being allayed fear as to black rust damage. Export business and activity tn a domestic merchandising way helped rally wheal nrlces a little during the last half of the day. The exports were lor continental cu rope where the crop outlooK was reporteu to have become less favorable. A little rain in the Southwest ana pre dictions of more tonight weakened corn. Values later recovered In Dart. Congestion in Juiy oats resulted In that future bulging 2ftc, although the actua business In the option was not large Provision trade was small snd prices swayed in sympathy wltn auotations foi hogs. At the end of the day most 01 tnt deliveries showed a modest decline com. pared with the night before. Futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. July Sept. Dec. May Open. $ -98ft ...... -Sift ....... .96ft 1.00 ft 700 300 5.000 100 4O0 60i 2.-IOO 2,600 200 24 ft 100 ft 106 ft 157 ft 147ft 27 36 ft 136 ft 38 Vx 24 ft KMi 103 ft 157ft 140 ft 20 ft 36 133 ft 38ft- 1.200 117ft 117ft 2,100 1,300 123ft 31 122 ft 30ft 500 116ft 115ft 20 ft 35 ft l2ft 1G3 25 ft '24 ft 48 33 ft 23 ft 53 ft 100 500 100 200 2.800 500 IOO 100 8.000 23 ft 53 ft 110 28 ft 77 ft 42 21 108 ft 100 ft 28 ft 77ft 42 21 167 ft Southern Rv do preferred. Tenn Copper . . Texas A Pac Union Pacific . do preferred. U 3 Realty 7,000 S3 Sift V 8 Rubber ... 200 32ft 52 ft U S Steel 24.200 70 69ft do preferred.. ' 200 112ft 112ft Utah Copper ... 1.600 61ft 61ft Va-Caro Chem Wabash 100 4U 4ft do preferred.. 600 13 ft IS ft Western Md 00 58 ft 57ft Western Union . 100 82ft 82ft Westing Elec .. 700 80 ft 79 ft Wheel Li . t Total sales for the day. 129.000 shares. BONDS. by Overbeck ft Cooke Co. 20 24 ft 1U6 166 157ft 140 ft 27ft 30 ft ISO '4 38ft 30ft 113 f 32 117ft . 82 123 ft 30 ft 123ft 116 108 20 ft 33 162 103 ft 25 ft 84 24 ft 4 33 ft 23 ft u 100 28 ft VOft 41ft 21 l8ft no 8? -.4 52 63 ft 112ft blft 49ft 4ft 13ft 57ft 82 70 ft Furnished Portland. Omaha Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA. July 30. Cattle Re ceipts, 300; market, active, 10c higher. Na tive steers, 5.1. 1 u r v. 1 : native cows and heifers. w.jl'W7.2o: western steers. S5W 9.25; Texas steers. $4.506 6.25: range cows and heifers. $.'6; canners. $2.75134.25 Blockers and feeders. $3.7.Vji6.75; calves, $41i7.i5; bulls, stags, etc $3.7,i& o.50. riogs Keceipts. .im marKet. steady. Heavy. It.jVOi.lw; mixed. $i.o5'q7.3; light. $7.60$ 7. 1K: pigs. $5tfo.25; bulk of sales. -dOKl'I.lA. auteep Receipts. S700; market, steady. Yearlings. $4.303.25; wethers, $3.75&4.6o: ewes, ixgii; lamps. &.: '9 t .00. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. July 30. Cattle Receipts. 430u: market steady to shade lower. Beeves. Bl.75: Texas steers. $4.Sw'6.90: West ern steers, $j.S0s i.M; Blockers and feed ers. S4 it 6.80: cows and heifers. $2.7568.10 calves. $.23S9.73. Hogs Receipts. 16. 000:: marKet. steady to snaae nixner. Lagni. .i.?M'?e.o; mixea. rj s. -5 ; neavy, i.idH9.iu; rougn. tr7.35: pigs. 54.SOBS: bulk of sales. $7,550 b.v.. Sheep Receipts. 30.OO0; market, slow. Native. $;;.2t''a.V Western. $3.:t3$4.S3: y;nr- tngs. $ .: iambs, native, S4.23gri.oo; Western. $4.4oQ7.80. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. July 30. Cooper dull. Sep tember -spot to October 17&17.50; electro- ytlc. IiftOU.; lake, liftiifllft; casting. ! 17 ft. Tin easy. Spet and July. 43.05ft45.37u,: August. 44.87 ft S 45.12ft; September. 44.60tf 45. Lead quiet, .eu4..3. Spelter easy. 7.1017.25. Antimony steady. Cookson'a, 8.30. Iron quiet and unchanged. " Arrivals of copper in Ner York today. 143 tons; exports this month. 34.700 tons. London, easy; spot. 1.7 7s; futures, 77 10a London tin, easy; spot, 1204 7s rd: futures. 202. London lead, lis 13s. London spelter. 26 2s J- Iron. Cleveland warrants. 3bs 7ftd In Lon don Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TORE. July 30. Evaporated apples quiet and steady; fancy sfttjlOftc; choice tsc prime inside. frunes quiet. vamornias. sctvftc Peaches quiet: choice tftfeiftc: extra choice 77ftc; fancy 7ftGc Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOriS. July So. Wool, steady. Ter ritory and Western mediums. 2vG24c; fine mediums. lSb20c; fine. I3ilc Hep at New York. VFW TORK. Julv SO. Hops easy. one Coast, old. 10 a 20c. Amer. Tel. ft Tel. cony. 4a Amer. Tob. 6e Atchison Gen. 4s 97ft Atchison conv. 48 .....107ft Atchison adj. 4s stamped. :. 89ft Atchison conv. 5s 107ft Atlantic Coast Line cons: 4s... 04 ft Allan Coast Line "LftNcoll" 4s 93ft Bait, ft Ohio 4s Brooklyn Rap. Transit 4s... Can. Southern first 5s C. ft O. 4fts C. B. ft Q. gen. mtg. 4s..... C. B. ft U. Joint 4s C. B. ft Q. Ills. 4s C. B. ft Q. Denver 4s Cent. Pac. first 4s Chicago ft East. Ills. 4s Chicago R-I ft P. ref. 4s. . . Chi. R-I ft P. CoL trust -ts. Colo, ft Sou. first 4s Denver ft Grande 4a. .. . Del. ft Hudson conv. 4s Erie first cons. P. L. 4a.... Int. Met. 4fts Japanese 4a Japanese first 4fts ......... Japanese second 4fts ....... L. ft N. unl. 4s Mo. Kans. ft Tex. 4fts Mo. Pac. 4s N. Y. Cen. 3fts. N. Y. Cen. L. a. 3fts N. Y. City 4a N. Y. -City 4fts of 1057 Norfolk & Western 4s Norfolk ft West. conv. 4s.... Oregon Short Line 4s Oregon Ry. ft Nav. 4s Penna. Ry. 4s of 184(4 Reading gen. 4s Republic of Cuba 3s Sou. pac xirsi rex. Sou. Pac coL 4s Southern Ry. 4s , St. L. ft S. F. ref. 4s... Union Pac. first 4s Union pac. conv. 4a... I'nion Pac. ref. 4s united states zs registerea. iwft I'nlt.H State. 2S COUDOn 100 ft L'nlted States 3s registered. United Statea 3s coupon.... United States 4s registered. United Statea 4s coupon.... United Railway S. F. 4s United Ry. St- L. 4s Wabash first 4s - Western Union 44a ........ Westinghouse conv. 5s ..... Western Pac 5s Wis. Cent. 4e West Shore 4S Bid. Asked. 114ft 97ft . .. 82 ...lOOft ... 9!ft ... V3ft ... fx; ft ... 99ft ... 85ft ... 94ft ... 78 ... 88ft ... 08ft ... vo 85 ... 8Sft ...89 82 ft ...84 ... Blft ... 80ft ... Sft ... 87 ... 70ft ... 87 ... 80ft ... 83 ...10 ... 08 ...117 93 ... 9!ft ...103ft ... 97ft ...103ft ... 94ft . .. 90ft ... 78ft . ...103ft ...100ft ... t6ft .101ft ..1012 ..1112 ,.113ft ..113ft 78ft .. OS .. 97ft ..94 ft .. S3 .. 91 .. 98 97 ft 108 ft 90 lOSft 93 91 ft 97 ft 92 ft 'ft' 95 ft 0ft 100 95 ft 95 '88 ft 68ft 86 80 98ft S9ft 82 ft 87 98ft 88 71 87 ft 81ft U4 106 ft 98 ft llJft 93 94 ft 104 97 ft 184 94 ft 78ft 103ft 100 ft 101 101 101ft 102 ft 102 ft 114ft 114 ft bo 'tiSft 98 ft 95 S3ft blft 99ft Sleeks at Boston. Allouex 43 IMohawk 67 Amal Copper.... 82 Nevada Con .... 21ft Am Zc L ft Sm. 30ft Nipisslng Mines.. 7ft Arlx Com 54 North Butt. .... 29ft BACCftSX 7 North Lake 52 Cal ft Arizona. . 74 Old Dominion . . 58 Cat ft Hecla 520 lOseeola ...116 Centennial 23ft (julncy 89 Cop Rge Con Co 57 shannon 16ft E isutte uop JS. 10 .superior soft Franklin 10ft Sup ft Bostn Min lift Glroux Con .... 1ft Tamarack 40ft Granby Con 33 ft U S Sm Ref ft M 45 Greene Cananea. 10 I do pfd 49ft Isle Rvlle icoDl :f4ft,ltan con 12 Kerr Lake 2 ft Utah Copper Co.. 61 ft Lake Copper ... 34ft Winona 5 sane copper, o-vwoiverine .......job Miami Copper 29ft. Mosey, Kxchaore. Cte. NEW YORK. July 30. Money on call. .leadj, 2i,Hi aer aaaUi ruling rate, 2T Changes In Available Supplies. NEW YORK. July 30. Special cable and telegraphic communications estimated by Bradstreeta. show the following changes in available supplies aa compared with previous account: Bushels. Wheat. U. 8.. east Rockies Oner.).. 171.000 U. S.. west Rockies (decreased) 330.000 Canada (decreased) 777,000 Total U. S. and Canada (decreased) 956,000 Afloat for and In Europe (deer.)... 800.000 Total and European supply (deer.) . .1.75t.0OO Corn, U. S. and Canada (deer.). ...1.233,000 Oats, U. 8. and Canada (deer.) 1,066,000 Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, July 30. Coffee futures closed steady., net one point higher to three points lower. August, j2.-c; oepiemDer, 12.99c: October. 13,06c: November. December, 13.19c; January, 13.25c; Febru ary, 13.1c; March. 13.29c; Aprjl. 13.31c; May and June, 13.34c Spot steady. Rio, No. 7, lft14ftc: Santos, No. 4 16c Mild, quiet. Cordova, 16 18c Raw sugar easy. Muscovado. .89 test, 3.48jf3.55c; centrifugal, .06 test, 3.!84.05c; molasses, .89 test, 3.23 ' 3.30c; refined, quiet, Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 30, Close: Wheat Julv,--$1.07: September, inftc; Decemner, 95ff95ftc; May, 99ftc Cash: No. 1 hard. $1.07ft; No. 1 Northern. $1.07ft; No. 2 Northern. $1.05ft e 1.06ft ; No. 3 wheat, $1.03 ft 0 1.04 ft. ijaney, soup eve No. 3 yellow corn, 7676ftc. No. 3 white oats, 48 50c. No. 2 rye, 69c Grains in San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. July SO. Spot quota tions: Walla Walla, $1.55 1.57 ft; red Rus sian. $1.57ft l.tfO: Turkey red. $1.62ft 1.05: bluestem. $L60gl. 62ft: feed parley. $1.25tg1.27 ft ; white oats, $1.651.70; bran. j27.5028; middlings, $3637; shorts, $320 82-50. Call board sales v neat jjecemoer. $1.47ft bid, $1.504 asked. Barley Decem ber, $1.25; May. $1.31. . Steel Declares Regular Dividend. NEW TORK. July 30. The United States Steel Corporation today declared its regu lar quarterly dividend of 1 ft per cent on the common stock and 1ft per cent on the pre ferred stock. The earnings for the quarter ending June 30. 1912, were $25,102,265; the net income for the quarter $1S.429,204, and the surplus for the quarter $56,4S3! Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. July 30. Butter Steady. Creameries, 23 & 25c: dairies, 21 24c Eggs Steady; receipts, 12,211 cases; at mark, cases included, 15ft 16 ft c; ordinary firsts, 16ftc; firsts, 18c. Cheese Steady: daisies, ISftiflOftc; twins, 14ft 615c; Young Americas, 15ft & loftc; long horns, 15ft15ftc t European Grain Markers. LONDON. July 30. Cargoes, steady. Wa!ia Walla, September-October shipment, at 38s. English country marKets. quiet; xrencu country markets, ateady. LIVERPOOL. Julv 30. Close: Wheat- July. 7s Sd; October, 7s 3ftd; Decernber, 4S 4 no ntmci, Kirnt. . Elgin Quotation Abolished. ELGIN, 111., July 30. Announcement was made last night tnal me cigin xsoara o Trade would aponsn tne quotations commit. tee as the result of the threatened Govern m.nt .ulta acralnst the members of thil oommlttee for alleged violation of the Sher man anti-trust law. 'mr York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, July SO. Cotton futures closed steady, 25 to 36 points lower. July 12.49, August 12.&4, Beptemoer, ucto. ber 15.76, November 12.77. December 12.84, .Innuarv 12.77. February 12.81. March 12.69, May 12.96. Spot closed quiet. Mid-uplands 13.10: do gulf, 18.35. No aales: July Sept. Dec May . High. .99ft .94 ft .96ft l.OOft CORN. .73 .72ft .66 ft .66 -5S .SSft .67ft .57ft - OATS. .4Sft .48 '4 .33ft .33ft .34 ft .."4ft .37 Low. .9ft .93ft .9oft .99ft -71ft .63ft .67 ft .56 ft .46ft .32ft .34ft .36ft Close. .99 .94ft .95ft ' .72ft .68 .68 .57 .4ft .33 .34ft 36ft Sept. Oct. Jan. Sept, Oct. . Jan. 18.17-ft 18.25 18.62 ft 10.72 ft 10.80. 10.45 l.37ft 18.27J4 13.6a 10.76 10.82ft 1U.4 37 ft PORK. ..1S.25 lS.27ft ..18.35 18.35 ..18.70 18.75 LARD. ..10.72ft 10.75 .10.72ft 10.S2ft ..10.45 10.45 RIBS. Sept. 10.62ft 10.62ft 10.62ft 10.62ft Oct 10.60 10.60 10.60 10.60 Jan. 9.S0 9.85 9.77ft .S0 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Rye No. 2, 73 ft 75c. Barley Feed or mixing, new, 50 Q 60c; fair to choice malting, rew, 7075c Timothy seed $5.008 7.00. Clover seed $10.00 ia.00. Mess pork $1S.12 ft C 18.25. Lard (In tierces). $10.75. Short ribs (Loose), $10.50. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 121.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1,330,000 bushels, compared wltn 1, 393.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The world's visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's, decreased 1.756,000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 289 cars; corn, 13 cars; oats, 133 cars; hogs, 2700 head. Paget Sound Wheat Market. Tir-nM wash.. Julv 30. Wheat Spot: Bluestem, 91c; club, 87c. August delivery: llluestem. 84c; club. 8182c. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, 4; corn, 1; ( oats, 3; hay. 1. SEATTLE. Wash.. July 30. Wheat New crop: Bluestem. bc; lortyioia. ciuo uu nte, hoc; reu rcusmau, ijm;. i ca,c, . receipts Wheat. 14; corn, 3; flour, 4; hay, 13; barley. 4; oats. 1. : London Wool Sales. ' LONDON, July 30. Demand was brisk frtr the 9982 bales offered at me wool auc tion sales today. Prices were steady. . The home trade competed keenly for cross-breds. but Americans secured tne pest grades. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Largest B.S. Co. OVER 400 blurb AMERICAN ia the World 1.210.000 TONS J.C.WILSON&CO. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN AND COTTON MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE, THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE, SAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND OFFICE: Main Floor Lumbermeas Bank Bldg. Fifth and Stark. Phones Marshall 4120. A 4187. Let the light shine on the pavement problem-r-so that the superior qualities of bitulithic will be re vealed TO ALL. Atlantic Service London, Paris, Hamburg Pres. Grant Auk. 8, 12 noon Amer! km Aug. 15, 11 A. M. J renDvlvanla August 1 1 Clni-imiati August 93. 1 P. M. J Second cabin only. Will call at MEDITERRANEAN GIBRALTAR, NAPLES. GENOA. S. S. MOLTKE AUG. 20, 11 AM. S. S. Hamborc Sept. 19, 1 P. SI. TWO IDEAL CRUISES AROUND! EXCURSIONS THE WORLD and ' SIDE TRIPS 13 DATS IN JAPAN 18 DATS IX INDIA From New York From San Franclwco OCT. 1, JVkX. , .000 Tons) g. S. S. CLEVELAND (& DURATION OF EACH CRUISE 110 DAYS Including; all neces sary expanses aboar 1 and ashore, railway hotel, shore excursions, carriages, guides, fees, etc Write for booklet of any cruise. $650uTdi HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 160 Powell St.. San Francisco, CaL r .w rl. a r. " - . i 4 K. G. B. R-. Burlington Route, Milwaukee A Puget Sound R- R-. C. F. Pfluger. u,iikev hide. D. B. Smith 68 atn St. roruanu, ui. CsprriEBL lKJi THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital ..... $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits $ 1 ,000,000 OFFICERS J. C AlrTSWORTtZ. PTrsldenl. Rv W. gCRXEER. Cashier. R. LEA BARNES. Vles-Prealdeat A. H. WRIGHT. Asadstaat Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES Lumber mens National Bank Travelers' checks offer the most convenient way yet devised for carrying money safely while traveling. The cost is trifling. Capital - - $1,000,000 First National Bank , Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1869. Capital Stock $1,000,000.09 Burplns and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the Tvorld. OFFICER W M. Land, IV'ealrlent. Robert S. Howard, Asst. CaahteSk Edward Cooklnajliam, Vlce?ra. J. W. Ladd. Asst. Cashier, XV. H. DuBCkley. Cashier. Whiter 11. Cook, Ast. Cawblciw The Canadian Bank of Commerce " INCORPORATED 1S7. Read Office Toronto. Canada. New York 10 Exchange rlace.' London -tt Lombard Street. Over two hundred other branches !n the United States and Canada. Every care taken of collections. Drafts on all foreign countries and principal cities in United States and Canada bought and sold, and a jren eral banking business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C. MALPAS, Manager. s ' : '" & Time has demonstrated its serviceability and fe f E:-jiV'rl-':;;uKti superiority. Thera's every reason why the fe4 rB9iaf'Gw5lWa streets adjacent to your property should be W.f i ahtPMj Improved. P-Jt 1 9'W''mSM BARBER ASPHALT. g f rfJMm TRAVELERS" GUIDE. San Francisco, Loi Angelsi and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Sail Every Wednesday Alternately at P. M. N0ETH PACITIG S. S. CO. 12Z A Third bt. Phones Main 1314, A 1311 COOS BAY IJNE STEAMSHIP BREAKWATER Sails from Ainsworth Dock. Portland, at 9 A. M., July 24. 29; Augrust i. 8, 13 18. 23, 28. Freight received at Ainsworth Dock daily ud to 5 P. M. Passenger fare first-class, $10; second- class, s, lnciuaine; oerxn ana meais. Ticket office Ainsworth Dock. Phones Main 3600. A 2332 SYDNEY SHORT LINE 19 DAYS FBOM SAN FRANCISCO Via HONOLULU and TCTUILA (SAMOA) Splendid steamer 01 uceauio "l .ir.ia. lin. lQfHK) tons diBDlacemant. -aii from San Francisco Aug:. 27, Sept. 24 schedule) B-iid every 28 days uier- "sco to Sydney. 1st class, 200; round trip lo. Bound world. S600. 1st class; S37S 2d class, via Ceylon and Mediterranean. (Stop overs). HONOLULU $110 1st class. Sailinrs Aof. IS, 27. Sept. 1. 24, and every z sreeas. OCtA-NIC STEAMSHIP CO.. 67 Market St 6an Francisco. AND BACK M. is. Ja. JS JhrJfSt. EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR pr- Francisco and Los Anseles WITHOUT CHANCE S S. ROSE CITY Salla A. M, Jnly SI. IBB HAN FRAN. PORTLAND 8. 8. CO. Ticket Office 141 Third Street, phone Main 260S. A 1402. Drain to Coos Bay Aavto Every Day. Wire) Reaervationa ta O. MATTOON, Drain, Or. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Canadian Pacific "EMPRES8E8 OF THE ATLANTIC" AND OTHER STEAMSHIPS. MONTREAL. QUEBEC AKD LIVEKPOOt, VIA THE SCENIC ROUTE TO EUROPE 1000 MILES OK THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER AND LESS THAN FOUR DATS AT SEA JS33 MILES PORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGB First Cabin 192.50 and np Second Cabin $.Vi.75 and up One-Class Cabin Cd-casas) S..0.00 and. up Tnlrd-ClasM Lowest rates on request. Canadian Paclfie office, corner Third and Pine (Multnomah Hotel bids.). Portland, and all local agents. Steamer Anvil Sails from Couch-Street Dock Wednssday. Julv 81. 7 P. M. For Nevrport. Florence and Bandoa. Frelaht and Passengers. Frank Bcllam. city Ticket Aient, 2S Third. Phones: Main 628. A 4506. C. E. Brown. Fit. and Pass. Agent. Couch- Bt. dock, ynones; stain sot, a siei. NEW YORK -PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. its Railway Exchange Bids;. Portlsmd. Or. Mala 8378. A M33.