. ' . THE MORNING OREGOSTAy, 3IOXPAY, JULY 29, 1918. 11 , . . -i fc. , - 1 " - I " I I . -rf I RT!AI. FSTT1. OR. COE WILL PASS OH CREDENTIALS Oregon Delegate Picked as Committeeman by Nation al Progressive Party. FULL TICKET IS OPPOSED , Republicans Nominated in Primarj Will Be Requested to Announce Themselves and May Then Arouse Competition. Dr. H. W. Coe. of this city, will b member of the credentials committee that will pass on the qualifications of the delegates to the Roosevelt or Bull Moose Convention at Chicago next Mon day. Dr. Coe was advised of his assign ment to this committee In a telegram yesterday from Medlll McCormick. of the committee that is arranging for the new party convention. The appoint ment of Dr. Coe to this committee is taken as a recognition of him by the Roosevelt managers for having signed the call for the convention when it was issued a month ago. Dr. Coe will leave Portland for Chi cago Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, so as to arrive in the convec tion city In time to serve on the com mittee which will meet Saturday noon. It Is doubtful if the other delegates from this state will be prepared to start so early In the week, having planned not to reach Chicago earlier than the night before the convention assembles. Illinois Voir RnronraglnB;. Returns from the third party primary election in Illinois, indicating the elec tion of approximately 700 out of 1070 delegates who favor putting a full tick et In the field. Is encouraging to the Roosevelt people in this state, who. al though In the minority in the state con vention, are advocating state and coun ty tickets with candidates for every of fice to be elected in this state. By this faction, it is expected the convention at Chicago may decide in favor of nomi nating complete tickets in every state. Such a plan in this state does not have the Indorsement of Dr. Coe. Bruce Dennis and F. W. Mulkey. who has an nounced bis candidacy for the United States Senate as a National Progressive. Both Dr. Coe and Mr. oennis. who are delegates to the Roosevelt convention, will oppose the full-ticket programme In the convention, at any rate so far as Oregon is concerned. I had supposed that the Roosevelt people In Illinois, as shown by the re turns from Saturday's primary election, would favor state and county tickets In that state, in view of the action of Governor Deneen in refusing to cast his lot with the third party." comment ed Dr. Coe yesterday. Advantage Hurt Be Figured. "But the question of naming a third partv ticket in every state involves the consideration of several things. In the first place, we must figure out who will help us and whom we shall help. 1 believe in reciprocity, but not In the Canadian sort, in which the other fel low gets all the benefits. "I shall continue to oppose the nomi nation by the third party of a complete ticket in this state. We must first as certain what nominees chosen for the various offices In the April primary election will support Roosevelt. Most of these nominees were known as pro gressives and in many cas s were chos en bv the same vote by which Roose velt tarried the state. However. I would he in favor of the new party pit ting one of their number against each and every nominee on the Republican ticket as it was formed In the April election who will not pledge himself and his support unconditionally to Roosevelt." CATHOLIC ORDER INITIATES Knights of Columbus Will Meet at Albany Next Sunday. ALBANY, Or.. Juiy 28. (Special.) Knights of Columbus from all parts of Western Oregon aie planning to gather In Alhanv next Sunday to initiate a large class Into the order. This class will consist of 30 applicants for mem bership In the Albany Council and 15 in the Kugene Council. A delegation of more than 200 Knights of Hie Catholic order is ex pected to come from Portland on a special train and members of the order from Salem. Kugene. Oregon City. Cor vallis and other cities will also be here. The entire day will be devoted to the Initiatory work. The first de-Kre-e- will be conferred In the forenoon and the second and third degrees in the afternoon. After the completion of the work the visitors will be the guests of the Albany Council at a ban quet in the Elks Temple. Among the prominent speakers who will probably talk at the banquet are J. P. Kavanaugh. Circuit Judae of Port land; Judge Munly, of Portland: John V Shields, of Portland: Charles Mtir phv. of Baker, state deputy of the order, and T. J. Patterson, of Port land, district deputy. BOY FIGURES CASES Albany I.ad to Appear as Complain ing Witness and Defendant. "Albany, or., juiy is. (Special.) Merrick Darcy. a 13-year-old Albany boy. figured prominently in cases in two different local courts at the same lime yesterday. In one court he was a prosecuting witness ai.d in the other a defendant. The two cases did not grow out of the same trouble. The boy appeared before Justice of the Peace Swan, and his father. James Darcy. swore to a complaint charging Martin Evans with assault upon the lad. Young Darcy claims that Evans Mapped and cuffed him. About the same time the lad was preferring his complaint. Bertie Ed wards went before County Judge Dun can and swore to a complaint in the Juvenile Court. charging Merrick Darcy. Hoyd Darcy and John Darcy with being delinquent children, in that they are Incorrigible, and are grow ing up In Idleness and crime. The case In the Juvenile court has been set for hearing tomorrow morning at o'clock, and the Justice court case against Evans will be heard in the fternoon. PASCO SCHOOLS GAIN Report or Krankltn County Superin tendent Is Gratifying. PASCO. Wash.. July it. (Special) As shown by the annual report of schools for Franklin County for the year ending June 30, 1912. there are 1211 children of school age in the county, of whom 05 are in the Pasco schools. Last year there were 1180 In the county. 550 of whom were In the Pasco schools. Last year 13 male teachers were employed, at an average salary of 78.70. and 44 female teach ers, at an aveage salary of 168.80. This year 13 male teachers were employed, at an average salary of J86.38, and 49 females, at an average salary of 171. S3. Interest was paid in 1911 on. war rants in the sum of 11571.29. No in terest was paid this year. School buildings of the county are valued at $160,613. of which $131,600 is repre sented by Pasco buildings. Apparatus, furniture and fixture are valued at 118.352. The schools have 4782 refer ence books and 6742 free text books. The cash balance on June 30, 1812, was 130.041.31. . - ..... c. T K" Riih and County Auditor E. D. Sheffield have received congratulatory iciiers xium Superintendent of Public Instruction H. B. Dewey. LUMBER RATES 60 UP PORTLAXD-LOS AXGELES TAR IFF HIGHEST IN" YEARS. No New Grain Charters Made Dur ing Week Price Offered Being Refused and 45s Asked. Another advance in coast freight rates on lumber has been announced between the Columbia river and Los Angeles which makes the highest rate between the two ports in recent years and may be called a modern record. The steam schooner Northland has been chartered to load lumber on the Columbia for San Pedro at 86 per thousand and from present Indications this rate will be the accepted one for steam tonnage for some time to come. The barkentine Newsboy, now in the river to load lumber for San Pedro, has a rate of $5.50. but this charter was made at an earlier date. No new grain charters have been made during the past week, although a few old ones are being made public, so there Is no definite price, but some offerings were made at 4 2s. 6d. and not taken, and now 45s. Is talked about. Some of the ship-owners prophesy that the rate will be 50s. before the first of the year, but the traffic could not stand such a rate against rail rates to the East. Watches Tarnished in Eruption. The barge St. James has arrived at Tacoma from Kodiak. Alaska, where she was during the eruption of Mount Katmal, and shows considerable effects of the experience. The sulphuric fumes ate away her paint, and tar nished all metal about the vessel. Even the watches, rings and gold, and silver coins on the persons of Captain R. D. McRae and members of her crew were affected. She reports that the revenue cutter Manning, which was in the same latitude at the same time, received similar damage. Marine Notes. The barkentine J. B. Emigh was towed to Prescott yesterday to load lumber for San Francisco. Twenty vessels are now loading lum ber at the different mills on Grays Harbor. The announcement has been made of the charter of the British ship Eudora by the Portland Flouring Mills Com pany to load wheat at Portland for Europe at 41s 3d. The steamer Francis H. Leggett ar rived yesterday from San Francisco with 600 tons of cement, which will be discharged at the Oak-street dock. The Japanese steamship Hokuto Maru. which arrived yesterday from Otaru. Japan, has a cargo of hardwood for the Pacific Lumber & Manufac turing Company. She is under charter to load lumber for China. The steamship Orteric, of the Water house line. arrl-ed from the Orient via Puget Sound. She has considerable Oriental freight for this port. Mrs. Elllcott. wife of Captain Elli cott, of the United States cruiser Mary land, received a wireless message from him yesterday stating that his vessel had arrived at Sand Point on July 26 after a good passage, but considerable fog was experienced. Movements of Vessels. ASTORIA. Or.. July 2S. Arrived down at midnight, barkentine Amaranth. Left up at 2 A. M.. British bark Abbey and barkentine T. P. Emigh. Arrived at 10 A. M. . Japan ese steamer Hokuto Maru, from Otaru. Ar rived al 10 and left up at 11:30 A. M.. steamer F. H. Leggett. towing barkentine Newsboy, from San Francisco. Sailed at 10:30 A. M.. steamer Klamath. for San Pedro. Arrived at 12:30 and left up at 4 P. M.. British steamer Orteric. from Orient via Pugct Sound. Sailed at 2:30 P. Sl ates mer" Geo. W. Fenwlek. for San Pedro, towing log raft for San Francisco. San Francisco. July 2. Arrived at 11 A. M.. steamer Bear, from Portland. Arrived tlP M., steamer Beaver, from San Pedro. Sailed at 2 P. M-, steamer J. B. Stetson, for Portland. Honolulu. July 23. Arrived Schooner Prosper, from Columbia River. Jurnve rKfmO etaoln shrdluauauauauaa Seattle. Wash.. July 2. Arrived Steam ers Montara. from San Francisco: schooner STEAMER IXTEIAIGENCK. Due Name Breakwater. . . ' Rose City Sue H. Elmore. Geo. W. Elder.. Nevadan. Arrive. From Date. Coos Bay.... In port , San Pedro In port Tillamook July 28 .San Diego. ...July 29 Sallna Crus. ..July 29 Bandon July .11 .San Pedro. . . July 31 .Eureka Aug. 2 .San Diego Aug. 4 San Pedri. Aug. 5 Sallna Crus.. -Aug. 13 .Sallna Crus. . .Aug. al Anvil Beat er. . . Alliance.., Roanoke. . Bear Lyrj. Nebraskan Isthmian Sallna Crus. . .Sept. 1 Te Depart. - For Name. Harvard. Date July 2 Julv 29 8. F. to L. A-. Breakwater. .. Coos Bay. Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . . Ceo. W. Elder. San Diego... Rose City San Pedro. Anvil Bandon Yale S. F to L. A. Nevadan. ..... Sallna Crus. . Alliance... ...Eureka Beaver. ....... San Pedro. . . Roanoke San Diego. . . Bear ... San Pedro. . . Lyra Sallna Crux. . Nebraskan SaJina Crus. . Isthmian Sallna Crus. . .July 31 .July 31 .July 31 July SI . July 31 Aug. 3 . Aug. 4 . Aug. 5 .Aug. 7 .Aug. 10 Aug. IT Aug. 25 Sept. S Columbia, from Callao: schooner Albert Meyer, from Los Angeles. Salle Steamers Dolphin, for skagway; Meteor, for San Fran cisco. Sen Francisco. July 2R. Arrived steamer Archer, from Roche Harbor; Roanoke, from Portland: Raymond, from Grays Harbor; Umatilla, from Victoria. Sailed Steamers Daisy and Gadsby. for wlllapa. Los Aiigeles. July 2. Arrived Willam ette, from Portland; Marshfleld. from Hardy Creek: Saglraw, from Wlllapa Harbor. Sailed Steamer Willamette, for San Diego. " Colombia River Bar Report. ASTORIA. Or.. July 28. Condition at the mculh of the river at 5 P. M., smooth; wind, northwest. 30 miles: weather, cloudy. Tide at Astoria Monday. High. Low. 0:II A. M 8S feet7:SO A. M....-0.6 foot 1:30 P. M TS feetl7:32 P. M 3.6 feel Printer Drives 25 Miles Dally. ALBANY. Or.. July 28. (Special.) Floyd K. Churchill, proprietor of a lo cal Job printing office, has driven his automobile on an average of more than 25 miles every day since he bought it. This is probably a record for a machine used for pleasure. Churchill bought the car on March 15 and has driven It 3400 miles since that time. He has made six round trips to Portland and trips to most of the surrounding towns. With the exception of his Portland trips he has driven the machine very little during business hours, and most of the mileage has been covered during pleasure rides In the evenings. It Is a peculiar coinci dence that on five of his six trips to Portland it rained before he could com plete the Journey. NEWPORT GIRLS COMPLAIN Lineman in Jail for Annoying Young Women. NEWPORT, Or., July 28. (Special.) Karl Morris, 27 years old, a lineman, was arrested this afternoon charged with having annoyed four young girls. Morris came to Newport a week ago from Albany and immediately serious complaints reached the local police through respectable young women who had been terrified by him. Officer C. F. Royse. formerly of the Portland police force, and Dugan Baker, of New. port, captured Morris, who was iden tified by a number of young women. The prisoner will be tried tomorrow. He says that he was born in Ger many. Lately he has worked In Sa lem and Albany, where he had gone from Oakland, Cal. , NEW MINE TO BE OPENED Cle Elum Daily Coal Output Will Be Increased 500 Tons. ELLENSBURG, "Wash., July 28. (Spe cial.) Surveys will be started early this week by the Northwestern Im provement Company, with a view to starting work on a new opening, above Mine No. 7. near Cle Eium. and about 25 miles north of Ellensburg. The new mine will send Its output to the cars through the tipple at No. 7 mine. The new mine will be started above and to the left of the No. 7 powerhouse and will have an output of approxi mately 600 tons of coal dally, and will be In operation in approximately 60 days. DAILY MF.TEOKjO LOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. July 28. Maximum temperature, 84 degrees: minimum. 58 de grees. River reading. 8 A. M.. 8.0 feet. Chance In last 24 hours, fall, 0.1 foot. Total rainfall (S P. M- to 5 P. M. none. Total rainfall since September 1, loll. 33.10 Inches. Normal rainfall since September 1. 44.44 inches. Deficiency of rainfall since Septem ber 1. 1011. 0.25 Inches. Total sunshine, 14 hours 57 minutes. Possible sunshine. 14 hours 57 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M., 211.98 inches. Wind State of Weather STATIONS. Baker Boise Boston Calgary Chicago Colfax Denver Den Moines Duluth Eureka ..... Galveston Helena Jacksonville .... Kansas City Klamath Falls .. Laurler Los Angeles Marshfield Medford Montreal . . '. New Orleans .... New York North Head .... North Yakima ... Pendleton Portland Roseburg St. louls St. Paul Salt Lake San Francisco. . . . Spokane Taloosh Island... Walla Walla Washington Weiser wenatchee Winnipeg Yellowstone Park 84'0. t4 O. 84 0 7:o. 84 0. 92:0. 84 0. 90 0 go 0 5S 0. 90 0. S8K 04.0 00 8' NW Pt. cloudy 00 8 on s SW Clear W S pt. cloudy H! 4 Clear 30 14 oo;. . SW I... s Pt. cloudy Clear OOj 4 04, 8 Cloudy w w N Clear Clear Cloudy 2212 00' 6 no 14 SW OOj 8 NW Pt. cloudy sw Pt. cloudy N Clear S Clear NW Clear 00 6 02 0. 18 4- 811 0 SR0 78 0 H2 0 no o 74 0 92 0 00 0O! 00' 8 S Icloudy .IIDl 8 N Clear v rim. .00' 4 0rt!l4 00 4 00 24 'sw iPt. cloudy SE 'clear NW'Rain NWlCloudy so,o. ,'.S 0 92 o. !4 0 84 0 8810 94 0 82 0 90 0 00 30 00.. . (HV . . .oo'is . .. Clear . . . Clear N W Clear .00 8 .OO'M ,oo;i4 ,00'l4 'N Clear 'W I-Cloudy NWjClear SE Cloudy OO 20 .00 4 o o i 62 0 I 94 0 860 105 0 Ifl4io 7S'0 84 0 SW jPt. cloudy .00 10 W -Clear ,00i 4 oo; 4 .1)01 4 .00 4 S Cloudy SE Clear N Clear .OO 10 .00 16 W iClear NW;Cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. A depression is central this evening over British Columbia, and another overlies In terior California. The pressure Is also low over the Lake region and Northeastern States. A small high pressure field overlies the basin, plateau and North Central Plains States, and another moderate high pres sure area is central at sea off the Wash ington coast. Within the last 24 hours showers have occurred in Arizona. Okla homa, the Central Mississippi Valley. Lpper Lake Region and St. Lawrence J alley, and thunder storms were reported from Utah. Missouri. Iowa and Wisconsin. The weather Is cooler in the Upper Lake Region and is generally warmer in other sections of the countrv. although temperature changes as a rule have been slight. ii The conditions are favorable for generally fair and continued warm weather Monday In this district, with northwesterly winds. FORECASTS. Portland ann vii-im.y i". change In temperature; northwsterlywtnds. ally fair; not much change in temperature, northwesterly EODORB F. DRAKE. Acting District Forecaster. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M. Furniture. 171--5 Second street. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 48. A. F. AND A. M. Special communications this (Monday) evening. 7:30 and 9 o'clock. East 8th and Burnside. E. A. and F. C. degrees. Visitors welcome. Or der W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, sec. DIED. DEVEBS In this city. Sunday afternoon. Julv 28. Nellie H. Devers. aged 40 years. 1 month. 20 days, wife of A. H. Devers mother of Mrs. John Plagemann and daughter of Mrs. Jane Galling. Funeral notice later. BLAKE In Blaine, Tillamook Co., Or.. July 20. Carl L. Blake, aged 47 years. months. 14 davs, beloved husband of Anna Blake of s:i4" College street. Funeral notice will appear later. FUNERAL NOTICE8 WINTERGREEN The funeral servlees of the late John Wintergreen will be held at Holman s funeral parlors at 2 P. M. to day (Monday). Friends invited. InlM- ment Mu'.Tr.-imah Cemetery. Every woman's heart responds to the charm and sweetness of a baby's voice, because nature intended her for motherhood. But even the loving nature of a mother shrinks from the ordeal of suffering and danger. Wom en who use Mother's Friend are saved much discomfort and their systems are in a healthy condition to meet the time with the least possible danger. Mother's Friend is recommended only for the relief and comfort of expect ant mothers, and its many years of success, and the thousands of endorse ments received from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to be derived from its use. Mother's Friend allays nausea, pre vents caking of 4.1 S6 every' way PJOUJfctS contributes to S'ilifttlA strong, healthy motherhood. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers, BRADFTXLD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ca, "POPULAR PRICES" HT " THEATER ' tr. 1 I f I V 7th and Taylor Phones: Mam L A 112. TONIGHT SSSi" BARGAIN MATINEE WEDNESDAY. CATHRINE COUNTISS Supported br SYDNEY AYRES, In the- comedy drama "Merely Mary Ann Evenings. 7Sc. 50c. 35c, 23c. Wednesday Matinee, any seat 23c. MAIN O, A 1029 , MATIN fc.E llt-lil DAI MAT. ISO ISO so 9: ISC, ZSe, 50c llr WEEK JCT.Y 19 TV. H. St. Jamee and Players. Martin Johnson's Travelofrues, Charley Case, Robert Ie Mont Trio, Burr and Hone. Kelly and Lafferty, The Great Lihhy. Orchestra. Pictures. Matinee Every Day. es mJ3 Snlltvan A Consldlo Refined Vaudeville Special Summer Prices: Nights 10 and 20c Matinees Any Seat 10c WEEK .TT I.Y 29 "A Wyoming- Romance Happv Jack Gardner Company. D'Arcy and Williams. Pi-ankle Drew, Im Leonard!, Valentine Fox, Jr., Twilleht Pictures. Or chestra. WEEK JUT.Y 9 Frank Bush, The Clipper Quartette. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morris. The Three Madcaps. The Toklo Mlyakko Troupe, Pantaa-escope. Popular prices. Box office open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones A 22:16. Main 463fl. Boxes and first row balcony re served. Curtain 2:30, 1:15, 9. t . X We OAKS ! PORTLAND'S GREAT AMUSE- A MEXT PARK. .:. T All Bi Outdoor Acta Free. i Free Circus Every afternoon and .;. T evening. The best hit ever seen In ... Portland. At 3 P. M. and 8 P. M- .. Clowns. Animals' Acts, Circus Band. A Oaks Park Band every afternoon and ? i. evening In delightful concert. . i King- Pharaoh, the famous educated .;. v horse. Every afternoon and even- ... ing. Skating Bear In the dancing pavilion. : FTJNERAXj JJOTICES NEAL.AN July 27. John O. Nealan. aged 73 years. Funeral will take place from Dunning & McEntee s chapel today (Mon davi at S:4o A M. Services at the I a ihedrai. corner 1.1th and Davis, 9 o clock. Friends respectfully Invited. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. O'BRIEN July 27. . Mary Cathrine O'Brien, aged 2 years. 2 months, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. O'Brien, of 1011 E. 30th St. North. " Late of Glasgow, Scot land. Funeral will take place from the residence today (Monday); July 29. at l:o0 P. M. interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. KISS Ernest J. Kiss, well-known mining emtineer, of Portland, at Hermiston. Or., julv 28. Funeral services at Crematorium chapel tomorrow (Tuesday). July 30, 11 MEMORIALS Portland Marble Works. 64 41 h. opposite City Hall. Estab. 185. MOXI'MENTS Otto Schumann Marble Works. East 3d and Pine Sts. East 743 neral director and undertaker. 22n Third St., corner caim.m. j ........ . . . . . r - . - . I.-.. I III--..,.. r. Dunning .., i.uin. . . . , 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady at- tenonni. v.u i. v v .-".. " I'll fine fcaSt tUOO. IW. nmiiun. Lady attendant. Phone Main . A 1599. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors . . . , , I I.. sr. K9 R 2R2.1. O I . C - uuiihiii . 1 l.ERCH. tndertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth. East 781, B 1888. Lady attendant. T . .i V I: V V, T A V V HH .nil t Uir 152, A 2821. l ady attendant. CEMETERY Beautiful Mount Scott Park Portland's Perpetnal Care Cemetery. One .Mile Southeaat Lenta. Large, permanent, picturesque, mod ern. Perpetual care without extra charge. Prices moderate; service ex cellent; everv convenience in use, in cluding large luxuriously furnished rest rooms for visitors. Reached by Mount Scott and Cazadero cars. Free auto service. Both phones. City office, 920-921 Yeon Bldg. LONE FIR CEMETERY 500 choice lots and single graves on new ground for sale. Office 206 Commercial Blk. Telephone Main 4989. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or Sunday. Per Line. One tln-10 , Sam ad two consecutive times 22c Same ad three consecutive times 30c Same ad six or seven consecutive times.. 56c The above rates apply to advertisements nnder "New Today" and all other classifica tion except the following: Situations Wanted, Male Situations Wanted, Female. For Kent. Rooms, Private Families. Kooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms. Private Families. When one advertisement Is not run In con secutive Issues the one-time iate applies. ' Six words count M one line on cash ad vertisements and no ad counted for less than two lines. . . Oregonlan will accept classinen advertise ments over the telephone, providing the ad vertiser I a subscriber to either phone. o E rices will be quoted over the phone, but ill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one inser tion only will be accepted for ''Houses for Kent," "Furniture for Sale," "BiihlneNS Op portunities," "Rooming-Houses" and Wanted to Kent." In N ew Today, all advertisements are charged by measure only, 14 lines to the inch. , . Remittances must accompany out-of-town OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE ITS MADISON STREET. Phones Main 698, A 7589. Horse Ambnlanee Phone Marshall 600. 411 disabled or diseased animals TtiU receive prompt attentloa. Hill be called for at n nominal cost. Refer all esses of cruelty to this office. Open day and nlabt. VEW TODAY. HOME FOR SALE. In best residence district TVest Side, 14 rooms. Hires uatim. wn -. spray and shower: three fireplaces; dining-room in maiiugnii.'. i's i t . 1. n n-.. flnnrc vannr ll M 1 handsome fixtures, large grounds, mod em and first-class condition, will sell at bargain. Good terms. Owner, AH 230, Oregonian. N7GHT! ' For Sale Houwi. or Sale Acreage WILL BUILD to Suit Responsible Tenant on my corner at East Tenth and Harri son (50il'00). On East Eleventh and Market streets (100x100). Locations are suitable for bakerv, laundry, creamery or light manufacturing. Paved streets, carline close to cltv center and In a rapidly developing Industrial district. Inquire K. B. MAC.HAtGHTO!-, 60 Concord Bids- Second and Stars: Sts. SOUTHWEST CORNER ELEVENTH and H60HliY 100x100 Is a choice apartment-house site. $10,000 cash will handle. The owner is FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, 901 Board of Trade. Mortgags Loans ar.o.OOO and Over CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTT. LOWEST CUKKE.VT KATES. WE MAC MASTER 7S1 Corbstt ft Ida. MORTGAGE LOANS On first-class improved city property. 5 to 7 per cent. Farm Loans. A. H. BIEEELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark $75 PER ACRE 330 acres, on carline, near city, good terms. Investigate. MOODY LAND COMPANY, 1016 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main S7. MORTGAGE LOANS Ccr JOHN E. CRONAN, 7 Qj O 002 Snaldlna Bids. t' COLUS, BEHRlIJtiE THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT, 602 McKay bldg., M. 549. Beck. William G., 315-316 Falling bMg. Chapln & Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerre Cook, B. S. Co., BOS Corbett bldg. Jennlnes & v. Main 188. 206 Oresonian. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P., 404-405-406 Wilcox bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave., at Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition.) REAL ESTATE. For gale Lots. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Both high-class and cheap property, and I bae the bargains In this district; If you want to buy to advantage on Port land Heights you will have to aee me. Marshall 4827 BROOKE. A 383. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. One of the choicest close-in building sitee- must be sold at once; easy worth t3."i)6. Beautiful shade trees; two blocks from car; price $7."i0. Owner will make anv reasonable terms. Phone Marshall 217. LOTS $10 down and $10 per mo.; all im provemjents paid; Bull Run water; cement sidewalks etc.; no int., no taxes and in fine locality: 5c fare. Particulars 1 220. Oregonian. ' ftiAiVOO BUYS my Rose City Park lot worth Jno. lot .1. block or. 54th st. near Ala meda. Res. East 5117: office bet. 11 and 1. Marshall 2371J FOR SALE One lot on East 2.th st., near S. P. Shops. Address Louie Johnson, Sher wood, Or., oute 2. LOT 50x100 on Eleventh St., near Hall. In- qulre 43,'. mtn si. $5ou CASH buys lot S, block li pHrk, box 127. Wardner. Idaho. block 13. Terrace LOTS on ISth and Holman. .V)xl(l, two corners. Owner. A K Oregonian. TILLAMOOK CITY buslnews lots sale or ex change for Portland property. & 2267. Beach Property. 12.0 North Beach house, 7 rooms, com pletely furnished, situated on four lots, facing ocean ; a fin situation and great buy. Owner P10 Chamber of Commerce, Tel. Marshall loS5 For Sitle Houses. HOMES OX EASY PAYMENTS. 6-room house, new, modern, 200 feet to car; lot 50x100, close in, excellent neighborhood; $3750, easy terms. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, bungalow style; Just completed; all built-in con veniences and strictly up to date; east front; 200 feet to car, in Laurelburst; iZ20. terms to suit. S rooms and sleeping porch; new. dou ble construction, excellent finish, beamed and paneled dining-room, fireplace, fur nace and all built-in conveniences, plas tered basement, fruit and vegetable rooms; 2 large rooms can be finished on third floor; $5800, small cash payment. 4 room in excellent suburb, restrictions; built-in conveniences; large rooms, fire place, electric fixtures and tinting in cluded in price, $22M. 3 rooms and bath, corner lot 100x100; fine view of Tualatin VCalley, West Side; 2 blocks to car. 15 minutes to Postonice; walks, graded streets and water; $2300, $200 cash will handle it, balance like rent. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. Second Floor Selling Bldg. Main 1SX, A U261. WEST HIDE. COLONIAL RESIDENCE. 7-room modern two-story Dutch colo nial residence situated on two large lots; beautiful lawn, front and rear entrance from atreet large cement porches, den. tilod bathroom, mirror doors in bedrooms, two beautiful fireplaces, sleeping porch, Ipaneled dining-room, hardwood floors, beautiful Interior decoration, ivory enamel with mahogany trim stair, matt tile fire place in bedroom, large, light closets; all .rooms light and airy. Property has broad View which can never be obstructed. Dou ble construction used throughout entire building; built by owner; price $fs50; terms to responsible party. Address owner, B 2tS. Oregonian. BUILD ON YOUR VACANT LOT. TURN THE BURDEN INTO INCOME. WE FURNISH PLANS. FINANCE AND BUILD APARTMENT OR RESIDENCE AT LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND. SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE YOU MAKE PLANS. IT WILL PAY YOU. L. R BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, o-'i ADi.vuiu.i d'-'-1 DANDY new two-room house, lot BOxlOO, only three blocks Rose City Park carline; only $750. 7iV cash, $15 month, including interest. This ia not in the wilderness; lota are level, cleared, with nice house and neighbors all around; be wise, save your rent, aw, m""""'- NEW 0-room house with 2 sleeping porches and all modern Improvements; best part of Hawthorne district; magnificent view of West Side. 316 East 25th. cor. Stephens; price $13,500; wiU take smaller house up to $6000 In part payment. ( TAYLOR BUILDING COMPANY BUILD AS YOU LIKE. WHERE YOU LIKE; FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AND GUARANTEE THE WORK. 202 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. THIS IS A DANDY BUY. MODERN 5-room bungalow. No. 3 E. 72d st in ML Villa In Cuthill Add. Price $-300 See owner. Main 361, 529 Henry bldg. FIVE-ROOM modern home, almost new; nice lawn: near car line. $2000; $50 cash, $15 month; interest 6 per pent. Phone Tabor 193L Nell Smith, 6516 Foster Road. MUST leave city; my 5-room bungalow and garage or barn in Alberta will be sac rificed for quick sale. Telephone Mr. Kinder. A 7374. " " FINE BROADWAY home half price, several Jots. C 1866. E. 27-T W. H. Herdman. BUY from owner and save commission. Two ptorv 7-room Laurelhurst house. S520W for "quick sale, terms. AR 255. Oregonian. GOING to build? Save money. Draftsman will draw plans spare time; low rate; good work; references, aw jq. w csma FOR SALE One house and lot at Newberg. A u a resB u- - . NEW ti-room house, built right, 50x142 lot. Owner, phone Tabor 8372. FOR FINE HOMES See Delahunt. i - .i I,. . ' i - $:.2u0. TERMS. TERMS. HANDSOME FIXTURES. BEAUTIFUL SHADES. HARD-SURFACE STREET. The finest new -room bunsalow in the Hawthorne district. Extra-fine building material, doubly-constructed throughout ; heavy tar paper between walls; three floors; top floor hardwood, all excep tionally large rooms, with every new built-in convenience. Including; a very handsome fireplace; large bedrooms; ex tra large closets: beautiful white Dutch kitchen: very large attic and splendidly finished basement. East front and fine neighborhood. Close to car. Needs but to be seen. Tabor 308 . PORTLAND HEIGHTS Well-appointed home, embodies all prevailing conven iences: surrounding grounds have never U?st anv of their native wildness, while being converted into an attractive home: something exclusive, something secluded, yet right In the midst of the fashionable part of the city; let me show you this bungalow, which was built for my own home: 9 rooms, massive stone fireplace, 2 bathrooms. .T toilets, automatic gas water heater, billiard-room, very large cedar linen closet, a profusion of built in conveniences throughout the home; acre of attractive grounds. Henry C. Prudhomme. owner. S06 Wilcox bldg. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Occupied and for sale by owner: fine home, large rooms, sleeping porch, attic and basement, plate glass windows throughout, hardwood floors and stair case, two fireplaces, three porches, nancl some lighting fixtures and interior fln'sti. built-in flreless cooker, gas heater and all other modern conveniences, fine garage and well-kept grounds. Irvington's finest section, adjoining costly homes; for quick sale, price $1500. terms. 412 East 21st st. North. Phone East 5596. BEAUTIFUL 7-room bungalow, all modern and built-in effects; finished in white enamel; large basement and furnace, large den or music-room . and breanrasi rooms: east front; nil street Improvements in. Near car. $5250. Large, beautiful residence, T rooms ana sleeping porch and attic, large D"101 kitchen: two fireplaces; large lighted clos ets; east front; all street improvements in. Near cur. $fi250. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY 2d Floor Selling Bldg. MMln ISnO. A 6261. WAL.NUI fAniv. This Is a bargain; 2-story modern res idence; S bedrooms; each room nss a built-in wardrobe, also large clothes closet, with window, 3 toilets. 2 fireplaces, large kitchen and pass pantry, dining ana living-room, small den; full cement oase ment, with furnace, wash trays and fruit and vegetable closets, combination artistic light fixtures, window shades wire screens and doors: 60x100 lot. 15-ft. al leys, beautiful lawn and garden: best esr strvice in city; price $5100. terms. Owner, 1135 Rodney ave. Phone Woodlawn 2-l. $50 CASH. LAURELHURST. $50 Monthlv, Including Interest, ft rooms, built-in buffet, bookcases ele gant fireplace, furnace, solid oak floors, mirror doors; price $4400, terms $'p per month, including interest. National Realty & Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Phone Main 5iJ. A BEAUTIFUL home on bank of illam ette River can be bought for $00 less than value. Seven rooms, running water, electric lights, modern bungalow, one year old. lot J0fx25O; 40 minutes from Fort innd on Oregon City electric A real bargain. MR. KNEELAND, MAIN 7750. $50. ROSE CITY PARK. $15 MONTHLY. 6 rooms, basement, -pantry, fireplace, bath, facing east. Price $;t000. Terms $50 cash, $15 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 5129. 5-ROOM bungalow with bath, built-in con veniences; wired for electric lights; price includes fixtures and window shades; price $2600, $250 down, $20 a month. CALLAN & KASER. 722-728 Yeon Bldg. SUNNYSIDE SNAP. -room modern house, good condition. 50x100 corner, one block to car. all im provements in and paid for; call at house, 1070 E. Morrison St., or phone Tabor nl or Main 1106. , LAURELHURST BARGAIN. I" will sacrifice my $1500 equity for $750- beauutul new 7-room home, every convenience; close to car, etc.; balance of $4000 easy terms. Owner, Phone Tabor JS0. r, t r CLH.T"! A T TV DESIRABLE HOMES. rUOHTl.Y LOTS. NEUHAUfEN 4 CO.. 703 LEWIS BLDO. 1TH A.VD OAK STS. MAIN S08. New 7-room housr., modern. 100x102 H. all kinds berries and fruit, 8-inch water n.r,er 470.1 M St. S. E. 801) NEAT little bungalow of two larps rooms, clothes closet, pantry and a full sized lots: Just the place for chickens or ducks; terms m put.. .-b Sll A MONTH and interest, new 5-room bunealow. fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet platerail. Dutch kitchen. ISi blks. Nortn, Mt. tauur mi. j " MUST SELL Furnished, new bungalow. E. 3'd St., rooms, basement, attic; $L'00 down. Res. East 5117, office bet. Jl and 1. aiarsnan -.hi SIX-ROOM house for sale, modern, fur nished, with piano. 38 74th St. Call forenoon. Montavilla. LESS than cost. New, o rooms, piasierea, big lot. Price .1275. easy terms. Phone Tabor . DRESSMAKING, good style and fit guaran teed, at home or by the day. bi-H teed. Everett. Marshall 4!o7. For rale Acreage. VILLA tract for the country gentleman. Situated on one of the great boulevards of the citv an ideal homeslte for the man who cares. The beBt soil in the state and free from gravel and rocks. Water, side walks and paved streets all paid for. This tract is 1 !4 acres and Is ideally located for a home for the country gentleman. Site for building Is on a beautiful knoll in full view of Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens Fifteen minutes' . auto ride to business, also on best carline In city. Nothing so select and heautlful In or near the city for a beautiful country home. Will gladly take you to see this tract, which has no equal D 239. Oregonian. EI O WXER. 11 ACRES. ALL CLEARED. NOW RAISING FINE CROP. Just 12 miles from Salem ; all bottom land; 1400, 00 cash ALSO I HAVE 24 acres In Italian prunes, 2 years old; fine bottom land; 1G0 per acre; no trade. Address H. Graham. Aumsville. Or. CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCHES near PORTI.AND. Best soil, good roads, spring water free wood, settled country, 10 acres, S400 t500, S600 per tract; 20 acres. JSOO; 40 acres. J1200; 80 acres. $2000 ; 40 acres timber, $2400. Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 809 Yeon bldg., Portland. Or. 3 ACRES easy cleared, one-half mile south of St. Mary's station, on Fourth-street elec tric 30 minutes from 4th and Washing ton sts.; very best 'of soil and may be had at $230 per acre, $75 cash and month ly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 1S Fourth St. A 3500. 81x250 $C90, balance in 7 years, near city llmts, 30 minutes out; rich black soil good district, nice elevation, cleared and level; faces on two streets. Marsters, o-2 Wilcox bldg.. 6th and Wash. Main 3517, A 7340. evenings Tabor 1770 YOU WANT a picturesque Summer home with running water; a small farm, an acre or two for chickens. $200 and up. easy terms, choice acreage, close to Portland, on electric carline, phone, school, store, etc. J. W. Heflerlln, 3U7 Railway Ex change. 31MII1 ..IP. ONE-ACRE lot, deep, rich soli, plowed, rol.ed and ready to plant, near to subur ban car, graded streets, water, electric lights and telephone if desired; price $luoo. terms $10 down and $10 per mo. FIRLANDS THUST CO., "Ift-720 Spaiding Bldg. ' ST. JOHNS. OREGON. For sale, one acre, all in bearing fruit; 7-room house; chicken house. Park In St. Johns on the Willamette Boulevard. Deal with owner. 96 Willamette Boule vard. 3 ACRES, part cleared, three-fourths mile from station, close to sidewalk, best of soli; 12 homes within 1000 feet of this; $00 P'r acre on monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAT. COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. ACRES, all clear, 2-room house, well. 500 feet from carline, 40 minutes out; electric service, best of soil: $1250, with terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. PARKROSE ACRE. . I can sell you one of the most attractive acres In this well-known tract on your own terms. Price $1200. N 240. Ore- gonian. irivir ACHES OREGON ELECTRIC. Two blocks from Multnomah ststion. $950 per acre. Owner. Terms. 301 Beck bldg. Main 6832. LEAVING city, fine bargain. $150 equity in 10 acres, 16 miles out on county road; nice timber: value $C5V add $100 per. yours, o pr vein. FIVE acres: 6-cent fare; city phone, water main; 20 minutes heart of city: great tar. gain at $S0OO. Owner, AS 249. Orcgo- 17 ACRES near Beaverton. 15 cleared, 2 blocks frcrm car station and running water, only $300 per acre: terms. Owner. Jamer Wilson. Boring. Or., route 1. FOR PALE at Seaside, 4-room furnished cottage- lot .Vlxloo. on 3d. near Center ave.; price' $1100. Phono East 1483 S ACRES COMMERCIAL ORCHARD. 5 years old. 2 mile, from North jaki. ma. on Nob Hill; room house, filter, :istem. good barn. Including, 5 shares ol water right Yakima Valley canal: 000. terms. 320 acres, about 6 miles north of Oak land. Or.; 60 acres under cultivation. 2t acres in fruit. S or 4 acres stump land, balance piling and saw timber: 5-roorr house, large barn, sheep sheds, fins sprlnl and creek; property all wire fenced; $4 per acre, terms. 40 acres in the Umatilla Irrlgatlor project; 5 acres In apples and alfalfa ana Irrigated: balance of land cleared; fait house and barn. 3 mites from Hermiston, mile from school, 4 miles to Columbia River: the best Part of the Umatilla proj ect for fruit raising: will exchange fm farm land near Cleveland. Ohio, or north ern part of Ohio: price $12.00. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., 212 Selling Blc'g. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Occupied and for sale by owner; flm home, large rooms, sleeping porch. ttlc . and basement. plate glass wlrdowl Ihroughout. hardwood floors and stair case, two fireplaces, three porches, hand some lighting fixtures and Interior finish built-in fireless cooker, gas heater ana ah other modern conveniences. fine garage and well-kept grounds. Irvlngton s finest section, adjoining costly homes; for qu1( sale, price J9500. terms. 412 bast -lsi st. Noith. phone East 55l: lO ACRES, only 11 miles from Portlsnd. miles from suburban railroad station: tne rlchesl "red shot" soil In Tualatin Valle, surrounded bv beautiful farms and or chards, on one of the best public roadl in Oregon; view of the beautiful Tua.atln Vallev and the lights of Portland -m t oun cll Crest: one acre fir timber, balancs un . der cultivation: price $2500. terms $101. cash, balance $20 per month. FIRLANDS TRUST CO.. v 716-720 Spalding Bldg. 74 ACRES, timber, heavy stream across one side, located between two electric carllnes. exactly 1, mils from station on each, SO minutes from Fourth and Wash ington sts., in Vulley west of council Crest; Ideal for country homo; this may be had for $2000 on monthly payment p.an. THE SHAV.'-FEAR ceilPAM, . Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 35QO. FOR SALE or exchange for grocery. 46 acres near Oregon City; some improve ments. $0 per acre, phone Tabor Nell Smith. 6516 Foster Road. i-'or sale Homesteads. FREE homesteads; timber. wafcer, level land: house and crops; can see in one day. Covey 207 Oak, room 21. For Sale Fruit Lands. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD, 20 acres. 12 acres apples part 20 years old: 16 acres cleared: new 6-room 2-story bungalow on wooded hilltop; magnlllcent view; electric lights: gravity water system. 3 porches. Box so. R. D No. 1. Hood River, Or. FOR SALE Hood River orchard. 10 acres: part In bearing, balance young trees; miles out; small house, good barn. Prlc reasonable. No exchange. E. I. Apgar. R. 1. Hood River, Or. For riale Farms. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE IN REGION OF AMPLE RAINFALL. A private sale, 750-acre ranch, 2 muss east or Santa Rosa. Cal.. northern bound ary Is middle of channel of Santa Rosa . Cr-ek, an ever-flowing stream; best basalt rock quarry In California (now operated by city street Improvement company on royalty) Is on the property; the S. P. K, B. rjns through the northerly portion of "the ranch for over a mile and has a station theteon; portion heavllv wooded with oak; portion In fine prunes, producing best crops In vicinity; few acres In grapes; good house of 8 rooms and other Improvements, a large acreage is same soil as celebrated Vrooman walnut orchard, which directly adjoins on the west; substantial portlona suitable for walnuts, apples, prunes, hops and truck fatmlng. Now rented as dairy and produces income on over $7..utM. properly improved would produce income on much larger capital; offers on subdi visions will be considered. Address in quiries to Wm. H. Hamll-on attorney for administratrix, room 050 Mills bldg.. San Francisco. $45 PER ACRE. 120 acres; 30 acres cleared and 50 more easy to gat under plow; big new barn, good house, but not the best; water Piped to house and barn: good big orchard and small trult; one mile from station on S. P. and 4 miles from electric line; this place Is Just rolling enough to give good drainage. There Is a school, slore and sawmill at station. Good neighbors on a 1 sides: $1800 cash, balance to suit. Call at UU0 East 32d St.. or address Uuy D. Bell, Banks. Or.. R. F. D. No. 2. FARMS. 175 acres valley land, all level, deep black soil, every foot under cultivation. 1 mile from electric line. IS hour, from Portland, price $110 per acre, half cash, balance one year, good reason for selling This land will double In three years, and pay good Interest on money during time: best Investment In Oregon today; sur rounding land selling for $150 now. Ad dress AV 514, Oregonian. 400-ACKE ranch, suitable for dairy and stockralElng; plenty outside range, cull now 350 tons of hay, can be made to cut 6'JO tona oo to loo acres In alfalfa. Im provements flrsl-ciass 2-story farm house, hot and cold water, bath and toilet upstairs, good outbuildings. This is a rare chance to buv a home and business. Worth investigation. Eusy payments. Ad dress C. B. Duibln. Antelope, Or. " cXsH-BARG11 IN FARM. 40 acres 54 miles from Portland, one mile from railway station In Washington County; fine new house; 2 acres In Pola toes. balance easily cleared; price $lb0O CaSMEUIDIAN TRUST COMPANY. 313 Heniy Bldg. FORTY acres fruit land in Umatilla, Gov ernment Irrigated project. Umatilla Coun ty Oregon; compelled to sell on account or poor health, or will take Ohio property In part exchange; it is bound to be one oc the best fruit sections of the Northwest: fine climate. F. B. Roscoe. Greenwich, U. S5O0 ACRES. 4BOUT 200 ACRES ALFALFA LAND: HOUSES. UARNS. SOME STOCK; ALL FOR PER a:1'.E. FOR FULL lNFOlt M VTION SEE ZIMMERMAN. 310 BOARD OF JltAL'f. lll.l-ivi. FOR SALE 40-acre Improved farm, near Clackamas, Or. House, barn, orchard, good running water and ben of soil. tine t,la(.e$250 per acre. Liberal terms. Will sell one-half separate. Owner. 1380 His. thorne av. rmic L.m FOR SALE 6U0 acres of land on United Railway line, 10 miles from Portland- 400 acria under cultivation; will sell all or part. Write or call on owners. E. W. tjaines. Forest Grove. Or. 600 ACRES with water Tor Irrigation; good buildings: Shields River. Montana, big crops every year. Price $1.0.000; very easy terms or will trade for Portland property; splendid bargain. Owner, 307 Railway Ex. change bldg. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Montana best farm lands, $15 per acre and up, 10 years to pay for it. fl per cent Interest' low round-trip excursion rates. Owner, 307 Railway Exchange bldg. DAIRY farm. 70 acres: 10 cattle, 2 horses. 10 pigs. 30 chickens; near Colu'llbia River; $5000. terms. Lamar. 810 Spalding bldg. , RANCH 00 iicres. with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all' cash. By owner. 1h2 Morrison st. 171-ACRE dairy ranch, stock, Tarm and dairy implements complete; lower Colum bia Owner. 304 N. Grand ave. East 2325. 40-ACRE farm for sale. $3000. J. Glesy. W.shougal. Wash. R. F. D. 1. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. WE HAVE 10.000 acres of splendid timber, running 20 per cent sugar and yellow pine cruising 30.000 feet to the acre; good logging facilities; located on railroad; price $27 per acre. D 247. Oregonian. 18o ACRES good timber land in Southern Oregon, estimated 3,500.000 feet to quar ter, one-third sugar pine; $10 per acre. F. S. Akin. 02.". chamber of Commerce. TIMI1ER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRAIKSN. 304 ilcKsv Bldg IN ORDER to get money Immediately I will se:i 320 acres of splendid yel.ow pine timber for $2500. AG 217. Oregonian. ISO ACRES of good Hr and redwood In Curry Co., at 75c per M. J. L. Caldwell, Aberdeen, Wash. V ANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED mall house, good district near carline; easy terms; owners only. L 234. Oregonian. ... TO EXCHANGK. TO EXCHANGE for residence or count-y property 50-horsepower Speedwell auto moDi.o in good snape; cost $3100: fully equipped, new tires. What have you to oiler ' Address AV 518. Oregonian. SO ACRES in the Coetir d'Alene Valley, to trade for cltv property in Portland: must be -oo-l propertv. Land $75 an acre; $350 mortgage. AL 250. Oregonian. t-soo Twenty acres. sdjoins Slore and sfhool. house, barn. 3 acres in young orch ard under new ditch. Part cash, some exchange, rest to suit. T 253. Oregonian. WILL TRADE 150 acres choice Washington County land for Portland property. Will assume Incumbrance. AM 252. Oregonian. WILL exchange modern 7-room and bRth Portland home, for Chicago North Side r-al estate. AH 21S, Oregonian. tVlLL exchanee small equity in Beaumont lots an cash for medium-priced automo bile. AR 26. Oregonian. MODERN" 10-room house for close-in acre age near 8 good carllnes; from Owner only. X 252. Oregonian 1