15 THE MORNING OREGONIAN. SATURDAY. JTTLY 27 1912. OLD PACK IS GONE Canners and Dealers Enter Season With Shelves Clean. CONSUMPTION WAS LARGE Good Output of Fruits and Nearly AH Kinds of Vegetables This Year. Pea Pack Is Not as Short as Expected. The cannera. Jobber, and retailer, of th. country ar. colng into the new packlnf season with their warehouse. nil .helva. well 'cleared of fruit, and vegetables of law year-a pack. The eanner. are closely sola out of nearly all lines, the clean-op of to matoes, peas and other vegetables. Includ ing corn even, which was produced heav ily last year, being complete Never In the history of the canning in dustry were canners more closely cleaned up on peas than at the beginning of the 1812 pack, while It is doubtful If their hold ings of tomatoes at the end of June In the year of the .yndlcate'a operation, when the country waa literally scoured, both by the syndicate In Its efforts to acquire the en tire supply and the Jobber to avoid buying of the manipulators, were more elgnlficent than today. The smallness of cannera stocks of corn strikingly proves that the con. sumption of this commodity has been very large, the comfortable position of the can ners of this article being rather more than merely suggestive of what consumption would be In a year of normal prices and leas distinctly poor quality among the pack. . Except of peas, the pack in nearly all lines this year will be large. Advices received from Wisconsin note that the pea canning season has progressed well toward Its end and that the outcome, at least on the Alaskas, was better than prom Ised In recent reports. In fact., hlle the pack of early Alaskas was short for the acre age planted. It waa good, both In quality and quantity, and the later Alaskas will make tood standards and very fair extra standards, and a number of the Wisconsin peapackera secured a surplus and are mak ing -out offerings from it. The late peas also promise to turn out better, as the en tire State of Wisconsin recently had good rains and in consequence the late peas, which ara suffering from drouth, were con siderably Improved. The pack of sweet varieties Is now on In Southern Wisconsin, with a yield only fair. Canners In moat Instances hsd a good run on Alaskas the first week and were enabled to paok up to their future sales of fancy grade and make good deliveries en contracts. The quality of the latter part of the Alaska pack was not good, which leaves fancy Alaska peas very scarce, as also are the extra standard grades. Ad vices state that peapackers in Wisconsin who secured some surplus are asking ad vances over the future delivery. In some In stances the advances asked are said to be 10 cents a doxen on the smaller sixes. Moot of the surplus peas secured appear to be No. S Alaska.. EARLY BUSH FOB WHEAT IS OS Dealers Actively Bidding at Country Points. Purchases About Million Bushels. Wheatbuylng on a liberal scale was re ported from many parts of the country yes terday. The selling jr.. by no means gen eral, however, as the farmers are not In a selling mood. The present early rush Is likely to be ended this week or in the first half of next week. A conservative estimate of the amount of wheat bought is 1.000,000 bushels. Dealers bid on the basis of 789 T8 cents for club. Bluestem was quoted at 81 cents. There were no new developments in the barley or oats markets. Weekly foreign wheat shipments were as follows: This Wk. L.st Wk. Last Tr. Argentina ..2,328.000 1.944.000 1.720.000 India ... 2 504 000 2.M2.000 1.696.000 Australia 3S4.000 440.00 480.000 Local receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Mond.y 2 '? 3 4 Tuesday 4' J 3 J Wednesday J , Thursday 1 -"A 5 I Friday - ---j B-5:Ss i .a fi'is LOCAL PEACHES SCARCE. PRICES FTRM Good Demand for Fruit on Front Street. Melons Moving Well. Front street was well supplied with nearly all kinds of fruit yesterday and the demand was brisk, the warmer weather stimulating "lTi peach market was firm. California stock was cleaned up and the arrivals of lotal peaches were not sufficient for the demand. Apricots were also firm. Plums, pears and apples were steady. Watermelons are again moving actively. Berrlea of most kinds are slow. Half a car of California Malaga grapes are due today. They will be quoted at S2.B0 a crate. Better Demand for Poultry. Smaller arrivals of poultry and an im proved demand cleaned up the street of chickens yesterday at better prices. Hens sold at 12H and 13 cents. Springs did not work off as well as hens. Dressed meats of all klndj were firm. the egg market was steady and unchanged-Local butter stocks are closely cleaned up and the market is firm. Cheese holds atcady. Hen Contract Made at 19 Cents. Kewerop hops were sold on the west aide yesterdsy at 19 cents, which shows the sagging tendency of the market lor con tract A 40-bal lot of 1012s was sold at 20 cents. Bank Clearbura. Bs'nk clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday wera as follows: Clearings. Balance. Port!and Jl.JTO.TTS S 0.IS4 fratlla 1.M3.671 211.73: Tacoma 6S7.S3S 17.611 Spokane 610.994 71.. 0 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Floor. Feed. Etc, WHEAT Track prices, new: Club. 78 Tc: bluestem. Sic Old: Club. S4o: blue stem. Sc FLOl'R Petents, 13 10 per barrel: straights 14.70: exports. 4.20; Valley. $5.10. BARLEY Sew. brewing. 25; feed. (24 per ton. HAY Timothy. $1015: alfalfa. $lltU; clover. $10: oats and vetch. 12; grain hay. - MILLSTUFFS Bran. $23.50 per too; shorts. $28 30: middlings. $32. CORN Whole. $3: cracked. 40 per ton. OATS New. $:a.oc$7i o'd. M per too. Vegetables and Fralta. FRESH FRUIT Cherries. StflOo per pound, apples, old. $1.50 C3 per box: new, 75c fj $1.50 per box: peaches, 60j90e per box: currants. $1308173 per box; plume. 73c3$1.23 par b"x- peers. $1.30 91.75 per box: apricots. 75c 0 $1.10 per box: grapes. $2.30 jer crate. BERRIES Raspberries. $1.60 per crate: . loganberries. $1.30 per crate; blackberries. $1.:5 per crate. TROPICAL rRUlTS Oranges. Valencia, $3 23 8$ 73. California grapefruit. $4 30; lemons, ligiit per box: pineapples, per pound. MELONS Cantaloupes. 2.?ST5 .per . er.te: wstermelona lc per pound. ONIONS California red. $1 per sack; yei:ow. $1.25 pr sack. POTATOES Jobbing prices: Burbanks. old. $1 per hundred; new. per pound, lc SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. $1.73 per sack: turnip. $1.25 per sack. VEGETABLES Artichokes. JlTc per dosen: beans. Ic: cabbage. llc per round; cauliflower. $1.2.1 per dozen: celery. se per crate; corn. 1525c per doxen; cucumbers. SOo per box: eggplant. II H per pound: head lettuce. 202.le per dosen: peas. 8$9c per pound: peppers. l$M2i r - tHMinrt: -rM-- 1"2'- r"r n rhubarb, IHe per ponnd; spinach. 4J5c per pound; tomatoes. $1L23 per box; garlic &10c per pound. Dairy and Country Frodnea. EGGS Case count. Sic; candled. $a: ex tras, 27e per doxen. BUTTER Oregon creamery butter, cubes, $0c per pound: prints. 8He per pound. CHEEJC Triplets and daisies. l,o per pound. PORK Fsncy. lOHfJHe per pound. VEAL Fancy. IStteWe per pound. POULTRY Hens. 1214 13c; broilers, lsc. ducks, young. He; geese. 10 0 11c: turkeys, live. He; dresaed. 84 9 35c Staple Groceries. SALMON Columbia River. one-pound tails. $2 23 per dosen: eight-pound talis. $2.95; one-pound flats. $2.40: Alaska pink, one-pound tails. $1.35. COFFEE Roasted.. In drams. SltO40e per pound. NUTS Walnuts. 16QlHc per pound: Brasll nuts. 12i4c; filberts, 14913c: al monds. 17?21e; peanuts, 18c: cocoanuts, Oo ti$l per dozen; chestnuts. 12 He per pound; hickory nuts. 60 10c per pound. HONEY Choice. $3.7$ per case; strained honey. 10c per pound- SALT Granulated. $15 per ton: half, ground, 100s. $8.50 per ton: 50a, $9 per ton. BEANS Small white, 8.40c: large white. S.20c: Lima, 6.60c: pldk, 3tte; Mexleua 4c: bayou. 4ttc RICE No. 1 Japan, ec: cheaper gradea 5 C 5 H c : Southern bead, JJHe. SUGAR Dry granulated, 15.95: fruit and berry. $5.93; Honolulu plantation. $5.90; beet. $5.70; extra C, $5.43; powdered, bar rels. $6.20; cubes, barrels. $6.83. DRIED FRUITS Apples. 14c per ponnd; apricots, 1618Hc: peaches. 1214c: prunes. Italians. 10Vstfl04e; sliver. 18c: figs, white and black. 6MiTc; cutrants. IVie; raisins, loose Muscatel. KT1Jc; bleached Thompson. 1114 c: unbleached Sul tanas. 84c; seeded. 7VjSttc; dates, Per sian. Iltc per pound: Fard. $L$0 per box. Hope. Wool and Hides. HOPS 1912 contracts, llffMc; 1111 crop, 20 6 22c MOHAIR Choice, S2e per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon. 14 190 P p-mnd according to shrinkage: Valley, 210 23c per pound. PELTS Dry, 13c: full wool butcher pelts, $1 2501.75: sbearlngs. 10 30c HIDES Salted hides. 114e per pound: salted calf. 20c; salted kip. 11012c: green hides. 11c: dry calf. No. L 25c; No. 2. 20c: dry hides. 19 8 20c; salted stags, Ttttr8c; green stags, 6 to 07c. CASCARA Psr pound. S05c: eariots. GRAIN BAGS Spot. In car lots. llc; 1913 bags, 6 He Provisions. HAMS All sixes, 164lTo: skinned. lv4S17c: picnics. 12c: boiled. Hc. BACON Fancy. 26027c; choice. 20021c DRY SALT MEATS Backs, dry salt, 1H4 012tte; backs, smoked, 186 Ho; bellies, dry salt, lftttc; bellies, smoked. 15c LARD Tierce basis, choice. ISttc: com pound, 9ftc; leaf, three-pound palls, $8.50 per case. MISCELLANEOUS Pigs' feet, kits. $1.85; sliced beef, lnsldes. $23 per case; lrled beef. Ineldes. 25c per pound; bologna, canvas back, I0Hc; minced ham. 12c Lutseed OU and Turpentine. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. 88o; oiled, barrels, 90c; raw, cases. 93c; boiled, cases, 95c TURPENTINE Cases, 69c: barrels. 66te, ALL LINES ARE FIRM HOGS SELL AT A DIME ADVANCE AT STOCKYARDS. Load or Choice Quality Brings $8.50. Several Cars of Top Steers Move at $7 Lambs Nickel Higher. There was a firm market all down the line yesterday at the stockyards. Receipts have been light this week and the good quality offered yesterday found x ready buyers. About four loads of prime steers were sold at $7, a pries that has not been ob tained for several days past. One load brought $tf.6J. and low-grade stock sold at $5.30 to $6.25. Only a few cows were of fered. A single sale was made at $8.50 and the others brought $4 to $6. A dime was added to local hog values by the sale of a load of choice grade at $8.50. They averaged 197 pounds In weight. In the sbeep market the only sale waa a bunch of 131 lambs, averaging 78 pounds, at $5.E0. This figure is a nickel better than the late price. Receipts yesterdsy were 101 cattle. 220 hogs and 442 sheep. Shippers were J. W. Servler. Grangevirle, Idaho. 2 cars of hogs: C. E. Lucke, Canby. 1 car of sheep and hogs; C. H. Farmer. Mc Coy. 4 cars of sheep; L. H. Lawson. Pendle ton. 1 car of cattle, and Fred Rader. Hepp ner, 3 cars of cattle. The day's sales were aa follows; Weight. 1075 1100 110,1 2 steers 3 steers 11 steers 4 cows . 8 cows . 1 steer 24 steers 10 steers 10 steers 22 steers 21 steers 1 cow . . 1 cow . . 6 cows 20 cows . 21 steers 19 steers 1 steer . 1 steer . 26 ste.rs 1 steer . 20 steers 2 steers 1 cow . . 2 cows . 2 cows 1 "tag .. 1 stag .. 131 lamba no nors . SsS .1270 .1108 . o:; . 9X9 . 927 . 906 .1020 .13S0 Price. $5.60 6.40 7.00 3.50 6.00 6.00 7.00 6.20 3.90 3.90 3.90 4.00 4.30 3.00 5.73 5.80 7.00 7.00 6.00 . 7.00 7.00 6.63 6.30 6.50 6.75 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.30 8.50 e.uvcy a..v $.750 i.OO 8.759 6.25 $.$0 0 5.75 6.00 5.50 7.003 825 t.00 6-50 $.50 0 S.lt 4.750 t IK 8.00H 8.30 (.25 0 7.00 11.7 inN 1U"S 1200 1 1020 1130 1103 1100 1373 870 i;-,20 1090 1103 1070 1100 78 ' 197 The range of prices at the yards was as follows: . Choice steers ?"?t-92 Good steers Medium steers Choice cows Good cows Medium cows ............ Choice calves Good heavy oalvos Bulls Stags Hogs Light Heavy Sheen . Y.arllng. -O0 wetjers ; g.oo a.B0 Smb. 4.000 5.30 Omaha Uveetock Market. CHICAGO, ' July W. Cattle Receipt 1300; market, steady. Beeves. $3.7309.75; Texas steers. $4.90S7; Western steers $5.80 7 85: siockers sod feeders. $406.85: cows and heifers. $2.700 8; calves. $6.5009.50. Hogs Receipts. 15.000: market, strong, generally 5c UP. Light, $7.75S.S0; mixed, $7.50a8.25; heavy. $7.308.12H ; rough, $7.30 1 7.35; Pigs. $d.75S8.1l; bulk of sales. $7.80 a 8.13. Sheep Receipts. 10.000; market, steady. Native. $3-1593: Western. $3. 23 4. .5; year lings. $405.50; larubs. native. $4.2507.50-, Western, $4.25 0 7.50. Chicago Uveetock Market. SOUTH OMAHA. July 26. Cattle Re ceipts 500; market, ateady. Native steers, $5.8509.73: cows and heifers. $3.2597. Western steers, $308; Texas steers. $4,500 6.23: range cowa and heifers. $306: can nera $2.7504; atockera and feeders, S.751 8.73: calvea. $4.25 3 7.75; bulla, atags. etc S3.7S03.5O. Hoss Receipts. 6300: market, 10c higher. Heavv. $7.2007.55: mixed. $7.40 0 7.35: light, $7.25 a 7.75; Pigs. $60 7; bulk of sales. $7.40 07.63. Sheep Receipts, 660O: market. 10015c higher. Yearlings. $4.50 0 5.23: wethers. $3.75 04.75: ewes, $o4.15; lamba. $6.2507.35. SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Price Quoted at the Bay City for Vege table, Fruits, Etc SAN FRANCISCO. July 26. The follow ing produce prices were current here today: Fruit Apples, choice. $1.50; common. $1: Mexican limes. $5 0 5.30; California iemona. choice, $5.50; common, $2; pineapples. $L50S2.$0. Cheese 13016HC Butter Fancy, creamery. 28HC Egge Store. 23c: fancy ranch. 24c Vegetables Cucumbers, 15033c: garlic, 2 03c; green peas. $1.30 8 2.23; string beane. 102toc: tomatoes. 75c0$l; eggplant, 500 75c. Potatoes River Burbanks. 7Sc0$l; Ore gon Burbanks. nominal;. Early Roast nom inal: sweets. 40 3c. Hay Wheat. $12 0 20 30; wheat and oats, $1218: alfalfa. $11013.50, Receipts Fleur, 1250 quarter sacks: wheat. 690 centals; barley, 8435 centals: oats. 430 centals; potatoes. 8915 sacks: bran. 1220 sacks: middlings. 145 sacks: hay, 701 tons: wool. 108 bales. Wool at St. Loots. ST LOUIS. July 26 Wool Steady. Ter rltorv and Western mediums, 20 0 24c; nne ...Tl".im. ie20-: 6". l"1lfe. ALL REPORTS GOOD Rosy Outlook for Business in Every Branch of Trade. - BIG CROPS ARE ASSURED Iron and Steel Industry Is Oversold and Prices Are Advancing Buy ing for Fall Trade Expanding. Scarcity of Labor Reported. NEW YORK. July 26. Bradstreet's to morrow will say: This week's reports furnish a veritable budget of' good news. Practically every crop proapect pleases, current trade Is of seasonable volume, buying for Fall- is ex pending, the iron and steel Industry is over sold, labor I. scarce, the railroads are pre paring for a heavy trafTIc in the Autumn, gross earnings are Improving, no one seems much concerned about political matters and although retail dealers have to cut prollta in order to move stocks, business has been stimulated. Expansion in trade is most visible in the Northwest and sections cater ing thereto. Eastern centers note an up lift. Premiums to be paid for prompt shipment of steel products and advances are noted on wire, skelp and light rails, while the scarcity of labor, which commanns relative ly good prices, tends to restrict outputs. New business Is somewhat under ship ments, but railroad buying of cars is more liberal. Pig Iron Is higher and in the West It is more active. Business failures in the United States tor the week endlnn July 25 were 252.. against 2S3 last week, 241 in the like Week of 1911, 200 in 1900. 263 In 1909 and 273 in 1908. Bu.lne.a failures In Canada for the week number 26 which compared with 22 laat week and 22 in the corresponding week of last year. Wheat. Including flour exports from the united states and Canada ror tne week enu in July 23 aggregate 2.056.936 bushels. sgalnst 1.9S4.4W last week and 2,514,204 this week last year. Corn exnorts for the week are 99.262 bush els. against 44,394 last week and 350,098 In 191L LARGE RAILROAD TRAFFIC PROMISED Increased Purchasing of Equipment a. Re sult of Big Crops. NEW YORK, July 56. R. G. Dun & Co.' weekly review tomorrow will say: Statistics of trade movement, tell of a volume of business quite up to normal. That Industrial llnea are well employed is Indi cated by the advances In products of Iron and steel and by the better demand and higher prices this week for Conner. Generally excellent crop prospects promise a larger traffic over the rallroada and In creased purchasing of equipment Is noted a. a result. During the week orders for about 10.000 cars and 30O locomotives were placed, while the buying movement Is expected to gain momentum at an early date. A moderate trade Is noted In cotton goods. Numerous buyers ' are In the market and show some anxiety as to supplies for future requirements, as stocks In all positions are believed to be very small. The demand for woolens Is about all that could be desired and raw wool 1. readily taken at the higher prices asked. The shoe trade makes a further gain this week. ' Bank Clearing. NEW YORK. July 26. Bradstreet's bank clearings report for the week ending July 25 shows an aggregate of $2,825,936,000, as against $3,163,750,000 last week and $2. 952,638,000 In the corresponding week last year. F. u. Inc. New York $1,593,765,000 "9.7 Chicago 270.4SS.OO0 "2.9 Boston 155.865.000 9.1 Philadelphia 141 126,000 3J0 Ht. Louis 67.6S6.O00 Kansas City 46.662.000 4.3 Pittsburg 10.2 San Franciaco 47.1!n,000 13.6 Baltimore 33,2tl3.ooo ".8 Cincinnati 23,951,000 . 9.6 Minneapolis 17.1H7.0OO 14.5 New Orleans 1K.463.000 37.0 Cleveland 21.352.000 5. Detroit 10.9X4,000 l.vi Los Anxeles 20.179.000 13 Omaha 15.548.000 13.7 Milwaukee 13.157.000 3.3 Louisville 11.891.000 .1 Atlanta 9.404.0O0 20.0 Portland 9,679,000 ,7 Seattle 7.4 St. Paul 10.558.000 4.9 Buffalo 9.819,000 6.3 Denver 8.161. OitO 4.1 Indianapolis 8.610.000 2.2 Prov dence 6.SS 1.000 Richmond 7.H3O.OO0 11.3 Washington. D. C 6.73B.OO0 10.5 MemDhls 3.S64.O00 38.2 St. Joseph 6.036.000 15.9 Salt Lake. City 5.137.000 12.0 Fort Worth 5.30S.OOO 38.8 Albany 6.301,000 9.9 Columbus 6.061.00O 1.5 Savannah 3,307,000 30 Toleiln 4.99S.OOO 11.2 Nashville S.OBO.OOO, 23.6 Hartford 4.iH3.ooo 3.3 Spokane. Wash 3,368.000 3.2 Tacoma 3,9:11,000 9.0 Des Moines 3,705.000 6.3 Oakland. Cat 3.172.000 '3.'! San Diego. Cal 2,2n.-,.00O 50.9 Sacramento. Cal 1. i-s.ooo Stockton. Cal 796 uOO 16.3 Boise. Idaho 712.000 13.7 Ogden. Utah 421,000 Decrease. SIOGK TRADE SLUGGISH TENDENCY OF PRICES IS UP WARD BUT UNCERTAIN. Bear Faction Is in Existence Hill Issues Prominent for Their Consistent Strength. NEW YORK. July 2. The pro mi 83 held out In yesterday's late rise on the stock exchange waa hardly fulfilled today. While the tendency was again upwara, tne move ment was so alurfftsh. and for the most part uncertain, as to Indicate the existence of a formidable bear faction. Optimism, provoked by the General Elec trie stock dividend, suffered severe set back when that Issue fell sharply to almost seven points below the previous day's best price, the action of the directors evidently being regarded as having no direct bearing upon industrials. United States Steel rose up to yester day's flgrures early in the day, with other active stocks, but tne aavance soon causea some reaction. Aside from the Hill shares, which were aafn prominent for their consistent strength, most ot todays gains were in stocks of a special or Inactive character. National Biscuit Issues have steadily de niind since last weeK and added ma terially to the loss on rumors affect ins; its dividend Local money conditions were unchanged, except for greater ease In short-time loans and a hardening- of rates for four to six months. Clearing-house banks are again likely to gain considerable cash and a further contraction of loans is probable. In the bond market one point decline in Oregon Short Line refunding fours waa the feature. Total sales, par value. $1,618,000. United States Government bonds were un changed. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing gales. High. Low. Bid. Amalpper V. "', Vob "3H 2 Am AirVcnJ .. 100 60 60S 60 Am Beet Sugar. 1.100 .3 72 ArSefJcan Can.. 2,70 36 36'. Am Car ft Fdy.. 300 50 69 3S ArS Cotton Oil- 400 53 53 j2H inlfcef-SOO M 6S Am Linseed Ji2 m Locomotive. 200 4SH 4.1 H il Am Smel ft Ref 1.800 4 S3 83 do preferred J2P Am Steel Fdv 35 Am Susar Kef.. 700 128 127. 12j Am Tel Tel.. 400 14S' 14SH 145 ,m fohacco pf. 100 107V 107 17 An"acondaeM Col ' V.000 '4i 'H 41' Achl. . .... S.200 108?. 106 10 do preterrea . 7 . Atl Coast Line.. 600 14t 14"V 140 Ba'll Ohio ... S00 loyj 109? W EWthlclism Steel . 1" ?5H 3o; - IT I fiio 92 H Canadian Fac .. Central Leather. do preferred. . Central of N J.. Chea ft Ohio . . . Chicago ftAlton Chi Gt West .. do preferred.. Chicago ft X W C. M ft St Paul. C, C C ft 5 U.. Col Fnel Iron Col Southern.. Consol Gas Corn Products .. Del ft Hudson.. D ft R Grande.. do preferred.. Distillers' Secur 5.4O0 . 00 266H 27 185! 27 , 400 "ioo 1.100 S.100 1.700 800 TOO 100 200 900 Erie 3.000 do 1st pf .... 800 do 2d pf General Elec ... 5.700 Gt North Pf .. . . 18.600 600 3in Too. ioo 200 300 900 700 500 2,300 300 2.5O0 2,900 300 Gt North Ore Illinois Central. Interbor Met ... do preferred. . Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pf Int Psper Int Pump Iowa Central . . . K C Southern.. do preferred.. Laclede Gas ... Louis ft Nash.. Minn ft St L M. S P ft S S M Mo, Kan ft Tex do preferred.. Mo Pacific Nat Biscuit ... National Lead .. N Ry Mex 1 pf N T Central . . . N Y. Ont ft Wei Norfolk ft West North American Northern Pac .. Pacific Mail Pennsylvania ... 600 People's Gas P. C C ft St L.. 200 Pittsburg Coal. . 100 Ry Steel Sprlntr. 100 Heading Republic tteel .. do preferred.. Rock Island Co. do preferred.. S L ft S F 2 pf St L Southwest.. do preferred.. S'.ose Sheffield .. Southern Pac .. Southern Ry ... do preferred.. Tenn Copper . .. Texas ft Pacific. Tol. St L ft Wes do preferred 81 'if" 140 104 144 H 14 168 U. 19 35 32 36 53 184 141 43 132 20. 68 120 16 15 265 261, '.to . . . 3P5 S0i' . 80H 158 1! 148 27 17 1394 103 144 . 14 .167! 19 35 32 3i 03 1814 139 H 43 131 20 .18 120 16 14 24 167 19 147 27 36 134 59 36 129 56 600 116 116 300 800 16.700 33.000 300 6"0 200 2ft0 20O 200 200 1.700 900 100 300 400 inn 200 117 83 124 116 81 123 41,600 70 70 2.000 200 1,300 '"ioo 300 62 49 4 'si'" 80 S2 ies" 31 20 '23i 53 Union Pacific . . 21.400 do preferred.. 100 V S Realty 300 U s rtuooer .. TJ S Stft .... do preietren Utah Copper ... 400 Va-Caro' Chem.. 20 Wabath 200 do preferred Western Md ... 500 Westing Elec ,. 6,000 Western Union.. 200 Wheel ft L E Lehigh Chlno Copper . . Ray Consols . . . Am Tobacco ... Seaboard Airline do preferred.. . Total sales for the day, 24; BONOS. Furnished by. Overbeck & Portland. ' Amer Tel & Tel conv 4s....: American Tobacco 4s American Tobacco 6s Atchison general 4s Atchison conv 4s Atchison adj 4s stamped.... Atchison conv 5s At Coast Line cons 4s. ..... . At Coast Line "L ft N coll" Baltimore ft Ohio 3s Baltimore ft Ohio 4s Brooklyn Rapid Transit 4s.. Can Southern first 6s Chesapeake ft Ohio 48.... C B ft Q sen mtg 4s C B ft Q Joint 4s C B ft Q Ills 4s. . C B & Q Denver 4s Central Pacific fisrt 4s Chlcaao ft East Ills 4s Chicago R I ft P ref 4s Chicago R I ft P Col trust 4s. Colorado & Southern first 4s. Denver ft Rio Grar.de 4s Delaware & Hudson conv 4s.. Erla first cons P L 4s Int Met 4s Japanese 4s Japanese first 4s Japanese second 4s Louisville & Nashville unl 4s. Mo Kan & Tex 4s Missouri Pacific 4s New York Central 3s New York City 4s. New York City 4s of 1957.. Norfolk ft Western conv 4s.. N Y Ont 4 W 4s Northern Pacifio P L 4s Northern pacific 3s Oregon Short Line 4s Oregon Railway ft Nav 4s. . . Penna Ry 4s of 1948 123 123 107 20 36 164 '84 48 Vs 34 32 73 55 110 28 77 42 21 13 31 16S 90 S2 107 20 36 165 '84 25 . 48 34 32 73 55 110 29 77 43 21 13 T. 32 169 90 82 61 49 4 "50' ' 79 82 167 31 20 '23 68 23 17 S3 139 103 59 SO - 40 144 1 167 18 35 32 35 52 43 192 140 43 132 20 58 120 18 15 26 18 24 56 106 158 19 147 2T -60 36 132 5S 30 115 32 116 82 123 31 123 116 106 20 35 14 26 e4 24 48 34 32 73 64 109 2J 7 42 21 13 31 169 00 S3 52 70 112 61 4! 4 13 58 80 82 167 31 20 300 23 ,200 shares. Cooke Co., of Reading general 4s. Republic of Cuba os Southern Pacific first ref 4s. Southern Pacific col 4s Southern Railway 4s St L ft S F ref 4s Union Pacific first 4s Union pacific ref 4s United States Steel S F 5s.... United States 2s registered.... United States 2s coupon United States 3s registered... United States 3s coupon United States 4a registered... United States 4s ooupon...... United Railway S F 4 United Railway St L 4s Wabash first 4s Western Union 4s We.itlnghouse conv 5s Western Pacific 5s Wisconsin Central 4s West Shore 4b Bid. ..114 .. WO . .121 ... 97 ..IOS . 89 ..107 .. 94 s. 94 .. 91 .. 97 .. 92 ..100 .. ( .. 95 .. 96 .. 9!l .. 95 .. 94 .. 78 .. 88 .. ex . . 95 .. 85 . 98 . 89 . 82 . 84 . 91 . 90 - 9SH . 87 . 71 . 87 . 93 .106 .' ii " . 98 . 6S . -93 . 94 .102 . 97 .103 . 94 . 90 . 78 . 7S .100 . 76 .102 , .100 .100 .102 .102 .113 .113 '. 7K . 68 . 97 . 94 . S3 . 91 . 99. Asked. 115 97Z 108 90 107 95 94 91 97 92 IOO" 9.1 90 99 95 95 88 68 95 86 98 89 82 87 9Z 91 98 S8 78 87 94 10 116 93 98 69 94 94 104 07 104 94 90 78 79 100 77 102 101 101 102 102 114 114 66 68 98 95 83 92 100 Stock, at Boston. BOSTON. July 26. Closing quotations:- Allouez 46 iMohawk 67 Amalg Copper.. 82 Nevada Con 20 A Z L ft Sm... 31Nlpissing Mines. 7 Arizona Com .. 6North Butte 30 B ft C C ft Sm. 7:North Lake 5 Cal & Arizona.. 75 Old Dominion... 56 Cal 4 Hecla 521 (Osceola 117 Centennial 2:)'Qulncy 90 Cop Ran Con Co 57 'Shannon ....... 17 E Butte Cop M. 13Superlor 48 Franklin 11 Pup ft Boa Mln.. 1 Giroux Con 4 Tamarack 41 Granby Con ... 54 U S S R ft M... 45 Greene Cananea. 10 do preferred... 49 I Royalle (Cop) 35'Utah Con ...... 13 Kerr Lake 36ViUtah Copper Co. 61 Lake Copper 36Winona 6 La Salle Copper 6 Wolverlne lOi Money, Exchange, Etc - NEW YORK. July 26. Money on call, steadv, 2ft2 per cent; ruling rate. 2 par cent: closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, easy: 60 days, 393 per cent; 90 days, 3S3 per cent; aix months, 4'4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. ,4 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at 4.85 for 60-day bills and at $4.8770 for demand. " Commercial bills. $4.84. Bar silver, 60e Mexican dollars. 48c. Government sands, steady; railroad bond., easy. LONDON. July 26. Bar sliver steady. 27d per ounce. Money. 202 per ceru The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 3 per cent; for three months' bills, 81-18 per c.n SAN FRANCISCO. July 26. Sterling oa London Sixty days. $4.85; do, sight, $4.88 Silver bars, 60 c Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts, sight 2c telegraph 5c. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, July 26. At the begin ning of business today the condition of the United States Treasury was: Working balance In Treasury of- .,. flees 94.054.141 In banks and Philippine Treasury 35.635.339 Total of the general fund 159.S24.52-! Receipts yesterday 2.607.571 Disbursements yesterday 2 242.359 Deficit to date this fiscal year. $3.7 1 8,235, as against a deficit of $17,859,389 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt 'transactions. Metal Market. NEW YORK, July 26. Copper. quiet Standard, spot. 17 17.50c; July. August, September and October, 17.27 17.50c ; electrolytic and lake, 17e: casting, 179 17c Tin. strong. Spot and July. 44.254T44.75c; August, 44.12 6 44.75c; September, 43.95 44.33c. Lead, quiet. 4.60 4.75c. Spelter, firm. 7.16 g 7.30c. Antimony, quiet. Cookson's, 8.23c Iron, quiet, unchanged. Arrivals of copper today, 55 tons; exports this month. 23.600 tons. London, copper steady; snot, 78 12s 6d; futures. 78 15s. London tin strong: spot. 202 10s: futures. 200. London lead. 18 12s 6d. London spelter. 26 5s. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 07a 10d In London. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. July 26. Turpentine firm. iiLi... uIh 435: receipts. 692: shipments. 6T.1: stocks, 31.900. , . Kosin nrm: saiea. --"" icvcv.. -"24, shipments. 1500; stocks 10T,o00. Quote: B. $6 25fl8.S5: I. $6.0A.6a: E. $6.70P6.75: F $6.85- G. H. I. 6.85'S6.90: K. $6,856 103; M. $6.90 A 7.20: N. $7.277.30; WG. $7.55; WW, $7.70; London Wool Sales. LONDON. July 26. Offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 8900 bales. The selection waa In good condition and competition was spirited at steady prices. Americans bought cross-breds and the con tinent secured most of the merinos brought i"-ird. : BUYING FOR EXPORT Foreign Demand for Wheat Lifts Prices at Chicago. : FORTY BOAT LOADS TAKEN Bulls Are Also Aided by Black Rust Reports From the . Caandtan NorthwestSeptember Gains' Over a Cent. CHICAGO, July 26. Export sales of 40 boatloads helped today to, give the wheat market a hoist. Higher Liverpool cable, brought about a strong start, traders gen erally recognising there was a lively chance of export business. Reports of heavy rains delaying harvest in Russia were given more attention than would usually have been the case. The market, however, developed a tendency at times to esse back, owing to further favorable advices regarding the Spring crop outlook. Sentiment In favor of the bull side did not gain full possession of the pit until the last hour. The reason was that, aimuttaneous with the export buying, the wires were hot with dispatches telling of black rust In the Canadian Northwest. Rains in Kansas and Nebraska discour aged speculative holders) of corn. The bulge in wheat resulted, temporarily. In a firmer tone. Weather that favored bringing In new oats for immediate delivery had a depress ing effect on quotatlona, especially the July option. - Provisions advanced with hogs and be cause of the lighter run at Western pack ing centers. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. ; July Sept. Dec. May July Sept. Dec. May July Sept. Dec. May Sept. Oct. July Sept. . Oct. . . Jan. . . Open. High. Low. I .6 $ .97 $ .96 .03 .94 .92 .95 .96 .93 .99 1.00 .99 CORN. .72 .72 .71 .65 .86 .65 .5tl .56 .55 .57 .57 .57 OATS. .50 .50 .46 .83 .33 .32 .34 .34 .84 .36 .37 .36 Close. I .96 .93 96 1.01) .71 .65 .58 .57 .46 .33 .84 .36 PORK. ..18.02 18.22. .38.02 18.20 18.07 .. ..18.40 18.25 18.50 LARD. 18.07 18.25 18.35 18.50 ...10.72 10.75 10.65 10.75 ...10.82 10.S2 10.72 10.82 ...10.85 10.35 10.23 10.32 SHORT R1B3. Sept 10.60 10.65 10.53 10.62 Oct. 10.55 10.57 10.50 10.57 Jan 9.65 ' 9 65 9.35 9.62 Cash quotatlona wera a follow.: Flour Steady. Rye No. 2. 74c Barley Feed or mixing, new, EO60c; fair to choice malting, new, 6076e. Timothy seed SS.507.O0. Clover seed $10.00(616.00. Mess pork $17.77 3 18.00. Lard (In tierces). $10.62. - Short .ribs (Loose). S10.55. Total clearance, of wheat and flour were equal to 139.000 bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradstreet's. were equal to 2.057.0OO bushels. Primary receipts were 1,322.000 bushels, compared with l.aus.uuu bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 346 cara; corn, 146 cara; oats, 107 cars; hogs, 8000 beadj : Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. July 26. Wheat Spot quotations: Walla Walla. $1.55 1.57 per cental: red Russian. $1.57 & 1.60; Turkey red. $1.7001.76; bluestem. 1.501.65 per cental. Barley Feed, 1.251.27 per cental. Oats White, $1.8091.85 per cental. Bran $27.60S2S.CO ton. Middlings $36.0037.OO per ton. fihorts $32.0O32.60 per ton. Call board saleJ.- Wheat Deccmoe.-. $1.47 per cental bid, $1.48 asked. Barley D.cembor, $1.27 per cental; May, $1.32. .; European Grain Markets. LONDON, July 26. Cargoes, quiet: Walla Walla. September-October shipment, 37s 9d. English .country markets quiet. French country marketa, quiet. ' LIVERPOOL. July 26. Close: Wheat, July 7s ftd; October 7. 8d;-Xiecember, 7. ld. Weather, clear. .Washington Grain Crop Large. SEATTLE. July 26. Washington's 1912 wheat crop will total about 38.000.000 bush els. 4,060.000 bushels more than last year, according to the estimate made by C J. Hoist, chief grain inspector of the Public Service Commission. Figures obtained from all parts ot the state indicate a crop o! 8.500.000 bushels of oats and 5.000.000 bush els of barley. Newspaper reports from the fruit districts Indicate large yieias 01 au kinds of fruit. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, July 26. Close: Wheat, July, $1.05; September, 95c; December, 95c; May, 99c. Cash: No. 1 hard, $1.06: No. 1 Northern $1.0501.05; No. 2 Northern, $1.03 a L03 ; No. 3 wheat, $1.0101-01. Flax $1.96. Barley 4695c. Corn No. 2 yellow, 76U76c Oats No. 3 white, 4647c Rye No. 2, TO 71c Pnget Sound Wheat Markets. TACOMA, July 26. Spot wheat: Blre atem, 95c; club, 91c; September, bluestem, 85c; club. 81c Receipts, wheat 4 cars, corn 2 cara, SEATTLE, July 26. Wheat New crop, bluestem. 83c; club, Fife and forty-fold, 80c, red Russian. 78c. Yesterday's car receipts, wheat 24, hay 21, barley 2, flour 2, corn 1. WOOL 18 LESS ACTIVE AT BOSTON Sale. Are Smaller, but Firmer Price. Are Maintained. BOSTON, July 26. The Commercial Bui lutln will aav tomorrow: The Boston wool market has passed throueh another quiet. Inactive weeK. Trans actions have not been so large and the total volume of wool held is somewhat less than a week ago. largely accounted for by the absence of the large buyers, who oper ated heavily laat week. Despite a smbou? 1ms demand, orlces are well maintained. and on all sales the full range of a week ago ha. been received. A. laat week, irau Ing In territory wool has been confined largely to original bags, on which prices are firm. At London prices are generally firm, al though some evidence of weakness was ap parent the first; of the week. American buyer, have continued to operate well on the better gr.de. of cross-breds. . Cottee and Sngar. NEW YORK, - July 26. Coffee futures cloeed steady within three or four points of the best at a net gain of from 7 to 13 points. July. 13.10c; August, 13.12c: Sep tember, 13.22c; October, 13.29c; November, 13.34c: December, 13.40c; January, 13.43c; February. 13.41c; March, 13.53c; April. 13.65e; May and June, 13.57c Spot quiet. Rio 7s, 1414c. Santos 4s. 16c; mild quiet. Cordova, 1618c; nominal. . Raw sugar steady; Muscovado. 89 test, 3.55c; centrifugal. 96 test. 4.05c; molasses. 89 test, 3.30c; refined steady. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. July 26. Butter Steady; creameries. 28 9 25c; dairies. 21 '5.24c. Eggs Steady: receipts. 9455 : at mark, cases Included. 1516c; ordinary firsts. 16 c; firsts. 18c. Cheese Steady; daisies. 15 BIS; twins, 14 3 15c: young Americas. 15tf lSc; long horns, 15 g!5c Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. July 26. Evaporated ap ple Quiet. Fancy. 910c; choice, 89 9c:'prlm. -Tj;7c PrGnes Quiet, .te.dy. Callfornias up to 30-40s. 369e: Oregons. 69c Peaches-lnactlve. Choice. 6fec: ex tra choice. 767jfancy17l9c. v Duluth Fimx Market. DULUTH. July 26. Linseed on track and to arrive $1.90: In store. uJly, 1.90 asked; September, $1.90 bid; October. $L8L New York Cotton. Market. KEW YORK. July IS. Spot cotton closed very steady. Middling uplands. 13c: do. enlf 1", 'V,- .!e. 12" h-l-. Future closed THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital ..... $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. ArVSWORTIT. Preeldent. It. W. SCHMEER. Ca.hler. R. LEA BARJfES, Vlce-Prealdent A. M. WRIGHT. Aaalatant Cahler. W. A. HOLT. Asaiatant Caakler. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES LUMBERMENS National Bank DIRECTORS. GEORGE G. BINGHAM P. S. BRl'MBV E. G. CRAWFORD JOHN A. KEATING , . DR. K. A. J. MACKENZIE ROBERT TREAT PLATT CHAS. F. RT-?SELL J. E. WHEELER . G. K. WFA'TWORTH - LLOYD J. WENTWORTH ADOLPHE WOLFE Capital - - SI, 000,000 LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Burplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of eredit, drafts and traveler checks issued, avail able in all parts of the orid. OFFICERS W. M. Ladd, IVeatdent- Robert S. Howard, Aaat. Cable Edward Cookingbam. VteeFr. J. W. La (Id. Aast. Cashier. W. II. Doncklel, Caahier. Mklter M. Cak. At. CaaUelw First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1S6T. Head Office Toronto, Canada. w York 18 Exchange Place. Komi on 2 Lombard Street. nvr two hundred other branches in the United States and Canada irvfrv rare taken of collections Drafts on all foreign countries and princYpaf citils in United states and Canada bought and sold, and a gen eral banking business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and? Special Deposit.. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C. MALPAS, Manager. steady j to T points hlnher. July, 12.51c: Vueust. 12.52c; September. 12.80c; October, : i in- number. 12.74c: January. 12.7U; ' February. 12.73c; March, 12.92C1 May. 1-. CT'C. . Hons at New York. KEW TORK. July 26 Hops easy; Pa cific Coast, mil. 27 31c. Chehalis Man Out for Senator. .TT-dTAT.TC! TT7nh JlllV 26. (SDe- ciai.) a. E. Judd, a well-known Che halis real estate and insurance man, has announced his candidacy for State Senator for Lewis uouniy on me jjem- ,i ,ii,t Mr .Tiwld is the only ouraui. , ....... - - Democrat to file thus far for a Legis lative position. He is president of the Citizens' Club of this city and one of the active factors in the development of the county. T. J. Long, a well- known farmer, wnose rarm u J.C.WILSON&CO. STOCKS, BOXDS. GRAIN ASD COTTOS MEMBEKs NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE, CHICAGO BOARD OK TRADE. THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE, SAN FRANCISCO. ' PORTLAND OrFICE : Main Floor Lumbermens Bank Bldg. Fifth and stars. Phones Marshall 4120. A 4187. Ceres, has announced his candidacy for County Commissioner from thu Sec ond District on the Democratic ticket. Mr. LOTfg has previously served in this capacity. India's (tOTernment estimates the cost of building Delhi at S20.000.000 Other esti mates reach t50.000.O00, and even .0, Why do auto mobilists pre fer bitulithic pavement? Because they never find any chuck holes in it.