r "" 1 X V I . THE MOBMXG OKEGOXLVX. FRIDAY, JULY 36, 1912. s r"""""""""""""""""" - 1 1 1 - - ' " ' . . . KTmAVfilC FOB SAUL AMrM , HHTOOWnCM. ,, BE.U. ESTATE. I For Sale-Acreag.. '?orruR prices HEILIG THEATER Tin and Taylor Phone.: Mala 1. A 1123- . TONIGHT T?GMTRROW SPECIAL. PRICK MAT. TOMORROW CATHRINE COUNTISS In tha Brilliant Comedy "A Woman's Way'? Erenlnga. Tic 50c. SSe. 2Se. Saturday Matin.. ISOc. 25c. NEXT WEEK. BEGINNING SUNDAY The comedy. "Merely Mary Ann. Seat, Selling tor Both Play. MAIS , A . MAII.MB I"l ai ia(!r AX NIGHTS: Mr. tie. Me. W EEK JCII S2 Bertha Kalieh. Chick -tie. LrtUa laon. Kallii Giiltlnl. Bobbe fid Dnie. Reidy and Currier. Wlnalow and ryker. Orchestra. Ptrturea. "VfiTINEE- DA1LX h"KEK JTI.Y II "The Holdup." Howard "i iwwrm, j ue i i.ur .,,.... . ... . . It-non. Bankoff and Belmont. Panlaees brrhratra. Pupalar Price.. Box olc pen IU A. M. to 1U 1 - wui I. -1 I rl.nn... A 2236. lain jtntii. Curtain 2:30. 3:30. 9. Matinee Every Day, Nights Matinee 10 and 20c Any Seat 10c iellT and .Vllrfpr, La Roy-Harvey Co., I anion ana 11 anion. j. mwio, .Lino re. OrcheMra, Pictures. Yjfe OAKS ! POKTLAXD'S GREAT AMUSE- ME.T PARK. Bljr Free ProaTmmm of Outdoor Acta enters. enters, circus. 4 P. M. and 8:30 P. M. Bnrd Ogle'a Ooe-Rins Cirrus best in the country. very afternoon and evening. Real circus band. All tree. Educated ! and Fonlee Big act. Funnle.1 ol Clowns. Oak. Park Band. every afternoon and night. BASEBALL RECReVtIOX PARK. Cor. Vaughn anil Twenty-fourth Sta. SACRAMENTO PORTLAND Jl l-Y 2.1, 24, --. 2tt, 27. 2S. . Games Beclo .Vrrkdaya at VttOO P. M. Sunday mt 2:.'Et P. M. LAPIkiy DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers V n e s d y FUNERAL NOTICES. PT?KS The funeral of the late prtrand E. Fiske. who died in this city July 23. take pfafe tomorrow (Saturday at 2:30 P. M. from the chapel of Skewes lndr taklng Company, corner Third and Clay, concluding aorvtrca at the rortland Cre matorium by Waahlnaton lod?te No. 4t. A. F. and A. M. Friendu and actiuaintancf a kindly invited to attend. ABMEYER In thla city, llinry John Ah mrrr. belovd ion of Mr. and Mr. Abrnpyer. aged 7 year 6 months S days. Funeral will be held Saturday. July 2., from ihe St. Francis Church at 10 A. M. Remains at the private rerptfnn room of the East Side Funral Directors. 414 Ea?n Alder street. Interment Mount Cal vary Cemetery. WALKER In thfa city. July 22. Claude H. Walker, aged 4 years J months rt days. Funeral from the family residence. 92 Fast 17 th at.. North, at 2 P. M. today fFrtdav. Julv thonoe to the Atkinson Memorial Church. Fast Everett and East 2!th sts North, where funeral services will be held at 2:30 P. M. - rienda invited. ST PKPOLE At the residence of her daughter. rti Belmont. July 24, Mrs. Kivira J. Stackpole. aed 74 years 11 months 1ft days, mother of Mrs. A. Thur low and F. C. StacKpole. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at P. M. tomorrow (Saturday), July 27. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. Please omit flowers. SIMPSON The funeral services of the late Lewis Simpson will be held at Holman's Funeral parlors at 2 P. M. tomorrow i Saturday . Friends Invited. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. BRODIE The funeral services nf the late Mrs. Georgia S. Brodte will be held at Holmans funeral parlors, at 10 A M. tooav i Friday). July 2rt- Fri-nds Invited, interment Mt. Scott Park Cemetery. Serv ices at the grave private. HEWITT The funeral services of Pearl Hewitt, beloved wife of Arthur L, Hewitt, will be he'rl at Holman's funeral parlors at 2 30 P M. todav (Friday.. Friends in- vlted. Interment Rose City Cemetery. LEV ENS In this city, at IS". lth street. James C. Lev-ns. aed .1.. years 4 months and 5 da vs. Remains at the establishment of J P. Finley A Son. Third and Madwon streets. Funeral notice will appear in a subsequent Issue. H CHUTE In this elty. at hts late residence. f.4 East Tavlor street. Charles Tarkes Haue aaed 63 years months and '21'. day. Funeral notice will appear In a subsequent issue. BOVSER The funeral srvlrs of the late William Bonser will be held today Frl liy) at 1 P at Finley's chapel. Friends Invited. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery MEMORIAL PertUnd Marble ;M 1th. opposite City Hall, t.stah. lrtHA. MONl'-MFNTS Otto Schumanii Marble Work. aq ana ' lur "' mu vnu' iHl) HOLM AN, the leadina fu neral director and undertaker. 2 Third at-. rorurr Mimna. iay Punnlnc McEntee, Fnenl 1)1 rector. :th ini W I'hone Main i4W. Lady at tendant. Qgtce or touniy Z k-u a III1 J TV illUma mvm Phooe Eaat 1US8. C loAw. I.ady attendant. j p FINLEY A SON. d and Ma.li&on, Lady attendant. Pbone Main . A IM9. FAST SIOE Funeral lirecor. successors n F. S. numitnc. Inc.. E. 5S. B 2323. LEKCH. Vndertaker. cor. Kaat Alder and SUtb. Eat TH. B IffL Iitly attendant. SKEWFS COMPANY. Sd and Clay. Main (1. A Lady attendant. CEMETERY Beautiful Mount Scott Park Portland w Perpetual Car Cemetery. One Mile Southeaat Lenta. Large, permanent, picturesque, mod ern. Perpetual tare without extra charge. Prices, moderate; service ex cellent: every convenienre in ue. in cluding large luxuriously furnished rest rooms for visitors. Reached hy Mount Soott and Cazadero cars. Free auto service. Both phones. City office. PJrt-2i Yeon Bldy. LONE FIR CEMETERY 500 choice lots and single graves on new ground for sale. Office 206 Commercial Blk. Telephone Main 4939. iLmptess 5 1 Sullivan Con.loUn. J7 Refined VaodevUU Special Summer Prices: AX. KADER TEMTLB A. A. O. X. JC S. Stated ses sion Saturday, July 17, at p. jf. Ylsltinc nobles cour teously iDTltad to Da present. By order of Illustrious Po tentate. HUGH J. BOTT. Recorder. ALL- BROTHER EAGLES axe requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, Jamea C Leveas, on Sun da v, July 2S. The aerie will meet at the Eaa-les Hail. Marquam building, at l o'clock P. M. sharp, to march from there to Fin lay's Undertaking Parlors, where funeral services will be held. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. LOUIS B. DAMMASCH. Secretary. J. H. UPTON. Vice-President, WASHINGTON XODGE No. 46, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Friday . 1:30 P. M.. East Eighth and Burnslds streets, to conduct the funeral of Rrothcr I'laud II. Walker, late of Capital Lodge. No. 110. Des Moines, Iowa. A full attendance desired. Visiting breth ren invited. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Scretry. PORTLAND LODGE. NO; 55, A. F. AND A- Special com munication this evening at 7;.;0 o'clock. Masonic Temple.. Work In M. M- degree. Address to class by Brother B. S. Josselyn. Vis itors welcome. By order W. M. C. M. ST E A DM AN. Secretary. MYRTLE CHAPTER No. 15. O. E. S. Regular meeting this (Fri day) evening In Masonic Temple at S o'clock. Degrees. By order of W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAT, Sec WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 4S. A- F. AND A. M. Special 7 evening. 7:30 and ft o'clock. East Eighth and Burnsiae. c. A. ana F. C. degrees. A'lsitors welcome. Order w. ji. J. H. RICHifOND. Secretary. HASSALO LODGE, NO. 15. I. p. O. F.. meets this (Friday) evening, at 8 o clocK. In Oddfellows' Temple, corner First and Al der streets. Work In the third degree. Vis itors welcome. F. COZENS. Secretary. NEW TODAY. TO LOAN $20,000 to $40,000 6 On good, inside real estate. OREGON REALTY CO., 43 Fourth St. Marshall 3790, A 3324. LOOK LOOK $500 Reriw in Advance On a $3200 Deal Two NEW 4-room bungalows with bath and toilet, besides full cement basement. Gas, electric llpht. water, laundry travs. wood lift. One corner 61'd and Hovt. One corner 63d and Hoyt. One block from tax. Both Rented $ 1 5 Month One tenant will pay $500 rent In ad vance; $2700 cash required. ' SOS AblnaTtoB Blrifr. Mortgage Loans S50,tM)0 aad Over on CENTRAL HCSIXES9 PROPERTY. LOVVKST CIUHE.VT HATES. WM. M ACM ASTE R 71 Corbett Bids- MORTGAGE LOANS On first-class improved city property. 5 to 7 per cent. Farm Loans. A. H. BLURELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark. $75 PER ACRE 330 acres, on carline, near city, good terms. Investigate. MOODY LAND COMPANY, 1016 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 37. Russell St. Brick Corner 50x90 corner with 4-story brick building, income $210 per month. Price $.12,000. half cash, balance li per cent One of tne best business corners In Alblna. GRfSSI A HOLDS, SIS Board of Trade Bids;. 4th and Oak. I own large tract Fine Bottom Land Platted. Close to Portland. "Will trade half interest, party to take active in terest. AP 207, Orejroniiiii. fOLLIS, BERRIDGE A THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 114 Worcester Block. Ptm Ml St MORTGAGE LOANS Kpf JOKM E. CRONAN, HOI $J JO 902 Spnl dlny BIdx. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BRl'BAKER St BENEDICT, 502 McKay bldg.. M. MW. Rrk wtillim G.. 315-311. FaUinsf bid. Chap'ln A Hcrlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce I OOK, H. t. t-".. omo i-Oioeit "'US-T-i.ninf. . ain 1SS 208 Oreaonlan. PA LM KR-.TONES CO.. H. P.. 404-403-406 Wilcox bldg. The orenron Keal Ktat Co.. Orand ava.. at Multnomah t. (Holladay Addition.) REAL ESTATE, For Sale Lota. I handle - PORTLaAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY Both high-class and cheap property, and 1 bave the bargains In this district; if you want to buy to advantage on Port land Heights you will have to aea me. Marshall 4S27 BROOK. E. A 3839. 3 LOTS. TEXT-HOUSE. $.V down. mo., corner one block to Rm. citv Park car. not far out: water In: a snap for someone. Jaa. C. Logan, blX Spalding Q'cg. , $10 CASH $1 WEEK My beautiful level lot la Keed College dfstrict; large shade trees; without Inter est or taxea. Write owner. AJ 232. Ora- gonian. ' LOTS $10 down and $10 per mo. ; ail im nrovementa oaid: Bull Run water: cement sidewalks etc. . no int.. no taxes and In fine locality; 5c fare. Particulars A -a Oreepnlan. IT'S ONLY CASH. 4SO wIl buy my lot now: full 50x100. near Alherta car. If you want this you will have to act at once, can wooaiawn !W1 or C IM',7. WILL s?Il lot, restricted district, for $37.5. all cash; adjacent lots selling at $H00; this is a sacrifice; the profits are youra. M 23, Oreicor.Ian. FOR SALE Four lots. (Jlenhaven Park, cheap for caah. Call Monday. -53 Al der, room 5. Main 109. LB NOIR A. CO. Dealer In "Wast Sid property. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LOTS S and 4. block 31. Council Crest Fark far aa'e by owner at big bargain- Ail !jn. Oregon lan. FOR SALE One lot on East 2-.th st., near 8. P. Fhopj. Address Louie Johnson. Sher wood. Or.. Rout 5. BIG sacrifice, Wr-jtmoreJan-1. facing Reed College: must sell. Phone Main 3ol7. Mas tvrsen. $.''0 c'APH buys lot 5, block 15. Terrace Park, box 1-7. Wardner. Idaho. A SNAP Lot In Punnysidc. close in, $S50 cash. O Oregonian, 31 rv v it. t ivns worth Just 120 fet off UNION AVE., we have an extra large lot facing two streets. It ia 120- feet from five ctrlin and a new car!iDA will soon run by the lot. The price is down to rock bottom and If you are Interested in businesa property investi gata this immediately. De Young John eon, 514 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROSSMERE ONLY $725, This lot is very cloae in, on East S.th at., and la a very select neighborhood. The owner paid $800 for this lot a year ago-, but must have $725 this week De Young fc Johnson, 514 Chamber of Com merce. 94.4 UlbA AWAI. $5T5 for a $110t lot on Brown at., one and a half blocks from KilUngsworth and Union. You wiU have to hurry. Terms. HIGGINS & BOYER. 300 NORTH WE ST BL MAIN" 4400. TILLAMOOK CITY business lots sale or ex change for Portland property. B 2167. For Sale House. VILLA tract forthe country gentleman. Situated on ona of the great boulevards of the city an ideal homeaite for the man who cares. The best soil in the state and free from gravel and rocks- Water, side walks and paved streets all paid for. This tract lg iv acres and Is Ideally located for a home for the country gentleman. Site for building Is on a beautiful knoll la full view of Mt. Hood and ML St. Helens Fifteen minutes auto ride to business, alfo on best carline in city. Nothing so select and beautiful in or near the city for a beautiful country home. Will gladly take you to see this tract, which has no equal. D 23!.. Oregonlan. - IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Occupied and for sale by owner; fine home, large roorps. sleeping porch, attic and basement, plate glass windows throughout, hardwood floors and stair case, two fireplaces, three porches, hand some lighting fixtures and interior tin'-sh. built-in fireless cooker, gas heater and all oiher modern conveniences, fine garage and well-kpt grounds, Irvington's finest section, adjoining costly homes; for quick sale, price SKtOtt, terms. 412 East ..1st st. North. Phone East 5506. BEAUTIFUL "-room bungalow, all modern and built-in eftecs; finished In white enamel: large basement and furnace: large den or music-room and breakfast rooms; east front; all street improvements in. Near car. $520. Large, beautiful residence, 7 rooms and sleeping porch and attic, large Dutch kitchen; two fireplaces; large lighted clos- eis; east front: all street improvements in. Near car. $i2.i0. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY 2d Floor Selling Bldg Main 1SO0. A. 62C1. BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. Very swell H-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, doubly constructed, polished floors, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, o bedrooms, sleeping porch, in fact nothing missing to make a complete home: also includes linoleum, rugs, gas range- and draperies; on a corner lot, 33 1-3x100, with all street improvements paid; price a snap, $3750: about luuO cash and $0 per month; on Wasco st.. Holladay Park Ad dition; close In. Ask for Mr. Zadow. with GRUSSI &. HOLDS. 318 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. This is a barg.Ua; 2 V -story modern res idence; S bedrooms; each room has a built-in wardrobe, also large clothes closet, with window. 2 toilets, 2 fireplaces, large kitchen and pass pantry, dining and living-room, small den; full cement base ment, with furnace, wash trays and fruit and vegetable closets, combination artistic light fixtures, window shades, wir screens and doors; 50x100 lot. lo-ft. al Kvs, beautiful lawn and garden; best car service in city; price SjlUU. terms. Owner, 1135 Rodney ave. Phone Woodlawn 22.1. TT-r-kT? atalA Kir Aurnar lO-TOOm hoUSe. 15 IJlIn utes walk Postoffice; highest up, close-in pruperty Portland; see every building any sixe, mountains, rivers; never-to-bo-obstructed view; porch, 3 sides, ground floor; two on second, one sleeping; one third; living-room 20x26, dining-room lx20; everything different; lle in coun try in center town. Telephone Main 6J4 ot Main 8130. HL1LU u. iui n TURN THE BURDEN INTO INCOME. WE FURNloH PLANS, FINANCE AND BUILD APARTMENT OR RESIDENCE AT LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND. SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER-TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE YOU MAKE PLANS. IT WILL PAY OU L. R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 824 ABINGTON BLDG. $50 DOWN $15 A MONTH. Come to Parkrose Saturday and sun day. Am going to build a four-room bun galow for above price and terms. Get off at Craig street. Will show you this fine building site and house plans. Ixtt 50x100. Lots of trees. Ask for Mr. Hick man or Mr. Coffeen. AG 241. Oregonian. ROSE CITY' PARK. $3250 buys modern home, new, one block to car; terms to suit purchaser; full basement; complete 5-room bunga low with 2 extra rooms finished upstairs; nreplnce. seats, buffet, electric fixtures, shades: east front view lot, flowers, lawn, coment walks, etc.; owner going away In ftw days. . To see It phone owner, Tabor 3U40. MODERN COTTAGE FOR RENT. Strictly modern 5-room cottage, large site brand new, in restricted district; to permanent tenant will rent for $10.50 per - month. If vou decide to buy within three months, rental will apply on purchase price. A. N. Searie, East 78th and East Glisan. M-V car. FOR SALE. a flr,c nur fi.rnom house with two lots. only. 2 blocks from Union ave., at a price you will snap up Small cash down and monthly payments. Phone Main 255, or call and we can come to tetms. S. N. STEELE A CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. a home! an investment! a spec ulation: Not often you find these three com bined. I have a modern 5-room cottage, close in, on East Side, at a bargain. Small payment down and monthly installments; worth investigating. Main 7750. R. M. Riner. EXCEPTIONALLY good bargain in a 5 room house, strictly modern. Including built-in Dutch kitchen, fireplace, full ce ment basement; street impritvements all paid, two hlocks from excellent car serv ice in a restricted district. AM for only S27.5o per month, including Interest. Call Tabor 1W82. . DANDY new two-room house, lot SOxloO, onlv three blocks Rose City Park carline; only $750. $75 ensh. $15 month. Including Interest. This Is not in the wilderness; lots are level, cleared, with nice house and neighbors all around ; be wise, save your rt-nt. Af ii.it. ureggnian SUNSET PLACE, PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful, new colonial house, 7 large rooms, with attic and sleeping porch, ftre plnce. hardwood floors, mahogany doors, ivory finished woodwork and all modern conveniences. $650O; terms. See It today. Marshall rnuurvn-. -n. BUNGALOW Modern 5 rooms; full base ment, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace heat, Dutch kitchen, with or without ex- Tabor car. 45th and East Morrison. Keys en pre in irT-a. NEW f-room house with 2 sleeping porches and ail modern impruemeuiB, ircnt. ot Hiwthorne district: magnificent view of West Side. 31ft Et 25th. cor. Stephens; price $13,500; will take smaller house up to $Mw la part payment. $300 DOWN $1S PER MONTH. ROSE CITY PARK. Vivm rooms and attic, hardwood floors. built-in bookcase, buffet, fireplace, ce ment basement; built for a home: best location. $3ir.o. AG 39. oregoman. I haVE a 4-room s:rictly modern house on full-sised lot. with improvements all paid, built-lu buffet, bookcases, built-in Dutch kitchen; chicken-house and garden. For only $lS5n, payable $lS.so per month, in eluding interest. Call Tabor 19S2. 4-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. complete In every detail. 1 block to car: in the heart of the Hawthorne district; no assessments; $3750. &w flown, oau io sun. HIGGINS A BOYER. 50 NORTHWEST BL MAIN 4400. CAN' YOU BEAT IT? A beautiful 5-room bungalow, strictly modern, completely rurnisnea, piano in cluded, $2300; $100 cash, balance monthly at $20. including interest. BLOCH REALTY CO., 20 Alder St. LAURELHUKST bargain. 2-story. 7-room. atrirtlv modern, in best part of tract: $0000, improvements included; easy terms, part trade first payment E 07, Orego- niau. TAYLOR BUILDING COMPANY Til-n.n AS YOU LIKE. WHERE YOU LIKE; FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AND GUARANTEE THE WORK. 202 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. THIS IS A DANDY BUY. xrrrTT R V 5-room buueaiow. No. S E. 72d st.. in Mu Villa in Cut hill Add. Price $2300. See owner. Main 3091. 520 Henry bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP. -room bungalow In best location. Rose City park: modern In every respect, will consider iraae. ptiri aua. oiauLc iu ui u. Blfi Chamber of Commerce. WANT TO EARN $200? TrKan huv mr modern bungalow in Trvington Park, three blocks froni Alberta FOR SALE or rent, neat -room cottage on reasonable terms. Inquire 2S4 Stafford at.. Woodlawn ; lovely addition. WHAT have you to offer for $2260 equity in Laurelhurst house. $t.iO0? Main 106. C L. Bamberger. 705 Spalding bldg. - FOR FINE HOMES Delahunt. s-rifl TERMS. TERMS HANDSOME FIXTURES. BEAUTIFUL SHADES. HARD-SURFACE STREET. The finest new 6-room bungalow in tne Hawthorne district. Extra-fine building material, doubly constructed throughout; heavy tar paper between walls; three floors;' top floor hardwood. all excep tionally large rooms, with every new built-in convenience. Including a very handsome fireplace; large bedrooms; ex tra large closets ; beautiful white Dutch kitchen; very large attic and splendidly finished basement. East front and fine neighborhood. Close to car. Needs but to be seen. Tabor 3089. IDEAL COLONIAL HOME. An imposing, strictly modern 9-room residence, large spacious halls and rooms, perfect floor plan, finest of plumbing and lighting fixturea; a combination of art and substantial construction; hardwood floors and staircase, elate glass windows and one-panel doors" throughout, oiia hrass hardware, genuine cut glass Knobs, beautiful dressing-room, veranda 10x40. pergola and screened-in kitchen porch; large basement, -foot celling; everything complete; located la choicest part ot Laurelhurst. on Royal Court, first house south of East Glisan. Owner. 412 East 21st North, phona East 5518. Price $So00, terms. 5-ROOM CALIFORNIA-BUNGALOW. Hardwood floors, fireplace, swell buffet, etn,, in fact every modern detail; well built, finely furnished and a swell home; f nAm.nt h.umant anil extra ..r.arge attic; this is a bargain at $33 JO " easy terms, too. - uivtiva iu .a... car. among fine homes. Tabor 2S5-. BAKUAl.N U W 11. r 7 rooms, beautiful, new homo; restricted district; 2 csrlines: easy terms; lot 5oxl00; hardwood floors, sleeping porch, furnace, large beveled plate buffet, large dressing rooms, 4 French mirrors; every conveni ence; investigate, phone Main 4144, morn ings. " SEE HERE A very lovely 4-room house, hath, Dutch kitchen, screened large sleeping-porch, cement basement; lot 42x108: well furnished; all for $2'100; easy terms. Call on owner at the place, one block west of Mount Scott carline, No. 13.: East Harrison. Tabor lSdO. You will miss it if you fail to see tnis. FOR SALE New 8-room bungalow modern. One block from nawtnorne; ooi, terms. See Mr. Speiers. Tell us what you want and we'll get it for you. Wagner & Hunt. 435 Chamber of Commerce. M. 6057. ' WELL LOCATED. Snap $2200 buys suburban bungalow; 5 rooms, mod., new and nifty! Rose City Park district; block to car; terms to suit purchaser. Jas, C. Logan, 815 Spalding bldg. IDEAL BUNGALOW JlOME. New, a beautv; on terms; entirely flit ferent from every-day makeups; restricted district; everything first class. Phone and get particulars. Owner. Main 4144, morn ings. , . NICE 5-room cottage (Sunnyside ), street Improvements all in and pa.d; $1000 cash . or trade, balance to suit. E. T. Taggart, 416 Chamber of Commerce. MUST sell within 10 days, lot 50x100. 5 room new bungalow, basement and attic, all furnished, $200 down. Res., East 5117. Off bet. 11 and 1. Marshall 2371. TMi'ivp.rnv ni'R KPE-nTil.TV DESIRABLE HOMES, SIGHTLY LOTS. NEUHAUSEN & CO.. 703 LEWIS BLDG. 4TH AN U UAH Mg. JiAi.i cvia PIEDMONT bargain, 8-room, strictly mod ern house, corner ioaauv, g'6i vu -.. built for home 2 years ago; $400. Owner, 222 Ainsworth, cor. Halght, VERY CHEAP. Broadway home; fine; worth nearly double; also several lots. Ring up East 27$. C 1866. W l. aergroan. N E W house, corner lot, U niversity Park, modern throughout: $1950; $20 down, $20 monthly, phone Main 1403. GOING to build? Save money. Draftsman will draw plans spare time; low rate; good worn; reierences. aj uieguima-u LOT 50x120. on Sell wood carline; small house; $1200. Call 1070 Mllwaukie st. NEW 6-room house, built right, 50x142 lot. Owner, phone labor jj.j. FOR SALE One house and lot at Newberg. Address G. G. Walling, Sherwood, Or. For hale Acreage. FOR SALE. 20 acres, fine land, with eight acre under cultivation, nice bungalow, on main road, near Kidgefleld, Wash., 18 miles frnm unrrinnri ktoori terms: orice $2000. FOR SALE, or will trade for house in Portland, not necessarily modern; 40 acres of good land, with 5 acres under culti vation, valued at $3000; had 700 sacks of potatoes on 5 acres or it last year, wen located, near boat landing and town; price -tnvt FOR SALE. 50 acres, 45 acres under cultivated, on main road, four miles from 3 good towns, near boat landing: all crop Roes Wltn piace; guuu nf"u' farm implements, with 5 good Jersey cows; u fine bargain for ?8r.00. B. S. COOK A CO., 605 Corbett Jiag. A r t . n t zj-acro iruu ibiui m ette Valley; all the best of land. 10 acres -. I V.a Wlllam in tun Dearing irun ncco, 0 . ... tlvation, balance in brush, fenced and cross-fenced, small old house and stable, 4 miles to town of 6000 people, only I mile to R- R- station and also electric road. The 10-acre orchard is worth the price we are asking for the entire tract. The owner neeus tne caan, - gain offered. Price $5000- S- N. Steele 4 CO., 4oJ iUttiuuwr ui u"'""" Main 25a 5000 acres, $35 per acre, 35 miles from Portland in the Molalla district; cultivated fields, open pasture and fir brush; lev1 and rolling, not an acre of waste land. Well watered by numerous streams and springs. A splendid u-uto road. The soil IS not SeCOIlU-l Uic, uub nvyi agriculturists will pronounce it of the highest order. This land is worth to the soil worker $100 if any land in the state is wortn sucn price. GEO E. WAGGOfN'ER, 505 xeon piag. BEAUTIFUL HALF ACRE. half acre hom building site within city limits; select neighborhood; fine soil; no travel; Bull Run water; convenient to stores, school and trolley; 5-cent fare; fine paved road into town; Prir 10.5 (cost iasi year), ' -- will assign contract for $l-"'0 cash, balant-e pavable $15 monthly; plenty ot room io. fine garden: raise poultry, keep automo bile, etc. This is a. Deaumui uuiii location for a home and a snap for some one. G 2-rU, IK-eonnm. 1 1-3 ACRES, all cleared, abutting on carline, 40 minutes out, com muters' fare $7-60; this for $0.5. payable $50 cash and $.50 per month with interest. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35. 102 Fourth st. A 3500. 6 ACRES. 2 acres clear, 2 -room house, well, fence and only mile from carline, good soil, fine neigh borhood; this for $1750 on month ly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPAI?1f Main 35. 102 Fourth st. A J300. 5 ACRES down the river on West Side. 2 miles from 5-cent car fare, at $175 per acre on monthly payment plan, THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth st. A 3o00. LOVELY home, nicely located one mile north or Beaverton, on wuuij is rocked to this place from Portland and Beaverton; three acres in this tract; good v..,i i-i .rrtT,.. pnoueh to build a palace. and one acre of good garden soil, free from kock; mane an ouei un 155, Forest urove. ur. , CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCHES near l'OK i l-A. U. 4est pun, gvu ' , U ' " water, free wood, semea euuuu,, ' com r.iui cttnn Tif.r tract: 20 acres, st , 40 acres. $1200 ; 80 acres. $2000 ; 40 acres timber, $24O0. Kancnes an mbus -f;"- E&sy terms, f mux. 5,,- r ovv l eon Diag-. '""'u' YOU WANT a picturesque Summer home with running water; a small farm, an acre or two for chickens. $200 and up easy terms, choice acreage, cloae to Portland, on electric carline. phone, school, store, etc J. W. Hefferlin, 307 Railway Ex- cnanne. Jimn -- ONE-ACRE lot. deep, rich soil, plowed Mi.rf ni r-adr to nlant. near to subur ban car, graded streets, water, electric lights and telephone if desired; price 100O. terms 1U uuwn a mi .iu iu FIRLANDS TRUST CO., 716-720 Spalding Bldg. I2ii. ACRES. At Tul at in. all in cultivation, 4-room house and barn; good well; only about 4 blocks from high school; a sure bar- gain. Joseph S. mu. aeary pips. . 17 ACRES near Beaverton, 15 cleared. 2 DIOcKS irora car stanun hu i wi. , only $300 per acre; terms. Owner, James Wilson. Boring. Or., route 1.' atiiUMi Pi'TS vou in possession of SI acres. 8 miles west of Courthouse, near electric station. 331 MonawK oQg- 2hm ACRES, rich soil, part cleared, on car line, close to s.ation. $675; payable $12 ninthly. H 238. Oregonlan. SU ACRES, 0 minutes out, 500 feet from carline, 2 acres cleared, best of soil, new 7-room house, good well and at a bargain price; small cash payment; balance monthly installments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500, OR l'i-acre tract, located on the 6re- gun tlt.y CaLT, ciie f"" itau . a. &. ar-rn in fruit: eood well: very cheap If laken at once; reasonable terms UiOVs 20 ACRES In crop at O. E. station, dear title, i .u. .iaw, l.m... v.. SpaldlogT bldg. For Sale ilu.lnri.. Property. 100x133 FEET, N. E. cor. 19th and Lovejoy; soma income, una i. .uo i""!' erty; terms. Phone A. C Going". East 3899. For Sals Frnlt Lands. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 20 acrs. 12 acres apples part su years oia; id utra ciwieu, new tf-Toom 2-story bungalow on wooded hilltop; magnificent view; electric lights; gravity water system. 3 porchea. Box 53, K. u. NO. I, nooa rtiver. ur. FOR SALE: Hood River orchard, IO- acres; part in bearing, oaiance young ireea, wis miles out; small house, good barn. Price reasonable. No exchange. E. L APgar, R. 1.' Hood River, Or. FOR LEASE 63 acres, most all in cultiva tion: good buildings, with au iaxming im plements; best soil for potatoes, truck or grain; 4 mllo from Oregon City. Address AH 28S, Oregonlan For Sale Farms. COLUMBIA RIVER FARM. 75 acres on the banks of the Columbia River, S3 miles north of Portland; bat lmidin.r on nlace: two miles from Southern Pacific and O.-W. R. A N. : improved as follows: 9 acres early potatoes now oig ging. averaging 200 sacks per acre, present market price $1 per sack; first of the season sold for $1.75; 8 acres late pota toes: XL aero In tomntoea. which ought to pay at least $500 this year; 1 acre in -watermelons; 3 horses, one worm t-vw, cow, i plows, l-horse cultivator, one 2 home cultivator. 1 hav rake. 1 wagon, 1 potato planter, new, cost $73; new potato digger: 700 new motorboat: 1 cream sep arator: 12 tons hav: there are 30 acres in cultivation, 12 acres slashed ready to burn, balance of place willow and cotton wond tres. Inst rr btqoA am cleared por tion of the place and can be put in culti vation at a reasonable figure. Buildings consist of a 4-room house, small bunk house for hired help, new barn, old shed for cattle, email creamery house ; good family garden, a number of young fruit trees just coming into bearing. The price of this property is $9000, one half cash, balance terms to suit pur chaser at 6 per cent. The owner of this nlace is a blind man and at great disadvantage in having to hire his help. If you are a Judge of first- class land are looKing ior a aownngm snap and want a piece of land that will produce you handsome returns on the money Invested, call at our farm depart ment and arrange to go and look the land over. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. ft TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of " Commerce. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE IN REGION OF AMPLE RAINFALL. A private sale, 750-acre ranch, 2 mile's en-tr f Ranta. Rnsa Pnl.. northern bound ary is middle of channel of Santa Rosa Creek, an ever-flowing stream; best basalt rock quarry in camornia t.now opera, by city street improvement company ? on rovnlfv. is on the nrooertv: the S. P. R. R. runs through the northerly portion of the rancn tor over a mne ano naa a thereon: Portion heavily wooded with oak; portion in fine prunes, producing best crops in vicinity; few acres in grapes; good house of 8 rooms and other improvements; a large acreage is same soil as celebrated Vrooman walnut orchard, which directly adjoins on the west; substantial portions suitable for walnuts, apples, prunes., hops and truck farming. Now rented as aairy an A nrnriufM Income on Over $75.000 ; properlv improved would produce income on much larger capital; offers on subdi visions will be considered. Address in quiries to Wm- H- Hamilton, attorney for administratrix, room ooo jums uiug., oou r ranciBCO. FARMS. 175 acres valley land, all level, deep black soil, every foot under cultivation, i mile from electric line, 16 hours from Portland, price iio per acre, nan casn, hainnri one vear. e-ood reason for selling. This land will double in three years, and pay good interest on money during time; nest investment in uirguu iuuav , am rounding land selling for $150 now. Ad dress AV 514, Oregonlan. BY OWNER. 14 ACRES, ALL CLEARED. NOW RAISING FINE CROP. Just 12 miles from Salem; all bottom land ; 1400. casn. ALSO I HAVE 24 acres in Italian prunes, 2 years old; fine bottom land; $160 per acre; no trade. Address H. Graham, Aumsvnie, or. FOR SALE or exchange, 55-acre farm on Lewis River, in ciark county, w asning inn. in miles to railroad station, on good road, rural route, telephone line and creamery route: convenient to schools, churches and stores; good soil; first-class buildings ana wen ienced ; price uuuu; terms. B uregoman. FORTY acres fruit land In Umatilla, Gov ernment irrigated project, Umatilla Coun ty, Oregon; compelled to sell on account of poor health, or will take Ohio property in part exchange; it Is bound to be one of The Dest rruit sections or tne uriuwcoi, fine climate. F. B. Roscoe, Greenwich, O. 310 DOWN. 81x250. $690, balance in 7 years, near city limts, 30 minutes out; rich black soil, good district, nice elevation, cleared and level; faces on two streets. Marsters, 202 Wilcox bldg., 6th and Wash. Main 3517, A 7340, evenings Tabor 1770. FOR SALE 40-acre improved farm, near Clackamas, Or. House, barn, orchard, good running water and best of soil. Fine place $250 per acre. Liberal terms. Will sen one-nan separate, owner, naw thorne av. Phone Tabor 3392. 171-ACRE dairy ranch, stock, farm and dairy implements complete: lower Colum bia. Owner. 3iM N. Grand ave. East 2325. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all casn. ay owner, isa Morrison st. 40-ACRE farm for sale, $3600. J. Giesy, Washougai, Wash. 1. tr. JJ. 1. V ANTED REAL ESTATE. A PORTLAND corporation wants an acre are subdivision nroDOsttion to handle; have just completed the sale of a la..ge property and are equipped for prompt action; if you have something of merit. write us. AS 23!, Oregonlan. WANTED Lot in Hawthorne district- state cash price, exact location and whether improvements are paid or not; price must. be right. A 2w, oregonian. WANTED Lot in Rossmere and will make good cash payment, but must have second mortgage privilege, payable monthly. J 240. Oregonlan. I WANT a 3 or 4-room house; will pay $200 rash and give security on loo acres a. t. land 4 miles from R. R. Evans, 914 Chain. of Com. Fhone Main w. WANTED To buy income business property in Portland up to value of $50,000: must I UOl gdill. Ill ouoneiiiiB a,,.. un ' ticulars. C 237. Oregonlan. CASH paid for equities in Laurelhurst lots. Carlock & Muellhaupt, 1026 Cham. Com. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Logged-off timber land. 160 acres, verv best soil, no rock, 1 miles from Toledo, Oregon, price only $10 per acre. If you want a cneap noma apply tc CKOS.NU A-MJ fAxr.ii;, Toledo, Oregon. MUST SELL FOR CASH. 160 acres, section 3. 1 N., 5 W. 160 acres, section 26, 7 N., 2 E. 160 acres, section 6, 13 S., 11 E. Make me an offer. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg TO EXCHANGE. 50 ACRES, value $3500, will trade for lm- tioa, 35 acrea slashed; buildings and fam WILL EXCHANGE beautiful modern 7-room and bath Portland home, for Chicago v ciria. m.i ARtniA. .H 218. Ore gonlan. 2 LOTS, Hollyhurst, W-W car, mortgage $400. two years; will give equity for good 5-passenger auto. Hollister, 210 Railway ir.xcna.ns r. WILL exchange $15,000 stock gen. mdse. . firy t t-fi rl a fur fitv nrUD erty or good farm; must be clear. 331 uunoMa. UNINCUMBERED Portland lots, $15,000 worth, or any part. What have you to offer? Main 106. C. L. Bamberger, 703 tspaiaing omg. $1 ROOMS Very best, central location; win trade for acreage, city property, or mort gage. Owner. An zvs, urBsom-a. EXCHANGE for city property. Tl.000,000 feet timber in Douglas County. Box 598, city. 300-ACRE Clackamas County farm, $24,000, ... nf.r,nrlf Tnnr-f pa PtH OTP.. Main 106. C. L. Bamberger, 705 Spalding bldg. EQUITY in Capitol Hill lot for good run about- A -r". 'K"""1"- TRADE income property in Portland for clear lots. 928 Chamber of Commerce. CHANGE FOR HSU IS "XT; SO- - CORNER LOT, 00x100; COMPUtTEUY GOOD LOCATION. PRICE 500. J.O INCUMBRANCE. .., ALSO 12-KOOJt HOtSE IN BTJSINEPS CKXTER Or ILWACO, WASH. (LONG BEACH; RENTED FOR I2 A MONTH J"RICE j;000; TRADE ONE OR BOJH KOK CITY iROPERTT. WHAT HAVE YOU? WARD 4 YOUNGER. SUITE 2 YEON BLDG. BEAUTIFUL HOME SITE ON "WILLAMETTE SACRIFICED 4 acre in the choicest and most extru sive portion of Riverwood must be sold at once. Owner will sell equity below price paid some time ago, or will consider de sirable lot or residence in exchange, can pay some caah. Sea Mr. Tilleson, 13 Ca. of commerce Diag. 10 ACRES of good soil, all under cultlva- i . a v. j harriBt almost new 5-rooin bungalow, barn aad outbuild ings; one mile from station and town ot Lafayette, 35 miles south of riancl: $3500. Exchange my equity of $2.00 lor 4 or 5-room house. Mt. Scott district pre- fWredKAUFFMAN-N & MOORE. WE have one of the best hotel propositions in tne cii . -ma . . best of locations and the rent Is only about half that of most of the hotels io the city; will trade for a farm in tne valley and pay cash difference; this is gilt-edged: it will pay you to lv; gate. Wagner Hunt, 435 Chamber of commerce, juaiu wum. WANTED Unincumbered Portland resi dence value up to aawv m -... - 2o0-acre farm 14 mile from town. 140 acres fn cultivation, balance tillable. 7-room house and 3-rootn tenant house. prlce cut to $115 tot - quick turn for tne man wm' . - - , r home at tha right price this ia worth Investigating. D 24L Oregonlan. " T- DT'-V-J A I i-.UL S.tS0 6 rooms, mooern. c'' , ' " place, corner lot 50x100. c.Jr? car; a cosy nomo; change for vacant lots. .acreage or any thing of equal value. Fred W. German -i.io inara, oi -o'. ir 40 ACRES fruit nd Bden land, some ?5a "m"& DC""L'ir'i VnA soring water; will take auto truck suitable for delivery as part payment. Aum-" l , r o rea t um. ui FOR TRADE For -merchandise and other 5,?0 goUde-waUr r?.M. anm.;.tock near n ura yuu " " I HAVE a modern bungalow a block trora . ..... . e .Aomi anil hAtn: .canine on ojsi .-. - ,: " price $2500; will take a- lot or two in ex change on It and filve time on the bal ance A. E. Poulsen. 418 Railway Ex change Plug : J. 1 .t.i n .i..n;n. nnrrhfl and all modern improvements: best part of West Side. 316 East 25th cor. Stephens; price $13,500; will take smaller house up to in part payment. WANT residence lot, good district, clos. In, give location and price, have T-room nouse. corner lot oww., -- flowers, lawn. 1 block: to cars, balance to suit. A3 uregoman. 5 ACRES, close in, on poweil Valley road S32O0; improvea; win Jassenger auto on first P'men'L1115.r1a' terms on uaiance. thorr.e ave. rnone iauur ooi... WILL IKAUH (iou iu... - ri.." iin per cent Interest, for a good lot. value up to UUU; must nave w Kitzmlller, 432 Chamber of commerce. Main 255. WE HAVE tust. houses, lots, farms, auto, roomllii-hoMM hotels, acreage, horses, business oppor tunille, and many more TO EXCHANGE for residence or country property, 60-horsepower bpesdwoll auto- mobile in good snape; i --v. eoulpped. new tires. What havs you to rj'-.r I....... a .r Kill nrftrnman. pnei ' rtump. j. " ' rl good clean g ..A close in, on vveov oto, ?r clear lots or income property. F IM, ore- WILL TRADE 10-acre orchard. Just come to bearing, value J 4000, tor Rosa City Park lota 01 equal value, u. n.. v....- . 167 7th st. I'hone Main us. FOR SALE On easy terms; or will trade o15!!: w... Sirf.' r,r'ice 500. Kaa owner after 1 P. M. 502 McKay bldg. nr;-r t-t a-vt fniiv wmlDoed. on Wrashing ton St.. long lease: will trade for run about, or wnai nave jum a (.oni an. to exchange for vacant lots, acreage or a good farm. De Young & Johnson, 514 cnamner oi vuiiiiiiui-p "- & I OWN large tract fine bottom land, platted. Close to rorumiu. m est; party to take active interest. AP 207, Oregon ian WILL trade 160 acres irrigable land I Deschutes Valley. Oregon Trunk Railroad, for good unincumoereu rui uaim ww. - Ham Oliara. la-cuma.. .tm... 10 ACRES, highly improved at Hlllsboro, on electric car, io traue i.tuu... galow at same price. $3500. Ralph Ack r j irn nth t ley ihiiu MOUNT TABOR acreage, adjoining City park; highly improved; will take part trade, part cash; give full particulars first letter, uwuci, - r nAAn.DiVTMn eiT.nnw in a. thriving lum hering and farming town, for improved farm or city realty. AV 460. Oregonlan. FOB $AX. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. TWO OUTFITS One team 3000, 7-0; 3 -aarnn harnafl Ona hav team WitD 3H wagon.' with dump boards, working every day. New buggy, fine heavy, sin gle express narness. uwner .'n .t... j t iU juucttuuni kl., run '-- tuc mKRPHV HORSE Jfe MULE CO. sell on commission all classes of horses, mules and vehicles. Auction every Mon day at 10 A. M-; private sales every day. Colonel J. F. Murphy, auctioneer, 240 K. Sth. fhone jc eaio. FOR SALE: Horses, wagons and harness. Apply Mr. Boody. Roberts Bros., Sd and Morrison. WANTED 5 teams to be worked at Tilla mook, Or.; will let contract or hire teams oy Gay; excavation auu v a & v l -P. J. Worrall, Clyde Hotel, 10th and Stark. t C vi J -tt-a-ffP ri tr, haul wood Orient Sta tion Mt. Hood line. SI per cord. 1W miles. See Berry, 11 E. 83d at., after 6 P. M. FOR SALE Team and harness, weight 3200 lbs., $225. 41st s.nd Barr road. Phone C 1237 CAR mules and horses, gooseneck farm and delivery wagons, saauies. nuuen du, Sbl Water St., west aine. mam ..wo. PASTURE for rent near Portland, Phone Mam x iu. - DEL1VF RY horse, weighing 1000 pounds; narness and he. .-tw'..qrJ 11 . GOOD single-seat top buggy; trade for cow or sen. imif rjxeier si. WANT to buy light delivery auto-wagon in Pianos, Qrgaaa and Musical Instruments. tv. a TTTTTTTTTi old Barzonl violin: must sell yours for $35 cash, with fine leather case and goo a oow. van at o.o juh. xv.eiij' (. on Woodstock carline. FiFE and piano lesson, $1; 2 lessons frsa. Mam WEBER upright piano, $100; payments. Call any or wiiiu&. aao v. i"" v- Automobiles. i.tov mntor truck. 1910 model, cost $3000, My price $1500. half cash and terma, for lmmeaiaxe action. win ooiuuuBnom. 242. Oregonian KXPF.RIENCEDk automobile mechanic wll repair your automobile at half garage price, at your home or garage; work guar anteed, f. O. COS City. PtK ATJTIFUL E-M-F 30 touring car. nickel trimmings, speedometer. Rhoebacker air pump and siren ; 1011 model ; $ i cash practically new. P 230, Oregonian. wnnRRN' house furnished, always rented wish good 5 or 7-passenger car, not over e-low. owner, ji a o, m-tumu. $1000 REO delivery car, good condition price $500; real bargain. H 238, Orego. nian. 4000 4-PASSENGER, 40 H. P. Stearns, a beautiful car and a Deautiiui Bargain at $1850 cash. S 241. oregonian. 1911 PEERLESS, cost $5250; must have money, so will sacrifice for $25oo. S 240, Oregonian. 1910 OLDSMOBILE roadster, cost $3500; perfect condition; yours for $1000; snap. H 241, Oregonian. 40 H. P- GREAT SMITH, 5-passenger- will take $500 cash for this $30oo car. H 240, Oregonian. HUPMOB1LE roadster; must be sold to close deal; will put in A-l condition; price right. --11 T In.Uv F.UAQ BU1CK, 1910, 4-pass., snap at $350. Call PRTVATE garage. 101 East 17th su Phone East 4906. I WANT for cash strictly first-class flve pajsenegr auto. W 238, Oregonlan. GOOD 7-passenger car for hire for country trips; $3 per hour. Phone Sellwood 1439. AntofMbUee. MOTOR TRUCKS EAST PAYMENTS. Our sales plan enables your truclt; to pay for Itself. Remember, you buy direct from the manufacturer. No commissions or bonuses to pay. There are no Jokers In this proposition. Just practical, good business perception on our part, which accommodates a long-felt need among many present aad would-be truck users. A simple note of Inquiry, which will be treated as strictly confidential, will receive ear prompt response. ADDRESS 8ALE8 MANAGER. AD 240. OREGONIAN. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap car when you can secure one of our high-grade used cars at the same price? We guarantee them. Different makes and modal, all traded in on new White gas cars. We also ofler several second-handed trucks. Write White Car Agency, 6th street at Madison. GREAT VALUES IN USED CARS. Bulck. model io. 4-pasaenger $3M International motor wagon $15" HerrechofT, 5-passenger 5o0 Bulck roadster, model 10 4(h Mitchell roadster, 1910 $350 other cars ranging In price from $' to $8.)0, all of which have been over hauled and repainted, with the 8tude baker Corporation back of them. 6TUDEBAK.ER CORPORATION OF AMERICA, Main 5960. A 2486. CLEARANCE SALE. We are going to move the following cars at extreaiely low figures: Reo 5-passenger. Franklin 6-passenger. v Peerless 5-passenger. Peerless 7-passenger. Thomas Flyer 7-passenger. Pope-Hartford 5-passengcr. Chalmers "40. . These cars are in good running order and ready for demonstration at any time. NOW, MR. BARGAIN HUNTER, HERE IS 1911 Chalmers 30. 5-pass. foredoor. fully equipped, finest condition, tires practically new; cost $21 0; price $1050. 1910 MAXWELL. 25-h. p.. 4-pas.. toy tonneau. fully equipped, like new. cost $1250; price $450. 1910 Chalmers 30, 5 -pass., fully equipped, cost $2150; price $785. A or. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. AUTOMOBILE AGENTS I want local agents in every county in Oregon to handle a popular-priced line of automo biles; a good name and reputation for in tegrity counts more with us than money or experience; if you have $475 and can furnish bond, you can procure the agency for our high-grade car and we will furnish you with demonstrator. For full particu lars address T 233, Oregonlan. FOR KALE. 5-passenger Interstate car; perfect con dition. No relic Phone or call. Circum stances compel me to sell quickly and rheaply. No agents. R. G. HUNTER Heinz, Apt. 88. 14th and Columbia iiain ioi. a-ooi o. HAVING bought a new -cylinder gas car, I wish to dispose of my t -passenger White steamer; bought this car in 1910. paying $4600. It is practically new, as far- as use Is concerned. Will sell ror $2500 cash, or will take property for like amount. This is a bargain. AR 236, Oie- gonlsn . SALE EXTRAORDINARY. To make room for another lot of cars we have Just purchased we will eacrince on prices for the next 10 dsys OVER 30 CARS TO SELECT FROM. OREGON ACTO EXCHANGE. 413-495 Alder St. SLIGHTLY USED CARS. We have several slightly used auto mobiles both in two and five-passenger, for price and demonstration call on MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY CO. 369-371 Hawthorne Ave. Phones: East 1421. B 1345. inn. l-r- t-.nn .2 iVfn on each automobile; our sales plan en ables you to buy a brand-new automobile; only $475 required, with easy terms, r or full particulars and catalogue addresa salPs manager, Portland. C 24", Oregonian. A n a . rw v vi-' a vr i.tr. EXCLUSiVE DEALERS OF LSED AUTOMOBILES. 493-495 Alder St. Maln 116L A 4S37. CHALMERS 5-passenger car for sale by owner- fullv equipped, has electric lights and Is in Al condition; price $1000, or would accept good mortgage. AF -53, Oregonian. MY 1911 Klsselkar, fully equipped, scat covers, speedometer, brand-new tire, etc.. and in excellent condition; cost $1830; will sell for $1000, cash or terms. E 224, Ore gonian. LARGEST automobile dealers on the Pa cific Coast want parties to build up-to-date garage with showrooms In desirable loca tion; will lease for term of years. Address manager. C 239. Oregonian. 7-PASS. THOMAS, $600. 6-cyI., 70-h. p., absolutely the best buy In Oregon; engine and transmission in tin shape: a good investment; you can't beat it. 402 coucn oiog. $1500 EQUITY in choice Irvington quarter; balance, 2 years; to exchange for second hand high-grade roadster, 1911 or 1913 modeL AL 232. Oregonlan. HERRESHOFF 5-pass., left with us for sale; must move this week; price right. Call Miss Brant, Main 5969. $500 STANDARD Bulck delivery truck. M. S646 or M 237. Oregonian. Dogs, Birds. Pet Bteca. VACATION REMINDER Before leaving for your Summer vacation, don't neglect your dogs and cats; don't lock them up to suf fer and starve; all such cases reported will be prosecuted. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY. REGISTERED English setter pupa, very select; prices reasonable. 801 Electric biog. Furniture for SeLe. SELL all, or part, awell new furniture for 8-room flat. Tabor 2267. Misccl laneous. CLEAN-UP SALE. Men's suits reduced ; $22.50 to $25 now $10; $27.50 to $30 values now $14. Sacri ficing to make room for Fall goods. Jim my Dunn, room 315 Oregonian bldg. Take elevator. FOR SALE At one-half actual value, one magnificent opal ring, set with 16 dia monds; one Rosewood piano, in good con dition. Will sell or exchange. Call Ad ams. Marshall 3286. A-28W7. 207 Kacleay bldg. SACKS, SACKS See us for sacks, for grain, potatoes, sand, etc.; large stock on nana. M. BARDE A SONS, 240-242 Front st, cor. Main. Main eea, a BANKRUPT SALE. One No. 5 Underwood typewriter, one upright 12-horsepower holler, five boat hulls new; miscellaneous boat fixtures, etc C C Hall, trustee, 14 and 13 Heaiy tag., pnoin OAK flat-top desk, chairs, table. Sle' Wernicke bookcases. L. R. A. t. S. Re ports. 424 Chamber of Commerce bldg Phone Main 8160. FOR SALE CHEAP. Hot-air pumping engine, good condition. Inquire or address room 309 Ore on! a a bldg. b , K C. Billiard Table Mfg. Co. -New and second-hand tables bought and sold. T. A. Anderson. Mgr.. Manhattan oolrJ r lrst ana ami nuu BAFEft Special bargain second-hand flra and burglar-proof; safes opened and re paired.. Parcel Safe Co.. and Portland Safa Co., ka 5th at. Phone Main 6v. SLIGHTLY used cash register, credit reg isters, computing scalds, etc, bought and, sold. The Pacific Store Service Co., 32 1 titerk st. Main 771L , TYPEWRITERS rebuilt, all makae, $10 ta $6&i Ihe Northwest Typewriter Co. 262 Stark St. MODERN, complete commercial printing plant. $2600. three platens; further par ti c u 1 ars .Mhif558M GOOD 5-room house, easy to move, no wires to cut; a snap. 405 Graham ar. Phone C 1002. IF YOU WANT fine furniture cheap come to 144 East 27th St. FINE Frodeham chropometer good as new. -bargain. m. peuiug m. IF you are-4poking for a snap io a 35-h. p. launcn tnewryquiyygu j. r"" tTJ- $3- TODAY buys bajt office outfit, plete. Inquire 148 ls-all. cigar gt corn- store. 10 five-paneled redwood doors-x3 feet, at cost, can .uaiBii-u o .vo ui.iiiiny. NEW and second-hand showcases; also 1 fireproof safe, mediumslsse. 125 N. 5th st. 500 BUSINESScards. $1; a bargain. Rose . . T.ia . i n i 9 A Apna. T.vlfir ity rruiwfji -ts A BEAUTIFUL sable muff and etole at a bargain. Apply 71 6th st. ELEGANT new office furniture. Including 2 roll top sanitary desks. Main 6-53. 1