12 DUHIWAY FILES NEGATIVE EVIDENCE State Official Prepares His Argument to Go in Voters' Pamphlet. EXPERT HARRIS HITS BACK Assertion Made That State Printing Office Has Been Conducted Sat isfactorily to Unions and Label Is Onlj Question. SALEM. Or.. July 24. (Special.) -Would you enter into a. contract to employ only members of one certain labor organization and bind yourself to comply with all Its laws now la force and hereinafter to be enacted T Is one of the queries asked the people of the State of Oregon by Willis S. Duni way. State Printer, In the negative ar gument to go Into the voters' pamphlet as opposed to the bill providing for a flat salary for the printer. "If a majority of you vote "332 X Yes' on the official ballot November 5, 1812. you will peremptorily order that the State Printer shall" tie the State. of Oregon up Into that sort of a contract ia -closed shop contract of unlimited duration." he continues. Declaring that the Socialist faction of the Salem Printers' Union, "as agents of the International Typograph ical Union." with headquarters at In dianapolis, are to proceed to carry Into effect their scheme for a "closed shop" in the Statehouse. supplant economical "piecework" with extravagant "time work" and get their hands Into the State Treasury of Oregon through con trol of a newly formed "State Printing Department." he asserts that the law which Is proposed is full of "Jokers" especially "Jokers" as to large appro priations, a closed shop and a state owned, state-supported printing plant. Recall Eaters Into Plan, He claims that the main purposes of the act as now openly boasted by them are "to work practical Tecall of the present Republican State Printer by (tripping him of all authority in his office and forcing him to resign before half his term is served: to take con trol of Oregon's printing away from the State of Oregon and by 'closed shop' contract put the printing In control of the Socialists who dominate the Salem union "as agents of the International Typographical Union,' and to bind the State of Oregon to agree to comply with any tyrannical or extortionate law . that may hereafter be adopted, without the knowledge of the State of Oregon." In responding to the argument State Printing Expert Harris Issued the fol lowing today: "It would be difficult for a man con versant with the facts to promulgate a more prejudiced and misleading doc ument. In my opinion, than the argu ment of Mr. Duniway against the initi ative measure. It will be a shame If political relations prevent a thorough examination of facts for the benefit of all who might otherwise be misled. The publication of this argument by the State Printer in behalf of his own spe cial Interests will cost twice the sum that has been expended in behalf of the Initiative bill. State Maintains "Inlom Shop." "The entire argument of Mr. Dunl way in effect sets out to make hira the safeguard of the state against the en rroachments of organized labor and the much discussed closed shop. He es says to defend the 'open shop,' and in fers that a great scheme to turn the state printing department over to the unrestrained exploitation of the typo graphical union is about to take place, and in this he Infers that the interna tional union, with headquarters at In- - dianapolis. has probably taken part. As a matter of course the state print ing office has been a union shop for years before Mr. Duniway took charge and during his Incumbency, and the prediction can properly be made that there will be no disposition to change it for some time to come. The contract which Mr. Duniway parades, however, has onlv to do with the use of the union label. Its alleged drastic provisions are contingent only upon the use of the union label. Mr. Duniway has not signed it, and as a result does not use the union label. In all other respects he has conducted the office In con formity to union principles and with satisfaction to the union. "The new law does, perhaps Inad vertently, say the State Printer 'shall contract' for the services of printers, etc. It in no manner whatever stipu lates what sort of a contract. The state is not In any sense bound by this law to contract for union printers any more than is any other printing es tabllshment In the state or in the United States. . . ." ARMY ON HIKE IN RAIN (CV.ntfnu.d From First Pace. pearing column that swung into a rain soaked field to establish a bivouac camp at noon. The troops could not have been more wet had they swam the cnenaus niver. Getting Dry Problem Met. The problem of getting dried out and establishing a comfortable field camp was promptly and effectively met by the Oregon troops. Shelter tents were hurriedly pitched, stores un packed and covered, and then company firea were built. Within an hour the troops were thoroughly dried out. Orders tor the Third Oregon to take the field Immediately were received late this afternoon and the regiment was drawn up by Colonel Poorman and deployed a mile south of the bivouac camp. The regiment went out In light marching order, prepared for combat and made a splendid showing for promptness in responding. It is believed the order was designed merely to test the capacity of the On- gon command for promptness in taking the field. Brigadier-General R. K. Evans, chief of the division of militia affairs, re viewed the water-logged column as it came in off the march from Elma at noon. "There's the old Oregon regi ment," he said enthusiastically aa the Third swung past him. General Evans, one of the best known tacticians of the United States Army, served In brigades to which the Oregonlana were attached in severs maneuver campaigns at American Lake, and as a major of infantry he came in frequent contact with the Ore. gon command in the Philippines. As both armies, knowing little of the movements of each other, are proceed in with the greatest caution for pur noses of thorougn reconnoissance. decisive battle may not occur before Friday, and the final outcome of the simulated warfare may not be brought out until Saturday. Kngagements oe tween companies, and possibly bat tallona, can hardly be avoided tomor SEVEN YEARS MISERY How Mrs. Bethune was Re stored to Health by. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. RfltMton. Mo. "For seven years I suffered everything. I was in bed for four or nve days at a time every month, and so weak I could hardly walk. I had cramps, backache and headache, and was so nervous and weak that I dreaded fr"A to see anyoni have anyone move in . .VX 1 the room. The doc the room. 1 he doc- rina to ease me at those times, and said that I ought to liana an ATMirfl T1 tt T would not listen to UBfC a vyviisinvMi that, and when a friend of my husband s told him about Lydia J finKnam s veg etable Compound and what it had done for his wife, I was willing to take it. Now I look the picture or neaiin ana ieei lib. i yv, T can rlo all mv own house work, work in the garden and entertain company and enjoy tnem, ana can want .. nrHinnrv woman, anv day in the week. I wish I could talk to every suffering woman ana gin, ana ieu mem what Lydia E- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done ior me. .. Dema Bethune, Sikeston, Ma D a Ko- thn remedv which did this AWUauv.-, was Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. T ha. fcolruwl thousands of women who have been troubled witn displacement, nWrsition. tumors, irrecr- UUlOlllUlwwv,.., ' ' , UiiUlUCS, p-.vruaw ' bearing down feeling, indigestion, and nervous prostration, aiier an ouiet mcua .r -a -nr 1 )i - A - have failed, wny aon i yuu row, but the brigade commanders, pro nnr . in war. wllL in all likell hood, consume another day in feeling of the enemy. 200 KILLED, THEORETICALLY Enormous Technical Damage Done on Mississippi Valley Field. rixt noiTOT.ES. Wis.. July 21. Aaa.. Oftft onHi.ra t acll n 1 fa 1 1 V WBTC killed, many were wounded, scores of spies and prisoners were capiurea ana 1. 1 .1 anil r-. i irni (1. VA hlOWn U D. as the result of the War Department's maneuvers uckuii ""'"J w .............. . - tual war conditions for regular and Between here and Camp McCoy, 64 miles to tne west, ine uuverumrui ia arranged a battlefield upon which In me uvai icu "ojb ...... . . . - blank cartridges, cannon and other ac coutrements will unaenaae an exien- . I .. Mmnalrn Today's casualies were the result of the advance of the regulars, known as tne rea army, irum tamp . " a point almost half way here. The . V. 1- ll..t tha "..He" hllV, InVflde'l a hostile country by crossing the Mis sissippi niver at UH. vruoe an 11 ma. here, they are advancing to take pos- BeBBIUIl. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. July 24. Maximum temper- ture. 65 dr: minimum, on Degrees. River reading. 8 A. M., S.T feet: change In est 24 hours, o.l loot ran. Total ratnrail. P. M. to & p. M.. 0.05 men; total rain fall since September 1. mil. 35.18 Inches; normal. 44.41 Inches: deficiency. 9.22 inches. Total sunshine, none; possible. 15 hours 6 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea leven at P. M.. 29.S4 inches. THE WEATHER. Wind 3 State of Weather 6TATION3. Raker .......... :;o. 90 10, 7810 54 0. S2!0 70 001 IIPW .001 4iS .eoiiox .46 4 SE .00) 6 NE no Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Claar Boise Boston Calry Chicago Colfax Denver . ......... Des Moines pt. cloudy 84 o. 06 lOIPW IRaln SO 0 S40 as o 7SiO 9fi 0 94 0 TS 0 70 0 80 0 :o 7S 0 74 0 92 0 -2'0 58 0 S! 0 S3 0 65:0 720 ,00' 6 NW.Clear Duluth Galveston 02116!W Clear .00 12 S ,00 4:W 00 4!S ooii:iNE .00 4 W ,oo,2.-.:se 00! 1SW no a s Helena Jacksonville Pt. cloudv Cloudy Clear Kansas City Klamath talis ... Laurler T.oa Anreles ..... Clear Cloudy 'Clear IrMouriw Mamhfleld Medford O0il6jNW iPt. cloudy ontreai ;ew Orleans .... w Tork rorth Head . uu !- . r. ,00, 1'SW OOI s sw .a2t24,PB Clear Clear Clear Cloudy vnnh Yakima . . , 00: oo 05! 6 ,& 6 W 6:S 6 NW fiiw ICIear Pendleton Portland Cloudy Roseburg- .00 Cloudy Clear 'clear ;t. Louis ;t. Paul 1 1 TakM 96 0 .00 i.OOllO NW 900 ss'o 7410 60 0. 82 0 ,00110 s .0O'tl2!W . 02I t xw S4120-S .00 12 VW i Cloudy Clear Cloudy doiiriv San Francisco . . Tatoosh Island . . Wl alia nana ... ashlngton 'elser 'enatchee Pt. cloudy 700 ..-.8 I NE IRaln 95 0 Oft 1 5 w riar 4 0 !oo! 5N' Pt. cloudy Winnipeg 700 onll A VW Httr ellowstone r-a.ra 7SiO .001 8.6W ICIear WEATHER CONDITIONS. . ...rii.. iii. Northern Rocky . . . -.. naain RtAtes. whtla another ,1. - ,ha Northeastern States. An area ,.,.L Within the last 12 hours Ilaht rains have fallen In Northwestern Ore on. Wsjhlnston. Western and Central Can " . ' . -1 .nn..H Vehraxka. the Lake Region, and most ot the Atlantic States. The rainfall was raoaer,icu nr., western Washington. Ohio and the District of Columbia, and heavy In Western Pennsyl vania Thunder storms were reported from Seattle. Denver. North Platte and Toledo. Tha weather is warmer iu "' southeastern Washington. Idaho, Western !f.?"L i,k. Region. Ohio and St. Lawrence Valleys and the Carolina, and It f".,.. ., if the Cascade Mountains In J-T 1 Waxhlna-ton. In Arizona, the r.ntr.i Plateau O I a... " Manitoba. Northeastern Florida and the Mid The conmtTon. are favorable for local Thnradar In this district with cooler weather in Eastern Oregon and South era Idaho. v arianie wuiua, . aw westerly win obtain. FORECASTS. t ,i-a .na vlrlnltv Probably showers; aoum to w " ..... . . Oregon Local aaowera; uuwia'i ,v w Washington Local showers; southwest to est wlnda . , . i.i. ho Probably local showers; cooler In south portion. 4 Acting District Forecaster. A total or n,.'.v -r a a V through str.aea in in- ... .eUv... mfnts was an Increase of 25.827 a week tor SS.204 employes. - 6OMEB RESORTS. NORTH BEACH INN . " Jfew ton, Wais. Most delightful and convenient loca tion on Washington Beach, Large shady grounds extending directly to the ocean. Accommodations for murf bathing- Con venient to hot salt baths and post ofllce. Exoollent table and service. Address Mrs. N. M. Dewey, Magr, X.omat Brack, n'uk. THE T.IORNIXG OREGOXIAN, THTJKSDAY, JULY HOTELS AND BtTMMFB RESORTS. HOTEL OV13BLOOKIXG THE OCEAJT. nprtED JUNE 1. WITH COMPLETE SUMMER CRKW. . a a in,n.nv.m-n ts. aiany new ana "-"ri WltHOUt Data.- HOI Mil di.ii r , . , . . .. .... II I Katne anH KUff h 5Sdinheo'fajorhnShnrwVoPU AfoTZtlVl" I HOTEL HOTEL OREGON, Portland, Or., Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co HOTEL SEATTLE, Seattle, Wash. Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., The PORTLAND C. J, KAUFMANS. Manager A homelike) hotel, pleasantly located In the heart of the city. All outslae rooms. Con cert by Symphony Orchestra In courtyard every evening. Hotel motors meet all trains and steamers. European, Vl.oO upwards. Mallory Hotel Family H 1 a -Id mi' EifsS- iOTEL CORNELIUS House of Welcome Our 14-passenger electric 'brut meets all trains. A Inch-class, modern hotel in the heart of the theater and shopping district. One block W UCU fSJLAVA - ; - liU li-J (,UKl.l.LlV9 J. W. Blain, Pre.. ' Flelde Jone FURNISHED TENTS AT COLUMBIA BEACH ON THE PACIFIC Each tent is equipped Tath beds, bedding, stove, table, cooking utensils, etc You will have the free use of shower baths, water, swings, tennis courts and boats. Good board may be secured at 35 cents per meal or $1 per day Make your reservations at Western Oregon Trust Co., 272 Stark Street, or write Frank E. Roberts, Manager, care Columbia Beach Hotel, Columbia Beach, via Warrenton, Oregon. - . 7sVf i!SS NEW a;es QISOPUH WITH BATH PORTIAND.ORE. $155 PER DAY UP WlhlKMIOflHECm ftlTHOUTBATHSI-UP ARE TOC GOIG CAMPING TRY WILH0IT SPRINGS Beat Camp Grounds on the Const. Auto Bus tor Your Bag-gage. Auto cio , Pvurv T )nv. Hotel, Evropenn Plan. Rates Reaaonable. Phone East 3138 or B S6S3. Necanicum Inn Large, newly-furnished rooms over looking ocean. Beautiful grounds and flowers. Home comforts, home cook ing; boating, fishing, sandy beach. Its former guests Its best advertisement. For terms address Mrs. , Damun, Seaside, Oregon. a. T- ' MOORE Electric lighted. Rooms with or i:..T. r- n.hha Steam heat SI i orTH Vltnhan will OA, X MOOHE, Prop. MULTNOMAH TSS In size, appointments, twrjes and fireproof q u a 1 1 1 y of the building the leading hotel In Portland, the Multnomah, offer to the discriminating traveler every comfort and convenience found only In the beat hotels of the East. Nine stories of steal and conorete, with 7.6 room and suites. palaUaUy furnished, with rates from I1.B0 to J5 per day. European plan. Motor 'busses meat all train and steamer. H. C. BOWERS, Manager. J. X. BSOWKELL, Aaat Ms Both hotels centrally located modern in every respect, and conducted on th Props. European plan. Props. Portland's Finest otel - 15th and Yamhill Streets ROBT. H. SCHOPS, Manager JUST OPENED aBaaBaaaaa-MfJBaM-V Finest Location in the City for a Residential Hotel 210 elegantly furnished rooms, each and every one supplied with every 20th century convenience, strictly up to dale. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. Ellht Stories of Solid Concrete Con struction. A place where you need not hesitate to mike home for your a-rowing family. CLEAN WHOLESOME PUBE. Rates for the summer months will he extremely moderate to permanent suesta Location 15th and Yamhill ruts It within easy walking distance. Portland, Or. from any ear-in I.J-LJ.1 -F-a-t Vlce-Prea. A. Crouae. Mgr. Oceanhill Hotel KEWPOST, 0EEG0N An exclusive quiet family hotel. E 1 e c t r i c-lighted. Ample playgrounds for children; accessible beach, no grade to climb; shel tered from all winds. Shore dinners a specialty. Bus ' meets boats. Make reservations now. GotoLongBeach And Stop, at The Portland European Plan. Reasonable Rates. Up-tO-Date Cafeteria and Delicatessen. Home Cooking: Onr Specialty. ETJGEXE HAK.IEMASi Proprietor. THE HACKNEY COTTAGE Enlaurajed Dlnias - Room Capacity and leciruxea asonae. Beautiful Surroundings and MOST PLEASANT SPOT OW NORTH BEACH. Home comforts. Special rates by the week. Make reservations by mall or wire. Address. SEAVIEW. WASH. Ho! for Cascadia Best mountain resort on Coast; best medicinal water, scenery, hunting and fishing; nature's own conservatory of health. Auto or stage from Lebanon or Brownsville. Write or phone C. M. CE1SEXDORFER, Caacadiau Oreitoa. Oins ana women ui aiujia. uimd e ' q . Quantities of lace. The work Is mostly done in uuwir wwi . 25, 1912. AMtrsaiEyrs. "POPULAR PRICES" HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor Phones: Main 1. A Xltt. TONIGHTweek1118 SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE SATURDAY CATHRINE COUNTISS in th Convedy "A Woman's-Way 77 Evenings, 76c, 50c 35ft 28c. . Matinee, 25c NEXT WEEK The comedy. "Merely Mary Ann." SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY MATS A iota MAT. 16e Il " SOe I XJGHTS: ISC, tSc SOe. T HI1L& A. 1 ixviiui an." - " Sale. Lydia Nelson, Katbl GultinL Bolibe and Dale, Reldy and Currier, Win slow and bttTtter, urcnestra, nctures. ANTAGES WKEK JULY 52 "The Holdup." Howard ana ueiores, ins r uur riww.Mjii " : Lennon. B ikoff and Belmont. Fantages Orchestra. Popular Prices. Box office open 10 A. M. to 10 P. . Boxes ana iir-t row Balcony reserved. Phones: A 5 .36, Main 4836. Chrtaln .i30, 1:30, . Matinee Every Day. cm m- r-,iialUn Kefioed VaadvlH Special Summer Prices Nighta 10 and 20c Matinee Any Seat 10c -frvir jTTT-r Clarence Wilbur A Co., Kelly ana wnaer, mas xwj -""" II..L ann Hnnlon. E. J. MOOn. May Ellnore. Orchestra, Pictures. OAKS PORTLAND'S GREAT Aaiua -MENT PAUK. V BUr Free Programme of Outdoor Acts ? CIRCUS. CIRCUS. CIRCUS. 4 P. M. and 8:30 P. M. T Boyd Ogle's One-Ring Circus best in the country. Every ""rnoon and evening. Real circus band. All X Ed'ucated Dogs and Ponies Big acta 1 Funniest of Clowns. V oaks Park Band every afternoon and night. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta. SACRAMENTO vs. PORTLAND JUI.T 23, 24, 25. Sfl, 27. 28. Games Begin Weekdays at 3t00 P, M. snnoHji n , .iw . LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. FUKEBAI, NOTICES. . . . . . i . t..i .,4 TA.a Tl l.r,ni BI f.a veara. beloved husband' of Mrs. Cella Mergens and father of Mrs. Josephine Mc Kibben. Mrs. Mary Shields. Helena, Alfred and Masdalino Mereens. Funeral will take Norih. tomorrow (Friday). July at 8. W corner E. 12th and Pine streets. 9 o clock. Friends respectfully invited. Interment alt. calvary uemeierj cTpirt.m37 if the residence of her daughter. 660 Belmont. July 24. Mrs. EI Tnontns. iu aa&, munt.-t . - :- . . low and F. C Stackpo e. Friends In 't'd 10 attend funeral services, which v. ill b" held at the above residence at 2 P. M Saturdav. Julv 27. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. Please omit flowers. ROTH The funeral services of the late Er aa.t Bnth who nassed away at the late residence,' Columbia Boulevard. July 33, win taae place i "Yi formed Church, situated upon said boule vard. toany t-rnursuayi, m a ..a J-',"" Friends who reside in the central portion ri rJ: -i... u a att.nH can inter cept carriages at corner of East Flanders tarment at Love's Cemetery. QUIROLO At the residence of his daugh ter. Mrs. Frank Poni, 1258 Greeley St.. Su 1 . a. Funeral from the above residence at IP. M. today (Tbur. S'-v "Xk .'.j Mill sts. Services at 2 V M. 'Friends invited. Interment River .... a ... femeterv. . . ..n. ...clrienca 8114 Hoi tfbUh At Lite lomuj ' " . - ?' a. JaTtJ.'S? VnE R7 SLrJ- Al?"lY.r of"' Mr" d Mrl Albert Sschman. Friends Invited to attend fu -era services. . S"-M ,!. aahn," "juY;" "A: interment- Mount cnii TJoru- Cemetery. ...r. ..t. ,ht. attv. .Tulv 22. Claude i-i " tr " . ' ,1. i-aa irnn t h. IX walker, agea o ..ca.. days. Funeral from tho family residence. morrow (Friday) July 28; thence to th Atkinscn Memorial Church, Bast Everett and East 29th sts. North, where funeral Jf.-.. -ill he held at 4:30 P. M. Friends invited. BRAUNE In this city. WIm J. need 47 years 8 months 23 days. Services . i O M t Vl Bar. today. Juiy . -. - "nV ,'-. lors 01 me e-h-i. ; - . iu Tra-t Alder st. Interment Rose City . - i ( i lira William Bonser, who passed away In this chJpel tomorrow' (FrlSa?" at 1 o'clock p M. Interment at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. Friends are respectfully Invit- . tn attnnd. BRODIE The funeral services of the late Mrs. ueorgia. o. x.. "r. V m .... f.nar, n.rlnm EL. HI A. M. tomorrow irTiuayi, J"1) vited. Interment Mt. Scott Park Cemetery. Services at the grave private. PMyfaBrT,Fune5i .Trvic."wlll "be heid at years. .,,..,1 tomorrow (FrtSK. July"28. at f0 A" Mrrrlend. re aoectfuily invited. Interment Greenwood nrwiTT The funeral services of Pearl Hewitt, beloved wife of Arthur L. Hewitt, will be neia at nunu o iu,..-. at 2:SO P. M. tomorrow (Friday). Friends invited, interment jvwp ..v ...... . Works. East 3d and Pine Sts. fcaat lit. llllMiMa.Tlff ... .. ...v neril director and undertaker, 0 Third St.. corner Balmon. UMJ naaa- Dunnln MrEntee, Funeral Directors, -.i7 . -a Vine. Phone Mala 430. LadT at- tendant. Office of Coontr Coroner, w. 7ELXER CO.. 692-4 Wiluams ave. ir..4 lOKti C. ions. Idr attendant. ruo" a. - MEMORIALS Portland Marble Works, . ...T .14- l ltxr Hall. Kntali. 181(15. J P FINLEY A SON. Sd and 3Iadlsoo. Tdy attendant. Phone Main , A ISPS'. Funeral Directors to F. 6. Dimnirtg. Inc.. E. 68, B 2535. LEECH, rndertaker, cor. Eat Aider and Xth. tMMt IS1. X lOOO. .-."J 4.CUU4.44.. "sKEWESCOMPANY, 3d and Clay. Main IS.. A 83;i. """-"- LONE FIR CEMETERY 500 choice lots and single graves on new ground for sale. Office 206 Commercial Blk. Telephone Main 4&89. , , . a. - V 1 AFCTTOJf SALES TODAY. A -R.Va'. Anetlon House. leA-S Parlt St at 10 o'clock, we sell the furnishings, etc.. from the late Dr. Hamster's residence. At 12 noon we sell the oftlco furnishings. In struments, library, etc.. from the offices 01 the above. Bauer irowen. muctmm.- MEETING NOTICES. ! XL, KAOER TEMPLE A. A. O. N. M. 8. Stated ses sion Saturday. July f. at P. M. Vlsltlm nobles cour teously Invited to be present. By order of Illustrious Po tentate. HUGH J. BOTD, Recorder. DIED. DANIELS In this city at her late resi dence, 3th ave. ana owtn at. e. c E. Daniels, aged 28 years and 1 montn. Remains at the establishment of J. r. Flnley A Son, Third and Madison its. Funeral notice will appear lu a subse Quent issue. mcvTa t u . attv Tnl v 7 Reptrand E- Flake, aged 1 years, nemain. nj a. parlors or the tKewes LnamnKini pany. corner 3d and Clay. Funeral notice later. HATS At his residence, sot iao ave., jmr 24, James Klley iiays. aseo m "" Remains are at Holman's funeral parlors. Announcement 01 runerai CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally r Sunday. Pr lalne. One time i I IIITlfl - , l .-d ,trnculv.rTe.::.:::::15c SEK -i "oTrvermin,: V." Ki. Vale. .Dnlv to advertisements nnder "New Today " aid all other claaalnca- ?ia.r.xM thenfollowlng: Situations Wanted, Pemale. For Kent, Booms. rri.i. Rooms and Board, Private amlll-s. Houaekeeping ww"1". . . i . a. . aecntive tsaaes the one-time rate applies. six woraa a" ..... . vertlsemenU and no ad counted for less than Oregonlan villi accept elaaelfled advertlae aaa . the telephone, providing the ad menu over mc i-ruuur, ""' " verttser Is a o.bsrr.ber to either phone, but DUI 1U -TlIU-?-ja- a..-? C. Whether lUMequeni mnn u.i.r...n sccepted over the phone depend upon the . K n-.-mM' rxt (KlonhrtllA MJl- promp.uv.-v. .... Vj T p. unl advertinenient. will not be accepted over the teiepnone. wuer iw "t "'-;-tio" only wilf b accepted for "House, for portunltles," 'Koonii-Houe" and Wanted On cbanre or book adverttetnent tho chance will bo based on the actual number of lines appearing- In the paper. reSardieu it.. ..mku- At nrnrn In earn line. . - ri-jv -II arlTortlsam-nil chArsred by measure only. 14 lines to the lDch a a a Kemlttanoes must accompany out-of-tow orders. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE ITS MADISON STREET, nk i ana a RK. TI. 4 I Manh.ll AAA. All Cats Delivered Will Be Cared for Free, or They Will Be Called for at a Nominal Cont. Refer All Caaes of Crurltj to inia uince. uprs nnu ..is". NEW TODAY. SACRIFICE PLATTING PROPOSITION 120 ACRES, MOUNT HOOD R, R. per acre. This place was bought tor subdivision, but.owing to otner dusi ness, owner cannot handle. Must sell. Lnnil in immiHiiata vieinitv sold as tiirrh ae C1 000 nfr acm. Ai?l. fllliok if yon want this. Main 1940. 430 Wor cester Building TO LOAN $20,000 to $4d,ooa ,6 On good, inside real estate. OREGON REALTY CO., 43 rourtli St. Marshall 3790, A 3324. ortgags Loans (50,000 and over mm CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPKMT I nuKST CUUItENT RATES. WE MA CM ASTER Oi c.orneit wiug. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa first-class improved city property. 0 to i per cenu Farm Loans. A. H. BIRR ILL CO.. 202 McKay Bldg..- Third and Stark. S7S PER ACRE 330 acres, on carline, near city, good terms, investigate. MOODY LAND COMPANY, 1016 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Main 37. Edward E. Goudey l,.tl4aiM J W AO UllUtUl MORTGAGE LOANS l per cent on best business propartlaa. 6 par cent and- 7 per cent on other cloae- in PUBineaa mi iwuwua om4...aa. I own large tract Fine Bottom Land Platted. Close to Portland. "Will trade , , " . . half interest, party to take active ltt . A P Of7 Onxrnnion terest. AP 207, Oregonian. focomePropertyNetlO!A 70x100 corner, close In, East Side stores and flats. Income 190 per month. Price $19,000; terms. W. O. WAPPEL, 309 Lumber Exchange t jt 11.. inaoraa 1 nt nn Oraan boula- I V&lQ. LV VCClAll, 4 Ill.iUUUU, 4 44444.U that will surprise you. " ... Oak Sta. Phone Mala t067. 1, (I I. I'l 3. nr.HII4",rj 4avn4 4vi, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 124 W oreealer Block. Pboa Mabs S3r MORTGAGE LOANS CC JOHN E. CRONAN, HOI SIW TODAT. I1G0I CORNERS 100x100, price $ 9,500 100x100, price ...$11,UUU 66 2-3x100, price $28,000 100x100, price $60,000 50x100, price $SU,UUU Above corners-"will net from 7 to 10 per cent. 100x100 corner, close in, $200, 000. EASY TERMS Call for C. G. Reagan CHAPIN-HERLOW MTO. & TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce IRVINGTON Furnished Home ThU la & very attractive ftlmost nw " rooms, Deiwfeu xuwuik- r,-. j.nianr to r H.r eve yilllliK in. .fromcRd heater to coollnf hChe.U of West Sid. uW The 'furnishing . ... . of West Bide nilis. me iurnioi..u-.. worth 1500. are high-grade ana mciua bedding, table linen, etc. In fact all bedding, table linen, etc. In fact all are in A-l condition and yours within 30 days for $6600. $1000 cash. Sea Adams. CHAPIX - HERLOW MORTCAfiB AND TRUST COM PAX V 832-339 Chamber of Commerce REAL ESTATE DEALER.. BBUBAKER 4 BENEDICT. 302 McKay bide. M. S.a. narli William a . S1S-314 Fallinr bids. Chapln & Harlow. 332 Chamber ofCommirci fnolt. H. S. Co.. 80S Corbett bids. Jennings A v. .. Main 18S. 208 Oresonian. PALMER-JON Eb ua, li. r., im-w. Wilcox bldg. . The Oregon Real Eatata Co.. Orand ava. at Muiinoman ... inoumir .uumuiw REM. E STATIC For Sale Lots. DID YOU EVER THINK of buying a home lika thl.? Four eholca lota. In fine cultivation, bearing fruit, roaea and shrubbery, plenty ot bouaeroom, chicken-houses, woodshed, close to car. t: u in 1 1 . . . . j ua. a"v". . CHAPIN-HERLOW MTO. TRUST CO., 3d floor. Chamber of Commerce. 52 LOTS AT SNAP PRICE. In restricted district. within a-mlls limit: cement walks and water: owners forced to make quick sale; price upon call ing at the office. , GODDARD WIEDRICK. 24? Stark Street. 1 handle PORTLAND HEIGHTS HiAUL.ulv.v441. Both high-class and cheap property, and I have the bargains in this district; If you want to buy to advantage on Port land Heights you will have to see -. Marshall 4627. BROOKE. A 8839. A REAL LOT. soil 20. corner, for sale at $700; closa to business center; a real sacrifice: easy CHAPIN-HERLOW MTO. TRUST CO.. Sd floor. Chamber ot Commerce. iu At)H 1 r. 1. ... My beautiful level lot In Reed College district; large shade trees; without Inter est or taxea Write owner, AJ 232. Ore. gonian. LOTS 10 down and $10 per mo.; all lm- . 1 4 . ....11 1 . . .. watar MlMIlt provemeuia paiu, xu,, 4.444, ---- sidewalks etc.; no int.. no taxes and In fine locality; 60 fare. Particulars N 224, urcconiau. PICK THIS UP QUICK. 165x100. on E. Grant, near E. 84th St. Must he aold regardless of value; worm at least I4U00: $2500 will buy II. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, IRVINGTON LOCATION Several cho'cs lots 00X100 Wlin natural aiiruuucij a... sold for $725 each to cloae an aatate: terms easy. See attorney, 414 Spalding bldg. EAST-FFONT lot. near car, all Improve ments In, including nara lem . cement walks, e-wer: $20 down. $.0 monthly, second mortgage privilege. J 241. Oregonlan. Double corner, in Rose City Park siding on Alameda drive and facing east: grand view; reduced from $2500 to gliOO. half cash. Particulars. Main 0444. LB NOIR CO. Dealer, iu " K r 4-186-7 - Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LOTS 3 and 4. block 21. Council Creat Park lor saie oy o a 1101 a. 'a 220. Oregonlan. lT the right price, a lot on 52d St.. 60x 100. low terms, excellent car service. M 224, Oregonlan. FOR SALE One lot on East 2-".th St.. near S. P. snops. Aaareaa iaiuh jiiiii., wood. Or., Route 2. WESTMORELAND lot. half price; Si 17. facing Master Reed college, x-nono 414m son. $100 PUTS you in possession of fine 101 near irvington, caay lem" uu 331 Mohawk blag. $000 CASH buys lot , block 10, lerrace Park, box 1(. waranar, iu.". k. SNAP I'Ot in Sunnyslde, cash. O 29. Oregonlan. close In. $850. TERRACE PARK. 50x111, for $450 cash; market value $700. Owner Marshall 502. Beacn Property. HOUSES FOR SALE AT BEAVIEW. An exceedingly comfortable and substantial home at Seavlew. Long Beach- 8-room house. 2 fireplace, front porch 12 feet wide. Inclosfd in glass on the north and west sides; r renqn uwm ........... ....a -.a room and conservatory; e aiaaume library, ltvlng-room, etc., be- rooms. sides 9 extra aleeDlna rooms In tha pump-house; launary ana shed, kitchen, etc., bath, hot and cold water, both upstairs and down; celled and tinted; built-in buffet, plate glass in the front of tha house: plenty of windows, storm windows of glass for Winter; dou ble floors and walls and building paper between In each case; con veniences and necessities too nu merous to mention except at Inter view; good lawn.I00xllM Inclosed; S beach tots besides: price $4500. 10-room bouae with bath, hot ana -cold water, electric lights, windmill and ample tank: stately shade trees, flowers, vegetable garden, sta ble, beside which there is one single and one double cottage and an ex tra set of quarters; all buildings are well built and substantial, the whole making a most attractive appearance; this property covers an v.. ,, o.ui.o,.! hounded by enure oiuta, auv -, . - four streets; is cuii.hi.. railway t station ana . . . ..... K. n. known DeaCn, .lie 4,4V4...J -a .irtrta as the Snyder cottage; price $7000, terms; this Is a good investment, all of these houses being In demand . at best rates during the season. WHITMER-KELLT CO.. v 70 4th St, beacn. For Bale Houses. NICE 5-room cottage (Sunnyslde), street N..-ii... .11 in and nald: S1000 cash or trade, balance to suit. E. T. Taggart, 416 Chamber ot commerce. UST sell within 10 daye, lot 50x100. 6- au'TuTOlshed. $200 down. Res.. East 5117. r,rr bet. 11 and 1. Marsnau so 11. IRVl.M4iyil 444 444.44 4 4. DESIRABLE HOMES. SIGHTLY LOTS. NEUHAUSEN CO.. 703 LEWIS BLDO. iTH AXD OAK STS. MAIN 8078. .... . , -II 0D.1.1 4 r rv PIEDMONT bargain. 8-room, strictly mod era house, corner 75x100; garage on alley; built for home 2 years ago; $4800, Owner, 222 Ainsworth, cor. Height. GOING to build 7 Save money. DrafUmaa wlll draw plans spare time; low rate; good work; references. AC 2.8, Oregon laM. FOR SALE or rent, neat 6-room cottage on reasonable terma. Inquire 284 7th St., Woodlawn. joveiy aqanmn. NEW house, corner lot. University Park, modern throughout: $1900: $20 down, $20 monthly. Phone Main 14o. SNAP Modem bungalow, fi large rooms, 50x 100 lot, 2 blocks from car; $1650; terma Tabor 2547. CHEAPER to build than buy. Martin, 4o Blackstone St., builder. JOT 50x120, on Sellwood carline; small house; $1200. Call 1078 Mllwaukle St. SEW's-room house, built right, 00x142 lot. Dwner. pnone iaoor oji- FOE SALE One house and lot st Newborn, Address O. O. Walllnf, Sherwood. Or.