IS THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY, JULY 23. POVI LAR PKJ( E. r.H r:?r; i HC f T f THEATER f- J J. Ith and Taylor Fhoan: Mala 1. A 1122. TOXIGHT. Erery lght ThU Week. Bargala Matinee Tomorrow. CATHRINE COUNTISS Support?) by 8YDVETT AYBES. The Marry Comedy "A Woman's Way" Evening. 75c, 50c 35c, 25c "Wednesday Matinee, any seat 25c MAIN , A 1K9 MATXXEI EVERT DAT MAT. lSe N7GHTSI 15c. Sc fiOc. 1 WKER JTLY tS Bertha KaUrb, Chick and Dal. Rririy and Currier. Winsiow and Mrrkff, urcdNum, Futures. &NTMES "VftTli-iLIT UUIU m:EK nVt i! "The Holdnp." Howard and p.lorrs. The Four Janotrskys. Bert lyeunon. Banknff and Belmont. Pantaitee Orrheslra. Popular PTire. Box office open 10 A. 31. to 10 P. M. Boxes and first m,- Balrcnr renerred. Phonos: A 2236, Main 4h.. Curtain 2:30. 7:30, 9. Sol linn A Cone) din Refined VandeviUe Special Summsr Prices: Nights Matinees 10 and 20c Any Seat 10c WEEK JII.Y 22 Clarence WUbnr Co.. Kellv and Wilder. Le Boy-Harrer Co., Kanlon and Hanlon. E. J. Aloore, Mar KUnore. Orchestra. Pictures. We OAKS POKTLAXB'S GREAT AM USK- MEM PARK. V Btp Free Programme of Outdoor Acta CIBCIS. CIBCIS. CIKCC8. Bmd sV Ogle's One-King Circus best in the country. Every afternoon and evening. Real clrcua band. All free. Kdncated Dogn and Ponies Big acta. ; Funnlent of Clowns. V Oaks rark Band every afternoon . and nitwit. A Moving Pictures In the auditorium. : BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Cor. Vaughn and Twen ty-feTrrt a St a. SACRAMENTO vs. PORTLAND JII,Y 23. 24, 25, 2, 2T. 2. t.anea Be in Weekdays at StOO P. M. Mm days at 2:30 p. M. DAY FRIDAV. ; pnvs L'nder 12 Free to Bleachers DIED. . 2) ROCHE Georgia t. Brodia. wife of O. A. Bmdle. of Sto4 52d st. S. EX, died at Port Townsend. Wash.. July 22. at 5:35. The r-TTiatns will he brought to Portland for bnrmi. Funeral arrangements later. De reasf.i was a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. It. i'irpentr. Four children survive her. H. C. Brotlie, of Sale, Or. ; R. C. Brodte. f.f Canty, Or.: R. K. Rrodie. of Corvallls. Or., and Delta J. Brodle. of Portland. BONf ER In th! city, at his late residence. 37 North 20th St., William Bonder, uncle nf Mrs. Lut-y M. Goshorn. of this city, and ased OS years ll months and 2d days. Remains at the establishment of J. P. Finley Sk Son. Third and Madison ts. Funeral notice will appear in a subse quent issue. WILLIAMS At the home of hr niece, Mrs. Pora Danforth. 112 East Yamhill street. Minnie uor-rton Williams. aged 43 years months 25 days. Remains at the private ret-eption-ronms of the East Side Funeral Director. 414 East Aider street. An nouDcm'nt of funeral later. BECK At the family residence. 04 Hol man st.. July 22. Lena Beck, aged 2T veam T months, beloved wife of Edwin R. Perk. Remains at Holman's funeral par lors. Announcement of funeral later. WALKER In this city. July 22. Claude H. Walker, seed 4 years 3 months 6 days, of t2 East 27th at. North. Announcement of funeral later. QUI KOI.O In this city. July 72. at the fami!v residence. 12.VS Greeley st.. Ano tma ijufrolo. aged 7 yaara in months 5 da. Announcement of funeral later. ROWAN In Portland. July 2". Owen Mortimer Rowan, a native of Mobile. Ala., recent! v of Chicago, lii., and for the pas two years of Portland, aged 41 years. HXERAL NOTICES. WARIXXrii Julv si. at her late res ilience. i:;o Fast lth street. Mrs. Emily W 'a rinner. beloved mother of Mrs. Eu trnln i.llllnrham. Of alem. Or. : Miss riotence Warinner, R. O. Wartnner and Mrs, F. M- Moore, of Portland, and sister of Mm. F. A. St ant on, of Tol edo. Or., see. rt years. Funeral at Holm an' a un dertaking parlors at ll o'clock today .iTuestiay. Interment at Salem. Or. OLSON The fuueral of Elsie OlJon. beloved diuKht"" of Mr. and ilra. Oliver Olson, from'a funeral parlors, at 8:30 A. M. today Tuesday V thenca. to Su Marv Church. WilM&ma ave, and Stan ton "sts. Srviees at ft A. M. Friends in vifed. Interment Mount Calrary Ceme tery. FKA'ER Mrs. Mry PraEer. aged 80 years. '!ied July 2 at the rwidence of her daugh .er. Mrs. R. H. Birdaail. 705 Northrup t-v-rie-ids are invited to attend the funeral service at First Comjrejeational Church .Wedday. July 2. at 2 P. M. Interment private. IIOBERT5 The funeral services of the late John Roberta, who rased away July 21. take place at Flnler'a Chapel today iTuesdav-v at X o'clock P. M- Interment at R.w City Cemetery. FTlenda are re spectfully invited to attend. WOLFER Julv 21. Henry Wolfer. sped 44 veara. Remaina at Dunning A Mc En tee's ci-apel. from where they will be shipped Wednesday moraine; to Caaby. Oregon, for interment. BOYD In this city, July 22, Howard Glen Fnj-d. ase 1ft yeara 6 months, beloved aon Mr and Mrs. George Boyd- Funeral aerv ices will be heJd at Holman's funeral par lors at 2 P- ft. today (Tuesday). Inter nent Rose City Cemetery. MOM'M E'TS Otto Schnmann Marble Works. Kt 3d and Pine f"t. Eat 74i. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the Iradlnc fo neral director and undertaker. 210 Third St., corner Paluion, Lady assistant- DunnlDf ft MrEntee. c ft MrEntee. Funeral Directors. Tine. Phone Main 430. Lady al- Tth and Pine. Phoae Main 430. lendant. Otrice of County Coroner. A. K. ZELLEA CO., SSi- Williams are. Phone Eat lfleK. C logg. Lady attendant. J. p FINLEY ft SON. 3d and Marilsoo. lady attendant. Phone Main A t.V'3. E.lfT hlDE Funeral llre-tors. sncreseors top. Duunixia. lac.. R. &t. O . I.trKClilndeitakerTcor. East Alder and rilrtti. East "HI. B 1X. Lady attendant. SKEWES COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main 41&i. A tstl. Lady attendant- LONE FIR CEMETERY 500 ehoirp lots and single graves on new ground for sale. Office 206 Commercial BIk. Telephone Main 49S9. 1POVI 1 Vsfl Matinee Errry Day. itmmess MEETLVG NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 4 A. F. AND A. M. Special com mnnlcation this (Tuesday) even ing 7:30 and o'clock. East eth and Burnstde. fc-. A. ana . decrees. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or Sunday. Per Line. One time I2c Ssvme ad two eonwecqtlve times . . . . . 22c mme ad three eonwecutlve times SUc btune ad six or seven eonserutive time. .5Ac The above rate apply to advert Iftements nnder "New Today and nil other clasaliira- tione except the following: Sit nations Wanted, Male Pituafiona Wanted, Female. For Kent. Kooms, Private Families. Koomti and Board, Private Famillee. Housekeeping: Rooms. Private t ami I lee. A ben one advertisement is not run in con secutive lsues the one-time rate applies. Six words count a one line on cah ad vertisements and no ad counted for leas than two lines. Oregon tan will accept classified advertise ments over the telephone, providing the ad vert Ker Is a sahftcrlner to either phone. No price wilt be quoted over the phone, bat hill will be rendered the following; day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the proniptnesa of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements win not he accepted over the telephone. Orders for one inser tion only will be accepted for "Hoiioee for Rent." "F'nmif ir fnr .Sale." "Rnjlncne On- port unit rea," Rooming-Houses" and Wanted to Rent." On charge or book advorrisements the charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing In the paper, regardless of the Dumbrr of words In each line. In New Today, all advertlseinencs are eharsTed by measure only, 14 line to the inch. Remittances must accompany out-or-town orders. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE 175 MAD1SO.X STREET. Phone. Main 5SS. A T3S8. Horse Ambclanee Phone Marahall 6O0. Refer All Caaea of Cruelty lo Thla Office Open Dsi and Night. NEW TODAY. NEW EAST SIDE Terminal District Warehouse Sites On Trackage 100x100 Feet at E. 3d and Madison Sts. 100x100 Feet at E. 1st and Madison Sts. Prices and Terms on Appli cation H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Quarter Block 18th and Johnson Sts. $20,000 EVERETT & SIMONDS Incorporated Board of Trads Building HOGS OR COWS 260 Acres Under Plow Sixty Acres Saw Timber. 150 Now In Crop, Oats and Hay. Good House, Barn: All Fenced. Running: Stream Year Round. Three Mllea From R. R.. Willamette Valley. $50 Acre SHINDLF.R A HALL. SOS Ahinston Bids:. Mortgage Loans ynOfOOO nnsl Over na CKJfTRAL BCSINESS PROPERTY. LOWfclsT CIRUEST HATES. WM. MA CM ASTER . , Il jCorbeft Hide MORTGAGE LOANS On first-class improved city property. 5 to 7 per cent. Farm Loans. A. H. EIRRELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. BUSINESS CORNER 100x100 the only- corner allowed for business In Irvlngton Park. S. W. cor ner of Thirtieth and Alnsworth avenue. Just where the Alherta carllne ends. Pick It tip at once and double vour money. An Immense territory to draw from. J. D. KEXSEDV, Woodlawa 1 7 IS. 838 I sles Ave, N. Saloon for Sale Five-year lease, independent license. Apply 274 Everett st. 10 Acres unimproved, arood level land, seven miles from Portland, one mile from rail way; $125 per acre. beBt of terms. MOODY LAND COMPANY. lOld Chamber of Commerce Bid-., Mala 37. Edward E. Goudey Jewls Building. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 pr cent on best business properties. per cent and 7 per cent on othe close in business and residence securities. Qisan Street, Near 23d 50x100 with Rood old nine-room house, on Giisan. near Twenty-third. Price $SS00. About half cash. CRISM Jk BOLDS, SIS Board of Trade Blda- 4th an4 Oak. IRVINGWOOD BARGAIN! $1600 for choice 4 block, corner 29th and Fremont; $500 below ad joining property; half cash. Owner, Main 9348. Ideallv located lot on Ocean boule vard, Bay Ocean. Tillamook, at price that will aurprtse you. M. ODEI.L, S10 Henry Bids;, Fonrth sad Oak Sta. Phone Mala 4M6T. MORTGAGE LOANS KCL JOHN E. CRGNAN, nof 0J O bos Spaldlna; Bids. TTCVf TODAY. WEST SIDE 7-Room Modern House Fractional Lot 10th. Near Hall $7000 50x100 $10,500 21t Street SEE CHAS. KIPPKB Cbapln-Herlow Mta-e. Trust Co. 322 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Modern Home CP TO 12,000 and balance rash for lOOilOO Llose-ln Apartment Site, West Pirte. PRICE 30,000. her of Commerce. COLLIS. BERRIDGK THOHIPSOX, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, EM Worcester Block. Phone Main ttSU? REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BRl'BAKER 4 BENEDICT, iflS McKay Bec'k.giniam G.. 315-319 Failing b,a Chapln 4 Herlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce Cook. B. S. & Co.. 508 Corbctt bldg. CALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404-405-406 Wilcox bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave., at . ... i l. lUWaAav AliHltlntl.l REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. ... . n. T Int. BllttAtllA TOr 1 or more palatial homes, about a block from Alnsworth School; grana. unob atructlble view of city. $12.500., This Is about half market value. Marshall 47. BROOKE. A 3839. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Both high-class and cheap property, and I have the bargains in this district. If ou want to buy to advantage on Port land Heights you will have to see mi. U.-.I..1I lK-rt BROOKE. A JS39. SSff" modern 5-room bungalow. 3 blocks irom car. ai mmuu -..-t'', ' buffet, beamed ceiling, paneled dining room, east front, JliBOO. easy terms. HIGGINS & BOYijR. S0 IJorthwest Bldg. Main 4400. sill LAan i . ,, M' beautiful level lot In Heed College district: large shade trees: without inter est or taxes. Write owner. AJ 232, Ore- gonlan. LOTS 10 down and 10 per mo.; all !m- ..,. .irt- mill Run water: cement Sidewalks etc.: no int., no taxes and in fine locality: 5c tare. Particulars I. -28. SIX lots fur JI400. terms 22 per month: To i...oit. no tkiei. tiood place to build to sell. 27 minutes' car ride from 1st and AlQer. ais ..o 666 BUYS my Rose City Park lot worth 1900- lot S. block S5, 54th st. near Ala meda. Res. East 511J. Off. bet. 11 and 1. jAArBllBII ia. Dealers in ftuo j""' 835-7-S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. AT the right price, a 101 on u-a uu 2'J4 Orcgonla WESTilORELANI lt. half prlre; facing 4W',sr. phone Main 8517. Master- eon. LB NOIR & CO.. Dealers in eil Oiae properLjf. Chamber of Commerce bidg. -u0 ('ASH buvs lot iS, block 15. Terrace Park, box l-'7. Gardner. Idaho. BCILtxlNG lot for sale. V its value. AG 248. Oregonlan Beacn Property. HOUSES FOR SALE BEAVIEW. An exceedingly comfortable and substantial home at Seaview, Long Beach; 8-room house, 2 (lreplaces. front porch 1- feet wide, inclosed In glaes on the north and west sides; French doors connecting dining room and conservatory; 4 sleeping rooms, library, living-room, etc., be tides 2 extra sleeping rooms in tho pump-bouse; laundry and wood shed, kitchen, etc., bath, hot and cold water, both upstairs and down; ceiled aud tinted; built-in bufffci, plate giass In the front of the house: plenty of windows. storm windows of glass for Winter; dou ble floors and walls and building paper between in each case; con veniences and necessisties too nu merous to mention except at inter view; good lawn, lOOilOO inclosed; 3 beach lots besides; price $400. 10-room house with bath, hot and cold water, electric lights, windmi.l end ample tan; stately shade trees, flowers, vt-getabie garden, sta ble, besides which there is one single and one aouble cottage and ait ex tra set of quarters; all buildings are well built and substantial, the whole making a most attractive appearance; this property ci-ers an entire block, 200X2W, bounded by four streets; is convenient to the railway station and the oc.-an beach, the property being known as the Snyder cottage; price $7000. terms; this is a good investment, all of these houses being In demand at best rates durlng the season. WH1TMER-K.EL.L.Y CO.. 70 4th St. MIDWAY BEACH Choicest beach property on the Tillamook beaches. Front lots r.0x 00 feet. See agent at 414 Spalding bldg. For Sale House. RENT PAYERS. ATTENTION. Do vou know that we sell houses which we have built, or that we will build for you in any locality you may desire after your own Ideas? We have houses from $3000 to $9500 which we will sell on basis of 91 per $100. or In other words a $S0u0 house will cost you $30 per month, and why not have an equity In a home in stead of a bundle of rent receipts? Will b glad to show the houses which we h ave under construction at any time. Phone or call at office for appointment. NEIL DURF LINGER. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 7i-ld Rothchlld Bldg. Marshall S&. SWELL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW AT A BARGAIN. ' A beautiful home of 5 large rooms and ' fine attic, ready to move Into, without additional expense: furnace, fireplace, beautiful fixtures and shades, lawn roses, etc; beamed ceilings, solid paneled dining-room, buffet, finished floors through out; In fact, every modem -detail; paved street and all Improvements; 13500; easy Terms. a aw ROSE CITY PARK, E. 41ST ST. NEW BKAliirii. nvjic. Owner, modern and up-to-date, re stricted district. lot 5Oxl00; improve ments paid; 2 carlines, oak floors, sleep ing porch, beveled plate 6 -ft. buffet, etc ; bargain: easy terms. Phone Main 4.1.44. mornings. An -extra fine buy, 50x100 lot. restricted district. 14 minutes to city; oak floors bevel olate buffet, sleeping porch, well built finely finished, large attic; easy term s. " ' 5-ROOM bungalow. 15th and Alberta, will old at once; liberal terms; see it to day; make offer. Owner, 03 Swetland vrpr! K-room cottage (Sunny side), street . , .11 in nald: S10OO cash or trade, balance to suit. EL T. Taggaxt. 41 chamber of Commerce. POR SALE Lot 50x100. 4-room house and furniture. 11500 cash. 1308 Greely st. Take t-. ue ar ot off at Holnun station. a v ,p Modern bungalow. 5 larg rooms. 50 x 10 lot. 2 blocks from car; $3600; terms. raoor iiaMi- -ROOM modern house and furniture, close ( HAS. KIPPER. A TRI ST CO, Third Floor Cham- " in. n t? " - FOR TINE HOMES . 6e D Is hunt. REAL ESTATK. For Sale IDEAL COLONIAL HOME. . An imposing, strictly modern 9-room rssidenre. large spacious halls and rooms, perfect floor plan, finest of plumbing and lighting fixtures; a combination oi n and substantial construction; hardwood ,t c.-,ir-1ne nlat elass windows and one-panel doors througnout, solid brass hardware, genuine cut glass xnooa, beautltul dressing-room, veranda ux-u. pergola and screened-in kitcnen P"" large basement, tt-foot eetling; everything mnUta: located in choicest part r Laurelhurst. on Royal Court, first house south of East Giisan. Owner L'lst North- Phone East 55UtL Prrce J&oOO. terms. ' CHOICE HOME. ; If you are looking for a fine home In Irvington, you will get -more real value for your money in this new home than in any place we have offered for sale; a nouse or. suveii 1 T 1. nine balcony; hardwood floors throushout. large, light rooms; good, big furnace, two fireplaces, cquippeu wltn everv modern convenience; garage; one block of car; all street Improvements in and paid; must be sold; will give good terms. OSCAR W. BRYAN, M ain 1033. 505 Cham, of Com. A 1227. WALNUT PARK. This Is a baruin; 2Vi-story modern res idence ; 3 hedrooais; each room has a built-in wardrobe, also large clothes rloset. with window, a toiiets. 2 fireplaces, large kitchen and pass pantry, dining and living-room, small den; full cement base ment, with furnace, wash trays and fruit and vegetable closets, combination artistic light fixtures, window shades. wire screens and doors; 50x100 lot. lo-ft. a. leys, beautiful lawn and garden; best car service In city; price jMOu, terms. Owner, Rodney ave. Phone Wood. awn 22.1. LADD ADDITION HOME. Brand new S-room house, furnace, J. fireplaces, hardwood floors, d-juhly con structed, bookcases, panel dimns-room. buffet. Dutch kitchen, den. breukfam room. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, lot 50x128. east front and on the highest poinr in T.add's Addition on F.ast 2'th Stephens; price a snap, only $'o00. S1W0 cash and $23 per month. See Mr. Zadow. with " GRUSSI & BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR SALE BY OWNER AT A BARGAIN. Modem home, 8 lurge moms and sleep ing porch; one of the finest residence sec. tlons of Portland.'. 57th st.. near Haw thorne. Phone Tabor 1X'20. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. $32,500. One of the handsomest homes m the city, bulit less than a year, larse grounds, shade trees, on corner facing iennis Club. This offers a rare opportunity to any one who might be Interested in such a place to secure a beautiful home, ready Mr oc cupancy, which could not be duplicated for considerably moro than the price a&Kec. Full particulars on application. M. p. PALM Eli-J ONES CO., 404 Wilcox BlAj. NOB HILL INVESTMENT. 50x100 lot o Irving St.. ion feet from 20th at., with good S-room house. This is a bargain, as the lot is worth the money asked without the house. This is a fine apartment-ho use site in the apartment house district. Very easy terms. S. DE LA M ER. 306 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 60 . ONLY 1SOO. ROSE CITY PA-RKU Have you ?1000 cash to take advantage cf owner's sacrifice and purchase a $ow home for $1800; the i?00 balance can stand 8 years; brand new. cozy 5-nin modern bungalow; basement, double floors, bath, mission and enamel finish; block to Fandy blvd. (now being paveoj and car, net price; no trades; bona fide reduction to ra'se money NOW. See Mr. Logan, Jlu fpalutng DiUg. Miiraimu -' " FOR sale bv owner, 10-room house. 15 min utes' walk Postoffice; highest up. close-in property Portland; see every building any siz, mountains, rivers; never-to-be-obstructed view; porch, 3 sides, ground floor; two on second, one sleeping; one third; living-room 20x20, dining-room 1Kx20; everything different; lUe Ju coun try in center town. Telephone Main 5-4t .... vai-u t'll'iVT 7 .(IT. TOiN THE BUUDE.V INTO I.N CO Mb. TVE FURNISH VLAN6.FlS.ANCt. AND BUILD APA KTMENT OR KLblDENC t, AT LOW COST. VB GI L BOND, SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER To OUR CLIENTS. SEE IS BEWIIL TOL WAKE I'LAN.S. IT WILL PA OL. L. R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING A Kl .ti I iLLia. a- .ci.'uw. AS I am compelled to leave the city "111 sell mv 7-room home. Just flnished. ? Maple Ladd-s Addition, lot fixl-6 1 with alley; rooms all large, sleeping Brih: large artic and fireplace In living-room, hardwood floors; this placo was especially built for my own use; price StwOU on ur) easy terms. Inquire ot owner. i w Salmon st. pnone t ivo- Q WESTMORELAND home near Reed Insti tute, two-story, seven-room, three ars old. modern: lawns, shade tre.-s. berries, flowers, pas. electricity, city water, pave ments, sidewalks, fast car service; St oo terms. Will take unencumbered city PrP ertv. here or In Houston. Texas, up to jhoO. Phone Carter. Sellwood, l Kast aevt-nieentii auu r,r-,r,.tr rni.nvl AL. We have a beaulitul home, bulit less than a ear; finished in white ; enamel and mahogany, hot water heat, garat-e sun room in fact everything to be desired, one block from irvington Club; terms can be pALMEK.JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bidg. Phones M. c'liW. A Live In a hot two-room fiat when you can buy a lot 511x100 on easy terms? I will erect you a tent house 14x20. with tloor and walls; you may use as long as you like free; the lot will cost you omy S-fiO on easy terms; two Mocks City Park carllne. Moral: Save your rent. C Oregonian BUILD FOR YOU Jtuuo BUILDS 5-KOOM HOME. 5 or 8 rooms, bui.t to suit you. on your own selected lot. anywhere; luO beautiful attractive homes to look t: planning, nnanelng taik with Mr. Wilson, ter.ns as low as 13 Tr month. National Rea.t A Truft Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON $t!0Qu. 7-room new modern house, facing East on E 24d st., 1 block from car; shade trees; price $nO00; terms. H P. PALMER-JONES CO., Ph ones M ain ft'.OtS A Jfir.S SUNS1CT PLACE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful, new colonial house, 7 large rooms, with attic and sleeping Porcb..'7a Diace, hardwood floors, matiogany coors. Ivorv finished woodwork and U modern conveniences., fcee oS?,?,11- ' Marshall 427. BROOKE. A- 6UXSETFLACE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful new colonial house, . large rooms, with-attic and sleeping porch fire place., hardwood floors, mahogany aoors. Ivory finished woodwork and all modern conveniences. S5G0; term See it day. Marshsll 4s27. BROOKE. A3S39. iUNG u,OW Modern & rooms; full base ment, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace heat" Dutch kitchen, with or without ex tra lot- reasonable terms; 3.. minutes Ml. Tabor ear. 45th and East Morrison. Keys on premises. NEW 0-room house with 2 sleeping porches and all modern improvements; best part f Hawthorne district; magnificent view of West Side. 3lft East 25th cor. Stephens: price ?13.:ofl; will take smaller house up to SSoot) in part payment. lITuRECHL-neT bargain 2-etory stri.-tlv modern, in beat part of tract. s.iOOO "improvements included; easy terms, part trade first payment. K 20.. Orego- nian, IF vou want a good buy in a new up-to-date bungalow, pretty, homes eurrounaing, a delightful location, beautiful Ur trees on property. Rood view and on Hawthorne carllne.callwnergeltwood 4o-. , TAYLOR BUILDING COMPANY RT'IID AS YOU LIKE. WHERE YOU Like furnish plans am money AND GUARANTEE THE WORK. MODERN 5-room bungalow. No. 3 E. 72d Ft in ML Villa in Cuthill Add. Price -t0O. See owner. Main 3otfl, 520 Henry blag V fiU I V-Ut,rti . Brradwav home; fine; worth nearly doublt; also several lots. Ring up East 27S. C lit6. vv. ii- i2400 terms; worth $3100; -room bunga low furnace, wood and gas ranges; fruit trees; corner 150x100: near Alberta car, oo lrth; leautirTii view- - - HOUSES and fiats In "all parts of the city. fc6e tHe'fREP A. JACOBS CO.. gn ,-;. Stiw Washington st. A 6267. iO C SH new 3-room bungalow. Dutch Kitchen, basement, everything nifty; snap; HIGLEY & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton nldg. MUST sell -within 10 days, lot SOjlOO. 5 room new bungalow, basement and attic, nil furnished. 5200 down. Res., East 5117, Off bet. 11 and 1- Marshall 2371. ' IRVINGTON OUR SPECIALTY. DESIRABLE HOMES. SIGHTLY LOTS. NEUHAUSEN & CO- 703 LEWIS BLDG. 4TH AND OAK STS. M.ALN S07S. PIEDMONT bargain. S-mora. strictly mod ern house, corner 75x100; garage on alley; built for borne 2 years ago; $4100. Owner. 2"2 Ainwnrth. cor. Haighl. err THIS nn New 6-room house, large. loL Phone, Will call for you with auto. Tabor 3372. KEAX ESTATE. For Sale Hons. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. New, modern 6-room bungalow, hard wood floors, built-in buffet and bookcases, cloak room with full-lencth mirror door, hall seat, fireplace, panel walls and fin is nea witn j-rencn paper, uuicn kucupu. luriid floorad attic, leeninz DOrch. ail ready to move in. Let us show you this property; cost you nothing to see lu V own this property and can make terms ngnt. Price $3250. GEO. A. ROfrS, OWNER. ilOl Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. Also one 8-room house on corner lot, 4xH.H, for S4Wju. s;.-.nft 8-room new modern bouse, in .Ladd's Addition, near 3 carlines, 4 large bed rooms and big attic; first fioor rooms ais all large and beautifully finished; streets are paved ana ail paid tor at mis reauwu nrica. An ideal home In a choice loca tion; can he had on easy terms. Let me show you this ptace. call Mam v-k- For hale -Acreage. Si ACRES. 40 minutes out, 300 feet from carline, 2 acres cleared, best of soil, new 7-room house, good well and at a bargain price; small can a payment, balance monthly installments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 10a Fourth st. A S500. 1 1-3 ACRES, all cleared, abutting on carline. 40 minutes out, com muters" fare $7.iU; this for $ti03. payable $oM cash and St. 50 per month with interest. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth st. A 3300. 6 ACRES, 2 acres clear. 2-room house, well, fence and only mile from carline, good soil, fine neigh borhood; this for S1750 on month ly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth st. A 3500. B ACRES down the river on West Side, 2 V- miles from 5-cent car fare, at "$175 per acre on monthly payment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth st. A 3500. CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCHES near PORTLAND. Best soil, good roads, spring water, free wood, settled country. 10 acres 44U0, S."jUO. il0 per tract; 2U acres. $0O; 4o acres. $1200; 8U acres, $2000; 40 acres timber, ? 1MO0. Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 3u0 Yeon bldg.. Portland, or. YOU WANT a picturesque Summer home with running water; a small farm, an sere or two for chickens. S2u0 and up. easy terms, choice acreage, close to Portland, on electric carllne, phone, school, store, etc. J. W. Hefferlin, 307 Railway Ex change. Main 2248. HALF-ACRE SNAP TTrtr tftO: will discount 1600; can make terms; has water, walks and improve ments; biocK 10 Bior; u . " , , suburb of Portland; I am owner. AM 2. Oregonian. BUY this half acre; must be quick sale, I need money: half cleared, balance woods fine soil. 100 feet to car; stores, water and improvements. In the livest suburb of Portland, East Side. I am owner, come to me. AG 2:i2, Oregoniai ion ap-re's a-1 fruit lani 10 miles from Estacada; a bargain at JJoO per acre; will take trade up to one-nan ann sume on part of balance, lil West Park st. Phone A 5306. 5 OR 10 acres, 35 miles from city, 1H miles from eiectric line, close to high and grammar school; price $125 per aero; terms to suit. See owner at 4 X. 6th st. Frank T. Berry. 40 ACRES. 32 miles from Portland. 4 miles from R. R.. school on ground, on county road all tillable; price ,1600; part cash and a cheap lot clear of incumbrance. Fran k T. Berry. No. 4 N. 6th st. U ACRES near Bcaverton, 15 cleared, 2 hind-n rmni enr station and running water: only $30tt per acre; terms. Owner, James Wilson, norms, ur.. rouin x. $2u ACRE, near railroad; easy terms. Mas- lerenn, , v i"-" mug.. FIVE acre?. 2 miles from Mt. Tahor snap, $2200 cash. Phone Main -12i3. For Hale Business Property. S3" 700 100x235 FEET. N. E. cor. 19th and i nvinv: some income: this is One prop erty; terms. Phone A. C. Going, East ytomesteads. r havk located a large homestead in Cen tral Oregon and can direct you to Just as good as mine, it is a kul emment. T. M. Rogers, 10& Chamber of Co rn m e rce. For Sale Fruit Lands. Hnnn RiV'KH ORCHARD. 20 acres. 12 acre; apples part 20 years old; 16 acres cleared: new it-room 2-story bungalow on woodi-H hilltop; magnincent view; eiectric iiguia, gravity water system, 3 porches. Box 55, R D No. 1, Hood River. Or. FOR SALE Hood River orchard. 10 acres; part In bearing, balance young trees; C1 miles out; small house, good barn. Price reasonable. No exchange. E. I. Apgar, R. 1, Hood River. Or. - For Sale Farms. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE IN REGION OF AMPLE RAINFALL. A private sale, 760-aere ranch, 2 miles east of Santa Rosa, Cal., northern bound ary is middle of channel of Santa Rosa Creek, an ever-flowing stream; best basalt rock quarry in California (.now operated by city street Improvement company on rovaltv) Is on the property; the S. P. K. R raiis through the northerly portion of the ranch for over a mile and has a station thereon; portion heavilv wooded with oak; portion In fine prunes, producing best crops in vicinity; fuw acres in grapes; good house of 8 rooms and other improvements; a large acreage is same soil as celebrated V rooman walnut orchard, which directly adjoins on the west; substantial portions suitable for walnuts, apples, prunes, hops and truck farming. Now rented as dairy and produces income on over S75,0mi; properlv improved would produce income on much larger capital; offers on subdi vipions will be considered. Address in quiries to Wm. H- Hamilton, attorney for administratrix, room 5ri0 Mills bldg.. San Francisco. For Sale Farms. BEST FARM BUY 175 ACRES FOR $25,000 Here is one of the best farm buys In Oregon. Certain It Is that it is one of the btst money-makers to be found anywhere. Read the descrip tion carefully, which Is a true repre sentation of Just what you will find when you look the property over. There are 175 acres, IW acres in cul tivation, balance good timber and pasture. The entire tract the very tw-st of land. The soli Is a follows: acres of genuine beaverdam, pro ducing the vry best of onion crops .every vear; 60acres of sandy loam bottom, 20 acres of which is set to 2-vear-old peaches; the balance is very best of loam upland. Two liv ing streams of water; good 8-room plastered -houee, not and cold water, bain, toilet, etc.r" splendid water system throughout; large bam and outbuildings; this is the best value we know of. One man made a for tune farming this place. Price $25, 000. Good terms. P.M.C, HARGROVE A SONS, 122 6th St. N., cor. 6th and Giisan. A 7250. Main 4381. I WANT every real estate man in Oregon to know that I want to sell $00 acres. New house barn, water, 60O acres of wheat ready to harvest. All for $22.50 per acre. Crop will pay the first payment of $10, 000 Get busv. $500 for the man who gets me a buyer. M. Fitzmaurice, Condon, Oregon. FORTY acres fruit land In Umatilla, Gov ernment jjiujcvt., v " tv. Oreeon; compelled to sell on account of poor nealtn, or will take Ohio property In part exchange; it Is bound to be one of rne pest iiuu nc. ...w. : , ' fine climate. F. B. Roscoe, Greenwich. O. BURTON district. Clark County, ti miles Vancouver, Wash.; 25 -acre ranch, crop and stock $4500, easy terms. Route No. 1. Box 144. FOR SALE 25-acre improved farm, near Clackamas, Or., $5625, terms. See owner. !3S' Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 3.'t2- 171-AC RE dairv ranch, stock, farm and dairy implements complete; lower Colum bia Owner, 3!M N. Grand ave. East 2?,. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles . from Portland, near electric line; bargaia for all cash. By owner. 182 Morrison St. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE by owner, one acre, two large green houses, heated with hot water, 0-room house, well, operated by windmill or gaso line engine; profusion of flowers and shrubbery, excellent business and loca tion, on the best road in Clark County, . Washington four blocks from trolley line, 4H miles from Vancouver. Wash.; price $3500, terms. L. L. "WOODARD, R. F. D. 2, Vancouver, Wash, 10 ACRES. 7 acres onion land, team, S cows. Dies, chickens, all farm machinery: 7 miles from Vancouver. Sell all or part. $3100. P. O. Bor 523, Vancouver, waan. 40-ACKE farm for sale, $3000." J. Giesy, Wiishonsal, Wash. R. F. P. 1. M Ucellaneous. PORTLAND HEIGHTS APARTMENT SITE. Quarter block, level, unobstructed view, " short distance Portland Academy. Lincoln High, 20 minutes' walk Postoffice. $12,000; easy terms; this week only; owner. Box 2 no. city. . TO EXCHANGE. WE have several apartment-bouses to ex change for acreage. We have a four-flat house on Hawthorne that will exchange for city lots: they must be clear; -also have houses that will ex change for lots. We have 318 acres in the Molalla that will exchange for a piece of income prop erty in the city; also a number of smaller exchanges in city and farm property and vacant lota TELL US WHAT YOU WANT AND WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU. WAGNER A HUNT. 435 Cham, of Com. Main 6057. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN, .-.x-i v- inn rH RKUriRED'. 20 acres of tine orchard land, beautifully situated on the East side aistnci. xiwu piva. Voiinv nvcr ix olanted In com mercial orchard, part in bearing; fine ' building site, easily worth $20,000 in less than 2 years' time; plenty of water for strawberries; will take unincumbered Portland, residence in goou aisinci as '. payment; only $50O cash required. R 144, Oregonian. - SAV KTflPT right here, and trace your high-class automobile; must be sianaaru " rnmrnnml nr. trt S,'MtO0 I UOOd Value; Will give first-class real estate; must have car in few days. , S. F. WILSON. Main 8400 WE CAN MATCH YOU. We have good trades for farms, acre age, city property, rooming-houses, apartment-houses and all kinds of business op portunities. What have you to xraue; PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 709-710 Rothchlld Hlug. Marshall 325. FOR TRADE For merchandise and other good values, 320 acres ot .rrnsa.t.u ti.-iH -.nrt water rinrhts and some stock and implements; price $35,000. Let me hear Irom you wno want wj. J. H. itarKiey, culver, ur. 80 ACRES, in 10-acre tracts, finest oil, creek, on gravel road, 2 miles to town and R. R-, lies level, 30 miles to Port land. $50 per acre, $50 cash, bal $10 per month. W. H. Seits & Co.. 310 Spald- Ing bldg. 80 ACRES homestead relinquishment, good house,! etc., 2 mile of town; for auto In good condition and $350 to $500 cash; deeded land worth $50 per acre. K Oregonlan. , . NEW 0-room house with 2 sleeping porches and all modern improvements; best part of Hawthorne district; magnificent view of West tilde. 316 East 25th, cor. Stephens; price $13.500 ; will take smaller house up tO aatrUQ in part piiymcni. HAVE you a lot In Portland, St. Johns or Vancouver, Wash., as payment on my equity of $16irO in bungalow near Killings worth ave., 2 blocks from car? Price, :ou. J w n er, ap .jq, Vnbv..."-.. 5 ACHES, close in, on Powell Valley road, 53250; improved; will accept good five passenger auto on first payment : liberal terms on balance. See owner, 1380 Haw tnm no "vrl- 40-HOR6EPOWER Stoddard-Dayton, 5-pas-senger automobile; will exchange for real tstate. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 3204. A 2113. 100 ACRES, 4 miles from R. R. and prop erty near Spokane, to exchange for rooming-house or hy other good business. Kemp. Main 607. 014 Chamber Commerce. 50 ACRES, value $3500, will trade for im proved city property; 15 acres in cultiva tion 35 acres slashed; buildings and fam ily orchard. phone E. 513 week days. WANTED To trade some unincumbered closG-ii. East Side lots for first-class Bale contracts. Vanduyn & Walton, 616 Cham her of Commerce. NINE-ROOM house on 70th, near Base Line " road, for rent; on-' will exchange equity for farm lands or anything of equal value. Call 302 McKay bldg. ( wri.T. f. ph ANfiE beautiful modern 7-room and bath Portland home, fo Chicago North Side real estate. ao. v gonian. WILL trade 3 60 acres Irrigable land in Deschutes, Vallev. Oregon Trunk Railroad, for' good unincumbered Portland lots. W il liam UUaro, i acomn. v an MOUNT TABOR acreage, adjoining City ., i. . uti,i tms-Lri.v.1 will tak nari trade! part cash; give full particulars first letter, uwner. n oi, wrBumu. EXCHANGE for city property, 71.000.00 feet timber In Douglas County. Box 5tf, city. 0-ACRE orchard, 6-room house, 3 4 miles iTnnri nivfT. to ejcchanee for Port land property. 323 Lumber Exchange. I OWN a lot, value $12O0, clear- would like to have a bungalow duui aim f-j ment same as rent. AH 2f3, Qregonlon. l13 seven-passenger automobile; will trade for lots, acreage or livestock. AH 284, Oregonian, COMPLETE movinK picture theater, good location; will exchange for real estate. alue to g-'opy. a- o-, -rw GOOD 5-nassenger car; will trade for city lot. ' 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 3264. A 2113. $6"00 IN HOOD RIVER orchard for home at cash value; free or nearly free from debt. 514 Jefferson St., Apt. 1. TO EXCHANGE Good team, harness and furniture wagon, value $600, for property. 303 Hamilton ave. . 10-ACRE tract, partly cleared, 11 miles from city, 30-mmute car service, mr um) lot. E. L. Fraley, 310 Henry bldg. EQUITY of $2000 in house and lot In Monta villa, worth $2600; will take automobile up to $1000. Owner, B 244. Oregonian. WANTED to exchange Equity of $2000 in orchard near Roseburg for restaurant. Phone Marshall lftyo. GOOD-PAYING SALOON In a thriving lum bering and tarming town, ior iniyruu farm or city realty. AV 4 TO, Oregonian. EXCHANGE $4000 equity in two fine Lau relhurst houses for ranch or lots and some HAVE $250 in lot; will trade for motor- c ycie. A. Z-ilr, uregoman. ONE or two fine violins as first payment on modem bungalow. N 233. Oregonian. WHAT have you for a relinquishment; stand investigation. swan, au n ami nun mug. "WANT El REAL ESTATE. WE want a house and two lots to exchange for 5 acres and house nr Hillsboro. worth $2"i0O; they must be clear. We want a half section of A No. 1 hay land near railroad; will pay cash. WAGNER & HUNT. 435 Cham, of Com. Main 6157. WILL buy Irvington lot and make good cash payment, but must have second mortgage privilege. Might consider ad joining lota G 234, Gregorian. WANTED In Alberta district, west of 30th st.. 5-room modern house, or bungalow, not over $250: $3'K or S400 cash, bal ance $20 cer month. V 2'.i4, Oregonian. WANTED 5-room bungalow. $3000 to $3500; can pay $5i'0 cash, balance month ly. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. VE have a constant oemaiio iwr nret SlrfA nronerty. Le Nolr Co., 83i- 7-B Cham, of Com. . 4 OR 5-room bungalow, with few trees, not over 25 minutes out, not to exceed $3000. Main 4400. ' MODERN C or 7-room home In restricted Tlistrict; must be real bargain; particulars in first letter. AP 220, Oregonian. $222 000 TO LOAN On Improved city or farm property; $1000 and up. lowest rate. Wm. C Borchers, 207 Oregonian bldg. FOB SALE TIMBER LANPS. FOR SALE A choice relinquishment, 100 acres, 3 million timber; house, barn, gar den, 2 horses, and other personal prop erty. $450. Write Mr. L-, Camas al ley. Or. TIMBER LAMJS 1 BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J -M'CRACKKN. 30 McKay BMg 320 ACRES choice yellow fir and spruce near railroad; easy terms. AT 240, Ore gonian. 'FOB SALE. Horsrs. Vehicles, K(c. THREE medium size draft horses and one furniture wagon for sale, reasonable. Car man Mfg. Co.. 3Btb and Upshur sts. $75 BUYS nice, gentle family mare weigh ing 1000 pounds, harness and buggy. 781 Insley ave. Sellwood car. CAR mules and horses, gooseneck farm and delivery wagons, sauaies. nuo?ri nan, 3S1 Water St., Wrest Side.. Main 22uS. wagon, good order. Bay City Market. 4th and Yamhill. FOR KALE. Howsfs, Vehicle, THE MURPH V IIOKS A MULE CO. sell on commission all clauses of horses, mules and vehicles. Auction every Mon day at 10 A. M. ; private sales every day. Colonel J. F. Murphy, auctioneer, 240 E. Hth. Phone E. 6315. . FOR SALE Horses, wagons and harness. Apply Ur. lioudy. Rubens Broa ftd and Harrison. THE nicest Shetland In Portland. 4 years old. weighs 4('0 pouuds, has won thre ribbons In show ring and small child can ride or drive him. Bargain, leavlug city. F 254. Oregonian. $825 ON East St. Johns corner lot, 100x100. for C or 6-pasiienger auto: balance tor the lot payable at $15 a month. AL 228, Ore gonian. STANDARD-BRED mare. 8 years old, very gentle; lady can drive; also one colt, 15 months old, from "Hal B." Call 985 East 14th North. Phone C 2538. BAY mare, 8 years ola. ehunky built, weighs 1300; good, true puller, $125. 34 Front YOUNG team. 2000 lbs., also nice single, 1o5o. cheap; party going East. 550 East Oak. between 12th and 13th. PASTURE for rent near PwrUna. Main 1410. WANTED 1000-lu. driving horses, good and cheap. C 151S. 3ii3 E. 48th at. N. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. l-'iKE and piano lesson, $1; 2 Wessons free. Main 1'34'j. WEBKR upright piano. $100; payments. Call d a y or cvenii i g. 3 S 8 Mar rlion St. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap car when you can secure one of our nigh-grau used cars at the same price? We guarantee them. Different makes and models, all traded In on now While gas cars. We also ofrer several second-handed trucks. Write White Car Agency, 6th street at Madison. SPECIAL. THE FOLLOWING LIST OF CARS MUST BE SOLI) THIS WEEK TO SAT ISFY MORTGAGE. 101 1 Elmoro, tour-pass,, $500. 1010 Inter-State, five-pass., 40 h. Pt $475. Ht09 Olds five-pass., 86-h. p., $475. ALU IN GOOD CONDITION. OKEGON ALTO EXCHANGE. 41'3-403 Alder St. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS OF LSSD AUTOMOBILES. 498-495 Alder St. Main 1141, A 4S37. 7-PASS. THOMAS, $000. 6-cyl., 70-h. p., absolutely the best buy In Oregon; engine and transm Isuton in fine shape; a good investment.; you can't beat It. 402 Couch bldg. $S25 ON East St, Johns corner lot, l0xl00, for 6 or 6-passenger auto; balance for the lot payable at $15 a month. AL 228, Ore gonian. AUTO TRUCK In splendid condition, cost $3900; will exchange for high-grade car or real estate. J. a. Baxter. 149 iiX st, N. Marshall 3630. BEAUTIFUL E-M-F 30 touring car, nickel trimmings, speedometer. Rhoebacker air pump and siren; 3011 model ; $785 cash; piaeticaliy new. P 230. Oiegonianj FOR SALE Trucking business, ling haul, steady work; might take high-grade car part first payment. K 231, Oregonian. A BARGAIN C-passenger Ford; good as new or might trade for real estate. O 252, Oregonian! Dogs, Birds, ret Htoca. VACATION REMINDER Before leaving for your Summer vacation, don't neglect your dogs and cats; don't lock them up to suf fer and starve; all such cases reported will be prosecuted. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY. WANTED A few private customers for fat hens and Spring chickens, dressed and drawn, delivered, 25 cents per pound. Mrs. M. A. Brown, Oak Grove. Box 336. SEND for free book on the proper food for seed-eating cage birds. Oregon Bird Co., Dfpt. O. Box 743. Portland, Or. FOR SALE Rhode Island red cockerel and -kjive young hens. For particulars Woodlawa 333!. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES SLAUGHTERED. 100 Singer machines, slightly used. 75 New home machines, slightly used. 100 White machines, slightly used. 10 Wheeler and Wilson machines, slight . ly used. 200 machine of all other makes, slight ly used. ' Sale on at my three stores. 420 Wash ington St.. 333 Alder sL, 293 Third sL - S. S. BIGEL. CLEAN-UP SALE on men's suits, $22.60 to $25; values now $10 $27.50 to $30; values now $14. Jimmy Dunn, room 315, Oregonian bldg. Take elevator. FOR SALE At one-half actual value, on magnificent opal ring, set with 16 dia monds; one Rosewood piano. In good con dition. Will sell or exchange. Call Ad ams, Marshall 32S6, A-28U7, 207 Made ay hldg. ARE leaving town; have some furniture; we will sell aheap for cash, including an almost new upright piano, a Victor talk ing machine and a new tent, etc 429 Schuyler St. SACKS, SACKS See us for sacks, for grain, potatoes, sand, etc. ; large stock on nana. M. BARDE & SONS, 240-242 Front st., cor. Main. Main 603. A 1603. FOR SALE CHEAP. Hot-air pumping engine, good condition. Inquire or address room 30t Oregonian bldg. WHITE machine, drophead and Bridge Beach range, Niagara cookstove, laundry r stove, ice chest and good 12x14 tent, all nearly new, uau aav naniuumi. K C. Billiard Table Mfg. Co. New and second-hand tables bought and sold. T, A. Anderson, Mgr.. Manhattan Poolroom- First and Morrison sts. rnimn Jjam MOTORCYCLES, fully equipped; bargain if taken at once; diamonds accepted. Call between 8:30 and 12 today. Chicago Cloth ing CO.. SAFESi Special bargain second-hand jtira and burglar-proof ; safes opened and re paired. Parcel Sate Co., and Portland 6a f Co., 25 Oth st. Phone M.aln 630$. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc., bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co.. $21 Stark st. Main T71L SMALL roll-top desk and cbalrs; office counter with cupboard and drawers; type writer, etc. 928 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SAL13 Complete crawfish outfit, mo tor boat, houseboat and traps.. 2W4, Grand ve. TYPEWRITERS rebuilt, all makes, $10 ta $G5. Ihe Northwest Typewriter Co. 262 Stark sL CARPENTRY, building encyclopedia, by Hodgson; new, full set, U volumes; bar gain. Turley. Union Hotel. 83 North 6th. FOR S A LE Sole-leather steamer trunk cheap for cash. 22a Vi 2d St., room 10. Phone Main 1182. A. B. Marsal. A GOOD half-Jersey cow. 4 years old. 802 Halsey. after 6 P. M. - FOR SALE Underwood No. 5, slightly used. pract.cauy new. w --, wtBV""" It you are looking for a snap in a 36-h. p. launch newly equipped), phono Main 28. TT.I-X-,- 1 rrv -I rnnmi wall lillilt . tl tiA r- BUNGALOW. ;t rooms, well built, to b re moved. n,asi 1,1. n hi.. 600 BUSINESS cards. $1; a bargain. Ross City frmtery, any an. cwmwr NEARLY new 18-foot launch, latest style, Brooks 4-horsepow-er. Foot of Madison. , TYPEWRITERS rented. 3 months for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency. Main 6273. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. W'E BUY CLOTHING, FURNITURE. TOOLS. Highest price paid for men s and ladies' cast-off do tiling, shoes, furniture, toois, mechanic, logging. Call Main 2080. 2-fO 1st st. The Globe. ' WANTED 5x7 camera: also wide angle lens. X.'all today, Selling-HIrsch . bldg., - room 34. Medsker. . HIGHEST price paid for ladles' and gents' secotid-hand cloth1. Marshall 1874. L. Rosen blum. 247 Davis sL WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seaton & Martin. Fnon East 31.14. 348 Hawthorne ave. WILL tint room. $2.50 up; do painting at reasonable prices. East 6124. WANTED Scrap Iron in any quantity, at t o....hpr:i 191 1 r t M:i In ft 285. WILL pay $5 for Iredaie or bull male pup. O -253. Oregonian. WANTED to buy or hire a burro (doukey). E 217, Oregonian. FORD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any , . , - I . Unin so-.1 A rah for diamonds. Martin. U n .Taf'rioa. WANTED Launrh on small payment down. A LADY good to children would take loan to boaid. Phone Ea.t 177.1. WILL tint rooms for 2.50; paint houses Mt your price. East 323. Reliable Pointer. WILL buy any kind of hair combings at ths Sanitary' "Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum.