THE MORXIG OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JTJL.T 20, 1912. 13 FEWER WITH SILVER SPOONS ARE 60RN Eugenist Says Rich and Brainy Show Great Decrease in Birth Rate. POOR, UNFIT ARE PROLIFIC Mrs. Alec Tweedle Declares Eu genics, Long looked Upon With Suspicion, 'will Solve Social Evils if Taken- Seriously. - LONDON. July 19l (Special.) Mrs. Alee Tweedle, the well-known author of "Mexico as I Saw It," has written 'a highly Interesting: article on the subject of eugenics in the Fortnightly Review. "People do not seem to realise," she says, "that we are rearing; a race of degenerates at so rapid a rate that the future of Great Britain is Imper illed. It Is worth something; to be born healthy and decently cremated and burled. In time we snail nave both these advantages. Science will master the first, wisdom will accept the second. "The improvement of the race, for that Is what "eugenics" broadly means, has been looked upon with suspicion; but in a few years this scheme will be proclaimed a working fact and an unalterable necessity. "Training undoubtedly does ' much. Take, as a simple example, a stupid girl from a home; a sensible mistress and good food will often mane a capa ble servant of her in a few months. Mentally and physically the girl will improve. ITnfona Are Extraordinary. "No one should be allowed to marry without a doctor's certificate. It should be as necessary as the marriage license. Under .our present careless system the most extraordinary unions take place. Members of families where insanity Is known to exist, where drunkenness has been hereditary for generations, where consumption or cancer has reduced the circle one by one, are free in this coun try to marry just as they please, no inquiry being made by the other party to the contract. These people marry and the wretched children born of such parents often inherit their disease. Grave social conditions are the rptSult. "A race must be built from the best If it is to stand. Tet In Britain one person In every 130 is officially quali fled as insane. There are. roughly speaking. 300.000 mentally afflicted persons In our islands. "Granting that the birth rate has de creased, it has to be admitted that this has happened only in the upper classes, among the people with money and brains, the very people to produce the right sort of children, to tend them ana educate them properly afterwards. What of the others? The lower we go in the social scale the more proline the people, and often the more unde sirable progeny. The uneducated have no knowledge of eugenics. There Is none to teach them. ImHBlty Breeda Crime. "A large percentage of crime has Its well-spring in feehle-mlndedness. Let us go back to our prisons and ob serve the faces of the men and women occupants. Some denote cunning, but the average represent stupidity. Drink Is the root of much of the evil drink sought to give temporary respite from hideous surroundings by men. drink taken In place of food by over-worked, underpaid women. "What right have we to shut our eyes to so grave a situation? Can it be well to let these unthlnkirg people go on bringing Into the world unlit chil dren whom they can control no more than they can control themselves? Would It not be wiser to put them onto the land, to colonize, and let them lead healthy out-of-door lives married, it may be, but sterilized leaving the world no worse than they found It, even If they cannot make It better? "The life blood and power of the country are being sapped. If we can not cure the cancer, we can. at least, prevent Its progress. Our present economic condition is disastrous. What party government cannot effect science perhaps may." JEALOUS RIVAL SLAYS MAN Italian Builder About to Be Married Findn AVatfry Grave. ROME. July. 19. (Special.) A drama of jealousy seems to He bound up In the murder of Giuseppe Lanfranconi, whose body was found In the Lake of "Varese, Sunday. Lanfranconi was a master builder of San Fedele. who was, shortly to be married. One day last week he left home, saying he was going to Varese to buy furniture for his new house. His fiancee begged him to return soon, as she was nervous of a rival. From Tuesday until Sunday nothing was heard from him. and then bis body was found In the lake. He was blindfolded, his hands were tied behind his back, and a 30-pound weight was attached to his feet. Vraatilla Harvest In Full Swing. ECHO, Or, July . (Special.) Har vest Is in full swing here, with Ideal weather prevailing. A score of head ers, combines and threshers have en tered as many fields during the past week. Umatilla County at large is en joying one of the greatest harvests she has had in years, and a long harvest Is - expected. Adjacent to Echo alone there are 10.000 acres of wheat, averaging from 20 to 30 bushels an acre. Campers on Klickitat Cool. LTLE. Wash., July 19. (Special.) The last few hot days have brought numerous additions to the already big crowd of campers along the Klick itat River and in the mountains. All the stations on the Goldendale branch have been turned into veritable tent cities, and their occupants are enjoy ing the cool mountain breezes and healthful diversions. Fishing and hunting are excellent. I.j le Elks Entertain. LTLE. Wash, July 19. (Special.) Lyle's rancher Elks are playing host to several Elks from the East and their families this week. Numerous ranchers in the vicinity are recently from the East and were members of the antlered herd in their respective home cities. Local members are in hopes of enticing the visitors to be come future apple kings in the Klick itat country. Xegatlvo Argument Is Filed. SALEM. Or July 19. (Special.) C P Strain. Assessor of Umatilla County, today filed a negative argument to the proposed "constitutional amendment which will go before the people in No vember providing for a uniform rule of taxation sxcept on all property spe cifically taxed. BEAUTIFUL SINGEE SUES PROMINENT HOTEL MAN FOE DAMAGES. Igm00 Aillilllllllllll MISS RUTH I TRAtTFAJfT. Miss Ruth L. Traufant, a beautiful young Binger, has started suit for damages against Henry G. Williams, a prominent hotel owner of New York, for $50,000. She declares that when she was 19 years old and had made a flying start for fame in the musical comedy line. Mr. Williams proposed marriage and Induced her to give up the stage. This was in 1904. In 1907 she became disgusted with waiting for the marriage and went abroad to resume her musical education. But she met Williams In Paris and again be promised to marry her. It was not for some time after this that he confessed that he was a married man, she alleges. DUBLIN'S HEALTH Women's Association Is Feat ure in Machinery of Insurance Act. WORK DONE IS VOLUNTARY Organization of 18,000 Members Conceived by Lady Aberdeen to Take Prominent Fart Against Tuberculosis Plague. . BT T1MOTHT J. O'CONNOR. DUBLIN. July 19. (Special.) One of the most important features of the working of the Insurance Act in Ire land is the Women's National Health Association, organized by Lady Aber deen. This assocatlon has 18.000 mem bers in Ireland. .and 150 branches. Lady Aberdeen established It in 1905. when she was in private life, and before she came back to Dublin for the second time as the wife of the Viceroy the following year. It was, and is, a vol untary association, and was doing ex tremely good work In regard to public health before the Insurance act was Introduced at all. It was recognized, too, as an extremely useful institution in the Interim report of the Depart mental Committee on Tuberculosis, which referred to it as follows: Altogether the provision available in Institutions outside the poor law for the treatment of cases of tuberculosis is extremely small, having regard to he Inrge death rate irora the disease. The committee desires to express its appreciation of the work done In Ire land bv the Women's National Health Association. The members are of the ocintoii that every effort should be made to assist and develop the work of the association. Possibilities Seen Early. When the Insurance Bill was intro duced Lady Aberdeen saw its great possibilities from the point or view oi the work or ner own association, ami as soon as the bill became law . she proceeded to take the necessary steps to glean the full advantage of it by tartlng an "approvM society" under he auspices of the Women's National Heulth Association. Consequently, out of the nucleus or the Women's National Health Associa tion, she started the Slanthe Society, which was approved by the Commis sioners, and is now one of the biggest approved societies in Ireland. The Slanthe (rieaiinj society, act ing in conjunction with the Women's National Health Association, has a very big Job before it. The sum voted to Ireland for sanatoria is 1725.000 a pretty large sum from the Irish point f view, or course tnat ois- pensaries. Both, however, require time to get Into working order. Organisation Is Ready. That Is where the Women's National Health Association comes in. It al ready has an organization at its dis posal, and it has very generously of fered its advice and services to such councils of counties or county bor oughs as may be unable, for a little while, to make the arrangements nee essary to put them in a position of providing the necessary accommoda tion under the act ior tuDercuiosis pa tients. Lady Aberdeen s association is quite prepared to stand aside after the local authorties have succeeded in starting their own necessary machinery. The headquarters or the Slanthe in surance Society, and also of the Wo men's National Health Association are t Ely House, and at present the offi cials there are absolutely overwhelmed with correspondence in regam to tne new approved society, and to this and that point In the act. The officials are enthusiastic in regard to their work, but the most enthusiastic and ener-e-.tie of all is Lady Aberdeen her self, who keeps in constant personal communication with the office, and fol lows the development or tne work or the society with the very keenest and most Intimate Interest. Ex-Mayor's Estate Is 9C0.000. KLAMATH FALLS, Or, July 19. SHOWS PROGRESS (SDeclal.) The estate of ex-Mayor San derson has been probated and is rated at $20,000 and consists of business and residence property In Klamath Falls and lands in Coos County. W. C an derson, of Ashland, brother of the May or, was appointed administrator at the request of Mrs. Cora Sanderson, the widow. W. C. Sanderson formerly lived in this city and was in the groceiy business with his brother. SUMMER TAXI IS LATEST Paris Conies Out With Canopied Cov ers In Bright Hues. PARIS, July 19. (Special.) It is only two years since the first "auto bus" made its appearance in the streets of Paris, and now there is only one of the old three-horse omnibuses sur viving the chocolate "beetle" known as the Madeleine Bastille and that will be replaced before another month is over by a steam venicie. The Dicturesaueness of the boule vards may suffer, and so undoubtedly will the nerves of the nousenoiaers on the routes, but there Is no question about the superiority of mechanical traction in comfort and speed. Some curiosity is felt as to the fate of the disgruntled old four-wheelers whose roof seats were so dear to vic tor Hugo, but it seems that though they are banished without much regret from the metropolis they find high favor elsewhere, and purchasers are nlentiful at the depots of the company, flocking in from remote provincial towns to buy the ancient relics as bargains. - They are sold for not much more than their Drice as firewood in some cases, and only the choicest specimens are reserved for amateurs at sioo. Most of them go to hotelkeepers, while oth ers are used as Sunday excursion vans. and a few are taken by municipalities as diligences in places far from rail- wav lines. Anions- the latest Innovations of the season is the 'Summer taxi, wnicn came out a couple of days ago as an exnerlment. This Is merely an ordl- dary closed taxlcab, with its roof thrown back and a smart red ana white striped tenting stretched in its place. This species or parasol Keeps off the sun, while giving a full view all round and all the air of an open cab. It is light and easily taken down in case of rain, when the roof is hoist ed again. GIRL LURES MEN TO DEATH Mother Kobs and Slays B7, Decoyed to Cabin by Daughter. WARSAW. July 19. (Special.) A veritable murder den has been discov ered In the village of Kurdlo, in the Novoye Ladoga Government. It was remarked that of a large number of men who visited a house on the outskirts of the village tenanted by a peasant woman named Ivanova Tamarlra and her 17-year-old daughter Olga, not one was seen to return, and the discovery of corpses mutilated be yond recognition In a neighboring wood led to the house being surrounded by a force of gendarmes under Colonel Vassitief. The woman and her daughter were secured after a violent resistance, and a search of the house resulted in the gruesome discovery of 27 corpses in a storehouse, as well as a great num ber of watches, purses and other ar ticles of value and a quantity of male garments. The eating-room of the house was furnished with a trap door, through which the victims were precipitated into the cellar. In the latter murderous instruments and fetters of all sorts were found. The women confessed to being at the head of a band which, during re cent months, had robbed and murdered 40 men who had been decoyed to the house by Olga, and mentioned 30 other peasants belonging to the band who were also arrested, while nine others escaped. Olcott Withholds Statement. SALEM, Or, July 19. (Special.) Not having received officially a copy of the letter and resolutions from the executive committee of the Republican Central Committee, of Portland, calling on candidates on the Republican com mittee to express themselves as to their political affiliations. Secretary of State Olcott, who is the Republican nominee for re-election, would not express him self today as to what he would state in his letter of response to that com mittee. A Minneapolis manufacturer recently for bade the wearing of hiffh heeis on their ah.-wa Kv thh. vaun woman in hla estab lishment. RELIGIOUS REM EXCITES BOMBAY Pir Saheb, of Bagdad.Moham mecfan High Priest, Is Ven erated by Followers. SQUALID STREETS BLOSSOM Poorest Quarter of City Transformed Into Bower of Beauty for Visit of Chief Followers Salaam as Carriage Passes. BOMBAY, July 19. (Special.) A highly modern city of telephones and electric tramcars, has been the scene of a remarkable Mohammedan religious "revival," set in an atmosphere that vividly recalls the Arabian Nights. This etir- of religious inspiration was the result of the visit to the city of the Pir Saheb of Bagdad, the High Priest of the Faithful, a leader who is to the Moslem what the Pope is to the Roman Catholic. He is looked upon with the utmost veneration by the fol lowers of the Prophet, and they flocked dally to the bungalow where he took up his quarters In order that their eyes might look on the blessed face of the saint (for as such he Is regarded), or that they might perhaps be allowed to kiss his feet. The Mohammedans in this city alone number many 'thousands, and their numbers were reinforced by every train that arrived from the coun try districts during the visit, to such an extent, in fact, that his Holiness was compelled to appoint certain hours of -the day on which to appear to the people, in order to give himself even a minimum of leisure and privacy. Spe cial services were held in all the mosques, and all over the town Itiner ant preachers seized the opportunity of exhorting street corner crowds to faith fulness and fervor. The culminating point of the cere monies was reached when the Pir con sented to drive through the streets of the native quarters of the town so that even the poorest and busiest might see him. The Mohammedan community rose nobly to the occasion, a "firman went forth that the faithful should contribute according to their means to a fund for decorating the streets, and for several days beforehand prepara tions were made on an elaborate scale. The narrow, dirty streets were trans formed into gardens of flowers, with festoons of greenery and bunting, and lit up with fairy lamps and lanterns, until the miserable slums were like fairyland. When driven along the route half an hour before the Pir Saheb was timed to start one felt as If he had stumbled into the land of the Arabian Nights. Candle and oil and acetylene lamps threw myriad-colored lights on the great blossoms which covered the houses, and danced on the streamers of flags which formed a continuous roof. But by far the most interesting part of the scene was the moving throng be low this gaudy canopy. Thousands and thousands of Mohammedans, Sunni and Shiah alike, swarmed in every direction, all clad in their gayest attire glowing crimsons, deep blues, flaming scarlets, golden yellows. Tne goiden-turDanea Memon rubbed shoulders with the tall Marwari, the bejewelled Hoja with the full-beared Mulvi, the ruddy Jat with the pilgrim Bukharan. All races and sects and castes, all ages and condl tlons. were represented on this night of nights, all alike chattering in snnu voices and wandering restlessly hither and thither in excited expectation. It was like the Jumbled vision or an opium dreamer. At various points along the route his Holiness was presented with garlands of flowers until by the time he had reached the end of the journey his car riage looked like the triumphal car in a pageant. The procession itself was simple in the extreme. Hail a dozen cavalrymen from the bodyguard led the way, followed by a carriage with the Police Commissioner; then came an open victoria with his Holiness, a pale faced, bearded. Intellectual-looking man. younger than, one wouia nave ex pected; and another body of cavalrymen brought up the rear. There was no speech-making-, no cheering, notning but Drofound salaams and eager, rev erent looks. It was certainly an Arab lan night. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Mania ye License. WITTE-PURCELL To Reginald G. Wltte, city. 19, and Marie Purcell, city. 15. GAKUN-DOBROTA To Nick Garun, city, M'CONXELL-TAYLUH TO Harry U. MC- Connell, city, 20, and Leslye M. Taylor, city, legal. Jumna. RpRTVCFft To the wifa of Harry S. Springer, 1 71 Sixty-third avenue, S. E., July IS, a daughter. STlAtaa AO me who ox ucroy eiineo, 101 Eat Fifteenth street, July 7, a son. THOMSON To" the wife of Charles T. Thomson. Aberdeen. Wash.. July 10, a son. GAGGERS To the wife of Joe Gaggers, Eighty-second street. July 14. a son. ERICKSON To the wife of Joseph Erick son. Warren. Or., July 8, a son. HAWKINS To the wife of A- W. Haw kins, 519 East Foruetn street, jn., juiy j, sn- . . - CORNOG To the wire or jacoo k. tor- nog. Boring. Or.. July 7, a son. hitnr To the wife of Joseph F. Hune, eSO East Salmon street. July 10, a daughter. POWELL To tne wile oi a nomas . Powell. 6012 Sixty-eighth street, S. E., July 17. a daughter. Syi,KOFF To the wife of Willie Shil irntf mi vrnri utrppt .Tul v IS. a dauehtcr. tot. a V To the wife of Henry Tolan. 745 Millard avenue, July J, a aaugnter. KOONST To the wife of Charley Koonst, 2054 Oregon street. July 4, a daughter. NYMAN To the wife of Helmer Nyman, 674 East Seventy-third street, N-, July 7, a son. ENGLUND To the wife of Ed Englund, 271 McMllIen street. June 10. a son. GARRITY To the wife of Morgan Fran cis Garxity, 203 Eleventh street, July 10, a son. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. July 19. Maximum tempera ture, 87 degrees; minimum, 63 degrees. River reading. 8 A. M.r ieet; cnange in last zt hours. 0.2 foot. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 6 P. M.h none; total rainfall since Sep tember 1 1911, 84.91 inches; normal. 44.36 Inches; deficiency, 9.45 inches. Total sun shine, 30 hours; possible sunshine, Xo hours 1$" minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 6 P. M-, 29.90 Inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The hiffh nressure area last evenlnr cen tral over the northern Plains states has moved to the Lake region, and apparently a.nnthr hlffh uresaure field is moving; south eastward over Alberta. The pressure Is low between the uascaae ana nocxy juountains, over the Southwest and extreme Northeast. Within the last 12 hours showers have oc curred In northeastern Oregon, southeastern Washington. Alberta, uanitooa, western Montana, North Dakota, Iowa, the Gulf states. South Carolina, moderately heavy rains In Wyoming, Arizona, South Dakota, western Louisiana. North Carolina, Maine and Quebec, and heavy rains In Utah. Thunder storms were reported from Rose burg, Salt Lake City, Calgary. Denver, Abi lene, and Winnipeg. The weather is cooler in Oregon, Washington, the upper Missis sippi Valley and Valley of Red River of the North, western Louisiana. North Carolina and the St. Lawrence Valley, and it is correspondingly warmer in southwestern Utah, the Plateau and central Plains states and northern Michigan. The conditions are favorable for generally fair weather Saturday in western Oregon ud western Washington and aiong the . HOTELS AND The PORTLAND C J. KAUFMANN. Hsum A homelike hotel, pleasantly located in the heart of the city. All outside rooms. Con cert by Symphony Orchestra In courtyard every evening. Hotel motors meet all trains and steamers. European, y $1.60 upwards. rl - HOTEL CORNELIUS House of Welcome Portland, Or. Our 14-pamenger electric 'bns meets all trains. A high-class, modern hotel in the heart of the theater and shopping district. One block from any carlima. 11 per day and ns. European clan. HOTEL CORNELIUS CO, Proprietor ' J. W. Blala, Pre. Fielder Jones, Tice-rren HOTEL MOORE OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN, OPENED JUNE 1, WITH COMPLETE SUMMER CREW. Manv new and modern improvements. Electrlo lighted. Rooms with er without bath. Hot salt baths and surf bathing; pier for fishing. Steam heat end running water. Sea foods a specialty. The dining-room and kitchen will be in charge of John Lehner, who is well known through bis connection with the Arlington Club for past six years. CLATSOP BEACH, SEASIDE, OR, DAN J. MOORE, Prop. HOTEL MULTNOMAH IT HOTEL OREGON, Portland, Or., Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props, HOTEL SEATTLE, Seattle, Wash. Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. E!..!.!:r.;.5:::si 'ateftSf Wilhoit Springs FOE THE WEEK-END TRIP AutO Stage HectriVH1 tel, Oregon City, every day at 2 P. M. HOTEL NOW OPEN; European plan, rates reasonable. Best camp grounds on the Coast. Campers' auto bus for your bag gage. For further information phone East 3138, or B 2633. Ho! for Cascadia Best mountain resort on Coast; best medicinal water, scenery, hunting: and fishing: nature's own conservatory of health. Auto or stage from Lebanon or tJrownsviiie. Write or phone ' G. M. GEISENDORFER, Cascadia. Oregon. eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountains. and for showers and thunder storms, with cooler weather, in extreme eastern portions of Oregon and Washington and also In Idano. W esterly winds win obtain. THE WEATHER. Wind - STATIONS. State of Weather Baker ........ Boise ......... Boston ........ 800 8610 4IW I 14 NW 116IXW' ilOlE I 6 E 00 82 78 0 70l0 Calgary Chicago .04 .00 Rain Cloudy uoilax ........ Denver . ...... Des Moines ... Duluth Eureka 9010 00 Cloudy 82 0 .001 6fSW Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy 66)0 72 0 6210 840 16!12E 0O!16!SW 00 8INW OOllO'S 00 4l.V Kain Cloudy Galveston ..... Pt. cloudy Helena 78.0 Cloudy IClear Jacksonville ... 9010 .00 61E .OOilOiSE Kansas City . . . Klamath Falls S4 0 79'0 90 0 86l(t Clear ,Oj 4 W 001 6,SE 001 8'SW Pt. cloudy Laurler Clear Clear Los Angeles .. Marshfleld .... 680 92 0 001 4SW Cloudy Medlord 00! 4;NWlcioudy Montreal 60 0 .66116 NW Clear New Orleans . 86;0 .56 6 SE Cloudy Clear New York 76 0 6010 SS'O S7I0. 8010 00!26N 00;18(S 06.. .... 001 (SW North Head . . , North Yakima Cloudy 'Cloudy Cloudy Portland Roseburg St. Louis ..... .001 8!NW Clear 7S0 7811 4JNE 4(SE 4SW Cloudy Cloudy St Paul Salt Lake San Vr.nclsco Clear Clear 640 .OOI20W ....... .1 90;0. O0I16ISW Cloudy Tatoosh islana Walla Walla .. Washington ... 60 0 92i0 76 0 95 0, 92!0 74:0 64)0. 00 26'S Cloudy 4ISW Clear 10N 4SW .) N Clear Cloudy Weiser ........ Wenatchee . . . . Pt. cloudy TVInnln.F 54 16INW Clear Yellowstone Parkf 36 4N" Rain FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair. Not much DIED. HOLTZE July 1 S. In this city. Hugh L. lloltze, agea -o years, oeiovea nusDano of Mrs. Bessie Holtze. Funeral announce ment later. Remains at A. R. Zeller's funeral parlors. 5&2 Williams ave. PETERSON July 19, at 1188 Glenn avenue. William c .Peterson, agea 20 years 1 months and 8 days. Funeral announce ment later. Remains at A. R. Zeller's parlors. 094 Williams avenue. VERSTEEG In this city, July 19, Marjorle J. Versteeg. agea a years 1 montns ana 28 days. Remains at the establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son. Third and Madison streets. Will be removed to Dayton. Or. IACOBEIXES In this city. July 19, Frank lacOOelies, ageu ou joai". neuiKiua i the establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son, Third and Madison streets. Funeral no tice will appear in a subsequent issue. BASSETT In this city, July 19, Edwin F. Ba&sett. agea 00 jewe. xveiiiuius at tut: establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son. Third and Madison streets. Funeral notice will appear in a subsequent issue. SUMMIB' RESORTS. liiiiP FORIXAJTD OREGON In else, appointments, aerrlee and fireproof quality of the building- the leading botel la Portland, the Multnomah, offers to the discriminating trareler erery comfort and convenience found only in the best hotels of the East. Nine stories ot -steel and concrete, with 725 rooms and suites, palatlally furnished, with rates from 11.60 to IS per day, European plan. Motor 'bussea me it all trains and steamers. H. c BOWERS, MaMR-cr. J. af. BROWSBLL, lal Mctl Both hotels centrally located, modern in every respect, and conducted on the European plan. If HostPopsbr U Hotel ia:araaiafri'iaMii8sn7ra em MnscnANC? sous, fops, NEW HOTEL tUROPLAN PERKINS WITH BATH. PORTLAND. SlSPER DAY UP IN THE HEMIT OF THE OH wnrH0UToATrl$IS2UP THE HACKNEY COTTAGE Enlarged Dining; - Room Capacity and Electrified House. Beautiful Surroundings and MOST PLEASANT SPOT OST NORTH BEACH. Home comforts. Special rates by the week. Make reservations by mall or wire. Address, SEAVIEW. WASH. Sea Croft and Annex SEAVIEW, WASHINGTON. Splendid location, facing: the ocean: electric lights among the trees; large sitting rooms wun iirepiaces. tse-st oi meals served in Seacroft's dining-room. Ho use Keeping apartments in tne Annex. Mrs. W, E. Hutch In won. Manager. change In temperature. Southwesterly wind. Oregon and wastilnprton Generally fair In west and central portions, showers and thunder storms, with cooler weather, in extreme eastern portions. Southwest to west winds. Idaho Showers and thunder storms. cooler. THEODORE F. DRAKE, Actins District Forecaster. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THI8 OF FICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GON IAN OFFICE: A 205. 2la, 21K, 219, 233, 236, 239, 251. 194, 21a, 22 i, ZdB, -42, -0, 4B, -iU, C 2U3. 211. 212. 213. 215. 221. 223. I H8. SS. 215. 220. 223. 225. 229. E 202, 20S. 204, 207. 210, 215, 216. 2S. 290. 292. 294. F 200. 212, 232. 234, 235, 241, 244, 243, 247, S4B. 250. O 223. 224. 223, 227. 230. 231. H 208, 223, 220. 227, 230. .1 104. 205. 217. 221. 223. 224. 228. b. 135, lb3, ISO, 'UU, HIV, ZU, 224, 221. L 42, 123, 212, 214, 21.-. 211, 221. M 190, 201. 213, 214. 288. N 178, 1S3. 207. 213, 214. 218, 221. 222, 22. 229. 230. O 212. 223, 225. 230, 231. 233. 235. 243, 247, 249, 2iU. 1 lOl, 15W, IVd, AVI, 411. .U, 10, ..W, 2d. K 145. 132, 154, 161, 191, 201, 215, S17, 223. S 192. 214. 217. 222. 223, 702. 764. T ISO. 208. 214, 215. 216, 226, 227, 231. V 201. 216. 218. 225. W 1S9, 201. 207. 213. 217, 221. 228. 299. X 195, 205. 214, 221. 222. 226. V 211. 21S. 226. 228. 229. 231. AB 194. 199. 207, 210, 212, 214. 219, 220. 224. 225. 227. AC 182. 192, 201. 216, 219. AB 163, 195, 210, 212, 216. 218,' 220, 223, 9K y2R. 9S8- AB J217. 23U, 232, 240, 246, 47, 249, 250, tt 215 218. 224. 227. 228. 243. 255. AU 215. 219, 227. 228. 229. 237. 280. AH 19, 160, 195. 223, 271, 275. 277, 278, 470. AJ 209, 213, 224, 226. 823. AK 212, 216. 217, 218. 219, 224, 223, 230. AL 203, 209. 211. 220. 222. 228. AM 211. 218. 223, 224, 484. AN 174, 192. 209. 210. 219, 220. 222, 223, 225, 228. 230.. 291. AO 195. 218. 222. 226, 229. 436. AP16. 17U. 173, 180. 183, 184. 190. 194. -nV 208. 212. 214. 216. 227. 228. 230. . ioa io oH 29.V 227. 278. AT 189. "195, 204. 208, 211. 216. 224, 223. 227. 229. t , .n.wrM an not called for within six days, same will b. destroyed. AMfSFMKNTS. POPCLAR PRICES HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor Special Cooling System Temperature la Theater 69 Degrees Special Price Matin Today Tonight 8:1S CATHRINE COUNTISS Supported by STDXET ATRES In "THE THIEF Today's Matinee &0-25C Evenings 7a-30-35-25& Next Week Beicinnins; Tomorrow The Merry Comedy -A WOMAN'S WAV Seats Selling tor Both Flays BAKER Theater HILLARY MARTIN'S SENSATIONAL MOTION PICTURES. White Slave Traffic Exposed With vivid lecture and slides. ALL THIS WEEK AFTERNNONS AT 1:J AND S. EVENINGS, AT 6:80. ( AND :S0. Admission 23c, Children 15c THE MORAL SENSATION 'OF THE AOS. MAIN a, A 10t MATINEE EVERT DAT M AT. 15a !.- 60s N7GHT8: ISC 25c WC If WEEK JULY 15 Mrs. Louis J em re In "Holding; a Husband." Mannifritr Henry, "The Leading-": Empire Comedy 1-onr, Cycling Vernons, Pauline Moran, Dare Broth, ers, Paul and Marmlon Stone, Orchestra. Pictures. Matinee Every Day. Ritlllran A rnnsldlne Refilled Vaudeville , WEEK JULY 15- SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES Nights Matinees 10 and 20c Any Seat 10c Cnekoo and Laurm, Elisabeth Kennedy and Anna Mack Berleln, Harry Hay ward Co., Princeton and Yale. Sisters Llndon. Bert Cutler, Orchestra, Flcturea. ANT&GES AYfiTIrlLC VMW WEEK JTI,T 15 Fred Ireland and His llanring- t aslno t.lrls. Kousley and Nlf'hole. Wood's Animal Actors, El Barto. Pour Fly ing Valentines. Pantaereerope. rantag-ee Or. ohestro. Popular prices. Box otfloe open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Boxes and first row bal cony reserved. Pbonesi A 2S6, Main 463. Curtain 2:80. 7:15 and . ! We OAKS PORTLAND'S GREAT AMUSE- MENT PARK. Big- Bill at Free. Outdoor Attractions 4, Hint: Pharaoh The world famous horse. Every afternoon and evening. A Lady Livingston The skating bear In free performances on the band- V stand. New stunta. Every afternoon and evening. Oaks Park Band Delightful eon- . certs that attract alt every evening. . Punch and Judy A capital little entertainment for the youngsters. v A BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Cor. Vauehn and Twenty-fourth Sta. VERNON vs. PORTLAND JULY 16, IT, 18, 10, 20, SI, Games bea-ln Weekdays at SiOO P. M. Sundays at 2:30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday MEETING NOTICES. OREGON LODGE No. 101. A. F. AND A. M. Special communi cation this (Saturday) evening at 7:30 o'clock, Masonlo Temple. Work In M. M. degree. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order W. M. A J. HANDLAN, Bee. FUNERAL NOTICES MARSH In this city July IS, at the fam - Ily residence, 6U3 Union avenue North, Dr. Eva B. Marsh, beloved wife of Dr. J. E. Marsh. Funeral will leave the above residence Saturday, July 20. at 8:30 A. M., thence to St. Mary's Church, Williams avenue and Stanton street, where services will be held at 0 A. M. Interment Mount " Calvary Cemetery. Friends kindly Invited to attend. Minneapolis papers please copy. CRAIO July 18. Robert W. Craig, affed 42 years. Funeral services will be held at the residence. 1014 Congress street, Sun day. July 21, at 2 P. M. Friends re spectfully Invited. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. t MONUMENT? Otto Schumann Markla Works. Eat 3d and Pine sta. East Hi. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading fa. neral director and undertaker. 220 Third at, cor, palmon. Lady awistant. Dunning & McEntee, Funeral Directors, th and Fine. Phone Main 430. Lady at- tendant. Office of County Coroner. A. R. ZELLKR CO.. 592-4 Williams ava, Phone East 1088, C 10X8. Lady attendant. J. P. FINLEY & SON. Sd and Madlsa Lady attendant. Phone Main g. A 15t. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, suooesaort to F. S. Dunning, Inc., E 52. B 2525. LEHCII. Undertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth. East B 1888. Lady attendant. SKEWES COMPANY. 5d and Clay. Mala 4152. A 2S21. Lady attendant. a j CEMETERY : : Beautiful I i MOUNT SCOTT PARK : Z LARGE. PERMANENT, 2 a MODERN, PORT- a a LAND'S ONLY MODERN a I CEMETERY WITH a PERPETUAL CARE a a of all burial plots without extra a charge. Provided with a perms. nent Irreducible Maintenance a Fund. Location Ideal; Juat out- aide the city limits on north and west slopes of Mount Scott. containing 835 acres, equipped with every modern convenience PRICES TO SUIT ALL. i SERVICE THE BEST. Z Z ONE MILE SOUTH OF Z " LENTS. REGULAR Z AUTOMOBILE SERV- a, I ICE FREE BETWEEN a Z LENTS AND THE a Z CEMETERY. II It it s I CITY OFFICE, S20-921 YEON a I BUILDING. MAIN 225. A 7085. a a CEMETERY OFFICE. TABOR a a 1468; HOME PHONE RING B a a (111. THEN CALX. LOCAL. 4301. a OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE 175 MADISON STREET. Phenea Main BOM, A 758s. Home Ambulance Phone Maraeall aoa. Refer All Cam of Cruelty to Tain OUeca. opem uajr sail aizai. m, w