Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 19, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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ha manae-ed to keen them scattered
Closing-Out Sale- Closing-Out Sale Closing-Ont Sale Closing-Out Sale Closing-Out Sale Q
Our Regular Semi-Annual Clearance of
Portland Men Get on Bases but
Vernon Hurler Prevents
Pinch Hitting.
Doane's Placing Is Feature of Game.
Former Seal Wild but He Gets
Along Xicely Until Xinth When
Tigers Make 3 and Win, 4-0.
Pacific Cowl League Standing-
Vernon.... 60 40 .6"0 Portland. . . 41 4 .456
Oakland... 67 4i .57-San Fran.. 41 68 .414
Loa Angles M 4S .545 Sacramento S " "
i Yesterday's Results.
At Portland Vernon 4. Portland 0.
At San Francisco Oakland A 3aa FTan-
C'At Horn Angelea Sacramento . loa An
geles ft.
Southpaw Harry Suter made his de-
hut In a Portland uniform yesterday,
and, while he stewed through nine full
Innings with amazing fortitude, he
walked 10 Vernonltcs, which was Dogey
with that other handsome Harry
Stewart Ditching brilliant ball. The
score of the second game of the series
was Vernon 4, Portland 0.
Suter's free passes were evenly
sprinkled about in the box score but
he managed to stagger from under the
trouble up to Inning five. Then Brash
ear's third walk, a single by Bayless
and a double steal gave Vernon one
The southpaw steered skillfully from
that on up to the ninth inning when
he passed Carlisle for the fourth con
secutive time. Singles by Kane. Hosp
and Litschi followed, driving in inree
more and clinching the bargain.
Pinch Hits Fall to Come.
Up to the very end the Beavers had
Hogan guessing, but the melancholic
pinch hit failed to appear. In five
of the nine innings Portland engi-
neered men around to third base had
' the bases full on one occasion but
1 there either Stewart, the humidity or
some other machination of fate Inter
vened and tumbled them Into the mire
nf a shutout.
The game was not the sparkling en
gagement one might imagine from a
peep at the scoreboard. It was pokey
and about as Inspired as an Olympic
archery contest, dragging out through
two hours and 18 minutes of an after
noon torrid enough to put blossoms on
"a field of popcorn.
Doane, the speed demon who cavorts
in right field for Portland, performed
sensationally enough, to have won most
any game. He hit three times, start
ing that many ralliea and, after being
left to martyrdom on the first two
occasions, took the law into his own
hands in the seventh inning, stole sec
ond and followed a moment later by
pulling the rarity of a steal to third
base on a short fly ball to left field.
Carlisle Caught Asleep.
Carlisle was caught with his cere
bral cogs on the dead center this time
for it was on his easy toss to Short
stop Litschi that Doane made his re
markable advance. Doane's team-mates
didn't give him time to steal home.
Rodgers, too, came through twice with
men on bases but he spoiled his bat
ting record by some mediocre work in
the field, muffing three thrown balls
in the afternoon.
He helped to present Vernon with
the first score in the fifth Inning.
Brashear had walked and gone around
to third on Bayless" single to right
field. Fisher attempted to nip a dou
ble steal but Rodgers let the rather
i w v. .iin .hrnttvh his hftnrin and
I1I&U luiuw ...w0.. - - -
brought down the wrath of the fans.
It Is doubtful whether he could have
returned anyway In time to catch
Happy Hogan. the joy of the 33d
degree fan. Injected a little life into
the matinee on divers occasions by ob
jecting to what he considered the pus
sillanlmous umpiring of his former
pal, Perle Casey. Perle, with his coat
peeled off and harness hung over a
grey shirtwaist, took the serio-comic
"kidding" good-naturedly but just for
old times' sake banished Hogan to the
bench as often as he approached the
coacher's box.
Bancroft Like Lightning. .
Shortstop Bancroft maneuvered In
the infield like greased lightning and
cut off a couple of tallies but was
weak at the bat. The score:
Vernon I Portland
Ab.H.Po.A.E.1 A0.H.F0.A.E. 1 0 4 0 o!toane.rf .. 8 3 4 0 0
Kanecf.. 4 110 Octiadb'e.lf 8 0 10 0 5 2 7 0 0 Und y.3b 4 1110
Bhear.2b 2 12 3 O'Rodg'aZb S 2 2 2 1
B'yless.rt 6 1 8 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 4 2 0 1 OFInher.c. 4 0 4 3 0
Bur'ell 3b 5 O 4 1 Olfl' 4 0 6 3 0
Agnsw.c. 8 1 6 1 2 1 T 1 0
iewart.p 4 0 O 2 OtSuter.p... 3 0 0 1 0
iFlurald 1 o 0 OJI
Totals . S3 8 2T T o Totals. .32 7 27 11 1
Batted for Suter In ninth.
Vernon . .'. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 I
Hlls 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 3 S
Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0
Hits - 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 07
Runs Carlisle. Kane, Hosp. Brashear.
Struck out By Stewart 8. by Suter 4. Bases
on balls Off Stewart 3. off Suter 10. Two
base hits Hosp. Rodsers. Rapps. Double
plav Acnew to Brashear. Sacrifice hit
Chadbourne. Stolen bases Brashear 2. Bay
less. Stewart. Doane 2. Hit by pitched ball
Krueger by Stewart. Balks titewart 2.
Time or game 2:18. Umpires Casey and
Xotes of the Game.
Stewart sot himself Into trouble a course
of times by balking. In the fifth his fale
start sent Doane to third, but Krueirer
fouled for the third out. and In the sixth
Stewart sent Rapps to third. Suter ending
the suspense by striking- out tor the third
Carlisle misjudged Lindsay's drive In the
fifth Inning and then brought great ap
plause, by a wonderful leap and catch. A
miss would have scored Doane.
Krueger Is wearing the outfield glove
used by Fielder Jones when manager of
the Chicago White Sox. It Is a peculiar
contraption, every finger being webbed.
Hits by Doane and Rodgers and
Knitter's hit by pitcher filled the bases
for Portland la the first Inning. Fisher
then drove out to left and ended the rally.
The afternoon was so warm that Pitcher
Stewart rubbed a streak of vaselene across
his forehead to keep the perspiration from
ooslng Into his eyes and blinding him.
Either Hlgglnbotham or Klawltter will
work today for Portland. Hogan may use
H1Rapps walked the first two times up and
Hogan joked him on the third trip. "I'll
give 110.000 for Kappa" shrieked Happy.
Rapps resonded by a smacking double into
left field.
Hogan sars If his team wins the title,
the 1918 uniforms will have "Champions"
spread serosa the bosoma
Angels Hit Hard but Xot When Safe
Swats Are Most Needed.
LOS ANGELES, July 18. Sacramento
won Its first game of Its present series
with Los Angeles today by -. '
llsran the Sacramento pitcher, bared
the way. Although bit for ten hits.)
and won. The score:
R. H. E.I R. H. E.
Los An'eles t 10 3 Sacramento ( 11 1
Batteries Slagle, Chech and Brooks;
ailligaa and K re its.
Gregory, for Oakland, Holds San
Francisco to 2 Hits Game Slow.
OAKLAND, July 18. The sixth In
ning turned the game to Oakland today,
when Henley weakened and let In two
runs. Up to that time it had been a
hard fought pitchers' battle and a dull,
slow game. Gregory held the visitors
down to two hits. Score:
R.H.E.I R.H.E.
Sun Fran. 0 1 OjOakland.. 2
Batteries Henley and Berry; Greg
ory and Rohrer.
Chicago 8-4, Philadelphia 9-2.
CHICAGO. July 18. Chicago and
Philadelphia divided honors in a double
header today, Philadelphia winning the
first game in 11 innings. Chicago out
batted the visitors better than two to
one in the opening game, but Phila
delphia's hits were to better advan
tage. Luderus cleared the bases with a
home run.
Chicago fought an uphill battle and
tied the score by opportune hitting.
Bunched hits in the 11th, coupled with
daring baserunning by Cravath, who
stole home, gave the visitors the game.
The Cubs used 18 men in this contest.
Reulbach's fine pitching, backed by
the timely hitting of his team-mates,
gave the Cubs the second game. Saier
and Evers made consecutive home runs.
Luderus was spiked in the heel by
Saier, but after a delay resumed.
First game
R. H. E.I R. H. E.
Chicago ...8 1 JPhiladel ...8 10 1
Batteries Richie, . Smith, Maroney,
Lavender and Archer; Cotter, Needham,
Brennan, Seaton and Killtfer.
Second game
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Chicago ...4 liPhiladel ...2 7 0
Batteries Reulbach and Archer; Sea
ton and Dooln.
Cincinnati 2-7, Boston 8-1.
CINCINNATI, July 18. Boston broke
even with the Reds in a double-header
today, winning the first game. Per
due was effective in the first contest,
while Benton held the visitors to two
hits In the second, retiring Boston one-two-three
after the first. Esmond se
cured four hits out of as many times at
bat in the second game. Scores:
First game
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Cincinnati .2 8 BIBoston 8 13 1
Batteries Suggs and McLean; Per
due and Kllng.
Second game
R. H. E. R. H. E.
CInolnnatI .7 14 0Boston 1 3 3
Batteries Benton and Clark; Hoss,
Dickson and Rariden.
St. tools 10, Brooklyn 2.
ST. LOUIS. July 18. St. Louis bit
advantage of - the visitors' errors and
won. Manager ianien waa oruerea on
h SaII tnr dlsnutlnsr a decision by
Umpire Johnstone. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
St. Louis .10 13 4Brooklyn ..2 9 7
Batteries Harmon and Wingo; Bar
ger. Slack and Miller.
At Pittsburg Plttsburg-New York
no game; rain.
White Sox Saved by Downpour All
American League Games Halted.
tjostdw Julv 18. Torrential rains
stopped today's Boston-Chicago game
in the first inning. Boston had ham
mered CIcotte, the former Red Sox
pitcher, out of the box and had scored
.. T-l 1 Tl Q with flTl lv two out when Dlav
was suspended. Chicago did not score
on Hall in his nail inning. J. wo games
will be played tomorrow. .
an American League games were
postponed on account of rain.
Holland Draws With Weeks.
s a vr . A wn r,l Tnlv 1R Vrlt Tfol-
land and Billy Weeks, middleweights,
fought 10 rounds to a draw here last
night in a out marred oy mucn cimcu
lng. .
Spokane Ahead, 9 to 8, at End
of Weird Up and Down, in
and Out Contest.
Play Jammed With Hits, Errors,
Poor Headwork, Good and Bad
Base Running and Scoring.
Speaa Muff Costliest Skip.
Northwestern League 6tandmg.
W. I.. Pel W. L.
64 40 .1.74 Portland
E2 39 .571 Victoria.
51 42 .S49Tacoma.
Yesterday's Results.
At finokane SDOkane 9. Portland 8.
At Vancouver Vancouver 10. Seattle 1.
Sookane. . ,
Seattle. . . .
At Seattle
42 49 .463
42 49 .482
86 S3 .868
SPOKANE, Wash., July 18. (Special.)
Portland started off today with two
runs right off the reel. Two runs are
not a whole lot, but they've won many
a ball game. Then Spokane got five,
but the tumult and the shouting were
scarcely over before Portland made that
big lead look small. Portland got
three runs in the lead and yet strange
to say nearly everybody felt sure
something would happen before the
game was over. It did. Spokane got
one, then the three needed to win.
Final score: Spokane 9. Portland 8.
It was a glorious 'ladles' day ball
a-ame. full of thrills and tickles, muffs
and mlscues, boots and bingles, bulls
Pitchers Treated Badly.
Recreation Park these days is no de
cent place for a pitcher. Only two have
managed to go through the route in
the four games to date. The average is
about three per game, per team. To
day the opposing managers called upon
five and the day before they used up
Cochrane was wild and after he had
walked the first two batters up in the
third and had two balls on Cruikshank,
Ostdlek yanked him and called in
Kraft. "Uncle Dave" did not last the
inning through, and after he had
walked two Noyes waa summoned, in
the remaining six Innings Noyes al
lowed but two hits, but a muff by
Melchoir on an easy fly ball that should
have retired the side meant four runs
for Portland. Cooney's error was con
verted Into another run and ,it looked
as if Noyes' No. 13 hoodoo was out to
get his scalp for sure.
Muff by Speaa Costly.
But by keeping at it, the Indians
manaeed to eet runners on. Then Billy
Speaa conveniently muffed Altman's
long fly and everybody went nomo
happy, forgetting all about Melcholr's
costly foozle.
Glrot was lucky to get out with his
life the way the Indians were shooting
'em back past him. Doty, who relieved
him in the second, pitched straight
ball for three or four Innings, when he
also blew up. Score:
Spokane 1 , Portland '
Ah-W.Pa.A.E.1 AD.H.PO.A
v..1h A a 7 0 OITrthbla.Sb. 3 0 0 3 1
C 4 2 2 S 0!Fries,rf . . 4 110 0
J' 4 0 4 0 OiM' 4 0 10 0
Pow'U.lf 4 18 0 OlC'hank.lf. 1 0 0 0 0
M'holr.rf S 1 1 0 1 110 1 0
Devogt.c 4 8 1 0,McD11.2b. 2 0 18 0
A man, 0 a l u v Moore.c. . jl v w ;
p-l.h, 9h 4 t 4 t 1 H&rris.o.. 2 0 8 3 1
C'hran.p. 0 0 0 0 4 18 10
Kraft.p.. 0 0 0 0 OiGlrot.p... 1 0 0 0
Noyes.p.. 8 0 0 2 0;Doty.p... 8 118 0
bpeas.ii... u v
Totals.. SS 11 27 8 8 Totals. .80 4 24 18 6
SDokane 0 6 0 0 1 0 8 0
3 0 5 0 1 0 0 0
Buns Mvers. Powell. Melchoir (3), De-
vogt (2), Altman, CartwriKht, Kibble, Fries
Cruikshank. Williams, McDowell. Harris,
Stmri Two-base hit Devoirt. Sacrl-
rta htr Mahnnv. McDowell. M vers. Stolen
bases Speas. Myers (2), Cooney (2). Pow
ell Devottt, Cartwrlght. Bases on balls
Off Doty 8. off Cochran 8. off Kraft 2, off
Noyes 1. etruca out ay virot x. oy uwlj
8. by Cochran 4. by Noyes 8. Hit by pitched
ball Williams, by Noyes. Passed ball De
vogt. Two rune and two hits off Cochran
In two innings; no runs and no hits off
Kraft in one-third of an inning; two hits
runs and five hits off Doty In six and two
thirds innings; five runs and six hits off
Glrot in one and one-third Innings; four
snd six runs off Noyes in six and two-
tniras iuuijibs. ....
Mo ran.
Champions Now Have Record of 15
Consecutive Victories.
VANCOUVER. July 18. The cham
pions took two more games from the
c..t,i. Ttno-R nrta.v" Willis and Acnew
were both invincible. The champions
now have lo straigni games to meir
credit, score:
First game
R. H. E.I R. H. E.
Seattle 1 8 6Vancouver 10 17 2
Batteries Thompson and whaling;
Willis and Lewis.
i trrft TO STi U 1 a "V. J " "l !t 2&i i - JL M
- ' wi-r -
- -
At -Top. Oatflerde Baylrsa Safe f Klrrtom am Infleia tSwnntder. RappsTaklng Throw at Flrstu-Below. at Ift,
Short. to, Llfrkt Rrtsnting to Third la Ha-te ss m Smmp Threw by Flab er Below, at Right. Kane Tagged Out
br KPP at Varat-AtteK. stehas-atoad od -om-sm-Attmrcad JHMl of Jesend Isk, the Throw Beln- Fisher to Rodger,
to. Jjqasa.
A Summer Suit at
Exactly One
We Close Our Doors July 31
This is the clothes-buying opportunity
of the day. Every suit cut in half and
every suit. is a this season's garment
$15 $r.50 $20 $1 f ,$25 $-1.50
Suits Suits Suits AZr
J. L. Bowman & Co.
Popular Price Clothiers
Fifth and Alder Streets
Closing-Out F-'.e Closing-Out Sale- Closing-Out Sate Closing-Out Sale Closing-Out Sale g
v.jimer. 3 5 SiSeattle Oil
Ratterles Asnew and Sepulveda;
Concannon, Wally and Whatlng.
Crlger Explodes After Giving Good
' Early Lead to Tigers.
chittt.1! Jiv is. Crlger. pitching
for Taooma here, held Victoria without
y,it run for six innings, men
ihn. hit. In a row Dut the first run
over. Meek- tied the Bcore with a homer
, . . v. ahmntx forced over
the winning run by hitting Merritt with
three men on eases, ocore.
R. H. ja.
racoma. ... 2 2 lViotorla. .. . 3 7 0
Batteries Crlger, Schmutz and La
Longe; McCreery and Meek.
Mors and Abbott Released and
Fined and Schmutz Is Traded.
Timm. .Tnlv IS. President Ed N.
Watklns of the Taeoma Northwestern
When at
Your Desk
Smoke mild domestic ci
gars. Reserve heavy, rich
Havanas for leisure hours
in your easy chair. As
a business smoke, try the
Genl Arthur
mm Cigar
10c and 3 for 25c
M. A. Gunst & Co, Inc.
League baseball club tonight an
nounced a shakeup in the personnel of
the Tigers. Inflelder Morse and Out
fielder Abbott have been fined and
released and Pitcher Schmutz traded to
Vancouver for Pitchers Bedford and
Agnew and Outfielder Persons.
Morse and Abbott, according to
Watklns, refused to keep in condition,
while Schmutz was out of luck.
Esola Hero of Game at La Grande
Which Pendleton Loses.
The league leaders turned the tables
on the Idaho Irrigators yesterday and
won by the score of 2 to 1. The pres
ent series has been much better ball
than ever before seen on the Boise
diamond and the game yesterday was
no exception. The contest was a pitch
ers' battle between Brldger and Pope,
with honors slightly favoring Brldger,
the Bruiri twlrler. Captain Brown was
in the game with a split finger. Score:
At Boise
R. H. B.f R. H. E.
Boise 1 5 4Walla W... 2 4 0
Batteries Pope and Kelly, Brldger
and Brown.
Bunching a scratch homer, a triple
and two singles in the last half of the
ninth, La Grande came up from behind
at La Grande and gave the Pendleton
tribe a trouncing, to 6. Mountain put
up a fine pitching exhibition for the
Pippins, but his poor fielding nearly
let the Garrett nine win. Esola, the
hero of Wednesday, hit a homer and
started the Pippins to victory. The
La Grande. .8 9 4;Pendleton. . 5 7 3
Batteries Mountain and Cannon;
Stanfield and Pembrook.
Match With Kilbane Sought.
NHW YORK, July 18. The National
Sporting Club of London is making an
effort, through its representative here,
to match Jem IDriscoll, featherweight
champion of Great Britain, with John-
ny Kllpane tor tne worm s ime.
2fa.Hilv F 2In.High
( y
The Improved'
Collar Buttonhole
Its The Newest Buttonhole
The strongestand the most practicable
This ktest closed-front shape ha. the LINOCORDi'SNAP-ON"
BUTTQNH0LE-.which ia worked into the. band so thatit will
neitherTstretch nor break in the laundering; processTand no matter
how moist the collar becomes during the hot days it will not spread
or pull apart, and when placed on the collar button it cannot slip
off. It is simple to adjust .to the collar button as it snaps on and
, Sbf f with ease. It holds the collar together in front and gives it that
much sought.forjtraight, closed-front effect is. worn.
Has Ample.Scarf Space
He Silver Collars
2 for 25 Cents
Jnunareds-onmpartial tests have proved theyTastlortgesfin the
laundry. ijeoc"p."im coi, makers, troy, kY.