THE MOKMXi OKKliOMAN, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1912. COLONEL'S POLICY HEW TO POLITICS Candidacy in Only Part of Country Taken as Admis sion He Will Lose. FRIENDS ARE PROTECTED Borah, Who Has Won ex-President Admiration, Rewarded by Prom ise of Xo Third Ticket to Embarrass Him. nREROXTAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash tngton, July 18. Considerable merri ment was occasioned m nisnmsiuu hv th. announcement of Senator Dixon that Colonel Roosevelt will not place his third-party ticket in the field in states where progressive candidates for Senate and House of Representatives believe such a ticket would Injure their chances of election. For this an nouncement was taken as an admission on the part of the Colonel that he does not expect success lor nimsen. ana 11 acknowledgment that his own fight might imperil the political prospects of his friends. Just what states the Colonel intends to scratch off his list has not been made known and probably will not be determined fully until after tne colo nel has had time to correspond with his various progressive friends. He has announced, however, that he will not place a third ticket In tne neia in 101 ho because of the fear that such a ticket miKht Injure the chances of Senator Borah, who seeks re-election. Voloael Admirer of Borah. The Colonel decided to keep out of Idaho, notwithstanding the fact that Senator Borah refuses to bolt the Ke publican party and become a wearer of the Bull Moose bandana. Senator Borah counseled against placing a third ticket In the field. He told Colonel Roosevelt that such a move. In his Judgment, would injure rather than aid the progressive movement, and then refused to follow Roosevelt when the Colonel bolted the Chicago convention. Nevertheless, the colonel Is a great admirer of Senator Borah and wants faim returned to the Senat-9 and rather tlian handicap hlra will stay out of Idaho this year. From the announcement m-u2e by Senator Dixon It Is to be presumed that other nates will be passed by by Colonel Roosevelt whenever progres sive candidates for either branch of Congress hold the view that his candi dacy will Injure their prospects. Just how many of thrse candidates will b as frank es Senator Borah remains to be seen. Not all the progressive can didates will desire the Colonel to keep out Some will array themselves with hlni in his fight this Fall and will fig ure that they will be the stronger if he has a ticket in their particular states. But there are others v. ho agree with Senator Borah that a third ticket will injure the chances of Re publican candidates by making more probable the election of Democratic Legislatures. Irraonal Factor M ill Be Stroasv In the campaign this year the per sonal . equation will be much in evi dnire. even among progressives. Can did te tor the Senate and House, as a genera: rule, will be less concerned about principle than ever their own prospects of election, and It will be ihis i.eraonal equation that will move some men o this class to suggest to the Colonsl the advisability of keeping his third ticket out of their states. The Interesting thing about the sit uation, however, is the announced will ingness of Colonel Roosevelt to make no fight in those states where his friends thV.k his candidacy would in Jure them. I Is something new in American politics for a candidate for the Presidency to run In only a part of the country, refusing to place a ticket in the field in several of the states. gates were given a breathing spelL Because of a change in the programme which will bring the convention to a close one day earlier than originally planned, so the delegates may visit Seattle, the meetings of the Federation, as well as all departmental meetings, have been crowded to the utmost. The National Commercial Teachers Feder ation elected tonight F. M. VanAnt- werp. Louisville. Ky- president; F. B. Bridges. Oakland. CaL. first vice president; Mrs. Frances" Effinger Ray mond. San Francisco, second vice-president: C. A. Faust. Chicago, treasurer; Walter F. Ingersoll, Spokane, secre tary. The only contest for office was be tween President Morton MaeCormac, of Chicago, and Mr. VanAntworp for the presidency. Mr. MaeCormac was defeated by 10 votes. He had made his fight for re-election to carry for ward the movements he has Instituted particularly the 'back to thi farm" movement. Other selections were made by acclamation. The various departments of the Fed eration will choose their officers to moirow morning. Culcago was chosen for the meet ing place for 1913. COUNTY COST $1,732,694 THERE IS $1,105,562 TO RCX REST OF YEAR. Larzest Payment In First Fe'rlod Was Tear's Share of State Ex penses, $1,020,751.25. Out of a total of 12,838,257.47 avail able for the year the County of Mult nomah during the six months ending June 30 expended J1.732.694.S7. leaving Jl.105.562.60 for the remaining portion of the year. Of this latter amount J900.000 Is in cash In the custody 01 County Treasurer Lewis and the re mainder Is in the shape of taxes as yet uncollected by Sheriff Stevens. The expenditures for the half year ended included 11,020.751.25 to the State Treasurer, which Is the county's full quota for running the state government for the year. The Sherirr nas turnea over J2.040.971.34 collected as taxes since January L The following are some of the princi pal disbursements: Maintenance of bridges across the Willamette River, 124,245.51: armory, $2874.13; ferries, including new boat for St. Johns-Claremont. 841,688.69; Cir cuit Courts. 841.551.81: all other courts, $16,334.31; Assessor, $28,284.16; Auditor, $3046.73: Board of Health, $1592.20: Clerk, $27,236.40: School Superintend ent. $3049.68; Sheriff. 13.7us.n: tax collecting department $20,002.13; Dis trict Attorney. $20o9.92: (joroner, $2763.10: Treasurer. $1784.74; institu tions, $65,664.09; Jails. J15.21L63; char ltv and insane. $10,659.62; paid on new courthouse. $277,334.80; road fund dis bursements. $104,319.97; operation oi quarries, $23,932.90. Nearly $52,000 was received in fees from the recording and Circuit Court departments of the County Clerk's office. REPORT WILL BE MADE Committee Will Consider Results of Charter Revision Work. Members of the charter revision com mittee. appointed by Mayor Rushlight. will meet at the City Hall Monday night to receive the report of the special subcommittee to, which was re ferred the laborious task of revising the present charter to meet the re quirements of the proposed commls sion government. The members of the committee that has completed the re vision are R. W. Montague, City Attor ney Grant. Chief Deputy Auditor tirutze and P. L. Willis. The full membership of the commis sion will consider the draft In its en tirety, preliminary to making the final revision, which will be published for the information of the public and the reception of further suggestions be' fore submitting it to the voters in a special election. The Auditorium Commission imps tlently Is awaiting the final revision of the document when the voters of the city, under the new charter, will be asked to vote additional bonds for a suitable auditorium and grounds. The commission has at Its disposal $600, 000 of bonds, authorized In the last municipal election, but its members maintain that this fund is not suffi cient for the structure that Is planned. AUTOISTS FLOCK TO BEACH Races Are Expected to Draw Big Crowds to Cohassett. ABERDEEN. Wash.. July 18. (Spe cial. Scores of motorists from Seattle and Tacoma are finding comfort at ad- Jai-ent beach resorts. Sunday 36 auto mobiles from the Sound cities crossed the ferry on South Bay to Cohassett and the beach for miles was crowded with automobiles and motorcycles. Beginning Sunday automobile races along the beach will be held at Cohas sett. Carl Lownian. of Portland, is ex pected in the city, during the latter part of the week with his big racing car and word from Tacoma and Port land Is to the effect that racing cars from both cities will enter speed con tents between Cohassett Beach and Westport. BUSINESS TEACHERS ELECT National Commercial Federation Names Van Antwerp President. SPOKANE. July 17. Delegates to the National Commercial Teachers' Federation forsook the schoolrooms where the convention is being held and became, this afternoon, the guests of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce on a sight seeing tour through the Spokane Valley. Business was laid aside and dele- BILL IS UP TO WAR BURTON Lafferty Says Vancouver Logical Place for Brigade Post. A teleeram received by th Cornier- clal Club from Representative Lafferty explains the status or the move being made by the Oregon aeienuon ana others in Washington to have Vancou ver made into a brigade post. The message reads as follows: Tour tlcram urtrinr the united action of onsres In favor of having Vancouver Barracks mads a brigade post received. Have conferred with War Department, with Chairman Hay, of the House committee on military affairs, with Representative Haw ley and Warburton and with both Oregon senators. The War Department Is op posed to the abandonment or Vancouver as an Army post on account of Its strategic position and as one nngaae posi wm ov established In the Northwest, Vancouver Is the logical location. Hawley and I agree that Warburton ought to introduce the bill to that end I already have a bill providing for such action, but will gladly abandon It In order to secure united action In support of the Warburton bill. Chairman Hay Is willing to refer the bill to the War Department for Its recommendation at any tune we re quire. I deem it beat to get Warburton's bill introduced and have It referred to the wr nnartment If we can. If Warburton Introduces bill will advise you of date when sixne Is referred to the War Ueparimeni, wimrrupon me oauro uro gon delegation will unite In asking the Sec retary of War to make a favorable re port. (Signed) A- W. LAFFERTY. E. B. Piper, president of the Com mercial Club, received the following telegram yesterday from Represents tlve Hawley: "Have taken up matter of making Vancouver a brigade post. Veto of the Army bill has complicated situation. Will do all I can to have this done,' MILLION GIVEN FOR PARKER CAMPAIGN Sheehan Makes Estimate, Not to Be Understood as Con tradicting Belmont. ALL MATTER OF MEMORY CROP PROSPECTS BRIGHT Lincoln County Farmers Take Op timistic View of Situation. SPOKANE. July 18. (Special.) Lincoln County farmers are taking a more optimistic view of the coming crops and state that the yield will be better than they anticipated a week or two ago. Mrs. Amanda Sandygren, an extensive, farmer in the Harring ton country, says her wheat will yield between 20 and 25 bushels to the acre and that her wheat is about the aver aire in that part of the country. The estimate of the yield of Spring wheat about Davenport is placed be tween 18 and 25 bushels to the acre. while the yield of the Winter wheat is Placed ten bushels higher. Reports from Odessa are coming in daily that crops are turning out pet ter than was expected. Yields will be at least S per cent more wheat this Fall than last year, and farmers north of town are expected to report a bum per crop. John Helnbigner, northeast of Odessa, has been naming nis re cently threshed wheat, and sold Xo. 1 red wheat at 72 cents per busheL DIVORCE EVILS DEPLORED Preacher Says Ignorance Is Cause oi Domestic Strife. That divorce in this country 1.- tncreasing at an alarming rate, was the statement made Wednesday by Dr. William Spurgeon in his lecture before the young people at Centenary Metho dist Church. His subject was "Marriage Those About to Marry." and in tli course of his talk he attributed tin Increasing divorce evil to lack of ap preciation of marriage responsibilities and ignorance on the part of both men and women. He declared that a large per cent of women who marrj do not know how to cook a potato and lose their husbands through bad cooking. Dr. Spurgeon declared that there U no place for the bachelor and that hi Is a useless member of society. The meddlesome mother-in-law hi denounced. The. lecture was full of advice t married people and those about t marry. Dr. Spurgeon is one of tl lecturers at the Gladstone Chautauqua Uinrtnei deposits are found in 1 1-. Philippine Island In the Provinces of Hoc, Norte and Tarlac. on L,uon Island, and t Masbate Island. American Sugar Refining- Company's Check for $10,000 Returned as Soon as Committee Heard of It, Witness Said. WASHINGTON, July 18. The Demo cratic campaign fund contained about $1,000,000 when Alton B. Farker ran for President in 1904. according to W. F. Sheehan, of New York, who tes tified today before the. Senate commit tee investigating campaign tunas. Sheehan then was chairman of the Democratic National executive com mittee. Money was sent by the com mittee, he said, to Maine, Colorado and Nebraska. "To Maine, did you say?" asked a Senator. "Yes, with very gratifying results to the Democrats. "How much was sent to Nebraska?" queried Senator Oliver. "I think about J15.000. "Mr. Bryan was the candidate for the Senatorshlp that year, was he notr "I do not remember exactly; candi dates for the Senatorshlp were not Belmont Large Contributor. "Well, I think he was," Interrupted the Pennsylvania Senator. Sheehan said he remembered August Belmont was a large contributor. Senator Oliver asked if Thomas F. Ryan also was a contributor in the same campaign. The witness respond ed that he was. Sheehan wanted the committee to understand that when he estimated the Democratic funds In 1904 at $1.000. 000 he was not contradicting August Belmont, who "guessed on the stand that the amount was $600,000 or $700.-000. "It is all a matter of memory," insist ed Sheehan. "I think the National com mittee used directly about $800,000. I think there came through the commit tee some contributions for specific use In New York State. I have an impres sion that amounted to about $200,000." The witness declared the committee made a rule at the beginning of the campaign not to accept money from any trust. He believed no such contri butions were made directly or indirectly. There was $10,000 contributed, be gan Sheehan, "by the .American Sugar Refining Company not by Mr. Have- meyer to the state committee. Before the check was cashed, we heard about it and it was returner!. Many Solicitors Active. Senator Clapp aski the witness for the names of contributors of more than $5000. "I recollect Mr. Belmont chiefly be cause, of his testimony," replied Shee han. "I was away up in Maine much of the time and did not have so much to do with the raising of funds. There were others who contributed more than that sum, but I cannot remember them." "Who was most active In securing money?" asked Clapp. "Why. Senator, various people were soliciting on their own responsibility. The members of the committee were active. People were circularized. We published requests for funds. Demo crats, or others interested In the suc cess, of the ticket, came in to inquire If It were satisfactory for them to get out and raise some money." Sheehan said the late Daniel S. La ment assisted him In collecting money. Colonel Lam on t had been connected with corporations, he said, but he could not remember what ones. M'CUSKER TELLS OF PAST Ex-Freight Solicitor's Confessions Amuse Transportation Club. "Confessions of an farly-Day Freight Solicitor" might be the title aptly ap plied to the address given to the mem bers of the Portland Transportation Club at their regular weekly luncheon in the Imperial Hotel yesterday by Thomas McCusker, formerly with the Harrlman lines in this city and now Interested "more or less" In politics. Time to Get We have entertained hundreds of men and women during this great sale; they have made comparisons they have bought here. Style and quality always win; come now while every price is reduced. Men's Suits Reduced that sold for $15.00, now only. that sold for $20.00, now only that sold for $22.50, now only. that sold for $25.00, now only that sold for $30.00, now only that sold for $35.00, now "only Young Men's Suits are selling at the same reductions Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits $11.35 $13.35 $15.35 $16.65 $20.00 $23.35 Blues, Blacks, and Full-Dress Suits ONE-FOURTH OFF Boys' Knicker Suits Reduced Suits i"f $2.65 $3.35 $4.35 $5.65 $6.65 $9.85 All Russians, Sailors, and Norfolks at the same reductions C . that sold for $5.00, JllllS now only C Ji that sold for $6.50, uUllS now only C that sold for $8.50, uulIS now only.; C l that sold for $10.00, tJuliS now only. Suite that sold for $15-00' sJUllS now onlv Men's Pants Reduced Pants y.lo!.$3-50: $2.65 now only. All Auto Dusters, One-fourth Off Boys' Knicker Pants Reduced Pants r.4'.' $3.00 Pants r.'!r.$4-5: $3.25 Pants r".5-.00: $3.75 Pants 1'.!". $4.50 Pants ros$.fOT.$7-: $5.25 Pants r. $5.65 Pants fo.1?:.8-.00: $5.95 Pants f.!0'.00: $7.50 Men's Shirts Reduced Cl i,. that sold fordl If jUir IS $1.50, at only V CL that sold forfrl OC DIlinS$2.00, at only plJJ CL ithat sold fordjj QC JillriS$3.00, at only EXTRA! EXTRA! $1.50 Shirts French cuffs with collar to match, 95 Underwear Reduced Garments $iaoo,sat only 79c Garments lilVat only 85c Garments $ia5o,satdoniy 98c Pants Pants Pants Pants that sold for 50c, now only that sold for 75c, now only that sold for $1.00, now only that sold for $1.50, now only 35c 50c 65c 95c Pants ESJX"! $1.25 Regular 50c Wash Ties, 35 3 for $1.00 Regular 25c Wash Ties, 3 for 50 Straw Hats Half Price StrawsKLOO Straws $3.00, at only $1.50 Straws $4aoVatdoniy $2.00 StrawsKtdoy$2.50 Blue Serge Knickerbockers ONE-FOURTH OFF ALL BOYS' WASH SUITS HALF PRICE All $5.00 Panamas, $3.50 All $10 and $12.50 Panamas $5.00 All Ladies' and Misses' Fancy Man-Tailored Suits IJA T C PRTPF All Our Ladies', Misses' and Girls' Wash Dresses nLal I 1VIVJ-i LEADING CLOTHIER MORRISON STREET AT FOURTH Mr. McCusker told entertainingly of how he, as well as other freight men in this territory, used to get business by cutting rates, and of how, when oc casion demanded It, they would cut the rates by cutting the weights. Some of the scales used In those days, he ad mitted, were "fixed." He related i number of amusing incidents of his personal experience. He declared the claim agent the worst enemy of the struggling freight solicitor, saying that the unreasonable ness and narrow-mindedness of the average claim department man is the frequent cause of serious loss in busi ness to the company as well as of em barrassment to the agent. The speaker predicted that Portland will enjoy a position of commercial su premacy on the Pacific Coast follow ing the completion of the Panama Canal. Portland's position on a water grade with 260.000 square miles of ter ritory in the Columbia Klver basin trlbutary'to it, he pointed out, will be the controlling factor in future rate making and in future distribution of commodities on the Coast. corps of teachers follows: L. L. Gooding, superintendent; Miss Grace MacGregor, high school' assistant; Dysart Botts, Miss Moody, Miss Gertrude Shephard and Mies Esta Gllbertson grado teach ers. It Is possible that an additional teacher will have to be employed the coming year, as the number of pupils probably will be larger than ever be fore. It Is planned to build an addi tion to the present school building next year. School will open on September 1. Harrisburg Teachers Engaged. HARRISBURG, Or.. July 18. (Spe clal.) All the teachers for the Harris burg schools for next year have been engaged by the board ot directors. Trie On Every Outing; fQDAK Week-end trips to the country, visits to lake or seashore, all invite your Kodak. You have the fun of taking pictures and the pleasure of possessing a pic ture story all your own. It is easy to Kodak. Come in and let us show you. Expert developing and printing on the.preruises. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. Floyd F. Brower, Manager 145 SIXTH STREET Better Than Meatl """ hop GOLD Of course you don't feel like eating much this warm weatherfeel languid and tired. Don't try to eat when you don't feel like it nourish your body with a glass of GOOD beer with each meal and at bedtime. - To be SUEE that it's good ask for In this perfect brew you get all the nourishing properties of the finest malt, prepared under the direction of a skilled brewmaster, and the tonic properties of the world's best hops. For, to a body of the famous Oregon hops we add enough imported hops to give Hop Gold Beer the flavor that you miss in the others. Your dealer will be glad to take your order for Hop Gold he knows you'll be a regular customer if he sends you this best of brews. BEER STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWING COMPANY PORTLAND VANCOUVER