Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 19, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Kansas Regulars Seek by Or
der of Court to Exclude
Names From Ballot.
Eight Men Nominated Before Chi
cago Convention Was Held and
Say They Will Vote Tor Colo
nel Are Affected.
NEW TON, Karu. July 18. A tempor
ary restraining order was issued by
Judge Branine In the District Court
here Wednesday, enjoining' every Coun
ty Clerk in Kansas from printing- on the
., official primary ballot, under the head
of Republican party, those candidates
for Presidential electors who have as
serted openly they will support Theo-
- dore Roosevelt if elected.
The proceedings were filed by Fred
Stanley, Republican National commit
teeman, and State Senator Smith. The
- plaintiffs are persons alleging1 them
. selves to be members of the Republi
can party "who signed the petitions
for nominations of said candidates for
electors under promise that they would
support the Republican nominee for
The case will be heard at Hutchinson,
July 2J.
"We assert that the Democrats or any j
" other party candidates for elector have
as much right to have their names
printed under the name, emblem -and
circle of the Republican party as a set
of men who openly declare they will not
support the party nominee in the elec
toral college, should they be elected.
said Mr. Stanley.
Eight electors named before the Chi
cago convention have said they would
not support President Taft if they are
cago, Burlington A Quincy Railroad
last Sunday, costing1 the lives of 13
persons, once was confined in the Dun
ning asylum, caused Coroner Hoffman
to summon her for Investigation to
P. S. Eustls, passenger traffic man
ager of the road. 'issued today a state
ment regarding the case, in which he
said In part:
"May 20, 1911, a letter was addressed
to the chief dispatcher at Aurora in
f ormin g- him that Mrs. Wilcox had
been in an insane hospital and that
it was thought she was not right at
that time. One of the company phy
sicians examined her and reported
found her in normal condition, both
physically and mentally; that he had
Interviewed several parties in
Grande in regard Jo her and was in
formed that while she was in the hos
pltal at Dunning in 1907 she returned
in a few days, as there seemed to be
no occasion whatever for holding her
"He was Informed that ill-feeling
existed between the party who mad
the complaint and Mrs. Wilcox, and we
concluded that the charge that she was
unbalanced was prompted, by malice,
not an unusual thing in our expert
'After these reports had been re
ceived Mrs. Wilcox was put to work
June 17. 1911. Her work has been re
ported satisfactory and the facts
gardlng the accident do not indicate
any ground for censure on the hand
Una of the tower signals of which she
was in charge."
Thomas McCnsker Says Bandana
Club Can See Only One Progres
sive in Presidential Race.
Colonel Unwilling Taft Shall . Get
Electors if He Gets Most Votes,
OYSTER BAT, N. T July 18. After
1 reading: statements made by William
Flinn. of Pittsburg, and K. A. Van
; Valkenberg. of Philadelphia, two of his
leaders in Pennsylvania, In support of
the- plan for placing the same candl
dates for Presidential electors on both
the Taft and Roosevelt tickets. Colonel
Roosevelt said today that he would not
recede from the position he has taken
in regard to a compromise giving rec
ognition to Taft claims in the primary
The ex-President explained that he
had no objection to having the same
electors on both the Roosevelt and Taft
tickets, as contemplated in the Flinn
Van Valkenberg plan, but he objected
to any agreement under- which Presi
dent Taft should receive the entire elec
toral vote of the state in case a great
er number of votes should be cast on
election day for the Taft ticket than for
the Roosevelt ticket.
So far as possible It will be left to
each state to work out its own arrange
strictions imposed by the National com.
tions. if the Colonel has his way. will
be the provision that there must be no
agreement with the Taft forces which
will give official recognition to the
President as the legitimately - chosen
Republican candidate in the states
which the ex-President won in the prl
He will insist, also that any plan
adopted must be nonpartisan and ap
plicable to Democratic as well as Re
publican organizations in furtherance
of his plan to run upon a genuinely in
dependent ticket.
Police Confident Murder of Gambler
Mill Be Solved.
NEW YORK, July Is. While the
police continue to declare their con
fidence that there will be a speedy so
lution of the problem of who shot
and killed Herman Rosenthal, a gam
bler, early Tuesday and what were the
motives behind the murder, the net
apparent result of yesterday's action
on their part was the apprehension
of "Bridgie" Webber, an East Side
sporting man and his release on small
bail after he lia,d been questioned.
Webber admitted that he was the
man who had heard a suspicious con
versation the day preceding the crime
between members of a poker party
on a steamer excursion, during which
threats were made to "get" Rosenthal
If he persisted in continuing his revela
tions of alleged partnership between
the police and the gambling fraternity.
After Police Commissioner Waldo had
forwarded to District Attorney WTilt
man a written request that the latter
began "a complete" Investigation of
charges of partnership between the
gamblers and the police and that mem
bers of the force were guilty of in
stigating the murder of Rosenthal,
the district attorney Issued a state
ment declaring that he had never
charged that the police were respon
sible for Rosenthal's death.
A. B.'Olston, Brought From Illinois,
Pays Up and Gains Release.
Albert B. olston yesterday was
brought back from Evanston, 111., by
Detective Craddock. only to be released
upon his arrival after paying the
amount he is alleged to have secured
by the swindle.
The swindle Is alleged to have taken
place in 1910, and Olston was Indicted
in February of this year.
By selling SO shares of stock in
the Range Boiler Insulator Company,
whose assets conststrd of nothing, and
by promising a position at $100 a
month, Olston Is alleged to have ob
tained more than 12400 and title to 130
acres of valuable timber - land from
John Wood, of Orenco. It Is charged
Olston represented that he would pay
40 per cent in dividends on the stock.
Oiston is alleged to have used a woman
named White as a catspaw, to In
duce Wood to part with his money and
land. The woman is said to be a
clever worker. She is now believed
to be tn Los Angeles, assisting two
brothers of Olston In a similar scheme.
Wood's claims were settled by John
Schram, of Seattle, a brother-in-law of
Thomas McCusker. manager of the
progressive Republican campaign com
mltte. has rushed to the front to
block efforts on the part of promoters
of the Roosevelt third party move
ment to win over the following and
supporters of Senator La Follette. In
a letter Issued yesterday, Mr. McCusker
denounces the new party and advises
all La Follette people to stay away
from it.
The letter Is as follows:
I notice at a meetlnar of the "Third Par
ty" advocates, or Bandana Club, last Mon
day evening, the gentlemen in question em
phaslzed the necessity of inviting the lf
Follette - people to Join them in the great
DroKressive movement, name v to elect
progressive aa President, and as they have
written Into their by-laws the name of
Theodore Roosevelt, it follows that there is
only one progressive In the country.
A convention of this faction is called for
the near future to elect five delegates in
structed for a progressive candidate well
hardlv. Instructed for Roosevelt only and
there is no other progressive, no one else
will be considered.
They Invite thj laboring people to Join
their club, but inform them in advance that
they are Invited In merely out of courtesy
and as a great favor to tnem.
They invite the La Follette people be
cause they need them, and in order to at
tract them they name an alleged La Fol
lette man as a member of their committee.
who says he thinks as much of La Follette
now as ne ever din; wnicn l grant is true,
but outside of voting for Roosevelt, they
will not be considered.
Thev remind me of the man who fell In
the well and tried to lift himself out by
his boot straos.
Without wishln- to Influence vour action
in any way, I would respectfully suggest
that no La Follette man should be in a
hurry to loin anv new narty floundering
around In a sea of political disappointment
headed hv a neraonal Dronoun.
Notwithstanding the prophecies to me
contrary, the Republican- party will no tne
dominant party tour years nence, aixnousu
inn nemnnniM nrnv ne'somewnai cnanKeu
do not put yourselves In the position of
having to knock for readmittance. . .- .
If vou desire to vote for a progressive
candidate, you will be given the opportu
nity and can atlll remain In the party.
The letter is one of the results- of
the recent meeting of the third party
men. at which Mr. McCusker was
blacklisted. "They blacklisted me, said
Mr. McCusker, "because of an interview
printed In a Chicago newspaper, in
-which I was wrongly quoted as saying
that six of the Oregon delegates were
ready to jump from Roosevelt to Taft.
What I really said was Just the op
The action of tne itooseveit people
in blacklisting me saved me the trouble
of blacklisting myself. I could not
have been a member of the party with
out a purging of the role. And now 1
want them to know that although
they have burled me, my feet are still
sticking out and somebody is liable to
stumble over them.
As far as the third party Is con
cerned I do not believe it will amount
to anything."
Railroad Tower Tender Is X'ow Re
ported to Be Insane.
CHICAGO. July IS. Discovery to
day that Mrs. D. A. Wilcox, the tower
operator at Western Springs, near
where a wreck occurred on the Chl-
Move to Put Roosevelt and Taft Elec
tors on Same Ticket to Be
Resisted Vigorously.
NEW YORK, July 18. (Special.)
Charles D. Hilles. chairman of the Re
publican National committee, yesterday
formally opened the Taft National cam
paign In New York. After numerous
conferences at the Hotel Manhattan, be
ginning with William Barnes, Jr., and
continuing down the line until most of
the old guard stalwarts had paid their
respects, the young manager of the
President's cause authorized the open
ing of offices In the Times building to-
morrow and said that permanent of
fices of the committees of the National
committee would be chosen Friday. Mr.
Hilles said that the suggestion of Rep
resentative Rees, of Kansas, looking to
the withdrawal of President Taft and
Colonel Roosevelt from the race had not
gone far.
"In fact," said Mr. Hilles, humor
ously, "the Colonel halted any serious
consideration of the matter by say
ing there was a conspiracy on foot to
retire him from public life."
Regarding the move put forward by
William Flinn In Pennsylvania, ex
Governor Stokes In New Jersey and
George Galther In Maryland to place
the same names of Presidential electors
on both the Republican and "Bull
Moose" tickets, Mr. Hilles became se
rious. "Even this early in the campaign I
think that any such proposal will be
resisted to the limit," he said. "There
will be no compromise. I believe such
a proposition is opposed to the spirit
and letter of the law In the different
Mr. Hilles has been duly Impressed
by the dominating personality of
Barnes. He said the Albany man
would be on either the advisory or
executive committee, but could not saj
which. It haa been the custom, Mr.
Hilles said, to build the executive
committee of members of the National
committee. The advisory committee
may Include one er two National com
mitteemen, but will largely be com
posed of outsiders.
Not at Home.
Kansas City Star.
Tourist Hot Is it I hollered down
this well and" didn't hear an echo?
New Guide The echo Just went out
to lunch, sir.
Regulars Xow Out Will Be Supported
hy Third Party If They Climb
on the Bandwagon.
For Republican candidates, tor the
various state, county and city posi
tions, the Roosevelt third-party sup
porters in Oregon promise their sup
port, - provided the candidates will
climb into the third-party bandwagon.
This was the announcement Wednes
day of Dr. Henry Waldo Coe. one of
the Roosevelt supporters who has
called a meeting of Roosevelt sup
porters for nert week to perfect
working organization to begin an
active political campaign.
Dr. Coe says it Is his desire to have
the candidates express their opinions
as to which side they want to be on,
and he therefore will await with much
interest the answer to the question of
affiliation which has been put up to
the candidates by the county central
committee. Candidates who line up
with the Taft people will be snubbed
by the third-party supporters.
Dr. Coe returned from the East Mon
day after spending some time visiting
Eastern relatives, following the Re
publican convention in Chicago. When
he arrived in the city he issued a call
for the third-party supporters to hold
meeting to arrange for a complete
"The third party is working on the
supposition that the Republican party
now stands without a nominee for the
Presidency. - This is because President
Taft got the so-called nomination by
majority of 21. and he had a total
of 75 stolen votes. Morally he was
not nominated and that Is the basis we
are working on.
It is our desire to get every one of
the candidates on the Republican
ticket, from United States Senator on
down the list, to show their colors.
We want them to come out in public
and say whether they are for Taft or
for Roosevelt. M e want to know
whether they want to take a chance
1th Roosevelt and his 21,000 votes or
Taft with his 7000 votes. Whether we
will put candidates out in the field or
not we have not decided as yet and
we probably won't know until we hear
from the present candidates.
"In the East some of the politicians
have talked with have figured out
the situation In detail and they de
clare that Taft will carry but one state
In the Union Rhode Island. He has
bare fighting chance in Delaware
and New Hampshire, but that is as
far as it goes. The Idea of Roose
velt regarding the third party does
not coincide with a great body of his
supporters. It Is necessary to have the
third party to get candidates properly
placed on the ticket in many of the
tates. Out of it may come a great
ew party, but the time is too short
to absolutely create this party for the
present emergency.
"In the matter of electors for Oregon
the Roosevelt people will take no
chances in voting for a set of men, no
matter what they say, who are not
well known as genuine progressives,
who will support the nominee of our
convention. The plan probably will
bo to put up new men. along with such
candidates already nominated, as can
be relied upon. This will not be done
until after the convention in August.1
Active Campaign Starts at Armory
Tonight Clark Is Praised for
His Unselfish Spirit.
A special meeting of the Kentucky
Klick was held Wednesday night at
headquarters, in the Worcester block.
for the purpose of ratifying the nomina
tion of Wood row Wilson for President
and devising ways and means for an
active campaign. An urgent appeal
was made by the president for all to
attend the meeting in the Armory to
The following ticket was unanl
ously indorsed: For President,
Woodrow Wilson; for Vice-President,
Thomas R. Marshall; for .electors,
Hugh McLain, of Coos County; William
M. Peterson, of Umatilla County; John
M. Wall, of Washington County; D. M.
Watson, of Multnomah County; F. C.
Whltten, of Multnomah County.
The following resolutions were
adopted :
We applaud and admire Champ Clark for
hlB unfUnchine aud unselfish patriotism In
obeying the stern mandate of a two-third
rule, and in common witn our uemocrauc
brothrt-n, the Klick rejoices in the nomina
tion of Woodrow Wilson for President of
the United States.
Tha Klick favors the recall of Republican
Judgea; therefore It congratulate Governor
west on ma use ox tne miuua id uppreo
ice In Clackamas county.
Oregon has heretofore indorsed the plea
of our worthy Senator. George tj. unamoer-
laln. "that true progressive Democracy
consists In proportional representation tn
Congress. therefore the Democrats have
one Vnlted States Senator and the Klick
contends that the Democrats are now en
titled tn a ReDresentative in conrrees.
Th wllrlc congratulates the Democratic
majority for Its patriotism at Baltimore tn
yieiamg 10 inouorn nimwu.
Harmony has always been the watch
word of true Democracy.
Regular Train Service Will Bo In
augurated Not Later Than Next
Monday Morning.
Regular traffic over the new O.-W.
R, & N. bridge across the Willamette
will be Inaugurated not later than next
Monday morning. It may be started aa
early as tomorrow afternoon.
As soon as practicable thereafter
demolition of the old bridge will be
started regardless of pending nego
tiations between the railroad company
and city and county officials for use
of the upper deck of the new bridge.
Operation of the lift span in the
new bridge was started, suooesslully
yesterday morning. Tracks now are
being laid across It As soon as this
work Is oorapleted, work trains will be
run over It. The first train will con
sist of a heavy engine and a string of
steel oars loaded with ballast to be
used In filling the tracks between the
west approach and the yards adjoining
the Union depot.
Engineers say there is no necessity
of testing the new bridge, aa they are
confident it will operate successfully.
'As soon as the bridge is done It
will be ready for train service, said
George W, Bosohke, chief engineer of
the 0.-W, R. A S, Company, yesterday.
We don't have to test It. as it can't
be wrong. It would be a poor bridge
that would require testing, and we
would be poor bridge builders to de
mand a test after completing It, Prab-hi-
the first train tn oross the bridge
An Opportunity to Buy Hart
Schaffner & Marx Clothes at Off
It means that you'll get the best clothes that can be had and you'll not be putting your money out
on guesswork. Hart Schaffner & Marx are recognized the world over for their clothes, and we are
now selling this wonderful line at just one-third off their regular worth.
Read Bslow Every Item on This Page a Genuine Reduction in Price:
Boys' Knicker, Rus-
Hart Schaffner &
$18.00 Suits now $12.00
$20.00 Suits now. . . , .$13.35
$25.00 Suits now $16.65
$30.00 Suits now. . . . .$20.00
$35.00 Suits now $23.35
$40.00 Suits now. $26.65
Full Dress and Blues and
Blacks, One-Fourth Off
' Soft Shirts
For Summer, with soft collars
to match, reduced.
$1.50 quality red'e'd to $1.15
$2.00 quality red'e'd to $1.30
$2.50 quality red'e'd to $1.65
Young Men's Suits
Sizes 30 to 35 N
$10.00 Suits now $ 6.65
$12.50 Suits now...;. $ 8.35
$15.00 Suits now $10.00
$18.00 Suits now... . .$12.00
$20.00 Suits now $13.35
All Straw and Pan
ama Hats Reduced
to Half Price
$2.00 Straw Hats now. .$1.00
$3.00 Straw Hats now. .$1.50
$4.00 Straw Hats now. . $2.00
$5.00 Straws and Panamas, re
duced to $2.50
$7.50 Panamas red. to $3.75
$10.00 Panamas red. to $5.00
sian and Sailor Suits
$ 4.50 Suits now $3.00
$ 5.00 Suits now $3.35
$ 5.50 Suits now $3.65
$ 6.50 Suits now $4.35
$ 7.50 Suits now $5.00
$ 8.50 Suits now $5.65
$10.00 Suits now $6.65
Summer UnderwY
Greatly Reduced
$2.00 Munsing Union Suits re
duced to $1.30
$2.50 Munsing Union Suits re
duced to $1.65
Men's Pants Reduced 20
for Men
and Boys
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
N. W. Corner Third and Morrison Streets
All Boys
Wash Suits
Reduced to
Half Price
will be one of our finest passenger
It Is probable that street railway
traffic will be inaugurated over the
the upper deck within the next few
months. The O.-W. R. & N. Company
and the Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company reached an agreement
several months ago for a monthly
rental of $1600 for the use of the upper
deck by the streetcar company. Al
though the Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company has accepted the terms
of the railroad, it has no franchise for
approaches on either side of the struc
ture. However, Mayor Rushlight said
a short while ago that he is willing to
have the Council grant a revocable
franchise over the streets approaching
the bridge pending an agreement for
permanent franchises.
Negotiations between the O.-W. R.
& N. Company and the city and county
authorities are no nearer a solution
now than ever. The city and county
still are in an attitude of "passing the
buck" to one another and the railroad
officials are not doing muoh to relieve
the situation.
Tommy at Dinner.
Tommy went out to dine at a friend's
house one evening. When the soup
was brought Tommy did not touch his,
and the hostess, looking over, said:
"Why, Tommy, dear, what's the mat.
terT Aren't you hungry tonight?"
"Yes," replied Tommy, "I'm quite
hungry, but I'm not thirsty."
First Infantry Officer Accused
Absence Without Leave.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 18. An army
court-martial here began taking evi
dence today In the case of Captain
Augustus H. Bishop, of the First In
fantry, who disappeared from Van
couver Barracks, Wash., last , March
and reported here at division head
quarters one day before he would have
been dropped from the lists as a de
serter. Because he reported within the time
limit, the charge now against him Is
that of absence without leave. Captain
Bishop is under arrest In quarters.
The accused officer's regiment is sta
tioned In Honolulu and the necessity
of obtaining depositions from there will
prolong the trial.
The shortage of labor in Australia Is not
7 ar OTII
Best for Biscuit
Experienced housekeepers
who have tried many dif
ferent kinds of baking pow
ders, find that Rumford
'biscuits are lighter, whiter
and better flavored.
They are also more
wholesome and much more
easily made with
The Beat of the High-Grade Baking Powders No Alum
Girls who study hard or work hard.
who grow pale and thin, who oome
home from school or shop too tired to
do anything even In the way of amuse
ment these are the girls who will get
most benefit from a course of treat
ment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People, No medicine ever offered
the nubllo has been such a boon to
suffering women and girls as this tonic
remedy. These puis are not a mere
stimulant, giving temporary relief;
they build np the body anew by making
rioh, red blood that Imparts splendid
health, brightness, cheerfulness, energy
and ambition.
Dr. Williams" Pink Pills begin their
work of improvement with tha first
dose. The first sign of Improvement is
usually an increased appetite, tne
absence of distressing symptoms after
eating, mora refreshing Bleep, a better
color in face and lips. These ara signs
that pure rich blood Is now etroulating
through the body ana mat, witn mis
necessary assistance, nature is effect
ing a cure.
Miss JSllen atattis, er Jin, ssi wen
Fifth South street Bait Lake City,
Utah, relates her experience gladly In
the hope that others will be helped by
It. She says:
"I was all run down, thin, bloodless
and had no oolor whatever. Two doctors
treated me but did not help me that I
could see, I kept losing In flesh and
weight. I had severe palpitations of the
heart and often had to gasp for breath.
It seemed that I was being smothered,
my heart wonld beat so fast. I had no
appetite and the least exertion tired me
all out. I got dlsoouraged with taking
so much medicine, but my mother urged
me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I
felt some improvement from the first
box and as I continued to use them my
strength and weight increased and my
color returned. I became real healthy
again and I shall always speak highly
of Dr. Williams Pink Pills."
Two booklets, "Building Up the
Blood" and "Plain Talks to Women,"
will- be sent free upon request.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all druggists, or by mail, postpaid on
receipt of prioe, 60 eenta a box; six
boxes, I a. 60, by the Dr. Williams 4ixU
eine Company, Scheneetady, X. T.
the delightful Columbia River
Boute on the Steamers
STEAMER "T. X POTTER" leaves Portland at 10:80 P. M. (daily ex
cept Sunday), arriving Astoria :00 A. M. and Megler at 7:30 A. M. Re
turning, leaves Astoria dally except Sunday and Monday at 7:00 A. 41.,
Megler at :S0 A. M., arriving Portland 4:80 P. M. On Sunday leaves
Astoria 7:00 A. 1L. Megler :00 P. ii., arriving Portland at 6:89 A. M.
STEAMER "HASSALO" leaves Portland daily (except Saturday and
Sunday) at 8:00 A. M., Saturday at 1 P. M., arriving Astoria 1:80 P. M.,
legler 1:IS P. M. On Saturday arriving Megler 6:30 P. M. Returning
leaves Megler dally except Saturday and Sunday at P. M., arriving
Portland 10:00 P. M. Sunday leaves Megler 8:00 P. M.. arriving Portland
6:30 A. IS. .
STEAMER "HARVEST QUEEN" leave Portland dally (except Sat
urday and Sunday) at 8:00 P. M.. Saturday at 10 P. M., for Astoria and
way landings. Returning leaves Astoria dally exoapt Sunday at 7:00 A.M.
arriving Portland 6:00 P. M.
Trains meet all boats at Megler for North Beach points
Astoria - .t $1.50
r Satnrday-to-Monday tickets 3.00
North Beach -j Season tickets 4.00
rive-ride round-trip tickets', .. ....... ..15.00
One-day River Trip Portland to Megler and return.............. 2.00
For particulars apply to
City Ticket Office, Third and Washington Streets, Portland.
An Ideal Country Home
For Sale. This is one of the prettiest homes in the
valley, with all modern conveniences, water, elec
tricity and sewerage system. Everything you would
have in a city home. This is high-class income-paying
property, with no incumbrance; about 40 acres
in trees. "Would consider first-class unincumbered
Portland property in part payment. If you would
lite, an ideal country home with unsurpassed view,
this is an exceptional opportunity. For interview
Address A M. 224, Oregonian
Open Saturday Evenings
In order to accommodate people who are unable to come
to the bank during the day, our offices are open on Saturday
evenings from 6 to 8 o'clock.
"We invite you to open a savings account now and get the
benefit of the protection It will afford as well as the 4 per
cent compound interest it will earn.
Hibernia Savings Bank
"A Conservative Custodian"
Second and Washington Streets