THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN", FRIDAY. . JULY 19, 1913. Every Man, Woman and Child Should See "Old Darby," Rosa Bonheur's Famous Original Painting, Valued at $65,000, on 5th Floor Come and Enjoy the Special 50c Luncheon Today in Our Beautiful 7th-Flr. Restaurant Orchestra Music and Singing Extra Elevator Bring us your kodak films expert printing and developing done in 24 hours. First floor section. Government "Weather Report: Fair today not so warm. Visit our modern Beauty Parlors expert manicuring, shampoo and hair dressing, massage, etc. Our Watch and Jewelry Repair Shop fully equipped with every adjunct nec essary to perfect work. 20 1 1 1 ?2d Friday Surprise--Semi-Aimu&al Clearance Sale I This Double Event Brings a Page of Great Bargains for One Day nlyifm Annual cn fnn iirVpr vmi ranA rlnwn thrnnrh tTi ft nafft snrh offprints as 50c beautiful Silk Mulls. Ifc m 11 VII 19c; $3.50 to $5 Parasols, $1.98; $1.50 Mannish Waists, 98c; $3 to $3.75 Wash Dresses, $1.78, and so on. These croAvd-bringing Surprise Sale specials are for one day, Friday, only, but all the other Clearance lots previously advertised this week are still on sale, if not depleted. Be here today join the. Clearance Sale throngs at The Big Store share in the savings. 1172D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Remnants of 25c to 50c Ribbons at 15c Thousands of yards of remnants and short ends of high-grade Ribbons accumulations from our own regular stocks. All-silk plain and fancy ribbons, including vel vets, satins, taffetas, Dresdens, messalines, warp prints, etc. 5 to 7 inches wide. C Regularly 25c to 50c a yard. In i J f lengths of 3-4 to 2 yards at, each. $1.75 AND ?2 GLOVES PAIR AT ?1.19 Women's high-grade French kid Gloves odd lines of colors and sizes from our regular Perrin and Trefousse lines; 2 and 3-clasp styles $1.75 and $2.00 grades. For the Friday fljt 1Q Surprise at P 1 50c SILK COLLEGE KERCHIEFS, 25c They're a novelty all-silk fancy Kerchiefs, with football and floral designs and initials of colleges. All the fad for hat drapes and for pillow tops. Regularly 50 cents. For toe Y FRIDAY SURPRISE CLEARANCE Misses' Wash Dresses $U8 Regular $3 to $3.75 wash Dresses an extraordinary special for the Friday sur prise only at $1.78. And what mother will let the daughter be without a gen erous supply of cool frocks these warm days when they can be purchased at so low a price as this T Of plain, finely woven percales, also in neat, col ored stripes. All in the popular one-piece styles. Low necks, with the plain Dutch or with sailor col lars of self-or contrasting color. Some finished with narrow piping. Note the two styles as sketched. For ages from 13 to IS vears. Come early for your choice of these d 1 "J O $3.00 to $3.75 Wash Dresses. Special Friday, each Y $1.25 to $1.75 Wash Petticoats 87c Always neat and practical cool as well. Ginghams and rham- brays, finished with bias bands, tucks and net tlounces. Qy to i.o i-etucoais at " Friday Surprise Klrot Floor, Main Building Mali Orders Filled MEIER & FRANK'S 1172D FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's $1.50 Mannish Waists at 98c , Just the smart, popular mannish Waists that women and misses can't have too many of these Summer days. Of fine percales, madras and soisettes. that launder beautifully.' In the clever, strictly mannish shirt styles, as illus trated here. Others are regulation Shirt Waists finished with tucks and pleats, high necks and long sleeves. And plenty of the styles with low necks, finished, with soft collars, short sleeves with the turn-hack cuffs. Stitched pockets fin ish the front. Choose from the three stvles white with colored stripes and solid . blues, grays and tans. $1.50 Waists for Friday rlnn.. Hfl fhJm trill. ,1 ose from the three 98 c Plain, checked or striped- THE 1172D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE To $3.50 Com- f hinat'ns S2.09 Few women will want to miss this sale of cool, perfect-fitting Corset Cover and Drawer Combi nations for Friday only. Made of fine, soft nainsook, lawn and dimity, trimmed, in dainty, though durable, kces. Smoothly joined at the waist line with ribbon beading. teg- ula r $ o and $3.50 Combina tions, Friday, High Grade Corsets, $1.98 A radical Friday Clearance of broken lines and drummers' samples of high-grade Corsets, made or iginally to sell at $3.50, $5 to $8. Good ft . Q O styles, long hips, medium and low bust Dl(i0 m n beading. teg- $2.09 1172D FRIDAY SURPRISE 50c to $ 1 Lace Neckwear 41c One can't have too much of pretty Neckwear this Summer weather. Here are dainty Plauen Lace Cir cular Collars and Yokes, as illustrat ed. Also Yokes and Guimpes of shadow lace, in white, cream and ecru. Hade with elastic draw string to hold them in place. . . Regular 50c to $1 Neckwear 1172d Friday Sur prise Clearance at the very low price your ' choice 25c Dutch Collars, 12c Pretty rep and poplin Dutch Col lars, in many colors, with tie 1 to match. Regnlar 25c value a-n&C CONTINUED FOR FRIDAY 200 Pieces of 50c Silk Mulls, Yd. 19c Words won't express to you the daintiness and fine quality of these pretty Silk Mulls. Two hundred additional pieces down from the stock room in time for the Surprise today. . A wonderful variety of the handsomest of patterns in plain shades and contrasting col ors. Self colored stripes and figures dainty floral designs in blues, pinks, browns, etc. Light and dark shades to choose from. Attractive for' pretty, cool afternoon, street and evening frocks. Don't fail V to see these handsome, regular 50c I Mulls, continued for Friday, yard 15c Percales at, the Yard 10c Fine, firm quality that launders splendidly. Excellent for women's and children's waists, aprons, men's shirts, etc. Full 36 inches wide. Standard 15c percales J.VC 41c fififf 1172d Surprise Clearance Women's 20c to 35c Hosery, 15c Broken lines grouped for quick clearance today. Black, tan and colored embroideried boot Hose. Also black lace styles. Not all kinds, but a full range of sizes. Regular 20c to 35e 1 C grades. 3 pairs 35c, the pair Childs 20c Hose, 10c Children's black and tan cotton Hose broken sizes, so we price them for today at Elastic rib, seamless ' and with ;double knee, heels and toes. Former 20c grades. Friday Surprise, 3 pairs 1 fj for only 25 cents; the pair lut Lovely to $5 Silk Parasols, $1.98 Once you see them, there'll he no resisting these lovely new Silk Parasols and you H wonder that we ever offer them at this exceptionally low price. A specially-bought lot of 500 and one of the best Parasol purchases it was ever our good fortune to secure. They're 22-inch, 10"ribbed brass frames, covered with pongee silks, taffeta, plain satins and rich Dres dens. Finished with borders of velvet and fancy Dresden silks. Also in stripes, plaids Q and checks. Long, attractive plain and carved handles. Finished with cord and tassels. y f Complete the Summer's outfit with one of these handsome $3.50 to $5 Parasols, Friday at T 1172D FRIDAY SURPRISE CLEARANCE 150 Men's $15 Suits $1 1172D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $1.50 Beach Carts One Day Only at 99c Remember how-many of these ' Beach Carts you've noticed being nspH latflv? Here's a rousing Friday Sur prise Sale on them. Just as illus trated, strongly made, with 4-ft. handles and rubber-tired wheels. An unusual value, even at $1.50. Just for one day only, the 1172d Friday Tpf C Surprise, you may have them for Fifth Floor, ISw Building; Mall Orders Filled 1172D FRIDAY SURPRISE AND GREAT CLEARANCE SALE 5000 Pes. Wearever Aluminum $1.25 Sauce Fans The famous Wearever Aluminum Sauce Pans. Just as illustrated, with long handle and cover. For Friday only CQn at this low price VJC Stew Pans, 37c 65c Stew Pans Of Wearever Aluminum with long handles, as il lustrated here. Special Friday 0 7- for the Surprise Sale at' 1172D FRIDAY SURPRISE AND CLEARANCE 400 Dozen $ 1 .00 and $1.25 Shirts Only 49c New, crisp Golf and Negli gee Shirts that should cause a veritable furore at this Clear ance price for Friday only. Over 400 dozen in this huge lot excellent $1 and $1.25 Shirts of percales, madrases and chambrays, in wide range of neat stripes and small figured patterns of light and medium colors. Plain or pleated fronts cuffs attached. Well made and cut full. All sizes, 14 and up. Secure a good supply of -these $1 and $1.25 A ( Shirts while they are on sale for Friday Clear- ft W f ance see the Morrison-st. window display ea. . Just 150 men will have the opportunity of se curing our famous $15 Suits in this sensational one-day Clearance at an even $10! YouH pay almost as much for an extra pair of trousers, and here's your choice of splendid all-wool, hand-tailored Suits, which have been our leaders at $15. "Worsteds, cassimeres and homespun ef fects, in grays, tans, browns. Patterns and weights which you may wear right into the Fall and Winter. Broken lines, but excellent range of sizes in the lot as a whole. Just 150 of our $15 Suits in a Friday Surprise Clearance, $10. J Third Floor, , New Building. Mail Orders rilled 95c Kettles 2,,-ouart pre serving Kettles, the Wearever brand, of pure aluminum For Friday CAn at only JC 55c Sauce Pans for 29c 55c Sauce Fans long handled Pans, as illustrated above. These, too, of the fa mous Wearever Alu- Men's 50c Porosmesh Nainsook Underwear 25c The cool, sanitary, open mesh Shirts and Drawers, short sleeve and knee length. Also coat style, 6 1 e e v e 1 ess athletic shirts and knee drawers, 50c vals. 25c 100 Dozen Men's 25c Silk Ties, Today at -, 12V2C Four-in-Hand and Bitwlns Ties, in flowing end and re versible styles. All colors and patterns In the immense lot. Regular 25c tlea (or clearance 12 He 200 Dozen Men's 35c Silk Socks at 18c Jap Silk Socks. In mottled col ors of blue, gray and tan: also new open - work Hose, very smart and cooL Regular 85c grades 200 dozen pairs Friday 18o. - - 1172D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $2.50 Casseroles $1.39 Another factory pur chase of these splendid, nickel : plated Casseroles, which we sold something like 200 of the last time they were advertised.- Either oval or round style, exactly as illustrat ed ; 2-pint size. Neat, plain, nickel-plated frame, with first quality pottery lining. If we'd bought them regularly they would have had to sell for $2.50. This lot for First Floor, Main Bulldlna- Mall Orders Filled $1.39 1172d Friday Surprise 75c New Wash Bags at Only 43c Two styles of these dainty White Wash Bags, which near ly every woman is carrying now with lingerie and tub frocks. - One is of crochet, with ball trimming and draw-string top. The other is cordeliere style, of white mercerized rep, daint ily silk embroidered with long cord handles. Such Wash Bags would sell ordinarily at 75c. Just 200 of them for a Friday Clear ance, choice only First Floor, New Bulldlos 43 c 1172D FRIDAY SURPRISE AND GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Two Big Furniture Specials Hundreds of odd pieces of Bedroom, Dinine-room and Library Furniture have been set aside at radical Clear ance reductions. rmmnn. SpeT OQ V " " -a for Friday $3.75 Folding Up holstered Cots $2.49 Just what you want for the sleeping porch or Summer camp. Strongly made, upholstered, folding Cots, with heavy wire springs. Regular $3.75 special for the 1172d Fri- tfJO AQ day Surprise " SaleP"' $?.48 Grass Rocker, $4.98 We've just 120 of these strong Chinese grass Rock ers', just as illustrated. Ideal' for Summer home, porch or lawn. Marked $7.48. For the 1172d Fri- QQ day Surprise at P"'0 . Fourth Floor, Mala Building; Mall Orders Filled 1172d Grocery Surprise T?ln Ribbon Butter, finl1 Special Coffee, pound, 26 2X Coffee, pound at 2S4 Tea-room Coffee, lb. at 39 Royal Banquet Mocha and Java, lb., 451 Tetley's Green Table Tea, pound, 50r English Breakfast Tea, 254 25c Rockwood's Coco--i, 17 Imported Macaroni, package at 10 Royal Banquet Sardines, a large can for 20 Eastern Lard, medium pails at 68 Sole Portland Agents for CKdns ShMS Parria's Glsvss AJax Oiiarsst d Haaisry Gotham SUxts . aad Caderwear Madame Iroas Cossets Epos FeUlcoats eampoek Ctotbes for Sole Portland Agents for John S. Brown IJa m Munslaa Underwear Willamette s w I a Machines Acorn S t o T s s - and Ranges Fulton Whitney Go-Carts GuBtaTe Stickler Orls . . tnal Craftsman Fur-altars Try the New Nut Bread, yjf PHONES-Pacific, Marshall 4600; Home, A-6101. Only Portland Store With Complete Mail Order Service and Catalogue. THE 1172D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE "Hurt" Books at 25c Fully a thousand volumes of Books, slightly rubbed and shopworn, to clean up at this ridiculously low price Friday. Copyrighted fiction by the best and most sought for authors. Gift Books, Technical Books, ' etc. Published to sell for 50c, $1, $1.25, JC $1.50 and even higher. For Friday at Basement New Building