Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 19, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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California Primary Law Is Se
verely Condemned at Con
ference of Leaders.
Committee of Five Appointed to De
feat Scheme to Deny Place on
Ballot to Electors Favor
able to President.
SAX FRANCISCO. July 18. (Spe
cial.) A committee of five was a.p-
pointed this afternoon by Colonel
Charles M. Hammond, chairman of the
Taft Republicans of California, to take
such action as may b necessary to
defeat the plans of Governor Johnson
and his Dolttlcal advisers from carry
ing- through their plan to withhold
from the Republicans of California the
opportunity of voting for the re-elec
tlon of President Taft.
The, committee was appointed after
a lengthy discussion among some of
the prominent Republicans in the
northern section of the state. The
primary law and the opportunities it
gives for the disfranchisement of Re
publicans who hope to be able to sup
port President Taft were discussed in
all their various phases.
Governor Johnson and his followers
came In for frequent castigation, and
the provisions of the primary law were
denounced as Iniquitous ana conceived
in fraud.
Sltuatlen la Complicated.
ny suggestions were made as to
the best method or defeating the pur
poses of the followers of the third
term candidate, but the situation of
fered so many angles that nothing def
inite was decided upon.
With Colonel Hammond presiding.
the meeting was Informal In nature
and the discussion was open. rromi
nent among those who took part in
the discussion, both of the political
aspects of the situation and the most
practical political measures, were
Thomas Dozler. Frank H. Short, Wil
liam P. Herron. Samuel Shortridge.
Milton Schmidt. H. M. Owens, Jesse
LJUenthal and Phillip S. Teller.
District registration was begun to
day in San Francisco. An auxiliary
registration booth was opened at 2
o'clock In every assembly district in
the city and extra places of registra
tion were provided for the congested
districts. This new method, tried for
the first time today in San Francisco,
is the outcome of a registration law
passed by the last Legislature.
Wun rlm Sortal Campala-a.
The several women's clubs which are
setting up political organizations are
indorsing a campaign to encourage the
women to register. The women are
coy. There is no denying the fact.
That Is, they either are coy or Indif
ferent, and the clubs have planned a
series of pink teas as decoys for the
unwary. Then, according to the plan
of campaign, some forceful speaker Is
to address them and tell them why
they owe It to themselves, the state
and the cause of equal suffrage to ex
ercise the right of citizenship.
Last of Cuban Rebel Leaders Sur
rounded and Shot.
HAVANA. July IS. General Pedro
lvonet. the last of the leaders of the
recent Cuban negro uprising to remain
under arms, was surrendered and killed
today by Government troops at the
Nombre de Dlos plantation, near San
tiago. General lvonet wltn General Evar
isto Estenoz. took the field In Oriente
province with about 1500 men last
Jlay as a protest against the Morua
law, which provides that there shall be
no recognition or political parties on
radical lines.
After burning and pillaging for a
month, the rebels were finally sur
rounded by government troops at Vega
Ballaco. The troops attacked on June
2. and the rebels were routed. General
Kstenoz being killed.
General lvonet was reported to have
been Beverly wounded, but eluded the
troops and fled to the Guantanamo
Wife of Berkeley Physician Accused
of Selling Pools.
OAKLAND. Cal.. July 18. Six wom
en, one of them Mrs. H. O. Brink, the
wife of a prominent Berkeley phy
sician, were arrested today In a raid
bv the police on a poolroom in a down
town office building. Mrs. Brink to
gether with Mrs. Duncan, keeper of the
place, and J. Sutherland, her associate,
were booked at the city prison on
charges of felony. .the specific accusa
tion being that they had been selling
pools on the Salt Lake races.
Three men were taken into custody
as visitors of the place. All, with the
exception of the physician's wfte. Mrs.
Duncan and Sutherland, were released.
(Continued From First Page.) '
peeled from the owners of the Los An
Seles Times, Steffens said that Harry
Chandler, the general manager, was en
thusiastic and subsequently became the
emissary between the business men's
committee and the District Attorney.
The original agreement was drafted
in Mr. Listner's office on November 20
and it was hoped that the District At
torney would assent to it, according to
the witness. It provided that James B.
McNamara should plead guilty and ac
cept such punishment as the court
might direct except hanging. To this,
said the witness, the District Attor
ney's office replied through Chandler,
demanding that both men plead guilty
and that both make confessions. Tele
grams had been received from the Na
tional Erectors' Association and other
business men In the East, said Mr. Stef
fens. protesting against any settlement
that did not provide for the sending of
John J. McNamara to the Penitentiary
as well as his brother.
Labor Leaders Seat For.
"On November SS." continued Stef.
fens, "It seemed clear to Mr. Darrow
that a settlement could be arrived at
which would save J. J. McNamara from
the gallows. He eat down and wrote a
telegram to Samuel Gompers at At
lanta. Ga.. where the American Feder
ation of Labor was in convention, ask
ing that one of two or three men whom
he named be sent here, as something
important had transpired and he
wished to consult with organized la
Asked for the names of the men men
tioned in the telegram, the witness said
they were O. A. Tveltmoe, Anton Jo
hannsen and Edward N. Nockels, of
Mr. Steffens told of a conference
with Fremont Older In which Older
had professed concern as to who should
be the "goat" and fear that Darrow
would be "punished, as well as tne
witness injured, professionally. ar
row said he did not care about himself
that his duty was to his client, and to
save his life, related the witness.
On Sunday. November 26. two days
before Franklin s arrest for bribery,
both of the McNamara brothers bad
consented to plead guilty, although
each did so without knowledge oi tne
other. Steffens himself had gained the
consent of John J. McNamara and the
brothers had been seen by Judge Mc-
N'utt and Lecompte Davis of counsel.
J. J. Kept Informed.
"J. J. had been kept in touch with
the situation by me," said the witness.
"It had been common report since the
dramatic end of the McNamara trial
that John J. had not consented to plead
guilty until Thanksgiving Day. two
days after Franklin's arrest.'
Steffens' direct examination was
halted by Chief Counsel Rodgers. who
asked . for an early adjournment in
order to prepare additional questions.
H. W. Pohlman. business agent of the
Bridge and Structural Iron Workers
Union at Seattle, who was called to
impeach the testimony of John J. Har
rington, was cross-examined briefly
,4 ,
Representative Norrls, of Ne
braska, Who Says He Is Willing-
to Make Seaatorlal Race,
Already Won, Over Again.
after the noon recess. District Attor
ney Fredericks asked him if he was
In'Seattle when the Lyons building was
blown un on August 10. 1910. and if he
did not know that this explosion wouia
figure In the McNamara trial: if E. A.
Clancy was there at the same time and
if Clancy had not Introduced him to
James B. McNamara under the name
of J. B. Bryce. Objections by tne de
fense were sustained.
After Winning Primary Contest for
Senator, Roosevelt Supporter
Offers to Withdraw.
WASHINGTON. July 18. Repre
sentative Norris, of Nebraska, progres
sive Republican and a Roosevelt sup
porter, in a letter sent today to jonn
L. Kennedy, chairman of the Nebraska
State Republican committee, asks for
another Senatorial primary. In which
his Republicanism Is to be tried and a
new set of instructions be voted to
candidates, for Roosevelt and Taft
electors. He proposes tnat electors
for both sides stand by the result.
Mr. Norris made the proposal in re
ply to criticism in his state and pub
lished demands tnat ne support rres
Ident Taft or get off the Republican
"I am a believer in the recall." said
Mr. Norris in his letter. "I am will
ing that it should be applied to me. and
if. since my nomination, my course in
refusing to recognize Mr. Taft as the
Republican nominee Is unsatisfactory
to the Republicans who nominated me,
I am not only willing, Dut i believe it
IS my duty to withdraw.
"Under no circumstances can I be
induced, to support a man for office
whose nomination I conscientiously
believe to have been obtained by the
corrupt and unlawful methods which
1 believe were perpetrated in the so
called renomination of President Taft,
and if my nomination, or even my in
terest, must depend upon such support.
then I prefer to remain in private
Representative Norris defeated Nor
ris Brown in the primary for Senator.
Closing at 6 P. 51., No Treating and
Reduction In Number of Sa
loons Contemplated.
LOS ANGELES. July 18. The Council
legislative committee today decided to
report favorably to the Counoll the
ordinance abolishing free lunches In all
saloons. -
Action on the other measures -wa
deferred, pending the public hearings.
whirh may continue for several weeks.
If nlans submitted to the City coun
cil by the Police Commission are en
acted into law, saloons in Los Angeies
hereafter will close at P. M.; it will
be a misdemeanor to treat your friends;
no salty substance likely to promote
thirst will be served; one drink during
lunch hour wtll be ths limit and the.
total number of saloons In the city,
now 500. will gradually be reduced to
Dr. John R. Haynes. president of the
charter revision committee, strongly
favored the proposed changes. Treat
ing and free lunches were his especial
mark of attack.
"By all means we should see that Los
Angeles has an anti-treating law." he
said. "I am convinced that more drunk
enness Is caused by this one factor
than any other connected with tie
liquor traffic
"And then there are the free lunches.
The world over, these lunches tend to
create thirst, which Is satisfied only
at the bar. They are served in saloons
for the purpose of creating thirst. No
salty substance should be allowed to
be sold or given away." ,
The tnnitan dvpnelts of the Coem."tu
are imnnit lite richest In the world. Th
principal mln are situated at Tchlatouri.
in th government of Kotali. .tout IPO
verts (1S mil's' from the Black Sea ports
of Batum and Pott
Outlook Editorial Says Tag'
gart and Sullivan Would
Perpetuate Power.
Reviewing Recent Conventions, Colo
nel Declares There Is Essential
and Instructive Difference
Between Them.
NEW YORK, July 18. Two phases
of the Republican National convention
at Chicago are discussed by Theodore
Roosevelt in editorial articles in the
current Issue of tne Outlook. The
"Steam Roller" and "Men Who Live
Softly'- are the headlines of the Colo
nel's articles. In the first the writer
answers charges that "steam roller
methods were used to nominate him in
1904 and again to secure nomination
for Mr. Taft In 1908.
In the second article the Colonel al
ludes to the "respectable men, - who,
with discomfort, stood behind their
leaders in securing the triumph of fraud
and political theft at Chicago," and
scores the "other responsible men who
felt no discomfort In thus supporting
rascality; who, on the contrary, glori
fled in their actions."
Patronage Not Once Asked.
"Some of the men responsible for
the steam roller work In this conven
tion," said Colonel Roosevelt in his
first editorial, "had sought to excuse
themselves by saying that they were
only doing what had always been done.
and especially what was done for me at
the time of my nomination and what
was done for Mr. Taft himself four
years ago. As regards myself, the
statement has not even the slightest
foundation In fact. 1 never used the
patronage, not to the extent of a sin
gle appointment, to secure my nomina
tion; I never appealed to a single poli
tician; I made my appeal direct to
the people over the heads of the poll
tltlons and stood squarely on my record,
and I received the namination solely
because the people believed In me and
approvd of my rcord, and were so over
whelmingly for me that -the machine
politicians abandoned all thought of a
contest against me before the conven
tion met"
Contrasting the two conventions.
Colonel Roosevelt writes:
"There was one essential and in
structive difference between the atti
tude of the "big Republican political
bosses at Chicago and the big Demo
cratic political bosses at Baltimore. The
former greatly preferred certain party
defeat to my nomination; the latter
were willing to accept any nomina
tion rather than face certain party defeat.
Case af Baltimore Different.
'In my case the appeal was made
straight to the people against the
bosses and the fight was won on that
Issue. The case at Baltimore was
wholly different. In the primaries Mr.
Clark had carried more states than
Dr. Wilson. In but one or two states
had Dr. Wilson's cause been trium
phant In a square fight with the bosses
indeed, there had hardly been any
fleht made along these lines. 'ine
fleht at Baltimore wasnot, as at Chi
cago, to eliminate the bosses and in
cidentally to nominate a certain can
didate. It was to persuade the bosses
into themselves nominating Dr. Wilson,
thus securing the perpetuation of their
own control in their several states.
Mr. Sullivan, of Illinois, Mr. Taggart,
of Inriana, and others like them
brought about Dr. Wilson s nomina
tion. Mr. Murphy acquiesced at the
end. Dr. Wilson's victory would not
mean ths dethronement of these men;
it would mean their perpetuation in
power. My election would mean that
Mr. Penrose, Mr. Barnes and Mr. Gug
genheim would be definitely eliminated
from political control of their states."
Syndication to Be Avoided.
In summing up his second article.
Colonel Roosevelt declares that in ad
dition to the professional politicians
and interests, who oppose him and to
the resDectable support they have from
individuals who are misinformed, there
is a considerable body of support from
respectable men who do know some
thing of the issue at stake.
"Thev are men wno nna me easy.
who live softly and who. Instead of
feeling that their own good fortune
makes It incumbent on them actively to
work for betterment in the life condi
tions of others, are overcome by the
fear that any such effort to improve
the general welfare would Jar ;he
present system sufficiently to cause
them inconvenience.
I wish to see our less fortunate citi
zens avoid the dreadful excesses of
syndacatism and the like to which
their fellows abroad have been prone.
This can only be accomplished if our
people as a whole will formulate and
reduce to practice certain great moral
principles which most oi us are now
dimly beginning to see shape them
selves from the confused welter of our
business and our politics."
Colonel Says New Party Will Deal
- With People.
OYSTER BAY. N. Y., July 18. The
platform of the National Progressive
party Is to be a "contract with the peo
ple, colonel Kooseveit saia toaay.
just as a business man signs a contract
for a fulfillment of certain obligations,
he exolained. the new party would sign
a contract to undertake certain well
defined measures, provided the oppor
tunity Is accorded to it.
Colonel Roosevelt lias given nis ap
proval to the name "National Progres
sive" for the party.
As the prospective nominee of the
party, Colonel Roosevelt Is drafting a
nlatform embodying his Ideas. He in
dicated that he would use his Influence
to avoid the twin perils of ultra-radi
calism and vaguely concealed conserva
tism and that he hoped the platform
would be both practical and genuinely
The ex-President's personal platform
probably will be presented to the Chi
cago convention on August 5. the day
it assembles. He said he hoped to ar
range a meeting of the delegates for
that night to mane a epeecu wnicn
will be his "confession of faith." In
this speech Colonel Roosevelt will seek
first to interpret the spirit in which
the work of the new party should be
undertaken and then proceed to a
detailed recital of the steps he be
lieves should be adopted.
In explaining his decision of last
night to abandon the trip to Kansas,
Iowa and Michigan. Colonel Roosevelt
said that a multitude of things were
constantly coming up in connection
with the formation of the party and
that, although he had hoped to be able
to complete arrangements early enough
to make the trip, he had found he
could not do so.
A published report from Washington
that Senator Dixon, the Colonel's cam
paign manager, was at heart opposed
to the formation of a new party and
would seize the first opportunity to
take a back seat In the campaign,
amused the Colonel greatly. He said
it was the exact reverse of the truth.
Ralph C Otis and Day McBlrney,
Roosevelt workers from Chicago, came
today to tell Colonel Roosevelt that
Illinois was in "great shape," ana tnat
in their opinion he would carry the
"Yes, I tbink we'll take Illinois," the
Colonel said, adding that he believed
their strength In the East was con
stantly growing and there were ex
cellent prospects of carrying New York
Agricultural College Department
Publishes Valuable Booklet.
Corvallis, July 18. (Special.) Apropos
of the vacation season the Oregon Agrl
cultural College Extension Bulletin
which is just coming from the press
is a booklet on "Camp Cookery" edited
by Ava a. Milam, assistant professor,
and Ruth M. Smith, instructor, of the
school of domestic science and art
The booklet Is of pocket size, con
taining 82 pages of valuable lnforma
tion .and recipes which will at once
teach to the amateur camper the
"tricks of the trade .which the pro
fessional foresters have been compelled
to learn by experience, and oftentimes
at the cost of viands spoiled in the
cooking. All of the formulas In the
book are extremely practical. The
older ones have always been reliable
and the newer ones have been repeated
ly made and tested by the classes in
camp cookery held at Oregon Agrl
cultural College during the past col
lege year.
One feature that should make the
bulletin particularly valuable to camp
ing parties which are careful in their
selection of provisions, is the table of
food supplies. ' Rations are suggested
which not only meet the requirement
exacted of everything pertaining to
camp life maxmum utility and mini
mum bulk but also afford a healthful
variety of foods.
Secretary Fisher Issues Interpreta
tion of Three-Year Law.
WASHINGTON, July 18. Regula
tions governing entries under the
Borah three-year homestead law were
Issued today by Secretary Fisher.
Credit for the three-year period muBt
begin from actual residence. Proof
must be submitted within five years.
Cultivation for three years, counting
from date of entry, Is required, includ
ing actual cultivation of not less than
one-sixteenth of the land beginning
with the second year and not less than
one-eighth beginning with the third
year and until final proof.
Absence from the land for not more
than five months in one continuous
period Is allowed, but bona fide con
tinuous residence during the remain
ing portions of the three-year period
must be shown.
Cniontown Banker, Race Victim, Is
Arrested In New York.
LEWISTON, Idaho. July 17. Infor
mation was given out here today by an
official of the Fidelity State Bank of
Unlontown, Wash., to the effect that
Arthur F. Scbmidler, aged 24 years, a
former assistant cashier of the bank.
who disappeared several weeks ago.
leaving an alleged shortage of (8500,
had been arrested in New York and was
on his way to Washington in custody.
Schmidler is said to have lost the
money in unsuccessful operations at
the Alan, Idaho, racetrack. He is said
to have Issued drafts from his bank
upon Spokane banks. He was traced
eastward from Salt Lake City on in
formation, it is said, furnished by race
track followers.
Passenger With Feet Out of Train
Window Nearly Loses Tbem.
COTTAGE GROVE, Or., July 18.
(Special.) Riding with his feet out of
the window of the car on which he
was a passenger, William Landess was
the victim 'of a peculiar accident when
his feet collided with some object be
side the track, presumably a post of
some kind. The accident occurred
while Landess was returning from
Portland, where he attended the Elks'
convention. As the train pulled into
Salem some object beside the track, a
nost or possibly a truck of trunks.
caught his feet. Jamming them against
the framework 01 tne car, mulcting
Dainful injuries. At first he thought
one leg was broken, but later develop
ments proved that such was not the
case. He had to be carried from the
train to his home, but Is able to get
around on crutches.
Millionaire Leaves Prison.
SEATTLE. July 18. George H. Park
er, fiscal agent of the United Wireless
Telegraph Company, who was alleged
in court proceedings to have cleared
Don't Overlook
the Fact That
Is Here at
Buy That Superb
' Double Service
Friday or
and Save
Just One -Half
An Important
K, emember
these double
service, a 1 1
weather Coats
are adapted
for all seasons
of the year,
rain or shine.
and -AUTO
Beginning this morning at 8:30 o'clock
your unrestricted choice till 10:30 Sat
urday night.
A 0 oat bargain
for Friday and
Saturday only.
500 nifty Tan
Rubber Slip-ons,
for men and
women $7.50
Slip-ons, special
A Coat bargain
extraordinary for
women and
misses. See Bar
gain rack Coat
values up to
$15.00 and $18.00
grouped in one
lot for final
clearance at
343 Washington 343. One Door Above Seventh
The Coat val
ues priced
above are be
yond concep
tion, and wUl
be sold just as
advertised. All
early buyers;
will have first
$1,315,000 by his operations, and who
was sentenced to serve two years in a
Federal prison, has returned to hla fine
home in Seattle, having; been paroled
from McNeil's Island penitentiary.
Parker Invested his receipts in Seattle
real estate and is reputed to be worth
several million dollars. Christopher
Columbus Wilson, partner of Parker.
is still in an Eastern penitentiary.
Negro Barred From Primary.
AUSTIN, Tex., .July 18. A ruling
that nesrroes may be prohibited from
voting in the Texas precinct primary
elections of July 27, was banded down
today by the State Attorney-General's
Department. It is held that county
executive committees may prohibit ne
groes from voting, but that if the com
mittees do not specifically rule against
negroes there is nothing to prohibit
a black from casting a ballot.
The world's demand for moving- pictures
now calls for the use of nearly 55,000 miles
films a
Tn U ,nv cjua of eczema, acne, salt
iinm Itrh Rr-jiln-flcalf etc.. however
stubborn, and Poslam will stop Itching
as soon as applied, bringing immedi
ate relief and comfort.
These troubles cause acute distress,
particularly in hot weather, when bod
ily ease Is difficult under best condi
tions. . . .
In curing sunburn, rashes, pimples,
ivy poisoning, mosquito bites, stings,
etc., Poslam is more effective than any
thing else, 1 driving away soreness at
once. An over-night application will
clear undue redness and inflamed skin.
Depend upon Poslam to exert Its
wonderful healing power whenever and
however the skin ails.
POSIiAJI SUAf, meaicaiea wun ros-
lam nhnulrl hf USed dallV lor tOllet
and' bath, particularly when the skin Is
tender or shows any tendency to erup
tional troubles. Absolutely pure and
safe, free from Irritation the soap of
healing goodness and real benefits.
Owl Drug Co. and all dru"gglsts sell
Poslam (price, 50 cents) and Poslam
Soap (price, 25 cents). For free sam
ples, write to the Emergency Labora
tories, ?2 West 25th Street, New York
Citv. .
Grand Opening: of the Season at
' After months of work under high pressure we have at . last com
pleted all the improvement, at Portland 's finest beach Teaor t -BAR-VIEW.
Our grand opening takes place Saturday and Sunday, July
20thWedhavet" a high-class amusement park, right out on the beach,
a dance hall billiard parlor, bath houses, a tent city furnished
rooms, the best of boating on both the lake and Tillamook Bay.
As special features for our opening we will have, band concerts all
day Saturday and Sunday, a ball .gnie. grand opening ball Saturday
evening, deep sea fishing excursion, chicken .dinner (mother a sty e)
served at the hotel on both days, free clam bake and beach . bonfire
laturday evening . Side trip to the clam flats early Sunday morning.
Come along and dig a few. ' . . . u j i t nr
Special excursion trains leave Portland at :45 A. M. and IP. M.
Saturday. Round trip fare $3.00. This trip Is over the new road to
the coast, which takes you through one of the largest bodies DC
standing timber In the world. .
Ample accommodations for everybody. For further particulars see
What Your Money Earns Is Income
The let of July our Savings Depositors received interest on
their accounts.
Is your money bringing you an income t If not, open an ac
count in our Savings Department, and at the end of Decem
ber, or should you close your account before then, your
money will have earned something for you.
Security Savings and Trust Company
Morrison at Fifth Street
Capital and Surplus
In the Mid-Summer Clearance
All CMldren's
Are Being Offered at
One-Third Off
Mothers will appreciate this opportunity to
save in buying cool and practical Dresses
' for the children's- Summer wear needs.
Every style belongs to this season and the
materials are color-fast. Some of the prices :
$1.50 Dresses now at $1.00
$1.75 Dresses now at ., $1.17
$1.85 Dresses now at '. $1.23
$1.95 Dresses now at . $1.30
Others Regularly Priced Up to $15
Waists INLTHE Clearance
One Special Group at., $1.29
Values up to $2.50. In batiste and marquisette lace and em
broidery trimmed. Low and high neck and long and short
sleeve styles. They come in all sizes. Take advantage today.
Coat Sweaters V2 Price
In red, white, navy and gray, with and without collars.
$5.00 Sweaters now $2.50 $6.50 Sweaters, now $3.25
$7-50 weaters, now $3.75
$1.50 Middy Blouses $1.19
White and blue trimmed and in all blue and all tan, $1.19
Alder and Seventh
Phone in your order for Pure Cream Ice Cream
right now. Be sure you get it today. Ice cream
is the best hot-weather dessert and Pure Cream
Ice Cream is the very best ice cream.
agree the proof is in the testing.
You will
When you buy mission furniture from us, you have our absolute
guarantee that it is solid oak, from center to circumference.
I uivno nr nrTSSTCiW T'll R.TTTTTTP..E .
(Dnlnxkr MnniifVirf iirinnPn
389 Alder Street, Opposite Olds, Wortman ft King. (!'