Miscellaneous. OAS RANGE CHEAP A failure of ao aparlrocat-housa forced us to take back SO "Eellps." caa range after being In use less than a month. To them at once we nave put a special price on them and wtll eell them on easy terms; A 3u Eclipse." with side oven, separate broiler, four burners and a simmering burner, nickel front, mission style of stand, spe cial price til.b. on easy payments; a S32-S0 "Eclipse" with elevated oven ana broiler, same slse aa above, special at $2 50; none were used a full month, and are bright and clean and could not be told from new ranges. If you want a gas range cheap and on easy terms, ask to see tliese. L Gevurta at sons. 1st and Yamhill s'.s. 6EWINO MACHINES SLAUGHTERED. 100 Singer machines, slightly used. -75 New home machines, slightly used. 100 Vhlte machines, slightly used. 10 Wheeler and Wilson machines, sllgns- '''joo'machlDes of all other makes, slight. lTsL'ln at my three stores -ISO ' Wash ington at, 3S3 Alder SU. g23 TJ1"- CI.EAN-UP SALE on m-n-s suits. 2i-'- to J-: J'u7 S'f f.O to $:; values n.tw $14. Jimmy Duin." room 315. Oregonian bldg. lake elevator. OAK WOOD HARD SEASON In car loads or less, direct from the get the best and save money. Try our o ffght .lie for cook stove, and save over buy tec flr. and our larger grade na? heating. Ask lor prices. F. Broods. BARGAIN In the following at JS. St.: National cash reKister. ne,"r-.,co"t atiS- 120 vds. of Inlaid llno.eum: 22 11 hardwood counter. II revolving stools. 1 desk, also complete restaurant outfit. On a-outit of mortgage must sacrifice. will sell ail or patfc. Men! 1 save you money on your trou sers. My -i.jU and $3.: pants would cost you ti and 5 at a high-rent store, on street. Jimmy Dunn, room SIj. Oregonian v.i.i Talis 'v tnr. TYPEWRITERS rented. 3 months for 4. Oliver Typewriter Ag'-ncy. Main fi--J- IF you are looking for a r'? " a ..J3:,1?,?; launch (newly equipped), phone Main us. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS. Highest price paid for men s and ladles- ca.t-o!f clothing, snots, furniture, tools, mechanic lagging. Call Mala 20S0. 2vo 1st st. The Globe. WANTED 5x7 view camera with lens; describe fully and give lowest cash price. AH 10. Oregonian. WANTED MOVING-PICTURE OUTFITS. Folding chairs, phonographs, electric plano. films, etc. AN 174. Oregonian. CASH registers wanted Need three second hand r.gisiers immediate.)-: give descrlp tlon. lowest cash price. F Oregonian. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seaton it Martin. Phone East 3134. S49 Hawthorne ave. WILI- tint room. ,2.30 up: do painting at reasonable prices. East fi!24. H. P. ENGINE and boiler or what have you N uregoruan. WANTED Scrap Iron In any quantity, at once. J. Bernhardt. 121 1st St. Main 82S3. B FLAT soprano or tenor taxaphone. low pitch, late model. C. IIS. Oregonian. Cash paid lor diamonds. Martin. &11& Jefferson. . WILL tint rooms for 2.50; paint houses at your price. East ;::i. Reliable patn.er. WILL buy any kind of hair combings at the Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. FORD Auction Co. lJays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main SUM. A 2445. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Gang edgerman. 100 month. Two rachet setters. $3 and $3.0. Assistant yard foreman. J.!. Two sash and door machine men. lo. Two mill boom men. and -'-75. Two lumber yard truck teamsters. J.0. Ten millhands. $2.50 to J2.7a. Twentv-five yardmen. 2.2.i to J..o0. Five men to work around sash and door factory, 2. light work. Six yardmen a't the cast. $2.25 up. FARE PAID Twentv-five loggers. $2.50 to $4. Ten farmhands. S35 to HO. Hay hands, 1.50. $1.75 and 2 and board. Cook small boarding house, city. $45. Hall man. hotel, city, 0. Choreman, camp. K.V Gardener, $30, bd. and room. Hundreds of other jobs every day. Watch our Bulletin Boards. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY 2.-J and 224 Couch St.. bet. 1st and 2d. WANTED. X few high-class salesmen to sell close in city properly; experience as a real estate salesman not necessary 11 you have been a success In your own line. If you care to make a change, we will be glad to talk with you. You must have personality and be able to handle the highest class at purchasers. Men of this caliber can be a success with us, and make good money. Full commissions when sale is made. Cor respondence strictly confidential. M llt. Oregonian. WANTED Young man. single. 25 to jO years old. to collect and deliver for pub lishing concern. Salary $3.50 per day and transportation to start. References and bond necessary. Do not answer If you are not looking for a position where It Is necessary to hustle and show results. A 239. Oregonian I HAVE ar exceptionally fine agency prop osition which 1 cannot handle on account of sickness and must be surrendered to someone. This Is strictly an A-I proposi tion Can be handled cash or commission. Call 10 to 12 A. M.. to 10 P. M.. room i. 375 Taylor st. SALESMAN Well dressed young man. 21 to S3 with good references, to travel with manager and solicit business. Expe rience not necessary. Expenses advanced. Apply today 10 to 3 to I. H. layne, Carlton Hotel. BOOK salesmen: Here is your chance to make big money. Woodrow Wilsons American People. Big combination offer. Big commission. Secure full particulars at once. Harper a Bros.. 219 Worcester bid. SALESMAN for either Washington. La.i fornla or Montana; entirely new. big monv maker; would require for goods" atstart. Address H21!-.Oresonlan. BOY about IS years, to do store work and dellverv; one living with parents and ac quainted with city preferred. Call after 10 A. M. 253 Washington St. WANTED Steadv. single man. wages $o0 weekly. $lrt-" required; handle your own money experience unnecesssry. Call after l" A. M. Room IS, S4i' Alder st. WANTED Tod.iv. hoisting engineer. 4 per d : -J5 laborers. 2.W per day; flume and trestle work. The N P. Labor Agency. 145 Couch. LABORERS wanted at stone quarry on s. us'aw River, near Florence. Or..- wages JO per day. Apply at quarry or room l. A!der St.. Portland. BAKER FOREMAN wanted on bread; must be well-recommended. Call at io$ W ash- Ington st.. Vancouver, i'w" GROCERY salesman and solicitor: good po sition and permanent; give reference. A h. -'15. uret""""- WANTED Good, reliable salesmen: cash advanced, outfit supplied: good money to be made. Carlton Nursery Co.. Carlton. Or. BOY or apprentice In pressroom: ona with experience preferred. Irwin-Hodson Cj.. lath and Glisan. BARBER wanted; steady Job. 205 Madi son st. BARBER wanted; steady Job. 502 Wash ington st. WANTED Boy with motorcycle. Gold Seal Liquor CO.. tt-e -'Q. BOYS wanted. Muitnomah Mohair Mills, Sell wood. ' l ANTED A barber for Saturday. 31! Main st. BERBER wanted; steady Job. 251 Couch street. PAINTER wanted, contract work. 304 Lumber Exchange. WANTED High-class salesman. Ask to Mr Burton. 423 Teen bldg. PHOTO coupon: best ever offered: snap tot asenta Cuthbert Studio. Dekum bldg. FHOTO ccupon agents, something new. a nap Boston Studio. 842 Washington. WANTED 2 good men. Call 04 Board ol Trade HOT WANTED to drive grocery" wagon. Call 253 Holladay it. TWO good house-to-house solicitors. 50 per cent. ."2 Lumber Exchange bldg. BARBER wanted; steady Job. 2tJ First street. TIIOROUGHLT experienced wash goods talesman. Roberts Bros. V tRKER and distributer wanted at Inde ' portent Laundry Co.. 3d and c.llsan. ANTED First-class canvasser: reply stat ing experience, r. -it. up-nim. BARBER wanted; must be a good union man; $18 guaranteed. At 375 Wash, st. WANTED Barber. aUOSi Jefferson. INCIDENT. fOne of many.) Office Secretary Employment Department. T. M. C. A. Young man. stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $3 for employment membership. I win have only $13 left between me and starva tion. Secretary If yon pay 15 for em pay ment membership, you will have the Y. M. C. A., with all Its resources, between you and starvation. , .. Result: Young man Joined association. In less than a week he bad satisfactory employment. Record for six months ending June SO- Calls for men ?? Positions filled 83J Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or retuna of membership fee: gives two months- full membership privileges, 10 months" social privileges and undertakes to keep memoer employed during the full term ol mem bership without further charge. We have constant demand for CLER ICAL. TECHNICAL AD .COMMERCIAL MEN. See secretary employment department, T. M C. A. SALESMEN STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT. We are doing the biggest busi ness in our history. We have never ioa It so eav to sell goods. We must expand our sales force to take care of our rapidly-increasing business. 'You P,r?a,! have the ambition and the ability to make many times your present saiary. out you are a alave to the salary Idea and .aca the nerve to try a commission. Get out of that rut. Connect yourself with toe larsrest and most progressive real tate concern on the Paclftc Coast. Our Propo sition Is the best ever offered and you can make big money right now. vut salesmen are doing It. Ask any bank atiout us. then see Mr. Cleavelarid. sales manager, r red A. jacoos v-o., lngton St.. cor. 41h 10 to 12 A. M. only. ATTENTION. Life Insurance Men: Three openings for special agents who are ready to get Into the field and make good In personal production: company s agencies thoroughly organized in Oregon and Washington; our agenta are high-class, prosperous citizens: that is the only kind we want, so If you are "broke' or not willing to have past record thoroughly in vestigated, do not apply; prosperity here for mn who can and will make renewal contracts or optional liberal brnke-age. Address F 24S, Oregonian AB'.E-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35: must be native born or have first pa pers: monthly pay $13 to $6; additional compensation - possible: food. c.othlng, quarters and medical attendance free: ar ter 3 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of Pay and allowances: service on board ship and ashore In all Parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office. Third and Washington sts.. or 13 Vi Third St.. Portland. Or. WANTED. High-class salesman. Ton can make from $300 to $500 month. See Barnard. 407 Yeon Bldg. SALESMAN A corporation recently orSan: lied with leading local peopie at Its head can us- two high-grade salesmen: only clean-cut. men of ability to handle a splendid real estate Investment security which Is finding a ready sale need app.y. no advances made, but good men will be taiijrht the business thoroughly and will receive splendid co-operation. Apply suite T.0.1 Corbett bldg. AgJt for Mr. Lehman. THE COLUMBIA LIFE wants more agenta In Portland: a man who couldn t suc ceed as a life insurance agent with the Columbia Life 4 Trust Company In Port land couldn't succeed with any company anvwhero; the best of fields; the best company especially In this field. Talk with Harrv Richey at the home office, 1)16 Spalding bldg. SHOW cardwrlter. thoroughly familiar with department store work; must be quick, neat and up to date In work, steady position and good pay to right man Apply to supt. before 10 A. il.. bring samples of work if possible. THE HOLTZ STORE. Holtr. Corner 5th and Washington. CARPENTERS wanted for finishing on new mining building, Oregon Agricultural Col lege. Corvallis. Oregon. $3.50 paid I g od finishers for S-hour day. Office HJ?'n phone at the building. No. 4427. x A. Euxon. SALESMAN. PORTLAND CORPORATION WITH RAPIDLY EXTENDING BJ SIN ESS H AS OPENING FOR EXPERIENCED HIGH GRADE SALESMAN. PERMANENT PO MTION. WITH LARGE EARNINGS AND OPPORTUNITY TO ADVANCE. AO 4. Oregoi Ian. SOME of our men are making owi pe. month and we want more of that kind If you are a salesman of ability, with plenty of energy awl wish to be asso ciated with a good sound company "T?1!;" takes care of your Interests, call 9 to 1 A M. Ask for sales manager. 703 Spal ding bldg. WANTED By large apartment-house, man w!a to rent and wtte to act a ii.tm - apartments and man to act as janitor, good wages for the right parties; give ex perience and references. Apply o .i-u. Oregonian ESTABLISHED real estate firm ants young man w uu , - - . j. , wood typewriter and can take slow dictation- permanent position to boy wishing to learn the business: $35 per month to tjeem. r .o. wieBv.i...... 10 MEN to enlist in Company H, 10th and Couch. Leave Saturday morning at o'clock for annual encampment near Montesano. Wash. Call today. 1 to S. at above snare sp. I'OllTI AND FIRM DESIRES THE SER VICES OF A FEW COMPETENT SALES MEN GOOD REMUNERATION TO RIGHT PARTIES. APPLY V 20L ORE- li K.' 1 A - LIVE dependable salesmen wanted In sev eral irood fields to seil our unaurpassed nursery stock; caah paid weekly; write us at once. Washington Nursery Co.. lop- W NTED First-class sash and door ma chine men: factory located in Oregon: write. Riving full particulars, aye, experl- - e. xv a 75 OrptronlarL WANTED Canvassers, salesmen and. so licitors, at 61 Gd st. Year's work. Call in A. M- or after 6 P. M.. ask for aalei manager. - THERE'S money in selling our "Sakima grown. hardy, guaranteed stock ; outfit free- cash weekly: steady work- Talama "alley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. ANY good steel ship litter deslrlnt? steady, 'deslrablo position can secure same by ap plying at the Craiic Shipbuilding Com- pany s v. or n A-nts WANTED Man experienced in eit-cirn.i supp:us for shipping clerk in wholesale e ectrical supply house. Pacific States Electric Co.. lHf-92 7th. SALESMAN wanted for Winona Mills seam less hosiery; establlsned business; good commission. G. W. Boozer. Mgr.. 41. Ar cade bldg.. Seattle. PRINTER wanted Country printer, no booze, steady Job for rifiht n::.: write, statin experience and salary. AV 4t3S, Oregonian INSVRANCE AGENTS, experienced, recom- tlon. Communicate with National Life ln- s a ranee uo.. u. p. m.. v" ma STENOGRAPHER For two months, pos sibly permanent; must be experienced and accurate typist; stage age and experience. Attorney. Box 96, Baker. Or. WANTED Experienced auto polisher; must be steady and give references. C 218. Oregonian. WANTED Representatives for the financ ing Qcpanffrn. Trrnr i; pauy. arc ja imam v- '"-" b - EXPERIENCED wringer man wanted. Pal ace Steam Laundry. East 10th and Ev erett. A LIVE real estate salesman wanted; good money-making proposition. Call bet. lu-12 A 713 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Bank solicitor for savings amounts; state experience, A 245, Ore- SALESMAN for city: we give you a guar antee. Apply Friday and Saturday only. 10 A. M- to 1- M. 502 Marquam bldg. TWO barbers wanted at the Club. Phone 771. Eugene. Or. WANTED Good rental man. German Realty Trust Co.. 164 Stark St. THOROUGHLY experienced salesladies for laces and trimmings. Roberta Bros. WANTED 5 barber apprentices, guarantee steady Jrb. 238 Madison St.. near 2d. WANTED A first-class horseshoer. wages $4 a day. W. P. Morris. Albany. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl for kitchen, Portland Del icatessen. 1SS Third St. GIRL for general housework; good home; wages gl.V Phone C 21 A3. COMPETENT girl wanted for general housework. Willamette Hgts. 383 N. 32d at. WANTED Woman for housework, small WANTED- a first-class cook for small sani tarium. one with references. 616 Lovejoy. FIRST-CLASS custom shirt operators want ed. A. E. Price Co.. 39 Men Tr. bldg. WANTED Competent girl for general houseworlt. Apply oioramng Diag. HELP WANTED Union Laundry Co.. Sec- WAN T E D Woman to care for furnished house. 1 N- 5 th. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE), COR- 6TH AND EAST ANKENY STREETS. OR MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 2M. ' WANTED TODAY. Cock and waitress for boarding-house (city). $C0. Cook and second girl, out of city, $60; pastry cook, 10 per week. Waitressea for restaurants. $3 to $10 per week. Hotel waitresses. $25. Chambermaids. $25 to $30. Housekeepers, $22 to $2r. Starcher for laundry. $1.23 up per day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Tadles' Dept. 20SVs Morrison. COOK, hotel, beach. $."0. Cook and helper. $ftO (man and wife). 4 first-class hotel waitresses (out of city). $33. Hot, waitress, beach, $25. Chambermaids. $35 and $1 day. Becond girl. $25. Chambermaid and waitress (out of city). $0 week, fare paid. HANSEN'S EMP'T OFFICE, 345 j Wash. St.. R. f. WANTED Lady between 22 and SO years as private secretary to very busy busi ness man. Must be bright, intelligent and absolutely confidential. Must be able to leave city on business at any time. Wages $100 per month to start. Rapid advance if satisfactory. Must have pleasing per sonality. Address, stating experience, ref erences, etc. L 214, Oregonian. WANTED For suburban home, close-in, girl for general housework, and one to as sist In housework and care of two chil dren. A good home for woman and daughter or two wishing to work together. Must be reliable. Ample time to arrange for change. Answering give telephone number, if any. M 21i. Oregonian. WOMEN and girls to work In fruit; good wages; long season ; also a limited num ber of men. Apply Oregon Packing Co.. E. 8th and Belmont. EXPERIENCED young lady bookkeeper, fnmnB-diit tn. lr full chur'ja t doublO- entry books for wholesale business; good position for a thorough business woman; give experience and state salary wanted. E 232, Oregonian. YOUNG lady typewriter operator with some knowledge of bookkeeping for account of office; small wages to start. Increasing with proficiency. Give fully, experience, at;e and references. B 236, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced second girl, family of five ; good wages paid to competent person. Call Mrs. F. S. Stanley, 771 Park ave., near -iiy rart WANT four ladies for city; good money and a guarantee. Apply Friday and Saturday only, 10 A. M. to 12 M. 502 Marquam bldg. WANTED at once, an experienced body ironer; state wages expected; also refer ences. Albany Steam Laundry, Albany, Oregon. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and Rent-mi housework; country home; all modern conveniences; two In family. Ad dress .Tno. W. Palmer, Hood River. Or- CHAMBERMAID HOTEL. First-class chambermaid wanted at once; will pay good wages to right party. Apply Regent Hotel, l.'l 7th st. WANTED Refined, caoable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 809 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED Office girl: one who can handle books and typewriter. Apply at 373 E. Morrison st. EXPERIENCED press machine hand want ed. Palace Steam Laundry, East 10th and Everett. HOUSEKEEPER, cooks, waitresses, second girls, chambermaids, nurses, St. Louis Agency. 2-.r Alder. Main 2039. A 4775. WAITRESS. $30: ranch help. $30; cooks. $40. Howe's Agency. 39. 270 Vx Wauh Ington. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 8454 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. DICTAPHONE operators wanted: positions waiting for competent operators. 317 Ellers bldg. . WANTED First-class -millinery trimmers. Apply at once. Portland's Emporium, 12ti WANTED Young woman stenographer and billing clerk for wholesale house. E 204. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good cook; small family; good wages. Apply 654 Irving. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 270 Washington sL, near 4th. phone Main SS33 or A 3266. WANTED A teacher or college student for grofl table Summer work. Call Mala 2502 etween 10 and 12 M. today. COOK wanted, good home cooking. Apply Women's Catholic League, 411 Steains bldg. M. 2451, A 2996. WANTED A pood girl for .general house work. Call mornings, 330 Park. YOUNG woman wanted to help in a gonts' furnishing store. 324 1st. Marshall 1060. WANTED A cook and waitress. Phone Main 4919. 4')3 Morrison st. GOOD, strong girl to assist in delicatessen. 45 Jefferson, near 13th. GOOD restaurant cook, woman preferred. 253 Russell st. WANTED Girl for general housework; smau iamny. " - qi- COMPETENT cook, wages $40 per month. WANTED Girl to do general housework. .'91 ilU. EXPERIENCED ironer for hand laundry. 60S Washington, near 20th. COOK wanted. Rosedale Country Club. Phone B 6111. WANTED In private family, a woman for housework. Apply 430 Harrison st. HEIT WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN WANTED for firemen and brakemen on nearby railroads; $80 to $100 monthly; promotion. engineer-conductor; experi ence unnecessary ; no strike; age 18-35. Railroad employing headquarters, thou sands of men sent to positions on over 1000 official calls. State age. Railway Association, oregonian. MEN and women to lvarn the barber trade in eight weeks; special inducements; per centage paid while learning; tools free; expert instructors; 17 years In the busi ness; 7 schools; a lifetime membership given to each student Moler Barber Col lege, S3 N. Fourth St.. Portland. Or. MEN and women for Government positions. $80 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 340 R. Rochester. i. x. RAILWAY mall clerks, prepare now. ex cellent salaries and promotions; no lay offs, sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa- -I,. C-fennl XfIVa felrisT fltV MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers; bi pay: free booklet tells how. United Press Syndicate, gan Francisco. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. Picture Play Association, San Francisco. POSITION for you or I lose $25; expert individual shorthand Instruction. W. . MacDonald, 1350 E. Sth N. E. B. U. BUSINESS COLLEGE quickly trains for positions; day and night claaaea 630 Worcester block. Marshall 2751. GIRLS, learn beauty parlor work; reduced rates this month. 613 Rothchild bldg. SHORTHAND, typewriting school. 269 14th st. Main 3S93. Expert instruction. $5 ma GIRLS $50 course free in beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 409 Dekum bldg. PRIVATE shorthand, typewriting, book keeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Marsh. 425o. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION for schools and teachers. 610 B wetland bide- HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. v DO YOU KNOW THAT Moving Picture Operators MAKE FROM $25 TO $35 PER WEEK? You can learn business In two weeks. Lessons at reduced rates. NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE 526 WASHINGTON NEAR 17TH. AT ONCE, a good all round launderer, one good on ablrt and collar machine; man or lady; state wages and reference In first letter. AV 466, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. AGGRESSIVE bookkeeper and office man, able to grow, seeks position with high grade concern: 5 years" satisfactory service with lest employers. O 240, Oregonian. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITS up books, prepare balances and stste vnens, install systems. . Gilllngham, au ditor. 512 Lewis b!dg. Marshall 717. ITINERANT BOOKKEEPERS Experienced and proficient. large or small sets of books overhauled and properly kept; moderate terms. AK 221, Oregonian. HEY. YOU! Here I am. Say. Mr. Cigar Dealer, If you are In need of an up-to-date retail salesman, one who knows the business and how to get and hold the trade, get me; married, sober and industrious, full of ginger, and am all-around good fellow. AP is 8, Oregonian. OFFICE man, 35, married, nve years' office experience, wants position where trust worthiness, reliability and competency are required; fitted for secretary, cashier or bookkeeping; moderate salary to start on; excellent rererences. v 4-'. u re sum an HAVE you a position to offer an intelli gent married man of ITT Quick with the pencil; American; good references. Ad dress R. L. T 907 Corbett st. YOUNG man, stenographer, desires position; willing- to start at small salar ; reference. C 217. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 245 Second St.. corner Salmon. Women's Department, 245 Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes sional and clerical male and female help furnished on short notice; no fee charged. Phone Main 3555. A 5624. WINDOW trimmer and dry goods man would like position in Western Oregon, Washington; am at present employed; can gl.e best of references as to ability and moral standing. Write AV -473. Orego nian. YOUNG man, 2S. married, desires position in or near Portland; 8 years' peneral mer chandise experience, competent buyer of groceries and hardware; do some window work and advertising; No. 1 references. A. w. Marvin, v icior, juom. YOUNG German of ability and not afraid of work, would consider any position.' modi erate salary to begin with; I am experi enced dry goods salesman; have refer ences. -F 2S9. Oregonian MOVING-PICTURE and vaudeville pro motors can secure first-class operator or manager, every detail, reliable, long ex perience, fine reference. AM 209, Orego nian. JAPANESE fine cook, wants place in pri vQio famitv in oitv or country: many years' experience. G. Kim, 204 Washing ton t . Pf,rtlnd Or. YALE graduate, experienced traveler, desires position as companion or tutor for months Nov.-Feb.. inclusive. Address K. R. Mac Guffey. Parkdale. Or. ; I WILL build 4 or D-room bungalows from $100 to $200 cheaper than the average con tractor: " first-class work guaranteed. Call or address 33s Sacramento at. WINDOW screens, door screens, painted and hun complete, 1034 Hawthorne. Tabor 2624". JAPANESE boy wants any job and how lonp to suit you. Call Main 6017 to 2 P. M. or B 240. Oregonian. A JAPANESE boy wants a position run elevator and with bell boy. Home A 3024, 102 N. 3d st. . YOUNG man wants to work on ranch; small wages, and learn English. AE 247, Oregonian. WANTED, by strictly sober and honest man of 40, position as watchman or Janitor. H 223. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS printer wants work In coun try office ; temporary or permanent. C 222, Oregonian. WANTED Position as manager of pliimblng shop out of town by man of experience. D 224. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE repair man and driver; thor oughly experienced on all klnda of auto bile woik. P- O. Box 292. city. WANTED A job with scythe or sickle to cut lawns. John Mclntyre. Main 9277. GROCERY and meat man wants steady work anywhere. B 239, Oregonian. EDUCATED Japanese wants any kind of service immediately. A 243, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants cooking, city; small farming. C 223, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. Y'OUNG lady would like position as cashier, assistant bookkeeper or general office clerk. Main 6381. YOUNG lady wants position, bookkeeper or office clerk; good penman; references. Ta bor 4177. NUMBER ONE experienced bookkeeper de sires permanent position; references. Phone East 1S72. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion: best of references. Marshall 2205. STENOGRAPHER, eight years experience, desires position. Phone East 1346. Dressmakers. M'DLLE DE BILLAUT, 655 Washington (Ella st. entrance); exclusive French de signs in gowns, suits, waists, etc. Main 449S. DRESSMAKER, good fitter and style; home or out; references. Main 78S9. DRESSMAKING and all kinds of sewing. 115 N. 23d st. Evening dresses specialty. FASHIONABLE dressmaking at home or by day. 503 Williams ave. East 967. EXPERIENCED girl, children's nurse; will GOOD, practical nurse, charges moderate. Housekeepers. WIDOW, reliable, with small girl, wants housekeeping; widower, bachelor's hfme. St. Louts Agency, 253 V4 Alder. Main 2039. Domestics. REFINED experienced girl wants house work with small family on East Side; best of references. If you have children do not phone. Sell wood 795. SWISS girl desires position In small fam ily, where she can learn English. 131 B 11th St., tailor shop. GIRL wants a place to do general house wprk; willing to learn cooking. 81 E. 28th st. North. Miscellaneous. RELIABLE, capable woman, desires posi tion to care for invalid, old couple or father and child; city references. G 219, Oregonian. GIRL wishes work in a delicatessen or any kind of store; can furnish good references. A P 205, Oregonian. WANTED Position as private secretary or traveling companion by lady stenographer, experienced. AE 241, Oregonian YOUNG lady wishes to go to seaside; would like to take care of children or help with housework. Call M. 4791. EXPERIENCED collector wants collection for several first-class firms on commis sion basis. AD 211, Oregonian. NEAT Japanese woman wants plain work. E 210. Oregonian. LADY' wishes cooking on ranch or logging camp. Address X 222. Oregonian. TO care for offices evenings by an experi enced Janitress. AN 224. Oregonian. JAPANESE girl wants a position to do gen eral housewortc. At i, uregonian. CAPABLE woman desires situation cham ber work or waitress. Mam 2ud9. A 47o. SITUATION wanted as chambermaid by two refined young laaies. E zvo, oregonian. ELDERLY lady wants position in family, care of child. Marshall 2032. REFINED young lady wishes position In physician's office. AC 224. Oregonian. WOMAN wants day-work. Tabor 701. WANTED AG ENTS. PHOTO coupons, a winning offer for agents. Sarome Studio, 346 14 Morrison. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED to rent, unfurnished, by August 1st, modern 5-room bungalow, by respon sible business man. West Side only; give particulars and rent. K 219. Oregonian. WANTED or 5-room furnished flat or cottage for year or more, close in. West Side. Phone after 11 A- M-, Main 2057. FIVE-ROOM upper flat, or bungalow; must be modem and in a desirable locality; give location and price. C 221. Oregonian. A SMALL cottage in the woods, close to river, not more than 35 miles from city; easy communications. A 240, Oregonian. WANTED Houses and apartments to rent. German Realty Trust Co., 264 Stark st. Apartments. WANTED Unfurnished room. North Port land. Main 9577. WANTED By Aug. 1st. 2 or S rooms with porch, in private family; no children. Call or address Evans. 224 Morrison. Rooms With Board. BOARD and room wanted for old gentle man who Is unable, on account of palsy, to feed himself; state expliclty your lo cation, terms, etc Address H 225, Ore gonian, YOUNG man wants room in private family with piano and where he can enjoy even ings at home. E 203, Oregoman. Y'OUNG lady, stenographer, desires room and bard in congenial home; must be reasonable. Phone C 2708. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL BENNETT 226 TAYLOR. Rooms strictly modern, $3.50 cp. THE SARGENT HOTEL. Grand and Hawthorne Aves. For rent, the finest corner parlor, bed room and bath suits in the city, large rooms, beautifully furnished, nine w.n dowa fine view of all the mountains; also some single rooms; elevator service, tele phone, hot and cold water, electric light and steam heat; moderate prices for de sirable tenants; eight streetcar line pass the building. , m The largest and coolest rooms in tne city. If you are looking for permanent, home like quarters, be sure and Inspect tne Sargent before locating. Excellent res taurant In connection with the notei. Phone East 291. J. H. CLARK. Proprietor. . ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington St. Under New Management. Large lobby, finished in mahogany, tile and marble; ladies' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone service in rooms all night and day. electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort is made for the comfort and convenience of Us guests; rents the most reasonable in the city: rooms by the day, week or month. Look this over before locating. Take W car at Depot, get off at 19th and Washington. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautiful furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. PARSONS, ROWLANDS, 2134thst. 211 4th st. 2074 4th st. On Fourth St.. running from Taylor to Salmon st.; brand-new brick; elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date in all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of tne ordinary, in the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices give us a call, as we know you will like it. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL LA SALLE, 10th and Burnside sts. Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly furnished rooms; private baths; steam heat, hot and cold water, private phones In each room; special rates by the month. Phone Marshall 4049. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 out side rooms with hot and cold water and steam heat; offers special rates for per manent guests; rates 00c to $2 a day; $3.50 and up per week. Phone Main 841J- uriTft . M A Vfl' 131 Eleventh Street. New. modern brick building; steam heated; private baths, hot and cold water in rooms; beautifully furnished, cozy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. j-.,- . -v-t-v T'vrnv HfiTPT 387 East Burnside Street. . Live in this hotel and save money on your room rent. We have 120 modern rooms, single or en suite, rooms with pri vate bath; rates 50c to $2 per day, $2 to so per ween. t.am uaw. -- 105 Twelfth st- Marshall 290. In heart of business district: steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone In every room; $1 day and up: $4 week and up. THE LINDELL. Large, pleasant front rooms; easy walk ing distance ; all home conveniences ; $2, $2750 to $4 per week. 828 4th st. Main THE G1LMORE. 131 10th. corner Alder, well furnished rooms, some large front rooms very reasonable; clean quiet place for transient or permanent, 50c to 51 a day, special ratea by week. HOTEL RIVERVIEW Absolutely fireproof, coolest most comfortable rooms, business center.' being on river bank overlooking most desirable parts river and city. 3d and r.. numsiue CALUMET ANNEX, 143 Seventh St.. be tween Alder and Morrison; right down town- nicely furnished rooms; front-room suites, private bath. $7 per week; single rooms very HOTEL RENWICK Ideal home for busi ness people ; centrally located ; elegant rooms- all modern conveniences; 7th and Tavlor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Main 916. 150 Park st., very central. European and American plan; homelike service in dining-room at reasonable price; $1 European, j2 American. Special rates per week. 390 Morrison st., corner 10th. $3 and 3.50 up per week; neat, airy rooms, including bath and phones. No extra charge for two In a room. THE LINDELL. Large, pleasant front rooms; easy walk in distance; all home conveniences; $2 to per ween. J va.. GOOD rooms, centrally located, $1.50 per week and up. Apply The Drew, 162 Sec ond st., near Morrison. THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished rooms, hot and cold water, phone, bath, $12 to $15. Main b6. quo sjenciauu u DO you want a good room in a good loca tion at a IOW IMie i 4 1 3 xiwci uaiiauco, 2 11 Larrabee st. East Side. East 849. CLEAN, well-furnished rooms, steam heat, running water. Maxwell Hall, 207 14th. Jt ur oished Room a in Private iramily. NICELY furnished room to let to respon sible gentleman ; close in on the Eas). Side; easy walking distance- Phone East 4627. . $14 QUIET, well furnished room for gen tlemen; modern conveniences. 700 Flan ders. ELEGANTLY' furnished front bedroom, all conveniences, close in, reasonable. 61 it Glisan. A-74S7. CLOSE "in, fine front room for two gentle men; also room with slteping porch. 533 Vamnill, NICELY furnished front room, modern con veniences, central, reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Large, cool, newly furnished room, bath adjoining. Phone Main 6913. ELEGANTLY rurnished room in a beauti ful private home, all modern conveni ences. Close in. ( 1 j. iiuiLj nave 2 LARGE unfurnished rooms, pleasant and clean; walking distance. Inquire 492 Market st. NICELY furnished rooms from 2 weekly; easy walking distance. 655 Washington. NICE "furnished room, light, bath; gentle- men: $5.50 month. 269 Fargo st., U car. TWO cool, pleasant rooms, $2 and $2.25. Bath, phone, walking distance. 335 12th. WELL-FURNISHED attic room, $6.00 per month. 306 12th st. ONE large front room, every convenience, $14 per month. Phone Marshall 4742. NICE, cool sleeping room, reasonable; close in. l&l J.in. curuer lwuiirn. ROOM for gentleman in a strictly private LARGE cool north room; use of piano; ev- ery convenience, opi mm ai. COOL single sleeping rooms, $2 and up, phone and bath. 221 13th at. LARGE front room or smaller one, with or without board. 564 Flanders 294 JEFFERSON Large, cool, well-fur nished Sleeping room, w.in tircp.wuc. $1.50 AND $3, free phone and bath. No. N. 14th. NEATLY furnished front and back room; bath, phone. 450 Yamhill. L'n furnished Rooms. 9 NEWLY papered rooms, $3.50 each a month; second floor. 340 Front st. Booms Witn Board. DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad veranda; quiet, close in, near car- 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. PARK VIEW. Modern family hotel; popular rates; pri vate park: close in, cor. West Park and m ontgomcry. f"uuc PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 23d year. pn.imi with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. THE LAMBERSON, 554 Couch St.. very de .;tanKu mmie rivinii. Mtoam heat, run- ning waio.. m " , MAN11 OU, 261 13th st. Attractive, ciean rooms, eieam u-n.i., "" THE HAZEL. Furnished roms with board, running water, steam heat. 385 3d sL CHOICE single rooms, first-class table board, reasonable. S3 N. 17th at. Rooms With Board In Private Family. ROOMS and first-class table board, home cooking. $6 and $7 week; fireproof build ing 88 Grand ave. Phone ZSast 2051. LARGE, comfortable room, walking dis tance, srod board, bath, $5 week. East 4246. WILL board fwo young men or man and wife 1 block car; small family; fine table. Phone Tabor 291. LARGE beautiful front rooms, all conven viih ar without board. 2 car lines. 23rd and W., 275 N. 24th. Marshall 3056. ROOM and board for young women. $3 ,v n-nilnnr distance. Phone E. 47:12. PLEASANT rooms, good home cooking, near ,r!:T. w,oV. pr. Vamhnll ill? NICELY furnished rooms, with board, house nAt-n Wpst Side. Phone Main 903L t nm tiiessant rooms, large porch mad grounds; excellent board. Main 207L ROOM and board, rates reasonable. 655 Kearney. Phone Marshall 1978. FOR RENT Furnlshed rooms wiih board; home conveniences, uxi jiwiubuu mi. THE best home cooking, nice place to live reasonable. 71 E. lUh st. BOARD and room: best of references re quired. Main 979. WELL-FURNISHED room with board, in private family, for lady or gentleman; aai conveniences- reasonable. Sol East iiaa- ison. B-25y6. VERY pleasant front room, also smaller room with board; close to business best nome cooking; reasonapie. atm o-w WELL furnished front rooms suitable for 3 or 4 people, with or without board; all conveniences. 787 Glisan. TWO nicely furnished rooms, good board, strictly private. 34S Lincoln. Main 19t.'. Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished arSartments from 2 to 5 rooms, from S20 to t0 per month. If you want one, telephone. On Sundays or Main 2015 Evenings call A 30" Mr. Berry. Main 2181. Our automobile will call at any address with our agent who will be glad to snow these apartments. We own or control the following: Angela, Washington and Trinity Plac Cecilia, 22d and Glisan sts. Clavpool. llth and Clay sts. Fordhara. 170 Ford st. Grandesta, Grand ave. and East Star. Hanthorn, ?51 12th St., near Main. Hanover, 165 King sU. near Washington. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near lltn. Sheffield. 272 7th St.. near Jefferson St. Croix, 170 St. Clair St., near Wash. St. Francis. 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington, 15th and Everett sts MORGAN. FLIEDNER & BOYCE. 502-506 Ablngton Bldg. THE ORLANDO, 20TH AND WASHINGTON 8T3. UNQUESTIONABLY FINEST LOCATION IN THE CITY. 2 and 8 -room furnished apartments, pos sessing every modern convenience; pri vate telephones, elevator service, excellent closet room, laundry with steam aryr. Most attractive entrance court In Port- eiect clientele provides precisely the surroundings desired for yur RATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON ABLE TO BE FOUND. JULIANA APARTMENTS, 45 TRINITY PLACE, JUST OFF WASHINGTON STREET. One two, one three and one four-room apartments, well furnished, exclusive, ex cellent service: every modern convenience. REASONABLE RATES. NEW MANAGEMENT. THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-dale management In the Northwest; every convenience; 4 and a rooms, all outside sunny rooms; new, walking distance. 21st and Johnson sts.; choice residence district; attendant on p re mises. Marsnaiiwow THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. pnones a u. aiarBnaii NEWLY furnished The Upshur, 26th and Upshur sts., furnished 2-room apartments, $15, $13. 20 and up. This includes steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electric lights, gas ranges, laundry-room, all free; also 3-room unfurnished apartments, with private bath. $18; 4 rooms, $20. Take S. .IQ Or W C a TB norm. j- uuiio NOKOMIS Marshall, near 17th st. New building, never been occupied; rates $20 and up. One unfurnished. $18. ARDMAY TERRACE. 12th and Harrison sts. Largest 2-room apartments in the city. ALTONIA, Marshall and 19th sts. .barge, airy, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments , quiet and exclusive neigh bfrhood- THE VILLA ST. CLARA. lztn ana xayior. Just completed, most magnificent fur nished apartments in the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. including banquet hall and roof garden; both phones in all apartments; high-class service: references required. Main 2276 and A 705i. NEW MODERN, EXCLUSIVE. Three, "four and five-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished; large. airy rooms, beautiful view, sleeping porches, tiled baths, private halls and phones, mir ror doors, beautiful rotunda, ballroom for use of tenants; references required. STELWY'N APTS.. St. Clair and Washington Sts. THE DEZENDORF, JUt join aicvcE... Handsomely furnished or unfurnished 5-room apartments; every modern con venience; baths, telephone in every apartment- pleasant surroundings; conveniently located to cars. Phone or call personally. Information also given at the Meier & x ranK More a renmi "U1,;u THE WASHINGTON, 6S9 Northrup St.. near 21st; 5-room unfurnished apartment, with all modern conveniences, bath, tele phone, gas range, refrigerator, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas, electric light, janitor service, etc. Take W car to 21st and Northrup. Phones Main 43.6, A 1H6. r Dirr iti Jefferson and 13th Streets. 4 and 5-room furnished and unfurnished apartments, exceptionally well arranged. Rates Reasonable. Modern. References. New. CUMBERLAND Apts., W. Park and Colum bla sts. ; very choice 2 and 3-room fur nished and unfurnished apts., all modern conveniences, beautiful location, facing the park 5 minutes' walk from business cen ter best service. Prices reasonable. BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison; 2. 3 and 5 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; latest Improve ments; best service. Apply on premises. Two and three-room apartments; large rooms, large closets; strictly modern, cool and airy for Summer ; reduced rates. Phone Main 7755. 695 Lovejoy st. Take W Car. ' IONIAN COURT. 570 Couch, one block from Washington, walking distance, 3 and 4-room modern unfurnished apartments; all modern con veniences, best of service; under new man agement ; referencesiqilredIan Corner 3d and Montgomery streets; building new and strictly modern: two room apartments, furnished complete: ele vator; 5 minutes' walk to P. O.; no chll d ren ; rates $25 to $32. Main 9406. THE HOUSMAN. 730 Hoyt St. Elegantly furnished 3-room corner apartment, all outside rooms, light and airy, large porch, surrounded by lawn and flowers, quiet and exclusive; references. tu-c TA RW HT'BST N 20th and Northrup Sts. MAX KAUFMAN. MANAGING OWNER. Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments, all outside rooms, balcony to every suite. REFERENCES. PHONE t: 1178. THE SHEFFIELD 3-room apartments with bath 2 Murphy concealed beds and Pa cific phones In each; outside rooms, splen did arrangement, superb location, near P. O. Best service. 272 7th, cor. Jefferson. " "THE WICKERSHAM," t 18th and Flanders sts. Beautiful apartments, 5 and 6 rooms. Call and see them. THE LUZERNE Corner 8d and Hall, newly furnished, 2 room apartments, building new and strict ly modern, large outside kitchens, service first-class; easy walking distance. tttVctAV iPa RTUrTYTC 841 14th St., at Market, new corner brick 2-room suites, completely furnished for housekeeping; walking distance; prices reasonaa-c. j-us ...w.. j q WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, 33th and Everett 2, 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished, private baths; $20 up; completely reno vated, under new management; walking ' distance ; convenient and best service. THE LILLIAN, 6th and Montgomery. 3 room furnished apartments, with private bath and phone, by week or month. Mar shall 1378. " THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. 10TH. 2 3, 4-room apartments, new brick THE DRICKSTON, 448 llth, nicely furnished 2 and 8-rooxn modern outside apts.. near H ei g hts. Mrs. F- W. McCune, Marshall 57. THE LEONCE, 188 N. 2za, near juanson. New, modern, brick, S and 3-room. beau tifully furnished apartments. $22.50 up. THREE ANDFOUR-ROOM apartments, $16 and $18; new brick bldg. Inquire 387 N. 24th st. THE ORMONDE Nice, light 4-room apart ment. Either furnished or unfurnished. 656 Flanders St., Nob m; main 0-01. LOVEJOY APTS. 17th and Lovejoy. Main 215- Two and three room furnished apts.. modern HARRISON COURT, 5TH AND HARRISON. Unfurnished 2 and 4-room apts., 2-room furnished apt.; waiKinjtnBiauw. tuTc rrT2 an a VT MILL. 4 and 5 large rooms; moaern. BRYN MAWR APTS.. 1S5 E. 15th near Yam hill, line iTUum . n.t " -v- . FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment. Hanover Apartments. Inquire Janitor. .r,r- TliDt.- A O A T T M F.NT8 353 Harrison st. Phone Marshall 3070. STELWYN APARTMENTS. ST. CLAIR and WASHINGTON 8T8., NEW. MODERN, EXCLUSIVE. 1 Three, four and five-room apartment, furnished and unfurnished, large, airy rooms, beautiful view, plenty of closet space, private halls and phones, tiled baths, mirror doors, sleeping porches, beautiful entrance and rotunda; bail room for use of tenants; references required. THB WHKELDOW, Cor. Park and Taylor Sta. THB WTTEELPON AVNKT. Cor. Tenth and (Salmon sU Walking Dtstaneo. Furnished complete. S. S and a-roem apartmtnts; buildings new and strictly modern servtre i1rt-clms TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th streets. Just off Washington; magnificent, exclusive apartments in heart of apartment-house district: rentals reasonable; every modern convenience : sleeping porches, high-class service; refined cllenteie; references re quired in all cases; two beautifully fur nished apartments available May L Mrs. A. N. Wright, superintendent. Phone Mar shall 1101. . LUCRETIA COURT. Lueretla St.. Near 2.1d and Wash. Unfurnished apartments, from two te five rooms, all large, light and outside: large closets, hardwood floors; under new management. Marshall 1513. Janitor, Mar shall l.HHJ. LINCOLN APTS., COR. 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside, 2-room apartments; Holmes b-ds built-in writing desks, vacuum clean er janitor service. $22.50 to $30. including lightsTprlvate phones. A 8472. Main 1377. WALDORF COliKi. lKViiSLi.LtiN. East 9th and Schuyler; 1 unfurnished apartment; everything modern. East 647, C 1968- THE WESTFAL, 410 STH ST. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND, $27.50 and up; close In. nicely furnished 8-room apartments, with private bath and phone. H ADDON HALL. llth and Hall, 2, 8, 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, modern, hardwood floors. private balconies; cummer raiw. THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished $ and 3-room apts.; private bath and phone. Summer rates. Main 5435. 605 Jefferson, THE MARLBOROUGH. 5 and 6-room apartment, choice resi dence district, walking distance, every con vent e n ce:2ItajTdF2andjirsB KINGSBURY Apartments. 18S Ford St.. near Washington. Elegant new brick building, complete and modern, private balconies, best of service; 8 rooms with bath. THE McKINLEY APARTMENTS. B. 7th and Morrison sta; very central, 5 mid 3-room apartments, furnished, com . . Kothtir frnm Ln tr. t.'l') W pieie, yum"' t - r raNDEST A furnished apartments, Grand ave and East Stark. New brick building, elevator modern conveniences; close-in location; nesi. o rrnu THE MEREDITH. 712 Washington St., 2, S and 4-room apts., hardwood floors, with, every convenience, newly furnished; cheap est rent in the city. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Madison Sts. For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments, strictly modern. THE ONEONTA Nicely turnithed 2, 8 and 4. room apartments, only $20, $25 and $35; single rooms, $7. 187 17th st. THE KING-DAVIS, corner King and Davis streets, 3 or 4-room furnished or unfur nished. References. . THE LANDORE. 2SS 10th, S-room apart ment all light outside rooms, large sleep ing porch, $:t0 for the Summer. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia sts., 2, 3 and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished; modern. ROSE-FRIEND, cor! 7th and Jefferson, Very desirable unfurnished apartment .all outside rooms, hardwood flours; refs. JULIETTE Furnished and unfurnished 2 rooms. Corner 2d and Montgomery. THE LAURETTE, 1 furnished 3-room apart ment; private bath and phone. ai9 llth st. Flats. 26TH AND Upshur 10-room unfurnished flat, suitable lor rooming-house. 321 N. 20th. 6-roora unfurnished flat, $15. Inquire H. Weinhard Brewery, 13th and Burnside sts. $16 A SNAP. 5-room flat, located Mllwaukte and Bismark. good chance to rent rooms. Apply 405 Washing tonst. MODERN 5-room lower flat, corner East loth and Halsey; large veranda, open-air bedroom. Holmes disappearing bed, fur nace, fireplace, gas range, linoleum. W. I. Swank. Main 1608, East liti. NEW modern 5-room lower, 6-room upper, flats; gas rangu. fireplace, water cooler, hot water coil. 454 East Market. Phons East 2741. N K W 5-room flat, 782 Glisan st,; fireplace, hardwood floors, gas range, etc.; very desirable. Call Main 2015. A 2ol5. Our agent with auto will call and show flat. NEW, modern, 5-room lower. 6-room up per, flats, gas range, fireplace, water cooler, hot-water coll. 454 East Market. Phone East 2741. EIGHT and five rooms, modern, with sleep ing porch. 91-6l3 Everett. Sheehy 3ros. rnone j-iain iiut., a 3-ROOM furnished flat, strictly modern, - light and water included In rent; $30. 335 Montgomery, corner of 7th, UPPER flat, 5 rooms, at 549 Washington st., near 16th. Callan & Kaser, 722 Yeon bldg. Main 1633. NEW 4-room flat, corner of Failing and Commercial. Phone Woodlawn 885. MODERN 5-room flat, 6th near Jackson, West Side; 30 mln. walk. Main or A 1223. FTRNISHEDflat, West Side. $30. Phons Sellwood 1947. 4-ROOM flat, furnished and unfurnished. Call 290 Fargo st. East 8305. MODERN 4-room flat, near I3d and Wash ington sts.; reasonable. Main 8833. A 78:9. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 180 6th St. Main 62 8. 5-ROOM modern upper flat, Sherman sUp near 6th, rent $25. Main 867. UNFURNISHED 3-room flats, $16 and up. TZ; MarKet st. rnone J'am FOR RENT Modern 0-roorn upper flat. 783 i ,. u .,-, , Tol Main 7S20. LOVELY 4-room lower flat, furnace, rent $18. Phone East 5, B 1404. $32.50 DESIRABLE flat, 6 rooms, attic yard, porches. West Side. Main 420. i-ROOM flat. East Ninth and. BelmonL Rent $11. B 8004. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, eleo trlc lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $12 per month up; a clean place; best in the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take S or ltfth-st. cars north; et off at Marshall st. No dogs. THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur sta Fur nished 2-room apartments, $15 up. Includ ing steam heat, hot and cold water in every apartment, public bath, electric liehts. eas range, laundry-room, all free. Take s, 23d or W cars north. Phons Main 859. $1.50 to S3.00 week, clean furnished house-keeping-rooms, suitable for two or four; free heat, laundry, bath, phone, yard, gas, 406 Vancouver avenue and 2Q3 Stanton. THE MILNER. 350 Morrison, furnished or unfurnished housekeeping apartments; all conveniences; close In; Summer rates. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS and furnished rooms, nice, neat, quiet place. 749 John son st. uni-ji.' iiTPTVn rooms furnished comnlete with cook stove. Single rooms $1.50 week, s.-a per buh-c " CAMBRIDGE bldg.. furnished, unfurnished housekeeping rooms; central, cheap. Room 84. 3d ana mutiibuu. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor East Sth. nicely HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Rent reasonable. 249 V-j H onaaay av., a oik. mcwi gnuc tup. ftlms 2 and 3-room housekeeping andl single rooms; transients solicited. 193 14th NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, modern. 71 Grand ave. N. H ousekeeping Rooms In Private Fa mlly. FRONT alcove, also single housekeeping room- 4.'0 Yamhill, near 12th. LARGE, airy rooms, beautifully furnished for houseKeeping. tw .n. nn. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, sink, water, bath. 50 Petty grove st. u-i r lITr:TlIRHF.n lnwr flonr vftrd walk' Jng distance; cheap. 507 E. "A'asiiington. 313 14TH, corner Clay, pleasant furnished houseKeeping rooms; rummer rates. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. reasonable rent. 4 ti. uaK si. 3 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, residence dis trict, reasonable. 090 E. Burnside. NEWIY and beautifully furnished larg H. K. suites. $12.30 up. 495 ciay St., itn BEAUTIFUL suite rooms, large, airy, 534 Morrison. $18 3 COMPLETELY furnished, bath, sink. launnry, gas range, pnunc. ,-t' cj. r ' NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 7 N. 14th St., Davis to Everett. . r