THE MORXTXQ OKiEGOSriAy, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1912. 1 1 11 I I - CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONIAX TELEFHOXKA. Ttntm-roora M!n 70TO A joys City Clrcalatlon Me n 7079 A JOM Miinirlnr Editor Main 7070 A 609J Funds' Editor Mala T070A JOM Corapostns-room Main 7070 A JOM liawlnteudent bonding ...Mala 7070 A 0S AMUSEMEJiTS. HEILIO THEATER (Seventh and ,TmT'5r' Cathrine CountlM In The Thief- To night at 8:15. BAKER THEATER f Eleventh end Morfi iod) Motion picture of whit alave traf fic Continuous from 1:30. ORPHETJM THEATER ! Morrison, between ii .. w a c . v. t vBrivir Thle R t.rnoon ax 1:11 and tonicht at t:tQ e'cjock. o . v-t r a t"tt riTPo c.Titt and AT der) Vaudeville. Thla afternoon at 2:1. tonlxht at 7:10 and o-cieca. ton) Vaudeville. Thla afternoon at :! tonight at 7:30 and tfcioeir. OAKS PARK Wlllamette River) Arnote- ment para; varied attraction, aul- m. Boon and tonlatbc RECREATION PARK (24th and Vaughn) Baseball. Portland vs. Vernon, uui -noon at B o'clock. . COUNCIL CKKBT (Portland Heights) Beenlo Amusement rara. Abbis Hamci WisTi Divorce. Abbfe L. Hance, vtfe of B. F. Hance, tne proprietor of a drugstore at 275 Eleventh street, has filed suit for divorce In Circuit Court. The woman alleges that In 1S08, after her hus band had demonstrated his inability to hold a position because of drun kenness, she used her money to set him up in business. She says that for a time the receipts ran as high as 245 a day, but that her husband finally violated his promise to stay on the "water wagon" with the result that receipts have fallen as low as 1Q a day and the business Is (1000 in debt Mrs. Hance asks an order restraining her husband irom moiaauns tier i S evnpT vs rrm ATtrADC OS JOT. TIVOLL AND CRYSTAL First-run plo- turea, 11 A. M.-12 P. M. OREGONIAN AT RESORTS For the Qoerkeet delivery of The Oreconlaa at Summer resorts, sub scribe through the following agents. City rates. Subscriptions by mail ar parable In alvance. Bayoeema. Or.. Hotel Bayoeean Annex Brighton Beaeh. Or J. A. Baldwin Carson Springs Mineral Springs Hotel Collins Springs Fred A. Young Long Beach .....Louis Cohen Naheotta t. H. Brown Newport Geo. Slyvester Ocean Park D. E. Beeehy Bockaway Beach.Or. .Wilkin Bice St. Martina Springs. .Mrs. St. Martin 6eaide Clark Btrattoa Beavlew, Wash Frank E. Stranal Tillamook f. 8. Lamor Tokalaad, Wash John Norby Caseadla, Or O. M. GeUMOdorfer Advertisrraents Intended for the City News In Brief column In Sunday's Issue must be handed in The Oregonian business office by o'clock Saturday evening. Children's Paradb Costs 13000. C. C. Hall, assistant secretary of the East Side Business Men's Club, made the statement yesterday that the children's parade on Grand avenue during the Rose Festival cost approximately $3000, which came from contributions made by business men and residents and re ceipts from the grandstands. From the grandstands the club realized enough to prevent any deficit and make up a considerable balance above the expenses, amounting to about $500. But for the grandstands there would have been a deficit. The schools were handled liberally this year in the way of car tickets and otherwise. All ac -counts are being settled as rapidly as possible. Until September the club will hold no meetings, and the executive committee will take care of all busi ness during the Summer months. Sewer Assessments to Be Resisted. At present property owners in the Riverside sewer district are sub scribing to a fund to defray cost of resisting collection of the assessments made in that district. It was decided to ask owners of property to pay at the rate of $1 a lot toward meeting ex penes of litigation, and it was reported yesterday that enough had been sub scribed to insure the movement to resist the collection of assessments. A considerable number of property own ers have paid their assessments, and these have no further interest in the proceedings. The total cost of the sewer was about 140.000. but this sum was reduced by taking In more terri tory. Kenton Wants Street Work Hurried. A committee from the Kenton Im provement Association called on Mayor Rushlight yesterday and asked that Contractor Wiles, who has the improv ing of four streets in Kenton, be re quired to hurry the work. It was rep resented that he has but a few men at work and at the rate the improve ment Is proceeding the frnir streets will not be completed this year. Mayor Rushlight assured the committee that the people of Kenton have his full sympathy and that he would require Mr. Wiles to rush the improvements of the four streets. Bttldino CoirMrTTEB Meets. The building committee of the East 8ide Business Men's Club. C. A. Bigelow, chairman, held a meeting yesterday afternoon and discussed plans for the proposed clubhouse, to be built on East Sixth and Belmont streets, where the club has an option on a lot 60x100 feet. Tentative plans for a three-story build ing with basement were submitted. It was reported that considerable stock In the holding company has been sub scribed toward erection of the building. Bach Win. Filjsd FOR Probate. The will of Marianna Baum, a pioneer of Portland was admitted to probate In the County Court yesterday. The entire estate, valued at 115,000. Is distributed among the six children. The two daughters. Miss Bertha Baum and Mrs. Pauline C. Friedman, were named as executrlces and have qualified and are administering the estate. Beach. Simon & Nelson represent the estate as counsel. Church Services Announced. Serv ices will be held at the Congregation Ahavai Sholom. Park and Clay streets, tonight at o'clock. Mr. Charles Robi son will address the congregation. Services will be held tomorrow morn ing at 9:30. Rabbi Abrahamson will officiate. Tevpij Services Announced. Rabbi Jonah B- Wise will officiate at Temple Beth Israel tonight and to morrow morning. Services at 8 to night and 10:30 tomorrow. Mr. Marx and Mr. Zan will sing at the evening and morning services. The public 1 welcome. The Dollar and HALF-prlce sales that have made the Leffert Jewelry Store so popular with good buyers, will be held again on Friday and Saturday of this week. Watch our windows at 263 Washington at. The store that features birthstone Jewelry. Hone on thb Willamette River. Nearly new, seven-room bungalow, can be bought at a real bargain, and on easy terms, 40 minutes on the Ore gon City Electric: about one acre; line view site. Kseeland. Main 7760. Hxascjuartcss of Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway's State Equal Suffrage As sociation. 61 Selling building, will be open 11-1 and 6-6. for receipt of sub scriptions and to give all information. Alberta Bout Owner must aacrtflce five-room mod ern bungalow, within two blooks of four different carllnes; easy terms. Ad dress C 124, Oregonian. For Rent. Private residence, fur nished; eight rooms, two baths; Over ton and 24th ats.; one year, $90 a month. Q 121, Oregonian. $11,000 Bvrrs from owner, well Im proved corner on North 14th sc. near Savier at- Apply AB 224, Oregonian. Miss Bauer will lecture this morn ing at Hotel Multnomah, at 11 o'clock, rickets, $1, at door. Deuohtful Beach Weather at Gear hart "By-the-Sea"; hotel accommoda tions for all. Acne's Portraits. Columbia bldg. for men. women, children. Maln-A 163&. Fine. Bio Swixnino Plunge now open daily, 25c 167 4th, near Yamhill. New Kbats BurrxT. 3d and Alder sis. Da. Majs Cajuwell has returned. .v.. i. hnrna 107 TClAventh street. also wants the custody of their vear- old daughter, Katherlna. Hose Contracts to Be Recommended. Contracts lor uu reet oi nre nooe . AB irqka wprA decided urjoh bv the Are committee of the Executive Board at yesterdays meeting at City Hall. Reoommendatlon will made to the Doara as ioiiows: a o the bo the Fabric Fire Hose Company, 1000 feet. 1-lncb hose, xi.iu a iooi; .aureus, c no Hose Manufacturing Company, 2000 feet lU.lnnh hAca At 11.10 a fOOtl NOtt- Joslyn Company, 600 feet itt-inch hose, at 80 cents a foot; Pacific States Rub- Ker Cnrnnnnv. 600 feet 24 -Inch hOSC. at 88 cents a foot; Eureka Fire Hose Com rTv 4Sn feet lVt-lnch hose, at 66 , J Ant- TTenHr Fire Hose Com pany. 450 feet IK -inch hose, at 67 cents a foot. Negress Held to Grand JuRT. Ada James, a negress, was given a prelim inary hearing yesterday before United States Commissioner utouuu i ne t,affjnir enntrshand ODlUln her possession. She Is the proprietress of a South I'orxiana jougmB o.u .....HnnahiA . character that it was ; .. .4 V... ,, nnllr rACfintlV and her room was found flva Jelly glasses filled with opium. Her testimony w to the effect mat sne wa u'u "Jobbed" by some of her enemies and had no knowledge of how the opium . v. in . nnKatnn- She csms iw - - - - was bound over, without bail, to await the action of the next t eoerai grsuu Jury. CLCBHOUSEI CORNERSTONE TO BE LAID. Arrangements are being completed 1 V. . .npnaKinnN fit the ClubhOUSO of the Rose City (Jiuo, on gruunu e.i the corner or sanay douiuvbiu . i 1 .ti.n. anm time TlfiXt Week. catrav in! v 27. Postmaster Merrick will nave cnarge oi mo tcio 1 TV.. .nrnratnna will cunittll e v. ,frif.era nf the club and . V . " ' - 1.4 .... mamKAi-a i npr, and TT1 P TT1 1) R T S of the Rose City Improvement League, history or tne league ani ui Park, city officials, names of officers of the Ladles' Auxiliary and Portland papers. Work has Deen siarioa u m foundation. rv.uu,aiw!n will. Take Testtmott. To take testimony at San Francisco T AAlaa Cdf rO ITll.Tlfn Goldfieldl and El Paso In the caae of the United States against the Hewett Liana .. T1 t ,. ITn 1M1 Mtates Liisirici tjnuj, J -v . " ' w - Attornev Evans left Portland last night. The suit involves the forfeiture of eeveral tnousano acres oi . . w. i , - .laimoH tn have been liiuuei miiuo, ...... secured by the defendant company through irauauient Lents to Havb New PosTorncB. ttt-u ).,, heen started on a brick building in Lents to be occupied by the Lents postomce. ine structure wm face the Foster road, and will be 24x60 feet. It will be equipped especially for the Postofflce. When completed the Government will lane e. lease oi ten years on the building. More room Is reniilrtvl for Lnts rostuulCB. s-. ...... Dttmasumie OPPrtRTCD. The International Ethical Educational bo ciety passed a resolution at its last - l - anmontlnir All fontlS Of capital punishment, and favoring life Imprisonment. Oregon State Tennis championship. Multnomah Field. riv l ft A M. and t P. M. Admission, 60c. Season Tickets, $1.60.' Special Sale of block wood until August 1. Holman Fuel Co., 75 Fifth street. Main 353. A 3363. HE PREDICTS WARRENT01M Prominent Shipping Man Enthuse Over Columbia's Mouth, ippani ne-itatlon of the Panama toll question in the halls of Congress, th dlDlomatlc note from England de crying the apparent policy of this Na tion to favor coastwise American vee ,i. ha will nnerate throuKh the canal and the activity of the railroad lobby unite in calling vital attention to the harbor facilities of the Columbia River Valley. "They are entirely inadequate, emu prominent guest at the Hotel Mult- U iaa. .vaninr "M v connections rltK the ehinninsr interests of the world occasioned a visit to Astoria and War- renton early In the week. 1 pictured to myself how you people would feel ten years hence to see the fleets of the world pass up and down this coast, absolutely ignoring the Columbia River and making Puget Sound one of their Important terminals. I do not blame the people of Portland so much, for the adequate Improvement of your river. hiMi I understand, would Involve tne expenditure of many millions. "I am satisfied that tne ranroaas win take the Initiative. From what I 1 A h.lnir enri In 1T1V talks With prominent railroad officials. I am sat isfied that the shipping port for this magnificent empire will be located at Warrenton." This gentleman left Portland last evening for Chicago, having assured himself that there were favorable op K,nniHia for harbor development in the lower Columbia region. His be lief in the future of Warrenton is sin cere and he expressed himself as be- . nlaaaaH With the COn- i n K cft.i i" j t, . - " d'.tlons which he found there that in dicated that Immense terminal iacui tles could be Installed at comparatively small expense. IRVINGTQN HOME. We have for sale the finest new 10 room house in Irvlngton, located on Thompson street, near 17th. Hardwood floors throughout All rooms papered. Two baths, three toilets, two fireplaces, billiard-room; finished throughout In mahogany and oak. For price ca.U on F. E. BOWMAN & CO. Owners and Builders. 22d and Brasee. E. 3i, C JS22. CLEAN-UP SALE. I am sacrificing my stock of men's high-grade suits. Please note: This is not a fake ale or a failure, but a genuine clearance to make room In a limited space for Fall goods. Jimmy Dunn, room $15 Oregonian building. Take elevator. I LAURELHURST. W have for sale a. fine 50xl00-foot lot on Senate street, near 39th. for $675; free from incumbrance. . F. E. BOWMAN & CO. Owners. 22d and Brazee. E. iZS. C Till. SUITS W0RTHS25 FOR $9.85 Mid-Summer clearance sale at the Brownsville Woolen Mill stores now. Suits formerly selling for $12.60, $15. $13, $20 and $25 reduced to $9.85. Tidelaud Appeal TJrged. SALEM, Or.. July 18. (Special.) Mortgages Are TheBestSecurity The wealth of the coun try is based on real es tate values. Property in a growing city can never be per manently depressed in value. Many who would loan money on real estate are' uninformed regard ing values and methods. "We have for sale first lien mortgages loang made on conservative valuations and passed on by men of wide' ex perience. ' These investments net the purchaser 7 Per Cent will Portland Trust Company of Oregon BANK 1 hird and Oak Streets The executive offices today reoelved copies of resolutions passed by the Port of Newport, urging that the Corvallis at Eastern tldeland cases be appealed to the United States Supreme Court and that the best possible counsel be em ployed to assist the Attorney-General. PROGRESSIVES TO MEET CALLS SEXT TO AXL PARTS OF STATE SESSION JULY 25. Meeting Called to Complete Organ ization In Oregon and Pre pare for Campaign. From the headquarters of the Na tlonal Progressive Club of Oregon In the Healy building, corner Grand av enue and East Morrii.on street, the mail ic carrying dally hundreds of calls tor the convention of the "National Progressives," to meet in the auditor ium of the EaBt Portland Branoh Li brary, next Thursday, July 25. at 10 A. M. The call sets forth that the meeting s called for the purpose of completing the state organisation, planning the work for the coming campaign and se lecting five delegates to represent Ore gon in the National Progressive con vention, to be held at Chicago, August 5, 1912. The call says In closing: we would like a representative or number of representatives from your county and section of the state at this Portland mass meeting July 25. "Win you not take the matter ud with the Progressives of all parties in your county and locality, and have one or more representatives present to help us?" The call Is signed by Daniel Kella- her, president; L. M. Lepper, secretary; and the executive committee F. W. Mulkey, George W. Joseph, J. T. Wil son, V. Vincent Jones and Sanfleld Mac-Donald. The letters are being sent by thou sands all over the state. Secretary Lep per Is exceedingly busy preparing for this mess meeting. He said yesterday that responses are coming in from all sources and that the Indications are that delegates from all portions of Ore gon will attend. Senator . Kellaher. president of the club, yesterdav said the Indications were that the attend ance of delegates would be such that a more commodious hall would have to be secured for the mass meeting. The committee on arrangements has tenta tively engaged another hall on the East Side with a capacity of 1500. Insane Veterans Escape. SALEM. Or., July 18. CSrjeclaI.1 J. E. Barnes and EUhu M. Clark, both old soldiers, escaped from the asylum last night, where they had been Inmates for STAMPEDE SH0 SA E Knight "This is the First Genuine Sacrifice Sale of High Grade Shoes Ever Held in Portland by Knights." , . Ainr -ha Envs? "Prtrtlnnrl will be shaken from stem to stern by our Stampede Q O Shoe Sale. We have been giving the Best Shoe Service in Portland for lo years, via'! V?. -i v i J cJT Cnli CttrfAa f1fvminT ns if rlnps with pwvt - ana. never uciure xieiu a oawmtc umd vj. . the real hot weather, this Stampede Shoe Sale will throng our store every hour of the sale. It will rive a Splendid Opportunity to secure the Best Makes of shoes in America at Ridiculously Low Irices. This sale will be remarkable for its triune features: its Class, its Dignity and its Merits. And Knight Is Right. SALE STARTS FRIDAY MORNING AT 8 O'CLOCK OUR WINDOWS FORETELL THE BIG STAMPEDE The mere announcement of a sacrifice sale at Knights will create a stampede of feet to this popular shoe store. Note the following Real Reductions on such makes as Stacy Adams, McDonald & Kiley, Wichert & Gardner, Sorosis, Walk-Over, Etc. ' , . SPECIALS MEN'S (Oxfords and Pumps) WOMEN'S Regular $4, $4.50 and $5; stampede price $3.20 Regular $3.50 and $4; Stampede price. .$2.85 SEE f? l!S'i&:":::k . Rr $4, $5 and $6; Stampede price. .?3.45 REGULAR PRICES $3.50 $5.00 CASH SPECIAL MEN AND WOMEN 500 Pairs Men's and Women's (250 Pairs Each) OXFORDS AND PUMPS $3.50 to $5.00 Regular Values - STAMPEDE PRICE $1 FOR CASH ONLY, NO GOODS EXCHANGED These are splendid values at regular prices. Come take your choice and fit yourselves. In patent calf and tan leather. All sizes and widths. STAMPEDE PRICE 1 You can shoe the -whole family of Five for $5 at this Stampede Sale. Don't miss the greatest Shoe Opportunity in Portland's shoe history. j KNIGHT MORRISON AT SEVENTH 0-7-1B-12 J. H. J. several years. Both ot the men had the Drivllege of the grounds (or a Ion g-time. They are oonsldered harmless. Barnes Is from Umatilla County and Clark from Union County. IS A JOYF0REVER. rr. hoautiful new Annex' Hotel, Twelfth and Washington streets. Is the hm,. fr thnoo who aDDreclate comfort and high grade rooms at lowest rates. See for yourself. THERE IS NO DISPUTE. A tr-nnA hnmA UlCA A. STOOA hamB. IS more desirable than wealth. There Is no home in Portland more oomfortable that the Bowers Hotel. Superior grill. PENNEY BROS.' FRIDAY SPECIAL. we oner our 92 winee a Bwi 11.60 wlneaat 7Be a gallon; Straight Kentucky Whisky, seven years old, regular 14.50 at l.B0 a gallon; Ken- lUCKy wniflKy, regular ta.ou, 0.1. .uv c gallon; 13 grade Whisky, 2.10 a gallon. Friday only. 379 E. Morrison st. Phones East 287. B 2426. Free delivery. CARD OF THANKS, Through this medium we wish to thantr tha rrlendM who SO kindly as sisted and sent floral offerings at the funeral or our Deiovea moiaer. HENRY M'CONAUGHY, MRS. A. B. WHEELDON-HORN. What Are You Eating These Hot Days? Let us plan your daily culinary needs. Our new REFRIGER ATOR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT is SANITARY, AP PETIZING and TEMPTING. ALL kinds of cooked Meats, Condiments and Cheese. Please pay this department a visit, or PHONE US YOUR ORDER. L. MAYER & CO. Portland's Oldest and Best Grocers. 148 Third Street A 4432, Main 9432 WEEK-END SAVINGS ON REGULAR STOCKED GRO CERIES. Italian Olive OiL "Superfine," ia Gal., reg. $1.75, $1.50 Boneless Sardines, regular 20c each, 3 cans for 50 Pin Money Pickles, pints, quarts and gallon jars, a jar 35 70tf and $1.10 Snider 's Catsup, regular 25c, per bottle 20 Millar's Chili Sauce, "Unexcelled," regular 25c and 40c bottle y2 Pints 20, Pints 35 Pure de fois Gras, truffled, regular 35c, tin 25 C. & C. Ginger Ale and Sarsaparilla, doz $1.75 Hires' Root Beer, pints doz $1.25, 2 doz. $2.25 Raspberry Shrub, pints and Va pints 35? and 50 PALATE TICKLERS IN OUR DELICATESSEN DEP'T. Baked Ham, Cooked in Wine, Boiled Tongue, Pickled Meat, Palatable and Tempting; Smoked Salmon, Sugar Cured, Imported Salami, German Cervalate, Italian Anti pastos, Pate de fois Gras, Sardellen Ringe, Cheese of all kinds and fresh stock, Roll Mopse, Bismark Herring, Mari nette Herring, VIRGINIA HAMS, Boiled Prager Shinken. COFFEE AND TEA DEPARTMENT. We are beyond competition on Coffee. . Our blend of 7-year-old Java and Costa Rica Coffee, at 45c per lb. ; twice as good as you pay 50c elsewhere. All teas bought here are original packages. How about some ICE TEA today? New Accounts Solicited. CANDIDATES CANNOT ACT Central Committee Must Do All, Under Minnesota Ruling. ST. PAUU July 18. Candidates for office, under the Minnesota corrupt practice law, Juat passed, cannot even diotate political letters to their sten ographers unless they first make ar rangements for campaign committees, acoordlng to a ruling made here by Attorney-General Smith, in response to an Inquiry from James A. Hall. County Attorney at Marshall. This construction of the new act seems absurd, the Attorney-General admitted, but is Justi fiable by lta text. In answering Hall's query the Attorney-General points out there Is no provision In the new law permitting a candidate to buy stationery, employ clerks, pay for headquarters, pay for lithographs or for the writing, ad dressing and mailing of campaign lit erature. On the other hand, campaign committees are authorised to do all these things. . SEALY-DRESSER C GROCERS, BAKERS, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS. 288-290-292 STARK STREET 1 - I MAIN 7200 j i - . P I A I 6181 j OREGON'S Recognized Headquarter , Beat'Tbings to Eat. TURKISH COFFEE 45c The Zenith of Quality." HOT WEATHER FARE DELICATESSENS "."S serve your energy In this warm weather by patronizing OUR DELI CATESSEN DEPARTMENT. Every morning we prepare a fresh supply and great variety of dainty things for cold lunches and dinners. Friday and Saturday we will have.: HOME-MADE SALADS SHRIMP SALAD, POUND 30t POTATO SALAD, POUND 20t CHICKEN SALAD, POUND 40 CRAB SALAD, POUND 304 COLD ROASTS Beat Cnta. Government Inspected. ROAST VEAL. ROAST PORK. ROAST BEEF. FRESH-COOKED MEATS SMOKED TONGUE, POUND 50t BAKED HAM, POUND 50d BOILED HAM, POUND 40t JELLIED PIGS' FEET, POUND..30 Jellied CALVES' TONGUE, lb 50i VEAL LOAF. MINCED HAM. And a great variety of other good things. COLD DRINKS Ton will want something cold to drink. We can supply anything you want. Apolllnarls, quarts, per doz S2.50 Apolllnarls, pints, per doz 81,75 Vichy, genuine French, dos.83.50 Shasta Ginger Ale, doz 90 Cochran & Co.'s Ginger Ale. ..81.65 Grape Juice, Golden Catawba, quarts 65e; dozen .-. 86.0O Grape. Juloe, Golden Catawba, pints 35d: dozen 83.25 SchweDDe's Club Soda 81. T5 Cider, large bottles, each 35? : dozen 83.60 Pine Apple Juice, each 25; dozen. 82.75 Beer, all the local brewers' quarts, dozen 81.75; pints.. 81. OO Zlnfandel, gallon 81. OO Full-bodied Old Riesling, fine California, gallon 81.00 388, S9e 393 STARK STREET (Near Fifth), PORTLAND, OREGON HOTELS. Sol Due Hot Springs Hotel The Carlsbad of America In the Heart of the Olympics The Vacation Season IsNow On SOL DUO HOT SPRINGS, altitude 1760 feet, offers superior advantages to the vacationist. In this moun tain paradise you get the benefits of the matchless hot mineral waters, while you may enjoy all the de lights of a thoroughly modern hostelry. Fishing, mountain climb ing and all kinds of sports. Ponies, burros, trained guides, etc., for climbing parties over numerous trails. Boats leave the Colman Dock. Seattle, daily at A. M. Daylight trip. For descriptive literature, address Dr. Wm. W. Earles, Medical Superintendent, Sol Due. Washington. Peck-Judah free Informa tion bureaus. Lowest Fares East VIA THE "MILWAUKEE" FROM ALL POINTS IN THB PACIFIC NORTHWEST Atlantle City, N. J.. Boston. . Buffalo. ........i Chicago . Detroit. . ......... Minneapolis Philadelphia. . flOSJSO Pittsburg 91.00 Rochester, N. Y... .......... . S6JI0 St. Lonla 70.00 St. Paul 60.00 Slonx City, la.............. 60.00 Waehlngrton. ............ 107.00 Winnipeg-, Man. 00.00 ....9111.00 .... 110.00 . . . . 01.50 72 JSO .... 82 .SO .... 00.00 Montreal 100.00 New Toric. . 10SM AND MANY OTHER POINTS THROUGHOUT THB EAST TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE ' July 20. 22, 23, 26, 29, 20, 21. August 1, 2. 2, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 22,. 23, 2, 30. 31. September . S, 6. T, 8. 11. 12. SO. All tickets good for return until Ootober 31, 1912. Liberal stopover privileges and choice of diverse routes are offered Return may be made through California at slightly higher fares. For additional Information regarding fares, routes, sleeping car reservations, train serv ioe. call on or address E. K. GARRISON District Freight and Pass. Agent. J. O. THOMAS, Paaaenser Agent Railway Exehanse Bids. 3d and Stark Portland, Or. "The New Steel Trail" THE NEW LINE IS THE SHORT LINE HOTEL STEWART SAN FRAflGISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.50 a day up . American Plan $3.00 a day up New steel and brick structure. Evrr modern convenience. Moderate rates. Center of theater and retail district. On carllnes transferrin all over city. Electric omnibus meets trains and teamen. The Army of Constipation Is Crowing- Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS an espaanble they oaM only gi reijet . they permanently care Loatipa- Hon. Mil.. liotu nee them for Bilioas- aeu, IndifMtioa, Side Headacke, Sallow Ska. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Genuine mutbeu Signature V('"5rV Foster 8c Kleiser Hif b-Grade Commercial and Elect rte SIGNS East Seventh and East Everest .'jtreeta. , Phones East 111L B ICCHWAB PRINTING CO tO BEN F.6REENE. PRESIDENT 3451 STARK STREET