fHE MOBXIXO OREGONIANV THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1912. HEW HEMISPHERE KNOWS 'SIR HARRY' SCENES ATTENDING- VISIT OF ROSARIANS TO SEATTLE Paroled Swindler Who Eloped With Oakland Nurse Lo cated in Natal. AFRICAN BANK IS LOSER Warrant Awaits Gentleman Rogue on Return to California Girl He Deserted Is With Rel ative In East. SAN FRANCISCO. July 17. (Spe cial.) "Sir" Harry Wejtwood Cooper, alia Ernest Moore Chadwlck. known to the police of America and Europe an the cleverest gentleman rogue of the day, who has been Bought for more than any other since he left Oakland as Dr. Milton Abrahams, with Miss Anna M libra! th. of that city, is known to be In Durbin, Natal. South Africa. Detectives are close on his (sail and it Is expected that the notorious swindler will be arrested soon. Word that Cooper's whereabouts were known came today to Captain of In spectors Petersen, of the Oakland Po lice Department. Together with this Information are advices to the effect that Cooper haa used his criminal genius to food advantage in South Af rica and has fleeced the Durbin bank of 1000. Cooper deposited bogus bank certificates In the South African banks, according to Captain Petersen's lnfor matlon. using the new alias of Norman E. McCay. Bank Aavaare Caab. Then he succeeded In Inducing the bank officials to advance htm money on these deposits. He left Durbin two days ago. but he is believed to be nearby. A warrant charging felony awaits "Sir Harry In Oakland. To carry on Ms California swindle. Cooper opened offices In Oakland, calling himself Dr. Abrahams and representing himself as a nerve specialist. It Was while he was keeping this pose that he met and wooed Miss Mllbralth. a pretty nurse In the Kast Bay Sanltorlura. He prom ised to make her his wife and so im pressed his prospective father-in-law with his sincerity that the elder Mll bralth advanced him $2500. Xurse Deserted la East. "Dr. Abrahams" then disappeared with his fiancee and soon after his depart ure his real Identity came to llirht. Several times since police In various parts of the world have believed that they were on the trail, only to find that thy were working on false clews. Miss Milbraith's whereabouts were a mystery until a few months ago, when she was found living at the home of a relative in the East. She had been Inserted by the man who had promised to give her his name. Cooper Is said to have another wife living In the Middle West and it is probable that he will be prosecuted for bigamy when he is apprehended. He Is also on parole from San Quentln penitentiary, where he was serving a term for a swindle similar to the one which he perpetrated on Milbraitb, 1 hmMMWmmmm-M ?VsY til ' f BRITAIN MAY BE IGNORED (Oonttnued from First Pa.) time of war and that the United States would be forbidden by the Hay-Paunce-fote treaty from taking Immediate measures to block or use the canal for its own protection. Senator O'Gorman asserted that ralK road influence was behind the British protest. "I don't think British shipping is greatly Interested," he said. "I be lieve the railroads of Canada and the railroads of the United States have been enabled to secure the co-operation of the British, Office of Foreign Affairs to embarrass this Government ' in the attempt we are now making to secure legislation to keep railroad controlled ships out of the Panama Canal. ' Burden la on Vnlted State. "The only government that has as sumed any special burden under the treaty is the United States. England and other countries have assumed no burdens beyond the payment of the tolls and the agreement as to its neu trality. "There is nothing to prevent Eng land from remitting to Its merchant ships every dollar of tolls paid the Panama Canal. There Is nothing to prevent similar action by other coun tries. The only power that Is tram melled, restricted and curtailed in the performance of its duties to Its one citizenship is the one that has spent 1400.000.000. In the construction of this great enterprise." He said Spain already had legislated "to reimburse Spanish ships for the tolls spent in going through our . canal." Senator Lodge raised the question whether the United States would have a right to interfere if another coun try should undertake to pay the tolls of its ships when passing through the canal. No foreign country, he said, could interfere with any arrangement the United States might make for the payment of tolls. "If any government should under take to do so. 1 for one would pro test." he said. K.owlaad Also Arcnsea Railways. Representative Knowland. of Cali fornia, called on President Taft today and declared that Canadian railroads acted in svmpathy with American rail roads, were behind Grea.t Britain's pro test against free, tolls through the Tanama Canal for United States ships. Not the slightest objection was made bv ;reat Britain." said Knowland, "until a committee of Canadian rail road men took the question up with the British government. .There is little doubt that American transcontinental railroads prompted the move." Know land also talked with Secretary Knox. Both the President and the Secre tary of State are standing for the right ef the United States to put certain American vessels through the Canal toll free. While many of the President's ad visers contend the question of tolls Is really one of Interstate commerce, they are hoping the dispute may be settled without being submitted to The Hague tribunal. Swimming Tanks Deserted. With the arrival of real warm weath er and the consequent warming of the Willamette River, both the V. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. have about aban doned their Indoor tanks and are hav ing tlie classes for the more advanced pupils in the river. Miss Mille Shloth and some 60 of her pupils took possession of Windemuth Baths last evening and held their regu lar drills and swims in the waters of the Willamette. The V.. M. C A. has no definite place, but the boys that are at all able to keep their heads above water prefer the banks of the rived to the glased tank of Bull Run water. Miss Shloth and her students will be at the Windemuth Baths every Wednes day night. 1 "T""""1 """"" 'mmmm """""""""""T1 'J mzl&3 s-S lllliiil 4BOVI-. DRII.I, TEM OK PORTLAND ROS1RIAXS. READY FOR MARCH FROM DEPOT. EXTREME LEFT, PRESIDENT BLETHEX AXD J. " FKFD I.R0 HOLDING BIG ROSE, (ROWX PRICE BRISTOL HOLDING BOlftl'ET OF AMERICAN BE Al TIES, JIDGE MORROW) BEWIV JOSEPH BLETHEN. PRESIDENT OF POTLACHt MRS. GEORGE L. H UTOHI.V AND MRS. T. J. SEUFERT IN MR. BLETHEN'S CAR. ROSARIANS BIG HIT Portland's Nifty Order Scores at Seattle Potlatch. PARADE SHOWING SKOOKUM Delegation of BO, Well Drilled and Smartly Uniformed Show Throng a Thing or Two Royal Reception Is Accorded. (Continued from First Pas.) rode ahead of the Rosarians in an automobile, with Ralph W. Hoyt, pres ident of the Portland Rose Festival Association; George L. Hutchln, Its manager, and Hyas Tyee, George Al len, who this year takes the place of the King. He is a brother of Harrison Allen of Portland. The Rosarians' drill team followed next in line and then came the second division of the Rosarians. Pretty GlrU Kidnaped. All along the line of march the Ro sarians cut up capers, time and again kidnaping young women and dancing about them. They also captured po licemen at different points and danced around them, and the crowds yelled. To the celebrated classic, "Every body's Poin" It," the. -Rosarians "ragged" In double ' and quadruple style. And everybody was doing it. What? Why, laughing. Adjuant-General Flnzer, who is high private in the ranks of Rosarians was one of the best "raggers" of all; George W. Joseph, State Senator and usually . some dignified man, was no slouch at it. Ahead of the Rosarians was borne a huge Caroline Testout rose, surmounted on a staff, part of the time carried by A. L. Stephens, and at other times by Robert W. Morrow, who at most any other time is a dignified circuit judge at Portland. The other hit of the parade was a big bouquet of American Beauty roses, surmounted on a staff. Each Rosarian carried a rose on a 16-incb stem. Three automobiles bearing Portland people followed, including The Oregonian car, If.' "V r. . v N t at v::---'' ' Hyaa Tyee George W. Allea, f the Seattle Potlaeh. owned, however, by Mrs. G. Lancaster, of Portland, and occupied by her, Mrs. O. C. Letter and Mrs. Munro Goldstein, of Portland. They made the trip over from Portland in 1 hours, coming by way of Vancouver, Kalama, Olympia and Tacoma by the Pacific Highway, the road being in fine condition. Rosarians Warmly Greeted. Reaching Seattle on their special train, the Rosarians were met by Joseph Blethen, president of the Pot latch and a committee. They were formed In line and marched through the depot to the streets, being "movled" as they did so by an operator In the employ of the Melvln G. Wlnstock Com pany. Outside the depot tney . were halted and photographed by an Orego nlan photographer. They then started for the Press Club, led by a hand. - The women of the party were driven in au tomobiles to the club where DreaK fast of ham and eggs was served. It was a beautiful morning and all were happy and likewise hungry. There was fun a plenty at the table, the Rosarians giving their yells with enthusiasm making a great hit. Half an hour after the Portlanders were seated the Spokane bunch headed by Miss Spokane, otherwise Miss Margaret Motie marched in. ' ' "S-P-O-K-A-N-E It's the Indian," veiled the Rosarians, thus saluting their friends from east of the rooun tains. ' "We thank you." Spokane shouted back. During the breakfast, Charles Berg, field marshal, sold his ham to a hungry friend for 10 cents. Senator Joseph at first said he would not eat ham, but he changed his mind and ate it. - tne Rosarians srreatly amused the " Seattle newspaper bunch and the - officials of the Potlatch by yelling "we want water." during the breakfast. "How thirsty we are." was another yell that brought laughter even' time. After breakfast the bunch marched to the Seattle Hotel, their headquarters where they registered and laid in wait for lunch. There was a general round of fun at the hotel, yells being given constantly and new friends being made by the Rosarians. uuring tne mncneon at the Seattle grill, the gang sang its sones and gave its yells. "Who runs this placer' They shouted, and then answered their own question. Dickinson Where's-he from? Whv. Portland. During this stay at the hotel. Crown Prince Bristol assisted by lieorge jm. Hyland auctioned off a bunch of tickets for the benefit to a ennoren s nome ana got $12 after which he returned the tickets to the bashful young girl who had been so suddenly taken by surprise. Admiral Reynolds Give Dinner. Tonight the Rosarians are having fun about town. Some will return late to night to Portland, while others will remain. Rear-Admiral Reynolds gave a dinner party tonight at which John H. Burgard. Russell Hawkins, J. H. Mc Cool. K. K. Kubll and Postmaster Charles B. Merrick, of Portland, were guests. The women of the Portland party were Mrs. Charles B. Merrick. Mrs. Charles F. Berg. Mrs. George L. Hutchin. Mrs. Frank McCrlllls. Mrs. Robert G. Morrow, Mrs. D. M. MoBes sohn. Mrs. T. J. Seufert, Mrs. W. H. Upson. Ma. C. C. Craig. Mrs. George W. Joseph. Mrs. Frank Bollam, Mrs. O. C. Leiter. Mrs. Munro Goldstein. Mrs. G. Lancaster and Mrs. F. D. Hennessy. Aside from the Rosarians other Port landers seen here today were: K. K. Kubll. John H. 'Burgard. Russell Haw kins. Harvey Beckwith, W. C. Norrth, J. H. McCool, Frank T. Hennessy, Frank Bollam. Frank T. Collier. Mr. Collier admitted that he is . on his honeymoon. The Rosarians will be the guests of the Seattle Ad Club at luncheon to morrow noon. IKS IS T. R. Supporters Demand That Senator Resign. TELEGRAM SIGNED BY 40 LINES TO BE SEGREGATED (Continued from First Page.) elates, has just been completed. The property will be taken over by the Southern Pacific and electrified as fast as practicable. Then It will become a part of the Portland. Eugene East ern and its management will be com bined with that of the other electric lines. - . i Brilliant speakers at the Armory tonighv tPaid adv.) . . Members Declare Californlan, if Out . of Sympathy With Those Who Elected "Him, Should GIto . Way to Another. LOS : ANGELES, - July : 17. Be cause of his - criticism of the 'proposed new "Progressive party," as set ooit in a statement Issued by him in Wash- ington two days ago. United States Senator Works was asked today to ' resign by Lieutenant-Governor Wallace. - Meyer . Lissner, - chairman of the State Republican Central Com mittee, and other prominent supporters of Roosevelt. The suggestion that the Senator resign was contained in a tele gram dispatched to Mr Works In Washington. . The telegram, which was signed by 40 Progressives, including a number of Assemblymen and State Senators who helped to elect Mr. Works as Senator, read as follows: "We feel tHat your statement given publicity through reactionary news papers was unnecessary, unwise, based upon lack of information and in certain of its conclusions, false. Because of the fact that you owe your place in the United States Senate to the support you received from the Progressive Re publican voters of California, it ill be comes vou. either to scold or to criti cise them for their determination to carry forward the fight along tste only lines open to them unaer tne law. "Due to the fact that you are re puted to represent in the United States Senate the cause lor wnicn we nave contended so successfully In California, your criticism can have no other ef fect than to unfairly injure the very movement that you were chosen to foster and promote. To employ the same line of reasoning that you use in vour statement, we feel that if you are out of harmony with the progres sive sentiment in California that gave you a-majority of the votes cast In the Republican primaries two years urn and can no longer work in har mony with that sentiment. Then it is your duty to resign ana come uunie, iu the end that some one may be chosen who will act in harmony with the pro gressive sentiment of the greatly pre ponderating masses or regiaierevi re publican voters in California." Senator Will Jfot Resign. WASHINGTON. July 17. "1 sball not resign, said senator vvorKs, wnen asked what he meant to do about the telegram from California 'Progressives. "Why should I? These people are not even members of the Republican party they have no right to ask my resig nation." - Mr. Works said he had telegraphed the signers that he would write them. Noted Irish Leader Coming. PHILADELPHIA. July 17. Michael J. Ryan, president of the United Irish League of America, has issued the call for the sixth biennial convention ot Ijanvblfe Q). REMOVAL SALE Every Article Reduced Dainty Tea Aprons as Illustrated That Sell Regularly at 75c to $1.00 Final Price 39c It is an extraordinary thing this sale as the qualities and the styles are worth far more than the price we are asking, but, like everything else, they must go, and go quickly, and in order to do this we give them to you far below regular. They are made of a fine sheer material, cut in round shapes with scalloped edges and dainty sprays of embroidery. Some are embroidered in pink and blue, but most of them are all white. Some are in sewing pocket style and others with a small side pocket We also include some dainty aprons trimmed with lace and insertion in pretty, attractive patterns. All these aprons are new and shown for the first time. that organization to meet In Philadel phia, on September 23 to 26. William H. K. Redmond. M. P.. brother of the Irish leader, will attend as the repre sentative of the Irish Parliamentary party. Deposit Ordinance Up Today. The proposed city ordinance, intro duced by Councilman Clyde, giving the (.r'a novmieBlnn trt niihlic service cor porations to exact deposits from pa trons and compelling liie cwrpuranuiiB to pay Interest on these deposits, will come before the judiciary and industry nnn,mittaR nf the Cltv Council today. These committees will meet in joint session at i:au o ciock mis aiieruuuu. Another proposed ordinance Is that making the minimum rate for gas and electricity 60 cents a month. Still an- rem B" h jsssf? 1 II IWllll iiisiiiti lililf Physicians Agree On Internal Baths The most enlightened physicians. In cluding many of the greatest special ists, ar recommending and prescribing the use of the J. B. L. Cascade, Nature's own Cure for Constipation. "' It keeps the lower intestine sweet and- clean and eliminates all poisons i the waste which It contains. ; Otherwise these poisons are distrib uted throughout the body; this weak- ens the whole system, makes us dull and bilious, and even brings on seri ous complaints. .. - - - The J. B. L. Cascade clears the colon of all waste, and is shown by Weodard, Clarke C Portlaaa. . . Ask for booklet, "Why Man of To day Is Only SO Efficient". . -:.. ill": in The New Home of the Tonseth $1.00 Box ilfillll ilitl in in orvsetk . r Phones: Main 5102 and A 1102. frvv: rrr? .-- -, -r. ? P fef3 5 t i'VH ii 8&. 3 x 4. j3t 5,W,... , J AUTO ROAD TO CRYSTAL SPRINGS Crystal Springs, Washington Co., Or., is 40 miles west of Portland. Good, road all the way. Privileges, $1.00 per week ; good fishing and hunting, good camp ' grounds, free from dust, elevation 1500 feet ; pure air tempered with sea breezes, mountain streams and springs, fine scenery. Directions Go to Forest Grove, thence on McMinnville road to Scroggins Valley, , thence up -valley to -destination, Crystal Springs. All signs on road, or drop a postal to owner. , ' PEERY-ELLIS, BOX 155, FOREST GROVT other is that by Councilman Joy to compel the prompt installation of tele phones in the suburbs. Stomach Trouble of 12 Years' Standing Gives Way to Duffy's ra3 zzz tliT , MR. FRED F. ZINK. Mrs. Fred F. Zink, 2228 Saratoga St., New Orleans, La., writes of the great good done her husband: "My husband suffered with stomaci trouble for over 12 years, during which time he doctored with three Unctors who gave him no relief. He kpt growing worse, had to be very careful as to what he ate, as things always soured on his stomach, but, thank God, after taking three bottles of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey he was entirely cured. He still takes it as a tonic and we would never be without it. He nr.v looks fine and weighs ISO pounds. I can hightly recommend It to any one afflicted with stomach trouble.'1 Duffy's Pure fcfeit Whiskey Kew diseases inflict upon their vlr tlms greater suffering than do dyspep sia. Indigestion and other stomacii troubles. If you have dyspepsia or in digestion in any form you should use Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Its aclion Is most natural. When taken at meal time It stimulates the mucous surfaces and little glands of the stomach to a healthy action, thereby Improving the digestion and assimilation of the food and giving to the system Its full p;o portion of nourishment. Sold In sealed bottles only by drug gists, grocers and dealers, or direct, $1.00 a large bottle. Be snre yon Sfet Duffy' and that the seal over the cork is intact. Our doctors will send you advice free, together with a valuable medical booklet on application. The Duffy Malt AVblskry Co Rorhee- . ter, N. V. vou Ti 9 p Look at all water heaters, before ' buy any, and decide which will furnish most not water year-in, year-out, at the very least cost. The PEERLESS Water Heater End, AU Your Hot Watmr Troubhm Cheapest of all to buy costs less to use. The only water heater that produces clean, clear, fresh, hot water. Always ready tor Instant use, day or night, Bummer or Winter as much as you want. No colls or dead arms tooolleot ttii sediment or clog. Guaranteed permanent as good In 10 years as when Installed. Ask; your Plumber or Dealer to show you and explain bow the guaran teed Pmmrlamm works, then ask the price then you'll purchase. Write for Free PmrU Book. Peerless Heater Company, Chicago 1