FOR RENT. Uouaes. mil n T fi-room modern house, new. k. nvmr hn livsd in. furnace, fire- p'ace, f fci and electricity, bullt-ln book case and buffet; n block to car; sur rounded by beautiful homes; rent 35 per month; w.n lease w.rn pri.csw Ing If desired. Ask for Mrs. Olt. 40 4th t. Mam .. THREE aewlv built eight -room modern houifi in Leureihurst wiirbe rented to desirable tenants on laroraDie terms. Ap ply to WILLIAM H. ST DONALD. Hoom 4k4 Gerllnser faidg. 7-BOOM modem house wlthtn 2 blocks of Irvingion Tenn's Club; carpets upstairs, linoleum on bathroom and kitchen, fas stove and heater. S4 5 per month. X3 X PiI.MKH-JOXF.5 CO.. 404 Wilcox" BItig. Phone M. A 2K v.-.u ti EXT 171 East 7th st- N.. between and East irvlr.s sts.. Holladay iiiImi- A.rnnm modem house, eood con dition; accessible to several carlines; rent g:iO Lai. p K- a unofQ. ruvu Wi llis!! 4547. a. r,r.-.r mair hniia. with nlra TAfd. OQ artier E. Sib and C'aruthers its., near In- man Poulsen Mill: 2d per month. H P. Pairoer-Jones Co.. 44 Wlicoi bidg-. Phones Main S.r0. A ..'' 3. i.HoOM cottage at 467 Market su, near tarh st.. S ner month. H. P. Palmar- Jones Co.. 404 Wilcox bidg. Phone Mam Wi. A ; i MONTH Good "-room house; bath, basement, electric lights, corner lot. on East 15th il North. E. J. G-iser, 4-0 Chamber of Commerce. Phone M HOL IES AND F LA 1 S r OK x.&.. K. N. TCKFOKD A CO.. 4-7 SpaltlSr.g Bid?. Marshall 4'f. A 4 .Mo. HOfsES, tlSia, in all parts of the city. Se " THE FRED A JACOBS CO tiAi.n Washtcton St. A 6-7. WE have houses for rent ana nouse ir ale. o. 7 and rooms. Dross Construc tion Co.. 3l Mohawk bid. Phone Main bi;2. FOR RENT Six-room cottage, modern, be tween Third and Union ave.. on Conch sc rent Including water. 'Inquire 1"3 Fourth st. FOR RENT New 8 -room bungalow. Laurel hurst, two blocks to car. Just completed; all modern conveniences; low rent to res ponsible party. 30 Couch hldg i fIVI-TES" WALK TO P. O. Cotta'ge. 4 rooms and bath, fronting on park b.ocks; Frr-1 V. German. 436 Cham, cf Com. M. 0445. MODERN 5-room cottage, corner Union ave. and Stephens at., 4 blocks south Haw thorne ave.; $13- H'uEKX rt-room bouse, electricity and gas. East 12th st., walking distance. Inquire 3"1 DeKum bldg. 4-ROOM modern cottage. 941 E. Alder st. Inquire of (3 E. 220. East 6412- East ao. . LARGE, light 6-room houM. attic, trays. M tn S";ts. Ky e E. 17th st.. mornings. MODERN 6-roum bouse on two carlines; low rent. Inquire at 110 C. of C. bldg. 6-ROOM house. 54S 5th St.. near College. Call 42 N. 0ih st. NICE 8-room modern house, nice yard. 173 East 23d. cor. YamhilL Phone East 5S49. IN Irvliixton: new modern 6-room house East 64."3. 6-ROOM bungalow, new. modern, near 37th and Hawthorne. Owner, A 731& FOR RENT 7 -room house. 104 E. 11th St.. n e ar E. Washington. TeL Sell wood 1754. 6-ROOM modern cottaKe, large attic, full basement- 49 Guild si. Marshall 4GUS. Fixrn labed Houses. VERT nicely furnished S-room house, in bent section of central East Portland, beautiful lawn Uuxlif 5 sleeping rooms, living-room about 16x3!) with fireplace; every modern convenience and 1st class i every respect; walking distance, X blocks from Morrison carline; best of references required. Phone East !!&. mornings. OX Willamette Heights, beautifully fur nished 7-room house tor rent six months or year; modern, with garage; 65. Main S4H0. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house with pi; no ami sewing machine in Nob Hill dlsirtt t, for rent at once. 701 Kearney su A 7742. 23d car. MODERN -room house. with sleeping porch, in Irvlnjrton. on Broadway, for one month. AN l,Oregonian. 6-ROOM furnished house f"r rent. Fine location and cheap rent. 7M East Taylor strt. 5 ROOMS, nlceiy furnished, airy, light rooms, piano. 4 Vock from WasMnKion sc. comer -1st. Glisan; rent $3. FURNISHED house to rnt. Suiinyside. $25 per month. Inquire Calumet Hotel, Main 730 or Home A fH'.i. five larae. airy rooms, completely tar- nirhed . modern upper flat. Call evenings after 6. 710 S Kearney, corner 2-'n. IR VI VGTON Nicely furnished 5-room bun galow, sleeping porch, piano. 787 Mult- mvnsfiMEl.T furnished Irvinffton home, 7 rooms and sleeping porch; references. East ly3S- FURNISHED borne for rent for Summer; six rooms, sleeping porch, modern; $30. Call 12S4 East tith st. North after 5 P. M. FOR RENT Four-roora furnished cottage, 1U45 East Grant st. . WEST SIDE Seven-room house, furnished complete porcn ana grnuiiua. FURNISHED 7-r'om shall 3415, or call house. Phone Max it 5ti.i Fifth st. RENT Furnished house cheap, nice yard, garage, close in. Main 1254. NEW fi-roora mojfrn, nw;y. completely fur nished flat. 572 Mill. Main 114 47. 7-ROOM furnished house, piano; $-5 month. 12&8 East Yamhill. Hall Main rOS. Hoturf-s for Rent. Furniture for Sale. 9 Ht'SEKUKl'IXO rooms, paying J21 above rent. leaving two rooms for owner; cheap If taken this week. 447 Sth F U RNITURE. rooms. $200 : rent $20 ; 5 minutes ptwtoffke. or will reserve part of furniture. Main 1 12- FL'R.MTIT.n of S r.iotns, including a pian at a ?a-nnce if sold before the 25th. lol? E. 18th N. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, furniture fr sle; must be fevn to be appreciated. I hone Tabor 34t.U FURNITURE of 7-room fli at on-'e. cheap ; incume 3U N. 13th st t must be sold $5; rent $3U 7-ROOM flat, sleeping porch. Main 664. Park street. NEW 5-room cottar on North Beach, neat, cosy and convenient, rhone C 2927. FURNITURE jshv cheap. 3-room apt. ."45 Love jo v st. Ai't. S- Uiine A HOii. Fl RNITi fr yal 'RE for .$LV fi. e-room .modern house "' Hassalo st. Smnnirr Ke'Htrta. BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE. We offer a new bungalow, completely furnished, and three-quarters cf an acre of cround, cles to Willamette River and i ear the eiectric line, oniv 3') minutes to the city, all for $J. $500 cash and good terms on the hsl:ine; remember, homes on the Willamette River are scarce and very hlph; this is an exceptional op portunity and all good. Th-re la hot and cold water and the t nr. is all oak. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO.. Room 51S. Oregouiifcn lihig. V A NICE SIMMER OUT1NO. With Pigeon Springs has good hotel, csmplnr privileges Including use of min eral water and wood free. Our object is to have vou visit this wonderful spring and be convinced of its merits. Call at Fkidnrnre Dru Co., S. 151 3d St., and get descriptive folder free. For further par ticulars call Mafn 2ti32. SEA VI KW. 7-twom completely furnished house. In cluding piano. 1 block from beach, Jawa, shade trees, running water. H. P. PALMER-JOXES CO. 44 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 8699. A SS3 FOR KENT ft-roora furnished cottage at Seaside: for the season. Main (J015. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 24S Alccr St. FOR RENT Until August 1. small, com pletely furnished cottage at Long Beach. Wash. Thone Marshall 2747. -ROOM modern cottage electric lights, hot and coll water, close to board walk and overlooking ocean. A 7330. ONE 5-room cottage at Long Beach, Wash., to rent for the season: will accommodate six or seven people. K 220, Oregonlan. 6EASIDE Beach front furnished cottages, electric lights, city water. Phone Eist FURNISHED mountain cabin on Salmon river, near wrtche's hotel; flne fishing. Phone Woodlawn 2tkS. SEASIDE cnttaee. furnished, good location, near ocean. Inquire 169 Sd st. GE A RH ART. 6-room house, furnished, rea sonable. Phone A 4552. GEAR HART Six rooms, furnished, by the week, month or season. Woodlawn 559. FIVE-ROOM cottage at Beach Center. Long Beach. Phone Marshall 2313. 5SI 3d sL FOR RENT Four-room furnished cottage, 1-ong Beach. Wash. Main 152: 6-ROOM house, completely furnished, at Loa Batch, Main $M4. , THE MORNING OREGOyiAN, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1913- ; 17 1 I - I .rcrvirc n-n-rrrvmr F " SPECIAL NOTICES. f FINANCIAL. PERSONAL. . I 1- I1K KXaS.. I, . - I I 1 L . I T n R.n Vmmt I - I Summer Ksorta. SEASIDE, 5-room cottage. 670, balance sea son. A IJd'J. n-no r rvT.iiory brier store building. jioM. 44-46 1st sc. Portland, between Pine and Ash sts.; 50 feet frontage, 100 feet deep, fine location, inqum - beriain. Labbe bidg- STORES for all kinds of business la parts of the city. n THE FRED A JACOBS CO.. Main CSuO. 20i Washgton st. A 6267. STOKES, suitable for grocery, confectionery, vii-nvs -r in v other enterprise; cor. Mtl- . waukie and Bismarck; living-room in rear of upstairs, inquire 4U waanington irria xjc-v-t Stores. No. 24S ana aoo aw t.iort.e ave., east end of bridge. Apply - Hawthorne rock Co. Phone East 20. cno urvT Part of store SDace 123t45 feet no better location in city. Address, stating line of business, y iox, uregonmn. WAREHOUSE space for rent In concrete building on R. R. switch. Apply Portland nvp unronvim HA and Salmon sts. In quire Marion F- Dolph. .317 Mohawk bldg. Ri:iLDIT,Sl STORES! LOFTS! W. H. WEBB. 401 Yeon bldg. Main 4911, RRE ftfp T.IST OP STORES. Terrr & Harris, 904 Yeon bldg. Main 8387. Offices. FOR RENT to lawyer, private office and half reception-room, with phone nd stenographer; flne building In best "oca- tion. U uregonian vrtrt rpvt Artm in Stearns building, suitably for musical studios, sample sales rooms, architect's office, etc xnquire w fice Sherman, Clay jfc t-O. i FURNISHED offices for rent, with phone and clerk services, etc.; aiso aesa room. 728 Chamber of Commerce. U f)ST Mntnltv lru-atpH Offlcea all-niKh elevator iprvirs. aua bweiiviu and Washington. UE.'K room in light, airy office; all con veniences. 512 Lewis Ding. FOR RENT Desk room, both phone. K- Moore, 517 Board of lraue. LARGE room, xdesk, typewriter, etc Howe Davis Co.. Ill Second st. BUSINESS OPPORTCN1TTES. tiL-cTii-tJivT in baaH intalltv. rent $65, doing over J30 per rtay; can oe run w.u tbr.e as help; just the thing for man and ife; JlQoO cash, 61100 terms; this Is a winner; investigate. Restaurant tor sale, doing good Dual ress, $1000 cash. J 226. Oregonlan. 1 HAVE a growing business that Is getting too large lor my lacmties. umfp nt a hiffh.rrariA business man to help me interest new capital. My business will attract ins most contjrYii'c. not answer unless you have ability and experience in this line, AN 214. Oregonlan. TV A VTPO. Partner to take half Interest In a light manufacturing plant; a man who can take charge of an office and manage men; sai- rv XI -Jr. tier montn. iviliney ct -J lher. 531-2 Lumber Exchange bidg. WE have an established printing business at a bargain; owner must cnange .of-- thi. orin hflr full Invest! cation, especially bj anyone conversant with the business; have a good lease. Stark street. ,'i . i " VTr v uiiTPi, AT SACRIFICE. For quick sale will give bargain In country hotel with bar. Showing large profits. Live town near Portland. S.toOU cash will handle. Best reason lor seuing. A V 471. Oregonlan. EMPLOYMENT office wants partner to tube nr .-jx nrtrt (t 11 rasUler: ID IS DUS1' ness has always paid no less than 1500 every month over ail expenses. num ber Exchange. . FREE KENT. FREE LIGHT. FREE WATER. Will sell lunch at and In Wash in g ton -st. corner saloon at cost of fixtures and stock; rioinc good business. W. H. WEBB. YEON BLDG. MAIN 4913 CIGAR store, exceptionally well located for first-class trade, growing cusinesr". yei fi months' lease; rent right; $3km to turn it: deal with owner: -no agt-nte. rt Oregonlan. V ANTED Partner In Arm doing business in Portland and Seattle; .uu requirea rtivA nnrlnr will make S20O monthly we wil 1 prove this. Address AB 214. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT I hold mortgage on res taurant at 38fl Morrison St. tannoi run nin.-A a i hAvo other business and mus sell. Full equipment. Come and make proposition. MAN with $1000 can secure an intercut in business that will pay per ceni liberal salary; money secured; give phone number. AK 222, oregonlan. CIGARS, confectionery, ice cream, etcj must be sold: owner must leave state; $400 West Side; good lease. AH 269, Orego nlan. , uf -nt soil cAfwt worth nf rilt-edee securi ties, fully guaranteed by one of the Inrtre commercial houses of the City; -0 per cent, on Investment. Call East SO": WANTED First-class saw mill man who has some money to take active part and interest In A-l guaranteed prypiauiuu. J 221. Oregon tan. YOUNG hotel man. doing good business, wants a lady partner with experience; some capital necessary; write for partic ulars. Box 1144, Boise. Aaano. f PRESSING, cleaning, with fine business nriru.i .n on-ha.1f Interest for S 20: this is an ' exceptionally good one". 303 Lumber Exchange. n-v- a..,,., nf loni-lnc for Aluska must sell cftnrf-Divin shooting gallery cheap if laken at oTe; worth while looking into. 5: th st.. Astoria. c- v -r L-n v nitnl npniiated for Al DTOPO- sit ions; bonds and stock issues placed on commission. Phone for appointment. H. W. Beasiey. Portland hotel. rcEPTin'.i I. onnortunlty for man and wife in a gem of an ice cream and con fectionery parlor, witn iiviuk take but little money. 248 H bt.ark st. SEE W. W. JORDAN FOR rUSlNSSS INVESTMENTS a vn EXCHANGES. Si:iTE 61. LUMBERMENS BLDQ. to- ..A.i lAnL-itu for a dandv. small res- Wurant with 3 chairs and doing over $50 per day right now, look thia aa up. J 223, Oregonian W 1 sell S Interest in my business at a Miicrlfina: must be sold at once, as I have got to go East. Call 270 Stark at. Mr. Howard. f w t-k v -onfertloiierv. cigars, etc.. on i .-a - i 'li-lnr-rnnnn rent for all u5: Drice. 'includlng furniture. $450. 303 Lumber Exchange. MACHINE shop, will sell for less than In voice and guarantee good trade. 319 Lumb-r Exchange. R KST A I" !AN T for sale. $250; cost $'?: must be sold quick ; no agents. K 223, Ort por :an. fi piviva -works: eood location: doing good business; goo a proposition, ruuus weoaiawn A 3-CHAIR new barber shop; Washington st.; S-year lease, cheap rent; ew. otnawi, 807 Cham, of Com. FOR RENT Nicely furnished restaurant; rent $20 montn ; just acru S00 working people. 321 H Water st. MY Interest in a rapidly growing building business; ium cacn Daiwiw uu AR 21S. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted to help !n store; can clear $o5 week; requires very ntno uvu- ey. Room 3J Luntoer cxcua.Hge.- Al'TOMOBlLE business, opening for steady man. experience not. necessary; can wnu I25i month. 319 Lumber Exchange. BOAT HOUSE, with 8 launches. 20 new- row boats. 2 canoes, Miaoiiswa uumc" , terms. Apply W 217. Oregonlan. DESIRABLE 4-room corner flat, furniture fnr sale. Heat, not water, teiepuoue. xveui $32 5t. Main 63S4. flat A. GENERAL merchandise for sale, xmwu stork at discount, near fortiana, pwu u portunity. Address AV 4fi7. Oregonlan, DO you want to buy, sell or trade? If so s-e us; that is our business. The Palace Realty Co., 245 Yamhill. Main 215. irri? cat .k fjonrt nj aying candy business. good location ana lease; maso cwimc, ease; mane cana L 215, Oregonlan. Trtl! teach business. CldAR and candy store. $l2O0, trade for any good value that l can use. ouua, room 3'.'0. iiK CIGAR STORE FOR $450. I have other business; can't tend both. See owner. 4S4 Washington st. SUBURBAN grocery. In good location, will sacrifice it tan en soon, invoice bdoui $700. cheap rent. Main 517. WKI.L eaulDPed restaurant; must sell on account of sickness. con City. Or w m. K.ruger, ure- ON K-CHAIR barber shop for sale ; doing good business. H. J. Hastings, Houlton. Or. BUTCHER shop In fine East Side location for $330. SuS Lumber Exchange. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1; bring this ad. Rose City Printery. 192 3d. cor. Taylor. DOCTOR Want physician to look after practice until Oct. Call B 2412. Tabor 1562. CONFECTIONERY. Ice cream and cigar store doing good business. 5P6 Wash, st. W A.NTED Partner In beautr parlor. Call 61 S Rothchlld bldg. CLEANING, pressing and suit order $100. Don't miss It. 153 1st. SALOON FOR SALE Long lease. Indepen dent license. 146 d st. W .NTED Renter for kitchen and dining room, Allen nous hotels TUlamook, Or R. EL GOOD KIND CO. 1005-1006 Wilcox Bidg. Cor. 6th and Washington. Phone Marshall 4tfa, A 1059. Meat market 1SO0: rent $20: lease can be had; dally receipts $40, on Saturday $85; mostly all cash; located on Wust Side, good corner; here Is a good business cheap, see my agent, uuuuiunu v-u. Barber shop, $500, rent $2$, S chairs, doing good business; East Side; $250 cash will nanaie; reason ror leums, uku cj act quickly. GoodJtlnd Co. Grocery and bakery, $3500, Including building and lots. 2-story house of 6 rooms, brick oven, 12x15, located about 23 miles from Portland, doing a good busi ness, no opposition, good opening for-- a good hustler. uoocsuna to. Grocery store, near Portland Hotel, mver7 receicts $70 ner day. sell at in voice, or would consider selling Inter est, invoice about $3000. Goodkind Co. Merchant-tailoring and clothing, $3000, rent $250, lease $ years; best place on Washington at.; established 82 years; this place will bear the strictest Investigation. FuU particulars. uoooKmato. Confectionery, cigars. p-joI, lolge and dance hall, located 10 miles from Port land, rent onlv S25 Per monLh. good lease; landlord owns fixtures, stock runs about $1200; will inv. ana juu iw swu will. Guaranteed to clear $150 per month. Goodkind Co. IJvsrv and feed stable. $2500. rent $60. lease 6 years, located a short -distance from Portland; 6 horses, 8 buggies, $ sur reys, 1 hack, 1 wagon, doing a good busi ness; uo you want a guuu wuwubm uca Goodkind Co.. Wilcox Plug. Saloon, Independent license. right in heart of city, receipts $50 per day; good lease, cheap rent; one of the" best. Price $ 50 0. First time on market. Goodkind Co. $ pool tables, 3 long benches, $ big electric fixtures, one cash register, cost $600: eaultv $250: will take $125. Balance easy payments, move them any whet e. Particulars Goodkind Co. . Hotel. 17 furnished rooms, $700; rent xzo; carpets, iurniturs goou, umj uwin town, located between Pendleton and Wal la Walla; $350 cash, balance on easy terms; here is a snap for someone; act quickly If yoa want It. Qoodklnd Co. $1000 buys interest in livery and boarding stable, rent $115, good lease, clears good money, located on West Side, close In, 11 horses, 1 buggy. 15 steady boarders ; reason for selling, party has larger interest to attend to. Goodkind Co. Bakery and confectionery; $6500; rent $75; good long lease can be had; daily re ceipts $50 to $60; established 21 years; best paying business in the Northwest; located in country town of 15,000 popula tion. Goodkind Co. 'Wood and coal, $3200; rent $30 year; lease 6 years; located a short distance from Portland; 6 wagons, 6 horses, do ing a good business; about 200 cords of wood on hand; investigate this if you w ant something good. Goodkind Co. Grocery, $5000, or invoice, net rent $25, lease 2 years, daily receipts $125, all cash trade, no credit, located on East Side; books are open to Inspection to anyone meaning business; this is the best buy in city. Full particulars. Goodkind Co. WE HXVE SOLD OTHER PLACES, WHY NOT YOURS? SEE GOODKIND CO., INC 1005-1006 WILCOX BLDG. WANTED Able physician and surgeon (Oregon license). Opportunity oi uieuiu for right man; must be of neat address, about 35 years old and a hustler; no other need answer. Town of 1500 peopis in Eastern - Oregon; no better field; no salary proposition, it's up to you to make Eood: state particulars and give refer ences in first letter. AV 476. Oregonlan. STELWYN APTS.. St. Clair and Washington Sts. FOR HAT.K AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS, Must sell on account of other business Interests the best paying, most centranj located automobile business In the city; Anil- tennn r.,MirU tn hand 1 this busi ness; one-half cash; liberal terms on bal ance; present owner will remain with pur chaser long enough "to teach business if aesirea. ir you are jooaing tor substantial, well established business it will pay you to look this up. For full particulars, address AB liis. uresum. AUTOMOBILE AGENTS 1 want local agents In every county in uregon handle a popular-priced line of automo biles; a good name and reputation for in tegrity counts more with us than money or experience; if you have $475 and can furnish bond, you can procure the agency for our high-grade car and we will furnish you with demonstrator. For full particu lars address AR, 21g Oregonlan. A GOOD business chance for a man with ah tv. with ti nn-r sotMi casn. to pur chase Interest In good paying mercantile business, all well established and on good paying basis, but figuring on increasing business, by opening two more stores in different parts of the city . Party must give their entire time and reference. WE MEAN BUSINESS. N 22L Oregonian, rat nnv: RiRP.AlN' This Is a first-class bar in the heart of the down-town business district; tive-year lease, stock, fixtures and Independent li cense. Will consider trade for inside property. Price $t5U0. FRANK JOHNSTONr Room 202 Milton Hotel. FOR SALE Grocery business in one of the best corners on the West Side, excep tfonally good location and permanent bust ness already established; present owner owns building and will give lease to re nonalhlo nartv- stnrlr nnH fixtures re quire about $3500. Telephone Marshall 1231 or address AO 22-", oregonian. A PARTNER wanted to take interest in established business: no experience re quired, but must be energetic; can realise $150 and up per month each; must be re liable ana devote nts time; ousiness can be doubled In short time; amount required $.i00, money secured; will stand investi gating. Address M 218, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT owner does tne cuuuu- and cant depend on his casnier; wants inter ested partner to take his place; he will pay you no less than $25 week besides your board; it doesn't take much of an investment. 323 Lumber exchange. LIGHT groceries, delicatessen, cigars, con- iectioncry. ice cream, soil orinKs anu bskery goods; location very good with pienty or traae: tnree iiving-rooms: rem fnr all, $25; 3 years' lease; price $650. &oS Lumber Exchange. AN exceptional opportunity for trustworthy man, ana iau can secure naif interest 111 established business; no experience re quired; must be reliable and honest; money secured; guarantee $30 a week; will stand investigation, t 212. oregonian. REAL ESTATE man that la doing a goad ousiness ana can t be in the otiice and outside showing customers property at tne same time wants a sober man partner; you can make at least $150 montn. 373 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Salesman with $1000 or $2000 to handle outside with light manufacturing and repair business; salary attached. The Ames Investment Co.. 416 Abington bldg.. Portland. Oregon. Phoney Main 5!'S. FOR SALE OR TRADE. A cigar, confectionery and Ice cream stand, fine jocatlon, must be sold to sat isfy creditors; come after o'clock this morning and get a snap. 415 N 24th. FOR SALE Sawmill. 35,000 capacity, nine miles west or Eugene, along new railroad, at your own price. Address M. Vernon Parsons, trustee, Eugene, Or. FURNITURE of 18 rooms, with 1 years' lease; rooms full, income over t-00 mo. Price $1000; $700 will swing it. 3U3 Lum ber Exchange. rroUNO man with $500 can secure an in terest with us that pay oO per cent and liberal salary ; money secured ; give phone niimber. AS 225. Oregonlan. IF YOU have money in bank earning only 4 per cent annum, 1 can piace it saxeiy and make you six times that rate. 231 FUedner bldg. Main 6239. CONTROLLING Interest in $10,000 corpora tion; long estaDiisnea in tnis city; carries a salary of $150 monthly; $5200 required. 24SH Stark St. OPPORTUNITY for energetic man; mostly outside work and can clear JlaO month; requires very 11 ttle money. Room 319 Lumber Exchange, cor. 2d and Stark sta FOR SALE: Printing business, established i03, cylinder and piaten presses, oest paylng plant In city for money invested. Must be sold at once. G 223, Oregonlan. SMALL cash store, with 4 living rooms and paying $200 month over all expenses, can be bought at Invoice, as owner has two places; no bonus. $2$ Lumber Exchange. WANTED Man with $1000 to join me In safe investment : will double quicK ; no partnerahlp scheme. A 246, Oregonlan. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Abington. YOUNG man to take half interest in gro cery; bfcst location in roriiana; invoice about J4000. AN 225. Oregonian. FINE cigar store, choice location; caters "to best traae, in one 01 t. neater ouiiaings; price $1100. Stark st. CONFECTIONERY, $2500 Fine business. almost no expense; it in teres tea, examine thia A H 271. Oregonlan. YOUNG man has $300 to invest with serv ices; good on ice roan, wdii oki you to otter? B 245. Oregonian. TWO cigar and confectionery stores on Wash. St., o ana -w. wo miuoei Exchange. RESTAURANT Good location; lease; re ceipts ii aay; jjw, icim -o, v- goni; GOOD laundry buiMing. will lease for term Oi years ia ucaiirn. o. RESTAURANT, on Washington. $1200; $500 cash, oaianc w sua mctumau. dentists WANTED New location, " new mvsA n n,.)lA nhtnCA of OOTOSi tinn In .nilhll.t nart of thA CitV I graild opening for some bright young man; take tne w . w. car to me ena wi me East 46th and 60th ave S. E., and apply in drug store, Woodstock, or the National Tiealtv and Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce ACTIVE PARTNER WANTED with $1000 for moving-picture feature film business ; a traveling enterprise that makes from $600 to $1VOO a month clear prom.; prvv it ion imnossible for one to handle alone party must furnish good references. Ap ply room aiu, .piaciLgiuiiB CONFECTIONERY. Ice cream, light gro ceries, etc This store will make yonr living and SI 10 month besides to put in the bank. Can try it before buying. 819 Lumber Exchange, cor. 3d and Stark sts. BUSINESS OPPORTU N ITIKS W ANTED. WANTED Location for drug store in Washington, Belfry Drug Co., Belfry, Mont. ROOMING-HOUSES. WHIT REAT, MONEY WILL DO. rooms, rierhr In the heart of th West Side business district; steam heat. prvt ikx than $5 a room, with lease furniture hardwood and plenty of It; one of the well-known places going at a Mtiti on the. dollar of Its former price An fanna fnr S'OOrt chHDr for all CUh. Right party can clear up $2000 here in 4 montns; no inwo. O. C. R- ELLIS & CO., 609-510 Wilcox Bldg. . nxsv. at i? f't noon PLACE. . 47 ROOMS, business district, well furnished, 1-3 is in housekeeping suites with hot and cold water and private baths, rooms all on one floor, rent ONLY $110; lease 8 years; some cash and some city property will put you in; can give you a bargain on this, and it Is good for $150 clear money every montn. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 609-510 Wilcox Bldg. VTPE TJTTLE BUY. 18 ROOMS, in business block, all house keeping; all on one floor; Brussels car pets, iron beds, gas and electric lights: rent only $70. with lease. Here is a good little proposition paying $100 a month over all expenses. Price $1500, half cash or cheap lot ana some casn win nanuie iu O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 509-510 Wilcox Bldg. fiWEI.T. PTjirFL CHOICE LOCATION. 9fl RHftus nar 20th vand Washington, furnished In MAHOGANY, quartered OAK and B. E. MAPLE. x. B. carpets; mm ern house; the cheapest rent, location considered. In the city; $76, lease I years. Price ONLY $1650, nan wnat it soia iui a year ago. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 509-510 Wilcox Bldg. MUST SELL MAKE OFFER, li mom heautlful. close in. West Side, corner; large yard, with shade trees; house Is modern and has fine furniture; owner forced to leave city at once and will sell for one-half what It cost to furnish. Price $600, one-half cash, or maite a casn uu. a any reasonable orrer gets it- n H. E. JAMES CO.. 88 10th St. tNear Stark.) $1000 CASH, V Ci T TPQT A TV. lIMKk WTT-T, BUY 38 ROOMS, only 4 blocks from this of fice, furniture and carpets gooa, heat, does a good transient business and clears $200 over ALL EXPENSES every month. Call Monday to see tma. O. C. R, ELLIS & CO.. 509-610 Wilcox Bldg. 65-ROOM hotel in a splendid growing town. In ronnec.tlon total receiuis u"cr $.1000 per month; clearing over $300 per montn ; noiei tun an Ljia niture, leas, bar fixtures and stock will be sold very cheap. AV 470, Oregonian. ROOMING HOUSE BARGAIN Biggest snap. 74-room brick rooming nouse, nice furniture, worth $10,000, for $5500; $1500 to $2000 down, balance time; location Watihinc-ton St.. close in; no trades. A. E. Poulsen, 41S Railway Exchange. MARY E. LENT CO.. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. HOTELS ROOMING APARTMENT- . HOUSES. All sizes and prices. R22-4 Falling bldg., 3d and Washington. Br rai.R or trade, dirt cheap. 36 rooms, rent $45; this house taken on mortgage and we have no use ior 11, so you ret a real bargain. What have you 7 Phone Marshall 4265 or call 345 1st st. KAPRTFTCE. 10-room rooming-house, lease, cheap rent, on Washington st. Call at once, 140 Fourth st., corner Alder. Price $.350, $100 cash. BEST small rooming-house In the city, 9 rooms all full, good income; the very best of furniture and a good hom-; price reasonable. Call A- f 4 f. irrm t .v. a SE A strictly modern rooming house of 21 rooms now under construction at Salem; will be finisnea August 10. au diess J. H: Lauterman, Salern for kale: Nine housekeeping rooms, all rented; house pays expenses and good liv ing; rent $40. 274 1411 IXST A3fD FOUND. LOST Lady's gold watch and pin engraved "R. Probably Iobi on Sixth st. between Pine and Morrison, about 6 P. M .Tuesday. Liberal reward If returned to Miss Rose Cully, care Western Hardware &, Auto Surolv Co.. 7th and Pine sts. Phone Main 8828 or A-2016 FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wnojesaie prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day; we aio renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metrger, 22b-. Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374. LOST On St. Helens road, a black and white hat with green pompom. Will per son finding It please phone to King & Co., 855 Alder st. and they will send for It. r.nsT At Hoffman", brown seal nurse, con taininar turquoise riDg, Elks pin. little money. Reward If returned to i07 Couch bldg. LOST Scotch collie dog, sable and white, answers to name Cullle ; reward. Main 2544. LOST A canary bird In Ladd's Addition, e!low body, with dark topknot. Reward. f09 Elliott ave. LOST An alredale dog. 5 months old. An swers to name "Sandy." Address or call at 400 E. 22d North; reward. LOST Lady's gold watch, lady Hamilton, with initials M. C. on case. Return to Oregonlan. Reward. LOST Key ring containing 7 to 12 keys. Finder please return to Oregonian and receive reward. LOST Gold cuffbutton made from $5 gold piece; enameled letter J. Telephone Main 432. LOST Gold fob. German 20-mark with D. W. A. monogram ; libera! reward. P. W. White. Milwaukie, Route 2. box 262. LOST Brown coat sleeve in Corbett bldg; return to J. Pollvka & Co., Corbett bldg.; reward. , . LOST Cuff button. Tuesday, initial Ed.; re ward. Phone Marshall 701- LOST Black and white female fox terrier, name "Babe"; reward. Call 170 17th sL SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. THE undersigned will receive sealed bids for a stock or naraware located at uranis Pass, Oregon, formerly belonging to the Coron-Booth Hardware Co. and consisting of paints, brushes and glass, graniteware and tinware, stoves and ranges, general hardware and tools, plumbing goods and supplies of the inventory valuation of $9246.64, together with shop and store tools of $393.$5 and store furniture und fixtures of $5075.20, up to 13 o'clock noon of Friday, August 2, 1912. Terms cash and a certified check for ten per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and property may be inspected at Grants rass. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 17th day of July, 1912. R. L. SAB IN, No. 7 First Street. IN the District Court of the United States for the District or Oregon in tne matter of the Ross Company, bankrupt, I will receive sealed bids for a stock of mer chandise pertaining to this estate con sisting of hardware, building material, paints, etc, of the inventory valuation of $6573.49, together with fixtures amount ing to $S50.85, located at No. 87 Grand avenue. Portland. Or., up to 32 o'clock noon, of Wednesday, July 24. 1912. Terms cash and a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accom pany each bid. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock may be Inspected during business hours. Sale Is made sub ject to confirmation by the court. Dated at Portland. Or., this 13th day of July. 1912. R L. SAB IN. Trustee, 7 First St. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTORS. Kotlee Is herebv riven that the under signed have been duly appointed by the County Court of Multnomah County. Ore gon, joint executors of the Last Will a.d Testament of Rachel L. Hawthorne, de ceased. Therefore all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to the under signed at the office of Wm. D. Fenton, Nos. 609-614 Fenton building, Portland, Oregon, within six montns irom xne aaie ot tne xirsi publication of this notice. uateu J une so, ii S. E. JOSEPHI. L. A. LEWIS, Joint Executors Aforesaid. Date of first publication June 27. 1912. rtfjii of last publication July 25. 1912. Wm. D. Fenton. Ben C. Dey. Kennet'a I Fenton, Attorneys ior xecuiora TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Take notice that from and after this flate I shall not be responsible for any obligations incurred or contracted by my wife, Mrs. Gertrude Gerllcger, jilt her in her name or mine, tSigned) Edward E. Ger linger - . I WILL not be responsible for any- debts con tracted by anyone else but myself. Mrs. F. G. Wonder, Chicago . Costume House. ON and after July 16, George Spees will not be responsible for any bills contracted by Melly Spees. BARGES for rent capacity 400 tons. Pat tullo. 239 Sherlock bidg. Main 1410. Proposals Invited. SALE OF CITY BONDS. Dalles Citv, Oregon, hereby .calls for bids for the bonds of the city In the amount of the cost of the construction of a sewer age system, which is estimated at $90, uoo. Ponds will be in the sum -f five hun dred $50t dollars each, bearing date of July 15. 1JH2, and bearing interest at the rate of per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and interest pay able In U. S. Gold coin at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon in the City and State of New York. Thea bonds are a general obligation of Dalles City, due and payable on the 45th day of July, 1937, but Dalles ' City reserves the right to pay the bonds at the expiration of any semi-annual Interest period at any time after 20 years from the date thereof upon giving notice of such intention by publication in a news paper, printed and published and of gen eral circulation In Dalles City. Oregon, not less than twice during the month pre ceding the expiration of said semi-annual interest period, and interest thereon - cease at the semi-annual interest period next following said notice upon me la ment of principal and accrued interest to said date. Each bid must be accompanied by a cer tified cheek for not less than 6 per cent of the amount of the bid. to be forfeited in Tnin. ritv in th event said bid Is ac cepted, and the bidder shall refuse to compiere tne purcuase 01 , , ... All bids must be sealed and filed with the recorder of Dalles City on or. before 12 o'clock noon of July 29. 1912. Further particulars will be furnished upon request. , . Dated at Dallea City, Or., this. 25th day of June, 1912. GEO. F. ROSS. Recorder of Dalles City. FINANCIAL. HAVE THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS TO dd, n-iri pitt ppiIPPRTT OR WIL LAMETTE VALLEY FARMS: $1000 TO $2000. $2500 TO $:-i000. $350O TO $S000. AT CURRENT RATES. WM. C. BORCHERS, 207-20S OREGONIAN BLDG. - Mnvn TV A W AMOUNT. rnvTR a cts "vnRTftAflES. EQUITIES, CHATTELS, ANY COLLATERAL, REAL SECURITY. SPECIAL SERVICE RENDERED. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO., 1126 YEON BLDG. TELa M. 875. WE will furnish the'wnoney at a low rate of interest and save you more man me ui kerage of 2 If we do the planning and hnilritnp- for vou. It will pav to see us. U. R. Bradley Co.. Inc.. 324 Abington bldg. parw TATT FOR MORTGAGES or seller's equity in contract of sals on roal Mtatfl in wastl neion or uiesuu. . E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loana WANTED TO BUY Washougal copper stock; give numoer ot snares e,uu '"y cash nrice. Aaaresa, jr. kj. jdu v.i Fort Worth, Tex. ptwct mnrtpcfl of $1150 for two years at 8 per cent interest on reai esuic Win De.BViu . 213. oregonian : MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers equities Dougou a eaux, 1009 Spalding bldg., 3d and Wash ington. Mamw. rir nr T XT' r,ortv will loan On COUntTV OrOD' erty, or win purcnase city inori6sr o.u contracts, uarmire, in teiiing uius. MONEY to loan on first-class Portland real estate security at lowest rLs. Fliedner & Boyce. 5o3 Abington bldg. WE buy notes, contracts, mortgages 0t and necondi. equities. F. H. Lewis Co., 3 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts oougm, reo! " loans- E. B. Miller, 4io ADington wme,- WELL SECURED FIRST MORTGAGE FOR AL3. JUHJIBAiw, ova 'ffttrz slf zZ' dl-adi ir'c iwiiMSKMRNT COMPANY win sell 25 shares cheap. Marshall 778. Money to Loan Real Estate. TO LOAN AT ONCE ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. $500 for 3 years. $1000 for 3 years. $15tH for 3 yearn. f2000 for 3 yeais. 4!0 for 3 years. $15,000 for 5 years. J H. TIPTON CO.. 1108 Spalding Bidg. rv n v T r T .O A "NT $500 TO $50,000 ON CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. REASONABLE INTEREST. APPLY MR. NEELY. LOAN DEPART MENT. WARtt & YOUNGER. SUITE 426 YEON BLDG. e-rooo Tn T.OATSJ AT 6 ON PORTLAND IMPROVED PROPERTY J? OH, THREE OR FIVE YEARS. GOODSELL BROS., 433 WORCESTER BLDG. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 Pr rent on City residence " erty and Multnomah County larma EDW. P. MALL. 300 to 304 Chamber of Commerce. ON improved city property or for building purposes, J to years Lime, - ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sa- ings & ioan Assocm-nun, rt t r a vr nv T1V. AT . FSTATE. $2000. $5050. 110.000. $25,000, $50,000 or multiples, at t to per c-uu MALL & VAN BORSTEL. 104 Second St., Near Washington. MONEY ON HAND FOR LOANS ON FARM AND CITY PROPERTIES. WILLIAM H. M'DONALD. 404 GERLINGER BLDG. J500.000 ON improved city or farm property. DUllding or bjiiiii " t , large loans a specialty. McKenzle & Co. 514-515-516 Gerlinger bldg. WANTED $20O0 for three years at 8 per cent on K-room nouse aim aww cipals. Phone M. iJft. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lest rates. A- ti. rtirreu vu., o, 3d and Stark. - i--,o riM improved real estate; mone; 325 Lumber Exchange. Plenty money. 6. 7. 8 per cent. J. O. ROUNTREB, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. u n v f v to loan on lm Droved city propert: at current rates. 3 mo Trust Co., room 6. Board or iraae dips, TO toan, estate moneys In any sum from $500 up at current rates. nwun Mulkey mug-, -a "u .wuu siOOO TO loan on improved city property at 4 per ten.. bldg. Main a tii. TO LOAN $5000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY PROPER 1 1. i rjn.MA wvn.i BAIN. 505 SPALDING BLDG. ACfiA Tn t.oax on ciiv Drooerty. eitner im rtrovea tir w-m. Wilcox bldg. ' noon security is sought for .a loan of Oregonian. S12-' 000 TO LOAN On improved city or - .... atlOOA .nil .. r. 1n.-aet Mitel farm proven , ivw "-" '" Wm. C Borchers, 207 Oregonian bldg. I1'00 TO loan for three years on Portland improved property. Goodsell Bros.. 433 Worcester bldg. I00 000 TO loan; large loans a specialty; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 315-316 Falling bldg. $1000 TO $2000. 3 years. 7 per cent. $2000 to $50OO, 3 years, 7 per cent. C L BAMBERGER, 705 Spalding Bldg. MORTGAGE loans on either city or farm .nortv mortrages purchased. Henry C- Prudhomme Co., 806 Wilcox bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; email building loans, contracts and mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 fanenock biog. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 229 STARK ST MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seitz & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. FARM and city mortg. loans. Ore. and Wash. H. M. Friendly, 705 Spalding b'dg. UOP TG AGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS, 3 LEWIS BLDQ. $7O0 TO loan on first mortgage 406 Mor rison st. Main 45. MORTGAGE LOANS. J. O. GOLTRA. FAILING BLDQ. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. Holl. room 9. Washington bidg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H- HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. PRIVATE money loaned on refl estate mort gages. H. Miley. room 204 Gerlinger bldg. $6000 OR PART for immediate loan on teal , estate. Phone Tabor 771. STATE funds, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. fflVlTT TO T1AN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VKHI r u&a. IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., 916 SPALDING BLDG. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. MONEY TO LOAN. $10 AND UPWARDS. YOU CAN GET IT TUUAI. NEW COMPANY. NEW RATES. NEW METHODS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ORGANIZED TO HELP WORKING PEOPLE AND OTHERS. UiTFC a TrT-T nE-HALF WniT DPnn a t T 11 i v iTVS CHARGE. LOAD'S MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PIANOS. HORSES, DIAMU.tia OR SALARIES. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. 207 MACLEAY BLDG., A 2SETL COR. 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAl. TILL P. M. MONEY FOR VACATIONS. $10 TO $100. loWTSt Tt a TV-: iv Pnf?TLAND. 810 rnJd In Installments of .$ tn Mnatrf In li..i.llmnrt of .9 $60 repaid in Installments of .0$ URflRR A VrtlTKTS IV PROPORTION. All wa require is that you be employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, indorser or other se curity. STATE SECURITY CO.. 80S Falling Bldg. PRIV1TR PARTY LOANS on furniture, pianos, storage receipta watches, diamonds. Jewelry, -etc Quick. reasonable and confidential. ITT .PT mvPAVT Main 4017. 820 Lumber Exchange bldg- 2d and Stark SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheap est rates, best and most private terms in Oregon. D. D. Drake, 3VJ apaiaing Diag. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names, cheap rates. easy payments, connaenuai. - H. Tolman, room 317 Lumber Exchange. A nrfilRlRI.W nlarn for ladles and sentle men to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry at "Eastern rates, uiamona rai ace, 334 Washington, opp. Owl Drug Store. PRIVATE funds, any amount, on real es tate, furniture, pianos, diamonds, storage receipta or any security; confidential; no ceiay. jiocn Keaity jo.. uu Amer. WE LOAN money on diamonds and jewelry at hair the rates charged Dy oroters. Marx ft Bloch, 74 3d St. MON RY sold on Installment: confidential salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewelry strictly confidential. 141 3d. near Alder. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattels. The Loan Co.. 414 OeKum Dtag. Loans Wanted. R I.RR PAGET. $650 at S per cent, on suburban home, value $3900. $1250 at 8 per cent, Woodstock resi dence, value $3250. $5000 at 8 per cent. East Side hotel property, value $15,000. $11,000 at 8 per cent, new West Side apartment-house, value $2i;,000. B. LEE PAGET. Phone Main 763. 414 Failing Bldg, $300. 18 MO., 10 per cent, cor. lot, worth 9o. 500, 3 years 8 per cent, 4 -room house, Vnntfli'llla vnliio S150O. $2000. 3 years, 8 per cent, on 2 modern bungalows, value -yuu. FRED W. GERMAN, 436 Chamber of Commerce M. 6445. SECOND mortgage for sale for $7500, at 8 per cent, paying fiou a monm anu mier est: will discount 10 per cent; value of in- come property, $28,000; first rr.ortgage $8000: income from property $500 per month; located on West Side. N 10 Ore gonian. I HAVE first mortgage for $7200. secured by $18,000 of outside property. I will sell this mortgage at a discount so as to net the huver 12 ner cent on his rnvestment Address J 224, Oregonian, or phone Main 90. THOROUGHLY responsible client needs $2500 more capital in business for six months; will pay 10 per cent interest and bonue; secure loan four to one, wholesale values. Whitfield & coon, u-i jeiu bldg. OJlA TTTTIST MORTGAGE LOAN WANTED (ON MY NEW HOME) i WILL PAY 8 PER CENT AND EXPENSE FOR EXAMINING ABSTRACTS; NO AGENTS. D 222, UKLiU. IAIN. wii.i. riTKcoTrvT installment, house con tr v:tnn riu: will sell for $2000 cash no incumbrance pa property. A 242, Ore gonian. $12,000 for 3 years at 7 per cent, wanted fmm nrlvat nsrtv on STlO.000 ClOSe W est jide income property. A. E. poulsen, 418 Railway Exchange $1Wju AND $3000. at 8 per cent. on. two nomes worm nouoie auiuums o'. 1 i mortgage. full insurance. PRIVATE MONEY WANTED. AO ZiM. oregonian FOR SALE Two building contracts, with deed, $1350 and $1460; gilt edge; will dis count ror quiCK casn; iiue pencil. i. Snarp, WO tommerciai nw. WANTED $350 at 8 per cent for 3 years on lot valued at $1000. on E. 34th St., near iinton. van a nuaru ui a nue w4uB- Main 7452 A 4401 WAVTKn. S1O.0O0 TO $12,000 On central .West Side property for term of 5 years at 6 per cent; security is at least valuation worth $30,000; I wish to deal direct with lender. D 227. Oregonian. S-iOOft LOAN WANTED ON CLOSE-IN IMPROVED PROPERTY, E. C .EASTON. 11Q8 SPALDING BLDG. $1200 LOAN WANTED ON IMPROVED PROPERTY. S PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. D 221. OREGONIAN. MONEY" WANTED Applications on hand for deslrahie loans; mortgages ior saie. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. 806 Wilcox bldg. Mnx'RY loaned for private investors best rates of interest; estates nanaiea. Wm. C. Borchers, 207-208 Oregonlan bldg. WANT $6000 1 year. 8 per cent on prop erty values of sio.wu. c znwo mornings. WANTED $2000. good security, no agenta Phone Tsoor xzvi. $400, 8 per cent, on good corner lot, value $1200 WANTED on good city property for 3 years at o per com- n t- - WANTED $300 on good security. Oregon la n. PERSONAL, oinirn. x.irA nv me latest natural heal lng methods, inciuaing rauiuiu, an oi-i.-trical currents, lights, heat, vibration, radiation, hatha massage, adjustment and manipulations ; most expensive. iiuei nrlvate office In Oregon : nt medicine or operations; over 6000 treated patients and not a death while under ou; care we will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory. 312 Rothchlld bldg GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best rererences; treatments ior rneumatism, lumcago, etc; uiwwas" uu baths, 300 Holladay ave., corner Occident al: "V" car. Phone East 3608, C 2553. Open Sundays. - FEBVET & HAN E BUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from b.'.o un: hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings made up to order. 147 7th, near Morrison. .Main 64. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors crodiiftte: rheumatism, nervous ana stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, massage ko. East inn st. second door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone East 260, B 1803. STEAM baths and hypereme massage re duces weignt, cures rneuuinuBia, lumuaiju. open evenings.. 412 Northwest bldg., Btb and Wash. Mrs. Stevens, 18 yrs. Portland's leading palm ist has ner late nous., -raimisuj aiaue Easy." on sale, 557 Williams ave.. cor. Knott. Office hours, 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. ZEROL The great nerve tonic and system builder. $1 per pox; o coxes, j. ouye Taylor Drug Co., 289 Morrison st. MISS JOHNSON Scalp and facial treat ments, cniropouy. o fua .., room 7- WANTED To adopt baby girl, between one and two years; give auuiew ur puouc number. Address E 209. Oregonian. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 95c; curls and puffs. 5c. San itary Beauty-Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. A SPIRITUALIST camp meeting at isew Era, or., Juiy o to aukubi - .vci-yuvu welcome. L. L. Irwin, Sec INTERESTING Information given free to sufferers irora rneuiiiatisiu. witarrii ux: blood disorders. 49 Union ave. North. MRS, 8. C. MORRISON Steam baths and masse u ring tor rneumatism, lumuugu. Madison. A 4470. Open Sunday. BALM OF FIGS, pompound Royal Tonic XaDietB. 3 UKVia su ru""c aitn pa BOSTON graduate nurse and medical gym- nayics. avx J en arson, up one mgnt. CHIROPODY Mrs. Potter. 327 ft Stark St.. JSte OI Ol ISOnnWCTl UlQg-. OUi UU nnan. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mra M. L. HIII. 4OT yneaner Diag. otn. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment. Room 1. 4.10 Washington st. MISS KEDLCND. halrdresslng. manicuring. face and scalp treatment, nwyi woriraon. SCALP treatment, and ehampoolng. 422 54 Wash In gton gt.. soite oe. top iioor. FACIAL blemiahea corrected, moles, wrinkles. lira, c our trig at, i xt iaim. asm wu vi a I R H A IH HAIR HAIR. $1. 34-Inch switches $4.48 S6 26-inch switches $4 llalr dressing ... 2 Face massage .2. Shampoo -t Manicuring 25c; five for J Of 12 scalp treatments Superfluous hair removed by electric needle guaranteed not to return. $4. $5 and $6 PUFFS, only $143. Cut hair in any shade; switches an length. Prices half. Sanitary parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington WANTED To know the whereabouts ol Frederic H. Cobb, who was in Southwest Washington a year ago. Anyone knowlnn of -his whereabouts since that date wil. please advise his sister. Mra F. H. Whit beck, at Hudson. Mich., ti business need ing his attention is awaiting his signature. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothet cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. ripi repaired. $1.50 month ; prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. HAIR STORE. 120 th st.. near Washing ton Better quality hair, any shade BUSINESS PIRKCTORY. Amateur Kodak Flniahing. QUICK service, cut rates; send for price list. The Kodakery 6th and Wash. Braes and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Bresscaatraf and machine work. 106 N- 5th. Main 3702- Castoff Clothing. LA DISS' and men's clothing bought. Mala 7895. . Assayere and Analysts. PICKERING A CO.. assayers. smelters, re finers and buyers of high-grade and bui- llon gold. 142 H Fourth st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Biorrlson st. WELLS & COLON, mining engineers, chem ists and assayera 20 4 H Washington. A'Torneys. ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, lawyers; practice In all state and Federal courts; abstracts examined ; expert conveyancers: collections. 417 Cham of Com, bldg. A ECOOPER. attomey-st-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed te 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 878. A 2071. . DIVORCES guaranteed. Oregon Law Insti tute. 528 Lumbermens bldg. Mar. 4641. Chiropractic 1'uysiclaa. DR TICKXER. Columbia bldg.. next Star Theater. A 5255. Main 95,i7; rea B 2a FANNIE T. BLOHM, Doctor of Chiropractic. 317-M8 Marquam bldg., 6th and Morrison. Coal. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 83D ST.- WOOD. Chiropodists. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny. th 1 only eclentitic chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerllncer bldg.. S. W. cor.. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1801. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. si- D. Hill, offices 429 Fliedner bldg. Main . DR. U. S. G. and Mra Fletcher Pa in I esi chiropodists. Over Hazelwood. Main 91. Dancing. PROF. WA L WILLSON'S Dancing School, -. Hnritii. Summnr months, in cluding lady dancing teachers and music, waltz, two-step, thrt e-sU-p. etc. 85' ou st., bet. Stark and Oak. Phone Main i !. HmTirs school Lessons daily; waits two-step, three-step. Baltimore or echot tische taught in first lesson, Allsky bldg. Sd and Morrison sts. . m HEATH'S SCHOOL. 109 2d. between Wash. inKton and Stark; private daily clasi Monday. 8 to lo; lessons 25 cents. RINGLER'S ACADEMY, daily Instructions; dances Wed., Sat. 231 Morrison. Detective Agencies. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency, con servative. reliable, confidential;, rates J per day. Office 510 pekuro bidg. M. 6424. Educational. STAMMER? Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield. 1918 Grove, Oakland, Cat. Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents Sex bury steam engines and boilers. lD' engines 281-283 E. Morrison. Phone fa. Leather and' Finding. CHAS. L. MASTIC- ft CO.. 74 Front. I'" of every description, tabs, mfra finding. J. A. STKOW BRIDGE LBAlUatt cw. ' tabiisbed is jo. ie-" r rvm. Messenger ber vice. HASTY Messengur wo., day and night sers i 1 V. . . l iln r.'i A V 153. alines and MLnmg. MINES and mining securities active properties, Coeur d Alene district a specialty. E. A Clem. Portland. Or. MuslcaL PIANO studio; modern methoda 26 14th Mam 3. Arrus':1i.. . Emil Thieihorn, violin teacher P.J." 000 Marquam. A 4160. Marshall 162s. Office Furniture. DERBY desks and offioe furniture. Bale Desk Co.. 210 Seventh st. Main oeT. Osteopathic Physicians nr R. B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous aud Chrcnlc Diseases Phone, Office, M. B4U; res. East or B 102s. Out! lie- AUTO trips to Mt. Hood Sunday from Port- but it is nice and cool on Mt. Hood leave 6 A. M. arriving Government camv fl-30- lunch Cloud Cap Inn, above the clouds; leave 4:30 P. M.; enjoy rld through the valley cool of the evening reaching Portland 8 P. M. ; fare $7; make rescrvarions early. Pacific Coast Tourist Co. Marshall 2240. paints, Oiiaand Glass. COAST-MADE "paint and D" !. rRifSn PAINT CO.. 191 Second St. RASMUBSBM CO jobber, paints, o'.j. g J a as, mitau .iiu ratcnt Attorneys PATENTS obtained, trademark,, copyrlihti PETER HABERL.IN. 36 Worce.ter bldg Patent p. -plnT " of7l A j T V aHnrnau Book let tree jui" Pu.. .n.. " S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by 408-400 Chamber ot Commerc. blrl tTc. WRIGHT, aomeatlc and tonlsn p. en ts. imriBt:tg Patent Engineers, INVENTIONS developed and patents ee j..-. i, I H a I'limmnrplal an H ehnr cu rea. ai-aushting. Coop & Schmitt, consultini Sntineers. 501 Henry bldg. Main 1283. Pawnbrokers. ,vCi K Myers Collateral Bank ; 40 yesxt in Portland. 71 Cth st. Phone Main 810. Paving. -,, w Rarber Asphalt Paving Company, 05 "P-l7Li. hirfir Oscar Uuber. Portland. OUS .iow. - Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ... .xith and York sta Main 4Ha Ollico new Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 d St. Safsi xnc nrw ..rrinrl .hand B.f... at lacmj it'-ii T-TO-OKDEK tcreen door, and wla dowa. painted und hung complete. Am.rl. Screen Co. fhon. East 522.. rieMindiumd Good. Tuv clolhii'i!. lurnitur. and loola. Hl,a t orlca paid tor aecond-liand clothing, n, ,.i u re. toola. Marahall 364. eat jrnl if. Bunk and Show flxtorM. "d. sLwcaae Co.! oth'and Hoyt. H. Luika, nianaset- in.."- . rTLAND SHOWCASE 4 FlXTfBB CO. 'V N. Slh si. Main 7iil7. Cabinet work. C a srfALl, ilKG. CO.. 4th and Couch; n. 14 .h r.econa-hand. Main Xiu-i. cabinet work. Btorajee and Tranafer. T pick Traiifcter Storage Co.. offlo.1 j Lmmudloui 4-.tory brick waxahouaa. .,7rate Iron room, aud fireproof vault. K? valuable.; N. W. cor. 2d and Pill, .ta; i.lnoa anii turniture moved -nd pack.d for alilvpms: "pecial rate. mad. on gooda li. our through car. to all domeatlo and oljoN-KOli TkiNbt'SU CO. reneral tran.lerriiig anu aiorage, aarea, otauo. and lurnltura moved and pacal f r '.nipm.m. Front at. lelcpbon. 'gij'". r A 2247. i. .il)N lUAKSl'EH CO.. .alabll.had 1870. Traaslar and forwardlug agenta. Ottlce ...a atorage 474 al.. corner 13tu aud Tamo. Aorea Main , A Xuwrllera. ri'l 1U o ul buy a KEUU1LT llpg. v-KIT Bit: reuuilt aa good aa now; ail ..T.k. to ehooae from al Glll'a. U4 and Aiuer terma to ault; every macula, guar. anieeU. Call or phon. Ior r.pruentauva. vain bono or a wyq. w ar. the exchange for tha largeet type writer concern on thia Coast; luveatlgata; .11 makes, an w nani;e. asxn " " vk.w rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. V. P. C. Co.. g'.l Stark. M. 1407. eterluary tSchoola and C' vLTililKAKI COLLlOis Leglna aVpt. "in.' So nrot.aion oflera eual pj: rtunlly. Catalogue free. C- Kean, irea. Ill Mar ket at., ban Franclaco. nU Drilling. DRILLING wella Hhon. Mala latfl or avaUa A. Weat lsa Morrlaon su