J. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 18, 1912. PRICE FIVE-CENTS. VOL. LII- NO. 16,115. DIXON TO RETIRE FROM NEW PARTY FAMOUS TENOR TO SPOKANE TO SEE PACT IN GASES LINES SEPARATED; ROSARIANS TAKE RETURN TO STAGE FUEL PRICES SOAR DISCLOSED - BRIDGE AT HEW ERA SEATTLE BY STORM ROOSEVELT LEADER OCT OF JEAN DE RESZKE TO SCfG WAG COAL PER TON TO GO 50 CENTS SYMPATHY WITH MOVE. NERIAN role. HIGHER, PREDICTED. SENATE IN TEMPER TO IGNORE BRITAIN DYNAMITE Steam and Electric in Two Systems. SOUTHERN PACIFIC PLAN CUT Main Route Will Cross River a Town of New Era. STRAHORN PUT IN CHARGE Electrification Work Will Be Done Under His Supervision Camp bell Will Retain Position Over Steam System in State. Complete segregation of the Southern Pacific Company's electric railroad lines In Oregon from Its steam lines, and construction at New Era of a new bridge across the Willamette RiTer ever which mainline trains will be routed, have been officially decided upon. The organization of a department of electric lines has already been made under the name of the Portland. Eu gene tc Eastern system. Robert Stra horn has been made manager of the electric lines. As fast as other steam roads now In operation become elec trifled, they will be transferred to this system. The new bridge to be built at New Era, 17 miles south of Portland, will be made a part" of the main line from California. Trains northbound will cross over it from the East side to the West Side, and then reverse the Wil lamette River over the Oswego cutoff bridge, entering Portland as now, via the East Side and over the Steel bridge. Southbound trains will reverse this routing. Considerable grades and ;urvee will then be eliminated. Cars of the Canby-Molalla electric line, now In course of construction, also will use the bridge. Werk la Pro pee Vaet. D. TV. Campbell will continue as general superintendent of the steam roads, over which he now exercises luthorlty. Mr. Strahorn will be vice president and general manager of the electric lines. The organization will be similar to that maintained by the Southern Paciflc Company In Los An celes. There the Pacific Electric, under the management of Paul Shoup, is op rated Independently of the Southern Pacific team roads. Mr. Strahorn will have direct charge 3f the details attending the electrl Icatlon of approximately 200 miles of .'listing steam roads and the construc tion of probably 100 miles of additional electric road. As fast as these lines re completed he will take over their management. The present Intention is to keep him at the head of the elec trie lines In Oregon which will be mown, collectively, as the Portland. Eugene & Eastern, but It Is probable that as soon as the present develop ment project is completed his peculiar talents as a constructive genius will require that he serve the Harrlraan In terests In li'e capacity elsewhere. The Portland. Eugene & Eastern, is the name under which the roads op erating in various Willamette Valley towns, including Eugene, Salem, Al bany. Corvallis. Springfield and others. were known. They were under the dl rection of A. Welch who ostensibly conceived the electric project In the vslley and who recently turned the property over to the Southern Pacific. With the Welch system as a nucleus. the Southern Paciflc Company Is hast enlng construction of the line between Canby and Mollala and the electrifica tion of the Fourth street and Yamhill lines radiating out of Portland. Separate Office Opened. As soon as the Fourth-street line is electrified, therefore. It will cease to be a part of the Southern Paciflc sys tern proper, but will be known as the Portland, Eugene & Eastern. The cars that have been ordered for use on that line will be lettered thus. Offices of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern have been opened on the fourth floor of the Wells-Fargo building. The engineering and operating departments already are maintained separate from the Southern Paciflc. The traffic de partment of the old Portland, Eugene & Eastern likewise is under separate management, but It has not been den nitely determined whether two sep arate traffic departments will be main tained. It is probable, though, that there will be two. General executive direction of the two systems will remain with William Sproule. president of the Southern Pa cific, who has been in Portland and vicinity for the last few days to ac quaint himself with the various de tails attending the electrification. Development to Continue. Southern Pacific officials are prepar ing to carry out their electrto develop ment as outlined by E. E. Calvin, gen eral manager, through The Oregonian several weeks ago. The Canby-Molalla line and the Salem. Falls City & Western, aa well as the line between Salem and Fir, now under construction, and the various other electric units ac quired by the Southern Pacific, will be Incorporated with the Portland. Eu gene A Eastern and operated under that name. Final transfer of the Salem, Falls City Western, which heretofore has been held by U Gerllnger and asso (Concluded on Pag 3-) Senator Telia Friends He Will Take Rear Seat as Soon as He Can Do So Gracefully. WASHINGTON. July 17. (Special.) Senator Dixon of Montana toll friends here this week that he was go ing to take a rear seat in the Roose velt part movement as soon as he could do so gracefully. Mr. Dixon Is not in sympathy with the third party programme. He would rather fight in side the Republican lines and capture the machinery of the regular organiza tion, but was led away by the en thusiasm of the Bull Moose. Dixon gave the Taft people a great fight in the pre-convention campaign by rounding up more delegates than anybody ever dreamed Colonel Roose velt would get. By practical and at times strenuous efforts, he took states that naturally belonged to Mr. Taft. He has been the man at the wheel from the beginning of the Roosevelt campaign. His aggressive methods Kept Representative McKmley. direct or of the Taft campaign, guessing. At Chicago the Senator was never In sympathy with Roosevelt's purpose to bolt the Republican party. He wanted to remain with the old party and he almost quit the Roosevelt movement there. FOREST PATROL TO START Force of 60 Men Will Be Distributed i In Timbered Sections. ., SALEM. Or July 17. tspecial.l Word was received by State Forester Elliott today from, the Department of Agriculture that the 110.000 allotted to Oregon through a contract signed after the passage of the Weeks bill Is avail able. The State Forester today sent out orders to the SO Federal men, who will be provided under the terms of the contract, immediately to start their patrol work. Eight of these will be east or ine Cascade Mountains and the other 6 In the timbered counties west of the mountains. The Weeks bill was passed fo,r the purpose of protecting the headwaters of navigable streams in the various states of the Union where timbered watersheds mark the headwaters of such streams. State Forester Elliott will leave to morrow in his automobile for an auto trip to practically every timbered sec tion of the state. His itinerary will take him through Linn and Lane and Douglas counties and as far south as .Med ford, from whence ne win go io Crater Lake, through Klamath. Crook, Grant, Wheeler, Baker. Wallowa and Union counties. He Intends to visit all of the patrolmen, supervising wardens and timbermen In these sections ana perfect the fire-fighting organizations of the state. WEDDING ISAT Y. M. C. A. Theoflel Serr, of Portland, Has Knot Tied by Los Angeles Director. LOS ANGELES. July 17. (Special.) Weddings at the Y. M. C. A. are not numerous, so when Theoflel Serr, aged 21 years, and Reglna M. Marshall. 18, both of Portland, appeared at the asso ciation building this morning to have the -nuptial knot tied, there was straining of necks to get a glimpse at the fair bride. Kev. E. H. Emmett, director of religious work at the Y. M. C. A., married the couple. "We were strangers in Los Angeles and aa I was a member of the Y. M. C. A., we thought we might Just as well go there to be married," explained the bridegroom. Mrs. Henry Serr, 556 Rodney avenue. mother of Theoflel Serr, was aston ished to learn' of her son's wedding last night. Mrs. Serr said she knew nothing of the bride and did not even know her son was in Los Angeles. PORTERS INSPECT RAILWAY Contractors of Eugene-Coos Bay Line Travel by Auto. EUGENE. Or, July 17. (Special.) R. M. Porter and J. Johnson Porter, of Porter Brothers, contractors for a por tion of the Eugene-Coos Bay line, ac companied by C. C. Tinkler, Dan Brun and Frederick Porter, left early this morning for the coast In their own au tomobile. They have Kept tneir reser vations at the local hotel and are ex- oected back tomorrow night. Mr. Brun is connected wnn ine nae- water Lumber Company, In which the Porters are also interested, and the trip may also have connection with the con structlon of a mill at Florence. How ever. It is believed here the railroad survey is the principal cause of the trip.. WILSON P. I.'S SOLE OWNER Former Senator Buys Minority In terest Formerly Held by Chapln. SEATTLE. July 17. (Special.) Ex- Senator John L. Wilson is now sole owner of the Post-Intelligencer, hav- ng purchased the minority interest of William Wallace Chapln. who resigns as general manager. It had been reported that the paper was sold to Clark M. Nettleton, for merly Its city editor, but this -is de nied by Mr. Wilson. COLONEL ABANDONS TRIP Presence In or Xcar Xew York Con sidered Necessary by Advisers. OYSTER BAY. N. Y.. July 17. Colo- nl Roosevelt 'has abandoned his pro jected trip to the Middle West. He made this announcement tonight after conference with several advisers. His presence In New York or nearby cities was deemed advisable at this time, it was said. Portland Is Heap Big Noise at Potlatch. CROWDS CHEER NIFTY ORDER General Finzer and Senator Joseph "Rag" on Street. PARADE SHOWING SK00KUM Delegation of 90, Well Drilled and Smartly Uniformed Show Throng . a Thing or Two Royal Reception Is Accorded. BY W. H. WARREN. SEATTLE, July 17. (Special.) Well, Portland made the biggest hit of the show. . They admit it everyone admits it. Porf'-vo ft d the niftiest division in is"l u .rade: Portland had the best- drilled team of them all and Portland certainly made them all sit up and take notice. "We were the big noise" all day and late Into the night. The "boys," led by Captain of the Guards Robert Krohn, showed them how to do fancy evolutions, how to "rag" in broad daylight right on the pavements and under the eyes of the dignified police. The fact Is the Portland crowd had the spirit of the Elks' big reunion with them, backed by the great enthusiasm engendered by their hearty reception in Seattle, and they felt like "showing off." -It'm a Bear," Cnwl Shouts. "It's a bear; It's a bear," the crowds shouted, as Portland's Royal Rosarians' marched through the streets, banked by thousands of men, women and chil dren along the line this afternoon. "Yes," replied the Rosarians, "It's a bear," and they grabbed pretty young women from the sidewalks and pulled off side-splitting stunts, to the great delight of the onlookers. It was a "scream" from the time the parade started from Fourth and Bat tery streets, until it dispersed an hour later. It was hot. but the Portland ers were determined to make good, and they did. The Royal Rosarians, consisting of 90 uniformed marchers, followed by several automobiles, were cheered ev erywhere. Seattle people were glad that Portland showed such Interest in the Potlach and lost no opportunity to show it. They cheered and cheered and smiled their best and made ample demonstration to indicate their grati tude at the swell turnout the Rose City had. Captain of the Guard Krohn put his men through all sorts of evolutions. Crown Prince Bristol, who has made himself a favorite by his genial man ner and his ready wit on all occasions (Concluded on Pase 3.) Friend Says He .Is . Nervous Over Ordeal, but Believes Voice Is as Fine as Ever. NEW YORK, July 17. (Special.) Jean de Reszke, the famous tenor, who retired from the operatic stags 12 years ago, is to sing again in this country. Andreas Dlppel has engaged him for 20 appearances next Winter. De Reszke also expressed a- wish that he might sing once more at the Metropolitan Operahouse. Alexander Lambert, the pianist, who Is a great friend of Jean de Reszke, has Just arrived in New York. He said he had seen De Reszke several times In Paris. ' "Jean told me his voice was never in better condition," said. Lambert today. "He says he is naturally extremely nervous over the prospect of returning to the stage after 12 years of retire ment, but he is sure his voice is as fine as ever." De Reszke. who has never yet been heard as Siegmund in "Die Walkuere, will sing that part for the first time next Winter with Mr. Dippel's company. EUGENE-COOS BAY WORK ON Construction Camps to Be Estab lished Within Week. Eugene, Or., July 17. (Special.) Es tablishing construction camps between Not! tunnel, 23 miles west 'of Eugene, and Acme, on the coast, will be begun within a week, according to Johnson Porter, of the firm of Porter Brothers, contractors for the Notl-Gardlner sec tion of the Eugene-Coos Bay line. Mr. Porter, his brother. R..B. Porter, and C. T. Tinkler returned tonight from a two days' trip to the coast, going over the line of survey west of Notl. where Two hy Brothers have work well along on a 2300-foot tunnel. The trip was for the purdose of se lecting the portions of the work that are to be begun first, and for the selec tion of locations for the construction camps. Mr, Porter would not venture to say how man ymen will be put to work, saying that he had not had op portunity to talk with the BUb-con-tractors. hTe greater portion of the work is to be sublet. Construction ma terial Is to1 be taken in by way of the Siuslaw and also overland from Eugene. THROWN BABE UNINJURED Hysterical Mother, Riding Behind Excited Team Gives Child Fling. COTTAGE GROVE, Or., July 17.-- (Speclal.) A little tot thrown out of the buggy, by Its excited mother .in a runaway accident yesteraay escapes without injury. The babe belonged to Mrs. C. H. Fuller, who, with the baby and older daughter, was In a vehicle with Mrs. Joe Snyder and daughter. Approaching the Southern Pacific crossing at the depot, the horses be came frightened by a freight train which was doing some switching. The animals became fractious and turned around snort, badly exciting the occupants of the buggy. Miss For rest Snyder Immediately Jumped out, stumbling, spraining her wrist, bruis ing her face and became hysterical. In the excitement Mrs. Fuller threw out the baby, but a later examination showed that it escaped almost with out injury. "YOU NAUGHTY, MEDDLESOME BOY." O'Gorman Says Roads Inspired Protest. FOREIGN OFFICE INFLUENCED Strong Sentiment for Tolls Is Developed. Free TREATY TERMS DEBATED Lodge Holds United States Is Not Bound to Accord Privileges to Foreign Ships That Are Re served to Americans. WASHINGTON. July if. Senator O'Gorman, of New York, charged today in the Senate that railroad influence was behind Great Britain's protest against the Panama Canal bill and he Joined with Senator Lodge In declar ing that the United States possessed full -rights under the British treaty to give free passage to ships of American register. - These two speeches marked the debate in the Senate on the Pana ma Canal bill. Both Mr. Lodge and Mr. O'Gorman declared this Nation was not bound by the Hay-Pauncefote treaty to give for eign ships all the privileges granted American ships. Mr. Lodge favored a bill to rebate the tolls to American ships, while Senator O'Gorman said the United States possessed the full right to give American vessels free passage If desired. Senator Lodge contended that if the case went to The- Hague court the United States probably would lose. Support of Free Tolln Emphatic. The support today for the provision giving free passage to American ships. against which Great Britain has pro tested, was the ' most empnatic since the Senate began consideration of the bill. Mr. O'Gorman. Mr. Cummins and others said that If the United States hav) to construe the treaty literally in giving . the ships of all nations equal treatment, it would, by the terms otthe treaty, be prevented rrom proittuus the canal in case of war. . . If a JaDanese fleet entered the western end of the canal," said Sena tor Reed, "bent upon passing tnrougn to attack the City of New York, the United States would have no right, un der such a construction of the treaty, to take any steps against it." Canal Neutral In War. Senator Burton, of Ohio, who made the first speech Monday in support of the British theory that the United States can give no special privileges to its own vessels, declared war would suspend operation of the treaty. Sen ator McCumber, however, in a speech today against the free provision, con ceded that it was his belief the cansl would have to remain neutral even in (Concluded on Pase 8.) t Contracts With Miners in Wyoming v and Montana Expire September 1 Wage Increase Asked. SPOKANE, Wash..- July 17. (Spe cial.) Spokane is on the verge of general Increase in ' fuel prices. An advance of 50 cents per ton in the price of coal will become effective on or before September 1; wood prices will go to 60 cents beyond present figures at least within 40 days and are expected to soar still higher before the opening of the Winter season, ac cording to Information secured from a number of the local dealers. Contracts with the miners In the Wyoming and Montana mines, from which. Spokane draws a large portion of its coal supply, will expire on Sep tember 1, after having been in effect for the last five years, and demands for a general Increase in wages are anticipated by the operators. Fir and tamarack Is now selling at from $5.75 and 16 per cord in four foot lengths, and, according to beliefs expressed by the Spokane dealers, the minimum price will be about 26. 25, within the next two months. TAFT PREPARES ANSWER Statement Refutes Charges Nomination Was Stolen. That WASHINGTON, July 17. The de tailed answer which President Taft' advisers will make to charges that hi nomination at Chicago was procured in illegal fashion was one of the first subjects that greeted Carmi A. Thomp son, of Ohio, when he assumed today the post of Secretary to the President. Mr. Thompson discussed the answer with ex-United States Senator Dick, of Ohio, who had charge of the Taft con tests before the Republican National committee. The statement reviews every contest and is longer than any Presidential message. At the conclusion of today1 conference, however, it was said that a comprehensive abstract would be drafted. It is the idea of Republican leaders to arm Taft speakers with all the facts In every contest. The ab stract probably will be made publle through the newspapers and that and the full answer probably will be pub llshed in pamphlet form. MORTON 'BACHES' NO MORE Portland Attorney Weds Daughter of Major Lee Morehouse. The Oregon state tennis tournament has been springing surprises on the Portland followers of the game in more ways than pne, one of the "more ways occurring yesterday atternoon when Oliver P. Morton stepped on the scene and introduced to his many friends Mrs. Oliver P. Morton. . Morton hag long been one of Portland's popular bachelors. He is 38 years old. ' Sunday he left Portland without telling even his closest friends where to or why he was bound. The wedding occurred at Pendleton Sunday and was a simple affair. Mrs. Morton was Mrs. Augusta Moule before her marriage, and is the daugh ter of Major Lee Morehouse, of Pen dleton, and a merryber of one of the best-known pioneer families in the state. CANDIDATES FILE SLOWLY Since July 1C Only 18 of 80 Give Notice at Olympia. OLYMPIA, July 17. (Special.) De clarations of candidacy were filed yes terday with I. M. Howell, Secretary of State, by the following: Edward Meath, of Tacoma, Republican, for Treasurer; W. L. La'FoIlette, of Pull man, Republican, for Representative in Congress in the Third District; Jose phlne Preston Walla Walla, Republl can, for Superintendent of Public In struction: Dr. F. A. Harlow, of Bremer ton. Republican, for Twenty-third Sen atorial District, and B. L. Hubbell, of Kelso, non-partisan, for Judge of Cow lltz. Klickitat and Skamania counties. Candidates are slow in filing. Pre vious announcements indicated that ore than 80 would file for state offices. aside from the Joint senatorial and Judicial districts, but since July 12, when the time lor nung openea, oniy 18 candidates have filed their declara tions, including those filed today. NATIONS ACT IN HARMONY Britain Sure of American Support In "American Congo." LONDON. July 17. Francis Dyke Acland, parliamentary under secretary for foreign affairs, in reply to ques tions in the House of Commons today on the subject of the atrocities In con nection with the collection of rubber In the Putulmayo district of Peru, said the Brithlsh government throughout had been in close communication with the United States Government. He assured the House that whenever American sympathy and support would be helpful they would be readily forth coming. ORANGEMEN OPEN COUNCIL Members Assured 100,000 In Amer ica Will Stand by Men of Ulster. GLASGOW. July 17 The triennial conference of the Imperial Grand Orange Council of the World opened here today. Andrew Weir, a New York delegate. assured the assemblage that there were 100,000 stalwart Orangemen in America who were ready to stand be hind the. man of Ulster, foot to-foot, and financially in order to wipe out the home rule enemy. . .. Older Says Labor and Capital Agreed. J. J.' SCHEDULED TO ESCAPE That Part of Deal Blocked by Prosecutor Fredericks. GUILT OF BOTH ASSUMED Darrow Defense Secures Admission of Testimony Concerning Mc Namara Trial to Prove Lack of Bribery Motive. LOS ANGELES, July 17. The orig Inal agreement between representative of capital and labor In Los Angeles by which the McNamara case was tc be ended forever, was disclosed in de tail by Fremont Older, editor of the San Francisco Bulletin, who took the stand today for the defense In the bribery triat of Clarence S. Darraw. The introduction of this testimony was permitted by Judge Hutton on the showing of the defense that it would prove a lack of motive on the part of Darrow for the bribing of Juror Lock wood, but the ruling was made only after the greater part of the day's ses sion had been consumed by lengthy and technical arguments. The original agreement, as outlined by Older, contemplated the pleading of guilty by James B. McNamara and the fixing of his punishment at life Im prisonment. For this the prosecution not only was to dismiss all other cases growing out of the dynamiting of the Los Angeles Times building. Including that of John J. McNamara, but to de stroy all evidence then In possession of the prosecution. Another clause In the agreement was to the effect that representatives of Los Angeles cap ital were to recognize the labor unions. Fredericks Demands Both Men. The question had arisen, said wit ness, of the unwillingness of District Attorney Fredericks to consent to tin dismissal of the cnarge against John McNamara and It had been agreed by Mr. Darrow that if the prosecutor Insisted upon It. "J. J. would also be thrown to the wolves," rather than to continue the trial. Just before adjournment, Juror Williams asked the witness: Did you know at that time that the McNamaras were guilty?" Well, I had no definite or legal knowledge that they were, but I . as sumed so," was the reply. Here Juror Leavitt broke in. "What did you mean by throwing J. J. to the wolves?" asked the juror. 'Did you recommend that one go free and the other be punished, knowing both were guilty?" Poller of Mercy Urged. The witness explained his attitude by saying that he did not believe In the doctrine of "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." He thought that Justice could be done without taking any more human life. Summoned to Los Angeles by a tele gram from Darrow and a magazine writer, Mr, Older said, upon his ar rival here on November 23 last year he was apprised of . the plans for a truce between labor and capital. At a subsequent conference with Dar row present, the witness said, a mem orandum of the agreement was shows to him. There was a hitch in the plan, ac cording to Older, and Harry Chandler, son-in-law of General H. G. Otis, owner of the Los Angeles Times, went to District Attorney Fredericks to gain Fredericks' consent to the agreement After this conference Mr. Darrow in formed Older that Fredericks would not agree to any plan by which J. J, Mc Namara could escape punishment. Darrow Examine Witness. "I contended," continued the witness. whose examination was conducted by the defendant himself, "that Mr. Dar row would be misunderstood by labor if he agreed to the proposition." What was my attitude?" asked Dar row. Well, you declared that you were employed to save the lives of these men and that this personal issue should not be raised." The witness said that at this time he was told nothing had -been said tc the McNamara brothers about the pro posed agreement. Mr. Darrow asked the prosecution tc produce Bert H. Franklin and John R. Harrington tomorrow morning, but he did not disclose his reasons for desir ing the presence of the state's princi pal witnesses. CREDIT LIST CUT ONE-HALF Hlffh School Commissioners Act or Study Courses. SPOKANE, July 17. The State Board of High School Commissioners, in ses sion here, determined today to cut In half the list of subjects necessary to grad'uatlon In the country high schools and those of the smaller towns. Whereas 32 credits have been neces sary to graduation heretofore, 16 now will be required in the smaller schools. This decision will not affect the high schools of Spokane, Seattle or Tacoma.