MORNING OBEGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 17. 1913. THE M'CLURE IS PITCHER Americans Play Baseball at Olympic Games. EASTERNERS BEAT WEST m il mini inn n nni hiimimrnr-t nmrnnsi ; a 1 1 5 for ftlbis gemmae sSSS Swedes Sec Game for First Time. Oregon Boy Hurls for Western Nine, losing to S United States Officers Ride Well. STOCKHOLM. July 1. A team of American athletes representing the East defeated a team representing the "West in an exhibition game of base ball today by s to S. Piatt Adams, New York A. C. and C. F. Brlckley. Harvard, composed the battery for the Emst. while Walter McClure. Multno mah Club, Portland. R. L. Byrd. Adrian College, and Edward K. IJndberg. Chi cago A. A., were at the points for the West.- The game was a novelty to the Bwedes. In the military riding competitions the American officers are doing better . A Thjtv w handlcaQDed . by the long voyage and their horses had to endure a lortnigni on ouju t . i . -v,-.. hnnful of win n In 2". : i 1 u, out ....... , , . j . ... .4 ... I In the our events of the military competition at the close of today s Jumping were: American OfBcer Second. Meyer. France and Rockow. Ger ..r.i.H fii.t with as.S; Lieuten ant John C Montgomery. Seventh Cav- alrv. U. a. A., suukow ana ncnauuej MnnlMl necnnri with 39-40 Casparson. Sweden, third with 39.29: Henry Lutchow, Germany, fourth with 39.27: Lieutenant Ben Lear. Fifteenth Cavalry, fifth with 39.07. and Lieuten ant IS. F. Graham. Fifteenth Cavalry, -(.v i.k - rnntaln Guv V. Henry, Thirteenth Cavalry, stands tenth with n c : n th 17 comnetitors. Tomorrow the fifth and last event in tlie military competition, the prize rid ing. Is to be decided. Of the 29 officers who started In the competition only 17 are left. Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia, in the uniform of a German guards- W- KranH TliilrA Pavlovltch of Russia, were the most conspicuous performers at me jumi France W ins Jumping. The points for the individual jump lng contests today, in which no Amer leans competed, wars announced as fol Carlon. France, and Von Krocher, - . 1 fie urh! Deblomert. Bel gium. 115. On the Jump-off Carion was declared the winner. The total scores for swimming and diving, as officially announced, are: Germany. 22: Sweden. 17; Australia. 14; Great Britain, 12: United States, . fmnaAa S a.iw4 Austria. 1. Most of the German and Swedish points were scored In diving, in wnicn Antralla was not represented. Thus Austrslla easily Is the first swimming nstion. PlaM Scene of Banquet. The palace waa the scene tonight of ..... K.nnn.t whlnh nroved a fit- tin ending of the main part of the Olympic meeting. n-ing uuivo on- tertalned 400 guests. The Xing ana n f - Trilm inH CrOWD Prin- ueu. - . . . - cee were seated at the head of the hall, the guests occupying two long ta bles below. The fourth Included members of the Olympic committees of the various nations, foreign diplomats, members of the Swedish Cabinet and all the visiting officers. , . . . v. . Jin,.. th e-uestii assem bled In the reception-room. The King, in the guards' uniform of light blue, walked about and conversed with many of the guests. u.anmhiu the nubile was enter talned by a water carnival. All the shipping In the harbor was illuminated nd there was a oispiay oi nrcww-& CHEHALJS MAINTAINS TEAM Independent Baseball to Be Played by Late State Iagners. CHEHALIS. .'Wash.. July 16. (Spe rll. The Chehalls baseball club di rectors yesterday derided to hold the plavers of the local team in tne ivasn Ington State League and play inde pendent ball in this city until the end of the season. Labor Day. The local management has sufficient funds In sight to play out tne season, the intention being to secure games with the strongest teams in tne rortn wesC Manaaer Murray. Qf the Chehalls club, is In communication with such and is open to engagements for the local nine. President Albers. of the State League, telegraphed from Everett that It was impossible to line up that city In the league. As Aberdeen and fentralla are definitely out of the game, all hope of reorganizing thi.s vear has been abandoned. t'hehalls expects to hold its team so that It will be in good shape to help reorganise a strong State League cir cuit next season. ANVIL BREAKS SEASON" RECORD Trotter Goes Mile In V.0 1-2 on Track at Kalamazoo. KALAMAZOO. Mich.. July 16. In one of the most remarkable races ever seen at Recreation Park. Anvil won the 2:08 trot today In two straight heats. The first mile was covered In 2:06. the best lime of the season, and in the second heat Anvil further clipped the time to 3 f.ii. Helen Stiles, winner of he 1V07 trot last week, was Anvil's near es competitor, but at no time was Geer's horse In danger. IjOHKWorth B. won the 2:08 pace, tak ing mree out of five heats. The 2:18 trot was hotly contested for five heats, of which Zarrine and Dave Ilallit each captured two. The former the best average standing and was given first money. Vancouver Boys on March. CENTRA LI A. Wash.. July 16. tSpe. rll.) The first soldiers to pass through Centralla on tneir long nine to participate in the big military ma neuvers to be held In this vicinity from Julv 20 to 29. went through yesterday. The troops were from the Vancouver Karnrlo and were marching to Mon- tesano. where they will form part of the invading army in the maneuvers. They consisted of three troops of r.alry. one regiment of Infantry, three batteries of artillery and one battery of engineers. Calgary ficts Two More Fielders. WKh.. Julv IS. Spe rial.) Guyn and Ruegg. two outfleld mrm nf the fVntralla State League team. left for Calgary yesterday. This makes four of the disbanded local team to oe signed by Calgary. Vivian and Roche having already reported. Blsr Sturgeon Is Captured. riTHI.AMET. Wash.. Julv 1. (Spe daL) Len Quigley. a fisherman of this place, caught a sturgeon weighing 400 pounda last night. The fish became tangled in the net and was too big to bo put in tne ooai so waa iuwcu uui It sold lor - 1 C You never thought of getting a genuine Vic trola for $15, yet here it is. A wonderful instrumentwonderful in that it brings the ?,iUUmuummipin:rtlfg - m Victor-VictrotaIV,$15 m I &3 world's best music right into your home. Q You can take it with you to your Summer home in the coun try or at the seashore, aboard your yacht, out on your lawn-no cumbersome horn to carry-it will just fit your suitcase or grip. You and your friends will enjoy a world of entertainment, and should you wish to dance, you will need no better music. 0 Visit our Victor Department today, the coolest and most re freshing place in the city these hot days. We will gladly dem onstrate to you this wonderful instrument and play any music you may wish to hear. This instrument is a genuine . ViWnr-Virfrnla. of the Same high quality which characterizes all products of the Victor Company, and is equipped with all the exclusive Victrola patented features. . Why should you hesitate another moment m placing this of all musical instru- $ 1 mn-c in vmir home? Ulvlivn J " inniKmnHimwii'"""""",HriiiiM'iin"-i' HilnmiiiltHliiiniWiHirmmiinmmiiminiiHimntiHiuiiujuj JUHHUtimiHHH Steinway and Other Pianos She Morrison at Sixth M-JP All we ask is that you go I to any Victor dealers and i hear your fa j vorite music. J Other styles $25 to $200 Victors $10 to $100 Victor Talking Machine Company Camden, N. J. 11 wmmmmismmmmmaBm mv& Co. Morrison at Sixth Apollo and Other Player Pianos nmpnmiumyuniiiiu n tim ..-i ii. -mi. .lUumi.miiummmMniin.iwij.-iiim.nwiimim.! ,-.,,-, ..... . , ..,.,, .ii.m,m.iiiii;ii uiiiiniMm-iii'Mr.MKmiinimiiiiuullmiiMn nilllicm lUUOUIMiiniliiillauailllim uiaim.niiniin liiiiinBS'iiBi i : : : I RIVER DRAWS MANY Hundreds of Swimmers Enjoy Cooling Plunge. BATHERS ARE MERRY LOT Though Few Oarsmen Go on Stream In Afternoon, Evening Sees Big Number of Small Craft Skimming Orer Water. Not even during the Elks' convention week ild the Willamette River attract as much attention as yesterday. Each little Inlet alonft tne mm. -one of the many public hatha had a many patrons as couia m u..u..- For rowing it was a trifle too warm. i . , aa not do an extra amount of business, although In the evening, when the air became cooler. many boats dotted tne n.. The bathers were a merry lot. and i iritlnir other people. whether known or not. was the rule. A laughable incident occurred . . .. i . -iri wearing a or tne pain - 7.. stylish bathing suit appeared. t-he seemed afraid to enter mo a number of boys, among whom were William Holden. Warren Jackson. Rich ard Oram and William L" lf- g-?-Ising athletes of Portland High School Hrcfes induced her to enter y,e water under their guidance. Wil lam SlnKW undertook her instrucnu ... o ful art of swimming. She appeared to be quite a novice, and listened real attentively to all the fnstruction. given by the five young men. and tlen. to the , or all plunred In and swam. l'S her would-oe insiriiciu.. said all along that the Beavers were standing or the clubs, and they seem Bill Reldy, or the Seals. Is another a better team than represented in the to be just striking their stride." Coast league manageT who pays his HOT WEATHER MAKES WATERS OF WILLAMETTE? POPULAR WITH BATHERS AND SWIMMERS. SHARPE FEARS BEAVERS RF.IDY ALSO SAYS PORTLAND IS 'DARK HORSE.". Managers Say JlcCredie's Team Is Just Hitting Stride and Will Yet Be Pennant Factor. . I tt. T-i v-rMsiT 1 11 1 v 16. Spe- claU It's Manager 'Bud Sharpens turn now to do some j.vorrMii w wavs and means or keeping his Oaks up "in the race with a batch or player" out or the game. Happy Hogan. Bill Reldy and the other leaders have had a taste or the difficult task, and they admit that It makes many a night - - m th corif this weeK In Portland Is looked upon as quite important. M the Beavers, iu their present lorm. aie m""-'- -Chance to drag down the leaders and afford the Oaks an opportunity to move up the ladder. riscuss!ng the coming weeks series. Manager Bud Sharpe. of the aks. ia" "Or course I think the Oaks ..." . ttt fnr the Denna:it. will inae 1 't-. . , . . , and the ract that we have been.holulng oCr own with Able, and Gregory oat or the game ror several weeKS bears me out In my contention. erBon Is team we will have to beat, how- i)aik hnrio we Will 1ver. ror -havs to look, out for Portland. I dsts 'ssssssssa ' m mm mm mf t'. V'"'"""""'!. - l"1" - . ' . I , - -r '-!. i,m- ifwuiMumJl u&smv -vj respects to the Portland 1911 cham pions and predicts that they- will be In the right berore the season Is over. Bill Just got back rrom Portland, where his Seals were trimmed rour out of six times by the McCredie crew, and he knows whereof he speaks. "Portland has a good ball team, and ir it continues to play the way It did against us last week. It will make trouble for all the other teams in the league," said Bill today. "Those big, husky pitchers had our number and we couldn't do much hitting. The pitch ers were backed with good support, and the Portland team Mt behind them. Butcher, the new outfielder, has added 1 SISiBATHS PROVE ALMOST AS E. SPRIXGBOADS KEPT BVJSV. TICIG AS WATER. 3 CUXTES AND strength to McCredle's team, and sfl around they look like one of the best teams in the league at tnis time. If Rcidy's estimate or the Portland team proves correct, San Francisco fans can hope for nothing better than fifth place for the Seals. Wife's Affections Cause of Sult ASTORIA. Or., July 16. (Special.). Frederick L. Normand filed a suit In the Circuit Court today against Bunyon J Sloop to recover damages In the sum df $15,000 ror alleged alienation or his Hf- affections by the defendant NORTH BEACH f VIA the delightful Columbia River Route on the Steamers T.J.POTTER HASSALO and HARVEST QUEEN FROM ASH STREET DOCK STEAMER T. J. POTTER- leaves Portland at 10:30 P M. (dally ex cept Sunday ..arriving ,iriT VBj"1V aY 7:00 A. M.. turning. """ VI -.',.' Dni., 4-30 P. M. On S LUrililiK, iTo. "-"I V. ".1 j a. on. tj AT r Snnlsv pbvaS X.oS:S! &foiSp?M P"rwfn Porttand at S:. A. M. Mtpmfb "HASSALO" leaves Portland daily (except Saturday and PnIWarrfvin I &JS 'V3f sti-.imf.h Mir arvEST aVEEX" leaves Portland dally (except Sat arriving PortUnd 6:00 P. M. EXCELLENT RESTAURANT SERVICE (Meals a la carte) Trains meet all boats at Megler for North Beach points Astoria ' "' $V r Saturday-to-Monday tickets d.UU North Beach Season tickets 4.00 Five-ride round-trip tickets lo.UU One-day River Trip, Portland to-Megler and return 2.00 For particulars apply to CITY TICKET OFFICE THIRD AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PORTLAND THE successful man or woman of twenty years from today is acquiring now those charac teristics waich make for success. The founda tion of business success, and on it depends the happiness of many a home, is the ability to live within one's income and save at least something every month. Instill that habit into that boy or girl of yours bv opening an account- We pay four per cent interest on saving3 accounts. Under Government Supervision . -Founded in 1886. Washington and Fourth Streets