THE ,MOK:STsrii OKEGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1913. All Portland Mast Surely See "Old Darby," Rosa Bonheur's Celebrated Horse Painting, Vained at $65,000011 Exhibit on Fifth floor Arrived by Express, 2d Lot 'Silk-Maid $1 Hose, All Colors A Special 50c Luncheon Today in Our Beautiful 7th Floor Tea loom 20 ifi J Mr m r ma i Lrvi Begins Today at Meier Fran 75c Famous $1.50 Shirts for 75c Folly 5000 of the famous Gotham, Star and our own M. & F. Special $1.50 Shirts. All coat style with plain fronts and cuffs attached. Less than the ordinary wholesale cost, now at $2.00 NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Silky Mercerized Shirts, with separate military and collar and tie to match; blue, white, tan, cream. . 25c LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, full . size, with Vi or -inch hems. . 10c WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS For warm weather, 4000 white hemstitched, soft Cambric Hand kerchiefs with or J&-in. hems 300 Dozen $1.00 Shirts, 50c Men's excellent Fancy Golf Shirts, with plain or pleated fronts ; cuffs attached. Madrases and Percales in all light and medium pat- J Vy C terns ; $1 grades, for Clearance, your choice tore Straw, Panama Hats, V2 Price $1.19 white, tan, EFS 1?C s 3c TO $1.25 STIFF BOSOM SHIRTS White Stiff Bosom Busi ness and Full-Dress Shirts. Plain or pleated; broken lines and sizes. 75c NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Soft Mercerized Negligee Shirts, with attached soft collars; light and medium colors. 50c AND 75c BELTS" V Black, tan or gray, with nickeled and brass buckles. 35c 39c $3.39 $5.00 SILK SHIRTS Beautiful Custom made Gotham Shirts of China and Japa nese silks. Some with separate mili tary collars. 50c LISLE SUSPENDERS Light - and medium pat terns, strong leather ends 35c PURE SILK SOCKS Japans and open-stitch Silk Half Hose, all colors Positively nothing withheld every Straw and Pan ama Hat in our entire stock at 1 T exactly half! All popular shapes 0 rIlCfi and braids, from $2.50 to $8, at TO $8.00 SILK SHIRTS Finest grade Gotham Pure Silk Shirts, elegantly cus tom-made, in exclusive patterns. 25c SOCKS FOR Fancy and plain colored "x Lisle and Cotton Socks in I 11 19c 18c See Big Morrison St. Display for This Sale Extra Salesmen $4.79 all colors. TO 50c ONYX SOCKS Over 6000 pairs of fa mous Onyx 35c and 50o Socks. Fancy and plain colored pure silk, silk lisle and cotton. 19c Men's Neckwear 50c Famous Manhattan Washable Four-in-Hands great variety of smart striped Pat-K terns, also plain white; special at only" Men's 25c Fancy Wash Ties 10.000 of them in new panel-striped reversible st3'le ; 1 O J Ly buy them at this low price, each dt All 50c and 75c Silk-Knit and Crochet Ties all beautiful new patterns and colors; OO special at this very low price, each $1 to $3.50 Silk Knit and Crochet Ties all fine English and French importations; toCf clean them up, special at this low price V 25c Fancy Silk Four-in-Hands flowing ends, re versibles and French folds in 10 fo every color; special low price at 6000 Beautiful 50c Silk Ties reversibles, flow ing ends and French folds, in all colors OCp and patterns; special at this low price Sweater Coats Boys' and Girls' $1.50 all colors; special at Boys and Girls Sweater Coats, this low price ' $2.50 Sweater Coats 1 OQ gray, maroon or navy; at only f Boys' and Girls' Grizly Bear Ruff-J1 CO Neck Sweaters special price at V $3-50 and $4 Ruff -Neck and "Vfljt QQ Sweater Coats for men or .women P t A 1 l Wash Goods 50c Silk Mulls wonderfully dainty for Summer and party dresses. All light and dark colors. 32 inches wide. - ft Yard for the Clearance at only LjC 75c Voiles in pretty stripes. Cool and attractive when made up. 40 m q inches wide. Yard for Clearance tJC 60c Waistings of fine striped linen. Ideal for tailored waists. Launders beau tifully ; 36 inches wide. Yard q Q for the Clearance Sale at only 3cC 35o Batistes in all white with striped and checked self patterns. For ry the Clearance Sales at only, yard aOC $1 Batistes handsome quality French Batistes. Daintily embroidered, ftq Priced for the Clearance at only iC (Mint Floor, New Building J Embroideries . Clearance of Cool Summer Dresses Linen, Lingerie, Tub Frocks Reduced HOW comfortable they axe, these warm Summer days the cool, Lingerie, Linen and "Wash Frocks! and what an opportunity this, to choose from our immense, entire stocks at greatly reduced prices. Every imaginable style included in the various lots. Every new fashion idea among them. Charming one-piece models, joined at waist line with rows of inser tion, lace, embroidery and bands. Some with peplum extensions. Others in tail ored coat" style. Dresses for all occasions. Practical Wash Frocks of chambrays, tissues, voiles and fine ginghams. Lingerie Dresses of fine, sheer mulls, batistes, lawns and marquisettes. Others of linen, linen crash and ratine. Choose today at these Clearance prices. . $9 Summer Dresses for $555 d1 O OO for $16.50 p 1 a00 Dresses. $18.50 Sum- t O Ofi mer Dresses p 1 0.Od p 1 0.OUmer Dresses for $25.00 Dresses. $1.75 Outing Waists 98c Just the smart, comfortable Blouses for this warm weather. Mannish Shirts of percales, mad rases and soisettes, in neat stripes of all colors. Dainty low-neck Blouses with round or pointed roll collar and short sleeves. Regular QO. e nnoa w X $1.50 and $1.75 Waists, Clearance $18.75 $30 Sum- &00 Cf mer Dresses Pi i iQ" Cool Dress'g Sacques59c Pretty, well-made Dressing Sacques, of cool lawns, in neat figures and dots of lavender, blue, white and black. Peplum or belted styles, with "V" neck or collar. Just 300 of them q for the Clearance today, special at. only'C 3 i Men'sUnd'rwear Entire Stock Famous Vassar Union Suits for Men sleeveless, three-fourths or full sleeves, knee or ankle length; $2 to fo Dhim $4 grades; special at only TtAS Men's Famous Gotham Athletic Underwear Shirts, Drawers and Union Suits; all mate rials and colors; 75c to $5 fo OtMff grades ; on special sale at only ' IwC Men's Zephyr Sanitary Mesh Shirts and Drawers cool and comfortable; on special saleOC for the Clearance sale, the garment'' Men's 75c Fancy Balbriggan Shirts andOCr Drawers all colors; special, garment J3C Men's 75c Varsity Athletic Shirts andOQ Drawers sleeveless and knee length at 27C $1.50 Illma Mercerized Underwear Shirts OO and Drawers, blue, white, ecru, salmon OOl Men's $1 Norfolk and New Brunswick Lisle Shirts and Drawers blue or white; ""CCj special sale at this very low price, only $1.25 Welch Athletic Union Suits Fine 7Qr white lisle, drop seat; Clearance sale Boys' and Youths' 60c Semi-Knit Union OCJ Suits in white; Clearance Sale price aCiaJl $1 Famous Cooper Shirts and Drawers spring needle knit, form fitting garments, in CQ blue, white or tan; Clearance Sale only $3 and $3.50 Gotham Summer Pajamas fine soisette in all colors; on special (fl QQ sale during Clearance Sale at, suit piJO Summer Underwear Clearance COOL Summer Underwear here a-plenty and at savings that make the purchasing of quantities worth while. Specials, too, on styles comfortable for wear at the beach. Women's 25c Vests of light weight rib ped cotton. Long sleeved, high neck, also low neck, sleeve less styles. Clearance at 9J Women's 15c Vests low neck, sleovelass, plain- yokes. For the clearance at llC- Women's 25c and 35c Vests with plain and fancy yokes. Low neck, sleeveless style. At 17 ' Women's 75c Union Suits low neck and sleeveless, with lace trimmed umbrella or tight knee, 47 Women's 50 Vests of the Kayser make with dainty crochet lace yokes. Low neck, sleeveless style. All sizes, at 33 Women's $1 Union Suits very fine rib bed. Low neck, sleeve less. Lace trimmed umbrella and tight knees. At 69 Women's $1.15 Union Suits fine ribbed cotton. Low neck, sleeveless, with lace trimmed umbrella style. Special for the rJCkn Clearance Sale at V Women's $1.50 Under wear of fine lisle, with low neck, sleeveless and with wing sleeves. Lace trimmed and tight QQ knee styles; onlyO'C 50c to $1 Shadow Allovers dainty and lacy for yokes, for waists and trimmings. White and cream. lS-inch. For q C the Clearance at only, the yard 50C 75c to $1.25 Embroideries thousands of yards of Edges and Bands in dainty Baby Irish designs. Ideal for lingerie waists and gowns. Insertions 2 to 4 inches wide. Edcres and Flouncing, 9 to 18 o inches wide. For Clearance, yard 33C Semi-Made Robes Reduced lovely pat terns for Summer and evening dresses. $S to $12 Robes for $3.98 ; $18 to $25 Robes for only $12; $20 to $30 rf j- ff Robes for Clearance at OlOUU Macrame and Ratine Laces entire stock of machine made Edges and Bands, 3 to 9 inches wide. $1.25 to $1.50 Laces a 08c ; $2 Laces at only r S1.G9; $- 30 to $3 Laces 1.97 Tint Flor. New Ruildlajc (Clearance Life-Time' Mission Furniture OUR Great Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Immense Jewelry Event PRACTICALLY everything in our enormous stock of Jewelry affected by these radical Semi-Annual Clear ance reductions. Beautiful Imported Novelties, as well as all staple Jewelry, Watches, Ulocks, etc., at bedrock prices. Hiirb Grade Frcith fc'orelty Jewelry The f popular Drop arrlngrs, n rhlnestone, pearls and all colored stones. Set In erold-filled. sterling: silver and solid frold. 60c to SI Rarrlnsa 39 M to 16 Earring SK2 9S 2 Earrings only 81.49 9S.SO-9VJ Earrinss S6 98 12 to 17 Earring; S9.98 Long; Opera Guard and Lorg-nette ChaiHN of gold filled, sterling; silver and gunmetal set with cor als, amethysts, rhlne stones, pearls, sapphires, etc. SIJSO Chains at only 98r 3.00 Chains for 81 98 5.00 Chains for 8298 0.00 Chains for 4 98 - Ija Vallleres, Festoons and fancy Necklaces Almost unlimited variety from simple effects to the beautiful ornamental colorings and designs. 3.50 La Vallleres 81.49 W.OO Li Vallleres 82.98 10 La Vallleres 84.98 IS La Vallleres S7.50 A blK lot of the Fa mous "Bliss" Novelty Belt Buckles, worth S4 to 7.50, for only 81.49 A lot of Beautiful Hat Pins, selling- from J4 to $7.60, at 81.98 A great table In the center aisle filled with Imported Jewelry, La Vallleres, Brooches, Hat Pins, Bar Pins, Bead Necklaces, Belt Pins, Buckles, etc Values so ridiculously great that we will not give their real worth, on salQ tomorrow at only "'C Our entire, stock of watcnea 1-4 off regular marked prices (contract Watches alone, excepted). You'll find Elgin Watcn es, Hampden and fine im ported Swiss Watches every style is represent ed, from the most inex pensive to fine solid gold. Our entire stock of Sol id Gold Jewelry 1-4 off regular marked prices Link Buttons. Brooches, Bar Pins, Necklaces, Lockets, Rings, Chains, Fobs, Bracelets, and a hundred other beautiful Jewels, in great variety. All Mesh Bags Reduced An opportunity to buy high grade sterling sil ver, . imported gunmetal and gold-filled Mesh Bags at ridiculously low 0.60 to 7.50 Bags 4.S 10 to 18 Bags 86.98 15 to 1'0 Bags 810.98 f.tO Bags on sale 816.98 3S Bags on sale 827.50 First Floor, Mala Building Mall Orders Filled in the Furniture section brings forth these worth while reductions on the cele brated "Lifetime" Mission Furni ture. The $22.50 "Life time" Mission Rocker, exactly as illustrated, with trenuihe leather auto spring seat, $22.50 Morris Chair only 817.25 $25 Leather-hack Chair at only S19.50 I $27.50 leather-back Rocker I at S21.75 I $30 Morris Chair at only l $23.50 $ 1 7.25 $35 Morris Chair at only $27.75 $40 "Lifetime" Settee at only $32.50 $100 "Lifetime" Daven port at SS2.75 $110 "Lifetime" Daven- port at $87.50 JA Clover Leaf Butter Special, 2 Lbs. 59c Just as fresh and delicious as that which the name suggests. Clover Leaf Butter, special today in the Pure Food Grocery, 2 lbs., 59 Kingsford's Gloss Starch, in wooden boxes, 50 Eastern Bacon, the pound at 17 Prunes, four pounds at only 25 Special Soup, 11 bars for only 25 Cream of Wheat, package only 15 Special Steel Cut Coffee, lb., 35 Potato Chips, three packages at 25 Roundup Cleaner, 6 packages at 25 Pnget Sound Salmon, 2 cans at 25 Raisins, three packages for only 22 Yeloban Milk, four cans at only 25 Wheat Eats, the package only 10 Shredded Coacoannt, the pound, 14 Libby's Catsup, the bottle, only 18 Split Peas, three pounds only 25 Mexican Beans, five pounds at 25 $1.50 Atlas at 98c Rand & McNally's new Atlas of the World, containing all latest official census, maps and data brought up. to date. Size 10x15 inches. Reg- QQ. ularly $150. Specially priced OC iiasrmcnt K'ew Building Ft. Smith Refrigerators at Our Clearance Sale Prices It 's rare time liness that the beginning of real warm weather c o i n cides with our Semi - Annual Clearance Sale, for the famous Ft. Smith Re frigerators ; are all liberally re duced. . $25 Refriger ators, S19.95. High-grade white enamel-lined Ft. Smith Refrigera tors, exactly as illustrated. Holds 65 pounds of ice, which is placed in box from the front (11 Q Q C door. Stands 43 inches high; reg. $25, at P $19.00 Refrigerators, Reduced to $14.49 5 Ft. Smith white enamel Refrigerators, with . 50-lb. ice c ap a e i t y, which is placed in box from front. Stands 48 inches high. Regularly $19, $14.49 $26.50 Refrigerators, 110- pound capacitv. Clearance Sale at $21.20 $8 Ice Boxes, 40-lb. ca pacity, $6.49; $10 Boxes. Boys' Suits lUfOTHERS who've waited until now to buy tlie boy's vacation Suit will be amply rewarded by these phenomenal Semi-Annual Clearance Sale reductions. Our entire stock of Woolen Suits di vided into three lots. All the best makes, including famous "Sampeck." Double Breasted, Norfolk, Russian and Sailor styles, in all sizes, 4 to 17 years. $5 to $7 Suits, Clearance Sale at S3. 75 $7.50 to $10 Suits, Clearance Sale $5.75 $12.50 to $15 Suits, Clearance at $8.75 YOUNG MEN'S TROUSERS '365 odd pairs of Men's and Young Men's Trousers. Patterns and weights for Summer wear.- Regular $4, tfo Y?C $5 and $6 kinds, priced, pr. (9JtOD All Boys' and Children's Straw Hats, 50c to $3, at One-Third Off. All Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Blue or Black Suits,. 10 Per Cent Off. Third Floor, New BnUdins j Needlework $1.25 Huck Towels of all linen. Bor ders stamped for embroidering. QQ In this Semi-Annual Clearance at 3C 20c and 25c Centers of plain linen and of all over Battenberg. Round or square, in the 9-inch size. Priced for thisr Semi-Annual Clearance Sale at only 5 C 85c to $1.25 Linen Scarfs neatly hem stitched and stamped for embroidering. 15x45-inch size. For the Semi- Annual Clearance Sale at only X C 50c to $1 Cordeliere Bags ready made and stamped for embroidering. Of black cotton repp. Attractive when fin- c ished. For the Clearance Sale at 3C Third Floor, Main Bulldlns 5c Glass Tumblers, 3 c J LAIX, thin, blown Glass Tumblers, which you must have so many of for warm weather. Regular 60c a dozen. Special at 3 35c dozen covered Jelly Glasses, dosen, 27 $1.25 Whirling Lawn Sprays at SOc. 40c Grass Sickles only 29 $1.50 Wire Meat Safes at only $1.08 $1 Hose Keels at only 74 Basement. Mali Orders Filled 7. nd II SgyiaSgFE? II Sole Portland rents for Cousin' Shoes . Ferrin'a Gloves AJx Onmrutoed Hosiery Gotham Shirt Underwear Madame Irene Ooneta Kpo Petticoats Sampeck Clothes Boj-s Sole Portland ents for Brown Lin- Age John S ens Mnnslna Underwear Willamette So wins Machines Acorn Stoves and Ranges Fulton ft Whitney Go-Carts Gustavo Stickler Orig inal Craftsman Furniture PHONES Pacific, Marshall 4600; Home, A-6101. Only Portland Store With Complete Mail Order Service and Catalogue. Free Strip Buttonholes T0 introduce Mrs. Newcomb's new "Every Ready" Buttonholes by the yard, we've secured 300 sample strips to give to the first who bring in this announce ment. Mrs. Newcomb's "Ever Ready" Buttonholes are made in strips, which you simply sew to the gar ment. Sample strip of plain white lawn, long enough for either front or back of waist. We have justlf Tj 300 of these strips to give away today " First Floor. New Bulldlns