Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 17, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Members Unfamiliar With Du
ties When Judge Archibald's
Case Is Called.
Summons for Jurist Orders Attend
ance July 19, Wtien It Will Be
Decided Whether Trial Will
Proceed at Once.
WAmWGTON, July 1. Judge
Robert 'W. Arehbald. of the Commerce
Court, the ninth man In the history of
the United States to be impeached for
"high crimes and misdemeanors," was
summoned today before the Senate to
stand trial upon charges made by the
The fall of the gravel cut short other
business, as Senator Galllnger, acting
president, announced that the hour for
the trial had arrived.
Seaatortal Precedeata ForROtt em-
There was a moment of confusion as
the Senate, unable to Interpret rules
out of use since 1904. sought a method
of administering oaths that changed
the body Into the high court of 1m
peachment contemplated by the Con
Acting President Galllnger had flrst
to be sworn in as presiding officer.
but none could say who should do It.
Senator Shelby M. Cullom. the oldest
member, finally was designated on
motion of " Senator fomoot.
Senator Gallinger then swore the
Senators to do their duties as Judges.
In parties of eight, selected alphabet
Ically. they came forward to the bar
and swore to "do Impartial justice.
Formal Resolutioa Preaemted.
As the last man sworn retired to
his seat. Senator Clark, of Wyoming,
chairman of the Judiciary committee,
presented the formal resolution to In
form the House that the Senate now
sat as the "high court of Impeachment
and was prepared to receive the House
of Representatives and Its committee
of managers.
When the court of Impeachment re
sumed Its session this afternoon a sum.
mons for Judge Arehbald returnable
on July 19, was Issued. Whether the
trial will Immediately go on or be post
poned until Fall or Inter probably
will be decided then. The court then
adjourned until Friday.
Formalities Qnlckly Over.
An order for the appearance of Judge
Arehbald Monday was first offered by
Senator Clark, of Wyoming, chairman
of the Senate committee on Judiciary.
and was objected to by Mr. Clayton and
Senator Bacon. Friday then was fixed.
"When the Judge has been served with
the process." said Mr. Clayton, "then
he may appear and request a reason
able time to make his answer to the
articles of Impeachment.
Less than an hour was taken up with
the organization of the court of Im
peachment and the adoption of the
formal qrders for the appearance of the
defendant and witnesses.
The trial of Judge Arehbald for al
leged connection with' business deals in
which it is charged he appeared as the
oeneficiary of favors from railroads
having litigation before his court Is
the first Impeachment case before the
Senate since Judge Swayne. of Florida,
jras tried in 1905. Judge Swayne was
Two Oat of Eight Convicted.
Of the eight men who have been im
peached and tried before the Senate
in the last century and a quarter, in
cluding a President of the United
states, a Senator, a Secretary of War,
an Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court and four Federal District Judges,
two have been convicted.
Senator Blount, of Tennessee, tried
in 178. resigned and the case was dis
missed: Judge Pickering, of New Hamp
shire, was removed In 1804. and Judge
Humphreys, of Tennessee, suffered a
similar fate In 1862. President John
son, tried In 186S. Justice Chase In
1SU4. Judge Peck In 1S30. Secretary of
War Belknap In 1876 and Judge 8wayne
in 1905. all were acquitted by the Senate.
(Continued from First Page.)
cent of the profits. Police Commis
sioner Waldo and District Attorney
Whitman, both of whom were out of
town, cut short their vacations to start
the inquiry.
Waldo Demaada Explanation
Commissioner Waldo yesterday wrote
a formal letter to the District Attorney
demanding an investigation by that of
ficial, rather than through his own de
partment. Whitman announced he
would begin a formal investigation to
day. The murder of Rosenthal before day
break today brought the situation to a
sensational climax.
Rosenthal left his home late last
night, telling his wlte he had an ap
pointment to meet Police Lieutenant
Becker at the Hotel Metropole, Broad
way and Forty-third street.
Shortly before 2 o'clock a slate-colored
automobile drew up in front of the
hotel. One of its six passengers got
out and walked Into the hotel, beckon
ing to Rosenthal. Rosenthal, without
hesitation, walked out.
He had reached a point not more than
a doien feet from the door when a vol
ley of shots rang out from the slate
colored car. Four of them found their
target, and Rosenthal fell dead in
btantly. with a bullet in his brain.
Almost before the crowd on the side
walk and In the lobby realised that a
shot had been fired, the touring car
disappeared In the direction of Fifth
Poller la Taxi Give Cbaae.
Police Lieutenant File, of the central
office staff, was dining In the Metro
pole when he heard the shots, and ran
out. Without waiting for details he
Jumped Into a taxlcab and started In
pursuit of the big slate-colored racer.
He gave chase for a mile across town
before his slower machine dropped
hopelessly behind.
Theshots fired at Rosenthal attract
ed a large crowd, and a few minutes
after the Incident the street about the
hotel was filled with hundreds of per
sons. Reserves from several of the
nearby stations were called out to keep
them in order.
James Consldlne. one of the owners
of the hotel, witnessed the ' shooting
from the rear of the lobby. He said:
I ,aw Rosenthal coming toward the
hotel. He started, as though going to
Broadway, and then stopped suddenly.
Gossbler Stops Soddealy.
"I don't know whether he saw the
men In the machine or not. but the
sudden way In which he stopped con
vinced me he was afraid something was
in happen to him. I know that one
of the men In the car was a policeman."
Mrs Rosenthal, widow of the gam
br, was almOBt frantic when a mes
senger told her that her' husband had
been killed.
'This is the police again!" she ex
claimed. "It is just what I expected!
I stayed up. fearing that Herman would
not get back safe."
District Attorney Whitman was no
tified and ' later began his Investiga
tion. Deputy Police Commissioner
Douerherty said today:
. "The car used was 'No. 41,111.' N. T. It
waa bought by Louis Llbby last Octo
ber. He promised to pay .899 for It.
had paid X200, and was still paying on
"It positively has been Identified as
the car used by the assassins, and Llbby
positively has been Identified aa the
chauffeur and as one of the men who
fired at Rosenthal. The car was found
in the garage on South Washington
Hoaaletde Charge Preferred.
"The charge against the prisoner Is
homicide. The garage Is the same In
which- waa found the taxicab used by
Montanat In tne .25,000 taxlcab rob
bery." Police Lloutenant Becker Joined Dis
trict Attorney Whitman when be heard
of the murder. Ho said:
"It is very regrettable. I know of no
motive. I have not seen Rosenthal for
a week and then 1 met him casually."
Later he said:
"It ought to be needless for me to
say that I know absolutely nothing of
the crime, who perpetrated It. what
the motive, or what the end Is to be
gained by It- I want to say, now that
I have said this much, that it was to
my best and only advantage that Ros
enthal should have been permitted to
live for many years. If not for a few
more days only.
"I bore this man no malice. He set
himself up as my enemy. I have ex
plained every move I made with this
man to the satisfaction of my su
periors. "The mortgage Is very easily ex
plained.' I calculated that In three
days, at the outside, the last suspicion
would be lifted from the Police Depart
ment by documentary,- legal evidence
before the pr per authorities."
The police learned that Rosenthal
talked with friends about the degree
of safety in which he moved since he
brought charges against the police.
"I've been threatened, Kosentnal was
quoted as saying, "but I do not care a
hang for anybody. I'm going to stay
right here and face this thing- They
didn't play this game on the level and
I'm going to stick and meet Justice."
Personal Contribution in 1904
Close to Quarter Million,
He Tells Committee.
Train for Grays Harbor Will Leave
In Two Sections Army Instruct
or Will Accompany Fifth.
Officers and men of the Oregon
National Guard will leave Portland
Saturday for maneuvers at Grays Har
bor, Washington. They will bo In
camp 10 days. The first section will
leave over the Northern. Pacific Rail
road en route to Montesano, Wash., at
t o'clock Saturday morning. The second
section will leave at 12:30 P. M. the
same day.
In the first section will be one bag
gage car, one flat car, four stock cars
and six coaches. In the second sec
tion will be a baggage car and nine
coaches. The first section will carry
headquarters, companies H. B, F, C,
Third Infantry, tne sanitary troops at
tached to tha Third Infantry, and the
ambulance company. In the second
section will be companies A, D, E, G,
I. K. L and M.
Company C will leave Baker July 19
for Portland. Company D from Corval
lis. Company G from Dallas. Company
I from Woodburn, Company L from
Oregon City and Company M from
Salem will come to Portland July zo.
Flfst Lieutenant Francis C. Endlcott.
Fifth Infantry, Inspector Instructor, on
duty with the organized militia of Ore
gon, will accompany the Third In
Chief Stone Urges Shorter Hours
and Increased Pay.
NEW YORK, July IS. Warren
Stone, chief of the locomotive engi
neers, resumed his presentation of. the
case, of tho engineers of the. Eastern
railroads when the arbitration commit
tee met today.
He said that when he had completed
his outline of the claims of the engi
neers and submitted statistics to prove
their contention for shorter hours and
Increased pay was Justified, he would
call as witnesses the engineers of 18-
hour trains between New York and
The 50 roads Involved, through their
lawyers, will occupy several days pre
senting voluminous evidence In sup
port of their contention that the engi
neers receive all the earnings of the
railroads will warrant.
House Passes BUI Fixing Heavy-
Penalties for Speculation.
WASHINGTON. July 16. Heavy
penalties for -gambling In cotton
futures are provided In the Beau
bill passed today by the House by a
vote of 95 to 25. The bill yet must
go to the Senate.
Efforts were made to amend the bill
to include provisions prohibiting gam
bling In grains, but these failed. The
bill would prohibit all dealing In cot
ton futures and fix heavy penalties
for the purchase or sale of cotton not
actually In existence. Heavy fines
would be Imposed for the use or the
mails or telegraph for the dissemina
tion of cotton speculation Information.
(Continued from First F.
in the next election I should advise my
friends to go a little slow In adopting
this resolution." added Senator Borah.
Senator Cummins said that Inasmuch
as the distinguished author seemed in
favor of the recall of everything, he
might recall this statement after
March 4.
O'Goraaa Sarahs for Wllsoa.
Senator O'Gorman challenged the
statement thai Governor W ilson
favored "recall of everything."
"Oh. I had In mind the recall of
Republican Presidents," replied Senator
Senator Burton defended Mr. Tart
both as President and party leader.
The Ohio Senator stirred the wrath
of the Democrats by asserting that
Cleveland had gone to the verge of
violating the Constitution while In
office, but added that he meant no
reflection on the ex-President.
Senators Townsend. Crawford and
Jones defended the President, while
Works, Hitchcock and McCumber spoke
against. his course.
Senator McCumber said the Presi
dential office had been used for ten
years to abuse the power or congress.
He asserted the press of the country
had upheld the Presidents In forcing
Congress to do things and that six or
seven years ago "any one who dared
to disobey the Executive promptings
was subject to immediate executiou."
Payment "Seldom by' Check," and
'inspired by Desire That Things
Be Not Done by Halves.
Hitchcock to Be Next.
WASHINGTON. July 16. The Sen
a'te's investigation of campaign contri
buttons in the elections of 1904 and
190S turned today to an Inquiry of the
Democratic funds used In Alton Jtf.
Parker's campaign of 1904. August
Belmont told the Senators he person
ally contributed about 1250,000 and that
the total amount in tne war cnesi naa
been less than a million dollars.
Postmaster-General Hitchcock, chair
man of the Republican national com
mittee In 1908, will testify tomorrow
about the contributions to President
Taft's first campaign fund, and William
F. Sheehan, a member of the Demo
cratic national executive committee in
1904. will be a witness Thursday.
Mr. Belmont said a contribution of
S10.000 offered by Henry Havemeyer,
the sugar "king." was refused by his
committee In 1904.
Foods Given to Cover Deficits.
The Senators wanted to know how
Mr.. Belmont came to give 1250.000 to
the Parker campaign. He explained he
had contributed when deficits occurred
"My habit has been that If I feel
responsible for anything? my obligation
is not measured by dollars and cents,"
said Belmont, when Senator Paynter
asked if his large contributions em.
barrassed him. Belmont was a mem
ber of the campaign executive commit
tee that vear.
Belmont told first of advancing 150.-
000 to the Democratic National com
mittee. He said he had been' reim
bursed $42,000. .
"Those committees always start out
that way," he explained. "They ask
for advances and then begin to raise
funds. Later they reimbursed me so
that the balance of 8000 only was a
Senator Jones asked Belmont for the
total of his contributions.
"Was It more than (50,000 V
"Oh, yes."
"It must have been more than that.'
" $250,000?" asked Senator
i "I doubt it. I have tried to remem
ber, but I find I cannot," said Bel
mont roatribntlon Grows Automatically.
Senator Jones tried a new tack.
"Did you contribute by cash or
check?" f
"Very often by cash."
"And check?" queried Senator Payn
ter. "Seldom by check. I cannot remem
ber the exact amount, but I am satis
fied with an estimate of .250,000."
"Do you care to give any reasons
why you gave so large an amount as
.250.000?" asked Senator Jones.
"I was very active in the nomina
tion," began Belmont, "and had been
selected to serve on the committee; so
i, .--..) H I . -nt nm o in. I lust
contributed. I never Intended to make
any such contribution, but wnen aeii
clts arose I contributed."
Belmont was asked it he had any
understanding of reward from Judge
Parker, the Presidential candidate.
"From the very outset. Judge Parker
was a free and independent man and
remained so."
v...... vmi Bvnort to have any
special legislation?" Senator Paynter
"None whatever. There was no in
terest with which I was connected that
could be helped by special, legislation."
Belmont was unable to give an ac--.
..... nr the tntn.1 funds at
UUl ttIV MLimBio -
the disposal of the Democratic National
committee in' 1904. wnen Denaioi
Clapp asked If It were a million dol
h "sruesaed" It was not more
than $600,000 or $700,000."
Belmont estimated uie navemtjr
contribution as $10,000.
Some Friends Solicited.
t- 1 1 AAallA Via hnri nkfH Morton
F. Plant for a contribution and got
"probably iziiuu.
r,H vnu wniinlt monev from your
friends and acquaintances?" asked Sen
ator Clapp.
"Some, yes.
u-imiint mentioned Frpedman. One Of
"my directors on the Interborough,"
Delancey Nlcoii ana Auroacn as meu
whom he had asked to contribute. He
said Wall Street gave little.
"Who was the most active in rais
ing funds?" the chsflrman asked. kif i c a thine- nn one devotes
all bis time to." was the response. "As
signing speakers and distributing lit
erature Is the great work. Every
Democrat was supposed 10 conmouie.
a lAiiino- the committee he was
unable to give any Information of the
whereabouts or cnaries nan, msiswih
treasurer of the Democratic commit
tee in 190'.. Belmont wa3 excused.
( Con ttnued from First Page.)
Judge Hanford, quoted the Judge as
"Of course, I have no use for an in
vention of this kind, and unless Bur
pee wishes to purchase it I cannot
take time to show it to him."
Burpee testified that he did not think
It was possible for the Judge to In
vent a valuable machine; witness
didn't want to have anything to do
with it, and "didn't think the Judge
ought to be in that line of business."
Subsequently witness called with Mc
Cord on Judge Hanford in the latter's
office, but the Judge did not show his
machine. Later he patented it.
Ltoosr-Tlnie Acquaintance Talk.
Fred H. Petersen, an attorney of Se
attle, who had known Judge Hanford
28 years-, testified that he had seen
the Judir under the influence of
liquor or streetcars half a dozen time.
Witness described one occasion when
the Judge, returning home, was awak
ened at his corner by the conductor,
who helped him to his feet, assisted
him off the car and supported him to
his door. 50 feet away.
Manlv B. Haynee. son-in-law of
Judge Hanford and organizer of the
Hanford Irrigation & Power company,
was on the stand nearly all afternoon.
giving a history of the company. His
testimony was continued into tne mgnt
Witness Anderson at the session last
night said that L. J. Jackson, a credit
man. had told mm tnat tne creait
men had met to protest against the
fees allowed by the accused jurist.
Witness also declared that in tils be
lief it was not so much the fault of
Judge Hanford that excessive fees were
being granted, but in a great measure
the merchant creditors fault, tie said
that be had told the merchants this at
their banquet. The men who appeared
before Judge Hanford, the witness
said, were always interested in ob
taining large fees for the if services
and that the merchants themselves
should be represented when they are
granted a right to protest and inform
the court of the actual circumstances.
Judge's 8n Father Champion.
After John T. Whitlock, an aged
lawyer, had testified before the sub
committee this morning that he had
seen Judge Hanford drunk on a crowd
ed streetcar of Seattle one afternoon,
Whitlock was followed Into the hall by
Ned Hanford, son of the Judge, who
called Whitlock a prevaricator.
Whitlock struck the young man in
the face, returned to the courtroom,
went on the witness stand and told his
Whitlock. when recalled, said he did
not know the young man who had ac
costed him, but had been told that he
was a son of Judge Hanford. William
H. Gorham, ex-president of the Seattle
Bar Association, was called to the
stand and verified WhlUock's testi
mony. The subcommittee has repeat
edly complained of efforts alleged to
have been made to intimidate wit
nesses and suppress testimony. Whit
lock in his testimony had shown no
animus against the Judge, and closed
by saying that he had found him fair
and upright on the bench.
The morning session began and
ended with testimony of bankruptcy
law experts, with many bartenders be
tween, who were questioned whether a
drink known as "Judge Hanford Mar
tini Cocktail," was known among the
profession. All the bartenders agreed
that it was not a standard and regu
larly named drink, but that if a harum
scarum fellow came in and ordered a
"Hanford Martini," he would be served
with the regular Martini cocktail of the
Onion Replace Olive. '
Evidence was introduced to show
that in the saloon where Witness Jacobs
and his friend decided a wager last
week by calling for a Hanford Martini
and receiving a Martini with onion in
it, the saloon's regular practice was to
use an onion instead of an olive. Ques
tions asked by the committee seemed
to indicate that they had ordered cock
tails at dinner in a large restaurant
connected with the bar in question, and
that they could qualify as witnesses
concerning the place.
Governor Teats, of Tacoma, attorney
and member of the Legislature, testi
fied that in September, 1909, while he
was examining a witness, a juror asked
permission to leave the room. ,Judge
Hanford paid no attention to the juror,
witness testified, and witness, realiz
ing that the Judge was sound asleep,
told the juror to "go on." All proceed
ings were suspended five minutes while
the Judge slept, and the Juror was ab
sent, witness testified. Just as the
juror sat down, the Judge woke up, ac
cording to witness. Teats testified
that he had never seen the Judge under
the influence of intoxicants.
Tax Jfot Heavy Upon Federal Treas
ury but Unjustly So Upon lo
cators Under Projects.
ington. July 16. Shall settlers on Gov
ernment Irrigation projects pay ror the
mistakes of the Reclamation Service
or shall that loss be saddled upon the
Government? That question was raised
In the Senate a few -days, ago and will
be more extensively presented on be
half of the settlers by Senator Borah,
of Idaho, who is now at work upon a
speech on the subject.
Under the . reclamation act, ail
moneys spent out of the reclamation
fund have to be paid back by the
settlers who acquire water rights.
This means that the settlers not only
are required to pay the actual cost of
constructing the projects, but have to
make up any losses, the losses being
added to the costs. This makes the
burden heavy upon the settlers whn
any mistakes are made, for under thj
prevailing system of book-keeping th
full expenditure Is figured as cost.
This subject flrst arose In connec
tion with a. bill authorizing the sale
of the Government plant and project
at Garden City, Kan., a project that
proved to be an utter failure. This
was a unique project. In that there was
no flowing water to depend upon, and
all the water for irrigation was to be
pumped to the surface from an under
ground flow 20 feet below the surface.
The government spent about $300,000
on a big pumping plant, built its dis
tributing system, and then found the
project was an utter failure, for it
eould not get the water to the lanii
at a cost tne farmers "could pay. The
land owners under the project, how
ever, had obligated themselves to repay
the cost of construction, and being
without water were unable to raise
crops or meet their payments. So the
project has been abandoned, and It is
now proposed to sell , the government
plant, release the settlers, and recoup
the loss as far as possible. But there
will be a substantial loss on the proj
ect at best, and the problem has arisen,
upon whom shall this loss fall? It
cannot fall upon the settlers on the
Garden City project, for they have lost
everything and cannot pay; In fact
they never had water tor irrigation.
and the government did not keep its
part of the contract. 'The rear has
been expressed that this, loss will be
distributed upon other projects, and
that settlers in other states will pay
for the Garden City fiasco.
When this bill was before the Sen
ate, Senator Borah said It was not
right that the expense attending sucn
mistakes should be saddled upon the
settlers but should be paid for out of
the Treasury. He took the position
that when a settler repays to the gov
ernment his share of the actual cost of
getting water onto his land, he has
done all that reasonably can be asked
of him. He announced that he would
soon raise the Issue of relieving the
settlers from the burden of mistakes
which have been made In any of the
Government projects and will ask Con
gress to pass an amendment to tne
reclamation act to this effect.
Senator Borah went on to say that
mistakes could not be avoided In such
a big work as that undertaken by the
reclamation service, a worn in a large
degree experimental, but when mis
takes are made, he declared the Gov
ernment should bear the expense. That
would not be a heavy tax upon th;
treasury, but would be an unjust bur
den to impose upon the settier.
Just what form or rener senator
F. P. Young
Ladies' Haberdashers.
328 Morrison Street.
Portland Hotel Block.
If you are going to the
shore or mountains you 'will
need a good sweater. We
can supply you at a cheaper
price for better sweaters
than you can buy elsewhere.
$5.00 Ladies
$7.50 Ladies
$5.00 Lingerie
Borah will propose he has not yet de
termined. He would limit the liability
of the settler to the actual cost of get
ting water to his'land, exclusive of the
cost of errors In engineering or con
struction. The Idaho Senator thinks
this Is just, and while he may not get
action this session, he is hopeful of
getting his bill through by next session
at the latest.
Candidate Xot Sure Whether He Is
. "Progressive" or Xot. .
INDIANAPOLIS, July 16. Governor
Marshall, Democratic candidate for
Vice-President, today received at the
State Capitol 20 members of the Demo
cratic National Committee who stopped
here on their way home from the re
organization meeting at Chicago. Gov
ernor Marshall said he "did not know
whether he was 'progressive or not,"
and continued:
"There are many kinds of progres
sives nowadays. One believes in tak
ing the tariff, off Iowa products and
putting It on Indiana products, and
the other supports the opposite policy.
I am not that kind of a progressive.
But If the term means to believe that
the Democratic party should meet
changing conditions in protecting the
people against the special interests, 1
am progressive." '
How to Protect Hair
and Skin in Summer
Summer months are trying- on the
hair because of the excessive per
spiration and the great amount of dust
flyings This dulls the hair and makes
it "matty" and unmanageable, yet it is
eSisy to restore the rich color and
massy softness and keep the hair
bright and pretty during the hottest
weather by shampooing with canthrox
a teaspoonful of which dissolved In a
cup of hot water is enough for a thor
ough cleansing.
Oiliness, freckles, tan and other com
plexion disfigurements disappear fol
lowing the use of a SDurmax lotion,
Thts is made by stirring two teaspoon
fuls glycerine into one-half pint witch
hazel (or hot water), then adding four
ounces ' epurmax. The lotion dries
quickly, is invisible when on and im
parts a delightful tint and velvety
cirothness to the skin. Perspiration
will not spot the spurmax lotion, nor
will the wind blow It off. Adv.
I Asked
The Doctor:
"What is your best diversion
after the worries of the profession
al day?"
'The day's worries vanish in
the hour of music at niarht" he
answered. "MY BUNGALOW
PLAYER PIANO is more than a
mere source of amusement. It's
a mental tonic that better fits me
for the next day's worlf It's a
never failing antidote for the
Good music is medicine to the
jaded mind. It's a sedative to ir
ritated nerves. It 's a cure for the
"loomy. moody disposition.
PIANO has every essential advan
tage of the more expensive players,
And we will take your "never-H-i-ed"
niaiio in part payment.
plays the full scale, 88 notes piays
oil "stnndApH" music rolls full.
round, rich, mellow tone selected
materials best workmanBhip au
tnmatic a-uidin device melody so
lolst every valuable improvement
tree music roils.
Price i8o terms $2.00 per week.
rTtfbrfnp Dealer.
The NaTion's Largest.
Portland Retail Store Ellera Bid
A 1 .!. Hrft mt Seventh.
San Francisco Store Ellera Bldc
Seattle Store Ellers BldK., Univer
sity at Third.
Spokane Store Ellers Blue Post
. and SpraR-ue Avenue.
Tacoma Store Ellera Rid?., 843 C
Los Anurelew Store 334 S. Broad
way. Also In every other Important West
What Your Money Earns Is Income
The 1st of July our Savings Depositors received interest on
their accounts.
'Is your money bringing; you an income? If not, open an ac
count in our Savings Department, and at the end of Decem
ber, or should you close youraceount before then, your
money will have earned something for you. -
Security Savings and Trust Company
Morrison at Fifth Street
Capital and Surplus - - $1,400,000
I Pay yourself dividends
of satisfaction by invest
ing $425 in a Packard
style FF. It embodies the
durability of delight.
Every Packard owner is a Packard booster.
Ask the owner of the oldest Packard what he
thinks of it. Packard pianos and player-pianos
each the standard of its type may be had
on terms from The Wiley B. Allen Co., Seventh
and Morrison Sts. A "Missouri demonstration"
of Packard merits will be given gladly, if you
will calL
Our New Perfection Broiler
Is pleasing many women. It enables the housewife to bro3
as well on the New Perfection Stove as over a coal fire.
It uses all the heat. . . .
It cooks evenly.
It broils both sides at once.
It doesn't smoke.
And oi coum you are familiar with the
.New "Pergctiort
vsaxri t j isji in ' I WW
Oil Cook-stove
It it audi a conrenicsice all tHo ymf
round. It will bake, broil, rout and toaat
just as well aa a regular coal range.
Ask lo see
dealer. It
cabinet lop. otm
Cook-Book with
given to anyone
Nw Perfeetioa Stove at year
daomely fipjiaoed in nickel, wiui
aiadvea. kmraJ raeinu etc Free
very atova. Cook-Book aW
3cats tow
Lc AnzeUtTCat. Stockton Cad. Freeno, CL Spokane. Wash.
dan Diego, Cal.
B I Loa Anzdw. Cat, Stockton. CaL Freeno, CaL Spokane. Wart. I
San D
A Just Favorite
Pure Cream Ice Cream tests out better than
any other ice cream. It. is made of pure
cream that's the reason. That's the rea
son you get most for your money when you
order it. Phone in your order.
A 22T6
2325 WOHS50
WK '
auocxssoas to eytrcHELUR pojrrfl3 Oft
Splendidly located near PortHnd, on United Bail ways. Fast trains, week
end rates, COMMUTATION TICKETS. Near town of North Plains. Elee- 1
trio light, pure water, improved streets, modern buildings. Ideal location for
For literature write or call at office of
Main 5076. or A S774.
235 Stark Street. Portland, Oregon.