THE MORXIXO OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1912. 16 HELP WAVTED MAI-K. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY 21Z a-id 224 Couch at.. bt. 1st and 2d. Telephones: Main 6570. Marshall A-1406. Hlp Furnished Free to Employe. Phone or Wire Buib Order at our Expense. WANTED FOB MILLS: Cans edffermaa. I3.SO to $4. Ratchet setter (power set. $2. Ta-o carTlaf. riders. $2.50. l.og; deck man. $2. SO. Car loading tallyman. S3. Yard foreman, amall mill, $3. Two mill boom men. I2.o0 and JJ..5. Five mill hands. :.50 up. Vmir lumber nllers Dlne). S3.S0. Six mill and yard men at the coast. "Twenty-fire yardmen. $2.25 to $50. T varriman In CltT. 22.25. Five men for liht work around sash and door factory. $2. Lumber truck teamster, city, !.!. LOGGING: vnrm a in SI &iv buckers. SZ up. Rigging- men. 13 to W.25: chasers. S3 up. Saamjxrs. 12.75 to 33; snipers, 3.50 to S3 Log road section men. 33.25 up. FAKX3 A L' JJAini r.o . Man and wife on dairy farm. $(5 up. Milker. SJa. o ana Two farmhands at the coast. su. Three farmhands on Columbia River, 335 up Five hay hands up 'Willamette Valley, 3)1.50 to JI.75. board and room. Two naynanas, cios .u . - bd. Man and wife on general farm, here. $50 itp. b.oas aioi.iii.i.rt-'t'wv''. Cook small boarding-house, city. 340. mailer, restauraci. cut. ... Arm waiter city boarding-house, $.0. Vegetable man. city hotel. Two men to load wood. 2.0. . . i i in ,m Camp flunkey. 355 to $40. go with boas mis morning, tar. paau. Tan men to work on county road, 12 SO cay. long job. Hundreds of new Jobs every day. WATCH OUR BULLETIN BOARDS, WE DO THE BUSINESS. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY 222 and 224 Couch su, bet. 1st and 3d. INCIDENT. One of mlBT.l Office Secretary Employment Department. if r. A Young man. stranger, seeking employ ment (320 his total cash asset) If I pay you 35 for employment membersnip. i wui have only $13 left between ma and starva tion. C aav T wnn maw fnr emn.9T' nut membershlo. yon will have the Y. M. C. A., with all Its resource, between you and starvation. Result: Young man Joined association. In less than a week he bad satisfactory employment, Calls for men 1080 Positions filled ,830 Employment membership guarantees member will aeenra employment or refund of membership fee: gives two months" full membership privileges. 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep member employed during the run term o bershlp without further charge. XVa ..,-. Mmtinl (lantand for CLER' ICAL, TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL Se secretary employment department. T. M C A. SALESMEN STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT. We are doing the biggest busi ness In our history. We have never found It so easy to sell goods, we must Anr uIm rnn tn take COTO of OUT rap- Idly-Increasing business. You probably have the ambition and the ability to make many times your present salary, but you are a slave to tne sajary iu u - V. - ... , a anmmi.ainn. Get OUt of that rut. Connect yourself with the largest and most progressive real estate concern on tne racmc oasi. vur 'f sltlon Is the best ever offered and yo" can make big money right now. Our salesmen are doing It. Ask any bank about us. then see Mr. Cleaveland. sales manager. Fred A Jacobs Co.. 2t)a Wash ington St.. cor. 4th lO to 12 A. M. only. SALESMEN-. ATTENTION! We can use two good salesmen on oar permanent sales staff. Only men who have good clean records and can sell one or tne sounaeet ana mwi prvm-u.w .in vestments offered In the Northwest need apply: no experience In stock-selling re quired, but applicants must be forceful and clean-cut; no advances made, so those looking for graft need not apply: thorougb co-operation given anil success Is sure to anyone we accept. Call Mon day or Tuesday morning, room 06. Cor- bett Dldg. ASK lor MT. ienmaw. ATTENTION. Life Insurance Men: Three openings for special agents who are ready i n r i in i u uie iiciu n ......... a - personal production: company's agencies thoroughly organized In Oregon and Washington: our agents are mgn-ciaas. - - . i- -v. nn v kind piinperuua kilucu, . . - - -. we want sa if vou are "broke or not willing to have past record thoroughly In vestigated, do not apply: prosperity here for men who can and will make good; renewal contracts or uunvii-. brokerage. Address F 248. Oregonlan. mi c ortfiim -. ntni fnr the TJ. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 10 and 85: must De native corn or naa pa pers: monthly pay 315 to $0: additional compensation possible: food. clothing. ....... TaHi,.ai atrendance free: af ter 30 years' service can retire with 1 5 per cent of pay and allowances: service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps Recruiting tjrcice. inira auu aj-.i"a.-sis- or 13 H Third St.. Portland. Or. WANTED. High-class salesman. Ton can make from 3300 to $500 month. Eea Barnard. 407 Yon Bide-. THE COLUMBIA LIFE wants more agents In Portland; a man who couldn't suc ceed as a life Insurance agent with the Columbia Life Trust Company In Port land couldn't succeed with any company anywhere: the Best or neios. in company especially In this field. Talk with Harry Rlchey at tha home office. 01 gpaldlng oiog. PORTLAND CORPORATION WITH RAPIDLY EXTENDING Bl"s'Ns?,I5AIa OPENING FOR EXPERIENCED HIGH ORADB SALESMAN. PERMANENT PO SITION. WITH LARGE EARNINGS AND OPPORTUNITY TO ADVANCE. AO 2-4. SOME of our man are making 3500 per month and we want more of that kind. If you are a salesman of ability, with plenty of energy and wish to be asso ciated with a good sound company whl5 takea care of your Interests, call B to 12 A. M. Ask for sales manager. 701 Spalding- bldg. WANTED Man with family, familiar with farm work, to take up residence on small place; permanent position, with wages to start: acquires possession on . homo place; balance can be paid for from of wages. AN 48. Oregonlan. HIGH SCHOOL and athletic young men to Join Company C, Oregon National Guard: Instructive camp, exciting army maneuv ers near Seattle. July 20-30. uniforms, food and transportation furnished; pay $1.25 per nay. Ayy.y at jimm... - AN energetic, aggressive salesman on The Century Dictionary. Cyclopedia and At'as; best selling proposition In town; hlgn- clsss circularised leads furnished. 210 Marquam bldg. LIVE dependable salesmen- wanted In sev eral good fields to sell our unsurpassed nursery stock: cash paid weekly: write us at once. Washington Nursery Co.. Top- per.lsh. wash. A LARGE depsrtraent stora requires a good cake and pastry baker, one who la com petent to take charge. Apply to aupt.. The Holts store. Holts Corner, 0th and Washington. GI INSURANCE AGENTS, experienced, recom mended, who want to better their condi tion. Communicate with National Life In surance Co.. U. S. A. 300 Selling bldg. Avr rood steel ship fitter desiring steady, desirable position can aecure same by ap plvlng at tha Craig Shipbuilding Com pany's Works at Long Beach. Cel. SALESMAN wanted for Winona MUla seam less hosiery; established business: good commission. G. W. Booxer. Mgr., 41T Ar csde bldg.. Seattle. WANTED 15 men for sawmill, out of town. Apply 385 Eaat Morrison this fore noon. BOY over 17, living at home., to assist janitor and to make himself generally useful In store. 405 Washington st. A LIVE real estate salesman wanted; good money-mafclr.g proposition. Call bet. 10-12 A. M . 715 Chamber of Commerce. EXPERIENCED man for gardener and general work on suburban place. W B. Kec hhelmer. 22? Stark, bet- 12 and 1 P. M. "WANTED Good, reliable salesmen; cash advanced, outfit supplied; good money to be made. Csrlton Nursery Co. Carlton. Or. BKICK MASON wanted for fire brick work on brick kilns. Apply Geljsbeek Engineer ing Co. f4 Blake-McFall bldg. BAKER'S helper wanted: one with experl-ei,-- preferred. Apply TOO Union 'ava, N. WANTED Barber, short hours; Tracy-Sell-vrord Car Barn Shop. Phone B 2406. STT"'KERMAN out of town. 222 Commercial b'dg. BoV wanted. App'y 71 V Morrison St.. roo:i M. TWO barbers wanted at tha Club. Phona ill, uugene. ir, PORTER to shine shoes. White, Hotel Al der axbersbop, HELP WAVTKT FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPE RATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILB LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE at TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE). COR. BTH AND EAST ANKENY STREETS, OR MAIN OFFICE. WEST PARK. AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. GIRLS to work Is factory. Must be 16 or over. Ames, Harris, neville co. &Lh and Davla Sta. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES wanted at once bv THE MEIER FRANK STORES, Jth-Hoor restaurant - goon pay to those undertaking perxec service. Apply at restaurant aesa. W ANTED TODAY. Cook for camn. 340: rooks for boarding- houses, S35: waitresses. $25 per month and 8 per week; grill waitress, 38; cham bermaid. $30: laundrv girls, 11.25 to $1. i3 per day: housekeepers, sjv ana s-; r cral helpers, $20 to 35- PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladles' Dept., 205H Morrison. KTEVOGRAPHER WAl.TED. High-class lady wanted that can' fill high-class position; must start In at 350; will raise $10 each for 2 months; If you are not capable of fast work ana aon v-bfi t n Ktaartv nosition. don't answer give telephone number: must have best of references. H 2-'.. uregonian. t t f it. r - ... .. dri Cook, institution, Waitress, beach, $25. Second girls. $30. HANSEN'S EMPT OFFICE, 345 Wash St., R. 7. WOMEN and girls to work In fruit; good ber of men. Apply Oregon Packing Co. c am ana oeiiuuuu WE want six first-class lady waitresses and two cashiers ror a nrsi-ciass reaiauraat, must iiuve 310C; reference required; In answercna- give nnone numDer. v . o, Oregonlan. WANTED Girl for general housework In family of three adults: must oe gooa cook; good wages. Telephone Marshall 1S20 or call at aj uverion: WANTED Experienced second girl, family of rive; good wages paia 10 tumiicieu person. it ,1 af r. o.oiiib, ave near City Park. 71 Park W" ANTED A good woman to work by day in r rit.r nnp Tint' Mr ana serve iwu meals: no laundry. Call mornings .at 100 E. ioth st- Phone a ziui. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small lamny oi aauns. awu wagea Apply at 712 Weat Main St., above King st. npviu ik'RRS exnerienced waist finish ers. wanted: no cooks ana no imiuicib should apply, only Qressmaaera wun e penance. 434 jaomeon WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and general nouseworn; email laaiiuy. rood waxes. 515 Thompson ao. East 4140. WANTED Competer girl for cooking and general hourowora; country nuiiie, a. modern conveniences; two in family. Ad dress Jno. w . r-aimer. hooo iv. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible po,lllon. via vt i. o.. ovv i.un. child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Two experienced hand ironers, shakers on mangle, x hucrci, o.w. aw at once, international i.ammry - j- YOUNG lady stenographer. Remington op erator. $10 per wee 10 start,- ivpownie yoUI application. A uresouiaii BUSINESS firm needs a woman over 25 who Is trustworthy ana capuic, - nerlence unnecessary. AD 2-'. uregonian penence nnii"aJ. " " ' " WANTED Woman for general housework; mii.t be zood cook ; good wages. Phone mnrnlms. Main 7412L WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages it DauBiaciuu. 741 W asco, comer r-. a. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 345 H Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. GIRL to answer inquiries In small real estate otnee; no wora, o jt ... 223. oregonlan. WANTED A woman for general house work; must be neat ana Clean, sma.ii miu lly of g. Phone C 3081. DICTAPHONE operators wanted; positions waiting lor competenfc, uyci aiuia. a 1 Ellers bldg. ; or 1 v-Tr-n niri for chamber work and as laf wltn nisnes. i.ivcisiub "i" Johns. Phone Columbia auj. EXPERIENCED girl with city references tO work lu tic. at.-- o,9u- lngton st. WANTED A good cook to go to beach Titn private innni , uei mu yi iw ova. Apply bb ayereu. HOUSEKEEPER, cooka, waitrtsABes, aecoad rlrls cnamDermiiUo, nunw. 01- iauum Aticnc- 253 Vi Alder. Main 2039, A 4775. WANTED lrl for general housework. Ap ply 181 bait lbtn, near xayior. ruouos GIRL for general houae-work: small family; girl irom country jjicirucu. oo aota ave. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 Washington it., near 4ta. fnone aam qjw ' a ..w WANTED a young girl to aaalst with house- worK ; going io u-o w-aj,.. 'a- iftfh- tti1v mornlnirs. WA-VTEI5 An experienced collar girl. U. hill. . WOMAN for general housework; must be good cook; o aauua m E. Hh. corner Belmont. WANTED A good girl for general house work, tail morning., i-omk. WANTED Girl to do general housework. 251 N. zun. .N experienced girl for general housework. 074 Moyx. GOOD girl to help take care of baby and light housework at the beach. E. 6010. WOMAN cook, boarding-house. $40- St. LrOUls Agency, -jo f aiuci. M.tu .u. small family; good wages. S13 Johnson st WA A .N I tL, U UirriFU wauuiaii w aw. few rooms. Stratton Hotel, 3d and Pine. WANTED Experienced cook for family of two. 6 -N. I'aa si.. Apt- a. WANTED Experienced waitress at Thomp son s Kestaurani. i -a 393 Clifton st-. corner 10th. Main 3987. COOK wanted. Roaedaie Country . Club. WANTED Girl for general housework; Kood wages. i a . ' COMPETENT lrl wanted for general housework. Wiiinnnin ng.. jjo -- WANTED Woman for housework, small faml 1 '. A. Anaania, t rv cnm. oou. WANTED An experienced second girL Ap ply 210 St. c -air su WANTED A dining-room girL 163 12th. corner Mormon. TWO good house-to-house solicitors. 50 per Cent . - LUJIOrr l ncn:Bt- u.ns- WANTED A good girl for general house work. CBU mornings, oov -a-arn. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Appiy io raumg oiag. GIRL for general housework. 624 Jackson. cor. ---. fonmq neigaia. WOMAN for general housework, mornings only. gut f 4Qin rv lapor lata. WAITRESS for restaurant. 141 Russell St. HELP WANTED MI SC E LL AN EOUS. MAKE money writing short stories, or for apers; oi j pay, iree doqki. tens now. 'nired Preas Syndicate. San Francisco. WANTED Picture ply writers; big pay; we II teach you. picture fiaj Aasociauon, San Francisco B. r. BUSINESS COLLEGE quickly trains for positions; day and night classes. 30 Worcester block. Marshall 275L GIRLS, learn beauty parlor work; reduced rates this paontn. ei J jioincniiq SHORTHAND, type .v lit in g school. 2& 14th Main KSH'-i. rp"n lni.ruruon, 90 mo. PR1VAT& shorthand, typewriting, book- Keeping. Mammon piug. Jiaraa. ..u F1SK TEACHERS ASSOCIATION for son 001 s svno. imcxmisV uu bviuui. imuc. HEI.r WANTED MISCKLLANKOU. MEN WANTED for firemen and brake men on nearby railroads; $S0 to $100 monthly; promotion, engineer-conductor; experi ence unnecessary; no strike; age 18-35. Railroad employing headquarters, thou- - sends of men sent to positions on over 10O0 official calls. State age. Railway Association, Oregonlan. MEN and women to learn the barber trade In elsrht weeks; special Inducements; per centage paid wnue learning; iwim uv Tnpt l-i.fpiirrr,r. IT vln In S.e bUSl' ness; Ml schools; 'a lifetime, membersnip given to eacn stuaenc noier xi lege, ga n. gourtn iu rorunuu, w. wrrv and hnva to iarn automobile repair ing, driving on up-to-date cars; electrical, civil engineering, surveying; methods moat practicai; room ana ooara wnue leanuns position secured: satisfaction guaranteed catalogue free. National School of engi neering. 2110 W. 7th, Los Angeles. WE teach you a trade In a few months' time; no expense out your ui-., tr1rftT antrimnhila nliimhltlf. bricklay ing; 100 satisfied workmen today; 40 jot.s Koine: cataiurue tree. unnei t.i Kcnooi contracting Co., i-ros Angcies. MAN wanted to contract cutting of 1000 or 1500 cords first-growth nr woo a; inis ad will appear but once. W 225. Ore- gonian. MEN and women for Government positions. open. jfTanicun Jinsucuits, juovt. -." , attocnester, j. x. RAT r AV a V mull flprku nrenare now. ex- -ln. IttrlAt. anH firnmotlam: DO lay offs, sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa cific States School. McKay bldg.. city. POSITION for you or I lose $25; individual shorthand instruction. MacDonald. 1359 E. 8th X. expert W. aU. GIRLS .".. course free in beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400-411 Dekum bldg. . YOUNG man with $1000 can buy an interest In a profitable business, with salary. AR 't, uregon la n. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FIRST-CLASS agents everywhere, either ex: three best sellers yet; new ; call or write at once. T. E. fillvey, 4Ua 6th st. AGENTS wanted, men or women, good line, -.big money; will pay salary to start. Call on C. E. Hill, room 208, New Scott Hotel. WANTED Good presser. Chicago Cleaning & Jjyemg wonts, 01 wasningion tn. SITUATION WA.TED 3LALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. HEY. YOU! Here I am. Say. Mr. Cigar Dealer, if you are In need or an up-to-date retail salesman, one who knows the business and how to get and hold the trade, get me; married, sober and Industrious, full of ginger, and am all-around good fellow. AP 1S8, Oregonian. GOOD young man stenographer; high school an n misineBS rniieee enucaiiun: some perlence; desires position; excellent city references; moderate salary. AK ure gonian. HAVE you a position to offer an intelli gent married man of 3. 7 cjuick wnn tne pencil ; American ; gooa reierences. -tva-dress R. L. T.. 907 Corbett st. DOES anyone need the services of an hon est, intelligent, tnorougniy reiiaoie young man who wants a permanent position? AM 1 1, Oregonlan. vVILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up booKa, prepare balances ana state ments, install systems. Gllllngham. au ditor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. YOITNTJ. man with business exnerience. am bitious. energetic, good personality, best or reierences. ae3ires permanent position. H 226, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED double entrv bookkeeper. exceptionally quicic ana accurate; gooa penman ; moderate salary. jN ZZi, ore gonian. YOUNG man stenographer. fresh from school, desires position; salary no oojecu J ai27. Oregoniii COMPETENT office man and stenographer desires work In evenings or odd nours. V 215, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MXTNICIVAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 24a Second St., corner Salmon. Women's Department. 245 Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes sional and clerical male and female help furnished on short notice; no fee charged. Phone Main 3555. A 5tJ-.4. A'i.N'DOW trimmer and dry goods man would like position in western uregon, Washington; am at present employed; can give btst of references as to ability and moral standing. Write AV 473, Orego nian. . YOUNG man and his sister would like po sition on farm, where Bister can ao nouse work ; good cook ; understands farming thoroughly; good reference. X 223, Ore gonlan. ' MOVING-PICTUKE and vaudeville pro- motors can secure iirst-ciass operator or manager, every detail, reliable, long ex perience, fine reference. AM 209, Orego nian. ' " . LAURELHURST. $400 DOWN. 6 rooms and large attic room for 3 more; new and very modern; close to 2 carl i n es; price $46l0. Y 21.2, Oregonian. YALE icraduate, experienced traveler, desires position as compan-on or tmor iw mwiiui. Nov.-Feb., Inclusive. Address K. R. Mac Guffey. Parkdale. Or. MAN and wife, no children, business ex perience, corapcieim win - full charge of modern apartments In first-cla-ss location. K 22. Oregonlan. POSITION, colored registered chauffeur; references; plenty 01 eipeneuto. ao Oregonlan. WINDOW screens, door screens, painted and hung Complete. IVOI nawiuutue. x auui 2ti24. A JAPANESE boy wants a position run elevator ana witn oeii uoy. nuuw a ov.t, 102 N. 3d st EXPERIENCED Janitor with first-class reierences. w.snes steaay poiiuun. 222. QregoLian. CHAUFFEUR Sober and reliable young ..v A nnaiilnn s1 1 Vi of nrlvat mr JI1UU "l-ll" Ka,L.v.., w-... r. truclc. L is. uregonian. AUTOMOBILE repair man and driver; thor- OUgniy exyeneui.cvi u ' bile work. P- O. Box 292. city. FIRST -CLASS Japanese waiter wants po sition in lam" " . -- ately. Y 225, oregonian. JAPANESE cook wants position in private ramiiy immeqiaiy. "wia.-i. FIRST-CLASS Japanese hotel cook. AP 181). Oregonian. GROCERY and meat man wants steady work; reierences. Ar iqq. urcguiiiau. JAPANESE cook wants a place In small family, v -1 3. Oregon m. JAPANESE wants a position to wait on table, in ramiiy. v wregunmn. YOUNG man wants any kind of position in 'lvate nouse. d om x. mu auiui. GOOD Japanese couple want place to do any Kind Ot worn. aj vji eguuwu. S1TTATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. A-l ASSISTANT bookkeeper, tnorougniy experienced in genema uun-v position, temporarily or permanent. AG OUNG lady with several years' experience as cashier ana assistant uooKiteeyar wttim oo.itlon: first-class references. AO 225, Oregonlan. YOUNG lady stenographer, bookkeeper, some experience, gooa jjci umu. aiiu , uiiu.iu. Main 7441. " STENOGRAPHER. 8 years' experience, de sires pDauion; iega. ncucu. E. 10-46. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING done In families for gl.SO per day; pnone dcu uwu -o-m Miss M. JHonset ALTERATIONS, repairing and general sew ing auuv . ... 11m DRE SSMAKER wishes engagements, day or -art Mor.hA.ll SfLIU mornlns or evening. t adY wants sewing and dressmaking by . . a- . 1 I " rial tns a ay. aiam DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring by the day. lawor iiren.utcu. FASHIONABLE dressmaking at home or by . rr'i TT'llllnma ava TTllsf QA7. aay. uvi) w iiuu. URSE with hospital training wanu ma ternity cases or general nursing; $15 week, city references. AM 215, Oregonlan. fioosekefpen. HOUSEKEEPING position by a young widow, rennea mm ofo..iB. 204. Oregonlan. EAT refined woman with girl of 8 desires housekeeping, widower's home. St. Louis Ai,ency, 253 Alder. Main SQS9. Miscellaneous. LADY wishes cooking on ranch or logging camp. Address a v'"""1"- EXPERIENCED weman wants day work. FIRST-CLASS woman desires wash ing. iron ing and Cleaning. jim .vqf. a ihb. REFINED young lady would like position as waitress. mi ' TO rare for offices eventrgs by an experl- LADY wishes cooking by day Phone .uarsna.i WOMAN wants day work. Call A 1548. SITUATION WaANTED FEMALE.- Mlttcella oeous. EXPERIENCED collector wants collection for several first-class firms. AD 211, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED National cash. Hicks or Kuhn's checker, wants position; can handle rush. AE 243, Oregonian. GIRL wishes work in a delicatessen or any - kind of store; can furnish good references. Atr aij, uregonian. MAN and wife, camp cooks, want small camp Job. good, references. T, 224, Ore gonlan. MAN and wife camn cooks, want srna camp job; good references. A.L 224, Ore- gonien. LADY would like position In a plain family prefer a place where there are no chil aren. teiepnone sen wood st. COMPETENT youne woman wants employ ment with small family going to beach. fnone jast Oiai mornings AN experienced cook wants position in pri vate family or institution, city or country -v a-u. uregonian. W -ANTED Position waiting, etc.. boarding house or family. Call "Prichett," East 401. EXPERIENCED woman wants work today, Friday and Saturday. Marshall 2-20, room 7. COMPETENT colored woman wants house work; $30 per month. Box 2 SO. St. Johns, ur. WANTED Washing, ironing and house- cieaning s aays a weeK. as a, ure gonian. REFINED younor er wishes clerkshin 1 small reputable store; some experience. fnone a 3439. JAPANESE girl wants a position to do gen erai nousework. ah 271. oregonian. YOUNG lady wants day work bor tW3. Phone Ta- LADY wants laundry and housework by tne oay. Main 0904. LACE CURTAINS washed; 10 years' experl ence. Tabor 1.445. Mrs. Scott. WOMAN wants chamber work or work by nour or day. East 420. NORWEGIAN woman Phone Main 9115. wants day work. EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wants general nouseworn; wages $30. pnone labor iU4 LACE curtains laundered by expert, 25c up, canea ior. jnone laoor sit. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Women acents to handle pat ented article that ev;ry woman needs: H0 per cent profit. Sells on sight. Write today. Indicator Agency. Douglas, Ariz. WANTED Aeents to handle British Oolum bia farm lands on easy payments: liberal commission. .National tt nance company, Liimitea. Vancouver, B. C AGENT to handle a campaign novelty in iyortiana; an opportunity, s xtz, orego nian. PHOTO coupons, a winning offer for agents. sarome studio. 346 Morrison. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WE want a modern house in eood district. Nob Hill preferred: will take Ions lease 11 price is ngr.t. GOWEN-IDE TRUST COMPANY, 2 Lumbermens bldg.. Ground floor. HIGHLY respetcable family, four, want care or residence ror nominal rent ior six months or year. References. iv, .New Scott Hotel. WANTED I or 5-room furnished flat or cottage for year or more, ciose in. West side. Phone Mam vuoi. BY 2 refined ladies A 4 or 5-room fur nished house or flat In nice neighborhood must be reasonable. AE 24S. Oregonian. WANT to rnt modern 5-room bunealow, furnished, west side. . or montns; must be reasonable. R 221, Oregonian. WANTED To rent furnishsed tent; state lo cation and terras. J 220. oregonian. PARTLY furnished modern 8-room house, large, light basement, pnone is 1001. TOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. MALLORY HOTEL. MALLORY HOTEL. MALLORY HOTEL. 15th and Yamhill Streets.! 15th and Yamhill Streets. 15th and Yamhill Streets. Portland's Newest and Grandest Family Hotel. Inspection Cordially Invited. SEJ3 THE "MALLORY" BEFORE YOU LOCATE IX PORTLAND. 210 elegantly furnished rooms, each and every -one supplied with every 20th-cen tury convenience, strictly up to uate. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. Eight Stories of Solid Concrete Con struction. A place where you need not hesitate to make a home for your growing family. CLEAN WHOLESOME PURE. Rates for the Summer months will be extremely moderate. x Location 15 th and Yamhill puts It within easy walking distance. MALLORY HOTEL, 15th and YamhilL ANGELA HOTEL. 623 Washington St. Under New Management. Large lobb3 finished in mahogany, tile and marble: ladies' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone service in rooms all night and day, electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water in au rooms, manv with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort Is made for tne comrort ana convenience or 11s guests; rents the most reasonable In the city; rooms by the day, week or month. Look this over before locating. Take W car at Depot, get off at 19th and Washington. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New. modern brick building; steam heated; private baths, hot and cold water In rooms; beautifully furnished, cozy, com fortable; rent reasonable, can ana see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 387 hi East Burnsfde Street. Live in this hotel and save money on your room rent. We have 120 modern rooms, single or en suite, rooms with pri vate bath; rates 50c to 42 per day, $2 to $6 per week. East 5940. B 1275. RAINIER HOTEL. One block fronv Union Depot: 140 out side rooms with hot and cold water and steam heat; offers special rates for per manent guests: rates 50c to $2 a day; 53.50 and up per week. Phone Main 3413. HOTEL CADILLAC, 3d and Columbia, un der new management; refurnished ; rates, 2.50 to S3 per week; large, airy rooms; suites, suitable for two, with -one or two beds, at reasonable rates; hot water and baths free at all hours. HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal home for business people; centrally located; ele gant rooms; all modern conveniences: 7th and Taylor fits., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Heilig Theater. Phone Main 916. . a.- nrt-nTMD UI-lTCT 105 Twelfth st. Marshall 2790. In heart of business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone in every room; 1 day and up: 4 week and up. THE LINDELL. Large pleasant front rooms; easy walk ing distance; all home conveniences: $2, 50 to 4 per week. 828 4th st. Main itlCi iVU--'la-aa.. Pleasant outside rooms, $3, $4 and $3, and corner rooms; also 2 large rooms down stairs suitable for 3 or 4 people. -...... .Mia nt fftirinnn. 1D; iuin sl.. vv. - - THE GILMORE. 181 10th, corner Alder well furnished rooms, some large front rooms very reasonable; clean, quiet place for transient or permanent, 50o to $1 a aay, specim CALUMET ANNEX, 145H Seventh su be tween Alder and Morrison ; right down town' nicely furnished rooms; front-room suites, private bath, $7 per week; single rooms very reasonable- rtuir-u ...uL.tia.i. 150 Park st.. very central. European and American plan; homelike service in dining-room at reasonable price; $1 European, 12 American. Special rates per week. ATTRACTIVE room, newly furnished in white enamel, $3 per week. Third st- corner Columbia; hot water and baths at an hours. THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished rooms, . . i iFatov nhnnp. hath CI 9 tn HOI- stVIila wiu ' $15. Main b3Q.J 50o Jefferson St.- DO you want a good room In a good loca tion at a Vow rate? Try Hotel Larrabee, 7U Larrabee 'st. East Side. East 843. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 1ITH ST. New, strictly modern, private baths; rooms, $3.50 per week up. Main 9472. CLEAN, well-furnished rooms, steam heat, running water. Maxwell HalL 207 14th- FOB RENT. burnished Rooms. THE SARGENT HOTEL. Grand and Hawthorne Aves. For rent, the finest corner parlor, bed room and bath suits in the city ; large rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win dows fine view of all the mountains; also some single rooms; elevator service, tele phone, hot and cold water, electric light and steam heat: moderate prices for de sirable tenants; eight streetcar lines pass the building. The largest- and coolest rooms in the cy. Tf V1M1 nra InnVlnr fnr ntrTnAnent. home like Quarters, be sure and Inspect the Sargent before locating. Excellent res taurant in connection with th hoteL Phone East 2D1. " J. H. CLAR K, Proprietor. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN I Those three beautiful furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS, 2l3H4thst. 2114 4th st. 207 H 4th st. 4in 17n.i,-Vi ar ninnlni f TTITT1 TavlOr tO Salmon st-; brand-new brick; elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms; strictly up to date in all respects, and at popular prices. If vou want something out of the ordinary, in the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices give us a call, as we know vou wiinikfl it Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. uhtv: t 1 it 1 .v. nnth anrl Burnside sts. Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly furnished rooms; private baths; steam heat, hot and cold water, private phones in each room; special rates oy mo mouui. Phone Marshall 4049. HOTEL BENNETT. 226 TAYLOR. Rooms strictly modern. $3.50 up. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. THREE well-furnished, pleasantly situated, on a ground floor, electric light, tele phone, hot and cold water, bath, free; $18 per month. 306 4th st-; also one double sleeping room. $2.50 per week. LARGE front room, private porch, moderji. walking distance; other rooms can be fitted for light housekeeping; reasonable. 3S5H Mill. NICELY furnished room to let to respon sible gentleman; close in on the East Side; easy walking distance. Phone East 4627. . PLEAS-ANT rooms in new. modern house, opposite Multnomah Club, $2.50 and $3 per week. 2u8 17th st. $14 QUIET, well furnished room for gen tlemen; modern conveniences. TOO Flan ders. FOR 2 gentlemen, desirable room; hot and cold water sleeping porch, 2 beds. 3&1 W. Park. Marshall 4215. ELEGANTLY furnished front bedroom, all conveniences, close In, reasonable. 675 Glisan. A-7497. NICELY furnished front room, modern con veniences, central, reasonable. 404 Clay, near loth. . BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in good home; references. Nob HilL 738 John son st. 580 E. ALDER, neat front room in modern home: woman preferred; references re quired, phone East 5141. NICELY furnished rooms from $2 weekly; eaay walking distance. 6o5- Washington. $1.75 TO $3 WEEKLY. Desirable and airy rooms. Splendid location. 305 12th. NICE small room adjoining bath, cheap; good board if desired. 94 North 16th. TWO cool, pleasant rooms, $2 and $2.25. Bath, phone, walking distance. 35 12th. FRONT room, suitable for 2; walking dis tance. 212 11th, near Salmon. LARGE, light, airy rooms, single or double, on Park st. Main 664. $4 WEEK, suitable . two gentlemen, five DIOCKB irom rusiuuite. -- jmi.ii. WELL-FURNISHED attic room, month. 3tH 12th St. $6.00 per DOUBLE and single sleeping rooms; bath and phone; walking distance. 221 13th st. ONE large front room, every convenience, ?14 per montn. rnone aiaranun tn.;. $1.50 AND $3, free phone and bath. LARGE room, gas, light, phone, bath, $12; also 2-room suite. 347 nan. - Rooms Wltn Board. DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad veranda; quiet, close in, near car; 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. PARK VIEW. Modern family hotel; nopular rates; pri vate park; close in, cor. West Park and Montgomery. Phone Main 3783. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 23d year. P.oums witn uoara, use ui ewmg-rouia, li brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs- E. N. Wilson, sup. THE LAMB ER SON, 554 Couch St., very de- slrao.e ouisiae ruojus, diuiu ueai, . mi ning water, with or without board, close. BOARD and room for working boys $4 per week. x. ju.. x . --uu, esv ou mon st. MANI10U, 261 13th st. Attractive, c.ean rooms, steam n;at, gooa uumu, cmac m. THE HAZEL Furnished roms with board. water, sLeam ncm. qqj -u pi. CHOICE single rooms, first-class table board, reasonable, a. x.lii bl. Rooms With Board In Private Family. FOR RENT Very desirable front parlor room, with nrst-eiass Doara, in .int-nj private family, and located within easy walking distance or tne ousiness wmw , terms reasonable. Address 389 Main st. CALL at No. 57 Trinity Place for rooms with board; moaern ana an cuavwu.utcB, easy walking distance; homelike and com fortable. ROOM ar.d board in refined family, two or one in room, every nome conveniencw. Terms 825 per month. 746 E. Burnside st. LARGE room with board, suitable for two gentlemen ; single Dens, uams aitacaeu , ' close In. 291 West Park. ROOM and board, nice location, front room. modern conveniences, -io. Address iav Love joy. PLEASANT rooms with good home cook ing, near Muitnoman uxuo; reasoname. Marshall 4113. ROOM 3 and first-class table board, home cooking. $6 and 7 weex; nreproor ouna ing. SS'fr Grand ave. Phone .Sast 2051. WANTED Young man to share room with board in private zamiiy; every conveni ence, walking distance. Phone A 4963. DANDY place for 2 gentlemen; furnished front room ana ooara ; living room, pitutu, home privileges. 4 76 Clay. LOVELY front room; first-class board walking distance; one or two terms reasonable. Main 3280. people; ST.KRPIXG norch. tent or rooms with board, nome COOKing; ana wui onnii-r- cial st. Phone woooiawn azw or u I4is. LARGE beautiful front rooms, all conven iences, wltn or wimout dohtu, -. car udbs. 23rd and W.. 275 N. 24th. Marshall 8056. ROOM and board for young women, $3 week, waiKing qi stance, rnone gi. NICELY furnished rooms, with board, house modern, west aiae.- rnone Jiam vvau LARGE, pleasant room, walking distance. nome COOKIIIg, pmu, , i W rcn. J-aa. lOig. CWO pleasant rooms, large porrn and grounds; excellent po-m. juu ROOM and board, rates reasonable. Kearney, jnone marsnau lata. FOR RENT Furnished rooms with board; home conveniences. a. .viurrienjn at. BOA RD and room ; best of references re quired. Main tttffw. FURNISHED rooms and board. 595 East OaK. -b-aS! 00i. prices reasunauio. - Apartments. THE PARKHURST, N. 20th and Northrup Sts. MAX KAUFMAN, MANAGING OWNER. Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments, all outside rooms, balcony to every suite. REFERENCES. PHONE M 1173. THE SHEFFIELD 3-room apartments with bath, MUrpny cuDteaieu ucus auu r- cific phones In each: outside rooms, splen did arrangement, superb location, near P. q Best service. 272 7th. cor. Jefferson. THE MARLBOROUGH. . S and 6-room apartment, choice resi dence district, walking distance, every con venience. 21st and Flanders sts. Main 7516. KINGSBURY Apartments, 186 Ford St., near Wasnington. i-'a. Wutuu., complete and modern, private balconies, lwst of service: 3 rooms with bath. THE McKINLn. r ArAKiJlKMS. E 7th and Morrison sts. ; very central, 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished, com plete, private Paina. tmm g- f ou. ctiaNDESTA furnished apartments. Grand ave. ana ob- uu.iu.i.g, elevator, modern conveniences; close-in location; oeat 01 oc.-ic. .cm. THE MEREDITH. 712 Washington St., 2, every convenience, newly furnished; cheap est rent in the city. . MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. park and Madison Sts. For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and nnfurn'B"ea apa.. .. v-ny moqern. THE KING-DAVIS, corner King and Davis Streets, O or --.. uuiur nished- References. THE ONEONTA Nicely furnished 2. 8 and 4-room apar...ih f-.- 040. single rooms. i. i-u u HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia sts., 2. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished: modern, ROSE-FRIEND, cor. . th and Jefferson, Verv aesirainw uiuuimoucu oai luiciuo ,aji outside rooms, hardwood floors refs. jULIETTE Furnished and unfurnished 2 rooms. LOraor uu.uuioi, FOR RENT. Apartment. THE ORLANDO. 20TH AND WASHINGTON BTS. UNQUESTIONABLY FINEST LOCATION IN THE CITY. i and 3 -room furnished apartments, pos sessing every modern convenience; pri vate telephones, elevator service, excellent cioset room, launory wun sieao. uij. Most attractive entrance court In Port- Select clientele ' provides precisely the surroundings desired ror your lamny. RATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON ABLE TO BE FOUND. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. JUST OFF WASHINGTON STREET. One two one three and one four-room apartments, well furnished, exclusive, ex cellent service; every modem convenience. REASONABLE RATES. NEW MANAGEMENT. , TUB WHEELDON, Cor. Park and Taylor St THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth, and Salmon Sts, Walking Distanoa. Furnished complete. 1. 1 and -roeas apartments; buildings new and strictly modern; service first-ciass. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th streets, just off Washington: magnificent, exclusive apartments in heart of apartment-house district: rentalB reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high-class service; refined clientele; references re quired in all cases; two beautifully fur nished apartments available May 1. Mrs. A. N. Wright, superintendent. Phone Mar shall 1101. THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date management In the Northwest; every convenience: 4 and 5 rooms, all outside sunny rooms; "new; walking distance, 21st and Johnson sta ; choice residence district ; attendant on premises. Marshall 3360. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room -suites; reception hall, electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phones A 1744. Marshall 2061. NEWLY furnished The Upshur, 26th and Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments. $13, $18. 20 and up. This includes steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electric lights, gas ranges, laundry -room, all free; also 3-room unfurnished apartments, with private bath. $18; 4 rooms. $20. Take S, 23d or W cars north. Phone Main 80&. NOKOMIS Marshall, near st. isew building, never oeen occupiea; rtie $20 and up. One unfurnished, $18. A "RDM A V TERRACE. 12th and Harrison sts. Largest 2-room apartments in the city. ALTON I A, Marshall and 19th sts. Large, airv, 2, 3 and 4-roora apartments ; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificent fur nished apartments in the Northwest; loca tion perfect ; ren tals reasonable ; every modern convenience, including banquet hall and roof garden; both phones in all apartments; high-class service; references required. Main 2276 and A 7057. NEW. MODERN. EXCLUSIVE. Three, four and five-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished: large, airy rooms, beautiful view, sleeping porches, tiled baths, private halls and phones, mirror doors, beautiful rotunda, ballroom for use of tenants; references required. STELWYN APIS.. St. Clarr and Washington sts. NEW MODERN. EXCLUSIVE. Three, four and five-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished ; large, airy rooms, beautiful view, sleeping porches, tiled baths, private halls and phones, mir ror doors, beautiful rotunda, ballroom for use of tenants; references required. STELWYN APTS.. St. Clair and Washington Sts. LUCRETIA COURT. Lucretia St.. Near 23d and Wash. Unfurnished apartments, from two to five rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets, hardwood floors; under new management. Marshall 1513. Janitor. Mar shall 1500. THE WASHINGTON. 6R9 Northrup St.. near -1st; o-room uniurnisnea irtmciu, with all modern conveniences, bath, tele phone, gas range, rerrigerator, sieara neai, hnr and cold water, gas. electric light, Janitor service, etc. Take W car to 21st and Northrup. Phones Main 4oiti. A 1166. CARMELITA. Jefferson and 13th Streets. 4 and 5-room furnished and unfurnished apartments, exceptionally wen arrangea. Rates Reasonable. Modern. References. New. CUMBERLAND Apts.. W. Park and Colum hta r-! verv choice 2 and 3-room fur- nihrl and unfurnished ants., all modern conveniences, beautiful location, facing the park; 5 minutes' walk from business cen ter, best service. Prices reasonable. BUENA VISTA- 12th and Harrison; 2, 3 and 5 rooms. furnished or unfurnished; latest improve ments; best service. Apply on premises. THE BERYL. Two and three-room apartments; large rooms, large closets; strictly modern, cooi and airy for Summer; reduced ratea Phone Main 7755. 65 Lovejoy st. Take W Car. IONIAN COURT. 1.7ft Pnnch. one block from Washington, walking distance, 3 and 4-room modern unfurnished apartments; all modern con veniences, best of service; under new man agement; references required. Main 1192, MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Corner 3d and Montgomery streets; huiiriine new and strict v modern; two room apartments, furnished complete; ele vator; o. minutes wai 10 r. u. , 110 tum dren; rates $25 to $32. Main 406. THE HOUSMAN. 730 Hoyt St. Elegantly furnished 3-room corner nnartmenL all outside rooms, light and airy, large porch, surrounded by lawn and Tlow ers, quiet ana eiciuuivo, reierenues. THE LUZERNE. Corner 3d and Hall, newly furnished, 2- room anartments. building new and strict ly modern, large outside kitchens, service nrst-ciass; easy warning a is 1a nee. "THE WICKERSHAM." 18th and Flanders sts. Beautiful apartments, 0 and 6 rooms Call and see them. WINSTON APARTMENTS. 841 14th St.. at Market, now corner brick. 2-room suites, completely furnished for housekeeping; walking distance; prices reasonable, ror lniormation can Main itav. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, lfith and . Everett 2, and 4 rooms, unfurnished, private baths; up; completely reno vated, under new management: walking distance; convenient ana oest service. LINCOLN APTS.. COR. 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside, 2-roora apartments; Holmes beds built-in writing desks, vacuum clean er, Janitor service, $22.50 to J30. including llgniH. priVBlB piiuneo. ark Qiiat, J. a. ill J. o I .. the - TalLLIAN. 6th and Montgomery. 3' room furnished apartments,- with private bath and pnone, oy ween or mon in. Mar shall 1378. WALDORF COURT. IRVINGTON. East 9th and Schuyler; l unfurnished apartment; everything modern. East C47. C 1663. ' THE WESTFAL. 410 5TH ST. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND, $27.50 and up; close in, nice.y zurnisnea 3-room apartments, with private bath and phone. HADDON HALL. 11th and Hall. 2, 3. 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, modern, hardwood fioora. I p rlvate balconies; summer rates. THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and 3-room apts.; private oatn and phone. Summer rates. Main 5435. 505 Jefferson. THE CHELTENHAM. 2&5 K. 19TH. 2, 3, 4-room apartments, new brick building, new furniture. Marshall 8658. THE D RICK ST ON, 448 11th. nicely furnished 2 and 8-room modern outside apts., near Heights. Mrs. F. W. McCune, Marshall 57. THE LEONCE. 186 N. 2 2a, near jonnson. New, modern, brick, 1 and 3-room, beau tifully furnished apartments. $22.50 up. THREE AND FOUR-ROOM apartments, $16 and new ones. 01a g. inquire atsi ."V. 24th Bt THE ORMONDE Nice, light 4-room apart ment. n.itner zurnisnea or uniurnianea, 656 Flanders st Nob Hill; Main 825L LOVEJOY APTS. 17th and Lovejoy. Main 215. Two ana tnree room xurnisnea apts., modern. HARRISON COURT. 5TH AND HARRISON. Unfurnished 2 and 4-room apts., .4-room furnished apt.; walking distance. THE LAURETTE. 1 furnished 3-room apart ment; private batn ana pnone. iunst. THE PARK APARTMENTS 853 Harrison st- Phone Marshall 3070. norvMitCRAPTS.. 1R5 E. 15th near Tim- Hill, fine 4-room sparunQuu, wna w-rt. j FOR RENT. Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE WR EN HUNTING APARTME-NIS. j Furnished and unfurnished Ipartmenti. from 2 to 5 rooms, from $20 o $00 pai month. It you want one, telephone. On Sundays or I Main 2015 Evenings call A 2012 Mr. Berry. Main 2181. , Our automobile will call at anr addrest with our agent who will ba glat to sho these apartments. We own or control the following: Angels, Washington and Trlnlti Place. Cecilia. 22d and Glisan sts. Claypool, nth and Clay sts Fordham. 170 Ford st. Grandest a. Grand ave. and Eas Stark. Hanthorn, ?51 12th St., near Mail). Hanover. 165 King st.. near Wasnington. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, neat 11th. Sheffield, 272 7th St., near Jefferstn. St. Croix, 170 St. Clair st.. near Ws.sU. St. Francis. 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington, 15th and Everett sts. MORGAN. FLIEDNER 4 BOYCE 502-506 Abington Bldg. THE GARDNER East 13th and East Ash Sts. 1 8 and 5 room furnished and untar nished apartments, all light, large room fireplace, built-in buffet, etc. Rent $.- THE PORTNOMAH East 13th and East Ash 6ts. 3. 3 and 4 room apartments, hardwooe floors, sleeping porcn, zree pnone, eiiv $17 to $25. THE ST. CLAIR 715 Wayns St. C1 ltTnrlr amit-h Wash.. nlr TClnc ( S-room apartment, all light and h.rgj rooms. modern. built-in conveniences i' wanting auiancf. new cny. THE PKED A. JACOBS CO. Main 6SS9. 269 Washington St. A 2 IRIS COR. 3D AND .MILL. 4 and 5 large rooms; modern. Flats. 26TH AND Upshur 1 0-room unfurnished flat uit ah a for rooming-house. 321 N. 20th, 5-room unfurnished flat. $15. Inquire H. Weinhard Brewery, 13th and Burnside sts. $16 A SNAP. I B-room flat. located Mllwaukle and Bismark, good chance to rent rooms. Apply 405 Washington st. NEW 5-room flat. 7S2 Glisan st.; fireplace hardwood floors, sas range, etc. : vers desirable. Call Main 2ul5. A 215. Oui agent with auto will call and show flat NEW 5-room modern flat, best part of Irv InwtnK Kl.h tlal.av aits. F,, rn ct r-a. Af place, hardwood floors, built-in buffet an J Dutch kitchen. East 332. EIGHT and five rooms, modern with sleep ing porch. !tl-.i;i Everett. Sheeli Bros. Phone Main 3072. A 2410. 8-ROOM furnished flat, strictly, modern light and water included in rent; $30 335 Montgomery, corner of 7th. NICELY furnished 3-room flat and slreplns. Sorch, et st. orch, bath, phone, large yara. a-i-ir anve. aiam on. -.0 uiu.m.. 563 EVERETT, corner 17th Upper, corner 6 large outside rooms. Adapted to roomers Furnace, gas. electricity, lawn. $37.60. FURNISHED 4 rooms, bath, walking dis tance, rent reasonable. East 4811. mod ern. NEW 4 -room flat, corner of Falling and Commercial. Phone Woodlawn 8S3 MODERN 5-room flat, filh near Jackson West Side; 10 mln. walk. Main or A 1J-3 FURNISHED flat. West Side. $30. Phone Sellwood 1647. 4-ROOM fiat, furnished and unfurnished. Call 200 Fargo st. East 3305. MODERN 4 -room flat, near 23d and Wash in gtonsta:jreaBonabIe:M aln 3 8 33. A 7B.'. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. "31 Hoyt St. I? Inquire 130 stn st. viain 6-a. 5-ROOM modern upper flat, Sherman near 0th. rent sj.i. Main no. $32.50 DESIRABLE flat, yard, porches. West Side. 6 rooms, attic. Main 4220. MODERN FLAT 5 blocks Postofflce. In quire Marlon F. Dolph. 317 Mohawk bldg. UNFURNISHED 3-room flats, $16 225 Market su phone Main 516. FOR RENT Modern 0-room upper flat. Johnson st. Tel. iiain 78-0. LOVELY 4-room lower flat, furnace, rent $1H. Phone 5. B 1404. 6-ROOM lower furnished, flat for rent. Powell st. FIVE-ROOM flat, steam heat, hot water, telephone. $27.50. Phone Marshal lln. CLOSE-IN steam-heated flat, good loca tion responsible tenant; adults. 54 Cnmh. Housekeeping Rhiiu. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Fur nished tor noustKeeping: gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $12 per month up; a clean place; best In the city for the money;, short dictanc from Union Depot. Take S or 16th-st. can north; get off at Marshall st. No dogs. THE UPSHUR. 20th and Upshur sta Fur nished 2-room apartments, $15 up. includ ing steam heat, hot and cold water in every apartment, public hath, electric lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free. Take S. 23d or W cars north. Phons Main 859. ATTRACTIVE housekeeping suite, new and clean, light and airy, new gas ran; baths, light, hot water all hours,, free; rates reasonable. 268 H Third St., corner Columbia; desirable parties only. $1.50 to $3.00 week, clean furnished housekeeping-rooms, suitable for two or four; free heat, laundry, bath, phone, yard. gas. 406 Vancouver avenue and 23 Stanton. THE MILNER. 330 14 Morrison, furnished 01 unfurnished housekeeping apartment; all conveniences; close in; Summer ratea HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished complete with cook stoves. Single rooms $1.50 week, $2.25 per suite. 291 2nd st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, pantry for cook ing. 126 W. Park, between Washington and Alder. CAMBRIDGE bldg.. furnished, unfurnished housekeeping rooms; central, cheap. Room 36. 3d and Morrison. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room housekeeping and single rooms; transients solicited. 101 14th. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. FOR RENT Two front rooms on second floor, furnished for housekeeping, private porch, houce modern, walking distance. sid per montn. ne-v r. punn-m p.. 189 13TH, 2 pleasant rooms, completely furnished, modern, gas range, bath, lawn, adults, $18 monthly. Main 3672. LARGE front housekeeping room, witfc kitchenette, $13 month; free cooking gas. 402 Park st. . THREE clean. nicely furnished modern housekeeping rooms, $16 month. 9S5 Al bina ave.. cornerBlandlna. Lcar. TWO clean, nle&ly furnished housekeeping rooms, running water, all conveniences; reasonable. Main 8843. 353 13th St. 2 LARGE rooms, nicely furnished f"i housekeeping; beautiful view; no chil dren. 515 20th. Portland Heights. TWO clean cool housekeeping rooms, light phone, bath, laundry, privileges. $4 pel week. 169 East i4th. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. with Kitcnenette, j.-.; iigni, di i.u phone. 370 12th St. 3-ROOM suite, nicely furnished, separate entrance, moaern convenience. uu 0 ders. LARGE, well-furnished 2-room suite, gae range, batn, pnone, etc., or 312 Columbia st.. near 6th. $18 3 COMPLETELY furnished rooms, bath, sins:, launury, b -" b Stark. $4 PER WEEK, dandy clean 3-room suite. running water, yara avtia umv u. ajvih porch. 450 Hal $20 PER MONTH, cool, clean 3-room suite. all conveniences, iov nan. FURNISHED housekeeping front room, al- cove, clotaea ciose,pui:u. ' f 'j $12.50 MONTH Largev cool housekeeping room, oatn, m.j--"-. . 410 SALMON ST. 3 niceiy mrnisnea n. k. rooms, modern, central, .cubuiibuip. FURNISHED housekeeping, reasonable. 148 13th st., near aorriw"- NICELY furnished cool rooms, reasonable. all conveniences. o i jis NICE clean housekeeping rooms, gas, phone, bath. 1S3 a. uer 313 14TH, corner Clay, pleasant furnished ilOUSCKeeping ruuun, n-o. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. reasonaDte rent. .01 a. una ai. CICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 67 14tn St.. l-a IB W a-. KQ. Ct.. 3 FURNISHED h. k- rooms, residence dis . , . .V.U AOll V. n 1 -,- .Ma 2-ROOM housekeeping suite, phone, gas. batn. lot. uypuBiia railing ocuuui, 6-ROOM furnished house for rent; fine loca tion and cnap reni. mi r-ast 1 ayior st. FRONT alcove, also single housekeeping 450 Yamhill, near 12th. room. NEWLY and beautifully furnished largs H. K.. suites. ii.pv up. mo viay su. itui. FOR RENT West Bide, two nice large 6- room cottages, waiKing a .stance, sis ana $13.50. Apply 430 10th st. NICE 6-room house, bath, gas, $2 13th, near r.asi Morrison. 20' ROOMS, newly papered. good locafion. South. cne-ip r;nt. ran b.m t st. 7-ROOM modern house for rent. 16th st Msrsnall 1 S7 . FOR RENT Good eight-room house tn best location. 173 iota st., near lamniii,