15 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1913. SEW TODAY. Owner Says Sell $10,000 Piedmont Home for $7500 If sold is next 30 days. Owner here for few days to elose it out. It's" one of the best built homes in Pied mont. 9-room California bangalow, thoroughly mod ern, hardwood floors, plate lass windows and doors, solid brass ehandeliers, faces three streets, spacious grounds 130x100, improve ments paid, fine lawn, about a dozen small pine trees. $3100 can stand 5 years at 6 per cent. Let us show you one of the finest homes in this district. Will tell you why owner sacrifices so much in sueh a short time. Built about one year. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. second rioor, uaam. oi Mortgage Loans 54M0 Over a . t. i -1: . cue PRIlPPIlTT. ! . LOWEST CIRKEST KATES. VVM. MA CM ASTER 71 CorMtl Bids. COLMS. BEBRIDGB THOMPSON, PllRI If! ARROUNTASTS. AUDITORS, s -A. UorrMtrr BNwJfc. PhB HsIb B57 REAL ESTATE UK. LEW SKCBAKER A BENEDICT. 60 McK Eeck'wuilim O.. 315-816 Failing bid. rhni a Wrlo-w. 43 Chamber of tommtrc Cook. B. S. Co.. 508 Corbett bldg. a r Xfnln l&S. 2U6 OregOOlan. FALMaR-JONES CO, H. P. u440&-0. Wlicox oiug. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ar. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lots. nAOTi urrnHTi s rRIFICE. Magnificent Site of 7 lots, suitable for I or more paiatiai hornet, aoout oiocs. from Atnswortn School; grand, unob tructtble view of city. $12,500. Thi la aouut haif market value. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 8839. I handle PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Both high-class and cheap property, and I have the bargains in this district; if you want to buy to advantage on Port , lard Heights you will have to see aie 1 Marshall 4S27 BROOKE. a 339. LOTS FOR SALE 17100 northwest corner East flth and Holman sts., $lo.0, $-5 dowa and $20 per month. Interest 7 per cent. 60x100 adjoining- north line of above lot $1l5o, $25 clown and $20 pr month. Interest 7 per cent, uwner. g on lan. sis- DOWN 810 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car, cement walk and curb. Bull Run water. Provident Trust Company, second floor Selling bid. Main 1S00. A-i)61. BEAUTIFUL view lot on southern slope near Council Crest. JftXO and itp. includ ing cement sidewalks, curbs, graded atreei and water; building restrictions; sold on easy terms Provident Trust Company, 2d floor Serine; bldg. Main 1300., A-6261. $10 POW3J, $1 WEEK THIS BEATS IT. My quarter block, price $VJ5, central Fast Side, adjoining fine homes. 5c fare; iu get deed, balance fi years to pay. Write owner. X 214. Oregonian. LOTS $! down and 10 Per mo, ; all im provements paid; Bull Run water, cement sidewalks, etc.; no Int.. no taxes and In fine locality; 6o fare. Partlculara 326, Oregonian. . UTIPUL valley view lots, w!th fruit tre-s, on West Side, sidewalk and water "" paid; 2rt minutea from postofflce; $375 up. Provident Trust Co., second floor Belling b't Phuno Vain 1S00. A-6261. OWNER must sell and win itacriflce corner lot In Irvington for $1075; all street assess ments pirtd; $775 cash will handle It. Phone East 4316. . IF you wish to buy or sell In the Irving ton district. se ua. We have Iota in this district as low as $750 on easy terms. J J. Cahalln. 24th and Klickitat. ONE of the best lots in Alameda Park for sale by owner; price $1450, Including bith ulltic pavement and all other improve ment. Call Wood lawn 143. . FOUR sightly lots on boulevard, beautiful view of river and city. 15 minutes' walk to new Broadway bridge: a bargain at S4O0O A. R- Zeller. 532 William ave. FNAP, ROE CITY PARK. $750. Lot ail cleared and read to build on. Phone owner, C 2746. WEST1IORELAXD. faring Reed College; big sacrifice for cash. Phone Main S517 Mas terse c. . LOTS 3 and 4, b'ock 21, Council Crest Pari, for !e by owner at big bargain. AH 203, Oregonian. MUST have money; will sacrifice my two lots In Westmoreland ; they ar well lo cated. K 13. Oregonian. APARTMENT site. Portland Heights, In the curve of Terrace Irive. IOOxIS'J. Price for a few days. 7om. l,. - iu. uregonian. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT, sidewalk, curb water $1 cash. $1 week: must sell. Write owner. AH 223. Oresjonian. LOT. 2 blocks Hawthorne car; J 10 down, $10 mo.; lot Lents, $& down. $S mo. Owner. Tabor 427. NAP Lot. one block east of Broadway car. in Irvlngton; only $Si0. J. J. Cahaiia, 24th and KfichHsi. Lots on very easv terms. Phono East 176 or Mahall 5Q2. LE NOIR A CO. Dealers in Wast Side property. Sfc-7- Chimner of Commerce BIdg. VERY nice lot on Mount tfcott car line. $4VM part terms. SIS Washington, room 62. $37 r l5t Stn.lf.o, Boston ae. and Hol man. Owner. J'tO M-tson r. Beach Property. NORTH BEACH. $12MVHoue. 7 rojnw, with complete ontm of furniture, f.vnr lots, 100x2iW ft., fartnir orem ; splfxlid location; a posi tive barnain. 5O00 3iE acres, fine ocean frontasre; front hatf A I lot proprty ; back half crar.berrv land. ,-i.'Vi Finest tract on whole beach, comprising 2 acre-r on wean front; tkotit two-thirds ideal cranberry marsh. Arplv ownr. 110 Ch. of Com. Phone UEACH home. Cearhart; Dr. Holt's fur nished cottage; west side of Ocean ave., nvor'n.-it in.-- sixth house south, of Hotel Gearhart; seren rooms and hath, hot ar.d cold water. sewer connection. electric ligata. baikheaded. gra.led and sodded: nolce location. Dr. John M. Holt. Gear- hart. Orrn. r.ARtRALD! HSACH New five-room bun ga'ow: ft place, patent closet ; "get a bargain"; ladiea cn barhe In surf or lake; men folk enjoy good dock shooting; come to Ocean Lake; must be so.d this wek. Owner, or. s-wain. For Sain -How Xew Rose City Park bungalow on Hit S0xldft feet, on E. th St.. near Sandy boulevard; hardwood floors and every convenience; tnouera inraugliout; price fiS'ivi terms. H- P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main Si. A 359. $30 DOWN. Swe.l. new. srnall. modern, two-story hnse. eicse tn. J.VO down. IIS mmth; price- SJ40. Ta Pellwood car to Harold ave,, go east to 1109 E. "-d st. See owner, W. bam. CajsH and JJ monthlr secure a bean tlfui new 3 large room hous: fine Tiew rn Kenton Addition. See Harrison or Hodge CHAIIN-HERLOW 3!TO. ft TRUST CO., Third r!'--r Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Monthly payments, like rent, 7 -room hous. four Iot, plenty fruit, gar den, cow barn, etc.; near St. Johna ''ftf- Hce; price reasonable. Phone Main 3153. f.iCKH) IK V IN G TON What about thi? Two blocks from either car ire: zncern home. $.Vi cash. halance f-'Z 7n pt.-r montn. Phone East : NEW nioden; 3-room bungalow, very at tractive, or'y with cash. KIGGTNS BOYfcK. :.v NORTHWEST BLIHi. MAIN" 4400. IRVTNGTON residence for sale. Call 410 E. l th . or phone C 2XJ4. FOR FIVE HOMES See Detahust. REAL ESTATE. Far Sato Hoosca. HOMES OS EAST PAYMENTS. -room house, new, modern. ZOO feet to car; lot SOxlw; cioae in; excellent neigh borhood; $3730. Easy terms. rooms and sleeping porch, bungalow atyle; Just completed. All bnflt-ia con veniences and strictly up-to-date. East front, 209 feet to car. In Laurelhuxat. $02O. Terms to suit. 8 rooms and sleeping porch,, new. double construction, excel at finish, beamed and paneled dining-room, fireplace, furnace and all built-in conveniences. Plastered basement; fruit and vegetable rooms. Two larg-e rooms can be finished on third floor. IoSuO. nall cash payment. 3 -room bungalow, modern, all built In conveniences. furnace, fireplace, three blocks from car, near fireproof school; gas. electricity; street Improvements pa"id; excellent View, curuer, -ibi. - 4 rooms In excellent suburb, restrictions; built-in conveniences; large rooms, flre- piace. eiecinc niuro wm wu.u uu-uu 4 in crlc I2aGii 3-room house, lot 100x185, West SJda, ,-,kif, three mlU circle three blocks to car 15 minutes from postofflce; shade trees, fine soiy$104u; small cash payment 3 rooms and bath, comer lot 100x100; fin- view of Tualatin Valley, West Side, two blocks to- car; 13 minutea to post office. Walks, graded streets and water, S--U0. $200 cash will handle it; balance like rent. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. Second Floor Selling Bids;. ikiin 1800; A 6J61. HOME. SWEET HOME, w have, hon s in Irvineton. Beaomont srnd. Irvingwood. finished, ready to move in. and if these nouses are not iv liking we will build for you in any part of this city after your owa ideas; we don t require any do-srn payment and sell our house on the basis of $1 per $100. or. in other words, a $3600 house would coat you $3 per month, which would include Interest at 7 per cent. Why not have an equity in your own home at the end oi another year instead of a bundle of rent recelpta? Come in and lot us explain. NEIL DURFLINOER. PORTLAND BL'SINKSS EXCHANGE 709-10 Rothchild bldg. Marshall 3S25. LAUD'S ADDITION RESIDENCES. 72.V 7 -room modern house. stone foundation, facing Eaat, near Hawthorne ave. ; terms. , , $10,000 ft rooms, stona first story. wood floors, every convenience; on Ladd $17.500 Large residence. Mission tyle. on corner more than quarter block, thor oughly modern, with beautiful outlook. $18,500 11-room stone hous, new and handsomely finished, on corner. All street Improvements in and pain; 14-foot alley in rear. H. P. PALMER-JONES CCV 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main frit9. A 353 This is an extraordinary home; large Hvln room, with Imported tils fireplace, large enousrh to hold a real Yule log; hardwood floora extending- through the dining-room coved ceilings, all woodwork done in 5-coat enamel work; every de tail la perfect and the situation is a gem of a lot in Laurelhurst. Portland s most exclusive residence district; will take a good piece of real estate a part pay ment on the house. Call for particulars at 414 spaiutng oiug- HERE IS TOUR CHANCES TO IM PROVE TOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST. PLANS FURNISHED FREE: IT WILL PAT YOU TO COME IN AOD TALK THIS OVER J S ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG). MORNINGSIDE HOME. IX TABOR HEIGHTS NEAR MT. TABOR CAR. $4250 7-ROOMS, sl.EE PING PORCH, BASEMENT. EVERYTHING OF THE VERY BEST. Terms if desired. Magnifi cent views from specialty designed win dows and porch bs. (2702) SLAUSON-CRAIG COMPANY, 304 Oak St., near 5th. A 3MVA. Main 4-K MODERN COTTAGE FOR BENT $16.50 PER MONTH. Strictly modern 5-room cottages; large slxe; brand new; in restricted district. To permanent tenant, will rent for 1.50 per month. If you decide to buy within six months, rental will apply on purchase price. A. N. Searle, E. 76th and E- Glisan. "M:v" car. FOR SALE BY OWNER. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. New 6 -room modern bungalow. 8 hard wood floors, built-in buffet and bookcases, fireplace in den, paneled dining-room, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry travs. Call Skldmore Drug Store. W. Park and Morrison, and ask for Mrs. Klein. BUILD FOR YOU. I1UUU BUILDS S-ROOM HOME. 5 or S rooms, built ta sniit you. on your awn selected lot anywhere lOO beautiful attractive horn to look at: planning, financing, talk with Mr. Wilson, wrms as low as $15 per month. National Realty & Trust Co.. 7i3 Chamber of Commerce. BLSUALUW run dal.hi. Beautiful 6-room modern bungalow, full cement basement, artistic combination liKht fixtures, larga fireplace, built-in buf fet and book cases, oak floors, bath; this Is an Ideal home; 60x100 lot. 4th and Sandy road. ISO feet south of boulevard; $5G0: terms. Owner, phone Main $817; Wood lawn 327L 1K.V l.NUl . Handsome residence, facing south and east on corner E. 15h and Brazee sts., iot 50x100 ft., ample, room for garage; 1-ouse is complete from attic to founda tion, hot-water heat. Price $10,500 HP. PALMER-JONES CO.. 4Q4 W!Ico Bldg. Phones Main Srtftff. A g?S3 -.OA vTYB nraAi)W snaI. Nice 6-room bungalow, latest built-in effects, on full lot ixlGO, on Holladay ave., near East 30th, Price, a snap. $iO0. $300 cash and $0 per month, ORUfI & BOLD-S. S18 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Otk. MUST BE SOLD WITHIf 10 DAYS. I have a 5-room modern cottage within two blocks of tour different carlines; im provements all In and paid for; good barn that can be used as a garage; price with in your reach and good easy terms. Call Main 7750. M: Russvll. I WILL sell my strictly new, modern, K room house and full Jot for $I.w less than actual cost ff taken before July 15. If you have $223 to invest and want a beautiful home in fine location at your own price see thla at once. Owner, AT Jio. Oregonian. . SUBURBAN HOME. ONE ACRE GROUND. New 7 -room modern house on West Side, splendid unobstructed view of Mt. Hood, on Oregon Electric. a3 miles from hosiness center, will exchange for house closer in. Owner. 4 Morrison St. Main 45. 8-ROOM home on Enst 2th St.; quite new and modern; fruft trees and flowers; sichtly property; mo b sold at once; will take Ji.'oo, of which $1000 must be cash. Call -414 Spalding bldg. for par ticulars. .. tAtXt TERMS: worth SA100; 6-room bun- "xalow furnace, wood and gas ranges; fruit traes- corner MxlOO, 2 blocks north Alberta car. on 10th; beautiful view, phona owner. C S30L TAYLOR BUILDING COMPANY BT'XLD AS YOU I.IKE. WHEHB TOU LIKE; FURNISH PLANS AND M07iY XnD GUARANTEE THE WORK. 2u2 LUMBERMEN'S BI.DG. A GOOD CHICKEN RANCH. On the Eiist Side, tn city limits, on good cariina- good five-room house; small cash payment and ma'l monthly inataUraents. Main i'750. R. M. Hiner. THIS 13 A DANDY BUY. MODERN 5-room bungalow. No. 3 E. 72d et in Mt. Villa to Cuthll! Add. Prico $iob Sea owner. Main SSvl, 62 Henry bicg. TEN NEW HOMES YOUR CHOICE. r.O0 TO $y'0 $200 CASH. Nar Hoipata and 4Sd srs. Don't dn!av. Main 10t C I PAMB.GER, 703 Spalding htdg. IRVINGTON OUR SPECIALTY. DESIRABLE HOMES. SIGHTLY LOTS. NEUHAUSEN A CO.. 70$ LEWIS BLDG. 4TK ANLJ OAK. 61 MAuautB. TEN NEW HOMES YOUR CHOICE $L"0 TO $5000 $200 CASH. Near Hclgate and 43d sts. Don't delay. Main 10k C. L. BAMBERGER. 705 Spalding hMg. FOR sale or trade, 5-room modern, hunse, full basement, lot 60X1&OL fruit and ber- riaa. $10uu down, balance long time at 8 per cent. Phone labor zwi VERY CHEAP. Broadway home; fine; worth nearly double; a, so several tots. rting up jsaat 27. C tSrtrt. W. H. Herd an. s P 5-room cottage, bath, electric lleht- ed. corner lot. 51x1; south of Hawthorne ave; avov; eas wrm natneto, lboa 4th st. k'liu s xL E Prettv 5-room modern cott re partly furnished, fruit and flowers; two Mocks from end of Woodiawn car. 1444 Frn sU .RiVV modern cottajre. Ptmnvslrit street improvements all In. price J3rtiX $500 cash, wuanca 10 suit. tu. 1. laggart. 4lo (.namoer ox .ommerc FORCED to sell Laure'.hurst home. $30CO below cost: cup. dsjshc 1er.n1. AG 2-T. uregonian. FOR FALE Lot SOxlOO. 4 -room house and furniture. $li00 cash. 1309 Greyly st Take St. Johns car. iet on: at rioiman station. KrwvsinE huncalow: eveothing modern Fru't. 1 Jv6 Etii Taylor. Owner. Phone Tabor 26ou. A TW 4-room cottage and newiv fui rished. for only $1 1,"0; easy terms; East tide; a uig snap, can ii im st. REAL ESTATE. Fas' Sale Houses, HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. 4- room house, new, modem. 200 feet to ear: lot BOxlOO; close in; excellent neigh borhood; $4730.00. Easy terms. 6 rooms and 'eplng porch, bungalow tylo: Just completed. All built-in con veniences srnd' strictly up -to-data. East front. 20O feet to car. la Laurarburst. $51' J 0.00, Terms to suit. 9 room and sleeping porch, new. double cormtruction. excellent finish, beamed and paneted dJntng-rooxa. fireplace, furnace ana all built-in conveniences. Plastered basement; fruit and vegetable rooms. Two large rooms can be finished on third floor. $5800.00. Small cash payment. . 6-room bungalow, modern, all built m conveniences, furnace, fireplace, thrae block from car, near fireproof school; gaa, electricity; street improvement pid; excellent view, corner. $3350.00; $200 cash. . 5- room bungalow, thoroughly modern; all built-in effect; fireplace, near school; city and -mountain view; street improve ments p;d- resTricted- dlstriet; three blocks to car. $3190.00. Terms. 4 rooms in excellent suburb. reatrlcttis; built-in conveniences: large rooms, fire place, electric fixtures and tinting includ ed in price $2500.00. 3-room house, lot lOOxISS. West Side, within threa mile circle, three blocka to car. 15 minute from postofflce: shade trees, fine soil, $1500.00; small ean pay ment down. , 3 room- and bthr comer lot 100x100; fin view of Tualatin Valley, West Bide, two blocks to cat; 15 minute to poat ffice. Walks, graded streets and wte.r' $2200.00, $2i0 caaa wiU Jwindl it; bal ance Ilk rent. PROVIDENT TRUST CO. Second Floor Selling Bldg. Main 1S0O; A-6l. PfNOALOW. LARGE ROOMS. TERMS TERMS. Owner ha moved to3 Canada, and has left Instructions for the sale of this hand som new hom in hlghlv restricted resi dence district; large living-room length of entire house ; very beautiful built-in features; interior handsomely decorated; elaborate lighting fixtures; fine furnace and every modern convenience; porte cocher entrance; no bungalow in this city l Ilka this In design; exceptionally well built; all assessments paid; only one block from car. See this at once. Tabor 3069. $3100. A REAL SACRIFICE. Desirous of leaving city, I offer my room modern bungalow and some furni ture fo less than it actually cost me to build. House Is arranged nicely with FruTTt in conveniences. Improvements In and paid. Sleeping rooms could jj rented. Owner, 1730 E. 15th, between Sherrett and Clat sop, Sell wood. . FINE IRVINGTON HOME. WANT LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT 12ti at., near Knott, 8 rooms, modern, hardwood floors, hot water - hei, fire place, built-in buffet, full cement base ment, sleeping porch, front and back stuirway. Price $6500. Take lot up to- $2000 a first payment, balance easy. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE 709-10 Rothchild bldg. Marshall 3S25. A RARE bargain. Owner will sell beautiful home on half block Just off Irving ton carline; house modern -throughout, every convenience, large finished attic, full con crete basement, hardwood floor, fL-eplace in library and upstair living-room, ex ceptionally fin dining-room, dutch kitch en. An ideal hom in the finest location in Irving ton. Term to suit. Call Woodiawn 3065. DO YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD FOR YOUR MONEY? Have a 9-room house, lot 100x100, good size, fruit trees and close to carline; the price i $.1250; small payment down and balance easy terms. Now if you mean business, call Main 7750. R. M, Rinef. a chance for a max with a small Capital t have a lot rx.'U)7, with 5-room house on it, barn- and chicken-house, within 3 blocks of good car service; all for $1."M; $leO down and $15 per month,- including Interest. Call Vain 7750. lu M. Riner. AS I am compelled to leave the city. Will sell mv 7-rtom home, just finished, on Maple Ladd's Addition lot 40x128 with alley; rooms all large, sleeping porch, large a:tic and fireplace In living-room; hardwood floors; this place Was especially built for my own use;, price $6500 on very easv terms. Inquire of owner. 740 East Salmon st. Phone B 1654 or East 1304. $7000. Modern S-room house, close In, walking distance, more than full lot, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, paneled dining room and den. largo sleeping porch, gar age, beautiful roses; very easy terms can be arranged. H-. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main Sfiftft, A 2C3. SWELL NEW BUNGALOW. An extra fine buy, 60x100 east fao lot, restricted district, 14 minutes to City; oak floors, fireplace, swell bevel plate buffet, sleeping porch, Inv fast every modern de tail, well built, finely finished. extra largo attic. Eaay term.. Owner, Main 4144, mornings. . BEAUTIFUL Hawthorne hdme. t rooms. 2tt0 E. 31sU; lot 47xll7, nice lawn, streets paved and paid, large halls, living and dining-room, extra nice fixtures, buffet, kitcheu and pantry, full basement, .ron Ited. furnace, 4 bedrooms, modern bath room, price $4200, easy terms. Owner, phone Tabor 480. NEW BEAUTIFUL HOME From owner, strictly modern and p-to-dat in every way, very choice restricted district, lot 50x100. Improvements paid; 2 carlines, oak floors, sleeping porch, bev eled plate 6 ft. buffet, etc Bargain; easy term. Phono Main 4144 mornings. FOR SALE Three 14 -room duplex houses ' in splendid condition, steam heat, newly papered, etc.; sacrificed on account of new improvements: two at $400 each; one at $.;.V. Apply C. A. Duke. 321 Falling bldg. Fer Salo Bnalnoss Property. GOOD business corner 100x100 at Baker can bo doubled with little Improvement; hard-surface streets. Cement sidewalks, opposite $120,000 Courthouse, 1 block from high school; will sell or trad; improved Irving ton property preferred; price $f0o0. A. R. teller 52 William ave. Phone East 19S3. C 108S. j For S Acreae. HOOD RrVER BARGAIN. ONLY $500 CASH REQUIRED. 30 acre of fine orchard land, beautifully situated on the East Side district. Hcod R'ver Valley; over half planted in com mercial orchard, part in bearing; fine building site, easily worth $20,000 in less than 2 year time; plenty of water for strawberries; will take unincumbered Portland residence in good district aa part payment; only $o00 cash required. A3 214, Oregonian. m 8rXNYIDC ACREAGE. 10- acre located in Sunnyside district. $1 acres In orchard, 3 acre maadow, 3 acre timber, - good 5-room houso, nice barn, orchard in full-bearing; soil Is of the vrv best; trout tfeam passe through place. You wilt have to see this place to appreciate It. Price $6000, part cash, good term oa balance. ORUKSI tt BOLD, 318 Board or iraao nim.. 1 r . -- n.r. , . T ." fl U I? LI X 1 ( 1 2 acres exce 11 en t sol 1: good house ; electric station corner of tract, on good auto road, in Gresham School District ; can be cut Into acre tracts to rfood ad vantage; will sell next few days WX)0, cash f 2500 ; Just what you want for a country home. First State Bank, Gresham. Or. 30-ACRE tract at Carson, Wash.; an ideal home or chicken ranch. H mil from R. R. station, W mile from boat landing, mile to postoffice. 2 miles to St. Martin or Shepherd Mineral Spring; will sell or trade; price 1350O; on main county road. A B Zeller; of2 William ave. Phone Eat 10SS, C 10$i CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH, near Portland; a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices, Dest son, xme viw, wwuu, whw on.1 roada: ff acres. $400 per tract: 10-A-. 500; 20 A ISO; 40 A., $1200; 80 A, "000- 160 A.. $3000; liberal terms. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 209 Yeon jjiag., fomana. wr. 1 Lll. rv . 10 acres at Gresham, half onaef cul tivation, balance easily cleared; running warer. excelent soil; close to two-story choo'house; only want 1 per cent down, balance monthly, quarterly, semi-annually First State Bank. Gresham. Or. YOU WANT a plctureaqu Summer home w itn running water ; a small farm, an acra or two for chicken, $200 and up. easy term, choic acreage, close to Port land, on electric earn no, puuoe, kouui, store etc J. W. Hcfferlin, 307 Bail ay Exchange. Main 224S. ONE-ACRE lot. deep, ri-h soil, prowed. roiled and readv to plant, near to subur ban car. graded atreet. water, electric lighta a-ia teiepnone tr aeirea; price xiuuu, terras iu uown ana inr per mu. FIRLANDS TRUST COv, 716-720 ijpalding Bldg. MT. TABOR acreage adjoining City Park; highly improved beautiful view, bung alow, fruit, near hard -surface and car; take part trad. Owner, AS 211. Ore gun 1 an. ONE acre, fine soil, fruit troas and garden. on canine, tnree minutes w&ik irom sta tion; Vi; o per month. AN 222, Ore gonian. SWELL PLACE FOR A HOME. 2 acre cleared, on carline near city. West Side, running water, something fine. $loo: terms. 135 leon tsiag. 17 ACRES near Beaverton. 15 cleared, 3 blocks from car station and running water; only S300 per acre; terms. Owner, Jame Wilson. Boring, or., route 1. i W lfrii 10 ouy 11 im u w .ivu aca nui more than 10 mile from city, and close number. AK 22.", Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage, ACREAGE. 4O0O acre in oar platting, only 40 minutes west of Fourth and Washington- otret, in Valley Just, west of Council Cret; with new troUe-y cars bow going on. only 30 minute, when tunnsl Is buUt only 20 minutes; rich soil, roads graded in. front of each tract; every com munity convenience, OXS ACRE ALL CLEAR, ABUT TING ON THE CARLINE FOR 1500; PAYABLE $50 CASH. $5 AND LNTfeREST PER MONTH, This 19 six lot and in an assured suburban locality. Some uncleared at $25f per acre; mil back from carline. The largest and oldest acreage firm in Portland. THE SHAW-FE All COMPAXT, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. 3 ACRES COMMERCIAL ORCHARD. 5 years old; 2 miles from North Ya kima, on Nob Hill; 7 -room house: filter, cisterns, good barn. Including 5 share of water right, Yakima Valley Canal; $12,000, term. 320 acre about 6 mile north of Oak land. Or.; 60 acres under cultivation-; 20 acre tn fruit; 3 or 4 acres stump land, bal. piling and saw timber; 5-room house, large barrt. sheep sheds; fine spring and creek; property all wire fsncsd; $45 per acre, term. 40 acres In the Umatilla Irrigation proj ect; 5 acres In apples and alfalfa and ir rigated; bal. of land cleared; fair house and -barn; miles from Hermliton. X. mile from school. 4 miles to Columbia River; the best part of the UmeUla proj ect for fruit raising; will exchange for farm land near Cleveland, Ohio, or north ern part of Ohio; price $12,000. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., 212 Selling Bldg. FOUR o-acre tract (20 aeres In all) choice upland equal to best frul and garden soil In Multnomah County, located near Troutdaie. ZV mile from- Gresham, 1H miles from Pleasant Home, close to scenic station on the Mt. Hood- Railway, reached also by Baso Line, Section- Lin and Pow el Valley roads, stone surfaced all the way, only a, mil from Automobile Club grounds and about a mile west of Sandy River; about 2000 cords best fir and maple stand ing timber,, plenty of cedar for fencing, deep, rich, chocolate soli, no rock or gravel, mostly southern slope; prico $3000: term $100 cash-, balance $20 per month; will bring $1000 per acre in 5 year if cleared. We are the owners, FIRLANDS TRUST CO., 716-720 Spalding Bldg-. FTVE'-ACRS tracts down tho riv er on West Side. 2 4 mile back from Willamette River; the heavy Industrial development 1 down, the river; thia may be had at $200 per acre on payment plan; this will make you rielt in five years. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth SL A 3500. OREGON' CITY CARLINE. 10 acres; owner is going to sell it; not going to Europe, but golns; to remain right here; has more land than he can handle; will sell this 10 acres of choice land with two acres of fir grov. six blocks from station, faro 10 Cents, price only $5.lO an acre; think of the line being double-tracked- in the near future! This price will double with tho track; $2500 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. JACOB HAAS, 400 Yeon Bldg. . A BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE FOR A COUNTRY HOME. One and a half acres, on- Sandy boule vard, cement sidewalks, water, lighta phones and all Improvements paid for; a fino streetcar lino right in front of the place-; all cleared and 1 clover; soil the vry finest and to- responsible partie I will soil this place on their own terms; let mo show It to you and the place will sp-ak for Itself. AG 226, Oregonian. $10 DOWN, 81x250 $690. $8 monthly, SO minutes out, cleared, level, slghtiy, rich black soil, liars tera. 202 Wil cox bidg. 5 ACRES in cultivation with- a Main st. frontage of 880 ft. Four block from station. For sale cheap by owner, i. ffe Pitman. Clackamas, Oregon. For ale Homesteds. 40-ACRE relinquishment, 35 miles from Portland, on wagon and railroad, running water, level ; will make nice farm when ciared; good neighbors, close to postof rice and store; $200 cash if sold quick; am going away for awhile, 313 Marquam bldg. Phone Marshall 6'J4. THREE homestead relinquishments for sale, 6,000,000 to 8,000,000 feet of fir and cedar each; price $L00 each. J. F. Titus, Eu gene, Or. For Sale Frait Lands. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD, SO aores, 12 acres apples, part 20 years old; ltf acres cleared; new H-Foom- .-story bungalow on- wooded hilltop; magnificent view; electric IIght3; gravity water system, 3 porches. Box 55, R. D. No. 1, Hood River, Oi. FOR SALE Hocu Rivr orc'iarj 10 acres; part la bearing, balance- you v UW 6 V mile out; small house, good. Wrv; price reasonable. No exchange- L Apgar, R 1. Hood River, Or. ORCHARD land, improved; trees 1 and 2 years old; 5-10-15-20 acres: on payments; investigate. 420 Henry bldg. Main 2a4. For Sale -Farms. WESTERN CANADA had ft total of nearly a quarter of a oil lion dollars of bank clearing in June, a tremenddds Increase over last year. This will indicate to you tho great devel opment that la going on in that country. They are now preparing for one of the greatest harvests in their history. You snould make the trip to see this ,?61den grain harvested and know for yourself what these rich lands of Albtfrta will pro duce. This $11 land will soon be $30 per acre, but it can be had now at this very low price on payment of one-tenth down and one-ten Ch each. year. Please call at our Of ice and get excur sion rates and literatrue. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND CO.. Agents Canadian Pacific Railway Lands, 2 Lnmbermens bldg.. Ground floor. COLUMBIA RIVER DAIRY RANCH. 22-S acres, 15 miles from Portland, boat landing on place. 25 acres in alfalfa, fine buildings, 50 head o- dairy cows, s oral head of horses, 25 hogs, all kind of farm machinery, ail crops; thin placo will carry 70 cows. This ia considered one 4 of tho best places on tho Columbia River; price $30,000. 1-3 carh, balance long Cfrr ie. If vou are lookirtjr for a good investment, investigate this before baying; guaranteed a advertised. J. H. SHIELDS, 205 Oerlinger bldg.. cor. 2d and Alder. Main 8430. ;-:-ACBE FARM CHEAP. This is1 excellent soil and la located close to Sherwood. About 1ft acres in cultivation; soma frait and berries; good op of potatoes now growing: excellent running water all the year; water Is pipad into the barn; fair 3-room house and good barn and other outbuilding. This place Is equipped with stock and personal prop erty. Prico 945U0; will accept a good un incumbered house and" lot in Portland up to about $.1005 and time on the balance. In the above we can offer you an excep tionally good bargain. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber of Commerce. rwoICE SMALL FARMS. 10 -acre homes, only $25 down, $10 a month. These little tarms are an cieareo. plowed and fenced with woven wire fenc ing, and, best of all, pure spring water la piped to each tract and ail Included at this price. Located close to railroad and water transportation tn a proven apri cot, almond, peach and European grape district. Early vegetables and potatoes do remarkably well hero. Climate for poultry cannot be beaten. School on the tract. Inquire Hunter Land CO., 810 Spalding bldg. IWESTORS. TAKE "NOTICE, 375 acre of level land, 260 acres In fine cultivation, plenty or running water, gooa ttn'Mfnc-fi- cultivated land nil In oats: all of the land can b cultivated ; right of way for electric lino from Vancouver through the placo with station on the land; place has all been platted Into 10 snd 5-acre tracts. Thi property can bo purchased now at a bargain before the electric lino 1 omit, for pa acinar , in quire or see THE CAMAS REALTY CO., Camas, Clark County, Wash. FOR SALE A model farm. 78 acres, 70 clear, rest timber, fine crops, good build ings, good roads, near Damascus; old age compels mo to sell; $100 cash to any man who brings a buyer. For further in formation writ to Josepn jutscn, jeer ing. Or. - sre 1AENT farm of 150 acres, or would divide into 10-acre tracts. 25 miles from Portland, on electric line, mile to sta tion; might take good automobile a part pa meat. AT 211. Oregonian. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! 10 acra alt tillable, running water. In Washington Co.. $1100; $250 cash, bL to suit. 1203 Yeon niag. LOOK! 200 acres, all tillable, easily cleared, fine trout stream. 50 miles of Portland. $20 per acre; term, izvs xeon oiag. 171 -ACRE dairy ranch, stock, farm and dairy implements complete: lower Colum bia, uwner. x ursuu. BURTON district. Clark Cojinty, $ mile Vancouver. Wash.; 25-acr ranch, crop and - stuck, $4500, eaay terms. Atoute a . 1 Box 144, RANCH 00 acres, with building, IS miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash- By owner. 1S2 Morrison st. CALIFORNIA IRRIGATED FARM LANDS. C. C BAMBERGER, 705 Spalding Bldg. REAL ESTATE. TOMATOES 20 TONS PEE ACRE NOW RIPE Tomatoes now riper at Los Mollno. All tho Northern cities ar eagerly da man ding them. . Commissioners are offering S cents a pound on the ground. Thai? 1 $40 a ton. , Perhaps the crop or ff tons will a old for this prico makrng $2O0 an acre. Cannery will pay $S a ton for rest of crop 15 ton $120 an acre- That make $320 an acre profit certain. Vinos bear continuous crop from now till December. Failure- unknown. There's a reason. It's the soil and Irrigation. Rich river bottom sediment. , Most abundant water supply fit Califor nia. Gravity system. Land sold In tracts of 5 to 40 acres. Only one-tenth cash. 8 yearr to pay out. Big rush of settlers. Only limited area left. Call today or. H. 6. Terry, 04 Yeon building, or write Los olinos Land Com pany. Los Molinos, California. m 10-AC RE SUBURBAN FARM. This I located at Tigardville and Is very best of soil; nearly all In cultivation; good spring, with a good- assortment of grape, berries and young orchard; a sot of very fair buildings. This I on of fh best small farms that can be found. Cheap at $4000: would secept an unincumbered house and lot In Portland op to' $3000 and time on tho balance, J S. Smith, 414 Chamber of Commerce. 40-ACRE farm for sale, $3 J. Giesy, Washougal. Wash. R. F. D. L WANTED REAL ETATB. I WISH to purchase a fino modern resi dence with 100x100 lot. Nob Hill or Port land Heights districts; property must be THOROUGHLY MODERN and in fine condition ; wil4 Invest from $20,000 to $40,000. S ?23, Oregonian. IF YOU have a 5-room houso within 25 minutes' car ride from town for $2500 with $200 cash, w can sell It for yon today. HIGGlNi ic BOYER, 50A NORTHWEST BLDG. MAI?f 4400. WANTED One acre West Side of river, with trees, between- Portland and Osw eg. X 221. Oregonian. $122,000 TO LOAN On Improved city or farm property; $1000 and up, lowest rates. W m. porcHuri, yi unguH Wanted from owner, cdfher lot, botween 10th and 20th at., Lovejoy and Shaver. 622 Chamber of Commerce. 100 LOTS wanted by ie liable firm to sell on easy terms; must be priced right id from owner. AB 223, Oroln. TO buy improved aore- with houso near City limits; Portland owners only. S 226, OrO- gonlanh. ACREAGE, 5c fary 20 minute out; good soil. 5-robm house, to exchange for 6-room bungalow in city. v ji-ii, Tegonian. WANT to buy lot In Rossmer with second mortgage privilege, ah zto. urBgPBwir, 5 OR 6-room buftgalow in Irvlngton. purse A C., S18 Chamber of Commerce. WANT 6 -room bungalow, good location. Ziitmt erman. 31Q Board 6t Trade) bldg. WANT? bueinos property up to $35.00. Main 106. C. L. Bamberger, 705 Spalding bid. WANT your acreage Sell or trade, city or farm property. 604 Spalding bldg. tO EXCTI -NGL 40 ACRES FOR BUNGALOW. 40 acres located within 1 mile 01 Damascus, all in cultivation; and set to 1-year-old trees; the land lies beauti fully and the eon Is of the very best, well drained, on two county roads; fair buildings; prlo $16,000; mortgage- $760 to run 3 to $ years will exchange equity of $2500 for bungalow nninoumbor'od. GRUSSI A BOLDS, 31 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and: Oak. VACANT FOR IMPROVED. Hood: -iC, near Carry, lot 50100" ff. Price $2&00. AiftSWOrtfc st. lot 50x100 ft., ploo $900. Terrace Park lot 50x1-00 fu, price $700. Glenwood addition lot 50x100 ft,, price $500. The above are free of Incumbrance and will trade for houso and assume small amount. Portland Business eXCSage 7O-10 Rothchild bldg. Marshall $3. WANT PORTLAND PROPERTY. Have Improved 3 -aore place in efty limits Spokane, good home or investment; price is away down-; will exchange for home In Portland, about $4000; my price Is $6S0O; buildings alone worth $4000; I also have an improved wheat ranch- in Middle West; fiao soilr good location; will exchanger for something i or near Portland. Address AG 22. Oregonian. 2TR"40 ACRlSsT2a MILES OUT'. We will exchange 20 or 40 acres of un improved land, 22 miles northeast of Port land, 6 miles from electric lie. Just the place fo get a start- Will tak small house or vacant lots in Portland ht ex change. Pfice of property $60 pet acre. See Mr. Morgan. CHAPI.V-HERLOW MTS. A TRUST CCf., Third floor Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR TRADE, " alftu Park, 6-Toom modern 3-story residence, fireplaces. 2 toilets, fu?l Ce ment basement, furnae. fruit And vege table eeiiar; artistic combination light fixtures. Window shades; beautiful lawn and garden-; price $5200. Owner, X 230, Oregonia WE HAVE FOR TRADE Farm for city property. Rooming-house for lot Or land. Houses and lots for paying business Lots and acreagO for auto. City and farm property for gen. mdse. Many mor good propositions. GARLAND A CO.. 10T 4th St. DO YOU WANT A TRADE? We have traded for timber land, farms, logged-off land. Acreage, hotels, rooming houses and city property of all kinds. Gome in and we will match you. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 700-10 Rothchild Bldg. Marsball 383S, 0 ACRES near Connell station, all in ltl- TBllUn MU crwvt """" r nB", well water, finest, of soil; will trad my equity for house and lot M or near port land. See Harrison or Hodge. CHAPlN-HERLOW MTO. A TTttTST CO., Third floor Chamber of Commerce?. lOo ACRES df wheat land fo trade for acre age close to Portland, or residence in Portland, This land Is fr from lnctan- ' brance and clear tltlew AV 489, Oregonian. 320 ACRES, in Clackamas County, near Hailwav to Mount Hood; good soil, some fine timber with power creek through cen ter, some easy to clear at a bargain price, or might trade for Irvlngton property. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Com merce. BUSINESS lot across street from Postof flee. on main pared treet; rooming house now renting for $00 per month; will trade for Portland property or closa In acreage to Portland. ALTON KKA Li 1 Y J., r-aaco. w aan . $500 CASH or trade for vacant lot and balance easy term for 5-room modern bungalow; hardwood floor, built-in closets, good location, close to car. See Harrison GHAPIN-H ERLOW MTO. A TRUST CO., TO EXCHANGE for a nice bungalow or good automobile. 40 acres good fruit land Clear of incumbrance, northwest of Sheri dan, in Yamhill County; value $4o per acre will pay cash difference or assume mortgage. Owner. 346 Washington St., room S. . . HAVE fine 80-acre tract. 15 acre cleared, nrt buildings; rich, productive soil; In eiindj district. 9 mile from Oregon City: price $75 per acre; will trad for Portland, or Vicinity prupeujr. a, -E , Paulsen, 41 S Railway Exchange. . IRVINGTON SNAP. New,' modern 8-room house; attic. r 4 bedrooms, lot 50x100, hard-surface street, worth $7500; will trade for lot, acreage, auto or small house. East 25th st., near Thompson- Phon owner. East 6V4S. FOR sale or exchange, delicatessen and lunch-room; good business and location; want motorcycle, piano or property. 7 East 28th North AM moving to Portland ; will trade my new 5-room modern home In Tacoma for small house In this city. 406 Morrison st. Mam 40- SWELL restaurant at 3S6 Morrison st. to exchange ror nous nuu i city ; present owner Is not a restaurant man; nas oiner hum---- EvcHANGEfl. I will exchange 225 cord of good, dry fir wocd for automobile or stock of gro ceries. Call 551 Monawa oms. WLLL pay $100 cash and give equity In gOOO lOl lOr J.pMBBOJlSM v- , BUWt tion. L 221. Oregonian. GOOD paying restaurant for exchange for city property or a suim ftwwi. .mar shal! ai-K. HAVE house and lot in Monmouth, value $3000;" will exchange for farm of aama EXCHANGE: $1500 equity in residence to - . j uu r9 n iftft nr trnnA rnul. ster auto. S 22-5, Oregonian. WANT unincumbered lots on county road for $2000 equity in moaem two-nat ouiiamg Price $4000; fine location. Tabor 1523, WILL trade 160 acres good timber for auto and some cash. ak zi, oregonian. TWO lots, worth $600. for good 5-pasenger car. ?i4 zsonn jq t. LOOK hi eectlon near Calgary, Canada, for f ortiaild property. i-w 1 son umi. CANNON BEACH lot to trade. What have you? inquire a i- TO EXCHANGB. $ 2.000 EQUITY In $3000 young apple or chard at Lyle to trade as first payment a $5000 or $0000, $ 6,800 8-room house, strictly modern, furnace, lot 50x100, to trade equity for lots or acreage. 9 1,104 9-reom hoaso, modern, Irvlngton district, to trad for llrat-olass lot or acreage. $ 10,000 Section of Umber la So. Oregon to trade for high-class lot or Im proved proper tyr olos In, up to $30,000. $ 12,000 worth of high-class equities m high-class houses to trade for tim ber, stump land or acreage. $ 10,500 High-class apple orchard at Hood . River to trade for city property or diversified farm. $ 20,000 worth of Umatilla County land to trade for city property up to $o0,- $ 50,000 Al beaverdam land In So. Oregon, clear, to trade for city or Eastern Oregon up to $60,000. $ 36,000 worth of city residence property, mortgages and acreage for large farm up to $40,000. ' $ 25,t00 l;0-acr stock ranch ilk Eastern Oregon to trad for city property or farm np to $45,000. $ 00,000 worth of city property to trad fox large income up to $100,000. $125.000 Large 6-story apt.-house. 100x100. on West Side, guaranteed $110u a month; trade equity $75,000 for vacant apt. sites THE HARB0LT-WILSON CO.. WC, -913-917 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak. Main 8400. A 7158. 6S6 ACRES 285 acres W telfft. oits. wheat, corn, potatoes ana uuu, hi Summer fallow ready to sw; 6-room houso, good utbulldings, 14-aore lake, everal fine springs; good farming district between Spokane and Walla Walls. Will trade for Portland income property or acreage; close to Portland. Prico $25 per acre. . ALTON REALTY CO., PASCO. WASH. . HAVE elient who owns about 90 per cent of atock in good paying telephone Pljn In Missouri, incorporated for glO.ooo, stock worth $1.50; hs bean paying regu lar dividend of 13 per cent, besides good salary to management j would consider exchange for Portland Income property; nwght consider equities in builders con tracts. For further information address D. M. Martin, Oregon, Mo., or Emll W. Martm, & jenerson, ruunim, ., . TWO lots in best Coast town, for groceries or clothing, $300; house in small town on Colombia River, for furniture. tftOOi 160 acr farm for bungalow, prico $4000; '0 acres Klickitat County for stock oC mer chandise; 640 acres, unimproved, for large residence or flats. All above clear of In cumbrance. L. K. Moore, 517 Board of WANTED TIMBER LANDS. PARTY owning first-class tl mill wants to find tract of timber not less than. 20 m 11- ' llort, to out on stum pag plan. Call Col umbia 60. FOR SALETPTBElt LANP8. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD C. J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKT BUg. roft Sal. Horse, Vehicles, Eto. FOR SALE- Horses, wagon and harness. Apply Mr. Boody, Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison. FOR SALE or trade, 1 R, T. phaeton buggy cheap. 698 Upshur St., Portland. Olympia, Wash., business and residence property . r r .nt kacirnln Main SfiL'7 JjetLF it. r . icym., -: FOR SALE One team of well-matched ma-ree, 5 years old, weighing 2700; one 7 y ear -old horse weighing 1350. 26 Ras- seii BL. FOR BALE --Horse, buggy and harness. Hawthorn oar to Division, wall on block west, 8 south. 215 58th S. E. TEAM. 3250 lb., and wagon, oheapr on Fremont, bt. 4 and 42d. Pet JCepro farm. . FINE saddlo and driving mar cheap; Weight 900; years 'old Cramrfr' Riding Schook JC - - ' Sx-ct m ifm : one team. 2100 lbs.. and two single horse cheap. 44$ E. Mor- rison, corner Jtn. CAR mules and horses. Gooseneck farm and delivery wagons, saddles. Hubert A HalL ( i -rr- itTiut CM. PASTUHB fof rent near Portland. Phone Main 1410. . PiamoSj Qrgmaw and Mne$ea4 Instruments, EXTRA fin phonograph outfit, guitar and martdOIin. cheap AN 2lo, Qregonlafi FIFE and piano lesson, $1 lesson free. Main 1346. Anrtomorjlle.- AUtOMOBILE BARGAINS. 3910 Buick, 4-pafi., 22h. p., $1W. 1&10 Maxwell, 2-pass., p., $275. Iftll Van Dyho delivery wagon, $55. 1!H0 Buick 5-PS5S-, 40-h, p-( $50. wmton 7-pas., tcyh oo-b- p $854' OREGON AUTO SXCHAJfG'E . 433-46 iaer et. 1911 E. M. F. 30, 4-PASS,. toy tonfceau, fully equipped; thi car has been used very little and cannot be told from brand new; cost $1350; prlo $675. 1910 BufckV 20-H. P.r 4-pas., $600. 1910 Chalmers 30, 4-pas,. Ilk new, 50 arrtf,TTArrS AtlTO CO., Cor. East loth and Hawthorn Av. AUTOMOBILE AGENTS I want local agents in erery county In Oregon to handle a popular-priced line Of automo biles; a good nam and reputation for in tegrity counts more with than money or experience; if you have $475 and can furnish bond, you can procure tn agency for our high-grade car and wo will furnish yon with demonstrator. For full particu lars gddr AK, 216 Oregonian. WHY buy a new eheap underpowered car m an sr ac a fin htch-gradO - passenger light steamer, overhauled, guar anteed and repainted like new, good tire, fronu top, chains, otc, speedy and powerful and used about one year for $750? will take $400 cash ana u monm. He C R. William at White Car Agency, th and Madison. ' ARB YOTJ LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN IN A LSED AUTOMOBILE? If so, see us. Wo have a 40 Chalmers In A-l snap at a ridiculously low price; ?ooa rem car, or win un in truck, Se Llnsler. car Studebaker corporation oi aiuci u:, Aiaer sxs. ieipnw L.tn pjv. DON'T KLl A toBnKJfvni" Wo ell our demonstrating cars every 60 days at reduced prices; goarmntead for on year; Juat Ilk i.ew car, mechanically parcect uk mw car, t ing all trottbl of new cars and a v,ing from sou to i-w. . " YT c i"r ir V AUtQ t;0.. QW wimiiiuimii - LOT 7. block 3, Kruse-s First Addition to Gearhart Bach, front 50x100 lot, unin cumbered, with building frame rarded in for 5-room cottage, total value $950; w U trad for -pasenger autp, 111 or 19J2 -"model, or for unincumbered Portland realty, z zzp, THE U Bbt HUi aajw .a. m.. fully equipped car: can not be told from braid new? eo" P 6' P0' CUSTOMHOUSE AUTO CO., rnr et 13th and Hawthorne Ave. CHALMERS 30, overhauled: Just started painting It; car Is in beautiful shape; new cot about $1800; am going away and will taa-e uv, purciiwer i the painting bill. AE 245. Oregonian. . ITMrrttJIT .lTU Have equity m tuwiv . tags modern throughout; will trad for good auto, late in one i, .-v 's - xerreou rnono pmiwwu oi-j. wtcu trt 1ab.vs citv this week; am wlllln. to sell my $8 H. P. 5-pass. car; cost me $2650. for s'jinu; run ss ina AJ Z Z a, urmtuuinii. oowcnv a. ITTO EXCHANGE. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS OF UbED AUTOMOBILES. -flS-4&5 Alder St. Main 114L A 437. BEAUTIFUL E-M-F $ touring car, nickel pump ana sircu, take It; terms; this ca cannot bo told i rom new, r xon 7-PASS. THOMAS. BARGAIN. 6-cyI.. 70-hoTsepower; $500 cash and a little carpenter worn ji. iv wuvu "bldg. Mftrsnan aon. automobile in good condition, or will trade for real estate ; prico auu. aqium or call at a fcasi tun st- isonn. t.a nv CHAUFFEUR 3 years' experience. private car; will carry 1 to i passengers ror SZ.su per nour, wu wqiuuiMa wuu city ana country, c- djov. HAVE purchased a six; will sell my 4-cyL Packard very cheap ; excellent condition- AE 244 Oregonian. OLDSMOBILE roadster cheap; looks like new ana is in gooa running- saapc aj&. 2ZS, Oregonian. ELECTRIC coupe, cost $2600. If you desire an electric answer tnia a a. aj 22 or gonian. BARGAIN Auto track, fully equipped, cost $3750", what have you to trade ? J. A. Baxter. Marshall 3630. WANTED Used automobile for private use; give price, terms and description. AM 210, uregon ia a- WANT a gasoline ciosed car; will trad un- tncumberea ioi. aj vreyonii. a f mi t .- q: r.nivri rnvnTTTnv CASH ONLY, OWNER. WOODIAWN 2441 PEERLESS 1911 model $2000 cash only; this Is toy tonneau car. A I z7.. urcffopim. FOR SALR. Aatomobiles. AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN 8. Why buy a now cheap ear when ye can secure oh of our high-grade mea car at ttie same priest We gusrantes them. Different makes and models, all traded in on new Whit gas cara ws also offer several secondhand truck a Write Whit Car Agency. 6th street at Madison. STEAM CARS are renowned for their flexi- bilky, ease of operation, great nm-ciimu. ing ability and light weight: they are ths easiest riding cars built lor use on country roads; thev burn distlllat costing only 7Ho a gallon; we have two look like new; will guarantee. Cost $2450 now; our prs Is $750 cash Of terms. Also one 1VH8 Steamer, perfect condition, for $400. Comt and see them, fjitoeunt on above price yoa buy this week and mention this ad. White Car Agency. 6th and Mad i s on. 1911 model. 7-passenger, excellent con dition, equipped with every accessory that makes a high-class private car; also ex tra tires and tubes; over $600 worth ot conveniences, making eost of car today over $4SiMi will absolutely guarantee the reliability and condltlorT to the party with th money and who mean business I will make a very attraotlv price. Owner, Dog. Birds, Pet Stuck. VACATION REMINDER Before leaving foi your Summer vacation, don't neglect your dogs and cats; don't lock them up to suf fer snd starve; all such cases reported will b prosecuted. OREGON HX'MANB SOCIETY. CHEAP. Airedale" terrier, pedigreed, and 3 fins pit bulls. Call Tabor iiuu before 6 P. M. PEDIGREED Airedale pups for sale. 400 East Suth st. WANTED Fox terrier pup, 8 to 6 months old; give price. AE 24S, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. GAS RAGE CHEAP--A failure of ar apartment-house forced u to take bach 60 "Eclipse" gas ranges after being in us less than a inonth. To sell them al once we have put a special price on them nd will sell them on easy terms; A 13 "Eclipse," with side oven, separate broiler, four burners and a simmering burner, nickel front, mission style of stand, apo dal price $21.50, on easy payments; $33.50 "Eclipse" with elevated oven and broiler, sam slse as above, special nt $22.50; none were used a full month, and are bright and clean and could not be told from new ranges. If you want a gas range cheap and on ensy terms, ask to see these. L Gevurt A Sons, 1st and Yamhill Sts. 6EWINO MACHINES SLAUGHTERED. 100 Singer maohines, slightly used. 75 New home machines, slightly used, 100 White machines, slightly used. 10 Wheeler and Wilson machines, slight 1y used. 200 machines of all ether makes, slight, ly used. , Sale on at my thre stores, 420 Wash ington St.. 383 Alder st, 293 Third st. 8. 3. SI GEL. 6AK WOOD HARD SEASONED-1 Order in car loads or less, direct from the owner, get the best and save money. Try our oak right sire. for cook stove, and save over buvlng fir. and our larger grade for fur nace heating. Ask for prices. F. Brooks, ' Carlton, Oregon. . 1 MEN'S PANTS Men! I save you mney On your trou sers. My $3.50 and $3.50 pants would cost ?ou $4 and $5 at a high-rent store, on treet. Jimmy Dunn, room 815. Oregonian bldg. Take elevator. tS FT., 6 H-P S-cyllnder motor boat, fully equipped; go 12 mi. or better; nearly hew; for sale or will trade. Price $275, No time to use It P 205. Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP. Hof-klr pumping ngine, good condition. Inquire Ot address roora 809 Oregonian bldg. SAFE Special bargain second-hand flr and burglar-proof; safes opened and re paired. Parcel Safe Co., and Portland Safe Co., 85 5th at Phono Main 680$. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc., bought and old. The Pacific Stor Sorvio Co., 27 Stark st. Main 7711. 2uFOOT launch, 6 H. P.. fully equipped; price $175; for sale or exchange for motor cycle. AL 220, Oregonian. ,- f - .. BLACK Republican cherries, 3 cents pound: help yourself. Hagerman. onehalt mil southeast MllwSukie. m FOR SALE Pale yellow mesallne negligee; never been worn; oost $30; will ell tot $1.1. AN 226. Oregonian. TYPEWRITERS rebuilt, ail make, $10 Stiai 'Ah wonnwesi ijrpowmei wu. 262 Stark st. MOTOR BOAT, new. fully equipped, electric lights, canopy top; can be seen at foot ot Bancroft ave. rnone Jiain bvav. TOR SALE A modern two-apartment ra frtgerator. Waaher Bros., 15th and Broad way East 271, C 619. . $7 SINGER sewing machine, good order, with all attachments. 22 3d St. WARDROBE trunk, good as new, cost $75; will sell for $40. Main 6451. HAVE about 260 cord dry flr wood will sell for $2 If all la taken. 831 Mohawk bldg. 500 BUSINESS cards, 11; a bargain. Rest City Prtatery, lazfr in, coi corner Taylor. IF you ar looking for a snap in a 35-hp. launch (ftewly equipped), phone Main 2flS. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY CLOTHING, FURNITURE, TOOLS. Highest price paid for men's and ladies' cast-oft clothing, shoe, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 20S0. 290 1st st. The Globe. WANTED MOVING-PICTURE OUTFIT Folding chairs, phonographs, electric pian 05, mms. eio. -"s""ptJ- WE pay the highest cash price for aecond fcand furniture. Beaton A Martin. Phons East 3134. 84 S Hawthorn ave. , WANT ED A 6x7 view camera wit h lens I describe fully and glv lowest cash price. AH 90. Oregonian. FORD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8H3L A 2445. WANTED Scrap iron in any quantity, at one. J. Bernhardt, 121 1st at. Main $285. WANTED A pony and cart: must b ch4aj and gerttle. Address G 159. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. FIRST-CLASS experienced solicitor. non4 other need apply; one who ha ability to approach creditmon and other: must pos. ss appearance and b a good dresser. Q zal. uregonian. FIVE men with previous military servic wanted for Company "K." 3d Inf.. O. N. G. Camp tonr commence July 20. Applj to Sergt. Ward at Armory, loth and Coucfc WANTED- An experienced Janitor; on who b ...... u.Fiih tnnn and Ireer piaco thoroughly clean. U. S. Laundry WANTED Men experienced in electrical supplies for shipping clerk In wholesale electrical supply house. Pacific Stale Electric Co.. 90-92 7th. TIMEKEEPER, otc, on R. R. construction, $65 and board. All kinds of kitchen help, mill and city laborers. C- R. Hansen a Co.. 20 N. 3d St. WANTED At once, manufacturing Jeweler- good wags and steady work. W. F. Ross A Co.. 270fc Washington St., Port land. WANTED First-class sash and door ma chine men : factory located tn Oregon ; write, giving full particulars, age. experi ence, wages. AV 47$, Oregonian. WANTED Canvassers, salesmen and so licitors, at 51 3d st. Year's work. Call in A M- or after 6 P. M.. ask for sales msnager. WANTED Bright boy to work short hour in restaurant delivering trays; will pay small wages and board; bright boy can i . i . . feil Clsrlt t. TTiaKC gwiu hi ' - WANTED Some good men to call on con sumers for tea. coffee and naklr.g powder orders, men who understand their busi ness. Woodiawn 937. THERE'S money in selling our Yaklma grown, hardy, guaranteed tock; outfit ,free; cash weekly; steady work. Takim aney is ur- y v-w., WANTED A good barber In a country town. For particulars, address AV 47 Z, tjregonisH- r" TOUNG men. 18 to 25. big money propo sitlon.APPly 1-5 P- M-, room 127, Rainier rtoiei. W-ivted A firsi-cias horseshoer. wages $4 a oay. r, WANTS D-A flrst-claa baker AV 4l Oregonian. WANTED 5 barber apprentices, guars nt4 steady Job. 233 Madison st.. near 2d. WANTED High -class salesman. Ask fof Mr Burton, 422 Yeon bldg. WANTED Man to tak care of lawn and wash auto, ri uTrev"'g"- PHOTO coupon; best over offered: snap for agents. cmno" B1UU'V' PHOTO cupon agent, something new, a nap- Boston Studio, 842 Wachlngton. BOY to make himself useful in wholesale grocery. Apply 1S4 Front St. EXPERIENCED young msn to work In drugstore. AD 220. Oregonian. THREE voung men to canvas; new offer; good wages. 801 Deknm bldg. WANTED 2 good men. Call 504 Board ot Trade. - BARBER wanted, steady job. 205 Madison. WANTED A dishwasher. 33! Firl. f 1