Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 17, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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,. -Ai vfCv. kv rot Snrtn1 Fitter Take Lunch in Our Fourth Floor Tea Room Portland's Daintiest Eating Place
ltgia IUI yw;tiMHu mjjui w m --f-- . ' -
Glasses Fitted by Expert Optician, Low Cost-Women's Shoes Shined in the Basement-Mail uraers trom oeasnore ior lour iggu, rrompt cervix
$6000 Voting Contest (fMAs ' W rtv1twi ntm
"Well be glad to help your church, lodge or charitable organiza- U'VMJ'UQ W U X' U U U Su V
l.. ,.1. J iTA ft imrnJ Ti-i7a frift 1 SOD if vnn nid I . . .. . n. -m
HU11 UC $10IX W AM UiO rxww - ' af -
your mends earn tae large one. iou vote auu wo ix oj-.
In the New Retail Center The Big "Block-Square" Store
QtsirsrlnvI Sewing Machines
Oll4f IUUI If. 0n $1 a Week Club Plan
Now that the children are out of school, they seem to fairly burst
through their clothes dortt theyt Make new ones in the easy
way on a Standard $o.00 at purchase tnen only $l.UU a weeK.
Wednesday Hourly ay Sales Present Great Values
Stylish Trimmed
Mats $1
All Day Basement.
This is a cleanup a decisive
good-bye to all the charming Hats
that have made the reputation of
our basement for modish and
modest priced millinery. Tailored
or prettily trimmed affairs in
tasteful colors and shapes. All
are high-grade Hats that have
gold for $5.00 and d f (f
$6.00, priced only p JL JJ
Untrimmed Hats
All Day, 25c
A Basement Bargain.
You may- have seen in the basement
some untrimmed shapes that pleased
you very 'well you'll remember the
former price. Now every untrimmed
shape in the basement is on sale at
the price quoted above. Milans, chips,
hemps, etc White and . best colors ;
large, small or medium sizes. O CZf
Values to $3.50; choice only -'-'
Bathing Suits
Choose Clever Ones Here
All Day Wednesday Second Floor.
The new models, the sort that will make you
thfi knowledge that vours is one of the
smartest on the beach. Panel and Princess front
effects, semi-fitted,' with panel skirt and bloom
ers attached. In mohair, Silk and satin. Priced:
Mohair Bathing Suits, with C tCk ? 7 2
braid trimmintrs: nriced at I O IU a? X-
Tff.t fiillr Suits, nlain or (PIO ?" COff a
braid trimmed; priced at only 1J V ,5;--
SVS $15 tO $32.50
Crepe Kimonos $2.19
Don't fail to put one of these kimonos in your bag when
you start for the seashore. Made of serpentine crepe in
plain or floral designs; Empire and shirred .waist models.
Empires have large collars trimmed with pleated ribbon
and satin band. All sizes from 34 to 44 A gQ 1Q
great special value exceptionally low priced .P
Khaki Wearables
Ideal for Vacation" Attire
All Day Wednesday Second Floor.
When you're on a boating, fishing or walking trip in
khaki garments you are free from worry as to the danger
of soiline vour clothing if you do soil these garments
"Jthey're easily laundered. For walking and general wear
Via TMr-TnnTi1fn' Norfolk Suit is mnch in demand. We
I also have one-piece models for walking or riding. . For
the horsewoman we nave long coat moaeis witn Dreecnes
to match. Also skirts made for all purpose wear, made
with straps and open down front ; can be divided for rid
ing. Also Middy Blouse. Priced for this sale as follows :
Blouses at $1.25 to $2.75
Suits from $5.50 to $15.00
Skirts from $2.25 to $6.50
Dresses at $4.50 to $7.50
Child's Bathing Suits
A ful line of the new models, in flannel 1 fl fkfl
and mohair; all sizes; priced at $1.25 to
Children's Bathing Caps priced from 12 up to $6.50
Bathing Shoes, all sizes, priced from 25 up to $2.50
Bathing Suit Bags at 75 Water Wings at only 29
Center Bargain Circle fL
House Dresses $1.19
Regular made House Dresses or the popular "Two-in-One"
that can be worn as either kimono or house
dress. Material is good quality percale, in checks,
stripes and plain colors. Low Dutch neck, long or
short sleeves. Trimmed with bands and rf 1Q
plain materials; sizes 34 to 44; priced at.P 7
Notions Bargain Circle
Silk Dress Shields, light "I Q
weicrht; 25o, 35o values
100-yard Spool Silk, each 5
Naiad Bolero Dress Qj
Shields, plain. 50c vals.'1'
Lace trimmed style, 65o val. 50
With each 'pair of Dress Shields Wednesday a .pkgT- of
'' Dunn's Dress Shield Retainers; regular 10c package.
Spool Cotton, white or in , ig
black, 200 yards; only
Basting Cotton, white, only 4
5c Safety Pins, sizes, 2 for 5
Bias Folds, all. sizes, 10c val. E
White Cotton Tape, 25 yards to
the piece; regular 12c vals., 8
India Tape, all sizes at only 3
Hair Pin Cabinets, lOo val., 8
I Cube Pins, 8c size for only 5J
Spool Silk, large spools, O EZ
come in white or black,''
Skirt Markers, with chalk, 8.
Collar Supporters, 5c grade, 3
Common Pins, 5c papers 2 for 5
15c Skirt Hangers, wood, at 8J
Folding Wire Coat Hangers, 8
35c Pad Hose Supporters at 19
10c Pearl Buttons, all sizes at 6
The Easement Ohce A gainProvesI ts Bargain Supremecu
8 to 10
10c Toilet Paper 5c
Full 12-ounce rolls of good quality Toilet
Paper, 100 sheets to the roll; fine, soft
tissue and a regular 10c value; limit
20 rolls to a customer, for 2 hours tJ
All Day Bargains in Semi-Porcelain
Shop in the basement Wednesday if you desire to pick up neatly patterned dishes to
use at the seashore or for breakfasts, etc, at home. Sold in separate pieces or in
complete sets. You will be surprised at the exceptional bargains we are offering.
Tea Cups and Saucers at 12d
Dinner Plates, special, ea. 10
Pie Plates, special at, eacn, 7
Soup Plates, special, each 10
Oat Meal Bowls, special at 7c
Bowls, special, eacn, only 1UC
Vegetable Dishes, special 25
Salad Bowls, special, each, 18c
Gravy Boats, special, each, 24
Meat Dishes, special, each, 26
1- quart Pitchers, special at 18
2- quart Pitchers, special at 21
For 1 Hour1 0 to 11 A.M.
25c Ribbon
Special, Yard
Several hundred yards of 5-inch
Ribbon, of fine quality silk. Odd
shades and Bhort lengths,
25o grade, the yard only
Silk Poplin, Yd.
A wash fabric that looks
like silk and wears bet
ter than most materials.
Rich, lustrous finish ;
reg. 50c value, OQ
the yard only
Boys Underw'r
Shirts and Drawers in
the cool and popular
mesh weave. For boys 6
to 16 years; nicely fin
ished; regular
25c value, only A. J
Calico, Best Patterns
at 5c Yard
Lengths of 1 to 20 yards. Best patterns and
colorings. Light or dark shades. Make up
needed dresses and garments for less
than half usual cost. Price, the yardf
For 1 Hour 11 tol2M.
85c Foulards QA
Special, Yard t)
A rousing sale of a popular
fabric, 24 inches wide, good
range of patterns and color-
imrs. strines and
small figures, yard
Men's Under
wear 33c
Balbriggan Underwear
for men; drawers with
double seat; shirts well
finished; com plete
range of sizes ; best 50c
quality, for 1 OO
hour at onlyOOC
$1 Corsets at
55c Each
Four splendid new
models to choose from,
made by one of the
best factories. For the
average figure, sizes 19
to 30, batiste E?Cf
or coutil, atOOC
Soft Unbleached JS
Sheets, Each at
If there wasn't another bargain all day
you'd come just to buy these sheets. Pull
double-bed size, soft finished, un- Jj O,
bleached sheeting, for 1 hour at
One of the most popular de
partments in the basement is
our Shoe . Section.. This offer-"
ing shows why. Produced by
the best shoemakers. Bought
at great price concessions espe
cially for our basement. Best
leathers and styles, patents,
tans, suedes, gunmetals. High
Boots, Oxfords, Pumps, etc. All
good qualities. In a word
$stfs $1.69
GuaranteedHose rf 1
6 Pair for Only
Black and tan. Every pair
guaranteed. 6 pairs warranted
for 6 months. Make your hos
iery bills smaller. ff
6 pairs for only .. vr
Shoes $1.69
All Day Long
8 to 10
25c Stationery 12c
Best French Linen Finish Paper, note
size, with envelopes to match. Assorted
sizes, neatly boxed. A bargain worth
coming early for; regular
25c value, for two hours at
For 1 Hour 12 to 1 P. M.
45c Grade at
Swiss Flouncings, full 27
inches wide, made onJ fine,
sheer muslin, deep embroid
ery; very pretty
regular 45c grade
Good Worsted
Cotton 7.V2C
Worsted Finished Cot
ton, for house dresses,
etc.; 28 inches wide;
excellent colors and
patterns; regular 12c
grade, for l-7l
hour at only, f
Boys' Wash
Suits 48c
Sailors or military
style, well made and of
good material; the
wanted colors and
styles. Ages 2 to 8
yrs.; regular A
values to $10t
Women's Sweaters, made coat style, V
neck, with pocket and large buttons; come
in white, gray, blue and cardinal; all
sizes; regular $2.75 values, df JZQ
priced for one hour at only P i'O
For 1 Hour 1 to 2 P. M.
Men's Cham
bray Shirts at
A work Shirt that combines
neatness with wear and utility.
Full bodies, well made and per
fect fitting; regular O
50c values, for 1 hourOOC
Bath Towels at
lie Each
Size 20x34 inches, made
with hemmed ends, good
quality Turkish towel
ing; a special sale for 1
hour ; a bargain 1 1
unusual at only X XI
Women' sUnion
Suits 25c
Summer weight, sleeve
less and low neck, laca
trimmed, loose knee
style.. Full range sizes.
Reg. 45c vals., O EZf
fori hour, sp'lOC
Children' sNewW ash
Dresses 45c
Shop in the basement for the children, too.
These Dresses are attractive styles, made of
good quality gingham, neat fitting,
sizes 2 to 6 years, priced this sale rtJK
For 1 Hour 2 to 3 P. M.
Child's Good J Qn
Rompers for
A sturdy wearing gingham
in the most pleasing checks;
cut full and made in the best
manner. Ages 2 to
6 years, special at
Stylish White
Waists 29c
Women's White Waists
made of neat white fab
rics, good styles, high
neck and long sleeves;
trimmed with tucks and
laces ; sizes 32 OQs
to 44, sped aMct
9c Pair
Good wearing Socks in
black or tan, seamless
feet; fast color; medi
um weight. All sizes.
Take advantage of this
one-hour bar- Q
gain, the pair
Silk Mull 15c Yard
Dotted Silk Mulls, in a -splendid line of
colors, 27 inches wide; rich, silky finish.
For making pretty frocks for Summer
wear. Special priced for one hour j
only at the exceptional price, yd--
For 1 Hour 3 to 4 P. M.
Women's Cotton Q
Hose, at Pair Only Ot
Cotton Hose in black or tan,
made to resist wear and are
fast dye. Complete range of
sizes, special for
hour, at the low price.
, pr. 8C
Reducer Cor
sets Only $1.18
For one hour a sale of
these splendid shape
helping Corsets. ' Non
rustable steels, 6 sup
porters; have abdominal
straps; d f T O
$2 values D J. X O
$3.50 Wash
Skirts $1.19
Women's Wash Skirts,
in white or blue mate
rials, splendidly made,
fit well and look well.
To close quickly, regular
values to (J Tf TO
$3.50, f or ) J. X 7
Sale of Men's Muslin
Night Shirts 39c
Nightshirts for men,, made of good quality
muslin, with or without collars, full length
and width, finished in pink or blue QQg
stitching, special for 1 hour at only V
All Day
In the Basement
Cottage Hams, boneless, ' extra
fine; special, the T 93
pound for this sale Xr C
Eastern Sugar-c'd Bacon, 18
D. W. & K. Table syrup, Aff
maple flavor, gallon'"'
Peaches, in heavy Etf(
syrup; three cans only"'
Apricots, in syrnp, 3 at 50
Sliced Pineapple, can at 15f
Cream of Wheat, package, 15
Jello-Con, 5 flavors, 4 at 25 ifc
Asparagus, S. & .. brand; spe
cial this sale, the can at 25
Sardines, in oil, 3 cans, 25
Rockwood 's Breakfast T Ckf
Cocoa, special this sale X f
Cornstarch, the package, 5
Black or Green Tea, 50o grade;
special this sale at only 35
O. W. & K. Baking Powder, the
ponnd, special this sale at 29
11 bars laundry Soap at 25
Roundup or Beatsol Cleaner,
Sapolio, special, the cake, 7J
Boraxid Washing Powd'r 5
Lemons, very juicy, dozen, 20
For 1 Hour 4 to 5 P. M.
Good House J TO
Dresses fory--0
From 4 to 5 in the basement,
Percale and Gingham House
Dresses, all good patterns and
colors; $1.75
Lisle Gloves
Women's Long Gloves,
in bla&k, white, gray and
two shades of tan; all
sizes, and regular 75c
quality. Fine quality
lisle thread QQ
special, 1 hour O
and $2.00 values
Women's Vests
Ribbed Cotton Vests in
low neck, sleeveless style,
Summer weight, .with
crochet or lace trimmed
yoke. Regular 120
values, spe- 7fag
cial, 1 hour, f f,
25c Kitchen Aprons
Special at 15c
Women's Plain Kitchen Aprons of good
grade and weight of ginghams in the neat
checked patterns, also of plain "
white lawn, special for one hour at x
For 1 Hour 5 to 6 P.M.
$5 and $6fr-l QO
WashSuitsP J- i'O
Women's Wash Suits, in
white, tan, striped effects,
checks, etc. Good styles and
materials; a sale that helps
to save; $5 T AO
and $6 vals .VpXj70
Mohair for Bath
ing Suits Only 39c
If you're- going to.
make your- own Bath
ing Suit, buy some of
this material. 36 inches
wide, silk finish, black,
white and col-QQr
ors, 50c gradeOJC'
Men's $1 Mesh
Union Suits 47c
All sizes, short sleeves,
knee 'length, fine close
weave; natural color j
an ideal Summer" garment,-
nicely , finished,
for one houryC 7g
only priced atTT O
SS&T Hose at 9c
Tan or black, lxl rib, double heels and
toes, seamless feet, fast colors, medium
weight for Summer, sizes 5y2 to 10, Ckg
regular 15-cent values, the pair at
Evangelical Association to Convene
on July SO.
Convention and campmaetlng- of the
Evangelical Association of Oregon and
Washington open on ths Jennings
Lodge ground July to end dose August
t. On Aagust the Sunday School
League will hold Its. convention. Rev.
P. I Klehle, of Portland, will speak
on "Instructions In Morality In Public
and Sunday Schools.' F. M. Fisher wlU
speak on "The Problem of the Wayward-Child."
Rev. James Hardy Ben
nett, pastor Portland Methodist Church
South, win lecture
The Toung People's Alliance Conven
tion will open August 7, with F. M
Fisher presiding. This convention con
tinues August 8.- Camprneetlng- starts
July SO. Speakers will be Rev. W. B.
Simpson. Rev. F. W. Launer, Rev. Q.
W. Plumer. Rev. W. A. Goeffroy, . Rev.
R. R. Perkins. Rev. H. C. Rolort, Rev;
S. Conkin. Rev. 8. A. Eeiwert. Rev. C
S. Bergstresser, Rev. E. Radebsugh,
Rev. N. Ehupp. Mrs. H. A. Albright and
Mrs. N. 8hupp. Rev. H. E. Hornschuch
will be In charge. Meetings will be
held in the tabernacle.
A Colorade Jury containing " womn dis
agreed and was dltcharsed. It was a "boot
legclng'' esse, the accused having been tried
once before and convicted of literal liquor
selling. The eight men on the Jury were
solid for acquittal, bat - two of the women
held out for conviction.
Indiana Woman Says Her State 'Is
Seeking Eqnal Franchise.-
; Among the many women in favor of
equal suffrage in Portland Is Mrs. Grace
Julian Clark, of Indianapolis, whose
father, G. W. J til tan, was the first man
to Introduce an equal suffrage bill be
fore Congress as long ago as 1S6S. Mrs.
Clark is studying the- Police Commis
sion of women and the "Child Labor
Commission here, and also the suffrage
campaign. She Is the guest of Mrs.
Rottert Browning. 833 Thompson street.
"For 14 years." said Mrs. Clark, "my
father worked hard to seoure the pas
sage of an equal suffrage measure by
Congress, his first attempt being in
1868. ' He was Congressman ' for the
Sixth Indiana District. He received but
scanty support
"We have in our state a membership
roll of 1000 women, who are working to
amend the state- constitution so that
we. may get & suffrage question before
the people, and we are banking our
hopes on Ohio."
At the recent General Federation of
Women's Clubs in Ban Francisco, Mrs.
Clark was elected to the board of di
rectors In the place of Mrs. Desha
Democratic Appointment Stirs.
6ALEM. Or- July 18. (Special.) In
the election of Dr. M. K. Hall, a Demo
crat, to the position of superintendent
of the Eastern Oregon Branoh Insane
Hospital. State Treasurer . Kay has
taken the opposition stand 'and favored
the selection of Dr. J. C. Calbreath,
who for several years was superintend
ent of the asylum here. J Dr. Cal
breath is a Republican and in addition
to his political affiliations the State
Treasurer assumed the stand that
through his experience he was emin
ently fitted for the office. Governor
West and Secretary Olcott favored
Hall, who was elected.
A pastor preached recently on "How Shall
Women Prepare Themselves for Cltisenehlp."
and told his hears that many women now
read only the pussy-cat magazines and the
latest nsvel." Now that they have been
enfranchised, he said, they must read more
substantial literature.
Get this idea bf rough, high-proof, strong whiskey
out of your' head-or it. will eet you play, the
devil with your nerves ruin your digestion. .
Why punish yourself.
Cyrus Noble, pure, old and palatable-- '. '
bottled at drinking strength.
Sold everywhere and costs no more than "
any other good whiskey. , v
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents, Portland.