Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 17, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Leader of New Progressives to
Try for Seat in Senate to
.Succeed Bourne.
Petitions and Platform Soon Will
Be Circulated Candidate Once
Sat In August Body. Finishing
Mitchell's Unexpired Term-
Frederick TV. Mulkey. of this city.
yesterday formally announced bis can
didacy for United States Senator as a
National Progressiva to succeed Jona
than Bourne. Jr.
Mr. Mulkey will arrange Immediately
for circulating the necessary nominal
In petitions, which must be filed with
the Secretary of State in order to
have his name printed on the official
ballot in the November election. HI
opponents are Ben Selling, the Pro
gressive Republl':an nominee, and Dr.
Harry Lane, on the Democratic ticket.
"In announcing my candidacy at this
time." said Mr. Mulkey. yesteray,
am simply falling in line with the po
sition taken vby Theodore Roosevelt.
who. In an Interview published today,
declared for the organization of a third
party that shall be separate and dls
tinct from existing political organiza
Support I Expected.
"A new party to be effective must
have representation In Congress. In
offering myself as a candidate of the
National Progressives for the Senator
ship I feel that I am entitled to the
tnnnnrt of the progressives of Oregon,
h.raiiKo of mv oast activities for Mr.
Roosevelt In this state. My record
upon the question of the right of the
people to participate directly In politi
cal affairs is an open dook.
"At thl time, however, neither party,
in my opinion, stands for those funda
mental principles that will successfully
solve present-day economic ana inaus
trtui nrohlems. I still agree with the
Republican party on the great principle
of protection to American industry, the
age-earner and tha larmer. out i m
lieve in a revision of the tariff down
ward to that point that American In
dustry will so operate that a proper
equilibrium will be maintained between
capital and labor.
When a tariff schedule so disturbs
that equilibrium as to cause the bulk
f nrr.Ht tn flow to capital, then I
think that schedule should be Tevised
to obviate that objection. However. 1
propose going more into detail in a few
days as to Just where I stand on politi
cal issues. I shall prepare and issue
my formal platform In a few oays.
Industrial Strife I.oomm.
"Senator Bailey, of Texas, was re
cently reported to have said that the
progressives of the United States were
fast bringing the country to the con
dition of France at the time of the
French Revolution. In that Senator
Bailey Is undoubtedly wrong. This
country will be confronted with an in
dustrial revolution unless something is
done. The causes of that revolution
will be the amassing of the large per
centage of the wealth of the country
In the hands of a few.
"It la this amassing that the pro
gressives are seeking to prevent and
they are seeking to prevent it by con
stitutional means and by a modification
but not a rejection of the Individualis
tic plan as distinguished from the So
cialistic." Mr. Mulkey is a native of Portland,
the son of a pioneer family that came
to Oregon in 1849. He was a member
of the. Portland City Council from
100 to 102. serving the concluding
yar of his term as president of that
bodv. In 1905-08. he was a member
and chairman of the State Tax Com
mission, which drafted the present tax
laws of the state:
Former Plurality 00,000.
In 1906. Mr. Mulkey was elected
United States Senator from Oregon to
fill the unexpired term of Senator
Mitchell. Mr. Mulkey and Senator
Bourne, who was elected in the same
election, were the first two Senators
chosen In this state by statement No.
1. In the election. Mr. Mulkey received
a. plurality of approximately 60.000.
Mr. Mulkey managed the Roosevelt
campaign in this state last Spring and
materially assisted in carrying the
tate for the ex-President by a plur
ality of 500. Mr. Mulkey attended the
recent Republican National convention
at Chicago, but upon returning to Ore
gon, denounced the methods employed
In securing the nomination of Taft
At the same time he announced his
withdrawal from the Republican party
and declared in favor of the organiza
tion of the proposed third, or National
Progressive party.
Onlv last Monday night, when the
National Progressive Club of Oregon
perfected organization and issued a call
lor a mass meeting of Oregon Pro
gressives In this city. July 25. Mr. Mul
lcey was elected a member of the ex
ecutive or advisory committee of the
club. In this election. Mr. Mulkey re
cellved the largest vote that was cast
In the choice of Ave members or tr.e
committee. Mr. Mulkey is also chair
man of the Public Dock Commission
anrt alwava has been actively latentinea
with all publie movements for the civic
betterment and advancement oi rorv
land and the state.
Jfevr York Pageant to Be Shown in
Pictures at Star Theater.
For three days beginning today suf
fragists in Portland will have an op
portunity of seeing a vivid represen
tation of the great New York suffrage
parade in which well-known men and
women took part, and which contained
a larger number of women in line than
there were Elks in the recent grand
parade. From 11 A. M. till 11 P. M.
these films will be shown at the Star
Theater, and a large percentage of the
profits will go to the furtherance of the
suffrage cause In Oregon.
Among the New York men and wo-
Frederick W. Mulkey W he 1 ea
ferday Announces Hl Candi
dacy for I nlted Mates Senator
as Katlonal Progressive.
men who figure In the march are Mr.
and Mrs. James Lees Laidlaw. Mr. and
Mrs. Max Eastman. Mrs. Marcia Town
send. Mrs. Raymond Brown, wife of the
famous Illustrator; Miss Mary Keegan.
who served a sentence with Mrs. E.
Pankhurst. Miss Anna Shaw, president
of the National Woman's Suffrage As
sociation: Miss Jane Addams, of Chi
cago noted writer and humanitarian:
Miss' Harriet May Mills. Cornell grad
uate and president of the New York
State Suffrage Association, and many
Salem Is among the many places to
be visited by Miss Mary Wood and Miss
Helen Varlck Boswell. the famous New
York lecturers and authorities on so
cial conditions, now in Portland. A
large meeting will be held there to
night in the chapel of the Willamette
University. Fletcher Homan. president
of the university, has been invited to
preside, and a branch of the College
Eaual Suffrage League will be formed
at the conclusion of the meeting. It
will be affiliated with the Portland
Independent Military Organization
Will See Portland.
The crack military company of the
Cleveland Grays of Cleveland, O.. will
reach Portland on their special train
at 9 o'clock this morning from Seat
tle and will pass the day enjoying
the scenery in and about the city. A
delegation from the Ohio Society of
this city, will greet the party a.t tne
station, but no programme for enter
tainment of the party while here has
been arranged, since the visitors al
ready have settled upon the method In
which they desire to pass the day.
In the forenoon they will make a
trip about the city In autombblles and
in the afternoon a boat will be char
tered and a trip made up the Columbia
to view the famous scenic features
along Its shores. They will return and
start from Portland on their journey
southward at 10 o'clock tonight. Head
quarters of the party will be on the
special traJn at the station.
The Cleveland lirays is one oi tne
most prominent Independent military
organizations In the United States. It
has been In existence since 1S3S. It
has been for a long time the custom
to make an annual trip to some im
portant section. Cuba, Mexico and
other countries have been visited and
the Grays have been present at sev
eral of the Presidential inaugurations
in Washington.
The party consists of about 60 men
accompanied by their women and is in
command of Captain Frank Hawley.
Railroads Made Defendants.
SALEM. Or.. July 16. (Special.) C.
A. Barrett, State Senator from Uma
tilla County, and others of that county
today filed a complaint with the State
Railroad Commission against the Pas
co branch ot the Northern Pacific. In
the complaint they allege that the
company has failed properly to fence
the road and also has failed to place
the necessary cattleguards. A com
plaint was also filed by Henry Yanck
wlch. an attorney of Portland, against
the Oregon Electric, charging that the
company has failed to maintain ade
quate depot laci lines at npnoi xim.
Union of Oregon and Washing
ton Orders Talked at
Grand Lodge.
Reports Show Wisdom of State in
Withdrawing From National Or
ganization Because of Over
Taxation, Is Assertion.
The opening of the thirtieth conven
tion of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen took place
yesterday morning In the assembly
rooms of the Hotel Multnomah, when
delegates from 86 lodges were present,
representing a large percentage of the
lodges In the order.
Judge George T. Baldwin, of Klamath
Falls. Grand Master, presided. The
forenoon session was devoted to the
reports from committees and the bear
ing of resolutions.
At the afternoon session it was
recommended that an official organ
should be published. The rest of the
day was taken up with the introduc
tion of visiting members of the Wash
ington Grand Lodge, and the subse
quent hearing of addresses by them, lrq
which they advocated the fusion or the
two independent states into one. The
election of officers and the vote on the
question of the consolidation of the
two states will be taken today.
Finance Are Satisfactory.
The finances of the order were re
ported, and showed a satisfactory con
dition. In the reserve fund is $215.
8S8.53, with surplus in the beneficiary
fund of J13.277.66 after all claims have
been paid. Tn the Interest fund there
is a total of 1365.71 and a balance In
the general coffers of $486.66, making
a grand total of $225,884.74.
An Important point in this connec
tion Is that the order has more than
$60,000 In excess of its legal reserve.
The medical report showed that In
the last two years there had been 151
deaths, with 226 applications for new
membership. R. L. Durham, president
of the Merchants' National bank, the
Grand Receiver, reported the securities
as first-class, adding that the interests
were all promptly met.
Running through all the reports was
an Indication of the healthy condition
of the order.
After a special vote had been taken,
the four visiting members from the
Washington Grand Lodge, Grand Mas
ter Workman J. II. Berge, J. H. Hemer,
grand recorder; L. F. Hart, of Tacoma,
chairman of the law committee, and C.
E. Bowman, editor of the Washington
Emblem, were permitted to appear be
fore the members of the Oregon order.
All made powerful speeches In favor
of the amalgamation, of the two Inde
pendent states, showing that the cli
mate of the two was almost Identical,
while the health conditions were prac
tically similar.
Withdrawal Provea Wise.
The visitors represent some 6500
Workmen in their state, while there
are In Oregon approximately aouu
members. Two years ago the Oregon
Jurisdiction withdrew from the Na
tional order on account of overtaxation
In comparison with Its health condi
tions. Other states not so healthy as
Oregon received a greater proportion
of the money, and the large surplus
possessed by this state today is ad
vanced as a proof of the wisdom of the
body In withdrawing from the National
Washington became independent
onlv a year ago, but its officers declare
that more than satisfactory progress
has been made since then, showing, in
their opinion, that the states can -more
than exist independently, if necessary,
though they advocate the fusion of
states on the Pacific Coast which have
similar conditions of health and cli
mate. It was decided, among other things,
that the next meeting of the lodge
would be In April, 1915. instead of in
July. The Balary - of . the grand re
corder was raised yesterday from $1600
to $1800 a year. At the afternoon ses
sion a telegram announced the death
of Professor A. L. Clark, of Seaside
Lodge. Resolutions of condolence were
Order Dates From. 1879.
The first session of the order was
held In 1879. The order then embraced
Washington. British Columbia and
Oregon. Shortly afterwards each
formed a separate Jurisdiction, hold
ing their conventions annually. Oregon
decided six years ago to change the
convention from an annual one to a
bi-ennlal affair, partly with a view to
avoiding the expense of a yearly meet
ing. "Six years ago." said Ralph Feeney.
"a level rate plan, formulated by the
New York actuary. Miles Dawson, was
adopted, which bears a full life insur
ance on a level rate man. carrying with
it, after three years' membership, a
choice of three propositions.
"Every member has vested right In
the reserve fund, unlike many oene
ficiary orders, which have merely a
general fund.
"During the last two years the order
has paid eight or 10 claims by mem
bers who were unfortunate enough
not to be able to pay their assessments.
The claims, however, were paid in full,
as they had sufficient reserve.
- Order la Unattached. .
"The Ancient Order of United Work
men in Oregon is strictly an Oregon
institution, incorporated under the
state laws of Oregon and one of the
healthiest states In the Union. It does
not solicit membership in any other
state. It has a surplus of nearly $250,
000 and a membership of 3500, so that
it can be seen readily enough that the
order Is in a prosperous condition, a
claim rarely going over 30 days and
often being settled within two weeks."
The grand lodge officers are Philip
Gevu.-tx, past grand master; G. T. Bald
win, grand master; P. H. D'Arcy.
Krand foreman; C. H. Dye. grand over
seer; J. M. Dixon, grand recorder: R,
L. Durham, grand receiver: C. E. Baird,
grand guide: J. Spencer, grand inside
watchman: S. B. Cathcart, grand out
side watchman; Dr. David Walker,
grand medical examiner.
The names of the representative del
egates and their locations follow: G.
W. Cummings. Portland; W. Buck. Sa
lem: Ford Lempke, The Dalles; H. I
Camp, Portland; W. Kaufman. Port
land; C. W. Manning, Gervais; Andrew
Poulson. Portland: William Ross, As
toria; William Parker, Albany: C L.
Copple, Corvallis; C. W. Steen, Eugene;
John Jesse. Aurora: M.- M. Taylor.
Jacksonville.' and F. P. Leach, Portland.
F. A. Mariels, Lyons: J. J. Hembree.
Lafayette; G. H. Randle, Lebanon; T.
A. Mulloy, Wilsonville: W. P. Scrivner.
Heppner; William Knight, Canby; Iva
Wimberly, Drain; J. P. Dodge, Ash
land: Chester Shute. Hood River; W.
H. Norcross, Central Point: E. A. An
derson, Marshfield: L. W. Hudson,
Carlton; F. L- Pound. Aumsville; C.
Boland, Tualatin; G. WV Long, Ontario;
A C. Hubbard, Medford: C. O. Card.
Baker City; E. O. Hyde, Prlnevllle: J.
E. Snow, Dauville: H. Shafer, Phoenix;
T. W. Angus, Gardiner; H. L. Boggs,
Klamath Falls; W. Gunther, Lake
view; C. L. McPherson, Grant's Pass;
J. E. Beam. Pendleton; W. B. Lee,
Junction City. Joe Shannon, Portland;
G. Bullock, Oswego: C. Terrill, Eagle
Point; G. H. Randle, Lebanon: J. B.
Gentry, Albany: George H. Darham,
Grants Pass: William Smith, Baker
City: J. E. Werlein. Portland; Newton
Clark, Hood River: J. L. Anderson.
Portland; P. P. Olds, Lafayette: J. G.
Pennebaker, Salem: A. Martin, Klamath
Falls: C. Strong. Medford; .V W. Allen,
Portland: Ralph Feeney, Portland; J.
E. Wood, Portland.
Proposal Prom National Body Is
Turned Down in Oregon.
While the Ancient Order of United
Workmen was1 holding its biennial
convention in the assembly rooms of
the Multnomah Hotel, the grand lodge
of the Degree of Honor, which Is the
women's auxiliary, met in the ballroom
on the opposite side of the hotel for
their 19th reunion.
The main business of the session was
to consider the advisability of nation
alizing the beneficiary department of
Its organization. In spite of an appeal
by Mrs. Frances B. Olson, of St. Paul,
Minn., superior chief of the Degree of
Honor in the United States, It was de
cided, practically unanimously, that the
beneficiary department should remain
a state organization.
Though this wis a surprise to some,
it was known by many that the healthy
financial condition of the department,
coupled with the healthy condition of
the State of Oregon, would be a power
ful point in favor of retaining the de
partment as a state organization.
At the same time the order in Oregon
recognizes the officers of the National
order as its superiors, differing in this
respect from its fraternal order, which
has cut adrift entirely from the Na-
LlOilUl U1UC1.
' In the morning the grand lodge de
gree was conierreo upon io aeiegaics.
Mrs. Olson made a powerful appeal to
the 75 delegates and an equal number
of visiting members, .pointing out the
a rf itlninc th narftnt bodv.
She pointed out that no less than 20
states had already amalgamates ineir
beneficiary work, and she urged the
ctA rtf nrfrnn tn unite with the oth
ers in widening the foundations upon
which women ontam tneir oeneni pol
icy. It was evident that the unhealthy
..njutnna in nme of the affiliated
states as compared with the magnifi
cent record In tnat repeci oi wie
of Oregon, was mainly responsible for
the decided overthrow of the pro
posal, while the strong financial condi
tion of the local state s Deneucmry of ft nrnnf that it can stand
alone, was another factor in Its de
feat. There are altogether in Oregon 66
lodges, with a roll last month of 1961
members and a benefit reserve of al
most $50,000. 1
t, atiimnn tn her speech on the
question of amalgamation, Mrs. Olson
responded to the address of welcome
Kv XI - Marxraret HerrlB. DSSt
chief of hono'r. Mrs. Ada Kuykendall, of
Eugene, aiso spone. . ouw
Moore, of Corvallis, grand chief of hon
or, presided. -
Starting at 8:30 P. M., a drill team
of 18 women under a captain brought
down from Eugene, exemplified the full
ritualistic work of the order for the
Initiation of members.
Following the business today, the
most important or which will be the
election of officers, members of both
.m itv and thA sur
rounding neighborhood on chartered
The present grand lodge olllcers are.
xiv TTm-riAt c Loonov. Jefferson.
past grand cniei or nonor; Mrs, paaie n.
of the deadening grind; of the unequal
struggle to make both ends meet; of the
every-day response to the factory whistle
or of taking your place at the desk or
behind the counter?
That day that you have so often given
thought to, when you will be able to
"break clear" and get away from the
nerve-racking rush and the clatter and din
to get out into the country. Are you
any nearer the realization of your dream
now than you were a year ago or ten
years ago? That's the question.
For the man of the city the man of
small means, who is striving earnestly
but really never getting on; who chafes
under the restraint of city employment
and city life; who is seeking comfort and
happiness rather than great financial re
ward, we believe we have just the very
best most liberal kind of a proposition. It's a
tract of land, 6ay ten acres or more, down at
Clip This Coupon, Sign and
Mail to Us at Once
F. B. H0LBE00K CO.
Portland, Oregon
Kindly send map and other
matter descriptive of Columbia
where facilities and conditions are ideal for a farm and orchard home the richest soil,
pure water, abundance of fuel, good roads, delightful surroundings, splendid transporta
tion facilities by rail and .water within a comparatively short distance, rural free delivery,
schools, etc. Consider these facts and the fact, too, that many of those who have taken
up tracts here are already located on and are clearing and developing them. The present
low prices are
$40 to $60 an Acre
and terms to suit. Intelligent investigation of this fertile section and comparison of p-ices,
terms and advantages offered elsewhere, will reveal the merits of Columbia Acres. Get
acquainted with us learn how easy we've made it for you to own one of these tracts of
rich farm and orchard land.
Moore, Corvallis, grand chief of honor;
a. . J V..n1r.niitfll TCllffATlA. ETii Tl Q
lady of honor: Mrs. Mora Hendricks,
McMlnnville, grand chief of ceremonies:
Mrs. Ollle X . Biepnenp. i "
grand recorder: Mrs. Sarah J. Wag
ner. Portland, grand treasurer; Mrs.
May Moorhead. Junction City, grand
usher; Mrs. Millie Push, Salem, grand
in.Me watch:Mrs. Lizzie Read, Albany,
grand outside watch.
Three memDers oi me supei wi
also were present, Mrs. Frances B.
i q. Tnul Minn.. Mrs. Kate J.
VIOVU, 1 ' . vv..,
Bluett, Jamestown, N. D., and Mrs.
Pearl Wylle, JNortn iiwm .
grand chief.
Greater Portland Plans Committee
to Issne 25,(M0 Booklets.
The Portland City Council will have
printed 25,000 48-page booklets, show
ing the Bennett Greater Portland plans,
a description of the city and of pro
nosed improvements, if the recommen
dations of a committee of the Greater
Portland Plans Association are carriea
At a meeting of the committee yes
terday it was decided that the contract
for the printing of the booklets should
be let to Wells & Co., the price being
$1680. The books will be 9x12 Inches
in size. It is expected they will be oft
the press in 60 ays.
This committee was appointed by
the Executive Board to pass upon a
number of printing bids. Nine bids
were received, and the prices ranged
from $1580 to 81997.25, the Chausse
Prudhomme Company being the highest
bidder. The average of the bids was
Girl's Secret Revealed by
Heartless Man
Frnnkle Wilson at the Orphenm, la
The Leading Lady." Didn't Want
Anyone to Know She la Married.
stage doorkeeper at the Orpheum,
exposed a girl's secret yesterday.
Frankie Wilson, one of the cast of
"The Leading Lady," told none of the
company of 10 except Miss Marguerite
Haney that she Is married. She regis
ters at hotels as FTankle Wilson, ap
pears on the programme under that
name, opens telegrams and letters ad
dressed to Frankie Wilson, and writes
that name in signing the payroll.
"I thought I recognized you," said
Smith to Frankie Wilson yesterday In
the hearing of several of the company.
"Aren't you Mrs. Mike Mareena?"
"Yes," replied the girl as her stage
companions stood . speechless with
"Well. I'll be blowed." finally said
Ralph Lynn, the English comedian of
the company.
A little more than a month ago so
called Frankie Wilson sped from Win
nipeg to Portland when "The Leading
Lady" company had a layoff for three
weeks. Mike Mareena. her husband,
was appearing at the Orpheum at the
time In an acrobatic act with Delton
brothers and he Introduced his wife to
Smith, the doorkeeper, 'and other
theater attaches
"Where have I seen that girl before?"
was the question each stage hand was
asking himself. Smith cleared the
After visiting with her husband her
for a week, Mrs. Mareena rejoined "The
Leading Lady" company at Spokane
and returned here Monday for a week !
Contractor Doing Final Work on
Upper Roadway and Draws Work.
For the first time the upper draw
span and the underslung floor system,
on which railroad equipment will cross,
were lowered Into place yesterday on
the new Harriman bridge, and all is
In readiness for trafnB to cross, except
that trackage connections remain to be
finished in the yards of the Northern
Pacific Terminal Company.
Robert Wakefield, the contractor
who erected the steel, has turned the
bridge over to the O.-W. R. & N., and
has but a few men laboring there,
they being on the upper deck or road
way completing the laying of planking
and finishing the painting. The rail
connections being laid on the West
Side are said to be but temporary and
changes will be made when the old
Steel bridge is torn out. In a few
days the new crossing- will be In serv
ice and the railroad interests will
have six months from that time in
which to remove the Steel bridge.
Vancouver Swelters at 85.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 18. (Spe
cial.) The hottest day of the year was
experienced here yesterday, with the
mercury registered J5 degrees. The fall
in temperature In the afternoon was
even slower than the rise, althoush
generally the fall Is rapid in this city.
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