Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 17, 1912, Image 1

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' I I I
police have names
Gambler Is Threatened
Day Before Murder.
Wan Held in Jail Said to Have
Made Confession.
District Attorney Says Victim Was
About to Give Further Testimony
Concerning Collusion Between
Department and Gamesters.
NEW YORK, July 1. Through the
alleged confession of a man under ar
rest, the police are believed to have
possession of the names of seven men
suspected of having- participated In the
sensational killing- today of Herman
Rosenthal, the gambler. Just as he was
presumably about to make important
additions to his recent disclosures ot
alleged partnership between police of
ficials and members of the gambling
fraternity. Additional arrests are mo
mentarily expected.
According to District Attorney Whit
man. Rosenthal was about to name
gamblers who could corroborate his
assertions regarding police collusion
-with men of his calling.
Threat Made Onenly.
That such a raking up In gambling
circles was not relished by men who
might be involved was apparent. It de
velops, from talk among members of
the "inner circles," In the tenderloin,
which began as soon as Rosenthal's
purpose become known. Threats were
made yesterday, it is said, that things
would fare ill for Rosenthal if he
pressed bis charges.
"If Rosenthal does not quit within
the next few days we will 'get him
and "get" him for keeps." was a re
mark of a member of a poker party
at an East Side "Association" outing
Sunday reported today- to District At
torney Whitman by a man who said he
iverheard it. .
Auto Owner Arrested.
The police have not named the al
leged confessor.' Three men were ar
rested today In connection with the
murder of Rosenthal. Louis Libbey.
part owner. It is alleged, of the auto
mobile containing the party of men who
hot the gambler, was one of the trio.
The police say they are assured he
was the driver of the motor car and
have charged him with homicide. His
partner in ownership of a garage. Wil-
iam Shapiro, is another prisoner held
as a material witness. So Is a man
whose identity the police hide under
the name of "John Doe," who was said
to have been near the scene of the
Instead of fearing harm at the hands
of the gambling fraternity. Rosenthal's
chief dread, it Is said, was police en
mity because of his charges against a
member of the force.
Gambler la Fear of Police.
"The police will "get me,' because
they have a system of always putting
important witnesses out of the way,"
Rosenthal is alleged to have said.
"Better men than I have been put
out of the way for daring to squeal
on the police."
Deputy Commissioner Dougherty as
serted that eye witnesses to the mur
der ot Rosenthal identified Llbby as one
of the quintet who drove up In front
of the hotel, and calling the .gambler
from the lobby to the sidewalk, shot
him down with a fusillade of bullets
and then fled in the motor car. Rosen
thal was shot five times in the head.
Widow Accuses Police.
Mrs. Sadie Rosenthal, widow of the
gambler, in a declaration to District
Attorney Whitman, put the assassina
tion ot her husband squarely up to the
police. She warned her husband that
if he kept an appointment be would
come to a violent end. She said she
had a premonition a tragedy would fol
low such a conference, and she named
a police officer as one of the men who
was to be present.
At least two witnesses agreed that
one or more of the men in the auto
mobile were policemen.
Rosenthal sprang suddenly into pub
lic notice last Friday, when he hurled
a bomb into police circles by filing affi
davits charging that the police were in
league with the gamblers all through
New York and that every gambling
house was being assessed a fixed sum
for police protection.
Rosenthal's Place Closed.
Rosenthal has been for some time, he
explained, the proprietor of a gam
bling establishment in West Forty-fifth
street, which was closed on April 15.
after a raid by Police Lieutenant Beck
er, head of the so-called "strong arm
This raid. Rosenthal declared, fol
lowed a misunderstanding between him
self and Becker. Becker, Rosenthal al
leged, was his partner in the profits
of the establishment
Specifically. Rosenthal's affidavits
charged that Lieutenant Becker had
lent him 11500 on a chattel mortgage
on furniture In the Forty-fifth street
house, as a share in the gambling busi
ness done on those premises, and that
Becker's share amounted to IS per
(Concluded oa Pas 3-
District Forecaster Announces To
day Will Be Fair With Con
tinned Warm Weather.
The heat record for the present year
was broken yesterday, when the ther
mometer in the office of the weather
bureau Jumped suddenly, from si to
9S degrees yesterday afternoon at 4
o'clock and remained at that point for
nearly two hours. The highest point
reached before was 9 J. on the pre
vious day. which was duplicated on
the sixth of June.
The maximum reached yesterday
was within two degrees of the record
of last year, which established 97 de
grees as the maximum temperature for
July 16 In 38 years.
The district forecaster does not
promise much change in the condi
tions of the weather for today, an
nouncing "continued fair and warm
It was a royal day for the straw hat
and walls of the check-rooms at the
Commercial Club during the lunch
hour presented a solid armor of straws,
with not a single "dicer" or felt hat
to relieve the unbroken expanse of
straw color. Linen and pongee coats
and the "Ice cream" suits, at wmcu
men earlier In the season pointed tne
finger of scorn, were to be seen on
The parks and playgrounds ahjbtuqri
the city testified to the po . SIA" -"7.
weather gods. In the increat crowds
of those able to steal away from of
fice and work, who sought relief In
their shades.
The heat was particularly noticeable
because of the rapidity of its increase
in the afternoon. Up to 12 o'clock it
appeared that the temperature would
not reach a higher point than that of
the previous day, but after 1 o'clock
the mercury went up with a rush,
never pausing until H had established
a record for the present year.
The record of hourly temperatures
M. Deree-!P. M. Decrees.
8:00 3,1:.0
8:00 S 2 52
7-K 8:lO
8:00 lU'A-.OO j
:0O 71,5:00 9
10:00 74,:00
U:0 TS;T:0O S
12:00 Ml
Los Angeles Entertains Visitors and
Hears Portland Praised.
LOS ANGELES. July 1- (Special.)
The Cincinnati herd of Elks were un
loaded today from their private cars
at the Arcade Station for a gallop to
the Los Angeles Elks' Club, where) prep
arations had been made for their ar
rival. This is the first herd of many
which are returning via this city from
the grand lodge meeting in Portland.
Herds from New Jersey and Massa
chusetts will arrive tomorrow in spe
cial trains and one from Connecticut
will be stopped here in transit for a few
days for feed and drink. All those who
have returned are enthusiastic over the
way they were treated in Portland.
"Portland set a new mark for cities
to strive for in entertaining us," said
Daviu Merkel, of New York.
Wenatchee Will Ship More Than at
Any Previous Season.
WENATCHEE. Wash., July 16. (Spe
cial.) Four thousand carloads of ap
ples will be shipped from Wenatchee
Valley this year, representatives of
growers unions said today after a
trip through the valley. This is practi
cally twice the crop of 1911, and the
largest apple yield In the history of
the valley. The Increase is due largely
to Increased acreage.
'Wenatchee apples will compete with
those from other districts on the Cali
fornia and Canadian markets this sea
son, as well as the East. The Great
Northern railway has Just announced
a reduction from $1.03 a hundred to
45 cents a hundred to California.
Angler Catches Lad Instead of Fish
and Resuscitates Him.
(Special.) Instead ot the fish that had
been nibbling at his hook, it was the
all but lifeless body of a little boy that
H. L. Bolln reeled from the treacherous
Columbia river yesterday.
Lester Brown, aged 7, bad attempted
to swim in the swift 'current. He had
gone under the surface twice and was
floundering, when Bolin's line became
entangled with his small body, and
saved him from a watery grave. The
boy is the first ever to have been saved
from the river at this particular place,
where the current is swift and treach
erous. It took an hour to resuscitate
the boy. He is a son of George Brown.
Committee Is Agreed Big Corpora
tion Shall Be Dissolved.
WASHINGTON, July 1. Although
It is assured that the Stanley commit
tee's long investigation of the so
called steel trust will result in at least
two reports to Congress one by the
Republicans and the other by the
Democrats of the committee it was
disclosed today that, both sides will
agree to recommendations that the
United States Steel Corporation - be
dissolved and indorse the anti-trust
suit the Government is prosecuting
against It.
The majority will propose one set of
bills to meet the situation disclosed by
the Investigation and the minority wl'i
propose another. .
Conference Marked by
Riotous Scenes.
Deserters Declare . Movement
Is "One-Man Affair."
Country Editors Present United
Front Against Third Party as
Far as State Ticket May
J'c Concerned.
CHICAGO, July 16. (Special.)
Thei will be no "regular" third party
state tlcke - he field in Illinois.
i 11 e a Roosevelt set of
nominated, delegates to a
Roosevelt National convention will be
named and a Roosevelt National com
mittee will be elected at a third party
convention held in Chicago August 3.
A third party Cook County convention
will be held July 27, but that is as far
as the men who seem to control the
destinies of the third party in this state
are willing to go. They do not want
to oppose Governor Deneen, and they
do not expect to fight the candidates
on the Cook County Republican ticket.
They decided so, and were even will
ing to face a bolt In their new party
rather than change their plans.
A resolution was adopted calling on
Governor Deneen and other candidates
for state offices to Indicate whether
they would support Colonel Roosevelt
or President Taft. A committee is to
wait on Governor Deneen and give his
answer to the public on July 23.
The boli came after a Plan for a
third party state and county ticket had
been defeatsd by a vote 14 to 11. in a
secret conference here today. Five of
the 25 men who were expected to sign
the call for the third party conven
tion Joined it.
Partlnsr Comes In Anger.
The walkout was marked by a riot
ous scene. The men who "walked out"
and withdrew their names as sponsors
for the third party movement angrily
declared it was a "one man affair", and
not a sincere effort to form a new party
and Insure a new political deal.
Those who bolted were Charles E.
Merriam leader of a progressive fac
tion, that only a week ago combined
with the Rooseveltians; John Simon, of
the Fifth Congressional District, Chi
cago, and prominent progressive . and
candidate for assessor at the recent
primaries; Julius Kespohl Quincy, of
the Fifteenth District, who recently re
signed as a member of the State Board
(Concluded on Page S.)
...tii. i i i . i t i . t't - - ............
Tot Playing at "Hide-and-Seek" Is
Killed Instantly Mother May
Die From Grief.
Running out into the street in front
of her home at 132 Nebraska street,
Fulton, last night, in a game of "hide
and seek" with her father.. Max line
Melba Rudolph, 4 years old. was struck
and Instantly killed by Fulton car No.
341. The motorman did not see her,
and her father's shout when he saw the
girl would be struck was the motor
man's first warning. He stopped the
car almost Immediately, but the front
wheel of the first truck had passed
over the little body, killing the girl
Loretto Scheasgren, of 135 Nebraska
street, the woman who nursed Victoria
Rudolph, the baby's mother, when
Maximo was born, was the first to reach
the car, and, crawling' under It, took
the body from between the wheels and
carried it into the house. Carmel
Scheasgren, 11 years old, who was play
ing on the street at the time of the
accident, was the only eye-witness,
Rudolph's view of the street being shut
off by the pile of wood behind which.
In sport, be was hiding from the baby.
According to Carmel Scheasgren, the
tot darted diagonally across the street,
from 'the shelter of the woodpile, and
stubbed her toe on the track Just as
the car bore down upon her. She tell
before- the fender, which did not stop
her from going under the car.
Carmel screamed and the father ran
into the road shouting to the motor
man: "For God's sake, stop," and
rushed to try to drag the baby out
from before the front truck. He did
not reach it in time.
The car stopped with the body be
tween the two pair of wheels on th-j
front truck, after dragging it 26 feet.
Death was almost instantaneous, and
the woman who picked up the body
and carried it into the house sum
moned Deputy Coroner Miller.
Fainting twice and refusing to be
taken away from the body of the child,
Mrs. Rudolph was prostrated. A phy
sician was summoned, and for some
time she was supposed to be near death,
fainting spells being followed by coma.
New Tork. Concern Brings Suit to
Dissolve Alleged Combination.
NEW TORK, July 16. Alleging that
ten of the biggest film manufacturers
had banded together to restrict trade
and. drive others out of the business,
the Greater New York Film Company,
headei by William Fox, a theatrical
manager, has begun suit In the United
States District Court against the com
Iianles. charging they are a combina
tion in restraint of trade.
The suit will be heard before a
special examiner.
Foraker's Brother Quits Office.
WASHINGTON, July 16. President
Taft sent to the Senate today the
nuiuuiauuii vm. .
Un.'ted States Marshal for New Mex
ico, to succeed Creighton Foraker, a
brother of ex-Senator Joseph B.
t.- Diihltehafl nnrtl hllTR Hd.
clared Foraker resigned . for political
reasons, ine wuiw auu wuo.? mnuu
no explanation.
Patent Infringement
Causes Litigation.
Son of Seattle Judge Pays for
Assailing Testifier.
Manly B. Haynes, Organizer of Han
fovd Irrigation & Power Com
pany, Gives History of Cor
poration Others Testify.
SEATTLE. July 16. Frank Burpee, of
Bell Ingham, Wash, a manufacturer of
salmon canning machinery, testified to
day before the House Judiciary sub
committee that in. the latter part of
1902, while a suit against Burpee for
infringement, of salmon canning pat
ents was pending before Judge C. H.
Han ford, witness was given an oppor
tunity to buy a salmon-can topper in
vented by the Judge.
Witness said he had not seen the
invention and felt sure It was of no
value, yet he was tempted to enter
into negotiations for the reason that he
felt it would be to his advantage to
do so.
' The Alaska Packers' Association,
owners of patents on certain salmon
canning machinery, had sued witness
in Judge Hanford's court, alleging that
witness had infringed six patents. The
litigation extended over seven months,
witness said, and during that time full
slzed working machines of both plain
tiff and defendant were in the posses
sion of the Judge
Infringement Is Decision.
Judge Hanford decided that three of
the Burpee devices infringed patents of
the plaintiff, and on appeal the Cir
cuit Court decided that four patents
had been infringed. Nothing remained
but the award by Judge Hanford of the
amount of damages against the Burpee
Company. At this time, Burpee testi
fied that his own counsel, Evan S. Mc
Cord, informed him that Judge Han
ford, while studying cannery machinery
during the trial had hit upon a dif
fnrent wav of canning salmon, a meth
od that did not infringe those of plain
tiff and defendant.
Jurlee Hanford wished to see Burpei
about the Invention, witness testified
McCord told him. Witness testified
that he agreed to a meeting, and Mc
fnrrl nromised to arrange it. Later
nrltness said. McCord talked with him
about the invention, and, reading from
a paper which seemed to come trom
(Concluded on BareSO
Excess of Outgoing Over Incoming
Business Noteworthy Free
Entries Run High.
WASHINGTON, July 16. Foreign
commerce of the United States for the
fiscal year 1912 was greater than ever
before, new high records being estab
lished for both Imports and exports.
The value of merchandise entering free
of duty also reached an unprecedented
The year's trade figures, made pub
lie today by the Commerce and Labor
Department's Bureau of Statistics,
show that the imports were $1,653,426,
174 and the exports 33.204,222.083 in
value. Imports exceeded the former
high record, that of 1910, by about
3100,000,000, while exports exceeded the
1911 record by nearly 3155,000.000.
These totals added to the value of
the trade of the United States with
Porto Rico and Hawaii would make a
grand total of approximately four bll
lion, dollars.
Imports entering free of duty were
valued "at 3881,743,144, exceeding by
3105,000,000 the former high record of
free imports, that of 1911. Non
dutiable merchandise formed 53.32 per
cent of the total imports, the percent
age being larger than ever before, ex
cept during the operations of the Mc-
Klnley tariff law, when sugar was im
ported free of duty.
The excess of Imports over Imports
In the fiscal year was $550,795,914,
against $522,000,000 last year, but was
less than that of 1908. 1901 or 1898.
Paulson, Easton and Greenougb Es
tate Wipe Out $75,000 Liability
WALLACE, Idaho, July 16. The of
fer made by August Paulson, Spokane
millionaire; Stanley Easton, manager of
the Bunker Hill & Sullivan mine, and
the estate of T. L. Greenough of $75,-
000 in settlement of all their liability
in connection with the failure of the
Wallace State Bank of Commerce last
August was accepted today.
Bernard F. O'Neil, former president
of the bank, who was extradited from
Vancouver, now is awaiting trial on
charges in connection with the failure
of the bank.
The offer was made in a petition to
the District Court which was asked to
authorize the receiver of the bank to
accept the money.
Fireman Thinks He Is Rescuing
Babe Front Burning Structure.
SPOKANE. July 16. "Help, helpi My
darling will be killed," a woman clasp
ing a squirming white bundle in her
arms stood in the smoke-filled second
story window of a burning house here
today and shrieked to firemen below.
Fire Chief Albert Weeks was the first
to respond. He took his stand below
the window and shouted:
"Throw the child down, I will catch
The white bundle dropped Into the
waiting arms, and Chief Weeks discov
ered he had caught a white poodle
which immediately bit him.
Remarks concerning "dog catchers"
are received by the chief with silent
Pastor Opposes Prizefighting, but
Indorses Wholesome Boxing.
LOS ANGELES, July 16. (Special.)
Rev. J. Whitcomb Brougher was one
of the active leaders in the work of ob
taining signers to the anti-prize fight
petitions, filed with thousands of sig
natures today.
"As much as I am in favor of sports,
I am absolutely opposed to pugilism in
any form, even under the guise of mere
boxing entertainments," he said. "So
long as boxing is indulged in as a
wholesome sport I would not object to
it, but the moment professionalism is
introduced, the moment it becomes real
fighting. I am opposed to it. It is de
grading for participants and onlookers
Car Runs Off 10-Foot Grade on
Highway and Turns Over.
EVERETT. Wash, July 16. Fred
Brush, a merchant of Granite Falls,
was killed today in an automobile ac
cident on the Pacific Highway, 12
miles south of here, while on his way
to Seattle. His wife and another wo
man who were in the car were severely
hurt. The road was wide where the
accident happened. but apparently
Brush had turned to one side to avoid
a small pile of gravel where repair
work was being done. In turning back
into the road the machine continued
across the highway and plunged over
a 10-foot bank, turning over and
crushing Brush beneath it.
S-Year-Old Only Slightly Injured by
OMAHA, July 16. Reed Fairbanks,
aged thre years, son of Mr. and Mrs.
L. R. Fairbanks, of Salt Lake City, fell
from the window of a fast-moving
Union Pacific passenger train today,
escaping with only slight Injuries.
When the train was stopped train
men rushed back and found young
Fairbanks little the worse for . his
Action Is Inspired by
Lorimer Case.
All Democrats, but Only Six
Republicans, Vote Aye.
Borah Reads From Writings of New
Jersey Governor Declaring Pres
tige of Presidential Office
Is Waning.
WASHINGTON, July 16. The Senate
Indireetly today rebuked President Taft
for his course in connection with the
Lorimer case. Once blocked from a
vote by the Archbald Impeachment
proceedings, a resolution, battle-scarred
In a protracted, bitter debate, finally
was adopted, 35 to 23, denouncing "any
attempt on the part of a President to
exercise the power of his office to in
fluence a vote on a question within the
Senate's exclusive Jurisdiction."
The resolution originally was framed
by Senator Bailey, who had arraigned
President Taft, asserting he had been
"officious and meddlesome" In endeav
oring to line up regular Republican
Senators in the Lorimer case, and as
adopted read:
"Resolved, That any attempt on the
part of a President of the United
States to exercise the powers and in
fluence of his great office for the pur
pose of controlling the vote of any
Senator upon a question Involving a
right to a seat in the Senate, or upon
any other matter within the exclusive
Jurisdiction of the Senate, would vio
late the spirit if not the letter of the
Constitution and Invade the rights of
the Senate."
Six Republicans Vote Aye.
Not a Democrat voted against tin
resolution; but six Republicans voted
for it. Republicans who voted for it
were Senators Bourne, Clapp, Fell, Gal
linger. McCumber and Works. Demo
crats who voted for the resolution
were Ashurst, Bacon, Bailey, Bryan,
Chamberlain, Culberson, Fletcner, Gard
ner, - Hitchcock, Johnson, Johnston,
Martin, Martine, Newlands, O'Gorman,
Overman, Percy, Pomerene, Reed,
Shively, Simmons, Smith of Arizona,
Smith of Georgia, Smith of Maryland,
Smith of South Carolina, Stone, Swan
son, Thornton and Tillman.
Those Republicans who voted against
the resolution were Borah, Brandegee,
Bristow, Burnhara, Burton, Catron,
Crawford. Cummins, Dupont, Gronna,
Jones, Kenyon, Massey, McLean, Nel
son, Oliver, Page, Perkins, Root, Smith
of Michigan, Smoot, Sutherland and
Personal Character Modified.
Senator Bailey, who Introduced the
resolution, denounced the course ot
President Taft as described tn a letter
the President wrote to Colonel Roose
velt on January 6, 1910, which the
President made public in a recent
speech in the Massachusetts primary.
The original resolution was directed at
Presidential influence of votes on the
right of Senators to retain their seats.
When Senator Bailey concluded he ac
cepted an amendment offered by Sena
tor McCumber striking out words of
condemnation from the resolution and
extending It to other matters within
the exclusive jurisdiction of the Senate.
He also accepted an amendment by
Senator Heyburn, to insert the word
would," so as to make the resolution
more impersonal.
Taft la Defended.
The vote was demanded and for an
instant it appeared that the resolution
as amended would pass unanimously.
At this moment William Alden Smith
took the floor to declare the President
had done nothing improper, and that it
was impossible to disconnect Senator
Bailey's argument from the resolutions.
'Strike out the argument," then Bug- ,
gested Senator Bailey.
'Some of it ought to be and some ot
it may be after consideration," shouted
the Michigan Senator.
Senator Cummins wanted the resolu
tion amended so as to also apply to the
use of the office to influence votes for
or against a bill. He said people
would imply by this omission that such
a practice was approved by the Senate.
He spoke of reports that President?
had warned Senators if they did not
vote in a certain way they would be
considered out of the party.
Cummins Asks for Harmony.
Senator Smith, of Michigan, demanded
that the Senator from Iowa be more
'I make the assertion that sucn nas
occurred," said Mr. Cummins, "and in
the interest of party harmony, I trust
that the Senator will allow the Incident
to be forgotten as fast as the human
memory will permit."
Senator Borah suggested to the
Senate that be had heard that the
legislative branch of the Government
was Intruding on the executive, and
thereupon read at length from Wood-,
row Wilson's book on "Congressional
Government." In that the author
spoke of the prestige of the Presi
dential office having declined and of
Congress as being a big meeting of
idle people who had taken power from
the executive.
'In view of what Is likely to occur
(Concluded on rage 2-)