13 , ' . the JlOKyirO OJKJKtxUJXlAW, TUiiSUAY, JTJLT 16. . ' f l 1 I ' . I u.-..a, vnnntu ( FINANCIAL. rmtSONAL. HoMekrepiPg; Boo ma in PrlTata Family. ONLY $1; 8 furnished rooms, second floor. 3 nice new beds and mattres.e.; every thing freeh and clean; (as and wood stoves, beautiful yard and neighborhood, overlocking river; walking distance. porter. phone Sellwood 1108. 1-ROOJI suites, also single rooms, newly fur nlshed for housekeeping; every convenience- excellent location, close in; beautiful Summer home; prices reasonable by month or week. 855 Flanders, near 2nth. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. very modern, bath, stationary tub, sink, hot and cold water, gas range; gas heater, rent verv reasonable; easy walking dia ls nee. aus su su 19 13TH. 2 pleasant rooms, completely furnished, modern, gas range. ba til. lawn. aauits. iismuuuiij. TWO clean, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, running water, all conveniences; reasonable. Main 8643. Ki 12th at. TWO cosy furnished housekeeping rooms, sink In kitchen, bath adjoining, electricity. i i i - ;i tn-lr ill riiis- m ii J Mnuuv. ' - - jjii Two cosy, large housekeeping rooms. piano. Phone. electricity, a. so wu" room; plenty roses. 595 Madison. TWO "O housekeeping rooms with bath, light nd nhon. 14 E. 8th N- corner Everett. L IMf. TWO clean cool housekeeping rooms, light phone, bath, laundry, privileges. $4 per week. I'i9 East 14th. bail 143V. CLOSE IK 52o E. 2n'h Two very desir able housekeeping rooms, largo sleeping porch, nice and clean. Phone gellwood 29. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms, reasonable, private family, b E. L Norm. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, with kitchenette. $12; light, bath and phone. 370 12t h St TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms, gas. electric lights, $14; one large room $12. 311 Main at. 3-KOOM aulte. nicely furnished, separata entrance, modern convenience. 700 Flan ders. $18 j COMPLETELY furnished rooms, bath. alnk, laundry, gas range, phone. 826 E Stark. NICE clean housekeeping rooms, gas, phone, bath. 163 N. IStb, near Irving; LARGE! alrv room, completely furnished for housekeeping. S3 X. 20th. NEWLY and beautifully furnished large H. K. suites. 812.50 up. 495 Ciay St. 14! h. Sir. 14TH, corner Clay, pleasant furnished housekeeping rooms; Summer rates. DOWNSTAIRS, nicely furnished front aulte, all conveniences. 307 Market. 2. 3 OR 4 furnished rooms, gas. electricity; all conveniences; reasonable. East 4818. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. NICELT furnished housekeeping rooms. 87 N. 14th St.. Davis to Everett $12.50 MONTH Large, cool housekeeping room. bath, phone. 42 5th. CENTRAL, ciean housekeeping also sleeping room for two. 32 N. 11th. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at 467 Eost Pine. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, residenca dis trict, reasonable. 690 E. Burnslde. THE MEIER & FRANK STORES' FREb RENTAL- AND INFORMATION BUREAU , . Is for the convenience of both Portland Seople and strangers In the city who may e looking for hemes, apartments or flats We have an excellent private list, as well as the combined lists of all real estate dealers. We can also give advice as to the new buildings In course of construction. Home-builders especially will find re lief In this special service, for we help you to get oulckiv, comfortably and desirably located. When you want to rent, visit THE MEIER St FRANK RENTAL BU REAU. 4th floor, main pipe- FOR RENT 6-room modern house, new. has never been lived In, furnace, fire place gas and electricity, built-in book rase and buffet: H block to car; sur rounded by beautiful homes: rent $35 per month; will lease with privilege of buy ing If desired. Ask for Mrs. Ott,. 80 4th st. Main 54S. ; . THREE newly built eight-room modern houses In Laurelhurrt will be rented to desirable tenanta on favorable terms. Ap ply to WILLIAM H. MDONALD. Room 4n4 Gerllnger Bldg. FOR RENT 171 East 7th St. N- between Oregon and East Irving sts.. Holladay s Addition; 6-room modem house, good con dition; accessible to several tarllnes; rent $:;). Call up R. N. Tufford. Fhone Mar shall 4547. Slti MONTH Good 7-room house; bath, basement, electric lights, corner lot. on East 15th st. North. E. J. Gelser. 4-'0 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main s tt. HOUSED AND FLATS FOR RENT. K. N. TUFFORD & CO., 407 Spalding Bldg. Marshall 4547, A 4545. HOUSES, flats. In all parts of the city. See our list. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Main omJ9. 269 Washgton st. A 628i. WE have houses for rent and houses for sale. . T and 8 rooms. Bros, construc tion Co.. 31S Mohawk bld& Phone Main FOR RENT Six-room cottage, modern, be tween Third and Union ave.. on Couch st.: rent $20, Including water. Inquire Inc. Fourth st. HOUSE and 2 lots, southwest corner of East 21st and Brooklyn; term 'ease- see property and make offer. 909-13 Board of Traae ping., or jiaiii FOR RENT New 8-room bungalow. Laurel hurst, two blocks to car, Just completed; all modern conveniences; low rent to res- ponsioie punv. o"o ..m..... T-AOOM house, good condition. In suburbs, close to car. large garden, mostly potatoes; cheap rent to good tenant- 61o Chamber $20 5-room bouse, bath, basement, large ysrd fruit, flowers, close In. 1123 East Main, near 3Sth st. Apply 229 First st MODERN 8-room house, electricity and gas. East 12th St.. walking distance. Inquire Soi Dekum bldg. .ROOM modern cottage. 941 E. Alder st. Inquire of 63 E. 22a. East 6412. East 6020. FOR "RENT West Side, two nice large 5. room cottages, walking distance. IIS and 813.51). Apply 430 lOthst. A MODERN 7-room house. 251 N. 21st St., between Marshall and Northrup. LARGE, light . -room house, attic, trays. Main 2'jS. Key M E. 17lh St.. mornings. S OR S-ronm bungalow in Irvington. Purse ft Co.. 818 Chamber of Comrrurie. MODERN 6-room house on two carlines, low rent. Inquire at 910 C. of C bldg. NICE 8-room modern house, nlca yard. 175 East 23d. cor. YamhllL Phone East 6948. MODERN 7-room house, excellent condition; moderate rent. Phone Main 40O7. NICE 6-room house, bath, gas, $22 148 E. loin, near i.nni Jim .,,. 0 ROOMS, newly papered, good location. cheap rent. Call 65Q 2d st. South. FOR RENT Good eight-room house in best location. 173 16th su. near Yamhill. HOUSE at 529 W. Taylor, $32.50. H. -J Friendly. 705 Spauldlng bldg. Main 108. Furnisbed Houses. FOR RENT, furnished, our suburban home, 12 rooms, modern, elegantly furnished, for one or two families: two fireplaces, two ranges, large grounds, lawn, flowers and garden, on Willamette Ulver; view unsur passed: 3c carfare; going East: moderate rent from acceptable party. Inquire snreve Produce Co., 149 Front St. FHEE rent to couple without children who wolud board young soman and care for bov (5 years old) during day. modern bungalow, furnished. Call after S P. M.. 7S E. 34th st., WW car. 8-ROOM modern house, telephone, plan s electric and gaa fixtures, food nelghboi hood. beautiful shrubbery: $50 per month. 574 E. Tavlor. corner 14th. SIX-ROOM house until September 1; piano, gas range, everything complete. East 18th near Morrison: no children. H. A. KUlani, Marsha'. Wells Hardware Co. 0 ROOMS, nicely furnished, airy, light rooms, piano. 4 blocks from Washington st.. corner 21st. ttfrd Gllsan: rent $35. FURNISHED house to rent. Sunnyslde, $25 per month Inquire Calumet Hotel. Main NEWLY furnished 5-room bungalow with lawn, piano and all modern conveniences. East 4i:s. PEOPLE going away can have four fur nished rooms, cheap. Call Marshall .457, between 9 and 12 A. M. 6-ROOM furnished flat. 264 Stout St.. walk; lng distance, close to car. -o. ey Stout. Main 2641. FOR RENT Fully and nicely furnished 6 room house. Woodstock carllne. Phone Sellwood 1259 or call 901 W ilcox bldg. VIVE large, sirv rooms, completely fur nished: modern upper flat. Call evenings after . lo Kearney, corner j-a. tRVlNT.TOX Xicelv furnished 5-room bun galow, sleeping porch, piano. 787 Mult- noman St. a car. RENT Furnished house cheep, nlca yard. garage, close In. Main 1 -. NEW 5-room modern, nem-ly. completely fur nished flat 572 Mill. Main 6447. 7-ROOM furnished house, piano; $-5 month. 1251 Esst Yamhill. Hall Main HQS. MODERN 8-room house, fine home 419 Benton. Phone East 6404; reference. NICELY furnished house. 5 rooms. 1 block from a caxiwes- 101, awh otoo. Hjueea for Rent. Fnrnlture for Sale. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room flat mod ern In every respect, furniture for sale very reasonable: fiat for rent; this Is a good location for one desiring- to keep roomers; close In and very convenient. 308 8d st 9 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, paying $21 above rent, leaving two rooms for owner; cheap If taken .nls ween, e-tioiu GOOD rooms and board at beach; tents for rent; children cared for a reaaonable rates. Phone Mam 1030, A ana FOR RENT 5-room cottage, furniture for sale; must be seen to ba appreciated. Phone Tabor a-to-i. FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sale; flat for rent. 264 i itn st NEW 5-room cottage on North Beach, neat. 1 An,-Ani.n. T.nn C "I ' 7 cwi aim i-"'"--" ' FURNISHED 7-room flat, sleeping porch, ti-.l, - lla'n KU(U1 FURNITURE of a S-roora house for sale. 6 rooms rented out. 173 N. 17th St. FURNITURE for sale, cheap. 3-room apt 545 Lovejoy St. Apt, a. rnone a ioq". Summer Resorts. A NICE SUMMER OUTING. With Pigeon Spring! has good hotel, camping privileges. Including use at min eral water and wood free. Our object Is to have you visit this wonderful spring and ba convinced of Its merits. Call at Skldmore Drug Co.. S. 151 Sd "t. and gt descriptive folder free. For further par ticulars call stain zo-i. OWNfelK Mt&l Cli i'" Beautiful Summer home, furnished complete: has large sleeping porch and cobble-stone fireplace; lot 30x100 feet one block from board walk, on Stanley ave. Apply at Maywood cottage, sea side, cr NORTH BEACH Unusually deslrsble. com- . . fi,pnlhn small pieteiv ar.a comiuiioui ...... j cottage: ocean lot nlca yard, tree, ready to occupy; $30 the season. pbn ,M" h S565. or call at C K. Henry Co.. 83 4th St., portiana. ur. HiA v l r. ,v . 7-room completely furnished house, in cluding piano, 1 block from beach, lawn, shade trees, running water H. P. PALMER-J ONES CO 41)4 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 899, A 2653 SEASIDE. Irvington cottage. one block from ocean; fireplace, sleeping porch. Datn. etc; .completely furnished 404 Wilcox' bldg. "Phones M. 8609. A 86.13 DESIRABLY located on Main St.. Seaside. ,ij ........ also 2 rooms 3-room tumisaea ""s-i for rent season or less. Phono East 180. after 7 p. at. AT SEASIDE For rent, well furnished cot- waeneTectVlc light'..- Write J. L. Day. owner, seasiae. jr. FOR RENT At Long Beach. Wa9.1?,ABma(It completely lurnisnea 1. Aaaress op r - SEASIDE Beach front furnished cottj?e"' electric inn is, cny -.-. - WANTED Modern cottage at ge'Pr' T beasiao xor mania m Konl&n. FURNISHED mountain cabin on Salmon river, near weicne s nuic, Phone ooQiawn .w1" NORTH BEACH 2 and 3-rooin. 1 block ocean, compieieij . iuiio.... uams ive. D.in ; i I L' . K i-O" :i i n .mail -4-rOOl' fur- nlshed cottage, full jot. close In; Long Beach station; 1450. AO 222. Oregonlan, SEAVIEW. Wash., six-room house on ridge. facing ocean, wain qi-i. SEASIDE cottage, furnished, good location. near ocean. Aimmm GEARHART. tt-room house, furnished, rea sonable, riiuiiv n. UEAKHART Six rooms, furnished, by the week, montn or season, uuuiiibbii. FIVE-ROOM cottage at Beach Center, Long is a. T)la VI 9 T-at K a 1 1 'S1 It. ila BL. FURNISHED cottages, water. f"0 location, reasonaoiw. rievT-i.iv.. - 7-ROOM furnished bouse, close to ridge. Seavlew, Wastt laoor o-ij. OCEN PARK, 6-room furnished cottage. Mrs. m. C grown, vv-coii t-AR RENT Four-room furnished cottag-s, . a. n-V. 'Moll. jOHB lagar- n. " 6-ROOM bouse, completely furnished, at NEW 3-room cottage on North Beach, neat, COSy nu coiiveiiirin- r """ - Store. FOR RENT 2-story brick store building. and Ash sts ; 30 feet frontage. 100 feet deep, fine location. Inquire F. D. Cnam- pcnain. mhub um. STORES for all kinds of business In all """thV FRED" A. JACOBS CO u.ir. Ttf -2Kfl Washrton st. A -7. STORES, suitable for grocery, confectionery. drugs or any uiuci oti . - waukie and Bismarck: living-room In rear or upstairs. Aimung '-j-"p' FOR RENT-Stores no 248 and 250 Haw tnorr.e ave.. i iv - ua,...hopna rnrif -"o. Phone East J0.t. FO'l RENT Part of store space 12x43 feet: ii in eitv Address, stating i. ... k.inA. r 131 Oresonlan. WAREHOUSE space for rent In concrete building on R. R. switch. Apply Portland i i- r-o 1J4 and T'nshur Sta FRONT for rent, suitable for cigar or boot Li . 1 . I Ark at f. r-"." R .1 . FINE storeroom. 2d and faimon sis. in quire Marlon F. Dolph, S17 Mohawk bldg. BUILDINGS! STORES! LOFTS! W. H. WEBB. 401 Yeon bldg. Main 4913. SEE OUR LIST OF STOKES. Terry Harris, 904 Yeon bldg. Main 33ST. FOR RENT Store. 52St Wishlngton St.. $40 month. Phone Marshall 3481. Offices. FOR RENT Rooms In Stearns building, suitable for musical studios, sample sales rooms, architect s office, etc. Inquire of fice Sherman. I lay oc MOST centrallv located offices, all-night elevator service. 303 Swetland bjdg, 5th nnd Washington. DESK room In light airy office; all con veniences. ML' i.ewis pins- HALF small office. t per month; free pnune. mi i'i' nail-, CHOICE outside office for rent $1. 3!3 Vi n-..hlinn at Rnnm 32. LARGE room. desk, typewriter, etc. Hows- UaVlS t O.. Ill t?emim WNT desk room with use of desk; state lowest terms. AH 261. Oregonlan. tOST AD FOUND. forsD Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses rrinn i , . renovate mattresses and return same da , we ai50 renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metrger. ..-JJS Front. Phone Main 4i4. A un .OST Saturday night, a lady's white Pana- . i Va.t oe W Asr Side: fi'n'der will be liberally rewarded if he re turns to Mr. Herron. of Armour 4 Co., 13th and r lanaera. LOST Gentleman's black card case, con taining papers valuable only to owner, name on inside. Deliver to 8UO Yeon bldg. Reward. LOST Memorandum book with certificate of deposit on U. S. National Bank, ray able to R. W. Luther. Finder please re turn to DanK anu rcLBoo ........ .0ST Cash reward for return of large Eng lish brlndle bulldog to 825 Hawthorne ave H. C P. Baldwin, phonea East 844 or Marshall 831". LOST Two promissory notes, one of $14, other of 130.69. payable to Frank Lltson. Reward. A 3271. 54 K. 2Sd st. LOST Saturdav evening, plain carved gold bracelet: Ellsha engraved Inside. Return to 008 Chamber ot commerce. rvga.iu. LOST Old-fashioned earring between Rai nier Hotel and Meier & Frank's store; reward for return to iiregomau. LOST Gold open-faced Walthara wateh on island near Oaks; finder plaasa communi cate with Marshall S9T8. LOST A purple elk-s tooth. Finder will be liberally rei warded by leaving same at room 721. Selling bldg. LOST Gentleman's small leather purse, con tained gold and miscellaneous articles; re ward. Oregonlan office. LOST An alredale dog. 5 months old. An swers to name "Sandy." Address or call at 400 E- 22d North; reward. LOST Frldav, black silk watch fob. with suuare gold locket Initials J. F. P. S wsrd. Main S1Q3. Miss Forcla. LOST Sardonyx ting. Tiffany setting; re ward. Phone Woodlawn 474. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. dititiirit. 240 daily business, moder ate rent good lease. Prlca $000; living rooms. 24SH Stark St. rt r i -T-fl works: good location; doing good business: good proposition. Phone weoaiawn .m,iA ill services to Invest In profitable business: give full particulars, or no at- . ..M . T oT. Oregonlan. WANTED Partner In beauty parlor. Call 613 Rotncnna Dicg. RESTAURANT for rent: nxturea for sale best terms. Inquire 42 North 4th. WANTED Able physician and surgeon (Oregon license). Opportunity of lifetime for right man; must be of neat address, about 35 years old and a hustler; no other need answer. Town of 1500 peopis In Eastern Oregon; no better field: no salary proposition, it's up to yon to make good; state particulars and give, refer ancea In first letter. AV 478. Oregonlan STELWYN APTS.. 6t Clair and Washington Sts. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS. Must sell on account of other business Interests the best paying, most centrally located automobile business in the city; only S6GO0 required to handle this busi ness: one-half cash: liberal terms on bal ance; present owner will remain with Pur chaser long enough to teach business if desired. If you are looking for a good, substantial, well established business it will pay you to look this up. For full particulars, address AB 219, Oregonlan. GENERAL STORE FOR SALE. Will sell general store near Portland at Invoice price of from "K)0 to $7000; busi ness now averaging S75 per day cash: Postofflce In connection, gives Income or 40 per month. This Is a live and grow ing business In a new townslta on the railroad line, and is- now showing excel lent profits; Investigation of business ana reasons for aelllng Invited. Phono Mar shall 4174. AUTOMOBILE AGENTS I want local agents in everv county In Oregon to handle a popular-priced Una of automo biles; a good name and reputation for in tegrity counts more with us than monej or experience; If you have J473 and can furnish bond, you can procure the agetics for our high-grade car and we will furnish you with demonstrator. For full particu lars address AR, 218 Oregonlan. FOR SALE Men's clothing and furnishing goods store, of about fl2,000 stock, lo cated !n a god Willamette Valley town of (1000 population. The only store of the kind here; doing a good business. Loca "tlon sood. In a modern building: other Interests- call my attention. Address A 4PT, Oregonlan. SALOON BARGAIN. This Is a first-class bar In the heart or the down-town business district: five-year lease, stock, fixtures and Independent li cense. Will consider trade for Inside property. Price $0500. FRANK JOHNSTON. Room 202 Milton Hotel. A PARTNER wanted to take Interest In established business: no experience re quired, but mus: be energetic; can realize $150 and up per month each; must ba re liable and devote his time; business can be doubled In short time; amount required $500. money secured; will stand Investi gating. Address M 213. Oregonlan. YOUNG lady, thoroughly experienced in restaurant business wants someone that has a small amount of cash and not afraid of work to join her In opening up a dandy little place. Telephone East 3492 between 10 and 12. . THE BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. Cafeteria, best of locations, dally Income $80. rent $150. lease; will sacrifice lor $1,600, part cash, balance easy. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE 709-10 Rothchlld Bldg. Marshall 3S2.1. DO YOU WANT A BUSINESS? Best paying auto repair shop and oldest auto school In the city; will sell hi Inter est to a good business man or all if de sired. Call Main o24. Ask for Corser. Easy terms. WANTED. Partner to take half Interest in a llgiit manufacturing plant; a man who can take charge of an office and manage men; sal ary $125 per month. Kinney & Stam- pher, 631-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. FISCAL AGENT having a flrat-class se curity contract desires a partner to as sist immediate flotation; remarkable op portunity for large returns: small amount , '.. . .! iririM Afl 004. Ore- AN exceptional opportunity for trustworthy man, and $350 can secure half Interest m established business; no experience re quired; must be reliable and honest: money secured: guarantee $30 a week; will ' stand Investigation. P 212, Oregonlan. - A MARVELOUS BARGAIN INDEED. FORCED SALE. Verv fine high-grade restaurant, center business district, sacrificed account sick ness, for $1800 cash. Becker, S27 ' Lum ber Exchange. Marshall 1345. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Owner will guarantee sinu montn salary, who oh. of the profits, to a man he can depend on; experience not necessary: small Invest ment required. S10 Lumber Exchange. WANTED A young live office man, who can operate typewriter preiei.evj. has money to Invest In established grow ing mfg. business, to take charge of tne selling. N 212. Oregonlan. WANTED Salesman with $1000 or $2000 to handle outside witn ngni raim.nM... and repair business: salary attacned. The Ames Investment Co.. 41 Abington bldg., Portland. Oregon. Phone Main ansa, c-i-i en tr Cnnf.Mtnnprv. stationery and notion store: tour rarge iivms ivm $20- no competition; near Targe school. $s00. terms; good Ice-cream trade. Phone Tabor nuo. snt.tn OFFICE BUSINESS Pay you month clear; requires very and can try it before you buy. 319 Lum ber Exchange bldg.. 2nd and Stark sts. . r .ro.nt nna v we t located. down town, nne fixtures, suuu " first-class trade; jliuu du.vb tins ii at once. 45 3 MuiK St. RESTAURANT 386 Morrison St.; must be sold to satisfy my mortgage; on pailng basis- am not a restaurant man; have other business. WE have a choice confectionery store. quires but little money. Let us show you a snap. 24Sti Stark Bt .-tii Mil ii at a Hscruit:. . . - WILL sell half Interest good, clean manu facturing business; uiyis"v J , i 'S' $1500 required: trade already established. X 214. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT doing $40 dally business, seats 42. rent $.1.1. 1'4-year lease. In brick bulldlns. Price $900. S43 Lumber Ex change. SOLID VOOD BUSINESS Can depend on clearing $250 month; have Plenty wood contracted tor; win soil ciie- ber Exchange, cor 2nd and Stark sts. CIGARS, confectionery. Ice cream, etc.; must be sold: owner muai mto oi-.o, West Side: good lease. AH 2d9. Orego nlan. GROCERY, bakery, contectioneo. cigars. pHce 'including furniture, $525. 303 Lum ber fTXCnange! KiVTBD Location for motion picture show, outside of Portland; would buy or lease: distance no object AR 217, Ore- gonlan. FOR SALE Delicatessen and lunchroom. best and oldest location i" rlflce account of 111 health. 44 N. 2od. H. M. Keefer. i-rtT-x-n -nan w lh x.,ou can secure an in terest witn us mat w e- nnd liberal Balary; money secured; give ohone number. AS 225. Oregonlan. Only garage In town of 8000, on Pacific Hlghwav; good agency proposition; will tike partner. AV 489. Oregonlan. DELICATESSEN In fine location, doing $40 dally business, living rooms; price $1"00 cash, or will trade iot reai aimc Lumber Exchange. CIGAR STAND, fine Fixtures, wortn '' itav' lenve for Spokane tonight. 20S Morrison. IF rou have $1000 we will guarantee M mr cent In 4 months: money securet; give phone number. AH 273, Oregonlan. nnvni-cTtfts-nr H2500 Fine business. almost no exren. ...i.-. , - MY INTEREST In a rapidly-growing busi ness": $1000.00 cash and balance on time. S Oregonlan. FOR SALE Coffee and tea business In et.idina stock and route: a snap. $200. sickness In family. W 218. Oregonlan. . itm-cc irh R launches. u oa row boats. 2' canoes, established business; terms. Apply W 217. Oregonlan. CIGAR and candy store. $12.10. trade for any good value mai ,m rooom 300. S'JOO CIGAR STORE FOR M,'0. ... t h.M other business: can t tend both. Se owner. 4 m-"b" rnvinrrTIONERY. ice cream, cigars, etc. beautiful corner store with llnff rooms; will sell cheap. 819 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALEonfectionery store well es tablished business; -will 'Invoice. 363 e. 11th St. 5. roVFECTIONERY. clgrar and Ice-cream C rarl for -ile, good location, at 206 4th street, WELT., equipped restaurant; must sell on rront of sickness. Wm. Kruger, Ore- con City. Or. fiVE-CHAlR barber shop for saie: doing rood business. H. J. Hastings, Houlton, Or. tub! heat bargain in butcher shop In town ft the nrice. $300: the location is one of the best. 303 Lumber Exchange. DrenrnAS' T Good location, to be so on account of owner's illnesa; easy terras. A 23 . Oregon ian. rwTT.T-f T.K interest In a realty and busi nes chance office that is doing business; 300 reqmrea. 3ua Lumoer ticnange. piriTVF.R wanted to help In store: can clear $35 week; requires very little money Room 3I. LUmotr .exenans-. RESTAURANT, on Washington. $1200; 1500 cash, paiance io -mi. aj, uruiiiBii SALOON for sale, five-year lease, indepen dent license. Apply 274 Everett st. FOR PALE Confectionery with cigar stand la xronu oxo ivi- I HAVE a growing business that is getting too large tor my racmues. a wa.ni uio services of a high-grade business man to help me Interest new capital. Sly business will attract the most conservative. Do not answer unless you have ability and experience In this line. AN 214. Oregonian. IF you are Interested in mines and have a lew aonars to invest, i can ieu yu -wui a mine that looks like a few months' work will make it a good producer and eventually one of the biggest, best prop erties in the state. Easily reached and shows for itself. AR 220, Oregonian. POOL ROOM and cigar business; owner has outside interests to iook aner uu wants Interested partner; he will pay you $i 30 a day wages, besides one-half profits; $3o0 requlr.d. 323 Lumber Ex cnange. --. BEAUTIFUL BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE, $700 cash, nice grocery stock, all fix tures, fine cash business, living rooms, furniture, cheap rent. Becker, 327 Lum ber Exchange. Marshall 1345. FOR SALE I will sacrifice my Portland in come Donas, aenominauoni oi iw w $1000; will net you better than S per cent; I must sell. C. Bernard, AN 210, Oregonian. - - WANTED Partner in firm doing business in Portland and Beatrie; ouw requireu; active partner will make $200 monthly; we will prove this. Address AB 214. Oregonlan. NOTICE TO BARBERS. Combination rarher shop and cigar store, good paving business, no opposition; part cash, balance easy payments. F 216, Ore gonian . FURNITURE store in good valley town; Invoice about $duu: wm sen rini, not enough money to carry on the business- will stand investigation; old-established. AV 474. Oregonian. FREE RENT, free light, free water; will sell lunch stana in v asningiuii-m.., w$ - ner saloon at cost of fixtures and stock; doing good business. W. H. Webb, 401 Yeon bldg. Main 4913. PRRT4TTR A XT Owner does the cooking and can t depend on nirea n-iy, interested partner to act as cashier; will pay you $25 week and board. Particulars Lumoer -xenanga. BUFFET, heart business district, rent rea- tonohiB lea f - minoranr iixiureo. n saloon, well stocked, good business; do not answer unless you mean Dimness, a -n, Oregonian. CONTROLLING interest in $10,000 corpora tion- th a Harriett Biiarv nr. sum mommy. business $4000 per month; will stand close Investigation, ms'fr istara si. PARTY owning salmon fishing patent 'ailts money to demonstrate it, smau n-n., - chances of very large returns. F --, Oregonian. WISH to meet young man with some money to invest in new vauaevme -ni-rpi is-, good opportunity for party with theatrical aspirations, a m -ji, urcguiumi. ON account of leaving for Alaska must sell goon-paving snooting gauery ucp taken at once; worth while looking into. 5ft 9th St., Astoria, WILT, sell half interest In my business at sacrifice, as it is nocessary ior mo tu East; no fake; will stand investigation. Call 270 Stark st. DELICATESSEN in choice location with a good business; sickness or proprietor cau- of selling; win oe soia ngm. --o --. street. , SEE W. W. JORDAN FOR HUS1NSSS INVESTMENTS ND EXCHANGES. SUITE 619, LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. cm a t ,t . o-H -tin- with livlna rooms; Just the place for a man ana who lu uiun. $150 month over all expenses. 323 Lum ber Exchange. YOUNG hotel man, doing good business. wants a lady partner witn experience; some capital pecessary; write ior pnvri.w ulars. Box 1144. Boise, Idaho. SOLID business that Is doing a business of $10,000 monthly wants interested partner to Keep plain accounts auu uu-un. uwu. Particulars a-'tt mtnoer dxcnangB. TWO jrood confectionery and cigar stores on TiT.ti . ---K - C.li-t.i tni T ii n - ber Exchange. ' f!V!Vn A v T TvnrRT-TiT. STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher in v. :o., o Aoiiigtun. 5O0 BUSINESS CARDS, $1; bring this ad. Rose City Prtntery, iWrt 50, cor. xa,yi. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. w a vt rt hiiv srocerv. Will arive unin cumbered property and a $1500 good farm mortgage, one or both. Vanduyn & Wal ton, olo unamoer Lorameres. i rir- innv fnr harber -hoD wanted. would purchase a two or three-chair shop it price ana location suiieu. ut mu, St. Johns, Or. WANTED Location for drug store In Washington. Belfry Drug Co., Belfry, MonU BOOMING -HOUSES. MARY E. LENT CO.. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. HOTELS, ROOMING, APARTMENT HOUSES. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. 322-24 Failing Bldg., 3d and Wash. Sts. SO-ROOM HOTEL. With all modern appointments; ground floor office and lobby; rent only $5o0, long lease; will exchange $000 equity for nice home in the city or improved acre aS" 37-ROOM HOTEL. Located right in busy district; 5-year lease, well furnished: good transient nouse; will sell for $2MH, terms. 100-R.OOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. Located on tne West Side; automatic elevator, private baths, long lease; this rtavs all the time: will stand strictest in vestigation; price $7.V)0, terms or exchange lor good reai estate. 2R 5-ROOM APARTMENTS. Most centrally located and beautifully furnished house in tne city; price anuuv. srtOrt CASH OR TRADE Will take this 32-room house, close to Washington; don't miss this. JA ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. The price for ali is $300; can buy now and sen again at a Dig prom. 12-ROOM BARGAIN. Close in. $300 cash, balance terms. FOR SALE eheao for cash, a lt-room room Ing-housr always filled; contains the be-si of furniture: brass beds and mahogany: this is certainly a snap for the right party; don t miss it. t ne oniy goau rhnnrit in a hundred. Don't answer ur. less vou have cash. Excellent reasons for selling. This nlace Is located in the most beautiful residence district of the city. Addresn AH 2Q, Oregonian. MARY E. LENT CO., PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. HOTELS ROOMING APARTMENT HOUSES. All sizes and prices. 352-4 Failing bldg.. 3d and Washington. FOR SALE or trade, dirt cheap, 16 rooms, rent $45; this house taken on mortgage and we have no use for it. so you can pet a real bargain. w nat nave you .' Phone Marshall 4265 or call 340 1st st. c-n- i .v. x sis A strictly modern rooming house of 21 rooms now under construction at Salem; win oe nnisnea August -o. ao dress J. H. Lauterman. Salem. iriTH i'n EVERETT. S225. 5 large rooms, nicely furnished, rent $17; a snap, j-rea w- ucmwu, of Com. M. 6445. 34-ROOM rooming-house for sale, b-st of location; will take part in trade. Call 206 4th st. o tj nni k-iieo ntrIv furnished, eood loca tton." exceptionally good buy; .price and terms reaosnaoie. 4i an st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposalj Invited.' BIDS will be opened July 18 for a heating and ventilating plant for Hermiston High School, at clerk's office in Hermiston. Plans may be obtained from C. M. Hime- naugn, architect, nermiatun, ic,""- Miscellaneoaa. IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of the Ross Company, bankrupt, I wiil receive sealed bids for a stock of mer chnnriiak nertainina1 to this estate con sisting of hardware, building material, paints, etc., of the Inventory valuation rtf ia7.i w together with fixtures amount ing to $SjO.S5. located at No. 87 Grand ov.nna Portland. Or., up to 12 o'clock noon, of Wednesday. July 24, 1012. Terms cash and a certified check for 10 per rTit of the amount offered must accom pany each bid. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock may be inspected during business hours. Sale Is made sub ject to confirmation by the court. Dated at Portland. Or., this 13th day of Julv, 1 ftl 2. R. L- SABIN. Trustee. 7 First St. vi-r-.vr it MAY CONCERN. Take notice that from and alter this 'late I shall not be responsible for any obligations incurred or contracted by my wile, Mrs. tieriruao -eriiit5$. -ll''0i name or mine. (Signed) Edward E. Ger- Imger to WWflM IT MAT CONCERN. Take notice that from and after this date I shall not oe responsioie tor any uu ligatlona incurred or contracted by my wife Mrs. Sarah Foya Shaw, either in her name or mine. C. O. SHAW. Forest Grove. Or. I WILL not be responsible for any debts con trartrl hv unvone else but myself. M rs. F. G. Wonder, Chicago Costume House. W E. BATES, of the firm of Colbach & Bates, has withdrawn. People are warned against paying him bills. L. l. coipacn BARGES for renf capacity 400 tons. Pat- tullo, 23tf EhettocK omg. -aain xv. Proposals Invited. POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT. Washington. . -anlO T. 1- rf o 1 - ?U1 ha rjP I VfQ at the Postofflce Department, Washington, until 4:S0 P. M-, October 15, 1U12. tot ocean mail service, pursuant to the Act of March S, 1891, on the routea hereinafter described, service to commence not later than January 1. 115. Contracts for ten years. Bond required with each bid. The right is reserved to reject any or U "bids, 8CHEDULE OF ROUTES. Vessels of the Second Class. No. 81. New York to Colon, bi-weekly, calling at Key West; time. New York to Colon. 6 days. Bond, $S0,0OO. No. 82. New Orleans to Colon, bl-weejc-ly time to Colon, 4 days. Bond, $35,000. No. &3. San Francisco to Panama, week ly, calling; at San Pedro and San Diego, at election of Department; time, San Fran cisco to Panama, ten daya Bond. $l-.-00U. Vessels of the Third Class. No. S4- Boston to Colon, once every -o davs; time to Colon, 7 daya Bond. $15, 000. No. 85. Philadelphia to Colon, once ev ery 8 days, calling at Charleston and Brunswick, at election of Department; time Philadelphia to Colon, 7tt days Bond. $15,000. , No. 66. Baltimore to Colon, once everj 28 days, calling at Norfolk and Charleston at election of Department; time, Baltimore tc Colon, 7H days. Bond, $15,000. No 87. Seattle to Panama, about twice every month. 26 trips a year, calling at San Francisco. San Pedro and San Diego, at election of Department; time Seattle to Panama, 16 days. Bond. $j0,OCO. No 88. Portland to Panama, once ev ery 28 days, calling at San Francisco San Pedro and San Diego, at election of De partment; time. Portland to Panama, 10 dart. Bond. $35,000. The Postmaster-General reserves the right to require the steamers on each route, whenever they may continue their voyage to a port at the opposite end oi the Panama Canal, to carry any portion of their mails to such port without additional compensation. , . , Circulars containing a description of tne routes, instructions to bidders and blank forms of proposals, with bonds, can be obtained ot the Second Assistant Postmaster-General. Postofflce Department, on and after June 1. 1012. FRANK H. HITCH- COCK. postmaater-t-enera.. SAL -j v- .--' Dalles City, Oregon, hereby call- for bids for the bonds of the city In the amount ot the cost of the construction of a sewer age system, which is estimated at $0,- Bonds will be In the sum of five hun dred .;iw auiin..a --.w., -- - .Y. July 15. 1912. and bearing Interest at the rate or a yer u-ni. ... semi-annually, principal and interest pay able in U. S. Gold coin at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon In the City and State of New York. Thew bonds are a general obligation of Dalles City, due and Payable on the .. -i . trio- Vnt Tlnilpai l.li lotn aay oi jmy, j.7o.. ui. "-"- . h reserves the right to pay the bonds at tne .mi.unniig in t Ares I S7 5SJ. SS-r-M-i." trom the date thereof upon Blving notice o such intention by publication in a news paper, printed and published and of gen eral circulation In Dalles City. Oregon, not less than twice during the month pre ceding the expiration ot niu ...... s,,,ii Interest period and Interest "hall cease at me aoiHi-i.i,.. next following said notice upon the W ment of principal and accrued interest to said date. , . . Each bid must be accompanied by a cer tified check for not .less than o per cer t of the. amount .of th. bid "Je forfeited compiere tne purendw ui -" iltZy with All bids must be sealed and filed . with the recorder of Dalles "City on or before 12 o'clock noon or juiy 1"'-'-,,.h1 Further particulars will be furnished ""Dated"" Dane. Ctty. Or., this 25th day of June. 1912. Recorder of Dalles City KPiTFn bids will be received at the office faEof Lth? underXned iOi Tllford build ng. until 12 M.. July IT. 1912, for therrnostat. !c "ontlol of the heating and ventilating apparatus at Creston. Richmond. Monta- vllla ana weston aiiuv,.. lllcatlons may be o-'talned at the office of Arcnitect i. J. uui., nV.... Bids must be upon each, school separate- Iv If bidders care to cuomit two or more of the ehool. th. am will be considered, provided bidder has submitted itemized bid on each school In cluded tn blanket bid. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the. bid, pay able to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of di rectors reserves the right to reject any and all blds H0MAS SchooI clerk. Dated July 15. 1012. FINANCIAL. i GILT-EDGE MORTGAGES. One for $1400. payable $40 month, all due In 2 vears. 7 per cent interest. One fo$530. payable $35 month. T. per ent interest. Will take $1S50 for both and- guarantee payment. R. E. COWIE. Marshall 48S. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES EQUITIES. CHATTELS. ANY COLLATERAL, REAL 6 SPECIAL SERVICE RENDERED. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO. 1125 YEON BLDG. TEL. M. 85. WE will furnish the money at a low rate of Interest and save you more than the bro kerage of 2 If we do the planning nnd building for you. It will pay to see us. L R. Ba.'ey Co.. Inc.. 324 Abington bldg. wqr SALE I will sacrifice my Portland Income bonds, denominations of $100 to $1000; will net you better than 8 per cent, I must sell. C. Bernard. AN 210. Ore gonian. . p mm Pnn inRTfiAGE9 or aeller't equity In contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon, a. c -nhl Lumbermens bldg. Loans FIRST mortgage of $1150 for two years at pcf ce?' " "'v. i iii..rvi.;,, as I? HOUO, WHl DO buiu i;t, oregonian. MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers' equities bought. E. L. Dever eaux. 1009 Spalding bldg.. 3d and .Wash- tngion. mam MONEY to loan on first-class Portland real ..e.irltv at lowest rates. Morgan, Flledner & Boyce, 503 Abington bldg. WE buy notes, contracts, mortgages tnrst and second), equities. F. H. Lewi. & Co.. 3 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bought, real estate loans. E. B. Miner, tin umib"h wirt t SECURED FIRST MORTGAGE FOR WBALE JOHN BAIN, 505SPALDINQBLQ. Money to Loan Beal Estate. MONEY ON. HAND FOR iaia.as w . FARM AND CITY PROPERTIES. WILLIAM H. M DONALD, 404 PLfu. $1500 TO LOAN at 8 per cent on first mort gage on real property: must be good ,e u?ity charges reasonable. J. H. Middle ton. 4.-a inaina" v""" - ; c . t rrn DTrnpr .V. and others, upon their own names, cheap 14. Tolman. room 317 'Lumber Exchange. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates A H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg, 3d and totarit gi-50 ON Improved . real estate; money r?adyT no delay. Kauffmann & Moore, 325 Lumbar Exchange. m HAVE $500 to loan. Interest 8 per cent; no agents. Ralph R. Dunlway. 530 Chamber f Commerce. MONEY to loan on improved city property mtes. Lawvers' Abstract 4 Trust CO.. room 8, Board of Trade bldg. 81O0O TO loan on improved city property at 7 per cent. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. Mam i4n. a . TO LOAN $5000 OR LESS. FAHKt.iulvi COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. GOOD TERMS. JOHN BAIN, 505 SPALDING BLDG. TO loan, estate moneys in any sum from $00 up at current rates. Rooms 10-11 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. Ilia 000 TO LOAN On Improved city or farm property: $1000 and up. lowest rates Wm. C. Borchers. am uregonian owg. $200,000 TO loan: large loans a specialty; building loans, lowest rates. W. O. Beck, Bio-am r cuims: MORTGAGE loans on either city or farm property; mori.as". . . Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. 8Q8 Wilcox bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small" buUding loans, contra", and mortgagea bougnt. w. n. $3oC AND upwards on Improved real estate; notes and mortgages bought. ., .nnn. 111 Wll.h llEtllll bldg. xioNEY any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H Seitz & Co., 310 Spalding bldg. FARM and city mortg. loans. Ore. and Wash. H. M. Friendly. 705 Spalding b'dg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE; RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG. "" MORTGAGE LOANS. j. Q. GOLTRA. FAILING BLDQ. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew wm. Holl. room 9, Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON" REAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money loaned on ref 1 estate mort gages. H. Mlley. room 804 Qerllnger bldg. $8000 OR PART for immediate loan on real estate. Phone Tabor 771. ctaTE funds. 8 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com, S2000 TO $5000 3 YRS.. 7 PER CENT. C. Lv BAMBERGER, 705 Spalding bldg. Money to jLoan Keal Estate. TO LOAN AT ONCE ON. IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. 15f0 FOR 3 YEARS. 12000 FOR TEARS. 2,-.0O FOR 3 YEARS. 40H FOR 3 YEARS. 15.000 FOR 5 YEARS. J. H. TIPTON' CO.. INC. 1108 gPALDIN'O BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR HOLDING PVRPOfES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS: NO COMMIfPIO... COLUMBIA LIKE & TRI ST CO.. . 816 SPALDING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN. 500 TO $50,000 ON CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. REASONABLE l'rE APPLY MR. NEELY. LOAN DLFART MEXT. WASP tz YOfNGER. PVITE 428 YEON BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plentv of money to loan at .1 to S per cent oh city residence business prop erty and Multnomah county firms. EDYV. I MALL. 300 to 804 Cham ner of Commerce. TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. 2CO0. S0. 10.000, J25.0O0, tOO.000 or multiples, at 5 to 7 per cent. MALL 4 VAN BORSTEL. 104 Second St., N'ear Washington. ON Improved c:tv property or for building purposes. 3 to S years' time; liberal pay ment privileges: money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings 4: Loan Association, 24) Siark st. J5oO.O"0 ON improved city or farm property, building or small loans at lowest rales, large loans B specialty. McKenzie & Co., 514-515-.M8 Gerllnger bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. MONEY TO LOAN, 10 AND UPWARDS. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. NSW COMPANY. NEW RATES. NEW METHODS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ORGANIZED TO HELP WORKING PEOPLE AND OTHERS. RATES ABOUT ONE-HALF WHAT REGULAR LOAN COS CHARGE. LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, HORSES. DIAMONDS OR SALARIES. PORTLAND LOAN CO., 20T MACLEAY BLDG., A 2JW. COR. 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL P. M. MONEY FOR VACATIONS. $10 TO 1O0. . svnrvei. t . rr-w TV POHTI.AKD. 10 repaid In Installments of $20 repaid In Installments of 150 repaid in Installments of LARGER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. All we require Is that you be employed on salary and you get tn. money u.a-j. without mortgage, lndorser or other se curity. , STATE SECURITY CO.. 80S Falling Bldg. Erv itp mRTT LOANS on furniture. nianos. storage receipts, watches, diamonds. Jewelry, eta QuicK. reasonable and confidential. ELBY COMPANY. Main 461T. 820 Lumber Exchange Jldg 2d and star "TEN NEW HOMES YOUR CHOICE. JL'jOO TO $0000 $200 CASH. Near Holgate and 43d sts. T--t olav Mm In 108. C. L. BAMBERGER, 705 Spalding bldg. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheap est rates, best and most private terms II Oregon. D. D. Drake, 307 Spalding bldg. . ,1 c-T D A T, I T.- ..1... fnj- la.llOR Itnd IfentlO men to borrow money on diamonds ana Jewelry at Eastern rates, uiamonu r.- ace. .,.4 w asnington. opp. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged o uiuftn. Mnrx & Bloch, T4 3d Bt. MONEY sold on Installment; confidential. salaried people. F. A. New ion, nenn i.m.. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; a., 1,11.' neat- AlrtPT. siriciiy coiiiuieniiai. i-i.z ,. A LOAN for the asking, salary or cnaiiei.. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. SECOND mortcape for sale for $,500. at 8 per cent, paving $150 a month and Interest- will discount 10 per cent; value or in come property. $26,000; first r;ortgage $S000: Income from property $j0 Per month; located on West Side. N n. Ore gonian. nr , vi- t n a -vt nr 1?nn. FIRST MORTGAGE. 7-ROOM HOUSE. ON HARD-SURFACE STREKT. $ PER CENT INTEREST. NO AGENTS. AL -'II, cin.g-vj'--' i-" $2000 LOAN WANTED ON T MY NEW HOME. WILL PAY 8 PER CENT TO PRI V1TR PARTY. AL 106, OREGONIAN. MORTGAGES FOR SALE $4000, $2000. J1S00; loan wanted. West Side residence property, $.Vino. Call 808 Wilcox bldg. AH 268. Oregonlan. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand Henry C. Prudhomme Co-MM Wilcox bldg for aesiranie maun, niv. I WANT to borrow $7500 on real estate worth $22,000; will pay 8 per cent; full In formation at A r-ptnuiiis "-"ft- $25002 YEARS. 8 per cent; $2000, 3 years. 8 per cent. Herman Moeller, 1009 Wilcox bldg. $3000 3 YEARS, 7 per cent, trom principal. $8000 cash value of property. L. L. Bam berger. ,05 spaming uuis. MONEY loaned for private Investors at nest rales ui nuclei .- ----- Wm. C. Borchers. 207-208 Oregonian bldg JUST finished; my new bungalow; want first mortgage loan of $900; value $2oOO. R 214, Oregonlan, WANTED $5000 at 8 per cent on Improved properly, euAiuu. tum-ru .i m f'urse & Co.. 818 Chamber of Commerce. I WANT to borrow $700 on $0000 security for 30 days; will pay $00. Phono, -ast 1184. . WANT $8000 1 year. 8 per cent on prop erty values oi sio.ui'u. . -uo m-i i.in,a. $1200 WANTED on good city property for 3 vears at 8 per cent. AD, 213 Oregonlan. WANTED $700 one year, ten iniproveu in", Oak Grove. AD, 212 Oregonian. WANTED $300 on good security. Oregonian. PERSONAL. WANTED To know the whereabouts of Frederic H. cobD. wno was in pumu.a. Washington a year ago. Anyone knowing ot his whereabouts since that date will please advise his sister, Mrs. F. H. Whit beck at Hudson, Mich- as business need ing his attention is awaiting his signature. JERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massages and baths, 300 Holladay ave., corner Occident al; "U" car. phone East 3b08, C 2j5j. Open Sundays. TTTTTIVRT HANEBI'T. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 95c up; hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings made up to order. 147 7th. near Morrison. Main 544. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East lltli st second door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone East 280, B 1803. STEAM baths and hyperenie massage re duces weight, cures rheumatism, lumbago, open evenings. 412 Northwest bldg.. 8tb and wash. ; Mrs. Stevens. IS yrs. Portland's leading palm ist has her late hook. -Palmistry Made Easy." on sale. 557 Williams ave- cor. Knott, office hours, 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. ORCHARD land. Improved; trees 1 and 2 years old; 5-10-15-20 acres; on payments; investigate. 429 Henry bldg. Main 24. A SPIRITUALIST camp meeting at New Era. Or., July 8 to August 4. Everybody welcome. L. L- Irwin. Sec. ZEROL The great nerve tonic and system builder, $1 per box; 8 boxes, $5. Silpe Tayior Drug Co.. 2S0 Morrison st. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. 95c; curl, and puffs. 5c. San itary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. INTERESTING Information given free to "sufferers from rheumatism, catarrh and blood disorders. 49 Union ave. North. MRS S. C. MORRISON Steam baths and masseuring for rheumatism, lumbago. 333 Madison, A 4470. Open Sundays. MARINELLO famous cosmetics; scientific facial and scalp treatments. Marinello . Shop. 402 Central bldg- 10th and Alder. MANICURING a specialty by New York ex pert. Room 4UW MercnanLs irusi mus. BALM OF FIGS, Compound Royal Ti-nlt Tablets. 532 Davis st. phone Main 9215. BOSTON graduate nurse and medical gym nastics. 392 Jefferson, up one flight, CHIROPODY Mrs. Potter. 327 V2 Stark st.. late of 812 Northwest bldg- 8th and V ash. MOLS. superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 42Q Flledner bldg. Main 3473. MASSAGE, $1; open evenings. 406 North west bldg.. cor 6th and Washington sts. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment. Room 1. 4304 Washington St. MISS HEDLUND. hslrdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 350s Morlrson. SCALP treatments and shampooing, 422 Washlngton st- suite 58. lop floor. 40O 8 per cent, on good vacant lot, value $1000. AH 274. Oregonlan. FACIAL blemishes corrected, moles, wrinkles. Mrs. Couru-ight, 711 Dekum. Main 5042. u a I if H a in tt AIR H AIR. $12. 34-inch switches 4.4J $6 28-lnch switches 3.45 Hsir dressing - Face massage .25 Shampoo '. Manicuring 25o; five for 1 00 12 scalp treatments o-pu Superfluous hair removed by electrlo needle guaranteed not to return. $4. $5 and $0 PUFFS, only $1.45. Cut hair in anv shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary i-arlors. 400-412 Dekum b!d.. "d and Washington. RADICAL cure oy tne latest natural heal ing methods. Including radium. a!l elec trical currents, lights, heat, vibration, radiation, baths, massage, adjustment and manipulations- most, expensive. finest equipped private office in Oregon: no medicine or operations: over 00O0 treat.d patients and not a death while under ou? care- we will be g:d to consult with you free ot charce. Dr. W. E. Mallury, Sli Rothchlld bNig DItKSS SL ITS fr rent Keep your clothe cleaned, pres-sed. buttons sewed on. rlpl repaired. $1.TiU month: prompt chIIs and- Hair STORE. 120 8th su. near Washing BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Amateur Kodak i-luisiiiug. QUICK service, cut rates: send for price list. The Kodakery th and Waio. Braes and Machine Works. HAKTERS BRASS WORKS Brasscastlni and machine work, lot! N 5th. Main 270X Casloff Clolbing. LADIES' and men's clothing bought. Mala 781)5. Asayers and Analyst.. PICKKING & CO.. assayers, smelters, t liners and buyer, ot hlfh-grada and bul lion gold. 14'-' 4 Fourth St. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory nnd ore-testlnc work 1S6 Korrlson st. WELLS & COLON, mining enclneers. chem ists and assayers. -,041, Washington. Attorneys. ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, lawyers: practice in all state aud Federal courts, abstracts examined; expert conveyancers: collections. 417 Cham, of Com, bldg. DIVORCES procured under a guarantee. Oregon Law Institute. 5-8 Lumbermen, bldg. Marshall 4fail. A E COOFER, attorney-at-law. General rractlce, abstracts examined. Removed 1424 to 142S Yeon bldg. M. 678, A 20.1. Chiropractic l'hytlclan. DK. TICKN'ER. Columbia bldg.. next Star Theater. A 5255. Mnin 5.j7; res. B ZWi- FAN'NIE T. BI.OHM. Doctor of Chlropractlo. 217-il8 Marquam b Id g 6th and Morrison. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. S:D ST. WOOD. Cblropodlsta WILLIAM, Estelle and Flossie Devany. the only sclentlnc chiropodists In the oity Parlors Ru2 Gerllniter bldg.. 8. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 130L CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 4-U Fliedner bldg. Main 8473. DR. U. S. G. and Mrs. Fletcher Painless chiropodists. Over llazelvvood. Main J7ia, Dancing. HEATH'S SCHOOL Fancy, stage and social dancing taught daily. Waltz and twostep guaranteed In 4 U-ssons. Class Monday evenings S to 10, 2uc. 100 2d St., between Washington and Stark. PROF. WAI- WILLSON'S Dancing School; lessons 2oc during Summer months, in cluding lady dancing teachers and muelo; waltz, two-step, three-step. etc. 85s "1 st. i.et Siarlc and tlak. Phone Main i6.ll. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons daily; waltz, two-step. three-stp. Baltimore or senoi tische taught In first lesson. AUsky bldg.. ad and Morrison sis. iTlNGLEU'S ACADEMY, daily Instructions: dances Wed.. Sot. 231 Si Morrison. Detective Agencies. INTKRNATION AL Detective Agency, Con servative, reliable, confident!' : rate. per day. Office S10 De k um blug. M. 8424. JbUuvationaL STAMMER? Method for cur. explained fre M. L. Hatlleia, JUI.-V uruve, " Lnglnes Gas and bteam. ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agents Sex bury steam engines and boilers, gasoline engines 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison, phone Is, ii Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, tabs, mlrsnnamgs. J. A. STKOIVLIUDUE LEATHER CO. Es tsbllshed 185a. Ibil Froptst. , Messenger ber vice. HASTY Messenger Co.. day and night ser- lce. Phone Main 53. A 21a3. - Mine, and Mining. MINES and mining securit es stocks l active properties. Coeur o'Alenj district a specialty. E. A. Clein, Portland. Or. Musical. PIANO studio; modern methods. 209 Mth Main obiW- Arr.infci-iiv"ia . Emll Xtiielhorn. violin leaxuer, putlisevia ouu aiaruuam. a Office JKurnilure. DERBY desks and office furniture. Hale Desk Co.. 210SeVenlli st. Mulu 587. OsleopalWclliysician. nr R. B. Northrup. 415-10-17 ueaum diu, Nervou. and Cnronlc Disease. Phone, Office, M. Xii), res. Last ur B 1028. Painting. WILL tint rooms, $2.50 up: do painting at reasonable prices. Kant G1L4. JfaltUs. OH'. ud ti loss. COAST-MADE paint and varnish adapted to the Coast climate. BA&3- ukPtEH PAINT CO.. 191 Second SU t?asmi:ssen & YaK ansr- 2d -andf .ylor; l'ulent Attorney.. PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyright, registered, all commies. Booklet free. PETER HAHKRL1N, 88 Worcester blag. pltems procGreT'by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law late of the U. S. Patent Office. Booklet free 1010 Board of Trade bldg. US AN Li i'OUlilu.N PATENTS procured O. O. Martin. A08-409 Chanibur of Commerce bldg. 7; wi'.IGH T. domesilo and foreign pat eiits. Intrlng c,mj'I'icaac3- D-'!4"1" I'atent Engineers. INVENTION'S developed and patent, se cured All kinds commercial and shop draughting. Coop & Schmilt. consulting enfr'ifeera, 501 Henry bidg. Main 1285. Pawnbrokers. iriAS'S at reasonable Interest on clothing, levCelrv real estate, stocks, etc. Sleln e Pawnsn'op. 28 Noilh lh, near Burnslde. . , . 1 w viyors' Collateral Bank; 40 ysax. 'n Portland. 71 0th si. Phone Main 810. Paving. thk Barber Asphalt pAViug Company. 0S T ",,a yjectrlc bidg. Qcar Huber. Portl.Dd. ripe. otTrtLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory anil "VfineariMth and York sts. Main 84a. bales. tmit MOSLEK SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Safe at tuctory prices, second-hand safes. terealis- in -n T-TO-OHDEll screen doors and wlo dows palmed and hung, complete. Am.rU Oovis. y whune East 5220. becon dltand Quods. buy clothing. SuriuLure and tools. Hl.n rt nrice paid for second-hand clothing. "iSure. t"ls. Marshall 2354. Ki,..nng. Hunk and Show Fixtures. ... , i-TKE M.''G. CO., branch Grand Hap. Ids Showcase Co., Mia anu aoru it. i-uie. manayer. tTTTu'LAND SHOWCASE 4 FIXTURE CO. 1 25 N? 5th st. Main 7017. Cabinet work. C.Ai'SriALL Ml-'U- CO.. 4th and Couch; new "r.VH "icond-hand. Main 27u:i. Cabinet worn. btorage and Transfer. - PICK Tiai.sler & Storage Co.. office. .nit commodious 4-story Brick warehouse, rr.Taralo nuu ruoma and fireproof vaults $J valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pin. .ia; nTinos aud furniture moved -nd packed -1 - ..,11,01118; special rates made on goods 1 ur through cars to all domosllo and h-uo.n-l Main 598. A '98 oLSON-KUU TKANSF2K CO., feneial translerring and morui, safes, ointius and turiiuuro moved ana pacxed tor snlpu.ent. 7-PU Front at, 'ielepnona vain 547 or A 2247. T".u r iius lilANsl LR CO., established 1370. aTatsier and- forwarding agents. Office aud storage 474 Oilsan si., corner :3lo and ?"ftan. Plioce. Main 89, A HUM. " 'ia pewrlters. l IO ii5 will buy a KliBUILT 1YPE-WRITER- rebuilt as good a. new; ail makes to choose from at Gills, 3d and A.uer' terms to suit, every machiue guar anteed Call or phune for ritpi'eseulMUve. Main 3uu or A 6088. VVI-- are ti-e excliaiige for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate: all makes, all prices. Tile Typewriter iJt criaiige. Wasulngtun U , ,-vi- reuuilt, second-hand rentals, ut cul rites. P. D. C. Co- if-ll Stark. M. 1407. elorinary bchools and Cull-gee. vt-TiiKlNAKf COLLEGE 'Legins Sept. l' No nrotcssion offers equal riualty. catalogue free. 0 Keane. pre.,, isib Mar- ket St., &o fi..w..vv. ttill Drilling. DRILLING wells, pnoue Ham 1348 or Write) A. west, lei Morrison su