PORTLAND, OREGON. TUESDAY. JUL.Y 16. 1912 PRICE FIVE CENTS. LIABILITY FOR LOSS HETTY GREEN WON RAILWAYS "HOLD UP" 10 LEAD E WHEAT CROP OF 80 LIVES $16,500 ANTI-PASS ORDER OFFICIALS OF LIVES OUTSIDE OF CALIFORNIA OBJECT.1 TO CHURCH AT 78 RICHEST WOMAN- IS BAPTIZED IN EPISCOPAL FAITH. WON BY AMERICA OF FIGHT SINKING OF COLUMBIA BY SAN PEDRO ECHOED IN COURT. i i . I ipttii nnrrm wmM Lrii iTnnn liniini n OLYMPAD HONORS M'OIS ScNA Una UrtlULU UG STAND BRITONS DEMOCRATIC SENDS PRICE DOWN Four-Cent Slump Re sult of Reports. NORTHWEST IS LKE GARDEN Experts Say Minnesota and Dakotas' Yield Enormous. ROADS PREPARE FOR RUSH Indications Point to Largest Wheat Crop on Record Weather "Made to OrJer" Oats and Corn Take Part in Big Drop. rwTOAOO. . Julv 15. (Special.) Wheat slumped 4 cents today on op timistic reports from an army" of crop .rm now Investigating conditions all over the Northwest. B. W. Snow, whose reports have a tremendous In fluence on the Chicago Board, today loiton-anhed that all Indications pointeo. to the largest Spring wheat crop ever (crown. He estimates that Mtnn-rcta and the Dakotas can easily exceed 260. 000.000 bushels. Ahnut the same time came dispatches from the Honkins experts, who said from Minnesota to the Pacific Coast the entire country looks like a great gar den. Hundred Mem Report Bis Crop. Wvman. Partridge & Co., of Minne apolis, have 100 men on the road. In vestigating crops, and their reports are roseate in the extreme. The chief so licitation in the West and Northwest now is the ability of the railroads to handle the "enormous crops. Railway managers realised two months ago that Ttranrdlnarv demands would De maae upon them, and repair shops have been t.nt hnv nleht and day since putting equipment in order for unusual traffic. Rush orders for new equipment have flooded the locomotive and car manu r.mri.K. hut at best the roads will probably find themselves swamped be fore the great crops are moved. Traders In this city say all reports fnAifltA & record croD of oats and say "the price of corn must soon come off its high level. Cora Slump Predicted. tvifh oafs at 35 cents, corn at 70 cents will not be popular. Along with th crnat wheat and oats crops, itie weather has been Ideal for corn. Al though the crop was almost a month i.i. in nlantlne- It has made wonderful strides In the last month and, barring early frosts, should rank up well with ,the other cereals. Fxrverts sav the weather has been made to order for wheat. Heavy rains have been followed by cool weather. hii nr.ventinc rust. There has teen abundant moisture and the grain has filled out admirably. It also is note worthy that there have been extremely few rases of chinch bugs and only In isolated and sporadic sections. The extreme Winter apparently destroyed the chinch bugs and numerous ouier enemies of wheat. The movement of new wheat to the Smith western markets today showed a decided increase, and there were neng- ino- a!s here against cash purchases. ii.nirazed tone's who held out early In the day found very poor demand. This nrecinitated other selling with similar results later. Final prlas were, therefore, at the lowest point reached with the market In a semi panicky condition at the last. Market Full of Wheat. If the big longs were adding to their ImMines. there was little sign of It in the Dit. The market was full of wheat Ihrmiffhnilt the session. Practically every commission houBe In the trade made aggregate salas run nln. into the millions. Reports of frost In Calgary. alberta, rsiieri to attract a great deal of atten tion and the fact that the temperature was down to 32 degrees at Poolick. S. D- was believed by many to be a nr thlna- for the growing wheat crop. as the plant would doubtless be In jured at this particular time oy very high temperatures. FINNS ANGER RUSSIANS hnkr Cyril Objects Becanse Choir Sings Rebelious Hjnin. STOCKHOLM. July 15 The singing of the Finn choir at the choral festival last evening led to a sensational lncl dent. The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess fvril of Russia, who were seated In the royal box, rose and left In protest when the Finns besan sing ing a revolutionary hymn which exhort ed Finland to rise in her might and throw off the yoke of the conqueror. TAFT TO BE TOLD AUGUST 1 Hlllcs and Hoot Will Inform Him He Is Nominated. WASHINGTON. "July 15. President Tart wili be officially notified of his nomination at - the White House on Aucrust 1. This was decided today by Chairman Hillea, of the Republican National com mittee, and Senator Root, chairman of the ecommtttee of notification, appoint ed at Chicago. Ruling That They Are Not Entitled to Free or Reduced Trans portation Disliked. SAN FRANCISCO, July 15. (Special.) General order. No. 23, ot-the Rail road Commission, which forbids the Is suing by the railroads operating In California of free or reduced transpor tation to agents and other officials of lines not operated In the state has been "held up" and a hearing of the matter granted. " This decision followed the filing ot an application by the Southern Pacific, Santa Fe, Western Pacific and North western. The hearing is set for July 29. In Its application the Western lines give several reasons why the original decision should not be ad hered to. Agents and officials and their fami lies were exempt from the provisions of the act as originally drafted, but the exemption clause finally was stricken from the measure before It became a law. In view of that fact the lines contend that It was the intention of the Legislature that the words "com mon carrier" be used in the usual sense that applies under the Interstate Com merce Commission decision. The Western lines aiso enforcement of the decision oi t road Commission would const I r ow Wilson's choice, was elected to hamper the work of the carriers, that cnairman of the Democratic Na- the agents of the Eastern lines faclll- tate the business of the lines fcperaiing In California and decrease their oper ating expenses Ing expenses. If a favorable modification of tne order Is not obtained, the railroads will take the matter to the Supreme Court. TAR'S GENIUS CAPTURES Home-Made Block, and Tackle Holds Man Prisoner. sbjttt.e. Wash.. July 15. (Special.) jean Dore climbed up his own leg and hung by both feet for more man in hour last nighty while anxious friends endeavored t extricate him from the grip of a flv-ton chain block with which he had rigged up to lift the engine from his launch. Labelle. To test the block he put one toot m the hook and pulled vigorously on the chain. It worked fine, jeans went straight up. but as the chain was wi- 1 haniihnUt niS neiwi " " straight down until It bumped upon the deck. . .- . , "Pig of a Yankee," he shrieKea. sew ing his hoisted leg in both hands he pulled his body up to the proximity of a foot and proceeded thoroughly to .u. ninntion. The only satis faction that he received was to get his free foot caught fast. Then ne let loose all the Gallic expletives he knew, while boatmen crowded around. They found Jean Banging down" raving In French for release from the vicious block and cnara. ou knew how to work the releasing gear and Jean could talk in English only .i.ht Ma un. Vainly he shrieked and raved until a Japanese sailor hit upon a brilliant plan, seizing " the sailor deftly cnopp mast. COLONEL WILL MAKE TOUR Roosevelt to Campaign in Kansas and Michigan. Iowa, ,,,,,, r, i v w Y.. July 15. Colo nel Roosevelt has decided to make the campaign trip to siicmgau- towa. which he has had under conside ration for several days. He said he had begun work on several speecnea he would deliver before the opening of the National progressive convention in Chicago. He said he would remain In Oyster Bay all this week. Some time next week, according to the plans, he will siari wcsin oiu. Colonel Roosevelt Indicated today that ,j 4-Via Mnrlnnal PrOBTeS- 1)6 wouiu anc"u . . . sive convention In Chicago on August 6. so arranging ms " complete his speechmaklng just before the convention uem. BIG FISH JUMPS INTO BOAT Klamath Falls Anglers TU of Antics of Nice i 1 -Pound Trout. KLAMATH FALLS, Or July 15 (Special.) The biggest fish story of the year originated on iae r-wau.io, within 30 minutes of the city limits, this afternoon. A huge trout is cred ited with Jumping from the water into the back of a rowboar. occupies u, Burrel Beal and Clarence 'White. The trout weighed 11 pounds. WYOMING RUNS AGROUND New Battleship Sticks While Mak ing Her Trial Trip. WILMINGTON, DeL, July 15. The hsttieshln Wyoming, which left Philadelphia on her trial trip this morning, is stuck on a sandbar about . mii. .nd a half below this city. Rnv.mmcnt tugs have gone to her assistance. Her captain reports no damage done, and it Is expected ane will proceed with the high uae. L0RIMER TO GO TO WORK Ousted -Senator Is rndecided if He Will Re-enter Politics. -.cinvnnviv t.ilw 15. "William Lorimer Is going back to Chicago and going to work." That announcement was made today in behalf of the man whom the Senate Saturday unseated as Junior Senator from Illinois. wnetner ne win ruruw Hv..v. seek a vindication at the hands of the electorate, ionmer o nut Party Headquarters to Be Named nt Once. LEADER CHOICE OF WILSON Campaign Committee of Nine to Be Selected. CALL FOR FUNDS PLANNED Policy of Popular Subscription Is UTged by Slack Will R. King, of Oregon, Objects to Anything Like Corruption Fund. - r- '" " .gx tivivn , JUy 15. William F. Mc jt.VO .,, r Tjew York. Governor Wood- Commlttee and was empoWered ,nt a comnllttee of not less than nine to take active charge of the Demo- cratlc campaign. . M Comb, waa authorized to se lect a National treasurer and such other officers as he mav see fit. in cluding possibly a vice-chairman, and. after consulting with uovernor wuson, to locate the headquarters. Mr. Mc Combs said he thought the principal headquarters would be In New York. "But I am not going to appoint any body or select any place until I confer with Governor Wilson." he added. Dailes Is Secretary. Josenh E. Davies. of Madison, Wis., was elected secretary of the com mittee to succeed Urey Woodson, or Ken tuck v. John I. Martin, of St. Louis, was re-elected sergeant-at-arms. Mr. McCombs' selection and tne plan to appoint a campaign committee of nine the majority of whom are to be members of the National Committee with Mr. McCombs as chairman of the subcommittee, were ordered on resolu tions offered by Committeeman Robert S. Hudspeth, of New Jersey, as repre senting the wishes ot Governor wu son. - In presenting Mr. McCombs' name. Mr. Hudspeth said: "His intelligent and sagacious handling of Mr. Wilson's campaign in the last year and a half has demon strated his wonderful fitness for leader shin and has shown him to be amply equipped to carry the Democratic party to victory." , Mack Yields Gnvel. The vote for the selection was taken GiuiNnrmin E. Mack, the retiring chair man, yielded the gavel to Mr. McCombs. "I cannot hope to achieve success un less I have the entire support of this committee, which I believe I have," said Mr. McCombs. "I urge all of you during the campaign to consult with me freely." Committeeman Costello, of the Dis trict of Columbia, read a letter which (Concluded op Page 3.) AW! Rev. Augustine Elmendorff, - Suc ceeds After Six Years; In Con verting Noted Money-Maker. KV.vr YORK. July 15 (Special.) Mrs. Hetty Green, who is in her 78th year, waa baptized last Saturday ai ternoon in the Episcopal faith in order to prepare for confirmation as a mem ber of the church. The ceremony was performed in J er sey City by Rev. Augustine Elmendorff, rector of Holy Cross Episcopal Church, In the presence of Colonel Edward Howland Robinson Green, on whose shoulders have fallen much of his mother's great business responsibili ties. " Elmendorff is distantly related to vtts r?rfn nd for five or six years he has been endeavoring to induce her to think less of things earthly. The baptismal ceremony . was con ducted In the church. Owing to the advanced age of Mrs. Green sponsors were not required, according to church laws, and Colonel Green merely acted as a witness. The Greens returned to New York after the ceremony. Mrs. Green will now prepare herself for confirmation; the ceremony will be conducted by Bishop Edwin S. Lines, of Newark diocese. KLAMATH CROPS FINE NOW Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Lands Promising This Year. KLAMATH FALLS. Or July 15. (Special.) Crop prospects In the Klam ath region are fine for a bumper crop, both on Irrigated lands and on those not Irrigated. Herbert McLane, five miles Bouth of the city, has 30 acres of wheat on land not irrigated, which stands as high as a man's head and which is well headed out It looks like 35 or 4i) bushels to the acre for the whole tract. Postmaster Brandenburg has some vacant lots In wheat which look nearly as well, and this without irrigation also. These lots have been in cab bages, then in potatoes, and this year in wheat. This rotation seems to have been the very best possible, for all the crops have been good. Generally throughout the valleys the reports are similar. The weather is superb from the farmer's point of view, warm and dry, but not excessively hot. ARIZONA DELAYS ELECTION Court Rules Administration Will Keep Office Until 1914. PHOENIX. Ariz., July 15. There will be no general election in this state next November, as provided In an act of the recent State Legislature. In tuii the nresent state administration. I headed by Governor George Hunt, will hold over cntll 1914, according to a decision rendered by the State Supreme Court today. Under the decision of the Supreme Court, only Presidential electors will be voted for in November, and the Kin ney act to exclude persons unable to speak English from mining or other hazardous occupations and the ques tion of woman suffrage will be delayed two years. The court held that the "even num bered year" provision of the consti tution, with reference to state elections, meant the first succeeding even-numbered year after statehood had been granted, or 1914. COME ON IN, THE WATER'S FINE. Canal Tolls Protest Finds Support. LATER REPAYMENT FEARED Burton and Root Say Hague Will Reverse Bill. FORMER TREATY QUOTED United States Held to Have No Right to-. Pass Own Coastwise Vessels Through Free With-, out Violating Existing Pact. WASHINGTON, July 15. Great Brit ain's protest that the United States has no right under the Hay-Pauncefote treaty to pass its own coastwise ves sels free through the Panama Canal, while it collects tolls from British and other foreign ships, found emphatic support today in the Senate. Opening the fight over the Panama Canal bill, sent to the Senate by the House, In which the free provision is on imnnrtant feature. Senators Burton. Of Ohio, and Root of New York out lined the ground upon wnicn tne ene mies of free American ships will fight their battle. Wording of Treaty Issue. Both Senators said Great Britain had surrendered Imoortant rights at Pana ma, held under the ' former Clayton- Bulwer treaty, for the pledge or equal ...n.nt" tr all shins, elven by the United States in the existing Hay- Pauncefot.e treaty. Tne controversy hinges on the question whether the United States, in It's pledge to treat the "ships of all nations" equally, meant to include vessels owned by its own citi zens. Senator Boot. ex-Secretary of State, unreservedly declared that The Hague court would be called upon the settle the Issue finally, if the United States passed the bill with the free provision, which he characterized as "unjusti fiable discrimination" against other na tions. Future Repayment Prophesied. "A decision against the United States by The Hague court," he said, "would inrtnuhtxiiiv Involve this country in the repayment of millions ot aouars to tne owners of foreign ships, which might have been taken in as canal tolls." It was said by the State Department that the details of the protest woum .h. within the next 48 hours. The statement probably will be sub mitted by President Tart to congress, perhaps accompanied by a special mes sage. Forest Grove to Have Depository. fiRRfiflNIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, July IS. A postal savings bank win be opened at Forest wove Aug ast IB. Owners of Vessel Which ' Rammed Big Passenger Boat Get Ruling by Federal Judge. SAN FRANCISCO. July 15. (Special.) In the United States Circuit Court of Appeals today one of the greatest ma rine disasters of the Pacific Coast was echoed when the court limited the lia bility of the steam schooner San Pedro to 116,500 for sinking the steamship Columbia off Eureka, July 20, 1907. More than 80 lives were lost in the sea tragedy and the cargo of the Co lumbia, valued at 1200,000, was de stroyed. The case was carried to the Circuit Court on an appeal from United States Judge De Haven's opinion, by the Bos ton Insurance Company, underwriters of the Columbia's cargo, and John Swift et al, relatives of persons who lost their lives in the disaster. Judge De Haven's decision was affirmed. In a dense fog the San Pedro, bound from Eureka to San Pedro, rammed and sank the Columbia, with the ensu ing toll of human life. Numerous suits were brought against the Metropolitan Redwood Lumber Company, owner of the San Pedro, for damages. The Met ropolitan Company asked that its lia bility bq limited to its Interest in the disaDied san rearo, wnicn amounted to 816,500. The defense was made that the San Pedro was seaworthy, that the fog signal was being constantly given and that a competent lookout was be ing maintained when the collision took place. Judge De Haven granted the petition for limitation of liability. He was sus tained by the Circuit Court in the de cision handed down by Judges Gilbert, Ross and Wolverton. THIRD PARTY MEN CLASH Radicals and Conservatives In Illi nois Are Divided. CHICAGO, July 15. (Special.) Dls- senBlon has broken out between the radicals and conservatives of the third- party movement in Illinois over the question of placing a state and 'county ticket In the field. Conferences sched uled for today failed to materialise as the result, leaders thinking It best to take a day off to pour a little oil on the troubled waters. The best authenticated reports of the trouble was that there was a differ ence of opinion as to the advisability of placing a state ticket in the field. Another bother added to the mlxup was that Colonel Roosevelt has left the matter entirely to Rooseveltians of the state and has made no suggestion as to what course should be pursued, other than to say he thought the head of the ticket ought to be some one in full accord with third-party principles. The conservative element In the movement feel that the . Republican ticket as picked as the primaries Is about as strong as could be hoped for. WILSON ASKS FOF. QUIET Democratic Nominee Wants Report ers to Quit Following. SEA GIRT, N. J.. July IB. Oscar W. Underwood, Democratic House leader. will take luncheon tomorrow with Gov ernor Wilson at Trenton. The confer ence, it is expected, will cover much the same ground as that between Wil son and Speaker Clark Saturday, when the Speaker outlined the House pro gramme. Governor Wilson's trip to Trenton, will be made by automobile. Reporters have been requested not to follow the uovernor, dui to go to tren ton by train. "If you only know how much I enjoy a lew nours unoDservea, the Governor said, "I am sure you would grant my request. OLSSON'S APPEAL ALLOWED Judge Hanford Sanctions Entry in Now Famous Citizenship Case. SEATTLE, July 15. Judge Hanford, of the United States District Court, today allowed entry of appeal in the case of Ionard Olsson, the Socialist whose naturalization he recently re voked on the ground of his having de ceived the court as to his attachment to the Constitution of the United States. " . Seven grounds for rehearing are al leged by Olsson's counsel. Olsson's at torney said that he hoped to have the case ready for the September sitting, In Seattle, of the Circuit Court of Ap peals. PULLMAN RECORD BROKEN Trains Into and Out of Portland Exceed Number at Los Angeles. A rrr-nA VlT- (hft Pullman A cjlut l Company covering the movement of Pullman sleepers in t-omaiiu uuime -r... . i V -hnwft that 280 jlH9 tuilcuuuu ' ' . . . cars were brought here and SIB taken out. This is a total of 50 more cars than were taken to Los Angeles during the ElKs convention wbbh m -vo Aue.UB In 1909. WASHINGTON WOMAN HURT Miss Natalie Clifford Barney In Auto Crash In France. CHERBOURG. July 15. Miss Natala Clifford Barney, of Washington, was badly hurt, a man friend dangerously injured and the chauffeur killed out right in an automobile accident tonight The machine, which was proceeding to Alx Lea Balne, skidded and dashed into a rook. Athletes Crowned by King In Stadium. TRIUMPHANT MARCH IS HELD Indian Wins Decathlon Yan kees Easily Take Relay. MARATHON RUNNER ; DIES Lazaro Succumb9 to Sunstroke. Long Race May Be Dropped. . Ceremony of Presentation of Cups and Medals Imposing. UNITED STATES LEADS ALL OTHER NATIONS. STOCKHOLM, July 23. In the track field eventts the tlnal standing Is: United States 65. Finland 27. Swe den 24. Great Britain 14, Canada T, South Africa 6, France 4, Germany 4, Greece 4, Norway 2, Hungary 1, Italy 1. The standing tonight of the vari ous teams in all the events of the Olympics were: United States 123. Sweden 104, Great Britain 68, Fin land 46. Germany 84, France 23, South Africa 16, Denmark 14, Italy 13, Canada 13, Australia 13, Belgium 11, Norway 10, Hungary 8. Russia S, Greece 4, Austria 4, Holland 2. 1 STOCKHOOT, July 15. The last day of the track and field sports in the stadium brought no Bensation. The crames reached their culmination In the marathon. The curtain falls on the Olympic with the United States well in front in the total points in all sports to date and with a sweep ing victory in the field and track events, which for years have con stituted the programme at meetings in America and Great Britain and to which athletics these nations devote their energies. The bestowal of all the prizes by the King, who placed laurel wreaths on the heads of the victors and shook hands with all the winners, took place today in the stadium. The American team led the march of triumphant athletes who were arrayed before the King. Indian Wins Decathlon. The triumphs of the day were di vided for the most part between the United States and the northern na tions. The latter, particularly Sweden, scored a number of points in wrestling and aquatic sports In which the Ameri cans did not figure. James Thorp, Car lisle Indian School, proved himself the ' greatest all-round athlete of the world in the decathlon, which provided a va riety of tests of speed, strength and quickness, while Eugene I Mercer, Uni versity of Pennsylvania; George W. Philbrook, Notre Dame, and James J. Donahue, Los Angeles A. C, were prom inent In the second class. The American quarter mllers ran away with the 1600-meter relay as pre dicted, Sheppard. Linduerg, Meredith and Reidpath showing their heels to their rivals. England probably would have taken second place Instead ot France, but her first man, Nlcol, de veloped lameness. Sweden Takes Triple Leap. The hon. steD and jump proved whollv a Swedish event. The northern ronntrv took the three leading places and divided the cross-country race of 8000 meters, which really was a test ot cliff climbing and ability to penetrate underbrush, with the husky Finns sec ond, while the English team was third. The Americans lor the first time in this class of work were absolute outsiders. Two events have cast a shadow on the Olympic games. The Portuguese runner, F. Lazaro, who ran in the mara thnn. died today from sunstroke, and Lieutenant Lawrence, an officer of the Eighteenth Hussars, was thrown Into a ditch during the military competition, suffering concussion of the train and other serious Injuries. The presentation of the prizes was a unectacle nearly as theatrical as the opening ceremony. Three handsome stands were placed on the greensward. All the winners of nrst, second ana hi nrlT marched Into the arena and assembled in three groups before the stands. Uniform Are Varied. Th athletes and gymnasts were in uniform; , the officers of the various nations who competed in the military .nt. were in full uniform, while the women prize-winners were variously attired. The King conferred on the winners nf Ant nrlze an oak wreath, a gold medal and a challenge cup. Crown Pt-in On stave Adolph presented a sli ver medal to the members of the sec ond group and Prince Charles, brother of the King, handed bronze medals to the third group. A herald in n2diae val costume called the names of each, who then stepped forward and received the prize. The procession 1nt the arena waa a remarkable sight. Every sort of, civil and military costume figured, from full-dress military, with plumed and shining helmet and much gold laca to simple khaki and from froclt coat and silk hat to running pants. The Americana headed the parade, Colonel Robert M. Thompson. presU ICoBoluded oa Fag )