13 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JULY 15, 1912. FOR BEST. Aprtxnettte. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT TOUR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and onfurnlahed apartments from 2 to 5 rooma. from fjn to $ per month. If you want one. telephone. Main Trig Eveelnrs call 1 A 2013 Main 2m.S EvealnM call A l-Jia ..l: ;!. ew .... ki:. in. iiii an. .ddr-., iT; :;.r .b. -ill h. .1.4 to thse anartmenta. We own or control the following: Angela. Washington and Trinity Place, Cer-ute. 2-d and Gllsan at. Claypool. llth and Clay sta rnrHham 1 Trt Fnril at Grandesta. Grand vt and East Stark. Hanthorn. .M 11!rH at-, near Main. Hanover. 163 King iL. near Washington, Kingsbury. IS Ford at. Knickerbocker. 410 Harrison, near lltn. Shefnel.l. 7:1 7th St.. near jenemon. Pt. Croix. 170 Ft. Clair St.. near Waeh- St Francis. "1st and Hoyt sts. Wellington. i.-,tn and Everett sts. MOROAX. FLIED.NER BOYCE. S02-5O Ablngton Bldg. THE ORLANDO. 20TH AND WASHINGTON STS. UNQUESTIONABLY FINEST LOCATION IN THE CITT. am ILnwim rural. had anartmants. Dos- I esslng every modern convenience: pii- I ! nhnnM evator aervice. riicm Closet room, launurr wnn "- , i Select clientele provides precisely the 1 nmnnrtlnn mmr-A tctT VOUT family. RATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON ABLE TO BE r'Vlv JULIANA APARTMENTS. 4S TRINITY PLACE. JUST OFF WASHINGTON STREET. One two. one three and one four-room apartments, well rurnisnea exclusive, r cellenl service: every modern convenience. I REASONABLE RATES. NEW MAXA'ilMlM. THsl WHEBIDOM, Cor. Park and Taylor Sts THE WHEBtOOS ANNEX. Cor. Tenth, and Salmoa ata, Wilfetnc rilataneav Furnished complete. . a and 4-rO0! anartxnents: buildings new and strictly aioderu. aervice Arat-elaae. TRINITY PLACE AfAKTMENTS. brick and stone palace or luxurious nomri. ,,,, P.ace. between 18th and 20th streets. Just . vhin,(nn' magnificent, exclusive nartment in heart of iMrtment-li'mi district: rentals reasonable; every modern I convenience: sleeping porches, nign-ciasei aervice; refined clientele; reierences r- A. N. Wright, .uperlnt.ndent. phone Mar- nail jjua. 1 THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date management In the Vnrthwest: everv convenience: 4 and 5 rooms, all outside sunnv rooms: "new; walking distance, 21st and Johnson ata,: cnolce reaiaence aistrict; iituuu. prera Isee. Marshall 3360. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving eta.: thia new 4-storv brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 8 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automatle elevator. Holmes disappearing peas. ou:. a buffet and writing desk, gas range, lee I box. plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phones A 1744. Marsnail zni. NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and T'nsbur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments. $15. $18. $20 and up. Thla Includes steam heat, hot and cold water In every apart- 1 i . - . v. t - h.th lntrle I lights, gas rangea. laundry-room, all free; also S-room unfurnlahed apartments, with private bath. $18: 4 rooms. $;o. Take 6. 23d or W cars north. Phone Main 859. KOKOUI9 Marshal, near 17th at. Ne building, never been occupied: rates 820 and ud. One unrurnianed. ais- ARDMAY TERRACE. 12th and Harrlaon ata. Largeat 2-room apartments In tha fltv. ALTON I A, Marshall and 19th sts. Large, airy. 2, 8 and 4-room apartments; quiet and exclusive netghbornooq. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 13th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently fur. nlahad anartmenta In the Northwest; loca tion perfect: rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden; both phones In all apartments; nigh-clasa service; references required. Main 2276 and A 7057. THE DEZENDORF. 90. lrtth sc. Near Taylor. Ttandsnmelv furnished or unfurnished 5- room apartments; also single furnished I A rooms: telephones in every apartment: pleasant surroundings, conveniently lo- cated to cars. Phone or call personally. "THE WICKERSHAM." 18th and Flanders sts. Beautiful apartments. 8 and 8 rooms. Call and see them. Flats, $1$ A SNAP. S-room flat, located Mllwaukle And Blsmark. rood chance to rent rooms. Apply 405 Washington st. FOR RENT Furnished flat, five rooms, fire place, tile bath, burdwood floors, aleep. Ing porch, first-class In every way; also one uniurnisnea, diu oieen ave. ni thor.ie car. NEW 5-room flat. 7&2 Gllsan it, fireplace, hardwood floors, gas range, etc. ; very desirable. Call Main 201$. A 201$. Our agent with auto will call and show flat. 6-ROOM modern flats, large porches, $0; choice, central location, M, S. Rentery, dtearng bldg. fclX-ROOM atrlctly modern flat, close In, on the East Side, within easy walking distance. Only $25. Phone Marshall aaz. ill EVERETT, corner 17th Upper, corner. $ large outside rooms. Adapted to roomers. Furnace, gas. electricity, lawn. X3j.d0. MODERN, corner, upper 7-room flat, 161 u East 17th st-; rent $27.30, Phone Mar- shall 4317. :: COMPLETELY furnished modern 5-room flat. 2 rooms rented; close In. West Side. Marshall 614. FINF 6-room upper flat. 3n84 13th. In- quire 433 Maraet. NEW. modern 4-room flat; walking dis tance. 569 Market. Main 47!. NEW 4-room Commercial. flat, corner of Fatltng and Phone woodiawn 83o. -ROOM new modern flat. 1296 Belmont, 1 8 - $1A Phone Tabor 2634. NICELY furnished 6-room flat for rent; reasonable. .'n4s 7tn st. 4-ROOM fiat. furnished and unfurnished. Call 2W rargo st. Eaat 8305. 4-ROOM. team-heated apartment, modern. Cottel Drug Co. MODERN S-room flat, 5th near Jackson. West Side: 10 mln. walk. Main or A 1223. MODERN 4-room flat, near 13d and Wash- Ington sts.; reasonable. Main 3813. A 7839. 854 CORBETT ST. 6-room modern flat. 812 50. L E. Thompson at Co.. 250 S 8d. MODERN FLAT S blocks Postoffice. In- qulre Marlon F. Dolph. 817 Mohawk Wflg. UNFURNISHED 3-room flata. $16 and up. 225 Market St. rnona aiain oin. FOR RENT Modern 6-room upper flat, 782 Johnson st. Tel. aiaju .su. LOVELY 4-room lower flat, furnace, rent $1. Phone East 6. M 14Q4. $6 7TH ST., 5-room flat, furnished or partly furnished; reasonable. Houaekeeplng Kiwm THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; tla per month up; a clean place, best la the city for the 'money; short distance I Irom Union Depot- iaae a or letn-sireei i cars north, get off at Marshall at. NO dogs, i THE CPSHCR. 26th and Upshur iu, Fur- I slshed J-coora apartments, gi. up. inciua-1 Ing steam heat, hot and cold water in every apartment, publlo bath, electric I iSv.room si free? .il.nPnnn lights, gas range. Take "S." "Md" or Main IS. 2-ROOM suites, unfurnished. 85; 4-room suite, partly furnished, range, hot and cold water, 812. 60O N. 2t t- Fair grounds. 11.50 to JiOO week, clean furnlsned house keeping rooms. Suitable for two or four-, free heat, laundry, bath, phone, yard. gas. 408 Vancouver avenue and 203 Stanton. THE MILNER. 860H Morrison, cor. Park- Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping apartments; all conveniences; best loca tion. Summer rates HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished complete with cook stoves. Single rooms $1.60 week. 82 25 per suite. 2H1 2nd st. 4A1 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th. com pletely furnished housekeeping suites; rea- I sonapie. CAMBRIDGE bidg.. furnished, unfurnished VMfctKluijfc, oiag.. rurnisnea, uniurnisnea i housekeeping rooms; central, cheap. Room 3H. 3d and Morrison. THE ELMS. 3 and 8-room housekeeping ana clngle rooms; transients solicited. 191 14th, 110 2 SETS of rooms, modern, walking dis tance. S1 llth st. NICE large furnished housekeeoln room I 1 . m i. xr-:... I Very COCftf f.S - a? . FOR BENT. Housekeeping Boom in FrlnH Family. THREE larze rooma and sleeping porch, not 1 tha ordinary housekeeping rooms, but a. 1 very comfortanie noma lor me numuiei . u a corner, lame lawn and plenty shade, east front, with porch; you don't have to iro to the beach to keep cool; alao two room aultea on second, floor, and they ara cneap. zi ijm. I ONLY ll; 1 furnished rooms, second floor. s nlc nrw oed( lnl mattreesesi every- I thlna- fresh and clean: gas and wood stoves, beautiful yard, and neighborhood. overlooking river: walking distance, -it Porter. Phone Sellwood 1109. Fl'RXISHED housekeeDlna front room, al cove, clothes closet, private porcn. 4io Clay. TWO housekeeping rooma with bath, light and phone 74 fc.. stn corner Everett. Kant mi, Two furnlsherf llaht housekeeDlna: rooms. reasonable, private family, aa k. -sin si. i isorth. 410 SALMON" ST. 2 nicely furnished house keeping; rooms; modern; central, reason able. 3 LARGE newly furnished housekeeping rooma, bath and gas; big ysrd with trees; fl8 50. Tabor 21U7. lull E. xayior. TWO cosy furnished housekeeping rooms. sink In kitchen, bath adjoining, eiectncuy, gaa range and p h one. 4.W yarn. 2.Rnnv suit, nfrelv furnished, eenarate entrance, modern conveniences. 700 Flaa- rtrm , riTDv.cnrr. v. w ...Man., ni.. iriui, iTisunnuic E.. uui name. 120 THREE nice, clean furnished house- keeping rooma 833 Lincoln. Main oS4S. LARGE, airy room, completely furnished for housekeeping, ea X. Z'in. NEWLY and beautifully furnished large 11. K. suites, yr.'.rw up. 4:'J lisy St. i.in. CLEAN, llirht. well-furnished housekeeping rooms. 3f'.1 8th st. S. DOWN stairs, nicely furnlhed front suite: all conveniences. .107 Merger. 2. 3 OR 4 furnished rooms, gas. electricity: all conveniences; reasonable. East 4808. Houses. TH REE newly built eight-room modern I hnnui In 1.trelh..rflt will be rented to desirable tenants on favorable terms. Ap ply to WILLIAM H. M'DONALD, Room 4"4 Gerllnger Bldg. ron R rT 1 71 k. 7th at. No. between 1 7th at. No. between Oregon and E. Irvlngton. sts.. rtoiiaaay s i addition, a-room modern house, good con dition, accessible to several car lines; rent 13a Call up K. M. xurioro. mom mar- shall 4J47 6-ROOM modern house, with nice yard, on corner East 8th and Caruthers sts.. near Inman-Poulsen mill. $20 per month. H. P. PALMER -JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main A 2153. s.room cottage, bath and gas. clean, and n crntral residence section, 411 llth iL, Det- Hall and Harrison; rent $23. PARRISH. WATKINS & CO., 230 Alder SU MODERN T-room h o house, 794 Kearney, cor. a u . MA 4A m enr Kearney St. rent $H5L C. H. Korell, 6th and Stark. Lumbermen! bldg. HOUSE and 2 lota, southwest corner of East 21st and Brooklyn: term lease, oee property and make offer. 009-13 Board of Trade Bldg.. or Main 478. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. R. N. TUFFORD A CO.. 407 Spalding Bldg. Marshall 4547: A 4345. 5-ROOM house. 617 Overton: bath, electric! ugni ana gas; ei..v. jvwy uvai uvw.. quire room 11, Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Mor rison. yg have houses for rent and houses tor le a t and R rooma. Bross construc tion Co.. 818 Mohawk bldg. Phone Main 7-ROOM house, good condition, in suburbs. close to car. large garden, mostly potatoes: cheap rent to good tenant. $16 Chamber of Commerce. Main 19o. 5-ronm house, bath, baaement. large yard, fruit, flowers, close In 1122 East Main, near 38th st. Apply 229 First St. A NICE attractive home In waveneign Heights, strictly modern, easy terms, aiioi Tlbbltta at-, cor, gatn. w-tc car. 4-ROOM modern bungalow. 369 Baldwin st. (St. Johns carllne): l oiocks irom reu- lnsular achool. $11. Inquire 144 N. 15th. MODERN ; -room house, electricity and gas. East 12th at., walking distance, inquire 301 Dekiim bldg. UilDEHN 7-room house, excellent condi tion: moderate rent. 'Aeiepnone atain 46U7 $20 5-ROOM modern cottage, large attic. run basement, vvi cieveiana svs; no children. n-ROOM modern cottage. 941 E. Alder at. Inquire or ti ti. zza. cast cast so:o. A MODERN 7-room house. 251 N. Slat sr.. between Marshall and Northrop. 5-ROOM cottage at 270 E. 6thrt. North. Holladav Addition. Phone C 2.199. BEAUTIFUL seven -room residence, $22.50, cor. 21st and Prescotc Marshall 4.. 8-ROOM good house tubs, shades 31 East istn. Inquire 7aa cast t-ine. SEE S. D. VINCENT A CO. for rentals of all kinds. 816 Chamber or Commerce. LARGE, light 6-room house, i TicT trays. Main 2;:s. Key !6 E. 17tn st mornings. 20 ROOMS, uewly papered, good location. cheap rent. Call 65 a. za st. MODERN 6-room house on two carllnes; low rent. Inquire st 91Q c. or c bldg. 6-ROOM strictly modern house. 850 Clack- amas. rent $27. Phone labor itues. FOR RENT Good eight-room house In best location. 173 lath street, near lamnilL NICE S-room modern house, nice yard. 1751 East 23d. cor. YamhllL Phone East $948. 1 Furnished Houses. FINELY furnished modern house, T rooms and bath, 4 bedrooms, piano, gas, electric lights, gas and Jewel range, furnace. 490 20th street, near Myrtle: racing carllne choicest location on lower Portland Heights, close Irr, 14 minutes' ride; owner leaving for California, will rent at $30 to right party for short or long term. Phone Main 4---'. FOR rent, furnished, our suburban home. 12 rooms, modem, elegantly furnished, ror l one or two families: two fireplaces, two ranges, large grounds, lawn, flowers ana garden, on Willamette River, view unsur-1 passed. 5c carfare: going East; moderate! rent from acceptable party, inquire enreve i proauce Co.. 149 front at, FOR RENT Finely furnished 8 -room house I having every modern convenience, tire- Place, full hasemenc nice lawn with flow ers, excellent neighborhood, easy walking! d stance. West S de. 2 blocks rrom Mor rison st. carllne. Everything first class. Phone East 189. mornings. ROOM modern house, telephone, plan- electric and gas fixtures, good nelghbot hood, beautiful shrubbery; u per montn. $74 E. Taylor, corner I4tn, NEATLY furnished modern cottage of 4 rooms 820. OTTO A HARKSON HEALTH C"U. 13W First St. MODERN house, seven rooms, for care and nominal rent until September 10. call be- fore Monday noon. 607 Ellis ave sell- wood car. SIX-ROOM house until September 1: piano. gas range, everything complete, cast iin near Morrison; no children. 11. A. jviuaiii. Marshall wells Msraware co. FURNISHED house to rent, tiunnyslde: Hi per month. Inquire Calumet Hotel, stain 1 T3uo or Horns a ovjs. FURNISHED 4 rooms bath, walking die-1 tance, rent reasonable. East 4811, moa- ern. NEWLY furnished 6-room bungalow with lawn, piano and all modern conveniences. Eaat 4539. 6-P.OOM furnished flat. 264 Stout St.. walk ing distance, rlose to car, $20; key 241 mout- Main -b-tt. FURNISHED 5-room cottage. 916 Mllwau kle st Rent $16. Phone bunday fceilwood I io. Monday Main 3809. FOR RENT Fully and nicely furnished - ll8 - ,wuac, .. uwub.uwk .,,,. onwwu no. or can ui n ucun IRVINGTON Nicely furnished t-room bun- I f sleeping porcn, pis.uu. 191 jiuii-i numan ai. p car. 1 7-ROOM 'urBined no"- P'no: month. East Yamhill. Hall Main 2201. FURNISHED house for rent. Mh at! Phone Marshall 8451. MODERN 8-room house, fine home 419 rienton. fnone East 5404; reference. NICELY furnished house. B rooms. 1 block fmm 1 rarlln.. T.l M.ln list WEST SIDE Seven-room house, completely tumisnea; porcn ana grounas. Main 20T1. I HiHiees for Rent. Furniture for Sale. 2 BRASS BEDS, mahogany dressers, china 1 cabinet, buffet, mahogany and-oak library taoies; everytning or 9-room apartment; flar for rent. 91 Everett. FOR RENT or sale Completely furnished six-room iiat, gooa location, uam 4234. 531 H t-oucn st. GOOD rooms snd board at beach; tents for rent; cnuaren carea ror at reasonable rates. rnone main iwau, A area. - jz 1 : . ' FURNITURE ! ol r room, for sale; flat for I Cll I iy-M 71 " XEW S-room cottage on North Beach, neat, I cosy ana convenient, rnnne u zsz,. I FURNITURE of a l-room house for sale. ISA s rooms rentea out. lis inn st. l FrUNITl'RB 6-room house $'22ot rent $20; r i . r i-i u.in lioii I r UUIU.C Wh 4 FOB KENT. bumnirr Resorts. A NICE SUMMER OUTING. With Pigeon Springs haa good hotel, camping prlvllegea. Including use of min eral water and wood free. Our object is to have you visit this wonderful spring and be convinced of Its merits. Call Sktdmore Drug Co., 8. 131 3d St.. and get descriptive folder free. . For further par- I tlculars call Main 263Z. FOR RENT Newton Sta., Long Bench. 21 one-room bungalows, for balance or juiy i anH Aiivi,t Sri nr week: comoletelv fur-I nl-hed for housekeeping: full view of ocean: best of water; also 2 bedrooms, $1 1 per week, call Knutleage &eea e no. . A 3s.li, Main .Mian. SEASIDE. Irvlngton cottage, one block from ocean: fireplace, aleeplng porch, bath. etc.; completely furnished. - .-. . . ....... ...... ci r 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. S609,' A 2653. WANT to rent for Aueust or earlier. cottage at Seaside; must have not ana cold water and bath ana toiler; Biaie par. tlculara. -price, etc. also phone number. A o ziz. uregonian. ROOMS for rent by tne day, week or month, I reasonable: Neitra cottage, y oiock irom Locksley Hall Annex. Address A. W. I Hlgiey. Seaside. Or. AT SEASIDE For rent, well furnished cot tage o'. 4 large rooma. wide porcnes, cnyi water, electric Ilgnts. write J. u. w. owner. Seaside. Or. GEARHART. furnlnhed cottage. August 1: fine location, reasonable, fnone ain 1TM. at seaside. Dalaleish cottage for rent: near ocean; furnished complete, call phone East 132. SEASIDE Beach front furnished cottages. electric lights, city .water. Phone Eist ;8?9. WANTED Modern cottage at Newport or Seaside for month or August, a .'34, urc- gonlan. SEASIDE 5-room cottage. $46 for August. Mr. Tostevln. Main 6704. SEASIDE cottage, furnished, good location, near oceaiu Inquire 169 3d at. GEARHART. 6-room house, furnished, rea-l sonanle. Phone A 485S. GEARHART Six rooms, furnished, by the . : 1 n-.nL- tnMi.h aeann nnrtln n-n .-lku r i v c-rtuu.vi cottage at neacn center. Long Beach. Phone Marshall 2S1S. 581 3d si. FURNISHED cottages, water, lights, good location, reasonable, precemeqer. beaside. 7-ROOM furnished house, close to ridge, Seavlew. Wash. Tabor 32.3. OCEAN PARK. 6-room furnished cottage. Mrs. M. c. Brown, ocean parx. wash. Stores, BUILDINGS! STORES! LOFTS! W. H. WEBB, 401 Yeon bldg. Main 41J. FOR RENT 2-story brie stofe building. Noa. 44-40 1st at.. Portland, between Pine and Ash ata: fio reet frontage, luu xeet l deep, fine location. Inquire F. D. Cham-1 berlain. Labbe bids;. I STORES, suitable for grocery, confectionery. Mllwaukle and Blsmark; living-room la I An.va nr anv mnr .nr.rrrn.- mrner . rear or upstairs. Inquire 405 Washlng- ton it. FOR RENT Stores. No. 248 and 250 Haw thorne a vs., east end or bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. East zona. FOR RENT Part of store space 12x43 feet: no better location In city. Address stating line or business r int. uregonian. WAREHOUSE space for rent In concrete building on R. R. switch. Apply Portland I Artinciai ice co.. is ana upsnur sts. FRONT for rent, suitable for cigar or boot- black stand. 54 N. 6th St. M. 2285. SEE OUR LIST OF STORES Terry A Harris. 904 Yeon. Main 8387. FINE storeroom. 2d and Salmon sts. In- quire Marlon F. Dolph. 817 Mohawk bldg. FOR RENT Store. 52SV, Wsshlngton St., $40 a month. Phone Marshall 3481. O dices. DESKROOM. desirable office In Wilcox bldg.; use of typewriter and phone; very I reasonable to proper party. M iobb, bet. iu ana ij Atonaay morning. FOR RENT Rooms In Stearns building. suitable for musical studios, sample sales rooms, architect s orrice, etc. Inquire or- t.ce pnerman Clay at co. MOST centrally located offices; all-night elevator service, sua c wetland bldg.. eta ana wasmngton. DESK room In light, airy offices all con- vcniences. ota Lewis biag. DESK room; use ot both phones. 817 Board oi iraae. WANT desk room with use of desk; state I lowest terms. AH 261. Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SALOON RARGAIN. This Is a flret-claa har In tha heart of tne down-town business district: five-year tease, stock, fixtures and Independent li cense. Will consider trade for Inside property. Price $6500. FRANK JOHNSTON, Room 202 Milton Hotel. AN exceptional opportunity for trustworthy man. ana satxi can secure hair interest in established business; no experience re quired; must be reliable and honest: money secured: guarantee $30 a week: will stana investigation, p 312, oregonlan. A PARTNER wanted to take interest established business; no experience re quired, but must be energetic; can realize $150 and up per month each; must be re liable and devote his time: business can oe doubled In short time; amount required I uu. money secured; will stand Investl- gatlng. Address M 213. Oregonlan. LADY PARTNER WANTED. In a first-class paying mercantile busi ness: must be voung. refined and unmar ried, with some means: bv an honorable! young roan or good character; rererences i given. Address Box AV 4Wl. uregonian. FOR 8ALE Good cigar and confectionery store, best location on ast siae. corner, long lease; price $1750. N 207, Oregonlan. MILLINERY AND NOTION STORE. In Eaat Portland, on Grand avenue, be tween Waahlngton and Alder: can be bought very cheaply; owners wish to re- I tire: long lease; reasonable rent; will trade for city property. Call or address 11 vrranq ave. STOP. I own half Interest in a nice little caan business which I must sell at once; am leaving for Europe end of month. nuy oil owner and save 8100 agents, fee: $225 required for quick sa!e. AL 214. oregonlan. PARTNER wanted In a small cash busi ness; this la an old established place and i! nmi0,ny'm"Kker ,oU.w'1.1 work! iook 8lgurnVbeerTxchangn,Veh'ltqg. WILL sll half interest good, clean raanu- r&cturinff business;, investigation invited; tlfiftO required; trade already -established- a. sfi-t. in-rronian. CIGARS, confectionery. Ice cream, etc; must oe soia; owner must leave state; 4H; West Side: good lease. AH 208. Orstco- man. $150 WELL-EQriPPED cleaning, prensin ana repairing en op, x rooms cumisnea for housekeeping. For xartlculars nhone Mar-1 OARAGE. Onlv rarage In town of 8000. on Pacific i mgnway; gooa agency proposition; will xsKe partner, av 4b, uregonian. FOR SALE Iiellcatessen and lunchroom. test and Oldest location in city; will sac rifice account of 111 health. 44 N. 23d. H. M. Keerer. RESTAURANT 8S6 Morrison St.; must be I sold to satisfy my mortgage; on paying I Dasie; am not a restaurant man; have otner Dusinese. C0Ir?.?TRJ;. $35?y?7rfJ.nr, l1"8- almost no expense; If interested, examine tnis. ah zii. uregonian. ROOM boarding house for sale, or lease properly anu bom i ui uitmo , nouse run. ynone Marshall ioa. or SALE Confectionery store, well es- tabllshed business; will invoice. 363 E. nth st. 8. WELL, equipped restaurant; must sell on account of sickness. Wm. Krueger. Ore- o City. Or. nF..rHAlR barber shop for aal: rinin- gooa DUiineii. a.. j. nuimn Woulton. UTr I 0Roct"1'5f?Ju.0.ne.,7'fnay"1 cigar I aiOfO reasonaore it at once; live , " " ' ACCOUNT of poor neaitn win sell a well- Oxonian1 ,r0Cery' 1 trau F 8i7' Oregonlan. I GENERAL Mdse. store for sale; A-l loca-1 tlon. bears full Investigation. E 215 Ore gonlan. RESTAURANT Good location, to be sold on account or owner, iiiness; easy terms. A 288. oregonlan. DENTAL win sen or make term, to a dentist wno is iooKingr ror a location; good proposition, av 4. oregonlan. RESTAi BAH i uooa location; lease; re ceipts . aay; slow, terms. J 228, Ore- goniao- RESTAURANT, on Washington. (1200; 300 casn. oaiancn to suit. Art 212, uregonian. LOON for sale, five-year lease, Jndepen-1 aent license. Apply xie r.verett st. i - - -'. ' - - .i i FOR SAL13 Confectionery with clsar Stand I i v-An Klfi arilllam. I W" . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED Able physician and surgeon (Oregon license), opportunity or uieiunw for right man: must be of neat address, about 85 years old and a hustler; no other need answer. Town of 1500 peopls In Eastern Oregon: no better field: no aalarv nrnno.ttlnn it' .in to vou to make good: state particulara and give refer. ences in first letter. AV 47j, uregonian. .. . ' STELWYN APTi, ' St. Clair and Washington Sts. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS. Must sell on account of other business Interests the best paying, most centrally located automobile business in the city; only $6000 required to handle this busi ness; one-half cash; liberal terms on bal ance; present owner will remain with pur chaser long enough to teach business If desired, it you are looKlng lor a goou. substantial, well established business It will pay you to look this up. For full particulars, address AB 219, Oregon lan. GENERAL merchandise stock, new. onei hour a rlne from Portland, on electric road, at the station; no opposition; ticket and money order office, express and freight handled by the store; must sell on account of sickness; $1:100 will handle It: also 10-acre commercial apple orch ard , 3 years old. easy terms. Af xvi, OregonfanJ A-STRICTLY CASH STOCiL ThlM l a rnnf ACrfnnerv. cieava and to bacco and home bakery, la clearing $'J00 per month, will bear your c.osost in vestigation; stay and look it over be fore buying: has living-rooms. Just the place for man and wife. Price Slliu''. i;ail room 315- Lumber rjxehange blag. FOR SALE Men's rlnthlm ing and lurnisning goods store, of about X12.000 stocK. $12,000 stocK. lo- cated In a good Willamette Valley town of 6000 population. The only store of the kind here; doing a good business. Loca tion good. In a modern building; other Interests call -my attention. Address AV wi, uregonian. DESIRING to Increase my plant and to se- I cure a good business man as a pariucr. & a-fll ,'ismntM l.t ni rent nn vour in vestment and a salarv of 1100 per month. I have been established 5 years and have averaged over 20 per cent net profit. I I invite a rigid investigation. Address AVI 444. Oregonlan. WANTED. Partner to take half Interest tn a light manufacturing plant; a man who can taks charge of an office and manage men: sal ary $125 per month. Kinney A- Stam- pher. 153 1 -2 Lumber Exchange bldg. GENERAL merchandise; we have an excep-1 tlonal offer to make on a well selected stock In one of the best towns In Wash-1 lnetnn Inwilrincr nhn.it XS00Q. and Willi , se!l, rent or lease the building on liberal ' .. . . j j - o y e.,!..nAl, Tb'aah I FOR SAT. IP Old establiiihed restaurant do ing a business of $5000 a month; hotel i in connection; owner must leave on ac count of health: will' consider an experi enced partner: a good opportunity to right party. Address a v isu uregonian. WORK INGMAN'S HOTEL. Owner forced to sell on account of 111 I health In family: will sell or trade; this I will bear Investigation, .and is a money maker for man and wife. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. fuh call i win sacrince my roruana in- come bunds, denominations of $100 to $1000; will net you better than 8 per cent; I mutt sell. C. Bernard. AN 210, Oregonlan. WANTED Partner In firm doing business in Portland and Seattle: $500 reaulred : 1 active partner will make $200 monthly; I we will prove mis. Aaaress Aa ju, Oregonlan. BUFFET, heart business district, rent rea sonable, le3se; mahognay fixtures, swell I saloon, well stocked, good business; do not I answer unless you mean pusinesa. a oregonlan. NOTICE TO BARBERS. Combination rarber shop and cigar store. good paving business, no opposition; part I cash, balance easy payments. F 218, Ore gonlan FURNITURE store In good valley town; invoice about X5C00: will sell right: navel not enough money to carry on tne dubi ness; will stand investigation; old-estab lished. AV 474. oregonlan. PLANING mill for sale, located In one of tnB best cites in Willamette Valley, do- inr o-nod business: terms. Address AV I 47S. Oregonlan. ON account of leaving for Alaska must sell gooa-paying snooting gallery cucap it taken at once; worth while looking into. a mn St., Astoria, YOUNG, hotel man. doing good business, I wants a isay partner wnn experience;! some capital necessary; write for partic-1 mars. Box 1144. noise, iqano. PARTY owning salmon fishing patent wants I money to demonstrate it. small rtsK. witn i chances of very large returns. f 223, Oregonlan. ' SEE W. W. JORDAN FOR BUSINESS INVESTMENTS AND EXCHANGES. SUITE 619, LUMBERMEN S BLDG. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and otner ooncs oougnt ana sold. E letcner inv. co.. mo Aomgton. 500 BUSINESS CARDS, $1; bring this ad. Rose city prmtery, luzft aa. cor. Aayior. BUSrXT.83 OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANT to buy grocery. Will give unin cumbered property ana a siouo good larm mortgage, one or both. Vanduyn & Wal- ton. o!5 Chamber Commerce. $2300 EQUITY In $3500 6-room modern bun galow near Hawthorne ror grocery store. am zu4, uregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING-HOUSES. HOTELS AND APARTMENT-HOUSES. If you want to buv or trade for rooming-house, hotel or apartment-house can on O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 509-510 Wilcox Bldg.. RELIABLE BROKERS. The oldest established agency In the city. MARY E. LENT CO- PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCT. HOTELS ROOMING. APARTMENT. HOUSES. All sizes and prices. 822-4 Failing bldg.. 3d and Washington. FOR SALE or trade, dirt cheap. 16 rooms. rent $45; this house tajten on mortgage and we have no use ror it, so you can get a real bargain, wnat have your pnone uaranaii 42t: or can 340 1st st. FOR SALE Rooming and apartment-houae, 22 rooms, good location, good lease; all full; will sell reasonable for cash, or will consider good exchange. Phone Woodlawn 2761. Main 84Q3, FOR LEASE A strictly modern rooming- nouse ot .1 rooms now unaer conatruction at Salem; will be rinlsned August 15. Ad- diess J. H. Lauterman. Salem. 10TH AND EVERETT. $225. large rooms, nicely furnished, rent I $17; a snap. Fred w. German, 436 Cham. of Com. M. B445. U - ROOM rooming-house for sale by owner. " "th C" " M' LOST A!D FOOD. LOST On Washington street, between 7th I ana -f'tn st-, smi.ii goia oval xiat breast pin, email pearl In center, gold drop on edge, black zigzag marks on face run ning from outer edge, to center. Finder will be rewarded -by returning same to apartment 401, Orlando Apartments, 20th and wasmngton sts., cur. E. j. Daren. Fonxn whr von can huv rennin hair I mattresses retail at wholesale nrices: we renovate mattresses and return same day; we alao renovate leathers. Port. and Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger, 220-223 rront. ynone aiain 47. a van. LOST Saturday night, a lady's white Pana ma hat. some place on .bast or west Hide; Under will oe iioeraiiy rewaraea li he re turns to Mr. ierron, or Armour Co., 18th and Flanders. LOST Cash reward for return of large Eng lish brindle bulldog to So Hawthorne ave. H. C. P. Baldwin, phones Eaat 044 or Marshall 03 iv. LOST - Gold watch. Waltham, 15 jewels. monogram W.- E. P.; reward; no. Ques tions asked. F. L. Mank. Portland Glove Works. 82 H Front sr.. city. LOST Lady's gold watch, name Grace en graved on outer case; liberal reward u returned to 133 oranq ave. LOST Larpe white-and-brlndle bulldog. Return Portland storage earn, em ana Irving. FOUND, on wash, st., bull terrier; party can have same by identifying same ana paying for ad. go is. mtn sr. osT JananeBft Boanlel. from Rlvor Bank. onnnaitA n)enmorrl: reward. Q. S. Taylor. I ticket office, ad ana nn. sus. Kar. n, ..1,. k.l.un TJal. nler Hotel and Meier ft Frank's atore; reward for return to oregonlan. LOST - Gentleman's small leather purse, con- .a(.j j nlmllananm nrllrUa- ra tained gold and miscellaneous articles; re- . ,. I ward.- Oregonlan office. T-nsT An Airedale dog. 5 months old. Ait swers to name -sanay. Aaaress or can at 400 E. 22d North; reward. LOST An alredale dog. 5 months old. An swers to name "Sandy." Aaaress or can at 400 E. 22d North; reward. LOST Friday, black silk watch fob with I LOAN8 on real estate, diamonds and Jew- BOSTON graduate nurse and medical gym square gold locket, initials J. F. P. Re-1 elry wm. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. I nasties. 892 Jefferson, up one flight. ward. Main 8105. Miss Forcla. i-OST A canary bird In Ladd's Addition, yellow body, with dark topknot, itewara. H09 Elliott ave. LOST A canary bird In Ladd's Addition, yellow body, with dark topknot. Reward.' 809 Elliott ave. I aj i ltPT A check In Meier & Frank s or on . ... v. i a-x.ii uit i Hoc 1 UlU'DU t .BItWU VBt A OiUIUBU LOST AND FOUND. I LOST Black cocker spaniel female: please rsturn, as she has nursing puppies. Re ward. Gill wasmngton st. .uain 4oos. 8PECIAX NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SALE OF TIMBER Portland, Oregon. June -S, 1912. Sealed bids marked outside. '-.Bias, Timber sale Application. reDruary i 1912, Columbia," and adressed to the Dis trict Forester. Forest Service, Portland, n,m will he reeelved nn tn nnil lnclud' Ing the 15th day. of August, 1912. for all merchantable dead timber standing or down and all the live timber designated for cutting bv a forest officer, located on an area or aDout iuiu acres, in apprw.- matalv otlnni A .1 LI nf section 6. E. 14 or section 8. unsurveyed. S. and N. W. Vi of S. W.- Vi of section 9, sur veyed, all In twp. 4 N-. R. 7 E.. W. M.. and uortlonK of aiiDroxlmatelv the E. 44 of tlie S. E. Vi of section 31, and S. ' of sec tlon 32, twp. 5 N.. R. 7 E.. W. M., uneur veyed. In the Wind River Valley, within the Columbia National Forest, Washing ton, estimated to be approximately 4i- 31.J.000 feet B. M. or ne ana mercnani able dead Douglas fir; 8,3:3,00O feet B. M. of live and merchantable dead Western red cedar: 1.445.000 feet B. M. of live and merchantable dead Western white pine: 8. .'.33,000 feet B. M. of live Western hem lock; sso.ooo reet B. m. oi amaouis nr. nnH m ino reet R. M.. of Western larch: saw timber, log scale, more or less. No bid of less than $1.00 per thousand feet B. M. ror the Douglas nr ana western rc cedar. $2.50 per thousand feet B. M. for the Western White Pine, and 50 cents per Tf.nn eei T. M. for all other snecles will be considered. Material on the sale area not merchantable under the conditions ot sale, but which may become merchantable ?"r Cf I."? ' ".. n'nner.erm. n.fnaH tn tha nnnillonH nf Sale. A period of three years from ueceoiDer .... 1912, or from the date of completing tne construction of improvements win oe ai lnnreH tnr m.trlna- and removal of tho tlm l.er. A deposit of $2000, payable to the order of the First National Bank of Port land, Oregon, must he sent to that bank for ench bid submitted to the District Forester. Such deposit will be retained e.nd credited as part payment of the pur chase price of the timber, should the bid r,e accepted, one-mtn or tne aepos.t in thA n'iai.retlnn nf the Forester be re tained -by the United States if the bid Is accepted and the requirea bona ana agree ment are not executed by the successful bidder within 60 days from their receipt. Timber upon valid claims Is not Included In this sale. The right to waive tech nical defects In advertisements and bids and to reject any and all bids Is reserved. The conditions of sale, with further in formation concerning the timber and blani; hid form. mv he obtained from the For- s.inervlsor or the District Forester, Portland. Oregon. Geo. H. Cecil. District Forester. K A T .13 (W CITY BONDS. Dalles City. Oregon, hereby calls for bids for the bonds of the city In the amount of the cost or tne construction ot a sewer age system, which Is estimated at $90,- ouo. Rnmii win be tn the sum of five hun dred ($500) dollars each, bearing date of July 15, 1912. and bearing Interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and Interest pay able In U. S. Gold coin at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon in tn city ana State of New York. These bonds are a general obligation of Dalles City, due and payable on the 15th day ot July, 1937, but Dalles City reserves the right to pay tne Donas at me expiration of any semi-annual- interest period at any time after 20 yeara from the date thereof upon giving notice of such intention Dy publication in a news naner nrlnted and nublished and of gen eral circulation in Dalles City, Oregon, nnt leca than IwW during the month Ore. ceding the expiration of said semi-annual interest period, and Interest thereon shall ..,., a , tha actmt, annual Interest nertod next following said notice upon the pay- ment or principal ana accruea interest w said date. Each bid must be accomDanied by a cer tified check for not less than 5 per cent ot the amount of the bid, to be forfeited to Dalles City In the event said bid is ac cepted, and tne Diaaer snan reiuse comDlete the nurchase of said bonds. All bids must be sealed and filed with -the recorder of Dalles City on or before 12 o'clock noon of July 29, 1812. Further particulars will be furnished upon request. Dated at Dalles City. Or., this 25th day ox June, 1912. GEO. F. ROsa Recorder of Dalles city. BIDS will be opened July 18 for a heating and ventilating plant for uerniiaion nisi. School, at clerks office m Hermlston. Pians may be obtained from c. M. nime- baugh! architect. Hermlston, Oregon. Miscellaneous. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Take notice that from and after this date I shall not be responsible for any ob ligations Incurred or contracted by my wife, Mrs. Sarah Foye Shaw, either In her name or mine. C. O. BH AW, Forest Grove, or. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Take notice that from and after - this I date I shall not be responsible ror any obligations Incurred r contracted by my wife. Mrs. Gertrude Gerllnger. either In her I name or mine. (Signed) Edward m. .oar- linger. BARGES for rent: capacity 400 tons. Pat- tullo, 339 Sherlock bids. Main 1410. FINANCIAL. 2 GILT-EDGE MORTGAGES. One for S140O. nayable $40 month, all due In 2 years, 7 per cent interest. I line ror sciou. payaoie sjo monin. j per 1 cent Interest. Will take is.iu ror Dotn and guarantee payment. t. g;. mivia, aiarsnau ma. MONET IN ANY AMOUNT. CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES. EQUITIES, CHATTELS, ANY COLLATERAL, REAL SECURITY. SPECIAL SERVICE RENDERED. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO., 1125 YEON BLDG. TEL. M. 875. FOR SALE I will sacrifice my Portland Income bonds, denominations or iw to 810OO; will net you oetter man 0 per cent; 1 must seiL u. uernara. aim ziv. ure gonian. - WE will furnish the money at a low rate ot Interest and save you more than tne oro k erase of 2 If we do the planning and building for you. It win pay to aee us. 1- R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. 824 Ablngton bldg. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon, a. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers equities oougnt. E. L. uever eaux. lOOf) Spalding bldg., 8d and Wash- ington. Main a. WE buy notes, - contracts, mortgages (first ana Seconal, equities. t. Lewis Co.. 3 Lewis bldg. MONEY to loan on flrst-clss. Portland rtv' estate security at lowest rates. Morgan. Flleaner & Boyce, eu Ablngton oiag. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commlnaion accounta bought, real eat; loans. E. B. Miller. 410 Ablngton bldg. WELL SECURED FIRST MORTGAGE FOR SALE. JOHN BAIN, 60S BFALD1NG DLU. Money to Loan Real Estate. MONEY ON HAND FOR LOANS ON FARM AND CITY PROPERTIES. WILLIAM H. M'DONALD, 404 GERLINGER BLDQ. ON Improved city property or for building purposes. 8 to 8 years" time: imerai pay ment privileges; money aavancea as building progresses. The Equitable 8av- lngs Loan Association, z stars: sr. (800.000 ON Improved olty or farm property. Dunoing or amaii loans ai lowest raies; large loans a specialty. McKnsle & Co SW-olg-Sia Gerllnger bldg. $1500 TO LOAN at 8 per cent on first mort gage on real property; must oe gooa se curity: charges reasonable, j. a. litaaia- ton. 428 cnamper or commerce. MONEY to loan on Improved city property at current rates. Lawyer. Abstract A Trust Co., room B, Hoard of Trade bldg. TO LOAN .-)000 OK iESS. FARRINGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDQ. 1122.000 TO LOAN On Improved city or farm properly; anu up, lowest rates Wm. J. norcnera, zui uregonian bldg. onnono TO loan: large loans a sneelaltv: bulioing toaus, ' v . jt. xaeca. aio-ttltf railing oiua MORTGAGE loans on eitner city or farm properiy; raui.is8 y ui tuosou. 1 Henry jrmmmm dvu nilCOI DIQg. I MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY I fKUr'x.xt j. vrw j.Hffju3. aiuAxH I IMPROVED or unimproved property; small I building loans, contracts and mortgages oougnt. w. Jr. num., ..o oiierioca oiag. 8500 AND upwards on improved real estate; notes sum .g'. uvusut. w . ja. Hathaway, room iu. wasnington bldg. FARM and city mortg. loans. Ore. and Wash, rt. M. rnenuiy. ma ppaiqing PlflK. MONEY, any amount. to 8 per cenu W. . . -1 . .n Sin Cnalnln-, his H. Selti ft Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE) LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS PA l, uja . a-za biaks. 1ST. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE I RATEa. IT. fl. Iranis, g mwio L,1G. I MORTGAGE LOANS. J. O. GOLTRA. FAILING BLDG. ' I MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H- ti AnuxiS'jT, ajg tn. or uom. PRIVATE money loaned on rei estate mort- eases, m. miiey, room zu ueriinsr oiaa;. I 6000 OR PART for immediate Joau oa real esiaic. x-uwww , , x. i 11 - ' hi i STATE funds. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas. D Un rnnmah PmiTitv. alOn rh a-. Pn I f sas-j-aa.i w..- -.ww vaa WViMt FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Real Estate. TO T.nAV AT ONCE ON. IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTT. 1500 FOR 3 YEARS. $2000 FOR J TEARS. 250ft FOR S YEARS. J4000 FOR 3 YEARS. tl5,000 FOR 5 YEARS. J. H. TIPTON" CO.. INC. 1108 SPALDING BLDG. MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR TO BUILDING PURPOSES; VERT FUSX IBLE CONTRACTS: NO. COMMISSION tULUMBIA UFS TBliSl' CU. (1$ 8PALDINO BLD MtlS'ET TO LOAN. $500 TO $50,000 ON CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. REASONABLE INTEREST. APPLY, MR. KBELT, LOAN UErAB MH..NT. WARD YOUNGER, SUITE 426 TEON BLDO. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 per cent on city residence and business prop- arty and Multnomah county larma. EDW. P. MALL, $00 to 804 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. $2000, $5000. $10,000, $25,000, $50,000 multiples, at 5 to 7 per cent. MALL A VAN BORSTEL. 104 Second St., Near Washington. HAVE $500 to loan. Interest 8 per cent; no agents, rtaipn li. uumway. ssu cnamoer Commerce. I MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. uirreu CO.. zoz Mcjxay bldg., I 3d and stark. "'T.to Loan-Chattel, and Salaries. iiur.fi! tu loam. iu aisd LfWAitus. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. NEW COMPANY. NEW RATES. NEW METHODS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ORGANIZED TO HELP WORKING PEOPLE AND OTHEHS. RATES ABOUT ONE-HALF WHAT REGULAR LOAN CO.'S CHARGE, LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS. HORSES, DIAMONDS OR SALARIES. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. 207 MACLEAY BLDG., A 2S97. COR. 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL 9 P. M. MONEY FOR VACATIONS. $10 TO $100. LOWEST BATE!; TV PORTLAND. $10 reDald in installments of. ...$ .45 $20 repaid In Installments of 90 $50 repaid in Installments of 2 00 LARGER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. All we require l that you be employed on salary ana you get tne money quicmy, wunout mortgage, Indorser or otner se curity. STATE SECURITY CO.. 808 Falling Bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nlshed without security: cneapeat rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want It and pay as you can, unices in an principal cities, u. a. lot man, si . Lumber exchange. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS on furniture, pianos, storage receipts. watches, diamonds. Jewelry, etc. Quick, reasonable and confidential. KI.TSY COMPANY. Main 4617. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark -.r7j,v"i i-iamc" salaki loan a. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheap est rates, best and most private terms In Oregon, o. u. Drake, BU7 spaiaing oiog A DESIRABLE nlace for ladles and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds ana jewelry at Lastern rates, mamona fal ace. 334 Washington, opp. Owl Drug Store. I WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry nu me r.e luaiin. I Aiarx Ac Blocn. 74 Bd st. MONEY sold on Installment: confidential, salaried people. F A. Newton. Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry strictly confidential. 14114 3d. near Alder. A LOAN tor the asking, salary or chattels. rne Loan Co.. 414 iycKum oiag. Loans Wanted. IS YOUR MONEY EARNING YOU SOME THING. OR IS IT LYING IDLE? CALL and " see u3. we can place any Amount from $500 and up in first mortgages on first-class real ESTATE. MR. NEELY WITH WARD YOUNGER, SUITE 426 YEON BLDG. SECOND mortgage for sale for $7500. at 8 per cent, paying $150 a month and Inter est: will discount 10 per cent; value or in come property, $26,000; first mortgage ssuow: income from property souu per month; located on West Side. N iTS, Ore gonlan. WANTED. $10,000 TO $12,000 On central West Side property for term of B years at 5 per cent; security is at least valuation worth $3000: I wish to deal direct with lender. D 227, Oregonlan. WANT LOAN OF $1200, FIRST MORTGAGE. 7-ROOM HOUSE. ON HARD-SURFACE STREET. 8 PER CENT INTEREST. NO AGENTS. AL 207, OREGON IAN. $2000 LOAN WANTED ON MY NEW HOME. WILL PAY 8 PER CENT TO PRI VATE PARTY. AL 20. OREGON I AN. MORTGAGES FOR SALE $4000. $2000, $1500; loan wanted. West Side residence property, $3000. Call 806 Wilcox bldg. AH 266. Oreeonlan. WANTED $2000 for 3 years at 7 per cent on s-room moaern nome in gooa aistrict principals. Main 1106. I WANT to borrow $7500 on real estate worth S2z,ooo; win pay 5 per cent; run in formation at 414 Spalding bldg. $2000 at 8 per cent on 80 acre Improved farm, valued at $8000. wm. (J. Borcners. 20 7 oregonlan oiag. MONEY WANTED Applications on band ror desirable loans, mortgages ror sale Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. 806 Wilcox bid $3000 AT 8 per cent on Montavilla business property vaiuea at xsw.'u. wm. c. nor- chers, 207 Oregonlan bldg. $2500 2 TEARS, g per cent; $2000. 3 years. 8 per cent, Herman Moeiier, 1009 Wilcox oiag. JUST finished; my new bungalow; want rirst mortgage loan or yuu; - value szouu. K 214. oregonlan. WANTED $300 on good security. AK 231. uregonian. PERSONAL. FBBVET HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers, finest stock of numan hair goods, switches from 95c up, hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; comblugs made up to order. 147 7th. near Morrison. Main 844. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngrois graauaie; rneumaiism. nervous ana stom ach aume-jts. under physician s direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East llth St.. second door south from East Ankeny carllne. Phone East 260. B 1808. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse: long experience, best references; treatments for rneumatism. lumoago, etc; massages and baths. S00 Holladay ave., corner Occident al: -U" car. Phone East 3608. c n.-isa. Open Sundays. DRESS SUITS for rent. Keep your clothes cieanea. pressea. outtons sewed on, rips repaired, 81.50 month. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. TOD Stark. FOR ADOPTION A beautiful, healthy, Ave monrns-oia oaoy ouy; applicant must be Catholic; references required. Address At 230, uregonian. STEAM baths and hypereme muura m. auces weiani. cures rneumatism. nmhin open evenings. 412 Northwest bldg., uth ana rvasn. Mrs. Stevens. 18 yrs. Portland's leading nain. , haa hap 1.1. hnnk "P.lnl.t . . r,asy, on .ai., ooiyt wiiiiams ave., cor Knott. Office hours 10 A. M. to t p. m." MRS. S. C. MORRISON Steam baths and masseunng lur rneumatism, lumbajro. 233 . a . . T n n . j ZEROL ine great nerve tonic and sya- icm vuuutu, . fs' i o ooxes, S3. PUiro...fw . vv.. AOt, murriSOn St. IF Miss Nellie Baker please call up East in i uujii biio wit rcccivo important IF Miss Hunington, of Pendleton, will call 1 " " ... .uuicuiii, win can East 171. room 217, she will receive im- puriaut iibvtb iruui u. iriena. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. switches. 950: curia and Duffs, is- sn Hary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. INTERESTING Information given free to sutxerera irem mouui.mm, catarrh and b lood disorders. 48 Union ave. N. MARINELLO famous cosmetics, scientific racial -"" p ''T "f"1- Mannello Shop. 4U2 Central bldg.. 10th and Alder. MANICURING a specialty by New York ex- pert. aw " .m.l mqg. BALM OF FIGS, Compound Royal Toiue Tableta 882 Davis at. Main 8215. CHIROPODY Mrs. Pptter. 32714 StarTTlT I . m 0 "AT As. vatTaaK t KM 0 Atk -n. . . late 01 o- " " p vlii uu vvajii, MOLES. uPrfi"?u" naJ,remolf,eti- Mr"- M. U- tiiiu """" '" "'o MASSAGE. 1; open S 406 North- -o ' "-"b".- rr . . FACIAL oiemwnea correctea . moles, wrinkles Vfra Pn li rt ri K h t 711 Dfikum. Main K1a1 ' 1 wx. PERSOVAt. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 812, 84-inch switches 84.43 6 26-lnch switches 2.41 Hair dressing ....... .............. . .25 Face massage ............ .25 Shampoo .5 Manicuring 23c; five for 1.00 12 scalp treatments 8-00 Superfluous hair removed by electric needle guaranteed not to return. $4. 85 and 80 PUFFS, only 8145. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary parlors. 4110-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. RADICAL cure py tne latest natural heal ing methods. Including radium, all elec trical currents. llKhts. heat, vibration. radiAtion. baths, massage, sdjustment and manipulations: roost expensive. finest equipped private office in Oregon; no medicine or operations; over 6000 treated pstlents and not a death while under our care; we will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory. 811 Rothchlld bldg WANTED To know the whereabouts of Frederic H. Cobb, who was In Southweat Washington a year ago. Anyone knowing of his wheresbouts since that date will please advise his sister, Mrs. F. H. Whlt-bet-k. at Hudson, Mich., as business neetl ing his attention In awaiting his signature. HAIR STORE. 120 6th St.. near'Waihlnl ton. Better Quality hair, any shade. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Amateur Kodak Flninhing. QUICK service, cut rates; send for price list. The Kodakery 6th and Wash. Braes and Muchlne Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brasscastlng and machine work. 106 N 5th. Main 2T0i. Castuff Clot hlng-. LADIES' and men'a clothing bought. Main 7895. Assayers and Analysts. PICKERING A CO., assayers. smdlteil. re finers and buyers of high-grade and bul lion gold. 142 H Fourth st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work 1S6 Morrison st WELLS A COLON, mining engineers! chem ists and assayers. 21143 vasningion. Attorneys. ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, lawyers; practice In all state ana reaerai courts; abstracts examined: expert conveyancers: collections. 417 Cham, of Com, bldg. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 2071. Chiropractic I'hyeiclan, DR. TICKNER. Columbia lldg next Star Theater. A B253. Main uo.n; rea. a ze- FANNTE T. BLOHM, Doctor of Chiropractic. 217-218 Marquam bldg- 6th and Morriaon. Coal. COAL A LB IN A FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 8.1D ST. WOOD. Chiropodists. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists In tne city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder Phone Main 1801. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 421) FUedner bldg. Main DR. U. S. G. and Mrs. Klctcber Painless chiropodists. Over Hazelwood. Main a u. Dancing. HEATH'S SCHOOL Fancy, stage and social dancing taught daily. Waltz ana iwo.i.p guaranteed in 4 lessons. Class Monday evenings 8 to 10, 25c. 109 2d at., between Washington and Stark. PROF. WAL. W1LLSON S Dancing School; lessons 25c during Summer montns, in cluding lady dancing teachers and music: waltz, two-step, three-step, etc. 85 t ,,stn st.. bet. Stark and Oak. phone Main 7037. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons daily: waits. two-step, three-step. Baltimore or scnot tlsche taught In first lesson. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. RINGLERS ACADEMY, dally Instructions; dances Wed., Sat. 2;u V4 Morrison Detective Agencies. NTKP. NATIONAL Detective Agency, con servative, reliable, confidential ; rates S3 per day. Office 610 Dekum bldg. M. 6124. Educational. STAMMER 7 Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield. 1918 Prove. I'aKianq. -i. Engines Gaa and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agenta Sex- bury steam engines ana Doners. engines 281-283 E Morrison. Phone s, &l- Leather and rinding.. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front. Leather of every description, tam, roira. mm.... . A. ST HO W BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es. tabllshed 1858 1SU Front sr. Messenger Service. HASTY Messenger Co., day and night serv. Ice. Phone Main oa. e. tia. 31 lues and Mining. MINES and mining securities, stocks It active properties, uoeur a Aiene ui.trit. a specialty. E. A. Clem, Portland. Or. Musics PIANO studio; modern methods. 269 14th. Main 3SUd. Arransemcn. im y,..v-.. Emll Thlelhorn. vionn teacner, 900 Marquam. A eiw. jtaiau,, Office Furniture. DERBY desks and oitice furniture. Haley Desk CO., 1V Peveutn . .nam Osteopathic Physicians. Dr R. B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bid. Nervoue and Chronlo Diseases. Phone, OlTlce, M. ae; re. a.at or x ! Fainting. WILL tint rooms, 82.00 up; ao painting at reasonable priccw. r.aat qi- Paint.. Olio and Gla COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best adapted to tne oui "' HEUTER PAINT CO.. 191 Second su RASMUSSEN ft CO.. Jobbers, paints. 0I1S. glass, sasn ana ouuia. v.v. a mui Patent Attorneys PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyright. reirlsterea, an couuuib uw.iv. PETER HABERL1N, 826 Worcester 'aldg. Patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney- at-law, late 01 in. u. 0. .icv uuiLa, Booklet free 1010 Board of Trade bldg. . li. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured it. U. J Liu. 408-409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. C WRIGHT, domcstlo snd foreign pat en ts. Infringement cases 604 Dekum bidg. Patent Engineers. NVENTIONS developed and patents se cured. All sinus cuiiiiiiei auu snop draughting. Coop & Schmltt. consulting; engineers. 501 Henry bldg. Main 1285. Pawnbrokers. LOANS at reasonable Interest on clothing, iewelry real estate, stocks, etc. Stein's r'awnsnup, j ....... . .CLE Myers' collateral .Ban; 40 yeara In roniaim. . v... a - Paving. thr Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605- JS Eiectrm my... w- . - Pipe. Sith'tLAND WOOD PIPE CO Faotory and U , . V. an Vf.rU ata U,1n Sia office new .r.... '"- Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 Id St. Bafaa at rectory y"- iilLT-TO-ORDER screen doors and wln nalnted and bung, complete. Amaru can pcreen " , Secoa dhand Goods. V. . .imhiiie. furniture and tools. HI. a. fit nrice paid for second-hand ciothlug. "rnlture, tools. Marshall 854. " showcases. Bunk and Show Fixtures. tub- LUTKB MrG. CO., branch Grand Rap. Ids anoww" - manager. PORTLAND SHOWCASE A FIXTTJRB CO, 125 N. oth st. Main 781T. Cabinet work. uahsHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new and second-hand. Main 203. Cabinet work, 1 " storage and Transfer. 5 T pica Transfer k Storage Co.. offloea and commodious -story brick warahouae, iToarate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sta. ulanoa and furniture moved -nd packed orisnlpping; special rales made ua goods in our through cars to all domestla and iSrelgu points. Main 096. A -9- " OLSO.N'-KOE TKANSF3R CO., General transferring and storagi, safes, ninnos and furniture moved and pack.4 tor shipment. B7-SU Front St. 'islepoons) u.i. 547 or A 2247. ciRiiUON rKANSFER CO.. established 1870. IrsMler and forwarding agents. Office and Storage 474 Glisan st, corner 18tn and "llaan. fhoces Main 6!, A Uo. Typewriters. ila TO 6 "I" bu REBUILT 1IFE WR1TBR; rebuilt aa good aa nsw; a. I makes to choose from at GUI's, 3d and Alaer; terms to suit; every machi.ie yur anteed. Call or phone for representative. a" er.UU or A 6o6e- VE are the exchange for the largest type, writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter tx mange, o1 Vi Washington at. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 2J1 Stark. M. 1407. V etertnary ekhoola and Coll-ges. S. '. VETEHINAKY COLLEGE Legins Sept. 10 No profession otfers equal ( rtunlty. Catalogue free. C- Keane, ires.. 181M Mar ket st., sen Francieco. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells. Phone Main Hit or write t l tab. .M ata 1