T17B MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, MONDAY. JULY 15, 1912. tl VESSEL IS BAMMED Roanoke Strikes Schoone Dauntless on Clear Day. GASH IS TORN IN SIDE Schooner's Mat Says Other Vessel Had No Lookout on DeckLiner " Proceeds South. Dauntless Takes Tow to Port. PAN FRANCISCO. July 14. (Special.) An unusual collision unusual oe cause the weather was clear as a bell occurred off the heads early this morn ing, when the schooner Dauntless ana the North Pacific Company's liner Roanoke frame together. The Dauntless, a srreat gash in her starboard side extending 13 feet bmow the fore-rigging-, was towed into port STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Due t Arrlva. Name. From Date. Ron City San P?dro. . . . In port Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ...In port Geo- w. Elder. .San Ditto. ... In port Anvil Bandon July 1" Peaver San Pedro July 16 Isthmian Saltna Cruz. . July 19 Roanoke San Diego. .. .July 21 Fur Fan Pedro. .. .July 21 Nevadan. .... Saltna Cms. . July SO LrA 6al!na Crus Aug. IS Nebraskan Sallna Cms. . .Aug. 31 To Depart Far Name. Yal- . S. F to L. A.. July .San Pedro. ... July 13 IT 17 IT 21 23 24 2 X IT 23 Rose City Sue H. Elmorv. Tillamook. ...July Geo. W. Elder. -Ban Diego. .. .July Anvil. . .Bandon July Harvard. . . Beaver. ... Isthmian. . . Roanoke. . . Hear Nevdan. . - Lyra Nebraskan. .. .8. F. to L. A.. July ...San Pedro. .. .July .. Saltna Crus.. July ...Sao Diego. . . . July .. P.m Pedro. ...July . . Saline Cms. . -Aug. . . Sallna Crua. . .Aug. . . -Sailna Crus. . .Am. by the tug Sea Prince, which was sum moned to her assistance by the Roan oke's wireless operator. Both vessels went to sea late Satur day, ihe steamer bound for San Diego In command of Captain Purrington, and the schooner in command of Captain Peterson, destined for Grays Harbor where she was to load lumber for the E. K. Wood Company. The collision took place off the black buoy. Mate Ingram, of the schooner, who was on duty, says there was no lookout forward oa the eteamer. Great excitement prevailed among the liner' passengers, who were roused from sleep. but they were qulcklv calmed. Cap tain Peterson's wife and baby were on the Dauntless with him. After the accident the Roanoke con tinued her run south, whily the Daunt less cam In for repairs. MEX ARE TO BE REIMBURSED Government to 'Pay Crew of Man zanita for Losses. When the old lighthouse tender Man sanita. now the tug Daniel Kern, was wrecked five years ago 'by the dredge Columbia. vf Westport, all the officers and members of the crew lost the! personal belongings, as It took quick action to save even their lives, as the vessel sank within a few minutes, - To reimburse them for this loss an act of Congress became necessary, an the following letter with, reference to it has been received from Senator Chamberlain by each who suffered loss: "It affords me pleasure to ad vise you that the bill I Introduced to reimburse the officers and crew of the lighthouse tender Manxanlta for personal losses has been passed by both houses of Congress and became law July 3 by virtue of the President signature. It has been a difficult mat ter to accomplish and before it passe the House I took the subject up with each member of the committee to which It had been referred. I have no doubt that you will receive your money at an early date. TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED Shipping Men Given 60 Days to Put on Life Saving Equipment. The steamship inspection service a Washington has written the Portland Inspectors as follows as an addition to the regulations already promulgat ed: "Realizing the difficulty experi enced by the various steamship and steamboat companies in securing life boat and llferaft equipment to meet the amended rules, you are advised that the department has concluded that If 60 per cent of the required equipmen Is Installed on or before July SI, 1913, and the remaining 60 per cent within the next. 60 days It will be considered as a practical compliance with the rules. "it must be understood, however, that efforts to secure the equipment must not be relaxed, and the local In spectors will keep themselves informed a. to the continued Installation of the necessary equipment, and if they find in any instance that the efforts have become relaxed they immediately will take such steps as will be necessary to protect the public -and themselves." Schooner on Beach Refloated. SAN FRAXCISCO. July 14. The three-masted schooner Hugh Hogan, which drifted on the ocean beach here while becalmed early today, was floated tonight. She received only minor dam age. It took two tugs to dislodge and haul the vessel Into the open sea. The Hogan was bound for Bandon, Or., In ballast. Marine Notes. The motor schooner Tillamook sailed yesterday for Bandon with a general cargo. The steamer Alliance sailed for Coos Bay and Eureka last night with freight and passengers. The steam schooner Carlos arrived yesterday from California to load lum ber for a return. The oil tank steamer J. A. Chanslor arrived yesterday from California with a cargo of fuel oil. The steamer Sue H- Elmore arrived yesterday from Tillamook with a cargo of dairy products. The steamer Beaver sailed from San Francisco for Portland at 1 o'clock yes terday afternoon. The steamer George W. Elder arrived late last night from California ports with freight and passengers. The steamer Breakwater sailed yes terday morning for Coos Bay with Urge freight and passenger lists. The steamship River Forth was shifted yesterday from Westport to Prescott to continue taking on lumber. with a cargo of lumber from Westport for San Francisco, went to sea yester day. The oil tank steamer Asuncion, of ature. the Standard Oil Company, sailed yes- terday for California, after discharging her cargo of OIL , The battleship Oregon was reported as having passed Tatoosh Island at i o'clock yesterday afternoon on her way to Puget Sound. The schooner Commerce, which sailed several days ago from Port Gamble for Iqulque with a cargo of lumber, was reported to be off Cape Flattery yester day In a dangerous position, and that tugs had gone to her assistance. The steamer Francis H. Leggett sailed yesterday from Hoquiam for San Francisco with the disabled steam schooner Shoshone In tow. The latter disabled her tail shaft while attempting to cross out from there a few days ago with a cargo of lumber. The former British steamship Da- mara. which was wrecked in San Fran cisco harbor a few years ago, has been given an American registry by an act of Congress. Movements of Vessels. artorta. -lulv 14. Left uo-at 3 A. M.. steamer Elmore, from Tillamook. Sailed at 0:30 A. M., steamer Asuncion, for San Francisco. Sailed at 10:30. steamer Tilla mook, for Bandon. Arrived at 8 and left up at 10 A. M.. steamer J. S. Cbanslor, from San Francisco. San Francisco. July 14. saneq n a. TWO MEMBERS OF SWISS FEDERAL CABINET DIE WITHIN WEEK. J; i ... ssisiiiin,;,. , ' , tf W.jLA - i 1 Mare Rnehet, Chief of the De partment of tbe Interior, Who Died Saturday. A. C. Bigger. Swiss Consul for the district of Oregon, wasning ton and Idaho, was notified yesterday by telegrams from Washington of the death Saturday of Mere Ruchet. a member of the Swiss fed eral Cabinet and chief of the department of interior. Mr. Ruchet was born at Canton de Vaud, France. September 14, 1853. and had been a member of the Cabinet since 1900. He was greatly admired by the Swiss people in the United States who have watched his work in the Cabinet.' , This death was the se?ond in the Swiss "bundescrat, .or Cab inet, last week, Adolf Deucher, president of the Cabinet, having died last Wednesday. Notice of his death was also received by Mr. Bigger. M.. steamer Plefdea. for Portland: steamer Yellowstone, for Portland. Sailed at mid night, steamer Roanoke, for San Pedro. Ar rived at 8 A. M., steamer Aurelta. from Portland. San Francisco. July 13. Sailed at 3. P. M.. steamer Johan poulsen. for Portland. Arrived at 3 P. M.. steamer Fort Brass, from Portland. Point Arsruello. July 13 Passed at 3 A. M. lor raft from Columbia River. Ln Ancelea. July 14. Arrived Kentra. from Tacoma. Sailed Olympic, for Colum bia River. San Francisco. July 14. Arrived Steam ers Nann Smith, from Coos Bay: Aurella. from Columbia River; Daisy Mitchell, from Grays Harbor: President, from Seattle. De parted steamers Yellowstone, for Astoria: Hardy, for Coos Bay. Seattle. July 14. Arrived Steamers Mar iposa, from Southwestern Alaska: Buckman. from San Francisco: Prince George, from Prince Rupert: Dolphin, from Southeastern Alaska; Seward, from Tacoma: Charles Nel son, from San Francisco: Chicago Mara, from Tacoma; C. S. T. Sheridan, from Nome. siljri Kfamra Tiverton, for Port Lud low; Dlrlgo. for Southeaatern Alaska: Edith. for San Francisco; prince George, tot rnn Rupert: Cordova, for boutn eastern Aiasaa. Colombia River Bar Report. ASTORIA. Or.. July 14. Condition at the mouth of the river at a p. M., smooth; wind, northwest. 20' miles; weather, clear. Tides at Astoria Monday. High. Low. 0:37 A. M .5 feet'T:44 A. M 1.5 t't 2:09 P. M 7.5 feet T:4 P. M 3.2 feet Pe EI I to Purchase School Site. CENTRALIA. Wash., July 14. (Spe cial.) A school election will be held in Pe Ell July 20 for tho purpose of vot ing on the question of purchasing i school rite. Two sites are under con sideration, one for S750 and one for S3000. DAILV METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. July 14. Maximum temper ature. && degrees; minimum, 58 degrees. River reading lit A. M., 11.4 feet: change in last 24 nours, n.s root ran. Total rainfall i .I P. M. to S P. M.. none: total rainfall since September 1, 1911, 34.91 Inches: nor mal rainfall since September 1. 44.27 inches deficiency of rainfall since September 1. lull. ..! Inches. Total sunshine July 14. 15 hours. 23 minutes: noaslble runshlne. lfi hours. 2. minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) et S P. M.. 30.1O inches. THE WEATHER STATIONS. 8tats of Weather -I- Baker BoiEe Boston .......... 7 n.ndl s NW Clear o o.oo 12 W Pt. cloudy 82-0. OO 14 SW jCloudy 72 O.oo in SW Pt. cloudy Calgary Chicago Colfax Denver BO-o.ooiiss tiear 7K0.00;..'S Clear 82 2.0S!10N Rain PS 0.00 24 SW Clear 74 0.S4 40 W Cloudy R6 0.00 UN JClear RS'O.OOIO'S Clear to '0. 02-12 W 'Clear Dea Moines Duluth Eureka .......... Galveston Helena Jacksonville Kansas City Klamath Falls. . . '0.on 4 N !Pt. cloudy (KI0.lm'12S IClear 83 0.001 4 NW Clear 84,0.00, 8 S Clear fig O.OO' . .j. . . .Clear 94 0.00' 4 NE JClear SitO.21 in SW (Clear Los Angelas j Marshfleld I usoiora Montreal New Orleans... f2 ft n4 UN Pt. cloudy New York , .1 M 0. 1 6 sw cloudy .. 2 O.flO 2:NW,Clear North Head North Yakima. Portland V.tli 1.' .-N iiear 8S0.001 4N Clear 92 3.112 S Clear $ 0.00 24!NWCloudy -82 0.00; 8 NW Clear H O.OO 18 W IClear 80 0.00, 4 SW)Clear H2 0.0O 4 NW'Clear 8BO.00' 4 E !ciear Roseburr St. Louis St. Paul Salt Lake San Francisco. Spokane Tatooah Island. Walla Walla... Winnipeg .f 66 0.60 24 NW Pt. cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. AS area of high barometric cressure over lies the Pacific Northwest, the northern Rorkv Mountains eentral olateau and Northern Plains States. The pressure Is high also over the Appalachian Highland. A disturbance of considerable energy Is can- ral over Iowa. Within the last 24 nours llaht rains have fallen In Northwestern Washington. Northern Idaho. Montana. Al berta. Saskatchewan, the Tlakotaa. wyom Ing. Utah. Illinois. Ohio, Tennessee. Louis- lata. South Carolina- New Vork. Maine and the British Province of Quebec, moderately heavy rains in Minnesota and Manuooa. and heavy rains In Colorado. Missouri and the District of Columbia. Thunder storms occurred in Colorado. Minnesota. Fennsyi va.iia and New York. The weather la cooler n the northern Plains Statea. Minneaota ana tie district or Columbia and it is warmer In Western Canada, on the Pacific Slope generally, in the Rocky Mountain and Basin Statea Iowa and the lakes region. High Inds occurred In Colorado and Minnesota. The conditions are favorable for generally fair weather Monday In thla district. Tem perature changes will. In general, he unim portant, and winds will be mostly north westerly. rvKECABTS. Portland and vicinity Fair and continued inn: northweeterlv winds. Oregon and Wsshlngton Fair: not much chang In temperature; northweaterly winds. Idaho Fair; not much cnange in temper Actlna- District Forecaster. IDAHO GETS BIG PLANT WEYERHAEUSERS TO SPEND A - FORTUNE AT 3IONTOTJR. Contract for State Timber Which Has Run Ten Years Requires Chit ting of Vast Acreage Soon. BOISE. Idaho. July 15. In order to handle the millions of feet of th best timber that stands in the West the Wyerhaeuser syndicate has decided to construct one or the largest lum ber mills In the Northwest and sev eral factories at Montour. t?, pro Dosed new county seat of Boise Coun ty. Western Idaho. This syndicate will begin work within 60 days on the new mill, and by-product factories. Be tween $200,000 and $300,000 will be ex pended in installing the buildings. Several hundred men will be employsd In the operation and when mill an factories are running full blast It is Adolf Deaeher. President of the ' Cabinet, Who Died Last Wednes day. believed 5000 people will be employed In and around Montour. There Is no finer timber in the North west than that growing on the upper stretches of the Payette River. It is ideal for the manufacture of the best quality of lumber. There is also i large body of fir that is useful for di menslon lumber and some tamarack and cedar. The Weyerhaeuser syndi cate through the Payette Lumber Com pany. has a 20-year contract with the state on the timber lands and as over 10 years of this contract has expired it has been found imperative that some thing be done to remove the standing timber. '. The new town of Montour Is located about 50 miles south of the timber belt. It has an ideal location and Is on the extension of the railway and the Payette River. The establishment of the mills there will lay. It is be lieved, the foundation for one of the most promising new cities founded in this state. Already Montour is Dia ding for the county seat of Boise County, which is located high in the mountains at Idaho city. At the gen eral election next Fall the electors of Boise County will vote on the Issue of removing the county seat from Idaho City to Montour. The establishment of the big mills at the latter place is used as a strong argument in favor of Montour. E. H. Dewey, Mayor of Nampa. And president of the railway company, is sponsor for the new town and doing a great deal towards the .develop ment of the resources of Boise Coun ty. - Temperance Workers Meet at Doty. CENTRALIA. Wash.. July 14. (Spe cial.) The Woman's Christian Temper ance Union held an Institute in Doty yesterday, prominent members of the organization being present. The same members will address an Institute to be held at Little Falls Tuesday. Veness Would Go to State Senate. CENTRALIA. Wash.. July 14. (Spe ctal.) J. A. Veness, a prominent mill owner of Wlnlock, has announced his candidacy for the office of State Sena tor from this district. His only oppo nent to date Is J. E. Leonard, of Che- halts, at present Representative from thl district. Women who bear children and re main healthy are those who prepare their systems In advance of baby's coming. Unless the mother aids nature In its pre-natal work the crisis finds her system unequal to the de mands made npon It, and she Is often left with weakened health or chronic ailments. No remedy Is so truly a help to nature as Mother's Friend. It relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the ligaments. makes pliant those fibres and muscles which nature Is expanding, and soothes th9 Inflammation of breast glands. Mother's Friend assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother, TTtfllav AaV and she Is left a IKGIilCPS neaitny woman to enjoy the rear- jfFIUXXIl ing or ner child. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. BEAD FIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlaata. Ca. NEW RATES HOTEL EUMftAN PERKINS WITH BATH P0RTUND.0RE sm DAY UP fflTHXHCAATOf THtOTT wmiotfTMTh$i:iUP AMUSEMENTS. POPI LAR PRICES BUMMER SEASON. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor Phones, Main 1. A 1122. TONIGHTK CATHRINE -. COUNTISS SUPPORTED BY SYDNEY AYKES In Henry Bernstein's Play, THE THIEF." Evening- pricee:-Lower floor 75o, 50c; balcony 50c, 35c. 2uc; gallery 3-'c, 25c Wednesday matinee, any seat 25c. Sat urday matinee, 50c, 25c BAKER Theater HILLARY MARTIN'S SENSATIONAL MOTION PICTURES. White Slave Traffic Exposed With vivid lecture and slides. ALL THIS WEEK AFTERNNONS AT 1:80 AND 3, EVENINGS, AT :80, 8 AND :80. Admission 25c. Children 15c. THE MORAL SENSATION OF' THE AGE. MAIN . A I0S9 MATINEE EVERY DAY MAT. 150 2KO Me I NFGHTSl 15c. too. 60c. TV WKKK JULY Iff .Mrs. Louis James in Homing m Hnnbaml." Maiwaente Haney, iTh. T .. .4 : .. 1 .4 . . " . T I .. f..Mlw FAnr Cycling Yernnns, Paoflne Moran. Dare Broth- era, raul PlL-tnree. and. Manuion Stoue, Orchestra, Matinee Every Day. Kiilllvan A ronsidlne Refined Vaudeville WEEK jrCLY'15. SI'ECLVL SUMMER PRICES Nights . 10 and 20c Matinees Any Seat 10c Cuckoo and Laura, Euxaoein &enneuy anu Anna Mack Berleln, Harry Ha ward ft Co., Princeton and Yale. Bisters Llndon, Bert Cutler, Orchestra, Pictures. WEEK JULY ' Iff Fred Ireland and His Dajiflno- atlDA fiirla. Rotislev and Nichols. Wood's Animal Actors. El Barto. Four Fly- lmr Valentines. Pantajrescope, Iantaes Or- hMtraA Pnnnlar nHiM., rtf flOs ODe!. 10 a. m. to io p. . Boxes and first row dm- nnv mMTvnl. fhnnM! A 223S. Main 4636. cony reserved. Pbonee: A 2236. Main 4636. l urtatn Z:30, 7:is and B. feOAKS PORTLAND'S GREAT AMUSE MENT PARK. Blf Bill of Free. Outdoor Attractions j, Klnff Pharaoh The world famous horse. Every afternoon and evening. I Lady UWrirston The ikatinff bear J In free performances on the band- V stand. New stunts. Every afternoon and evening:. - Oaks Park Band Delightful coji- cerfs that attract all every evening. - Punch and Judy A capital little f entertainment for tha youngsters. jj .:..2....:..:....:.....4..4 DIED. . CHAPMAN Mr. Katharine Chapman. Sun day night, at the home of ner sister, Mrs. George Mandigo. at North Bend. Or. Mrs. Chapman -eras a sister-in-law of Fred A. Kriba. of Portland, Or. The remains will be brought to this city for Interment, ac comDanled by Mr. Krlbs and other rela tives, via the steamer Breakwater, due next Wednesday. Funeral announcement I will be made later. Constantlne, Mich., papers please copy. CARl'THERS July 14, at 805 E. 10th N., Llllle carutners. agea as years, a momns, 10 days, beloved wife of J. E. Caruthers. Remains at A. R. Zeller Co.'s parlors. o!4 WHUame ava. Funeral announcement later. FUNERAL NOTICES. HOPPING AMER July 1J. at the residence. 82d and Millard avenue, Preston . Hop pingamer, aged 76 years. Funersl serv ices will be held at the above residence today t Monday, at 3 P. M. Friends re spectfully Invited. Interment at Mult nomah Cemetery. The deceased was a member of the G. A. R. SOMMERS July . 14. Herman Sommers, aged 62 years, beloved husband of Hanna Kommera. Funeral services win be neia at the residence. 17 E. 80th street, to day (Monday), at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment in the Ahaval Sholom Cemetery. Please omit flowers. GARDNER The funeral services of the late Elisabeth Gardner will be held at Hol man'a funeral parlors at 10 A. M. today (Monday). Friends Invited. Interment River View Cemetery. Services at the grave private. CARUTHER8 The funeral of the late Mrs. Llllle Caruthers. 805 E. 10th st. N., will be held from Zeller Company's chapel at 2 P. M. Interment Mt. Scott Park Ceme tery. MONUMENTS Otto Schumann Ma Works. East Sd and Pine sts. East 142. Ola MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading fu neral director and undertaker. 20 Third at, I cor, salmon. Lady assisian. Dunning a HcEntee, Funeral Directors, 1th and Pine. Phone Main 480. Lady at- ceoaanc uinee oi onniy coroner. A. R. ZELLER CO., S9X-4 Williams ava Phone un lues. V loss. Laay attendant. J. P. FINLEV A 60N. 3d and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main 9, A 151)9. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, suooessors to F. 8. Dunning, Inc., It 68. B 2525. LERCH. Undertaker, cor. East Alder aad Sixth. Eaat 181. B 1888. Lady attendant. eKWE8 COMPANY. 8d and Clay. 4152. A 2821. Lady attendant. CEMETERY Beautiful MOUNT SCOTT PARK LARGE, PERMANENT, MODERN. PORT LAND'S ONLY MODERN CEMETERY WITH ' . PERPETUAL CARS of all burial plots without extra charge. Provided with a perma nent Irreducible Maintenance Fund. Location ideal; just out side the city limits on north and west slopes of Mount Scott, containing- 335 acres, equipped with every modern convenience. PRICES TO SUIT ALL. SERVICE THE BEST, s ONE MILE SOUTH OF LENTS. REGULAR AUTOMOBILE SERV ICE FREE BETWEEN IEKTS AND THE CEMETERY. It il II CITY OFFICE. 920-821 TKON BUILDING. MAIN 226. A 7088. CEMETERY OFFICE. TABOR 146S; HOME PHONE RING B till. THEN CALX. LOCAL 4301. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE 175 MADISON STREET. Phones Main 688. A Toe. Horse Ambnlaaee Phone Marshall SOD. I Refer All Casea of Cruelty to This I Office. Opts Day aad Nlakt. 2S . ( STAGES MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 18. R. A. M. Called convocation this (Monday) evening, at Ma sonic Hall. East 8th and Burnside, at T:30 o'clock. M. M. degree. Visiting companions, welcome. By order E. H. P. J. E. MARTIN. Sec. COSMOPOLITAN IIDRt! NO. " 1 0ft K of P. Maeta every Monday night at the S. W. corner First and Alder, third floor. H. F. HIMER, K. of R. S. CAMEXJA CHAPTER, O. E. S. Social. Members and friends in vited. 50O." ' - AUCTION SALES TODAY. ' At Wilson's Auction. House, at 10 A. M. Turniture. 171-8-5 Second street. At Baker's Auction House. 166-168 Park St., furniture, etc. Sale at 10 A. M. NEW TODAY. SHERMAN COUNTY wheat land is making fortunes for its owners. $20.00 per acre will take a fine 1500-acre farm, on good terms, See us about it. MOODY LAND COMPANY, . 1016 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' Main 87. 193 Acres Finest Tillamook Dairy Land For sale by Its owner. This is the long-famous Elmore ranch; Joins Sea port Addition to Tillamook City; ' Is most beautiful site on river and bay; paradise for hunting .and fishing; 160 acres entirely free of stumps and in superb meadow. EASY TERMS. j, jf. HA THAW AV, Tillamook, Oregon. Mortgage Loans 50,000 and Over om CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY. LOWEST CURRENT RATES. VVM. MA CM AS TER T01 Corbet Bldg. Private Money on Hand TO LOAN Xo Delay Suns of 11000 nnA unwnrdM. Wpst niort gages Bought ana sold. COMMERCIAL REALTY CO, 801 Lewis Building; 10 acres, right on county road, near Cap ital Hill, and close to Oregon Electric line. A splendid platting proposition. See Owner, 74 First Street llfATITr XT' T f fiTC1 1Y1 W XV. X VXTVVjJLrf XJW'.i O ijn trrst-class unproved city property, I - J IT IT J . a to 7 per cent. Farm Loans. A. H. BEREELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS VLOJ JOHN E. CRONAN, HOI - I O ooa Spaldlna; Bids;. O COLLIS. BERRIDGE A THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS 134 Worcester Block. Phone Main 8587 REAL ESTATE HEALERS. BRUBAKER bide. If. 049. BENEDICT, B02 McKay Beck, William O 815-318 Falllnr bids. Chapin ft Herlo. 832 Chamber of Commarca Jennlnas & Co. Main 188. 206 Orecontan. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P. 404-403-40t Wilcox bids. the Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand are, at Multnot&an st. (Holladay Addition. RSAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. COUNCIL CREST DRIVE LOT, 1-1.100. 100x100. facing east, good view this price Includes improvements, all In and paid for; let us show this to you terms given. See Mr. Jones. OOWE.V-IDE TRUST COMPANT, No. 2 Lumbermen's Bldg., - Ground Floor BARGAIN IN DANDY LOT. Lot 21, block 11, Westmoreland, two blocks from car; real value SioOQ; owner needs money, will sacrifice Tor sto If sold at once; some terms. See my agent, R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC... 1005-1006 Wilcox Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Magnificent site of 7 lota, suitable for I or more palatial homes; about a block from Alnsworth School; grand, unob- structible view of city. S12.s00. Thla la about half market value. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 3839. I handle PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Both high-class and chean . Drooertr. and I have the bargains In this district; If you want to buy to advantage on Port - land Heights you will have to see me. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 3889. LOTS FOR SALE 7xl00 northwest corner East 6th and Holman sts., S1350. down and $20 per month. Interest T per cent. 50x100 adjoining north line of above lot. SU50, 925 down and so per month. Interest 7 per cent. Owner. C 226.. Ore. gonian. 60x100, E. 11TH AND THOMPSON. A fine lot on Thompson, near East 11th price $2750, aome terms. This la a fine lot to build a nice home on. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $10 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit treee, re stricted district, near car, cement walk and curb. Bull Run water. Provident - Trust Company, second floor Selling bldg. Main 1800, A-6261. BEAUTIFUL view lot on southern slope near Council-Crest $650 and up. includ ing cement sidewalks, curbs, graded street and water; building restrictions; sold on easy terma. Provident Trust Company, 2d floor Soiling bldg. Main 1800. A-6261. LOTS $10 down and $10 per mo,; all im provements paid; Bull Run water, cement sidewalks.' etc; no Int., no taxes and in fine locality; 5c fare. Particulars N 22S, Oregonlan. - MUST BE SOLD. SO lots. Alberta district, at a price that will aurprlse you. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANT. 404 Yeon Bldg. BEAUTIFUL valley view lots, with fruit trees, on west side, sidewalk and water paid; 20 minutes from postofflce; $375 up. Provident Trust Co., second floor Selling bldg. Phone Main 1800. A-6261. 1 $10 DOWN. $1 WEEK THIS BEATS IT. aiy quarter diock, prive o.to, central East Side, adjoining fins homes, 5c fare; you get deed and no more to pay for 0 years. Write owner. Z14. uregonian. IF vou wish to buy or sell In the Irving- ton district, see us. we nave lots in mis district as low as $o0 on easy terms. J. J. Cahalin. 24th and Klickitat. ONE of the best lots In Alsmeda Park for sale by owner; price sibdu, including oita- ulltie pavement ana an otner improve, menu Calt Woodlawn 1492. $10 CASH. $1 week My beautiful level lot. leea college uiBinui, itiga tii.ue .rses, without Interest or taxes: must sell. Write owner, P 207, Oregonlan. FOUR sightly lOfts on boulevard, beautiful view oi river ana city, iu minutes wai to new Broadway bridge; a bargain at $4000. A. R. Zeller. 592 Williams ave. irvikgton snao. 60x100 lot. on cariine fine neighborhood: $1300, terms. 8. de la Mer, 80S cnamoer ox commerce. Mar shall 668. LOT on East 26th st, near Holgate, four blocks from cariine; Improvements In. sidewalk paid for; $450 cash. Telephone Main 3308. MUST have money: will sacrifice my two lots In Westmoreland; tney are wen io cs ced K 183. Oregonlan. LOT. Portland Heights, near Patton Road. $560. snap. jos. Stearns, z naanington bldg. INVEST IN IRVINGTON. Lots on very easy terms. Phone East 1796 or Marshall 502. LE NOIR A CO. Dealers in West Side property. $$6-7-9 Chamber of Commercs Bids. REAL ESTATE. Beach Property. . NORTH BEACH. S1230 House, T rooms, with complet outfit of furniture, four lots. 100x200 ft. facing ocean; splendid location; a posi tive Dargatn. 35000 32 acres, fine ocean frontag' front hair A-l lot property; back half cranberry land. ... SiO.000 Finest tract on whole beach, comprising 2oO acres on ocean front about two-thirds ideal cranberry marsh. Apply owner, 810 Ch. of Com. Phone Marshall 1585. BEACH home. Gear hart; Dr. Holt's fur mshed cottage: west side of Ocean overlooking sea. sixth house south of Hotel Gearhart; aeven rooms and bath, hot and - cold water, sewer connection, electric - lights, bulkheaded, graded and sodded : choice location. Dr. John M. Holt, Gear nart, Oregon. GARIBALDI BEACH New five-room bu galow; fireplace, patent closet; get bargain" : ladlea can bathe in surf lake: men folk enjoy good duck shooting coma to Ocean Lake; must be sold this week. Owner. Dr. Swain. - BEAUTIFUL block of 8 lots at Bayocean all or singly, at half price, easy terms. uwntr, aa Worcester blag. For Sale Houses. FORCED TO SACRIFICE HOME. PARTY BUYING MY FINE 6-ROOM HOME IN ROSE CITY PARK FAILED TO MAKE PAYMENTS: WILL BE IN PORTLAND A FEW DAYS ONLY TO RE SELL; HOME IS STRICTLY MODERN AND HAS FINE VIEW OF CITY AND MOUNTAINS; NO REASONABLE PRICE OR TciKUS REFUSE!. SEE THIS !- DAY. MR. PRICE. TABOR 2838. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. This Is an extraordinary home; large - living room, with Imported tile fireplace, large enougn to bold a real tui log hardwood floors extending through th dining-room coved ceilings, all woodworl done in 5-coat enamel work; every de tail la nerfect and the situation is a ge: of a lot In Laurelhurst. Portland's most exclusive residence district; win taae goad niece of real estate as Dart pay ment on the house. Call for particulars at 414 Spalding bldg. MR. LOT OWNER. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE- IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST, PLANS FURNISHED FREE IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AN TALK THIS OVER J. 8. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, HENRY BLDG. Ri:il,n ON YOT7R VACANT LOT. TI7RV THE R1TRDES INTO INCOME. WE FURNISH PLANS. FINANCE AND Rl-TT.n APARTMENT OR RESIDENT AT LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND. SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE YOU MAKE PLANS; IT WILL PAY lOU. L. R. BAILEY CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLDG. S7000. Vf no Q.rnnm hnilM .MI, In. WSlkln distance; more than full lot: hardwo floors, furnace, fireplace, paneled dining room and den. larae sleeping-porch, ga rage, beautiful rosea; very easy terms can be arranged. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main 8899. A 2(153. S750 WILL BUY new, modern bungalow on alghtly lot. Just 20 minutes from tne center or t-oniana, on good cariine; this Is oeaulirui prop erty, anyone desiring a home can get thl; for a small payment down and easy monthly Installments. See owner at 414 Spalding bldg., corner 3d and Wasningto sts. IRV1NOTON DUTCH COLONIAL. We have a beautiful home built less than a year; finished in wnite enamel anu mahogany, not water neat, garage, sun room, in fact everything to be desired one block from Irvlngton Club; terms can be arranged. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. 86S9. A 353. HAWTHORN E DISTRICT, BARGAIN. A rnoma newlv DaDered and painted on corner lot. 22 minutes' ride on UHtn street. This house must be sold so investi gate at once. Fries sawu. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY. 404 Yeon Bldg. BUILD FOR YOU. $1000 BUILDS 6-ROOM HOME. 5 or 8 rooms, built to suit you, on your own selected lot anywhere; 1UO Deautllul attractive homes to look at; planning, financing, talk with Mr. Wilson, terms as low as 115 per month. National Realty A Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce. I7O0 SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW $700. Fln. modern, ft-room buncalow. with furnace, fireplace and all latest built-in r.fl-orts on corner lot. 50x102. on East 18th street, near Alberta; price a snap, only $o200. $700 cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 31S Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. LOOK, 6-room new cottage, half block from car, full concrete basement, xurnace, wash trava. wood lift, fireplace, best of bath plumbing: all for $2000. all or half cash; this place Is worth $3000, but owner is leaving; taKe tne juomu ocuu B on at uiiiara ave. ana In drug store. Phone Tabor 2312, THTNOALOW FOR SALE. Beautiful 6-room modern bungalow, full cement basement, artistic combination light fixtures, large fireplace, built-in buf fet and book cases, oak floors, bath; this Is an Ideal home: 60x100 lot. 64th and Sandy road. 150 feet south of boulevard; .1500; terms. Owner, phone Main 6817; Woodlawn 2271. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Fine new aeven-room bungalow, built fnr n home:' furnace, tile flrenlace. hard wood floors, sleeping porch, Sheffield flx- turea. shades, garage: all for what It actuallv cost me. $4950: ride out and see it. 1177 E. Davis near E. 39th, or phone East 62. MUST BE SOLD. WITHIN 10 DAYS. I have a 6-room -modern cottage within two blocks of four different carllnes: im provements all In and paid for; good barn that can be used as a garage; price with in your reach and good easy terma Call Main 7750. Mr. Russell. BARGAIN. Alameda Park. 6 rooms, furnace, ce ment basement, fireplace, built-in buffet, beam cellinga. up to date and modern; value $4750; our price and terms will sur prise you; must be sold at once. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST CO., 404 Yeon Bldg. RARE BARGAIN, from owner, elegant 11- room irvlngton nome, uxiw-ioot corner, East 10th and Brazee; cost $10,500;. sell $7500; terms; no incumbrance; improve ments in and paid for; no trades. Phone East 0385. LOOK HERE. Pretty modern new cottage with garage, etc. close in. value $2600; first mortgage $1400 three yeara, second mortgage $301), 6 months; pay me $300 quick for deed. AP 182, Oregonlan FOR SALE Eight-room house, 34x40, full cement Dasement, Dum-in conveniences, full-sise lot. with privilege of buying ad joining lot; two blocks from cariine; ono block from Peninsula Park; terma P 2u9, Oregonlan TAYLOR BUILDING COMPANY BUILD AS YOU LIKE, WHERE YOU LIKE; FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AND GUARANTEE THIS WORK. 202 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. FOR SALE Modern 6-room bungalow. 3 blocks from canine; nne lawn ana roses; price $2500; $100 down, balance monthly payments. lake wooaiawn car ana call at 1438 Rodney ave. A GOOD CHICKEN RANCH. On the East Side, in city limits, on good cariine; good five-room house; small cash payment and small monthly Installments. Main i I Ol.. n, in. ivinrr. $1500 LAURELHURST EQUITY $750. Must dlsDose of my eauity in new Aeven room home: balance of $4000 on terms. See this Immediately. Phones Main 2202 or East 62. THIS IS A DANDY BUY. MODERN S-room bungalow. No. 3 E. 72d at. .In Mt. Villa in Cuthill Add. Prlco $2300. See owner. Main 3691, 529 Henry bldg. will sell modern 8-room residence on AI berta st., near jercerson nign bcnooi; make your own terms, owner, bob Wil cox bldg. IRVINGTON OUR SPECIALTY. DESIRABLE HOMES, SIGHTLY LOTS. NEUHAUSEN A CO., 703 LEWIS BLDG. 4TH AND OAK STS. MAIN 8078. $000 Neat little nouse or two rooms, on two full-sized lots; convenient to car; I must sell; easy terms If desired. AK 215, Oregoniam FOR sale or trade. 6-room modern house, full basement, lot 60x180. fruit and ber ries, $1000 down, balance long time at 6 per cent, r-none -taoor ztfiz. VERY CHEAP. Broadway home; fine; worth nearly double; also several lots. Ring up Ease 273. C 1866. W. H. Herdman. FOR SALE Pretty 6-room modern cottage, partly furnished, fruit and flowers; two blocks from end of Woodlawn car. 1444 Fern st. SUNNYSIDE bungalow; everything modern. Fruit. 1206 East Taylor. Owner. Phone Tabor 2650. SUNNYSIDE home of 6 rooms, 50x100 lot; furniture If desired. Call 1079 E. Morrison st.. near 35th. TWO-ROOM, house; lot 50x105. Price $385; $10O casn, Daiance o per monin. A-none labor 1430. Ask for Beard. 6-ROOM house: will take lot part payment. 836 Kugenc si. ; warning aiaiance. IN Irvlngton; new modern 6-room house. Eaat 5463. FOR FINE HOMES Ess Delahunt- REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. 6-room house, new, modern, 200 feet t4 ear; lot 50x100; close In; excellent neigh borhood: $3750.00. Easy terms. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, bungalow style; Just completed. All bullt-ln con veniences snd strictly up-to-date. East front. 200 feet to car. In LauralhursU 45230.00. Terms to suit. 8 rooms and sloeping porch, new, dounla construction, excellent finish, beamed and paneled dining-room, fireplace. furnarj and all built-in conveniences, plastered basement: fruit and vegetable rooms. Two large rooms can be finished on third floor. $3800.00. Small cash payment. 6-room bungalow, modern, all built In conveniences, furnace, fireplace, three blocks from car, near fireproof school; gas. electricity: street Improvements paid; excellent view, corner. $3350.00; $200 cash. 6-room bungalow, thoroughly modern; all built-in effects; fireplace, near school; city and mountain view; street improve ments paid; restricted district; threa blocks to car. 13150.00. Terms. 4 rooms In excellent suburb, restrictions; built-in conveniences; large rooms, fire place, electric fixtures and tinting Includ ed in price $2JU0.O0. 3-room house, lot 100x185. West 81d. within three mile circle, three blocks to car. 15 minutes from posioftice: shade trees, fine soil. $1500.00; small cash pay ment down. 5 rooms and bath, corner lot 100x100; fine view of Tualatin Valley. West Side, two blocks to car; 15 minutes to post orftce. Walks, graded streets and water. $2200.00. $200 cash will handle It; bal ance Ilka rent. PROVIDENT TRUST CO. Second Floor Selling Bldg. Main 1800: A-6261. "LA CASA LOMA," $11,000. "THE HOUSE ON THE HILL." This Is a 7-room bungalow. In a claas by Itself, being one of the famous "Ander son bungalows." located on 1 lots on Council Crest, with unobstructed view. Living-room ICx24. in ivory enamel, pa pered In old EnRllsh oatmeal paper; fire place, grubby tile, cut glass electric fix tures, scenic balcony out of same gives unobstructed view of city and mountalna: dining-room. 16x16. ebony black, papered In German yellow, light fixtures hammered brass. Tiffany globus, buffet ebony with Jlate glass doors and shelves: kitchen 12x 2, right up to the minute. Den 10x14, Is of the Gothic period, brick fireplace, leather wall covering below bric-a-brac shelf, over whtrh is a series of Reming ton Indian frler.es. Fixtures and real Gothic with massive chains; from thla room is hall and stairway leading to for mal garden, consisting of pergola and fountain. There are 3 bedrooms leading from hall, done In white enamel, with artistic wall coverings. Exterior is the low, rambling, true bungalow effect so popular In South ern California. Photos at office. Can ar range terms. Fred V. German. 436 Cham ber of Commerce. Main C445. 6451. BUNGALOW. 6 LARGE ROOMS. TERMS. TERMS Owner has moved to Canada and hat left Instructions for the sale of this hand some new home in highly restricted resi dence distrlrt; largo living-room length of - entire house; very beautiful bullt-ln features; Interior handsomely decorated; elaborate lighting fixtures: fine furnace and every modern convenience; ports chochere entrance; no bungalow In thlf city is like tliia in design; exceptionally well built; all assessments paid: only one block from car. See thla at once. Tabor 30S9. $6S50 BEAUTIFUTj HOME 'IN LAUD'S ADDITION. 7-room new, modern house, near two carlines, finished in the best and latest style throughout: all rooms are large and well lighted; beautiful rose park across the street: all Improvements are In and In eluded in this cut price on account of a death In the famllv. House has never been occupied. Call Main (1444. SLAl-SON-CRAIG CO., .1114 Oak St., Near !th. YOU HOME.tEKKEH. If you are looking for a nice little home In a good school town, with publlr, hish and normal rchoolb, here fs the place; good houtte. with barn and 2 larce lots; select part of town: price $2750.' I also have home In same town, with good house, barn, 2 acres, with fruit; this place is a bargain for the money; $1000 cah for quick sale. Look -these up if you are a bargain-seeker. Particulars AE 173, Oregonlan. RESIDENCE BARGAIN. One of the best., up-to-date, modern, double-constructed 7-room houses In Irv lngton; lot 50x100: paved streets, etc; $6000, easv terms. See It. WHITMEB-XELLY CO.; Main 100S. 70 4th Pt. A 10"'. HAWTHORNE SACRIFICE. New 7-room house, ijlenn ave.; veran da, reception hall, large living and din ing rooms, beautiful buffet, shades, fix tures, 'den. bookcases, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, pantry. 3 large bedrooms, bath room. 2 sleeping porches, large basement, 60x100 lot. bearing fruit trees; $3800, $3o0 cash. Phone owner. Tabor 4R0. OWNER MUST SACRIFICE. A beautiful home on the Willamette River; can be bought at a real bargain and on easv terms; 40 minutes on the Oregon Electric; house nearly new, seven rooms: about one acre; fine vlewslts; price $50o0. R 213. Oregonlan. LAPDS ADDITION, a-mom dwelling, modern, easy terms Improvements paid; will consider vacant lot rart oavme'-u dibwi. i-nuim duu- wood 82fl. FOR SALE By owner. 6-room up-to-dst bungalow: has oeen duili - years; ma and roses all In; no reasonable offer re fused: must be all cash. AM 20S. Ore ponian. OH SALE Monthly payments, iikb rent. room house, lour lols, plenty irun. gar den, cow barn, etc.: near ht. Johns car line; price reasonable. Phone Main 11.3. UNGALOW, 1120 E. Market, below cost; Owner. 655 Flanders. must sell: terms. For Sale Business Property. GOOD business corner, inoxloo at Baker City; Income now ;u i'r iiiuuin. mh can be doubled with little improvement; hard-surface streets, cement sidewalks, opposite $120,000 Courthouse. 1 block from high school: will sell or trade; Improved Irvlngton property preferred; price swuim. A H -v.el er ff- imam w East lilSS, C'lUbS. For Sale -Acreage. FOUR 5-acre tracts CJ0 acres in all) choice upland equal iw u"i e----- soil In Multnomah county, tocaieo nrr Troutdale. 3 b miles from Gresham, 1W ,. . pi.,.ni Home, close to Scenic statlon on the Mt. Hood Railway, reached also by Base Line. Section Line and Pow el Valley roads, stone surfaced all the ws-y. only a mile from Automobile Club grounds and about a mile west of Sandy River; about 2000 cords best fir and maple atand Ing timber, plenty of cedar for fencing. j ,l.h nhncolnle soil. no TOCk OX gravel, mostly southern slope: price $3000; terms $100 cash, balance $20 per month: will bring $1000 pet- acre In 5 years- If cleared. We are the owners. FIKl.ANUM i tu,i w., 716-720 Spalding Bldg. FIVE-ACRE tracts down the riv er on West Side. 2Mi miles back from Willamette River; the heavy Industrial development is down the river; this may be had at $2"0 per acre on payment plan; this will make you rich in five years. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3300. 80-ACRE tract at Carson. Wash.; an Ideal home or chicken ranch. H mile from R. R station, hi mile from boat landing, H mile to postofflce. 2 miles to St. Martin or Shepherd Mineral Springs; will sell or trade- price $35110; on main county road. A R Zeller, 502 Williams ave. Phone East 10HH, C 10S8. CHICKEN AND FI1UIT RANCH. near Portland; a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices best soil, fine view, wood, water and roads; acres. $400 per tract; 10-A.. $500; 20 A.. S00; 40 A.. $1200; 80 A.. $000; 160 A.. $3000; liberal terms. FRANK M' FA P LAND REALTY CO., 809 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. THINK OF IT. 10 acres at Gresham, half under cul tivation, balance easliy ck-sred; running water, excelent soil: close tb two-story schoo'house; only want 10 per cent down. balance moniniy. quaneii.v, ,r.iii-(iuut- ly. First State Bunk. Gresham, Or. YOU WANT a picturesque Summer home with running water; a small farm, an acre or two for chickens. $200 and up, easy terms, choice acreage, close to Port land on electrlo cariine, phone, school, store etc J. W. Hcfferlln. 367 Railway Exchange. Main 1248. 17 ACRES near Beaverton. 16 cleared, 2 blocks from car station and running water; only $300 per acre; terms. Owner, Jamas Wilson, Boring. Or., route 1. MT. TABOR screage adjoining City Park; highly Improved, beautiful view.' bung alow, xrult, near nara-suriace ana car; take part trade. Owner, AS 211. Ore gonlan. $10 DOWN. 8.1x250 $600. $8 monthly, 30 minutes out. cleared, level, sightly, rich black soil. Marsters, 202 Wil cox bldg. 6 ACRES of the finest and most sightly land on ths famous uase Line road. Just beyond 12-mlle roadhouse; pries $1976; terms. Phone Tabor S3. 5 ACRES in cultivation with a Main st. frontaga or bn it. rour mocks from station. For sale cheap by owner. J, R. Pitman, Clackamas. Oregon. $42.50 PER ACRE buys well-improved stock ranch, or win traae lor unincumoerea cu property. AD 209, Oregonlan. JTl 109.2