THE MOR2STNG- OREGONIAJf. BATUKDAY, JULY 13, 191Z COLTS ROUTED Bl MANN S MAGIC BAT Three Home Runs and Double Garnered at Expense of 3 Portland Pitchers. STRAIT PLAYS BRILLIANTLY Williams Uses Toimeson, Bloomfleld and Doty to Jfo Avail as Tie Score Is Broken In Xinth by Homer. ' North-western League Stanrilna-s. ! W. Lb Pel W. L. Pc ' DMkuiL. . B Hi .B76 Portland... 40 4S .471 Buttle 49 87 . 570 Victoria.... S8 47 .447 Vancouver. 47 40 .&41j Tacoma... 83 63 .366 Testerdays Results. At Seattle Seattle 7. Portland 6. ' At Spokane Spokane 10. Victoria 2. At Vancouver1 Vancouver flu Tacoma 4. SEATTLE. Wash-. July 11. (Special.) Mann's terrific hitting won the game 1 for Seattle today. In five times up he made three homo runsv and a two bagger. His last hit over the fence In the ninth counted for the deciding: run. Schneider was wild, and none of , Portland's three pitchers" was effectives ; The score was. Seattle 7, Portland 6. Seattle got the lead In the first inning- when Shaw and Mann hit for homers. Schneider Has Trouble. Schneider disposed of Portland in the first two periods. His star faded In the third when he walked three. Chick and ghaw fumbled grounders. The combined mlsplays gave Portland two tallies and tied the score. Tonneeon was taken out and Bloom Held tried his luck. In the last of the third Seattle got back their lead of two on singles by Shaw and Strait and Mann's double. In the next three innings, Seattle got one hit and no runs off Bloom- field. Schneider went from the third to the eighth without allowing a run and Fries' hit was the only mark against him. After two wero out in the seventh. Strait hit for two sacks and Mann scored bim with his second" homer. Trouble bunched on Schneider in the eighth. One man out, McDowell drove a liner past Schneiders ear. Then Pete walked Moore and Coltrln. filling the bases. Crulkshank batted for Bloomfleld. He grounded to Raymond, who had a double play in front of him, but Shaw did not get over to second. Raymond had to take the out at first and this let McDowell score. Kibble hit for a clean homer sending two runs over ahead of him and tieing the score. James Escape Lncklly. In the emergency, big Bill James was hustled to the mound. Fries uncorked a drive between left and center, which Strait turned into an out by- a one handed running catch, his second of the day. In the sixth he robbed Portland of the game by a running back-hand stab that cnt off two runs. Seattle got the first three men on in the eighth but could not score.- x - ... In the ninth, James mowed Portland down as he has been doing all other teams. Having disposed of Seattle in the eighth with three on. Doty looKea good for a long' run. but ' in the last -of the ninth, with one out, Mann drove the ball out of the lot for his third homer, winning the game. Score Seattle I Portland AD.H.PO.A.E. Ab.H.PcA.E. Shaw. 2b. AMERICAN ATHLETES WHO ARE WTNTHNGr HONORS AT WORLD'S OLYMPIC GAMES AT STOCKHOLM. 1 - , " t J A - i Wa J'r, ' lb1' -" '-: ) nf -hl I k 7 ' ;fi $-'fy w4 1 11 I 4"r- ' J ! J . f ' 1. ja AMERICA WINS TWO 0 0 6 R' Straitlf. 5 3 2 5 4 1 Moran.rf. 3 0 1 Chlck.Sb. 4 11 J' 8 1 12 Wally.c. 2 0 8 Mciflln 110 W allng.c 0 0 1 Celder.p. 3 0 0 Jajnea.p. 10 0 1 Kibble. 3b. 0 Frlea.rf . . O'M' 0 Spea.lf 0, 1 McD'lI.2b. O.Moore.c. . 0!Coltrln.aa OT'eson.p.. O B'fleld.p. Oi"-hank'". OlDoty.p : -I 1 2 1 0 2 0 -1 0 12 1 4 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 4 o 0 0 0 o 6 0 4 0 1 0 0 Totalj.,85 12 2711 2 Totals. .81 4f25 IS Batted for Wally In the eighth. Batted for Bloomfleld In the eighth, tone out when winning- run scored. SCORE BY IXXTNGS. Seattle 2 0200020 1- Portland 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 STMMART. - Runs Shaw. Raymond, Strait 2. Mann 3, Kibble. ITiea. MrDowell. Moore. Coltrln, Tonneeon. Two-baae hits Strait. Mann. Home runs Mann 3. Shaw. Kibble. Stolen bases Jackson (2). Rpeas. Pitchers sum' mtry Six runs and four hits off Schneider In 7 2-3 innina-s: no bits, no runs off James in 1 1-3 Innings: two runs ana tnree bits off Tonneson in 2 Innings; four runs and six hits off Bloomfleld in 5 Innings: one run and three hits oft Doty in 1 1-3 innings. Struck out By Schneider 2, by James 1, bv Hloomfleld 1. bv Doty 1. Bases on balls Off Schneider 9. oft Tonneson 1. off Bloomfleld 2. off Doty 1. Hit by pitched ball McDowell, by Schneider: Moran, by Mloonifleld. Time 1:55. Umpire Toman. SPOKANE WINS FROM VICTORIA Kraft Holds Bees Safe but Xarveson Grants 18 Hits. SPOKANE. July 12. Kraft again was sent in against Victoria today after Leonard had filled the bases in the first inning, allowed one run and had only one out. Kraft retired the side with out a run and held the visitors safe until' he was relieved in the ninth to give Laird a chance. Xarveson was easy for Spokane, who got 18 safe hits. Altman played shortstop for the home team and besides good work there, got four hits In as many trips to the plate. Score: R- H. EL I R. H. E. Victoria...,. 3 8 SISpokane... 10 18 2 Batteries Narveson and Meek; Leonard. Kraft and Ostdiek. VAJTCOCVER WI"S IX TENTH Victory Slakes Fifteenth of Season for Clarke. By defeating Tacoma today, Jimmy Clarke registered his 15th victory of the season. Scharnweber won the game for Vancouver with a home run in the 10th inning. Score: R. H. E. , R. H. E. Tacoma.... 4 4 0Vancouver.. 5 14 7 Batteries Meikle and LaLongc; Clarke and Lewis. 10 innings. BOISE'S POLO PLAYERS WIX Vancouver Team Outclassed " by Idaho Horsemen. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, "Wash, July 12. (Special.) In a dashing polo game, in which fasf ponies ran circles around the local animals, the mixed team from Boise City and Boise Bar racks defeated the Second Field Artil lery team here today by a score of 5 to 1. The game was an exciting one, but the speed of the Boise ponies was too great. It is said the Idaho team and the Waverly team would be evenly matched. The Boise team was composed of Captain Charles O. Thomas, Jr., Lieu tenants C M. Haverkamp, Claude K. Rhlnehart. of the First Cavalry, and Mr. Chapman, of Boise. Hurdles and Running Broad Are Captured. ; GERMANS HOOT AMERICANS In 1 1 0-Meter Hurdle Contest Martin Hawkins, of Slultnomah Club of Portland, Is Third Kelley, of Los Angeles, First. (Continued from First Page.) Two of the United States team, H. L. Byrd and James H. Duncan, were sec ond and third, respectively. Dlacna Record Broken. The 3000-meter team race, also run in heats; .the final of the 110-meter hurdle race, the running long Jump and the 4000-meter cross-country run, starting and finishing in the stadium, which is the concluding event of .the modern pentathlon, gave a great va riety to the programme. The morning started with a line per formance by the Finn, A. R, Taipale, in the discus throwing, best hand, final. He beat, with bis throw of 45 meters, 21 centimeters (148 feet. Hi inches) not only the Olympic record of 136 feet. 1-8 inch, made by the American, Sanerl- dan. In Athens, in 1908, but also the world's record of 145 feet. 9 Inches, established by James H. Duncan at Cel tic Park, New York, on June 2, this year. R. L. Byrd's throw of 42 meters, 32 centimeters (13S feet, 9 5-8 inches), and James H. Duncans throw of 43 meters, 28 centimeters (138 feet, 8 inches) also surpasses the standing Olympic record. Summary , Discus throwing, best hand,' final A. R. Taipale, Finland, first. 45 meters, 21 centimeters; R. L. Byrd. Adrian College, second, 43 meters. 82 centi meters: James H. Duncan, mew York City, unattached, third, 42 meters, 28 centimeters. 400-meters. flat race, f IrBt heat James M. Rosenberger, I. A. A. C, first; C. A. C. Poulenard, France, second; G. R. L. Anderson, England, third. Time, 55 3-5 seconds. Second heat Melvln w. Sheppard. I. A. A. C and E. w. Haley, England, dead heat. Time, 6S 3-6 seconds. Third heat F. Zorling, Sweden, first; Tahiko Mishima, second. Time, 65 3-5 seconds. Fourth heat Hans Braun, Germany, first: James E. Meredith, Mercersburg Academy, second. Time, not given. Fifth heat C. I. Lelong. trance. first: Donald B. Toung. Boston A. A., second. Time, 60 1-5 seconds. Sixth heat K. Stenberg. Sweden, walkover (unopposed). Seventh heat Harold B. Haff, Uni versity of Michigan, first; E. Lunght. Italy, second; Mr Hermann, Germany, third. Time, 60 2-5 seconds. Eighth heat Frigyes Mezei, Hun gary, first; J. Dahlin, Sweden, second G. D. Malfalt, France, third. Time, 60 2-6 seconds. Ninth heat E. LIndholm. Sweden, first; J. Pederson. Norway, second; H. Burkowits, Germany, third. Time, 61 2-6 seconds. Tenth heat Edward F. Llndberg, Chicago A. A., first; J. C. Soutter, Eng land, second; P. Glongo, Italy, third. Time, 60 3-5 seconds. - Eleventh heat Clarence S. Edmund- son. Seattle A. A., first; E. J. Henley. England, second; G. M. Brock, Canada, third. Time, 50 1-5 seconds. Twelfth heat G. Nicol, England, first; Ira N. Davenport, University of Chicago, second; T. H. Gallon, Canada, third. Time, AO seconds. Thirteenth heat T, Persson, Sweden, aBasjssssssBBSjv j.v..s:.j . first; R. A. Lindsey, England, second. Time, 55 2-5 seconds. Fourteenth heat C. N. Zedhouse, England, first; A. Pedersen, Norway, second; Ervln S. Zerclomehgyi, Hun srarv third. Time. 61 1-5 seconds. . Fifteenth heat G. H. Patching, South Africa, first; Charles D. Reldpath, Syr acuse University, second; H. Wenseler, Germany, third; A. Patterson, England, fourth. Time. 1 51 1-10 seconds. Semi-finals, first heat Charles D. Reldpath, Syracuse University, first; J. Dahlen, Sweden, second; Clarence S. Edmundson, Seattle A. A., third. Time, 48 7-10 seconds (new Olympic recoro). Semi-finals, second heat Edward F. Llndberg. Chicago A. A., first; E. Lind holm, Sweden,, second; C. L. Lelong, France, third. Time, 48 9-10 seconds. Semi-finals, third heat James B. Meredith, Mercersburg Academy first; Melvln w. Sheppard, I. A. A. C, sec ond; J. Pedersen, Norway, third. In his beat Meredith still further Improved the record by covering the distance in 48 seconds. , Semi-finals, fourth heat Harold B. Haff, University of Michigan, first; E. Lunghl, Italy, second; James M. Rosen berger. I.-A. A. C, third. Time, 49 7-10 seconds. Semi-finals, fifth heat Hans Braun, Germany, first; Donald B. Young, Bea ton A. A., disqualified; Ira N. Daven port, University of Chicago, third. Time, 49 1-5 seconds. Running broad jump, final Albert L. Gutterson, University of Vermont, first, 7 meters 60 centimeters (record); C. D. Bricker, Canada, second, seven meters 21 centimeters; G. Aberg, Swe den, third, seven meters IS centimeters. Team race, 3000 meters, five run, three count First heat United States, first; Finland, second. Second heat Germany, first; Sweden, second. Third, heat Great Britain, first (walkover). 110-meter hurdles, final Fred W. Kelly, University of Southern Califor nia, Los Angeles, first; James Wendell. New York A. C. second ; Martin W. Hawkins, Multnomah A, C third. Time, 15 1-10 seconds. Modern pentathlon, duel shootinr, swimming 300 meters, fencing, riding, cross-country running 4000 meters. Re sult: Lllliehook, Sweden, first, 27 points; Asbrlnk, Sweden, second, 28 points; De la val, Sweden, third, 30 points; Gron hagen, Sweden, fourth, 35 points; Lieu tenant George S. Patton, Jr., U. S. A, fifth. 41 points. 400-meter swim, breast stroke The final was won by Bathe, of Germany, In 6 minutes, 20 8-5 seconds. Hennlng, of Sweden, was second, in 6 minutes,' 85 2-6 seconds, and Courtman. of England, third, a yard or two behind. .Bathe led throughout. 100-meters swim, free style The final heat was won by Miss Fanny Da rach, of Australia, in 1 minute. 22 1-6 seconds; Miss Wilhelmlna Wylle, Aus tralia, second. In 1 minute, 25 2-5 sec onds, and Miss Fletcher, of England, third. 800-meters swimming for teams The first was won by the United States in 10 minutes, - 26 2-6 seconds; Hungary was second, in 10 minutes, 34 sec onds, and England third in 10 minutes, 39 2-5 seconds. America's victory was due largely to the lead gained by the I- Hawaiian, Kahanamoku. , , BEAVER HITS SPELL SEALS' THIRD LOSS Higginbotham's Work Stellar. : Delhi and Toner Wobble at Fatal Moments. DOANE'S CLOUTING COUNTS Two Times With Men on Bases He Smashes Ball Effectively San Francisco 3Ien Unable to ' . Score After Fifth. Pacific Coast League Standings. W. L.P.C.1 W. L. P.C. Vernon . . .67 38 .HOOIPortland . . 30 47.453 Oakland . . .63 41 .E64ISan Fran... 39 05 .413 Los Ang 51 42 .W9,Sacramento. 37 S3 .111 Yesterday's Results. At Portland Portland 7. San Francisco 2. At San Francisco Sacramento 1, Oak land O. At Los Angeles Von Angeles 11. Vernon 4. BY ROSCOE FAWCETT. Bright-eyed fortune perched on the San Francisco bench yesterday long enough to give the Seals a running start of two runs in the- first of the fifth Inning. Then the conspirator in the orchestra pit turned on the cym bals, the thunder, the claxon, the lightning and other noise effects, and nine hits in the" remaining four inn ings gave Portland three straight vic tories. Score, 7 to 2. Tuesday Miller stinted the locals to two hits, but if you think they haven't been getting revenge since then inter view the Reidy fllngers. Ten hits Wednesday, 11 hits Thursday and 12 hits Friday Is the record. Delhi, the big flame who was a star last season with Los Angeles, lasted Just Blx innings and then gave way to Toner, of no-hit fame. Toner be gun with a couple on tne oags ana that dldn t seem to improve nis equan- anlmlty, for five hits sent five runs scampering across the plate in the last two inning, and, as Higginbotham was twirling a wonderful brand of ball the while. It takes no three-shell artist to fathom the result. Seals Get Only Six Hits. Higginbotham allowed six hits and chalked up his fifth consecutive vie torv. incidentally making good hii boast when last here, "that he would show the fans he was not the 'curve less, nerveless, armless' wonder some of them imagined." He fanned six and walked only one. If there Is anyone worthy of spe oial mention abong the four terrific sluggers. Doane, Butler, Lindsay and Fisher, that one is the fleet-footed Doane. Walter came up twice with men on the bases and both times de llvered hits, sending Higginbotham across with the tying run. in the fifth lnnina:. and later counting the two winning tallies, Butler and Rapps, by two-base smash to the left rieia fence. Butler and Lindsay also hit at psy chological times, each galivanting up the batting list with three hits in four attempts. Lindsay went to .318 for tne season ana Butler to .309. " Shea Makea Debut. The game was not a perfect exempli fication of the National pastime, for each side butted Into the error column on divers occasions, two errors, in fact, were directly responsible foe- the two Seal tallies in Inning five, lie deon started the fun by a double to right and scored when Higgingbotham fell down on Shea's infield tap. Shea ambled to second when the ball car omed off his back and a moment later scored when a throw by Krueger poked him on the other side of the anatomy as he was headed for third after a catch. - Shea caught for San Francisco, don ningaSeal wlndpad for the first time since 1904. Danny has been idle for six weeks and unravelled a couple of wild heaves that proved costly, but he did cut down such stellar base pur loiners as Doane. Lindsay and Rodgers when thoroughly warmed up. In the Northwestern League he has always been an accurate pegger, so had the fans pulling for him. Butler registered rortiana 8 nrsi tally in the fifth inning on a single to center, a stolen base and wild heaves by Shea and Corhan. Doane drove Higgingbotham in with the tying tally. The three runs In the seventn resulted from Butler's double to left. Rapps' walk, a double into left by Doane and a single through second by Lindsay, Delhi retiring after walking Ranos. Hits by Fisher, uutier ana .tiapps, following a walk to Butcher, were re sponsible for the three in tne eigntn. The score: 8an Francisco Portland AD.Il.rO.A-Cj-l AD.n.r.A.n. hit the ball to every corner of the lot today and beat Vernon, 11 to 4. Tozer was hit hard, but kept the hits scat tered. Score: . - R. H. E.1 R. H.E. Los Ang. .. 11 17 2 Vernon...., 4 9 Batteries Tozer and Smith r Stewart, Raleigh and -Agnew. SACRAMENTO DEFEATS OAKS Banm Allows Only Six Hits In 1 Contest at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. July 12. Sacra mento evened up by defeating Oakland, 1 to 0. Baum allowed only six scat tered hits. Abies started for Oakland but was relieved in the eighth by Pernoll. Score: R. H. E.l R. H. E. Saer' 1 6 0Oakland... 0 6 Batteries Baum and Creitz; Abies, Pernoll and Mitze. . . AMERICAN. LEAGUE. Washington 3, Cleveland 1. WASHINGTON, July 12. Washing ton made it four out of five by defeat ing Cleveland. Vaughn was effective with men on bases. McBrlde's fieldin and Shank's hitting were . features, Score: R.-H. E.l R. H. E. .Wash'ton ..2 6 lCleveland ,.1 7 Batteries Vaughn and Henry; Will- lams, Kahler and ONeil. Boston 4-1, Detroit 1-0. BOSTON, July 11, Boston won both games of a double-header from Detroit. The second game, a pitchers' battle between Wood and Wallet, went 11 in nines. Boston making the only run, when SDeaker. whose single -wen through Delehanty for three bases scored on Lewis' single. In the first game Boston spoiled a fine exhibition by Lake by bunching nits in tne sisin. Scores: First- game R H. E. ' Boston ...4 13 1 Detroit Batteries Collins and Lake and Stanage. Second game R. H. E. Boston' ...1 7 1 Detroit R. H. E. ,...1 4 Carirgan R.H. E .0 5 Chicago 0-1, Philadelphia 2-4. PHILADELPHIA. July 12. Chicago was unable to do anything with the deliveries - of Bender and Brown and lost both games of a double-header, Baker made a home run. Scores: First game R. H. E.l Phila 2 6 llChicago Batteries Bender and Benz, White and Kuhn. Second game R. H. E.l Phila 4 11 lCh!cago Batteries Brown and Lapp; Walsh and Sullivan. R.H. E. ..0 6 Thomas R. H. E .1 6 Mund'f.rf 4 Mo'ler.2b 8 How' d. lb 3 Hartl' 4 lorn 4 Wuff !.3o 4 Ged'on,lf 4 Shea, c S Delhi, p 1 Toner, p -x 0 0 0 15 4 18 1 12 0 OS) 5 o o o 2 4 1 14 8 0 18 0 0 0 0 Doane.rf 3 0Llnds'y.8b 4 OiRo'gers.b 4 OJKru' 4 1 Butch'r.lf 2 OlFlsher.c. 4 4 2 Rapps. lb 3 O'Hig'b'm.p 4 01 Total... 27 9 3 81 6 24 17 STotal. . . 32 12 SCORE BY INNINGS. c rA..,f 00002000 it ; h wjuajvvu v Portland 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 ? -7 Hits ijuwoif SUMMARY. T..n r,An. Shea. Doane. Butcher. Fisher, Butler 2. Kapps. HigginDoinam. Struck ou-By Demi 1. By Toner t. -oy Hiainbotham tt. oases on oana uu nff Toner 1. off HlKglnbotham 1. Two- -. hi, a nedonn. Butler. Rsdps. Sacrifice hits Howard. Delhi. Butcher. Stolen bases Butler. Rapps. wna piicnss botham. Toner. Innings pitched ey ueini na 7 hits in 6V innings; loner o runs hits In 3 inning's. Time or Eam Mccartny. China defeat to Delhi. -1:83. Umpires Cssey and Notes of the Game. ck.H,i,n Rutler seems to be playing a greatly improved brand of ball since the , hniriM ula v. xesternay ine ioieap saved two scores in tne tourrn imuiis uj scooping up a liner oaca oi secona ana shooting on tne ao run . IX,, hv inches. It was one of the most spectacular Plays of the- season. Suter may get his chance today opposing unrrv the Seals' Detroit recruit Southpaw jess mw 'ukj the Seals norinwaru, -lams wing. ; . . . , Corhan and Rapps negotiated star plays during the melee. T,in Fitzzerald. a California recruit. Joined the Beaver squad yesterday. Hal Chase took the college youth back East with him last year and he was with the New York Americans for a time. Between ovov ana wvv . luib w rwi- 'TiiiiWT?rn?ava return - to hitting form seems to have given him complete confi dence in himseir. fie maneuvers tne most difficult plays with delicate finesse. Portland put nve Deals out id m, tiiav Inning, through a peculiar mlxup. witn Mohler on nrsi ana one out, nuwwu iuuu Lindsay, who aouoiea nonier at nrt base. Casey refused to allow either put out, on the ground that he had called time before Higginbotham threw to the plate. - . ANGELS HIT HARD AND WIN ernon Villagers Are Trounced to Tune of 11 to '4. LOS ANGELES, July 12. Los Angeles New ytlc 4, St. Louis 1. NEW YORK, July 12. After losing eight straight games, New York da feated St. Louis. St. Louis bunched fou singles on Warhop in the third Inning for its only run and In the second half New York made four runs on nve sin gles Score: . R. H. E.l R. H. E New York 4 0 lSt. Louis ..1 9 Batteries Warhop and Sweeney Hamilton and Krichell. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago 4, Boston 3. CHICAGO, July 12. Opportune hit ting, coupled with Boston's errors, gave Chicago the opening game of the series. Score: R. H. E.l R. H. E Chicago ...4 7 lBoston ....2 12 Batteries Cheney and Archer Don nelly and .Rariden. Philadelphia 6, Cincinnati 4. CINCINNATI, July 12. Philadelphia, by better fielding and more opportune hitting, won a closely contested game from Cincinnati. PasKert and Looert hit well. Alexander struck out ten men. Score: R.H. E.l . R.H. E. Cincinnati .4 11 SlPhlla 6 13 2 Batteries Suggs, Davis and McLean Clark; Alexander and Killifer. New York at St. rain. Louis, postponed, Pittsburg 8, Brooklyn 2 . . PITTSBURG, July 12. Pittsburg had little trouble defeating Brooklyn, Three visiting pitchers were hit hard while Hendrix was steady throughout Score: . R.H. E.l R. H.E. Pittsburg ..5 15 OjBrooklyn ..2 6 Batteries Camnltz and Simon: Bar ger, Knetzer, Allen and Miller. FALL WINS FOR LA GRANDE Pendleton Player Stumbles, Letting In Two When Score Is Tied. With the leading pitchers, Mclvor and . Osborne, of each team working fine and the score tied, 3 to 3, up until the seventh, luck broke in favor of La Grande at Pendleton yesterday, when with two on and two down Wil son stumbled and fell just as he was about to catch Harmon's long high fly to left. Two runners scored and La BASEBALL STATISTICS STANDING OF TUB LEAGUES. American League. W. L. Pel Boston.... 55 25 .688 Cleveland Washlng'n 49 32 .605 Detroit.... Philadel... 44 S3 .571 St. Louis... Chicago... 43 34 .OSS.New York. National League. New York. 57 16 .781!PhlIadel... rhlcaeo. .. 44 28 .611!St. Louis.. Pittsburg.. 42 30 .5S3 Brooklyn. . Cincinnati..' 40 37 -519!Boston. .. .. American Association. Columbus.. 58 31 .e52'Milwaukee. Mlnneap... M 32 .ksisl raui... Toledo.,.. 54 33 .62t!Loulsvtlle. . Kan. City. 44 45 .4U4Indianap... Union Association. Salt Lake., 52 27 .658!Butte. . . ., W. L. Pc 40 40 .500 39 41 .4SS 21 54 .280 20 52 .278 33 38 .478 31 48 .392 28 4t) .378 22 sa .Za2 40 61 .440 39 53 .424 31 51 .378 33 5S .375 33 66 .418 vrlniila. ' 47 25 .653!OKden 30 48 .385 Great Kalis 38 37 .SOJjtieiena .a l .do Western League. St Joseph. 46 36 .561'Des Moines 39 41 .488 Sioux City 44 37 .643lWichita... 41 43 .488 Omaha.... 44 3T .543 Lincoln. . .. 35 47 .427 Denver.... 43 41 .612iTopeka 33 49 .402 Yesterday's Results. a mot-Iran Association Milwaukee T. In dianapolis 2: Toledo 6, St. Paul 3; Kansas-I City b, 1.OU1FV1110 , uiumuutt-AiuuoavuiiD, games off, rain. Western League St. Joseph 1, Denver 6; 8. Toneka 7: Lincoln 9. Sioux City 3: Des Moines 8, Wichita 7. Union Association Great Falls 9-14, Salt Lake 2 -10. Portland Batting Averages. Pacific Krueger. . Lindsay. . Butler.. . . Doane. . . . Fisher. . . Rodgers. . Chadb'ne. Rapps. . . . Bancroft. Koestner. Burch. . . . Gregg.. . . Ivlawltter Howley. . . Harkneas. liiggin'm. Steiger. .. Butcher. . Northwestern AB. H. Av 198 84 .324 340 94 .276 32 80 .273 79 21 .268 51 13 .254 299 75 .251 97 28 .257 Coast AB. H. AV. 307 99 .323'Cruiksh'k. 242 77 .318:Fries 181 56 .309Speas 211 81 .289:Bastley. .. 104 30 .288 Tonneson. S:i3 94 .263KlbbIe. .:. 327 84 .257 McDowell. 323 81 .251iWllllams.., 280 69 .246 248 57 .2S0;Coltrin.. .. 295 70 .237 80 17 .213 Moore 79 18 .228 49 10 .204 Mahonej-.. 9 2 .222 1.1 3 . 2(0! Harris.. . . 250 61 .204 81 12 .197iDoty 49 10 .204 li-4 30 .lP4;Bloomrd. 43 6 .138 34 rt i78 Girot 11 1 .091 37 6 .178jVeazey.... 36 2 .056 18 . 2 .1251 17 2 .116; - - Come Today SEE! a complete assortment of the kind of clothes that "give you distinction,''' that 'give you an added degree of pride in yourself," and that you won't get again at the prices asked until our next Twice-Yearly Sale of ( STEIN-BLOCtf SMART CLOTHES, REDUCED AS FOLLOWS: $20.00 Suits for $15.00 $25.00 Suits for 19.00 $30.00 Suits for.. $35.00 Suits for. , S3.50 WE SPECIALIZE .$23. $26.50 On Wash QfL lngton, . .. nr.,- Fifth FINE MADE - TO - ORDER SHIRTS. "Where SS 5 mlrAm IN Grande carried off the day, 8 to 3. The score: R.H.E.I - R.H.E. Pendleton... 3 7 2La Grande.. 5 12 3 Batteries Osborne and Pembrook; Mclvor and Kingr , Walla Walla tried out a new re cruit In the box and lost to Boise by a score of 5 to 2. Boise really won the game In the first inning;, when two l&ases on balls were Issued and then Scott landed one over the center field fence for a round trip. Again in the second and sixth Boise scored, but when once warmed up, Shader worked satisfactorily. In the seventh and eighth Walla Walla made desperate attempts to overcome Boise's lead, but could only score twice. Manager Joe Cohn, of Spokane, last night wired transportation to Paul Strand, farmed out to Walla Walla by the Spokane club. Strand is a pitcher. but has recently developed a great batting eye. The score: R. H. E. R. H. E. W'lla W'lla.2 6 2;Bolse 5 4 2 Batteries Shader and Brown; Pope and Kelly. CHIMES HAL SEEMS VIXEK Only Break in Third Heat Prevents Victory in Straight Heats. GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., July 12. Only a bad break in the third heat pre vented Chimes Hal from taking the Northrup purse. $2000, for 2:17 pacers In straight heats today. The event was the feature of the final day of the grand circuit meet here. Wy-Drad gave the Murphy horse a neck and neck finish in the second heat. In the third heat Chimes Hal broke' so badly that Murphy had to drive hard to escape the distance flag. In the fourth heat Chimes Hal won handily, though pushed in the stretch by Princess Patch and Denver Jay. Queen Worthy won the 2:16 class trotting In straight heats. Echomore pushed the winner around the track neck and neck in two heats. Mary G. had things pretty much her own way in the 2:23 trot, winning in straight heats. Helen H. Conner made her cut the time of the last heat down to 2:12. Country Jane went a mile to beat 2:12, trotting under the saddle, and made it in 2:11 1-4. Reamey Macy was the rider. E "Tiiden's Kit Crawford, of' Salem, and T. Howltt's Sago, of Gresham. The programme for today, with tha entries, is as follows: Free-for-all pace Bonnie Antrim, C. W. Todd: Aldlne. C. V. Todd; LlKhtfoot. J. W.l Merrill: King Seal, K. C. Kej't; Mack N.. Mrs. Todd; Kit Crawford, B. B. Tllden. 2:30 trot Saco. T. Howitt; Sweet Geneve, J. Merrill; Tomnetta. G. A. Smith; Lady 2:30 pace for club members only HaH f Red Hal, F. T. Merrill; Llllie Hal, Henry Wise; Chico, F. M. Anderson; Rocket, Ben Wing: Jim Hill. G. K. Howitt. Special trot Jerry Zombed. J. J. Ki derly; Corneco. G. K. Howitt; Effle M.. Myers: Whitlock. John Edwards: Paul W., C. W. Todd; General B., Fred Brooker. 8:30 trot Oeraldlne, Fred T. Booker; Zonetta. Dr. A. O. Smith: Klllsrney, H. Rutherford: Cantatrlce, C. F. Flanders. Special trot Caurucco. G. K. Howitt; T.t fle M B. J. Myers; Winlock, C. M. Ed wards. Programme for Sunday events: Free for all'; trot, 2:30 class; pacing: spe cial race for named pacers for club mem bers only. The officials of the meet will be: John Consldlne and J. D. Huston, starters; George L. Baker, introducer and announcer; C. C. Bradley. W. W. Robinson. K. K, Kubli. Clay ton Fallaa and M. C. Dickinson, Judges and timers. J - GOOD HORSES ARE EXTEREII Fancy Animals From Outside Port land Will Be in Contest. Besides a number of fast Portland horses, five entries from other cities of Oregon and Washington are at the pad docks, and the race committee of the Riverside Driving Club has arranged an attractive programme for Elks and other horse lovers. The meet will start at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Country Club and will continue to morrow. General B., Fred Brooker's fast trotter, will make its first appearance in competition with Portland horses today, and the outcome is somewhat in doubt, as the Vancouver horse Is de clared to be "some goer." I. Howltt's Hallie C. is expected to be one of the principal performers in the 2:30 trot. This horse has been seen In the matinees of the Riverside Driving Club this Summer, and each time has handled herself with credit. J. W. Merrill, of Cottage Grove, will have Llghtfoot on the course, while other outside entries are: E. C. Keyt's King Seal, of McMlnnvIHe: E. MARY BROWNE LOSES AGAIN" Miss May Sutton Defeats National.. Champion at Louisville. LOUISVILLE, Ky, July 12. Miss May Sutton, of Los Angeles, won the bl-state championship in women's sin gles today by defeating Miss Mary Browne, also of Los Angeles, ; in the finals, 6-2, -2. Roche Lands Job Paying $150. ( CENTRA LIA, Wash., July 12. (Spe cial.) Jack Roche, the big catcher with Centralia during the 1911 and part of the 1912 season and who was recently released by Portland, has been signed by the Calgary, Alberta, Canada, club at a salary of $150 a month. Roche stopped off in Centralia last night on his way to Join his cluo. SECOND-HAND AUTOS FOR SALE A rebuilt high-grade car'ia a much better buy than a new cheap car, soiling at the same price. We are selling our second-hand automobiles at rock bottom prices.' High-grade) cars overhauled, repainted and guar anteed in p e r f e ct mechanical condition at one-third the orig inal selling price. Roadsters, runabouts light 5 and 7-pas-senger touring cars. All differ ent makes. Cash or terms. Write for complete list and de scriptions. Cars from $400 to $3000 second hand. Mention the make you favor. ite Car Agency PORTLAND, OR. SIXTH . STREET AT MADISOX. MADE FOR THC mm M 41 BESTRgTAtlTftABE liilMasjaiajl 4 If X rlfir ""Art ST -JT 111,1 ft I ut, FREE -Tslo'' AND 0 Wis' I 'EASY p m- ; b. v. d: I MADE FORTH aC J BCTREfAitTRApgj LIGHT AND BREEZY B.V.D. "T OlT hamper your arms and legs with undergarments that bind Loose Fitting B. V. D. Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length Drawers and Union Suits allow free play to the muscles. They're skilfully made from, feather-weight fabrics which allow cooling air to reach the pores. Thia Red Woven Label B. V. D. Cost Cot Unaer ffclrts sad Knee Leasts Drawen. 50c. 75c SLOO sad SL50 s ganacac MADE FOR THC B. V. D. Union SslM Pit. 4-J047. $1.00. $1.50. $2.00. $3.00 and $5.00 a BEST RETA I L TRADE ' uit (Trafr Mark R,. U. f. FtU Of. mni Ftriipt Cmmtriu) b sewed en erery B. V. D. Undemnneat Take as sndemnnent witkeot Ibis label. The B. V. D. Company, New York. FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO., . .. . .. . Wholesale Distributers of B. V. D. Products. 4 r " o