Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 13, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    TilH jiOKMMi UKiiliUMAJN, , bAiliKUAl, JUJUl 13, 191.
Backers of Wisconsin Senator
May Espouse Demo
cratic Cause.
XomJnee Prepares Message to Send
Before Xatlonal Committee Mon
day Clark Is Expected at
Luncheon Today.
SEAGIRT. N. J, July 12. Charles R.
Crane, of Chicago, who contributed
heavily to Senator la Follette s cam
palgn fund, and Charles Van Hlse,
president of the University of wiscon
sin-. Senator La Follette's ardent sup
porter prior to the Chicago conven
Hon. will take luncheon tomorrow with
Governor Woodrow Wilson, a short
time before the expected arrival of
Speaker Champ Clark.
Close friends of the Governor-said
today that Mr. Crane had transferred
his preference from the Wisconsin
Senator to Governor Wilson and would
be willing: to do all he could to bring
about the success of the Democratic
ticket. As one of the original con
tributors and the donor of the largrest
sum to the La Follette campaign fund,
Mr. Crane helped make possible the
Senators light for the Republican
nomination. His Indicated espousal of
Governor Wilson's cause is hailed as
an index to the sentiment among the
La Follette followers.
' Clark May Be Present, . Too.
Van Hlse has been for years a warm
supporter of Senator La Follette. It
is not unlikely that Crane and Van
Hlse will meet Speaker Clark here to
morrow afternoon.
Mr. Clark, the Governor said, might
discuss legislation now. before the
House he did not know. If Mr. Clark
brought the topic up of his own ini
tiative it would be discussed, he said.
Governor Wilson conferred late into
the afternoon with Robert S. Huds
peth. William F. McCombs. Josephus
Daniels. North - Carolina s National
committeeman, and E. E. Grosscup,
Democratic state chairman of New
Jersey, on the message which he will
send Monday to the National commit
tee In Chicago. When the conference
ended Governor Wilson said there had
not been time to consider all the points
and that the message might be modi-
fled at a meeting tomorrow.
McCombs Probable Choice.
' One of the National committeemen
who enjoys the Governor's close friend
ship was of the opinion tonight that
the Governor would recommend Mr.
McCombs as National chairman and ad
vise against the division of authority
In directing the campaign between the
National committee and a campaign
committee. Even at this late hour,
he said, the Governor had not made a
positive choice for treasurer of the
committee or for chairman of the fi
nance committee. '
The tentative plan to .have the
party's National headquarters In Chi
cago may be changed if a suggestion
made by Mr. McCombs this afternoon
Is followed.
"I think New York would be a good
place for the headquarters," he said.
"Of course we should want to have
an office at Chicago and another in
the West"
Oregon and Washington Growers
Want 500 Members In 1913.
"Five hundred members before June
1. 1113." Is the slogan that was adopt
ed yesterday by the delegates to the
convention of the Oregon-Washington
Association of Nurserymen. This show
ing is desired before the annual con
vention of the American Association of
Nurserymen is held in Portland next
June, when over 600 Eastern delegates
are expected to attend. As member
ship in the various stats associations
west of the Rocky Mountains is in
cluded In the Pacific Coast Association,
it Is believed that the enrollment of
nnrserymen on the Coast will exceed
The new officers elected for the en
suing year are aa .follows: President,
G F. Brelthaupt, Richland, Wash.;
vice-president for Oregon. H. A. Lewis,
of Montavilla; vice-president for Wash
ington, A. W. McDonald, Toppenlsh,
Wash.; secretary-treasurer, C. A. Ton-
neseon, Tacoma. Members of the ex
ecutive committee are S. A. Miller, Mil
ton. Or.; G. W. R.'Peaslee. Clarkston,
Wash, and John A. McGhee, Orenco,
W. K. Newell, president of the State
Board of Horticulture, gave a short
address, in which he pointed out the
Important changes proposed in the
horticultural statute. The legislative
committee of the association was in
structed to meet with committees of
the State Board of Horticulture and
the Oregon State Horticultural Society
in the drafting of the new bill.
Fortieth Annual Camp Meeting Held
- at w Era Grounds.
The fortieth annual ramp-meetlng of
the Spiritualists of Oregon is now in
session at New Era. 20 miles south of
Portland. The meeting began July 6
and will continue until August 4. The
principal speakers are A. Scott Bledsoe,
of Kansas City, Mo.: Mrs. M. A. Cong
don, president of the association; Mrs.
Ladd Finnican and Mrs. Althe V. Bail
ey, expounder of the cult.
An auditorium is used for meetings
when the weather will aot permit the
holding of meetings on the out-of-door
platform. This platform Is also used
twice a week for dances. A play
ground with chair swings, see-saw and
sand pile for the children has been
The five acres of land on which the
ramp is located were donated to the
Spiritualists 40 years ago by Mr. Par
rott. A frame hotel and restaurant
have been erected, and are operated
during the gathering.
Klamath County Shows Rapid Devel
opment, Says E. T. Judd.
That Klamath County is destined to
become one of the leading dairy sec
tions of Oregon, was the opinion ex
pressed yesterday by E. T. Judd. chief
deputy of the State Dairy and Food
Commissioner's office, who returned a
few days ago from Klamath Falls
where, in company with Professors
Hlslop and Potter, of the Oregon Agri
cultural College, he addressed meetings
of dairymen and found that the move
ment inaugurated some time ago by the
Klamath Falls Chamber of Commerce
to develop the dairy resources of that
section is meeting with the hearty sup
port of dairy and cattle men.
Mr. Judd addressed meetings at. Bon
ansa. Fort Klamath, Klamath Falls and
Merrill on various phases of the dairy
industry, dwelling especially upon the
Importance of using only the best dairy
cows. He also referred to the prac
tical value of adopting the latest meth
ods in the handling of milk and cream.
Professor Potter advised the raising of
hogs in connection with dairying and
Professor Hislop spoke on the working
of soils, with special reference to loa
der crops.
"Klamath County should become one
of the leading dairy sections of Ore
gon." said Mr. Judd. "The land there
Is highly productive and Is especially
adapted to the growing of dairy feed.
It ts surprising to find that the men
of Oils region, which has always been
noted for its cattle-raising should be
come so Interested In the dairy indus
try. It is but another evidence of the
importance with which this new de
r-) -4-'
Sydney Ayres.
Sydney Ayres, with- Cathrlne
Countisa for whom he is leading
support and stage director dur
ing her Summer season at the
Hellig enjoys the warm regard
of Portland playgoers, grounded
upon his versatile acting while
at the head of the Baker Stock
Company for 61 weeks.
His return tomorrow night in
one of his best roles, the hus
band in Bernstein's intense play,
"The Thief." which will be the
offering - the first week, will
bring a cordial welcome. Mr.
Ayres record of achievement is
varied. He first came to the
Coast when a child as "Little
Lord Fauntleroy"; supported Sal
vinl; the original Mr. Dent with
Sothern and Harned in the New
York Lyoeum production of "The
Adventures of Lady Ursula"; with
Stuart Robson in "The Gadfly."
and with Otis Skinner in "The
Harvester"; the original lead In
"The Clansman," and Chief Tow
anda in "The Redskins" at the
Liberty Theater, New York; wrote
and starred In "Texas";- shared
honors with Wilton Lackaye in
Hall Calne's "The Bondman";
stock star at the San Francisco
Alcazar: the Burbank, Los An
geles, and tor the past two years
at Ye Liberty, Oakland.
Progressive Nomination Pre
vented by Own Overween
ing Ambition. ,
partment of agriculture Is now regard
ed by farmers generally. At Fort
Klamath they are completing one of
the most Improved creameries to be
found in the entire state. It could
hardly be surpassed anywhere. At all
of the meetings I attended I found the
same interest being shown in the de
velopment of dairying. No small part
of this advancement is due to the ef
forts of the Chamber of Commerce of
Klamath Falls, and to Secretary Oliver
particularly. Every opportunity has
been grasped by this wide-awake or
ganization to awaken a practical inter
est in the new industry."
Italian Is Wounded by Divorcee He
Refused to Marry.
Angered because of his refusal to
marry, Susie A. Owens, a divorced
woman, yesterday morning shot Charles
Celestino, a young Italian living at 84
Second street. The bullet from a 82-
caliber revolver passed - through Cel-
estlno's stomach. She then rushed
over to the county Jail, surrendered
herself and was locked up. -
The woman presented a sorry ap
pearance when she arrived at the
Courthouse. Her face wss torn and
bleeding and one of her ears appeared
to have been nearly ripped off. She re
celved her injuries, she declared, from
tne nanas ana leet or reter celestino,
father, and Joseph Celestino. brother,
of the man she . shot. She said that
they set upon and beat and kicked her
terribly immediately after the shot was
fired and while their kinsman was
lying prostrate and groaning on the
porch of the Celestino home at the
address given.
Miss Owens was Mrs. Susie A. Snyder
ntil June 20 last, when she secured by
default a divorce from H. E. Snyder.
She told Matron Cameron, of the County
Jail, that Celestino had betrayed her.
They were to have been married yes
terday, she said, but asserted that when
she went to his home to meet him and
have the ceremony performed he spoke
unpleasantly of her and declared that
nder no circumstances would he marry
Celestino was taken to St. Vincent's
Hospital where an operation was per
formed. He may not recover. He has
been working as a bootblack for his
Democrats Who Attended Convention
Visit Friends in East.
Oregon's delegates to the Democratic
National Convention at Baltimore ap
parently are in no haste about return
ing home. None of the ten has re
turned, although it is nearly two weeks
nee tne convention concluded its
work. They are visiting with friends
in eastern cities.
W. R. King, of this city, who was
elected National committeeman, will
not return to Portland until after the
meeting of the National Committee,
which is scheduled for July IS. at Chi
cago. Frederick Holman. the only
other member of the delegation elected
from Portland, is detained by legal
business in New 'York City and Is not
expected home for another week.
Roosevelt Won Id Not Consider Had
ley, Says Senator, bat Ordered
Third Party to Keep From
Losing Followers.
WASHINGTON. July 12. Under the
caption,' "The Case of Mr. Roosevelt,
Senator La Follette has written the
following editorial in the current num
ber of his weekly journal:
'Bryan at Baltimore, foregoing all
chance of his own nomination, mar
shaling all his forces, braving Tarn
many and the trusts to rescue his
party from their domination, carrying
the convention for the adoption of the
most progressive Democratic platform
yet offered, and the nomination of the
most progressive Democratic candidate
available, was a towering figure of
moral power and patriotic devotion to
civic righteousness.
"Roosevelt at Chicago, backed by
money derived by stock-watering oper
ations of the steel trust and the har
vester trust, organising what are now
confessed to have been fake contests
as to nearly 200 delegates in order to
control the Republican convention and
secure his own nomination, refusing to
aid In making a progressive platform,
bound to have the nomination or de
stroy the Republican party, was a most
striking example of misdirected power
and unworthy ambition.
Coloael Serves Man Not Cause.
"Roosevelt had as great an oppor
tunity to serve the progressive cause
at Chicago as Bryan had at Baltimore.
But Roosevelt was serving the man,
not the cause. He wanted one thing
the nomination. And yet he did not
have enough votes to nominate himself
upon any honest basis. He did have
enough delegates in that convention
ultimately to have nominated a real
progressive and adopt a strong, pro
gresslve platform. He could even have
nominated Hadley on such a platform,
and progressive Republicans could have
supported Hadley in the same spirit as
hundreds of thousands of them will
now support Wilson. Neither Hadley
nor Wilson are veterans in the pro
gressive ranks. Neither of them has
been tried by the severest tests. Both
appear to be men of high ideals, whese
records, though short, give promises.
"But Roosevelt would not consider
Hadley. He would have no one but
himself. At ' the first suggestion of
Hadley, he ordered the third party ma
neuvers, lest he lose bis followers.
"If he had the evidence to prove that
Taft could not be honestly and fairly
nominated, why did he not direct his
lieutenants to present that evidence to
the National committee, and then to
the convention and the country so
clearly that the convention would not
have dared to nominate Taft, and that
Taft could not, in honor, have accepted
the nomination, if made?
Neither Side- Had Majority. '
"The reason is obvious. An analy
sis of the testimony will, I am con
vlnced, show that neither Taft nor
Roosevelt had a majority of honestly
or regularly elected delegates. This
the managers on both sides well un
derstood. Both candidates were trying
to seat a sufficient number of fraud
ulent credentialed delegates, added to
those regularly chosen to support him.
to secure control of the convention, and
to 'steam roll' the nomination. It was
a proceeding with which each was ac
quainted and . which each had sanc
tioned in prior conventions.
"This explains the extraordinary
conduct of Roosevelt. He could not en
ter upon such an analysis of the evi
dence as would prove Taffs regularly
elected delegates in the minority with
out inevitably subjecting his own spu
riously credentialed delegates to an
examination so critical as would ex
pose the falsity of his own contention
that he had an honestly elected ma
jority of the delegates. He therefore
deliberately chose to claim everything,
to cry fraud, to bully the National com
mittee and the convention .and, hav
ing thus created - a condition which
would make impossible a calm lnvestl
gallon of cases upon merit, carry the
convention by storm.
Comparison Wtta Bryaa Made.
That this is the true psychology of
the Roosevelt . proceedings becomes
perfectly plain. He was there to force
his own nomination or smash the con
ventlon. He was not there to preserve
the integrity of the Republican party
and make it an instrument for the
promotion of progressive principles and
the restoration of government to the
people. Otherwise he would have dl
rected his floor managers to contest
every inch of the ground for a progres
sive platform before the committee on
resolutions and in the convention.
But Mr. Roosevelt was not gov
erned by suggestion of that spirit of
high patriotic and unselfish purpose of
which Bryan furnished, sucn a . mag
nificent example one week later in the
Democratic convention at Baltimore.
Instead, he filled the public ear with
sound and fury. He ruthlessly- sacri
ficed everything to the one idea of his
being the one candidate. He gagged
his followers in the convention with
out putting on Tecord any facts upon
which the public could base a definite
intelligent Judgment regarding the
validity of Mr. rait s nomination, tie
submitted no suggestion as to a plat
form of progressive principles. He
clamored loudly for purging the - con
vention roll of tainted- delegates, with
out purging his own candidacy of his
tainted contests and nis tamtea trust
support. He offered no reason for a
third party excepting nis own over
mastering craving tor a third term."
J. L. Rand, a Baker attorney, is at
the Portland.
B. B. Inland, a Chicago wholesaler. Is
at the Bowers.
Dr. C A. Eldridge, of Newberg, is
at the Cornelius. -
E. W. Nixon, a merchant of Harris-
burg, is at the Perkins.
W. M. Leuthold. a Spokane business
man, is at the Multnomah.
R. A. McDonald, the Tacoma con
tractor, la at the Oregon.
E. P. Ash. a Stevenson merchant, is
registered at the Perkins.
Alex Poulson. a Hoqulam lumberman.
is registered at the Oregon.
William M. Foster, an Independence
merchant, is at the Perkins.
B. A. Parish, a Castle Rock merchant,
s registered at the Oregon. ,
L. C. Clayford, a Raymond merchant.
s .registered at the Multnomah. -
Fred Emerson Brooks, of San Fran
cisco, is registered at the Bowers.
Paul F, Deiss, a music publisher of
Los Angeles, is registered at the Port
C. E. Miller, an automobile manufac
turer of Detroit, is at the Annex.
State Senator E. J. Carter, of Spo
kane, is registered at the Portland.
W. E. Belf ord, an Aberdeen lumber
man, is registered at the Perkins.
L. J. Campbell, a Walla Walla mer
chant, is registered at the Cornelius.
R. A. Peterson, a real estate operator
of San Francisco. Is at the Annex.
H. W. Douglas, a business man of
The Dalles, Is registered at the Annex.
George Stoddard, a lumberman of La
Grande, is registered at the Portland.
John Twohy, the railroad contractor,
Is registered at the Bowers from San
Jose. "v.
. David Eccles. who is Interested in a
lumber mill at Baker, is at the Ore
gon. . 1
August Berg, the grain merchant,
has returned from a business trip to
Europe. - .
William Sproul, president of the
Southern Pacific, Is at the Multnomah
from San Francisco.
A. T. Pierg and party arrived at the
Cornelius yesterday from Oakland on
an automobile trip. ,
Donald Keith, a 'wealthy Utah mln
Ing man. Is registered at the Multno
mah from Salt Lake.
A. I. McCormlck, United States Dis
trict Attorney for the southern district
of California, is at the Multnomah.
Jobnny Williams, Minstrel, Actor
and Impresario, Will Take
Charge on Monday.
Charles N. ' Ryan has resigned as
manager of the Empress Theater and
John Williams, of San Francisco, has
been appointed by President John W.
Consldine. of the Sullivan & Considine
circuit, to succeed him. Mr. Williams
will take charge of the theater Monday.
The new theater manager is known
in theatrical circles of the United
States as Johnny (Frisco) Williams
and has a long record not only as an
actor, but as a manager. In 1879, 1880
and 1881 Williams was a member of
Emerson's minstrels and for the three
following years he was the leading ec
centric dancer with the original 40
Haverly minstrels.
Soon after the opening of the old
Cordray Theater he played the part of
Peck s Bad Boy" here and his record
lists him as one of the first to shine
In that role on the Pacific Coast. Later
Mr. Williams was comedian for Kate
Castleton with Howe & Burke produc
tions. Then he managed the Georgia
Minstrels successfully through hard
vicissitudes for three years and trav
eled at the head of Charles Frohman's
company for the same length of time.
Mr. Williams retired from the manage
ment of Frohman to preside over the
affairs of Alexander Herrmann (Herr
mann the Great), for whom he was
manager for five years. It is as man
ager of Herrmann the Great that Mr.
Williams is known particularly
throughout the United States. Im
mediately prior to his acceptance of
the management of the Empress
Theater here Mr. Williams was la
charge of the Pavilion - Rink in San
Francisco, a post be had held for six
years. .
Ninety-Mile Test Ride for All Offi-
. cers Will Be Held as Soon as
Soldiers Leave for Home.
July 12. (Special.) "The scheme of
the maneuvers is to prepare the
troops for practical field work in war,
and, as in other countries, possible
theaters of operation are selected,"
said Brigadier-General Jdaus today.
In this case Grays Haroon- and W1I-
lapa Harbor, which are practically one,
are selected as a base for operations
for an imaginary enemy in control of
the sea. It presents admirable fea
tures and the country to bo operated
over lying along railroads in the Che
halls Valley is convenient and affords
economical movement
The entire scheme is a progressive
campaign from day to day. There will
be advance guards, cavalry contacts.
minor engagements, reconnaissances,
and finally, on the two last days. July
27 and 28, or. possibly 29, a contact
between all opposing forces, which
will end the maneuvers. The troops
will entrain July 29 for their respec
tive home stations, Those marching
will leave the same day.
The 90-mile test ride for all officers
will be held on the maneuver grounds.
as soon as the troops have loft. This
is done for several : reasons. The
grounds are well adapted for the ride.
the eauipment will be there, all 01 the
officers who will take the ride will
be assembled at once and the test
will be much more uniform for the en
tire number than It could be possibly
given at various stations.
The post here is practically de
serted, or will be by 9 o'clock tomor
row, when the cavalry from Boise Bar
racks will start for Centralla on the
march. Three officers will be left
here, besides the medical corps, with
rotain Edgar H. Yule in command.
and Captain W. F. Morrison and Lieu
tenant George M. Parker.
Salem Mans Killed by Train.
GRANTS PASS, Or., July 12. (Spe-
Bell and Wing
Jttsorbifii?, astounding, inspiring,
baffling. London Academy,
Power and originality.
Cork Examiner.
A great work Boston Herald.
Marks of genius constantly. "
, . Troy Record.
A wealth of ideas. :
Boston Transcript.
Genuine aspiration and power. -Occult
Review, England.
Near the stars.
I Portland Oregonian.
Astounding fertility.
Brooklyn Times.
A striking book of verse.
Boston Post
Price $2.50
. Publishers, N. Y.
New "Method" Gas Range
LjJ"ni .'.li ii.'., I SI '
i- 0y mMlr
JI ;,Mif!iii
. ,
: Looks like any ordinary Gas Range, yet is
built of better material and, chief of all other
.superior points, is supplied with the patent
"New Method"
Gas Burner
These Patent Gas Burners are made of pol
ished key steel and heavily enameled, and are
almost indestructible. They are constructed
.in such a manner as to absorb a large quantity
of air with the gas before it reaches the point
of combustion. Twenty-one per cent of air
being oxygen, this oxygen is consumed with
the gas and instead of gas, thus giving you a
more intense heat at a saving of your gas.
The meters show that by this new principle
adopted in the "New Method" you will
Burn One-Fourth
Less Gas
"When you install one pi these Gas Ranges in
your kitchen.
A Marvelous Invention
Fit to be' classed with the airship and wireless telegraphy in its revolutionary aspects. It's
all in the Patent -Burner, made of steel and enameled. Easily cleaned and does not clog.
Investigate the "New Method." '
Connections Made Free of Charge
Easy Terms
claL) Leroy Carden, of Salem, was
struck by the engine of passenger train
No. 14 near Gold Hill tonight and was
thrown 10 feet into the air. He was
dead when the train crew reached him.
Engineer Tommy Thomas whistled for
the man to step aside, but he paid no
heed. Many passengers, who saw the
accident, drew up a paper exonerating
the engineer. The body was lett at
Gold Hill.
Oregon Makes Day Stop at Astoria.1
Officers Are Entertained.
a RTnpiA fir ' Juiv 12. (Sneclal.1
The battleship Oregon spent today at
Astoria and she sails tonight for Seat
tle. '
Curing the day large crowds of peo
ple visited the battleship and the of
., nf tho vcrkp! were entertained
with automobile rides about the city
and to various points i interest in
the vicinity.
Colonel McGunegle Fighting for
Entry of Pets to Hawaii.
viwrnnVEH Tt ARRACKS. Wash-
July 12. (Special.) Colonel George K.
McGunnegle, who for three years was
in command of this post, and who Is
now at SchofieM Barracks, Hawaii, is
In a serious predicament concerning his
Hncra whlr.h h nrlzes verv hisrhlv.
and which, on account of a ruling of j
the medical department or tne Army,
are subject to several months' quar
antine. 1
The ruling about permitting dogs to
s taken to Hawaii is very strict. None
can be taken away. Colonel McGun
negle is endeavoring to save their lives
by getting veterinarians here to take
oath that rabies do not exist In this
part of the United States, where the
dogs formerly lived.
Colonel McGunnegle has written to
Lloyd DuBols, asking him to secure af
fidavits in Oregon and Washington,
stating that rabies Is a disease not
known here and that there is no dan
ger of the dogs having become Infected.
Bee the ocean!
Plenty of rooms obtainable at Hotel
Gearhart Gearhart By-the-Sea.
What Barview Offers You
Located on the Tillamook R. R. and Pacific Ocean. Shortest route to
the sea. Round trip, $3.00.
We have a strictly first-class hotel at Barview. Good, wholesome
meals are served in a bright, clean dining-room. The hotel is sur
rounded by a wide veranda overlooking the ocean and amusement
park. In the park we have only the most acceptable amusements. No
liquor can be sold on the resort. In the park are swings and benches.
If you' are contemplating a lengthy stay at Barview we have fur
nished tents with all conveniences. You can take your automobile
to Barview, for we have a large garage in which to store it and a
full line of supplies, as well as an expert mechanic on the grounds.
We have safe rowboats and canoes for hire on both the lake and the
hay at Barview. The large dance hall and pool hall will be
appreciated and patronized by many. The drills of the life-saving
crew, the clam bakes, the beach bonfires and deep-sea fishing excur
sions are only a few of the many good things Barview has to offer
you. Before planning your vacation, see us.
Ralph Ackley Land Company
170 Fifth Street, Portland, Oregon,
B. E. JACKSON, Agent on the Ground.
A Great One-Day Trip to the Pacific
Ocean 100 Miles Columbia -River
Good for Return Until Monday
9 :10 A. M. Arrives beach points for
luncheon, allows all afternoon at the
ocean, returns after dinner, arriving
' Portland 10:30 P. M.
Leaves 2 :00 P. M. Arrives beach points
for dinner, gives full week -end at the
ocean, return to Portland Sunday
evening or Monday noon.
'The interesting and important city
at the mouth of the Columbia and
Hotels, cottages, camp sites, mountain water, surf bathing, fishing, etc., at Gear-
. , ' hart and Seaside.
Special Folders, Tickets, Parlor Car Seats, etc, at
' AH Trains Use