9 THE MOKNTXG OTCKtf O.TOAJT. jSATDKDAY, JULY 13, 1913. TEACHERS TOLD TO DIGNIFY GALLING il'S DEFENSE -ytteixiiandise of toil Onlyi.-. A Sale of All Children's Apparel Which Will Receive Speedy Recognition by Economical Mothers Profession Should Lead Law, Tense Moment Comes When Medicine and Ministry, Says Speaker. Policeman Describes Find ing of Morrow's Body. Everything Reduced HUSBAND SUCCE i CLUBWOMAN OF CHICAGO, WHOSE TRIAL ON CHARGE OF ; MURDER BEGINS. lev .y- WO WIFE IS MOVED TO TEARS Counsel Says Man Was Business Fallnr unit Took Own Life in I Fit of Melancholy Chicago Courtroom Crowded. CHICAGO. July 12. (Special.) Tears and the silent demeanor of the defend ant marked the opening: of the trial of Mrs. Rene B. Morrow, charged with the murder of her husband, in Judge Kers ten's court today. Gem-laden and richly-gowned women and men of ev ery class crowded the courtroom and listened to tne evidence. A dramatic moment waa reached in the afternoon when the blood-stained garments of Morrow were shown. John J. Dunn'ng, a policeman, of the Hyde. Park station, had been called as a witness, lie Eaid he had been sum moned to the Morrow home on Decem ber 28. He described the position of the body and the finding; of the revolver near a pool of blood that poured from the bullet wound in Morrow's head. Wltaeaa Conrlndea Amid Silence. Mrs. Morrow put a handkerchief to her eyes as the policeman gave this testimony. The room was still when the police man finished bis evidence. Prosecutor Northup handed him a revolver and he Identified It as the one he had found beside the body of Morrow. The shirt and the vest worn by Morrow when his body waa found were then exhibited. "Did you have any conversation with Mrs. Morrow on December 28?" asked Mr. Northup. Defease Holda to Suicide. "Yes, I asked her if she had heard any shots and she replied that she had not. I then asked her whether she and her husband had quarreled that day or during: the week and she said they had not. She told me she had seen her hus. band the last time about 8:20 o'clock the nijtht before." Charles E. Erbsteln. counsel for Mrs. Morrow, began his statement to thn Jury by declaring his client knew noth- Mjfnpccpc, Men Called tfl I ITI ing of the shooting until the morning: wIUICCa HiSU bdllCU IU llll the body of her husband was found. He said the evidence would show that Morrow had failed in business and had become melancholy and morose and had threatened to commit suicide. Court adjourned until 10 o'clock Mon day morning:. i h w ' v h MRS. KEN A MORROW. ' ' NEW ERA IS PREDICTED ATTACKS All! S TESTIMONY peach Franklin, Upon Whom - Prosecutich Relies. ENGINEER DEMANDS $20,000 NEIGHBOR QUOTES JUROR Latter Declared to Have Said Law yer Had Nothing to Do With Corruption Lawyer's Testi mony Objected To. LOS ANGELES, July 12. The defense In the bribery trial of Clarence S. Dar Employe of Sorenson Logging Com- pany Enters Snit at Astoria. ASTORIA. Or., July 12. (Special.)- A suit to recover damages In the sum of 120.000 for personal injuries was filed in the Circuit Court Wednesday by W. L. Hurley against the Sorenson Lopping Company. The complaint recltes.tb.at the plain tiff was employed as an engineer on a denkey engine used for hauling logs at the defendant company a camp Sep- llm?5 Tle,comPlaln- alleges row drew today on the presa sectlon ti Z rZtiA th . Xin . t of the courtroom for witnesses in ad erated with bolt ends projecting from dition to the recalling to the stand for the outer edge of the large flv or lour I further cross-examination Kooeri x. wheel and when "the engine was In I Bain, the juror alleged to have been operation this wheel revolved, so I bribed in the McNamara trial, and rapidly that the bolt ends could not be I closed the day s session by calling Tom seen. I L. Johnson, attorney for Bert rl. rank- In his work of operating the donkey I lln, who confessed to the Jury bribery. engine, the plaintiff avers, he was com. I Witnesses from the press section pel led to put coal dust on the friction I were called to Impeach Franklins evl surface of the clutch so it would bold I dence. They include D. M. Wlllard, and while putting this dust on the frlc- I press telegrapher, and Harry H. Jones tion the left sleeve of his "Jumper" I and J. L. Bernard, reporters for news- caught on the projecting bolt ends. His I papers, all of whom had been present left hand, wrist and arm were broken, I at the preliminary examination of crushed and mangled and he was pern I Franklin on . the charge of bribing manently crippled.. I jurors. The plalntlnr claims he was damaged I Darrow'a Testimony- Denied, io me extent; oi i.uuu ana ne asks A11 tegtlfled that Franklin had made I or a judgment in mat sum witn me I nnmnt.tQlv YnnaraHnr Tr costs ana aiBDursemenis oi me suit. r,., mnntinn with the i " alleged offense. Franklin, when on mniirv ill asm n I r nunlil tne stana, naa ueniou uiu w nAnniCI TLAIsO DIU dnUVV such statements. When Bain again took the stand. At torney Rogers asked if he had ever told I. B. Henderson, a neighbor, that Darrow and Harrlman had nothing to da with his corruption. He said he had not. Henderson- testified that Bain had Hurney County farmers are preparing told him Franklin alone was responsi to make a big showrng at the North-I ble for his trouble and that Darrow had yesterday while on a visit at the home of her daughter. Mrs. W. G. Anderson. It Is probable the body, will be taken to Portland for interment. Mrs. Norton was born in Dundalk, National . Educational Association Adjourns Rural School Prob lems and Athletics Discussed at Closing Session. CHICAGO, July 12. The 15th annuaj convention of the National Education Association closed tonight. E. T. Fair- child, the new president, said the ex ecutive committee in the Autumn would ratify the selection of Salt Lake City for next year's convention The last day was devoted largely to discussion of rural school problems and to emphasizing the importance of athle tics as a part of school training ana a complete educaton. There was i large attendance to hear the final dis cusslons. Profession Can Take Lead. A. E Wlnship, editor of the Journal of Education, of Boston, told the as sembled teachers today that the time had come for making teaching the leading American profession. Educa tion, he said, could meet the require ments better than law, medicine or the ministry. "Law, once the most, eminent or me professions." he said, '"will not meet the demand with a mission and a mes sage for the ennoblement of humanity unless it ceases to bring Its greatest triumphs in finding legal trap-doors through which the guilty can escape justice. Medicine is not likely to meet the demand until it ceases to think it more Drofesslonal to kill a patient regularly than to have him restored to health irregularly. The ministry will have no important place in the new times so long as It glories in nan a r 1 A r Tin -9 years old she-went io San Francisco J" 'nl , i tM ilrtt with her mother, making the trip by olVo?maSMtl Md ftSr way of Panama. She was married in 0Jlst- th'ee Congregational and rour 1859 and the next year came to Port-I """"J1 land, where she resided until nine years Farmers to Exhibit Products at Min neapolis Exposition. BURNS. Or.. July 12. (Special.) wwst Products Exposition in MInneapo li next November. The Burns Con mrclal Club, the Harney County Fair Aasoriatlon and the Oregon and West ern Colonization Company have united in the appointment of a committee to nothing to do with it. Counsel Called to Testify, Franklin's testimony that he had no transactions with John R. Harrington, the chief investigator of the McNamara have charge of the collection, arrange- defense, was contradicted by Miss Fern mnt and shipment of the samples and "-ernognan, a iormer ieiiuB'i"". m thi colonliatlnn rnmmno i... .... . the offices of the McNamara defense. IRft that thpv nrnno.l v n!oM mn I She testrfied to having seen both in thev can be seen to best Advantage I consultation frequently. This county ought to take a front I The prosecution objected to Attorney seat among all the exhibitors this year, I Johnson's testifying on the ground that because crops of all kinds are excellent. I he could not tell of his professional The generous SDrlne- ralna hrnmrht v,. I relations with Franklin unless Frank- crops of grains and grasses to nerfec-1 Hn consented. The defense held that tion, while ail the vegetables are of when Franklin took the stand he superior quality, and fruit was never waived any such rights and that he so universally successful. Apples, pears, could not be successfully impeached on rherries and apricots are plentiful and certain points without the evidence of rine In all parts of the county, and I the lawyer. The question .was unoer peaches are bearing a fair crop, while I discussion when court adjourned until the berry family is showing a prolific I Monday morning. 5 i-.-ia. CONVENTION NOT NEEDED Socialists May File Their Declara tions Without Conference. OREGON ELECTRIC AT WORK Ci-cw Is Putting" Down Tracks on McMinnvlile's Streets. TACOMA. Wash.. July 12. (Special.) WMIN'NVILLE. Or July 12. (Sdb-I For the first time In the history of cial.) The first crew of men doing con- Tacoma since the adoption of the state- structlon work for any electric road in wlde direct primary. Socialists may file thla city today began excavating for their declarations of candidacy with- the Oregon Electric s double tracks for out holding a convention as they have two blocks on B street, between Fourth had to 00 ,n the past. , The number and Second streets and opposite the or focnaiist votes increased at me last railroad comDanva denot site at the election io ouu more man me rctiunou corner of Third and B streets. Twenty- five men and a number of teams are employed. The crew came from New berg, where it completed a mile of track. It la the company's aim to have the work on thesa two blocks completed within two weeks, that the hard surface pavement may not be delayed. The work'of grading the com pany's right of way from Tigardville to Newberg and from Newberg to Mc- Mlnnville will be rushed during the Summer, assuring an early completion of this extension to McMinnville which will be the terminus of this line for the present. 10 per cent of the total vote, accord ing to the County Auditor Stewart, who today recanvassed the returns of the last election to assure the Socialist status. This was the first day to file declara tions of candidacy. Superior Judge M. L. Clifford filed for re-election on the non-partisan judiciary ticket; Attorney A. A. Newell also filed on the non partisan judiciary for Superior Court judge and Dr. F. J. Stewart filed on the Republican ticket for Coroner. . . MRS. NORTON DIES ON VISIT M. C. D. Borden Estate $40,000,000 Former Portland Woman Passes xEAN CITT. N. J.. July 12. The es tate of Matthew C. D. Borden, the Fall River cotton manufacturer, who died here May :7. is estimated at about i:.000.000. Vale University received a bequest of $250,000. Away in San Francisco. The coast is clear. Education can ago. ui laie )w. uocn ..!.- -- - - that ran ing her home with her daughter, Mrs. V ' , , uTiHhnnS W7 L. Hetich, of Eugene. She went to devote' Itself exclusively to childhood San Francisco last May on a visit, ex- ana youm. to me n..n..u6 . - pectlng to return to Eugene this Sum- "JJ thn teacher la toiead the preacher, mer i i -i - v- i Tirvcr In ihm nro Mr. Norton for a number of years nB pnysicm.i "' "n;. V- rTn- conducted the Hotel Norton In Port- jessionai ra, '"'' land. Mrs. Norton was the mother of figuration t he t eacher must think in ii hiiHrn v. of whom ar livm: larger units than they, must be more Thomas F. Norton. Portland; Mrs. Rosa ''.u, " "Z. lass- G. Anderson. San Francisco; Mrs. Mary rise above s elf-""sc,10AU8n1e"J nBUbc0": M. Hetich, Eugene: Mrs. Catherine Wil- con8clou"n"SIn thin They" liams, Portland; Edward Norton. Van- "Ciously dominant tnan they, couver, B. C; Miss Mae Norton, Eugene; Rural Education Improving. Sarsfield Norton, Portland. All of the Speaking on "Rural Life .Conditions, children except Mrs. Hetich were born County Superintendent Foust, of Gull- in Portland. ' ford County, North Carolina, ioia wn.i was being done In his county towaru improving rural education. "flullford County." he" said. "Is at tempting through its rural schools to Improve the rural lire conamons or the organization of the following de partments health, agriculture ana ao tU.x .i.n. We now have a super- ARCIIBALD TO NAME DATE FOR lntendent of health who gives his whole time to the health work ot tne couniy. IMPEACHMENT HEARING. . makes a careful Inspection of the children in the rural schools nd sug- ... A nflr.nln the nrODer treatment Official Papers to Be Submitted to to be given to these children In order to remeay any aeiecm wu mej TRIAL MAY BE DELAYED Senate as Soon as Lorimer Case Is Finished. have. Through the schools, by public lectures, and visiting tne nomes in me rural districts, the superintendent of health Is doing effective work. tk. mni hia-h schools of the county WASHINGTON, July 12. The im- I h.va ln addition to the usual currlcu- peachment trial of Judge Archbald, of lum a course In agriculture and domes- Iha r-nmrr.... Pnnrt will Hononri an to tin mlnnca AM the bOVB and girls who date largely upon the preference ex- are prepared to enter the high school , lor. cntltlprt to free tuition ln the presseo. Dy me accuses jurii. A.n.rtm.ntn. a i...t ..i..i. r .h. ckH.on scnoois wmuii ------ 1Llwl ... .... i w ,t,A oia rpcplvlnc lnstruc Senators prefer to postpone the formal ., . .e.ricuitul-e in the schools dur proceedings until cooler weather, . th winter go to their homes in meantime allowing both the House, Beetions during the Summer which adopted the articles of impeach- . rry the instruction which they ment with one dissenting vote, and the received with them. The same counsel for defense ample time tor uh reference to the In nrnrntlnn - Th Domorratlc Senators I . . . ... . preparation. 1 The Democratic Senators are disposed to favor early action, but both sides agreed today that Judge Archbald's preference should be given seriouB consideration, The official impeachment papers will be submitted . to the Senate as soon as that body disposes of the Lorimer case. Htriintlon ln domestic science, Thrnnarh the organization of these rienartments we hope to Improve health conditions and to make the rural boys and girls more efficient in tne worn which they are to pursue: m omei words, we hope to decrease the number T V,b. In, ,7r. head- of cases of typhoid fever and omer ed by Chairman Clapton, .f to fr? S tai , . i. i.a a v the vield Der acre on tne larma. by the sergeant-at-arms to the bar of and to raise the standard of the home the Senate, where in an address to the through the Influence of "- keeper in presiding officer they will demand that that home who Is well trained for the Judge Archbald be summoned to an- work. h , ,m.t A ramni. . Athletic. Declared E.aentlal ta Vif in snatora will ha; annolniail I George W. Ehler. professor of physl m mtih tha Hmiia roaointinn Thla cai erinr-RHon of the University of Wis committee probably will be headed by consln. made a strong plea for amieiics Senator. Clark, of Wyoming, chairman as an essential moral factor ln scnooi nf tha. lnHlnlnrv nftTnmltta- ... I lncr TTo said: V No rieclalnn ha been reached bv Sen- I "At the Deriod when the snacKies oi ators as to who shall nreslde over the 1 home and school begin to bear neavies Senate during the. trial. . This task is upon the boy and his instinct to lead laborious, necessitating a careful study hia own life and develop his own char- of precedents and law.' - At the begin- I acter tend to drive him out' into the nlng of the Swayna trial the President world of his own kind, we find com pro lm asked to bo excused and Sen- I petitive play athletics ln its many ator ristt, oi uonnecticui, was selected forms to De nis oominmi niicu as President pro tempore, . while the This form of activity presents daily benate was sitting ln trial. As the innumerable opportunities tor tne prac Senate so far has been unable to agree tice of the precepts and maxims that upon a regular President pro tern. It I home and school have taugnt. Is probable that the Senator will be "The environment Is determined by cnosen tor the specinc work oi preald- I th character of the leadership sup ing wmie the Senate Is considering the nlied At the time when every other Arcncaio. cnarges. ' I activity of the cnua or youm is bud lectoii to some form of adult super i i i . i- .l ,a jtftnBtriii11va o-n1ri- ffain m m a.aaaa.awAak.l I-AIK M N.V V IN Nlli:i:i-SS ance and helpfulness, only a police sup ervision is piutiucu nno anj that In a prnrH TPlth a nollCV OI rP- luropeans Give Assurances of Ex- pression and prohibition. Under this policy we see juvenile aennquency, mis demeanor and crime steaauy increas In i? NEW YORK. July 12. W. T. Sesnon "Where opportunity has been given and Theodore Hardee, chairman and I for the boys of a community to live executive orneer respectively of tne out thefr real Uvea as expressed by commission . extraordinary to Europe I competitive play athletics under tor tne Panama-Pacific Exposition ln San Francisco, returned today on the Lusltanla. They said their mission. which was to support President Taft's Invitation to the governments of Eu rope to participate ln the Panama Ex position and to arouse Europe's inter est ln it. had been successful far be yond expectations - In every country they met with en couragement and received assurance from the governments and manufactur ers that extensive exhibits would be made. hlblts- at San. Francisco. with discrimination; careless men don't care. EUGENE, Or.. July 12. (Special.) Mrs. Catherine Norton, a pioneer of 1859, died suddenly ln San Francisco theater where the prank was played, MISS MAY NOT RECIPIENT Dispatch, Through Error, Tells of I Prank Played at Seaside! SEASIDE. Or.. July 12. (Special.) in a dispatch from Seaside, recently published concerning the sending of a box or garter snakes to an actress In a local theater the name Angela May was given tnrougn error. Miss May was not the recipient of the snakes and had never appeared at the C. J. MATHIS & CO. Men's Clothes Shop 149 Sixth Street $1.75 Colored Tub Frocks Removal $1.19 These dresses are for children from 6 to 14 years old. Made of percale and gingham in many colors, checks, stripes and plaids. They have round or square necks and set-in short sleeves. Some are trimmed with pique, others with embroidery, and many have pipings and buttons. Guimps and Aprons Half Price 2 to 12 Year Sizes Removal 18c and 63c Odd lot of children's white lawn guimps and aprons. The guimps are made with yokes of lace and insertion or embroidery. The aprons have trimmings of embroidery. $1.25 Dainty White Dresses Removal 98c These little dresses come in sizes from 2 to 6 years, and are of fine nainsook in French long waisted style with square neck and short sleeves. The skirts are made of all-over em broidery in pretty, dainty patterns. 75c and 85c Children's Dresses Removal 59c Plain chambray, dotted, figured and plaid percale dresses with high or low necks and set in elbow or long sleeves. They come in tan, pink, light blue and navy blue. Children's $1.50 to $2.00 Dresses Removal 98c Colored dresses of percale, chambray and gingham in fancy checks, stripes, plaids and plain colors. They have high or low necks, long or short sleeves. Trimmed with embroid ery bandings, pipings, bandings and pique. Some have bloomers to match. Sizes 2 to 6 years. . $1.50 to $2.50 Novelty Hats Removal 69c Children's hats of novelty straws in poke, drooping or rolling brims in milans and fancy, straws. Prettily trimmed with velvet or satin ribbons in pink, light blue, red and navy. Sizes for 2 to 6-year-olds. All Children's Coats, Suits and Hats In sizes from 6 to 14 years. Removal HALF PRICE All our children's colored and white serge coats in sizes from 6 to 1 4 years. All children's serge dresses in pretty styles. Children's colored cloth and corduroy cefcts in sizes from 2 to 6 years. All children's fine pattern hats. i fu. mmm'6 Boys' $1.50 Blouse Suits Removal 98c . Two-piece blouse and pants suits for boys from 2 to 6 years old. Made with sailor collar and square neck and nhort sleeves. The pants come in the new beach style with open leg, These suits are finished with pipings. - Also Buster suits in stripes; plain straight styles with belts. Some have collars. Trim mings of plain colors. These suits come in tan, blue and white. Children's $1.00 Gowns 49c Night gowns for children from 2 to 1 6 years old. One style is made of longcloth in slip over style with loose kimono sleeves, trimmed round the necks and sleeves with torchon lace and drawn with ribbon. $1.00 Crepe Gowns 69c These gowns come in sizes for 2 to 1 6-year-olds. Made of a very fine quality crepe in slipover style and trimmed with torchon lace and drawn with ribbon. Boys' 65c Night Gowns 49c Muslin and longcloth gowns for boys, made in mannish style and trimmed with braid. Children's, 35c, 40c Drawers 25c In sizes from 1 to 6 years. Made in knicker bocker. and regulation styles. Trimmed with lace or embroidery. Muslin SKrts All Reduced Skirts for children made pn bands with ruffles of embroidery and tucks or torchon laces and insertions. Some have under-dust ruffles. Regular 75c, $1.00 and $1.35 Removal 49c, 79c and 89c $1.50 to $2.50 Bath Robes 79c Children's bath robes of flannelette, terry cloth and eiderdown, in sizes from 4 to 12 years. Made in flowered and plain colors. The eiderdown come in red, light blue and pink. wise leadership that drove home the lessons of right and wrong at the psychological moment of their occur rence In practice, Juvenile delinquency, misdemeanor and crime have decreased. "Athletics provides for an expression of youthful instinct and interest that is vital to the development of character. It Is an essential factor in any scheme of moral education." Logging Road to Be Built. CENTRAL! A. Wash, July 12. (Spe cial.) The Baker May Lumber Com pany of Mesklll Is planning the con struction of a logging road from Mesklll to the Columbia River. The road will be known as the Mesklll & Columbia River Railway Company. The company is Incorporated for $20,000, the incorporators being George Ells bury and Anna Robinson, of Centralis, and B. F. May, E. A. May and J. C Dolphin, of Mesklll. TOBACCO OFFER DENIED Trnst Lawyer Says His Concern Did Xot Aid Roosevelt Campaign. NEW YORK, July 12. Julius Parker, oranges In China 'sell at less than 70 counsel for the American Tobacco ' c.nta a hunrtrrd. Company, commenting on the testi mony of George B. Cortelyou before the Senate campaign contributions committee- that "some tobacco people came ln with a conn button" to the 1904 Republican campaign fund, de nied today that the American Tobacco Company had offered to contribute. "The American Tobacco Company," he said, "did not contribute or offer to contribute, or authorize anyone to offer to contribute to the campaign fund of President Roosevelt in 1901. If Mr. Cortelyou said or implied that, he Is mistaken.' EER Those who attended the conven tion at Atlantic City last year will remember the delicious WEIWHARD B Served by the Oregon Delegation. We Have Brewed a Special Beer as a Treat to Visiting Elks Have you tried it? Phone your order today the supply is limited. HENRY WEINHARD BREWERY Main 72 A 1172 Visit Our Plant 13th and Burnside Sts.