Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 13, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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Bond Issue of $1,500,00, Par
of $2,500,000 Authorized
to Be Floated.
City Attorney Is Instructed Formal
ly to Begin Condemnation on
Sites Xo. 1 and Xo. 2 Appeal
Will Xot Delay Project.
Next of the bond issues to be made
by the Commission of Public Docks will
approximate $1,500,000. unless there
should be a change In sentiment among
the - members, as it was tentatively
agreed at. an adjourned session held
yesterday afternoon that such an
amount would be needed to prosecute
the work In prospect. r
The commission is empowered, under
the authority granted at the polls, to
sell bonds in the sum of $2,500,000 and
in beginning preliminaries in the way
of having expert engineers pass on
harbor conditions and recommending,
besides office expenses, the commission
sold $50,000 worth of bonds. The next
sale will be definitely decided on dur
ing the coming week.
Condemnation Is Anthorlaed.
Two ordinances were passed yester
day instructing City Attorney Grant
to proceed with the condemnation of
Sites No. 1 and 2. one on the East
Side at the foot of East Washington
street, and the other from the foot of
Fourteenth to the foot of Seventeenth
street on the West Side. Chief En
gineer Hegardt has had his men en
gaged in checking up buildings and
other improvements on the sites and
the data will be assembled for the use
of the City Attorney's force in court
It Is said that conditions are favor
able for having the cases heard early
In August and the complaints will be
filed as soon as they are ready.
Appeal Not to Halt Work.
As the commission can proceed with
construction of the dock even should
the defendants appeal from the find
ings of the Jury, time will be savea
and as plans and specifications will
be in shape It is estimated that pro
posals ran be advertised for a period of
15 days. If work can be started in
September at least the foundations
could be completed during the Fall
low water season, which extends to
the latter part of December.
All piling have been driven on the
two sites to ascertain the character
of the riverbed and below and En
gineer Hegardt says that there is ex
cellent foundation at both.
Tiisfnni-e Retueen 30 -Foot Carves
Decreased 3000 Feet In Year.
In one year there has been a reduc
tion of 300 feet in the distance be
tween 30-foot curves inside and out
side of the Columbia River bar. For
a distance of 10,000 feet across the face
of the bar there is no spot on which
less than 24 feet of water prevails at
mean lower low tide. For a consider
able distance across the face of the
bar there is from i" to 27 feet.
Those are a few of the things that
have been reported to Major Molndoe,
Corps of Engineers, IT. S. A., follow
ing the completion of the annual sur
vey. In relation to the greatest depth
'shown In the survey of June. 1911,
there is no material change this sea
son, but the increased width of from
8000 to 10,000 feet and the decrease
from 9000 to 6000 feet In the space
separating the 30-foot curves, is in
dicative that the south jetty Is doing
the work, but there is not sufficient
"It Is plainly shown from the sur
vey that the north jetty is needed, but
even though the depth has not been
added to I am pleased with the fact
the channel Is widening," said Major
aicinaoe. nnen ne wus assigned tu
this district four years ago the width
of the ohannel on the bar was 4700
Waterhouse Expects liar rl man Fam
ily to Pay Losses.'
Frank Waterhouse, who is passing a
few days here in an endeavor to close
negotiations with the O.-W. R. & N.,
says he expects details concerning the
future operation of the Oriental steam
ship line to be decided on next week.
Promises have been made, he says, it
the railroad - Interests shoulder the
losses, that during the cotton season
shipments will be routed here from the
South. Instead of all going to San Fran
cisco or Puget Sound.
But Mr. Waterhouse has a decidedly
dismal viewpoint of the far Eastern
trade. He says that not a line on the
Coast operating either from British Co
lumbia, Puget Sound. Portland or San
Francisco has ever paid, and that while
chartering for the fleet steaming from
here has been done at 3 shillings, the
rate will be at least i shillings, and
some steamers have been taken at 7
and 8 shillings. He wants the railroad
Interests to shoulder the shortage
which he declares will come from the
operation of the line after September,
and estimates roughly that there will
be a deficit of $7200 on each voyage.
British Yeoman and Lord Templeton
Are Chartered for Lumber.
Though yet loading lumber here for
a voyage to Australia, which she will
make on a charter rate of 62s 6d, the
barkentine Amaranth has been fixed by
Hind. Rolph & Company for another
trip to the same destination, with the
rate at 65s. an advance of 12s 6d. and
the jump in freights has been made in
three months. Owners are reported to
be asking 67s 6d for the voyage, and it
is not doubted but. that they will re
ceive the figure shortly. .
J. J. Moore Sc Co.. of San Francisco,
have chartered the British barks British
Yeoman and Lord Templeton to load
lumber on the Columbia River or Puget
Sound for Sydney, with the option of
South Africa or the West Coast. The
Lord Templeton was taken at 51s 2d
to Sydney or 76s 3d to South Africa.
The vessel is at Newcastle, Australia,
loading coal for San Francisco. The
British Teoman was taken for 50s to
Sydney or 75s to South Africa. She Is
on the way from Port Natal for New
castle .to work a coal cargo.
Californlans Want Washlngtonians
and Orcgonians to Gather.
T-1--- h.r. l 'derided oblectlon
on the part of the Navy Department the
naval militia organizations of Cali
fornia, Washington and Oregon may
maneuver together next Summer off
the Northwest Coast. The first step to-
ward such a meeting was taken during
the stay of the cruiser Marblehead and
when she sailed yesterday for fort
Angeles it had been thoroughly dls
cUBsed that the vessel should meet with
the monitor Wyoming, of Washing
ton. and tHe cruiser Boston, of Oregon
and if possible the three bodies pitted
in tarsret Dractlce.
It was possible for the Oregon Naval
Militia officers to arrange but one en
tertalnment for the visitors and that
was in the form of a dinner at the
Commercial Club Thursday evening, at
which Adjutant-General Finser, of the
Oregon National Guard, told or now
California had aided in starting the
Oregon Naval Militia. He said that in
his opinion it would continue to go
ahead, as in Its ranks were now mus
tered the most desirable men who had
ever Seen identified with It.
Yearly Digest Indicates Gradua
Gain in Commerce of Port. '
In the annual report of the Custom
House for the year ending June 30,
1912, several Illustrations are given of
the gradual Increase in maritime busi
ness here, except that the taking over
of the Portland & Asiatic fleet by the
Waterhouse line, and the merging of
the two, reduced the number of entries
from foreign ports from 24 vessels in
1910-11 to 17 for the last year, conse
quently the number of vessels to clear
fell off from 91 to 88.
The number of carriers to enter from
coastwise ports was increased from 904
to 955 and those to clear for domestic
ports gained from S03 to 8S1. The
value of foreign exports was $3301 and
of domestic exports $9,976,927. while
last year the latter was valued at
$9,791,225. Foreign imports for the
year ending last month were worth
$2,739,841 and a year ago they were
$2,662,616. There were hut 53 docu
ments issued to vessels during the
1910-11 period and last year the total
was 98 vessels. There were 2452' entries
of merchandise and duties netted
$646 211.97, all other customs receipts
being $2277.80 and navigation receipts
$2023.70. the aggregate receipts
amounting to $650,513.47.
Marine Xotes.
Balfour, Guthrie & Company have
taken the British tramp Clan Maciver
on time charter to load lumber at In-
man-Poulsen's and Linnton for China.
She will carry about 3.000,000 feet and
is due early in September. The vessel
is on the way from Otaru for San Diego
with hardwood.
It was not until 3 o'clock yVster
day afternoon that the work of re-
pairing the broken rudder of the
steamer T. J. Potter was finished at
Ash-street dock. The steering gear was
damaged In the lower harbor and the
Potter lost two days. She resumed
running last night tolegter.
It is Intended to order the bar tug
Wallula here for .her annual over
hauling soon, but the date has not
been fixed. As the Oneonta has ar
rived down the Wallula can be spared
during the slack season.
Bringing 500 tons of asphalt the
steamer Claremont arrived from the
Golden Gate last night. The steamers
Carlos and Jim Butler are due from
San Francisco Monday with cement and
Inspector Beck, of the Seventeenth
Lighthouse district, has issued orders
hat the tender Manzanita, which is due
in the river today after having spent
over a month on Puget Sound, load
oil supplies for Coos Bay.
As many residents of Puget Sound
visited Portland during the week in
autos the steamer Joseph Kellogg will
maka o biivIbI trln n m -i-n utr frnni th1a
city to Kelso so' the machines can
be driven over the best roads.
Admiral Reynolds, of the Pacific Re
serve fleet, who is in the city as the
guest of the Elks, made a trip through
the harbor yesterday accompanied by
Captain Speier, harbormaster, and
George Forsyth, the latter of the O.-
W. R. & N.. engineering department
and who has charge of the new Harrl-
man bridge.
On her last trip on the upper river
this season the steamer Inland Empire
left Celllo yesterday morning with 120
tons of freight, over 80 tons of which
was consigned to Lewiston.
With 1.575.829 feet of lumber, of
which 1,395,345 feet was loaded here,
the British ship Segura was' cleared at
the Custom-House yesterday forCane
Town and East London. The Portland
hipment was valued at $16,957.04.' The
ntire cargo was appraised at $24,44.1.-
20 and the California shipment, which
is redwood, amounts to 180,484 feet at
Duties on grain bags were collected
n the sum of $15,000 at the Custom-
House yesterday. More are coming
on the next Oriental liner and the
business for July will be materially
Captain Le Bras, master of the
French ship La Perouse, has., resigned
nd will depart for Europe next week.
ill health being the reason. His suc
cessor is expected to arrive In a few
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. July 12. Arrived Steamer
Willapa. from San Francisco; steamer
Breakwater. rrom loos Hay; steamer
Asuncion, from FAn Francisco; steamer
claremont. from San Francisco; steamer
Alliance, from Eureka and Coos Bay. Sailed
Steamer Melville Dollar, for San Fran
cisco: steamer J. $. stetson. Tor Aberdeen;
United states snip Maroieneau, lor fort
Astoria. July 12. Arrived and left up
during the night, steamer Willapa, from
San Francisco; left up dnring the night,
schooner Virginia. Sailed at 8 A. M..
steamer Bee for San Pedro. Arrived at 8
and left up at 0:80 A. M.. steamer Break
water, from Coos Bay; arrived at 9:30 and
left ud at 10:40 A. M.. steamer Asuncion.
from San Francisco; arrived at 10 and left
up at 11:30 A. M steamer Claremont. from
San Francisco; arrived at 3 P. M. and left
ud. steamer Alliance, rrom lureKa ana
Coos Bay; arrived down at 4 P. U., cruiser
San Francisco. July 12. Arrived at l
P. M. Steamer Klamath, from Portland.
Sailed at noon Steamer Geo. W. Elder, for
Portland: sailed last nljcnt Steamers Tnos.
L. Wand, Yosemite and Carlos, for Port
land. Dunedln July 8. Arrived scnooner w.
H. Talbot, from Columbia River.
Astoria, July It. Sailed at 8:15 P. M.
Schooner W. H. Marston. for Valparaiso.
San . Pedro. July 12. Sailed Steamer
Beaver, for Portland: sailed yesterday
Steamer General HuDDara, lor Columbia
River. .
San Francisco. July u. Arrived steam
ers Wnlttier. Ventura. Hornet from Ever
ett: Ashtabula, from Iquique; Klamath, from
Aotnria: I'.rivn Harbor, irom urays Harbor.
Sailed Steamers El I.obo. for Junln; Pectan,
for Antofagasta; George LoomlJ, for Port
Angeles; Norwood, xor lemraua; scnooner
link Vance for Grays Harbor-. Tenyo
Maru. for Hongkong: Geo. W. Elder, for
Astoria; A. M. Simpson and schooner Ad-
rant, ror coos ay. .
Seattle. July 1Z. Arnvea steamers wat
on. from Tacoma: City of Seattle, from
;bnrv: Cltv of Puebla. from1 San Fian-
Maverick from San Francisco. Sailed
Steamers Alaskan, for Honolulu: Presi
dent, for San Francisco; E,aim. xor i.
Newcastle. N. 8. W., July 12. Arrived
previously Tltanla. from Seattle.
Fremantle. July 12. Arrived previously
Strathleven. from Tacoma.
Columbia River Bar Report. x
r-nndltlon at the mouth of the river at 5
P. M.. smooth; wind northwest, 28 miles;
weather, cloudy.
Tides at Astoria Saturday.
High. .. . I-fOw.
l"-36 A. M feetl6:MI A. M . .1.4 feet
11:44 P. M feet5:50 P. M....8.9 feet
Harney Adds Domestic Science.
BURNS. Or.. July 12. (Special.)
The commissioners' court of Harney
County has determined to add to the
curriculum of the county high school
it phoira nt nmestlc science and agri
culture, upon petition of a large num
ber of farmers and othera throughout
the county.
Letter Written by Seattle Man
Now on Trial, Is Matter
of Record.
Question of Support of Chicago Plat
form Enters Into Commissioner'
. Appointment Matter "Judge
Hanford Martini" Probed.
SEATTLE. Wash., July 12. After a
witness had testified today before the
House ludiciarv subcommittee tha
United States District Judge Cornelius
H. Hanford was an "Intense patriot.
the committee placed in the record a
copy of a letter written by Judge Han
ford on October 20. ls6. to an at
torney of Mount Vernon, Wash., who
had recommended that the juage ap
point a certain man to office. The let
ter in part says:
Tour letter of October 19. together with
a petition for the appointment or air.
w.nnlpr to be United states court com
missioner at McMurray, has., been referred
to me.
I do not usually inoulre about the poli
tics of persons recommended for appoint
ment as Commissioners, but loyalty and a
belief that the National Government may
rightfully exercise its lawful autnorlty in
all. places are qualifications for the office,
and when the time comes for making an
appointment I will not regard Mr. Weppler
as a suitable person unless 1 am assured
that he is not a supporter of the Chicago
platform or of the candidates for office who
subscribe to its declarations.
I say this because 1 am not personally
acquainted with Mr. Weppler and do not
know his position in tnis campaign.
(Signed) c. u. nAflruou.
Effect of Letter Told.
'Don't you know that the effect of
Judge Hanford's letter would have been
to disqualify 6,000,000 American voters
from holding officer' asked Chairman
A person who calls for a "Judge
Hanford Martini" at any one of nine
downtown saloons Is likely to be served
at once with a "dry Martini, with an
onion in it instead of a stuffed olive,
according to the testimony of George
M. Jacobs, a real estate dealer, who
was recalled today.
Jacobs swore that after he testified
last Wednesday concerning Hanford's
alleged visits to saloons he was taken
to task by a broker, who told him that
he would be ostracised by the business
men for his testimony. Witness testi
fled that he told the broker that he
had to tell the truth when he was on
the" witness-stand and challenged the
broker to a test of his evidence.
Drink: Wager Novel.
Witness testified that he gave the
broker a list of nine saloons and the
men laid a wager by whose terms they
were to go to these places and in
each call for a "Judge Hanford Mar
tini." If the bartender, without hesi
tation, prepared a martini with onion
instead of olive, thenthe broker should
pay for the liquor: if the bartender
did not understand the order, Jacobs
was to pay. witness testified.
On the way to the first saloon.
witness testified, they added two men
to the party. Witness testified that
he won his bet in the first saloon, and
his companion declined to test the
other eight. Witness testified that be
challenged his companion to visit any
of the places and ask for "Judge Han
ford's favorite whisky ; if a certain
brand were not produced witness would
pay. The challenge was declined,
witness testified.
John Arthur, an attorney, testified
that for 10 or 15 years he and Han
ford had taken a drink together twice
a month in three saloons which he
named. Witness testified that Hanford
was an exceedingly temperate man on
all occasions, even at dinners that
continued until 3:30 or 4 A. M.
The judge would sup a little liquor,1
testified Arthur, "but was never a bit
the worse for it."
No witnesses were heard at the night
Run of Stock at Yards Is Heavy
Lambs Lower on Free
The supply of stock at the yards yester
day was the largest In several months, ag
gregating over 3100 head. -Among the re
ceipts were 8 cars of Nebraska hogs. This
is the first shipment of Eastern hogs
brought to Portland this year and is tne
consequence of the advance of the local
market over Eastern quotations. The big
been run was supplied by all parts oi tne
Tha market was active throughout the
day. Cattle, in the main, held steady and
the hog market was In good. Mutton sheep
were steady, but lambs were off about 13
cents, the best offerings going at (5.60.
Steers had a range In the day s sales oi
5.85 to S0.75 and cows sold from 14.75 to
J8 and heifers from to
Tne Eastern nogs were enverea on con
tract and there was practically nothing do
ing la this line.
Several large bunohee of sheep and lambs
were sold during the day. one lot oi esw
lambs brought SS.60 and other lamb sales
were at S4.60 to so.4U. Yearlings were soia
at S4, wethers at the same price, ewes at
$3.25 and mixed sheep at $4.50.
Receipts yesterday were 374 cattle. 13
calves, 1249 hogs and 3480 sheep. Shippers
were A. R. Ford, Sberidan, l car ot sneep
and hogs; J. M- Abraham, Yamhill, 1 car of
FhecD: A. B. Oale. Dayton and Amity, 2
cars of sheep and hogs; D. Taylor, Halsey,
cars of sheen; J. E. peiton. oaaiana, d
cars of cattle; C. B. Adams. Roseburg. 2
cars of sheep; Frank Brown. Carlton, 1 car
of sheep; T. Kopplln. Plain view, 3 cats of
sheep; T. Bowman, jetierson, i cars oi cat
tle and calves; J. W. Williams, Junction
City. 1 car of cattle and sheep; Sevier &
Weed. Beatty. 1 car of hogs: J. S. Carl.
Wright. Wash., 0 cars of sheep; R. B. Jack
son, Whitcomb. Wash., 2 cars of sheep; Ed
Knorr. Idaho. 6 cars of cattle and calves;
. C. Ixmergan, The Dalles, 2 cars or cattle;
Henry Larkln, Colfax, Wash., 3 cars of
rattle: G. W. Owen, Idaho Falls. 2 cars
of hogs; Henline ft 8on. Nebraska. 8 cars of
hogs, and J. H. Phlrman. The Dalles, 2 cars
of cattle and calves.
The day's sales were as follows:
Weight. Price.
S heifers 715 S5.30
1 cow 8!0 5.7.-.
3 bulls ' lS:l 8-80
4 bulls BSO. 3.00
5 steers i 100 .1S
17 steer v "20 O.UO
23 steers . ..Il."i7. 6..K8
4.1 steers 1135 0.75
43 steers 1114 6.7.1
18 steers "
4 cows . .
1 calves 10 8.00
19 cows 1031 5.80
1 bull ........... wiu
1 bull 1315 3.50
1 bull 1450 4.:.'5
I stag ,,.1240 5.75
24 eteers 1'8
1 bull .... mwt
1 cow ..10 5.00
7 cows ' 034 5.B0
1 bull 1520 3.50
1 bull J 10 4.50
27 steers .....llu e.oo
8 steers '- "
1 steers - 820 5-80
IB steers 1183 6.10
11 bulls 1555 .4.23
1 bull 1760 4.23
1 bull ...1210 3.50
29 cows "3 4.05
5 steers 1324 6.23
25 cows 792 5.f3
6 steers' 1045 r..3o
138 wethers M 4.00
22S lambs 69 3.15
84 lambs ....v 73 3.30
2 sheep "5 4.30
.1 sheep , J10" 3.50
lO sheep 100 4.23
28 lambs 79 5.3..
37 lambs 71 5-49
112 yearlings '. SO 4.00
52 lambs 7 . 3.35
6 sheep 7 4.25
87 w. - 0 3.25
73 ewes . . .. Ht 3.2.)
108 yearlings 79 4.00
15 hogs 124 S.10
20 lambs .' 3 4.50
24 lambs 5.25
W sheep 75 4.00
SS9 lambs 67 5.00
2 steers 1170 6.25
2i steers 1192 6.23
21 steers IJSi .2o
2 cows 1125 5.30
10 cows 990 5.30
2 cows lOH 4.00
5 cows I'WI 5-00
2 heifers o-J"
11 heifers , 1017 6.15
3 stags .1156 5.50
4 stags ls; 5-00
242 mixed sheen 1" .50
M ,hn 99 3.25
The range of prices at the yards was as
Choice steers 6.75ig$7.0O
Good steers 6.00 6.50
Medium steers 5. . 0.00
rhnfcA rows ... . ........ a.iow n.Jo
Good cows ..Z. '5.50 5.75
Medium cows 5.00 5.5J
Choice calves 7.00 8.23
Good heavy calves . . . 6.00 6.v0
R.,11. . 3.50 5.0
gy,es 4.73 6.00
r.iii. - 8.00 8.35
Heavy 6.25 7.00
Yearlings 3.00 g 4.25
u .riipr. ..... '" -'"
8.000 8.75
Lambs 4.50 5.00
Omaha Livestock Market.
BOTTH OMAHA. July 12. Cattle Re-
.otnt. atmi- miirbpt Rteadv. Native steers.
sr. 73io 30; and heifers. $3.5067.25;
Western steers. $3.25(5.8.20; Texas steers,
$4.5O6.80; range cows and heifers, 83.00
0.25: canners. $2.30&4.25; stockers and
feeders, !3.73ige.ou: caivea, .wt'o.w
ua RoVolnt s?no: market shade
stronger. Heavy. J7.10'S7.25; mixed. Ji.loig
7.25; light. 7.107.3.-: pigs, $6.O0&7.00
Sheep Receipts 8000; market steady.
Yearlings. 5.O05.75r wethers. 84.501& 5.00;
ewes, (0(4.0; lanipa. i.vui.uv.
Chicago Livestock Market.;
CHlt AGU. JUly 1 1 nine rteL-ciFue
1000; market low, steady. Beeves, $5.60
9.7U; lexas steers, " co. . n
steers, 6.007.75: stockers ana leea-rs
calves, b.wqffw. 10.
Hogs Receipts 19.000: market steady to
5c higher. Light. $7.15 i)7.65; mixed. $7.05
a-ri. . t. ....... . tiO .nnah Cft ftt
l.OIS, nctt.J, (ihfirv I'WI .VMft., Vu..vw
7.15; pigs. $5.4O7.30; bulk of sales, $7.30(3
Sheep Receipts. 18.000; market -wean to
i.c tun er. nun . t,, , .. - ,
$3.655.30; yearlings. 4. 50 (6.20: Iambs,
native. $4.257.60; Western. $4.50(S7.70.
Hops at New Tork.
NEW YORK. July 12. Hops Dull.
Plans Will Be Laid for Sending
Delegates to Roosevelt Conven
tion on August 5.
Vitally important business awaits the
consideration of the National progres
slve Club of Oregon, which will hold
an adjourned meeting in the East Side
Library Monday night. The club will
proceed first to effect a permanent
organization. It will then discuss and
probably decide upon some method of
insuring representation from the pro
posed third carty organization in this
state at the convention the Roosevelt
leaders have called in Chicago August 6.
Under the call issued by Senator
Dixon, chairman of the committee In
charge, the plan ia to have the Chicago
convention consist of about one-half
the number of delegates that partici
pated in the Republican convention In
the same city last montn. unis woura
give Oregon five delegates, or one dele
gate for each member in Congress from
this state. This basis was recommended
by Senator Dixon and his colleagues ror
determining the representation from
the various states.
It remains for the club, which, by
its name,' Is a state organization, to Bee
that Oregon is represented at the com
ing convention,"' said Dan Kellaher,
temporary chairman of the club, yester
day. "The members Monday night will
be asked to provide some plan tor se
lecting delegates and certifying them
to the Chicago convention. Although
the state Is entitled to five delegates.
the progressives could entrust their
representation to any one or two who
might be chosen. The delegates would
be instructed in advance and could be
depended upon to fulfill their pledges.
"The delegates that are elected nec
essarily will be obliged to pay their
own expenses. There is no provision
in the Oregon law, I believe, under
which these delegates can expect to be
reimbursed by the state to the amount
of $200 for their actual necessary ex
penses, as was paid the delegates to the
Republican and Democratio National
in the last week I have received a
artre number of letters from Republi
cans in all parts of the state who are
in sympathy with the purposes of the
National Progressive Club. They de
mand that the state send delegates, to
the Chicago convention."
Mr. Kellaher said yesterday , the ques
tion of nominating a full set of "pro
rreosive" candidates for the various
state, legislative and county offices. In
this state, had not been suggested or
considered. "We will first provide for
delegates from Oregon to the Chicago
convention," said Mr. Kellaher. "After
this Important matter has been disposed
of, plenty of time will remain to nomi
nate such candidates for office on a
progressive' ticket as may De aeemea
Firemen's Band Plays at Fire.
rr n.nmnan1mpnt Of A TOUSlng
march, played by the Firemen's Band,
the fire department answered to an
alarm coming from Sixth and "Washing-
streets yesterday, just aner noon.
n Y. n r ti t a collrtnArl dOWn Sixth
gig luc HVi . . r. "
Btroet, the band, out serenading, stood
w.. -.v.A .,h a nrl wllhmit a flicker or
hesitation, played on as their com
rades dashed past. - The occasion of
run was a purst oi imnm m -i
Every pore and gland of the skin
preserving its smooth, even texturo, softening and cleansing if, and regulat
ing the temperature of our bodies. This is done by an evaporation through
each tiny outlet, which goes on continually day and night. When the blood
becomes infected with humors and acids a certain percentage of these
impurities also pass off with the natural evaporation, and their sour, fiery
nature irritates and inflames the skin, and dries up its natural oils, causing
pimples, boils, pustules or some itching
a. a. a. cures skin troubles ox every Kind ty neutralizing the acids and
removing the humors from the blood. S. S. S. cools the acid-heated circu
lation, builds it up to Its normal strength and thickness, multiplies its
nutritious, red corpuscles, and enriches it in every way.' Then the skin,
instead of being irritated and diseased by the exuding acrid matter, is
nourished, soothed and softened by this cooling, healthy stream of blood.
b. b. b., the greatest oi biooa purifiers,
cures Eczema, Acne, letter. Salt
affections of the skin. It removes
sightly blemishes from the skin and
Book on Skin Diseases and any medical
A National Gather
ing, Portland.
Tickets, July 7 to 10.
Return July 15.
Return Through Se
attle, July 22.
waste basket, which was extinguished
before the apparatus arrived. Holiday
crowds which flocked to the vicinity
were treated to an excellent display
of the department's promptness and
Pugilistic Exbibition Which hands
Trio In Jail, Witnesses Interfere,
Husband Looks on in Silence.
fr-TTtr n A T T IV rw Tnlv 1 fKrtA-
cial.) Residents who happened to be
In Second street at noon today saw a
pugilistic exhibition that made the bat
tle of Johnson and Flynn on the Fourth
of July look like the work of novices
in the roped arena. Besides it was
free and absolutely "on the square,"
i i . i.I.. iitilmiA fnr t h two
combatants were an Indian squaw and
a copper-colored maiden.
The Indian ana tne nwiaen eu
walking along the street when they
were confronted by the-squaw, the wife
of the. buck, who dame here from the
Warm Springs reservation, in the
southern part of this county, with the
v. flntnc Vi or arrine TTinlP. he
having arrived in The Dalles a few
days ago to meet nis young ainnny,
i ' . I. ITm.ttlla
wno came neie vj ..... ...
tribe, near Pendleton.
wv a TnHian larpnn became thick soon
after the meeting of the three, and
. u u ,,, iow nnAnpH the first round
with a stiff Jab to the jaw of the
maiden, following up ner aavantage oy
getting a good hold on the hair of the
t.i -urhn anhmtttpri to hair-Dulling for
a moment. Then they clinched. It
was a hard lussie ana iinnuy me
- ... afftrriiGGnr srnt tL "stransie
hold" on the maiden and she went
down. By this time the fighting blood
of the girl had been aroused and she
managed to throw off her antagonist,
but they clinched again and did some
clever in-fighting. The buck calmly
watched proceedings and three men
finally separated the scrappers, after
a hard pull. -
"She steal my husband," said the
a DhA was ASRiKted tO hftf feet.
Bljuan, on. . .
She grabbed her husband and started
him down tne street, uui no
away and returned to his maiden, this
Ki,o th. miifip nf another fisrht. As
a result of the second round, the wo
man was badly bruised ana Datterea,
her face being covered with blood. The
family wrecker was not scratched.
though conslderaDiy smaller man ner
. Tim three were arrested
and placed in the City Jail, later being
released upon promises to be "good."
M. Barde & Sons Seek Retnrn of.
Certified Paper.
. C T, . . a, Cnna TavtoHflV Started
.,1, x. ' ' . " J 1 . - - T J
suit against ine ciiy iu
a -orflfloH rllPPk fOT 1 2 00 J
which the firm put up to bind a bid
for Junk advertised for sale by the
Water Board. When the Junk was first
advertised for sale bids much lower
than this were received. M. tsarae tnen
told the members of the water uoaro
if .Via,, -omulr! readvertise he
...., ii nff. s?nnn fnr the stuff and the
check was given as an eviaence oi
Mr. Barde sought several times with
out result to secure tne return oi io
hi. fAoann rtelnfir that J. Simon
lllCIV, .....J.- , ,
& Brother had tied up the delivery of
Via -tiiTir htr an iniunctlon suit. His
position is that he is paying interest
on the $2000 and Is entitiea to imme
diate delivery or the return of the
Lenta Man Is Pursued by Series of
Minor Misfortunes.
a ti a sieAn hole Tuesday night
ended a remarkable series of accidents
which have befallen William cscnupp,
of T-ent. this week, by which his hip
was seriously injured.
The first accideni nappeneu wueu
ii n Knurii nn electric car. He
slipped and fell under the car, but
rolled out oi oanner augi .w.j
is employed in the neoessary work of
rash, or hard, scaly skin affection.
expels ail foreign matter and surely
Rheum and all other diseases and
pimples, blackheads, and other un
assists in restoring a good complexion.
advice desired free to all who write.
Tickets, Berth Reservations,
Full Information
City Ticket Office
255 Morrison St, cor. 3d St.
Portland, Or.
Main 244 Phones
Summer Eastbound Excursion Tickets
On sale for numerous dates to September 30.
Assistant Gen'l Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
escaping death. Monday night there
was a slight fire at Woodward &
Sager's store, when Mr. Eschlipp was
struck by broken glass. He narrowly
escaped being run down by an automo
bile in the city Tuesday, and upon re
turning home that night he started for
his room and dropped into a bolo. Mr.
Eschlipp managed to crawl out of the
TICKETS ON SALE JULY 14, 16 and 18.
Leave Portland. - Arrive Seattle.
8:30 A.M., "Fast Mail" 3:15 P-M-
1:45P.M., "Puget Sound Express" .8:30 P.M.
3:00 P. M., "Train De Luxe" 9:00 P.M.
11:00 P.M., "The Owl" .6:15 A.M.
Get Your Ticket at
O.-W. R. & N CITY OFFICE, Third and Washington Sts., Portland.
The New Perfection Oil Cook-stove
Suits Everybody
It suits the most exacting French chef. It suits the housewife. It
is found in luxurious villas in camps in farms in humble city home.
Everybody uses it ; everybody likes it It bakes, broils, roasts and toasts
as weD as a coal range. It ia equipped with a special heating plate, and
we sell the New Perfection oven, broiler, toaster, and pancake griddle.
New PierSciort
Oil Cook-stove
M dealer nil the sbwa. h it Wiomelr
finished in nickel, with cabinet top, drop
(helve, towel rack, etc Long chimney, en
ameled turquoue-bhie, I, 2 or 3 burner.
f v
Saa Diego, CaL
Tbe -world's greatest Deodorizer, Disinfectant and Cleanser combines
the three great essentials to health. ;
Cleanliness in all that surrounds you. Purity in the air that
you breathe and death to the deadly germs of disease that
are free to attack you. '
SANARE is not a "cure-all," but a "prevent-all."
SANARE as a cleanser is without a rival it takes less and does more.
SANARE for the sink, bath, lavatory, sickroom, stable and chicken
house. SANARE, everywhere, disperses the flies, drives away roaches,
bugs and other"vermin.
In 15 and 25-cent packages. Sold by grocers and druggists. If you
cannot get it, call .
Phone, Marshall 2239. .
Carnival of Pleasure,
July 14, 16, 18
Return July 22.
A 1244
hole and tried to get a physlcan. but
failed. He finally reached his room,
and laid on the bed till morning, when
he managed to attract attention by tap
ping on the window.
Of the population of Hawaii thor are
nearly three times more Japanese than Ha
waiian. TO
Free Cook
Book with
every stove.
alw given to
anyone sending
3 cant to cover
Seattle, Waek
3 pokama, Waih.
Portland, Or.