THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1912. ELKS REUNION STORIES (f I r I could only mafce our folks be I lleve me when I tell them what I've seen I shall be satisfied," said G. S. Maxwell, of the Chamber of Com merce of Dallas. Tex. "The develop ment here Is beyond our highest an ticipation. The new buildings have ex pensive details in them that bring them op to date and right Into line with the best we can show our way or in fact anywhere in America. This certainly i.-- th. wnllest handled conven- n&3 utvu . " " " ' tion I have had the pleasure of attend ing. I am more than glad I came, and I shall come again." f(t AM not a man of many words." I said Henry Brie, of Juneau, Alas ka, "so you will not find me saying very much, when I do say anyininu, though, I mean it. Any city, I don't mind where it is. that can beat this will have to be going" some. The conven tion was the best I have ever seen." ((IX vold of Kraft from the r hotel and restaurant point of view at any rate." said Brother Billy Baxter, of Salt Lake City. "Thats what I find here. It is the only city where the hotels have not tried to ad vance their prices. As a rule I expect to spend, or rather I have had to spend about $500. while I have had a better time and done just as much here on $150. and that is going to make me come again. This city has established a precedent by the courtesy that has been extended to us. such as I have not experienced even when attending a National convention. And talking of politics, it is the West that will hold the political dictation in its hand in a few years. What I am telling you Is nothing but facts, and if my business was In a condition to permit of it I would move down here tomorrow. My wife is going to stop behind when I do go, so yon see she likes it Just as inach as I do." THE friendliness of the people and the entrancing kind of weather were two of the features of Portland which were first noticed by William K. Drlsland, district deputy of New Tork, and a member of the Albany lodge. "I Just hate to leave, for I have never experienced such a great time. ' There Is no city of this size to com pare with Portland, which, with its wonderful climate and the unlimited hospitality of its people, must attract people by the thousands in the near future. "Judge Addington, also of New Tork, was talking to me about It Just before he left. . I know he thought as I do, but he was also immensely pleased with the legal holiday given for the parade, a thing I believe that is un precedented in the annals of Elkdom." fflT IS very hard to tell your people I here what I , think, for it has all been so remarkable. The first thing I noticed on my arrival was the num ber of skyscrapers for the size of the place." Such were the opening re marks of D. H. Crowley, of Cheboy gan. Mich. "And if I have heard it said once I have heard it 200 times that this Western hospitality we have received in Portland makes us all wish to migrate to this part of the world. The 'news from home' feature which The Oregonian has been running has been appreciated by every Elk. and it has never been .carried out before by any other newspaper." AMONG the foremost of unique fea features of the convention was a Japanese parasol of unusual si, which was being carried up and down the. streets by C J. Hahn and C. H. Harder, members of Twin Falls. Idaho, Lodge, No. 11S3. The parasol meas ured approximately 16 feet In diam eter, and was being used "to preserve our complexions," one of the boys ex JEROME B. DAT, of Moscow, Idaho, f Lodge No. 249. is known as "Jerry by every one of the 200 Elks that came from that state, and all or wnom are at the Portland. Mr. Day is one of the owners of the famous Hercules mine. As soon as the party had been fixed for their stay, Mr. Day gave a check book, with every leaf signed in blank, to the secretary of the lodge with in structions to see that it should not be money that prevented all from having a. rood time. What tnis mignt mean. and probably does, can be understood ' when it is remembered that there are tOO In the party. THE same spirit of festivity that moved some two dozen visiting Elks to commandeer a city street sprinkling cart and "ride the water wagon uo and down wasningion street Monday night, led another bunch of visitors to attempt to put one over on Sergeant Carlson, of the first night relief. Carlson was keeping a watchful eye on Seventh street, when he suddenly noticed half a dozen heavy-set and mus cular Elks start a fight. Other Elks hastened to interfere, and were drawn into the fray themselves, until there was apparently a small-sized street riot in progress. Sergeant Carlson had sen the nrellrainaries to tn deal, now- ever, and. in spite of the excellence of . the staging of the fracas, refused to Interfere. Seeing this, the Elks desist ed, remarking that Portland policemen seemed to be too wise to be caught napping. EORGE MC AKTHT, of Tacoma VI Lodge 174, who is in charge of Ta coma headqu-rters in the Portland Ho tel. Is perhaps one of the best-known telegraph operators on the Coast. He was sitting in his headquarters enter taining some visitors, when he sudden ly pricked up his ears and listened in tently. A moment later he excused himself and dashed out into the hall way, returning in a few seconds with a friend who was carrying a cane, whom he at once led to the refreshment counter. Then he returned to his duty of entertaining guests. "What made you leave us so sudden ly?" asked a young woman in the crowd. McCarthy laughed. "Emergency call." he replied; "that was another operator, and he was standing out in the hall way tapping out distress calls in Morse with his cane. I heard the ticks and rescued him. My. but he must have been thirsty: look at him punishing that punch over there. WOWEN screamed in dismay and - W pity, drivers brought heavy cars to a sudden halt and solicitous in qnlrles were made last night when nearly a score of puppies, crusnea under the wheels of the vehicles, uttered their dvintr velDs and howls. It was . the Kansas City crowd of young men, putting on their stunt. There were no dogs, no crushed and mangled bodies and no need of pity. The howls that died out in a last feeble expiring yelp came from one of the Missourians stationed immediately be hind the car and the crowd that gath ered about were accomplices of the "show me" delegation. W TELEGRAM was Just received by J- August Menn, Jr., from San Jose, CaL. Lodge No. 622, B. P. O. Elks, stat ing that they had let the contract for their new building, to cost 135,000. ex cept furniture. The site, purchased at a cost of 160.000, is located in the heart of the city, southeast corner of First and St. Johns streets, facing St. James Park on the north. The old shacks are now being torn down to make roomj for their beautiful three-story building. Blx years ago at the time of the oarthauake. San Jose lodge went down, and nearly out That never-fall spirit of Elkdom took hold of the boys, ana with a $1500 note staring them In the face they purchased the old Methodist Church property and went in debt over $35,000. The mortgage on that prop- Ai-tv was burned some four weeks ago, and they have now started on their new building, which, when completed, will call for an Investment of $150,000 or more. E. HOLCOMB, . designer of San Francisco cadge, is such the clever sleight of hand performer that whm he nut on a series of stunts on the train coming to Portland, all the women gave their Jewelry into the care of the porters. GRANT - Pauley, who designed the classv watch badge of the Musko gee, OklaJ, delegation, is the exalted ruler of that lodge. In place of ng-ures indicating the time on the dial,- are the letters M-u-s-k-o-g-e-e, O-k-1 tk t hiAolc find Insrersoll desitrn and it really runs. On it is the Elks' head, clock and roses. A beautl ful fob is attached. THERE is much Joking around Med ford headauarters about the nun ber of politicians in the delegation from the Southern city. Judge Prim, r..,. xr uiiiBi- KnriftUat Councilman County Engineer Harmon, A. W. Dean, Captain oi tne muoow .. . PaBITIAI. WtlO IS IUH' nlng for Joint Representative for Douglas and Jackson counties on the Democratic ticket and C. E. Whlsler, on the Republican ticaei; aususi C7i i.. ,.qaA fnr Sheriff: W. Coleman. County Clerk: Fred Colvlg, County Recorder; "Bob" Dow, Deputy Sheriff; W. T. Grieve and John Demmer, ex-Councllmen: also are Interested per sonally in the coming election. SWAIN BEATTT, of Caldwell, a member of Boise lodge No. 810, called on his old tlllcum. Bill Cuddy, yesterday. Thirty years ago tney helped put Caldwell on the map of toKa v.. otirf thA town.. Bill, ran the newspaper and Swain beat him to it by conducting a aisseminaiur dally news the swellest barber shop in the territory; he also "doubled In brass." the first requisite of leading citizenship in those days, and ac quired fame so rapidly tnat at io time of the Lewis and Clark fair, the n,.- innnintsil him s-eneral music master of the state. Now with silver threads- on his dome, ne lets tne younger element make the muslo while he recounts past glories. ip HE Michigan Society of Portland M naa maintained neaaqu&riors iun wfwk at the ImDerial Hotel. Visit ing Elks from that state are Invited to register there and meet tneir irienas. ' TW LTHOUGH J. H. Albright, of the r Bremerton Elks' delegation, was burned by the explosion of a clank nn ), mtnipturo battleshln Oregon, In the parade Thursday and was rusnea to tne nospitai, o um uut a 1n-fllT-lA fill SArlOUS enOUSTh ... .., t,im ,A waft until thftv mere dressed, after he had arrived at the hospital. The powder Durnea nis arm somewhat and made a small flesh wound, and under the pressure of the momentary pain he decided to go to the hofiDltaL v nen ne arnvsu o.i i . - cent--, he was asked to wait in the tVti- mnmAnr vtlll, at' ui crams , u ... - tpnHnntq nroeured the necessary out fit with which to dress the wound. When they returned, however, ne naa gone. - memory of the "absent brothers" I of the Elks, a special service was held under the starlit skies Wednesday .i.iit hv tha PAnriiAton loasre ro. mo. Promptly at 11 o'clock the special train stopped on tne prairies woat tilla. The engine sounded 11 whistles. and the Elks left tne train ana gaia ,h, Tha pnwhot band struck up the tune of "Auld Lang Syne," and the aseraoiea hubs toon up im O SALEM, Oregon, ' lodge. No. 336. J sprung a surprise at the close of th Grand Lodge meeting Tuesday by presenting the members with a carton of Royal Ann and barooert uueino. The committee furnished 2400 boxes of the fruit. They were distributed to the members as they passed out. Special boxes were given to the of ficers of the lodge and members of committees. COAL-BLACK pickanlnnys, Just like tha "niggers" way down In Missis. .inni in ornoA water melons and the whole lot set in a natural cotton boll, is the official badge of the jnerioan, miss., delegation of three men. There are only 100 of the unique badges In exist ence. The three Elks are Sol Suger man, Ike Rosenbaum and S. C Moseley, all of Merldan. The pickinanny has black, curly hair and regulation chocolate-colored skin, and he rests serenely In his favorite fruit. The watermelon is cleverly ar ranged in the center of a cotton boll, and the thorn or stem of the boll is left for a handle. The Mississippi Elks think they have the only badge in town. THE Idaho Elks' Band rendered an Interesting concert last night at the Portland Hotel. Features were a cornet solo by Professor C. J. Carey and a tenor solo by Claude Heard. The Drorramme was brought to a close by a ragtime concert. tj V ATCH Tacoma grow!" exclaimed VV a bystander, plagiarizing some, what on the Tacoma slogan, as the delegation from that city passed down Alder street In Thursday's parade. "Yes, and we did not bring them all over with us, either," retorted a Taco ma Elk in the line. "Well, you have surely grown some, then, since the last census," replied the first man as he craned his neck up the street In an attempt to get a glimpse of the final line of four stalwart Ta comans that was passing. - , FOR YOUR HAIR Here Are Facta We Want Too o Prove at Our Risk. When the roots of the hair are en tirely dead and the pores of the scalp are glazed over, we do not believe that anything can restore hair growth. But, when the hair roots retain any life, we believe there is nothing that will so surely promote hair growth as will Rexall "93" Hair Tonic To prove that statement, we promise to promptly return all the money you pay us for Rexall "83" Hair Tonic, should it not please you. Rexall "93" Hair Tonlo destroys the germs which are usually responsible for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of the hair, stimulating and, by promoting circulation, nourishing them. Rexall "93" Hair Tonlo helps to re lieve scalp irritation, to remove dan druff, to prevent the hair from falling out, and to promote an increased growth of hair. It comes in two sizes, prices 60 cents and $1.00. Sold only by The Owl Drug Co, stores In Portland, Seattle. Spokane, San Fran, clsco, Oakland, Los Angeles and Sacra mento. . Don't Fail to Visit Portland's Finest Store Before You Leave for Home Open Saturdays From 9:30 A. M. to 9:30 P.M. g. M JM H-VHa J M. HHW - aw " , Hello Bill! Take Your Luncheon Today in Our 4th-Floor Tea Room-Quick Service BRAMAN'S STOMACH POWDER The majority of skilled physicians will prescribe this medicine for in digestion and dyspepsia when they know of its wonderful success. We sell it under our recommendation. Child's Dresses $2.25 Values $1.29 For little maids of 6 to 14 years, made of white lawn and daintily trim med with lace or embroidery. Reg ular $2.25 values. Spe- fij f OQ cial for Saturday only pi-a ANOTHER LOT AT $1.29 These are made of figured or striped lawns, made with Dutch neck and short sleeves; ages 6 to 14 years; regular $2.25 values. Jff OQ Special for Saturday at P--eVi7 Middy Waists $1.49 The easily laundered and all-round ideal Waist for girls' Summer wear. Made of white duck with navy col lar; 6 to 14 years. Spe cial at this sale only $2.49 Olds Wortman & King Where Wide Aisles and Courteous Service Make Pleasant Shopping The $6000 Voting Contest Is the Center of Attraction for Visitors Have Your Visiting Friends Cast Their Votes for Your Favorite Institution 21 Prizes to be Paid in Gold BORDEN'S PURE MALTED MILK Pure, rich flavor of creamy milk and selected cereals, an easily -digested food ready for use with, the addition of water. On sale in three sizes. Give this milk a trial. 65c Ribbon at 25c Yard The newest effects, Dresdens, plaids, checks, ombres and stripes included; 10,000 yards in the lot, values to 65c the yard;Of?f, take your choice at only"-'' Elks Souvenirs of all sorts on sale on first floor. 1 Chemisettes at 48c Each Formed chemisettes, full bust shape with elastic draw string at waist; they come in white, ecru, etc.; the regular : 75c i Gf values; special at only"' Dainty conceits in women's Jfeck we&r new effects. See them. $6.50 Hand bags $4.98 Carry the newest shape and have it cost you one-fourth less than usual ; several,, leathers, well trimmed; the regu- G?S Q lar $6.50 values at P70 Special values offered in jewelry novelties this week. Sale Suit Cases $2.25 Values $1.49 Matting Suit , Cases, light weight, in expensive. Splendid for carrying your vacation luggage. 24 inches long, 6 inches deep, with leath- fl? t a Q er corners and handle. V' $5 Suit Cases $2.98 Reed Suit Cases, with steel frame and le.ather corners, with two straps all around, linen lined, in- flJO QC side pocket. $5 vals. at PaWeJ70 $23 Trunks $18.95 Three-ply, box style, leather covered, full riveted, 2 trays, full linen lined, two straps; regular JJ f Q Q $23 values, spc'l at pXOei7 Women's Norfolk Blouses Exceptionally Low Priced Strikingly new and decidedly chic are the new Norfolk Blouses for women. A shipment has just reached us. Made of linene, galatea and corde line. All white white with colored collars and cuffs or striped. Come with short sleeves and patent leather belts. The best selection you'l! find in all Portland. $1.49, Jj QQ $2.00, $2.75, $3.00 and V70 $42.S0SitkCoats $21.45 Taffeta, double faced satin, benga line and cloth of gold, trimmed with laces or with satin, moire or broad cloth collars and cuffs; values to $42.60; special low CO 1 AEZ, price at only, each Another lot of changeable silk "or ; pongee, newest models, with large fancy collars, draped effects, trimmed ; with braid, satin, etc., all sizes; val ues to $28.50, at the C 1 f Q? very low price of rIvitJ' . L: If $ 1 f f ATL - 'iya A I i HI K V Women's Wash- Dresses, made of. gingham, linen and cotton voiles. The linen dresses are trimmed with sailor collars and embroidery colors white, pink and lavender. Gingham in stripes, trimmed with plain mate rial, lace and insertion. Cotton voiles 'in dainty striped . effects, trimmed with lace and piping, low neck, sailor collars; spe cial values? priced at W V -A Great Cleanup of Women's Suits Th materials are whiricords. diaeon" als, cheviots, mixtures and novelty materials. Laces, satin, braids and vatine are used as trimmings. Plain tailored models are also to be had. Cutaways, Norfolks and a number of stout models are included in the lot. The regular values are $25, $28.50, $30, $35, $38.50 and U Tii0 up to $85; choice at ' t5 Select Apparel for Your Vacation Trip While These Bargains Last Women's Silk Gloves at 33c Pair Whoever has too many pairs of Silk Gloves? Who ever saw such bargains as these on good Gloves? They have double finger tips and are perfect in every way; white only; sizes 5y2 to 6y2; regular 50c qual- DO ity, bargainized for this sale at the low price JJ Women's Kid Gloves, two-clasp over-seam style ; 15 0 0 EZ( pairs at, the pair, only WHITE KID GLOVES, the fa mous Trefousse make, 16-button length; regular $3.50 Of values, at the pair p6i.JJ Chamoisette and Silk Gloves, 16 button length, the 6ilk in black, white and colors, the chamoisette in white or natural; not all sizes in tha lotr, $1.00 values ; special, the pair, for only-'"' Women's Union . Suits of white lisle thread, low neck, sleeveless, lace trimmed or tight f27g knee; special price, only " Women's Lisle Vests 22c Sleeveless style, with crochet or lace trimmed yokes, white only; good 35c values, special 00 for Saturday at only Men's Fine Suits Save lU Youve Simply Got to Save Money if You Buy Your Suit Here They're All Reduced It doesn't make any difference what style; fabric or size you select no differ- n ence what price you pick you save one fourth or more on any suit in our huge , . stock. Why not take advantage dress well for little money. Just try us once. Boys9 Suits Are All Reduced 50c Hose at Because this is the end of a huge lot, these lace boot white hose sell for half the intended retail price. Double heels and toes ; O CZf regular 50c values at only-'' Women's Burson Seamless Hose, in plain or silk lisle, with double heels and toes, garter tops, knit to fit the leg without a O EZf seam, 3 pairs $1, 1 pair 'LadyViolet' Hose 25c Silk lisle, garter top, seamless, double heels and toes, come in black, white and tan ; O Ef g special low price at only Child's Holeproof Hose The original guaranteed Hose, fast bUck cotton, with holeproof knees as well as feet. Six pairs are guar- anteed to wear for 6 months new $6.50 Go-Carts at $3.98 Folding Go-Carts with adjustable back; has 10-inch wheels and 3-8-inch tire, steel frame, light weight ; a regular $6.50 Go- Q QQ Cart for only, each $14.50Carts$8.95 Folding Go-Carts with ball bear ings, gopd steel frame, upholstered seat and" back; have good springs; a regular $14.50 Go- O Q CZ Cart for only, each pJ.i7J Folding Gc-Carts, with 10-inch wheels and good tires, frame made of good, strong steel, easy running, wood handle and arm J? C rest; $7.50 value at p - $9 Go-Carts $5.95 Has upholstered seat and back, has wind shield to keep wind off of baby's back and head; 10-inch wheels; the regular. JJtf ChZ $9.00 value; special .pJ.rJ Correct Shirts 95c One-fifty is the regular price of the Shirts that we are selling Sat urday at 95c each. Soft bosom Btyles, in the latest striped pat terns, well finished, a regular $1.50 quality, for one CZs day, at this low price w Night Shirts for $1.25 The best fitting sleeping garment for men. Cut in bell shape, allowing unusual fullness at bottom; 60 inches long, best muslin, and 2J T O GL braid trimmed; at only V1" Cooks and Waiters9 Wearables Cooks' Caps, priced at, each 20$ Cooks' Aprons, 20S 30S 35 Bar Vests, $1.25 and $1.50 Butchers' Coats at, each $1.50 Ceoks' Pants at, the pair $1.50 Waiters' Coats, frog trimmed or military collar, at I J J1 only $1.00 to .iJU uEverlas ting" Hose $1.25 Box Light weight but they wear. One pair for 25 or box ZJ T O of 6 pairs, special at P-.a Men's Underwear at 49c Broken lines of Men's two-piece Underwear, shirts in all sizes and drawers in small sizes only; regu lar values from $1.00 to ACkr. $1.50 the garment; special New Wasli Ties at 5c Each Fancy weaves in the Wash Ties so necessary to Summer dressi ness. Colored bars, stripes and fancy figures; new; spe- Zf cial values at this price Women's Low Shoes at $2.98 Pr. Best leathers in tan or black, best models in Pumps, Colonials and Oxfords. All sizes in the lot; leathers include patents, vici kid, gun- fiJO metal, velour calf, tans, etc. $4.00 values, special today at fW ones if they don't. J?Q fkfk Box of 6 pairs for Mdurine For the Skin See the demonstration in our rest room, second floor. Have a woman who knows explain how to keep young and beautiful with the Maurine treatments. A specific remedy for all skin and scalp troubles and thorough proof that it will do what you want it to. Ivory or Fairy Soap, 3c That's the kind of bargains you like a cut price on an article Qf that's well known. Either of these toilet or general use Soaps Toilet paper, 1500 sheets at 10 Scott's Paper Towels, pkg., 39 Woodbury's Facial Soap, ck. 15i lOo Vendura Glycerine Soap 6 Dr. Stuart 's Buttermilk Soap 18 50c Graves' Tooth Powder at 25 Toilet Soap, Lilac, Rose Glycerine, regular 10c cake, special for 5 Jergen's Oatmeal Witch Hazel and Buttermilk Toilet Soap. Regu lar 5c cakes, on . sale at only 3 Hand Scrub Brushes, well made; regular 25c values, special, 15 75c Hair Brushes, special at 50 Clothes Brushes, 75c values, 50 Tooth Brushes, 35c values, 17 Tooth Brushes, 15c values, at 8J All Rubber-lined' Traveling Cases, Special for Saturday at Vi OFF Bathing Caps, silk or rubberized cotton, special this sale Vi OFF Roger & Gallet's, also Pinaud's Toilet Soap, 25c values at 15 Odds and ends of Toilet Soap, reg ular 5c cakes, special price, ea 3 Armour Toilet Soap, 3 cakes in box ; 15c value, special at 10 Nail Buffers, regular values up to 50 o each; choice at this snie, 25 Rubber Sponges, 50c' values, 33 Talcum Powder, 15c box only 9 S5c Scissors, all sizes at only 19 Mirrors, Powder Puffs and novel ties; regular 25o values for 19 Mosquito Talcum Powder, regular 25c value, special price, only 21 Imperial Coffee 28c We challenge all Portland to produce the equal of this Coffee in bulk goods even at the regular price -40r the pound. We know what the berry is and how this coffee is roasted so recommend OO it highly, and Saturday the price is only", the pound 'at'-'' Graham or Oatmeal Crackers, spe cial for Saturday,' 3 pkgs., 25 New Potatoes, 14 pounds, 25 Norway Mackerel, two for 25 When you're planning that pic nic lunch remember that the most tempting things to eat are carried here and cost little ; Deviled ham, ox tongue, potted ham, lamb tongue and lunch tongue in glasses. Also domestic and imported cheeses and sardines. - Take advantage of tis. Stuffed Olives, the bottle 35 Grogan's Ripe Olives, can, 20ft 15c can Pimentoes st only 10 Cooked Corn Beef,' pound 35 Picnic Cookies 6 Brilliant Basement Bargains True, economists who have shopped discriminatingly have always found that the same merchandise offered in our basement is frequently sold in other stores for prices nearly double what they pay here. Suppose you try. Bargains every day. Women's Linen Coats $4.95 You can see at a glance that these coats are made of good material and you've only to slip one on to see that the style is good. Plain tailored, with military collars, fine for auto wear; $7.50 QJ values; special only Women's Lisle Gloves 43c A timely ' sale -16-button length Gloves of fine grade lisle, in black, white, gray and tan. Complete range, of sizes, too; regu- Ji larly 75c the pair; special A Good Corset for 48c They have fit and 6tyle, made on the lines that present styles call for. The material is a good qual ity of coutil, four hose supporters attached, sizes 19 to 30 special low price at on! ?;48c Men's Neckwe'r Only 19c New Four-in-Hands, the kind of ties that you'll be surprised to find on sale at so low a price. Neat patterns in good silks, regu lar 35c and 39c ties ; spe- T Chf price at only, basement 74 Women's $5.00 Shoes $1.69 High or low shoes are included, and you may choose oxfords, pumps or Colonials among the low cut models. Black, white or tan, all the leading leathers and lasts; values to $4 and $5 flj "1 fZCk the pair at, special jyJ-.Ji7 Men's Pongee Shirts 69c Just the shirt you want for Sum mer wear. Cool, always neat and easily laundered. Made without collars, very neat pat terns; regular $1 shirts t69c