JULY 1912. 8 THE MORXEfG OREGONIAN, 4 ! POBTLAJi D. Olliuua. Entered at Portland. Oregon. Poetoftica Eacocd-Claaa Matter. Subacrlbtlon Rate Invariably In Advene (BT MAIL.) Dally. Sunday included, ene year. -2S Daily. Sunday Included, "mix montha..... - gaily. Sunday Included, thrae montha... ally. Sunday Included, ona monla. . Sally, without Sunday, ona year.. " Dally, without Sunday, alx months..... Dally, without 6unday. three montha... - Dally, without Sunday, ona montn -JJ Weekly, one year . -- Sanday. one year ' V-a Sunday and Weekly, ona year (BT CARRIER.) Dally. Sunday Included, ona year....... Daily. Sunday Included, ona mon How to Remit Send Po.tof lice money OT er. eipress order or personal check on your local tank. Stamps, coin or endl" at the sender's risk. Give poatoftlca addrea. ia full, including county and state. Poatace Katee 10 to 1 pagea. 1 to iio pagea. J conta; 0 to 40 pagea. eO u V pagea. a centa. Foreign poatage. 40irAtBa,ln Ofnrea-y.rr. Conk Bn Ke York. Branswlc building. c" caga. steger building. c. baa FrmacUco Office B. J. Bldwell to 142 Market street. European Olllce No. S Regent atreet. B. W Lobdao. - PORTLAND. THCBSPAY. JIXY It. TEARING OFT THE MASK. The early days of a beautiful Spring saw Oregon In the midst of a stirring primary campaign. There was no great novelty about it, for Oregon Is used to elections and the -ways and wiles of . candidates at all times of year; except that for the first time In history the people of the state were to express their preference for candidates t for President ana vice-r-resiueii.. Democratic and RepuDUcan. xne Democrats named Dr. Wilson and had votes to spare lots of them to help out the Republicans. They were aided and abetted in this more or less laud able enterprise by the Democratic newspapers of the state, all of which were violently against Mr. Taft. and for Mr. Roosevelt, or Mr. La Follette, or both. But where, oh. where are the Roose velt Democratic newspapers now? Where is the noble pose of disinterest ?d independence they assumed? It has yielded, of course, to the Intense partisanship they always had. Where once we had a touching display of im partial Interest in the general welfare, we now have a genuine manifestation of party loyalty that purposes to achieve a Democratic President. These papers are for Wilson because he is the Democratic nomlneer they would have been for any other if he had been chosen at Baltimore. They never were for Roosevelt or La Follette: they al ways were for that policy or 'that can didate that made most trouble for Re publicans. Now the mask Is off. These remarks are for the benefit r it, iA r.a n.r. hva the Pendleton IU l tll'lJ " , . - Blast Oregonian and the Medford Mail- wlTrlbune.- and some - others. " They "fjmed and frothed . and ' foamed be cause Taft did not indorse the Oregon i.'ciam The Democratic clatform Ig- r-nores the Oregon system, initiative. I ' - J if. nJa n-lll U'l T ann In , recall auu an. cwiu "... - - --- his letter of acceptance. But that will maae no uiiiernii.o w jv, n.w- tlc camel-swallowers. - . THE VOICE OF LAFFERTY. Mr. Lafferty. describing Mr. Roose velt as the greatest man. since Glad stone, will tender hia powerful support to the third-term-third-party candi date for President.. Mr.. LafXerty. we believe, was once loud for La Follette: but that Is immaterial. Nor do we suppose that the public, or the Re publican party, which has Just given Lafferty a renomination, had a right to expect him to take a different attitude. Or did the Republican party give Lafferty a renomination? If it did not. he owes the party nothing: if it did, he owes the party a fealty- and a duty he has never pretended to pay. lafferty got 10,000 votes in the re cent Republican primary, and his vari ous opponents about twice as many: but, due to the misguided- activities of the serviceable Shepherd in dividing the opposition, he became the plural ity nominee. Lafferty knows that many, or most, of the votes given . for him at the primary were by men who have little or nothing in common with the Re publican party: and he defies with im punity and challenges with contempt any demand that he preserve the form of Republican regularity or render any service for the party which has signal l;r. though mistakenly, honored him. No one cares much nowadays, of course, for party; and we make no appeal in Its name. But Lafferty does. He asks election to Congress as a Re publican. Yet he will support Roose velt. A man of sensibility and manli ness who desired to support Roosevelt ought to run for Congress, or for any other office, if at all, on the Roosevelt ticket. Lafferty will do nothing of the kind. " . - "THOU SHALT NOT STEAL." The plans of Roosevelt to secure the choice of Presidential electors favor able to himself, regardless of whether tiey march under the Republican or tae third-party, banner, threaten to bring confusion slnto the Republican party. He refuses to stay wholly in tiie party or to get wholly out. He proposes to stay in where his adher ents control the party organization and where the candidates for electors sup port him. He proposes to pull out and form a new party where the organiza tion and the electors stand by the ac tion of the Chicago convention. The rlepublican party is thus to be split Into fragments, the name meaning one thing in one state, another thing in another state.' Roosevelt's course shows to what lengths a pretended moral issue will carry a man. Starting with the dec laration that fraudulent delegates were ated at and legally elected delegates excluded from the Chicago convention, he maintains that the entire action of the convention was vitiated by fraud and is, therefore, rot binding on the members of the party.. He therefore holds that the candidates for Presi dential elector are absolved from any obligation to vote for Taft and Sher rian: that the direct primaries have shown him to be the choice of the ir.iajority. of Republican voter and -that the electors are. therefore, mor " ally bound to cast the votes oi their states for him. Jn states wher the men on the elctiral ticket take his view, he proposes, apparently, to or ganize no third party, but to content himself with the cnp'tre of the Re publican organ-'jcuioc'. Whf-re the electoral ticket adheres to Taft, he proposes to place a ticket .in the field under the third party designation. - Thus in Pennsylvania. Kansas, Cali fornia, Iowa and any other states where he controls the party organi zation, the men named for Presiden tial elector will be sailing under the Republican banner, seeking the votes - f men who regard Taft and Jihjrman as the Republican ticket, but with a declared purpose to vote lor nmwe velt, if they should be elected. His adherents who are running for Sena tor, Representative or State officers will retain the advantage of being the regular. Republican candidates, but will be working for the defeat of the Republican National ticket. ' In some states, such as Maryland, the Repub lican ticket will be headed with the names of Taft and Sherman and the voter, naturally assuming that - the men on that ticket will follow cus tom and vote, for Taft, will be apt to vote it. Yet the men on that ticket are held by Mr. Bonaparte to be free to vote for Roosevelt. Some of them at least are disposed to do so. This condition of affairs has led to a de mand that the Maryland state con vention reassemble and . name a new electoral ticket loyal to the Chicago nominees, in order that Roosevelt may not get Taft votes under false pre tenses. The legality of such a course is disputed and we need not be sur prised to see it fought out in court. In South Dakota the Republican ticket Is made up of avowed Roose velt men. A fight is to. be made in the Kansas primaries on August 6 to prevent the nomination of Roosevelt men. In Iowa the state convention has declared the electors free to vote for either Taft or Roosevelt, as. their consciences dictate, and the Taft men are preparing to name an electoral ticket which will stand by Taft. In Oregon we have men on the Repub lican ticket who avow their intention, if elected, to vote for Roosevelt. . The straightforward course for Roosevelt and his followers to pursue, If they do not wish to abide by the ac tion of the Republican convention. Is to go bodily out of the Republican party and organize a third party. But they are so devoted to their high moral Idea that they use it to cover a course of duplicity and double dealing which Is anything but moral and which can result only in that chaos In which they appear to delight. . THE PARADE OF THE ELKS. . Many a year will elapse before Port, land will see the like of the parade of the Elka Other cities may have seen Its equal, but the Portlander needs the evidence. Expectation that had grown keen as the time drew near Is satisfied, and the promise of the men who brought here the session of the grand lodge is fulfilled. There was Inimitable charm In the rhythm of marching feet. There was music in overlapping quantity. Origi nality, in uniform ran riof from tho stately black adorning solemn mien to the startling lack of it on the impas sive red man, from simple purple and white to the grotesque leavened by the color of the fraternity. Detailed ref erence to the composition of the pa rade is Impossible, for each unit of the formation merited mention. From beginning to end, it was a har monious whole, and the half-million people who saw it lost all sense of physical weariness as division followed division in kaleidoscopic rapidity. The master mind who evolved the parade soon after the beginning of time was moved by desire to give his people a holiday. He was not an Elk, of course, but thousands of his de scendants in the famyies of the tribe are cf his blood and to them hath passed the spirit and the knowledge. Portland, is tired but happy in the pleasures given it by these people and wishes that they may come again. " BERNARD SHAW EN PARIS- 1 , The multitudinous admirers of Ber nard Shaw will be gratified to learn that he has achieved something of a dramatic triumph In Paris. Two of his plays have recently been . acted there "Arms and the Man" and "Mrs. Warren's Profession." The former was not particularly well received, but the latter, the shocking one, ran for eighty nights at the Theater des Arts, the mast literary playhouse in the French capital. . - These curious facts we gather from the July Literary Digest, which adds a good deal of information, about Shaw's fortunes In France. "Mrs. Warren's Profession" did not scandal ize the Parisians as it once did the British and Americans. It may be a merit or a demerit In the French, but they are more ready to recognize the facts of life than we are. They had known for a long time that there was a profession of the kind followed by Mrs. Warren and they had a noun for It. In England and the United States people made a fair pretense of not knowing anything about it, and In our dictionaries it was destitute of a name. So Shaw's play stirred up quite a little tempest in New York and London, while In Paris it was received with approving equanimity. . , Inasmuch as tha French were not shocked at it, they were-able to judge Shaw's production on Its merits, and their verdict was decidedly favorable. One distinguished Parisian critic says that the author wishes to teach the thesis that in order to be moral a per son must be rich, while in order to get rich he must at least begin by being immoral, so that our virtue necessar ily has its roots in the mire. We do not believe that this criyc, famous as' he is,' has quite caught Shaw's idea. The Irish genius was probably aiming at the old maxim that virtue always leads to happiness. With out denying that a virtuous person may sometimes be. happy, he takes a specific instance which proves pretty clearly that the rule does not' always work. Had Mrs. Warren remained chaste, she would have remained mis erable. By parting with, her virtue she attained comfort and some degree of worldly happiness. However we choose to 'interpret the play, it is an unanswerable Indictment of some of our social arrangements. . FROM ELECTRIC LIGHT TO CANDLES. . How easily a failure of any modern convenience throws our affairs and habits out of adjustment! The wide awake city of Baker, accustomed to the glare of electric light till a late hour of the night, suddenly Is forced by the breaking of a wire to return to the use of candles and coal oil lamps. Not being able to reconcile itself to such dim light. It goes to roost In dis gust at the unseemly hour of 10. When a fire or a wind storm prostrates tele phone and telegraph wires.- men are compelled to go in person or to ssml messengers tc transact business which could be settled in a minlue by tele phone. A silver thaw renders streets impassable fo wheeled vehicles and the whole population is forced to make its ioilsome way over treacherous ice on foot. A flood washes out a railroad and Journeys which might have been made In a day cor.ajme a week tr more. Such incidents as that at Baker t eall to mind how mit'h -m re rapHly the worll moves by menr.K of moli'i Invention. A volume of business Is now done in a day which formerly would have occupied many days. It Is done with no greater expenditure of energy r for modern facilities have en abled us to accomplish Infinitely more with the same amount of effort. To this fact Is largely due the more rapid accumulation of wealth- and the huge size to which Individual fortunes have grown. The same fact explains in part the high cost of living. ' Modern invention has brought physically within reach ot all of us comforts, conveniences and luxuries which were beyond the reach of our fathers. When we find these things financially beyond our reach, we Complain of the high cost of living, having learned to regard them as nec essaries. Were we content to live as our fathers lived, our living would probably cost us little, if any. more than theirs cost them. But we ar aot ontent, and it is as well that we should not be. Discontent is the mo tive power of progress. To it are due the first beginnings of civilization. Dis content which drives each of us to ex ert himself to better his condition Is a virtue. Only when it spends itself in the effort to take from others without giving an equivalent does it become a vice. - ' We are just as much better off than our fathers as the electric light is bet ter than the candje, the telegraph and telephone than the messenger afoot, the steam and electric car and the au tomobile than the stagecoach. This Is not to say that better and Juster laws would not make us still better off, but we must also remember that our fath ers had to contend with laws even more unjust In many respects than those against which we complain. WORTHY OF EMULATION. On another page of The Oregonian today will be found an article relating to Independence, Polk County, Or., and the country thereabouts, and there Is one subject dealt with that seems of Importance sufficient to have spe cial attention called to It. A reading of the letter will show that the Independence Creamery, lo cated in the town of Independence, has for several years been loaning money to Its customers for the pur chase of dairy cows and that the creamery has now outstanding on such loans about SIS.OOO. This sum means that from the loans now In force something like 300 cows have been brought into that section through the instrumentality of the creamery. But that means only from the present active accounts, while for several years this policy has ' been pursued, during which time upwards of 1000 cows have been thus purchased. The Independence Creamery Is a very successful concern, and it might bet .worth while for one to go to the root of the matter and see if this cow. buying teature has not had much to do with this success. If It has, and we are told that Is true, then would it not be well for cthe- Institutions of the same-sort to follow the example? It is said that in any community where the milk can be secured from 500 cows a creamery can be successfully operat ed; the reason we have not more creameries Is that ' neighborhoods where that many cows can bo reached are not always to be found. The Independence concern was con fronted with the same difficulty there were not cows enough in the vi cinity to make the business profitable; so It overcame the obstacle' by pur chasing cows for those who would be come producers of milk. The managers of the concern say that they have never lost a penny from the loans they have made for this purpose. . They have received 8 per cent Interest on all they have loaned, so as a money-making scheme the capital thus invested has paid well. But look what It has done for the dairymen who have received the loans and for the community where the cows have been placed. These results are almost beyond calculation. It might be well for capitalists and bankers to look Into this matter very carefully. It would seem from a su perficial examination that the Inde pendence Creamery has shown t,he way for the upbuilding of many sec tions of Oregon by the installation of a business which is the greatest community-builder knowndairying. Ore gon Is very far short in the production of dairy products, and yet we have many favored localities where the dairy cow will thrive as in but few other sections of the country. A help ing hand from those who have money to Invest would put many more cream eries in successful operation, and, above all. would increase our popula tion where most we need such increase on the land. INSANITY AND CRIME. If the present trial of Thaw's san ity should be decided against him, there Is nothing to hinder his obtain ing another and after that another. The process may go on as long as he lives, or until by sheer force, of perse verance he secures his release from the Matteawan asylum. The expert alienists, as usual, are divided in opin ion. Each set testifies for the side from which its pay comes. The scien tists hired by the state are confident that Thaw is still Insane. Those ' in his employ are fully as much persuad ed that he is perfectly sane, though of course they contend that he was rav ing mad when he shot White. What strikes the discerning reader in a trial of this sort is the conven ience made of insanity by the skillful modern advocate. When his client is on trial for murder he marshals an array of evidence which proves that the prisoner was out of his head at the instant when he committed the crime, but the same evidence serves Just as well to prove that he was perfectly sane ten minutes later. The theory of Insanity is the most Ingenious and ef fective device ever contrived for thwarting Justice. Dr. MacDonald, one of the alienists In the latest Thaw performance, tes tifies that In his opinion the prisoner Is afflicted with incurable paranoia and that his release would be dangerous to the public. This at least raises a doubt of Thaw's restoration to mental health, and. as we see It, any doubt of that kind ought .to be resolved in favor of the public. He was suffering from paranoia, according to his own plea, when he shot White. If he. is still suffering from It, he is liable to shoot somebody else. The safety of the pub lic Is more important than Thaw's en joyment of -life, and as long as there Is the slightest ground for' believing him to be Insane, he ought to be con fined. Certainly Dr. MacDonald's ex pert opinion constitutes such ground. It is better to impose some little in convenience upon Thaw than to expose the public to the danger of his mis directed will. The presumption Is that what he did once he would do again under similar temptation, or even with less provocation, ft is' usually easier to do an unlawful act the second time than the flrst.' " His insanity Is proba bly of that recurrent variety' which comes upon every man when he loses his temper or bears a grudge. There ought to be some process of law by which any person who shows a disposition to make himself danger ous can be shut up and kept confined until his character changes for the bet ter. Preventive discipline is a subject which has never received serious at tention from statesmen, but it is far more important than punitive meas ures and some time it will be made the principal feature of criminal juris prudence. When It Is known that a man has made threats, or bears ay old grudge, or has been pronounced dan gerously Insane by physicians, he ought to be confined and undergo treatment for the reformation of his mind. What the treatment should be we are not prepared to specify, but It would be easy enough for scientific students of criminology to map out a suitable course". Such a procedure would be preferable to waiting until a crime has been committed and then resorting to punitory measures, which are seldom entirely satisfactory and often futile. The science of preventing violence by education, confinement and other means Is in Its Infancy. Most of our so-called reformatory institutions are nurseries of vice and crime, while to put an insane man . under bonds to keep the peace is absurd. What he needs is medical treatment, with re straint, and even that may not be of any avail. But when, through the neg ligence of society, an Insane man has actually committed a murder, what ought to be done? If he Is really in sane, humanity revolts at the thought of punishing him. On the other hand, if he Is set free, he is a continuing menace to others. In many Instances be will seem to recover his sanity, but what assurance have we that a recur rence of the conditions which led to his former crime will not lead to Its repetition? A mind which has once been subject to mental disease must be more liable to new trouble than, one whose sanity has never been disturbed. It would seem as If a person who has committed an act of violence in a fit of insanity ought to be kept under sur veillance all the rest of his life, sim ply for the protection of his fellow men. But there Is another reason why an Individual like Thaw should be made a ward of society and kept for ever in some kind of restraint or tute lage. He has done an irrevocabledeed. Nothing can restore the life which he has taken. Altogether apart from any question of responsibility or punish ment, it is of the first importance to society to insist upon the immense value of human life. Any man who has slain another, whether from insane impulse or for any other cause, except self-defense, ought to bear, if he is to live, something like the mark of Cain for the rest of his existence, not so much to punish him as to signify the irretrievable calamity of which he has been the occasion. Even If he is free from" guilt, still the stigma of a deed which cannot be undone Is upon him and the world ought not to forget it. As long as numerous men who have killed their one, two or three victims are permitted to stalk brazenly abroad it is impossible to take seriously the pretense that we attach such import ance to human life or regard a murder as anything worse than an unpleasant Incident which may be passed over and forgotten with a few apologetic cere monies. The Springfield Repablican (Ind.) quotes -a Boston speaker, Arthur D. Hill, at a Roosevelt meeting as saying: Apart from the metita of the particular controversy (of the contested delegates), the split In the party waa bound to come. Par ties are not ends In themselves, but means to accomplish results. As long as there Is any substantial agreement between the dif ferent members, some leeway must be al lowed for smaller differences of opinion, but when a party gets Into a condition where It contains men of radically opposite points of view, so that they can no longer work together vlthout falsifying their, real opin ions, the sooner it separates the belter. 8uch waa the condition In the Republican party. Wa progressives have ceased to have anything In common with the standpat ele ment of the party. ' We differ from them not only In every subject of National Im portance, but In our whole way of viewing every important political problem: and for either faction to try to work with the other It can mean simply a suppression of real opinion In order to use an organization as a means of getting Into office. It la bet ter that a situation which amounts to noth ing but a series of dishonest compromises should be put to an end, and that each fac tion of the party should fight fairly and In the open for those things in which it be lieves. There Is the whole case, well put and truthfully. In line with the plank in the Re publican platform favoring the estab lishment of agricultural credit associ ations are the appointment by the American Bankers' Association of a committee on agricultural development and the organization at Joliet, 111., of a trust company which Is designed to be a land bank after the pattern of the Credit Fonder, of France. The trust company at Joliet is Intended to make loans on farms, at rates of interest much lower than are now paid, the principal being payable in half-yearly Installments and no commission being charged for renewal of loans. The company will sell collateral mortgage bonds. ; Perhaps it la not the bravest speci mens of Chicago's manhood who fre quent the saloons. At any rate, we do not think much of the courage of the thirty men, all lined up at a certain bar, who were compelled to stand and deliver by a lone holdup man. They were finally saved from pillage by a bold policeman who came to their res cue, attracted, we suppose, by their shrieks of fear. Ten to one that po liceman was born in -Ireland. One would think that Mayor Lach mund, of Salem, had lights enough on hand without getting into a scrimmage with' the suffragists. If he once really arouses them, he will look back upon his wars with the saloons and the elec tric railroad as sham battles. Perhaps he made up his mind that discretion was the better part of valor. Certain ly his. departure for Portland after the opening skirmish with Mrs. Enright was amazingly well timed. Dismissal of the charges of fraud in the election of Mrs. Ella Flagg Young as president of the National Education Association is a new reminder on what slight pretexts such charges are often made. To charge fraud without strong evidence is the act of a "squealer," a "poor loser." Roosevelt's platform is to recom mend the reduction of those tariff schedules which he considers too high, but will he include the steel schedule among the number? . If he should, his friendu, Perkins and Hanna, will have something to say. There seems to be an inevitable con nection between rubber and cruelty, whether on the Congo or the Amazon. A -living is so easy to make near the tropics that perhaps brute force alone will make the natives work. It was a long time between drinks. It was Portland's Biggest Day. WHY TURN TO SEW EXPERIMENTS Panacea Providers ! Government Scored aa Monntebanlta. PORTLAND, July 4. (To the Editor.) On this, the 136th birthday of our American Republic. It seems fitting that we should stop, for at least a mo ment, and. review the past, consider the future, and learn, if possible, whither are we drifting politically. Political demagogues are in the sad dle and in the leadership. Are they go ing to be allowed to continue the lead ership, even temporarily? And there after are we to revert to "pure democ racy," which Interpreted literally, in the light of history, means "pure mob"? If history is to be believed, "mob rule" leads downward, not upward. Selfish leadership leads to "mob rule." Demagogic leaders do not appeal or attempt to appeal to the reason in mankind. Tney appeal to the lower Instincts, prejudices and all that slow est in men. Can any thinking man successfully deceive himself into the belief that the "Oregon system" leads to anything save the destruction of organization? This government of ours was founded on the theory of a representative form. Will anyone deny that such a form of gov ernment can be perpetuated by any thing save organization? And can any one on this earth devise a form of or ganization without leadership? There must be a head to every organization of whatever nature, or else there Is no organization. The "Oregon system" up holds organization in everything save politics. Business, churches.: religions and societies of every nature must be organized, or there is no progress; but the ill-advised portion of the people ot Oregon seem to think that politics and political Institutions will go by dec lamation. In other words, the people of this great state have substituted a great noise for organization. There are political v mo.untebanks In Oregon and elsewhere who have been a failure at everything, until now. Un der the guise of reformers and pro gressives, they are parading up and down the country preaching unrest, discontent and "something for noth ing." They arouse the passions of the unthinking by offering them something from Switzerland or Aus tralia, or the farther away the better. These demagogues neglect and refuse to tell the whole truth. In expatiating on the poetic beauties of the initiative and referendum in Switzerland. They refuse to tell their auditors that the initiative law is rarely ever in voked In the foreign country, and then only on most urgent demands. Perhaps Switzerland In all its history has nev er made use of either the Initiative or referendum as many times as has Oregon in two elections. These blather skites and office-seekers don't tell their hearers that a law or custom, valuable in the family circle. Is totally dlffer rent In Its application to a great state or a nation. These deceivers (for a consideration) refuse to tell deluded hearers that Switzerland with its grand (?) institutions Is but the aggregate size of one Oregon county. These panacea providers, who often find it difficult to provide for their own families, forget to tell their audi tors that within the past 10 years, right here In Oregon (not in Switzer land), men have come up from very humble beginnings to positions of prominence, of honor and of wealth. These parasites on the body politic neglect and refuse to say to their audiences . that nowhere, no time, in all history, have a people been so well served In the mind as well as body as they have in this 136-year-old Repub lic. Regardless of any preconceived theory of why or wherefore, this is a statement of fact and cannot be dis puted. Then why should men real men listen to these demagogues? I have no quarrel with the Ignorant and illiterate. But why should men of standing In this community stop and listen for a moment to the harangue of one of these self-seeking cheap demagogues? Be you merchant " or manufacturer, after years of success, would you change your plan of doing business In your . establishment simply because some poet should come along and of fer you a new and untried policy of handling ' your property or business? You would not accept advice from any one unless It had been tried and proven successful. Is your government any less important than your business? Why will you continue to try these new political fads when the results are proving disastrous? Are the city, county or state offices filled with a better quality of men than they were 20 or 10 years ago? Is Governor West a better man or officer than was Gov ernor Pennoyer, or Governor Moody? Are your taxes lower? Are you get ting any more for your taxes than you were 10 or 20 years ago? Then why all these experiments? Is tTRen's proposed form of state govern ment going to.be any better than the one he gave us six years ago and told us that our political Ills would all be cured? Do you realize that his new proposal is an acknowledgment of the failure of his former proposals? Do you not understand that he and his kind know that the present conditions in Oregon brought about by his poetic and borrowed ideas are a failure and that he now wants to experiment still further? Don't you know that the so called single tax law was foisted on a credulous people through lraud and chicanery? Don't you know that such a law could never have been passed If the people had been told the whole truth? Are Mr. U'Ren and his cohorts any more honest or more truthful of more Intelligent than they were two years ago? Then why trust them longer? Is Mr. tTRen, with his present soap man's salary, any more to be relied upon than the year he was a popu listic member of the Oregon Legislature and refused to take his oath of office, thereby helping to consummate the "holdup" so apparently desired by the Right Honorable Jonathan Bourne, Jr., present member of the United States Senate from Oregon residence Rhode Island? You business men, how much longer are you going to countenance this mountebank game? Don't you know that the "Oregon system" prompts and invites perjury at the be ginning In the registration law? Don't you know that the "system" is making cowards of us all? Don't you know that It is becoming more difficult each election to induce the best men to stand for office? . Aren't you ashamed to iearn of the cheapness of some of the present can didates for office? Don't you know that an unknown man for delegate to the National Republican Convention re ceived five times as many votes as some of our best-known and highest re spected citizens? One fairly intelligent man in the April primaries told me he believed in voting for the man. He didn't care what political principles the candidate held, so long as he was a good- man. Poetic? Beautiful. We voted In the same tent, side by side. After we came away from the polling place I asked him who he voted for on the Represen tative ticket. He said. "I only voted for three. I didn't know any of the others." Fifty per cent of the voters did not know and never will know one-half the candidates under the "Oregon system." SENECA C. BEACH. ' Definition of a Subsidy. Judge. "I see so much In the newspapers about subsidies. What does a subsidy mean, Frank?" "A subsidy, Grace. Is where I give you $25 for going to see your mother Instead of having her come to. see you." Manly Woman Ia Satisfied. London Opinion. Woman with dog Whatever ' made you give that tramp half a crown? Manly looking female He called me '"Sir!-. EFFECT OF BALLOT OJT WOMAN Equal Suffragist Dlaeoaaes Present Day Coddling of Her Sex. ANTELOPE, Or., July 8. (To the Ed itor.) There is one phase of the suf frage question that I have not seen commented on lately. That is Its effect on woman herself. ' The paramount question of the Issue is not, it seems to me, what women will do with the ballot, but what the ballot will do for women. I should like to know if the -voters of Oregon are satisfied with the status in general of the womanhood of our state or of the country, the French heeled, hobbled, beratted followers of fads and fashions. Could anyone Im agine one of them the mother of a Lincoln or a Franklin? They have been petted and coddled till they have be come weaklings, till their natural affec tion is becoming the whim of an hour. Witness the divorce suits, the wrecked homes, deserted children. How was It with her at the Titanic disaster? Did she stand the test at that "time that tried men's souls?" How few of those half-filled boats returned to save husbands, sons and brother calling for help on that fearful night: Her love was "weighed In the balance and found wanting." 'Don't you think some pretty strong medicine is needed to check this decadence of our woman hood? It is urged that women do not want the ballot. Does ever a sick child cry for Its medicine? It would be no argu ment against votes for women If no woman over 25 should ever cast a bal lot. Let them alone, they are wedded to their Idols. Your hope la In the youth, in that army of young women which pours out each year from our schools and colleges. The ballot will mean much to them. No danger of their making it a fad. It will be right in line with the work we have mapped out for them in the schoolroom They have been reading our history and the lives of our great men, have studied the Constitution and laws of this Government, have followed the flag through our great wars, have been debating the social and econom ical questions of the day. Why not say to them, as we give them their diplomas: "Young women, we have been educating you for a pur pose to become citizens of a great country. In a few years, when you reach your majority.-we shall need your help. We are approaching a great in dustrial crisis; the battles of the fu ture are to be fought with the ballot; you must prepare yourselves to wield it with honesty and intelligence if we are to keep Old Glory floating over a free people." What is said to them In effect Is this: "Young ladies, you have done well in your work. From now on we shall re lieve you from all responsibility In public affairs. We do not think you are strong enough mentally or physic ally for such a burden, and, too, we do not wish you to be contaminated by contact with the vulgar crowd that in fests the places where we choose our law makers and Judges; we are import ing a great many citizens of Southern Europe to take your places. True, they do not seem to feel the real significance of the Stars and Stripes seem rather attached to the red flag but we have great hopes for their future. "Your future achievements will be In the line of social success and personal adornment Study well the fashion plates and If you chance to win one of the prizes In the matrimonial lottery your future will be assured." Now, if we were simply dolls, butter flies, ornaments for your homes, this course would not be so criminal, but when it is considered these young wo men are to be the mothers and guides of those who In the near future will hold the destiny of this great country in their hands, and know that It can be but a step from a nation of weak women to a nation of weak men, the voter should do a lot of thinking be fore he consigns these young students to a life of littleness and frivolity. Give them something large to think of. a mission, a share In the responsi bility for the welfare of our common country and they will rise to the occa sion and In a few years the friends of clean, honest politics will have an army of allies by no means to be despised, and the twentieth century woman will be nearer what nature Intended her to be a strong, reliable helpmeet to man In all his Interests. MRS. E. R. SPICER. . OCR SHIP. I see not the waters that gently lie,, Nor flag that peacefully meets the breeze: I look, but this eager, humble eye Beholds a greater thing than these. Across the deck a murky cloud Hangs low and the scene Is black as night: . . It is the heavy battle shroud That sweeps the ocean In Its might. And comes an echo o'er and o'er, Tho' years have lapsed since first It spoke. It is her gun's triumphant roar That round the world a message broke, A message that rebuked the don In his bold work of massacre; Ah, I behold the Oregon In that first hour of victory. I see the fiendish billows sweep Upon her decks incessantly; I hear the demons of the deep Cry out in savage mockery. But all their dire attempts were vain And so the waters spent and prone Dropped gently back to sleep again; They could not claim her for their . own. This heart brats madly as I view Our ship, the pride of every sea. Flying the old red, white and blue, The sign of our supremacy. So let me have my humble word. Poor offering to our brightest star, 'Tis caused by echoes I have heard Of byegone mutterlngs of war. GLENN NORBREY PLEASANTS. gnddea Rise la Loves' Stock. Brooklyn (N. Y.)tLife. Madge I thought yon liked Charlie better than Jack. Mariorle But Jack has proposed. SUNDAY FEATURES Pictures of the Herd Whole pages of live photos that tell of the greatest of grand lodge conventions in Portland during the past week. Apron-String Secrets of Edward VII In the biography of the late King, just issued, it is revealed that he was the victim of a "sheltered life." A page of wide interest; illustrated. Weeding Our Real Estate Crooks An account of the most note worthy crusade ever undertaken by the United States Government. Woman's Tribute to Brave Men A great memorial arch is being prepared by the women of the country to the brave men of the Titanic. The story of the movement is told in a striking, illustrated article by W, A. Du Pny. J. Kufus Wallingford Outdone Swindler of high connections re-' duces exploits of famous crooks of fiction to mere child's play. . - Is Hydrophobia a Myth? This much-discussed question is taken up by a trained investigator and sifted to the bottom. Social Leaders Go to Work An account of the activity among England's elect who would escape ennui. The Top Price in Baseball Another article by an expert. Marty 0 'Toole gives the inside story of a $22,000 deaL Two live Short Stories, Complete. The Jump-Ups visit Newport. Sambo goes to a powder factory and all the color comic people put on new acts. Many Other Features. ORDER TODAY FROM YOUR NEWSDEALER. Half a Century Ago From The Oregonian of July 1. 18SS. New York. July 3. The Herald has detailed reports of the battle of Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, from which it appears that the right wing of our Army, consisting 20.000 men. was at tacked on Friday by a rebel force of not less than 60,000 men, and after a severe fight our troops crossed the Chlckahomlny in good order. . On Sat urday night and Sunday our. whole force under Heintzelman., Keys and Sumner fell back along the line of the railroad and the Williamsburg road and marched to James River. The rebels crossed the Chlckahomlny in great force on Sunday, reaching the railroad, but made no pursuit, remaining half an hour In possession of the ground oc cupied by our troops both sides of the Chlckahomlny, Including the bridges and earthworks we had erected against their approach. Our total loss during the whole six days of fighting was about 12.000, 7500 of whom were lost In the battle of Friday. Generals Mc Call and Reynolds are taken prisoners. The rebel General Stonewall Jackson is killed. Washington, July 4 The President has decided to call Into service an additional force of 300,000 men. Chicago, July 2. Letters from Fort Benton, 8th of June, say the expedi tion under Lieutenant Mullan reached there that day from Oregon, having been engaged four years In opening an immigration and military road from the Columbia River to the Missouri. There are now as many seamen em ployed In the Navy of the United States as there are in that of England. Smallpox There are several cases of this loathsome disease within our city limits at this time, and our city offl cals should see that the ordinance rela tive thereto Is strictly complied with. HUMAN SOIL IS ETERNAL. A Belief That It Haa Purposely Bees Denuded of Paat Knowledge. CORVALLIS. Or., July 9. (To the Editor.) It is refreshing to read in The Oregonian of last Monday such sound and trenchant condemnation of spontaneous generation as opposed to ovular. My present object is principally to approach the' question of created and propagated life, from an eternal and Immaterial standpoint, for the tempor ary must Inevitably proceed from the permanent. In the production of all organic life three factors are essential matter, life and spirit. Now, matter is merely energy In an inert form; It Is spirit In a temporary mould with the active principle of spirit already operative In a certain Invisible but clearly- recognizable direction. Conse quently, matter Is totally unable to organize Itself, Life Is but the im perishable property of vitality. Life, not being a power in the strict eternal sense, cannot and does not act directly upon matter. Spirit Is the one and only power In the universe competent to organize matter. Spirit and matter are thus one and the same power, but in different forms, and in the produc tion of organic life spirit imparts to matter some of - the potentiality of which it was deprived on being meta morphosed. "It Is the spirit that qulckeneth; the flesh (matter) proflteth nothing." Spirit cannot organize matter except at the command of knowledge. Hence, all created existence is the product ot the lnter-operation of the three at tributes of deity omniscience or all knowledge; omnipotence or all power, and omnipresence or all life. Such be ing the case, there must have been an infinite reason for the creation of each temporary living form. This reason must have antedated such creation, and, likewise, must; ultimately- reveal Itself, for there is necessarily a limit to the temporary. . . In The Oregonlan's " editorial in question employment is made of the following quotation: "That which hath been shall be again, and that which Is now hath been before." Exactly so. But this expres sion does not In any sense refer to In ferior soulless organisms. It is appli cable to the human soul alone. As a matter of fact, the foregoing extract is an Incomplete adaptation from Ec cleslastes 111:15: "That which hath been Is now; and that which is to be hath already been: and God requireth that which is past." Thus, the last clause Is clearly the key to the mean ing of the whole. "And God requireth that which Is past." From whom? None other creation save man answers to this demand. Man possesses an im mortal, undying soul. An - existence that has no end cannot possibly have a beginning, hence the soul, having neither end nor beginning, is eternal. Furthermore, that which Is eternal Is unchangeable, and so Is revealed the true meaning of this text Thus, the soul being eternal and unchangeable, as it was during tho past eternity, so Is It now upon earth and so will it be during the future of eternity. Con versely, also, as the soul is now, so It was during the past eternity; and the one and only reason . why the soul Is upon earth la, that it-shall of Its own free agency manifest the exact nature of Its eternal, unchangeable properties, being for the present purposely de nuded of all knowledge of Its past eternal existence. "And God requireth that which 1. past" wTWILSON Aalatle Flora anal Fauna. London Tit Bits. A Norwegian expedition headed by Brian Ulsen, a scholar of Christlanla University, intends starting soon to study the flora and fauna and the na tives inhabiting Northern and Middle Asia. The route to be followed is from Omsk, Siberia, by the River Irtish to Semlpalatlnsk, and from the mouth of the Irtish back to the Mongolian fron tier. In 1813 this expedition Intends to visit Krasnoyarsk. Irkutsk, go north along the banks of the Yenisee River to Cape Tolstoi, and return to Nor way via the Arctic i