JULY 1912. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, CHERRY FAIR OPENS WITH QAQC ed I huh inn DISPLAY Seventh Annual Event Salem Has More Thari 500 Exhibits. at hla Bible class In the auditorium during the hour prwcMmg ma lecium William McCormick and his dog-. Bronte, were the entertainers of the day's programmes. Today the domestic science class w leading feature. Following- the rrnoon nroeramme, Mrs. lorenw Ewll Atkins was entertained at a re ception In the Chautauqua nemui- ters of the women s i-orun ic...- perance Union. One or me moai bucukblw grammes of th Chautauqua was pre sented last night by the Cambridge Players. Mme.. Jennie iMorein. pnu rinnno .onrano. late of the Metropoli tan Opera Company of New York, will be the feature of the Chautauqua to morrow. A baseball game iur championship of Albany between me Albany Athletics ana Aioany nuausio. will be played on the Chautauqua WEST WILL PLAY COWBOY mir. Pimnt in Portland Takes Two of Kvery Three Resident From Capital; Large Crowds Attend on Initial Day. SALEM. Or.. July IL (Special.) Although two out of every three resi dent of Salem went to Portland to day to witness the big parade of the Elks, nevertheless hundreds of country neoDle. as well as the remaining pop ulatlon of Salem, turned out to wlt the ooenine day of the seventh annual f-herrv Fair here. And although the "crowd was not im mense the displays are. At the Armory is being shown the most perfect and ha larrpnt display of cherries in the inniii of the seven cherry fairs that hav heen witnessed In Salem. In ad dition the large floor of the Armory is virtually covered with industrial ex hibits of "Made in Oregon" proaucis. Thi the first of the "Made in Ore nn" .-rhihttm which has been seen here In connection with -a cherry fair has proved an eye opener to nunareas as to what Oregon produces in an Indus trial line. Exhibits Continue to Grow. Tha nxhlblts are handsomely ar ranged and beautifully decorated. The cherries have swelled to over 500 boxes mnA vm first nra exnected and are com- ina- in each hour. Last year the exhibit nntQind nn more, than 200 boxes, 11 lustratlns- the beauty of this year's exhibit. The quality is of th aa well In addition to the boxes and cartons there are hundreds of plates and fancy .h!hlt. Settma- off the cherry ex hlHIta ara malMI of flowers entered by women of Salem and of Marlon and Polk Counties. Th industrial exhibits contain in dustrial products wide In their range nrt Atversltr. Orea-on-made furniture, a small Oregon-made home. Oregon made cabinets and stoves, as well as Oregon-made hop dryers, prune dryers and stoves, Oregon-made tile and num nn nthr articles are on display in the more than half a hundred exhibits whlrh ar on hand. While it was expected that judging of rherries would be started today, tn 4,,A-a from the Orearon Agricultural' College sent word he would be unable to arrive until tomorrow, and probably lu.t tomorrow morning Judging will be started and the final a war as maas do fore tomorrow evening. Geveraor Playa Cowboy. of the sreat exodus which was expected to Portland no parade was held today. The Industrial parade, whi-h waa scheduled originally for to dv will be held. tomorrow. It will be 1.4 t Oovernor West in cowboy cos turne and on horseback, as he expects to start his long-heralded ride to Boise, Iriaho. Soorts which were held on Commer- .i.i an Ktafa streets today were watched by a large crowd. The results Knventv-flve-vard dash, boys under 12 years Sam Carter first. Raymond u.,m rond. Leslie Springer third. i.n frnir race Harry and Dean Cur Tls first, Nick Brill and Earl Dimmick second. Loj. Patchin and Murril Day third. nn hundred-yard dash, egg Hugh Hope first, Ralph Burroughs sec nnri T?tr IjttnT third. Slow bicycle race Sam Carter first. Dean Curtis second, ineoao. Obstacle race Frasler and Curtis .. Rrill and Schaefer second, Min a nH T.nnd third. Keg race Frazier and Curtis first Patthen and Day second. Loter and Frohmader third. Jrnmlnn Is Fir Ctaasi Pie eating contest Albert Jennings first, Edgar Collins second, Floyd White third. . ' , One hundred-yard dash, free for all Ersel Kay first. Brazier Small sec nri John Holraan third. Cracker eating contest Sammy Car ter first. Ray Loder second. Trial Ihlrrl. sirnrv-five-vard dash, boys under IS Al Patchen first Berle Day second, Fieam Curtis third. svntv-flve-vard girls race Mar garet Minton first Miss Tuffli second. Lime Winkler tnira. Three leered race Frasler and Cur tls first. Gill and Dimmick second Seaimster and Stearns third. Sack race Al Patchen first Carter second. Gill third. Sam BANK DEPOSITS GROWING Superintendent Wright Issues State ment Pleasing to Oregon. BYHOII PREDICTS TAFTS ELECT Deleaate ' Thinks Roosevelt Relegated to Political Dead Timber. THIRD PARTY NOT FEARED OREGON AGRICCLTURAIj COL LEGE SECURES HOOSIER TO TEACH DOMESTIC . SCIENCE. -J '( Ox tl Y - I. I- :- - - I ll"1' Hrr, Alice Marks Dolman. OREGON AGRICULTURAL. COLLEGE, Corvallis, July 10. (Special.) Announcement has Just been made of the election of Mrs. Alice Marks Dolman, La fayette. Ind.. to the Instructional staff of the Oregon Agricultural College school of domestic art and science. Mrs. Dolman is a native Hoos ler and a graduate of Purdue University, from which institu tion she received the degree of roaster of science In 1911 for major work done in the subject of home economics, with bacteri ology and chemistry as minor courses. While doing her gradu ate work at Purdue she was as sistant In bacteriology and later served as first assistant In the department of home economics. Since receiving her degree Mrs. Dolman has specialized in die tetics and invalid cookery and, in addiUon to filling a position on the hospital staff at the Indiana Soldiers' Home, has appeared as one of the special lecturers be fore the Indiana State Nurses Association. Mrs. Dolman will have charge of the classes in home nursing and dietetics when college opens next September. SALEM. Or, July 11. (Special.) Denosits in the banks of the state have Increased I6.34S.125.01 between Jim. 7. 1911. and June 14. 1812. accord ina- to a statement which was Issued -bv Superintendent of Banks Wright Tn total amount of deposits in the state were $124.769.013.7 at the close of business June 14, this year, as com nri to tllS.413.8S8.78 last year. Th entire statement shows that the hanks of Oregon are in a flourishing condition, the only decrease being tha In e-verdrafts, this decrease being jsj. 808.48. This leaves a total of 3471. 037.14 in overdrafts as compared to 37S4.S45.62 for the preceding year. Total resources this year are 3156. 720.350.61 as compared to 3147.764.893.68 for the preceding year, or an Increase of 38.956.057.93 for the year. Loans and discounts total 380.304.99L87 as com pared to 374.725.S84.93, or an Increase of 35,579.406.94. CHAUTAUQUA CROWD LARGE Albany IfcsldenU Take Lunch and Pass Day In Park. ALBANY. Or.. July 11. (Special.) This was Women's Christian Temper ance Union and children's day at the Albany Chautauqua, and the leading sneaker of the day was Mrs. Florence Rwell Atkins, of Nashville. Tenn. She spoke In the auditorium this afternoon on "Queen Esther." The attendance today was the largest r tha Chautauaua. A general holiday observed in Albany today, and hutdreds of people took picnic lunches and nassed the day in the park. Rev. W. B. Hinson. D. D., pastor of the White Temple of Portland, spoke at the t..ini hour this forenoon on "The Grtat American." Dr. Hinson conduct- a m tnmnrrnw afternoon, and John C. Burkhart probaDiy win give aeroplane exhibition. INDIAN CHAUTAUQUA ENDS Educational Feature of Xe Perces Tribe Proves of Value. ' t t-misTOV Idaho. July 11. (Spe , , v ran. waa hrnk-en Tooav ax iu son' Butte, a site several miles west of v.iim.r TriaJio. where about 600 Nes Perce Indians have been conducting a raiia-ious Chautauqua in inn u..,..ains fnr ten days. Tha .aaainn has been pronounced by leaders, both Indian and white, as the most successful ever held under the of the Nez Perce tribe. The meeting was purely an educational one. The feature of the session has been the special attention given to m yuung ladles, under the direction of Dr. A. L. Hutchinson, of Portland, who has taken ,h.r of the Bible work. Unusual at antinn haa also neen given io n skins in music under the direction of Dr. Wallace H. Lee, dean of Whitworth College, of Tacoma. ORDER LEAGUE IS FORMED Acinrin. Men Commend Action of Grand Jury and Sheriff. ASTORIA, Or., July 11. (Special.) Twenty-five business and professional mar. met here last night the avowed object of the meeting being to organ ... j j 1 rr . a ' A rem. Ize a law anu uruci 'too porary organization was effected, off! ,.-- alaoterl and committees appointei to draft a constitution and by-lawa The organization will be made perma nent . Resolutions indorsing the grand Jury's report with reference to the re stricted portion of the city and also commending the action of Sheriff Burns In carrying out the orders of that body, were passed. Centraliav "Dry-" Not Numerous. CENTRALI A, Wash- July 11. (Spe cial.) The Men's Federation of Cen tralia Is circulating petitions in the city calling for a local option election. Four hundred signatures are required before the City Commission can call the election. Up to last night only 32 names had been attached to the peti tion, MANUFACTURE OF LENSES FOR EYEGLASSES fimelySale of LINGl-RIE DRESSES An Interesting Process. With Up-to-Date Appliances Vn Excuses lor Action at tmi! Offered and Charges of Thievery Are Declared False Hillea Is Satisfactory. rat.em. or.. July 11. (Special.) Declaring that the selection of Charles D Hilles as chairman of the itepuoiic- nna nrnuirl he surnrised to know that there is a place in Portland where they ahanlntelrr irrlnrl lenses for glasses, but nn .al lino. floor Selling building. Sixth and Alder streets, I was delightfully surprised on ha nir Invited to See BIS woruuufi nrharve. ha amnlovs several men, who I do nothing else but- work on lenses for glasses and was also expiainea ine in ference in the grinding of the same. At first there was a rough piece of glass about two Inches square and one-fourth inch thick, cemented to a steel disk. Then the glass was placed on a whirl ing disk, held in place Dy a sman pi Tha riaa. was then ground on three different kinds of emery, grading down from a coarse grade to a very fine flour. After it Is ground to the proper curve, of which there is about 100 or more, a felt cloth was men piaceu vu the disk, and by applying a fue (polishing powder) It was neia the disk, or cloth, until absolutely no marks or pits remained, taking in all o Km, t an hour's time. . " - , tw waa also another macnino an National committee is an excellent wnlch Kr0und the glass in a cylinder one that Taft is certain to be re-elected form. The disk being straight one way i JAlxaeV a. l . a. m awl ah a Mil CVS til YYlll M.T tO President of the United states una .... ua r.8..v Tha rlas xn...Vair has no chance 01 wmmus n,,t. ven If a third party is inaugurat ed Fred S. Bynon returned from the Raat todav.. He was an Oregon dele. gate at the Chicago convention, visited the Baltimore convention ana nao uecu spending several days in various East ern cities. ' Ti-ii o Waahtnz-ton he visited l'res ident Taft through a letter whlcn naa been sent to the President by Mr. Hil les and while there spent half an hour with the President. v, Hiiia. I believe, is a goou iu.u ih. National cnairmansuiu, m a Mlltmn nemo; cut in nail. waa then readv to be cut for a lens. by being properly marked to find the center of the lens, also to get the axis of the cylinder, and to cut It the nrniwr nr. The next place was tne cuiier, w...w has a very fine diamond point, and by a pattern the rlass was cut the regular shape of a lens. It was then taken to the s-rinder. where a stone was revolv ing at the rate of about 250 revolutions a minute, and so fine mai it seemou most as smooth as If It was polished. but cut the glass away very fast but in looks It seemed to correspond to an old-fashioned grindstone, but tne aoc- Smart New Styles Dainty as be; worth $7.50 to $9.75. Sale at can At first sight of these Dresses you would expect to pay a great deal more, they're so dainty and smart. Some are made of allover embroidery, others of dainty lace insertion and pretty styles in cotton voiles. A variety of styles that will suit every taste. The new peplum styles are also included. All sizes, 14 to 42. d A QC Your choice Friday and Saturday y-x.- Pretty New House Dresses Selling Regular $2.95. Special $1.95 About eight distinct styles for your choosing, cool, sheer lawns, ginghams and chambrays in all colors and sizes. Several styles tnai are suited for street wear. All are ex ceptionally well made in styles that are becoming. A very good bar gain at 51.95 Entire Stock of Tailored Suits Reduced -silted. -He 1, in close touch wlth t e'rhat they" we7e mad. President and Is a man of considerable r expressly for the optical political anility. o Excuses Offered. I have no excuses to make for ny moves which I may have maae m tne nonuhllrvan convention. 1 voiea Mr Root as temporary chairman several reasons. was because x for for Foremost among these believed he would be eminently and absolutely fair. He Is taiv annuainted with both Mr. ti-ada This atone was used to get tne glass in the proper shape of a lens and to remove all the ragged eages. i comes tne arming or. m b.. Hill halno- n sort nt a lame wim a diamond point that turns at the rate of 2000 revolutions a minute, and took about a minute to drill the hole in the glass. Next comes the mounting of tne lenses in rimless mounting lor tj-r Taft and Mr. Roosevelt Ho is a man glasses, which is a very delicate piece . rarnrnlzed ability and one of the of work, as the sides of the mounting n,n.r attnmevs. if not the lore- tha United states. w. most, in tne uniwu T I hnlri It merely followed the precedent 01 jot- 1(ke tWQ hours to get the in8 out from miiRt rnnfnrm to the shaoe of the lens. and then a small screw is set in to fast, taking in an onreuiine $3.25 to $3.75 Peplum Yaits These much-desired Waists of finest sheer ba tiste and voiles, very daintily tnmmed with lace in new designs. High-grade Waists M Q5 priced exceedingly low at .V New Norfolk Middy Blouses Ideal for outings; smart in style; made of drill vath patent leather belt; blue, $1.35 I CKif Ul w lu - mar- rnnvnuoni 1 II wav.A,,i tional committee In its selection of tern. Mparv nhafrman. As we Deiievea. u . - Mr. Root proved nimseir. to m t"- tlonally fair. II a juage on a-a m ait on mv case I would ask nn nna fairer than Mr. Root When the woman irom b-mhw started her 45-minute stampeoe i. on.aval aha was out 01 Place .u .. ,inn and had no rignt tu uc wiiwuv.v.. there, but Mr. Root auowea m. onstratlon to cdntlnue lest he be ac cused of unfairness. Thievery Charges Unfair. 'a a to thievery in the convention, the allegations were unfounded. I w" rannaated to serve as a member of the ...j.h.Ii committee from Oregon. ia-a k.v..-. J T But I was an avowed lan man u i..,j nr that reason my actions l.),i ha takAn as BrejUQICBU B.UU uu- fair and I retuseo. x stand that as the delegation was pledged to Roosevelt some Roosevelt supporter should be named on the cre- the time it gets to the factory until. finished. If there be no bad luck. tha n.rt waa rna norior s iiiuiik rnnm whara tne natlent is lllLea w.lii lenses out of a sample case, so as to get proper correction, which is no sim ple matter, as there is only one of several nearly fits that is the absolute u. aim fnfnrmad me hOW easy it was to make a mistake in tne iuuns of glasses, and also why a person con templating getting glasses should go to a. c.nmnetent oDtometrist (one who moWc a analaltv Of fitting glasses) and not a person " who does not make , iv s,r rna aama. 1 1 R &isu ex plained the reason of the several in struments that he had, and the neces sity nf havinar the same, all of them v, r ih. varv latpst make. Dr. Dubaek also lniormea me mi u. had the exclusive agency or tne mnuntinar and th'e Neutro Rayo lens, thai tha Kavdee moununn was sruaranteea aKainst Di-cun.sn xr w. ar, A harl nn arraws to work lOOSe. The Neutro Rayo lens is absolutely the only lens on the market that produces the sort oiue ugni, nu r A wear under gas, sun or electric light. He also showed me some cheap lenses and frames, which are sold, as so-called Mil II Buvvyji'.r .- - swift, of first-class material, but on Deing ex- denUals committee. 11H A.V. Sw lft or I'"1 da8ge d,rferen-Ce, It seemed a pity n.ksr Tx-a aelected. I asked Mr. Swill f ' ... nnalHar S-Attlne- a uik.r. was selected. ' I asked ...-rcari as to the actions of the com mittee and he stated that the great nf rha contests were abso- Ul.juii.l ii.iv vvniinrlless. "As to the two California delegates technically they were entitled to a seat In the convention. The National cora- ln aandlns: OUt IIS can Portland boy and Micnigan, that one would ever consider getting a n.ir nf chean el asses, when so much depends on tne eyes. 1 - n.ihorV la a P Af tha. TTniversltV Of tha Michigan ODtlcal College. A few moments' talk with the doctor soon convinces you mat no murousmy uu Am him hnalnass. and one on n.-hnm von can strictly rely when it districts. " " - -" -,a ina- rorner Sixth ana Aiaer. California gave Roosevelt between 60.- ;nK- c" nn A Til AAfl VAtttll HDDHrtlULiy ia va the Roosevelt California delegates tet and Haille Parrish Hinges furnUhed should have been seated, but from tne music during the evening. standpoint of the can 01 100 1. .... tha two which were con- tested rightfully should have been seat ed for Taft Third Party Doubted. In their districts they received the highest number of votes and under the terms of the call of the National com which stated delegates should ce voted for by districts, they were en- iiiuj In aaats. 3UI as wo SALEM COUNCIL WARNED Railway Franchise Carrying Emer gency Clause Unpopular. SALEM, Or., July 11. (Special.) were Declaring that If the emergency clause pledged for Roosevelt we followed out tacked to the franchise for the Port that pledge and voted with the Roose- land Eugene & Eastern extensions in . r.-tinn in that case.' iki. la vnt r.mnveil before Das- ,3.V . . . I .MM.J . . . . Mr. Bynon refused to comment ou everv member otthe council who rhnlm of the Jjemocrats. uui u.v. 1 foP it should be recauea. n. a. 1- atrant a third party is organized netltion de with Roosevelt as its leader it will be nouncing the Council for considering of material benefit to Taft ,h franchise with the distasteful "I think that the same element ui ,,,- included. will vote for Wilson would also vote The petltion is signed by some of the for Roosevelt ana wim uuu. most substantial citizens. field there would do a atciuta m Representatives of the company say between the ultra-raoicaie. oui i ,t ,8 nopea to have tne improvement .o,. ima I am doubtful as to a third !,, h rh. nnnnlnsr of the State Fair, party ever materializing. I think and accoraingly, hope to secure pas- Roosevelt IS a Daca nu.nuo. " aira of the francnise wnnom uc.oy. been relegated to 1110 timber." Fair Formally Opened. Tha i-harrv Va.lT was formally opened in tha Armory. 8. O. sargeant. nraairiant of the association, making the address of welcome In the absence of Mayor Lachmund. An aniiraaa nn "uresron m inuuBwic by Eugene Brookings, 01 i-oniano. ana an address on "How women -an neip the Industries or Oregon , oy mwi Tozler Wetherred, vice-president of tha Washinaton Press Association, were features tf the evenings pro- rrra m m m a hrlaf talk on woman's suffrage was also given by Mrs. Albert Ehrgott, of Portland. The Stalwart jaaie viuar- HELLO, BILL! SEEN THE SEA? AND YOU WON'T AT ANY CITY . TAKE A DAY-THE BEST YOU'LL SPEND and Go to SEASIDE, GEARHART, OREGON'S COAST RESORTS 100 Miles of Columbia-River Scenery THE ONE-DAY TRIP Leave Portland 9:10 A. M. Arrive Beach Points for luncheon. Spend the afternoon at the ocean, returning after dinner. Arrive Port land 10:30 P. M. SEASHORE LIMITED Observation Parlor Cars, large Coaches. v, r.0;r,a fi -sn P. M. daily : 2 :00 P. M. Saturday. First-class hotels for meals and longer visus. Surf bathing, fishing, etc. ROUND TRIP FARES (54.00 Daily, Long Limit. $3.00 Saturday and Sunday. Return Till Monday Special Folders, Parlor Car Seats and Details at CITY TICKET OFFICE, FIFTH AND STARK STREETS Trains Leave From NORTH BANK STATION, ELEVENTH AND HOYT STS. Delicious Doughnuts perfectly raised. They . will be wholesome and delicious and will not "soak fat if you use .. Rumford. For producing food of most delicate flavor and perfect lightness and wholesomeness there is no baking powder to equal ' HDnTiTrrmifcrDrpdl I IVY THE WHOtESOMt BAKING POWDER The Best ol the mob-Grade Saktna Powders No Alum - si swa r n Before You Go Home ELKS, SEE THIS Beautiful Glenmorrie-Q" the waiameite Free From City Crowds Free From City Smoke -k ak . a w m; iree Jf rom city jmcroDes Only 20 minutes from Washington Street. The Southern Facmc is aooui to duhq a lour-.rtv tmu, uniy x . , , cUonvimv W will take vou there free. line to Glenmorrie. Jouy a scenic noIneslLe uuw. UJ .. . . . rf CHAPIN-HERLOW MTGE. & TRUST CO. EftK