6 HQU1RY RAMBLES III HANFORD CASE Concentration on Intemperate ! Habits of Judge Almost !' Failure.- NIGHT SESSIONS IN ORDER AtMrnrr and Former Tobacconist (i Testify Thwt Jnrlst IXed In Court and Was Intoxicated In Oars Others Appear. ! si-.ATTt.P. Wasl!.. July 11. The House judiciary sub-committee which is Investigating the alleged mlscon ,t nf TTnlted States District Judge Cornelius H. Hanford rambled from one subject to another all day, making Br .ffort. however, to concentrate on an inquiry Into the Judgre'a alleged in temperate habita. . mention of the Sullivan wll case or the Heckraann and Hanson bankruptcy however, took the commit tee off the trail. The first of the nlgfht sessions was held tonight. Lmrrn Says Jatee DMffl. The .first witness this afternoon. -Ps.nl. an attorney, testified .1 iAm uanford In June. 1911, when -... in court, dozed off occa. slonally, did not always rale Imme diately and sometimes was addressed second and even a third time before he resnonded. In the Summer of 1811 witness had seen Hanford pass througn - v...i inhhv. &nnarently sick or un- ,. Influence of Uauor. Witness "Hanford walked with alow, faltering steps and had difficulty descending a stairway, placing both feet on a step. He walked more cautiously than a well or a sober man would. My - opinion then. If he had not been a Federal Judge, would have been that he was - ;....it.j tt was very sick' or drunk From observation of him sober, 1 judge he had been drinking. His condition was one of incipient intoxi cation. i . . - .nriih,r occasion. -witness testi fied, he had seen Hanford on the street rery unsteady. He k"PP , . , Imes. and might have been intoxicated, witness testified. Hanford Canght Asleep. J o Zonlg, a former tobacconist, estlfle'd that on one occasion le ered a streetcar, seated himself and, noticing the odor of whisky looked iround and observed Hanford seated ,ehind him. The Judge was asleep, witness testified, and when ne snored, us woke himself. As vacant seats be ame more numerous people seated hear the Judge moved away, witness testified. When the Judge left the car. witness testified, he walked very un liteadily and the conductor helped him f f the car. On a subsequent occasion, witness testified, he had seen the Judge n the street a trifle unsteady, and bought he had had a few more drinks nan he ought to have taken. On cross-examination witness admit, ed that he had been fined and lm rlsoned by Hanford for violating the nternal revenue tobacco law; . L. C. Turner and Ira C Bronson, at orneyr. were examined concerning the .roposed disbarment of Attorney Jer rold Landon Finch for making charges against Richard A. Balllnger. The i committee announced that this sub- Iect would be continued" later. " A newspaper reporter was examined oncernlng an article written by him n which it was said to be Hanford s belief that he was being pursued by a white slave syndicate. The . reporter ' testified that Hanford gave him the Information on which the article was based. ' - lo,000 PASS IN REVIEW i (Continued trom First frode at the head of the Portland lodge, fc. C Bradley, the exalted ruler, and Ether officers were among them. I Members of the Portland convention Jommission. Including Colonel David M. Dunne, D. Soils Cohen, Joseph H. De-ltz, Solomon Blumauer, W. J. Van Schuy ler, John H. Burgard. Gus C. Moser. Ralph E. Moody and Harry C. Mc Allister rode In carriages. Dr. Harry F McKay, chairman, of the reception committee was in uniform with other members of the welcome squad, j Stecda Draw Officers, f Grand lodge officials did not use the modern automobile as a means of Conveyance, but rode in carriages drawn Jay faithful horses. In the first car riage was John P. Sullivan and Thom as B. Mills, who has been elected to Succeed him. I In other carriages were Fred C. Rob inson, grand secretary: Edward Leach, rand treasurer; Astley Apperly, John Calvin, Jerome B. Fisher. Robert W. frown, Henry A. Melvin. John K. ener. all past exalted rulers; U M. ively, grand esteemed leading knight; Frank " King, grand esteemed -loyal intent: Dr. Charles H. Ward, grand steemed loyal knight, elect; James E. king grand esteemed lecturing knight; Li. Maxwell, grand esteemed lectur tng knighi. elect: Rev.. John Dysart, itrand chaplain: U P. Leveronl grand Liner guard: F. M. Cole, acting grand tiller- Walter Goldman, secretary-- to grand exalted ruler; John Lee Clark, krand inner guard, elect; .Alfred T. Holly grand trustee; C. I Applegate. i-rand-trustee; -John Faulkner, grand trustee, elect; Edward Rightor, Justice rtand forum; Thomas J. Cogan, justice grand forum, elect; R. Benjamin; John F Burket, R. W. Nuium. F. L Dunkan. W P . Andrews, -all members of the Judiciary .committee; A. C. Crowder i, t stMnr. J. A; Finlen. all of the credentials committee:' J. E. Masters. A. Fred Harper, yi. k Uhu. John C. Fru trail. j Kelly, air of the ritual com n'ittee" E. R. Ingersall. T. J. "armVdy. Labah Phelps, all of the iharter committee; Charles D. Wolfe, jarry Loewenthall. C. C. 2omegrys. all f the tuberculosis committee; P. i. Power, and C. U Klngsley. of the Elk." Rational .home committee. Kortawest States "Strong. S Admiral Reynolds and.members of his staff occupied position of honor in the carriage following the grand lodge of- ' Oregon. California, and the other Northwestern states provided the prin cipal feature of the parade. Old New Tork. faithful and trueras there with Its usual representative eei"B d its time-worn banner. Brooklyn Jer sey City, and a few of the other East ern lodges were represented, but com paratively few of the Eastern delega te that have been present at the week's festivities Joined In the P"e. Sany lodges In the West and Middle wt have from 80 to 100 members in Peruana and earlier In the week they Soared to get In line, but when they earned of the elaborate preparations made by the Oregon and other North western lodges, they decided to view Se parade from the grand stead, as they did not want to afpeai to a disadvantage, PIONEER OF 1859 LIVES AT EUGENE WITH THREE MORE GENERATIONS. J JUHFX TO RIGHT MRS. CATHERINE STORTOST, MRS. W. X. HETICH, MARY MARGARET ATA, MRS. l C. AY A. EUOENE Or., July 11. (Special.) Mrs. Catherine Norton, a pioneer of 1859, is nbw making her home In Eugene, near her daughter, grand daughter and great-granddaughter. . " Mrs. Norton came to Oregon from San Francisco in 1869. shortly after she was married. She had reached San Francisco by way of Panama on a trip made memorable by the death at sea of between 800 and 400 of the passengers and crew from the ravages of cholera. In cluded in the. number who died was Mrs. Norton"s sister, who was married Just a few days before leaving for'the'Weat. Mrs. Norton's daughter, Mrs. W. X. Hetich, Is a native Oregonlan, having been born in the John Day. country. . Mrs. Hetich's daughter, Mra. U C. Aya, was born in -Portland, and the little one. Mary Margaret Aya, first saw the light of day at Eugene. OLDS CASE NEAR END Judge Hinkle Gives Instructions - to Jury Body. .. . TESTIMONY IS RIDICULED Attorney for Prosecution Declares Witness Who Said Dead Doctor Boasted of Right to Beat Wife "Told Ide." 8POKANE. Wash., July ; 11. (Spe cial.) "Testimony of the actions and conduct of Dr. W. II. Olda prior to the alleged homicide should not be con sidered, as a Justification "oi""excuse of the act charged, but haa been permit ted to show the condition of the minds of the defendant and the deceased," said Judge Hinkle In his Instructions to the Jury today In the now iamous murder trial. With the Instructions .before the Jury and the arguments of the attorneys begun In the trial of Mrs. Delia Olds, charged with shooting her husband. Dr. W. H. Olds, the final lap In the long trial has been reached. It was 11:15 o'clock this morning before Judge Hinkle had finished in structing the Jury and Assistant Prose cuting Attorney R. L.' McWilllams be gan immediately his opening plea. Mr. McWilllams ridiculed tne story that Dr. Olds went to the races In an automobile with Spokane men. He referred sarcastically to the discrep ancies In the testimony regarding the amount of whisky consumed on the trip. He accused one witness in the party of deliberately lying. "The man who torn tnat ur. uiafl had said, 'if I cannot beat the races, I can beat my wife,' told a lie," he shouted. Makina: his announcement good ID cart, he pictured Delia Olds as a rag ing fury and Dr. Olds as a meek, obe ident husband, with the one fault of drinking at times. THRONG FILLS STREETS (Continued from First Ps.) at no time was the way blockaded nor the parade Interfered with. Whenever the line bulged the police, were there quickly and the files auto matically receded and straightened. Portland's streets were not big enough to hold the throngs, and every vantage point held Its hundreds and thousands. The roofs, windows and fire-escapes of every building along the route of the parade in the business1 center held their hundreds and thousands, and on Grand avenue, on the East Side,, build ings similarly . were . crowded. . Hun dreds of children and even their elders clung precariously to telegraph poles. Riot of Color Flatters. The watching throngs were brilliant In & medley. of colors, royal purple and white predominating. Pennants flut tered bewllderlngly through the maze, confetti -was tossed broadcast, colored paper streamers ccb-webbed the entire line of march, and from several of the big grandstands the spectators ' show ered the marchers with rose petals. The crowds were tuneful yesterday. They cheered the bands more than gen erously, and "rags" were their favor ites, i It was impossible for them to find vent for their enthusiasm in mere ap plause. When some band would play "Everybody's Doin' It," "O, You Beau tiful Doll," or some other popular favorite,. they wanted to dance, but sar dines can't "rag," and that's like what the average person 'packed In with 325,000 others felt yesterday. They could sing, though, and when the po lice band, heading the parade, halted at Sixth and Washington for half an hour and played "Everybody's Doin' It" the crowd sang. Food Places FUI Qnlcltly. When the parade had. passed the throngs remembered that they were hungry. The hotels, restaurants, cafe terias and every place where food was to be had, were filled in an amazingly short time,- while hungry hundreds stood outside impatiently awaiting their turn. ' There seemed to be no limit to the vocabulary and ' lung capacity of the onlookers. . When there were namore flowers or colored streamers to throw they cheered all the louder and im partially. Russel B. Harrison, the lone buck from Indianapolis,, got the same ovation as that given the long files of Portland Elks, whose ranks seemed never to end. ' - - - - -. '- Everyone seemed to think that it was their good time and every man was "Bill." Policemen handled the crowd well. There was no rough talk, and the only show of authority needed was a polite word of caution that the rules exclud ed sightseers from the streets. Long before time for the parade to start thousands placed their stools, chairs, soapboxes and canvas-bottomed seats at places along the line of march. Automobiles, filled to the running boards, ea;ly were banked in the street Intersections. There were places on the East Side that could have accommodated some of those who were crowded back against buildings on the West Side. L FOOD . OFFICIAL'S -' AGREK ..n . UNIFORM MEASURE. OX AT THE SIGN OF THE LION.' Here's a picnic for those who are hunting bargains. Boys' norfolk Suits, tan and gray mixtures, also blue serges, 7 to 16 years, today at $3.85 Double-breasted Suits in the new powdered blue and odd brown effects, 8 to 16 years, today at only $4.85 ' Khaki norfolk Suits, 6 to 16 years, ' today at $1.45 For the smaller ones navy, cadet and brown striped cotton ma terials at 95 Everything here for the little boys and the big men. LION Clothing Company Third Street, Near Morrison. the province of the court to declare the act Invalid or void. The initiative and referendum, he says, is merely an ex tension -of the legislative powers and It Is not within the province of the conrts to encroach on those legislative powers and declare a petition Invalid because It Is tainted with fraud. Necessity of Co-operation Between State and City Officials Em " phaslzed at Seattle. SEATTLE, July , 11. The American Association of State and National Food and Dairy Departments today adopted a uniform cold storage measure which it will ak the Legislature of every state in the Union to enact into law. The act relates to the regulation of all cold storage -and refrigerating ware houses and the sale of food kept in them. One paragraph provides for compulsory labeling of all cold storage food, with the date of its entry into storage. Papers were read this morn ing as follows: "The Necessity of Pure Drug Laws," by A. N. Cook, of South Dakota; "The Necessity for Co-Operation Between State and Municipal Pood Controls," by William H. Cutler, of Missouri; "Shoulf Laws Governing Food Sanita tion Be Enforced Through Food and Drug" Control or Through Other Agen cies?" by H. E. Barnard, of Indiana. At the afternoon session papers were read as follows: "What Form of Procedure Is Most Efficient for Food Control Laws the Criminal, With or Without Summary Conviction, or Civil Pro cedure?" by R. M. Allen, Kentucky; "Should a Portion of the Official Sam ple Be Given at Time of Purchaser' by H. F. Potter, Connecticut; "In .Pur chasing Food Samples, Should ' the Sampling Agent Disclose His Official Position to the Dealer?" by A. H. Jones, Illinois: "Methods or organiza tion for Food Control work," Dy a. L. N. Davlea, Washington; "Publicity Work of .the Food -Control," by J. B. Bailey, Oregoh... ' . ' Food analysts Jn their section lis tened to papers as follows: "A Method fcr -the Determination or. starcn in Meat Food Products." by T. M. Price, Bureau of Animal Industry;-. "The Annivsis of Catsups," by Alfred N. Cook and H. E. Bishop, South Dakota; Compound Mustards," li. K. Barnard, Indiana; "New Data on tne composi tion- of the oyster, a. m. carnaru. Emma Crandall and Charles Coffin, In diana; "Formic Acid In Fruit Prod ucts," P.. L. Shannon, Micnigan; "un the Determination oi at in ic Cream," A. R. Meh'rtens and G. R- Stewart, California: "Duties or a jfoou Chemist as a Witness for the State," William Frear, Pennsylvania. STATE EXPECTED TO WIN Action Against Mdrson May End in Victory In. Deschutes Deal..., SALEM, Or., July 11. (Special.) Attorney-General Crawford declared to day that he is confident the state wwl be able to carry its point in the case against the Deschutes Land -Company and J. E. "Morson, and that the com pany will be enjoined from selling as signments of interest in its land on its Carey Act project near LaPlne. "It Is plainly the intent of. the Carey act. that no lands shall be sold or in terests In lands sold under that act un til reclamation iscompleted . and. the land is ready for 'production. This, I think, applies to the Morton project and I believe the courts will hold that the company has no right to sell op tions or assignments of Interest." Mr. Crawford also said he Is bank ing on his contention that the Judicial power cannot encroach on the Legisla tive power to win the University of Oregon referendum suits for the Secre tary of State. He declares that when the Legislature passes an act, .even thnno-h Its nassage is permeated with fraud and it Is put through that body by bribery and corruption. It is not in ROADWAY GETS FINE START With $17,000 In Fond Franklin County Lets Contract. PASCO, Wash., July 1L (Special) The county commissioners of Franklin County met yesterday for the purpose of letting a contract for building a paved roadway, the first to be paved In this county. There is about $17,000 in the state road fund available for this purpose and the contract was let for $17,125. As the property .owners along the route of the new road have agreed to. pay 15 per cent of the cost of build ing. It Is thought that two and a half and possibly three miles of road can be built. The road will commence at the corner of the corporation limits northwest of town and extend up the Columbia River. The contract was let to the In land Empire Hassam Paving Company of " Spokane. It is expected that the road will become a part of a perma nent hard surface highway to the Coast. ... ELK ASTRAY ARE SCARED Mention of Black Bear at Fishing Stream Is Disconcerting. t WAHKIACUS. Wash., July 11. (Spe- clal.) Today about noon a bunch or five -elk were seen coming over an oia Indian trail a mile below here. The trail where they were seen the In dians account to be more than two cen turies old. Near by are the old "deer licks" and It was here that the late Chief Wahkiacus says he killed with a bow and arrow In King George's reign a primitive elk that had been wounded upon the nearby Mount Sah-a-lee. The Says the "Wood-Lark:" Best Prices On Everything "Portland's visitors will find a royal welcome here where salespeople are courteous and service quick. They will enjoy visiting our store, where the biggest Removal Sale of the year is being held, preparatory to moving into the new 'Wood-Lark' Building, corner West Park and Alder Streets. The reductions in prices off er , an excellent opportunity to supply all your requirements for some time to come." OUR RUBBER -. QOOIJS V ' 'TV DEPARTMENT V -i.;-Sv ViU- OFFERS THE Vt V 4 I'OLLflWINU -J-.VVNV REDUCTIONS For Friday and ' Saturday! ' Size 3. Red Water B o t tie, guaranteed, regular $1.75, I OQ special at ) I iZ3 Size 3, Red Ft. Syringe, guar- OQ,, anteed, regular $1.50, special. .. 03u Size 2, Combination ( Waterbottle and Syringe), regular $2.00. spe- I 07 cial at 0 I iOl Ladles' Syringe, regular CI CO $2.25, speoial at. OliOU Seven five-cent Wash ClothsOC. for only ZOu SOc Plant Sprinkler on sale for OC. only ZUU All-Rubber Bath Caps each at Ctn only 25 and 30" Rubber-Lined Cloth Bath Caps 7 C. from 10 to I 3u Bathing Suit Bags on sale forOC. only : 3 Dustless Dust Cloths, regular I Qn 25c, special I wu EXTRA SPECIALS nunc o uatu9 1 jl far Frlda-r and '" i?C3 Saturday V Sf package u u ioc uompouna Licorice P o w- Qn der, pkg 3 10c Pipe Clay (for cleaning can- Cn vas shoes) Ou 10c Camphorated Chalk (for the C- teeth) at only J" 10c Sal Soda on sale for only. On per package OU 10c Soap Bark on sale for, per C package ."" 10c Prepared Chalk on sale for, C- ?er package " 5c Powdered Borax on sale, for, On per package w 35c Sugar Milk on sale for, perOCp pound '. 25c Formaldehyde on sale for, I Qn per bottle : 26c Crude Carbolic Acid, per 0n bottle at only 1 u 25c Strawine (clean up the old Ofln straw), at UU 15c Denatured Alcohol at, per I In bottle 1 1 b 25c Almond Maal (fresh cans), at Qn only. i. " 10c Pure Castor Oil on sale for. Cn per bottle : Oli 25c Tincture Arnica at only, per I On bottle.'. I0U 10c Sea Salt on sale for only, a Cn package "U 40c Witch Hazel on sale for, per OOn bottle wu 25c Tld. Ext, Cascara on sale at, I Qn per bottle i... 1 " 10c Lime Water on sale for per Cn bottle 10c Soda Bicarbonate, at only, a C. package 60c Cream Tartar on sale for, 00n ?er package Quit 5c Spirits. Camphor at only, a I Qn bottle '" 25c Rose Water (superior qual- I l Ity).per bottle Hu 10c Cocoanut OH on sale for. per Cn bottle tu 5c Cough. Drops on sale at only, On per package NOTE THESE REMOVAL SA1.E PRICES 0' PATENT MEDICINES For. Friday and Saturday. Bromo Seltzer, regular 50c, spe- Q0f cial at Mentholatum, regular 50c, spe- OQn cial at Llebig's S k 1 n c u r a Salve, for M fjn eczema and skin diseases Hiu Penn's Cascara Tablets, correct OCn constipation and torpid liver iov Mack's Spasm Remedy, regu- M 7C lar $5.00, special at J Pacific Horse Liniment, gives cn. satisfaction, at Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, reg- k fin ular SOc, special "t-Uu Blair's Kidney Pills, for weak Cfln kidneys, backache, etc Melllns' Food, regular 75c, spe- EC. cialat..... .Jlj Chase's Vegetable Worm Medicine, in liquid or candy form, for 0K :hildren ; tt Carlsbad Salts (Imported), reg-7Cn ular $1.00. special u Hoyt's Effervescing Sodium Phos phate, good for acid stomach. OCn bad breath, constipation wu Kilmer's Swamp-Root, regular OQn 60c, special at. u Crystal Corn Remedy, the one OCn to use. gets the corn Shac (for headache), r e g u 1 a r 7n 25c. special at w Peroxide Foot Powder,..for ach- I Cn Ing, tired, burning feet Bell's Hair Tonic, removes dan- OCn druff, stops falling hair. ....... Roscoe Pile Salve for Itching Cfln piles 3XU Sal Hepatica, regular 25c spe- I Qn cial at 1 " SPECIALS OJT MEDICINAL seJ.'-jmMtiZ STIMULANTS - Virlilfi'v and Saturday .JX $1.25 Old oscar Pepper, full $1.25 Old Chicken-Cock, eight QDn years old, bond bottled w0" $1.00 Old Carlisle Rye, bond bot- 7qn tied, only ' $1.25 Creme de Menthe, genu- OOn lne Imported ouu $1.25 Dubonnet Wine, the I flC great French appetizer ip I iUv $1.00 Sparkling Wine, an es- CQ(J pecial bargain at w Full gallon Especially Fine Califor nia Port and Sherry; old, rich and mellow, in sanitary glass I CQ container V ' FOR HOT WEATHER RE LIEF 13 HOME Mntnolnt" Elec- 'tric Irons C flff at .!. Hnd V JiUU "El GrIIlo," new electric utility that boils, broils, fries and toasts, Cg CQ for only 'l.'ln "El Stovo" Electric Stove for JFjQ "El' To'sVo","' Electric toaster, J3.50 "EVpVrcoV'''Elicrric'Coffee 7 CQ Percolator ' "El Chafo," Electric Chafing JQQQ Alcohoi Stoves are on sale at Cfln only -aUI' THE B. P. O. E. will find a beaten path to our store, where all' camera folks gather and re freely Instruct ed In the most iimple and suc ; e s s ful metli odB to o b t a in clearand sharply-defined pictures. Our sup plies are recognized and always ac cepted as the very best. The Anuco films and Cyko papers are truly a wonderful combination. These films have the new fast emulsion and fit all Kodaks and cameras. HERE IS THE OPPORTUNITY TO UET THAT NEW SUIT CASE OR TRUNK AT A SAVIN 6. White Embroidered Handbags, with long Cordelier handles, while QOn they last, regular $2. special. .. New Black Seal Tailored Bags, leath er lined, handsome new 00 0Q frames, regular $6. special. .. While they last to close for removal sale. Bamboo, Wicker and Reed Suit Cases, linen lined, waterproof frame-, regular $6.00 to $9 00, spe- C Cff cial S3.00 to Jti JU Splendid opportunity on our com plete line of High-Grade Trunks, Wardrobe. Steamer, Dress, Hat and Skirt Trunks, all new and up-to-dnte styles of Trunks. Llkly and Murphy Trunks, complete stock, reg ular $5.00 to $75.00, special ffCC OC at S3. 75 to aOi J 24-inoh Peglmond Suit Case, straps all around, double-action locks and bolts, shirt fold, regular $4, P I 00 special at flliJO NOTE THESE SPECIALS IN OUR ART DEPARTMENT For Friday and Saturday 500 Florentine Metal Cabinet Frames, reg. values $1.25 to I flft $1.60 to close out 35M S forVlUU 800 Handsome French Mirrors, qOn values to $3.00 3ul' 500 Verdigris Green French "Cn Mirrors to close out - - All our Imported PMC. U ALT CFF Pottery on sale at UHCnrlLr U1T Big special In Jardinieres in QQp brown glazed ware and green. . wu SPECIALS IN PARISIAN. IVORY For Friday and Saturday. We are showing many new novel ties in this popular ware. Imported anu nomesuc We carry lines. Mo rtal for Elks' Week Long-rian- vc died Princess Mirrors, 8 4. 5. w Hair Brushes are on sale at tC from S1.40 up to.... ......' Manicure A Qn Large C7 Trays W Combs Jl Ionxetin.r.1 ONE-QUARTER OFF Extra Special Set Brush, IPC OQ Mirror and Comb -. ..Wwiuu LET US DEVELOP VOIR B. P. O. E. r PICTURES. Prompt and careful attention is given all orders for developing, printing or enlarging. Perfect re sults are assured you. PKF.K One 8x10 enlargement with every order of finishing amounting to $1-00 or more. w oo Clarke & Co. America's Largest Drugstore Fourth and Washington Streets " Jff 1 CANADIAN MONEY TAKEN AT PAR PHONE EXCHANGES FOURTH FLOOR-OPEN A MONraLY ACCOUNT TODAY-FREE DELIVERY IN THE CITY-PROMPT SERVICE bunch of stragglers today were from herds In Marshallton, Iowa, and Tank ton, S. D. - A German of the party from the Hawkeye State scented, danger when he was told that black bear a few miles up the river were catching trout at night time. With this danger signal he stampeded the bunch back to the Portland herd. HIGH LIVING AND POOR NOURISHMENT Yon Do Not Get the Full Value from the Food You Eat Unless the Processes of Digestion and Assimilation Are Working Perfectly, When your food does not nourish you, the blood is thin or Impure. Unless the blood is nure. assimilation, the final -step of digestion, is Imperfectly done and the body poorly nounsneo. wj. day Instances of lack of nourishment because of thin or Impure blood are seen in children, who eat almost con tinually yet do not grow: in convales cents from the grip, fever, or some Other serious disease, who remain pale, weak and debilitated; in persons who are run down through overwork, worry or grief and are unable to get back their strength. - , Before the body can be -properly nnnrlnhed. the blood . must Iirsi oe cleansed, built up and made fit to work. nr Williams' Pink Pills for paie reopio will do this more quickly and effectively than any other - medicine. They con tain the very elements which the thin blood lacks. Not only do they strongm en the stomach, but they buna up me blood so that It gets tuir nourishment from the food. In the case of Mrs. E. S: Reynolds, of Paris, Mo., stomach trouble followed an attack of the grip. She says: "A few years ago I began to have trouble with my stomach. It followed a .severe, attack of the grip anu iaswa fnr two vears. My stomach was so weak that I always had to be careful what I ate. otnerwise my ioaun;u would distress me greatly. I had palpi- tatlon of the heart with shortness of breath. I had dizzy spells and. was a great sufferer from chronic constipa tion. "I tried many remedies but received no benefit and began to doubt if I ever would get relief. I read about the case of a woman at St. Joseph who was cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and I started using them. In a very short time I noticed an Im provement. I took the pills for some time and have since been In good health, I can truthfully say that Dr. WlUlams' Pink Pills made me well and I cannot speak too highly of them." In deciding what to do for your stomach trouble, distrust any treatment which claims to cure you without building up the blood. Medicines which digest the food In the stomach do .very little good because they don't provide for the assimilation of the food: Only when the blood Is pure can digested food be taken up and made to nourish the body. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People will make new blood and will cure your stomach trouble. They are highly recommended for anaemic or bloodless, run-down . conditions, and during convalescence and old age. Send today for two helpful booklets, "Building Up 'the Blood" and "What to Eat and How to Eat." They are free upon request. . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or by mail,, postpaid on receipt of price, B0 cents a box; six boxes. $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medi cine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Nature's laws are perfect if only we obey them, but disease follows disobedi ence. Go straight to Nature for the cure, to the forest ; there are mysteries there, 'om. of which we n fathom for you. Take the bark of the Wild-cherry tree, with mandrake root, Oregon grape root, stone root, queen s root, bloodroot and golden seal root, make scientific, glyceric extract of them, with just the right proportions, and you have DOCTOR PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. H took Dr. Pierce, with the assistance of two learned chemists and pharma cists, many months of hard work experimenting to perfect this vegetable alterative ana tonio eiunw ui iuc efficiency. Mr tW. PawiW, of Millville, Calif., writes: "I wish to tell you that I have used your Golden Medical Discovery In my family for twenty years. We have had a doctor called in but once during that time. I have a family of ten chil dren, all well and hearty, for which, to a great tent, we owe thanks to you and your 'Golden Medical Discovery and ' Pellets,' which we nse when sick."- . $m Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate ana invigorate j', .tnmaeh. liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. '7 cmn nv at i. nutlOOISTS. . ... rf ' -wj: I A :d:AM TtufTaln ' N.Y.' C W. FaWMCY, Esfl- uisjnsry - - - Monet K jjgjjQ BILL We re glad y0" ca?t but 4011 faU ainier NATIONAL PARK The crowning glory of the Pacific Northwest with its vast expanse of glaciers, ice fields and snow-capped crags, giant trees and magnificent . water falls. Switzerland itself offers nothing grander and more in spiring than Mount Rainier National Park. The Best Place on Earth To Visit Before Returning Home THE PLAYGROUND OF THE WORLD Just a short distance from TAOOMA, THROUGH THE PICTURESQUE FORESTS SPLENDID TRAIN SERVICE REDUCED RATES To make your trip complete after a tour in the Park travel East over the n-. '; "MILWAUKEE" The most direct and scenically interesting line between . TACOMA. SEATTLE AND CHICAGO TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY "The Olympian" and "The Columbian" For further information and descriptive literature .' call on or address e K. GARR1SOX, District Freight and Pasaenater Agent. j. o. THOMAS, Passenger and Ticket A cut, Rsll- "The HbW Steel Trail" Bulldln, Third and Stark Streets. ' ts&xnuzam K5DfiHlfi50 ' m SOFTENS A LUXURY WITHIN lTSE REACH m nrtunTvnvr (yUl L1UUU1U. 2S F A SflTH Rl PERFUME ThE C. S.WELCH CO. soccusoib to BAToeLua awoKms ca NEW TOM. SUM i