4 COLONEL DEFEATS TAR HEN IN' 101 State Convention Leaves Re publicans Free to Choose Between Leaders. DECISIVE VICTORY WON Platform Containing Direct, Attack on Legality of Chicago Conven j tlon Adopted by Over- whelming Vote. DES MOINES. Ia., July 11. Theodore Roosevelt won a decisive victory In the Republican state convention here yesterday, and the Taft Administration and the managers on the recent Na tional convention at Chicago were as Secislvely rebuked. Republicans of Iowa were left free to rote for either President Taft or Colo nel Roosevelt by the action of the delegates. The matter was left entirely to the "Individual conscience of the voter," and the platform containing a direct attack upon legality of the Chi cago convention was adopted by an overwhelming vote. National Platform Not Indorsed. The progressives dominated the con vention from beginning to end. Despite a hard struggle led by Governor Car roll, a Taft adherent, to secure th in dorsement of the National platform, the amendment offered by the Iowa execu tive containing this Indorsement was laid on the table. Governor Carroll presented the minor its resolutions report, which. In addi tion to the National platform matter, asked for the elimination from the ma jority platform of the plank condemn ing the whole convention as fraudu lently made up. He started a demon stration for Roosevelt lasting nearly 20 minutes when he said that the Nation al platform was not "tainted." Cummins Suggestion Ignored. The state platform submitted by a majority of the resolutions committee was adopted without roll call. No men tion of either Taft or Roosevelt was made In the document, which com mends "Republican achievements and indorses progressive policies." A definite stand for woman suffrtge was taken and the Legislature was asked to submit this question to a vote of the people. The resolutions committee declined to include in its report the suggestion of Senator Cummins for a commission to investigate the manner in which President Taft was renominated at Chicago. Immediately after adjournment of the convention last night progressive delegates attended a meeting presided over by Judge John L. Stevens, of Boone, a leader of the Roosevelt forces In Iowa, at which plans for the new third party were adopted. Supporters of President Taft In Iowa last night formed a state committee, which will work despite the refusal of the state convention to Indorse, the President. I. T. R.'S MEN' BtJSY IN NEVADA Petitions Supporting New "Progres sive Party" Appear. RENO, Nev July 11. Roosevelt's third party movement was launched In Nevada today, when petitions for signa tures by sympathizers .of Colonel Roosevelt were circulated in every -county In the state. The petitions designate the new party as the "Progressive party" and pledge the signers to support Theo dore Roosevelt for President. Nevada will send three delegates to the new party's National convention at Chicago. HUMID HEAT COVERS EAST Death List Grows, Farms Seared, Cities Suffer, o Relief in Sight. "WASHINGTON, July 11. A few tan talizing thundershowers that pattered on burned fields and hot pavements were the only promises of relief in sight last night fro mthe wave of hu mid heat deluging the country. From East and West the weather bureau received reports of generally increased temperature. By the stolid figures came a story of Increased death rates in the cities, general suffering and seared farms. "There is no relief in sight," said the forecaster at the weather bureau last night. "Today was generally warmer except a few spots where showers cooled things for a time. Temperatures are gradually rising- and reports show the likelihood of further Increases to morrow. The heat wave from all In dications will probably continue for some time." The National capital sweltered un der a blazing sun throughout the day with Legislators courting electric fans and cooling drinks. Hot weather and the vacation spirit combined to drive the House leaders al most to despair, for they were virtually unable to command quorums either on the floor or in the committees. Last night a pelting driving shower swept the city. CHIDED, GIRL ENDS LIFE Telephone Operator Commits Suicide i Because Subscriber Swore. VANCOUVER. B. C, July 11. Sworn at by an irate telephone subcriber to whom she had given a wrong number. Hiss Maude Harris, a telephone em ploye, went home and cried bitter ly. She brooded over the subject sev . eral days and on Tuesday night locked herself in a bathroom and turned on the gas. She was dead when found today. She left a letter Baying she was tired of living. HOOD RIVER HURRIES HERE Banks and Some Stores Close Few People to See Circus. HOOD RIVER, Or, July 1L (Spe cial.) But for the coming of a circus here tomorrow most of the stores in the city would close for the day. All banks will be closed. Crowds of Hood River people have been leaving the city for Portland xm every train this week. However, the largest crowd boarded the special train bearing the Elks from The Dalles and Central Oregon points yesterday. Nearly every one of the 102 "best people" of the Hood Riv er Valley, together with their families, will be In the Rose City for the big parade tomorrow. . Most of the Hood River antlered herd are members of The Dalles lodge and will march with that aggregation. The Dalles official robes, with which the members of the lodge will be garbed for the parade, consists of a large, flowing garment similar to those worn by the prairie Indians, on which will be pictured Elks heads. The purple and white colors will be carried out. PENDLETON IS 'COMING TODAY Koundnp City Sends Special Train for Big Parade, rrvm ittov Or.. 'Julv 11. (Sne .i. i r a enwlal train of 11 coaches 150 'members of Pendleton lodge No. 288 B. P. O. zo women ana mem bers of the famous Round-Up band, left at 9:30 tonight for Portland. They will arrive at the Country Club at Port land at 6 o'clock: Thursday morning a t rciks' tmrade. laKO'Bii O-" ' A special stock train of 13 palace horse cars loaded with 280 spotted mustangs, saaaies, inumn nalia. arrived in Portland this morn ing at 10:30. Pendleton Elks have a great sensation In store for the parade. The whole Round-Up exhibit will . teiinn T win ncninv n n entire CU91 . - . - - division, a position not accorded any other lodge In the country. The fa mous Round-Up band at the head will be led by Chauncey Haines, ine uoieu composer. Next will come Zft-mountea Indians In warpaint ana siiuuji riding sintrle file and emitting war .i - rrh-n ui rnmfl 150 cowboys on horseback wearing purple aud white bandanas and lull cowpuucner to tumes. Stage coaches and wagons will bring up the rear. DRINK BOYCOTT ORDER SOCIALISTS CRGE WORKMEN" TO GIVE UP SCHNAPPS. Party Aims Blow at Government's Big Monopoly Same Plan Not Successful in Russia. BERLIN. July .(Special.) "Work men, srlve ud tchnapps!" is the bold command Issued by the Socialists of Germany in Vorwarts, the organ of the Social Democratic party. The worKing men, however, are in a quandary. A great sacrifice is demanded of them, and they are puzzled to know whether their nolltical convictions are strong enough to warrant them withstanding the temptation of drinking lime glasses of burning, comforting spirit. For this ia nr.. a tomnprnnrfl movement, pro claimed and preached on religious or moral grounds. it is a move in mo jm- lltical game. t. e-lves back to the country distillers of brandy part of the excise duty, and tne aoie is Known jib the "love gift." The socialists oisap npnira nf this nnnression to country squires and in 1909 they Issued a man ifesto from Leipzig urging tneir ioi lowers to abstain from schapps, and trt ohAat their enemies. And now the "love gift" is greatly reduced ln order to give the government $7,500,000 a year to spend on building new buttle Kin, . All th mnre reason for not drinking, say the Socialists. Hence their second appeal to tne worKmen. Moii-A it Vnnwn everywhere, in village nitv thai whoever drinks scbnaDDS ruins his health and helps on his worst enemies, the Prussian JunKer. It is impossible to ieei sanguine .v.n tho .nr-r-pKs of this aDDeal. The Russian Socialists made a similar move some years ago, and lmpiorea tne wont ing classes to give up vodka, the spirit whirii la a emv'ernment monopoly and yields nearly halit .the Russian revenue. The workmen tnougnt tne pian exceeu lngly noble and heroic, only they were .. t-t- and hprnpH Vodka they UUb ,111.1 . J " ' - - must have to "make them forget the miseries of life, and In the same way Hans in Germany requires a "drop of comfort," and is not in the least likely to renounce the deadly stuff. EMPTY CAR IS DERAILED Coach, Dragged 300 Feet, Stops on Brink of River. The rear coach of Roseburg passen ger train No. 17 on the Southern Pa cific, leaving the Union Depot Wednes day afternoon, became derailed at a frog and after ploughing up the ground beside the track for nearly 300 feet knocking the tender of an engine on another track off the rails- and de molishing the cement pumping station beside the track, stopped within 60 feet of the river. The car remained attached to the rest of the train and its antics did not derail any of the other cars. Had the train, which was crossing the Steel Bridge, proceeded 50 feet further, the derailed coach would have plunged into the river. It was two hours before the car could be removed, and four trains were delayed. The wild coach which was attached was a long car, was empty and none of the crew noticed that it was de railed until after it had bounded over the ties for 100 yards and a warning whistle was sounded by another locomotive. MEEKER TALKS BY RECORD Phonograph Speech Made When Pioneers Pay Tribute to History. -TACOMA, Wash., July 11. (Special.) Pioneers of Pierce and King coun ties ioined in the quarterly reunion at Poyallup Wednesday, the event of which was the unveiling ln Pioneer Park of a Meeker memorial tablet on the site of the first home of Ezra Meeker, who drove an ox team over the old Oregon trail 60 years ago. A feature of the meeting was a phonographic talk by Meeker, who is now ln Nebraska, ana wno sent live two-minute records of an address pre pared by him for the occasion. The pioneers Joined in a song in Chinook, had a basket picnic and listened to addresses by prominent people. ABE HAMMERSTEIN HERE Son of Noted New Yorker Traveling to Win Wager. Abe Hammersteln. a son of Oscar Hammersteln, the noted grand opera Impresario, Is in Portland for a short stay. Hammersteln is making a coast-to-coast trip on a $500 wager. He is to return to New York by September 30, supporting himself and paying his rail road fares on weekly remittances of $25. The young man has been assistant to his brother, William Hammersteln, ln the management of a vaudeville house in New York for the past 10 years. He served ln the New York National Guard during the Spanish War and enlisted ln the United States Army afterwards, serving two years. Th "ahllllnr dinner." lonr supplied to British members or Parliament at a cost of about 88 cents, la objected to as an un necessary chance on the public, now that members receive salaries of iiOO, and may be aboil WINDOW PRIZES G1VEH CLARKE BROS. TAKE FIRST WITH RARE DISPLAY. Honeymari Hardware Company Is Awarded Second Place With Ex tensive Hardware Decorations. FRIZES AWARDED BY ELKS FOB . . . WINDOW DISPLAYS. First prize, Clarke Brothers, 28T Morrison street. Second prize, Honeyman Hardware Company, Fourth and Alder. Third prize, A. a Feldenheimer, 283 Washington street. Honorable mention: Ira F. Powers Furniture Company. Sherman. Clay Co. Niklaa A Son. Olds, Wort man c King. C. C. Bradley Company. Woodard, Clarke & Co. ' First, second and third prizes were $150. $100 and $50, respectively. Purple and white roses, forming a big "11 o'clock"' clock, with a white Elk ItaaV honlrl In thn Hnrlcer flAWAfS and electric eyes staring out at those who stopped to gaze at the beautiful setting, won the first prize ln the window dec- i ) r1o.lrA Rrnt nf 287 T'l C. 1. 1 ' I li l-l'll 1 1I ! 1 l l 11 n - u - Morrison street, were the winners. Crowds Stopped to gaze ax tne Beau tiful picture, which owed its simple .I nc. th'h n h a fart that It was made entirely of flowers. Rich tinted pansies, . . , . , . , 1 .1.., ..L.Aln,Dll wnite lines auu ueauniui - n ' i tulips were used to supplement the Th letters Vt. P. O. E. the nu merals and the setting of the head were all in deep purple. All else imme diately around them were pure white. Two miniature elk Btood ln the fore ground. - j? or exieaaiveness, me uwiicjmiwi rio T-iiTmi-n pnmnflnv which won the sec ond prize, had everything else far in the shade. Six big windows were lit erally filled with hardware materials arranged with artistic skill and sur mA.mt.il t Vi the AmArlmn finer, ro settes and bunches of flowers. Elk's heads, pennants, silver cups ana tro phies, souvenir pillows, fishing and nunting tacKie ana a nuuuieu umc. cu ticles were arranged In such a manner and in such a setting that the effect i V, i "li 1 nlafldn? to the PVP. As W&8 the case with the Clarke Bros.' display, scores oi people siuppeu te nucci to gaze . at the wonderful layout, the i3irSNT,c h.inlr that the first attracted women, while the latter appealed more to manly iancy. v A big glittering clock, with 12 small- -1 --.1. . ...nnnnJInr It And ftll VI th the hands pointing at 11 o'clock, was tne ieature dl me rciucHuciuici .... dow, which took third prize. The 12 smaller clocks represented that num ber of big cities all over the world and from them protruded tne iiaga ui respective nations. r .ith.r iMa nf the clock was a black elk's bead. In the mouth of which were purple ribbons, arapea irom rat side to the other. These were flanked k ti.A niivAr cnmdleeticks with burn ing candles, about which was draped purple and white gauze, omnums m an areh ln the other window was an image of a woman, clothed in purple over white. She was standing on the top step of an altar, which was com pletely covered with deep dark purple Plusn- . . . T. Honoraole mention was P. Powers Furniture Company, Sher- . -Mr rnmnAnV. Nlklas & SOXl. Oldsl Wortman & King. G. C. Brad ley & Company ana . w ooaaru, wi Company. -The committee, consisted of J. .C. .Jackson, Henry E. Wentz and A. E. Doyle. - . . -, Council Crest Open to Elks Only. To avoid confusion and vain regrets, .. . i n nit Ylka 'Are re- aii lnwBB wuv ' " " - . . quested to remember that tonight Council Crest is closed to all save J-lks j .1 i - onH others who have ana lug ii official badges. So many people have nocked to enwnamracaw j.i w n. nii Riks. are not open to anyone else, that the management desires to mate tnis ciear. T. R. WILL TACKLE TARIFF Revision Downvf ard Will Be Demand in Platform. A-rr.ra.r-n T A IT TtJ V Til "PT II. ImfflB" diate revision of the tariff downward is likely to be one of the demands made by the new party headed by Colonel Roosevelt. ii-Lii. iii. v.PiABiflAnt was non committal today regarding the course he would urge tne i.n"s iuu.i.uv- U nnr nortv In idODt. It deVel- oped from the talk of leaders who have conferred witn uoionei " i . ... Aavm (hut the r&rtv doubt- less will declare for Immediate re vision, i According to the present programme, the demand for action will be restricted to those schedules which, ln the opin- lon of. party Heads, obviously ara high. The woolen and cotton schedules were pointed out as perhaps the best ex amples. Whether the platform will enumerate' specific schedules and pledge to scale them downward, or will content Itself with a general declara tion, has not been decided. Colonel Roosevelt has been told that the sentiment of the country, especially the West, where his largest measure of support Is lopked. for. Is. emphatically in- favor of quick action on the tariff. Colonel Roosevelt said that soon he would make a statement upon the va rious Issues to be raised ln the cam paign. As to the various remedial measures to be adopted, such as the initiative, referendum and recall. Colo nel Roosevelt said that his interest ln them was secondary to the ends which they are designed to achieve. "That is all a part of the system to get ' Justice," he continued. '"You can get my doctrines from my speeches. I am trying to get them ln practical shape for the campaign, the basic idea of which Is to be the solution as far as possible of the great economlo and so cial problems." L E NUMBER OF MOTOR OJEflBTTSES OX IXCREASE. System Being Perfected So That Transportation to All Parts of City Is Easier. t mc-ri-Kr Tl R Sneclfll. An ex- UV 1 1.1W-', 11 u i w. 1 - t ' tensive development of London s motor omnibus services is in process ui v. Ing place, which will greatly add to the convenience of those who ' dally travel to the city from any of the sub urbs. Very shortly it will be pos sible to get everywhere to anywhere in the London area by motor omnibus. The London General Omnibus Com pany, which is carrying out this gi gantic extension is putting SO- new on-.albusea on the road every week, and new routes, changes and exten sions of routes, are being opened al most dally. "Everywhere a motor omnibus can be run at a profit, it is quite obvious - nmnlMli must be lUIl. lUKl 111 u lvi i w .ixrf said an official of the company. We don't know where we snail siup. regard to competition with the tram way services, the company has never run a single omnibus for the sake of competing unfairly with them. I think it unwise to cut fares for competitive reasons, and as far as humanly pos sible we will try to avoid It." The growth of London's omnibus sys tem will be realized when It is re called that five years ago 10 companies managed some 800 omnibuses a week; today five companies manage 2000 om nibuses, of which the London General, which absorbed several of the vanished firms, runs on an average of 1650 a week. The company pays a petrol tax alone per omnibus yearly of about $200 To cover the area contemplated by the London General. It is estimated that it will be necessary to Increase its fleet from some 1700 to 4000 omni buses. " ' MALES LEAD - IN SUICIDE Japan's Statistics Show Women Pre fer "the Gentler Route." TOKIO, July .6 The "Kokumln Shimbun" has been' examining the sta tistics of suicide in Tokio during the last year, and reports that the number of male suicides exceeds thei female by nearly 100 per cent. This may be as cribed to the "greater, daring" of the masculine sex. Among the men, ing proved the favorite method of end ing life, while a large majority of the women preferred drowning, which the paper explaina by saying that even in death our women choose the gentler W Between 20 and 30 Is the favorite age for suicide with both sexes, be- ..t.i t-hn vasn discretion cause beiwcbu tumm , - - - . . . .t...d " Taneclally In nas not j -.- - adolescence is Jump ng down a vol- cano a popular aesuu. months are July and August, when the weather is warmest, and especially so with regard to drowning, a certain proof of human selfishness." Various cases of "Joshi" are noted, when two lovers, having agreed to die together tie themselves face to face with the woman's ebi. and either Jump Into the sea or over a cliff, or lie down on the railway track. PEACE THOUGHT PROBABLE Turkish Official's Departure May Mean End of Italian War. CONSTANTINOPLE. July 11. It Is said on reliable authority that there Is a good prospect of the conclusion of 'PeTChee 'epajggloL the President of SPECIAL SALE ONE-THIRD OFF Any busy man will get quick satisfaction and extra economy in ' this sale of HART SGHAFFNER & MARX SUITS At prices one-third off. It won't take you ten minutes to find here some-;thing-''that wHl-'please your taste and your pocketbook. . - Here are the prices: , $20 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits, now $13.35 $25 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits, now $16.65 $30 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits, now $20.00 $35 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits, now $23.35 $40 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits, now $26.65 20 per cent discount on all blue, black, full-dress and tuxedo Suits and English "Slip-on" Raincoats We Are Agents for Munsing Underwear $2.50 silk-lisle Munsing Union Suits, in blue, flesh . and white, long sleeves, short sleeves, ankle length, three-quarter length, T1 fCC this sale... ..PJ..UU $2-00 Munsing lisle Union Suits, in white and ecru, long and short sleeves, ankle, three-quarter and knee lengths, this $1.30 Cooper's silk-lisle Underwear, in pink, white and blue, regular $1.50 value, this C1 QC sale, per garment .....vAiw $1.00 silk-lisle Underwear, in pink, white and j blue, long and short sleeves, this sale, 7r per garment This underwear will not cling to the body in hot weather. One -third off on all Boys' Knee Pants Suits, includ ing Blue Suits One-third offon Youths' Suits v sizes 30 to 35 Negligee Shirts, silk, soisette, tan, blue, cream and white, attached laydown col- (CI lars, regular $2.00, this sale sPX.JJ Just the shirt for warm weather or outings. Imported German Hose, in all colors, OCp full fashioned, regular 50c, this sale 25c washable Four-in-Hands, in tan, 2fip blue, white and patterns, this sale -V- Three for ...50 Boys' and girls' Fay Hose, in all sizes, 25c and 30c ' Sam'! Rosenblatt & Go Third and Morrison xl- i a Rtata So M TTa.rem. for IUB vwum," ' - Vienna last Saturday Is supposed to have some connection wim negotiations. ' Chris Dundee Improving. ni i . t,i,iaa ti-Vi rt wnn InlurAd when u v- ' his automobile was wrecked at the race meet at the Country Club Tuesday afternoon, is resting: easy at the Good Samaritan Hospital. His attending: physician says that ho has a good chance lor recovery. Mrs. McConaghy Dies, ir.. ri.nrn MnCnnnarhv. 66 years old. died at the residence of her daughter, t. -r, TTiinnr 270 East Twenty- eigrhth street, Thursday morning: at . ..in Ai,inni, tt .art disease caused death. Mrs. MoConaghy was the mother of Henry Mcuonagpy. 01 ma i"'"- "The Best Ever" That was the decision of every visiting Elk who tasted a glass of the finest beer of the Northwest. Some of them were from cities famous for beer bnt none liked their home brand better than our ... - v Mop O Without question Hop Gold is the mildest and best quality family beer to be had in Por1 land. You've , a treat coming if you drink 3ome other brew now. Tell your dealer to make the next Hop Gold. Star Brewery (Northern Brewing Company) PORTLAND - VANCOUVER 9 EXCURSION TO SEATTLE VIA 0.-W.R.&N. ACCOUNT 7.50 ROUND TRIP GOLDEN P0TLATCH TICKETS ON SALE JULY 14, 18 and 18. FINAL EETTTBN I.TMTT JULY 22. 4 FAST TRAINS DAILY Leave Portland. Arrive Seattle. 8:30 A.M., "Fast Mail"......... o -n p' Tlf 1:45P.M., "Puget Sound Express" 8.30P.1L 3:00P.M.; "Train De Luxe" .....9:00P.M. 11:00P.M., "The Owl" ..6:15 A. 1L NO DUST, NO CINDERS. Get Your Ticket at O.-W. R & N. CITY OFFICE, Third and Washington Sts, Portland. THE average woman can save something even though it be but five cents a day, it is a start, and the start is the most difficult to make. After the start is made, it is surprising how easy it is to continue, and how money grows of its own ac cord. This bank pays four per cent interest on savings accounts. Under Government Supervision Founded in 1886 Washington and Fourth Street