Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 12, 1912, Page 21, Image 21

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"f'""' i lT ' I ONE of the most .ubatantla. corporation. Pr.po.aU Money to Loan-Re., Estate. &irf$?to. .H
Apartment. aao .. . In Portland desires th. services of a re- Id 28-inch snitches 2.45
KEWLY furnished Th Upshur. 26th and THREE newly built eight-room modern FOR RENT Storeroom located at East Mor- liable man with some business experience KM?.rt bid wilL ta. received by the nn- TO LOAN AT ONCE OX. Hnlr nresVl'g 25
rnshur w furbished lm apartments. In Liurelhurst will be rented to rlson. between Grand and Union avee.; to take charg8 o1 an important branch -J'dbld- WJ, ,"',tL of 3810 IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. g J ".r.:. 1.1
lit $T $20 and upT Thirincludes steam desirable tenants on favorable terms. Ap- best location on the East Side; rent rea- of the concern. Prefer a man with $10,000 derslgned for . $1500 FOR S YEARS. ShamSS 25
heaL hot and Mid water In iverr apart- ply to sonable. Phone Main 3077. to $40,000 capital to invest Security 8 lineal feet of vltrlHed pipe sewer for the jaooo FOR J YEARS. Manicuring 2lic; five for 1
" meat privaf. , phoneaV" public b.th7.1ectrlc . WILLIAM H. M'DOXALD, ' Offices. for L either ,n corporation stock or first Town of Camaa, Washinaton. . jS50 FOR 8 YEARS. . 12 scalp tfV.tment. .. ,. 8.00
llshta. as ranges, laundry-room, all free: Room 404 Gerilnger Bids. ,, - mortgage on high-class real estate. Poel- Detailed plans and specifications -for tne t400 FOR 8 YEARS. Superfluous hair removed by electric
.! .rWmTnturalhl apartments, with ,, . - ... . FOR RENT Rooms In Stearns building. tlon carries good salary. Splendid op- above Improvements may be secured from $15,000 FOR 5 YEARS. . . needle Guaranteed not to return.
SmateTaU.. $184 roims? zS Take 8. FOR. RENT-1T1 "ft?-"", suitable formu.ical studio samp portunlty for the right man. AL 204, Ore- the undersigned. J. H. TIPTON CO INC. it $ a"d $6 PUFFS only "$1.48.
or W eir, north. Phoni Main 859. PHJfm rnoden? hoa. rfoo! l?mi. VZU'FiZ, Oo , E""an- ' Bids to be In hands of the clerk on 1108 SPALDING BLPG. . Cu'thalr In any shade; switches any
WINSTON APARTMENTS SttKe&SM. Weveral ? 'Z Sent c Sherman Clay Oo. FOR SALE-Ice plant. 10-tdn refrigeration. or before July 23d 1912. Coune 1 re- M , .nZ-fhattel. ,od ,,,. length Price, half. Sanitary Prlnu
41 14th it at Market new comer ISO. Call up itT N. Tufford. Phone Mar- MOST centrally located offices; all-night cold Btorage room and- ice plant, doing serves the right to reject any and all bids. . 400-412 Deklim bids- 3d and Washington.
,r,.!ek,FC,nfo.X'ndc.nM.inP178. im.iATlog.'K DESK room in light, airy, office; all con- ffi-. gWjj materia! will be considered MBWSmST?" "nrItES. M-PICAI. ;
-thf wifKEHSHAM" rosea galore- select neighborhood: $50 venlence 812 Lewis bldg. f k lJ JAwif thii kind FRED B. BAKNts, NEW METHODS. "HOW I Cured Myself of Consumption A
i8thB.JdICFi.Ender,Aii. mT'e Jt"d .."'forth. Security DESK room with desk, phone, etc., to rent f? buesa' ustf -ccouV'" Clerk of Town-of Cam... , NO RED TAPE HILPNWOI?iaiiQ SuSeikbSlu'w; free"9 cLl" Av-
Beautlful apartment Development Co.. 4th and Pin, st c. H. DeBurgh. 217 Ablngton bldg. health. Possession given at once. Ad- Miscellaneous . RSVpnw P ?sn OThS Vl Tii m.. Lnll Rnt blda Los
CanTnd .Jethem. T-ROOM house, close m. 441 Tillamook: DESK room; us. of both phonea. 61T Boar. dress AV 482. Oregonlan. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. rItES ASOV? ONE-HALF Angelea ln,,la"onal Bank Dld- Lo" mem. fireplace, gaa and electricity. Apply to of Xrade WANT A GOOD BUSINESS? Take notice that from and after this WHAT REGULAR LOAN CO. S CHARGE. , .
GRACE APTS.. 707 Northrup at., corner Geo. W. Tabler. 48 N. otb. t., oorn Wa hava at present very good money- date I shall not be responsible for any LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS,
24th: five large rooms, hardwood floor. phones. makers which will stand your closest in- obligations incurred or contraoted by my PIANOS. HORSES. DIAMOND BUSINESS DIRECTORY.
front veranda, large sleeping porch, pri- HOi;SEg and f)ata m n oaxU cf the city. FOR RENT Lower dock with boat lauding. vestlgaUon. wife, Mrs. Gertrude Gerlinger, either in her OR SALARIES. , r,
vate telephone, water, heat and hot water. gee ou lM" " Inquire 1S4 Morrison St. Main 114. Butcher business near Portland. name or mine, tsigned) Edward E. Ger- - PORTLAND LOAN CO.. Amateur Kodak Finishing.
new and strictly modern, vacuum cleaner THE FRED A JACOBS CO- - r Fine paying bakery and linger. 207 MACLEAY BLDG., A 291. QUICK service, cut rates; send for price
H ADDON HALL Main 6f6. 269 Washington St. A 8267. Country stores. hakofs for rent- canacitir 400 tons Pat C.OR- 4TH.-1.NP J-i.??; ' list. The Kodakery. 6th and Wash.
,1th naSN. 4 jooma furnished MODERN B-room cottage $1B and 8-room BCSINESS OPPORTUXITTTS. Get and Investigate at our BARGE gt Sck"?dl! Valn Zo. 0PE! "ON. AND SAl. TILL P. M. Bra. and Machine w-rk-,
t,00n- lmJArirrSf. -cSS&irSS: F,PFUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce, , , MONEY FOR VACATIONS. HARPERS BRASS WORKJ-Bra-ca.,.-.
THE CHELTENHAM. 254 N. 1TH. 780 William, ave. Woodlawn 428. wash trars. wood lift, fireplace, best of FOR SALE Men, clothing and furnishing LOST AUTJ FOUJTD. 10 TO 100. and machine work. 1Q6 N. Sth. Main -iTU-i.
2 8 4-room apartments. new brick h. . h ,., ,nrt h. fo'r bath plumbing: all for $2000. all or half goods store, of about 12.000 stock, lo- .,, .n hv ..,-- -- ,,fwl55T. BATEfJ IN PORTLAND. Assayers and Analysts.
v..,i.t'. V.w furniture Marshall 23S WE haTe houses for rent and houses lor ca,h: thU nlace is worth iSUOO, but owner fated in a good Willamette Valley town FOLND Where yon can buy genuine hair $io repa,i installments of .4 i
building, new furniture. Marshall 8658 . room. Brow Construe- ;v,,ln.p. 't"be MourTt Scott car. get ? 'Joofl ' pop u"on. The only store of the mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we ,20 repa m in(,talIment. of -JJ PICKERING CO., assayer.., -
THE DRICKSTON. 448 11th. nicely furnished tlon Co.. 818 Mohawk bldg. Phone Main ff j f j Nash. kina here- doing a good business. Loca- renovate mattresses and return same day. ts0 ln installments of S.OO flners and buyer, of high-grade and bul-
2 and 8-room modern outside apt., near B182. in drugat0re. phone Tabor 2312. tlon good." ln J modern building; other " Jlao renovate 'others. Portland LARGER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. lion gold. lr2Si Fourth st.
Heights. Mrs. F. W. McLune. Marshall 5i. FOR REJ) modern house. 711 n-qiRrv-. a.a to ... Interests cail my attention. Address AV Curled Hair Factory. H. Me'5r. 2-s 18 All we require is that you Wells- mining engineers, ch.ra-
FT-RNISHEP apartment, fresh, clean; 8 Broadway (cor. 21st), $40; Rudd heater raN 2 b"ej" 487, Oregonlan. Front. Phone Main 474. A 13,4. 81e'dhArmn. eyotn.r s " nd 204 H Washington.
"riV?"l-T room 20. 5-room wo 865 and carpet. In house; fine ajood bus n e.m anw pann rjn nl5W Morrij, n st be tween Jjthout mortgage, indorse, or other - f,
Bandv boulevard. Phone Marshall 138. Phone Main 6304. A 84S4. vestment and a salary of $10O per month. LADY PARTNER WANTED. AiKASS'. to STATE SECURITY CO.. and ore-testing work. 186 Korrisonst.
NEWCASTLE. 402 H 3d St.; housekeeping FOR RENT 150 bV 100. house T rooms I have been established 6 years and have I , first-class paying mercantile busl- theta " Pname and date on ' 80S Falling Bldg. Attorneys '
and seeping rooms; bath. . phono and bath; .ble. chicken-house. 420 East averaged over 20. per oent net profit. I ness; mu be young,. refined and unmnr- back E.w-d f returo" A10 EUeri S i 1 i 1 i i i i Attomes.
f..S.nie. 46th .t. Cowperthwait. East 4th nd Invite rigid investigation. Address AV ned, with some means; by an honorable Kewara n returnea to xv f $ $ $ $ ., ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, lawyers:
laundries. ..'.x. . tf., . Hawthorne T rhone Tabor 620. 444, Oregonlan. young man of good character; reference. ; . MONEY to loan on furniture, piano, autos prctle In all state and Federal courts:
HARRISON COURT. 5TH AND HARRISON. "t,f .' .tV tnp BrvT R.Bn.,N ' given. Address Box AV 491. Oregonlan. ROUTE BOOK No. 11, lost, of Portland to!k- "orage receipts real Shstract. examined; expert conveyancers:
Unf urnllshed 2 and 4 room apt, 2-room HOUSES AND FLATS FOR ; RENT. SAIGON BARGAIN. . M) & Cr f. on M and Jef. eontracts at lowe.t rate, and .trlctly eolIectionB. 4n Cham, of Com. bldg.
furnished apt.; walking distance. R. N. TUFFORD CO.. This Is a first-class bar in tne neart oi feraon sta. Finder klndlv return same to confidential. . -
""" J ,.. ,.ln , - 40T Spalding Bldg. the down-town business district: five-year . ih offlc .t S T ail? Sort tnd receive S. REAL ESTATE St BROKERAGE CO. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General
THE LEONCE. 1 . N. a. near jonnson. Marshall 4547; A 4545. lease, atock, fixtures and Independent II- FOR SALE Good cigar and confectionery tne otnee at 3d and ioyt ano recede M Hamilton Bldg. Main 2084. . practice, abstracts examined. Removed
New, modern, brick. I an d 8-room. beu- -.ihin- di,tnce' cense. Will consider trade for inside mton. best location on East Side, corner. . rewarq. . ' $ $ $ $ $ $ J 1424 to 142S Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 2071.
..fully urniahd apartment 'JL! ITSul SS? SSSvSSSi Property. long lease: price $1750. N -07. Oregon.on. LOST-Check book for the Stat. Bank of M FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. C.stoff-cTotMr...
Co..4th,ndP,ne.t . h5JM1 ' ' ' fASSJ!i .".a LADIE, and -T-T. M.l,
'i.hed. Reference . $20 5-room house, bath, basement large WATER powER MANUFACTURING AND MILLINERY AND NOTION STORE 1, G. W. ade. . easiest payment Come and get money I6 :
r.uc. xM0. 4M Market st.. furnished d ??, lr.. s,h t ' Anol v 229 First stT- TOWN SITE, between Portland and coast ; In Eaat Portland, on Grand avenue, be- lost Diamond locket, lady's photograph when you want it and pay as you can. Chlropractlo Phy.lclan.
Ifurnd Vroom apt, also iln?i. Maln- 88th PP y ... excellent transportation by water and ralL tWeen Washington and Alder; can be inside, monogram on outside, considerably Office. In all principal cltle D. H. Tol- TlCKKEiTbolumbU blda next star
strictly modern, prlcee 0 to $30 FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, 35S grand opportunity for pulp and paper mill bought very, cheaply; owners wish to re- worn. Return to Fleckensteln Mayer Co.. man. 817 Lumber Exchange. .r a k:"il mTin 9M7- re B 297
room .tnctiy m . e.o to ,JU. ruri k-a LnColn St. Phone and touViW hotef; want party with 12500 tire: long lease; reasonable rent: will 72 2d St., and receive reward. PRIVATE PARTY LOAN- Theater. A 5-55. Main, refc B
... frt" r bath. gas. cement base- 3- 1 S SuS.? ffiS
815 to t-- : . 411 nth St.; rent $25. Parruih-Wat- FOR SALE A well established men', cloth- $500 IN gilt-edge furniture lease accounts turn at onoe and save trouble. Geo. reasonable and confidential. Coal.
BJELLAND. 16th and Lovejoy Unf urnun.d kins A Co.. 250 Alder st. . Ing and furnishing goods business; a good will be sold by one of the largest furniture schults. , ELBY COMPANY. Main 461 T. . -Tr. fin' BLOCK-
ffS-ipp-lriHtl.--?" A NICE attractive home In Waverlelgh . VSTff g.SZSSS ZXt'fit- SSSnfi 'LSS LCgT-On Grand ave.. bet. Madison and -J w&&'g-H 'S-ggS .
-' " pVv7 apXr T M E vts. Height strictly modern, easy tenB 1031 wen selected mdsl at a right figure; collections if desired; 20 per cent on in- Main, ladles- gold watc. '-H W en- SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. ChlropodlstX
14,h Cofumoraasln-d 4 room T.bbltt st.. cor. 35th. W-R. car. ZLZSlr r." Sa Ifood leJa. W Mt. vestment. Phone East g0&. S?fV? ffnl" R!Ward ' returned Toa can B(!t $5 to 00 today a. cheap- WILLIAM Est.lle bk-ls'Pm.,. the
ZTTLZS rLokZZT re-nT-'Tnen Ifl5i Ocresorfland" cernVnt'" !S28& LOST-Caah reward for return of large Eng. ST 1 'hSST'n.
rE &T3A TT 5 r-b-, Partner ,o taY.Lf interest in a light - x Xpert, ,X0 Xalvfo'r K'ar,1 "ll HCP," ".wli" p!SH S-?53S PRIVATE FUNDS on real estate, furniture. 2d and Ader" PhJn. Main 1301.
n".yid. "om hardwood floors; re. FOR RENT-Good eight-room house In best manufacturing plant; a man who can take J?j$&?lf&yM: Sr Marshall 8310 pianos. , storage receipts, diamond, or any CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mr M. D.
" ; , . '- location. 173 16th street, near YamhllL charge of an office and manage men; sal- near transportation. Address xa. v . . security; no delay. Confidential. Bloch Hill offices 42l Flledner bldg. Main 8473.
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and ,., v Vt MrlTrn 4-room cottage "ath. ry $1J5 per month. Kinney & Stam- lam, ave. LOST on 10th between Alder and Hoyt sts. ' Reaity Co.. 0 Alder .t. " ' ... z J .T, .
8-room apt..; private bath and phone. FOR K.NT Mod era 4 r on).iJ ? i?,u-t' pher. 631-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. VKITINr SALOON MEN . pape- bag containing green feathers; lib- neany .o.. ano Aioer .t. DR. U. S. G. and Mrs. Fletcher Painless
InTnTer rate Main 5435. 505 Jefferson. Last Couch; $17 month. Main 203. rai-bIict Zl tn Vooklng I know oT?wo or three good openings erai rewfrd for return of same. Main A DESIRABLE place for ladles and gentle- chiropodists. Over Hazel wood. Main 3713.
BBYN MAWR APIS.. 185 E. Juth near YT MODERN 8-room bouse. 170 23d .-.North. RESTALRNT owner doe. the cooking owf two or th I P 475. A-5045, t. or-- "3 ! Dancing.
hill, fine 4-room apartments, with porch. Phone A 3S'- . atter tne front art ot the business and half interest in bully place that $3000 will lost Carbide container belonging to auto J Washmgton. opp. Owl Drug Store. PKOF WAL WILLSON'S Dancing School;
iWMSF; Frk"Bh.-Satt24 WfVoZ 4918. a erator; r-ward. Phone East 3,34. .T..rtJ.I
4 S--J? -aJKS? OTast Sof- GPnIE,RYrBls; $3000. eMgj, wBri'K TL- dfidentla! 5-
4 and a large roo moo.rn. ,.. , . ... a74 vlo. Clean, salable stock, modern oak fixtures and 80 acres lever land. $1600; either or finder. Telephone Woodlawn 68. MONEY sold on Installment : confidential. -03,.
EaRGE. Nautlful 8-roorn apartment $1 ROOMS, close in, furnace, etc 874 ,ylc- Amltar carpet, ne ?tor. front good all to trade for eral . t ore or grocery. L between Ral- 'alaried people. F A. Newton. Henry bid,. h T SCHOOL-Fancy, stag, and social
per day. Phone tVoodlawn 518. . torla Bt C I4""- West Side centra location ; rent 10 per B S. COOK CO.. LObl Old l rasmonea ""JJ"-0., Btore; MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; dancing taught daily. Walts and twosteo
: LARGE, light 6-roora house; attic, tray cent of sale Lease worth half the price 605 Corbett Bldg. mer Hotel ana Meie r ' strictly confidential. 141V, 3d. near Alder. guaramoed In 4 lessons. Class Monday
KXVE-ROOM fiat Bnn'-ewhrlckt bunding, ""ZZ " ,Tt Zt2 and gun SSS'JSTSS . pr-SS FOUNplwh.tend nd,., bulldog; if not "ff ASSTiX1 wS.on SShu "
SSSSBB.'VS .OR rent. fur.hrourPurb.nh home. H fttffl-S! gOreg. 3 Wanted. KLKR,f AC ADEMY. ny uctlo.,1
lo?1 .-rthfnStXn 12 room modern, elegantly furnished, for aDout t3OO0; Inability to continue quired. 819 Lumber Exchange. LOST-Two elks" teeth on charm; "Joseph "fn" '
4Q5 wasnington. - one or two families; two fireplaces, two management of business reason for Mil- gnn KAI F i will sacrifice my Portland ln- Perrault. Jr., 310," on back. Return Idaho . ,,, Detective Agencies.
26TH AND Upshur-O-room unfurnished range large gr ound lawn, flower. Md , ng. Wy Beal. 44 V, Third .t. - i, "denomlnatton.' of 100 to -headquarters-, Portland Hotel. Reward. IS YOUK MONEY EARNING YOU SOME- INTERNATIONA Detect,ve Agency. co;-
''821 T.' XrooT'uSfSrmVhed flat. 6c Yota-TSo-SSu ESTABLISHED BAKERY. $1000; wHl n et you better ta n8 per LOST An Airedale dog, 5 months old An- THING, OR IS IT LYING IDLE? CALL .ervarlve. cn.l: rot.
$15 Inquire H. Welnhard Brewery. 13th fent from acceptable party. Inquire Shreve In good town of 1200 peopl No op- cent; I mu.t .ell. C. Bernard, AIM no, ,w9rs to nam6 ..Sandy. Address or call per day. Office 510 Dekum biug. aa. .
and Burnslde t Produce Co., 149 Front t- . position; former proprietor dead. For .ale Oregonlan, at 400 E. 22d North; reward. AND SEE OS. WB CAW PLACE ANY KdncatlonaL
HtFh zssrssi """''..S!:: TO4fSriSS -z&.'srKrztsS: from ,5oo and up in first p.m ta
aglthauto1:1.?! lal-an'd .'how f?.1- landtoL C. g-gff .SUANm Jhone East 5308 MORTGAGES ON FIRST-CLASS i!- .
VERY deslrab,. .-room corner tl.t.: tur- g'Jir!krOU D13a business, about $3000 new MS. ESTATE. MR. NEELY WITH RObSrEy,'e",?grne.0.nS0ootern.toS.:n
n.ce. fireplace . water co". -tc. S-ROOM eiiMijiceans,4? tiG' Wo(dlIwn 3077. good" gwd loc-uSS? expend, small; , l - - bg WARD 4 YOUNGER, . gne .M-2.SB? Morrison. Phone E. tlj.
irrcnT: &tsrnrr's:.s B. --.-&r.r.; -assig' for rsu-ssg ,,3! -a.7------
gtearn. b" '"t"n- & KBOOM house. 1;- - r Sii-Sffi8 -ffiS f pffia '".-"llgt- SECOND mortgage for sal. for $7500, at 8
6IX-ROOM strictly modern flat, close In. Pi.'JIf " walking- ditincV Phone East Oregonlan. - stenger Barbers' Supply Co. In-T weeks ago green tan belt, gold per cent, paying $150 a month and Inter- J. A. STKOWUR1DGE ILLA1HEH CO. Es-
S?hVEnlvS'4 Vhhon. Ir,h.H kf SALOON for le; on account of other busl- RESTAUR ANT Good location; lease; re- klp2 Tade 'seu'ln-g.SGHsan. 'I t'lClritw5; , tabll.hed 1 Jront .
dlst-nc Only Phone Marsh. I ST.-whole houM, 7 room. j JSJ w'anfa od ."oon' 7B 1600' term- J m" re" FOUND Money ; describe and locate. K JSgoo- Tncm."' ffom property oT'Sr berv.c.
NICELY furnished nd basement, large yard, $18. Inquire H. Pr'c i0?'.. " Kawmrd ndSrS. g""an- 213. Oregonlan. month; located on West Side. N i78. Ore- HASTY Messenger Co day and sight ..rv-
School: reasonable. East 5403. 65 - We,nhard Brewery. 13th and Burnslde. gl'son?" Wash?" Wa"- Jd"'0a- FOR SALE-Down-town e.gar store that 08Tp,arl brooch Return to 8nlan! Ice. Phone Main 53. A 21M.
j7--r . . - ,M rsrn 9-ROOM furnished house for rent. $45 per s-rniiE in vallev town- Invoice pay, for $350. D zsv, uregonian. Oregonlan. Reward. $4000 LOAN WANTED ON aline, and Mining.
"KtlTST UnPtP"275rmpnon,e Mar- JW to ""rent- Tabr G $1? ioV'Oo'Srhas'o.t! RESTAURANT for sale, trade or rent; bar- fa$'&?SSl&A.?- MINES and mcjiVJk
.hall 4317. 20'3- office and express agency and fine farm- gain to right party. 235 Market. ,... pubSt i'WpSf' KO AO! activ Properties. Coeur d'Aiene district
. ' , . .. ,0m , SUMMER cottage, 8 rooms, furnished for ing community; soldto settle an estate. ----- I INANCIAL. PER CENT AND EXPENSE NO aglnts, a specialty. E. A. Clem,' Portland. Or.
KEATLY furnished modern 5-room flat 2 houaeeeplng. Oak Grove. $8. AS 212. Ore- B. 8. Cook & Co.. 605 Corbett bldg. LOANS. AL 190. OREGON I AN. M"ic
"nted; clo" We,t lde. Mar- -ODlap. " WII L nay 865 per month .alary Xo man BUSINESS OPPORTIINTTIES WANTED. ON- COLLATERAL OF EVERY DE- ,6000 8-year. 7 per cent, security 680 acre, Musical. --
4-ROOM flat on. furnished. Phone East UTt EtS -SS rAi ,2300 EQUITY In ,3500 .-room -de bun . SABHBB,-M M50 llesPoSfand0 vVlu. IS Bl" ' JSSr Practlgl
1719 or call-664 WlUlam. ave. aldMafshal! V ft ni-""" 1S2m,? honesty rVquiremeTt. ' F Aio4 'oregonlan? grocery .tore. .lltWMOWgWTXJCa.. X 204, OregonLn. , Tnit;uorn, vlulln teacher, pup,, ,.,ua,
-ROOM upper flat. new. modern, walking pUR..,SHED hou r,n, sunnyslde- 825 249, Oregonlan. ; - AM 1124 YEQN BLDG. MAIN 7Q. j HAVE ?21 000 unimproved. close In Port- BUQ A 4160. Marshall 1629.
distance. Inquire 629 Everett. nE? month Inou Calumet HoteL Main "' NOTICE TO BARBERS WE will furnish the money at a low rats ol land real estate, and want to borrow Office furniture.
MODERN 5-room flat. th near Jackson 7PmoraH1om1.n'j;',8.iaJUmet CombS fl 3&r '"l KOOMINO-HOPSE j-Jr-t a nd .ave you -or- JSJ00 P cent. V. Vincent Jones, ""n: ultfa furniture. Haley
west Side; 10 mln. walk. Main or A 1223. T.R0OM furnished house. West Side. Nob good WiS niVmenTwtf MARY E LENT CO ouilXgioryou! n wlll pay to seejfs. U rVnTan of $11000 on 840-acre D& C-T-'o Seventh st. Main 587.
.-ROOM fl.U .rg. front porch, gas rang Hill, responsible party. Phone Main 4134. wy WxtM. F 218. Or PORTLAND B ..m,- R. B.lfey Co.. Inc.. 824 AMngton bldg. . WANTff offllo M . , 08teopathle rhy.iclan
reasonable. Main 160. MODERN 8-room furnished house. Phone j business wants partner HOUSES. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES $30,000. For particular, c.ll Woodlawn NorthruD 415-16-17 Be k urn' bid,,
6-ROOM flat, all modern improvement 598 East 2909. - SOtVa? wVnt. "tc learn ! "IT" All. I.e. and prtce w ,,"1!r'' Tw' i.l.r''n." H ervou.' and Chronlo Dliea."iT
'- Salmon, key 800 Salmon. NICELY furnished Irvington home: mod- doesn't require but small Investment and 822-4 Falling bldg.. 8d and Washington. - real estate . In jvash in-t " " a' t2O00 at 8 per cent on 80 acre Improved Phone. Office, M. 849; re. East or B 1028.
WELL-FURNISHED, modern lower flat, in era; one or two months. East 5670. will pay you $25 week to start in with. SALE or trade, dirt cheap. 1 room "m ' " farm, valued at $8000. Wm. C Borchers, .,.. cuith araduate Klrksvllla.
Sunnyslde. 241 Gienn are. B 2Q7Q. House, for Rent Furniture for Sale. " 323 Lumber Exchange. MS , nou,e take on mort-ase FOR SALE I will sacrifice my Portland ioT Oregonlan bldg. u j 1 d' w- 0
MODERN 4-room flat, near 23d and Wash- fofrl lr fished OPPORTUNITY for .teady, sober man; and we have no use for It soyou can income bond, denominations of $100 . to WANTEDt.,J0 at 8 er eent on Cllnton-.t - MO' "--g
.;rta"l lt Bcy K.AriSS'i: PMlrshaor,3.!"' A&jf WILL tint room.1 U up. , do palntln. at
! GOroorboard a. beach; tent, for J.T iZTr dyeing. leTca MORTGAGES fir.t and second), contract. UfT g. Hand --5gSH
ymRontraTnFeVa 4443 or'llO ."Mafo ."..T""1 SX' wl'lV cns'lde'r6" ."0" exchangV " Pho ea'ool' S.'d'ing nr TXU&SZ. w1,S- 'bid. EnTir
832.50-DESIRABLE flat. 6 room.. attlS eTght room full, permanent roomer., bat- IT" 'hP OPP Woodlawn 2761, Main 8403, . Ington, Main 63. BjW ' LOAN wanted on my new R.n- SER PAINT "." ""nd 5. '
yard, porche West.Slde. M 4220. gain. Owner. 825 7th. Call morning PARTY owning sa.mon fishing pa.ent want, 21-ROOM modem dwnu,. "fn&T F "SffSfli"'honey.tron. Marshal KMVSlPCiZ.. paints, o,:
"Sl"1" n'mtS"0- cnhcerrr..r "waf J?" "o ITeUg- ' 13000 AT .8 per ..,t ., a tav,a busges, joW Cor. 2d "and Taylor,
HooJke-pin, Room. . NEW 5-room cottage on North Beach, neat, ionian, ch,.p. gywner 655 Flande ,rs nerjpth, jo Joan , on &Z2,22. &T&l&nV$&. W" & . ;
THE BEAVER. 12,h and Marshal-Fur- cor and convenient. Phone C 2927. FOR SALESMAN BAR. F ..iir1"f.?. Z&SFSi JSK &J?rr '-S' -S-ttm bid'.. MONEY .o.ned for private .nv.stor, a, best 'oi jrtSXll
nished for housekeeping: gas range, eleo- FURNISHED cottage water, light good . - -ood business: good reason for o-er 50 rooms. Address P 203. Oregonlan. FIRST and second mortgage contracts and rates of Interest: estate, handled. Wm. want 18 or 20 head horses.
trio light hot water, bath, laundry free; location, reasonable. Precemeder. Seaside. ch Grau. proprietor. u 1. , .0, commission accounts bought, real estate Borchers, 207-208 Oregonlan bldg. I 5 per month; lots of gooa running
PcTtVTor,hhU.P:m,onC.yr,.no,rrdr.etVnc. Summer Besort ,150-WELL equipped cleaning, pressing and 1nRg0towSi1;h0m,u,e.e?l!- lliif ' X n.. E. B., 410 Ablngton bid. $1000 AT 7 Ver cent on residence the end ater.P See owner. 144 Front ...
from Union Depot. Take S or lath-street SEA VIEW repairing shop, 2 rooms furnished for term, to suit. Marshall 3240. WELL SECURED FIRST MORTGAGE FOR of the S3 carllne; valued at $4600. Phone Patent Attorney
car, north, get off at Marshall st. No dog T-room completely furnished house, ln- housekeeping. For particulars. Marshal r ' BALE, JOHN BAIN. 505 SPALDING BLO. Marsnall B-l. ' obtained trademarks copyrights
THE UPSHUR. 6th and Upshur at Fur- ll?JiJ,J!rm beach- ,aWn' 1163 after 3 P- M" ,.,.. r1r Money to Loan Real Estate. WANTED $300 on good security. AK 231, B,s,ered, all countries. Booklet free.
nShed -room apartment $U op. includ- bi' u,nnh. a" or Ior CONFECTIONERY, light groceries, etc; BPECIAX, OTICK8. Oregonlan. : PKTEjtHAHERLlN. 326 Worcester Mdg.
Ing steam heat, hot and cold water In -i tSrina. vr " - will .ell cheap and guarantee $150 a Proposa's Invited. MONET TO LOAN $15003 years, 8 per cent, security worth Pa,.nta DrocUred by J. K. Mock, attorney-
every apartment, publlo bath, electric w u p PAMER-JONES CO.. month clear; living-rooms. 319 Lumbal SALE OF CITY BONDS. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR TO $0000. Herman Moeller. 1000 Wilcox bldg. at.)aw, late of the U. S. Patent Office.
ii1- ..Jf?.i Hin.?7",?lth"-Jl,2 404 Wilcox bldg. Phone. Main 8699. A 2653. Exchange. Dalle. City. Oregon, hereby call, for bid. BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLM- r Booklet free 1010 Board of Trade bldg.
Sag .Ik " " "nnIth- OWNEH of extra c. tenthou.. would .JlS'.C tZTTlZ 'cJctYonofw.?! "oftSZXZ rl PERSONAL. (010!, procured M
$1.50 to $3.00 week, clean furnished house- SrridlS onl?7 80 wSs" Box S2T. Sea- i2000: full particular Addrew AV 466, age .y.tem. which. Is e.Umated at $90.- Ilf 6PADINa BLDG
I RADICAL cure oy the latest natural heil- j 408-409 Chamber of Commerce bldgr. ;
keeplns rooms. Soitabl for two or four; T Oregoniam 000. . f - n- mBthode. IncIudlnB radium, all elec- Z-Z " . nn.". r, '
K4SJttlh&5&r S-ETsTDET.outh Of Hot.. Moor.ovrlookY, - iV -0 IxXWo Sn AND FARM ' ra'dTa'tloTa m.ssa"g.. .tSSSt 'JSSi jJLL
THE MILNER. MorrUon. cor. Park- e2 f'SK Sor S?S"l.SgiSI BLDG ' BP.enYrnuV.ya. PIAPT :R.RNEELYA,OANIDlT- " R-W'f f.c..n-regon'f "n'o E"'lMa
Furn-hed or unfurnished housekeeping oilbert, Seasld SUITE 819. LUMBER MEN 8 BLDG. semi-annually, principal and Interest pay- ut ' uai . equippea p t.Ir'?B OT 6000 tre.teO INVENTIONS developed and patenta se.
apartment.: all conveniences; best loca- . . , . . rr- E X7T x-ino wn.I, nut you Into the best paying able ln U. S. Gold coin at the fiscal agency MENT. . .rt P4i . death ? while under ou? cured All kinds commercial and shop
Uon. Summer rat-,. DKAJ bjjj ,500rWIIegPUt you I p yg of the Stat. of Oregon In the CUy and WAR D a, TOPNO patient. not 4VeoIlt,' ' dTughtinAg Coop , cnjalt.n
TWO hou.ekplng rooms, gas. electricity Uit. 'inlt l'PhonEiLtlM. closest Ipv"'''." Invited; big money a,- State of ew York. obgatlon TO LOAN ON gEAL ESTATE. 11SntT5"- W. E. Mallory. 312 engineers. 501 Henry bldg. Main 1
piano, phone, walking duitance. Phone A after 7 P. M. sured. o!2 Couch bldg. of Dalle. City, due an3 payable on the J ,2S(iSo $50,000 or Rothchlld bldg pawnbrokers.
iB2- 8-ROOM modern cottage, electric light hot FOR SALE Saloon. 4 Interest: best pay- isth day ' of July, 1987. but Dalles . City multiples, at 5 to 7 per cent. FEBVET & HANEBUT. 7'rtANS at reasonable Interest on clothli..,-.
FURNISHED and -unfurnished housekeep- 8 andc0id mur? Son tl board walk and ing ..loon around Portland; proof shown reserves itll. g0 t." MALL VAN BORSTEL. Leading wig and toupee maker-, finest ANSat re
gS b.00.?- ,1nl L6 WeekUP- overlooking ocean. A 7330. Qwn.r'T TnFmiJA OrI""a,' ? loS "a? any fl. "&r?'tJ?tZ 104 Second St., Near Washington. ZgT. Zgi p'aVn.hop. 28 North 6th. near Burnslde.
. q'bb' " F1VE-ROOM cottage at Beach Center. Long . Owner. E. iJa ! flat. th f up ,,,, otlc. ot MORTGAGE LOANS .calS treatmVn UnCLB Myer.' Collateral Bank: 40 year.
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8 th. com- Beach. Phone MaiahaU 2313. Addres. 681 , fltnf (Wo o- Pacific ucn Intention by publ cation In a new.- Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 per p Morrison. Main 644. i Portland. 71 6th st. Phone Main 910.
pletely furnished housekeeping suite.; rea- R(1 , Only garage ln town of 80OO, on Pacific paper, printed and published and of gen- eent on city residence and business prop- orucr.
sonable. Highway; good agency proposition; will Jral circuiatlon In Dalles City, Oregon. erty and Multnomah County farm SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfots slaving.
. ; FOR RENT At Long Beach, Wash., small tak8 partner. AV 489. Oregonlan. ot . than twice during the month pre- EDW. P. MALL, graduate; rheumatism, nervous and. atom- . T,-rbor Asphalt Paving Company. 60J-
THE ELMS. 2. and S-room housekeeping and completely furnished cottage, until August . . , ,hat 7Z DavI JTJ ceding the expiration of said semi-annual $00 to 804 Chamber of Commerce. ,ch ailment under physician's direc- T",,?, Electric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland.
single rooms; transients solicited. 19114th. , Address 564 Flander SMALL cash 0 "" PJJJ nf t0 interest period, and Interest thereon shall MONEY ON HAND t'ns; baths, massag No. 7 East Uth 608 Electric
N.CS large furnished housekeeping room VKRY de,iralla Summer camp, ,ot Z S ' SS? f ..Uln g'sal'dnSS . 'un'Vh.'" ofloANSHW ' M nU 'S'b IS$L - S
very cheap. 91 V, First su. near Stark. tfr four adults; safe for ladle, alone; pri- Eich- t l0Si and a"r"d lnte?e to FARM AND CITY PROPERTIES. . carllne. Phone East .60. B 1803. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO.-Factory and
HoOKkeepIng Room. In Private Family. vate yard. Main 1955. cellcatessen and lunchroom, Sid date. P' WILLIAM H M'DONALD, GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long 0,f,ce near 2-ith apd York st Main
TWO front, light and strictly clean hou..: Ft RN-HED 4-room beach cottaa Ocean Ft?., .Kal'foS .K. ' i, ffl 404 GERLINGER BLDG. SSSS&TO -,U. ' ' Safes.
. keeping rooms, completely furnished, $4.23 Park, for the remainder of JuV Ea.t rlflc, acCount of ill health. 44 k. 53d. H. 0'n8amounrof the bid to b, Porfe"?d N "Pved tlty Property or for building JEo"! vi oslER SAFE CO., 108 2d at. Sat.i
CoYumbSrir U,e" Ul0"- Cal1 47S1- : M- Ktar' . SSSllVttot'&AufirlZ tgSTJLlniE9mL U: -V . Phone East auOS. C 2553. yogjg Rprl.; second-hand s.s.
coiumoia u FURNISHED house, 8 room at Newton poR RENT or for .ale, garage on Base cepted. and the bidder .hall refuse to building progresses. The Equltabl. 8a- Open Sunday Mn-
MiASrJ& chfa"pg yHamr bfdrgnt: tfSZteg'sSrSS&'ZZ W'.jMaSlEft.- in.. . Loan Aasoclatlon. 24Q Stark ... SVT JJ''"" ESx-TO-OKUKK .cr.e, d.or. and w-
, f,ower7-w'a.klng d'ce. Tfll.-ook. ' 'p.,. cottagTor-renT; 1.8118. Inquire 1908 K Stark .t. "S1 " JSLSSS SJTSSSll SnSaMSt ihrc!
TWO nicely furnished room.; ga. range, near ocean; furnished complete. M. 1832. EXCLUSIVE moving picture burtnes. in "Fu;ih particular, will be furnUhed large loan, a specialty. McKenale Co, deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. f 09 Stark. can Screen
running water, bath, piano; walking dla- Lexfi IDE 5-room cottage 865 for Auguatl good country town. Seating capacity 250; np0n request. M 514-615-516 Gerlinger bldg. Mr Steven.. 18 yr Portland'. leading palm- ALL kind, of ecreen work. fca.1 or
. tanc 827 7th .t. oSivS ? Mln 67 'H. -"-t- u cheap nt and a money maker. PDated at Dalle. City. Or., th- 88th day . ' : i.t. has her late book. -Palmuitry Mad. Woodlawn 3016- do It now.
LADY to .hare pleasant home; modern, ev- "oOM "0. completely furnished, at 248 6tark - , Jun 1912- , Rw T0p?oplrtT! f"?f." ,1?! l'' H ,T' I ' Second.uand Goods.
jry convenience; $10 month. Phone C RMB 'phonM-n 8894. CIGARS, ice "'l W, Recorder of balle. Clty curlty; charges reasonabi J. H. Middle- Knott. Office hour. 10 A. M to P. M. clolhi,lg. furniture and tool .Ha:
8?7. 6-year lease, owner " " Alaska, ton 42g Chamber of Commerce. ZEROL The great nerve tonlo and ays- w... nrice raid for second-hand clothln.
Ttan h.,..k.enln room 84 25 per week SEASIDE cottage, furnished, good location. no agents. AM 197. Oregonlan. HOT-WATER heating system. Including interest 8 per cenr- n'o" tem builder. $1 per box; 6 boxes. $5. ?"rn,Pture. tools. Marshall 2354.
"prS'-Jd2SphPonVW!228 -r Io"nlr' ,d'- I WILL now .ell my .tat. right or whol. "tlZS! Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 MorrUon st. ,nJ BM. rhtfSSr
12th. near Salmon. GEARKART Six rooms furnished, by the r,ht of my patented hose coupler. Simon ?,erTlV,-. "1 Sealed VoisaTs Ir? du- Commerce. irfADE OF YOUR COMBINGS; . -.How cases.
jruRliHED-roo-m, for housekeeping-wlth week, month or season.- Woodlawn a89. S. N.wberg. Or Ju- l 912 th' MORTGAGE loan, on city property; lowest . irrr." &U.Begaf fe0TwoiivM
private family. 841 Front St. Marshall Store . WANT partner with $1500. to take naif in- Quartermaster. U. S. M. C, No. 182 Sec- rates. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg.. Itary Beauty parlors. 400 Uekum bldg.
30SO. ' , t.r - kthre ROOMS TO LET terest in well-paying buslnes E 214, ond San Francisco, Cal., until 11 3d and Stark. MRS. S. C. MORRISON Steam bath, and ' L,, . .,. Tlamiiton blda. Bh..'.
FOR RENT CHEAP. V S?D$&1 sarg" o tSSX5J T Oonlan. &&Vl& MONEY to loan on Improved city property VTSJSSS'0- cas.f ofe " i?: . "SaK
rooms, nicely furnished, for the Sum- 2SO GlLan .t.. .uitablo for machine or VARIETY STORE Live suburban town; Mel-" .r 'Mire Ulaid t current rate ' Lawyer.' Abstract Madison. A 4470. Open bunda? ease, in wlDter Lumber Co,
raer. Phone Main 5798 or 390 Hall st. blacksmith shop. vi stock about 800: will invoice. Mean busl- Ma,rl?, of one complete hottwater Trust Co.. room 6. Board of Trade bldg. ti3s HEDLUND, halrdressing. manicuring. - CHnwc-ASie A F1XTUR- rr-
TWO cosy furnished housekeeping roomZ fo37;B"rr"ndt.e- ultbl nes. if you answer. H 230, Oregonlan. VaUeJo Cj hjw , TQ oAN-50oo OR LE83. face and scalp treatment. 360 Morr,fn POLA ND BHOVV CASE A miVKlTO.
alnk In kitchen, bath adjoining, electricity. $in 7 th it- .uitablo for any" kind of RESTAURANT, good location, lease. $1200. poBai blank., plan, and specifications may farRINGTON, .t.. room su. mku fo 4th and Couch' new
-a. range and phone. 450 Park. ratail it'ora $500 cash, balance to suit. V 193. Orego- e obtained from the commanding officer COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDO. MRS. SOPHIA SEIP, mental and rp nT- AI'SllArLnLi hiid Main 703 Cablnw Two?-!
NICELY furnished front room modern"; m-233 Oak double .toreroom. .ull- I . of marine Navy Yard, irare Island, and LOAN On improved city or al """ ""on andsecond-hand. Main 703 cao.n.t wora.
wSktng TtLnce; transien perm.Set able1 for whole.;ie house. WELL equipped restaurant; mu.t ..11 on the above-nmed off. xt. T 'rTproperty ; $1000 and up. lowest rate. meeting Wed, and Frt 8 P. M. Main 6824 storage and Tr-n.fer. .
al .i?gle room. 327 7th .t. 125 N. 0th .U carpenter .hop or other wount of ickne Wm. Krueger, Ore- ernmn'MfIvIl1iaV,0trmam Wm. C. Borcher 207 Oregonlan bldg. SCOTCH nur.e. mental .cientl.t. ireaTs o PICK 'liansler Storage Co.. office.
MP " :E'r. with room, up- INDUSTRI BTOCK i W. .ft &pSS?fi2S
8I2LlE3,hh,,.TkePi,' Phn .talV.!3. "d '0n" iSBwS-I- if-t Mt-- -th, Cty or farm f BBjZM
T . - 2tth and Qulmbjr. .tore and stable. ONE-CHAIR barber .hop for sale: doing sralfd blda will be received at the office property; mortgage, purchased. blood disoraer union ave. y. f., our through car. to all domestlo and
KEWLY furnished housekeeping room. In 2 26th and Upshur, suitable any kind of U-J0'0 bualnes H. J. Haatlng Houlton. of the undTrsigned, 402 Tllford bldg.. until Henry C. Prudhomme Co., 606 Wilcox bldg. jARlNELLO famous cosmetics, scientific "oreln points. Main 696. A "Do.
and S-room suite 3M bth st. retail . mqulr. - L ' 12 M., Jub 17, 1912, for grading on the iupROVED or unimproved property; small facial "!. I"?"- Marinello 0LSON-R0K TKANSF3K CO.,
S FURNISHED h. k. room re.ldenc. di- HFNRYWFIVHARD BREWERY MEAT market and fixtures for sale or rent hool grounds of Shaw and Fernwood , loan contracts and mortgages Shop. 402 Central bldg.. 10th and Alder. Genera, transferring and storags, safe
trlct. reasonable. 690 E. ffN RY gE MAD BM ERY AvnhT'HJm?C and for concrete walk, bgught.' W. H. Nunn, 448 Sherlock bldg. MANICURING a specialty by New YorkTT- . Piau.Snd lurnitur. moved u p.ck5
$20THREE nice, clean furni.hed house- FOR RENT 2-story brick .tor. building. 1262."or c.ll 889 Alberta st. In forenoon. MORTGAGE LOANON IMPROVED CY Mpert. Room 409 Merchant. Trust bldg." r shipment. 7-? Front st. T.Lph.n.
keeping room 85? Lincoln. Main 8848. No. 44-46 1st t.. Portland, between Pine CASHIER wanted for a show business; can School Specification, may be obtained PROPERTY. GOOD TERMS. JOHN AM OF FIGS, Compound Royal Tonic Main 7 or a - '
813 14TH. cor. Clay. large 1 and 2-room fur- and Ash at; 50 feet frontage. 100 feet $40 week; require. $500. fully e- at the offices of Superintendent of Prop- BAIN. 605 SPALDING BLDG. Tablet 6S2 Davl. .t. Main 8218. OK-OON THAN hi LK CO.. lil hd 1870.
nished housekeeping suites cheap. deep. fin. location. Inquire F. D. Cham- cured. 819 Lumber Exchange. ertle. F. A Naramore, 408 Tllford btiiid- . upward, on Improved real estate; waNiruRING parlor, facial and scam Traiafer and forwaraing Olf.c.
TWO furnished housekeeping room 421 herla.n. Labbe bid.. ACCOUNT of poor health will sell a well- J A po.H ? an mort b hu W M AN IC.B: gj ggrtor. JP ft jiT a'JT X'S-.-''1'
East Ash st. East 5903. STORES, suitable for grocery, confectionery. established grocery, good trad T 227, J J" plana and specification, are re- Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. MASSAGE 81; open evening 413 Nor - T. .-.writers.
NICELY furnl.hl housekeeping room 2 drUe- ,or "I ther -terprlse; corner Oregonlan. turned. Certified check for 10 per cent FARM and city mortg. loan Or and Mtft bldg th and Washington ""th- . I"W!'rrttr-
Mllwaukl. and Bismark; ''vlng-room u - grocery with furnltur. of 2 room.; It "he amount ot the bid, payable to R. H. wash. H. M. Friendly. 705 Spalding bldg. eat la- " n Toe I y $15 TO $05 will buy a REBUILT HPS-
hh1 .15 10th. comer Salmon. rear or np.talr Inquire 404 Washing- 6Lt.?57fe,w,5o0IUnonth ; good value. Thorna School Clerk, must accompany - amount. 8 to 8 per cent. W LADIES barber .hop. 408 Hoyt and 10th witlTER; rebuilt aa good a. new;
-PLEASANT, nicely furni.hed housekeep- ton .t ; T ig4 oVegonlan eaoh proposal. Board of Director, reserves MONEY, any 0n SDaldin. bldg. sts.. near North Bank Depot ea to' cb0ose from at GIU 3d and
Ing rooms, close In; 83 week. 408 4th st. SXObes All cart, of the city. See our list. "'..-- ; r the right to reject any and all bid sen. .IRr)PODY Mr Potter. 82741 Stark . ' Alder; term, to suit; every machlj. guar-
Houa. THE FRED a'Ho CO VSli. & ;iiS5?h 'SS' eZt ItZLK&Vj " CdS?5$8 hldg.8 & anWash! A 6,
FOR RENTALS SEE Main 6S69. 269 Washington St. A 8267. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. MONEY TO LOAN .ON REAL ESTATeT" nmffi$u?Smia?in 8478 WB are the exchange tor th. large.! typ
miSjhri,.. T59i FOR RENT Store No 248 and 260 Haw- FOR sale cheap, grocery, fruit and confec- bJd wll, be received by the nn- a H. HARDING. 813 Ch. of Com. D. Hill. r D' ""h S. Sriter concern on this Coast; lnvestlgais:
805 - Sp';' g-b'"lt- 7591 ; tforSe aveT east end oi brldfi Apply tlonerv .tore, center of the muat .ell de,"ed for the construction of 8810 gTATE tund 6 per cent W. E. Thorn. FACIAL blemishes corrected Mlp expert t" makes, all price The Typewriter tx-
SE?, D- 5CctINT k C9- ?r rn''" "awtnorn. Dock Co. East 2063. by July 26. O 227. Oregonlan. f,6,, ' vUrifled pipe .ewer for the 6TaA.t ?Slt5omah County. 400 Ch. o? CorZ Mr.. Courtright. Til Dekum. Main 5042. change. a51 V, Washington t.
an a nas. m tnsmoer or commerce. RENT Part of store space 12x48 feet; WANTED Partner brokerage business; Town of cama Washington. - t OANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT LADIES, try Oak Balm; free .ample. 411 NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rental at cut
20 ROOMS, newiy p.pered. good location. no better locatmn in cUy Addres. Mating big money to right man; $230 cash re- Detailed plans and specification, for the SA? gpTjOMON 229 STARK ST Northwest bldg.. tth and Washington. Tate p. D. C. Co.. 831 stark. M. 1407.
cheap rent. C.ll 650 S. 2d st lne of business P 151. Oregonlan. quired. AR 207. Oregonlan. Bbove lmprovernent may be secured from -U" B "g ' -. REASona'bL"e MANICURING, face and scalp treatment Veterinary School, and CoU."geeI
F,?5REr?nTon-.,cr9hOU fl" "W TUW: "r0wR6T0T?K.E i-."-? SSST IsTft thB.S.ndorBbenfnd-h.ndS.of the clerk on or US8T. Iwi 3 lw!gW-ftgg RomL 430WaaMngtonst f.eTEH1NAR a COLLEGE tegln. Sep.
.DERN room house on two crnea; ViXrSk KSTt-"--" X B. " M jS. VJn'u.go,''- tat ar:
low rent. at 910 C. of C. bldg. WAREHOuSB.p.c. for rent In concrete W,, 2m. n' o'nly" Vd".11 for1 mater-i? ad ' f- "" f.t.f Onond. and Jew- HAIR STORE. 120 6th st. near WashW -t San Francisco.
6-ROOM .trlctly modern bouse. 850 Clack- building on R R. .witch. Apply Portland . R" clty Prln " cor' Wr- Dld. toT both construction and materia, LOANS on , real ' ' l'"". Ka,on bldg to" Better quality hair, any shad ' Well Drilling.
ant rent $27. Phone Tabor 204. Artificial Ice Co.. 18 and Upshur st CIGAR store at 484V4 Washington st; only m k. considered. elry. Wm. Hon. room 9, Washington otog. . -
" ,- r.. ...u tK. r..v. es-E ni'R LIST OF STORES $450. Owner haa other business. w ' " FRED B. BARNES, PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort- BOSTON graduate nurse and medical gym- DRILLING Phone Main 1346 er wrlio
.n.ftl-Dor1 AecV: tlTlcf" fnfFlSt&M Ti, Sf 6587 ,1T MABKET for sai Phone East 481. k ' ' Cta of Town ot Cam-, Miley. room 204 Gerlinger bldg. tic 392 Jefferson, up on. flight w.. I8i MorrUon .t .