20 I REAL ESTATE. For male Farm. FOR iALG nitnl ranch. 1340 acres: 1000 in cultivation. M0 acre in crop mat win vieM frnm 30 .IMn. to 3.I.OO0 DUsn!f Of wheat this year; good bulldine and other Improvements: one or tne pest wnni m Eastern Oregon: 135 per acre, with crop. "20-acre rancn 2on acres in crop um win i-iM :tx bushels mr acre: SDlendld dwelling and outbuilding: livestock and farm Implements, furniture, crop and all so with tne place at .j per acre. There Is no better land In Oregon at any price than these two places. If you want mem you win nave m gei uuoj. Terms. ADDRESS INVESTMENT SOCIETY OF UREUUX II.M.I, Mayvllle. Oregon. Factory Siitea. on ilver and rail, close to Portland; cneap pgw. A HUME .ILI a- A M- Miscellaneous. LAND TO LEASE FOR NUMBER OF TEARS. . Have large tract of land which I wtl! lease to responsible party or parties In 10-40-acre tracts, 16 miles center Port land; railroad stations on place, electric line building; all splendid land; lies line, gentle slope; houses on place. E 294. Ore gonian. t:00 EQUITY 1 Rose City Park lots; fine 0-room home. Land's Addition; Imp. pale, corner 100x100, E. list and Salmon; 1- room. Imp. pd. room for flats: a tage. i loga. aaups dckuii. ti baaua.. w. Sell wood 07. TO EXCHANGB. FOR TRADE. WELL-IMPROVED FARM. AT WOODBURN. This Is a choice farm, well Ira proved and located Just H mile from the city limits of Woodburn, a nice town lust 32 miles south of Portland, and with excellent schools and splendid car service. There are ;12 4 acres In the tract, all In a high slate or cultivation: lies perfect ly; nice loam soil, free of rock or grave!; good 7-room plastered house, bant and outbuildings: price $K5t; It is a splendid buy at that figure; will accept house and lot In Portland to value of $3000; good terns on the balance. HARGROVE SONS, 112 tith St. North, cor. 6th and Cllsan. Main 43S1. A 7250. TO EXCHANGE for farm, a 2-story corner store with general stock of $2500. i -room flat above and two nice 5-room cottage adjoining, total value $15,000. incumbrance $4imo. equity Sll.oon. This Is a prominent corner. In Tacoma. Wash.; Is priced right, and is a splendid trade for one wishing this kind of property In exchange for farm land. We want Improved farm readv to occupy, practically clear of In cumbrance. We have phctographs of the Tacoma property at rur cfflce. . GOWEN-IDE' TRUST COMPANY. 2 Lumbermens bldg.. Ground floor. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. ONLY S.VOO CASH REQUIRED. 50 acres of line orchard: land beauti fully situated on the east side district of Hood River Valley; over balf planted In commercial orchard, part bearing: fine building site: easily worth $20,000 In less thin 2 years' time: plenty of water for strawberries: .ill take unincumbered Port land residence in good district as part payment: only $.-.00 cash required. D 194. Oregon Is n. TO trade on cash basis for close in city Sropertv. any or all of following: ly residence .Vi-acre Estacada orchard .bearing) JO. 000 25-acre Hood River bearing orchard 32.500 $72,500 Will give or take. You can make big Inte.-est off above. Owner. P. O. box 41i. Portland. Or. ' 1, ACRES with nice 3-room house and barn. Just 13 minutes from city by car; price $3000. Also 2 acres at same place all In potatoes without a house: price $2nn: will sell for cash or trade for grocery store In or out of town. M. C. Reed Co.. 617 Board of Trade. Main 4075. FOR EXCHANGE Beautiful home In For est Grove, with 3 lots, nicely located, fruit and berries of all kinds, besides shade and ornamental treea and bushes: will ex change for other property, either Improved or unimproved. Address owner. K. N. Staehr. Forest tirove. ur. Tuiv imtic tnnti i Improved and unimproved Irrigated al falfa land, with good water right, at $50 an acre and up: good terms: for sale or trade for Portland property: business, residence or acreage. Robert Martin, UO. l eon puis WANT GROCERY STORE Will buy build ing and ground: have house and lot and 40 acres unincumbered to exchange. Se curity Development Co.. 4th and Pine. Main 2.'.2. , $Ti.00 WORTH of real estate and per sonal property and good mortgage to ex change for property any place, what hare you? Evans. 814 Chamoer of Com merce bldg.. Portland. WANTED Chicago North Side real estate, vacant or Improved, as part payment or psvment In full for beautiful Portland home, full two-story, modern, close in. well locateq. toy, vi cavni.. 20 ACRES near Forest Grove; 10 acres near Srappooee, to exchange for resi dence here. T. F. Had ley. S10 Spalding WILL exchange 33 acres. partv alfalfa and fruit, balance grain; Xlne location: want cltv improved, or a business lady can manage. n A-ncf........... A, JUL-.', AAWAV. I will trade my equity In a hotel In center of Portland for city property. See . T Oil, Hnnnlan owner, no agema. a. m ...... j fx H.-P. 3-cyllnder motor boat, fully equipped; go 12 mi. or better; nearly new; for sale or will trade. Prico $27$. 0 time IP una n. a -vw, FOR SALE, or exchange, business property - In Walnut park, stores and furnished flats above, for residence In Portland or acreace near. T 200. Oregonian. WANTED To exchange Interest in young on-hard in Hood River district for 4 good work horses: work at good wages for mam . s j i . s- lO". HrBfrin (h n WANTED To exchange Interest In young orchard In Hood River district for 4 good work horses; work at good wages 1 1 T man n utwiw- -v --- r TO EXCHANGE 5-passenger Cadillac car. 1910. nickel trimmings, value $900, for Rossmere or Rose City lot.. Phone Main 934. o. itaminnn niCB, WILL trade good country town property, '-acre tract, house and barn, for Portland house and lot not over $2000. AB 211. Oregonian. WILL exchange eight furnished rooms and restaurant with all fixtures and furniture for yortianq pp'jwuj ui -w". a-.v . ... MODERN 4 flat building. West Side, for 3 flat building. $86O0 or less. Address G 229. Oregonian ' LAUNCH. 24x3 with top. fully equipped, fine condition. What have you? 502 Main St.. Oregon i.itj WILL trade 14-room rooming-house for $900 IPl w vijm.j '' ' ' WILL exchange good 80-h. p. roadster for lot In city. AD 210. Oregonlsn. FOR TRADES OF ALL KINDS SEE GARLAND CO., 11 4TH ST. CANNON BEACH lots to trade. What have you? Inquire 1 Id St. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE 30 acres of choice Irri gated land In Umatilla County, free from Incumbrance and all cleared and seeded. Price $rt00O; want Portland vacant lots free from debt or close-In equity. Inquire of owner at tent. E. 42d St.. near Sher man st. Thone evenings Tabor ss8. FOR SALE or exchange for Portland resl , denre or Income property. 640 acres of unimproved fruit landa eight miles from Goldrndale. Wash., close to school, on rural route and telephone line; a good platting proposition. Photos of property can oe seen. Aaarecs rt- im. mrB""" 6-BOOM colonial modern house. 6Sxl00. close in. $4000; and 4-roora cottage, lOOx 100, $26(!a. for farms; also 1 acrea Irri gated fruit land at Hermlston. Or. to trsde. Sellwood $74. A. M. till 10 and evenings. WILL exchange lot. value $V0, for horses and wagon. AV 4S5, Oregonian. - FOR SALE TIM B BR LANDS. TTUDrtJ T.iVrtK BOUGHT AND SOLD. C .t. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg I HAVE S quarter sections of yellow pine timber In Klamath County; will sacrifice. Address AK 106. Oregonian. WANTED TTMBEB I.AXDB. WE will purchase a few quarters of timber - at a low cash price; give price and de sc'totlon. Address AG 21L Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WANT close In city property in exenangi for either or both of my two paying orch SHa t?n n.Vt n.l . ROft mmrli- total $H2.S00. Will give or take. Owner, P. O. box 417. Portland. Or. WANTED 30 to 50-acre vrflley farm: must be A-l land and a bargain for client with $2000 to 250O cash; balance to suit. What have vou"? B. S. Cook Co., 60S Cor- bett bldg. mumili -an. f-iir. iii. r-arxv irom r.aat win ' iu " 3 weeks: submit your propositions. Fred . . .... , -nM IV II 1 .1 r. w. tierman. nun v imin. m .vm. . HAVE buyers for good houses on East Sid west of 39th St.; want lists from ownem Robert Martyn, 607 Yeon bldg. Marshall loo. WANTED !t or 6-room bungalow. Rose City Park or vicinity: must be under $35r0. Vanduyn Walton. 315 Chamber Commerce. $122.0C TO LOAN On Improved city or farm property: i"w ana up. m . -. w m. ri ' " ' w..w. . $330 HIGH-GRADE piano, unincumbered, and $120 note for cheap lot or equity. Alocria prricrrrti. iu CLOSE-IN investment under $10,000- mint oe snap; suomu proiOTiiiuu- - v. Wi7. . WANT at once, tracts of good close-In acre age, on spetning mig. I WANT large tract of land; deal with owner only. AK 20". Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicles. Etc. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO. Commission dealers In horses, mules, ve hicles and harness of all classes: auction everv Monday morning at 10 o clock. Bring vour horses to us and we will sell them for their maraei vaiue. mi iii sentations guaranteed. We are not and . i vlth T W never nae uecii wMut.c ...... Murphy, formerly Of ?-03 Alder st. COL J. F. MURPHY. Auctioneer. 240 E. tith Ft. Phone E. 6315. FOR SALE Horses, wagons and harness. Apply Mr. Boody. Roberts Bros.. 8d and - Morrison. DELIVERY wagons, horses and barnesi for sate. inquire vcon - . warehouse or stables. 24th and Holladay WANTED To buy good young team, weigh ing tJii'l pounna eatii, " ...... must be sound and true. Phone East 4S04. C-I47T SALE of barn equipment of Portland Gas &. tone to. posiponeu uiiiii ru,j .. Ing. the 11th, at 10 A. M. Same terms as in .previous notice. FOR SALE Horse, buggy and harness, Hawthorne car to llivision. wain onu uivun west. 3 south. 2S15 JSth S. E. TEAM. 3230 lbs., and wagon, cheap, on Fremont, bet. 4U ana 4-a. ren iwi" farm. FOR SALE Team of young horses, weight .. .. i !..,- ami u- a run. BJVU ids.: niw iit . ) Phone East 4009. CAR mules and horses. Gooseneck farm and delivery wagons, saaaies. nuiwi i a 381 water st.. west eiqe. PASTURE for rent near Portland. Phone Main ltiu. FOR SALE cheap. 2600-lb. team, wagon, harness. ZHa litn st. o. EXTRA tine fast driving horse, sound and city proKf. cneap. wiihwu 1:00-LB. work mare, yeara. $73. 9S3H Albina ave. Phone woooiawn ;gn A HORSE for sale; good worker. Tabor 2407 or Route i. bwi Piano. Organs and Musical Instruments. GENUINE Everett upright piano, $90; pay ments. Call day or evening, job morn- FIFE and piano leasonr$l; 2 .lessons free. Main H34II. FOR SALE New Leland piano, cheap for IBSII. .Vtl C. ran, , rj m . FOR RENT A fine piano. Phone Main 6100 and A 1821. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap car when you can secure one of our high-grade used cars at the same price? We guarantee thein. Different makes and models, all traded In on new White gas cars. We also offer several secondhand tracks. Write Waits Car Agency, Oth street at Madison. ARE you looking for an automobile? If J . 1 1 r I.... atni-lr M slightly used cars. A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS: 1910 Bulck, 4 -pass.. $423. 1910 Bulck. 5-pass.. $30.- 191 a Everett. 5-pass.. 6-cyl., 48-horse-power. brand new. $1650. 1910 Maxwell. 2-paas.. $275. Pope-Hartford. 5-pass.. $t00. And many , others. We are exclusive dealers of used cars. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. - 493-493 Alder St. REAL SNAPS. A snsp. Pope-Hartford, newly painted and overhauled, a pick-up for $1000; let us demonstrate this car to you. Here Is a chance to get a real good bar gain: Thomas roadster, freak body. Gray ft Davis lighting system, $150 Warner in strument, fully equipped, thoroughly over hauled and painted, for $1660; owner leav ing city, must sell at once. whlto steamer runabout for sale at a bargain overhauled and newly painted: at a sacrjflce price, $700. BECKER AUTOMOBILE CO.. N W. Corner 14th and Davis Sts. STUDEBAKER-GARFORD. . 1911 model. 7-passenger, excellent con dition, equipped with every accessory that makes a high-class private car; also ex tra tires and tubes; over $600 worth of conveniences, making cost of car today over $4600; will absolutely guarantee the reliability and condition; to the party with the money and who meana business I will make a very attractive price. Owner, F 102. Oregonian. FOR SALE. One 1911 Bulck runabout; one 1910 Bulck surrey, rear seat detachable; one 1910 Bulck. 5-passenger; one 1911 Cadillac, touring car, 5-passenger; one 1910 Oak land runabout; one Columbus electric All of the above in good running order, fully equipped. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO., 7th and Couch. Main 4555, A 23S0. MT. TABOR acreage adjoining City Park; nigmy impnitcu ucumui iiiki uw.B alow, fruit, - near hard-surface and car; take part trade. Owner, AS 211, Ore gonian. 1 1) TT il V" H'Tn 1.' V I 'I I A IL W. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS OF USED AUTOMOBILES. 498-495 Alder St. Main 1161. A 4837. STRICTLY Al five-pasenger Chalmers. 80; non-skid tires, macnine jusi overnauiru. completely . equipped; price $685;- $200 down. $4 per month. 350 Alder st. 1012 CARTER CAR roadster, guaranteed In first-class condition, price tloo casn. uau 31S Board of Trade bldg. Main T452. A 4401. PRIVATE car for hire, careful driver, well acquainted wnn city ana counirj. m carry 4 passengers at $2.50 per hour. Phone East 6250. FOR SALE 5-passenger 4-cyL second-hand automobile in gooa conaitiom, or win irsae for real estate; price $500. Address or call at 62 East 47th st. North. YOUR OWN PRICE. 7-paas.. 6-cyl. Thomas; best rent car in town. 402 Couch bldg. Marshall 8674. WANT & gasoline closed car; will trade un- incumoerea loia. avo. uicuuiw. Dogs. Birds. Pet Stock. VACATION REMINDER Before leaving for your summer vacation, nvn i uvsievi jui dogs and cats; don't lock them up to suf fer snd starve; all such cases reported will be prosecuted. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY. Miscellaneous. MEN'S SUITS REDUCED. Clean-up sale: $27.50 to $30.00 values now $15.00: $22.60 to $25.00 values now fit- $16.50 to $18.00 values now $10.00. cut prices and smile, no heavy rent hangs over my head. Jimmy Dunn, room 813. Oregonian bldg. Take elevator. FOR SALE One pair elk horns, 10; one double-barreled nammeriess snotgun. i. gauge. $20; one $65 concert grand guitar, $20; all In good condition. Ask for Mor rison. 1027 Union av. N.. Portland. jj FT.. H.-P. -cylinder motor boat, fnlly equipped; go 12 mi. or oetier; nearly new; for sale or will trade. Price $376. No time to use it. P 105, Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP. Hot-air pumping engine, good condition. Inquire or address room 309 Oregonian b Id g. tVANTED Customers for canned wild blirkbemes. jems or jams. wriie lur prices. Mrs. M. Jennings, Ostrander, Wash. SAFES Special bargain second-hand fire and DUrgiar-pruoi , Mm vuvueu anu re paired. Pircel Safe Co., and Portland Safe Co., SS 5th st. Phone "Main 630. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, COmpuiing itvic. eiu., uvuim euu sold The Pacific Store Service Co., 127 Stark st. Main- 7711. BRAND new 14 H.-P. gasoline engine, com- ple'e. e.o. i af""'J" i 600 BUSINESS cards. $1: a bargain. Rose City r-nntery. itia jtr. FOR SALE A new tent house; a bargain. 510 Biimont t- FOB SALE. M Iscel latieoua. FOR SALE OR RENT. ' 40-ton Heisler locomotive. 10x12 Tacoma logging engine. 9x10 Seattle logging engine. 7x9 hoisting engine. 12 H. P. gasoline engine. 5 H. P. upright steam engine. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO.. 14 rirsi c. SEWINO MACHINES SLAUGHTERED. 73 New home machines, slightly used. 10 Wheeler and Wllsan machines, alight ly used. t ZOO machines or an oiner ron. n- FIREPROOF Herring-Hall Marvin, safe, 60 Inches high. 87 Inches wide. 27 Inches deep, with cash vault: No. 9 Burroughs Adding machine, mimeograph and miscel laneous office supplies. SxlO Century view camera complete with lens. etc. o. L. JUDlts. Assignee, loin nuu. . 7 Sale on at my three stores. 420 Wash ington St.. aw Aiuer -s--l gJL. TYPEWRITERS rebuilt, all makes, $10 to $65. Ihe Northwest Typewriter -u. 202 Stark st. - DROP HEAD WHITE sewing machine, as good as new. w uiiranw. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Ji BUY . CLOTHING, FURNITURE, TOOLS. Highest price paid for men's and ladies1 cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic,- logging. Call Main 20SO. ZHU J BL SI. 1 IIW ... . -.-t c-T- . rtrTvnpirTrllR OTTTFITS. . i r, ii v. . i j - 1 ' . . w w - - -rnilnv rbnlra. nhnnorraDhs. elect pianos, films, etc. AN 174. Oregonian W3 pav the highest cash price for second liand furniture. Seaton ft Martin. Phone East 3134. 348 Hawthorne ave. wivTPn a r.7 view camera with lens descrilie fully and give lowest cash price. AH no. oregonian "WANTED Teams or auto trucks to haul about 600 corgs 01 WOOQ. inquire S9i Railway Exchange blag WILL tint rooms for $2-50; paint houses s your price. i-;ast jjj. ite"""' FORD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main an.n. a WANTED Scrap Iron in any quantity, at once. J. Bernhardt. 121 1st st. Main 8285. HELP WANTED MALE. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 ana 3&; must De native oorn or mh.o m,. -pers; monthly pay $15 to $09: additional compensation possible: food. clothing n .....! ...Al.. ,riAnHanp free! &I - ter 30 years' service can retire with 73 per cent of pav and allowances; service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps rtecruiling unice, iniru hia .. BtB, or 134 Ttllrq St.. ronianu, vi. HCI.P WANTED. MILLHELP, complete crew, carriage riders, steam setters, neaa inmnm ,TAriM mm inhorers. etc.. near--Spokane, in Idaho; steady employment; good pay for cood men. Clothing Dept. Manager, $30 week; also assistant. weetc. BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, Spokane, Washington. WANTED. High-class salesman. You can make from $300 to $500 month. See Barnard. 407 Yeon Bldg. SALESMAN A young man who is ener getic, reliable and naa good appearance, in sell thA retail irrocerv and drug trade; salary $13 per week, with an exceptional opportunity for advancement. In answer ing advertisement give age, reference and experience. r. vj. xja. v. ....... D. C. , WANTED One second-class assistant ar chitectural draftsman at S3.7B per aieiu, a competitive examination will be nelil at the Navy-Yard, Puget Sound. Wash., August 30. 1912, for the purpose of fill ing the above position. For further in formation address Commandant, Navy Yard. Puget Sound. Wash. n a VTi-ti yian ilih familv familiar with farm work, to take up residence on small place; permanent position, with $2.23 wages to start; $mo acquires pumm homo place: balance can be paid for from part of wages. AN 49, Oregonian. STOCK SALESMAN Sell stock In estab lished concern, sales to be made among rural class. Only experienced need apply: state experience. C. B. Perkins, 221 Vs Morrison St. LIVE dependable salesmen wanted In sev eral good fields to sell our unsurpassed nursery stock; cash paid weekly; write us at once. Washington Nursery Co., Top penlsh. Wash. rvuruiwrK AfiEVTS Exnerlenced men. well recommended who want to better their condition. Communicate with Na tional Life Insurance Co., U. S. A. 306 Selling bldg. MAN for Janitor work; wife for housework In family of four; must be Industrious. wages per uiuiiiii. uub.u ------- Give ages and references If you wish to . . . 3 .1 m O 1 Ai-Airnn an De consiaereu. auuict r n" FIRST-CLASS experienced solicitor, none other need spply: one who has ability to approach credltmen and others; must pos - sess appearance and be a good dresser. O Z.iU. oregonian WANTED 3 live, energetic stock salesmen able to close good business on legitimate business lines: no wildcatters will be tol erated. Business is now well under way. 1. lircgoniap THIS WEEK By Company E of the Na tional Guard. 10 men tc go to camp at Grave Harbor. See Captan Schumacher HELLO BILL II you are a successful life insurance man with a good acquaintance in the Middle West, we have a snap for you. C 196, oregonian. WANTED A salesman with executive abil ity to become superintendent for strong financial company. Write AF 225. Ore- gonlan SALESMAN wanted for Winona Mills seam less hosiery; established business; good commission. T3. W. Booser, Mgr., 417 Ar cade bldg.. Seattle. WANTED Canvassers, salesmen and so licitors, at 51 3d st. Year's work. Call in A. M. or after 6 P. M., ask for sales , manager. - THERE'S money in selling, our Yaklma grown, hardy, guaranteed -stock; outfit free: cash weekly: steady work. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. STRONG BOY Willing to work and de liver packages. Portland's Emporium. 1"6 6th St., 2d floor. Only permanent boy wanted. YOUNG men, good build, art tableaux, vaudeville. Mr. ' Karl, the Mallory. loth and Yamhill, after 1 P. M. WANTED Experienced wringer man; steady position. Portland Laundry Co., 9th ana uoucn WANTED Bread bakers, bench hands for Jobbing. Inquire between 9 A. M. and 2 P. M- Royal jtsanery. inn nun nv,. . RELIABLE salesman able to sell stock, po Ulon permanent. Address AS 209, Ore- gon'an EXPERIENCED special edition advertising solicitors, religious magaslne. new prop- osltlon. commission. 268 Madison. WANTED Good, reliable salesmen; cash " . ...aia H l rnMl mnnev to aavancea. uuiu. ---- - be made. Csrlton Nursery Co.. Carlton. Or. . 1 ikavb BanlAiH ,1 thA. Or. rUblBnUIW AVI' 11 Ji.o - - - - gon Plating Works, 16th and Alder. Ap ply at once. ' WANTED First-class paper ruler, wages $24 per week; come at once. F. G. lefft .. a ..,..n' Wash. t WANTED Young man with experience as salesman in general store. Apply Friday Torenoon. paii" u'i v.pw.. ..j. WANTED A bright and active office boy. one rooking f6r advancement In' office. Apply at oriice Kurra music nuBr, WANTED Experienced fish and poultry man. Mace's Market, 151 4th st. . PHOTO coupon; best ever offered; snap for igents. vmnimn "" PHOTO coupon agents, something new, a snap Boston Btudlo. 842 'A Washington. WANTED 2 good men. Traae. . Call 604 Board of WANTED High-class salesman. Ask for Mr Burton. 422 Yeon bldg. WANTED First-class, all-around cook at Estacada Hotel, Estacada, Or. Reference. FOUR good salesmen for city. Apply 502 Marquam um.. j . WANTED Boy for bakery. Oregon Bak ery, iiv 1. tiq pi. FIVE barbers, apprentices wanted; steady . -. . iu 05ta Madison at. 1UD. gui.... BOY wanted, with wheel. Apply at once. Wonder Millinery. 4th and Morrison. BOTTLER WANTED Shasta Water Co., 18th and Upshur sts. BARBER, wanted for 6aturday. 205 Madi son st. BARBER wanted for Satujrday. 266 First BOY wanted with bicycle: can make $40 to $65 per month. 284 Yamhill. BARBER WANTED. 42 in. sa st. BARBER wanted, steady Job. 189 Morri son st. WANTED First-class cake baker. AV 4S4. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS tailor or presser wanted. 1337 Sandy Road. Phone Tabor 1818. HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A Young man. stranger, seeking ernploy--. meat ($20 his total cash asset) If 'I pay you $5 for employment membership, I will have only $15 left between file and starva tion. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership, you will have the Y. n. C. A., with all its resources, between you and starvation. Result: Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for six months ending June so: Calls for men 1080 Positions filled .J. 830 Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund of membership fee: gives two months' full membership privileges. 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep member employed during the full term of mem bership without further charge. We have constant demand for CLER ICAL. TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. See secretary employment department, Y. MCA. SALESMEN WANTED FOR CANADA -The real estate boom is on in Canada. If you can make good selling anything any place you can oo oetter selling reai eDiam Canada; the largest sales organization In Canada wants salesmen with experience selling real estate, insurance, books, pic tures, nlnnns etc. Real estate experience not necessary; also men with ability to manage branch offices ana aireci baim force. Our salesmen are now making from $50 to $500 per week, and we have an opening lor you. Address bates aianasn, 17-18 Cadogan block, Calgary. Alta., Can ada. CTP!f T AT. . The amount of extra mechanics required to handle building construction work in Edmonton. Alberta, is as follows: 200 carpenters at 45c per hour and up. lwy DrlcKlnyers at iW per Hour. 9ft AlArlrX.n. at iOr. tn 60c Her COUr. 15 sheet metal workers at 50c to 55c per hour. WANTED TODAY. 4 bridge carpenters, city. $3.50. hours. o briage carpenters. . tr. onim umie. Lester. Wash Free fare. 3 carpenter helpers. N. P. 6hlm Gang. snoqualmte. wasn. 1 ree tare. Donkey engineer and wife. log camp. N. P. LABOR AGENCY. 245 Couch St. D. D. Young, Prop. NON-UNION ruler and finisher; good salary to good man. AV 483, orggonian. HELP WANTED T EM A I.E. WANTED YOUNG ' LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE;- PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH COM- t PANT (EAST OFFICE). COR. 6TH AND EAST - ANKENY STREETS. OR MAIN OFFICE. WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. GIRLS to work In factory. Must be 16 or over. AMES, HARRIS. NEVILLE CO. 6th and Davis Sts. GOOD PAV iron EXTRA WAITRESSES for this week. Apply at once at The Meier 4fc Frank stores 7tn f loor rteaiau rant. EXPERIENCED cirl or woman lor general housework. In good family: must be a good plain cook and go to the mountains tor summer with family; Dest wages paiu . references required. See Mr. Bowman at the Brownsville Woolen Mills Store. 3d and Morrison sts. YOUNG lady bookkeeper and stenographer; must be experienced in keeping full set double entry books. Apply, giving expe rience, references and salary expected. AP 183, Oreftoniam. WANTED A girl living around 22d and Everett. 14 to 1 vears, for two noure ev ery morning. Apply to landlady Arcada Apis., ,u Everett. THE COTERIE General and Domestlo Serv. Ice Bureau, room 806 Central bldg., en deavors to render the best of service to its patrons. Main 766T. GOOD rellahla Ctrl nr woman for general nousework: must oe gooa piaia coon au lurnisn references: small lamny, guou wag;s. Call afternoon, 87 North 16th st. RELIABLE woman or girl In the vicinity oc 701 Everett to take care or two cnn dren 2ft 'hours each night and 4 hours sunaay, sz..:u. l 24, oregonian. UlT.T.lNRRV TilcsTf3MKH and trimmer: must be thoroughly capable with recent high- class eastern city or ssan urancisco perience. X 192. Oregonian WANTED 50 girls or young ladies: eaay money; worn, tnree nours a oay. mr wuc day; call 932 East 6th N. before 9. near FrescMt Alberta or wooaiawn car. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily of ihree. Apply mornings. Apt oui Highland court. zq ana uiian" WANTED A good cook to go to beach wlin private lamny. uci man jj 1 Apply 626 Everett. WANTED An experienced second girl. Ap ply betore 3 o ciock. ax.i w. jraia- whim 4172. GIRL for general housework; must be ex perienced cook; a in lainuy; umi " e Apply 657 Flanderes. TULrr .haracter. 1 luvenlle and 1 for small parts In theatrical company, new ion Theatrical Agency, mier piag.. iup mi'- WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 181 East 16tn, near xayior. x-nouu East 1598, B 2176. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily of 8, must be gooa cook.. o jh. jiai, north Irvington. GOOD experienced girl wanted for general .. t . c ifllh M Phniia nousewont. Aviiiy m v. u.u .. - ..- East 6010. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. viavi to., ova r.010 child bldg.. 4th and Washington. PRINTER WANTED Good two-thlrder or bright lady compositor. xxeruiu, mw mook. Or. NURSEGIRL not over 20 years to care for 3 small children: must oe neai arm imuuai- ed: references required : wages $20. WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman for nousekeeping. no wanum. nv v.m dren. Phone Marshall 1728 or Main 3649. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; good wages; no was rung. Appiy morn ings. 770 Marshall st. EXPERIENCED hairdressers. manicurist and uair worker. . Koseniaaj qiaicio, hv 7th . . . . ... t. c . a rTcc a nuvcv Washington bldg., 270V4 Washington St., near iui. ..a... - - WANTED Dining-room girl at 163 12th and Morrison. LIU oevween mm if A. M. WANTED Girl to assist with baby and sec ond work. - 34 Meiinaa ave., neaa oi Johnson at. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 345-4 Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692I WANTED A woman to work for husband's board and room, small ooaruing-aouae. Call A 6059. THE CRYSTAL LAUNDRY, 21st and Sandy Road, wants one lirst-ciaaa siarciier. GIRL wanted for general housework, 2 in iamii. muim WANTED A nurse maid. Phone Marshall 530. COMPETENT girl for general housework. small family, ooi genuywr awr inui. Hr.LP WANTED Union Laundry Co.. Seo- ona ana uoiumpi.A. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework. Call feast jwe. CAN use tlx solicitors in city. Apply 502 Marq u am Piag.. iu a. m. to ia ji. COMPETENT girl wanted for general house work. 2:6 Ei. ft.ia. near nawinorne. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking: no wasning. cast omoo. COMPETENT girl wanted - for general housework. Willamette ngis. . 02a st. PIANIST, good appearance, for classy road snow, uau f. ftl. imam. WANTED A girl to work in restaurant. ltl feast urana ave. GIRL or woman to assist with housework. 395 Clifton st.. cor. mtn. HELP WANTED MISCELLAITEOUS. SHORTHAND, typewriting school, 269 14th St. Main 85W3. .Expert instruction, 4a mo. F1SK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION for schools and teacnera. tuu eweuana ipiag. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. BARBERS' Board of Examiners of Oregon will be In session July 15, 16. 17. at 16i H First St., Uiia city, for the purpose of ex amining all those holding permits; all permits will be revoked if the parties holding them do not appear for examina tion. J. fli. leaoo, Beciemij. i MEN WANTED for firemen and brakemen on nearby railroads; $S0 to $100 monthly; promotion. engineer-conductor; experi ence unnecessary: no strike; age 18-35. Railroad employing headquarters. . tnou sands of men sent to positions on ovst 1000 official calls. State age. Railway aBBUCiailuil, mc5umniu MEN and women to learn the barber trade in eight weeks; special Inducements; per centaae paid while learning; tools free; expert instructors; 17 years in the busi ness; 87 schools; a lifetime membership given to each student Moler Barber Col- lege, ao js. f ourin bi.. WANTED At once, industrious married man. familiar with horses, on -country place; good wages and opportunity to ac quire home given party with some cash. i a l ii 1 1 xeon pius- YOUNG mtn and ladles wanted to learn telegraphy, railroad and wireless; big demand; reduced rates. Call or address National Tel. Inst., 605 Commonwealth bldg. EXCELLENT opportunity for responsible map and wife or rancher In Southern Ore gon; lease for long term or sell. P 211. rtJM'Mutwi. RAILWAY mall clerks, prepare now. cellent salaries and promotions; no offs. sure pay; free book. Call today. lay- Pa cute States gjcnooi. -nennj "'-fa-, ur... . 1 tnr nnA-Atrnment position $80 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. avi ti, Rochester, N. Y. MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers: bli pay; iree Dooaiei tens nuw t. nitea lrcss pinaicaip. gan a-iow..ow. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. Picture Play Association. .-.Ill riAutmu. , VAUDEVILLE acts to order; 1 write any thing fw the atas-e. Ed S. Allen. Lyric Theater, upstairs. Stage dancing taught. ELITE PRIVATE Business College. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 4-wa. upen on ti. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. l-,lj ALDcn. ' I want position with a good lumber company; am 27 years old and have had ti years experit-iiue m uwaacti inaoagpr 111 i i.a,, j . .. . . r - fer position at mills or In sales depart monr AHrtresa AL 203. Oregonian. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare oaiances ana bihib men's. Install systems. Gilllngham. au filtor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. GTRKnr.BlPHRR. comDetent. ten years' experience, wants permanent position with reliable nrm; Dest or rexei-ences. c -uo, Oregonian. ' RELIABLE young married man wants po sition In country bank: good commercial education and thoroughly responsible. W 208. Oregonian. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, thoroughly experi enced in general office work and cashier ing, desires permanent position; best of reference. T zui. uregonian. - INDIVIDUAL instruction in stenography ana typewriting; give paiui.uiiB. x. -a. Miscellaneous. MUPNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 215 Second St.. Corner Salmon. . Women's Department. 245 Salmon. All classes oi uiiaiviiicu, -slonsl and clerical male and female help furnished on short notice; no fee charged. . . . w.i. ri r. k a r. r. 'i i r tl una wain ovw, " SITUATION by young American Just back from the orient; experience covers mi nnn. .vnnrtR ablnninit. selling and man aepr: evcellent references: will accept fair offer from first-class company if prospects good. AO 209. oregonian. ippi.r.s as nacker. buyer or salesman, bright, clean-cut American; can furnish A-l rererence as to aoimy mm uuuij' j. J. s., 1157 Fulton ave.. Bronx. New York city. . YOUNG man. age 23, would like position handling leads for live real estate firm; best of references as to character and ability. AH 28, oregonian. REGISTERED pharmacist, 8 years' experi ence, capable of management, best of ref erences, desires position. AK. 210, Ore- v soman. TT-n n f ..l.ai.ft'Aiii. ir.nl. nnaltiAII HrlvinET private car; do own repairing; best of ref erences as to character and ability. Phone Tabor 2442 HEAD WAITER. German, with experience of some oa in" iiiiuo. ... ........ j P081tlOn in HUIBI Of UIU". VJ ..AO, v..pm...A". FIRST-CLASS ladles' cutter and fitter, all- round tailor, JO yearn- nAoiiciitn m wu. . -. 1 .. s-. 1 no f-MAa.nnlan ness, wants puwumn. uo, m tn CHEF or first-class cook, strictly sober, de siros work; best of referf-nces. Address W. J Smith. 24S Clay St. Phone A 34. YOUNG, man of business ability wants to learn grocery businens, ciiy ur vuuuaaj. wages no object, ai jqq. vipsmwoi.. MANY" years' experienced Japanese cook wants position, any place. AL 201, Ore gonian. POSITION wanted by a mechanical engineer together wltn aio ana im a uimi maklr.g. Box 11. Llnnton. Or., R. R. XI. WANTED SITUATION Experienced chauf feur or repair man, jyiain w. EXPERIENCED gardener will work cheap. Phone Marsnau ziiu. WELL educated young man wants a Job, not afraid OI worn. j at.". uic6"ihai'- MTt'ATION ' WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER, four years experience in stenographic and general office work, de sires position. East 34S2. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier de sires position; Al references. H 231, Ore gonian. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING Bring your old clothes and have them maae new. ib wen bo new iaa terlal. .264 14th St. Phone Main 6024. DRESSMAKING done In families for L60 per aay. i-aone ceuwuuu. avaia. vii a v.. A- FASHION.lBLE dressmaking at home or by day. 603 Williams ave. East 907. Miss M. uonser. j COMPETENT nurse would like cases or hospital position. Marshall 4483. B 219. Oregonian. HoUMekeepers. NEAT, refined woman with girl 6 desires housekeeping, widower's home. St. Louis Agency. 233 hi Aiaer. main uo. WIDOW Good cook and housekeeper, with girl 6, wants position In widower or bach elor s come, imr wcpa bwa pi- SITUATION wanted Housework in city or Country. Ab Zd-t. urunurnan. Miscellaneous. BERKELEY COLLEGE girl will assist fam- ..in. mi.i thrntirh vacation. Main 2039. . HIGHLY experienced teacher would like to tutor In public school branches or high school mathematics. Phone Marsh. 1380. YOUNG lady pianist wishes position; grad uate of University, school of music, at Lin coln. Neb. Phone A 4. LACE ourtalns laundered by expert, 25o up, ..ii.a PhnnA Tahftr ftl7. EXPERIENCED woman wants work today and Saturday. Main 9268, room . WOMAN wants day work. Woodlswn 2631. WANTED AGENTS. WE will pay your way to San Francisco and return, now or actio. ii aatw uum. work; high-class proposition; no canvas sing; 'trips limited. Answer quick to be first in your own town. California Travel Association, 1127 Hearst bldg., San Fran cisco, CaK SLAVING for wages, are you? Let us tell you now you can maa uig iiauuv iabi, easy. This one gets the orders every time. Write today. Free particulars. Burton Co., Q.34, Devils Slide. Utah. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WE have considerable Inquiry for desirable nouses. " Ac.v, . & i of the city. We make a specialty of col lecting rents and managing ail kinds of property. Win.' C. Borchers, financial !;-.. on?9nft Oreeonlan bldg. WANTED House, with T or more rooms. jn Irvington, east ot oa at. aqutoib aiu Selling bldg. IF YOU wish to rent your house or flat, se WATSON r TtifeK.ts.fefeafeAl 305-6 Spalding blag. Main 7592. Booms. ROOM wanted; permanent room; bath, etc by gentleman aoseni greater, pan. lime. West Side, close in; high-class apartment- house preferrea. K uregonian, Rooms and Board. WANTED By two young men, a room In private lamny; biaiu jiiii. ajiaa, au a-aw, Oregonlam yOUNG gentleman wants room or room and board Fn private ftmlly; must be on East Side. F 247. Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Booms. NEATLY furnished rooms at the Rose, 189 34iv . X FOR RENT. raralrihed Rooms. THE SARGENT HOTEL, Grand and Hawthorne Avea. For rent, the finest corner parlor, bed room and bath suites In the city: large rooms, beautifully furnished, r.lne win dows, fine view of all the mountains: also some single rooms: elevator service, tele phone, hot snd cold water, electric Hh: and steam heat; moderate prices for de sirable tenants; eight streetcar linos pass the building. . The largest ani coolest, rooms la the clly. If yon are looking for permanent, home like quarters, be sure and inspect the ar . gent before locating. Excellent restaurant in connection with ths hoteL Phone East 29L J. H. CLARK. Proprietor. NOW OPEN! NOW C PEN I NOW OPEN! Those three beautifully furnished hotels HOTEL HOI EL HOTEL MINOOJC PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 2134 4thsL 211H4thst. 207 H 4th "t. On Fourth St., running from Taylor to Salmon st.; brand-new brick; elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot snd cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date in all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary, in the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as ws know you will like it. Rooms by the day. week or month. Tourist trade solicited. ANGELA HOTEL. C25 Washington St. Under New Management. Largs lobby, finished in mahogany, tile and marble; ladles' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone service in rooms all night and day. electrio elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, many with bath. A residential Iiotel above reproach, where every effort is made for the comfort and convenience of Its guests; rents the most reasonable in the city; rooms by the day, week or month. Look this over before locating. Take W CiT at Depot, get off at 19th and Washington. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street New. modern brick building: stesm heated; private baths, hot and cold water in rooms; beautifully furnished, cozy, cora ' fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. unainu uniuii aavaauaj. 887 East Buruslde Street Live In this hotel and save money on your room rent We have 120 modern rooms, single or en suite, rooms with pri vate bath; rates 50c to $2 per day, $2 to $6 per week. East 6940. B 1275. T. . n- 1 1" tl UflTSI. One block from Union Depot; 140 outside rooms with hot and cold water and steam heat; offers special rates for permanent ' guests; rates 50c to $2 a day; $3.50 and Up per weehc. jnone main oiia- HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnslde sts. Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly furnished rooms; private baths; steam heat, hot and cold water, private phones In each room: special rates by ths month. Phone Marshall 4049. HOTEL RENWICK An Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Phone Main 916. HOTEL CALUMET. 160 Park st, very central, European and American plan; homelike service is dining-room at reasonable price; $1 European. $2 American. Special rates per week. VAN' GORDER HOTEL. 105 Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. In heart of business district; steam heat hot and cold water, free phone in every room; $1 day and up; $4 week and up. m HOTEL DENTLY. 2J4", Fourth St. Opp. City Hall, newly furnished and mod ern, $1 per day and up; special by week. V .- . .. V. .. . anA Kalh TUP T.TWnBt.t. Large, pleasant front rooms; easy walk ing distance: all home conveniences: 12. $2.50 to $4 per week. 828 4th st Main 5561. HOTEL CLARNO; nice, large, airy, out side rooms, all conveniences, transients 5uc and up. by week $2.50 and up. 243 & Holladay ave. HOTEL CORDOVA. 209 11TH ST. New, strictly modern, private baths; rooms, $3.50 per week up. Main 9472. THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished rooms, hot and cold water, phone, bath, $1.2 to $15. Mala 5435. 605 Jefferson St. Newly furnished, strictly modern. 248 Salmon FUN'RNISHED and unfurnished housekeep ing rooms, $1 and $1.60 a week up. 227 i4 Gibbs st. DO you want a good room In a good loca tion at a low rate? Try Hotel Larrabee, 227 ti. Larrabee st. East Side. East 849. FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms in new brick building. 3694 Front st NICELY furnished comfortable rooms, tran sient rooms for city visitors. 387 Taylor street. . GAYOSA HOTEL, modern rooms $1 day and up. Grand ave. and East Stark. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. VERY finely furnished large front room, every modern convenience, close In, 10 mln. walk to P. O.; $10 a month. 332 Harrison. LARGE, light, airy room with 2 beds suit able for 2 gentlemen; electric lights, bath, phone, etc., close In; private entrance. Bv-dav or week. 228 Tenth st NICELY furnished rooms, from 2 . weekly easy walking distance, phone. 655 Wash . ington. ' r-nrir. fnrniaherl rooms. S2 ner week, walk lng distance. 287 Cherry and Williams ave. inncei luiuisiiou iuuhib aj. ' : reasonable, 703 Multnomah. Phone East 4 WIS. CLEAN, airy furnished rooms; phone and bath. 190 West Park. Phone Marshall 4925. THREE pleasant rooms with all conven iences, to visiting Elks. 714 Davis st Main 7670. , YOUNG gentleman wishes to meet anothfr wno wouia onain ByAiiiiiniu ... West Side. D 231. oregonian FURNISHED sleeping rooms, also house keeping, free pnone ana Dain. ro. ai 14th st. COSY corner room, beautiful outlook, ex clusive', nelgnoornooa ; cnoice uuaru. uo Lovejoy. CLEAN, airy, furnished rooms; reasonable. Phone Mam 0040. GOOD clean rooms, close to Postofflce; rea sonable. 394 Salmot NICELY furnished rooms, i blocks csrllne. close in. 70S Everett. FURNISHED room for" two gentlemen; rea sonable. 687 Hoyt ana ism. PLEASANT rooms In Irvington home, block from Broadway car, t-none feast Ai-2t. DOUBLE and single sleeping rooms; phone and bath. 221 lain. NICE clean sleeping rooms for rent. 68 N. 14th. ' 350 SALMON ST. Modern furnished rooms. 3 blocks irom yostoiiice. IDEAL rooms In an ideal home; gentle man. Phone Main 4411. VERY fine room In artistic new bungalow, Laurelhurst car one black. E 5935. ROOM for a gentleman In a strictly private Jewish family, maranan aio-. -ROOM SUITE, best location, reasonable. 690 feverett. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO rooms, with use of kitchen, modern - . . . 1- IT n . -t A 7r.Q tlat, reasonapio. onj nuj.- Rooms With Board. DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE- JTA1JAA. CUI. Will .'-' MA' . o- bath, broad veranda; quiet, closa in, near . . i- 0 .I ImArimn nlan. car; t DIUCMS nm" POUTIaAND WOMEN'S UNION. 23d year. P.OomS Wltn noani. u wa . bracy. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. IS. Wilson, sup. THE LAMBERSON, 554 Couch St.. very as- sirable ouisiae ruuws, LCi" . a.., nln,. water, with or without board, close. MA rooms, steam h;at, good board, close In. THE HAZEL Furnished roms witn ooe.ru. runnin a water, bicali ....... -- with Board In Private Family. LADY boarder can secure good table board . " 1 ...imi.. nr vbia ram v where " otherboarder. are' kept, on East Bids, 20-mlnute car service to town; references exenangea. v Am. ve tsjtatttIFUL home, all newly mrnisneo. rife AH A AX- I-" ...It.kl. fnn Imn nr more with separate beds, hot and cold wcter good board, home privileges, rate SSS .a Main 6381. 501 Harrison. ROOMS and board for rent in private fam- KUUJIO . t,,. duo V. Rth mt V near Preecott st ""Take Woodlawn or Alberta car. f nuutr ,. p. it as ANT rooms and board, home cook- A..i.mAiK rMiib- reasonable. lng, near : Marsnau ha. WANTED Girl to share room In private family board if -desired, very reasonable. tail on A-ia.i.".". . . ...... .. ROOM and board in refined family, two or one In room, every home convenience. Terms $25 per month. 748E. Burnslde st. t7argE room with board, suitable for two gentlemen; single beds, baths attached; c ose in. am n. ioia- ONE furnished room, excellent board. $1S per month, a widow with no children. 522 Clay st Phone M. 6746. TWO pleasant rooms, large Ph sad grounds; excellent board. Main S0T1. LARGE front room for two gentlemen; first class board. 655 Irving St. BOARD and room: best of references re- ...a ,,.( airta quirea. main obiia WOULD like a lady to room and board, reasonable. 208 11th st FOR RENT. Rooms With Board In Private l-'inuly. ROOM and board for two young men winn ing to room together; large bedroom with clothes closet and bath: a pleasant home with good home cooking; East Side. Ad dress AJ 206, Oregonian, or phono Wood lawn 2397. FURNISHED rooms and board, reasonable. 595 E. Oak, E 552. Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE WHKN HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments from 2 to 5 rooms, from $20 to 60 per month. If you want one. telephone. On Sundays or Main 2016 Evenings call A 201S Mr. Berry. Main 2181. Our automobile will call at any address -with our agent who will be glad to show these apartments. We own or control the following: Angela, Washington and Trinity Place. Cecilia. 22d and Gllsan sts. Claypool, 11th and Clay sts Fordham. 170 Ford st. Grandesta. Grand ave. and East Stark. Hsnthorn, 251 12th St., near Main. Hanover, 165 King st.. near Washington, Kingsbury, 1S6 Ford st. Knickerbocker. 410 Harrison, near 11th. Sheffield. 272 7th St., near Jefferson. St. Croix. 170 St. Clair St.. near Wash. St. Francis. 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington, 15th and Everett sts. MORGAN. FLIEDNER ROYCE. 3O2-506 Ablngton Bldg. THE ORLANDO. ijOTH AND WASHINGTON STS. UNQUESTIONABLY FINEST LOCATION IN THE CITT. $ and l-room furnished apartments, pos sessing every modern convenience; pri vate telephones, elevator service, excellent closet room, laundry with steam dryer. Most attractive entrance court In Port- lntl- . . , ... Select clientele provides precisely ths surroundings desired for your family. RATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON ABLE TO BE FOUND. ! JULIANA APARTMENT, 46 TRINITY PLACE. JUST OFF WASHINGTON STREET. One two, one three and on four-room apartment, well furnished, exclusive, ex cellent service: every modern convenience. REASONABLE RATES. I NEW MANAGEMENT. THS WHIILDOIt, Cor. Park and Taylor 8tsv THE WHEELDON ANNEX Cor. Tenth and Salmon Ita, I Walking DIstanca. Furnished complete. 2. S an 4-reenl apartments: buildings new and tnoua modern; service flrst-claae. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick an stone oalace of luxurious homes Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th streets. Just off Washington; magnificent ticlumt apartments In heart of apartment-house district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, hlgh-oiass service; refined clientele; references re quired In all cases; two beautifully fur nished apartments available May L Mrs. A. N. Wright, superintendent, phone Mar shall 1101. - THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-dats management hi ths Northwest; every convenience: 4 snd rooms, all outside sunny rooms; wj . walking distance. 21st and Johnson sta. choice residence district; attendant on premises. Marshall 8360. IHE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.: this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. S and 4-room suites: reception hall, electrio automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, .c box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phones A 1744. Marshall 296L NOKOMIS Marshal, near 17th st New building, never been occupied: rates $20 and up. One unfurnished. $1. ARDMAY TERRACE, 12th and Harrison sts. Largest 2-room apartmenti in the city. ALTONIA, Marshall and 19th sts. Large. .1-., 'i q -mA: A.n-u-im aDartments. quiet 'and exclusive neighborhood. THE VILLA ST. CLARA, 12in ana isyiui. Just completed, most magnificently fur. Mshed apartments In the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden; both phones In ail apartments; high-claia service; references required. Main 2276 and A 7057. tti t ncTB-vnonP 208 16th St, Near Taylor. Handsomely furnished or unfurnished 5 room apartments; also single furnished rooms; telephones in every apartment, pleasant surroundings, conveniently 10 cated to cars. Phone or call personally. lAUv.nC.llA v . v . . - Lucretla St.. Near 23d and Wash. Unfurnished apartments from two" five rooms, all large, light and large closets, hardwood floors; under new management Marshall 1518. Janitor, Mar- shall 1500. GRANDESTA GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK ST. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New brick building, newly furnishes, private phone and bath In each apartment, elevator service; walking distance, bum mer rates $22.50 and up. Phone East 2Q. CARMELITA, Jefferson and 13th Streets. 4 and 5-room furnished and unfurnlsnea apartments, exceptionally well arranged. Rates Reasonable. Modern. References. Nw; CUMBERLAND Apts. W. Park and Colum bia sts.; very choice 2 and 8-room fur nished and unfurnished apts.. all m0Jf?;" conveniences, beautiful location, facing the park: 5 minutes' walk from business cen ter, best service, prices reasonable. . ...... ..... 1 . I' 1) T- BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison; 2. 3 and B noma furnished or unfurnished; latest rnrove ments; best service. Apply on premises. An&AJCjAAAAA. Two and three-room apartments: Isrge rooms, large closets; etrlctly modern, cool and airy for Summer; reduced rates. Phone Main 7755. 695 Lovejoy st Taks W car. IONIAN COURT. B70 Couch, one block from Washington, walking distance. 3 and 4-room modern unfurnished apartments; all modern con veniences, best of service; under new man acement: references required. Main H" LINCOLN APTS., COR. 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside, 2-room apartments; Holmes beds built-in writing desks, vacuum clean er Janitor service. $22.50 to $30, including lights, private phones. A 8472. Main 13n. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS. loth an Everett 2, 8 and 4 rooms, unfurnished private baths; $20 up; completely reno vated, under new management; walking distance: convenient and best service. THE LUZERNE. Corner 8d and Hall, newly ti"ilshed room apartments, building new and ly modern, large outside kitchens, servlcs first-class, easy waiting omui. THE LILLIAN, 6th and Montgomery. Guests to the felKB convenii.ni a.. '."-" furnished apts. with Phone and bath by the w.-ek or day; walking distance. Mar shall 1378. THE SHEFFIELD a -room apartments with bath. Z Murpny "ml ' , , " - -ciflc phones In each; outside rooms, splen did arrangement, superb location, near P. O Best service. 272 7th. cor. Jefferson. "c WE5TPAL. 410 5TH ST. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND, $27.50 and ud- close in. nicely furnished 8-room apartments, with private bath and phone. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Madison Sts For rent 3 and 4-roora furnished snd unfurnished apartments, strictly modern. THE MARLBOROUGH. B and 6-room apartment, choice resi dence district walking distance, every con venience. 21st and Flanders sts. Main 7516. THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. E 7th and Morrison sta ; very central, z and 8-room apartments, furnished com plete private baths; from 820 to $32.50. THE WINDSOR APTS. Vary desirable front corner; o ruum. aiu iuhiiib, mi- nlshed or not Corner E. 14th and Yam hill. -pXLDOl-tf uuuiii, invinu iu.i. East 9th and Schuyler:, 1 unfurnished apartment; everything modern. East 547, U lllUA- THE ARCX.DIAN. ,Un fevereti. 2-room apartment modern, nicely fur nished, all outside windows. GRANDESTA furnished apartments. Grand a.ve. ana feast oibaiaa. iicw unca uuiiuiAis elevator, modern conveniences: close-In location; best of service; very low rent THE MEREDITH. 712 Washington st, X 8 and 4-room apis., narumuoa iiwuib, wi.ai every convenience, newly furnished; cheap est rent In the city. . THE ONEONTA Nicely turnlrhed 2. 8 and 4-room apartments, umy eu, - ana imi single rooms. $7. 187 17th st THE DE LAIR APARTMENTS. 619 Vi Williams ave., 8 rooms, modern In every respect. 2 up. East 418. THE PARK APARTMENTS 853 Harrison at Phone Marshall 8070.