f TIE MORNING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1912. LDR1MER Oil FLOOR ASSAILS HIS FOES Senator Raises Cry of Anarchy Against Members Who Would Expel Him. CHICAGO PRESS ATTACKED Bitterness Displayed Because of Con demnation by Both Taft and Koosnelt T. K., He Says, Never Saw Testimony. I ! WASHINGTON. July 11. Senator f.orimr todav benn his speech dezena Ins his right to his seat. Ho followed Senator Reed, of Missouri, who had made a bitter attack upon him and his election by the Illinois Legislature. : Toe Senate chamber filled up slowly undor the call for a quorum, dui oniy ha Rpnatori answered to their names. The Senate galleries were not half filled. As Senator Lorimer began his speecn, he read from manuscript and his voice was for the first few sentences some . hat Indistinct. H declared thai he proposed to give the Senate an snsigni It to tha character of the men who, he .ai.!. had tried to ruin him. "It is tru-i that the Senaia has the right to deny me a seat In this body, h beean. "on the flimsiest pretext or on no pretext at alL I intend to show that no vote cast tor me was tniiuencea ry fraud. Cry cf Aaarchy Halted. "!r. President." he said in measured tones, "this is no joke. This Js a solemn and serious question. If the Senate decides to follow the views of the minority of this Investigating com mlttee. It will be a travesty on civl ized Jurisprudence, a mockery of Jus tice. It will be a declaration that the Senate has decided to follow the red flag; that it has become the advocate of anarchy; has adopted the doctrine of the recall as advocated by its arch champion," Senator Lorimer departed from his manuscript for a moment to refer to the Chicago newspapers. He declared certain of the newspaper owners and publishers there would be in prison If th. mihiin nrnsecutora had Deen acuve. Finally he discarded his manuscript and took up a place in the center aisle from which he could be heard on both sides of the chamber, j Senator Lorimer charged that while the Tribune property was worth from i 7.000.006 to 10.000.000, it paid taxes on only 420.000. He called these newspapers "robbers of the public treasury of Chicago." He. attacked Vic tor Lawson of the News, and charged that the News occupied school land at 4 rental of $1 a square foot and paid Di taxes, while less valuable land across the street rented for $3.50 a foot. Seaater Aeenaea Publisher. . Mr. Lorimer charged that Mr. Law son had secured unlawful reductions In tuxes upon his home and business prop erty and added that Mr. Lawson was trying to drive him out of public life. Senator Lorimer launched Into a spirited attack upon Governor De neen and his fees in office as State's Attorney. Mr. Lorimer declared that erroneous statements had been sent out to the world by the newspaper agencies. He referred to what he termed the control of news sources by Victor Lawson, Mel ville E. Stone and Frank B. Noyes. who formerly ran the Record-Herald for Mr. Lawson. Quoting Mr. Taffs letter to Colonel Roosevelt In which the President ex pressed the belief that Lorimer should be ousted. Lorimer complained of -his treatment by Mr. Taft. "I have no ill will or bitterness. In mr heart toward any Senator who voted against me in the last Congress, but it does hurt me that I should have been tried by the President or the ex President of the United States." he said bitterly. Roosevelt's K Bowled re Not Direct. 1 Reference was made to Mr. Kohlsaat's revelations to Colonel Roosevelt con cerning the Funk story. Roosevelt, Lorimer declared, never had read a line of the record. "He wants to get rid of the bosses. He doesn't want them cn his side especially if the people know them," he declared. 1 Mr. Lorimer then had the Senate clerk read affidavits from three dele gates to the National Republican con vention, saying that Charles Banks had tried to bribe them In Roosevelt's in terest. The Senate took a recess at 3:GJ V. M.. until 10 o'clock tomorrow room ing, when Senator Lorimer will con clude his speech and a vote probably ill be taken. The end of today's ses sion was brought about by the Sen ator's weakened condition. GRAND LODGE GRATIFIED FOUR GRAND LODGE. (Continued from First Page.) platform nodding his recognition of the .salutes and' manifesting evidence of appreciation. Retiring; Rnler Remembered. Dr. C. H. Brough. Fayettevllle. Ark, lodge No. 1104, Introduced a series of resolutions expressing the high esteem and appreciation of the order for the retiring grand exalted ruler. These resolutions referred to the grand ex alted ruler's splendid ability as a par liamentarian and as an -executive of ficer. In the resolution Dr. Brough sug gested that the Board of Grand Trust ees appropriate $1200 with which to purchase a suitable testimonial for Brother Sullivan. It was carried unanimously. Thomas B. Mills, the new grand ex alted ruler, was accorded a Joyous fraternal welcome. He was greeted as the "best loved man in Elkdom" and there is none among his brothers who can deny that he deserves that title. Mr. Mills thanked the grand lodge for the honor and said that his elevation to the highest office within the gift of the grand lodge has made him the happiest man living. He promised faithfully to perform the duties of his office and expressed the hope for an other prosperous and joyous year for the order. At the closing session yesterday af ternoon, Edward J. Kelly, of Cheyenne, Wyo, a member of th,e committee on the preservation of the elk, submitted an amended report showing that in the last few weeks Congress has ap propriated an aggregate of $70,000 to protect the quadruped elk In Wyoming. Of this sum $20,000 Is to be used for feeding the animals and $50,000 for. providing them with shelter. The grand lodge decided to con tlnue the work and made provision for paying the expenses in connection therewith. Bedford Home Unsettled. No further action was taken toward the early erection of the new home at Bedford, Va as was contemplated by the grand lodge session at Atlantic City last year. The question will re main "on- the table" for the year. It is believed that had It been presented to the Portland convention It would have met disapproval Inasmuch as the Western delegates, who do not seem to be in favor of a home at Bedford, were In the majority. Next year when the grand lodge meets at Rochester, it is likely that the sentiment of the convention will be expressed by the Eastern delegates and it may be pos sible to carry out the reconstruction of plans. The grand lodge also appropriated $20,000 to provide relief for Elks who may be suffering from tuberculosis. The money Is to be given into the hands of the grand trustees and dis tributed, by them at their discretion. The proposed erection of a tuberculosis sanitarium will receive further atten tion at next year's Convention. ENGLAND ASKS FOR CANAL BILL DELAY DEARDORFF IS SET FREE MONTANA SHERIFF FINDS MIS TAKE IS BANK'S. Portland Man Arrested When Draft Is Dishonored Tarns Tables on HJs Accusers. GREAT FALLS, Mont. July 11. (Special.) Instead of having obtained money under false pretenses, H. F. Deardorff. who was arrested by SheriffJ Collins' force yesterday on request of Sheriff Mosher, of Sanders County, has turned the tables on his accusers, and now has them apologizing to him for his temporary embarrassment. The officers are not blamed, but two banks are doing all they can to soothe Mr. Deardorff. He is the representative of the C Ruby Company, of Portland, and s said to be worth from $40,000 to $60,000 on his own (Recount. He drew at Thompson Falls, and the first draft that reached Portland was received by a new clerk in the bank, who refused to honor It. On Its return, the Thomp son Falls bank ordered Deardorff. ar rest. He protested against being placed In a cell last night until he had heard from Portland, and finally this message was received: "There is a mistake through a new man. Will be paid as soon as checks come back. I will vouch for you to the amount of $40,000. If you need ready cash will telegraph you at once through Merchants' Bank." This was signed by A. C. Ruby, and after Its receipt Sheriff Collins decided there was no ground for an arrest Deardorff never was locked up. i TO BE NATIONAL CONGRESS MEETS IN SALT LAKE SEPTEMBER 80. this grand lodge represents, and, be It further "Resolved, That a copy of these ex pressions of gratitude be transmitted to the proper officials of the lodge, rtty and state and tbe same be spread in full upon the records of this grand lodge." . Verdict la "Beat Ever." In previous years it has been the custom of a grand lodge to adopt a motion of gratitude, but never before has such action Included transmission of a copy thereof to the city and state officials, as is provided for in this case. Tbe grand lodge officials are unani mous in their verdict that the hospi tality, entertainment and attention given them by the Elks of Portland and the city and state generally ex-' teed anything that has been offered them heretofore. "It la the best convention we ever Jiave held," Is the way the grand lodge officials expressed It. Not one among them can recall any occasion when they were provided with more enjoy ment nor when their pleasures were more numerous. .' The grand lodge concluded Its busi ness yesterday afternoon, after Inaugu rating the officers chosen at Tuesday's lection. ' ; John P. Sullivan, the retiring grand xalted ruler, delivered a brief fare well address, at the' conclusion of which he was given an ovation the like of which has never been heard In Elk lorn. For fully 15 minutes the grand '.odge delegates on the ground floor of ;he Armory Joined with the lodge men who filled tbe galleries in cheering the giant Elk of New Orleans and in waving pennants, flags and handker chiefs, while Mr. Sullivan stood on the Oregon Reclamation Projects Have Cost Approximately $13,000,000, Redeeming 700,000 Acres. SALT LAKE CITT, Utah, July 11. (Special.) Oregon will have & large and representative delegation at the coming session of the National Irriga tion Congress, to be held in this city September 30 to October S, according to advices received by Secretary Arthur Hooker. This is the twentieth session of this organization which has doue so much for the upbuilding of the West. Oregon Is vitally interested In me question of irrigation. Up to 1910 nearly $13,000,000 had been expended in the state in bringing under irrigation nearly 700,000 acres of land. The Republic of Mexico, despite the handicap of internal warfare, is show ing a keeen Interest in the National Ir rigation Congress, and that country will have a delegation present at Salt Lake when the session is called to or der. Dr. E. McQueen Gray, foreign secretary of the congress, has been la formed by the Mexican government that President Madero will, in the near future, name a delegation from that country. . Dr. Gray is at present In Europe in behalf of the National Irrigation Con gress and reports widespread Interest in the work of Irrigation and that there will be a large attendance of foreign representatives. He will return to this country in time to reach Salt Lake for the session of the Congress. Note to Government May Be Ignored by Congress Be cause of Rush. ' TREATY MAY BE ISSUE Some Senators Say Immediate Legis- ' lation Is Imperative and Others Insist Great Britain Will Receive Hearing. WASHINGTON, July 11. Great Brit aln'8 request that the enactment of the Panama Canal administration bill be held in abeyance' until Mitchell innes, the British Charge d'Affaires, can pre sent a note in behalf of - his govern ment, confronts Congress and the State Department with an extraordinary sit uation. The request for delay has been com municated to tbe Senate interoceanic canals committee. It came from the Summer Embassy at Kineo, Me., late yesterday, and was sent by Innes, act ing for Ambassador Bryce. who is In New Zealand. Reasons Not Given. While the reasons for the request are not given, there is no doubt that the British Government is concerned in the clause to grant free passage through the canal to American vessels in coast wise trade and the clause relating to the passage of railroad-owned ships. The Canadian railways are deeply con cerned In both, and It Is thought that some of the representations will be mailt In their behalf. The canal bill now is in the Senate committee, with prospect of being soon reported, and will then go to confer ence with the House. Members of Con gress feel that If any Panama legisla tion Is to be had it must be at this ses sion of Congress. The exigencies that lave arisen as the canal approaches completion make legislation necessary If a permanent organization is to oe set up on the Canal Zone to best ad vantage It was said today that mem bers of both houses were not agreeable to much delay now. Request May Be Denied. Great Britain's request probably will have little effect In delaying the pas sage of the canal bill. Members of the Senate interoceanic canals committee declered today there would be no backing down" by the senate rrom its position In favor of free passage of American ships. i Senator Lodge, ranking member or the Senate committee on foreign af fairs, declared any further delay was Impossible. - Senator Brandegee. chairman or tne canal committee, will make an effort to have the bill brought before the Senate as unfinished business as soon as the Lorimer case has been disposed of. It is doubtful, however, that the Senate can reach the bill before the British statement arrives. Many Sen ators said Great Britain's representa tives would be given "full consideration." President Taft has let It be known that he proposed to be guided in the matter entirely by the will of Congress. CRY IS FOR HARVEST HELP drop of about 20 degrees from the max imum of the week's hot spell. At 7 o'clock tonight the thermometer here registered 75. Before the relief came the week's list of deaths in this city ascribed to the heat was increased by eight and the prostrations by more than a score. Ninety-five funerals were held in Montreal, Que., today, mostly of vic tims of the recent hot spell. Eighty of the dead were children. The demand for hearses was so press ing that many bodies had to be taken to the graveyards in cabs. A horse at tached to a hearse fell dead in one of the funeral processions. BRIDGE COLLAPSES; 3 HURT Falsework on Willamette Crossway Goes Down at Jasper. EUGENE, Or, July 11. (Special.) Three workmen were injured today when 450 feet of falsework for a new county bridge across the Willamette River at Jasper, suddenly collapsed. Tbe bents for the falsework were framed and set on the surface of the river bed. as bedrock was too near to allow of the driving of piling. As the next to the last bent was being raised, they slid forward and collapsed. Ira Walton, superintendent of con struction, suffered fractures of both legs, one of which was crushed, and John Morehouse, a broken ankle. Wal ter J. Moore, superintendent of con crete, was carried down with the crash, but received only bruises. He ferried the Injured men across the river and caught a train for Springfield, where they were placed in a hospital. The bridge, which Is to be a steel one, is being constructed by the county by day labor. Walton's condition is serious, -as he is an old man. CORN TO DO DOUBLE DUTY Grower Develops Poultry and Cattle Food on Single Cob. PORTERVILLE, CaL, July 11 Ordi nary field corn and Egyptian corn on the same cob, the "gyp" taking the place of the tassel, is a hybrid that has been produced by F. A. Doty, who has achieved fame by inducing blackber ries and tomatoes to grow without seeds. Doty says that his new. product will be a great space saver for farmers, and enable them to grow grain for both stock and poultry on a single patch. EX-CONVICT IS IN DEMAND Man Who Stole $200,000 Offered Choice of Two Positions. SEATTLE, Wash., July 11. (Special.) George Edward Adams, ex-weigher of the Seattle Assay Office, who served approximately four years of a 10-year term In McNeil's Island prison, to which he was sentenced for -stealing $200,000 in gold dust from patrons of the assay office, has returned to Seat tle to begin life over again. He is considering two positions - that have been offered him,, both carrying high salaries, one with an automobile com pany and the other with a real estate The Purity Of Ami j. " nans THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS Offers the Dangers of firm, and will make his decision by to morrow night. Adams was paroled two months ago, Instead of leaving McNeil's Island he obtained appointment as Government bookkeeper at the prison. He had pre viously had charge of the books as a trusty. . Adams resigned yesterday. He explained that he had landed a con tract with a Seattle firm, whose ex penditure for bookkeeping has aver aged $900 a month. Adams offered to take charge of the bookkeeping de partment and cut the expense to $500 a month. . .-1 V, I.. ...rtr.. -mm. in augurated by the British Poitofflce on June 1. xne rate is i cenw iur o . cent for each additional word. For Aged-Marred Skin and Dull, Streaky Hair Fine lines, and that aged condition of . the skin are caused by pore-clog glng powders and creams. These should be discarded for a spurmax lotion, which is made by adding 2 teaspoonfuls glycerine to pint witch hazel (or hot water), then 4 ounces of spurmax. This lotion protects the skin against the ravages of sun and wind, removes tan, freckles, olliness and other upsets, and though invisible when on, lends an Indefinable charm to the complexion. An invigorating and pleasing sham poo for the heated term can be had by dissolving a teaspoonful canthrox In a cup of hot water. This creates an abundance of rich, cleansing lather, which Is a positive benefit to any scalp and hair. After rinsing, the hair dries quickly and evenly. wHh a brilliance and silky, softness truly charming. Canthrox shampoos tend to restore the natural color to faded hair and over come "stringiness." Adv. Workers Are Badly Needed to Save Fields, of Washington. TACOMA. Wash.. July 11. (Special.) Harvest hands and berryplckers are in big demand. The Puyallup Valley berry fields are in urgent need of la bor at once and 40 cents a crate Is being paid those who go into the .field nd tv throughout the season, as against 30 cents last year. Councilman C. A. Ma Dig, oi ruyauup, .,-- h..ji tfuinv rvb the growers f ..I. i. a .av.ra InM imlesn they can get more pickers. The State Grain Inspector's office here has also re ceived urgent calls for harvest hands for Eastern Washington points. The greatest demand at present is in Franklin and Adams Counties, and V.. Tana.tAt. tin IT 1 V O T. lilt nOtlCAthat all desiring work who apply to him at once will be told where to go.' TORRID WAVE IS BROKEN Funerals of Heat Victims Held as Weather Brings Relief. . NKW YORK. July 11. "A tendency to cooler," which the weather officials promised, materialised tonight with a Talt Bays Tillamook Bank. TILLAMOK. Or.i July 11. (Special.) Winton G. Tait has bought the con trolling interest in the First National Bank, of Tillamook, formerly held by the Waltons and Bush, and has as sumed presidency of . the institution. Mr. Talt was In the banking business In Illinois and west Virginia. He came to the Northwest about six years ago and organised the OmaJt State Bank at Omak, Wash., which ha wned and managed for five yeara Lenses Must Be Changed Lenses do not wear out. but eyes do. Every part of the body changes with advancing years, and our : eves in common with the rest of our physical being show the effect of age. We must, therefore, meet the changed condition of the eyes. The glasses that you bought ten, or even three years ago, are not giving your eyes the proper assistance. As our eyes are wearing out ear by year, your lenses should be made stronger or weaker to correspond with your tailing vision. Remember my 20 years' experi ence plays the .important part Jn each case. Complete lens grinding factory on premises. - sfafM SOil SPECIALIST Thomp Second Floer Corbert Bid-.. FIFTH AND MORRISON ST9. AUTO ROAD TO CRYSTAL SPRINGS i . Crystal Springs, Washington Co., Or., is 40 miles west of Portland. Good road all the way. -: CAMPERS INVITED Privileges, $1 per week; good fishing and hunting, good camp grounds, free from dust, elevation 1500 feet; pure air tempered with sea breezes, mountain streams and springs, fine scenery. Directions Go to Forest Grove, thence on McMinnville road to Scroggins Valley, thence up valley to destination, Crystal Springs. All signs on road, or drop a postal to owner. , ',)'. PERRY ELLIS, BOX 155, FOREST GROVE. Best Security against the ordinary drinking waters y . - FOR A CHANGE FROM MEAT TRY Whole Wheat ROLLED into flakes, baked and toasted. Its delicious and unique flavor is due to the blend of barley malt. This is what makes it so inviting to the pal ate and so readily assimilated by the digestive organs. Order "Force" today. Made by The H-0 Company, Buffalo Look for Security The strength and efficiency of this bank have increased with the growth of Portland and the surrounding country. For the past twenty-two years it has been an important factor in the develop ment of the city. If you are looking for a strong institution to handle your banking . business, we invite a call and your correspondence. Security Savings and Trust Company - Morrison at Fifth Street - Capital and Surplus Deposits Over - $1,400,000 $8,000,000 Saving Is Simply Good Sense He is wise who provides for tomorrow. He is wiser still who provides for day after tomorrow. Keep a picture of your old age before you. That is your day after tomorrow. Save now while you still have earning power. ' ' Hibernia Savings Bank Second and Washington Streets "A Conservative Custodian" OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS 6 TO 8 Dear to the Hearts of the Women. DR.T. FELIX GOURAUD'S Oriental Cream OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER An Indispensable and ffecessaro Article for Particular Women who Desire to 'Retain a Youthful appearance. . tn hon.lf anil loved ones to retain the charm of youth nature has bestowed upon her. lor over half a century this article has been used by actresses, singers and women or fashion. It renders the skin like the softness of velvet leaving It clear and "rly white and Is highly desirable when preparing for dully or evening .ttire. As ft Is a liquid and non-greasy preparation. It remains unnoticed. When attending danS ball, or other entertainment. It meventa a greasy appearance of the com pxl?n caSseS by the akin becoming Oouraud'. Orlentsl Cream cures skin dlseaies and relieves Bunburn. Remove. Temple. Blackheads, Moth Patchej -' Pooh rTOCKIVB HI 111 v Liiwa - : . ' . -Tii;.ti clear and refined complexion Yellow ana jnuaay bkhi. - which every woman desires. . , rtnrm Dealers. No. 10 For sale ty JJruggioia ou - . Ferd. T. Hopkins, Prop, 37 Great Jones Street, New York. TUALATIN VALLEY ACREAGE Splendidly located near Portland, on United Railways. Fast trains, week end rates, COMMUTATION TICKETS. Near town of North Plains. Elec tric light, pure water, improved streets, modern buildings. Ideal location foi FRUIT FARMS, DAIRY FARMS. BERRY FARMS, POULTRY FARMS ENCOURAGEMENT GIVEN SMALL INDUSTRIES For literature write or call at office of RUTH TRUST COMPANY Main 6076. or A S774. 235 Stark Street, Portland. Oregon. A BARGAIN Seven Passenger Garford Ideal for livery business. First-class condition. UNITED AUTO COMPANY 16th AND ALDER PHONES s A 7171, MAIN 4337