19 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, 'JULY "12 1912. TROOPS STARTING FOR MANEUVERS Coast Forces Numbering 5000 to 6000 Regulars and Mi litia, Are Mobilizing. CENTRALIA IS SUPPLY BASE Colonel Young, of Twenty-First In fantry, and Colonel Kennon, of Twenty-Fifth In Charge of the Opposing Divisions. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash-, luly 11. (Special.) With Centralla and Montesano. Wash., as their objective points, between 6000 and 6000 of the United States Army and the organized militia of Oregon. Washington and Idaho are now marching, or will be within the next few days. The departure- of the troops from each post is so timed that all will reach their destina tion July 19 and 20. The organized mi litia, will not march to the battlefield, but will go by rail. General Marlon P. Haul, commanding the Department of the Columbia, to night said: "The troops are moving throughout the department, or are pre pared to do so when it is time. The assembling and mobilizing Is on. With my personal staff I expect to leave de partment headquarters some time after July 15. and go by rail to Centralla. The maneuvers this year will give tine training for the organized militia of the several states, and tney wui oe in structed as thoroughly In the various problems of warfare as though prepar ing to go Into the field. "The subordinate officers will be re quired to submit reports, with sugges tions and recommendations, of the ma neuvers, to brigade commanders, con cerning every phase of clothing, equip ment, discipline, training, and especially all military operations. Brigade com manders will submit similar reports to the department headquarters not later than August 15. embodying, as far as may be necessary, the reports of the subordinates, or . extracts from them. The ep'orts will be accompanied by the necessary sketches and extracts from war diaries." ' Tweatr-arat Has Started. The Twenty-flrst Infantry, under command of Colonel George S Toung, left this post today, and the Twenty fifth Infantry left Fort Lawton. The First Cavalry, of Boise Barracks, ar rived here last night by train, and they will leave here Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, on foot. The troops will be divided into two contending forces, as follows: The blue brigade. Colonel Young commanding, regular troops Twenty-first Infantry, regimental headquarters, headquarters second battalion and two batteries. Sec ond Field Artillery; headquarters third squadron and two troops First Cavalry: Company. F. second battalion engineers (less mounted detachment), and a de tachment of five enlisted men of U.e Signal Corps. . Militia Second. Infantry. Washington National Guard; Troop B. Washington National Guard;. Company A,. Signal Corps, Washington National Guard (less one wire section). The red brigade. Colonel I. W. V. Kennon, of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, commanding, regular troops Twenty fifth Infantry: one battery Second Field Artillery; two troops First Cavalry; mounted detachment Company F. sec ond battalion engineers: detachment of one officer and five enlisted men of the Signal Corps. The battery and two troops assigned to the red brigade will be designated by the commanding offi cers. Second Field Artillery. and third squadron. First Cavalry, respectively. , Organized militia Third Infantry, Oregon National Guard; ambulance company. Oregon National Guard; Sec ond Infantry. Idaho National Guard; one wire section. Company A, Signal Corps, Washington National Guard (to be designated by the Adjutant-General, Washington). The sanitary personnel, regular troops, will be assigned by special in structions. The blue brigade will concentrate at Centralla and the red brigade at Monte sano. Both will be'completed July 20. The maneuvers close July SS. The baud and the second and third battalions of the Twenty-fifth Infan try will go by rail from Fort George Wright to Fort Lawton, marching from there. The Twenty-fifth Infantry, en tire, will march from Fort Lawton to Montesano. I On the completion of the maneuver campaign all troops will return to their stations In the same manner provided for their concentration. Troops which are to make the entire Journey by rail will entrain at Gate. Wash. Camp sites, water and fuel will be paid for as provided during ordinary practice marches. Forage will be pur chased locally when practicable, and will be shipped by rail when necessary. When going to the points of concentra tion necessary steps will be taken to provide subsistence. Perishable parts of the rations will be shipped by ex press when necessary. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. July 1 1. Maximum temper, tare. 74 decree: minimum. $4 dcrMC River reading. A. M.. 12 J feet: chance In last 24 hours. O.J toot fall. Total rainfall. t P. M. to S P. M-. none; total rainfall since September 1. mi. $4.i inches; normal. 44.J1 Inchee; deficiency. 1S.30 inches. Total sunshine. II hours IS minutes; possible, II hours 3 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 6 P. M.. t0.0 inches. THE WEATHER. . Wind STATION", State of Weather Battar Boise ..... Boston , Calgary Chicago Colfax t:!o.oo 12INW Clear Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear 84,0.001 NW o o.so M'0. 38 4 SB 8;0.O0;lONE "I, 7 0.00 15 elm ;Clear 0!0.00 S'NE Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Ies Moines .... Dulutn Eureka Galveston , Helena Jacksonville ... Kansas City ... Klamath Falls . Laurler Marshfteld .... Med ford Montreal ...... New Orleans ... New York North Head North Yakima . Pendleton ..... Portland ....... Roseburg Ft. Louis t?u Paul Salt Lake San Francisco. . Spokan Tatoosh Island . Walla Walla -.. Washington ... Welser .-. Wenatcbee Winnipeg : o.oo i se 0 0.00,lOINE 880. 001 'N $80. 00 ;S 70.0'lIN gSiS.Otf 4 8 J 0.001 ('SB Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy PL cloudy alio. 00 iNWlClur o o.oo I5;n fpt. cloudy (SO. 001 C NWIClear to 0.00 tt.vwi Clear SO 0.0J lO NE SS 0.01 6'SE 88 14 SW Pt- cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy SSO.OOiJOiNW 8r0.00 calm S8'O.00 4 W 74 0.00! N Tdo.oo 'n 84 0.011 IN SA!A AAI14 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 8o!oO 4 NWCloudy 7 o.ool i'yw;pt cloudy on u . aki , 1 i i a. i 54!0.0O'14 a Cloudy s; o.oo 8iSW I'.iesr Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy o.i 4 9 ISE S(N (IE 410.00 S9.0.00 7S-0.00 WEATHER CONDITIONS. Th pressure Is moderately high ovr SCHOOLS AM) COLLEGES. Belmont School TOR BOYS Belmont. CaL (Twenty-fly miles south of San Francisco.) Is trying, and we believe successfully try ma:, to do for the moral, the Intellectual and the physical welfare of its boys what thoughtful parents most wish to have done. Contrlbutlve to tbls end are the location of the school, removed from the temptations sod distractions ot town or city, the fine ness of Its climate, the excellence of Its buildings and other equipment, and the beauty and extent of Its grounds, with the wide range of foothills surrounding them. We are a: led to have our patrons and grad uates consulted. For catalogue and other specific Information aaoresa me rau Master. t i vta km bp the Assistant Head Master will later be Is Portland, and will be glad to see anyone who may care to know-more about th school. Due notice of th time when and the place where he may be seen will later accompany this notice. W. T. REID. (Harvard) Head Master. GILBERT N. BRINK. (Pomona) Assistant Head . Master. Primary and Grammar School of Portland Academy Organized to do th work of th grades In seven years. An experienced teacher In each grade. Attention chiefly to funda mental subjects. A, well equipped gymna sium and open court under roof give oppor tunity for indoor and outdoor exercls and play in all weathers. An experienced direc tor In charge. -n . i ... i ... ,4 .nun. soy and gins m-1 c . c , . . - j - six years. Pupils from Mt. Tabor can reach the Academy without change; from j, - DnMi alnn otner ci-aricis whu on uiai'D -- nxad for aafa conduct to and from school oi primary pupus ruu $ - ------ Portland and other part of city, Fr- iicuievrs lurauiica vu r-J;iiv-- -- - office, corner 13th and Montomary. Cata logue on application. rr.. . . rv HsJ,nnl far Girls wader AV rear of Bisters of Bi. Job Baptist IKpiscopairi Collegiate. ArsflsmH ana uemenimrr Depts. sluato. Art, Kleeattoa. Gymnasium. (Resident papiis most be over M rears of ami sad wU recommended. Th somber Is limited to flftr. Apsllostioa should be sud early.) Address Th Si.tf 8TTii-,0K 18, 81-Hslens HsIl.rsrtlsss.Or. for Girls. Cocdoaed by the SISItHS UF IMt HOLT NAMES OF JESUS AND MARY. Cnuh AW Ctlifim Cmitm Music Aft. Hocsna sas CosweT dsl Dens. t..D,sli.f,.KrfpcdMoimlsD4 IstelleenslTrsrshis.WmeforAasswssii lawil address titrzn torERiot. at ujs , ..' rww Mercersbnrc Academy One of the foremost preparatory schools In America, developing In boys those qualities that make men of character and action. Prepare for all col leges, technical schools and business. Send for catalogue. Wm. Mann Irvine, LL. X.. Meaomsster. ateroersours. x-. MISS HARKER'S SCHOOL Palo Alto, c-ai. . ,. , Home and day school for girls. Accredited, out-of-door life. 11th year begins August 20th 1013. Catalogue on application. Hill Military Academy PORTLAND, OREGON Send for Il.uatrated Catalog MAN Z ANITA HALL, Palo Alto. California. Makes a specialty of preparing boys and young men for the universities and techni cal schools. Twentieth Tear opens Aug. 27, 1913. For catalogue and specific Informa tlon address W. A. Bhadd. Headmaster. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION Aslstance In Gradev HIarh-School and Normal Branches. Practical Helps for the Employed. IRVING K. DAMON. 218 Ttlford Bids;. Hoar S to S P. M. Western Washington and Western Oregon and along the south Atlantic Coast. Over the Interior of the entire United States low pressure obtains. Within the last 12 hours showers- have occurred In Alberta. Mon tana. North Dakota and the Eastern Oulf and South Atlantic states, also In the lower St. Lawrence Valley. Moderately heavy rains fell In Saskatchewan. Tennessee and th Middle Atlantic and Southern New England states. Thunder storms were reported from Kallspell. Helena, wllliston. Kansas City. Pittsburg and Boston. The weather Is warmer In the Plalna states and tipper Mis sissippi Valley, and In general it Is cooler In other sections, particularly In Northeastern Oregon. Idaho. Western Montana, near Lake Michigan, and In New England. The conditions sre favorable for generally fair and continued warm weather In this district Friday, with westerly winds pre vailing. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; not much change In temperature: northwesterly winds. Oregon Fair: northwesterly winds. Washington Fair: westerly winds. Idaho Generally fair. THEODORE F. DRAKE. Acting District Forecaster. Billy Sunday Takes to Orchard. HOOD RIVER, Or, July 11. (Spe cial.) After a strenuous year passed In the East and Middle West. Billy Sunday, the erstwhile baseball star and evangelist, is here for his Summer vacation at his ranch In the Odell dis trict. Mr.. Sunday ha. a tract of about 40 acres, which be is developing for a home, to which he expects to retire. He declares that he gets more enjoy ment out of his horticultural pursuits than anything else. The evangelist will fill the pulpit of the Union Church at Odell Sunday ' AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M. Furniture. 171-8-6 Second street. , . Bl-a iiitlAn Uniish IAA-IAA Park St.. fnmitur. etc. fale at 10 A. M. METTINO NOTICES. WASHINGTON COMMAND. ERY NO. 16, K. T. Stated Conclav this Friday ovenlng, 8:00 o'clock. Order of the Tempi. All Sir Knights cour teously Invited to attend. F. ft NOLTNER. Reaerder. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 85. A. F. ANi A. M.. Masonic Tem ple. Special communication this Friday evening 7:30 o'clock. Work In th M. M. degree by order of W. M. Visitors welcom. C. M. fiT E ADM AN, Secretary. ' MYRTLE CHAPTER NO. 13. O. E. 6. Regular meeting this Fri day evening at Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. Social postponed. By ordr W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY; - Secretary. ' triRflil.r) iinoE. No. 15. I. O. O. F. will meet this Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock In Odd Fellow Tmple. corner First and Al der sts. Work in the first degree. Visitors welcome. F. COZENS. Secretary. DIED. QUIRK In this city. July 11. at 1032 East Thirtieth '.. Thomas Quirk, age 46 years, beloved husband of Imga Quirk. Deceased was a member of the Denver Order of B. P. O. E. Remains at Pear son's Funeral Parlors. 86B-871 Russell 6t Announcement of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. STEPHENS In this city. July 10, at Good Samaritan Hospital,. Wlnfleld Thompson Stephens, beloved husband of Mary M. Stephens and father of Mrs. William B. Fechhslmar. Remains are at Holman's Funeral Parlors. Friends Invited to at tend funeral services which will be held at the Portland Crematorium at 3:80 P. M. today, Friday, July 12. Take Sellwood car for Crematorium. . WARREN At th family residence, 751 Kearney St.. Walter J. Warren.. agd 42 years, beloved husband of Lillian, father of.Glrard. of this city; brother of Claud F, William H.. and son of Mrs. Josle Wsrren. of Seattle, Wash. Funeral serv ices will b hld at th above resldeno today, Friday. July 12, at 1 P. M. Friends respectfully invited. Interment River , View Cemetery. BUBB Th funeral service of th lata Is abella Bubb, who passed away at Manette, Wash.. July S, will take place at FInleys Chapel, today (Friday), at 10 o'clock A. M. Interment at Rivervlew Cemetery. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. AMTJSEMENTS. SEATS NOW 6 EL UNO HE1LIG THEATER 7 Sunday, July 14 CATHRINE COCSiTISS. Supported by SYDNEY AYRES. , IN "THE THIEF." Evenings. 75c. SOc SSc. 25c Wednesday Matinee. 2.V. RA 1C E R. Main 2liA;5SSO m GEO. L. BAKER. Mgr. Famous BAKER STOCK COMPANY. Matlne every day 20. Evenings 8:80. An Instantaneous fait. ARE YOU A MASON? r . . . . 1. 1 .lav nn ..l4h A ecrm from beginning to end. Ae P'Te1 witn immense succeeo oj kto ... Its fame Is world wide. EVENINGS. 25c. 50c. All matinees. 25c MAIN , A 10S9 " . MATINEE EVERT DAT MAT 15o ISO so NIGHTS: 15C, tSe. SOC. TV trvvc sn v a r.aM Tla.sco nresents Bum and Thomas. Th Eugen Trio. Edna - . .. .. . i ClAlmnnns luuDy. beainy ana iucios, ruu -Orchestra. Plcturea Matinee Every Bay. . i . . . 1 rAllallUna Beflned Vaudeville WEEK JULY S. SPECIAL BUMMER PRICES . Nights Matinees , 1 0 nrl 20c Anv Seat 10c 11 BBAHAX BEN BCJAMAA TROUPE j r aiwiiv IRENE AND BOBBIE SMITH KRAf.S TRIO HERBERT BROOKS ' DDTEHART AND HERITAGE JOHN T. MURKY ORCHESTRA WEEK J Ij a in aeven A''-" ' BI Jonks. The Ausonla Trio. FoM ""i1. lous uiria, wra. jnurrww Barefoot (Trltby) Texas Tommy Popular ortces. Office open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Boxes and first row Dsjcony - served. Phones: A TXIO. Main aooo. tain 2:80. 7:15 ana M. - BUNGALOW Theater Twelfth and Morrison. AU This Week. Afternoons and evenings, starting at o'clock noon. The only and original world famous PENDLETON ROUND-UP MOTION PICTURES With many new views never before shown. nw 1 .. nirturea showing the real event, taken from life. FasclnatUig, thrilling, awe-inspiring ai sm.. - only ones of their kind. Admission 25c Children under is. ioc We OAKS ! PORTLAND'S GREAT AMUSEMENT A PARK. . i X Big free list of outdoor attractions A Kins; Pharaoh Famous horse In clever stunts. Oak Park Band The finest musical Jf organization in Portland. I J The Neapolitans Roma Trio in clever tittle songs. -Punch and Judy for the children.' ' Lsvdr Livingstone Skating bear In ins iiijs. ...... X MoTlng Picture In the auditorium. ? ... A RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. SAN FRANCISCO vs. PORTLAND Joly 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14. Games Begin Weekdays at S P. M. Sundays, 2i30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. COUNCIL CREST PORTLAND'S ROOF GARDEN, 1200 feet above the olty. Free scenlo amusement park. High class attractions. Opon-alr rink. Plo nlo grounds in old apple orchard. ADMISSION TO GROUNDS PRES. FUNERAL NOTICES. PROUDFOOT July 8, Robert A- Proudfoot, aged 5 years, beloved husband of Tassle N. proudfoot. Funeral services, under the auspice of th A. O. U. W., will be hld at the Portland Crematorium, Friday, July 12. at 2:30 P. M. Friends respectfully in vited to attend.. Remains at Dunning A McEr.tee's parlors until Friday, 12 o'clock. SW1TZER At Et. Helens. Or., July 11th, Elisa Muckle Swltser. wife of Dana J. K wilier, aaed 87 years 20 days. Funeral at St. Helens on Saturday. 2 P. M. MONUMENTS Otto ichumann Marble worst. s ov - serai director and undertaker, 220 Third st, cor. Salmon. Lady assistant. tn s u.. TvntM. FinBral Dlreotora. 7th and Fine. Phone Main 4S0. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. A. B.ZELLEB CO., 69X-4 Williams ava Phone East iua. y luae. uw tmun . n . .-T w SV BtW mwiA MsutlsnBL Lady attendant. Phone Main . A ! EAST BIDE Funeral Directors, snocsssors to F. 8. Dunning, Inc. fc B. B 26S8. LERCH. Undertaker, cor. East Alder aad Sixth. East 71. B lssa. umoj skmiusi. SKEWE8 UUSrSSI. 9 sum vuty. usata lUi, A I it I. Lady attendant. CEMETERY i I Beautiful : MOUNT SCOTT PARK LARGE, PERMANENT, MODERN, P O R T- LAND'S ONLY MODERlt CEMETERY WITH PERPETUAL CARS of all burial plots without extra w cnarge. rroviaea wnu a vwuw - nent irreducible Maintena nee Fund. Location Ideal; Just out- tide the city limits on north " and west slopes of Mount Scott, " conUlning 335 a o r e s, equipped with every modern convenience, T PRICES TO SUIT ALL. " Z SERVICE THE BEST. a Z ONE MILE SOUTH OF a I LENTS. REGULAR Z AUTO MOBILE SERV- a, a ICE FREE BETWEEN . LENTS AMD THE , CEMETERY. n i II CITT OFFICE. 920-921 YEON I BUILDING. MAIN 225, A 7086. a CEMETERY OFFICE, TABOR 1468: HOME PHONE RING B (111. THEN CALX. LOCAL 430L - . OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE 175 MADISON STREET. Phone Mala 598, A 75SS. Horse Ambulance Phone Marshall S00. Refer All Caaea of Cruelty t This Office. Open Day aad Night. Wat.- - - 3 tkss Fmoress BASEBALL CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or Sunday. Per Line. One time Js Same ad two consecutive times. ........ . same ad three consecutive time S0o Same ad six or seven consecutive time.. 66 The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classifica tions except the following: Situations Wanted. Male. .. Situations Wanted, lemale. For Rent, Rooms. Private Families. Booms and Board. Private Families. Housekeeping Koonu. private iramillea. When one advertisement is not run In con secutive issue the one-time rate applies. Six words count as one line on casta ad vertisements and no ad counted for less than two line. Oregonian will accept classified advertise ments over the telephone, providing the ad vertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No price will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone - depends upon ths promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one inser tion only will be accepted for "House for Bent." "Furniture for Sale," "Business Op portunities," "Rooznlng-Houses" and "Wsnt- On charge or book advertisement th charge will be based on the actual number ot lines appearing in me paper, rvfsruwi At ths nnmstr of words In each line. In New Today all advertisement are charged by measure omy, s- uuea to u inch. Remittances most accompany ont-of-towa order. NEW TODAY. r?fc6jBnikita Co- special AUCTION TODAY AT BAKER'S AUCTION ROOMS The Fine Furnishlns; From Mrs. Stan ley's Residence for Positive Sale. Comprising genuine leather Turkish rockers, davenports, "vVhithall Wilton carpets, -Axminster rugs, carpets, silk velour and other draperies, Circassian walnut bedroom furniture, brass and Iron beds. sDrlnsrs ' and mattresses. dressers and chiffoniers, buffet, dining table and chairs, mahogany parlor rur nlture, lady's desk, pedestal, pictures, refrigerator, kitchen treasure and many other useful lots. Auction today at 10 o'clock. V. C. BAKER A A. C. CROWELL, Auctioneers. Salesrooms 186-168 Parle Street. T-ncatfirl between Portland and Oreeon City and about one mile from Willam ette River. Fine view point. For sale entire or from 10 acres up. Prices right. Sure profit to the buyer in the near tuture. I. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. . Good Time to Make investments Try Timber Lands, c. j. Mccracken 304 McKay Bldg. 193 Acres Finest Tillamook Dairy Land For sale by its owner. This is the long-famous Elmore ranch: joins Sea port Addition to Tillamook City; is most beautiful site on river and bay; paradise for hunting and fishing; 160 acres entirely free of stumps and In superb meadow. EASY TERJI9. . J. H. HATHAWAY, Tillamook. Oregon. 150 LOTS I am retiring from real estate,' and offer the balance of .my addition, of which 75 per cent has been sold, at a yery large discount. Will not list, and desire to deal only with principals. If Interested I will call and submit my proposition. A J 209, Oregonian. Laurelhurst Homes Two swell homes, strictly modern In everv Dartlcular. completely furnished one of seven rooms at IS50O, one of eight rooms 17500. if you are looking for a complete home ready to step Into, you should see these. Ask for Mr. Zadow, with .. GRUSSI HOLDS, S18 Board of Trade Bldsc 4th and Oak. BEST BUY C fiv 1 fif S. W. corner Fifteenth and OU J.UU Marshall streets, on track. Splendid corner for wholesale or ware house site. Price very low, only $3000 cash. For price and terms ask CELL A RS-M URTON CO.. V eon Bids;. Mortgage Loans 95O.0O0 and Over on ' CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY. LOWEST CLHKE.VT RATES, WM. MA CM ASTER 71 Corbett Bids. ' lO Acres Nice, level land, within ten miles of tha renter of Portland, on a good, hard road, $125 per acre. One-fifth down and five to ten years on me oaiance. MOODY LAND CO., 1616 Chamber of Com merge. Main 87. MORTGAGE LOANS On first-class improved city property. 5 to 7 per cent. , - Farm Loans. , A. H. BLEEELL CO, 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. $10,000 HOME On the beautiful western slODe of Mount Tabor, -elegant surroundings. szuuu oeiow marKQt vaiue. inn can oe handled for 14000 cash. SLAlSOBi-CRAIG COMPANY, 804 Oak Street. MORTGAGE LOANS 6l JOHN E. CRONAN, 7 J O 02 paldlnr Bldsr. O , MORTGAGE LOANS - In Sums to Suit on City Property. XS000 to Loan on Farm Lands. . GEO. H. THOMAS, 267 Oak St., Room 3 Alnssvorth Bldg. rOLLIS, BERRIDI.B A THOMPSON, P3EL1G ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 824 Worcester Block. Pbom Mala SM7 Acres NEW TODAY. FORGET IT! Buy 24 acres near Portland, on- carline ana county i u.ua, u s.. diuU - - -,12,000. Then forget It. . GO HOME come back in a year and take your profits. See Chas. Kupper, CHAPIX-HERLOW . Afr APIX-HERLOW X-y rG. TRUST CO. JTfj 33 Chamber ot Afjf ' Commerce. MTG. 33: Beautiful Home ON WEST SIDE For Sale by Owner in the best residence district (has just been completed), 9 large rooms and up to date in all respects. Worth $15,008; must raise money; win sell for $10,000. Must have $8000 cash, balance on mortgage at 6 per cent. 872 Northrup street, next to corner two, street. REAL ESTATE DEALER- BRUBAKER A BENEDICT, 502 McKay bldg. M. MD. Beck, William G.. 815-319 Falling bids. Cbapln A Herlow. 832 Chamber of Commsro. Cook. B. S. Co.. SOS Corbett bldg. . t,nnin a r, Msin iftft. ' 206. Oresonlaii. PALMER-JONES CO- H. P. 0sS-l0 Wilcox bids". . . Tbe Oreeon Real Estata Co.. Grand ava, at Multnoa.ah at. (Holladay Addition. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. PORTLAND HEIGHT8.GREENWAY ADDITION. ,n.1,0 1.1. ...... .,.Anr Bnj4 H.1V O t Xft OVA JU J, HtlJI CBBl ... 1 ' - - Hood. Lls pertectly level-' and is close lu. null, crinics- iit: ,.n .... e den purposes. Substantial homes all around. Some nice nrs. A bargain for $1600. Terms. AB 207. Oregoniais. RIVERSIDE ADD. 2 full lots 100x100 ft., on Alberta St., near Concord; hard-surface pavement; price $125(1. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main 86S. A 2653. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. ' Both high-Class and cheap property, and I have the bargains In this district; If you want to buy to advantage on Port, land Heights you will have to see me. . -Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 8839. INVEST IN 1RVINGTON. 100X100 on Knott St., $3800, only 200 cash reaulred; also an Inside lot on East urh fn, sistk: sioA -cash will handle: best buys In Portland.-Phone East, 1796 or Marshall oua. $10 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car, cement walk and curb. Bull Run water. Psovidcnt Trust Company, second floor Selling bldg. Main 1S0O, A-vszoi. BEAUTIFUL view lot on southern slop near Council C:.-est $850 and up. Includ ing cement sidewalks, curbs, graded street ana water; building restrictions: sold on easy terms. Provident Trust Company, 2d floor Selling bldg. Main .1800. A-6261. 30 lots. Alberta district, at a price that will surprise you. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY. BEAUTIFUL valley view lots, with fruit tre-s on West Side, sidewalk and water paM; 20 minutes from postoffice; $375 up. Provident Trust Co., second floor Selling ... . m . i , , onti a ajm IF you wish to bux or sell In tha Irvlng- . ... ... -17 r,av lr.t In this ion U IB II i-sea ." district as low as $50 on easy terms. J. J. canann, zui uq xvm;s.nm. $10 CASH. $1 week My 'beautiful level lot. Reed College district, large shade trees, withnur Interest: s or -taxes; must . ' selK Writ owner. P 207, Oregonian. LOT' on East 26th at.,: near Holgate, tout oiocs.8 iron, - vsiiiuv, ..i .".....B .... sidewalk paid lor; $450 cash. Telephone Main 338. ' LE NOIR A CO. Dealers In West Side property. MS-7-S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE or long lease, one of the most centrally located lots, 25x100. AJ ?07, Oregonian. EQUITY In four Laurelhurst lota Tel Main sub. FOR quick sale, lot in Montavilla. $325 cash; bargain. AW 485. Oregonian. For Sale Houses. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, . BARGAIN. I a rooms, newly papered and-painted: . on corner lot. 23 minutes' ride on 38to street This house most be sold so investi gate at once. Price $3000. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY, v 404 Teon Bldg. LOOK HERE. Pretty modern new cottage with garage, etc close in, value $2600; first mortgage $1400 three years, second mortgage $30O. 6 months; pay me $300 quick for deed. AP 182, Oregonian. RARE BARGAIN From owner. Elegant 11-room Irvington home. 80xl00-ft. .. coi ner. E. 10th and Brazee; cost $10,500; sell $7500; terms. No incumbrance; Im provements In and paid for; no trades Phone East 6385. " A BEAUTIFUL little horn on th Willam ette River; can be bought at a real bar gain and on easy terms; 40 minutes on the Oregon Electric; house nearly new, seven rooms; about one acre: fine vlewsite; price S5OO0. W zoi; uregonian FOR SALE Eight-room house. 34x40. full cement basement built-in conveniences, full-size lot with privilege of buying ad joining lot; two blocks froip carline: one block from Peninsula Park; terms. P 209, I MUST SACRIFICE MY MODERN BU. GALOW AND GARAGE . IN ALBERTA DISTRICT, 5 ROOMS. . FULL BASE-. MENT. $2750. THIS IS A REAL BAR GAIN. TERMS. W 188. OREGONIAN. . ... r . n T r . T Y nTVft tr-M1 S V BUILD AS YOU LIKE. WHERE TOU LIKE; FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AND GUARANTEE THE WORK. 102 LUMBERMEN'S BI.DQ. "" . FOR- BALE Modern 6-room bungalow.. 8 blocks from .carline; fin lawn and roses; pries $2500; $100 down, balance monthly payments. Take Woodlawn oar and call at 14S8 Rodney ave. FOR $150 to $250 cash and small . monthly payments we will furnish lot In desirable neighborhood and build according to your plans; satisfaction guaranteed. For par ticulars AR 180. Oregonian. THIS IS A DANDY BUY. MODERN 5-room bungalow: NO. 8 E. T2d St. .in Mi. Villa in Cuthtll Add. ' Prloo $2300. See .owner. Main 8601, 529 Henry bldg. . ; MUST sell new 2-room house, -lot 50x100, nice district, 3 blocks Rose City Park carline; $75 cash, $15 month. Including Interest. P 210. Oregonian. . FOR SALE New 6-room modern bungalow, one block from car, close In; small cash payment, easy terms, or will accept lot as first payment. J 232. Oregonian. VIRY CHEAP. Jiroaaway uuuid, ... . ,cn.i ij .. double; also several lots. Ring up East 273, tj iBoo. iy . p. FOR SALE Pretty 5-room modern cottage. partly lUrniSiraa, - iruu nu iiuwvre; (wo blocks from end of Woodlawn car. 1444 Fern st- TWO-ROOM house; Jot 60x105. Price J3?5- 'V... .... I 5 nT- month Dhn.. atuu cas... s.-.-. r- v ., Ta&or ads wi HAVE new seven-room house In Rose City T.-ir rnr sal. Owner. 428 Mill st. HAVE several good house for sal In Laureinursi at run .. . LESS than cost, new 5-room plsstered house. Tnhrtr 1430. EQUITY of $2500 In new T-room home In nr. H. Ray. owner. Woodlawn 886. SUNNYSIDE bungalow; everything modern. i. . ns a tr . . , Tsvlnr. Hvn,r Phnns FOR FINE HOMES &ee ueianunt. - NEW 6-room house, built right, larg lot; auto service; Tabor 3372. FOR SALE Laurelhurst lot; all Improve ments paid. -Tabor 2407.- . BARGAIN In new modern 5-room hoase if taken by Sunday. Tabor $197, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. 6-room house, new, modern, '.'00 feet to ear; lot 50x100; close In; excellent neigh borhood: $J750.00. Easy terms. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, bungalow style; Just completed. AH built-in con veniences aiid strictly up-to-date. East front. 200 feet to car. In Laurelhurst. $52o0.00. Terms to suit. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, new. double construction, excellent finish, beamed ana paneled dining-room, fireplace. furnacj and all built-in conveniences. Plastered basemant; fruit and vegetable rooms. Two large rooms can be finished on third floor. $5S00.0lt. Small cash payment. 5-room bungalow, modern, all built in conveniences, furnace, fireplace, three blocks from car, near fireproof school; gas. electricity: street Improvements paid: excellent view, corner, $3350.00; $200 cash. 5-room bungalow, thoroughly modern: all built-in effects; fireplace, near school; city and mountain view; street Improve ments paid; restricted district; tbre blocks to car. $3150.00. Terms. 4 rooms In excellent suburb, restrictions; built-in conveniences; large rooms . "re place, electric fixtures and tinting Includ ed in price$2500.O0. 3-roora house, lot 100x185. West Side, within thee mile circle, three blocks to car. 15 minutes from postoffice: shade trees, fine soil. $1500.00; small cash pay ment down. , n 3 rooms and bath, comer lot lOOxioo. fine view of Tualatin Valley. West Side, two blocks to car; 15 minutes to post office. Walks, graded streets and water. $2200.00. $200 cash will handle it; bal ance like rent. PROVIDENT TRUST CO. Second Floor Selling Bldg. Main 180O: A-0261. ' $100 FREE GIFT $100. DURING ELK WEEK. To the purchaser of this cozy new 5 room modern bungalow, located one block to Rose City Park csr near Country Club, .... -taA n iiu. Am.nt hs.sement. Dutch kitchen, double 'floors, mission and enamel finish, buffet, wired,, tinted, etc.; graded lot: at BARGAIN PRICE OF ONLY $2200; $300 down, balance IS months. Let me tell you why it's the greatest bargain in this district. Must be purchased Defore rriaay evening w se cure the $100. Call on or .phone Jas. C. Logan. S15 Spalding bldg. Marshall 2i4. A 24K9. ; HOME on Portland Heights, convenient to carline. Tha east front with large spacious verandas affords a splendid view of Mt. Hood. This home designed particularly for comfort in every detail. e en with an extra room available, tastofully arranged and well-lighted. Large livlng- ana aining-rooms, large ouhpi rvni...., .h.mk.r rinwnstair with lav. atory and toilet, thre large airy sleeping -nmhr imsrnlrs. together with moaiirn bath. Large, well-lighted basement, part of which is suitable for billiard room. Price for an immediate sale, $5800. Terms. AO 211, Oregonian. - MR. LOT OWNER. " uvav. Til vnrTTl PHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH - A HOME, FLAT OR APARTMENT ; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW rate, ur ij TPnircT pr.ivs FURVIPHED FREE; IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, HENRY BLDO. BUILD ON YOUR VACANT LOT. TURN 1 HE BURDEN INTO INCOME. WE FURNISH PLANS, FINANCE AND BUILD APARTMENT OR RESIDENCE AT LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND, SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE YOU MAKE PLANS; IT WILL PAY L. R. BAILEY CO., CONTRACTING DELIGHTFUL HOME IN COLLEGE TOWN . Fine nine-room house, charming view, good drainage, pure water; -within 1 mile of high school and college, hour's ride by electric road to Portland: nine acres wen tilled land, mostly planted to apples, cher ries and small fruits; combined -advantages of city and country. For sale by owner. J. W. Livingston. Forest Grove. Or. BUILD FOR YOU. $1000 BUILDS B-ROOM HOME. 5 or 8 rooms, built to suit you, on your own selected lot anywhere; 100 beautiful attractive homes to look at: planning, financing, talk with Mr. Wilson, terms as low as $15 per month. National Realty &" Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce. BAHGAIN. Alameda Park, 6 rooms, furnace, ce ment basement, fireplace, built-in buffet, beam celilngs. up to date and modern; value $4750; our price and. terms will sur prise you; must be sold at once. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST CO. leva omc 1UK CALL OUW Miwwc.u - house 1 choice lots, nice lawn and flowers close to streetcar line, stores, etc.;' worth $4000; also $600 choice lot. fruit trees, berries and small house, worth $.800. These are the beet bargains In Portland; must be sold. See' th owner. 505 Gerlinger bldg- 2d and Air. $18.50 EACH month My cosy little home, living-room, paneled dining-room, bur fet, platerall, Dutch kitchen, bedroom, bath. 50x100 lot, cemenf walks, curbs, garden, chicken-house and yard; your op- . i ... - oni nM.nnlan BERIRABLB HOMES. SIGHTLY LOTS. NEUHAUSEN & CO.. 703 LEWIS BLDG. 4TH AND OAK STS. MAIN 8078. For Bale Business Property. r.A.1. l i-. . i.. . ....... i . $0000, 'i cash, for a fine business cor ner, 75x$5. If properly Improved it will pay bli25ndoo!" $15,000 cash for lot 200x74. covered with buildings and bringing fa r Income now; will bring large dividends If some Improvements are made. We can show you some of the best Investments In Portland. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. r.. . -f . -, -. i, v t a For Sale Acreage. 5 ACRE rich fruit and poultry land, near Gresham and Troutdale. 2 acres upland: 2 acres side hill, -covered with second growth alder, excellent for poultry: 1 . . t. v tanH allltshln frtr OHlnnS. scrvs i l; i . ...... - - --- strong living stream; some fir and cedar timoer; price soo.i. w u"wu .uu r month; land adjoining held at 3o0 per acre. We are the owners. FIRLANDS TRUST CO.. ' . 716-720 Spalding. Bldg. AT PLEASANT HOME. ON MT. HOOD RAILWAY. ' Forty acrea partly Improyed. all good, level land, 800" to 1000 cords wood can b made: owing to- death In family, will be sold at $175 per acre: you haven't heard of any such price, have you? See us at once. First State Bank. Gresham, Or. ONLY TEN PER CENT DOWN. One per cent per month, paid monthly. cuarterW or semi-annually, will purchase ten-acre tracts, partly Improved, in Delate Illlhee at Qresbam. Close to school, clos to carline: two tracts with good springs on high ground; better for you than rent- ing. f irst. Pima j?uia. m CHICKEN a375 FIIUIT BAXCH, near v-"AV-'t . -c. ofDnroiemv TAwaaf DTlCesB. ov wi iuiv , . iind roads; 6 acre... 400 per tract; 10-A., vv x yf as - ' " 9 ' 2000: 1(0 A. $3000: liberal terms. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO.. 809 Yeon Bldg.. Portland, Or. A acres. Improved streets, right on car line 6-room house, shed and barn; all In cultivation, fruit and hay; platted 48 full lots sewars paid; Inside built-up residence section of Oregon's second City; immediate casn. ys . w."o 17 ACRES near Beaverton. 15 cleared. ? blocks frotfi car station and running water; casn. ai 'r6" only ssuv ' ' , . - Wilson, PQfJi'S. v... - YOU WANT a picturesque Summer home with running water, iuisii iiiii, su acr or two for chickens, $200 and up, easy terms, choice acreage, clos to Port land on electric carline. phone, school, store etc. J. W. Hcfferlin. 107 Railway Exchange." Main 348. TJt.IM Agnail ai v.. Half under cultivation, close to school and carline; running water, good spring; can put In five acres of spuds this year. S" FIRST STATE BANK. ' Gresham, Or. TEN ACRES AT HOOAN STATION. . In Gresham school district, good land, only want $500 down, price $200 per acre. You haven't heard of such a price at Gresham In ten yeara You will have to tinrrv First State Bank, Gresham. Or. INDEPENDENCE GARDENS; good soil. ciearea aim u - - , - -. . acres' three blocks from Luther Station; 80 minutes' ride from city; low prices and easy terma Owner. 620 Lumbermens Bidg. nones a. jqj. .v uuui.wu iouq WE HAVE the best acre tract for the least money - anu . u,. . , minutes out by car that you can .find. Let us tell yoa about It. M. C. REED CO..- 617 Board of Trade. Main 4675. REAL bargain In Hood River belt: am com- peiiea w , ....... - - - - -- - ard. land In the Northwest for sacrlAce; will take only a few dollars down and few monthly. AC 209. Oregonian. WILL sell or trade, 1 acre of land with new nous mu nun. - - - . cus. for small house and lot In neighbor hood between Hawthorn ave. and Foster Koaa. V JOl, vresouiu, MAGiNlr 1 rbALn r ui. . .... ... i acres, cleared, on carlln. near stop. West Side, running water; only $1600, terms.- 1208 Yeon bldg. JOIN Hermosillo. Mexican Land Colony. A. 2,1 rllgnnouse, wisiuuer u. viuiiorce bldg. . $42.50' PER ACRE buys well-Improved stek ranch, or will trad -for unincumbered city property. AD 2Q9. Oregonian. WILL you pay 60 cents aown ana zo cents per month per acre lor good land I AK 209. Qreaonlan, f For Sale Acreage. SACRIFICE. . AN IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME PROP ERTY. 1 ACRES FRONTING ON SPLEN DID AUTOMOBILE ROAD. 5 BLOCKS FROM ELECTRIC CAR STATION. X5 MINUTES FROM PORTLAND'S BUSI NESS CENTER BY AUTOMOBILE. 50 MINUTES BY ELECTRIC CAR, SPLEN DID SOIL, NO ROCK OR GRAVEL, half cleared and level, balanc easily cleared and sloping, all drains well, running, spring water, splendidly located for fruit, berries, gardening, chlckpns and a superb country home. 4 blocks from store, school, telephone, daily rural mail delivery. Sac rifice price $273 per acre, very reason able terms. See this today. J. W. HEFFERLIN. S07 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 2248. CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN ACREAGE. Conveniences and privileges of the city, with freedom and economy of the country. 35 minutes by automobile, 50 minutes by electric car. splendid soil, level, good drainage, two and a third acres, all cleared, level, running water, only $812; four acres, practically all cleared and level, spring water, only $1400 : 2.S8 acres, uncleared, rolling, splendid tor chickens, only $650: two and one-half acres, un cleared, rolling and some rough, only $4tl. Terms one-fourth cash, balance 6 per cent, easy terms. J. TV. HEFFERLIN. 307 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 2248. ACREAGE tracts of H to 5 and 10 acres each, close to Portland, both northwest and west of city, at $150 to $500 per acre upon monthly pay ment plan. See us, the oldest and largest acreage people In the city. 7HE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35 102 Fourth St. A 3500 SPECIAL BARGAIN. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 5H acres, only $4(10 cash, balance eas . terms, best deep soil, nearly half cleared ' and level, balaacc sloping, easily cleared. good drainage, faces good county road.-, live blocks from electric car station, tele., phone, store, school; splendid close-in . suburban property. Price Jess than one ' city lot. only $1644. Cash $400. balance . easy payments. , J. W. HEFFERLIN. 3V7 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 2248. 80 ACRES. j Within 5 miles of Portland, on county road, next to Washington County line. near Sky-line boulevard: partially wood- :i ed, plenty of water; pries $125 per acre, ,i terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., ' " 404 Wilcox Bldg. t Phones Main S609. A 2653. :' For Sale Fruit Lands. HOOD RIVER APPLE ORCHARD 25 serfs In the heart of the famous Hood Rivr Valley. Best red-shot soil, planted to best commercial varieties one to nine years old: 16 acres in apples. 1 acre In pears, 1 acre pasture, balance In heavy fir grove; new barn, five-room house; fin young team of gentle mares; all necessary equip ment, ten shares of stock in Irrigating company; one two-year old mare colt; fine drinking water: telephone; schools; churches: roads; depot Vi mile; trees ex pected to produce 200 boxes this Fall: strawberry and raspberry patches; trout stream with small water power; finest neighbors, climate and scenery; Union handles product Insuring highest prices. Owners wish to sell to obtain money to develop larger place. Agents need not ap ply. Address Red Cross Orchard Co.. Parkdale. Oregon ORCHAKD BARGAIN. SOUTHERN OREGON. Choicest ten acres in 1000-arre com mercial orchard, located In Garden Val ley on North Umpqua River, opposite Cleveland, 6 miles from Roseburg. Planted Fall 1008, half Spltxenberg. balance Yel low Newtown. Will very soon pay 100 per cent or more annually on purchase price. Inquire 405 Columbia bldg.. or x ' 180. Oregonian ' ' BROTHER ELKS Let me sell you one of my two first class spple orchards bearing and Income producing, where you can retire and IK in inTiirv. one at. Hood River at $32.50n. at Estacada $30,000. These are bargains: and on , easy terms. I want to sell olio and keep the other for my country home. Owner. P. O. box 417, Portland. Or. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 20 acres. 12 acres apples, part 20 years old: 16 acres cleared; new 6-room 2-story bungalow on wouded hilltop; magnificent view; electric lights; gravity water system, 3 porches. Box 55, R. D. No. 1, Hood River. Or. BEST PLACE ON EARTH. HOOD RIVER VALLEY. Am ottering this week on of the best orchard propositions In this world-fa--, mous valley; examine It while on the ground. Owner, 902 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE Hood River orchard, 10 acres; part In bearing, balance young trees; 6Vi miles out; small house, good barn; prlc reasonable. No exchange, E. I. Apgar. K 1. Hood River, Or. WHITE SALMON. ' : Will sell 40 of my 80 acres fine red shot land; every foot tillable when cleaied. H 22. oregonian. HAVE 200 seres fruit land at Medford. Or., for sal cheap; 52 acres In young orchard. Robert Martyn. 607 Yeon bldg. For gale Homesteads. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale cheap. 160 acres In Eastern Oregon; 17 acres In crops, balance of land easily plowed; will sell house, team, wagon and all Improve ments. AT 20S. Oregonian. For Sale Farm. BEST FARM BUT. 17J ACRES FOR $25,000. Her I one of the best farm buys In Oregon. Certain It Is that It is on of th best money-makers to be found anywhere. Read the de scription carefully, which is a tru representation of Just what you will find when you look the prop erty over. There are 175 a.ires. 100 acres In cultivation, balanc good timber and pasture. The entire tract the very best of land. The soil Is as follows: 35 acres of genuine beaverdam. producing the very best of onion crops every year; 60 acres of sandy loam bottom. 20 acres of which Is set to 2-year-old peaches; the balance Is very best of loam -upland. Two living streams of water; good 8-room plastered houfe, hot and cold water, bath, toilet, etc.; splendid water system through out; large barn and outbuildings: this Is th best value we know of. One man made a fortune larmlng this place. Price $25,000. Good terms. HARGROVE SONS, 122 6th st. N-, cor. 6th and Gllsan. A 7259, Main 4381. : 1 .-! . f t-.t .! 1 T I .: f .: ' 4 v I.R1SE FOR SALE. 1f i setvs. ciairv farm, all In cultivation. f-nod rich bottom soil, all In crop consist nr of oats., wheat, barley and potatoes; 1 y mru from Hlllsboro; the very best of v T furntttira. tools, etc.. with 1 if. year's lease paid; this lease runs for five . years at only $1000 per year. Th cows will more than pay the rent. Further ln-t formation, address Hlllsboro. Or., box 444. x- A NO. 1 FARM . i FOR SALE CHEAP. 50 acres, all In cultivation. Slack bottom land. 24 acres In young Italian prunes. fine 7-room house, big barn, outbuildings. ; ftrnoriv water system. wir.iu uum, . barn, farm n. garden, etc., all hay and grain and n tools goes with place, near 4 good jr ns. Just 14 miles from Salem. Phone or write H. Graham. Aumsvllle, Or., $130 per acre, some terms. FOR SALE A model farm. 78 acres. 70 clear, rest timber, fine crops, good build ings good roads, near Damascus; old ag compels ma to sell; $100 cash to any;. man who brings a buyer. For further in") formation writ to Jostph Krotsch, Bor-,P mg. Or. ' - FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERS. We have all kinds and sixes of choir '." farmland In Oregon, and guarantee what we represent. Good value for your money :- and a square deal to everybody.' F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. 865-ACRE stock, fruit and grain ranch Irt Linn County; fenced, with Improvements.,, for $30,000; one-third down, balance on1' 3 to t years. Address Box S44, Albany! - Or. . .O BIGGEST FARM SNAP IN OREGON. $S5 per acre for a 220-aere farm: one-tr; of the best in Yamhill County, good build. cV Incrs, soli, location and fin water system; . good terms given. :l F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. LOOK. LOOK. LOOK. 6 40 acres fine soli, running water. In I Washington Co.; $800. $200 cash, bal. to suit 1208 Yeon bldg. BURTON district, Clark County, $ miles'; Vanoouver, vvaao.; so-acr rancn, crop ana stock. $1500, easy terms. Rout No. 1, Box 144. RANCH 60 acres, with building. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner. 182 Morrison st. ' 171-aCRB dairy ranch, stock, farm and dairy implements complete; lower Colum bla. , Owner. 894 N. Grand av. East 2325. 40-AOtE farm for sale. $3600. J. Glasjr. Washouts!, Wash. R. F. D. L REAL ESTATE.. a A