Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 12, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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AO a ' -
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Pendleton Elks Second With
' One First and Two Sec
ond Awards.
Judges Vnable to Determine Win
ner of Mileage Money Denver
Takes Drill Contest With
Aberdeen Best Appearing.
Prizes in gold, to the value of 15900
will be handed out this morning at 11
o'clock at the Postoftlce grandstand
by Harry C. McAllister to 27 different
winners in the Elks' parade and In
contests on Multnomah Field yester
day. While the mileage awards had
not been made last night. Tacoma led
all other cities with two flrst prises
and was followed by Pendleton with
one first and two seconds.
Aberdeen took the "best appearance
first, Tacoma took the flrst prise for
the greatest number outside of Ore
gon. Pendleton had the most unique
uniforms. Tacoma the most attractive
float. Albany the greatest number of
any Oregon lodge outside of Portland,
Berkeley, with the Fifth Regiment Na
tional Guard of California, was Judged
to have the best band in the parade;
Denver took the drill contest, with a
prize of 500, and Vancouver yester
day had registered, the greatest num
ber of women, barring; Oregon, and
was given the first award.
Bremertoa Close Seeoad.
The Tacoma float, with its Elk an-1
pretty girls, won by a bare margin
over the model of the battleship Ore
gon, entered from Bremerton. Many
thought that the Bremerton float, with
its booming guns and jackles in at
tendance, deserved flrst prize. Hoqulam
was given the third prize of 200.
The Denver company of Elks ,in their
natty uniforms took the drill prize and
were followed closely in first and sec
ond order by Los Angeles and Oakland.
San Francisco, which has won every
drill contest In which the lodge ever en
tered, received favorable mention. It
was the only other team that entered
the competition.
Vancouver sent more of the fair sex
to Portland for the big day than any
other city outside the state. Nearly
S0O women from the city across the line
contributed to the success of the pa
geant. The first prize was 2S0. Spo
kane came second in the list with 185.
and Seattle third with 109 women.
Long aad Short Awarded.
Roseburg contributed the tallest man,
F. C. Raltt, who measured under the
Judges' critical eyes Just Gfeet 8
inches. . Sidney Smith, of Seattle, took
$25 when he convinced those who were
making the awards that he was only 48
Inches tall. S. & Rate! iff. leading the
Idaho delegation, was adjudged the fat
test because he tipped the scales at 397
pounds; W. H. Moore, of The Danes,
was the leanest, and F. X. Mathleu,
now residing in Portland, but of the
Salem lodge, was the oldest. Mr. Math
leu is 95 years old. There are only a
dozen Elks in the world older than he.
Aberdeen . paraders, in their tall
white silk hats, their blue coats and
white pants, with a stripe down the
leg. leading "Big Bill." their trained
elk. took the Thanksgiving dinner for
the best appearance. Oregon City was
second and Pendleton, -with cowboys,
stage coaches and purple silk hand
kerchiefs, third.
Tacoma Brings -Moat Menu
Tacoma, with 234 members, took the
prize for the greatest number in at
tendance. Oregon was barred. Seat
tle was second, with 226 and Van
couver third, with 170. The prizes
were $250, 150 and $100. The Ta
coma people were out in force in their
long coats and plug hats, and they
made a good appearance as they
marched along in what -seemed a
never-ending line. The Seattle Pot
latch bugs put up a good fight for the
first medal and lost to the smaller
city by only 18.
Pendleton won first prize in the
"most unique uniform" contest. The
cowboys came here to "show" Port
land and the Eastern visitors some
thing of the "passing West." They
made an impression. The AstoTla
Clams took second place and The
Dalles third. The entire Astoria dele
gation, clad in a good Imitation of
clam shells, marched over the five
miles, carrying a load that grew heavy
long before they had gone one mile.
The Dalles Indians, In their blankets
and war paint, captivated the Judges
by their rendition of savage dancing
and blood-curdling yells. Half nude,
sitting astride their ponies, they made
a realistic picture.
Albany won the prize for the largest
attendance from an Oregon lodge out
side of Portland by sending 893 Elks
to the convention and entering them In
the parade. There was only one prize
given and that was $300.
The Berkeley. CaU National Guard
Band, which escorted the scholarly
gentlemen in caps and gowns over the
long parade course, took the $500 first
prize In the band contest. Idaho took
second prize and Pendleton won the
third prize of $200. .The second prize
was for $300.
The Judges had much difficulty in
making decisions. No sooner would one
good-looking delegation pass than an
other that appeared a little better came
along. In many instances the differ
ence between firsts, seconds and thirds
was so slight that it was almost neg
Harvard Graduate and Roosevelt
Admirer Gives His View..
WAHKIACUS, Wash, July 11. (Spe
cial.) F. B. Durston. interested In one
of the largest department stores in
Sioux City, la., accompanied by Pro
fessor H. F. Kantlener and Dr. F. E.
Haynes. of the faculty of - Morning
Side College of the same city, who re
cently purchased fruit land near, here,
were fishing the Klickitat at Mad
dock's this week.
Dr. Haynes. who occupies the chair
of economics In the Iowa college, is
a Harvard graduate, and an admirer of
Colonel Roosevelt, having stumped for
that gentleman In past campaigns, but
now sees no reason for a new party. He
savs: "I am not for deserting the
ship for an untried craft 'in the prog
ress of a great nation mat at a point
cannot afford to look back on great
First Prise Goes to Wells-Fargo,
Second to Selling Store Building.
An Immense clock, seven stories high
smd as wide as one of the largest buiid-
Ings m the city, with purple hands
pointing at the eternal 11 o'clock, won
the Elks' first building decoration prise
for the Wells-Fargo building. From
the top of her 11 stories to the pave
ment this structure was a mass of
beautiful decoration. About the dock
were hung flags and red. white and
blue bunting, and purple and whit
lights. In rows, covered the entire
front. Big purple letters, B. P. O. E,
formed a square, two being on either
side of the clock, at the top and bot
tom, respectively. A unique electrlo
getpiece on the roof added to the ef
fect. Twenty lk heads decorated the Ben
Selling store building, which took sec
ond prize. In the windows were
banked roses and on top of the struc
ture extending all the way around It
was a row of American flags. The
Imperial Hotel, which secured the third
prize, of $100, had an immense elk
over the entrance on Seventh street.
Myriads of lights and purple deoora
tions covered every brick and stone.
The prizes are . $300, $200 and $100,
respectively. - .
Whitebouse & Pouilhoux Give Fig
ures Showing Grades and Com
parative Street Levels.
PORTLAND, July . (To the Editor.)
We notice that an open letter has
been published In The Oregonlan of
July S referring to the new Falling
School. Inasmuch as this letter con
tains some erroneous statements, we
think it proper to state the facts as
they really are.
Referring to the third paragraph of
the letter, in Is stated that
the ground Is almost flat, we wish to
call your attention to the difference of
elevation of the natural ground as
shown on the survey. This difference
of elevation, taken at the center line
running east and west, was 21.8 feet,
and taken from southwest corner to
the northeast corner this difference
was 25.2 feet. In this same third para
graph It Is stated that a playground 60
x200 feet la being excavated six feet
below street level, when, as a matter
of fact, the playground is 200x176 feet
and the greatest depth below street
level is 3 feet 8 inches, at the south
west corner: this depth below street
decreasing to 1 foot Inches at the
northwest corner and the northeast
corner of the west playground Is 1 foot
2 Inches above street level, conse
quently such a playground will not In
volve an expenditure for a 10-foot con
crete wall, as stated In the letter, and
furthermore, the drainage of the
ground has always been provided for.
Inasmuch as whatever the arrangement
would be the ground would always
slope towards the building; It consists
of two small concrete - catch basins
with wrouaht iron a-ratlng on top and
connects to the rain water drainage
system with the main building through
a pipe 6 feet in length, consequently
there will not be any cnance tor iur
ther outlay of money In favor of an
enterprising plumber, as the letter puts
it. In the same paragraph is mentionea
the . 111-ventllated cellar and subter
ranean playground, while if these gen
tlemen had taken the trouble to in
vestigate the facts they would have
found that the basement floor level, on
which the boys' and girls' piaygrouna
and lunchrooms are located, stands 1
foot 2 inches above street level at the
northwest corner of ' the building, 7
feet S Inches at the northeast corner,
6 feet at the southeast corner and only
1 foot 3 inches below street level at
the southwest corner, the building
standing 15 feet away from the street.
In the fourth paragraph, regarding
the height of the retaining wall, which
Ik riven as It feet. ' we went to the
extra trouble of revising our drawings
to meet the desiderata of the property
owners as expressed to us by Mr.
Plvmale- This retaining wall, as
now tevlsed, will only be 14 feet
at Its maximum height point and
this information was given to Mr.
Plvmale. one of the signers of the
letter ,and we are surprised to aee
him so misstate the. facts. This wail
decreases In height from 14 feet to 8
feet Inches at the southwest corner
and decreases gradually to a height of
4 feet. The 7 reet widtn oi xooung
referred to In the letter only applies to
the part of the wall which Is 14 feet
in height and this width decreases In
nronortlon to the height of the wall.
giving the wall a base equal to one--
half Its helgnt, accoramg to jooo en
gineering practice, for stability. ' In
the same paragraph the advisability of
having a cut on one side and a fill on
the other Is questioned. We wish to
call your attention to the fact that
there Is a difference of 29 feet ( Inches
between the street grade at the south
wat amr and stret grade at the
northeast corner of the ground, and in
order to keep the ground fairly level
and offset this bis? difference in eleva
tion. It la obvious that a cut has to be
made on the upper side and a fill on
the lower side.
The building of this wall means the
addition of approximately 10,700
square feet to the boys' playground and
the cost of same will be between $12,
000 and $13,000. all as per unit prices
which were submitted with the bid on
the construction of the main building.
(Signed) ;
Per J. A. Fouilhoux.
Albany's Railroad Strife Reaches
Unusual Stage.
ALBANY, Or.. July "11. (Special.)
All day today the 90-ton engine which
wi, placed on a Corvallls & Eastern
switch track at the Intersection of
Water and Thurston streets In this city
yesterday stood guard over the pro
posed Oregon Electric crossing, and
with the crossing blocked no effort
was made to resume track-laying on
the- Oregon Electric freight line on
Water street.
Corvallls Eastern employes say
they have orders to keep the engine
there until a orosslng agreement be
tween the two roads Is signed by the
Oregon Electric, and this matter- was
not adjusted today.
Good Roads Are Urged,
RAYMOND, Wash., July 1L (Spe
cial.) Arrangements are under way In
this city and up the valley to attend
the good roads meeting In Hwaco on
July 20, in accordance with the call of
the Pacific County Good Roads Associa
tion made at their regular meeting last
week. The meeting at Ilwaco Is for
the purpose of outlining a plan
whereby the entire county will be
working as a unit for roads that are
badly needed, which went by the boards
at the last session of the State Legisla
ture, tit Is thought that sufficient pres
sure can be brought to bear on the big
business Interests throughout the west
ern portion of the state at least to
forestall any likelihood of a recur
rence of the fiasco during the closing
hours of the Isst session. Roads, good
or bad, are of the most vital Importance
to Pacific County.
Evan Mr. Edison pronouaoes the recent
achievements in wireless wonderful. They
are wonderful. They are almost as wonder
ful, ( the Hartford Times, aa bolllnc
a little water aad soaking it move a ahlp
used to be.
(Coa tinned From
(Continued From First Page.)
tional Bank have been found to en
croach on the building line and ordered
taken In. v
Robert Prloe, .veteran ooal merchant.
died today.
A big Roosevelt conference Is
nlanned for next Tuesday.
Harvey V Lewis have purchased the
old Hartford National Bank property
and may build a theater.
United States Commissioner of Cor
porations Smith visited Ernest Walker
Smith and conferred with Roosevelt
leaders. . .
Los Angeles "May Go Dry."
LOS ANGELES, July 1L (Special.)
The Elks left at home rubbed their eyes
this morning when they saw the morn
ing papers. It looked as if Los Ange
les was going dry. Los Angeles Is the
one oasis in Southern California. Some
one got the reform government started
and one paper announced - that the
Gothenburg system was going to be
Inaugurated nd another that the free
lunch was to be abolished. All of them
had blazoned In big type the announce
ment that no one would be allowed to
buy another a drink. In other words,
no treating was to be the law.
The Elks were not alone In their
surprise. But this afternoon the sub
ject was extensively discussed by as
temperate a crowd as could be found
anywhere and they were In the Elks'
' Chicago Like Summer Resort.
CHICAGO, July 1L (Special.) Just
to remind the brothers of No. i who
are In Portland of home. Chicago today
wore the garb and smile of the ideal
Summer resort. The mercury hovered
about the 70 mark.
The brother of George Anthony, ex
exalted ruler, died today. The funeral
will be held tomorrow. ,
One of the distinguished visitors to
No. 4 ' today was Banks Winters, the
"Baby" Elk. known the land over as
an eld-time minstrel and song writer.
Combine In Jersey Denied'.
JERSEY CITY, N. J July 11. (Spe
cial.) Surrogate Egan denies the re
port that he has formed a combine
with Street and Water Commissioner
Hague and Sheriff Wedln in opposition
to Mayor -Wlttpenn, who would like
to succeed Woodrow Wilson as Gover
nor of New Jersey.
The Jersey City Fire Board asked
for $627,389.65, and the Police Board
for $746,000 for expenses during the
next fiscal year.
Pierre F. Cook has been named as
receiver for the Hudson City Auto
Company, of which George Lapp Is secretary-
and treasurer.
Cincinnati Auto Takes Plunge.
CINCINNATI, July 1L (Special.)
Dr. Walter Gretas' new automobile
plunged 200 feet over Eden Park em
bankment. Two occupants were in
jured. Grelss bad Just left it when the
accident happened.
The fifth death from excessive neat
occurred today.
Emll von Wyck. president of the von
Wyck Machine Tool Company, com
mitted suicide.
Colonel William B. Mel I eh was ap
pointed receiver of the $2,000,000 Amour
Steel Foundry Company.
Paul Mllllken has been offered the
nomination- for County Treasurer by
the Roosevelt party, and Amos Foster
the nomination for County Prosecutor.
Jav Curtis created a sensation when
he appeared at the club rooms tonight
with a brand new mustache.
Allegheny Elks on Outing.
TTTTSTTTTm Jlllv 1 1. ( SneclSl.)
t Walsh a. ahlnnlns: clerk, was
killed and ten were injured in a gaso
line explosion at the plant or me x-e-troleum
Products Company.
The American Hunting and Fishing
rinh MmtioiMl of Allegheny Elks.
held an outing at Keystone Park to
day. "Nip" Burns sprained an ankle
In the 100-yaro aasn lor iioui men.
Peter Schneider won.
News From Wichita, Can.
WICHITA, Kan.. July 11. (Special.)
j Hiiinii McKnlarht wants the state
to pay back part of his last year's
taxes ana reouce wis jr er
ment .
a n r.mnh.11 a. Mnlvane banker.
smashed In the side of a house with
his new motorcycle.
t , ...... a . mrnddlne the
JVOM f r - -
City Commissioner on a water search.
J. w. Standrldge nas oeea imw u
from the city detective force.
C. H. Smyth and party have left In a
special car for Colorado.
The contract for grading the ele
vated tracks has been let to tire Texas
Construction Company for $200,000.
nvineUe- of Larned. is hunt
ing harvest hands in Wichita.
Auto owners who have not bought
new tags will be arrested, according
to Auto Offloer Tucaer.
Spokane to Have Stadium.
orvtviw ' Ti,l v 11. fSnaols.1.
Plans of the Park Commission Include
a great public stadium west or Monroe
treet bridge, with baseball, tennis and
other fields.
T. S. Andrews. 88 years old. has mys
teriously disappeared. Friends tear he
has committed suicide.
n. imninil for woman help In Spo
kane now far exceeds the supply.
Charlotte Munter, aaugnter oi Aooipn
Munter. is to marry Herman Conner
of Hlllyard.
. samsSBBww"-BWa-wa
Oakland News for Oakland Elks.
OAKLAND. July 11. (Special.) Al
fred Wehe and Charlie MacGregor have
forme! a Citlsens' League at Pied
mont to oust the Craig administration.
Investigation Is ordered Into the
j . w xf r. TTv-ri Sell. Alameda so
ciety woman, who died in a San Fran
cisco home for ineDriatea. one was
member of the famous Bell family of
Mammy Plessant fame.
Herbert Cogglns and Miss Leola
Hall, girl architect of Berkeley, were
married quietly at San Mateo today.
i..WMmAn n fta.lrla.nd united todav
In organising to oppose the recall of
Mayor Mott by the Socialists.
Andrew Bennlson and Doris Fuller,
stage favorites at Ye Liberty, will be
married this month.
Robert - Bradley, a tramp, contessea
today to the murder of Special Officer
Williams In East Oakland April 21.
Sacramento News Notes.
DAVnnuuui - - J -. . .
River pilots protested to tho Govern-
i . . - 1 .... . , V. v,.14
ment engineer uwi " ""
Ing ot- a Driage over niwa whm m.t
n.i.ia4 A- Rui,ra Rail
road, as a part of the route Into Sacra
mento rrom uuuno- """"t
the structure will be a menace to navi
.... . Tha a.nnllcatlon of the com
pany Is still under advisement.
Mrs. tnanes uwb". wt.o ul
Elk now In Portland, who was reported
seriously 111. Is on the road to com-
rlete recovery. ' - - ,
Theodore xseii. w?mwiw; imum, m
route home from Baltimore, said here
. ' . wmiM Ha1r TVIlajiti'a
candidacy In spite of th-J defeat of
CiTk at the convention
Cleveland Justice Halted.
CLEVELAND, July 11. (Special.)
Three thugs choked Into Insensibility
T.n.A - ntralt.a venue har-
jiessoaker, this morning, stole $8 and
First Pace.)
escaped. They overlooked $250 in a
trunk close by.
The Judges In the Municipal Court
have gone on a two months vacation,
tying up proceedings in court. Mayor
Baker will appeal to the city's, young
lawyers to act as Judges without sal
ary until the officials return.
Garment workers in 16 shops re
newed demands upon manufacturers
and a general strike before the end
of the week is predicted.
San Francisco Elks Expectant.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 11. (Spe
cial.) P. J. Lynch got what he ex
pected Tuesday. Now that he has it,
he is sorry he did not go to Portland,
because he was forced to divide it with
Page and Newroth. Dr. Conlon and
Cooper will .also get some.
Everybody at the club is expecting
Glf Ktnsey to bring home a large col
lection .of new steins from the North
west. '
a u.stnrv lintel nt the corner of
Geary and Taylor streets will shortly
be added to the city's up-to-aate Ho
tels, according to John H. Speck, who
plans to lease the new structure when
It Is completed.. x
Rainfall Heavy in Indiana.
INDIANAPOLIS, July 11. (Special.)
The weather bureau reports the rain
fall of the first ten days of July at
6.19 Inches.
i ... rAmmisalnnA'rjt aarreed
to ask the Legislature's permission to
sell tne . oia ami uuim -house.
Court reporters, meeting at Craw
fordsvllle, asked increased pay.
The Municipal League chose A. D.
it i -, c . rit AttnrnT of Lafay-
U11UJ11B"."I . - -
ette, as president Gary Is the next
meeting place ana a. r. "
Gary, Is secretary. -
The state committee meets Friday to
choose Taggart's successor on the
Democratic National committee.
Butte Karnes Street for Clark.
BUTTE. July 11. (Special) In
. . . . riiav th CMv noun-
nonor ui dbuiwui .o.. . - - -----
cil has changed the name of Columbia
street to Clark street.
Mrs. Sarah .Mcwaay, ivt ooum
iona street, was probably fatally
burned today.
Five thousand cntioren who ""v-"
lumbia Gardens today, it being Chil
dren's day there.
J. C. Adams, one oi uuttea ooi
known mining men, was taken to a
hosDital today suffering from pneu
monia. " L ''.
Minneapolis Lures Idaho Man.
w-kTTYTr A DAT Tfi TlllV 11. (Snecial.)
Minneapolis investments looked so good
to J. E. Stouffer, a Payette. Idaho,
financier, who came to the city for a
short vacation, that he bought Lyons
Court for $100,000 and decided to reside
permanently in Minneapolis. He will
return to tne cny auBuo .
. hna announced his
jauiCB .im no....... .
candidacy for the nomination for Rep-resentative-at-Large
in Congress. He
will fight for the reduction of the cost
of living.
Buffalo Wars on Loan Agents. ,
wmwtTA Titlir 11 f Rnecial.) DlS-
friot Attorney Dudley has resumed war
against loan agents. ;
, tjounciunen nv wu
dermanic resolution awarding the
i i mninrt to the Amer-
BPUUUl iLiiii..L.i
lean Seating Company, a so-called
Michael Mclntyre. of No. 138 Chippe
... ...... killed bv an automobile
driven by Alfred R. Dell, a College-
street grocer.
Elks to Enjoy River Junket. ,
. .i... ,nata will leave the
., "
docks at 1 o'clock this afternoon, bear
ing visiting Elks on a four-hour. trip
.k. pni.,TnKa plmr. None but
visiting Elks and enough of the grand.
lodge otneers to care ior mo
.k. .i,inn will tm. The steamers
will go as far as Coffin Rock Jf pos
sible Ticaets Will oe given "" .
Ing Elks at grand lodge headquarters,
...(..Mtirn, K.arimiflrtAra or at the
leading hotels, at 9 o'clock this morn
ing or afterward.
Xew Orleans Judge for "Bunny Hug.
vw nT.1TaV .Tnlv 1 1- (Sneci&l.)
George Vilford, who eloped with the
girl In the Monteieone - wnno "
.... i. a h.w Orleans saloonkeeper
and not an actor. Government officials
suspect a plot
The Frisco nas onereu. mo
Board $200,000. without interest, to
construct a wharf and sheds.
Governor Hall is determined to war
against Barrett for his opposition.
Judge Fogarty favors the "bunny
hug" dance. ,
D. J. Spillard has resigned as presi
dent of Holy Cross College.
Salt take Auto Turns Turtle.
CAT rr. T A TTTT! T,l1 11 fSnerll.)
L. X XJS 1 " - ' '
An automobile containing a party of
11 on rii-iven hv Hu&h McKellar.
turned turtle this afternoon near Clear
field when a tire burst. several sus
tained serious injuries, but none are
thought to be likely to die. . .
The management oi tne moiororume
has promised to sell no box seats and
the races will not be stopped.
Elks' Commission Permits Amateurs
and Professionals to Manufac-
ture and Sell Views. -
Never ' before . in the history of the
city were as many exposures of film
made as yesterday. Along many of
the streets 4 the gutters were yellow
with 'film wrappers and everywhere
could be seen the amateur photograph
er getting real souvenirs of the big
gest parade the city has known.
Every pole bore Its quota, and on
ladders, flrescapes, boxes and nearly
anything to raise the picture man a
foot above the heads of the crowd
were perched the-enthusiastic camera
lovers, in many places they became
too thick for the best results and
scrimmages occurred. Clashes came
up between the so-called "official"
photographer and the amateurs, the
"official" trying to oust all others
from the competition.
Hawthorne bridge had Its quota of
picture-takers stationed on the girders.
The film-manufacturing companies
also had their men stationed along
the line of march, and many a reel of
moving plotures will leave Portland
showing the big - event. Portland
theaters also had men out, and the
pictures of the pageant will be shown
tonight In a number of places.
Before nightfall many enterprising
souvenir dealers were .offering for sale
postcards bearing pictures of several
'of the parade features. The Elks have
permitted amateur as well as profes
sional photographers of all kinds to
take pictures of all events through-J
out the week. iJ
The Dalles Wins Prize
The Most Unique Uniform
Did you see
The Dalles Lodge 303 in the famous Elk Blankets and Oregon City Lodge 1189
in the beautiful Elk Jackets in yesterday's parade? All in purple and white,
woven in Oregon City from pure Oregon wool.
Price $10.00, Delivered to Any Part of the United States.
Have you seen the beautiful window displays of Navajo Eobes and Elk Blan
- ... " ' . kets in all the leading stores?
'MS ((KM i, -
faff, i n'rt 'ffijjjfj
Come to Oregon City; see us weave. A beautiful hour's ride by trolley or boat.
Oregon City Woolen Mills
Largest Makers in the U. S. of Pure Wool Indian Robes and Novelty Blankets
Since 1864
Delegates Are Here From All Over
Oregon, Washington and Cali
fornia Closes Sunday.
The Pacific Coast convention of
Baptist young people's societies began
vtrdav in the White Temple. Dele
gates are here from all over Oregon,
Washington and California, registra
tion is proceeding ' rapidly. B. R.
Rnh.rton. of Portland, is chairman of
the registration committee.
.i . . a Vi oll a
Tne executive Lwiimm "
meeting in the afternoon. Plans, plat
forms and principles were discussed.
Last evening a good-sized audience
gathered In the Temple auditorium. A
programme of great interest was pre-
,.j xwaii,.n William H. Groat.
SKJllkCU. ..
of Oakland, presided over the meeting.
S. Downs led a 30-minute praise serv
ice.- Dr. Walter a. nmiwn,
.i. it i pQnM,t Phurch. Portland.
mo a-"i. .
offered the opening prayer. The ad
dress ot welcome was ieiieiu j
Rav. F. C W. Parker, of Portland, su
...nt.n.nt nf Oreeon Baptist Mis
sions. Response was made by Presi
dent Milton Q. Evans, D. D.. of Crozer
Theological Seminary, tstuari jncuuire.
.... i j t) ..nH.rMl KnAC.ial music.
UpilLIIU, . , ...... . i
President Groat delivered his annual
address, in which tne nisiory ul mo
past year was reviewea ana iuwub ii
ft.. ara set forth. The closing
address of the evening was by Dr.
Luther Little, of Seattle, whose theme
was 'The Battle or tne num. vii.u
....... Cnihan) nrstorv Dr. Little swept
his hearers along on the highest levels
of thought. - A good beginning has been
made. The convention is wen aiuricu
i. ,i., Ritniv nierht. The pro
gramme for today is as follows:
duet. Miss Gertrude Rockwell. Miss Downs
10:Ou nlDie reauiuB. V V. .
. i . r will n 11 Tlarlc.
Ever w nvicu, j v 1 - - - - , . -
elev. Missions Home. Miss Ruby Vrelburn,
Portland; Foreign. Mrs. Emily Banks. Port-
worth. South Pasadena, Cal. Bound table
and discussion, kcv. t. a. iuua, k.jf-u.
2:00 Quiet hour. Rev. C. B. Elliott. Solo.
Burnside Store for Lease
, Size 100x100 ft., fireproof brick, 3
stores and basement.
Location E. Burnside and Union
Avenue. , .
Now Occupied by Gevurtz Bros.
.' - 10-Year Lease Given.
The large corner store building, now occupied
'by Gevurtz Bros., floor space 100x100, three
stories and basement, modern, plate glass win
dows on two sides, electric elevator, modern
' heating plant, three toilets, etc., on ten-year
lease if desired. Terms on application, and
very reasonable for this class of building and
location. Possession given on short notice.
Apply to I. GEVURTZ & SONS,
First and Yamhill Sts.
SpendSaturday,Sunday and Monday
Plenty of rooms obtainable at Hotel Gearhart-by-the-Sea, un
der management of A. C. Mitchell. Best table on Pacific
Coast. Vegetables and milk from our own farm. All kinds of
amusements ; natatorium and surf -bathing, golf, t horseback
riding, clam-digging, etc.
Take a Blanket home
friend- A useful and
staple wool and fast colors, assuring a lifetime of
service. None genuine without this black and
gold silk label.
Mrs. Clinton McCemmon. Bible I?dlnB'
The Greatest Grace." Rev. C. M.
D. Socials and recreation. Junior work.
Rev. F. W. Wlfhtman. Reports from ate
representatives. McMinnvllle College Get
ting Readv to Live." Professor F. G. Bough
ton! McMinnvllle. Round table and discus
sion. Rev. J. D. Sprlngston. Ph. D., Port
land. '
Song service for 15 minutes, G. Downi
T:3 Quiet hour. W. P. King. Special
music. Ladies' Quartette. Highland Church.
"Lead Kindly Light" (Parks). ra so
prano. Miss Ellen Harris: second soprano.
Miss Alice Phelps; first alto. Miss Maybe
Johnson: second alto. Miss Florence M It
house. Address. "In Tune With the In'ln":
or the Next Step In Human
SIS. JEW.tKrehr.CaDgb.H8&.Ad
Miss Gladys McHenry Narrowly Es
capes Whirlpool. . . t
EUGENE. Or., July 11. (Special.)
The cool head and strong arm of Miss
Gladys McHenry, of Thurston, saved
her yesterday from, being drawn by a
whirlpool under a pack of driftwood
in the McKenzIe River.
Miss McHenry was wading across a
shallow branch of the McKenzIe to
reach an island to gather blackberries
when she lost her footing and was
swept into the main stream. She saw
the driftwood and whirlpool ahead.
Just a the edge of the pool was a
strong branch extending diagonally
into the air and she headed for this
and grasped the limb Just In time. She
lost her shoes and berry pail.
Several months ago Miss McHenry
had a similar mishap when she was in
a buggy with her father crossing by
the ferry. A floating saw log fright
ened the team, which backed off into
the water. Miss McHenry refused aid.
directing the men who would have res
cued her to turn their attention to the
"Circus" to Be Last Attraction at
Ashland Session.
ASHLAND. Or., July 11. (Special.)
The final session of the Southern
Oregon Chautauqua Assembly will be
held here tomorrow.
Yesterday Grants Pass citisens, ac
cording to custom, arrived In two
special trains and gave a special pro-
with you or send one to a
artistic souvenir. Long,
gramme replete with musical and In
(Allnntnal numbers, the exercises mark
ing a red-letter day in the JO-year
record of the Chautauqua in mis ter
ritory. The 1912 assembly closes to
morrow night with Professor Larl
mnra'a "Plrnm." an annual theatrical
event in which tho young folks take
part The Chautauqua has been a suc
cess. Two Wrongs Lund Man In Jail.
VANCOUVER, Wash., July 11. (Spe
cial.) For attempting to right one
wrong by committing another. John
KeUy was sentenced to pass 30 days in
the County Jail by G. Lloyd Davis,
Justice of the Peace. Kelly broke a
bowl in a saloon. The owner seeing
the accident. Informed Kelly that he
must replace the broken bowl. Kelly,
finding another place where there was
a similar bowl, entered, and had taken
off all the nuts and bolts holding it In
place, with the intention of replacing
the broken porcelain, when Henry
Burgy, a patrolman happened along and
caught him In the act.
B. !
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The good, whole
some beverage that
finds favor with all
Elks and Portland's
discriminating public.
Cooling, Refreshing,
Order a Case Sent
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